#if i have more energy then eggs or cereal
Musician Age Gap AU Pt 15
Kara sleeps hard and deep next to Lena that night, when they finally run out of energy and tension and need. She wakes hours later flat on her back, a starfish-shaped pillow for Lena to wrap herself around.
Realizing the younger woman is indeed tucked against her side, Kara curls her arm around Lena's shoulders, earning a moan of malcontent. "Five more minutes..."
Kara is more than willing to give Lena more than that, but a knock at the door pre-empts that idea. Lena groans, this time loud enough to be petulant.
"No can do," Jess calls from the other side of the door. "You don't pay me enough to tell your mother no!"
It must be a long standing joke between them, because Lena snorts, even as she reluctantly rolls onto her back.
"I have coffee!" Jess adds to lessen the blow.
Lena perks up a little, but still takes her time stretching against the sheets. "Fine," she calls. "Tell her we'll be in the kitchen in five. She can join us."
"Thank you!"
Kara listens to the exchange with her eyes closed, mentally preparing herself to peel away from Lena. Lena seems equally disinclined. Finally, Kara cracks a smile. "You should pay Jess more, if it'll get us more than five extra minutes."
"There is no amount of money on Earth that could convince Jess to cross my mother." Lena sighs. "Honestly I don't blame her. If she wasn't *my* mother I'd be running too."
Kara wisely keeps any thoughts she has on the matter of Lillian to herself. The woman has yet to look on her with any other than complete and utter disdain, and Kara is more than happy to let that be as far as it goes. She suspects that if she and Lillian were ever truly at odds, well.... she doubts recent-girlfriend would win in a contest against mother-manager.
Eventually, they manage to crawl out of bed and throw on some pajamas for decency before making their way to the kitchen. Lena's cooking an omelette for herself when Lillian joins them, with Kara hunched over a bowl of cereal.
"Charming," Lillian comments, to Kara's consternation. It's just cereal. But Lillian has already turned to Lena, so Kara settles for sticking her tongue out while the woman's back is turned.
"You have a meeting with Morgan Edge this morning at 10:30am," Lillian announces.
Lena stiffens at the stove. Kara catches the stillness immediately, but keeps quiet.
"You mean *we* have a meeting--"
"No, I have a meeting with Maxwell Lord. If I'd meant we, I would have said we."
Lena turns to her mother. "We agreed--"
"You are an adult, Lena, and capable of conducting a meeting without me," Lillian chides. "The label simply wants to check in on the tour and your recent... escapades. Meanwhile I be sorting the details of releasing your newest single."
Lena's cheeks splotch with color, though she does her best to hide her distress. "But--"
"Morgan's schedule is already strained Lena. If you cancel this meeting, you risk losing the faith of the label, as would rescheduling my meeting with Lord. You're fully capable of handling this on your own."
Lena's protest dies in her throat under Lillian's withering glare. She swallows thickly, ducking her head. Satisfied, Lillian nods. "It's settled then. You have a photo shoot at 2pm, and we're due at the hangar at 7."
Lena nods, but her gaze is distant. Her features are neutral, but Kara knows its a mask. Even so, if Lillian sees as much as well, it doesn't bother her.
"And try to dress presentably, dear. If you intend to convince him you have... this," Lillian waves vaguely in Kara's direction, "under control, you'll need to look the part."
Lena nods, prompting her mother to nod approvingly. "Good. Don't be late."
With that, she turns and leaves them alone in the kitchen. Kara watches Lena, who doesn't move, not even when the smell of just-burning egg begins to fill the room.
Blinking back to awareness, Lena hurriedly turns off the stove. Her fingers fumble on the knob, and Kara sees that they're trembling.
"I'm not that hungry after all," Lena says distantly. Before Kara can press further, she continues. "Do you mind staying here today? Well, not *here*, just--"
Just not with her.
Kara nods quietly. "Yeah. I've got some work I can do."
It's not a lie, but it's definitely an acquiescence. Lena clearly doesn't want company for the impending meeting, and Kara has no reason to insist she go with her save concern.
"Thank you," Lena returns, distracted. "I should go get ready."
She makes a swift exit. Kara retreats to her own suite soon after, her own appetite quashed by the sudden change in mood. By the time she re-emerges, Lena is nowhere in sight, and there's no answer to Kara's knock on her door.
Doing her best to ignore the ball of worry churning in her belly, Kara sets up shop at the kitchen island. She's all but taken a leave of absence, but Eve sends her enough to keep busy for the morning. Lena texts that she's on the way to her photo shoot, confirming she won't be returning to the hotel. Jess would pack her things and arrange their delivery to the airport.
Sure enough, Jess arrives barely half an hour later, cheerful and busy as ever. She offers to take care of Kara's things as well, but shrugs amiably when Kara declines. As she works, Kara takes her laptop and retreats to her bedroom.
After a quick check of the time difference, Kara facetimes the only person who could give her comfort.
"Hey," Alex greets cheerfully from the screen. "How's Paris?"
"Fine," Kara allows, but lacking enthusiasm.
Alex frowns. "What's wrong?"
Kara hesitates. She knows Alex will keep her confidence, but sharing what she saw this morning feels... intimate. Perhaps too intimate for the fact Lena has only met Alex via phone call a week ago.
"I've got a bad feeling," she allows carefully. "And I don't know what to do about it."
"About Lena?"
"More like... for Lena? Lena's been-- amazing. But this morning... I don't know."
Alex considers Kara's words, taking a moment to determine her path of approach. "Sounds personal," she allows. "But it doesn't sound like it has anything to do with you, or your relationship?"
Kara nods. "It's not about us."
"Then I think... I think you should consider whether it's something you should get invovled with."
Resistance flares in Kara. "But I care about her--"
"I know," Alex confirms quickly. "And I'm sure she does too. So if she hasn't shared with you about what's making her uncomfortable, maybe she just doesn't want to."
On the screen, Alex sits on her bed. The room is still around her. Kelly's probably already at work.
"You care a lot, Kara. You always have. And I know Lena is even more special."
Kara can't deny it. She's loved before, but not like this. Her commitment to Lena has been swift and complete-- but from Alex's tone now, it's something she should be wary of.
"Hey," her sister says softly. "Why don't you come home for a visit? Esme would love to see you."
Resistance twists Kara's stomach into a knot. But this time, Kara stops to examine it. She came to support Lena, but... she's also made Lena her world, even if just for a few weeks. Does her resistance to leaving mean she thinks the distance would lessen the feelings she has for Lena?
Or does she trust that they'll remain, even with an ocean between?
After a moment, Kara makes her decision.
"Yeah. I can catch a flight tonight."
At the very least, at the end of this visit she'll know whether her feelings are more than a proximity-fueled addiction. And when she comes back... she'll have her head on straight, and hopefully feel more grounded than she does right now.
On the screen, Alex smiles broadly. "We'll make sure to have the guest room ready for you. Esme is going to be so stoked. Prepare yourself for the inquisition."
Kara grins.
"I look forward to it."
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cerealmonster15 · 13 days
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jamiazu / ashenviper week day 5: alternate universe
can i offer u a farm fresh egg in this trying time 😐😐🥚
i almost forgot and skipped this day's theme jdksfjsdkl i was head in the clouds plotting ahead for the other two...
anyway ummm this is from one of my assorted twst farming sim au plots lol... most notably this one with jamil imagined as like the 'silent protagonist' harvest moon style, and azul as one of the potential marriage candidates [like mermaid leia from hmds lol]
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I got through the carton before it went bad! :D
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ariestrxsh · 3 months
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⚠️ content warning: ⚠️ smut, fluff, sneaking around, getting caught, oral, risky sex
📝 author's note: 📝 this is the final part of a piece of my writing, and it's not necessary you read the other parts but if you'd like to you'll just have more context and more of a build up :) here is part one, and here is part two 💖
✍️ Summary: ✍️ After a few days of sneaking around with Chris and doing naughty things with him while on a vacation with him and his brothers, you guys plan to have sex for the first time, but the biggest obstacle is hiding it from Nick and Matt.
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road trippin' part three
Once we got out to the lobby, our faces lit up. The glorious aroma of various breakfast foods filled the air. There was coffee, orange juice, sausage, bacon, eggs, potatoes, biscuits and gravy, muffins, hot cereal, any breakfast food we could ever dream of really. We got ourselves plates full of our favorite foods and sat down to eat. We were laughing and smiling, feeding each other, and cracking jokes. I loved being around Chris. Our energies flowed so easily when we were alone together.
Soon, Nick and Matt came down to join us. "Wow, you're up early, Chris," Matt commented. I was normally happy to see the other brothers, but I associated them with having to police myself. Of course I could look at Chris, and laugh at his jokes, but I couldn't stare lovingly into his eyes or get lost in his smile with them around, so I made sure not to let my gaze or my touch linger too long on Chris when we interacted. I realllly did like sneaking around, though. I found myself wondering what Nick or Matt would do if they caught us, or what they would think if they knew their brother had me cumming all over his fingers the night before and cumming all over his tongue this morning. I didn't know why, but the idea of having a little secret and getting found out just made the whole situation that much hotter.
But there was another part of me that didn't want to hide. There was a part of me who wanted to hold his hand and kiss him, and not have to worry about it all being a secret. All four of us spent the day together, mostly hanging out around the hotel, and Chris and I secretly texted back and forth. "Fake sick tonight when Matt and Nick go out for dinner. I'll order us something, and we'll hang out just the two of us for our last night in town," Chris' text read.
Later that night, I put on the oscar-winning performance, Nick and Matt totally bought it. "You know, I think someone should stay here to look after her. She seems pretty sick," Chris said to his brothers. "That's really nice of you, Chris," Nick said, volunteering Chris, which was his plan anyway. Matt shot Chris a look like he knew he was up to something. But they still went out, leaving Chris and me alone.
Food that Chris ordered arrived shortly after the two boys left. Chris and I sat on my bed, feeding each other french fries, drinking our milkshakes, and talking about how we didn't want to leave the next day.
After us talking about our favorite things about the trip and finishing our food, we started kissing, rolling around the bed, messing up all the sheets, and removing our clothes. "I wanna see it," I said, pinching my lip between my teeth while I was straddling Chris. "Yeah, I guess you couldn't see much last night in the dark," Chris said, biting his lip back at me while I fiddled with the waistband of his pajama pants. I climbed off of him so he could take them off. He was already hard, his mushroom tip engorged, and it curved slightly to the left. He curled his fingers around his veiny shaft and started slowly moving it up and down. "Do you like it?" He asked, capturing my attention with the pre-cum glimmering as it slowly formed on the tip. I looked into his dreamy, glazed-over eyes and nodded.
I leaned down and slurped up his juices, and he let out a soft moan. I continued making soft circles with my tongue around the head, and I watched as he tossed his head back, his expression overcome by ecstasy. I wrapped my lips around it and took what I could into my mouth, and stroked the rest with my hand. He lowered his gaze to my mouth and the way I was hungrily taking in so much of him. "Fuck I love watching you do that," Chris whimpered, licking his lips. I loved watching him and the way his face was so expressive about how he was feeling. I focused my attention on the head, licking that sweet spot on the back of his cock where it meets the shaft, and I listened as his delicious sounds filled the room. I created some suction while my tongue danced across all his sensitive areas, and he peered down at me with a look of desperation and desire, his features softening while he started to come undone.
I loved how we didn't have to be quiet, unlike this morning and the night before. I loved experiencing his pleasure vicariously through him, through his sweet little noises and the way his eyebrows furrowed into a tightened expression while I brought him to the edge. I felt his sticky white fluid spurt across my tongue while he throbbed inside of my mouth and let out a final whimper. "Oh my god," Chris uttered breathlessly after he came. I noticed he was way less dominant this time and basically let me have my way with him however I wanted and let me be in complete control of the blowjob, which really turned me on. And I loved leaving him satisfied.
"Please let me ride you," I whispered to Chris after he started to recover from his climax. "Listen, I really want to, but we only have like ten minutes before my brothers walk through that door," Chris said checking his phone, "and honestly I just wanna hold you until then." This made me smile. "Maybe I can ride you tonight after the boys fall asleep," I said, putting my clothes back on and making my bed. "I would fucking love that," Chris said, holding out his arms for me to embrace him. And we cuddled in my bed until Matt's car pulled into the parking lot.
When they walked in, Chris and I were on our own separate beds, ignoring each other. "You feeling any better?" Matt inquired when he saw me. "What? Oh, I mean, a little bit. I think I have a stomach bug," I responded. "A stomach bug, huh? But you were feeling fine enough to eat a burger and fries from Five Guys?" Matt said, examining the trash we hadn't thrown out yet. I shot a look at Chris, unsure what to say. "I ate all that food, idiot. I just got her a milkshake," Chris said, not even looking up at Matt. "Yup. Haven't thrown it up yet," I said, smiling at Matt. He made a disgusted face at us both. I was worried he was onto us or at least suspecting something.
And I didn't want Chris to know, but I was falling for him. And we hadn't had the "what are we" conversation. We hadn't even discussed if this was something that was going to continue after our roadtrip was over and we were back in Boston, and because of that, I was dreading it coming to an end. Being on vacation with Chris felt like a fairytale that I never wanted to come to a close.
I went into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth, but I saw Chris behind me in the mirror when I came up from splashing cold water on my face. He slid his arms around my waist, nestled his smile into my neck and whispered, "I can't wait to fuck you silly tonight." I felt his erection on my back as he did this. Despite having cum like five times in the last 24 hours, he had me needing more. As soon as we both heard footsteps coming closer to the bathroom, Chris released his grip on me and picked up his toothbrush. When Matt walked up on us in the bathroom, we were both nonchalantly brushing our teeth, standing a few feet apart. Matt stood between us and grabbed his own toothbrush. "Listen, I don't know what the fuck you guys are hiding, but I'm gonna find out," Matt said sternly. Chris and I both got wide-eyed and I nearly choked as I tried to spit into the sink. "What the fuck are you talking about?" I responded in a hushed voice, so Nick wouldn't hear. "I know you guys are up to no good," Matt responded. "The way you both stayed back while we got food last night, the way you guys were looking at each other while we were eating, texting back and forth all day, the way you just faked sick on our last night and both had an excuse to hang back again?" Fuck, well when he put it like that, it seemed like we were really bad at sneaking around. We both stayed silent. "See? Neither one of you are denying it. And I don't know what the hell you guys have cooked up, but just know I'm one step ahead of you, and I'm gonna figure out whatever prank it is you're trying to pull on me," Matt said pointing sternly at us both. I felt a sigh of relief come over both Chris and me. Oh, thank god. Matt's just being paranoid about us fucking with him. At least he doesn't know we're fucking with each other instead. "Oh my god Matt, you're so paranoid. Why would we prank you?" Chris said, a smile creeping across his face as he look at me in the mirror, feeding into Matt's suspicions. "See? I knew it! Watch yourselves. You guys think you're slick, but I see everything," Matt threatened. And he started brushing his teeth. I rolled my eyes and made my way to my bed that Chris had I had done unspeakable things to each other in earlier. I was relieved that Matt didn't immediately jump to the correct conclusion, which was that Chris and I were sneaking around and getting each other off any chance we could get, but he was picking up on the energy between Chris and me, which made me nervous. He knew we were being sneaky, and I also knew Matt was going to be paying extra attention to the way Chris and I were interacting. We had to be extra careful from here on out. But that wasn't exactly gonna start tonight, because I still hadn't gotten to fuck Chris, and it was our last night before we pack up and go back home. Who knows? Tonight might be the only chance. Once I got into my bed, I texted Chris, "Make extra sure Matt is asleep before you come over to my bed tonight."
A few hours later, both Nick and Matt were asleep. Once Chris came over to my bed, he kissed me deeply. He immediately shoved his hand down the front of my panties. "Mmm already wet, I see?" He quietly cooed. I blushed, but he couldn't tell in the dark room. I didn't say anything. I just started taking his clothes off, and I pushed him up against the wall behind the head of the bed, and I straddled him. "I need you," he whispered into my ear as he moved my panties to the side.
I slowly lowered myself onto him, and I savored every inch as it slowly filled me. We both softly exhaled once he was all way inside. It didn't take long for me to get used to him, it didn't take long before it was getting difficult to stay at a slow pace to keep from waking the brothers. "Mmm so tight," Chris purred into my ear, in which I responded by riding a little faster. He pulled up my t-shirt and started running his hands over my breasts, taking one of them into his mouth. I was overwhelmed by how incredible all the stimulation felt. I tried to stay quiet, but I found obscenities and Chris' name flowing from my lips while I pleasured myself on Chris' cock. "Shhh are you trying to get us caught?" Chris laughed at me, knowing I couldn't help it and slipped a hand over my mouth to keep me quiet. Sex with Chris was incredible, and having to be quiet almost made it harder to be. "Okay, darling, I need you to be quiet on your own okay? I need both hands for this," he smirked as he lifted me up by my hips and started thrusting.
At first, I was really good at holding back my whimpers, but it didn't take long before we were both approaching our climax, and our moans and panting definitely got out of hand. "Chris, what the fuck!?" We both heard Matt waking up and realizing what was going on, but it was too late. We were both teetering on an orgasm, and no matter how humiliated we both were, we couldn't stop.
I felt myself snap as Matt got up and turned on the light, and he definitely got a full view of me convulsing on Chris' cock as he finished me off with a few last strokes. Just then, Chris lifted me off of him, his dick coated in a layer of my fluids, and Matt couldn't help but to watch as Chris came into his hand while he rolled his eyes back and let out a loud "fuck," most likely a response to both the incredible pleasure coursing through his body and the fact that Matt had just witnessed the final seconds of it all. "Oh my god, I thought if I turned on the light, you sick fucks would stop!" Matt yelled. "Yeah, and I thought if you woke up while we were fucking, you'd pretend you didn't and go back to sleep, idiot." Chris said, covering himself with whatever piece of clothing was closest to him.
"What's happening?" Nick asked, poking his head over the couch and rubbing his eyes. I buried my face in my hands. "Oh, you know, they're just fucking in the bed next to me, that's all," Matt responded, rolling his eyes. "What the fuck? You two?" Nick pointed at us wide-eyed with his jaw on the floor. "Dude, I'm sorry, you don't understand how close I was when you turned on the light, I couldn't stop if I wanted to," Chris said, flustered, avoiding eye contact with everyone. "Yeah, trust me, I know. I was there," Matt gave his brother attitude. "Okay, let's not make this a whole thing. Can we just act like this never happened and go to bed?" Chris snapped back. "Yeah, but you're not sleeping in my bed with me," Matt snorted. "Wasn't planning on it, jackass. Now turn off the light," Chris told him. "Okay, but if you guys start getting it on again, I'm going downstairs and getting my own hotel room for the night," Matt responded. "Yeah, I'll be joining you Matt," Nick chimed in.
Matt turned off the light, everyone returned to their beds, but Chris stayed in mine. I had a million thoughts racing through my head. I was embarrassed, kind of turned on that we got caught like that, and ultimately confused as to why I had that reaction to the whole situation and what it meant going forward. I finally fell asleep in Chris' arms.
The next morning, when Chris and I woke up beside each other, we both smiled, and he kissed me. "Good morning, beautiful." My god, his morning voice was to die for. "Good morning," I smiled back. "I can't believe we got caught last night. Is it bad that I find it sort of hot?" I asked Chris.
"You guys make me sick," Matt said, turning over in his bed, apparently awake again. I blushed. "So what does this mean? You guys dating now?" Matt groggily asked, checking his phone. "Actually we hadn't gotten a chance to talk about it, Matt, but thanks for ruining the moment, because I was literally right about to ask," Chris said, turning to me, "do you wanna be my girlfriend?" I stared at him in silence for a few seconds. "You know, unless you were just fooling around and having fun, then I get that," Chris said, looking away and fidgeting with his hair. "No, I mean yes. I mean, no, it wasn't just fooling around to me, and yes, I do wanna be your girlfriend," I said, grinning. "Okay, good," Chris leaned in to kiss me. "Awh how cute," Matt said sarcastically, "now get the fuck up and help me pack." Chris leaned in and kissed me again, "I think I love you," he whispered, looking into my eyes. "I think I love you too."
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mockerycrow · 10 months
super big congratulations on 4k!! you deserve it <3
i was wondering if you could write a gn! reader x price with the prompt "Hey, it's okay, I got you. You're alright, you're okay." it doesn't matter if it's platonic or romantic; whatever feels best for you!!
Thank you so much and congratulations!
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[WARNINGS; Car accident, implied situationship w/ Price, moderate injuries, flashbacks, near panic attack, open ending.]
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YOU DON’T REMEMBER the events that lead up to you in a hospital bed, a cast fitted around your arm, a brace on your knee, a bandage around your skull, and only God knows how many stitches and bandages in random assortments. You can’t forget the numeral wires and tubes attached to you, too. Oh, and the ear-bleeding beeping. John sits next to you in a chair—he’s your… friend, of sorts. You aren’t really sure what to call what you two have going on.
You look at him, slumped in the visitors chair he’s pulled up beside your bed, his arms crossed and his legs spread; his neck is bent at an awkward angle and you know it’s going to ache whenever he awakens. John looks quite tired—he’s looked tired and stressed the entire time he’s been in the hospital room with you. Stressing over you, like a worried hu—…. you shouldn’t think about that. Suddenly the ceiling looks far more appealing to stare at, rather than the beautiful gentleman who is willingly staying at your bedside, despite your exhausted attempts to have him get some proper rest.
You glance over at him—envious of how he’s able to sleep right now. Hm. Honestly, you know John would be awake with you if he had the energy. The only reason why you’re awake is your stitches itch, and the only reason why he’s asleep is because you did not wake up for four days after you passed out at the scene of a car accident you were apparently in; an accident you don’t remember too well. You barely even remember what you had for breakfast that morning; cereal of some kind, maybe? Eggs? You don’t know.
“You were on the way to work, love.” You remember John telling you. You remember the tense expression, the firmness of his eyebrows. The frown of his lip, the way he amusingly resembled a quokka in the moment. You were also apparently on the phone with John at the same time, so whatever happened, he heard all of it. The details from your own memory are fuzzy—your doctors concluded your amnesia is temporary, so they gave you the choice of remembering it yourself or having them tell you. You opted in for the first option.
It was coming back to you in bits and pieces. Small moments where you feel the hairs on the back of your neck standing up, you think you hear glass shattering in the distance; your heart begins to race at different moments. You aren’t sure what to make of it—until now.
“I’m not excited for this meeting.” You whined, your eyes were glued to the road. Your phone is bluetooth connected to your car’s system so you can talk with John and have both of your hands on the wheel. “I’m sure it’ll be fine, honey. Surely it’s just about budgets like last month.” John hums through the speakers of your car. You sigh, turning on your windshield wipers as it’s pouring out, obscuring your vision a bit.
“It’s raining pretty hard, how do the roads look?” He asks, a bit of rustling coming from John’s end. He’s probably reading a book or looking out from the curtains. “I’m driving slower than normal, visibility isn’t the greatest..” You admit, letting out a breath, slowing the car down once again. “..I was sliding a bit, thinking it’s time I get some new wheels.” John hums in agreement. “Definitely. Please be safe, love.” You chuckled glancing around the road, furrowing your eyebrows when the double yellow line seems to fade. “I’m trying my best, Jo—“
You’re suddenly being jostled around violently after a big impact from your front, your seatbelt digging into your skin as something launches your car off to the side. “SHIT—“ You scream, attempting to stop the car, but the rain causes you to slide across the road. Something hits you from the back and you feel you physically feel yourself lift in your seat—and then you’re fading in and out. You wake up with wetness against your face, pain in your ribs, your arm, your skull—
You let out a choked sob as there’s ringing in your ears and your eyes refuse to focus—but you can tell you’re upside down. You see a pair of legs sprinting towards you through your broken side window, and you aren’t really register what’s happening. You blink and the person is try to pry the door open frantically. You still don’t hear them; it’s almost like a silent movie.
The door gives, the flipped car jostling from the force used to pry it open. You blink and fuck—It’s John. His eyes are wide and his jaw is tense, shaky hands. He’s grabbing the sides of your head, forcing you to keep your head still—his lips are moving but you can’t hear him. You sob and you try to reach up to touch him, and he lets you. Your eyes look at your own hand as it’s caked in your own blood, causing you to inhale shakily. This isn’t happening. The pain starts sitting you harder, a pulsing in the side of your head.
“Hey—“ John’s voice suddenly cuts through and you blink, and you’re back in the hospital room. You’re breathing hard and fast, causing your chest to ache more than it already does. His hands are cupping your cheeks like he was in the flipped car, and you let out a panicked sob; your machines make loud beeping noises in retaliation. “Hey, it’s okay, I got you. You’re alright, you’re okay..” John quickly murmurs, his thumbs gently wiping your tears away. “Focus on my voice, okay? You’re alright. You’re in the hospital, love.”
You sniffle and nod, shakily inhaling once again as you try to calm your panicked lungs and struggling heart, your good hand coming up and gently grasping his wrist. “I-I was flipped over—“ You choke out, which John quickly meets with soft shushing and a kiss between your eyebrows. “I know, honey. I know. I got you, you’re safe now.” You nod, choking out another whimper as you lean into his touch—because John’s right. He has you; you’re safe, he’s the one who got to you first. You’re sure you’ll want to ask him how he found you so fast later, but all you want to do right now and feel him and hear him. Because you’re alive.
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toxictigertonic · 1 month
Alright, I've been cursed with new blorbos (don't worry DJ will always be my number one). Outlast trials has me in a chokehold, specifically Franco, but all the prime assets are running around in my brain causing problems. I'm subjecting you to my stupid food headcanons as a result:
- This mother fucker drinks hot sauce. Like. Chugs the shit. You can't take him anywhere without him bringing a bottle of Tabasco.
- Takes his coffee black, but will add a little sugar if no one is looking. Can't let people know that he doesn't like plain black coffee.
- He feels like a big breakfast kinda guy, with all the fixings. If you took him to a diner that'd be what he'd get, no matter the time of day.
- Would he disgusted by energy drinks EXCEPT classic redbull. Now imagine this man hyped up on caffeine.
- Would still eat his scrambled eggs if he got shells in them. Would say some shit like "the shells put hair on your chest"
- Trusting this man to bake anything is a fire hazard, it doesn't matter if it's those pre cut cookie rolls, they're catching fire.
- Says he hates desserts then stares down a slice of pecan pie from across the room like it owes him money.
- The only one I trust to cook tbh, and that's not saying much.
- If you took her to get coffee she'd get the sweetest thing on the menu (and Futterman would bitch and moan about it the whole time) or she'd get a chai latte. Futterman would demand a black coffee.
- I would trust her to make me an apple pie and then she'd put the drill in it bc the crust came out wrong.
- She feels like a woman who really likes jam. Maybe I am projecting but jam is cool.
- She will not touch an energy drink bc they taste bad to her, and bc Futterman would throw a fit about how bad they are for your teeth. No caffeine fueled death sprint for her, but based on her singing and the whole angel dust thing I don't think she needs it.
- I would make her pancakes she seems pretty cool.
- Likes the batter for desserts more than the finished products.
- God help us where do I begin
- On one hand I wanna say he makes some bomb ass Italian food. On the other hand I wanna say he burns cereal.
- Speaking of cereal, he's the kinda guy who let's his cereal turn to paste in the bowl before he eats it.
- Considering what we know about the wolf's milk drink, I'm frightened by this man's palette. Genuinely terrified.
- I think he would die if he tasted hot sauce. I think Coyle is aware of this fact and has plans.
- Give him an energy drink if you wanna see him start doing flips. He thinks they're gross but he's also like "fuck yeah pure sugar I love these"
- Likes his cookies so underdone that they're basically raw (me too chief)
- If you cooked him a homemade meal he'd cry while eating it. Then he'd get pissed because you made him cry.
- He's my little skrunkly doo so I'm feeding him wet plaster ❤️
If I'm wrong about anything bc it's actually stated in the lore I do not care tell Red Barrels to get their facts straight (/J I SWEAR)
I haven't had time to look at Gooseberry's or Coyle's lore so I don't know if they have some super important amazing cooking skills that I'm missing out on. Feel free to tell me if you think I'm wrong or have your own ideas about these idiots.
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konigsblog · 1 year
what i think the 141 + vaqueros, könig eat for breakfast
price 🥃: a cigar. sits outside on the small balcony outside his flat, taking drags from his lit cigar before having another. maybe, he'll make some bacon, usually something salty and bitter.
soap 🧼: scrambled eggs on toast. i don't know why, but he probably does. catch him burning the toast and getting pissed off, angrily eating it. he'll have some orange juice or a lucozade with it. definitely drinks a lot of energy and carbonated drinks.
ghost 💀: everyone knows it, he has a cigarette and some tea. sugary tea. true believer he drinks tea with 2-3tsp of sugar and some milk, it's only one cup — till it's not and he's drinking his third today... opens his window and stands by it while watching people walk in the streets. definitely lives in a flat/apartment, finds it comforting knowing there's people around, and appreciates the sounds of cars driving past.
gaz 🧢: either eats something healthy, or something super unhealthy. like, açai bowl or nutella on a toast. definitely likes bananas, mangos and strawberries. or maybe he'll have a smoothie or something, otherwise he's eating peanut butter and chocolate on a sandwich...
alejandro: savoury breakfast bowl and dark coffee. probably doesn't enjoy sweet stuff very often, but loves stuff salty and bitter, especially black coffee. he won't admit that it tastes bad, drinks multiple cups a day and feels energised. doesn't understand the people thet eat chocolate cereal.
rudy: greek yogurt, i'm not sure why, but maybe something with strawberries in it — something alejandro would gag at. also enjoys dark coffee and will gladly drink it, just not as religiously as ale. rodolfo adores yogurt and fruit.
könig: something salty and a home dish. i done some research, and couldn't find a lot but i saw tiroler gröstl on a list and i think it might be something he'd enjoy. i can definitely see könig enjoying salty/savoury food more than sweet, although he does enjoy it a lot. he likes potato, bacon, onion and eggs and would eat it every now and then he can while on leave... probably enjoys eating leftovers from dinner or a takeaway.
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rollingsins · 1 year
all hers, part xvii
part i | part ii | part iii | part iv | part v | part vi | part vii | part viii | part ix | part x | part xi | part xii | part xiii | part xiv | part xv | part xvi | part xvii | part xviii | part xix | part xx | part xxi | part xxii | part xxiii | part xxiv | part xxv | part xxvi | epilogue
summary: The scooby-gang are back together. This time to silence Ghostface. Forever.  
warnings: (+18), Tara is Ghostface, mention of murder.
word count: 4.4k
a/n: I was screaming, shaking, crying writing this chapter for some unknown reason. Call it writer's block. Sorry for the wait, thanks for all your guys' love and patience!
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You wake up to the smell of pancakes. 
Tara stirs, a little sleepy as you press a kiss to her neck, leaning down to check her dressing. 
“It’s not like your parents to make us breakfast,” She murmurs, sitting up slightly. You were a cereal and toast kind of family. You furrow your brows, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. 
“Girls!” Sam’s voice calls up the stairs, “Breakfast is ready.” 
Tara’s eyes widen. 
“Oh no.” 
Sam’s pancakes are made out of buckwheat flour and vegan butter. They’re brown - browner than a pancake should be, and her toppings are a mesh of eggs, avocado and chorizo. Not a raspberry, or blueberry - or any kind of traditional pancake topping in sight. 
“Maple syrup isn’t good for you,” Sam assures when you ask for it. Instead, she offers a small bottle of honey, “Here. This is much healthier.”
Tara stares down at her plate, nudging her food suspiciously. 
“It’s so nice to have a cook in the house,” Your mother gushes as she digs into her plate, “And this is really gourmet stuff. Our own little Gordan Ramsey.” 
Tara swallows, her expression stormy. She picks up a piece of pancake with her fork and sniffs it. Makes a face. 
 Sam settles into the spot next to you. You take a half-hearted bite. 
“How does it taste?” Sam asks, and you swallow, locking eyes with Tara. 
“Good,” Sam says, sounding pleased with herself, “Tara needs nutrients.”
“Isn’t it nice of your sister to make you breakfast?” You ask Tara pointedly, nudging her foot under the table. 
She blinks. Looks at you like she doesn’t want to answer. 
You kick her again. 
“Really nice, thanks Sam,” Tara mumbles into her plate. 
It’s small and half-hearted. But it makes Sam beam. 
It’s a Tuesday morning but you’re not in school. 
Tara’s still too weak to walk for a prolonged amount of time, and you manage to convince your Dad it’s safer to stay home with Tara and Sam than go to school by yourself. 
He and your Mom file out, one by one. He presses a kiss to your forehead. Makes sure you remember to lock the door on his way out. 
They’ve been a little more at ease with Sam around, though she’s taken all their nervous energy and increased it tenfold. She spends most of her time checking the locks and cleaning her guns. The leftover is spent in the kitchen making Tara countless healthy snacks, to Tara’s great horror. Your room is filled with barely touched plates of carrot sticks and cucumber straws, tofu balls and seaweed crackers. 
Sam is just as obsessive as her sister, though she shows it in a much different way. 
Tara grumbles as she shoves another platter of hummus and carrots to your desk, phone pressed to her ear. She’s invited around her friends, and she must catch the look on your face because when she hangs up. She takes you in her arms and presses a long kiss to the side of your head. 
“We need them,” She promises, “We need bodies to catch Ghostface.” 
“If you say so,” You say, biting your lip. 
It seems a little silly to you. Afterall, who’s to say one of them wasn't Ghostface? Between you and Tara, you had managed to kill two of their best friends. It wasn’t far-fetched to imagine they might be a little pissed about it if they knew. 
She wraps her arms around your shoulders, presses a light kiss to your lips. 
“They’ll be here in twenty,” She says, and so you quiet the thought of Chad and Liv in matching Ghostface masks and abandon Tara to get dressed. 
Sam’s in the kitchen when they arrive, making Tara a green smoothie. 
She doesn’t see the door open, doesn’t hear the hushed whispers as you shuffle them all upstairs to pile into your tiny bedroom. 
Chad makes himself at home, lays back against the bed, one of your cushions in hand. 
“Brace yourself,” He says as Tara shuts the door, “Mindy made a power-point.” 
“I just thought the suspect list might be a little easier to palate in a visual format.” Mindy says, shooting a glare at her twin. She opens her laptop. Tara rolls her eyes. 
“Forget about the suspect list,” She tells Mindy, “What’s the plan? It doesn’t matter who he is, we just need to catch him.” 
“I still say we trap him,” Liv pipes up. 
Tara groans. 
“Liv, that’s why we’re here.” 
“We could do it at the house,” Mindy suggests, biting her lip. 
“And how are we going to do that?” Tara asks, “This house is on lockdown. He’ll never get in, now. Not with Sam parading about like the secret service.”
“We do it at school,” Chad suggests, “Think about it. Ghostface won’t be scared off by Sam and YN’s Dad. And it’s a familiar place - we know it like the back of our hands.” 
“Ghostface hasn’t attacked us at school.” You say, chewing your lip. 
“Not yet.” Chad stresses, “But maybe he will. If we can draw him out.” 
“And how are we supposed to do that?” Tara asks, voice dry, “Send him a text message? Hey, Ghostface - YN and I will be hanging out by ourselves in the girls locker room if you want to try carve us up like cattle again.” 
“We need to make it public knowledge that we’ll be alone,” You say, sitting up, “If we can spread it through the entire school, surely he’ll find out. He’s watching us, remember.” 
“Detention.” Chad says, snapping his fingers together, “Principal Garcia’s detention! There’ll be no one there. No one is ever bad enough to get Principal Garcia’s detention.” 
Principal Garcia had started a programme just as you’d joined Woodboro High. Regular detention was held after school, as usual. But Principal Garcia’s detention was held Saturday mornings. You’d only ever heard of one student who was naughty enough to get one of the Principal’s detention. 
And that person happened to be your girlfriend. 
“He doesn’t hand them out willy-nilly,” Tara says, sounding frustrated, “You have to be really bad to get one.” 
“You got one,” Mindy says, raising an eyebrow, “Figures you could get one again.” 
Tara’s Principal’s detention had been granted at one of your old soccer games. Faye Evans, one of the girls on the opposing team had played it too fast and loose one the field and ended up kicking your shins a little too hard. You’d toppled to the ground in agony. 
Faye would have got a red card, if Tara had not got to her first. 
You’d sat up, just in time to see Tara bee-lining from her spot on the sidelines. She’d grabbed Faye by the arms and body-slammed her so hard into the ground she drew blood. She’d maybe have done worse had you not pried her off. 
Thankfully, Faye’s parents had settled for the detention (and Tara’s permanent ban from watching your soccer games) in lieu of a lawsuit. 
“Chad punched someone last year and got suspended,” Tara grumbles, “That isn’t what we need. We need a detention, not a mark on our permanent records.”
“I was defending Liv’s honor,” Chad says, puffing his chest out a little, “Some dude in Chemistry grabbed her ass.” 
Liv all but swoons. She ducks down and kisses him. 
“My hero.” She murmurs. 
Mindy wrinkles her nose. 
Tara looks at you, “I was doing the same for you,” She says, sounding aggrieved, “Some girlfriends are grateful, see?” 
“You’re not body-slamming anyone again,” You tell her, eyebrows raised, “Besides, you can barely stand up without wincing.” 
“Maybe you could cuss out a teacher?” Mindy suggests. 
Tara shakes her head. 
“I’ve done that too, got a regular detention.” She says. 
The teacher in question was Mrs. Cartwright. She’d given you a C+ on your English paper. And Tara had hit the roof. 
You stir, not enjoying this trip down memory lane. 
Tara looks over at you. 
“We could get caught.” She suggests, “Third period - maybe before History class.” 
Your cheeks flame red. 
“No,” You hiss, “Absolutely not.” 
“Baby, we have to do something.” Tara insists, “It has to be bad enough to get a Principal’s detention, not so bad we get suspended-”
“I’m not fucking you in front of Mr Saunders,” You say. 
“It wouldn’t be all the way, maybe just some mouth stuff.” Liv says, helpfully. 
You glare at her. 
“Forget it,” You tell Tara, “Think of something else.” 
The group collectively slump back in their seats. It’s quiet a moment, and then Chad sits up. 
“I’ve got it!” He says, sounding excited, “We make a big show in class, Tara and I get into an argument - and then she punches me! The only reason I got suspended is because that kid’s Dad got involved. So I just won’t tell mine.”
You furrow your brows.
“You can act like I hit on your girl, or something,” Chad continues, “It’s perfect!”
“And I am I supposed to get detention from this?” You ask. 
Chad shrugs, “I don’t know. You punch me too?” 
Tara chews her lip. 
“It’s a terrible idea,” She says, “But it’s the best we have so far.” 
“What’s a terrible idea?” Sam’s in the doorway. You hadn’t heard her come in. She has another platter of vegetables in hand.
The five of you whip around, the guilt on all of your faces evident. 
“Chad thinks we should get McDonalds for lunch,” Mindy says, lamely. 
Sam stares at her, disbelieving. 
“What’s this about punching Chad?” She says, staring at Tara, “And why do you want detention?” 
Liv folds like a lawn chair. 
“We’re trying to get Tara and YN a principal’s detention.” She says, quickly, “So Ghostface will attack Tara and YN and we’ll be able to catch the guy.” 
Mindy groans. 
“Liv,” She hisses, “We were fine.”
Sam stares a moment. 
“No,” She says, immediately. Tara sits up a little straighter. 
“Sam we need a plan,” She argues, “If we can trap the asshole and take off his mask-”
“You have a three inch hole in your stomach,” Sam says, voice shrill, “And if you think I’m trusting these idiots to protect you-” 
 “Sam,” Tara interjects, voice raised, “I’m not a little kid anymore. I can look after myself.”
“You’re not leaving this house unless I’m with you,” Sam says, sounding final, “And if you think I’m going to let you use yourself as bait for Ghostface-”
“She’s already bait for Ghostface,” You say, cutting in. Sam stares at you, “Look at what just happened. Sam, if we want to stop this guy, we need to know who he is.” 
Sam looks at you.  
Really looks at you. 
You’re right and she knows it. You can tell by the look in her eyes. Hesitant, troubled. Like she’s fighting a losing battle in her own head. 
Tara interjects before she can say anything. 
“You can be a part of the plan if you want,” She says, “But we’re doing it with or without you.”
“You’re doing it with me,” Sam says, after a long moment, “You’re doing it right. Tell me the plan.” 
Chad goes into animated detail. Too much detail.  
“You’re an idiot,” Sam cuts Chad off mid-sentence, eyebrows furrowed, “Assault is assault, Chad. Tara will be suspended within the hour.” 
“So what do you suggest, Sam?” You ask, a little desperate. 
Tara interjects, “I still think we should get caught having-”
“No.” You and Sam say at the same time. 
Tara crosses her arms. 
“I have an idea,” Sam says, biting her lip, “But I need you to trust me.” 
Sam’s idea is ridiculous at best, plain cruel at worst. 
But it’s the best idea you have. 
Wednesday morning you’re sitting in history class after having half-carried Tara into school, your stomach awash with butterflies. Chad, Liv and Mindy sit around you like body-guards, and despite the ridiculousness of the Ghostface-fighting crew you’ve put together, it does give you a little comfort knowing they’re close. 
Mr Saunders is a dreary, five foot seven, forty one year old. He wears bowties to school and torments his classes with facts about history, which he delivers in a droning, tired voice. As if even he is sick of hearing about it. 
It’s the Vietnam war today. 
You let him begin the class, even listen for a little. 
Sorry, you think preemptively. 
It’s almost Ironic, how he spends so much time talking about war and is so unaware he’s about to be the next casualty in one. 
Right on schedule, as he pauses to take a sip of his coffee, Tara raises her hand. 
“Mr Saunders,” She pipes up, “Can YN and I be excused?” 
Mr Saunders looks down at her. Long lines draw across his forehead. His shoulders tighten. He doesn’t like being interrupted.
He looks between you and Tara, eyes appraising. The two of you had a certain reputation in school, and you were certain no teacher would let the two of you go off alone. Let alone him. 
“Do you need to see the nurse, Ms Carpenter? I’m sure, Mr Meeks-Martin can escort you.” Pointed, as if he sees right through her façade. 
Tara shakes her head. Her eyes blaze in that way they do when she’s determined to see something though. 
Your stomach flips. 
“Not really,” She says, a little blasé, “This lesson is just boring me, a little.” 
The class sniggers. Mr Saunders’ expression turns frosty. He stands a little taller, hushes the class with a whack against the white board.
“I’m sorry you don’t find the Vietnam war more entertaining, Ms Carpenter,” He says, voice stern, “But you’ll just have to make do. No, you may not be excused.” 
You grip Tara’s hand a little tighter. It’s your turn. 
“Why do you have such a stick up your ass all the time, Sir?” You say, voice a little shaky. 
Tara rubs her thumb over the back of your hand, comfortingly. 
Mr Saunders blinks back at you. It isn’t often you spoke up in his class, if at all. His face flames red with anger. 
“Why don’t I tell you in detention?” He says, curling his lip. 
He turns his back to you, scribbling madly on the whiteboard, trying to redirect the attention of the class. 
Disappointment floods through you. 
Detention. A regular detention. It isn’t what you need. 
“He’s balding, babe, that’s why,” Tara says, loudly, “He wears a toupee and thinks everyone can’t tell-“ 
Mr Saunders whirls around. 
“Detention,” He hissed again, “Both of you.” 
“Mr Saunders doesn’t have a toupee,” Chad says, exactly on time, “There’s no way. Look at that thick head of hair.” 
Tara stands. 
“Sit down, Ms Carpenter,” Mr Saunders says, voice irate. 
You can’t look as it happens. 
Mr Saunders, although a little strict, is a perfectly nice teacher. And you were about to humiliate him in front of a sea of piranha-like teenagers. 
Liv squeezes your shoulder. 
“It’s for a good cause,” She offers in a whisper. 
Tara reaches the front of the room. Mr Saunders doesn’t see it coming. He blocks the door, as if that’s where she’s trying to go. 
And then in one swift move, she’s launching her arm forward and plucking the toupee straight off his head. 
The class gasps, then erupts into a flurry of shock and laughter.  You bury your head in your hands. 
Tara waves the toupee about as if it’s a trophy for a moment before Mr Saunders snatches it back and tries to jam it - upside down - on his bald head. 
“Principal’s office,” He hisses, face contorted, red, like he’s about to explode, “Both of you. Now.” 
There’s a lot of yelling. 
Mr Saunders wants you both suspended, for being “arrogant, disrespectful little shits.”
You Dad is at work, so it’s Sam who gets called. 
Principal Garcia watches the two of you over his glasses with faint distaste. Like he doesn’t get paid enough to deal with this kind of ridiculous nonsense. 
“Mr Saunders, I am so sorry for my sister's behavior,” Sam says, wide-eyed when she arrives, as if it weren’t her very idea, “The only explanation I can give you is it’s been a very tough couple of weeks. You know, Tara was attacked by Ghostface just days ago.”
For the first time in the last hour, the Principal softens. He looks down at Tara, appraises her for a moment. 
“That’s understandable,” He says. Mr Saunders’ shoulders tighten again, like an angry little wind-up doll, “But it’s no excuse for her behavior-“ 
“I agree,” Says Sam, nodding softly, “Principal, perhaps one of your special detentions will set her in order. Both of them. Give them time to think about how they behave in school.”
The Principal hums. 
And agrees. 
Exactly to plan. 
Saturday detention can’t come fast enough. 
Tara breaks down the plan over and over, as if you’re both in Ocean's Eleven, the detention your diamond heist. 
There are cabinets which line the back of the classrooms. Chad and Liv are to sneak into school early, hide back there until the attack happens. Mindy and Sam are to scout the doors, using a nearby utility closet to stay out of sight. 
Tara and Sam are both to be armed, and the six of you are going to be wearing military strength bulletproof vests - courtesy of Tara’s mom’s credit card she still hadn’t changed the PIN number to. 
Perhaps she might after the near nine hundred dollar bill she had just incurred. 
Sam instructs all of you to “aim for the knees, but kill the asshole if you have to.” 
And despite all the planning and the manpower, you can’t help but have the sinking suspicion something will go wrong. 
“It’ll be okay, baby,” Tara murmurs that morning, scouting out your quiet trepidation with expertise. She presses a kiss to your forehead and takes you in her arms, “I’ll protect you. He won’t touch you.” 
“It’s not me I’m worried about,” You murmur, lightly touching her wound with your fingertips. It’s been almost a week but she’s still healing. She winces when she sits down, and still leans on you sometimes when she walks. 
You’re terrified that despite the gun and the vest, she’ll collapse to the ground and make herself Ghostface’s pin cushion once again. 
She smoothes your hair back, fondly scratches your scalp. 
“I’ll be okay,” She assures, “Once the adrenaline takes over.” 
She kisses you. 
“It’s going to be over, today,” She promises. Her dark eyes are awash with something: that fearlessness that comes so easy to her, “You’re never going to have to be afraid of him again.”
But you are afraid. 
Not just of the inevitable attack that would occur, only hours later. You’re afraid once he’s unmasked he’ll talk. He knows, you know he knows. And one single utter of ‘Ghostface” and Tara’s name in the same sentence and the Sheriff would be knocking down your door to take her away. 
“We have to kill him, baby,” You murmur. You bury your head in her neck, inhale her scent as if it will give you some comfort, “If he talks-”
“He won’t talk,” Tara says, sounding determined, “I’ll put a bullet through his brain before he gets the chance.” 
The mood is somber. 
Chad and Liv are en-route to the school, they’d texted ahead. 
Mindy is to meet Sam outside the school in all but thirty minutes. 
You chew down on some plain toast, trying to quell the tide of nausea rocking waves in your stomach. 
“You okay, babe?” Tara asks, rubbing your back, “We need to get dressed in a minute.” 
“I have a bad feeling,” You say. Tara leans over, presses a gentle kiss to your forehead. 
“It’s just nerves.” She promises. 
“Don’t be nervous,” Sam assures from across the table. She’s loading pellets into her shotgun, “I’m going to be armed with more firepower than the entire nation of Latvia. Motherfucker better hope he’s wearing knee pads, else I’m going to blow his knee caps clean off.”
If anything, that makes you more nervous. 
“Don’t fire it close to Tara.” You tell her, chewing your lip. 
Sam shoots you a look. 
“Do I look like a rookie to you?” 
A little, you’d fire back but your thought is interrupted by a sharp, urgent knock at the front door. 
Tara tilts her head. 
“Who’s that?” 
You frown, crane your neck to try and see the figure through the glass. Your parents were at work, and they didn’t often host unexpected guests. 
Sam stands, carefully places her shotgun on the countertop as she goes to answer the door. 
You follow, curiosity peaked. 
And then immediately wish you hadn’t. 
It’s the Sheriff, and two other offices, poised at either side of her shoulders. 
Her stance is stoic, expression unreadable. Your stomach churns in that uneasy way it always does when she’s around. But something about this is different.
She seems… formal. Far too formal for this to be a house call. You grip Tara’s hand tight between your fingers. 
“Sheriff?” Sam asks, a little confused, “What are you doing here?”
But the Sheriff isn’t looking at Sam. Her eyes are honed in on Tara. Like she’s found her mark. 
“Tara Carpenter,” She says, voice even, “I need you to come down with me to the station."
“Why?” Sam asks, immediately. Her shoulders tense. 
“We have some questions,” Sheriff Hicks says, eyes flickering, “That’s all.” 
“So ask them,” Sam says, eyebrows furrowed, “She’s not going anywhere with you.” 
Sheriff Hicks reaches into her pocket. 
She pulls out a piece of paper, and thrusts it towards Sam. 
Your stomach sinks. A wave of hot anxiety flushes through you at the sight. 
It’s an arrest warrant. With Tara’s name on it. 
“You want to bet?” Sheriff Hicks says, voice cold.
You feel your heart start to pound. Tara blinks, staring at the paper a moment. You feel hot, your brain swimming. Your chest is tight, like the walls are closing in. 
“I don’t understand,” Sam murmurs, crinkling the paper between her fingertips, “You’re arresting her for what exactly?” 
“For murder,” Sheriff Hicks says, “For multiple murders. For the murder of Aaron and Sam Collins, Chase Matthews, Sadie Jones, Amber Freeman-“ 
Her voice quivers. 
“And Wesley Hicks.” 
It’s quiet a moment. 
Your throat closes. Sam stares, eyes widening. 
And then she splutters, “That’s ridiculous-“ 
Your hand tightens around Tara’s. She hasn’t moved. Her expression hasn’t changed. 
Sheriff Hicks narrows her eyes. 
“Don’t make me do this the hard way, Tara.” She says, “I can make a scene. I can handcuff you in front of your girlfriend and your sister or you can make it easy and come with me right now.” 
Her hands touch the metallic handcuffs dangling off her belt, menacingly. 
Panic swells in your chest. You feel as though you might combust. Your throat is tight but you manage to pry  through a few strangled words. 
“You’ve got it wrong,” You plead, tears pricking behind your eyes, “Tara hasn’t killed anyone.” 
A blatant lie. 
She’d see it if she looked over at you, saw the falsehood, the desperation swimming in your eyes. But the Sheriff isn’t looking at you. She’s looking at Tara, victorious. 
As if she’s got her right in the scope. 
Sam stares between them, then snaps into action. 
“It’s going to be okay.” Sam says, all big-sister mode. She presses her hands to Tara’s shoulders, “I’m going to call a lawyer, right now. Don’t say anything to them Tara. I’ll follow, right behind, I’ll be in the waiting room the entire time-“ 
The plan. 
It hits you like a jolt of lightning. The trap you’d perfected. The painstaking hours that had gone into planning it. The quick knock on the door that had sent it all out the window. 
You’d had him. 
Ghostface would have been yours. You’d have him unmasked, in the handcuffs the Sheriff had intended for Tara. 
You think, quickly. And then close your eyes. Muster the strength it takes to get the words out. 
“No,” You says, quietly. Tara and Sam both look over at you, “We had plans today, Sam.” 
Sam looks at you as if you’re crazy. 
There are police in your yard, swarming the lawn, sirens blaring. There’s a dozen of them, as if the Sheriff needed backup. As if, your tiny, injured, 5”1 girlfriend would put up so much fight twelve police officers would have to hold her down. 
You blink back tears, hold the lump in your throat. 
And you know exactly what you need to do. 
“My Dad will be with her,” You continue, “I’ll call him now. He’ll call the lawyer, drive her home when they let her go. Inevitably.” 
You shoot a look at the Sheriff. 
“But Sam, it’s the only way.”
“No,” Tara says, voice flat, “No. Sam, tell her no.”
“It’s the only way,” You say, breathless. You blink back the tears, “We need to give them something.” 
The Sheriff is watching, eyes peeled. Eyes narrowed, like she’s trying to make out your not-so-secret code. 
You swallow. Taper down your emotions for a moment. Determination surges through you. 
Lawyers, police, The Sheriff. Nothing could fix this but doing one thing. 
Giving the police Ghostface. On a silver platter. 
Sam’s quiet. 
But Tara kicks up a fuss. 
“Baby,” She urges, trying to pry your attention, to her “Baby, look at me. Say you won’t. Promise me you won’t.” 
You swallow. 
Brush her hair out of her face. Her eyes are wide, desperate. Huge brown orbs, pleading. It’s so strange to see her powerless. It’s unnatural. 
You kiss her, softly. 
“I’m going to protect you,” You promise against her lips, voice but a whisper, “The way you protect me.” 
“That’s enough.” The Sheriff says, voice stern, “Tara. Easy way or the hard way? Your choice.” 
Tara swallows. 
“Sam,” She says, voice urgent, “Promise me you won’t let her. Promise me.” 
Sam blinks a moment, her face blank. 
And then she nods, presses a long kiss to Tara’s forehead. 
“I promise,” She says, voice soft, “Go with the Sheriff. YN and I will be right behind you.” 
Your heart sinks. Relief floods through Tara’s face. 
“Now, Tara,” The Sheriff says, voice stern. Tara steps forward. Shoots a final look at you. 
“I love you,” She murmurs. 
And then you watch, tears in your eyes, as she’s hauled off in the back of a squad car. She limps to the car, looking so small amongst the sea of police officers. Helpless.
It makes you ache.
You turn to Sam when they’re out of sight, eyes shimmering with brand new determination. 
“Sam- I know you’re in shock, but it’s the only way-”
“You don’t have to sell me a pitch, YN,” Sam says, voice low. The unshed tears in her eyes mirror yours, “We’re going to the school and we’re catching Ghostface.” 
You blink. 
Sam looks at you. 
“You’re right,” She says, lip quivering, “It’s the only way to save her.”
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laiosynth · 2 years
come away, oh ghostly child... (pt 4)
(PT 3 <-) (-> AO3)
Tim strolled down the street towards Dick's apartment. The coffee in his hand was already almost gone, and he was feeling like a sack of shit. He felt like Tom in the one episode of Tom and Jerry where the cat tried and failed at several methods of keeping his eyes open.
He needed Dick to look over his reports for WE, he wasn't entirely confident that he hadn't missed anything.
Pulling out his phone with the hand not clutching coffee like a lifeline, he dialed Dick's home phone for the apartment Babs had said he was staying in while he visited Gotham. After a few rings, Dick picked up.
"Hey, Dick, it's Tim. I'm headed over to your place, I need to run some WE stuff by you."
"Ooh- this might not be the best time, Tim. I've got a kid with me right now, and he's got a lot of energy."
"I can pick up some stuff for the kid to entertain him for a bit if that helps? I really need your help, nobody else is free right now."
Dick sighs on the other end of the line.
"Alright, that works. Could you pick up some groceries while you're at it? I used up the last of my non-cereal food feeding him this morning. Just the basics- eggs, milk, bread, fruit, etcetera. I'll pay you back."
"Yeah, I can do that. I'll call when I'm done and on my way to yours."
"Thanks a million, Tim. I'll see you later."
With that, there's a click as the line is cut. Tim sighs.
Tim stares at the milk cooler in the grocery store. Which kind of milk is best again?
A text conversation with Alfred tells him whole milk is the correct option, so he grabs a gallon.
They're set in the cart next to the other groceries- honey wheat bread, a carton of eggs, and containers of basic fruit. A collection of toys sit in the cart as well- an inflated ball, two dolls- a barbie and a Batman toy- with their accessories, three different stuffed animals, and a book (he has no idea what the kid would like, so he's playing it safe).
He moves out of the milk aisle and towards the checkout. Along the way, he grabs some snacks- fruit snacks, animal crackers, and crackers.
When he reaches the checkout, he pays with Bruce's card- no need to infringe on Dick's savings by making him pay Tim back.
(Tim doesn't need to mention that Bruce had been an asshole recently and Tim doesn't really feel that amenable to being kind to the man.)
He struggles to carry all the bags on his own but manages eventually- most of the bags hang from Tim's elbows.
As he walks back towards Dick's apartment, he pulls his phone out to call Dick again. It takes longer for Dick to answer this time, but he does.
"Yup, I'm on my way. Just letting you know."
"Sweet. Thanks. Bye!"
And then the line cuts again.
That was hasty.
Tim knocks on Dick's apartment door with one grocery-laden arm.
"Come in," comes Dick's muffled answer, accompanied by mad giggling. Tim opens the door to find Dick lying face down on the ground. A black-haired, blue-eyed child giggles as he sits on Dick's back triumphantly.
"Apologies, I would greet you properly, but alas, I've been defeated."
"I see that," Tim says, closing the door behind him and moving across the apartment to set the groceries on the kitchen table. The child giggles madly.
"I gotchu! I gotchu!"
"Yes," Dick says, moving his face off from the ground to lay on his cheek, "But can I have up now? I admitted my defeat, I am an honorable loser."
"Okays, you can have up. Since you're nice about it."
The child slips off Dick's back, and Dick rolls over to his back before sitting up.
"Thank you, Danny. I see you're an honorable warrior."
Danny giggles some more. He seems to be a very happy child.
"Hey, Danny, I'm Tim," Tim greets. "I brought some gifts for you."
Danny runs away from Dick and towards Tim, throwing his little arms around Tim's legs.
"What!? Gifts!?"
Tim laughs and reaches down to ruffle Danny's hair.
"Yeah, buddy. Do you wanna see?"
"Yes!!" Danny practically shrieks, jumping up and down, still clinging to Tim's pants with his little hands. Tim reaches into the bag that the cashier had put the toys in and pulls out the two dolls. Danny does shriek when he sees them, grabbing them out of Tim's hands and moving back so he can spin and jump up and down, shrieking all the way, grin wide on his face.
"I always wanteted one of these!! A doll, a doll!" Danny yells, tearing up. Tim hopes they're happy tears.
"You like 'em?"
Tim laughs and reaches down to ruffle Danny's hair again.
"Do you think I could have a little grown-up talk with Dick while you play with your new dolls? Does that sound fair?"
Danny nods frantically and scrambles away to the living room with his new toys. He gets behind Dick and pushes him towards the kitchen where Tim is.
"Go, go, go!"
Dick laughs and acts like Danny can push him, shuffling where Danny pushes him. When Dick is near Tim, Danny runs away to the living room, Barbie and Batman figure in hand.
Tim turns to Dick.
"So, WE figures- Ready to talk finance?"
tags: @basilf1res @ollietheotaku @angelheartgamer @justgray15777 @terzatheunderscorerima @phantom120 @undead-essence @crazydoughnutlady @big-flrda-kys @pheonixdemonqueen @confused-moose-child @the-fandom-hopping-mage @rangerhorsetug @shamelessstudenthideout @nonbinary-disaster @keegan-parker @terrasolstice @eonic @mayoota-blog1 @theonewiththegays @glitchedchaos @nikki-pondtheauthor @allee52hrz @blacksea21090 @crazylittlemunchkin
(been thinking about continuing this on ao3. i have a whole doc for this. can't decide if i want to continue here or on ao3- if i did on ao3, i'd share the link and tag everyone, ofc. i think i'd explore more of danny's time exploring gotham if i made it an ao3 fic as well. thoughts?)
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mallowmaenad · 4 months
baedel flow
this shit ain't nothin to me girl
i'm taking DIY alstolfo brand temu titty skittles. I got so much prog up my ass my dildo has erectile dysfunction. I'm injecting estrogen straight into my face so I can force fem the cop in my brain.
I'm problematic. I ship things you can't imagine. The judge read my Archive Of Our Own bookmarks out loud and the jury were too busy throwing up to give me a guilty verdict.
I smoke shit so dank it'll age regress you into a fucking sperm.
I'm on that greymarket back alley bimbo goo. I'm doing deviantart shit to my body just to look myself in the mirror when I shave in the morning.
Your sister LOVES my milk duds. You never had a brother, she calls me mommy with a 2 year age difference.
I'm putting lead and estrogen in my haters' cereal so I can make some toxic yuri, get them moaning in their boyvoices 6 months later behind the Warhammer store like I'm fucking Slaanesh.
They/them me again and I'll run a used Manscaped Lawnmower across your face until you look like a fucking newborn
I show up to Planned Parenthood just to stand there and watch the abortions, licking my lips between sips of Strawberry Dreams mixed with pure thailander gamer girl sweat.
When I'm done with you you'll never want to go to the pool shirtless again bitch
I'm on those quadruple puppygirlboygirl anarchist homebrew estrogen patches, taking so much spiro that Big Pharma is wiping down fire hydrants in my area to make Premarin with the residue.
The only thing Harkness is testing is my fucking patience and I'm about to turn him into another one of my little sisters
I'm smoking that bocchi the rock giving myself middle school anxiety so intense it erases my male socialization
They wanted to write a callout post about me so I fucked their moms, and their dogs and the playstation 5 just for good measure, now if they don't call me auntie they're grounded from role playing My Hero Academia characters on discord for 2 weeks.
You wish I'd make you my bitch. By the time you re-align your pronouns you'll be bottoming for a fucking stuffed shark posting about your Amazon Basics skirt on reddit
They call me the egg cracker because I bust so many fucking balls
I radiate so much AGP my nickname at the local pride center is elephant's foot. I give Kaitlyn Jenner so much gender envy it's got her considering voting blue in the next election.
Yeah I'm on E, what the fuck else am I gonna trip on when I drive to the pharmacy blasting SewerSlvt so loud youtube is recommending video essays to every single person in the tri state area.
Christine Chandler wishes she was me. Contrapoints wishes she was me. Aphrodite desires me carnally. They can't handle the divine feminine energy radiating from my unwashed hen cause they gotta go through the Hero's Journey just to get a face full of baby butter that tastes like expired anchovies.
Tonight girl my chosen name is Bridget because I'm going to go to town inside you. Your hole's gonna be more ruined than Thanksgiving dinner when I show up in a slutty little number watching my cousin the same age as me lose another inch of his hairline.
I'm sucking on that neocities watamote siscon shadow siren hard candy getting affected like a male feminist just heard me say the word bitch a little too loud for his liking. My Celeste speedruns have never been faster.
Fuck around and find out keep talking shit and my final fantasy 14 plugins won't be the only thing I'll be reprogramming tonight
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hurricanebreeze · 6 months
Batfamily Cooking Headcanons
I was thinkin about it, so have some Batfamily cooking headcanons. They are as detailed as I could get them and in age order. I also included Steph and Barbara, even though they aren't in the main seven.
Alfred - The family cook and the best cook in the family. He distrusts American processed foods because he knows that many of the more chemical ingedients have been banned in Europe, but he deals (and gets as much food imported from Europe as is practical).
Bruce - Has a very mismatched set of cooking skills. He can sort of cook... on a camping stove or a campfire. He can cook beans and boil water. However, he cannot use an oven, nor a microwave, and his knowledge of spice or baking is nonexistant.
Barbara - Can cook. She knows the basics as she learned growing up, so she didn't have to buy takeout every time her dad was working late. Her dad would've been fine with the takeout, however as she became Batgirl, she became very aware of the nutrition needed for vigilante and decided to learn instead. Admittedly, she fell into using microwaves a bit more as Oracle, especially before her flat was adapted, but once her kitchen was adapted, she was relieved to go back to cooking properly as she hadn't realised how much cooking was a hobby for her until it was blocked by inaccessibility.
Dick - Can cook. He has the basics down, as Alfred forced him to learn how to boil an egg and put something in the oven, and a few learned recipes, some learned from his early childhood. He takes comfort in cooking for other people, especially when it's a recipe he learned because he grew up with it. However, if he's on his own and doesn't have anyone to cook for, he is not cooking. He'd rather have something microwaved or some cereal, and he is the king of nutriotionally balanced cereal.
Jason - Second best cook in the family. He spent a lot of time in the kitchen with Alfred between being adopted and dying and most of that time was learning how to cook creatively. Even if he can't be bothered to cook, there are probably leftovers in his fridge. He had some skills before then from having to cook for his mom, but when he started learning from Alfred he was pleasantly surprised to find he enjoyed the process, so it became more of a hobby than a survival skill.
Cass - Queen of snacks. She can cook, don't get me wrong, because Alfred taught her, but she much prefers snacking throughout the day. She often learns new recipes for more variety in her snacking, because sometimes it's nice to have an onigiri instead of a sandwich or put together a really nice charcuterie board with homemade butter. Her snackboards are usually also great for her to eat while training or dancing because it isn't too much and can sometimes remind her she's human, not a weapon, when she gets in her head.
Steph - Can cook. She knows how to make a healthy and cheap balanced meal, but the most she goes beyond is for sweet treats. For her cooking was a survival skill, especially after her dad was finally in jail. Baking and desserts, on the other hand, she enjoys making. She often bakes for friends, family, and herself, and sometimes learns new recipes to try with Cass. While she was pregnant, especially in the late term, baking simple things like cupcakes was one of the hobbies she still felt like she had the energy to do and helped take her mind off of it, even though she had to sit while stirring.
Tim - Can cook. He knows how to make a healthy balanced meal, he lived alone long enough as a teen to know. However, he cannot go beyond that. Alfred tried to teach him a couple of times in the early days of Robin, but it simply didn't go in and after a few too many faraway looks after he burned something he decided that maybe it was time to stop trying. He, canonically, has the worst taste of the family though, so no one asks him to cook anyway.
Duke - Can cook. His parents taught him basic cooking skills and he enjoys going beyond and playing with spices. He's a bit nervous of joining Alfred in the kitchen as first, but eventually he learns that most of the others have found similar solace in spending time cooking with him, so he starts to join too. He also happens to have a cookbook his parents had stashed in their kitchen, even if they didn't use it while they were still at home, so he sometimes spends time learning the recipes from that.
Damian - Has a very mismatched set of cooking skills. Similarly to his dad, Damian learned a very strange set of cooking skills. He cannot use an oven or a microwave but he can appreciate Alfred's kettle for its practicality in a tea-centric household. He can, however, make a relatively simple meal on a camping stove, beyond what Bruce can make on a camping stove. He does occasionally allow Alfred or one of the other cooking-competant family members to teach him a skill every now and then though.
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stars-n-spice · 10 days
It's Chuseok! Aka Korean Thanksgiving!!
So here are some Korean dishes, desserts, drinks, and snacks that I think the different members of the Bad Batch would enjoy!
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Lots of spicy soups and meat!
A lot of this is just honestly my dad's personal favorites because,, dads y'know?
I actually don't eat a lot of these things but Hunter's got a stomach of steel so I think he can handle it
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Had a difficult time coming up with foods Echo might like since he's a picky eater
Lot of it is just really simple stuff with not too many flavors nor is most of it very spicy
Lots of veegtables and also things my sister and mom enjoy (both remind me of Echo)
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So much meat!!! Let's be honest - any and all meat from Korea, Wrecker is going to enjoy
He was the easiest to pick out food for because I think he'd enjoy everything
Lots of street food as well!! Which are my personal faves <3
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It was a bit difficult to figure out what Tech might like because I can't really get a read on him in terms of what his stomach can handle
I do think he has a sweet tooth though so I've included some of my personal favorite sweets!
I think he's a snacker though so a lot of these are just stuff you can much on
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Another picky eater - so it was difficult to come up with things for him
I also just think that he's not a big fan of Korean food to be honest :/ a LOT of it is spicy and he can't handle his spice so he doesn't really like it
HOWEVER he loves the ice cream and drinks of course <3
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Also included some childhood favorites because I think Omega would enjoy them as well!
Honestly most of this is just sweets because I think Omega would enjoy any and all Korean snacks and desserts above all else
Names of the foods and whatnot under the cut!!
Anything marked with an '*' are traditionally eaten during 추석! Anything highlighted in blue are my personal favorites! Read from left to right to identify dishes!
Kimchi jjigae (김치찌개) - kimchi soup; pretty spicy, honestly not one of my favorites but I think Hunter would enjoy spicy foods
Hotteok (호떡) - Korean dessert/street food; it's like a pancake with either red bean or sweet syrup inside and is served warm - I think it's like the one sweet that Hunter can tolerate
Bulgogi (불고기) - popular beef dish; has too much fat on it for me to like it but I think Hunter wouldn't mind and enjoys them
Gamjatang (감자탕) - potato/beef soup - my parents' personal favorite; has big bones with a lot of meat I think Hunter would enjoy stripping off
Sundae (순대) - "Blood sausage" - steamed pig/cow intestine with other ingredients inside; another one of my parents' favorites
Haejangguk/Hang over soup (해장국) - Korea has a heavy drinking culture so they have a whole ass soup to have after hangovers; I think Hunter would enjoy it and since he probably has bad migraines from overstimulation, this soup would help
Baccus (박카스)- Korean energy drink; he needs it - basically uncarbonated Redbull
Jollypong - Cereal snack; my personal favorite - included it with Hunter because my dad also loves this snack and has eaten MY jollypong on numerous occasions
Dalgona Coffee (달고나 커피) -Uhhh, I'm sure you probably know what this is - I think Hunter would enjoy the very needed coffee
Terra Beer - The only beer I like other than Modelo - my 큰아빠 introduced me to it and it's great
Peanut & Squid Ball Snack - This is just such a DadTM snack idk
Muneo-jorim/Braised Octopus (문어조림) - I think Hunter likes seafood and my dad loves octopus so -
Dwaejigogi-bokkeum (돼지고기볶음) - Mmmh spicy pork!
Jokbal (족발) - Braised pig trotters - it's super good and you eat it with a spicy sauce
Soegogi-gui (쇠고기구이) - More meats! Very chewy meat. Can be pork or beef.
Bibimbap (비빔밥) - Classic Korean food; think Chipotle bowl but with Korean veggies and meat - basically just rice, ground meat, veggies, and other sauces (if you want) and sometimes an egg
Sikhye (식혜)* - Rice punch; pretty sweet
Mandu-guk (만둣국) - Dumpling soup; pretty plain but one of my favorites
Cucumber Kimchi (오이 김치) - literally just in the name; it's cucumbers made similarly to how you make kimchi; a banchan (side dish)
Buchujeon (부추전)* - Aka "Korean Pancakes" - Various ways to make things; can be spicy, can have seafood, can just be veggies
Mu-Guk (무국)* - Radish soup, pretty simple and plain in taste
Makgeolli (막걸리) - Rice Wine - because Echo is a wine mom, of course he's going to enjoy rice wine too
Turtle Chips - My sister's personal favorite chips - they have a very strong smell and are usually corn flavored
Kopiko Coffee Candy - When he can't get to actual coffee, he can rely on this candy to give him some caffeine boosts - also one of my mom's favorites
Bae (배) - Korean Pear - My favorite fruit ever; tastes like a mix of an apple and a pear
Yujacha (유자차) - Special kind of tea made from the yuja fruit
Injeolmi (인절미)* - A type of rice cake covered in dried bean powder
Gochu-bokkeum (고추볶음) - A banchan that's basically just kimchi-fied peppers
Goguma (고구마) - Cooked sweet potato - another of my mom and sister's favorites
Galbitang (갈비탕) - Beef soup - something simple in taste, good amounts of meat, another of my mom's favorites
Crispy Rice Rolls - Literally just like,, rice sticks; I don't really like them any more :/ but they look like rations - another one of my sister's favorites
Bossam (보쌈) - Steamed pork that you usually dip in spicy sauces and wrap in a lettuce
Budae Jjigae/ Army Stew (부대찌개) - A popular, spicy, Korean soup made of a lot of ingredients
Kimbap (김밥) - Korea's version of sushi
Jjampong (짬뽕) - Seafood Soup (usually spicy)
Korean Fried Chicken - Any and all types of KFC; it's so fucking good you guys, my absolute favorite
Korean Corn Dogs - Another one of my favorites; a street food that can be made in various ways
Sotteok Sotteok (소떡소떡) - Street food; rice cakes and sausages on a stick
Samgyeopsal (삼겹살) - Black Bellied pork - served with a multitude of things and is one of my favorite things to eat because half of it is the experience of cooking it with my family
Galbi (갈비) - Korean Short Ribs
Jokbal (족발) - See Hunter's (I think they'd both like it)
Shrimp Chips - Chips flavored like shrimp - the man likes seafood so I think he'd enjoy this
Shin Ramen - Spicy instant Ramen
Homerun Balls - Like those Hello Panda candies - it's a cracker with chocolate filling inside
Papico Ice Cream - Chocolate ice cream
Myeolchi-ttangkong-bokkeum/Anchovy Banchan (멸치땅콩볶음) - Baby anchovies that are seasoned and mixed in with peanuts - banchan dish
Gyeran Jim (계란찜) - something like an egg soufflé that is steamed instead of baked and doesn't have any dairy products
Japchae/chapchae (잡채)* - Glass-noodles; has a good amount of vegetables in it
Miyuki Guk (미역국) - Seaweed soup; my personal favorite soup - usually eaten on birthdays - also, like me, I think Tech doesn't care for the 'seaweed' part of the soup and will fish it out and just drink the soup
Curry Buldak (불닭) - Big fan of the idea that Tech loves curry so by default he probably enjoys the curry buldak as well
Mandu (만두) - Korean Dumplings - any and all, Tech just enjoys popping them in his mouth
Yeot-gangjeong (엿강정)* - Rice cake dessert mixed with various nuts
Red Bean Hotteok (팥호떡) - Read Hunter's - I think Tech would like the red bean version
Korean Popcorn - Idk how to describe this other than it's just,, Korean popcorn - it's really good despite not tasting like anything
Binggrae Power Cap Soda Flavored Ice Cream - An ice cream that kinda is like a slushie and has a very unique taste
Korean Curry (카레 라이스) - Again, Tech loves curry so he loves Korean curry as well
Ojingeochae-muchim (오징어채무침) - Seasoned Dried Shredded squid - a banchan dish that I think he'd enjoy slurping up
Kkwabaegi (꽈배기) - Twisted Korean Donut - I think Tech has a sweet tooth and these are simple and my favorites; think churro
Odeng (오뎅) - Fish cake - either in a soup or a skewer
Dalgona (달고나) - From Squid Game; a sweet cookie that usually has some little fun shape in it - again, Tech has a sweet tooth but he also attempts to try and get the shape out
Maesilju (매실주) - Plum wine - it's sweet so I think Tech would like it
Bingsu (빙수) - Korean Shaved ice - comes in various flavors and served usually with condensed milk (he's so getting a stomach ache after)
Tofu Stew (순두부찌개) - But non-spicy (just like me) because Crosshair's stomach can handle only so much
Jjajangbap (짜장밥) - Black Bean Paste with Rice
Cheese-tteok-kkochi (치즈떡꼬치) - Cheesy, fried rice cakes on a stick - Had to give him something on a skewer and it's cheesy so he loves it despite not being able to really digest it
Seolleongtang/Ox Bone Soup (설렁탕) -
Juk (죽) - Rice porridge - something simple to soothe his stomach
Melona - Popular Korean ice cream bar brand
Flavored Soju - Any and all flavors of soju, he loves. It's going to get him real drunk real fast so watch out-
Ice Yogurt Ice Cream - What's better than the Yokult drink? How about yokult ice cream? His stomach is in so much pain.
Milkis (specifically the Strawberry flavor) - Carbonated milk soda! Before you say "Ew, that sounds disgusting" fucking watch yourself because it's the best drink known to man and I'll die on that hill
Banana Milk (바나나맛 우유) - literally in the name - banana milk; he'll drink it and say it's not that bad because it's banana flavored
Choco-Pie - Basically just a moon-pie - it's a chocolate pie with marshmallow filling on the inside
Tteokguk (떡국)* - Rice Cake Soup - it's easy on the stomach and isn't spicy; he also likes chewing on the rice cakes
Cass Beer - Korean beer - my parents' personal favorite
Pocky Sticks - Um,,, toothpicks - must I say any more?
Jjajangmyeon (짜장면) - Black Bean Paste Noodles - childhood favorite dish!! Super messy and had to wear a bib for the longest time every time I ate this dish (technically a Chinese dish but shhhh)
Bungeoppang (붕어빵) - Pastries shaped like fish filled with various things like redbean, nutella, or custards (my personal favorite)
Tteokbokki (떡볶이) - Rice cakes with various other ingredients - spicy and one of Korea's more popular/well known dishes
Naengmyun (냉면) - Cold Noodles - kinda like Japan's soba; can be spicy or not and is usually a summer dish - Omega loves to slurp this
Doenjang jjigae (된장찌개) - Soybean Paste Soup - a really simple soup that is sometimes spicy - I just think Omega loves soup
Songpyeon (송편)* - Red Bean Rice Cakes - very chewy, very colorful; I think Omega would like it
Carbonara Buldak (불닭) - My personal favorite flavor of Buldak - Omega can't handle full spice yet but that doesn't stop her from eating it
Yakgwa (약과)* - Honey/Fried Korean cookie - tastes kinda like a donut
Samanco (싸만코) - Like Bungeoppang, it's a fish shaped dessert; but this one is an icecream and usually has various flavors like red bean, strawberry puree, chocolate, or matcha (this is something Crosshair would probably enjoy as well)
Banana Kick - Banana flavored chips shaped like cheeto puffs - one of my favorite Korean snacks
Milkis (밀키스) - Again, like Crosshair I think she'd love this drink
Flavored Onion Rings - Korean version of funyuns - one of my favorites - I can see Omega wearing them like rings or bracelets while she eats them
Chapssaltteok (찹쌀떡) - Steamed red bean bun; street food - nice and chewy
Potato Tornado (회오리 감자) - A seasoned fried potato strewn out on a stick - Korean street food (something I also think Wrecker would enjoy)
Hwachae (화채) - Watermelon fruit punch - served with various fruits and jellies; it's just a cute little sweet thing I think Omega would enjoy very much
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z0mbi3k1d · 5 months
Romanticizing life Part 4
Food ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・୭ 🧷 ✧ ˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀
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This is just gonna be abt healthy food swaps and things different foods can do for you, I'm not promoting Ed at all!!
Only do these if you want to, you should enjoy your life. That means don't do food swaps all the time, treat yourself! To be honest I probably won't do any of these because I'm happy with my body and don't have too, you should be happy with yourself too!
Eating Healthy 🍓
It is important to eat healthy! It can do lots for your body, skin, and mood, I'm going to give you some healthy food swaps and tasty snacks to help!
Toxic things to get out of your head 🐇
Before I'm going to share these it's important to me that you don't use this unhealthy, stop telling yourself these things
"I need to eat healthy to loose weight"
No, you don't. All bodies are shaped different and process food differently, allergies for example. Not everyone has allergies so what makes you think everyone processes all food the same? You can still be healthy without 'looking healthy'
"I'll only eat for energy, not taste"
Man just enjoy your life 😭 I see ppl say this a lot but it doesn't make sense. Break your shell and try more foods and flavors, enjoy yourself
"I have to look like them"
Nuh uh! You're hotter 💋
Remember if you wouldn't say it to a bunny DO NOT SAY IT TO YOUR SELF‼️‼️
Food swaps 🍡
Here's some food swaps for you!
Sugary cereal ~ Oats with fruit
Ice cream ~ acai bowl
Coffee ~ matcha/Chai
Chips ~ Popcorn
White bread ~ sourdough
My personal favorite healthy foods 🧁
I'd consider myself a pretty picky eater so when it comes to healthy foods this is what I eat
I love all fruits strawberries, blueberries, bananas ect. Fruits are great bc you can do lots with them, you can make smoothies, put them in yogurt or just eat them normally
Peanut butter, okay so I'm not a huge fan but there's a lot you can do with peanut butter and you an make really healthy stuff with it
Granola, guys granola is soooo good I used to eat the bars and they had honey on them too it was so good
Honey is also good but yk
Hummus.. Lowkey feel like a nerd for saying I like it but I do. If you wanna be healthy with it you could use cucumbers!
Cucumbers>>> squash (I hate squash it's so disgusting :p)
Tuna, it has like Idk it's good for you in some ways I wasn't really listening to my father when he was talking abt it
I love nuts!! I think they're a good quick snack
I'd you don't like water get some of the flavors things, they have energy and low cal ones
Apparently dark chocolate is gold for you too sooo
Salmon is also healthy hehe >:)
Chia seeds barley taste like anything so put them in your yogurt or something
Things foods can do for you 🍮
Idk how much of this is true but I'm not gonna gatekeep just in case
Dark chocolate can
Holy crap apparently it can protect against UV rays?? 😭😭
It fights tooth decay
And it's a brain food
More brain food
Chia seeds
I'm telling you fruits are good for anything and they're sweet!!! They are perfect!!! (If you don't like fruit consider yourself an opp)
Thanks for reading!! 🩷🩷
Thanks for reading!! Have a great day, remember to eat what you want and stay happy!! I love you my sweet angels!! 🩷🩷
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arzuera · 1 year
Damian walked into the dining room where a few of his siblings and his father had already gathered for breakfast. In a slightly robotic movement, he headed over to his designated spot at the table and sat down. Bruce took a sip of his coffee while Dick yawned in his normal over exaggerated way. It was kind of surprising that he wasn’t face first in his cereal yet. Duke sat next to him, not fully awake himself though he was at least able to get a forkful of eggs to his mouth. Small victories. Damian sat in his chair, and Alfred brought him his breakfast of pancakes made of oat flour and almond milk. Setting a small dish of bananas and peanut butter next to it, along with a small syrup dispenser.
“Good morning, Damian,” Bruce said as he took a bite of his own breakfast.
“Morning, Father. Pennyworth.” The boy replied, and he also received a wave in greeting from Duke and a cut-off greeting from Dick as he yawned again.
“Good morning, Master Damian. I do hope you enjoy your breakfast. I made sure to make them with your favorite almond milk.” Alfred said kindly before heading back into the kitchen to finish preparing food for those who weren’t up yet.
Damian idly played with his food for a few minutes. Using a knife to put peanut butter on the pancakes or taking a bite of banana. Nervousness bubbled under the surface of his stoic demeanor. He could do this. It wouldn’t go wrong. He looked up to his two adopted brothers and his father, who wasn’t really paying him any mind. “I am… courting someone,” Damian said, watching as Dick and Duke’s heads whipped up, and Bruce looked at him with a soft smile on his face.
“Congratulations. That’s wonderful, Damian.” His father said with a warmth that didn’t always manage to reach his voice but this time it had. Duke let out a cheer and Dick was wiping a fake tear from his eye.
Seeing the positive response from his family, Damian continued. “I don’t know if we’re compatible yet. I just like him a lot and, physically, he’s very nice to touch.” Duke snorted a bit and Dick managed to keep a smile on his face without laughing as Damian kept talking. “I bought him a keychain. And a bracelet. Also, I’m going to drag him to a fair with local small business owners. The small one that is being held right outside of town.”
“As long as you are safe, having fun, and enjoying being with him, then you have my approval,” Bruce stated taking another sip of his coffee. Giving his son a proud look. “Small fairs are the best.”
Damian’s lips quirked up a small it in a rare smile. “He’s so cute. And works with small animals so we can bond about that too.”
Dick leaned forward onto the table with his elbows. “I’m glad you are having fun.”
“A fair!” Duke exclaimed with a big smile on his face. “With local small business owners. That’s the peak of romance oh my lord…” he fell back in his chair, fanning his face playfully, and Dick lightly knocked the younger boy’s shoulder.
“It’s so cute and romantic.” Dick agreed with Duke, taking a bite of his cereal and not missing this time since he was now fully awake.
Damian felt himself buzzing in excitement. His family doesn’t even know the boy’s name and they already approved. He looked up at them fully, his breakfast completely forgotten. “He promised to show me a woman who makes tea blends based on superheroes.” Damian’s normally monotone voice had an excited lilt to it that brought everyone in the current room into soft smiles.
“My best wishes on this romantic endeavor, baby bat,” Duke said with a twirl of his fork in the air.
“We both have a slight obsession with tea.” Damian continued on almost bouncing in his seat from all of the positive energy he was feeling.
“Oh my god.” Dick said at the same time that Duke replied “Oh my lord…”
“Keep him!” Dick exclaimed, standing up abruptly while brandishing his spoon at his little brother. “Even if only as a friend.”
Damian hummed in thought for a moment. “It’s more of a platonic one. I am aromantic after all.”
“Courting endeavor then,” Dick replied with a shrug not worried about the semantics and just happy his brother was happy. A smirk formed on his face as he said, “Damian, the aromantic, going on the most romantic date ever.”
Now that Damian thought about it, it really was kind of romantic, wasn’t it? “Should I tell him it’s a date? Should I?” he asked looking to his brothers and father for guidance before looking down at his pancakes. “Maybe not… I’m still feeling our relationship out…”
“DOES HE NOT KNOW IT’S A DATE? HE’S TAKING YOU TO SEE THE SUPERHERO TEA LADY?!” Dick exclaimed in slight disbelief and Bruce chuckled behind his mug. He leaned toward his little brother as close as the table would allow him to do. “Damian, is it a date? Because it sounds like a date.”
“Listen, the first time we went out, Danny bought me an iced tea on his insistence.” Damian rolled his eyes as he replied to his enthusiastic older brother. “Then brought me into a secret basement vinyl shop and let me place my chin on his shoulder. As in, I was fully pressed up against his back and watched him browse said vinyl.”
Dick stared at his little brother. “I think you have a boyfriend, baby bat.”
“Tt.” Damian tsked a bit and looked away from Dick. “I do not. I have only seen him once face to face. He has stated that he has never had a relationship, and I do not wish to make him uncomfortable by springing this upon him.”
“Do you talk on the phone or online? Because that definitely counts.” Dick asked, putting his head in his hands as he continued to look starry-eyed at his little brother.
“Yes but only after we met in person.”
“How did you two meet?” Bruce asked, taking the opportunity to chime in and learn more about the boy that Damian was interested in.
Damian pulled out his phone and scrolled until he found out what he was looking for. “There is a chat for trans people in Gotham, and occasionally, I will join in asking if anyone wishes to do activities together. Several people will then reply at once. That is how we met.”
Dick moved to sit properly in his chair after getting a stern look from Alfred. His pout turned into a thoughtful look as he rolled over Damian’s words in his head. “And on your first meeting, he bought you tea, and y’all cuddled up in a basement vinyl shop while looking at records together?”
“Mmm yes.” Damian nodded his head as he recounted the encounter in his head. “And he walked me to my designated safe drop-off and hugged me goodbye. He also hugged me hello, as well.”
“Was anyone else there?”
“For a brief period of time, yes. Others popped in after tea and hung around for about 40 minutes and then went their own way.”
Dick was vibrating in his seat, and it was obvious he was trying to contain it. “I’m trying not to get too excited about all the hugging because hugs entirely depend on the culture people grew up with, and one might see it one way but not another.”
“I am trying to be better with physical affection, but a lot of people aren’t so comfortable with me on the first try.” Damian had come a long way from the angry assassin child his mother had dropped off. “He was, though. That’s why I’m happy too.”
Duke chuckled. “Okay. Do you like him?”
“I do enjoy his company so yes. I do like him.”
Bruce cleared his throat when he saw the slight moment where there was hesitation on Damian’s face. Getting his children’s attention effortlessly. He turned his full attention to Damian as he set his mug down. “You don’t have to date Danny or label anything if you don’t want to. Just hang out and have a good time.”
Damian nodded his head briskly and quickly looked back to his breakfast with a secretive smile. “Yes. Thank you, Father. I will.”
The dialog was done by 4 peeps in the batpham server with the one as damian being gay motherfucker.
These peeps are cute ya'll
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justsescape · 6 months
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"Heeeey, nonnie~! I'm wearing your favorite outfit today! How's it look~?"
The irony was palpable. Uzaki-chan looked exactly the same as always: completely hidden behind a pair of breasts so wide, so tall, that they could easily plug the door of a double-car garage. Not even gravity itself could stop her boobs from staying satisfyingly round in spite of their cartoonishly gigantic proportions. Pristine skin was interrupted by pinkish areolae the size of manhole covers, and each of them were topped by nipples so firm and thick that they could be used as balance beams. Perhaps if you stood on one of them, you could actually see the rest of her. You'd just have to be careful not to slip and fall into her crushing cleavage.
"Come on, nonnie! Can't you tell?" Uzaki-chan must have been leaping; the way her gigantic tits wobbled like gelatin was evidence of that. But at the apex of every jump, you could just barely, barely catch a glimpse at the tips of bunny ears rising above her chest.
"Hop! Hop! I'm a bunny! I'm in my bunny suit, nonnie~!"
It was more like she had her birthday suit in the front and her bunny suit in the back. Uzaki-chan had once so proudly declared that she had finally surpassed five feet in height -- but that's only if you measured from the ground to the tops of her overdeveloped bust. The rest of her barely surpassed forty-eight inches. Such a big difference doomed this bunny girl to spending most of her waking hours in a staring contest with her own towering boobwall. Its only feature was the long, dark line of cleavage that rose far, far above her head. Surely, it must have been like staring into an endless chasm, into the unknowable deep -- not that such a thing could faze her boundless energy, of course.
"Let's celebrate with an Easter egg hunt!" Uzaki-chan's outstretched hand waved above her humongous chest. Such enthusiastic gesturing was met by similarly enthusiastic motions from her lengthened nipples. You got the sense that if you pulled on one of them, it would vibrate back and forth like a spring-loaded doorstop. "Can you find where I hid them all, nonnie? I hid them reeeeeal well~!"
All that wild movement, however, would be her undoing. Uzaki-chan's colossal breasts had slid ever-so-slightly apart from one another, revealing that her cleavage was cradling dozens -- if not hundreds -- of multicolored Easter eggs. They piled atop one another like breakfast cereal overflowing in a bowl. Naturally, it didn't take long for them to start to spill from her cleavage like water from an overturned glass. They toppled, they tumbled, they rolled across the ground like scattering marbles.
"Oh... oh no! Th-they're falling out?! But... but that ruins it, nonnie! I can't believe this is happening!"
Uzaki-chan's sorrowful tone inspired you to finally circumnavigate her ridiculous rack. There she stood, on the tips of her toes, legs shaking, her face painted with worry as she held her hands up to her cleavage like she was trying to block a leak on a sinking ship. Her shortened stature didn't preclude her from being delightfully curvy. Fishnets clung so tightly to her shapely thighs that flesh bulged in the gaps; surely once she took them off, her skin would be impressed with red patterned lines from where the strings once resided. Easter eggs repeatedly struck the top of her head as if they were being delivered by conveyor belt.
"I wanted to do an Easter egg hunt with you, ow!, but... well, I can't really, ow!, move that far," she admitted bashfully. "So I had to, ow!, just hide them all in the only place I could reach... ow!"
Yet another Easter egg plopped across her head before arcing toward the ground -- but this one didn't crack. Instead, it splashed. Unbeknownst to Uzaki-chan, her two heaving boobs had begun to leak. Milk funneled from the tips of her nipples like they were faucets, producing puddles that were growing with every passing moment. They pooled under her chest; they slicked the floor underneath your shoes. Broken eggshells were lifted from the ground by her own product and floated in various random directions.
"H-hey, nonnie! Don't get distracted by the ones that are breaking! Forget about those!" Uzaki-chan clenched her fists tightly at her sides. She stomped her feet in the milk as if it were a puddle of rainwater. "We can still have fun with the ones that are left! Go dive in and find them~!"
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not-another-robin · 2 years
What do you think are the justice league member's favorite snacks/meals they like to cook/eat?
Dear anon, I am so glad you asked. Allow me to explain
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J'onn - literally everyone is concerned. J'onn eats stuff that's not food just because he can. He will snack on drywall. He eats bugs off of leaves. The actual food he eats isn't much better - his diet consists almost entirely off of processed sugar. Obviously chocos/oreos, but also just the kind of things a seven year old would pack for lunch. Twinkies, sugary cereal, actual candy, donuts, popcorn, chips, etc. He tries, half-heartedly, to insist that Martians nutritional needs are different than humans, but there is literally no evidence to suggest that. Someone in the JL takes him out to eat/brings him food almost every day to make sure he doesn't die.
Wally - only marginally better than J'onn in that he won't eat chalk unprompted. We all know speedsters, they need a lot of food to keep up with their metabolism and energy, but Wally is especially ludicrous in the "will eat anything" category. He will put anything and everything in the fridge into a sandwich, which sounds like a fun thing to ask about, but eventually everyone realizes they just don't wanna know. Also a connoisseur of wild food combos ("icing in chili??" "Hey don't knock it til you try it")
Shayera - A little bit more normal but the bar is in hell so that doesn't mean much. She will try anything at least once, especially on a dare. She also just has an insane pallete for space food. Meals on thanagar were really just anything slightly edible thrown into a trough, so anything that's cooked is fine dining. Also sometimes things that aren't cooked. Raw chicken is one of her favorite snacks - She likes to chew on (and eventually eat) the bones
Bruce - now we're reaching slightly normal human foods, but that doesn't mean Bruce's diet is normal. Honestly, he's just autismcore with a splash of "do rich people really eat that?". His schedule is so fucked he rarely ever has time for an actual meal, so mostly he eats what he can when he can. I have fully adopted the fandom canon that he eats shredded cheese right out of the bag. When he does eat a real meal, it's part of a carefully crafted food schedule developed over decades. He essentially has 31 meals, one for every day - a good mix of recognizable foods and "some guy I traveled the Amazon with made this for me in 1986".
Diana - we have now reached the "can cook" section. One caveat for Diana though, she has no idea how kitchen appliances work. If the oven isn't made of stone she may set something on fire. She's used to the best Themyscira has to offer, lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and elaborate feasts. She can't really manage a feast in her apartment, but she knows a good few meals, she eats well. However, she's often too busy to make her own food, so it's like 60% take out.
Clark - this boy eats three square meals a day no matter WHAT. If you sleepover with Clark there will be pancakes and eggs on the table by the time you wake up. He's just a big country boy, his ma taught him well and he uses it. He cooks for himself pretty much every day, the only exception being occasionally going out for lunch during work or picking up a hot dog from a cart (he loves them, no one can understand why).
John - John is your uncle that got really into meal prep. He is religious about his food intake, he only eats the best and has every meal scheduled like a month in advance. He picked up a few recipes from his mom, but he really just picked up a passion for cooking well at some point just to challenge himself. He also eats really healthy, he's known to occasionally go on some weird keto diet that everyone makes fun of him for. He's the kind of person who eats overnight oats. He lectures Wally about his eating habits daily.
So. That was a ridiculous amount thought and effort for a simple headcanon question. This is what they inside of my brain looks like 24/7 thanks got asking <3
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