#if i see any hate for said character I’m punting your ass into the sun
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I kinda like this photo I took. Kinda aesthetically pleasing.
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So me and my friends have a document of quotes that we have said or heard and I felt the need to assign quotes to the members of buccigang, maybe ill do la squadra next?
Anyways we are stupid and say stupid things there are more for certain characters because they fit, Bruno and Fugo don't have as many and none that I could find sounded like Trish but anyways here we are
Mista: Get fucked! ......Nevermind I'm getting fucked
"You can like women I guess but you're gonna be hella fruity at the same time" - god creating Mista probably
Mista: If you put your funds to buying guns you'll have less butter proportions
Mista: Sometimes the best medicine is a bullet in the brain
Mista: I'm very miscellaneous
Mista: you don't understand. They want to steal my cheezits
Mista: I'm sure Mr. Whisper played many a round of hopscotch in his youth
Mista: Mustard on a hot dog is just piss on your dick
Mista: Whatever you're going through is not more important than beans
Bruno: I will gladly take care of any crotch goblins you have, I love kids!
Bruno: I only know it was a bone cuz I licked it
Bruno: Astral projected my ass directly to 9 years ago for about 3 seconds
Bruno: Welcome to the mafia, if the depression doesn't get you, the others will
Bruno: I'm not sad I'm just concerned
Bruno: Sorry I can't hear you over the sound over me PAYING
Bruno: Which one of you piddled on the table
Bruno: If I cant have a cool dad!!! ILL BE THE COOL DAD!!!! *honk honk*
Bruno, upon meeting Abbachio: You're an alcoholic? That's pretty poggers
Abbachio: Giorno, I've only known you for a short amount of time and I am going to punt you directly into the sun
Abbachio: I am not above hate criming a child
Abbachio, about Bruno: he's just out here getting attached to other men
Abbachio: You're 70% water go drown in your bodily fluids
Abbachio: You wanna see jesus?
Abbachio, to Fugo: Can you not give me a virus
Abbachio: *incoherent mumbling for 12 minutes accompanied by loud ass music* I can't deal with this *mumbling continues for like 30 minutes*
Abbachio: Shut up grandma I'm gonna put you in the gadamn nursing home!
Abbachio: Ahhh it be the cockroaches up in this peace! Is he trying to kill me
Abbachio: I just came back from WhatTheFuckVille, population huh?? To hear yall talking about bug fuck
Fugo: I'm like a plague but I don't spread, I linger
Fugo: I want to charge into people and gore them
Fugo: you are 15 pounds of nothing
Fugo: Classy men don't eat doors
Fugo: I identify as a threat
Fugo: I was gonna beat you over pickles that weren't mine I hope you know that
Fugo: You and your 3 inch lightsaber are disappointing
Fugo: Im going to staple you to the ceiling fan
Giorno: I've harassed my therapist with moths
Giorno: why do you insist on assaulting me with fake fruit
Giorno: We're going to exploit capitalism and pay for the couples ticket when we're single
Giornio: maybe illegal activity is the way to go
Giorno: honestly i can tolerate capitalism when theres dragons and ritualistic sacrifice involved . but ONLY when dragons and ritualistic sacrifice are involved
Giorno: Date idea: plot to overthrow the government
Giorno: Sky daddy really fucked me in the parent department
Giorno: The boss smells like a sussy baka
Giorno: I’m a minor, I have a giant eagle advantage card
Giorno: Ice cream grew bones the day I did this
Narancia: I'm dumb and queer Bucciarati, all i need is caffeine and i'll be fine i'll be ready and willing and able to fistfight god and fuck the devil
Narancia: fuck Pythagoras, me and my homies hate Pythagoras
Narancia: I was fully ready to drop everything and believe Bucky Barnes was a sexy demon butler
Narancia: I share a lot of common interests with neurodivergent lesbians
Narancia: Oh, that’s oxygen?
Narancia: Mr. Whisper and the proclaimers played hopscotch together
Narancia: There’s a Snoop Dogg lego set?
Narancia: I'm about to break all known laws of aviation
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My exact reaction seeing this in my notifications:
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*playing RDR2 again*
*goes on date with Mary cause I enjoy her company*
*my music playlist on shuffle*
*better man by Taylor Swift plays*
*me yeehawing through tears*
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The Past That Haunts The Future
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Simon Ghost Riley x Fem Reader
Library 📚
Warnings:Mentions death, Angst and honestly just my writing in general.
This follows the CODM timeline so if you don’t play Cod Mobile, you may not know what I’m taking about. Also this will be a venting post, cause this part in Codm lore really messed me up. Like I was a puddle of despair after that comic strip.
You stood leaning up against the doorway, watching as he walked forwards. Even though he always wore some form of skull mask, you didn’t recognize this man at all.
“So you done yet. Feel better now?” You dismiss as he reaches for your shoulder.
“I had no choice. It had to be done.” He sighs
“What makes you think, that was a good idea?” You hiss
“I’m not having an argument with you right now. Come find me when you’re not in a pissy mood.” He huffs and storms off.
“What about Sophia? You mean to tell me, you not only killed Templar, but you left his daughter there to die as well!?” You yell after him.
He just kept walking and you just scoff.
“You promised him that Sophia would be safe if anything happened to him!”
The door to his room slams shut as you feel a stray tear slide down your cheek. Two hands clasp your shoulders and spin you around to pull you into a big hug.
“I’ll never understand what goes on in that pricks head, but I promise it’ll be alright.” Price says
Many years down the road, life had seemed to heal for some. Others were getting treated much worse and you pity them, but praised them as they kept going on despite life being against them.
Your relationship with Ghost never fully recovered, but it was probably for the best. He tried to repair the damage, but you both knew he never would.
That poor girl was always on your mind and you wondered if she managed to find safety or if she died with her father. You understood her pain, being a child only with a father who you watched as he was killed by someone who he thought he could trust. You can’t imagine the hatred boiling up inside her, poor girl had her life turned upside down, one of the ones that life was against unfortunately.
“I just heard that you were discharged. Man it really is as bad as Price said.” Soap’s accent fills the once quiet room.
“It’s because of that bastard ain’t it?”
“A whole bunch of things. I just can’t find it in me to focus anymore. That one mission, I almost killed Price cause I wasn’t thinking.”
“No that was on me. I misread the codes, you weren’t this issue, lass”
Although he tried to comfort you, it didn’t help at all. The once lively office, was as cluttered as your brain. It’ll soon be empty as you head off to enjoy what’s left to enjoy.
What’s left for one that life is against….
Call him creepy, but Simon kept tabs on you all the time. He hated himself for causing such turmoil within the group, but also within you. He saw your health go downhill and how you weren’t as alert as you used to be.
“First Mara, now y/n. God women are just dying to get away from you, huh?”
“Go fuck yourself, McTavish” he replied
“We’ll wait until you hear the information I just received from our little y/n”
A cold and dreary morning, you sat across from a familiar, yet so new face. You see those young eyes, but are thrown off by how she’s grown up. Short brown hair and a strong hatred in her eyes.
You seen the fallen knights mask attached to her belt as she sits across from you with arms crossed.
“We never really got to meet before, but I know who you are. Why you’re here now, but unfortunately I can’t help you with what you need. That’s not my life anymore.”
“I just want you to relay a message to him. Tell him that I’m coming for him and I will stop at nothing to finish what my father started.” She says before standing up and leaving.
“So you see, Simon. You, got a fan” Soap announced
“Oh great.” He huffs
He felt eyes on him and when he surveyed the crowd, his met the eyes of the past that haunts the future.
Sophia Couteau the daughter of the fallen
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Unpopular opinion, but I’d fight anyone who tried to step between me & giving them the love they deserve.
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Personally I really like Mary.
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What It’s Like
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Arthur Morgan x Mary Linton
Warnings: angst, mentions of death, mentions of abuse.
The sun shining down on the earth below, indicating that life was to wake up and enjoy a new day, but to one it still felt like a gloomy night. It was a harsh world for many, but no one seemed to pay attention to a woman dressed in clothes that were made for mourning.
She climbed the hill and stood in front of the high and mighty, but lonely grave of not just an old lover, but an old friend. One that would always have a special place in her heart, that no one would ever fill.
The sun was just touching down below the horizon when she returned home. Spent hours cleaning up his grave and planting new flowers to keep it looking lovely. A young boy ran up to greet his older sister, but stopped when the empty eyes met his own.
It was no surprise that he had meant a lot to her, he’d often curse his own father on ruining a happy relationship, but at the end of the day it was his sister that called off the engagement.
She walked right by him and up the stairs into her personal room to retire for the evening. Not even removing herself from the warmth of the bed when dinner was served, she lost her appetite.
It was no secret that their father was a bad man, for he’d constantly yell and threaten his children with every method he could come up with.
He stormed to town in a drunken fit as she sat at home, mending her brothers swollen cheek while ignoring her bleeding one. After he went to bed, she gathered their things and packed up a small wagon before waking her brother up.
Their father stumbled back to see what remained of the house after she set it ablaze. Wanting to burn the past to have a clear future, while also wanting to spin the hurt onto him for once. The collapsed building was nothing more than a pile of charred logs and any of his valuables, now greatly disfigured just like their trust.
It had been a year and Jamie worked on a ranch while she was still in a higher class society state of work. As the months went by, Jamie found love while she remained isolated from that word and feeling.
She was there for his wedding and watched as her brother got a chance to feel happy like she did once in her life. She remembered when he came home and said he was moving out to start a family with his new wife, so she said that he could have the house, since it was too big for one person.
She would live alone until one day, when she received word from Jamie that the good lord had finally answered their prayers and sent their father to hell. She smiled and announced she was taking time off to go on a trip.
Jamie bid farewell and after a week of travelling, she finally returned to that same cliff that the hardest part of her story would begin. The tears would fall as the old grave was destroyed by weather and neglect.
That wouldn’t do for her. To her, he deserved only the best. So she made sure that the grave was given a touch up and made to shine like his smile used to when they were young.
“I bet you’re happy, now that he’s in hell. Only I wish it was many years ago, back when we still had a chance.” She whispers to the open air that swirls through the loose strands of her hair.
Some days she has no idea how she’ll do it, but every single day it still gets done.
It seems as though, this afterlife was a new beginning as she stood facing the sunlight as it slowly rose from the horizon.
“Lovely, isn’t it?”
That voice was her favourite sound in the world, could listen to it forever.
“Always is.” She replied
Once again, she was gave an opportunity to be with someone she never really got to be with before. This time, there was no one to separate them and that was enough.
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