#if i’m gonna be completely honest i couldn’t care less about the elmikewill triangle i just want my favs to be happy lol but unfortunately
mayclair · 2 years
Isn’t too late to make Byler in season 5? There are only 8 episodes left and there’s no time for love stories but to fight Vecna. I hate this but i have to be realistic. Also it’s too late to make bi/gay the audience would be confused af.
hm idk honestly i would say yes but they rly Could do it as long as they write it well actually . will being confirmed as gay and mike being confirmed as bi even if by/ler doesn’t happen would be fun tbh + it would explain why mike didn’t write to will over those eight months when they were seperated and him being a douche bc of his conflicting feelings towards will . also it’s not like there hasn’t been buildup to it lol (all the s2 scenes “it’s not my fault you don’t like girls” etc) and it’s rly not about the confusion locals will take any ship the duffers give them like i’m so serious. just look at eddie/chrissy
now that’s my delusional feelings but the reality of the situation is that mi/leven is still there and the fact that they’ll have to break up to make by/ler happen which,,,,,,,, doesn’t sit right with me bc 1) if they were really pushing the whole “mike loves el el loves mike they’re in love” narrative and even using will as a plot device to further their relationship they would have literally no valid reason to break mike and el up last minute and 2) it is completely unfair to el’s character who has spent nearly every season in love with him . while you can argue that it’s first love and she’ll get over it no she won’t because mike was the first person to show her real and genuine kindness and love from that day in the woods until now. every other person who supposedly has been nice to her before him did it to manipulate and control her which is why i think they deserve a proper breakup where they see that they rly aren’t right for each other romantically and that their relationship would be better as platonic friends and definitely not because of mike’s feelings for will or whatever because the realization that el loved Another person who didn’t truly love her back in the same way she loved him would literally break her heart especially after mike’s monologue in s4 and i. really don’t want that because she doesn’t deserve that not after everything she’s been through
like if we had say two or more seasons i think it would’ve been possible 4 them to write all this in but if they have rly left it for the last season i just think it would be way too much drama between characters especially when idk there’s a huge big scary monster threatening to take over the world and snap ur bones and gauge ur eyes out but that’s just me. anyway all of this boils down to the duffers and they way they decide to write their season lol so there’s no way to say for sure
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