#if it's the case then i will add them later kfhsjdh
disobligingly · 6 years
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okay two things
1. hello people new(er?) to this blog! you may not know this, but i have been stuck on a bad connection for a long while now, and it really doesn’t like to let me load up blogs a lot of the time! this makes it difficult to check pages and the like, which is something i like to do (if someone isn’t a dash-only blog, of course) before i check out a blog as a whole more. sorry if that’s annoying, but i just wanted to note it so nobody takes my lack of immediate notice and whatnot as a dislike for/lack of interest in you.
2. here’s a list of muses available on this blog, because not all of them have proper pages yet and i really don’t feel like fighting Tungle as well as my connection to try and slap something together right now!!:
shin (dragonball)
porunga (dragonball)
ho-oh (pokemon; normal appearance as well as gijinka available to interact with (default is normal))
taifuu (monster hunter; pink rathian oc)
sukouru (monster hunter; elderfrost gammoth oc)
the judge/pablo (OFF)
ezylryb (guardians of ga’hoole)
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