#if it's v.olo i'd be okay with not seeing the outside for some days xD
alexcutecolly · 5 months
omg stuck on a v.olo idea & had to share where he swallows us down on mou.nt co.ronet when he loses the battle and tells us were his consolation prize instead of meeting a.rceus & he traces our bulge down his throat and tells us were so tasty and likes us squirming in his belly and rubs it and teases us but actually hed never gonna hurt us cuz he wants a nicer world after all & he got attached to us but he wants to take us with him & he’s grumpy now and this makes him feel better until he explains his story & we forgive him
he also heals our p.okemon that were hurt in the battle while were inside as a apology
cuz hes mad at how his plan went but he doesnt want us to go away & we cant spill his secret if were safe in his belly
v.olo uwu
ps its cute if he lets us out when were alone but if he goes to town he swallows us again and acts like he doesnt know where we are
pps i rly just like making excuses for v.olo to keep us in his stomach and rub his belly with us in there x3
Hello again dear v.olo uwu anon!
Warning: spoilers for P.okemon Legends: A.rceus below!
Dang, V.olo is pretty adamant here and goes straight to the point ngl xD it'd be cool to see that despite losing the battle and being very bitter about it, he still doesn't take his anger on us or blame us for his defeat 🥺 even though he basically eats us as a consolation prize, lmfao 😭😭
However, I guess it wouldn't be too bad after all? xD V.olo doesn't get what he wants, but he has us as friends, and we can understand how frustrated, desperate and lonely he must feel and have felt throughout the years ;-; even if I admit he'd be more controlling and possessive than usual, since he's making the decision of bringing us along without consulting us first :O especially if he's so afraid we might leave him and tell the others his secrets 🥺
So I feel like we could be squirming and struggling a lot when he's eating us, unless we really want to go with him and let him hide us from everyone else xD
Quite nice of him to heal our team, though!
Omg, being in and out of his stomach depending on where he is is quite funny tbh xD like he needs to go get some groceries from a village in another region, and he's like "It's tummy time for you!" and so we're swallowed again pretty fast xD and nobody would suspect a thing!
And maybe if we're very unwilling, we could squirm a lot and be a source of discomfort to him if we hear him talking to someone else, more specifically if he's explaining how he hasn't seen us in a while xD we'd most likely get only more tum time out of all these stunts, but inevitably we'd get used to it sooner or later, wouldn't we? xD
P.s. I personally love scenarios where he's keeping us inside him for more extended periods of time xD he's got the potential for it too, both with evil and sympathetic intentions x3 also we love a possessive twink (/lh) that just enjoys eating his friends so much, hehehe x3
I'd love to see more of your ideas if you've got some more, dear v.olo uwu anon! 💙
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