#if jensen wants to commit murder i will help him dispose of the bodies
I feel really bad for Walker, especially if they are trying to pander to the wincest/bibros crowd. Isn't Jared supposed to be playing the older brother and isn't the younger brother gay? I mean yikes. I feel bad for people trying to join the show with that crowd coming over from SPN
The gay brother is politically conservative :’)
I really think that the audience for Walker will be people who are hanging out at home with their television on whatever is playing at the moment, people who tune in for curiosity because they remember the Chuck Norris memes, and that crowd.
It’s possible they make very high numbers because of the nostalgia for the original show at the beginning, but it will not be easy for them to keep the high numbers up, I think. Not with their inability to have meaningful things done.i ned
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