#if my parents and in laws weren't there I would've walked out
arrowpunk · 1 year
Definitely experienced more blatant directed homophobia today than I probably ever have before so that's fun
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ransprang · 1 year
Christian Bale (OOC) x Fem!Reader
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Y/N and Christian Bale had recently gotten married, and her parents hated that. Christian and Y/N had been super clingy, and, to be honest, they felt he was a bit controlling. He would often ask her to do something, and Y/N would simply comply. Christian and she slept while hugging each other with their noses touching, and it turned out she couldn't sleep without him at all. To the extent that Y/N's parents noticed, the two would get upset even when leaving each other alone for a few hours. Her parents weren't sure, but maybe the main problem was that they were scared he would hurt her.
Recently they all had been invited to a party and y/n was super excited to go. Christian went out to buy her a sexy yet elegant dress of his choice that would make his beautiful wife glow. He gifted her the dress and y/n's eyes sparkled. She tipped toed up to kiss him and Christian wrapped his arms around her, as she melted into them. He deepened the kiss and groaned into her mouth as y/n pushed her chest against him. Christian looked at the clock and decided they both could be late...by alot. He pushed her onto the bed and got on top, he always loved being on top and restraining his little girl. Y/n moaned and tried to push against him but his sheer power turned her on. Y/n wrapped her legs around Christian's waist as he unzipped his pants and letting his thick pink cock free. He rubbed the tip before he slid it into y/n entrance. He began thrusting and as he caught speed he put his veiny hand over y/n neck and said "Say my name", but y/n moaned. He tightened his grip at her defiance, gritted his teeth as he pounded harder "say my name.", y/n looked at him "Christ...Christian". He loosened his grip and caressed her hair as he softened his thrusts "good girl, I like it when you listen to me". Y/n smiles back at him and closes her eyes in pleasure as she could feel his dick inside her as her husbands big arms held her down into place. As Christian neared climax he grunted and laid on top of y/n softly sliding in and out as they both laid chest to chest while he kissed his wife while releasing his warm cum inside of her. Y/n's parents happened to be invited too, as they waited out in the hall for their son in law and daughter to come with them they grew more and more agitated. They were already 30 minutes late, how could Christian be this irresponsible. Suddenly the room's door opened and both of them walked out, y/n was a bit nervous. Christian looks at her and said "head up high for me.." as y/n nodded and walked towards the front gate with pride. The drive was long and quiet as Christian sat with her in the back seat and caressed her hair, she was prettier to him than the view. She was his everything.
The party was lavish with many people, y/n separated from her husband to speak to other people. A while later a smaller group of people formed and a beautiful blonde woman with blue eyes, with the body of Pamela Anderson stood across and remarked "Chris, wanna have sex?", Christian looked visibly confused as y/n ears perked up. "I mean come on you're hot I am hot, lets do it. No one here will tell your silly little wife, I bet she's ugly". Everyone quickly realized that she did not know y/n was his wife and standing right next to her. Y/n's eyes were welling up but she held it together, Christian was visibly enraged with his hands in a fist. "Keep your filthy mouth shut." He said through his teeth, she looked a bit scared but nonchalant "oh please don't get worked up about this you know if you were unmarried you would've done me in seconds". When it came to y/n Christian knew no ethics he lunged forward to hit that woman, as a few of their mutual friends held him back in urgency. Y/n sprinted towards him and held his face "Christian look at me, you're not like this. you're better than this. Lets go". he calmed down at the sight of y/n and let it go instantly.
Christian held her hand tightly and stormed off towards the car holding onto the keys y/n's parents had passed to him. As they walked towards the door, her parents gave him a nasty look which said 'I knew you'd hurt our daughter one way or the other'. Christian disregarded it and as they reached the car opened the door to the back seat and rather aggressively pushed y/n in. He sat next to her and closed the door as he held her by the back of her head and kissed her passionately. He deepened it while pulling her closer and getting on top of her. "y/n let me make love to you", y/n hugged him tightly digging her nails into his back. "I love you Christian" as he made love to her and then calmly waited for her parents to say their goodbyes and drive them back home. She was his and he was hers and no one was to come in between them. Your Batman,
Admin Sav
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strideofpride · 5 months
I'm rewatching HOD again (such a comfort show) and thinking about george and annabeth again and how it's so perfect that annabeth was one of the very few people who was like "meh" about "golden boy" George Tucker then they fell in love :D if you have any more hcs about pre-series or pre-getting together george and annabeth please do share!! :D
Love any excuse to talk about them, thank you!
-for starters, I think they're probably the two members of the Yeehaw Six who have low key known each other the longest. Like I literally think George & AB have known each other since birth. We know both sets of parents were Auburn alums living in Bluebell - I bet even if they weren't close friends, they were still very friendly (also George's parents are THRILLED when he starts dating AB so).
-Like I bet their moms would meet up in town square once in awhile and walk them in their strollers together. I bet there were barbecue dinners where George & AB were forced to play together cause they were the same age (we know Harry is older - is AB's sister older or younger do we think?). Maybe there's even a very awkward shared toddler bath photo that Lemon somehow digs up for their (2nd) wedding reception.
-But despite the forced proximity, they are never friends. First, because they're at an age where they think boys & girls shouldn't be friends (the gender essentialism in Bluebell in the 80s must've gone crazyyyyyyyy). And later, cause they get on each other's nerves in a way only family friends can.
-Like when Lemon's all thirsting over George in high school, AB is just baffled. "Him? He's hot to you? I've seen him vomit up grape soda out of his nose while covered in barbecue sauce, trust me, he is so NOT hot". (It becomes a debate that gets the whole cheer team involved. AB sorely loses)
-Doesn't stop Lemon from trying to get them to get along though! (And now here is where I'll link my very first fic)
-I think they both probably went to Auburn (and without Lemon) and would occasionally cross paths and talk about Lemon, but again, they never became friends, this time mainly cause they had their own circles.
-AB moved back to Bluebell after college and married Jake but George went off to law school and then New York and their interactions became limited to the rare double date with Lemon when he was home.
-One of the things I think is really interesting about HoD is how disconnected the Yeehaw Six start off from each other, despite some old connections (mainly cause these old connections are kinda retcons lol). Like Wade & George are distant, AB & Lemon are distant. Lavon & Lemon are on the outs and he seems to barely know George and AB (which makes sense considering he would've been four grades ahead of them).
-So anyway my headcanon for all of that is George coming back from New York was like a bomb. Golden Boy was back. So Lemon broke things off with Lavon. AB had to contend with Lemon, who had already been distant the past six weeks (what was going on there?), becoming even more distant, as she threw herself into an engagement with George. And Wade was finally feeling settled in a way (as much as he could at that point). He got a day job at the Rammer Jammer and he moved into Lavon's gate house and things were looking up but now Golden Boy is back and he's bringing back fifteen years of Wade's resentments with him.
-Anyway, anyway, back to George & AB - one of the most important lines to me of their courtship is "I know you, George Tucker!" Because like, even though those two barely interact the entire series until their arc, AB has his number pegged from the jump. And that, to me, is evidence of some life long connection, the kind you can only have from knowing someone forever, since when they were not even really a person yet.
-So yeah, that's a very important part of why I like them, cause it's all about two people who have known each other forever finally seeing each other in a new light <3
-And, yes, AB being George's one love interest who's "meh" about the Golden Boy thing is also very important, because it allows her to see him as a person and not a saint. And that's what real love is babey!!!
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skzhocomments · 1 year
Broken hearts can heal - Choi Minho SHINee Fanfic - Chapter V - An oddly familiar feeling
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Story masterlist - please consult it for the summary of the story, trigger warnings etc.
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AO3 link
Chapter IV / Chapter VI
Chapter V - An oddly familiar feeling
word count: 2.5k words
Life went on, and you found the world so cruel for moving at the same speed without Kibum walking on it. The days went by, and you were now 2 weeks away from your due date.
While Taemin and Jinki moved back to their apartments, Minho decided to still stay with you and take care of all your needs, especially with the due date so close. He didn't want you to be alone, in case anything happened, and the doctor advised you during the last visit to lay low anyway.
One day, though, that false sense of peace you started to get used to got abruptly interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Mari? It's good to see you! Come on in." Minho exclaimed, opening the door. You recognised the young girl from a picture Kibum showed you a while back. She was his cousin, and you vaguely remember speaking to her at the funeral, but the memory from those days was so blurry, you weren't even sure anymore.
Mari didn't seem so happy to see Minho or you, though. She looked pale, and she avoided eye contact at all costs, even when the three of you sat down at the table in the living room.
"What brings you here?" Minho smiled, trying to strike up a conversation.
"I... I don't even know... how I can tell you this. I've never felt more ashamed... and... if Kibum were here... he would've never forgiven this..." Mari started, looking down at her hands and fidgeting.
"Mari, what's wrong?" Minho frowned.
"It's okay. You can tell us..." You looked unsure at Minho, who also didn't know what was happening.
Mari hesitantly pulled out a small envelope from her bag and handed it to you, her hands shaking badly.
"I'm so sorry." She burst out crying. "I... I tried to talk them out of it, but... no one is listening to me... all they want is money... his money." She cried and cried, and as you opened the envelope, your heart stood still.
Eviction notice was written in red, bold letters at the top of the page.
Eviction notice
This notice is sent to Miss Lee Da-Eun, referred to as "Tenant".
Property Address: XXXXXXXXX
The tenant is hereby notified that, in accordance with the laws, the tenant has 30 days to evacuate the property after receiving this notice.
Date of receival:
Tenant signature:
"Mari... what is this supposed to mean?" Minho asked with a frown, almost snatching the paper out of your hands.
You started trembling. No way you were getting evicted out of the apartment 2 weeks before giving birth.
How are you even going to find a new place in two weeks?
"Da-Eun, please forgive me!" Mari cried and stood up, kneeling down on the floor in front of you. "Kibum hasn't updated his will... and since both his parents passed away, my dad is the next in line to his estate. He... didn't leave anything... for you... and my dad doesn't want you staying in here for free!" She cried hard.
Both you and Minho stood silent. You couldn't believe what you were hearing.
Of course Key didn't update his will. He didn't expect to pass away on the day he was to get married. No one did.
"What... kind of nonsense is this, Mari?" Your words almost stopped in your throat choking you, but you kept going. "I get it. We didn't get married, so I don't deserve anything. But his child?!" You asked, not even bothering to raise your voice. It was pointless to take your anger out on Mari, who was just caught in the middle of this. "Please stand up and sit back down in your chair." You stood up yourself and placed your hand on her shoulder.
"I tried to reason with my parents, Da-Eun. I told them... what would Kibum think? They don't care. They just want money." She sat in the chair and Minho gave her a tissue box. "They said they would let you stay here... if you paid them rent."
"Rent?" Minho asked, baffled. "Pay rent to live in her home? Seriously? How much?"
Mari hesitated "... they want 4000$ monthly, and they want you to sign a lease for at least 12 months if you choose to stay..."
"That's... wow." Was all you could say. You didn't ask for anything from Kibum's wealth, you didn't want his money. But still, being kicked out of the apartment you shared with him? You didn't see that one coming.
People are greedy, and they would kick you when you're down, apparently. Even people who were supposed to become your family.
"What if we contest the will?" Minho spoke.
"They thought about that as well, and Da-Eun will obviously make a claim, but my parents' lawyer assured them it's going to take a while until paternity is proven, it would be a low priority case, and... it will take years until you get something from them. I would sue them, though. And Da-Eun, if you need help... call me. I will do anything I can... and I'm really sorry."
You stayed seated at the table while Minho escorted Mari out, and your thoughts became big, scary dark clouds.
"Hey." Minho petted your back, bringing you out of your head.
"Yea?" You asked, your voice hoarse. It was hard to not start crying, but it felt like all you did these past weeks was sob. It was time to be strong. Stronger.
"That was... crazy." He affirmed, sitting down next to you and placing his arm on your shoulders, taking you into a side hug.
"Yea. Wow. I don't even know what to say..."
"I can't believe they'd do that to their own family."
"Well, we technically weren't family, so..."
"Just legally. You were getting married the same day he..." Minho stopped himself, not seemingly able to continue his thought.
"Yea. Anyways, not much to do about this."
"We'll sue them. Your child deserves Key's money."
"Fuck them. Right now I have to start looking for a place to move, I guess. I can't pay 4k per month just to stay here. I'm not even sure if I want to stay here. I feel suffocated, and it's so painful to have memories in every corner of this house." You chuckled bitterly. "Maybe getting evicted is a blessing in disguise." You joked, but it was obviously not true.
You had some money saved up, but how long would that last you without working? A year? 6 months? Even less?
And then what?
"Why don't you come live with me, then?" Minho asked, your head shooting in his direction. He seemed serious.
"I have enough space for you two, my apartment's in a nice neighbourhood, and I'll be able to be around."
"You know I can't." You frowned.
"Why not? You would love the place. I'll be able to take care of the baby too..." He tilted his head, not understanding why you seemed so against the idea.
"Minho... I said it before... after the first doctor's appointment we've been to together. You don't have any obligations towards us."
"I do, though." He frowned this time. "Morally, I could never let you struggle alone with Kibum's kid, Da-Eun."
"But you also have your own life to worry about. What, are we going to live and raise the baby together? What if you meet someone?"
"Let's be serious, I haven't met someone in 32 years, do you think that's going to change?" Minho chuckled.
"You never know. It might." You shrugged. "What's going to happen then, will you kick us out to the curb as well? I can't go through that twice, and it's not fair on my baby, Minho." You looked straight into his eyes.
"I would never kick you out."
"That's what I thought this time around too. Still, my so-called 'family' did so in a heartbeat. You can't blame me for wanting to be careful. When you eventually meet someone, we'll just become a burden to you, and I never want my child to... experience that." You felt your eyes tear up, but still kept your composure.
"Da-Eun, what I'm going to say might be crazy..." Minho hesitated and let out a big breath you didn't know he was holding.
"... I'm listening." You urged him to continue.
"You said... that time, in the car... that you couldn't believe your son will grow up without a father..."
You nodded.
"I thought about it... a lot."
"And?" You asked, almost in a whisper. "What is there... to think about?"
"I just... I also can't believe that. And... I don't want that."
You tilted your head, not understanding where he was going with it.
"Da-Eun... what if we got married? Let me be your son's father." He proposed, looking into your eyes. You were in shock.
"What... do you mean, Minho? How could we..."
"That piece of paper would give you all the assurance you need that I would never kick you out, and that your son will always have someone there for him... Let's get married, and I will sign the birth certificate, too."
"I can't be that selfish..." You shook your head.
"No. You don't get it. I'd be the selfish one in this scenario, Da-Eun. I want... I want to raise him in Kibum's place. I want to give him the best life. Please... let me do that. Please." Minho begged, and you couldn't believe what you were hearing.
"If we do that, we won't be able to contest Kibum's will..." You contemplated for a bit.
"Hmm... then we won't contest it. It's not like we'd need any more money."
"What about your public image? Your career? What about what everyone will say about my child, about me, about you?"
"Fuck them. I don't care. I will protect that child at all costs and fight anyone for him."
"That's... when are we even supposed to get married, Minho? It's crazy." You shook your head again.
"I know. I know it's fucking crazy. I just... I want to adopt him, and I don't see any other way to do so without getting married to you, Da-Eun. I know I'm asking for a big thing here, and I don't want to overstep."
Minho was right. You could decide any day that you don't want this life and move away with your baby, never seeing anyone ever again. If you got married to Minho and allowed him to sign the birth certificate, he would have as many rights to your child as you did. If you ever got divorced, you would have to split custody of your child.
That was scary.
But on the other hand, growing up in this country without a father was a recipe for getting bullied to oblivion and going through a hard time, as much as you hated to admit it. Regardless of the reason, single mothers aren't respected, so your child wouldn't be either. Having Minho be his father would guarantee a good life in this aspect and especially financially wise. God knows how many shifts you worked to be able to afford just a year of university, and how many more you still needed to in order to go through your plans of not working while in Uni.
Well, those plans are also out the window as soon as your child comes. You can't raise a child alone and go to Uni, not working at all.
Marrying Minho would mean you wouldn't have to do it by yourself, at least. He would be your safety net.
"Look, Da-Eun, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. We don't have to get married-"
"Don't backtrack now." You looked into his eyes with resolve, for you already made a decision. As long as your baby would have a guaranteed chance to grow up happy, you would marry anyone.
"What?" He looked back at you, confusion plastered all over his face.
"Minho, you either want this or you don't. There's no room for uncertainty. For the sake of my child, I will get married to you, and I will let you be his father. But that means you can't doubt this decision. Ever. And I won't, either."
"Okay... okay!" He stood up and started pacing around the room. "Okay, let's get married. Tomorrow."
"Tomorrow? How are you even going to..."
"Tomorrow." Minho confirmed, then left the house in a rush.
Next day came way sooner than expected, and you woke up with a big headache. Minho informed Taemin and Jinki of your decision, so they offered to come get you while Minho brought his parents, all of them going to act as witnesses in the City Hall when you sign your marriage papers.
Everything felt oddly familiar to last time, but you didn't feel nervous, or excited. You didn't feel anything. You didn't bother going to get your hair and make-up done. You simply put on some foundation to hide your tiredness and topped the look with a nude lipstick. You let your hair down, only brushing it, and you weren't sure what to wear. You dreaded opening your closet and seeing the dress you wore almost two months ago when you were supposed to marry Kibum. Seeing it brought back all the 'what could've been's.
You put on a casual long white dress, and a coat to shelter you from the bad January weather.
Taemin and Jinki showed up, and as usual, Taemin just showered you in compliments as soon as he saw you. Then, you got in the car, but contrary to last time, you didn't sing anything. The boys joked around a bit, but you couldn't focus on them. You were lost in thought.
Is this really the best decision? You frowned, thoughts clouded by doubts.
What if anything happened to Minho this time? Maybe you were cursed or something.
Maybe he'd get into an accident too.
Maybe you were destined to raise your child alone and you just didn't get the hint the first time around.
Of course, those thoughts were stupid, and nothing happened. He and his parents were already there when you arrived. He introduced you to them and his mother hugged you tightly and gave you a beautiful flower bouquet made for a bride. His father welcomed you into the family and told you how excited he was to become a grandfather. You wondered if that's how parents' love feels like.
It was surprising that Minho managed to get an appointment here in less than a day. You were guided to a private room and the clerk handed you some papers to sign, which you did.
"You may now kiss." He said, and Minho cupped your cheeks. You closed your eyes as you saw his face coming closer, and just before your lips touched, he placed his thumb on your lips and kissed it instead. To everyone, it looked like you two kissed.
But you didn't.
Still, the boys and his parents applauded and congratulated you.
It hurt.
You were supposed to be married to Kibum by now.
You didn't even get the chance to get to this point with him.
Am I doing the right thing? You wondered again, but shook the thoughts away and smiled as Minho placed a wedding ring made of gold on your finger.
You took a picture together, and you smiled.
All you wanted to do was cry.
Still, you smiled for the picture, posed happily with his family, your family now, hugged the two other men and tried not to think.
Thankfully, Minho's parents had a prior appointment, and you weren't forced to go to lunch with them. Instead, you got home and started packing.
You moved out of Kibum's apartment that same day.
Chapter IV / Chapter VI
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sankta-starkova · 1 year
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previous chapter | masterlist
summary: the one where harlow kaz realised that the world was going to end but she decided to try and save it with the people that she cared about, no matter what it takes
wordcount: 1.4k
a/n: this is an alternate ending cassian and Harlow died last chapter but this is imagining what would've happened.
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Harlow looked in the mirror as she finished her makeup, a hand reaching for the necklaces on the table.
She had stacks of them now. So many memories that needed to be remembered, so many tragedies that needed to be told.
One from her parents, one from Nemik, one from marrying Cassian, one from surviving Scarif, one from the end of the war and one for their son.
When the war had ended and they were both free to do whatever they wanted, so they moved to Coruscant, to a nice apartment.
She had gotten a job as one of the coruscnt senators, she specialised in the outer rim and improving their conditions - just like Nemik would have wanted.
Cassian was working at a school, teaching the soldiers to fight and how to look after themselves because even though the war was won, there were still imperialists everywhere.
After they were married officially and had settled in, Cassian had been the one to convince her to have a child.
He had always wanted a family and she was scared but the second that she held him in her arms, she knew that there was no need to be scared anymore.
They had named him Jyron Karis Andor, after his grand father, Jyn, and her best friend. He was a small child, with his father's face and his mother's spirit.
At only six months old, the two shared turns in looking after him while the other was at work but they both cherished the time they spent with each other. 
She finished her look, pulling her coat on over herself to get ready to leave and she left their bedroom, ready to find Cassian.
She looked at a collage of pictures of their little family on the main wall as she walked back, a smile on her face as she was reminded of everythinf they had won.
It was nice to be a normal family for once seeing as they both grew up in turmoil. Jyron was going to have everything they never had.
Harlow walked through the halls when she heard a noise in Jyrons room. She would always be paranoid after everything she's been through, alway worried, always vigilant.
With a hand on her knife which was always concealed in her senators outfit, she approached the room. She let out a sigh of relief when she saw that it was just Cassian hovering over the baby, a smile on his face.
She leant against the doorframe, his back turned to her as he reached a hand into the bassinet.
He whispered something in his native language before shaking his head, lifting him out and placing him in his arms, bouncing him up and down slightly.
"Don't you cry, nothing gonna hurt you here," he said, voice quiet as he probably believed Harlow to still be asleep, "Daddy's always gonna protect you, always,"
She smiled to herself, trying not to cry as she looked at the scene but the second she moved, her foot squeaking on the floorboards, Cassian whipped around, one hand going to hide blaster.
But when he realised it was just his wife, he calmed down, hand coming back up to support Jyron.
He smiled, looking her up and down in her white senators outfit. It was always weird seeing her like that, like she would have been if she had never joined the rebellion.
"Was he crying?" She asked, taking a few steps forward so she could gently rub her hand over her sons back.
"A little, I thought you weren't meant to go in for a few more hours," he questioned and she sighed.
"Yeah, I know," Harlow said, shaking her head, "Leia needed me in, there's been a dispute over the new anti slavery laws in the outer rim, that's my duty so I'm going in early,"
He nodded his head, beckoning his wife into the room. She walked in and he handed the little boy off to her.
He would never be tired of the sight of her rocking their son back and forth, a smile on her face as she brushed the pad of her thumb over his skin.
"You're gonna be good for daddy till I get back aren't you?" She said, voice quiet as she pressed a kiss to his forehead.
When she looked up at the clock, he cursed her job for making her leave and she placed the baby back back in the bassinet.
She walked out of the room with Cassian as they listened to the little boy fall back into his slumber and as soon as the doors closed, Cassian reached for his wife, pulling her to his chest. 
With one hand he reached up and touched the necklaces around her neck. The more you had, the more you had suffered in life and he couldn't imagine the heavy weight she carried.
"Thank you," he said, letting his hand drop back to her hips.
"For what?" Harlow questioned, her brows furrowed but a smile still present on her face.
"For this life, for him, you've given me everything I've ever wanted," he said.
Harlow shook her head, a sad smile on her face, "You saved us on Scarif, if it wasn't for you we never would've gotten off. You gave us this life," she said, a hand coming up to rest on his cheek.
They had both grown with the war, having been born into it and having won it. It showed on their faces, the exhaustion, the scars, the occasional vacant look in their eyes, the tears.
But they were both able to stand here and know that they had given everything to save this world.
There were people they wished could be here, Maarva, Nemik, Clem, Jyn, Melshi. But everyone played their part in saving the galaxy.
"I think we both won this life Cass," she said, leaning in to kiss him.
No matter how many times she kissed him, she'd always cherish it because she knew that any moment this could be taken away.
She pulled away and he just pulled her right back into the kiss, pulling her closer to him.
"Easy Andor, you don't want to end up with another baby," she joked, pulling away again, her hands on his chest.
He smiled at her, forehead pressing against hers, "Would that be so bad?" He teased.
"I think so, we both had siblings and we saw how that turned out," she joked, "You don't know where yours is and mine tried to kill me multiple times,"
He shook his head, pulling away to look at her, "Maybe in the future," he said and she pushed away from him, looking in the mirror to see if her makeup was smudged.
In the mirror, she saw Cassian wiping lipstick from his lips and she smiled, heat rushing to her cheeks, "In your dreams Cassian," she said, eyes meting through the mirror.
He smiled to her, leaning down and pressing a kiss to the exposed skin on her neck, "You're always in my dreams Senator Andor," he said.
She chuckled, turning around and pushing him away slightly. She started to walk away and he followed her, closing their sons bedroom door behind him.
"Remember Brasso is coming round for dinner tonight," Cassian said, handing her an umbrella.
"Of course, tell the mayor of Ferrix that I would love to talk to him about the positive changes our bill has made on the planet," she said, a smile on her face.
After all these years, 6 years after they blew up the death star, they had never lost touch with the people who had gotten them there or the people who weren't able to be there.
"I never thought I'd see you like this," he said, a smile on his face.
Her brows were furrowed as she looked at him, "Like what?" She questioned.
"A politician," he said. She chuckled and shook her head.
"I was always very political when we were in the rebellion," She said, a smile on her face, "And anyway, once I've got this sorted out, hopefully in 3 years, we can move somewhere nice where we don't have to worry about this,"
"I know, I know," he said before pressing a kiss to her cheek,"Be safe yeah,"
"When have i not been?" She joked, pulling her coat over her shoulders, "I love you Cass,"
"Love you too Harlow, don't be late," he said, watching as she walked out of the door.
"You sound like your mother," she called back, a huge smile on her face as she looked back at him.
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valenshawke · 1 year
For all TWO (maybe THREE) of you in the Law & Order fandom.
A review of Law & Order, Season 22, episode 22...
This episode left me absolutely frustrated.
We got a manhunt, a red herring, and a chase in the first 20 minutes!
I feel like the assassination of a United States Senator was, again, way too big for the show. You'd think the FBI would be involved? I mean, even Jack and the NYPD Commissioner being on the phone with the US Attorney General would have been NICE, maybe having a bit of an argument about jursidiction would have helped.
I was skeptical about the cop-half being done in 20 minutes and… my skepticism was right.
Things I can appreciate: The increased screentime for Sam Waterston, who was allowed to show his acting chops this particular episode. He did a hell of a job as usual. The pain on Jack's face was palpable at the end.
The casting of Katherine Waterston as his daughter? Also really appreciate.
It's hard saying who this episode was written for becaause, unless you watched the series prior to the revival, and followed Jack's life through the bits of info that were peppered in, the hostility between the McCoys was too implicit? What we know about Jack is: While he certainly wasn't abusive like his own father, he probably wasn't as involved or emotionally available as a parent because he was so career-driven (and let's not forget the three other relationships he had with his assistants that did not lead to marriage). This was probably severely exacerbated when Jack and Ellen got divorced. Could I see Jack absolutely prioritizing a case over his daughter's dance recital or soccer game? Yeah. And let's be real, I'd imagine the types of cases Jack handled probably wore him out emotionally as well.
So, I loved the acting and conflict between the McCoys and the Waterstons did a great job ACTING. But the writing…
First of all, I cannot suspend my disbelief that Rebecca would talk to Jack and ASK Jack for a favor regarding a case where they are on opposite sides. Okay, Jack McCoy was not the paragon of good and ethical behavior, but he's the DA now. Her going through Price? Yeah, I think that's fine. Second, why would she think her dad would cut her any kind of break in this case. A UNITED STATES SENATOR WAS ASSASSINATED?! Her anger at her own father really clouded her legal judgment. I was really kind of hoping for an "Under the Influence" moment where she realizes just how ineffectual she was and ask for a mistrial or something. But nope.
Second of all, Price needs to be fired. That Man 1 Plea would have gotten Jack tossed from office so fast. If your legal judgment is clouded for personal reasons because you witnessed the immediate aftermath of a mass shooting… maybe you shouldn't be prosecuting the case (I miss Cutter).
What's frustrating is this episode had a real chance to be good and the acting was great. It's just the writing, like the entirety of this revival, has rarely ever matched the level of the acting the cast can bring.
I got SO frustrated while watching this episode I started writing snippets of dialogue about how Michael Cutter would've handled this case in Discord DMs with my best friend (we watch the show as it airs).
Jack & Mike talking after arraignment.
Cutter: Has your daughter talked to you about the case? Jack: … Cutter: Jack, I gotta subpoena you. Jack: What the hell are you talking about? Cutter: If she approached you, ex parte for anything, that shows a conflict of interest in this case and it's easier to remove her as a defense attorney than argue for a change of venue.
Now let's say that didn't working and the hearing goes against the state, Mike and Rebecca talking in the court after the judge has ruled.
Rebecca: What the hell are you doing, Cutter? Cutter: Trying to protect your father. Seems to be I'm the only one trying around here. *walks away*
Cutter cross-examining Quinn. Yes, this is badgering but that's like… normal for the show.
Cutter: You weren't in your right mind? Why did you turn to run? Quinn: I don't know. Cutter: Why did you run to the park, then change direction and blend into the city? Quinn: I don't know. Cutter: Why did you wait the night to come back, when no one was around, for your car? *plays video* Quinn: I don't know! Cutter: *Pauses video of him getting into car* Looks to me like you knew exactly what were you to try to evade capture. Quinn: I STILL GOT CAUGHT! Cutter: Only because you're not a pro. But isn't that the point, Mr. Quinn. That these weapons *holds up gun* can make even the most amateur individual an assassin? Isn't this what you fought against? Isn't this why you became a gun control activist? Rebecca: OBJECTION Cutter: Withdrawn! Nothing further.
Cutter's closing argument, partial.
Cutter: Mr. Quinn's anger is justified, yes. His trauma is valid, yes. But that doesn't not give him the right to kill someone in cold blood. At the end of the day, he was an angry man. Angry at the world. Angry at that the society that wronged and failed him. Valid feelings or not… isn't this the basic motivation of every mass shooter the last 30 years. Isn't this what Mr. Quinn's crusade as a gun control activist supposed to stop? I can't think of any bigger perversion of one's crusade than becoming what you fight against. You can have empathy, for Mr. Quinn. You can sympathize for him and regret the pain he feels. You can feel angry at the government, at society, at the NRA. But what about empathy for Senator Chandler's family. His daughter? Who saw her father gunned down… at her own wedding. Are we supposed to ignore the pain of the victims? Mr. Quinn certainly felt people were ignoring his pain, like many mass shooters have… and like many mass shooters, he turned outward and inflicted it on everyone else. And that… is not diminished capacity. That is not mental defect. That is not, "I don't know." This was planned. He had time to think about it. To realize his own anger might make him do something terrible… and still went ahead with it. And tried to hide after he killed a man in front of his own daughter. That's murder, plain and simple.
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torisaysyeet · 2 years
I used to have a dog.
TRIGGER WARNING: Explanation of graphic injury resulting in pet death.
I had a dog before I went into college. He was a Chihuahua-Dachshund-Corgi mix that my parents adopted for me and my siblings when I was in 7th/8th grade. I remember the day I came home to him. My mom picked me up from volleyball practice or a home game and said there was a surprise at home. I guessed what it was before we got there.
We'd seen my dog, Harley, with his litter at a family friend's house during a birthday party a few weeks/months before. He was still so tiny, but I can't remember if he really was the runt of his litter. Such a beautiful tri-color mix that looked like a collie. He had perfect eyebrows and everything.
I took care of him the most between me and my siblings that were still at home. I loved that little dog with my whole heart. My sister didn't really bother, and my brother hated taking care of him, so I took on that responsibility. I trained him. I walked him, fed him, bathed him, brushed all the knots out of his long hair.
In the years after adopting him, he became my baby, my boy. When I had my bed on the floor or slept on the couch, he would cuddle with me until I fell asleep. When he couldn't reach my bed, I listened to him fall asleep. He slept in my room, no matter what.
When I realized that I was going to have to live on campus when I went to college in a non-pet dorm, I was heartbroken. I was curled up in a corner sobbing and holding him. I wasn't ready to give him up. But I couldn't do anything because I didn't know how to register an emotional support animal, which would've allowed him to live with me on campus. He wasn't able to be a service animal because I didn't need one, and was likely too old to be trained for that.
I would've left him with my parents but they were both working in construction and wouldn't have the energy to care for him and entertain him properly. I reached out to family friends first, asked any of my classmates who weren't allergic or didn't have allergic family members. My oldest brother didn't have time and space, along with having a dog that was aggressive to other males.
My last option was my sister, who had estranged herself from the family fairly well at this point. We didn't talk much, but she was fully willing to take in Harley. She had 3 kids at the time, and Harley was great with kids.
A year later. One year.
My mom takes me outside and sits me down. She's just heard news about my dog from my cousin, who was still in contact with my sister at the time. Harley was dead. I didn't receive a phone call from my sister, her husband, or my brother that helped bury him. I could at the time understand my sister and her husband, they were both estranged. But my brother? He had my phone number, knew I was out of school at the time. I would've answered even if I was busy at work.
What I heard was that he had been stolen from their new backyard after moving house, harmed in some way that I've mentally blocked, and strangled with barbed wire. They supposedly found him dead behind the town's fire department.
I no longer believe this story one hundred percent.
Harley had quirks. He was a weird dog sometimes. And a family with 3-4 kids, fresh off a move, tension and stress at an all time high for everyone? I'm thinking he bit one of the kids. I think this set off my sister's husband, who was already a shitty human being to begin with.
I think my brother in-law took my dog out late at night, and murdered him. Then cooked up a story about him getting stolen. My brother wouldn't know the actual story unless they told him, which I doubt. It's possible my sister could be convinced he was stolen. My cousin wouldn't know at all.
They refused to bury him near me. They refused to let me see him one last time. And at the time I was so distressed that I didn't even think to demand cremation so I could have his ashes with me at all times. Even a tiny jar would've been good for me.
So, dear Brother In-Law of mine. I wonder if now, almost 3 years later, you would be able to tell me the truth, in full. Was Harley really stolen from your backyard? Or did he get on your nerve and instead of doing something rational, you killed him.
0 notes
elenarodriiguez · 2 years
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yellow and blue striped shirts | n.n. & c.s.
summary: normally work is terribly boring and if it weren't for darcy, nick would've quit weeks ago. but if that were the case, he wouldn't have met a very distressed but insanely cute charlie spring trying to find his younger brother.
pairing: nick nelson x charlie spring
word count: 1595
read it on ao3
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The one thing that they never truly tell you about university is how bloody expensive it is. Nick was lucky in a lot of regards: his mum earned far less than his dad and since he lived with her, he got a lot more student loans than some of his mates did.
However, living in Leeds isn’t as cheap as he’d thought it would be. Between paying for student accommodation, keeping on top of his car payments, and financing the ridiculous amount of compulsory excursions for his fieldwork modules, he’s lucky if he has enough money to get his shopping for the week.
And seeing as the SU wasn’t hiring at the moment - probably the only time that has ever been the case - here he was, spending his evenings and weekends wearing the most obnoxious yellow and blue striped shirt known to mankind. It wasn’t all bad, he’d made a great friend in Darcy, his work spouse, and had actually been reunited with an old school acquaintance in their girlfriend, Tara.
Of course, he could certainly do without working four days of the half term week. There was nothing worse than trying to avoid little kids running amok while their parents let them burn off energy in an enclosed environment. All the while you’re trying to avoid causing serious harm to them, by errant furniture or otherwise, in fear of one of their parents ripping your head off.
And so when he sees a flash of black hair zoom past him at the speed of light, he thinks very little of it, simply sending Darcy a look of despair which they reciprocate. However, what he doesn’t expect to see minutes later is a much taller messy head of hair jogging up to him, seeming to be on the verge of a breakdown.
“Hi, sorry to bother you, have you by any chance seen the devil incarnate in the body of a eight year old pass by?” The boy pants, bending over in an attempt to try and catch his breath.
“You should stand upright.” Nick says dumbly, cursing himself for saying it even if he does get a proper look at the curly haired boy’s hazel eyes. “Bending over like that only makes the breathlessness worse. As for your question, quite possibly, is he your brother or something?”
“At the moment, I’m leaning towards ‘or something.’ I’m so sorry to ask, I know you’re probably like super busy but my mum will kill me if I lose him, would you mind helping me find him?”
“Not at all, come on, he can’t have gone too far.” Nick says, gesturing for the boy to follow him.
They wander through the kitchen segment, introducing themselves to one another, Charlie softly smiling at him, showing off a set of dimples that would be making Nick swoon if he had time to dwell on the matter. Every now and then they call out Ollie’s name, not wanting to garner too much attention in case Charlie’s parents hear.
From there they walk into the lounge area, Nick secretly glad that Ollie hadn’t decided to make a pit stop here, and the bathroom design room, Charlie’s strides increasing in speed as they struggle to find his brother. In order to distract him, Nick starts asking him questions about everything but his brother, doing his best to stave off a panic attack.
“So, what brings you to Leeds? Not being funny but you don’t exactly sound like you’re local.”
“Neither do you really. Maybe a tinge of the Yorkshire accent but nothing major. I’m actually here for an offer holder day at Leeds, if all goes well I should be starting a law degree here. Mum and Dad just thought it’d be a good idea to let Ollie loose in Ikea since we don’t have one in Herne Bay.”
“No way. That’s so weird.”
“I’m sorry?” Charlie says, his apology hesitant and full of confusion.
“You say that a lot. No, it’s just, I’m from Herne Bay too. I’m a first year, although I’m not doing anything smart like bloody law.”
Charlie’s cheeks flush pink and he mutters under his breath about how he isn’t that smart, before asking Nick where he went to school. As it turns out, while Charlie went to Truham, Nick had gone to St. Johns on a rugby scholarship, something which Charlie takes great pride in equal parts gawping at and making fun of. They both are so wrapped up in their own little worlds that they hardly notice the pintsized torpedo sprinting in their direction and latching onto Charlie’s legs at a breakneck speed.
“Oof.” Charlie huffs out, moments later hefting his brother onto his hip without any issue, much to Nick’s silent appreciation. “Ollie, what did Mum and Dad say before they left us?”
“¡No huyas sin Charlie! Lo sé, lo sé, pero vi a este niño con este peluche de tiburón súper genial, y quería encontrarlo antes de que Mamá pudiera decir que no.” Ollie rattles off, sounding more like an unintelligible babble than anything else to Nick.
“Okay, that’s great and all, but you still ran off without me. Tell you what, let’s ask my new friend Nick here, who was helping me try to find you, if they have a shark toy that you can get Dad to buy you. Nick?”
It’s as if Ollie has just noticed him and his brother weren’t alone, as his eyes go wide and Nick can see briefly his face flush bright red before he hides his face in his older brother’s shoulder. He’s a sweet kid, if a little shy, and the fact that Charlie obviously knows Spanish well enough to understand his brother gives Nick ideas he shan’t be entertaining in front of present company.
“We should have a bunch, come on, there’s a shortcut this way, and then we can get you back to your mum and dad, does that sound good?”
Ollie nods hesitantly, not shifting from his position clinging to his older brother, and Charlie simply lets out a resigned sigh before motioning for Nick to lead the way, mouthing his thanks over his brother’s head. The walk to the children’s department is fairly quiet, although he doesn’t miss Ollie’s loud whisper asking Charlie if Nick was his boyfriend.
Nick freezes momentarily, eyes wide and praying that any deity out there would be swift and merciful with his demise, however Charlie laughs it off, informing his brother that just because he’s gay and has made friends with a guy doesn’t mean they’re dating. He references a couple guys whose names are, unsurprisingly, brand new to Nick, but Ollie nods and sighs with more disappointment than should be possible in a child that small.
As they get to the bin filled to the brim with the desired shark toy, Ollie squirms in his brother's arms until he drops to the floor rather unceremoniously and sprints over to it, grabbing the toy and squeezing it close to his chest. He runs over with it, jumping up and down and tugging on Charlie’s arm to get him moving, meanwhile his brother nearly gets taken to the floor with the force the eight year old is pulling.
“¡Eh! ¡Basta ya! ¡No seas grosero! I am so sorry Nick, give me one second.”
“It’s fine.” Nick says, trying to subtly feel his cheeks to determine whether he looks as flustered as he feels right now.
“No, it’s not, and Ollie knows better.” He glares at his brother who mutters a sincere apology. “Thank you for all of your help today, seriously. I’m sorry if this is forward but, would you want to keep in contact? Follow each other on Insta or something, I dunno.”
“Stop apologising,” he laughs and Charlie laughs with him, “I’d love to. I don’t have my phone on me, but if you give me yours I can follow you back when I’m off work.”
Charlie hands his phone to Nick, their fingertips brushing as Nick takes it in his hands, and he grins when he sees Charlie’s gay panic wallpaper, looking at the curly haired boy and saying “same” before pulling up Instagram and following himself from Charlie’s account. Handing the phone back, Ollie impatiently tugging at his brother’s oversized jumper, he wishes them luck finding their parents before heading back to his section.
By the time he’s weaved around all of the people walking in the right direction, Darcy is leaning against the pristine countertop, a knowing smirk welcoming Nick back to reality. He holds his hand up in a vain attempt to silence the meddling blond, however it appears they couldn’t care less, loudly bragging about how they already told Tara that he’d left looking like a lovestruck idiot.
“Thanks Darce. Nice to know I can rely on you to keep things secret.”
“I never promised you secrecy, especially not when you’re crushing on someone actually attainable for the first time ever. So tell me, did you get his number?”
“Nicholas!” They punctuate their annoyance with him by slapping his bicep, glaring ferociously at him.
“But,” he says, teasing them with his playful tone, “I did get his insta. And he’s from my hometown, so I’ll probably see him in the school holidays.”
“Nick. O. Las.” This time every syllable of his name is accompanied by a slap. “Why didn’t you lead with that? I was going to offer my sympathies to you, but you obviously don’t deserve them. So tell me, what’s he like?”
“Well, he speaks Spanish-”
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jasonsthunderthighs · 2 years
I got bored again and wrote this. Sorry that it's not DC related. I have another one in my draft, but I don't want to lose any followers cause of it. I'm sorry for some sad shit and my rants. I honestly have no where to rant but here.
It's Gravity Falls related, by the way. Sorry. As always to all of my stories, the reader is always Non-binary.
Word count: 2,051
Let's just say life isn't easy on you in the slightest. And neither is fate. From the abuse and neglect of your childhood, getting kicked out of home as a teenager, barely making it in high school, (considering you were one of the smartest students there, you didn't have the place and time to really make it, even from all the couch surfing you did and avoiding the cops tryin to find you cause your abusive parents miss you as their punching bag.) bein homeless to gettin caught in a Time War in the year ~207012 (pronounced "twenty snyevendy twelve").
It wasn't meant to happen when you ran into the weird, sweaty, stuttering, bald man, who happened to be a time traveler. Always time hopping and even managed to skip a few dimensions when you found out how to. Eventually, you accidentally broke the time device, causing it to keep you at the age of barely 21. Even worse when you don't look like an adult as much as you really look like a teenager.
That doesn't stop you from skipping dimensions, getting yourself into trouble with everythin and bein an outlaw in a lot of the dimensions you entered.
With the huge bounty over your head, it makes it more exciting for you; the adrenaline rush of possibly gettin caught, using your skills you've learned and getting stronger from it. You weren't just a Human; you're a powerful Sorcerer and nobody stands in your way, that's what makes the hunt for you so much more interestin.
You weren't the only one causing mayhem throughout the dimensions, you've heard the name of Ford Pines, but only in stories. Never have you ever thought of actually running into him after one of your chaotic plans took place.
He was also running from the same law, for an unrelated crime, not taking any acknowledgement of you when you both hit a dead end at the same time from two different ways.
“Over here!” You hissed at him, easily creating a hole in the wall to make an opening to another dimension.
He jumps into the hole with you, the hole immediately closes before the beings caught up with you both. Running out of breath, you two look at each other. In shock, as you were both huge outlaws throughout the dimensions.
“I've heard ‘bout you.. Thought you were just a ghost sorry.” He looks at you, as if seeing an actual ghost. You'd expect him to be in his late 30s, not well into his 50s. From all the things you heard, or sounded like what you've would've done or at least someone in they're 20s bein stupid.
But this man was tryin to survive. He's not doin this for fun. He's not enjoying the chase like you are.
“So have I, Stanford Pines. You've got quiet the bounty over your head, Friend.” You jab a finger at his chest. “You're a big deal in a lot of dimensions. Be lucky I helped with that.”
He scoffs at your comment, batting your hand away from him, “So are you, ‘Friend’.. Acting a fool for no reason, just like the child you are. Act your actual age.”
“Ouch, you're welcome.. Cocky aren't we? No need for the attitude. Don't know what your deal is, but I'm not the enemy. C'mon, at least we can try ta help each other.”
He looks at you, “‘Help each other’? Kid, you're not here for anyone but yourself and it shows from how little you care when you cause chaos. You'll only get in my way. I'm not goin to babysit you and save your stupid ass when you get into a mess you've created.”
You watch him turn on his heel, back to you as he walks away, “Thanks, I guess.”
“Tch. Whatever, old man. Not even knowin’ where you're at.” He was difficult to talk to, that's not wrong from what you heard. A man with a huge ego and a person who's just in it for the rush don't go
together. You may be ageless now, but that doesn't change how you can still be serious. It won't get in your way.
You two split paths without a word to each other, not caring where he goes or what he does. What a jerk he was. On a few points he was right; you do cause chaos. What can you say? You love the thrill, even if your age isn't 21 anymore.
You continued hoping dimensions over the next decade, still causing the chaos from before; but in actually saving other beings from bein sold out in auctions.
This one auction was different from the others, seeing Bill Cipher in the flesh as he sits in the high booth of the area. This'll be interesting.
Sneaking your way into the building, carefully watching what was goin on and the captives-
You couldn't believe your eyes. Stanford Pines himself was one of 'em. He finally got caught and is bein sold out. You wanted to help him. It's the right thing to do. Why should you help him when he'll just push you away and barely even thank you, like he did the last time? That's what you were gonna do; save the others and let him fend for himself, since he's so great at it.
He wasn't in his getup that he usually wore, instead he was shirtless and chained up in glowing blue chains that he can't seem to pick at on his neck, wrists and ankles. You expected him to have scars, but not THIS many on his body. You suppressed a laugh when he turned and you saw his neck tattoo. What a stupid little tattoo he got from that gang he was in.
Nonetheless, you weren't gonna save him. He's got it covered, Mr. Know-it-all. Nodding your head in agreement, you quietly and cautiously made your way to the captives, using a spell to unlock their chains, Ford watching you and seeing his restraints not off yet.
As you helped the last of the captives go safely into their own dimensions, the guards start walking back to where you're at, and you looked at Ford, watching him struggle with his restraints, as he didn't have anythin to actually pick the locks with.
You groan, running to help him until you saw the guards and quickly hid away, watching Ford be taken away into the auction area. “Fuck my life...”
“And for our first auction, the one you've all wanted, as he is wanted in more dimensions than you can count. A hard find and interesting Human, Stanford Pines.” The auctioneer greeted with a smile, you see Bill's eye widen up seeing Ford's face. This is not good. Not one bit. You suck in your breath, and ran down the hallway, jumping up on one of the guards, burning him in the process as you flip over him, kicking the second guard away from Ford, and ran to him. The whole crowd of auctioneers go wild what was happening, as they all immediately recognised you, moving down into the pit where you're in towards you two.
“What are you doin’ here? Are you insane?! They'll go for you too!” Ford yells as you free him from his restraints and grabbed him by his arm, pulling him back into the hallway where he was in the beginning.
“Just shut up an’ run, ya idiot!” You barked, making another portal in the wall and pushed him into it, following behind him and closing the hole again before being found.
You look at the older man, he's gotten older that's for sure, his grey hair actually coming in with a white stripe around his head to show that time had passed since you've both last encountered. Looking into your bag you carried and found a shirt he can at least wear and not feel humiliated, tossing it to him.
He looks back at you when he caught the shirt, seeing as you haven't changed a bit, but only your attire and sporting more scars than before from past fights, “I see you haven't changed.”
You scoff, he hasn't changed a bit, “You're welcome..”
“What you did was stupid. And now there's more looking. I could've-”
“You could've what? Try ta pick your chains with what? The little instrument you were usin’ that didn't work? Get real, Stanford. You were fucked an’ I helped you. Just, for once, swallow your damn pride an’ ego an’ realise there's people who'll help you if you give ‘em a chance, instead of throwin’ it all away and actin’ like the know-it-all, lonely hero.” You threw his clothes you've managed to grab from your bag, looking at him in annoyance. He needed to get knocked off his high horse for once. It is hard in the dimensions, but it's also great to get the help once in awhile. To know you're not truly alone.
Seeing him actually speechless as he puts the rest of his clothes back on, placing his goggles on his head, “Thanks.. I appreciate what you did. But now you're as big as a target than I am. What you did was still stupid. Are you hurt?”
You shrug it off, “I don't care if I'm a target. I've been doin’ this for a decade instead of my chaotic bullshit.. Ta lay low, y'know? An’ no, I'm not hurt.”
Seeing Bill Cipher at the auction was fearful, as he is one of the most strongest. You've heard stories and don't want no part of it. The posters you seen of Ford and to give to Bill made it more dangerous for him now, since everybody will be looking for him.
“Hey. I've been meanin’ ta ask ya.” You looked at him shooting his head up at you from tying his laces on his boots up, “What's with Bill Cipher wantin’ ya? All the posters say ta give ya ta him.”
He sighs, sitting down on the ground, putting his hands on his head, you could see all twelve of his fingers. So the rumours are true. “Almost thirty years ago, I made a deal with him. To build a portal for him in exchange for knowledge and truths of the secrets of the area I was in. An old friend of mine and I built the portal and an accident happened to my friend, causing him to quit the project. He saw the nightmare realm. I should've listened to him. But I didn't and ended up here, hopping dimensions and wanted in so many of ‘em for the next thirty years.”
That answers the question. He's been in this realm for thirty years. Still with fight in him. “I'm sorry ‘bout that, mate. You've been at it for years. Gettin so far in this hellhole. You're not alone on this.” You smiled at him, wanting to give a chance of actually helping someone.
“I don't know, Kid.. It's just-” He stood up seeing a spark appearing in the air, getting closer to inspect it, holding his arm out to you to keep at a distance.
You realised what was goin on, standing back as the spark comes back a few times, and opened up a portal to somewhere.
“What the Hell?” Ford looks closer and sees it clearer, “It's a portal..”
“To where?” You looked at him, just as confused as he is.
“Somewhere.. We need to take it. I have a feelin’ on this..”
“What??? We don't know where it goes! At least when I do this, I know where I'm at!” You argued, that dimension could lead you to another dimension of unimaginable horror or worse. The portal starts to close up.
“I'm goin in! With or without you!” He yells back, putting his goggles back over his eyes, his scarf over his neck and mouth and his hood over his head before jumping in and disappearing into the mystery portal.
You cursed at yourself, running after him before it closed in on you, seeing Ford walking out calmly as you jumped out and behind a huge fallen chunk of rock to hide what was happening, only to hear voices on the other side.
“What...? Who is that?”
“The author of the journals... My brother.”
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may-day-voice · 3 years
Mother's Day
w/ Izuku Midoriya, Shouto Todoroki & Katsuki Bakugou
please do not repost, but you have permission to reblog :)
• Watch/ Listen on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Fu2ifujKQI4
• Read on Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/1109387237-oneshots-pro-hero-au-172732014-mother%27s-day
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IZUKU MIDORIYA | Potluck Brunch
"Do you think that this is too much?"
"I'm sure it's fine."
Midoriya's smile warmed the chilliest of mornings while the cherry blossoms began to drift in the spring breeze. It was a busy start to the day grocery shopping for a surprise brunch he wanted to make for his mother. That did however include having to wake at four in the morning to peruse through the markets for the freshest ingredients.
You yawned loudly while carrying various shopping bags on hand, eyeing Midoriya carrying the more heavier ingredients with him - mostly the meat.
"Still trying to wake up?" Asked Midoriya.
"Just trying to slip back into my old routine," you explained, nuzzling your nose into your scarf. "I used to clean my equipment every two days at the break of dawn."
"You used to clean your guns?"
"Dismantle and put them back together too. I used to time myself."
You spoke casually and nonchalantly about those memories, recalling that competitive feeling to beat your time again and again. However, you heard nothing from Midoriya, finding that he only stared at you quizzically.
"What? I was... bored," you slowly explained, a little embarrassed about the topic.
"That explains your reaction time," pondered Midoriya, his eyes staring upwards in thought. "Constant practice and muscle memory would only make them second nature to you."
"Are you theorizing now?"
"Hehe, maybe a little."
You grimaced and yet smiled at Midoriya, bumping your hip into his playfully. He was still the observant and analytical man, always putting forward his ingenuity over his Quirk.
Soon, the both of you made your way to his old family home in an apartment complex, taking the elevator up before approaching the very familiar front door to his mother's. After a knock or two, the door opened, revealing a short woman whose eyes upon seeing the both of you, smiled happily.
"Izuku," she greeted, receiving a large hug from Midoriya.
"Nice to see you mum," he spoke, pulling away for you to greet her as well.
"So good to see you Inko," you cooed with a gentle hug. "Hope we haven't disturbed you."
"Oh nonsense, what's all this?" She asked, eyeing all of the bags in hand.
"Happy Mother's Day," cheered Midoriya while he lifted the heavier bags in hand. "We're going to treat you with potluck brunch."
"Izuku had this planned over the last week," you explained with another yawn escaping your throat. "Nothing but the best ingredients."
Inko glanced between yourself and Midoriya, along with all of the ingredients on hand in astonishment, before her eyes pricked with tears. You contemplated whether she was growing upset, however she closed in for another hug, sharing it between the both of you.
"You two work so hard. You didn't need to do this," she cried in happiness. Because of her short height, you glanced at Midoriya who was also standing awkwardly from the hug, finding that smile on his face again.
"We wanted to," he comforted while he gently pulled away, allowing Inko to release her sudden hold before he entered the apartment. "We'll take care of the cooking and cleaning."
"Today is meant for you," you reassured her, following Midoriya with a smile. "You don't lift a finger at all."
"As long as Cutie doesn't grill a cake," he teased from within, causing your shoulders to stiffen from the twang of embarrassment.
"Huh?" uttered Inko in confusion.
"Hey! It was only once!"
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SHOUTO TODOROKI | Visiting Hours
Entering into the hospital ward still felt like an odd experience. Already having bypassed the reception desk with ease, Todoroki and yourself brought a few gifts for the occasion, including a small bouquet of Autumn Bellflowers.
"Have your brother and sister visited already?" You asked curiously with the resonant sounds of footsteps filling the halls.
"Natsu visited after work, and Fuyumi spent the day with Mum yesterday," bluntly replied Todoroki.
"That's good."
Todoroki eyed a smile on your lips, the both of you walking side by side while he smiled to himself. He cherished these little stares he could steal to see you happy next to him, hoping for you to slowly become more ingrained in his life now that you were engaged.
"What?" You uttered, catching his eye on you.
"Nothing," he replied, still with a warm smile.
Soon, Room 315 was in sight before Todoroki knocked on the door, opening it for you to enter first. You spotted his mother by the window, enjoying the gifts that were brought over the past day until her tired yet calm eyes spotted you by the door.
"Welcome," she greeted, walking up to you with open arms and hugging you. That was unexpected. You quipped in surprise, before she gently released you to turn to her son.
"Hello Mum," cooly greeted Todoroki.
"Please sit," invited Rei, pulling you gently by the arm to seat you by the dining table while Todoroki placed the bouquet of flowers elsewhere. Though the tug of Rei's hands were gentle, it held purpose. You felt it in her grip, in the tiny fingertips while she pulled you into the room.
Something wasn't odd, but it was different.
"How are you both?" She asked with delight.
"Aside from work, we've been doing fine," replied Todoroki.
"Yeah, there's been a hiccup, but nothing that we couldn't handle with some old friends," you added with a smile.
"I've seen the news," started Rei, her eyes dulling a little from her thoughts. "That man that is causing a mess, there's no sign of him?"
You turned to Todoroki, catching his eye once more before he joined the table, calmly holding onto his mother's hands.
"The Commission's got eyes on him. We'll find him soon," he reassured, receiving a calm
smile from his mother. "How are you going, Mum?"
"I've been well. Natsuo brought over some gifts and Fuyumi visited with some delicious treats and meals." Rei's eyes turned to Todoroki, filled with a sadness you had seen time and time before. "Your father came by as well, only for a short while though."
"I see," shortly replied Todoroki.
"Will you be slowly moving back to the estate?" You asked out of the blue, catching Rei off guard. "I mean, there's a place there for you, and maybe it's good to stay close with... family."
"Very soon," replied Rei without hesitation. "It's a shame. I was hoping to see you more often."
"Oh, I mean I don't live far from the hospital so if ever you need anything I'm a phone call away."
A silence befell the room, one that felt odd, like how Rei held your hand not too long ago.
"Oh it's not that I don't appreciate the offer, but I would've thought Shouto would have invited the suggestion to you," explained Rei with that content smile, almost similar to the ones she gave on Todoroki's birthday.
"Love, would you like to move in with me?" Asked Todoroki from beside you without warning and without fail.
A stammer stopped your mouth from forming comprehensible words, taken back by the question. You looked between the two, spotting that content and warm smile on mother and son. Ones that you couldn't object or argue with. This was supposed to be Mother's Day.
"This is the best gift yet," commented Rei, smiling gently at your flabbergasted reaction.
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Both Bakugou and yourself stood by the front door of his old family home, having arranged half a day to visit his mother for Mother's Day. You noticed how blue the sky was, how bright the sun shone, and how calm the Neighbourhood felt.
If only Bakugou was as cheerful.
You eyed him every once in a while, his face unchanging with that scowl etched in his brow. It wasn't his normal, usual, aggravated self. It was more of a-
"What?" He growled, his eyes glancing into yours.
"Nothing," you responded coolly with a smile.
"Don't gloat."
"I'm not."
"If that hag says anything, we're walking back home."
A snort escaped your nostrils, a small one but nonetheless one that continued to bubble into your shoulders. "I love your parents," you commented.
"That's what I'm afraid of."
"You're here!" Exclaimed Mitsuki, causing a cringe on Bakugou's snarl but a smile from yours.
"Hi Mitsuki!" You chirped, hugging the woman by the door.
"Oh hush, you can call me Mum now."
"Shut up hag," reacted Bakugou with a snarl. "They're not calling you that."
"I give them my consent, Katsuki. You have no say in the matter," snarked Mitsuki.
The tension was, well, insurmountably tense, standing between two very aggressive individuals in a staring contest. Until you spotted a familiar set of eyes from inside the house, waving meekly despite his tall stature.
"Hi Masaru," you greeted with a wave of your own.
"I see the day has started," he commented while his eyes worriedly observed the growling match his wife and son were dealing with by the door. You only chuckled until-
"Oh, you can call him Dad now, or Pop whichever you prefer," mused Mitsuki with a chirp, with no sign of aggravation on her face or in her voice.
"Honey, they don't have to call me-"
"No, I won't accept it. Our Katsuki has found his one and only, so they're now a part of the family!"
"Will you shut it you old hag?" Interrupted Bakugou again. "They're not calling you that, and they don't want to."
"You're not the voice of reason here, you brat! Even as a man, you're still a child!"
You stuttered at the sudden change and turn of phrase every so often. The thought crossed your mind that you would've been so used to this family dynamic now. But there were some things you hoped you weren't the center of attention for. That was difficult when you were between Bakugou and his mother.
You gently held onto Bakugou's arm, pressing your body against it in hopes to comfort him while you smiled at Mitsuki.
"Why don't we cross that bridge when we cross the threshold?" You suggested. "After all it's your day today and we are happy to spend it with you out of our Hero schedules."
A deep sigh escaped Mitsuki's lips while she smiled back at you. "Of course, I still think that you're now a part of the Bakugou family, so no pressure when you're comfortable with the new names."
"You'll hear it straight from me," you reassured, causing a giggle to erupt from Mitsuki.
"Splendid, come on in." Mitsuki skipped inside the family home, leaving Bakugou and yourself by the door to spot Masaru following after her, mouthing his thanks to you.
You felt Bakugou's aggressive and tense nature wash away while you held onto his arm throughout the small conversation with Mitsuki, tenderly rubbing your hand against his skin before you noticed his stare on you.
"You okay?" You asked with a smile.
"Yeah, no thanks to that hag," he retorted. "But... thanks."
"Always here for you."
You felt his large hand intertwine with yours, fingers pressed together, palms touching. A smirk appeared on Bakugou's lips before he led you into his old family home, a place you had become acquainted with for years, now stepping into it as his fiancé.
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tinysushimark · 3 years
My Everything (HRJ)
1.7k words. (Fluff)
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Sometimes you wished you could run away from college and then run a café and live with your boyfriend.
You looked up at him, he was playing on his phone, why was he so relaxed? He has finals too next week. "Renjun! Don't you have to study?" You said.
"I'm done with my course." He said looking back down at his phone.
You sighed, he was always one step ahead of you, even when you were in school he used to teach you things because he was done. Now, even in college he was done before you. Even though you had different majors, you had the same college and fortunately, your classes took place in the same building.
A sigh escaped from your lips as you looked at the amount of chapters left. "What's wrong baby?" Renjun said, sitting next to you.
"I have 3 more chapters left, and exams are next week." You said. "Anything i can help with?" At this you snickered.
"Babe you're an arts major, how are you going to help me with Company Law?" You smiled and looked down.
"I am smart." He said.  "I never said you're dumb."
He stood behind your chair and started massaging your shoulders and neck. "Renjun what the-" He shushed you. "Get back to work." He kept massaging your shoulders.
"Renjun stop. That fucking hurts."
"You're stressed it's all pent up-"
"I told you to fucking stop it." You shouted at him, shooting a death glare.
"Why are you being so mean? I'm just trying to help." Renjun spat at you.
"You're clearly not helping, so how about you leave? You're just adding on to my stress with your completed course." You shouted at him.
He picked his bag up and slammed the door on his way out, making you flinch a little.
Asshole, that's the only word that came to your head once he left. His temper is very very short. Sometimes you wondered why you dated him and got annoyed at him. You had noticed how nowadays, the way he dealt with you had started changing.
He'd shout and slam doors. He never did that before but he was doing it nowadays. He is definitely bored of you and wants to break up with you, this is what you thought.
He on the other hand was very stressed, it wasn't about studies, it was about his family. After he left for college, he got to know about the fights which happened back at home. His mom and dad were fighting a lot more than when he was back at home. It had driven him off the edge that he wasn't there to stop his parents. He was an only child, so he'd end up persuading them to stop fighting, but he couldn't do it from here, in college. The only person who'd listen to him was getting annoyed at him too, you. He thought that he was the problem, probably everyone around him has problems because of him.
You weren't able to complete your course because Renjun decided to stay the nights in between semester and took you out so much. If he would've told you to study, you'd be revising by now. He forgot that you leave everything for him. He hadn't told you anything about what was happening back at home. He applied to the same college as you because he didn't want to lose you but he slowly understood that he was just a distraction for you.
Renjun didn't speak to you the entire week, and the week after that. You were done with your exams but still no contact or trace of Renjun.
You called him multiple times those weeks but he didn't pick up, knowing that he was probably busy revising, you left him alone. You needed the space.
After your exams were over you went to his shared flat, one of his flatmates saw you in an alleyway and smiled at you. "Mark, have you seen Renjun?"
"Renjun went to college, he must be back by now though." Mark said.
"Ok, thanks."
"If he isn't home, you can just wait on the couch, he'll be back soon I think." Mark said.
You nodded, bidding Mark a goodbye and walking to their apartment. Renjun had told you the password to the apartment, all his flatmates knew that he had a girlfriend and they didn't mind it. They were friendly and got along with you.
When you unlocked the door and got in you saw a girl in the kitchen, around the same age as you.
"Oh Mark you're back?" She said and turned around. "Hello." You said and she smiled at you. "Who are you by the way?" She asked you, the question took you aback.
"I'm Rejun's girlfriend." You said, her mouth formed a small Oh. "What's your Major and Year?"
"I'm a final year in BCom."
"I'm a first in year Mass Media. Oh by the way I'm Mark's girlfriend."  She said and passed a cup of coffee towards you. "Renjun isn't home, how about you wait here till he's back? He said he wanted to get some groceries." Mark's girlfriend said. She was younger than you and Mark. Mark was doing his post graduation and she was in her first year. You and Renjun were the same age.
When Renjun had moved in only Mark was living here, before another guy named, Jeno had moved in. You had found yourself a reasonable one flat apartment but slowly it's cost was rising which was a problem for you, but you kept living in it.
"We're looking for a flatmate." Mark's girlfriend said, trying to break the awkward silence. "Oh, where do you live?"
"The apartment above."
The both of you started talking about college and she told you details about the flat and the empty room. It seemed decent and you thought about it. "Can i see it?" It was a chance to be closer to Renjun, he wouldn't have to commute so much to see you.
Renjun came back home an hour after you had arrived, Mark and his girlfriend kept you entertained. They made you coffee and spoke to you.
When Renjun came home, you saw his red face, which was puffy.
He saw you and stood at the door frozen. Slowly tears started to fall from his eyes and your movements were quick. You ran to him and hugged him. He fell on his knees near the shoe shelves and you hugged him. He cried into your arms and you soothed his back.
"What's wrong Jun?" You asked softly. Instead you got a louder sob for a reply.
His grip around you tightened and he cried for a few minutes before pulling away and pushing your hair back from your face.
"My parents are getting divorced, and i thought i lost you because you lost interest in me-"
"Renjun I love you." You said hands caressing his cheek. "Why didn't you tell me about all this?"
"I didn't want to burden you, and I thought you'd get affected."
"Renjun, if it's bothering you and is a problem to you, it's my problem too." You said smiling at him.
"They've been fighting a lot lately, since i came here."  Renjun looked down at the floor. "I wasn't there to stop them."
"Renjun, its not your fault." You put your hand under his chin and made him look up at you. "It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself."
"But I should've been there and because of me you weren't able to complete your course on time, its all my fault."
Your boyfriend who was almost a head taller than you, suddenly seemed like a small lost child who you wanted to coddle and sing to. He looked so troubled and sad that your heart hurt. It wasn't his fault, he blames himself for everything.
You remember the time when you were cutting vegetables and got a slight cut, he blamed himself for it, saying that he knew that you dont know how to use a knife so he should've been the one cutting the vegetables.
He was harsh on himself and as much as you believed you could change it, you couldn't but you wanted to.
"Renjun, its not your fault that i didn't study, it's my fault. That's on me."
"If I hadn't stayed the nights, you'd be done."
"Renjun you stayed over the weekends, i always had weekdays but i ended up wasting them, it's on me." You explained to him.
"What about my parents? That's totally on me. I shouldn't have left them knowing how hostile they are towards each other."
"If they were hostile towards each other did you ever consider that they were both stressed together. They didn't want to be together Renjun."
He finally looked at you, eyes dejected.
"I want to break up with you."
"I'm nothing but a distraction to you."
"You are my driving force. You're like a miracle to me. I wish you could see that."  You connected your foreheads. "You're the person i look forward to each day, knowing you'll provide me comfort and that you'll be there to listen to me."
"And i wish i could show you how much i feel for you, It can't be expressed in words." You whispered, planting a small kiss on his cheek.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you what was going on and  for keeping you in the dark." Renjun said.
You nodded. "You're not gonna hear the end of it, they annoyed me so much over the phone about who'll keep the pearls and me." Renjun said. "Honestly, your mom deserves the pearls." You said looking into his eyes.
A small giggle came from his chest. "Yeah she does."
That's when the door opened and Jeno entered. "Renjun, its dirty here-"
"Oh hi Y/N!"  Jeno smiled and waved at you. Mark slowly pulled Jeno, "You're ruining their moment dude." Mark muttered under his breath.
All of you laughed and ate ramen for dinner, enjoying each others company.
"Renjun, Mark's girlfriend told me there's a room upstairs that's empty. I was thinking i should move in there." You said when he brought you to his room.
"Actually, i was about to ask you if you wanna move in together, Mark wants his girlfriend to shift downstairs, we can have the entire apartment to ourselves." Renjun smiled. "Plus my house is closer to our college."
"Yes, I'll move in with you."
New beginnings awaited you two, all full of happiness and sunshine with a few rainy days, but no storm lasts forever, all of them pass, and bring along sunshine again.
Read More: Masterlist
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princessdong · 4 years
 One: The Girl In Her Dreams
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Of all the possible outcomes of having a human in her house, Joy would've never thought that this one would be the one. After you left the house with Jiu, who seemed more than happy to get out of there, you hadn't left her head.
She could still see your eyes, never quavering with fear, or showing anything but the utmost disinterest, and only to be replaced by fury. Your eyes were thunders after she let go of your throat, and she was sure that you were going to hit her, she even braced herself to it, but nothing came. She even let herself not move a muscle when you practically mocked her by not believing her true self.
Yet, the fact that you were daring enough to get into an apparent abandoned house, and go as far as to explore it, with no regard for who might be in there, it made you so fascinating in her eyes that she couldn't stop thinking about it.
In her whole life, every encounter with a human had two ways: Either they were completely scared that they could've piss their pants, or completely turned on by the idea of having a vampire sucking their blood. But you didn't. And she had to find you, before you consumed her brain entirely.
That's why she, for the first time in two centuries, she got out of the house for a reason that wasn't feeding herself. She assumed that you had taken the ferry back to Mokpo, as she could hear Jiu groan at the fact that they had to get into the ferry so early, and only that stopped when you told her that she could get breakfast at Mokpo. In that moment, those were the only things she needed to launch herself into the quest of finding you. But, as the ferry moved, she seemed to remember that she was not aware if you were in Mokpo, or if you flew out of the country, or even if you were alive. After all, it's been a week.
Joy quickly remembered why she wasn't out of her house in two thousand years, and it was because of the noisiness. She should've asked Yeri to perform a locator spell on you, or get someone to find you, but she was impulsive, and she was out there, in Mokpo's port, not knowing what to do, where to start. Of course, she had her whole immortality to search for you, but you weren't immortal.
Should she get into Seoul? Should she start searching there? Should she be afraid that you were in another country? She didn't knew. Plus, all those people were making her uneasy, she could hear them all, and smell their blood, even hear their heartbeat. It was a mess, she was getting overwhelmed, but her efforts were in not pouncing into some human. She was no rogue vampire, she was four thousand and something of years, and she had more control in her than a baby vampire.
Among the madness of the busy port, she heard something that she needed to hear.
“Jiu! You should stop from going with Y/N to those places! You can't keep up like this.”
She turned around, trying to search for the voice, and the girl she saw with you. There she was, with her purple hair falling from her shoulders, wearing something so simple as a shit and a pair of jeans. Next to her, there was a girl, with dark brown hair, and they were holding hands. She started to get closer, trying to listen, and to think how to get them to tell her location.
“I know, Jagi, but I don't wanna let her go all alone, she might get in trouble one day. And she's my best friend.” Joy heard Jiu say, and she smirked, knowing that you had been face to face with trouble, if she was up to it.
“But then you get all scared the days after. And then you drag me to make sure that the house doesn't have anything strange, at day.” The other girl complained, and, although she understood that they were talking about her house, it could be a great opportunity to have some interrupted alone time with you.
“Uh, excuse me, do you know, by chance, where it's the house of Y/L/N Y/N? She's, uh, tall, has no fear of getting into haunted places...” She said, trying to sound like she was not trying to find a complete stranger. “I'm an old friend of hers, and, I came here to surprise her, but you know, since she's gone to university, and her parents moved...”
She hoped that they either didn't knew your parents, or your parents had moved somewhere else, as she didn't have any idea of who were your parents, or if it was even truth what she said. Luckily for her, it happened that you parents did actually moved to a more secluded place in the outskirts of Seoul... But it was a year ago.
“You really haven't seen her for that long, huh?” Jiu chuckled, but she understood. If it wasn't because of her always coming to your home unannounced, and your yearly tradition of getting into haunted places. “She lives in Seoul, do you have your phone? I can show you on Google Maps.”
She was aware of what Google was, and what a phone was, but all thanks to the newborn vampires, or rookies, as she liked to call them, but she did not come to contact to such frivolities of the human world. Or anything from the human world.
“It's dead” She simply said, and the pair seemed to understand right away.
“To the old way it is then” The other girl said, and then started to explain that you were in Seoul, the direction, how to get there, of course, not saying the obvious part that Joy had to take a train, taking as the old vampire was an old friend of yours that had lived in Seoul.
After all, you hadn't been out of the city long enough to make friends.
And that fact was just hanging above Joy's head like the rock above Tantalus head, threatening to fall in any second. But she wasn't one to be intimidated, so she left after thanking, and biding goodbye. She could easily compel someone to show her the directions to Seoul, as Korea had changed so much in so little.
Last time she had been in the mainland, she traveled on carriages, with horses carrying it, and boats had people to row. Now they all had something inside that carried them. If Chanyeol saw her, he would be probably rolling in the floor laughing. She couldn't let herself fall in the only quest that she had, and she already had the needed information about you, now only had to get there, somehow, some way.
Lucky for her, being a vampire comes with tricks, tricks that she had mastered during the monstrous time he had been a vampire, with the help of those humans who would become her food, only to get rid of that awful guilty feeling of not having a chance at feeding from any other thing, and causing pain to the human.
She make sure to be as far away as she could from the pair that she found out, and walked to a deserted street, where there was only a man who seemed to work at the port.
“Uh, excuse me, Sir.” She said, bowing once the man looked at her.
When she had his complete attention, and he was close to her, she flashed her eyes red, and the man looked at her like his life would end if he didn't.
“I need you to instruct me how to get to Seoul. You must accompany me on my journey until I reach said city.” She compelled him, and the man could only nod before starting to walk away, being followed by the vampire.
Joy then found herself getting into a train station for the first time. Her, who hadn't been in a train in her whole life, wasn't sure if the iron cage would be able to get her to Seoul, or if the cage was actually something else, and the compelling had failed. She was scared, but she asked the man how it worked.
It was then when she learned that humans didn't even know how things worked, not even those who were born in the century where all of that already existed. But he could explain that it was a mode of public transportation, where everyone, not caring about the social status of the one who was sitting next to them.
That led her to think about who she was now in the world. She had been married into the Joseon family, so that mean she was a princess, or she had been. And she came from a rich family, didn't that meant anything now? She was, by law, the princess now, as her husband had been killed right in front of her eyes. Not that she had cared anyway.
But how did she fit in that world? Did she wanted to? No. She didn't wanted to fit in that awful human world, she didn't wanted to have any contact with the human world unless it was seeing you. She hadn't tried to seize the crown after all those years because she didn't have the slightest interest in ruling Korea, or any place that had humans as its residents. She could be a clan leader, that much she would like, but having contact with humans? Just this once, to get rid of whichever spell or trick you put her under, but that was it.
That was why she accepted to sit in one of those communal seats, next to a man that wore common clothes. The man she compelled was not seating, but was standing next to her. Joy didn't cared to ask, neither try to convince the man to sit, as he was just another pawn in the chess game of her life.
The train from Mokpo had been a new experience for Joy. Nothing had moved as fast as it did when she was human, as horses can only run at certain speed. Plus, she got to see how Korea had improved itself to keep up with the world. The large blocks of glass and iron, who she later knew it was used for work, and some other less interesting-looking buildings, where the people with less money lived.
The cars that she saw in the streets, things that she wouldn't even imagined, and the streets, every single one was paved. In her times, there weren't like that.
Everything was new to her, and people sometimes looked strange, like that one who had a furious pink hair, and another who had an iron ball in their face. They didn't dressed like they did four thousands years ago, but that wasn't a new. Even herself was dressing different than how she would've done on her human life. She wasn't used to wear short skirts, no matter how long she had been trying to wear them, and she wasn't even sure of how she felt with shirts that didn't even got to her waist.
Fashion nowadays is like that, Chaeyoung had told her before. Even though Chaeyoung was almost as old as her, she had been a little more into the human world as Joy was. But, she was also more ruthless when it came to them, so the dark haired girl wasn't sure of how much she could count on the younger one.
The train journey had come to an end before the vampire could even make her mind grasp into the whole new world. And even then, when she and her companion got down of the train, she couldn't believe how much the world she knew had changed. Even Seoul had become unrecognizable.
The five grand palaces were nowhere to be seen, and they were supposed to be so magnificent that everyone would turn their heads to watch them. The people walked fast in the pavement, mostly surrounded by buildings so tall that Joy had to look up finding some of them lost in the clouds.
“What happened to my birthplace? Why is Seoul like this?” Joy lamented, still looking how the concrete took upon the most beautiful city she had ever seen.
“This is not Seoul, this is Cheongju. We have to take yet another train to get to Seoul. Mokpo is really far away from the capital. Can I ask why didn't you take a plane? Is faster, and easier.” The man, still under compulsion, asked.
“What is a plane?” Joy looked at him, frowning.
“Don't you know what a plane is?” He asked once again.
“I may know what is the thing, but not by its name” She answered.
“Oh, uh... The iron birds?” He answered unsure, as he didn't knew how to describe it to a completely unaware person.
“Oh! I see them in my backyard! They go really far in the sky!” Joy enthusiastically said, as she found herself always marveled at that particular invention.
“Yeah, those. You could've taken them to Seoul, and it would've been faster.” He divulged, and Joy nodded absentmindedly.
“But I didn't, maybe next time. Now, we have to go, another train is awaiting for us” Joy declared, already walking in some direction she wasn’t sure it was the right one.
“Uh, ma’am, your going in the wrong direction. Let me lead” The man cautioned, waiting for Joy to get back to a safe distance before starting to walk in the opposite direction.
The second ride didn't got joy as excited as the one before, but as the sun slowly started to set, she centered herself into asking as much as the human could answer. Of course, there were things that the man didn't knew profoundly, and it left Joy even more curious.
This time, they got quickly in Seoul, as the ride wasn't too long. Once the vampire got there, she smiled. She was finally going to be able to see you, and discover what had you done to her.
“Quickly, ma'am, we're really close to your destination, I bet you wanna get there as soon as you can” The man said, walking out of the station.
And it was then when she realized how it was already night, and that he must have family that was waiting for him back home, and that probably won't see him until the sun came up, if he was lucky.
“Just inform me how to get there, and I will do so. You probably family to go to.” She compelled him, and the man nodded.
“Just get into one of those yellow cars, and you pay them to get to your destination. Do you have money? Or anything to pay them?” The man asked, still not getting out of the compulsion.
“Yes, I do, I'm okay now, I still have the address, you may go now, I hope you have a safe trip.” She bowed to him, and he then walked away.
Joy walked to a taxi, sighing, and gave him the direction of your home. He didn't spoke, and Joy didn't spoke either, so she was just thinking about what she would do when she got there. Truth is, she had no idea. She threw herself to the idea of getting to you, to get her peaceful mind back, but she had no idea of how to do so. She was simply out of her mind, with her always so calm and collected now reduced to a reckless nothing, She couldn’t believe it, the great Park Sooyoung, the once heiress to an empire, acting like some lowland person.
But, a part of her knew that that one Park Sooyoung had died long time ago, with her humanity. She wasn’t the great Park Sooyoung, she was now Joy, Park Joy, if it pleased the crowd, and those were two different girls, they had to be.
Her predicament was cut short by the driver, who had made the car stop, indicating that she had arrived the destination, and demanding to be paid. Truth be told, Joy had not eaten since the morning, and she had been kind enough to spare the man who traveled with her because he had endured the endless questions from the girl for a long time, but this man didn’t earn her kindness, so he wouldn’t have the same fate as the prior one.
“Actually, I’m going to be the one rewarded”
The night had finally come for you, and with that it meant for you to get back into your apartment to have finally some unhealthy amount of hours of sleep, only to get up and get back into your daily routine. Being an university student does that to people. And you would’ve dozzed off in the couch, or even make a zombie walk to your bed, if it wasn’t for those eyes in the dark. Those red eyes, following your every move since you got inside the house. Those eyes that had been engraved in your mind ever since you saw them for the first time in Jeju.
That thought seemed to get ridden of your sleepy state. That island was too far away for her to be there, it was impossible for her to be there. But as much as you wanted to deny her presence, those red eyes were moving, until slowly but surely started to be part of a face, that face that you were not able to forget since you were there.
“Well, hello there. I though that I would have to wait for you the whole night”
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d-targaryenshoe · 4 years
Past - Andrew Deluca
Summary: Andrew coming face to face with the person who'd almost became his wife.
Warnings: miscarriage, anger
Word count: 1477
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Standing in the grey elevator, electricity sounded through your ears as you shared the space with three other visitors.
But you weren't here to visit your grandma after surgery? Or a family member? No you were here to visit the person that would've been your husband by now.
Coming to a halt the doors opened and revealed a man with eyes covered by a glasses and a beard covering his cheeks.
"Hello." The guy smiled, pushing his glasses a little further up his nose.
"Hi." You smiled back, holding the strap of your brown colored bag.
You recognized this male from somewhere. But you weren't going to remind him of it. Not just yet.
"I'm Levi, nice to meet you." He introduced himself, as he held his hand out towards you.
"Y/n, nice to meet you too." You nodded, releasing the strap of your bag and shaking his hand, being the friendly person you were.
"Here to visit?" Your eyes settled on the boy.
"I guess you can call it like that?" You slightly laughed, trying to hide the fact that your heart was pounding out of your chest.
"O-kay? You're nervous. Me too. Like a lot. So nervous that my glasses fell into a human body." Levi chuckled, as his cheeks reddened.
"Oh I'm so sorry?" You apologized with a chuckle, receiving a dismissing wave of Levi's hand.
"It's all good, but thanks." The doors opened of the elevator and your chuckle disappeared within a few seconds.
"Have a nice day y/n." Levi waved as he walked of with a chart covering his hands.
"Bye." You gave him one last nod, before you grabbed your cellphone out of your bag and tried to call your only hope.
"Hi, you've reached Carina. I'm so sorry I can't pick up the call right now because I am standing right behind you. GOTCHA."
You sighed loudly throwing your cellphone back in your bag before a ginger haired female walked up to you.
"Ma'am are you alright?" She looked worried and at the same time she took in your frustration.
"Yeah yeah I'm fine don't worry." You fake smiled before turning around and taking in your surroundings.
"Well fine then?" She frowned starting to walk away.
"Wait! Do you know where i can find Carina Deluca?" Your voice spoke softly, knowing this female was only trying to help.
"Well if you're looking for her, she's right over there." You looked over to where the female was pointing.
A female covered in pink scrubs and yelling through a phone when slamming her hand on the desk? Yeah you were looking for her.
"No! Are you deaf did i say 'yes'? Huh?! I said no!" She yelled through the phone as you walked up to the information desk. "𝓐re you moronic?"
"Well that's mean?" You mumbled, placing both of your hands on top of the desk as she dropped the phone.
"Y/n!?" A loud gasp was heard as the female looked you up and down when walking around the desk to draw you in a hug.
"You've got to be kidding me?!" Carina cursed, tilting her head to one side, placing her hand on your shoulder.
"I wish i was but I'm not this time." You promised with a shake of your head.
"Well you better not be, follow me come on." She grabbed your hand walking towards an office which walls were made of glass.
"Hunt, don't let anyone near me, I'm having family in my office?" Carina glared at the ginger haired man as she received a nod in response.
"Sassy as ever, how I've missed that." Staring out of the glass view on your right, you watched doctors arguing, laughing and walking.
"The fact that you're here as the new head of Cardio means that you miss more than just me." Your ex sister in law gave you a much meaningful look, placing a dark blue scrubs on the desk.
"Please don–"
"No, don't run from the truth y/n?" Carina frowned, placing your badge in your hand just as a female voice sounded through the room.
"Doctor Deluca your nee– I'm sorry I'll come back later." A brown haired woman stuttered ready to close the see-through door.
"No Wilson, you already bothered me, what's wrong?" The Italian female sighed throwing her hair into a ponytail.
"You're needed for the premature with heart surgery at 2 o'clock." Carina sighed, getting up. "Don't leave to Italy until I'm back okay?"
A snort left your body when your eyes were settled on the young brown haired female. The light blue scrubs and the nervous state you could tell she was an intern.
" I'm Jo Wilson and i-I'm just standing here just because?" The girl gave an awkward smile.
You got up from your chair and removed your watch from your wrist. " Y/n y/l/n, head of Cardio."
"Nice to meet you, could you help me out with a patient?" Jo blurted out, walking up to you and placing a cup of coffee in your hand what made you frown.
"Is this your way of convincing me, Doctor Wilson?" You raised an eyebrow but still decided to take a sip of the hot coffee.
"Is it working?" The brown haired female asked as her eyes were settled on her chart before handing it over to you.
"It did, what's the case?" You took another sip of your coffee before putting your hair up in a messy bun.
"A 13 year old who's stubborn and won't let me do a check up." The girl informed you when shrugging her shoulders.
"Well, let's get going then." You motioned for her to walk through the door and show you the way towards the patient.
"You are Andrew's fiancé aren't you?" Jo piped up when giving you a questioning glance.
"Ex fiancé." The answer glided over your lips as you held the medical chart close to your chest with a slightly heavy grip.
"Oh, okay? Here to the left." She mentioned as the both of you made a turn to the left while you were walking.
Coming to a halt you were met by a man and a woman in their 40's and a boy with crossed arms and a glare covering his face laying on a examination gurney.
"Seriously you brought another doctor in here, you think she'll heal me? The boy mumbled, throwing his parents a glare.
"Honey, just stay calm and let her do her job please." His mother placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to camm him down.
"Let me do my job, the sooner you'll be out here." Taking a hood of your stethoscope the cold metal was placed on the boy's chest. "Can you move your shirt up a little, i want to see if you have any pain."
As your hands were placed in the middle of his stomach you noticed him slightly pulling away in pain.
"She applied pressure on your pancreas and that hurts, so my question is, have you had any other complaints?" Jo piped up as your head was pointed in her direction.
"I've been drinking more, I've been having a blurred vision out of no where?" The teenager explained, knowing that if he wouldn't say it he would be here in the next week again.
"Wilson, i want you to do a FBS test, as soon as you have results, I'm the one you page." Leaving the room you saw papers laying on the floor before grabbing them in your hands and searching for the person they belonged to.
"Those were my-" his sentence was ended by noticing you standing in front in him. "You?"
" i guess I failed the job of avoiding you." You mumbled when you rubbed your forehead in annoyance.
"I guess that i failed the job of not seeing you ever again." He mumbled between his lips when he stared at the end of the hallway, avoiding your eyes.
"After or before we called off our engagement?" Tilting your head to the side you crossed your arms. " Or after i lost our baby?"
"Don't. Talk about that, ever again." He glared when pointing a finger at you as anger and sadness filled his eyes.
"You seriously dare to think all that didn't affect me?" Your voice slightly raised as you saw a nurse giving you a bewildered look.
"That baby and that ring on your finger meant everything to me Y/n." His voice slightly cracked when turning around.
"So you're just gonna walk away?"
"You walked away from me 2 years ago Y/N, i lost a wife and a child, I don't deserve any of that pain." And that were the words that left his lips before walking away.
He was over you.
But not over your lost baby
He'll never be.
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thewritingamateur · 4 years
Sneak Peek: The Temptations for the Wallflower
So I wrote this story a year or two ago and I’ve been thinking to revamp it and post it on Ao3. This is a small snippet of the story I edited. Unlike my other stories though it is a bit more explicit in nature and pretty dark. 
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In her move from New York to Ireland, Tabitha thought the hardest thing would be transferring her grades. It was quite easy, to her surprise, and she was thankful to see that it would be a smooth transition.  She was going to spend her last year there before she was to head off to college. There were many places in mind that she had thought of going to, Princeton, Harvard, NYU. They all did sound far-fetched for someone like her; a lower-class child to immigrant parents, but there was still some hope for her. 
She was always on the top of her class, having a near-perfect grade point average. Not only that, but she also put herself in several extra-curricular activities knowing that those colleges were also going to look into that. It was a lot to handle, especially during the obstacles of the previous year, but she refused to lose focus, there was too much at stake. Now, she was going to be in an all-girls Catholic school to finish up her time before college. Although she had to send in applications, this year was also important for the admissions offices of the colleges to watch so she had to juggle everything, which now included a job and taking care of two individuals who couldn't take care of themselves. 
Tabitha didn't want to go to a Catholic school at first, but her grandmother thought it would be best, saying that it wasn't too far from the house and she could get a scholarship which would be good to write in her college applications. Tabitha agreed, taking this compromise. Without a doubt, they would be going to Mass and have religious classes, so there would be conflict at least with the teachings. 
The only positive was the uniform, she wouldn't have to worry about what to wear as another task to add onto her plate. 
She headed out early that day, making sure she gave a good first impression. Classes would start at 7:45 am, she reached at 7 am. She left the formula and all the necessities that were needed for Issac at arms reach for her grandmother. Hopefully, she could come back to the house for a few moments until her shift started at Brennan's store.
She had gone to the office of the school, wondering if they'd have her information and her schedule. Tabitha did come the day before hoping it would be available like all the other students, but it wasn't the case. The secretary told her that the headmaster had it and she would have to come in early for it today. 
It made her wonder who the headmaster could be. She had always heard rumors back home that in Catholic schools the headmaster would be a priest or something, but Tabitha scoffed at the thought, there was no way that a priest would be the headmaster. Father Foley would be the headmaster then, but what qualifications did he have?  He had no degree in education so how can he be in charge in that way? Maybe she was thinking just too far ahead, she shouldn't be imagining things like that. 
Tabitha waited outside the headmaster's office, her foot shaking rapidly as she felt her nerves getting to her. The ticking of the clock on the ceiling was a reminder of how long she was waiting there. By 7:15, on the dot, the secretary told her that she could go into the office, that the headmaster would be there shortly. 
She had walked in, the room was lit dimly, the sun shining through the blinds as it was coming up from sunrise. The office was neat, files in place, and the crosses were appropriately placed on the right parts of the office. There was also a Bible, in front of the nameplate of whoever's office it was, how ironic. She would've moved it, but she was scared to, not needing to get yelled at first thing entering the school. Tabitha thought it would be best if she simply took a seat. 
Her hands ran through her straight black hair, which had grown nearly mid-back now. She had a bad habit of biting her lip when nervous, not in a sexy way like the movies showed, but literally pulling her bottom lip and biting it till it was all dried and chapped. It wasn't cute, but sometimes she couldn't help it. It felt like an eternity, but finally, she heard the door open. Although the person didn't speak, she sat up straight, crossing her legs appropriately, and had her hands on her lap. Her eyes were cast down, the reason wasn't known to her but she did it anyway. 
Tabitha saw the shoes of the person walk around her to the desk, she heard the person take a seat, and she heard the clearing of his throat. 
 "Good morning Tabitha" 
 Her fingers began to fidget recognizing exactly who it was. 
 Wasn't life funny?
 Stephen wasn't sure of how this would turn out, especially with how things were between him and the young girl. 
He wouldn't lie, he told Sonya to allow her granddaughter to come to his school. He wanted a reason to see Tabitha again and if it meant to confine her in these walls where he could watch her, then so be it. 
He had taken a look into her school records too, it was really good. He wouldn't deny that he never thought of her as being the smartest person, but it was due to his prejudices against her. She had the ability to go places, but would she? Seeing the life she was living it would be hard for her to juggle going to a good college and take care of her family. 
He always thought that family should be the most important priority for a woman, over herself at least. He watched her body seated in front of him, her eyes refusing to look up. Her defiance against him was gone, which he saw as a good thing.
 But as always, she had the upper hand by not answering him. 
 "Tabitha, when someone says good morning, you should respond."
 Her coffee eyes glanced at him briefly before mumbling a response, it was better than nothing.
 There was nothing but hate in her heart when looking at him, the pain still evident in the burning the felt with his gaze on her body. Her mother taught her that one should not hate, it wasn't Christian like. Deep down, she knew her mother was right, feelings such as hate could have dire consequences. Tabitha wasn't ready to forgive yet though, it was still all too fresh. 
 "Alright, well here is the timetable of your classes every day. I know you might be against it but you will have to attend Friday mass like everyone else, no questions asked. Also, wear your blazer, modesty is of importance here, something I know you don't know much of."
 She knew he said that just to get a rile out of her, but she wasn't going to give in. Twisting her mouth, she said thank you and got up to leave with her schedule at hand. 
 "I didn't dismiss you yet" 
 She froze, refusing to turn and see him. 
 "Don't forget, Tabitha, I call the shots here. My word is the law, so you will have to obey it too." She hoped the trembling in her fingers weren't showing too much, she wanted to cry so badly but knew she needed to stay strong. 
 She only wondered how things could turn so bad so quickly for her. As soon as she walked out into the hall, hands moved quickly wiping the tears that threaten to fall out.
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ma-gic-gay · 4 years
The kiss had complicated things.
Asking for an anullment had complicated it even more.
This was just supposed to be a marriage of convenience, a marriage built upon keeping Wiley safe from everything that could hurt him. Especially Nelle. They got married to protect him, so Michael could have a better chance in court against her.
After they won sole custody, the psycho bitch had kidnapped him after slashing Brook Lynn's throat. Thankfully, Michael had found them and saved Wiley.
That damn kidnapping is the reason Willow's thinking like this. Well, maybe one good thing came out of that besides extra quality family moments: her kiss with Michael after he'd brought their son back home.
Their son. Willow was officially adopting Wiley. Diane had the paperwork ready to go, all they had to do was sign it tomorrow and then her and Michael would always be in each other's lives, whether they wanted to or not.
She really wanted to be in his life in a bigger way than just a co parent for Wiley. As much as she loved that little boy, and there was no way to put the love she has for him into words, she didn't want to be the parent who's house he goes to on the weekends or a visitor to him. Granted, Michael would never let that happen. He was too kind, too perfect when it came to that, amongst other things. Michael wanted to make sure that their family stays just that, a family. Dysfunctional to an extent, yes, but a family.
It's almost like everyone is yelling for them to get together. Even his grandmother and brother who had met Willow ten seconds before saying how obviously happy she made his little brother.
Maybe she's just overthinking this. After all, Michael might still be in love with Sasha. It's completely possible; they were together for a long time.
What if she's not? What if this isn't all in her head, and she's not freaking out and internally losing it over nothing? What if this is real, a genuine connection, and they're just throwing it away?
Dante said something about this when they'd met, in between quick witted remarks about the dysfunction she had married into. He'd actually said a lot of important things, she thinks.
"I'd ask my little brother if you make him happy, but you obviously do. I can see it written all over his face," Dante had said as soon as they were introduced.
Michael had brought up getting an annulment as opposed to a divorce, which she explained had been in part because they didn't have any irreconcilable differences. "Well, I just got here, so what do I know, but you two seem pretty happy together. And compatible- genuinely, that's a rare thing! But you guys know what's best for you guys."
She couldn't believe it. Each day, their family moments, it felt more and more like normal. Her broken heart had mended, she knew it. When she had to speak to Chase the other day, she didn't feel like she was in love with him anymore. She could look him dead in the eyes and still not feel that spark.
It was a confusing situation in general, with Michael having asked for an annulment after saying how great she was and kept looking at her with that look, the half smile and loving eyes.
How she loved that look. It was becoming a favorite thing of hers, seeing him look at her like that. She didn't know what it was, but if anyone was going to, she figured it would be Dante.
Or she could ask Michael himself. After all, they always promised to tell the truth to each other no matter what happened. Honesty and trust were the foundation of their marriage. Despite the fact it would be ending a lot sooner than she would've liked, they were still married. Rules still applied.
And that's how she ended up waiting anxiously in the foyer for her husband to come home. "Hello, Willow. What are you doing?" Dante asks when he walks in the door. "I mean no offense by that, of course, it's just you look like you've got something on your mind. Or, rather, someone. You also look like Lulu back when we were just married and she was so excited to see me at home, so I'm going to guess you're looking for Michael and have something important to tell my little brother."
"I can't get anything past you," she chuckles softly. Dante genuinely cared about the people around him and who made his family happy, that she could see easily.
"So why are you waiting for my brother?"
Willow takes a deep breath, sitting on one of the stairs so she stops pacing. "Well, you look like there's something on your mind. Wanna talk about it?"
Dante let's out a quiet laugh. "You don't want to go first, fine, I will. I just saw Lulu at the Floating Rib. She was there for Maxie's engagement party, I guess. Something I was not invited to, since she didn't know I was back in town. Anyways, we were chatting and then Dustin walked in. He was talking about a PTA meeting. I knew they were serious, but I had no clue that they were serious enough he's on the PTA."
"Dustin's not on the PTA, he's a teacher. He had to make a presentation. I know because I'm a teacher too. I get kids who have been transfers from his school." Willow informs him, watching as relief goes over her brother-in-law's face.
"That's good, but still. He then offered to start getting to know me, practically insinuating that I'm just some dude he has to deal with in Lulu's life. It feels like a bad love triangle, the first of many you'll experience as Wiley's mother. I don't know, I don't like the guy," Dante sighs.
"I don't know if this will make you feel any better, but to be honest, his reviews are meh at best. The kids like him, for sure, but I don't know. Haven't made up my decision about him yet," she smiles.
Smiling back, Dante says, "Well, you've got to tell me now. What are you so desperate to tell Michael you're pacing like a newlywed who needs sex?"
She bursts out laughing. "You're blunt, Dante. Lulu isn't going to pick Dustin, you know that."
"It's Lulu Spencer. I'd like to think I know her, but I don't know. She's... Changed since I last saw her. In a good way, but still, change is change. Peter offered me a job where we might be working together, so there's that. Anyways, enough of me. You're not getting out of talking about Michael anymore."
Willow playfully glares at Dante. "Fine. I'm going to tell him that I don't want an annulment."
A huge smile breaks out onto Dante's face. "Thank God, I was half convinced you weren't going to tell him or he wasn't going to tell you."
"Wait, Michael doesn't want one either?" Willow asks, confused. He had been sending mixed signals for a while now, but so had she. Her feelings were... Complex, that'd be the ideal phrase to describe them. She didn't know if she loved him yet, nor did she want to rush into that or anything, but there was an attraction she couldn't shake to him.
"Wow, Willow. You're both the most oblivious people on the planet. You're perfect for each other," Dante laughs. "Of course he doesn't want an annulment! Have you seen the way he looks at you lately? That's not how you look at your friend, or convenient wife. That's how you look at someone you love! I've only seen the two of you together a couple of times, but my big bro instincts are telling me that he's doing his thing where he doesn't go for what he wants."
Willow laughs along with him. "That's so frustrating, right? He won't allow himself to have anything good without overthinking it."
As they're laughing, Michael walks in. "What's so funny?" He asks Willow and Dante, confused.
"It's not even really funny, it's just that- Michael, I'm going to let you two speak for a minute. I've got to get to... Somewhere that's not here," Dante excuses himself.
That was weird, Michael thinks as Willow stands. "Is it just me or is he asking weird?"
Willow smiles, "He's not, but we do have to talk."
Taking a deep breath, Michael nods his agreement. "Okay, you wanna go to the living room so we can sit for this conversation, because I've got something to tell you too."
"Me first," Willow says as she sits on the couch next to him. "Michael, I don't want an annulment."
Michael breathes a sigh of relief, "Can I ask why?"
"If you still want to get one, of course we'll get one. But I don't want to. I want to stay married to you and not just because of the house and not cooking or cleaning, which are huge pros. I want to stay married to you because you're kind and loving. You always treat me with respect I didn't know I deserved until we got married. Chase was- he was great, but you don't put work before me, or your family. Family is the most important thing to you, not work or money or any of that stuff. You love Wiley as much as I do, and you're the only person who understands what it's like to be dealing with this stuff as a parent, and as a person. He's not just something that comes with me for you, he's someone important and who you love. I don't feel like I'm a second choice, or that I'm too needy, or that I've got to reschedule my plans so you can do something. And with Chase, it didn't always feel like that. You found out about something I loved and instantly found a broker to get the best wine selections because you wanted me to be able to have that back. Look, what I'm trying to say is I like you, Michael."
There's a quiet in the room as Michael takes in everything Willow just said to him. "As in romantically?" He asks, still processing what he just heard from her.
"Yes, romantically. And I get it if you don't feel the same, it's just that I feel like you might because you're acting like you're into me sometimes and you did say that I was everything you could've hoped for so I guess I just wanted to say this. I Also, Dante was surprisingly helpful in getting me to be able to say this to you," Willow smiles anxiously at the man sat next to her on the couch.
His brain is going a million miles an hour, trying to properly process everything. Willow can't deal with the silence, however, and starts rambling: "If you're trying to think of an easy way to let me down, Michael, just do it flat out. No harm, no foul. It doesn't change what I feel, but it will make me feel less embarrassed about putting you in such an uncomfortable situation."
"You done?" Michael half smirks, and she nods before he kisses her, soft yet perfect. Willow can feel herself falling in love with this kiss, which is arguably better than the other two they've had, as fantastic as they've been.
When they pull away, Michael gives her the look again. It's more intense, but she's realized he's always got it when he's talking to her. "Willow, I like you a lot. I've liked you since we first met, and honestly, I don't know if I ever entirely stopped. The only reason I suggested the annulment is because I knew it would take some time, and because I wanted to know if you wanted to stay married. In my mind, I've always hoped it'd turn out with us together, no matter how real what we both had with Chase and Sasha was. It took me until you accepted my proposal- which, by the way, was absolutely terrible and I'm sorry for that- to realize that I really like you. So I'll call Diane and tell her to call off the annulment."
She smiles. "What does this mean for us, Michael? I can't live in this state of limbo forever."
"I don't know right now. Let's give it a time limit for the state of limbo: Wiley's 2nd birthday. It's a few months away, which is plenty of time to figure it out and still not feel like we're rushing through anything."
"Sounds... Perfect."
You should post this!!!
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neoculturetechxgot7 · 5 years
Gardenia on the crown - J.J.H.
2; Sun kissed gardens
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pairing: Jung Jaehyun × Reader
genre: angst
length: around 2k words
warnings: profanity
The distance from the ballroom to the gardens is fairly short, having to cross only a few wide halls buzzing with the usual morning preparations as maids and servants swiftly moved around with hasty steps.
You're surprised to soon find yourself crossing a large patio paved with thick, grey gravel to reach what the king said to be the countryard, where a seemingly endless sea of green spread under the skyline. Without wasting a moment, you follow both elders as they begin making their way between big, voluminous bushes and blooming flowers covering each side of the stone path.
It seems to be more of a maze than a garden, its complicated spirals of greenery pushing you to the brim of dizziness, constant turns killing your sense of direction. At this point, it's a fact that you'd get lost if left alone in there.
The sky is clear and gifts you a generous supply of sun beams, which you presume to be nature's way of sympathizing with your new reality, trying to provide the slightest comfort. It's hard to enjoy even that though, with Jaehyun by your side. At least he makes sure to keep more than enough distance and you feel internally grateful for his understanding of personal space.
You steal a brief glance on your right where he strolls carelessly, hands in the pockets of his dress pants like a gentleman. Glaring far into the horizon, he seems to have retreated into his own thoughts which causes you to feel a little more relaxed, knowing he isn't intently watching your every move.
The sudden urge to run away almost overpowers you when his eyes, pink and purple lavender mirroring in their depths, lock with yours and embarrassment pierces through you so brutally. Once again, your cheeks probably get more blush than any rose in the entire palace as you quickly snap your head to the other side.
He literally just caught you staring.
But there is nothing wrong with that, right? He is your husband-to-be after all...
Thanfully, Jaehyun doesn't comment anything, only leaves a blanket of silence drape over you and the bold decision of looking at anything but him takes a good seat in the back of your head.
Thankfully, the plants around you can provide a great distraction as you get fascinated by their vivid colours and freshness, early dew still sliding off of velvety petals and leaves. They aren't as Iively as those back home nor is there as much variety, but still it remains a pretty sight.
What really catches your attention though are a few snowy white blooms emerging from a plush bush beside the path and your heart flutters, inevitably drawn to them. Ducking with golden satin pooling around your ankles, your fingers reach out to pluck one and the next moment you're burying your nose to deeply inhale in the beautiful scent that makes fairies dance on the crisp air.
You love it. That's why you can't bare to avert your gaze, instead standing over the plants as if you can somehow escape in their dreamy world, wiping tiny droplets from their surface to feel the coolness of morning.
"Gardenia." A voice comes from behind and you quickly realise it's Jaehyun, his heavy footsteps growing louder as he approached.
"I know." You reply, almost allowing a chuckle past your lips. "My mother adores them. She says it takes a lot of care for these to grow."
"We do take care of them here." There is a tone of pointing out the obvious lacing his words as he halts before the flowers and slowly leans to sniff one.
"You take care of them?" You ask with a finger pointing at him, genuinely curious to know if the prince of ice has a soft spot for gardening after all.
"No, of course not. Servants do." Jaehyun explains nonchalantly and, after looking back at the path, gestures for you to follow, since both your parents have already moved way ahead.
The hint of enthusiasm in your chest is quickly crashed by his answer and once again it feels so unbearably cold to be around him, an imaginary yet sturdy wall built between you two. He continues walking, completely ignoring the uneasiness being alone with him causes you.
You wish to rush to your father's side, hide under his wing and plea to stop the marriage, but your pride and unbending sense of responsibility leaves you simply scurrying to catch up.
You don't trade any other words as he continues pretending oblivion to your existence and you begin hating even the slightest idea of him, burning with desire for all of this mess to end.
A torturous amount of time later, your heels are digging into the expensive burgundy carpet decorating a high staircase leading up to what the king said to be your royal chambers. You can't wait to go up these steps and sink in the peace and quiet of a well-made bed. Privacy and some time alone is all you need to put the tornado of incomprehensible thoughts racking your mind in order.
And while you're daydreaming about soft pillows and the chilling touch of cotton sheets, Jaehyun's father keeps on with his relentless ramble regarding the wedding, which, from what you understood, will be held under the next full moon, in about a month from now.
It then dawns on you how, truly, you have only 25 days before you allow that awful prince to slide a band of polished platinum on your ring finger and tie your lives together in eternity. Then, as the unwritten laws of the ancient proclaimed, you'd be inseparable.
Fuck all of this.
Screaming and shouting until the moon itself tears in half seems like a tempting option to let out the despair now nibbling at every inch of you skin. Hatred and so much fury boils in your bloodstream, especially after your gaze lands on your betrothed, who was eyeing you back, possibly with raw dislike.
You realize now that, really, you despise him.
He's standing just a step below, too close for your lungs to breathe freely but close enough for your nails to claw at his eyes and-
"...and the ceremony will take place at the palace, before the grand feast..." The hoarsennes of the king's voice scratches your ears almost cruelly.
You can't stand hearing whatever shit is coming out his mouth, already way past your breaking point. You can't take it anymore, you can't wait for him to finish that annoying monologue.
Your fingers start to tremble ever so slightly, golden rings clashing inaudibly against each other.
You don't want to hear anything else about that damned wedding, the upcoming end of life as you know it, and right now all you can think about is how to reach your room as soon as possible.
Then, a god-sent idea flashes before your conscious, dramatic yet somehow good, the distress in your eyes replaced by glimmering relief.
If this works, you'll be in the security of a spacious room within seconds, away from the overwhelming royals and their annoying chit-chat.
A soft gasp falls from your parted lips and a hand shot up to your forehead, knees bending slightly.
"Sweetheart, are you okay?" Your dad's concern coated tone sends traces of guilt to crawl under your skin.
"Yes, I'm just feeling a little dizzy, father." You whine, sounding pathetic nonetheless, leaning towards his embrace for support.
"Do you need me to call the maids?"
Your inevitably gaze shoots to Jaehyun's father eyeing you, awaiting your answer.
"No, no, it's alright. I'd prefer to retreat from your company, though." You mentally cringe at the immerse politeness you're forced show when in reality all you long to say is a simple fuck off, all of you.
So your plan might be...really pitiful at its execution after all. You aren't sure if anyone will believe your pretentious groan of pain and the helpless tone, but even so, who can refuse a princess a such simple request?
"The sun. Its probably the heat that's caused this, my Lady." The unbothered king points out, without a single drop of regret in his voice for having you wander around the entire garden under the searing licks of sunshine.
And then, fingertips scorch a tight grasp around your wrist making you flinch, eyes darting daggers at Jaehyun who is taking a step forward to tower over you, blaze adorning his gaze.
"Are you sure you're alright, princess?" His other hand snakes its way around your waist so smoothly, fingers squeezing waves of newfound heat against your side.
You can burst any moment now and slap that pretty face of his that's now only a breath away as he pulls you ever so slightly towards his chest.
If you had a fake headache before, it's a certain fact that a real one is starting to pulse inside your head at right now.
"Guards!" The king loudly calls for the two men in light armor standing on either side of the base of the stairs and they hurry away from their positions to approach you. "Take her highness to her royal chambers immediately."
You'd be glad to be escorted by them, followed by the soft clatter of iron as you head for the comfort of your apartments, away from that stupid prince.
But apparently Jaehyun isn't about to allow that luxury, when he throws a sharp nod to stop them dead on their tracks.
"I got her."
No, no, no, no. Damnit, no.
You can barely contain your body's reaction to violently wiggle out of his grip and pick up your skirts to bolt away, not giving a shit about manners at this point. Being almost pressed flush with his body strangely drains you of energy and clouds your mind with a heavy daze, sensing his every warm inhale brush against your neck.
"Father, please continue without us."
You don't make it to hear what the others mumble -probably their farewells- as he spins you around, palm moving lower on the small of your back to support it, although it's really not necessary. If it weren't for his tight hold though, you would've fallen flat on your face after tripping on the first step, the clumsiness striking you yet again.
"Do you need me to carry you?" He leans to whisper in your ear, freezing you in place at the proximity and his spine-chilling touch.
You are somewhat disgusted. His concern is probably nothing more than sugar-coated pretence.
"No, I'm okay. I can do this alone." That's all you manage to blurt out, insides lit on ruby fire as you try to move away hopelessly.
Even so, his bony fingers don't loosen up. "There's only a few steps left."
His voice rings faintly, because everything around you except him seems to disintegrate into a blur and you melt painfully slow into his unwanted embrace. The erratic heartbeat thumping on your temples is louder than gunshots at this point, making you wonder if he can hear it so clearly too.
Jaehyun's scent of sandalwood and rosemary has a shaky breath hitch at your throat so painfully, overpowering all your senses in a feverish way.
You curse at your impatience, regretting not waiting for the king to end the annoying palace tour and bidding all three men goodbye to find your room all alone. Yes, that would've been perfect compared to the current situation.
Your whole body is tense, every muscle buzzing with electricity as you keep going up the staircase in the heated hands of your betrothed.
The devil holds you tight only to burn you tighter.
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