#if not in content then in spirit 😤
grim-glasses · 8 months
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Happy Valentine's Day from Shinigami Dispatch 😘🫡❤️🖤
Will: me
Grell: Peculiar
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cgcgs43046 · 2 months
Call to All Helluva Boss Writers (Critics, no stans) 🗣 🔥:
Hi, Hello, and Salutations! :D
Welcome to the Re-Imagined Helluva Boss and Hazbin (still thinking of a name). Dive into the creative process as we try to rewrite the Hellaverse in specific episodes and moments, and give the characters we know and love glow-ups! We also aim to provide some mythological/biblical/theological accuracy to the lore, as well as any personal rewrites on the core themes and ideas.
And let me say this again, I want to provide Blitzø with a more satisfying ending and better partners in this rewrite. I believe Blitzø deserves better writing and adjustments, and I don't want him to end up with a pompous owl who is a hypocrite, areepy predator/rapist, and an imp fetishizer! 😤
If you're interested in contributing to this project, you're welcome to join! I'm seeking writers, artists, concept designers, or anyone who wants to contribute. Just to clarify, my main focus is on the writing part. Even though I've watched the show many times already, I still need help, okay?!
I've drawn inspiration from various AUs, such as @Lovesart23 (I really liked her rewrite, you can find it here: https://www.youtube.com/@LovesArt23 or check her Twitter), as well as Kaldeya and many others. I'm integrating my own original characters and lore into it.
For animators and concept artists, you guys don't really need to do as much work since this will be a written work mostly but I'm open!
First and foremost...
Always engage with fellow server members respectfully and kindly. This server is a community built on mutual respect and collaborative spirit.
Any form of bullying or disrespectful behavior will lead to an immediate ban.
No slurs or derogatory language will be tolerated under any circumstances. 3. Engage in communications that uplift and respect all individuals.
Please keep the server focused on media critique and related discussions. If you wish to engage in political discussions or other potentially divisive topics, kindly do so through direct messages (DMs) rather than in public channels.
Explicit NSFW content is strictly prohibited. However, artistic expressions such as nudity in art, pinups, and sex-related jokes are permitted, provided they are preceded by a clear content warning to respect the sensibilities of all members.
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Engage freely, share your interests, and have fun! This is a space for you to enjoy and feel part of a welcoming community.
Looking forward to working with you guys! :)
Bye~! :D
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anxious-lee · 9 months
|| Quasimodo Tickle Headcanons ||
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A/N: didn't actually think anyone would want these but @shyleereading , this one's for you 😤🫶❤️
- 100% lee
- mans does not have the confidence to tickle anyone
- doesn't think much about tickling until Esmerelda comes into his life
- she's always finding new ways to bring out Quasi's spirit and joy for life, this being one of them
- not the fastest at picking up when someone's about to tickle him, but when he does, he'll start backing away, stammering and babbling about the chores that need doing and how he should really go see to them
- VERY VERY ticklish
- as strong as he is, he's got no chance of saving himself from dastardly fingers
- not that he wants to anyway
- secretly loves being tickled
- he wasn't shown any physical affection throughout his life, so tickling, as Esmerelda has shown him, is a fun and kind way to show your love and care for someone
- but again, is very shy about it, so don't expect him to admit it
- most ticklish spots are his ribs and underarms (he SQUEALS)
- his laugh 😭 is 😭 so 😭 pure 😭
- everyone who knows him thinks so
- it's light and high and giggly and agghh 🫠
- despite what people say, he can't unhear the cruel voice in his head telling him he is ugly and unlovable, and unfortunately that includes a hatred of his own laugh
- when the tickling starts, he'll try to cover his laugh with his hands purely out of instinct, but that never lasts long. eventually the sensation is too much to bear and he has to draw his hands away to protect his spots
- gets the urge to grab the ler's wrists, but he is terrified of his own strength and doesn't want to risk hurting you, so his hands either are shielding tickle spots or hiding his burning red face
- oh you KNOW he's a blusher
- teases work splendidly on him, specifically the compliments (ex: "your laugh is so adorable!" "you're so cute when you blush" etc) *quasi.exe has stopped working*
- can say the t-word just fine normally, but if asked to admit that he's ticklish, his throat goes dry
- when it's Emerelda tickling him, you know damn well she won't let any self-deprecating talk fly. what usually happens is she calls him cute, he denies it, and she (offendedly) tickles him harder until he reluctantly gives in to her
- can easily get overwhelmed with tickles if it's too intense tho, so no restraints ✔️, light pinning ✔️, only one spot at a time ✔️, nothing too crazy
- while Phoebus and Quasi had a rocky start to their relationship at first, they are great friends now, and Phoebus will help Esmerelda wreck him when he gets an opportunity
- what really flusters Quasimodo too is when Esmerelda and Phoebus are holding a conversation AS they're tickling him senseless, as if he's not even there
- when things ACCIDENTALLY tickle him, he'll try his damn hardest to make it appear like nothings wrong. 1) he's embarrassed and 2) he doesn't want to make the situation awkward, since they aren't TRYING to tickle him
- little does he know, he's a terrible liar, and it's amusing watching him to try to behave normally
- does little leg kicks into the floor to keep from hitting the ler but CHRIST does it tickle
- hugging his waist also helps, sort of
- nothing makes Quasi's friends happier than seeing him smiling and happy ❤️
That about does it 👏! Quasimodo is my boi and I wish sincerely that he had more tickle content. This'll have to do
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angel-hole · 9 months
There are so few bottom!cas content creaters out there so glad to have found a kindred spirit !
aw, it's true. we need to stick together 😤💪 i'm always happy to find fellow bottom!cas enjoyers 💕
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archangelmacaron · 4 months
ship bingoooo what do you think of Fugo / Noel 😶‍🌫️
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I must warn y'all I am (unfortunately) a dedicated monoshipper in almost everything, which makes me quite boring!
It seems like Funoe used to be really popular, but I get the impression it's because people were hoping he was like the male lead from a certain parallel-marketed series more than appreciation for the story and characters as they actually are; and then, when it was clear that he wasn't the male lead, people seem to have just lost interest entirely.
This blows my mind! Fugo is still such a great character, hella hot, with his own very interesting arc and friends and the sexiest best big brother ever! How is he not a tumblr sexyman or whatever??? LOOK AT HIM!!!
So I'm a little sad for the Funoes, that they went from an abundance of (even if not always totally in character) fan content to almost nothing nowadays. Not only that, but in part two he even says that she's cool and he likes her, but that's about it in terms of shippy interactions. That's so rough! 😭
And it's a solid ship! I mean, you have the rough and tumble demon with the spirited but elegant princess type. Like Caron and Noel, they grow to respect each other despite being so vastly different (and I live for ships with genuine respect !) That's a great combo! And they even look good together.
Frankly I just want to see more Fugo content. He deserves the attention he used to get, on his own merits! 😤
Overall it's not for me but I support the funoes so much and hope they have fun!
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I'm 😼👌💥 sorry 🙇 to interrupt 😑 you 👈 Elizabeth 🙍‍♀️, if you 👉 still 🤞🙌 even 🌃 remember 💭 that name 📛. But 🍑 I'm 💘 afraid 😱 you've been misinformed. You 👈 are not here to receive 📲 a gift 🎁, nor have you 👈 been called ☁ here by the individual 🧘🇳🇵 you 👈 assume 🤔. Although 👐🏻 you 👈 have indeed 👌💯 been called ☁.
You 👉🌐🤖 have all 💯 been called ☁ here. Into a labyrinth 🤔 of sounds 👂🏻 and smells 👃, misdirection and misfortune 👲. A labyrinth 🤔 with no 🚫 exit 🚪, a maze 🍆 with no 🙅 prize 😛. You 👉 don't 🚫 even 🌃 realize 🤔😯 that you 👈 are trapped 😭😤. Your 👉 lust 💞 for blood 💉 has driven 🚘 you 👈 in endless 🔁 circles ⭕, chasing 🏃‍♀️ the cries 😢😭 of children 👦🏻👧🏻 in some unseen 🙈 chamber 🙌, always 🔥 seeming 😮 so near 😯, yet 😇 somehow 😆 out of reach 👍.
But 🍑 you 👈 will never 🙅 find 🔎⏳ them, none 🚫 of you 👈 will. This is where your 👈 story 📖 ends 🔚.
And to you 👉💁🏼‍♀️, my brave 💪 volunteer 💏👨, who somehow 😆 found 👣🔍 this job 😕 listing 📝 not intended 🤡 for you 👈. Although 👐🏻 there was a way 💫 out planned 🗓 for you 👈, I 👁 have a feeling 😁 that's ✔ not what you 👈 want 😍. I 👁 have a feeling 😁 that you 👈 are right ✔ where you 👈 want 😍 to be. I ⚡👥 am remaining 🌌 as well 😦, I 👁 am nearby 🎮.
This place 🚩 will not be remembered 🙄, and the memory 🧠 of everything 💯 that started 💢 this can finally 👆 begin 🖤🤠🐎 to fade 🙅🏼‍♂️📉 away 😂. As the agony 😰🆘 of every 💯 tragedy 😭😱 should. And to you 👈 monsters 👹 trapped 🚫 in the corridors 🚪: Be still 🙄 and give 👉 up ⬆ your 👉 spirits 👻, they don't ❌ belong 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🚽 to you 👈.
For most of you 👉, I 💵👁 believe 🙏💭🤔 there is peace ✌☮ and perhaps 😍 more waiting 🚏 for you 👈 after 👀 the smoke 🚬🌴 clears 📝. Although ��, for one ☝😤 of you 👉🏻, the darkest 😈 pit 🕳 of Hell 🔥 has opened 👐 to swallow 😻🙌🏽👅 you 👈 whole 💦😍, so don't 🚫 keep 👌 the devil 👿 waiting 🚏, old 👴 friend 👫.
My daughter 👧, if you 👈 can hear 👂🏻👩 me, I 👁 knew 🙀🙈 you 👈 would return ↩ as well 😦. It's in your 👉 nature 🌿 to protect 🔒 the innocent 😏🙇. I'm 💘 sorry 💔 that on 🔛 that day 📆, the day 🌞⭐🌟 you 😍🏃👈 were shut 😷 out and left 👈 to die ☠, no 😣 one 😤😖😲 was there to lift 🚚 you 👈 up ⬆ into their arms 💪 the way ↕ you 👈 lifted 👐💪 others 👪 into yours. And then, what became 🚡 of you 👈.
I 👁 should have known 🎓 you 👈 wouldn't 😩 be content 🌍✔ to disappear 💨, not my daughter 👧. I 👁 couldn't save 📑 you 👈 then, so let 👫 me save 📑 you 👉 now.
It's time 🕐 to rest 😪. For you 👈🏼, and for those you 👈 have carried 💪🏿 in your ♥👈 arms 💪.
This ends 🔚 for all 💯 of us 🇺🇸.
End 🔚 communication 🗣.
ok what the fuck..
edit: I JUST REALIZED. 💀💀💀
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kinkandkreep · 1 year
Ok y'all, here's the plan:
So, first off, we've successfully relocated and though I'll be quite busy these next few weeks, I am still actively working on everything I owe y'all. PLUS, is ya girl's birfday monf!!! Best month for sure, for sure. 😌💁🏾‍♀️
@midnight-the-shadow-wolf Thank you for your patience hun, I am still working on your request and will have it up as soon as possible.
There's also two other requests in my inbox and unfortunately I'm not able to tag you guys, but hopefully you remember who you are. 😭 Lord willing, I'm going to watch ATSV on the 9th and will be able to fulfill Miguel and Miles related asks more accurately after such time. In the meantime, feel free to send in your requests for them (provided you read the rules first)!
Til then though, I got some Miguel angst and the much requested Yandere!Miguel continuation planned for y'all! (I also got like this super self-indulgent drabble to post as a prequel to the angst and once it's up I'd really appreciate you guy's feedback. 😊)
To my people that followed me for Connor content, first, thank y'all ever so much for your patience, y'all are the real ones. 🥺 Secondly, I'm not even gone cap, I have lowkey accidentally misplaced my inspiration to write things for him, but I promised y'all more content for him and darnit, thats what I'm gonna provide! 😤
All that to say, please bare with me y'all, Tee Tee Ari's gettin' it together. 😂
Also I apparently surpassed 700 followers!!?!??! Thank y'all so much????
I truly appreciate every one of my followers and I thank y'all sincerely for every interaction y'all have with me. Really helps keep my spirits high. 😁
Ok, I believe das all. Ari out!✌🏾
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celiaelise · 1 year
(content warning: slightly scary mask/doll faces)
Y'alllll I am attempting a craft (for theater reasons) and it is going SO only okay!! 🙄😭
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I got this Spirit Halloween "scary doll" mask, and I am trying to repaint her to look more like a... regular? scary doll? Like, just a normal porcelain doll. But her eyebrows and many of the cracks are sculpted in, and were still visible even after several layers of mod podge + paint! So I decided to try sculpting over them (and the cheeks, which I just thought weren't round enough) with air dry clay, which, as you can see, cracked pretty badly! 🤦🏻‍♀️ and just looks kind of weird and lumpy, to boot. Also it's been over 24 hours, but I'm not sure if it's completely dry yet, because it's still cool to the touch!
And I'm not sure if I should just try adding my paint mixture over top, hoping it will cover the cracks and unify the surface, or if I should try making slip and filling them with that, or if I should just try and sand and pry most of the clay off!?! 😤 AND all of this is before I even get started on the actual painting, which shouldn't be too complicated, but I have, at most, only a couple of days to do it! (Originally I wanted to have the whole thing finished by rehearsal tomorrow evening, but that's looking unlikely.)
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celestialtarot11 · 10 months
hey celestialtarot11 ! I recently found your channel and I'm really liking it so far 😊 I appreciate you doing free readings I'd absolutely love for you to do a reading for me.
I wanna know what my life abroad is gonna be like (initially at least) cuz my boyfriend lives in a different country from me and I wanna move there with him and I'd appreciate some tea on the topic you know? So yea and my favorite emji combo is 💚🌻✨️ and my favorite voclour is black 🖤
Sending you sunshines and rainbows and so much light ✨️
Take care :]
Hey lovely soul ✨☁️🤍 thank you so much for the compliment, I would hope ya’ll would like the content here. Life abroad seems really cool! I hope you enjoy wherever you’re going.
Black is an underrated color 😤 intimidating at its best lol. Anyway lets get into it and spill some tea. Any additional concerns feel free to dm me!
Gaia (earth, nature, embodiment) • 2 of wands • 4 of cups
Moving abroad would help you to embody yourself! You’d feel stable, secure and even financially abundant. I see lots of new doorways here, so not everything will be set in stone but it’s important, because you’ll have the freedom to choose where you go next. I do see you feel overwhelmed by the new change, spirit is saying its an adjustment and figuring out whats next will take time. If you have feelings of anxiety, taking time out in nature will help your transition greatly 🤗 Maybe you’re wanting to invest in a music band? Music of some kind? Or maybe you might visit a concert with your partner at some point! Maybe one of ya’ll likes the flute or the drum. I see lots of creativity but your anxiety can easily drown it out, so its important to move in small steps for the first 6 months. Let yourself adjust. You may find yourself deepening your spirituality with this move! 🤍☺️✨ thank you so much for allowing me to do this reading! I hope it brought clarity for you. See you around!
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iricathel · 2 years
omg we need a irina + aleksi playing volleyball content immediately😤😤🤲🏻🤲🏻😤🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
[We both made a previous post talking about both Aleksi and Irina's passion for volleyball, although in different ways. So here you have them together as a team 👁]
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[This was not immediate but the intention is what counts 🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️]
🏐 We know very well that both Aleksi and Irina are hard-working, extremely ambitious and quite competitive women. Having both on the same team and assuming positions of great power raises the strength and determination of the team to be practically unstoppable 💅
🥇 Despite the fact that both have dominant personalities and that lead them to take leadership behaviors, there is a quite harmonious collaboration and respect.
🏐 Aleksi is the captain of the team, she is the boat sail, the one who guides the group forward. She is the one who provides the motivation and the necessary strength so that the spirits are always afloat. She's the Ace, she is the one who intimidates the rivals every time she comes out to make her hit, Aleksi is the terror of the team 👹
🥇 Irina, on the other hand, prefers to be the one who makes decisions in the shadows, thus being the rudder of the ship. Being the setter of the group, she is the one who pulls the strings, the one who decides what moves to make to mislead the rival and thus be able to win points. In the same way, Irina's charisma helps her to know the team very well and knows very well what strategies to do and how to keep the group relationship together.
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🏐 For Haikyuu! Fans, I can see Aleksi like a mix between Bokuto and Sakusa, while Irina is a mix between Oikawa and Kenma. Though, I can see their dynamic like Atsumu and Osamu.
🥇 As not everything is so nice and beautiful, although Aleksi and Irina can become an interesting and powerful combination, they end up having conflicting clashes because similar personality = opinion clashes (especially when both are of the dominant type).
🏐 Irina can become very stubborn and with a very distorted Free Will ideology, so Aleksi needs to put order so that Irina does not go over the line to take authority 🤼‍♂️
🥇 They are also not a good combination when it comes to blocking. Aleksi is much taller than Irina, and has a much bigger and stronger builded body structure.
🏐 Aleksi is like a lion and Irina is more like a cheetah due to her more athletic build. Therefore, if they don't want to have gaps in their barriers, Irina must make a greater effort to be able to jump up to Aleksi's height.
🥇 The amount of trophies and medals these two would have won though 🙄💅
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grelleswife · 2 years
imagine sebastian discovering kitties kneading or like kneading on humans for the first time :3 maybe a day like when he was told to lie down from undertakers attack? he doesn't like it but the minute he has kitties on his bed one starts kneading!!! he never wants to stand up again...
Seb adores just about any feline mannerism, but he’s particularly enchanted when they start making biscuits. Those sweet, delicate paws, that contented purr! 😍 He might have first observed this cute habit of theirs during one of his early contracts…but didn’t experience it for himself until his period of convalescence after Undertaker almost turned him into a demonic shish kebab. Though Sebas tries to hide it, O!Ciel can see that his wounds are still troubling him, and the butler’s slowly going stir-crazy from his inability to run the household as he’s accustomed to. Normally, the earl simply wouldn’t tolerate a cat running about the manor, but if a feline companion could lift his dad’s spirits…he supposes he could make a concession. Only on account of these extenuating circumstances! 😤
O!Ciel obviously can’t fetch Her himself due to his allergies, but the butler’s favorite kitty is quite fond of Mey Rin. Thus, a quarter of an hour later, the maid knocks on Sebastian’s bedroom door before waltzing in with the Lady cradled in her arms. Happy tears spring to the demon’s eyes as Mey gently sets Her down in his lap. Like many animals, She is keenly attuned to Her person’s physical and mental well-being, and can tell right away that he’s under the weather. The black cat snuggles up to him and begins purring up a storm as Sebas pets Her. The demon’s already on cloud nine, but when She starts kneading his legs, he’s over the moon! Even though Her dainty claws occasionally prick his skin, he doesn’t mind in the least. She’s showing that She’s content in his presence, that She trusts him! This must be the closest a demon can come to feeling blessed. 😻 Having Her sprawled out on his lap also effectively keeps Sebastian captive, preventing him from trying to get out of bed and overexert himself, but it’s a happy imprisonment for the contented butler. Meanwhile, O!Ciel is secretly relieved that his dad is finally allowing himself to rest and heal. 🖤
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dead-finch-420 · 2 years
this makes me want to mutual you but my friends only is full of me ranting about dumb men and other comments i get AKDHAJD
i think i follow you on everything else tho so it is only right 💪😤
AND MORE CASS CONTENT? i love you oh my god
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muffinjai · 5 months
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Roarrr… 😤 #TongueOut, yawning like a disgruntled influencer. You see, my fellow furballs, the algorithm gods have conspired against us. 🐿️ Our social media reach? It’s like chasing squirrels in molasses—slow and sticky.
Remember the golden days? 🏆 When our likes flowed like a never-ending treat buffet? Comments piled up like autumn leaves, and our followers multiplied faster than tennis balls in a park? Ah, those were the doggone times.
But now? Oh, the algorithm bias! It’s like they’re saying, ‘Sorry, Fido, your content is too paw-sitive. We prefer cat memes and avocado toast.’ 🙄
And to all my fellow four-legged influencers out there: Keep wagging, keep posting, and remember—our reach may be leash-bound, but our spirit? Unleashed! 🐶🌟
P.S. If you see me howling at the Wi-Fi router, I’m just negotiating with the digital overlords. 📡
TongueOutTuesday #TOT #AlgorithmPawtest #TongueOutTuesdayTroubles #DoggoDrama 👅 #DogsOfInstagram #DogsOfCanada #DogsOfVancouver 🐶🐾🇨🇦 #MiniatureSchnauzer #Schnauzer
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themagikmirror · 1 year
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A continuation of my monthly "Care Plan" content created in 2022 channeling Spirit Messages through astrological transits happening. Why would I repost old ass content? Because you can still use it to reference lessons from 2022, time stamp manifestations & conjure new downloads about the present moments you're in....
JULY 2022 :
🦋Pay attention to the weather this month. Pay attention to your bodies (probably won’t have a choice anyways) 💖 We’re six months in. You should know the vibes, but tune in for new things ahead! Jupiter Retrograde in Pisces, Full Moon in Sagittarius and New Moon in Cancer loading
AUGUST 2022 :
Just looking through this Care Plan you can see how much changed astrologically in one month, meaning somethings in life are changing!!!! Summer is moving fast, but don’t miss out on what spirit is trying to show you in your journey. The amazing thing about August is we have new energies we haven’t dealt with in a while and all elements to work with, outside of our lack of air. This could affect communication, but I think we’ll be okay. Honestly Spirit didn’t have much new to say when I sat down to channel these messages… Spirit was quiet 🤫🤐 I don’t know what that means…. But I feel like we’re more than halfway through this year and spirit wants to see what we’re made of. Full Moon in Capricorn at the top of the month, New Moon in Leo and the start of Mercury Retrograde #3 in Sidereal Virgo (just like last year— might wanna review those receipts) finishing things up🔮
🪐With Saturn RX in Capricorn, Mars going into Taurus, an abundance of Water from RX Jupiter in Pisces and the continuation of Sidereal Cancer “Season” , August honestly felt like a moment to slow down & assess from the inside-out. As August ended there was a “count your blessings” type energy in the air. August’s energy started off very unsettling & uncomfortable. This could’ve been due to the shift of energies carrying over from large planets fully stationing retrograde in July and Mars in Aries pushing shit out the way before the transit’s end. Aries is a sign that can make people uncomfortable because there’s so much activity going on, so much energy being put out that sometimes its too much to keep up with : which is why August’s channeled message for Aries was “identify the change”. Reminder : July 2022, much like April 2022, was one of our game changer months. Once energies from major shifts of July 2022 got settled in, August revealed itself to be a moment of cleanse and renewal, but required patience & presence for things to continue to unfold. Strides were made in August that changed trajectories individually & collectively. Please sit with that. Guidance on monthly energies are above via channeled messages using SIDEREAL ASTROLOGY. Readings are still available through my #LinkInBio , but my half off sale has ended! September is going to be a very grounding month as all 3 EARTH SIGNS are occupied one way or another! 🪵🍂🪨
OCTOBER 2022 :
😮‍💨WE’RE FINALLY OUT OF SEPTEMBER‼️It felt so long…. Fall is here with lots of astro-events that will correlate to our lives 🤓 We get a small break from Retrograde activity, but then its back to business.. 😤 Eclipses start back happening. Saturn comes out of Retrograde… I feel like its really the end of the month that is gonna switch things up a lot. Watch my IG LIVE CHECKPOINT to hear more about Fall as well as additional messages that may come through 🧡🌕🪐☄️🍁🌾 
NOVEMBER 2022 : #October was bittersweet. We move on to #November where we must begin harvesting the lessons of #2022. I can’t believe its almost over! We’re currently in a #Gemini #MarsRetrograde and Jupiter’s turbulent Retrograde in Sidereal Pisces finally ends this month.  We start November with a bang 💥 from our Full Moon Eclipse in Aries next week 🙏🏽 I’ll see you 🔜 
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Rook, Kalim: Let there be Light
Did anyone else notice that the big R on Union Birthday Rook’s cap makes him look like he’s repping Pokémon’s Team Rocket--
Also, yes, I am pushing the “Kalim is not stupid” agenda again, so sue me 😤 (It actually ties in well with where I go with this piece!)
Imagine this...
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“If I were to be in a different dorm, I would like to be in Heartslabyul.”
“Ooh, Heartslabyul What made you pick that one over the others?”
“It was a difficult choice!” Rook confessed with a deep, dramatic sigh. “Every dorm has its unique charms! However, Heartslabyul was the one that called out to me the loudest.”
“Like, it vibed with you the best?”
“Oui.” Rook nodded, a radiant smile spreading across his face. “Though I am content with following our beautiful Vil, I feel that I could also serve well under the leadership of Heartslabyul’s queen. Roi des Roses is a very particular individual, so my eye for detail may be of value to him. Heartslabyul also keeps for flamingos and hedgehogs—and I would be able to lend my animal expertise in caring for them. I would be more than happy to support him however I can.”
“Whoa, it’s nice that you’re thinking of how you can help others, Rook!” Kalim beamed. “Come to think of it, Riddle and Vil are similar. They’re both kind of strict, but they’re also really hard working and smart!”
“Roi d’Or...! You understand!!” Rook happily clasped his hands together. “Truly, they are deserving of their titles, of carrying on the spirits of Queen of Hearts and the Beautiful Queen themselves!”
“It’s cuz those two are really amazing. I can see just how much they shine. It’s prettier than any gold or jewels my family has.” Suddenly, Kalim’s smile faltered. “Sometimes it’s hard to believe that we’re all Dorm Leaders.”
“... Whatever do you mean?” Sensing the shift in Kalim’s mood, Rook adopted a more serious tone.
“Riddle and Vil have done a lot of great things. They’re also really great students and leaders! Compared to that, I’m entire worlds apart. I have average grades, and I have trouble paying attention in class, and waking up on time. I just want everyone to be happy and have fun, but I don’t always know the best way to lead them.”
Kalim laughed—but instead of boisterous, it came out weak. “It feels like I’ll never be able to catch up.”
“Kalim-kun... I don’t believe that’s true at all. You are a Dorm Leader that stands on the same level as any other. You sparkle in your own way—so don’t compare yourself to others. Look within yourself, find your own light, and cultivate it.” Rook playfully tapped a fist against Kalim’s arm. “Then you find that beautiful shine that you seek.”
“My shine...”
“Just like at our VDC training camp, Roi d’Or. All it takes is polish, and anyone can become a precious stone.” Rook slipped a hand over his heart, allowing his voice to rise and reverberate. “I’ll definitely give you that brilliant shine🎵 The power to make others kneel, you will have it too🎵”
“Ah...! That song is...” Kalim’s face flooded with recognition. “It was a really fun time. I loved rehearsing with everyone, and performing on stage. If I keep trying hard and practicing, do you really think I can shine even brighter?”
“Certainement. Why, I can see your spirit shining as we speak. Your kindness, your boundless optimism... They are a few of the things that make you stand out!”
Kalim burst out laughing. “Thanks, that makes me feel a lot better!! But you know something, Rook? I can see yours too.”
“Your spirit shining.”
“Fufu. Is that so? I’m very fortunate to find myself where I am, surrounded by such beauty day after day! Perhaps that makes me selfish—I want to see others sparkle so that I may be dazzled by their blinding light. There is no greater joy in my life.”
“Gahahah! I don’t really get all of that, but if it makes you happy, then I’m happy for you too! If there’s anything I can do to help you out, just say the word. I want to make you sparkle, too!”
“If I may, there is one thing... The matter of the birthday blessing!”
“Oh yeah! I’ve still got to pie you! Hang on, I’ll go grab them real quick...!” Kalim scrambled to a table, digging through elaborate platters of appetizers to retrieve two clouds of whipped cream.
“I will warn you,” Rook called after him, “the first hit will be free. After that, there is no promising that I will not dodge or retaliate.”
He wasn’t quite sure if his words ever fully reached Kalim’s ears. The Scarabia student was a blur of cheer and movement, a pie hitting Rook square in the shoulder as he finished his sentence. Whipped cream scattered across Rook’s jacket—like petals haphazardly plucked from a rose.
Sweet and fleeting, all at once.
“Happy birthday, Rook!” Kalim chirped, brandishing a second pie. “I hope the next year’s full of lots of beauty for you!”
“My thanks for the well wishes, Roi d’Or.” Rook stealthily stepped back, hitting another table. A hand snaked behind him, seizing his own pie. “But, if you will indulge me for one last time for this special occasion... Let us duel!!”
“You got it! Let’s dance...!”
Following their declarations, lies went sailing through the air. Flying from all directions and accompanied by howling and shrieks of laughter, it was, at times, difficult to tell who was throwing which. Still...
No matter how much whipped cream coated their skin or their clothes, their shining never once dimmed.
Yes, Rook was very fortunate indeed to be in the midst of it all.
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Ok so... It's time i give my opinion about the Sonic movies since they made me swallow the words of doubt I've been having since the very first announcement but who could blame my skepticism? There's barely any good movie based on a videogame and I didn't want Sonic to be more tarnished and HELL after seeing this thing 👇👇👇👇👇😬😬😬 this fucking thing!:
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Why must you traumatize me this way?😭😭😭 What the hell with those teeth 😨😨😨? Eeeeeeeeee
Well sue me for being distrustful about having a good sonic movie! Also after Sonic X, which is ironically the only sonic show i liked for the sole reason of having Knuckles x Rouge content since I couldn't stand the rest of characters! Specially that damn useless, bland, boring, clingy tag along kid!🤬🤬🤬 I wasn't very enthusiastic about having humans with any protagonism 😤😤😤 and doctor eggman first looks didn't appeal me (because I didn't think he would change it to a more accurate appearance 😅)
The point is I stubbornly refused to acknowledge the existence of the first movie, not even with the new kawaii cutie more accurate redesign 🥰🥰🥰
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Not even after being told that tails would appear in the sequel and while I was watching the first sequel trailer and I was pleased with what I saw i still remained stubborn until... HE APPEARED 😳😳😳🤯🤯🤯💘💘:
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Damnit Idris Elba 😖😖😖 and also Spain Spanish voice actor with your stupid sexy smooth velvet deep voices!!! (As a voice actress I'm a sucker for voices...🤭🤭) Stop pulling out my furro side with knuckles 🙈🙈🙈!! And sexy voices! My ears are sensitive 😳😳😳
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And just like that with a: "do I look like i need your power" my willpower banished! 😌😌😌 (I need a t shirt with that sentence 🤩🤩) You won Sonic movie, i watched you because I had to see the sequel ASAP and you shut my mouth and my doubts 🙇🙇🙇 forgive me!
And here my opinion of the first movie: Usually I'm not a fan of Sonic alone, i like it better when there's more characters because in all the versions (except Sonic boom) I've seen of Sonic he is... Well in all the shows before sonic X he is a bit repellent... And then in Sonic X he had a dislikable personality like he was "too cool for everything", he was so free... "Oh I don't like to be attached to anything", "im a free spirit..." "I joke and I'm so cool and I barely have any flaws and I'm only vulnerable in specific few very few moments..."🙄🙄🙄🙄 Ajjj he and Amy had the worst personalities, they were flanderized 😒😒😒 i couldn't ship them in that show like Rouge and knuckles because it was just terrible 😔 but here in the movie i adored his personality because he HAS FLAWS AND HE IS VULNERABLE! this is surprising because according to Ian Flynn writer of IDW comics SEGA for whatever stupid reasons doesn't want Sonic showing strong emotions, he always has to be cool...🙄🙄🙄 (Still i think Ian tried to make him as relatable as he could and improved Amy rose so Kudos!) and condescending and even when he is seen with his friends or at least with just tails he is always portrayed wanting to be alone, free alone on his own blah blah ajj But in this movie Sonic is lonely, he doesn't like to be on his own! He suffers being alone, he has facial expressions that feel like he is about to cry, he has emotions! He wants to play baseball with people and have fun and he is clumsy 😂😂, a complete dork, he makes bad jokes and acts goofy!! He tries to be cool but fails 😆! HE ACTS LIKE WHAT HE IS: A KID! i mean a 15 old teenager but that's a kid 🤭 and he is so lonely he pretends he is part of the family of a couple of humans he sweetly admires! I mean don't you see? Mister "I'm too cool for everything" and "I'm always my way on my own" feels lonely, shows sadness and looks up to people he secretly watches he pretends he is one of them??? I LOVE HIM! He became more wholesome and relatable! 🥰🤗😖😖😖♥️ Before him the only sonic i liked was ironically (because I hate so many things of that show) sonic boom Sonic and it was because since that show was made only with comedy purposes he was made... Not exactly too cool for everything but more like a wannabe cool hero, he had many flaws, we never see him vulnerable because of the comedy but he is sassy and cynical and silly 😂😂😂 and he doesn't seem to like being all alone on his own(he was like that in the game but learned his lesson) he spends a lot of time with his friends and because of all that i found him more likeable.
And that brings me to talk about the humans: oh dear lord donut and lady pretzel, forgive this fool for thinking you would be like that obnoxious tag along useless kid!🙇🙇🙇
This time instead of a clingy kid who follows around the too cool for everything Sonic who acts as a too cool hedgehog big brother who has to rescue him (like Amy🙄).... Since this time Sonic acts his age and it's lonely they have a father-son relationship, tom is his caretaker, it was so wholesome seeing them both with flaws helping each other and bonding over deep moments! And Maddie...💘💘💘 Pulled my gay side out! Seriously Maddie o my Maddie 😍😍😍😍 🥵🥵🥵🥵💘💘💘💘 I'm so in love with her!!! She is so beautiful, so pretty, so kind.... kyaaaaaaaaaaaa The best part of this is that they didn't use a dramatic bullshit plot to make them interesting, they are just a supportive with each other, affectionate loving couple! (No trace of stupid cliche drama to force them to be relatable and interesting like fucking Chris in Sonic x🙄🙄🙄, stupid tag along clingy brat... Little Jojo was more likeable than you and only showed up a moment) And they have a dog and Sonic gets jealous of the dog 😖😖😖😖😖 and they become a family!!!!!! YEEEEESSSSSSS and of course Jim Carrey's Eggman was marvelous!! Perfect mix of sadism, crazyness, evilness... And the fighting scenes were perfect so yeah I've never been so happy to be wrong about a movie 👏👏👏👏😭😭😭
See you in my next post to comment the wonderful sequel!!💋💋💋👋👋👋
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