#if people were more normal and digested his content in a normal way that didnt infantilize and dumb down his issues...
peachiseas · 5 months
i am like THIS close to blocking the baxter tag!! i am so fucking tired of him!! he's like the most mid rich whiteboy ever. he's like if white bread was a person. baxter fans would fuck a fence if it was white it's unreal
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nappingmoon · 1 month
I think the way to higuruma’s heart is through acts of service.
wc: 1.3k
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the first time you wake up in higuruma's bed is the day after you meet him. he's still sound asleep, and he looks like he needs it, so you let him rest while you get up. when confronted with the choice of slipping out the door or staying, you don't think twice. you make your way into his kitchen, and it's clean-- simple in a way that is just so him. you grab two mugs and get started on a pot of coffee.
you’re not too familiar with him yet; unsure of how he takes it, so you make a simple batch of black coffee and decide to wait to ask him, finding you like the idea of learning along the way.
when higuruma walks into the kitchen, still groggy and hair tussled, it takes him a moment to digest what he’s seeing. he blinks slowly, eyes adjusting to the light pouring in from the window. you’ve got a cup in your hands, full and still steaming, while another sits empty to the side.
“I didnt know if liked sugar and milk in your coffee, or I would’ve brought you some in bed, handsome.” you say, lips just hovering over the lip of your cup. you place it down softly on the coaster and stretch for a moment before grabbing his and turning around, filling it with the rest of the brew. you call out over your shoulder, asking for the instructions to his preferred tastes, but are met with silence. you turn.
“h-” he starts, but seems unsure of how to finish. “how did you figure out the coffee machine?” he asks, and you both know it’s not the question that was supposed to come out. why are you doing this? why are you still here? most of his other endeavors have always fled in the morning, the bed cold and the house empty by the time he awakes. he felt the connection between the two of you last night, but normally the people he pursue leave without a trace, and he’s gotten used to it. it’s what he knows. so why are you in his t shirt, sipping from his mug, and acting like this is normal? why does he find himself wishing it was?
“there’s only four buttons on here, and one is for the clock. you don’t think me so simple, do you?” you tease with a smile.
no, he doesn’t. quite the opposite, in fact. he thinks you’re brilliant. you had met at a bar downtown and talked and talked, the tension eased by a few fruity cocktails. taken by your wit and humor immediately, he found himself inviting you over to extend the night a little, maybe have a glass of wine or two. not entirely surprisingly, you ended up in his sheets, all giggles and sloppy kisses and passionate touches. he fell asleep, sated and content with his limbs intertwined in yours.
instead of answering your question, he replies, “just a splash of milk, please.” 
your quirked brow betrays your skepticism. "not even a little sugar?" he seemed to have had the largest sweet tooth last night, if you correctly remember the sweet drinks that were downed absentmindedly between quips, stories, and touches that lingered just long enough to be more than friendly.
he's sheepish when he replies "i shouldn't, right? i have to limit my sugar somewhere or later down the line I am going to have to see my doctor more often and I am trying to avoid that. she's a scary lady."
he's not finished with his sentence before you tip in a small dash of sugar. "you're still in your early thirties. give it another decade or two before you start worrying about your blood sugar." you bring the mug over, bare feet padding softly on his hardwood floor as you approach. "i don't think a little sweetness in your life will kill you."
as he takes the mug from your hands, his fingers brush over yours. he doesn't look away from you eyes as he lifts the mug to his lips, but just before he takes a sip, he murmurs, "it might."
you hum and walk back over to where your mug sits on the counter. leaning against it, you ask, "how'd you sleep?"
"better than I have in ages," he replies, and his tone is oddly sincere. "I wasn't expecting you to still be here."
"should I not have been?" though you try to sound confident and carefree, a light waver in your voice reveals the fear at the idea that you've gravely misunderstood him and embarrassed yourself to no end in the process.
your thoughts don't get to stray far, however, because he's quick to respond. "no, no. it was a pleasant surprise. you have been a truly pleasant surprise."
your cheeks warm and you suddenly find his cabinets fascinating. "you're not supposed to be smooth first thing in the morning, you know." you grumble.
he's closer now, directly in front of you, and he places his mug down, just to you right. as he retracts his hand, it comes up to tilt your chin back towards him.
he's so handsome it's unfair.
"i'm sorry, sweetness, can I make it up to you with some breakfast?" he asks, his voice entrancing and still thick with sleep. the gesture and the question leave you breathless, so you just nod affirmatively. he places a kiss to your temple before turning and digging around his fridge and grabbing the ingredients he needs to get started.
soon after that, you become a constant in his life. he hadn't planned on you as a part of his routine, but you just, fit. in the mornings he finds himself spending less time in the bathroom mirror fixing his suit. now he wakes up eager to get dressed and sit on the edge of his bed with his choice of tie, waiting for you to take your spot between his legs and tie it for him. seeing the furrow in your brow as you adjust it just right, fixing the collar and tugging on the lapels to make sure he's perfect, it all makes him swoon.
before you, his lunch couldn't even be considered a break. he would just pop open whatever prepackaged meal he had bought that day and eat it in between readings of contracts and reviews of cases. now, he leaves his office without fail, never missing the time to eat and listen to you talk about your day.
when his bouts of insomnia get worse, you're there to help him. the house starts to smell like lavender. you've got all kinds of melatonin gummies and you don't let him say no to a massage, first focusing on his temples and scalp, then laying him down to work the knots out of his back. he's snoring by the time you're halfway down.
when he gets really stressed and the pressure starts to get too much, he comes home to a quiet house. he finds you in the bathroom preparing a bath with salts and soaps. you usher him in, insisting on taking care of him- carding water and shampoo through his locks and providing him with a safer space than he's ever had in his life.
higuruma is a lawyer. he deals with people who spin words all day. lies, loopholes, and secrets are all imbedded in his quotidian conversations with clients and colleagues. you, however, don't ripen him up with flattery or kind words. you don't make promises you don't intend to keep and you don't mince and twist your words to use against him. you simply do what you think is right. your actions have captured him far more than any words alone could do. in return, to show you how much he has truly come to love and need you, he looks to what he knows best. contracts.
though, when he's down on one knee, the legalities of it mean nothing to him. all that is important in that moment, and for the rest of his life, his you.
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sharknadoslutt · 7 years
In The Name of Science -  Part 5
Prompt: Over the course of a month, both Rex and Dellum undergo their own separate journeys as they discover what it is they really want.
Pairing: Captain Rex X OFC
Warnings: Adult themes  
Part 1 I Part 2 I Part 3 I Part 4
The bustling sounds of a normal Galactic City morning was what had waken Dellum up from her deep slumber. She squinted in irritation at her window, the blinds drawn slightly, allowing the bothersome light to shimmer through as the Coruscant sun lifted into the sky. In most situations she would consider this a lovely way to wake up, however most nights she didn’t go to bed incredibly inebriated. 
Within moments of waking up Dell was met with a pounding headache and a wave of mild nausea. Grumbling in annoyance the woman shuffled beneath the covers, realizing she was experiencing the beginning of a well deserved hangover. Last night she had easily blown through two bottles of wine. If she remembered correctly Rex had helped her in to bed before leaving.. Wait, had he actually left? Dellum could have sworn he had joined her in bed.. But didnt recall him leaving?
She snapped her eyes open and turned to see an vacant space. She stared at the empty bed for a long time, debating on if she were relieved that the man had left or if she was actually disappointed by his absence. Maybe even a little bit of both.
In her groggy self-debate Dell happened to notice there was something on her bedside table. Upon further investigation she was pleasantly surprised by its contents. 
A glass of water and some low dose painkillers were laid out, Rex must have found them in her refresher. Her personal datapad, which she could have sworn she left in the living room, was also there. The small blinking light on the top corner indicated there was something that required attention. Intrigued, Dellum grabbed the small device to take a closer look. 
There was an open E-Document that simply read, “Drink up and get some rest, lightweight.”
The caring gesture brought a tiny smile to Dellum’s lips. If it weren't for her hindered state she may have even laughed. Regardless of her forward reaction, the kind intentions of the Clone were blatant and she couldn’t possibly be more pleased.  
Dellum set the datapad off to the side before swallowing the pain killers. In the process she also downed the rest of the glass, thankful for Rex’s thoughtful actions. With a content sigh she laid her head back on the very same pillow that Rex had the very night before. Taking in a deep breath she realized the pillow still had his scent on it. It wasn’t until her third or forth inhale did it dawn on her that she may indeed be smitten with the clone soldier known as Captain Rex.
“So it’s a relief mission?” Captain Rex questioned, bringing his hand to his chin as he digested the information given to him by General Skywalker. 
“Not entirely. This population is being unlawfully harassed by Separatist bodies. You are to get in and take care of any Separatist operations you may see-” General Skywalker was suddenly interrupted by General Kenobi.
“-However, our main priority is keeping the citizens safe. It’s a small area, most of which has already been evacuated. But during your efforts to drive off the Separatist, if you see any civilians escort them back too the safety zone..” The bearded Jedi pointed to a marked off location on the holo-map. “..-Right there.” 
Captain Rex and Commander Cody exchanged a glance before nodding in response to their orders. “Yes sir!”
Over the coarse of the next few hours the two clones divided their men into the appropriate divisions before sending them off into their designated areas. Rex himself was about the depart the station to join his men on the field when he was approached by Cody. 
“Brother, do you have a minute before you head out?” Rex thought his tone to be hushed and more serious than usual. Assuming whatever Cody wanted to speak about to be of great importance, he obliged. 
“Of course.”
The Clone Commander cleared his throat and gestured for Rex to follow him out into the hall. Rex followed but a bit of paranoia bubbled around his mind. Whereas Cody didn’t have any direct command over him or his platoon, he was still a higher ranking officer than he. Had he done something wrong? Or was this a personal matter? 
Rex himself considered them to be friends, close friends. Though he’d never say it aloud, he’d even go as far as to say Cody was his best friend. What could he possibly have to say? Once the two Clones were out in the privacy of the uninhibited halls, Cody removed his helmet before sighing slightly.  
“So, this may be a weird thing to talk about but...” Cody rolled his eyes a bit, as if he was somewhat embarrassed of the words he hadn’t yet spoken. “.. But, as your friend, I have to ask...”
Rex, now more interested in what the man had to say than ever, removed his own helmet so they could speak face to face. “Go ahead, brother.”
“I guess the best thing for me to do is to be direct.” Cody scratched the back of his head before continuing. “I wont say who, due to confidentiality, but a part of 501st has come to me in confidence, worried that you may be breaking protocol.”
While maintaining a completely normal expression Rex felt his heart jump out of his chest.
“Accusations that you’ve left the Coruscant barracks on three different occasions for unspecified personal reasons have been brought to my attention. Now, we all know that leaving the GAR is within protocol but, erm.. personal fraternization with a civie on a regular basis is against the regulations.” Cody paused, studying Rex’s face perhaps for any indication of guilt.
“I’m aware of the regulations, Cody.” Rex said in a calm tone. If Rex had too, he’d put his money on Dogma for being the one to be so offended at his absences that he’d have the audacity to go tattle to their neighboring platoon leader. 
“I know you are and that’s not even really why I’m bringing this up.” Cody reached out an arm, placing it on Rex’s shoulder as a form of affection and reassurance. Then he took in a deep breath, smiling slightly before speaking again. “Regardless of what you may or may not be involved in outside of the the military.. keep in mind there’s a war raging on. But one day there wont be. Until then, ya know... just be careful.” He pulled his arm back down to his side. “It’s easy to get wrapped up in something. Just dont get court marshaled before your life even really begins, brother.”
“Cody.. I do-”
Cody put on his helmet before cutting Rex off. “Let’s speak no more of it. We’ve got clankers to blast.” 
"Interesting..”  Dellum squinted as she looked through the microscope, some of Rex’s skin cells resided in the glass slide. 
Between working long hours at the Grand Republic Medical Facility and the time she’d spent with Rex over the past few weeks, Dell hadn’t actually had anytime to properly look over the DNA she’d managed to gather. So she’d carefully stored the specimens in question for her time off. Which was now.
But now that she finally had some time to get things done Dellum was finding it impossible to focus. Her head was in the stars and her captivated heart was right there with it, beating relentlessly to a song that Dell didn’t care for.
She was a woman on a mission and she had come so far and spent so many years researching and studying. The fact that there was something that was important enough to distract her from her work was a bizarre concept. And yet here she was, lips mindless curled into a delighted smile and eyes sparkling as she shamelessly reminisced.
Dellum thought herself too good for daydreaming usually, fancying herself an independent woman. Her mother always ragged on her for being single and unwed, constantly pointing out that being successful did not negate the need for companionship. Dellum usually didn't pay her mom’s words any mind but for some reason, over the past day or so, it had been ringing through her mind like a constant scroll.
Was she lonely? Dellum didn’t think so... Or did she?
But then again, why couldn't she get Rex out of her head? It’d been a few days since she’d seen him, the better part of a week in fact. And that would surely be the last time she’d see him as well! She didn’t invite him back to her apartment and the man hadn’t tried to contact her since. Their interactions were done, case closed.
It was for the best after all. Despite her actions not being of a malicious nature there was still a guilt that twinged at her heart when she remember how their intimacy began with an elaborately staged lie. It wouldn’t be a good idea to start a relationship on something so complicated, right?
“Wait..” Dellum grumbled aloud, sighing deeply as she stood up from her desk. “He’s a Clone.. a Clone!” She continued, scolding herself as she stormed out of her study. 
The fact that she had entertained the thought of wanting a relationship with Rex was astounding, and for many reasons! One, he was a Clone for Forces sake! An unpaid servant too the Republic! Two, she had lied to him, a lot! As far as Rex knew, Dellum was completely unbeknownst to his true identity, not to mention the fact that she had lied about her employment as well. 
Third... Well, There wasn’t a third. And when she attempted to add on more reasons to the list Dellum could only come up with positives. Little characteristics she’d noticed about the man that she’d even admired. He was incredibly kind and caring.. He was handsome, strong, and all around wonderful! 
“Karabast!” Dellum exhaled and shut her eyes, reeling from her self denial. 
“You’re not really interested in him..” She told herself, walking over to pick up her data pad. “You’re lonely.. You just need to get out there, meet some people!” 
From there she pulled up an e-file with her personal contacts, it was time to call some old friends and set up a few dates. 
Rex chewed on his lip, finding himself lost in thought. Gripping tightly to his blaster he escorted a small group of refugees back to the civilian relief camp. He glanced back, making sure everyone was keeping up with the group.  He was somewhat pleased to see everyone was managing fine on their own. In the back of the crowd he spotted Kix. They exchanged a brief nod before Rex turned his head back to the front.
It had been a nearly a week since Cody had confronted him.  Even so, Rex couldn’t stop replaying the conversation over and over again in his brain. What exactly did Cody know about his situation? Did he actually know anything or was it all speculation? The uncertainty of it all irritated Rex and the more he pondered the question, the less satisfied he was.
And, even though his friend meant well, where in the great big galaxy did Cody get off preaching such profound words when the Clones had no guarantee of a life after the war? Cody was from the first generation of clones, just like Rex. They were both fully aware that there were no legitimate plans for the Clone Army after the war, whenever that may be. 
Rex, himself, avoided thoughts about the subject all together. The few times he had allowed his imagination to wonder however, grim theories popped into his mind. The most realistic possibility was the Republic carbonating the entire clone army until a day came that they would need another army. Thousands of bodies just frozen; their humanity disregarded as they collected dust in some storage unit. The thought was disgusting and made Rex sick to his stomach.
On the other hand, he had other theories that were far less bleak. For example, after the Republic finally knocked the Separatist movement out of power the Clones would be given real citizenship and a chance at a real life! Each man would be given a small amount of credits and a one way ticket to the system of their choice. A chance to live out their own life, the life that they had rightfully earned through the actions of dedicated service. 
But Rex knew better, no matter how much he tried to deny it, the gravity of the situation was much more harsh. Most people didn’t see the Clones as men at all... they saw them as weapons. As objects. As nothing.
In spite of this Rex gave his loyalty to the Republic. He served the cause too the best of his ability. Why? Well.. because that’s what he had been made to do. What else was there for him? The answer, he didn’t know. 
But that’s just the thing.. There was a whole galaxy out there, wasn’t there? Beyond a clones small reality of formal military protocol and the daily slaughter of his brothers, it was hard to remember that. The Clones may have been tasked with protecting the galaxy but why shouldn't they also be apart of it? It’s concepts like this that often left Rex bitter and confused, unsure if the Republic was as good as he was raised to believe. Why fight against a supposed oppressive movement when he himself was a product of oppression? 
Rex was caught off guard by the soft sound of one of the civilians speaking to him. Blinking off his momentarily lapse of attention he then cleared his throat, grounding himself back in the present.
“Is this it?” She repeated herself.
“Excuse me?”
The natives of this planet were human but Basic was a secondary language to them. The frail woman had a thick accent however she was easily understood. “That there-” She meekly pointed at the large tent in the distance. “That is your camp?”
“Yes ma’am.” Rex answered, continuing to walk forward. He’d been so wrapped up in thought it seems a fair amount of time had passed; the team had arrived at their destination.  
“Single file, everyone.” Kix declared, jogging to the front of the group to stand at Rex’s side. “We need to process everyone promptly. There’s a station that will take your names and-” Rex found himself zoning out, unable to focus on anything as Kix gave the instructions. 
Once Kix had finished Rex entered the tent, taking a look at all the people who were scattered around. Some were injured, most were starving, but the one thing they all had in common was an anxious gleam in their eye. Each time a new person walked in from the processing booth the refugees stared in desperation. Rex imagined they were looking for survivors they knew, loved ones they had assumed dead or lost.
“Tebushka!” Cried one of the men from the tent of refugees as the same women Rex had spoken with earlier entered the area. The man then jumped to his feet, a new wave of energy flowing through his veins at the sight of his beloved. 
The woman stopped in her steps, looking weaker than ever, as if she’d just seen a ghost. “S-Sheban!”  At the realization that her loved one was safe and sound the woman became so overwhelmed that she fell to her knees. 
Rex watched with a warm heart as the man, presumably named Sheban, ran to her aid. Kneeling down next to her he brought the smaller woman to his chest and began to weep. In their native tongue he whispered sweet nothings to her, his tone shaky and hushed. 
A wave of temporary contentment washed through the crowd as the couple embraced one another. After all the devastation that Rex had seen over the past week this was really something he needed to see. Amid the chaos of this war riddled territory these two had managed to find one another again. Rex’s heart felt light, fluttering with a feeling he couldn't quite identify.
As Rex looked over at the reunited lovers Dellum’s sweet smiling face popped into his mind. His stance stiffened in irritation, he’d try to avoid thinking of her all together, which was proving to be an impossible ploy. 
He missed her. It was plain and simple. Being around Dellum made him feel normal, like a real man. Not just another number. And, kriff, he may not be a normal man but Dell made him feel so much more than that! She made him feel.. Well, there wasn’t a word for exactly how he felt. Happy? Hopeful? Lustful? Worried? Scared? Terrified? All of those things. All of those things and more.
A whole two weeks and three failed dates later, Dellum had never felt more confused. Not even two months ago, if someone had told her that she’d be hung up on some man she’d have laughed in their face. Romance had never been her forte and having a committed relationship was certainly never a part of her plan.
And yet here she was, unable to fathom the idea of not sharing her bed with someone else. The idea of simply having someone who wanted to be with her, well... it suddenly seemed so crucial. So embarrassingly important that she found it impossible to focus on anything else.
But, why did it have to be him? Why did it have to be Rex?
Pursing her lips she thought more into the subject at hand. She reiterated the reasons why wanting him as a partner was a bad idea in the first place. Of course there were the two obvious reasons, the fact that he was a clone and that their entire relationship would have been built on a bunch of lies. Both of them were certainly valid points. 
However, Dellum was finally able to calm herself off of this ridiculous quest for ill-suited romance with a third and final reason.
“You have no way to contact him.” She reminded herself in a whisper.
It had been almost an entire month since their final encounter. He’d come over to fix her cabinet, stayed for dinner, and that was that. Many a night she sat in her living room and would peer over at the door, hoping for him to knock. 
But it never happened.
“And he hasn’t contacted you.” She continued, finally allowing some ease into her mind. With a deep breath she felt her heart relax. It was easy to move over this mess if she was never to see him again, right? 
“Alright. All the details have been gathered. If anything else is needed the appropriate person will be contacted. Until next time, dismissed.”
General Kenobi dismissed the post-mission briefing and multiple bodies scattered in different directions, some heading to their barracks and others to their next mission. Captain Rex held his helmet beneath his arm as he stood near the holo-projector, General Skywalker by his side. 
“What’s our next objective, General?” 
“What?” Anakin questioned, seemingly distracted. “Oh, sorry, Rex... We’re actually here in Coruscant for a few days. The platoon needs to rest up and there are some repairs that need to be made to the Starfighter. I’ll contact you with instructions once the next mission is in order.”
Rex nodded. Though his men truly did need some rest after the month long campaign, he couldn't keep himself form feeling disappointed. He’d been staying busy as possible, keeping his mind off of Dellum. 
“Just enjoy yourself, Rex. You’ll work yourself too death.” The Jedi placed a hand on his shoulder, a friendly gesture. “Get some rest for once.”
“What are you going to do with your down time, sir?” Rex inquired casually.
"I have important matters at the Senate that require my attention.”
Rex knew all too well what that meant; Padme. 
“Speaking of which, I’ll actually be late if I dont head out now.” The General started in the other direction. “Keep your comlink close, I’ll be in touch, Captain.”
Rex stood there for a moment, realizing the irony surrounding his situation. General Skywalker was secretive enough about his relationship with Senator Padme Amidala... But not secretive enough. Whether or not it was Rex alone who had been able to see through their deception was a mystery too him. But like a respectable man, and a loyal friend, he kept his mouth shut... Who was he too deny another man of happiness?
The Clone Captain put on his helmet as he started walking, covering his worried expression as he pondered the path ahead of him. Thoughts of what he wanted for himself and what the Republic wanted for him... 
Nothing about the night to come was supposed to be interesting or out of the ordinary. Dellum just wanted to take a hot bath, get some rest, and clear her head. Once her head was clear she would finally be able to sit down and analyze the samples clearly and properly.
“There we go..” the green eyed woman sighed contently as she turned the nozzle, causing the water flow to cease. The tub was full of hot water and the finest salts and oils Coruscant had too offer. If this wouldn’t relax her, then nothing would. 
She glanced in the mirror for a moment and shamelessly admired the small braids in her hair, which were pinned too the top of her head. Wearing braids was a fairly rare occurrence for Dellum, which was unusual for an Alderaan female. Even as a young girl she never cared for the traditions of braiding. 
However in her moments of stress she always turned to familiarity. Plus it was an easy and comfortable way from keeping her hair up while she soaked in the bath. She was completely naked, save say her silk bathroom.
Suddenly, there was a loud knocking coming from her front door. Understandably this caught her heavily off guard. She wasn’t expecting any company nor did she have any deliveries lined up. With burrowed brows the charcoal haired woman sighed, not ready for social interaction of any sort.
Dellum thought about who could possibly be knocking as she walked down the hall. She had suspected it to possibly be her Rhodian neighbor, Skim, coming to borrow some sugar or something trivial. She tightened her bathrobe, making herself presentable, before finally opening the door.
Dellum stood there agape, staring at the blond haired Clone Trooper in her doorway. It was Rex, her Rex.. What was more surprising than his presence was the fact he was fully dressed in scuffed up Battle Armor. 
“R-Rex!?” Dellum managed to say aloud, completely unsure of how to react or feel. She had promised herself that she was going to forget whatever affections she may have formed for the man, insisting that she’d be better off. But now that he was here, right in front of her, the idea seemed impossible. 
“Dellum, I..” His voice was light and breathy, as if he had ran here. A light hue of red consumed his cheeks and the ends up his lips curled into a sheepish smile. He was glad to see her, and that by itself made the Alderaanian woman grin up at him. “I came to tell you something.”
Tag list (HMU if you want an add or a drop, my feelings wont be hurt hehe): @deepseacritter @littlemisscancer @nerdnerdnerdneeeeeerd @floral-and-fine 
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vorezma · 7 years
Reader x Guzma Vore: Trying It Out
{Hello there tumblr! 
So, I recently opened up this little vore-centric Guzma blog here, and thought I'd start it off with some fluffy reader x vore...which also happens to be my first real foray into writing vore. Oh boy.
Anyway, premise of this drabble that you're Guzma's S.O. and you've heard rumors about his supposed voracious abilities and want to see them first-hand. He's apprehensive at first, but it eventually devolves into fluff and reassurance for the both of you.
Anyway, have this short little thing, and if you want to interact with a big fluffy pred Guzma my ask box is open and so on. Hope you have a nice day!}
"Heh, c'mon babe don't rush me."
Guzma chuckled as you pressed against him, hugging and staring up at him with a big smile on your face and an expectant glint in your eyes: finally, after weeks upon weeks of you asking and pleading and bargaining and persisting with him, Guzma had finally agreed to let you experience his abilities.
"Still don't get why you even WANT to do this, [name]" he admitted, raising an eyebrow, "pretty sure most folks'd run away screamin instead of tryin somethin like this..."
Despite his confusion, he smiled as he returned your hug, pulling you in close:
"...guess you ain't like most people though, are ya babe?"
He chuckled again, craning his neck down and planting several kisses along your neck and face, giving you a small peck on the nose before he continued:
"Aight, so, first thing's first: if you're feelin weird or want out at any point just yell, kay? I'll be able to hear ya so don't worry about that."
You couldn't hide how the already huge smile on your face got even bigger as he looked down at you, the Team Skull boss giving you a little smile in return, cooing:
"Heh, guess I'm just keepin you waiting now, huh?"
He licked his lips, finishing:
"Let's get on with it."
You felt a strange sensation suddenly take hold of your body: it wasn't unpleasant, just jarring, flickering between nausea and a slight ticklish feeling...
And you quickly found yourself shrunken down, tiny and held in Guzma's hand for just a moment before-
You were pushed into his mouth.
You were just the right size, small enough that you had enough room to splay you arms and legs out without danger of being accidentally bitten down on, yet big enough that the space felt cozy, comfy, even welcoming.
You felt his tongue beneath you shifting, the light filtering in from between his slightly parted jaws illuminating the roof of his mouth above, his teeth ahead of you, and his tongue below.
You let out a pleased sigh as he slowly moved his tongue side-to-side, gently moving your tiny form back and forth as he carefully, cautiously tasted and toyed with you a little: it wasn't often he got to use his abilities, especially with someone willing, someone who actually ENJOYED this kind of thing, a fact that he still couldn't wrap his head around...
But here he was with you in his mouth, Guzma feeling an odd kind of happiness, having someone he loved trust him enough to let him eat them.
You felt his pleased hum rumble through you, you letting out a hum of your own, happy that Guzma seemed content with you being in here so far...and seemed to be enjoying this too, at least a little bit.
"Ahhh, ahah..."
His amused, good-natured laugh was muffled by you being in his mouth, Guzma still bewildered that you hadn't cried out for him to stop or put you back to normal yet, that you seemed quite alright with the situation...
You, in the meantime, heard something from deep down the dark, waiting chasm behind you: a distant gurgle, the rumble of a waiting, empty stomach.
And you knew it wouldn't be long before you were brought straight to it.
"Mmm..." *glurk*
Guzma tilted his head back, you sliding down and then past the back of his mouth, him swallowing you whole, his throat muscles doing the rest of the work as you were slowly pulled and pushed along by powerful yet warm, squishy walls, hearing his heartbeat increase then decrease in volume as you passed his chest, eventually taking a short fall down into...
His stomach.
It was pitch-dark, as you had expected it to be, but feeling around you got a good sense of your surroundings.
The space was pretty big, with plenty of room for you to maneuver around and get situated as you liked. Your bae's stomach was slowly, softly undulating as well, occasionally growling with a low but welcoming groan and, as Guzma had assured you, there was no stomach acid, no threat or danger here...
Just a big, warm, damp and squishy place for you to relax.
Before long your exploration was interrupted by a familiar but muffled voice coming from outside:
"Can ya hear me [name]?"
Yes, you called out, hearing the sigh of relief that flowed out of Guzma's lungs as he replied:
"Ah, good: wanted to make sure you were okay in there...speakin of which, you ARE okay, right? Like, ya don't want me ta cough you back up, right?"
Yes, you replied again, leaning back, reclining against the softly moving, warm stomach wall as he continued:
"Heh, nice...if ya need anything all you gotta do is yell, kay? Other than that, enjoy your stay at Chez Guzma I guess, eheh."
You heard him chuckle, gently curling up against his stomach wall, closing your eyes and enjoying the strange amount of comfort and peace this place brought, listening to the sounds around you, the faint, distant noise of Guzma's heartbeat easing you closer and closer towards sleep.
As for Guzma himself, well, this was quite nice, he had to admit.
Why was it that him eating someone, never to digest, never to keep always satisfied him more than actual food?
He could never tell...but hey, he wasn't complaining.
He sat down, reclining back in his chair, relaxing as he watched some videos on his laptop, gently rubbing his stomach from time to time as he enjoyed the sensation of having you in his belly, finding an odd amount of peace, reassurance in your presence there.
In a way, he supposed, this could be considered a great sign of trust and an expression of a particularly close bond: you trusted him enough to let him literally EAT you, and while you're inside him he gets to completely surround, envelop and protect you to from the world, embrace you not just with his arms but hold you closer to his heart, to the center of his being than ever before...
Y'know, now that he thought about it, he could sorta see why you liked this stuff after all.
By the time you woke up, you were in Guzma's bed, dried off and gently tucked under the blankets, back to normal.
Guzma walked over as you yawned, the man sheepishly apologizing for coughing you back up without asking first: he admitted that he'd gotten worried about having you inside of him for a long time and was concerned that if he took a nap too he wouldn't hear you if you wanted to get out...
You assured him that it was okay, and after he seemed to accept that you weren't unhappy on that front, he began to flurry you with questions about the rest of the experience:
"How'd you like bein in there? Be honest with me babe..."
"It wasn't too wet or gross, was it? I can send you in with a towel next time..."
"It didnt scare ya, right? Don't wanna scare ya, y'know: that's the LAST thing ya boy wants you to feel, I ain't ever wanna scare you, babe..."
You answered each of his questions patiently, eventually pulling him down onto the bed with you, hugging and nuzzling him, reassuring him that, yes, you had enjoyed it, yes it comfortable, yes you had felt safe and secure and weren't scared at all...
And that you'd love to do it again.
"Ah jeez..."
Guzma blushed slightly at that particular statement, him clearing his throat before continuing:
"...you really are somethin, you know that? Ya hear that ya boy can literally fuckin EAT people and your first instinct is to ask and try it out and THEN, when ya finally get out, you tell me you wanna do it again..."
He smiled, giving you a little nuzzle as he hugged you close.
"...heh, ya really know how to make me smile, [name]."
He gave you a kiss on the forehead, keeping you held close as the two of you snuggled up together.
"I love ya, babe."
You kissed him back, returning his nuzzles: you loved him too...
Inside and out.
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