#if poe dameron met padme
brotherskywalker · 1 year
I really don't understand the appeal of crackships. I get semi-crack fics like, "Darth Vader is evil and so is Snoke, I wonder how a Darth Vader/Snoke story might work?" or "Princess Leia is awesome and fiesty and so is Buffy the Vampire Slayer, what would it be like if they interacted?" or even "Poe Dameron is hot. Padme Amidala is hot. What if they met and hooked up?" Sure. Crack, but I get it.
I don't get like, Jabba the Hutt/Scruff McGruff, or Palpatine/an Alexa Device. Just pure crack. It's a relatively unpopular/undesirable character paired with a bizarre weird thing that no one has a fandom for. No one wants to literally see Palpatine/Scruff McGruff have sex. Why are people requesting/writing stuff like this? I just don't get it.
Yeah, okay this is brought to you by the many incomprehensible pairing requests for Clippy the Microsoft assistant for the SW Rare Pairs ficathon. WHY. Why is this a thing? Why would someone who wants to participate in a rare pair ficathon "waste" their attempt to get a fic made of an actual rare pair by requesting or offering to write something with that as the character? I just... what?
Every year it gets requested. Every year it gets written. Every year I'm just like "does not compute." I don't care what people ship, I am just confused.
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Concise List of Who I Write For
Star Wars
The Clone Wars:
All Clones
All Jedi
Anakin Skywalker (Platonic Only)
Padme Amidala
Boba Fett
Cad Bane
(Basically everyone)
Original Trilogy:
Han Solo
Leia Organa
Luke Skywalker
Lando Calrissian
Din Djarin
Fennec Shand
Poe Dameron
Rey Skywalker
Ben Solo/Kylo Ren
Rose Tico
Bad Batch:
Everyone. Omega Platonic Only
Jurassic Park
Ian Malcolm
Alan Grant (Platonic Only)
Ellie Sattler
Nick Van Owen
Billy Brennan
Owen Grady
Barry Sambené
Zia Rodriguez
Franklin Webb
The Originals
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Marcel Gerard
Sophie Devereaux
Jackson Kenner
Davina Claire (Platonic Only)
Camille O’Connel
Vincent Griffith
Seeley Booth (Platonic Only)
Lance Sweets (Platonic Only)
Everyone Else
Dean + Sam Winchester (Platonic Only)
Bobby Singer
Jo Harvelle
Meg Masters
(Anybody Else just ask!)
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Anyone Phase 1-3
Top Gun: Maverick
All of Dagger Squad Except Rooster and Maverick
Who I’ll Write but Won’t Take Requests For
Transformers Prime
Turner&Hooch (Reboot)
Trevor Anderson (Journey to the Center of the Earth)
How I Met Your Mother
House M.D
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw (Top Gun: Maverick)
Maybe “Lost” in the future
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Answering the "prompt"- Lucien "the most daring pilot in the galaxy" and Elain, " his sexy Naboo senator wife" for one person + me. I meant for this to be so smutty. In my head it was so pornagraphic. and you know what, if people like this, it can be multiple parts. I'll write how these two dingbats met.
Anyway, my Elucien SW AU is SFW and rated E for Eww where is the smut?
Swoop, duck, fire—Lucien’s thoughts were cut off by a too bright explosion and the warning trills of his nav droid.
You have an eighty percent chance of death, the machine beeped, irritation laced through each tone. Lucien only laughed, rejoining the fray with a relish. Swoop, duck, fire, he told himself, looping away from the spiraling tie fighter. What was supposed to be a routine patrol through the mid-rim had turned into a fire fight and Lucien couldn’t pretend he wasn’t exhilarated. This was what he lived for, the rush of adrenaline, the orange against an onyx sky, and the knowledge that when he left, he’d made the galaxy a little bit safer. Every day the remnants of the Empire were allowed to inch forward made them bolder. This moment and every one after it was a reminder of what they’d lost and what they still had left to lose. Lucien was all too happy to take it all.
He took down another tie with a loud woop of exuberance just as his nav panel lit up with an incoming call. He glanced down, stomach sinking.
Elain Archeron—incoming transmission.
He swore she must be force sensitive. It was like she could see everything he did, knew every promise he broke without needing to be there. He’d sworn this was merely a routine patrol and here he was, knocking out his fourth tie. Lucien ignored the call with no small amount of guilt, focusing on his quarry.
That last blast sent the remaining ties scurrying back for hyperspace, retreating further into the unknown reaches of the galaxy. Let them rot, he though with satisfaction. They deserved no less than a quiet passing, unmourned and unmissed. Lucien looked back to his nav deck, his droid beeping through his helmet.
Should I call Elain back?
“No, BD,” Lucien replied too quickly. Better to ask forgiveness that permission and better to ask when they were in front of each other. She was less likely to shout if he could kiss her as he begged.
Signaling to his squad it was time to head back, each flyer punched the coordinates to Coruscant’s hyperspace lane. With nothing to do, Lucien thought of what excuse he might offer Elain for today’s skirmish. He hadn’t gone looking for it, but Lucien never backed down from a fight. Elain wouldn’t be thrilled and when it came to his wife, the fearsome senator from Naboo, Lucien knew there was no winning the upcoming fight. His best bet was to grovel and hope she missed him so much she was willing to overlook his reckless flyboybehavior.
It took hours to return and by the time Lucien dropped from hyperspace, he was practically sweating. Beneath him, Coruscant was an innocent ball of light, a planet-wide city that drew only the most enterprising of people. Not just anyone could make it on Coruscant—the city swallowed starry-eyed new comers every day, an exacting price for the possibility of fortune and fame. He wasn’t surprise his wife had taken one step onto the planets carved out surface and forced it to bow—Elain was a force of nature in a gorgeous dress. That she’d ever looked his way at all, a no one from Yavin 4, the son of diplomat and a pilot who had made his way to Coruscant looking for a job. Tired of running spice, tired of the endless grind for credits when what he wanted was to make things better. His mother had fought with the resistance, had shot down star fighters, had put a helmet on his head before he’d ever taken his first step. He considered that his legacy and was proud to serve the galaxy no matter how reckless a reputation he'd made.
That the senator of Naboo, the sister to their elected Queen no less, had ever taken more than one look at him still stunned him. Elain had her pick of the galaxy and settled with a man covered in droid oil more often than not. If he’d been smart, he would have never dared anger her lest she get wise and leave him for someone that wouldn’t risk her wrath.
Lucien had never been accused of being smart.
He docked his ship in the naval yard, his clear cockpit rising overhead. The deafening sounds of the hangar nearly knocked him back to his seat. A lifetime of being right next to explosives had left Lucien a little deaf. Loud sounds tended to sound muffled and yet jarring all at once, activating that same adrenaline he felt during an air fight.
Avoiding the members of his squadron, who’d seen the incoming transmission, Lucien all but ran across the city, helmet tucked up beneath his arm. Elain lived in the heart of Republic City, the section of Coruscant dedicated to politics. His wife would be found on one of the upper most levels on 500 Republica, the nicest building in the city. It belonged to her family and before her, Lucien would never have dreamed of stepping foot in the gilded, golden lobby. A glass lift hurtled him upward, away from smog choked air towards the thinner atmosphere where fresh oxygen was pumped in for only those who could afford it.
Elain was waiting in a silky blue night dress, the pearl strung straps caressing the freckled skin of her shoulders. Golden brown curls cascaded about her shoulders, framing her soft, heart shaped face illuminated in the city’s always illuminated glow. When she saw him, she crossed her arms over her chest, pushing the rounded tops of her breasts upwards.
“You promised,” she murmured when the lift closed behind him, leaving him no where to retreat.
He held up his palms. “I couldn’t let them retreat.” It was an admission of guilt, one he couldn’t help but offer. All his excused flew out the window, utterly breathless of the sight of her standing in a pool of moonlight. “Forgive me,” he pleaded, walking to her until there were only inches between them.
“You’re going to get yourself killed,” Elain reminded him reproachfully. “And I will be left to mourn you.”
“I’m sure there will be a line around the block, starting at my casket. Men from all over the galaxy will come, hoping for a shot at—” “Don’t.”
Lucien shut his mouth, uneasy and mollified. “I’m sorry. Elain, I love you, but…”
“But you’ll always be a reckless flyboy?” she replied, one brow arched upwards. Lucien couldn’t resist the smile that spread over his face, rubbing his calloused hands over the smooth skin of her arm.
“I think you like that about me,” he teased, catching how hard she worked to suppress her smile. “Admit it, sweetheart.”
“I will never,” she replied with all the stubbornness he’d come to cherish. Lucien hauled her up into his arms, fight forgotten. Elain squealed, feet nearly catching him upside the jaw.
“I suppose I will have to torture it out of you,” he warned, walking her through the living room to the spacious bedroom they shared. Elain gasped for breath, her laughter infectious. By the time he tossed her atop the cream duvet, Lucien’s side’s hurt from walking and laughing, too.
“Wait, wait, wait—” Elain begged when Lucien lowered himself atop her. He settled between her legs, sliding the silky material of her night dress up her thigh.
“I need to tell you something,” Elain gasped, rising up on her elbows. “I know you’re frustrated by my requests you stay out of trouble, but I promise I’m asking for unselfish reasons.” “You can’t stand not having a gorgeous guy like myself around,” Lucien agreed, attempting to push her legs wider so he might lie fully between them. Elain reached for his face, stopping him.
“It’s more than that. Of course I need you. You’re my husband.I love you more than my own life, but Lucien, children also need a father and if you’re reckless, who will raise our son?”
Lucien’s brain emptied out, the only sound a soft ringing that never seemed to quite fade. “Son?”
“Or daughter,” Elain amended, eyes searching his own. “I wanted to be sure before I told you—”
“You’re pregnant?” he asked dumbly, warmth filling his chest. “I’m going to be a father?”
Her apprehension melted, replaced by relief. Had she been afraid of his reaction? Lucien sprung forward, yanking her into his arms before realizing he probably shouldn’t be so rough with her. “Elain, that’s wonderful news.”
“It means you’ll have to cut out your more reckless impulses,” Elain warned, her breath hot against his neck. “I have no intention of raising this child by myself.”
“I can ask for fewer patrols. I can train the new recruits,” he swore with only a tinge of disappointment. Elain caressed his face, sliding until the pair were laying in bed facing the other, her fingertips grazing against his cheek.
“You should still patrol,” he murmured, unaware of the relief her words filled him with. “Just not so often. If you must be reckless, at least remember what’s waiting for you at home.”
“My fearsome wife,” he agreed, kissing her softly. “What size helmet do you think a baby wears?”
She smiled then, thumb tracing his bottom lip. “Already planning the baby’s first mission?”
And it was a joke, of course, but he knew she’d bring the baby onto the senate floor with her. Elain would whisper in their little ear, telling them who could be trusted and who couldn’t and all the little tells she’d learned over the years to determine who lied for their own benefit and who truly cared about the galaxy. Their child would be better versed in political warfare than most adults and if they just so happened to be the greatest pilot the galaxy had ever seen on top of all that, well…
“We should get a little hover craft, so the baby can practice.”
Elain’s smile was so beautiful he was blinded momentarily. He cupped her face, unable to believe this was his life. That she was his life. “I love you so much, you know?”
She kissed him back, her lips heartbreakingly soft. “I know you do.”
He settled his knee between her legs, a new thought dawning on him. “You don’t think the baby can—” “Don’t be stupid, Lucien,” Elain replied with an eye roll.
“It was an honest question,” he insisted, sliding a hand over her still flat stomach. Elain nestled her head against his neck, her soft, vanilla scented curls invading his sense. He shifted, nose nuzzling her own.
“A baby.”
“A baby,” she agreed. “Start thinking about names. Goodnames, Lucien. Not ones your droid suggests.”
His outrage was manufactured. “You insult BB-8, who stayed behind so we could be alone tonight.” “I thought I had too much room at the end of this bed.”
He grinned, still cupping her face. Lips touching her own, he asked, “What did I do to get so lucky?”
“It’s a mystery, flyboy,” she replied, carding her fingers through his ponytailed hair. “Don’t mess it up.”
Lucien yanked the covers over their heads. “Wouldn’t dreamof it.”
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redrikki · 3 years
May The Fourth Masterpost
Prequels/Clone Wars Era
May the Force Get With You- You’d think Anakin Skywalker’s conception would be pretty epic, mythic even, but you’d be wrong. Turns out, the Force is a lousy lay and a worse father. (Shmi Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker, The Force, Salty Narrator)
Second Wind - Ahsoka takes the wrong exit of the the world between worlds and ends up with a second chance at saving her master. (Ahsoka Tano, Shmi Skywalker)
Pain Management - Anger can get a slave killed. Shmi teaches her son some coping strategies. (Shmi Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker, Watto)
The Force Is In the Details - The chance cube lands on red and now Shmi must learn to manage with a freedom she never asked for. Written as part of the Jedi Fest Rogue Robin challenge as a continuation of The Force is in the Details. (Shmi Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker, Qui-Gon Jinn, Padme Amidala, Jedi Council)
The Anchor That You Can’t Leave Behind - On the queen’s yacht headed back to Naboo, Anakin and Padmé miss their mothers but Obi-Wan can’t get why. (Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi)
Another Word For Nothing Left to Lose - When Obi-Wan told him he was free at Qui-Gon’s funeral, Anakin took him at his word. There may, however, have been something of misunderstanding. (Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi)
For Amidala - Her handmaidens had all poured so much of themselves into Amidala, it was like they were part of her now. Padmé didn’t know if she had the strength to let one go. (Padme Amidala, Sabe, handmaidens)
Wordspring - Anakin’s words dry up in the middle of his fourth month at the Temple. If Obi-Wan can’t get them flowing again, maybe someone else will. (Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Sheev Palpatine, various Jedi)
Nothing to Write Home About - A month after losing his wife, Cliegg Lars decides to write to her son. Anakin Skywalker gets the pen pal he never knew he needed. WIP. (Anakin Skywalker, Cliegg Lars, Owen Lars, Beru Lars, Ahsoka Tano, Padmé Amidala)
For the Greater Good - Count Dooku has never seen the appeal of Anakin Skywalker, but, when the Chosen One breaks with the Council over the treatment of the clones, he decides acquiring the boy’s allegiances might be worthwhile after all. WIP co-written with @grand-duc and @thendstartsnow (Count Dooku, Anakin Skywalker, Palpatine, Clone Troopers)
Once More With Feeling - A redeemed Anakin travels back in time post-RotJ and decides to unfuck the timeline with mixed results. (Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padmé Amidala, Sheev Palpatine, Jedi Council, bunch of other people)
Bridal Carry - On Naboo, it’s tradition for the groom to carry the bride to their marriage bed. With Anakin’s new prosthetic, it’s more difficult than it sounds. (Padmé Amidala/Anakin Skywalker)
Secret Tunnel - War in the Outer Rim! While fighting on the mining world of Mumblety, Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano is tasked with mapping the tunnels along with a team of clones. When trouble strikes, will she have what it takes to save the day and complete the mission? (Ahsoka Tano, Echo, Fives, Anakin Skywalker)
No Place Like Home - Ahsoka’s return to the temple after her first deployment was strange, made even stranger by the fact that it should’t be strange at all. (Ahsoka Tano, Rex)
Eat, Snip, Love - Ahsoka can’t remember the last time she had a home cooked meal. Anakin and Padmé are determined to change that. (Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala)
Love and Support - After Padmé is shot at a conference, her mother insists she come home. Padmé, of course, is going no where. Episode tag to 3.07 “Assassin.” (Padmé, Ahsoka)
Across a Crowded Room - It’s a party in his honor, but it turns out the Hero With No Fear isn’t good with crowds. Padmé to the rescue. (Padmé Amidala, Anakin Skywalker)
Lightening Rod - Anakin gets electrocuted…again. It probably says something bad about his life that he’s getting used to it. (Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Obi-Wan Kenobi)
Coming Out of My Cage, Doing Just Fine - On the way back from Kadavo, it finally hits her. In this war, Ahsoka had been outmatched, outmaneuvered, and outgunned, but she’d never felt powerless. Not like she did in that cage on Zygerria. (Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker)
In Our Bed After the War - After the mission to Zygerria, Padmé and Anakin have a difficult conversation. (Padmé Amidala, Anakin Skywalker)
Domestic Life Was Never Quite My Style - Despite her best efforts, Padmé is pregnant. Now she has a difficult decision to make. (Padme Amidala, C-3P0)
You Call That Family? - In an AU where Anakin has left the order to be Padme, Obi-Wan encounters unexpected resistance when he goes to collect the twins. (Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Padme Amidala)
Birthright - The Force called him to his family and Anakin is not prepared to give them up. Not even to the Jedi Council. (Anakin Skywalker, Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, baby Skywalkers)
If Not For These Bad Dreams - Fives has dreamed about killing every Jedi he’s ever met except General Skywalker. Turns out he’s not the only one. (Fives, Kix, Tup, Jesse)
Dateline Felucia - Embedded with the troops on Felucia, a reporter from HoloNet News paints an intimate portrait of the men of the 212th Attack Battalion. (Cody, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Waxer, Boil, clone troopers)
Ahsoka the Vampire Slayer - Ahsoka is the Chosen One, the Slayer, or at least she was until she died. She got better, but now there’s a new Slayer in town and things with her Watcher are strained at best. Add in a bunch of zombie mind control bugs and Ahsoka’s week could be going better. BtVS fusion. (Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker, Barriss Offee, Luminara Undili)
Bursts of Stardust - Collection of short tumblr prompts. (Everyone ever)
Rogue One
The Lord’s Estate - Every lord must have an estate. Lord Vader’s is Mustafar. (Vader, Palpatine)
Peace is a Lie - Sometimes Vader wakes up and can’t remember what war he’s fighting. (Darth Vader)
A Cog In Something Turning - Cassian hadn’t meant to give K-2SO free will. Good thing for both of them he’s a terrible slicer. (K-2SO, Cassian Andor)
Original Trilogy
Sea of Sorrow and Sand - Ben Kenobi is an island in a sea of sorrow and sand. Beru Lars has come to drag him back to shore. (Obi-Wan Kenobi, Beru Lars)
What Remains - What remains of a relationship built on lies? Nothing, as Darth Sidious will soon find out. (Darth Vader, Darth Sidious, Padmé Amidala’s preserved corpse)
On This Strange and Mournful Day - The events of Vader Down go very differently. The father and child reunion is only a motion away. (Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Dr. Aphra)
After the Funeral - Han offers Luke some unexpected support after the funeral of the guy who tortured him. (Luke Skywalker, Han Solo)
A Cynic’s Guide to the New Golden Age - The second Death Star goes kabloowie and takes the galaxy with it. It’s a new golden age of piracy and Aphra’s got some looting to do. (Dr. Aphra, Luke, 0-0-0, BT-1, Black Krrsantan)
The Last Truce We Ever Came To - Darth Vader is dead but he won’t leave Leia alone. (Leia Organa, Force Ghost Anakin Skywalker)
Sequel Era
Red Fish, Blue Fish - Leia bought an aquarium for her child like her father before her. In a perfect world she could raise Ben to fill his grandfather’s legacy. Too bad he had more than one. (Leia Organa, Ben Solo, Angst)
A Matter of Precedence - FN-2187 wasn’t the first, except for the time he was. Others have defied the First Order before, but none quite as spectacularly. (Finn, First Order)
So You Want to be a (Space) Wizard - Finn finds a mysterious book, takes an Oath, and starts one hell of an Ordeal. Crossover with Young Wizards. (Finn, Poe Dameron, Rey)
Old Haunts (All We’ve Ever Known) - Anakin and Obi-Wan as snarky Force ghosts during The Force Awakens. (Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, TFA cast)
Lady in Waiting - Rey’s spent so much of her life waiting it’s hard to know when to stop. Luckily, Poe’s there to give her the push she needs. (Rey, Poe Dameron, Leia Organa, Finn)
Not a Drop to Drink - On Luke’s island, Rey couldn’t quite get her mind around the sheer amount of water stretching out towards the horizon. (Rey, Luke Skywalker)
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pondsocs · 3 years
Hello, @heresthefanfiction here! I have you on my bingo card, and I have discovered you have Star Wars ocs.
So hit me with any and all thoughts, maybe something I can make an edit with if you so desire!
HI! YES! More on their way bc i just finished The Book of Bobba Fett... And Mandalorian but that makes me sad so.
Corvina Halsar.
She's a pilot, she met Anakin when they were both very young and both started their training.
They would steal a ship and go out exploring and as they grew up, they got closer and started to date in secret. But they both knew they couldn't be together, so she left to complete her training and Anakin never forgot her, but then Padme came back and...
She goes back to Coruscant for the Clone Wars, and there is an unnecessary love triangle between them. Eventually, Padme gets pregnant and she leaves him for good and the rest is history. She might be a good reason on why he turned to the dark side lol.
Morgayne Asena.
She's Corvie's daughter! Her and Nil Asena's (Not fully developed oc). She's also a pilot bc she looks after her parents, and also best friend and kind of Leia's bodyguard (not official, but she likes to say that).
Her dad dies during the Rouge One plot and she officially joins the rebellion. She meets Luke when her and Leia are captured by Vader.
And she fits perfectly on the original trilogy, so there isn't much information or a proper story
(I love her, but i haven't worked on her that much)
Elle and Coen Skywalker.
The twins! Morgayne and Luke's kids. They grew appart bc Elinoyra decided to train as a Jedi and Coen as a pilot (shocker), also, something happened to Luke (JJ Abrams) that he became kind of a jerk.
They still talk via force bond and they are very, very close. Like, the best brother-sister relationship ever.
Elle is Rey's master. Since her father didn't train her, Elle took upon her duty as a Jedi and also wanted to get under Luke's skin bc after everything with Ben (They were also close), he didn't allow her to go back to her brother and mother. Her love interest is Poe Dameron bc she fell in love with him after everything Coen told her about him.
Coen, his best friend is Poe and they are both himbos. He's very reckless but hes the best rebel of them all, alongside Poe. They get in so much trouble and sometimes steal a X-Wing and fly to a near planet to get away from the problems, for a couple of minutes at least and then go back to action.
He misses his sister terribly and can't quite figure out their force bond, so he waits everyday for her to "call"
I think that's all. I hope it was helpful!
Also, I'm sorry for grammar errors, english isn't my first language and its pretty late too lol
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deafblindshorty · 4 years
Poe and Rey’s Underrated Friendship
I noticed that not a lot has been said about Poe and Rey’s friendship in TROS and related EU materials. That’s probably because it’s not the main focus, which I sort of understand. There are a lot of subtle moments of their friendship (even some hints towards a romantic relationship). Some of these points come from @greysmartwolf’s tumblr, others come from a discord server.
Disclaimer: I am not diminishing or minimalizing Finn’s importance to both Rey and Poe, but if it seems like it, then I’m sorry. That’s not my intent.
Let’s start from the beginning: Rey and Poe have a LOT of parallels throughout the trilogy (some of the same scenes, the same lines, they both face their past in TROS, they both blame themselves for the Resistance dying at Exegol, they almost gave up but two Rebel veterans gave them pep talks, etc). So, they have quite a bit in common including their love for flying and droids.
Also, about the age difference, age really doesn’t matter in Star Wars. Han and Leia are 13 years apart, Wedge is about ten years younger than Norra, and Snap is 16 years older than his wife Kare (He could be her father!). Huge age differences exist in other fictional materials set on our Earth- Brooke Taylor and her late husband from Legally Blonde are 34 years apart, Remus and Tonks from Harry Potter are 13 years apart, an old soap opera supercouple (Doug and Julie Williams from Days of Our Lives) are 20 years apart. As for friends, Will from Glee is in his 30s and is friends with a few 19-20 year olds and Sue who is in her 50s is besties with a 19/20 year old, 30 year old Launchpad from Ducktales is friends with 10 year old Dewey. So, 19/20 year old Rey being friends or dating 32/33 year old Poe isn’t that crazy or farfetched.
According to the TROS Visual Dictionary, Poe left BB-8 with Rey so she won’t feel lonely (and that’s probably also why BB-8 is with Rey on Tatooine). 
Poe was the first man Rey met whom she didn’t physically attack upon meeting him, and also smiled when they introduced each other. I don’t recall her smiling that wide whenever she was with Finn or Kylo.
They get along well in Poe Dameron #26-27. Poe was even a bit flirty with Rey.
It was Poe’s idea to build a Jedi training course for Rey in Star Wars Adventures, so Poe understands the importance of Rey’s Jedi training.
Rey understands what Poe went through with Kylo ( Poe also calls them ”Torture buddies!”).
When Poe, Finn, and Chewie return from the Fortress of Hothitude (I can’t remember what that planet is called. lol), Poe was so happy to see Rey. The way he walked up to Rey, his smile and his hands on hips. He badly wants to impress Rey. Alpha male!
And right after that, they have their only argument throughout the entire film. Poe and Rey quarrel in TROS was because they both didn’t listen to each other. They really only fight over the Falcon and BB-8. They both care about each other a lot, don’t blame each other in anything (except the Falcon being on fire and BB-8 missing a disc) and admit when one of them was right in argue (but prefer not to tell about that). Then Rey ends up smiling at him and Poe ends the argument by complimenting Rey (”You’re the best fighter we have. We need you.”). Also, Poe is the only one whom Rey talks to with sarcastic smile. Also, also, that argument is meant to parallel Han and Leia’s many arguments. Han and Leia argued every five minutes throughout the entire Original Trilogy, and they ended up together!
After sinking in the sand tunnels, Poe catches Rey and holds her bridal-style for a sec to steady her and was worried about her.
“He thought of protesting, of asking how Rey could possibly know which equally unremarkable direction was the right one. But Poe had learned that when Rey said things that way, her face determined, her voice unwavering, a fellow ought to just follow.” -TROS novel Poe knows Rey well. He knows when he must just shut up and do what she says. It kind of reminds me of Anakin telling Padme “Don’t worry. I’ve given up trying to argue with you.”
Poe taking the dagger from Rey in the novel and it felt like a weight has been lifted from Rey’s shoulders. It’s almost like he knew that would help.
The sand snake- I’ve never seen Poe so scared. But he is not afraid of that snake, he’s ready to combat it. I mean, he piloted the Falcon without fear into the mouth of a giant worm! Poe is afraid that snake could hurt or kill Rey. Poe wants to shoot that snake and pull Rey back, and he almost does that. And Rey amazes him again! And Poe sighs in relief when the snake calms down and slithers away.
In the novel, Poe didn’t scream “Nooo!” or “What have you done?!” when Rey “killed” Chewie. Poe knows there is no scenario in which Rey would harm her friends consciously. He most likely knows about her dark visions (Rey tells BB-8 everything, who obviously tells Poe all important stuff). Poe is not mad at Rey and doesn’t make her explain how that happened. And honestly, if he did do that, then he’d be a huge hypocrite, since he accidentally caused the deaths of the bombers in TLJ and the soldiers on Crait, which is why Poe was gentle with her. Rey understands Poe. His usual anger. They both have a huge responsibility. The Resistance on Poe and Jedi legacy on Rey. And she was ready to hear his anger, but he didn’t even plan to lay into her.
Rey likes that Poe can steal speeders and she finds his past interesting. Rey was really interested in Poe and Zorii’s past connection and Poe felt a bit smug when Rey was able to beat Zorii (He said “Don’t Dja’kanka” because he was afraid Rey would slice Zorii in half before she could help them). According to some audio book excerpts, when Rey was thinking about Poe’s past or his criminal skills, her voice was mysterious and nonjudgmental. Finn wasn’t happy to find out Poe was a spice runner, while Rey was completely fine with that, it seems she even liked that
After the Spice Runner reveal, as they traveled a snowy passageway, Poe glanced over at Rey, who was silent and frowning, lost in her own thoughts. Or maybe she was focused. Sensing something. 
When Rey rushed off to look for the dagger on Kylo’s star destroyer, Poe didn’t stop her and trusted her feelings. Poe knows when he must just follow her instincts. He learned to read her.
Look at pain in Poe’s eyes after Finn’s words. Poe wants to be closer to Rey, he wants Rey to trust him more. But Finn and Leia were still closer to Rey than Poe was. “Perhaps, she didn’t want to put the rest of the team in danger, but they had already signed up for that by joining the Resistance.” (TROS junior novel, Poe)
"She’s out there, heading toward the Death Star. Her skimmer keeps tipping over – it’s damaged. What the heck is she thinking?” (TROS junior novel, Poe) Poe is so worried here. And angry. Now he’s mad at Rey, but later he will be angry with himself for losing her.
“Rey’s nobility masked an impulsiveness that might doom them all – and as highest-ranking member of the team, Poe felt responsible for not curbing it. He had flunked the leadership test yet again.” (TROS junior novel) Poe blames himself, not Rey.
“Maybe there was something the general could do. During the battles of D'Qar and Crait she and Rey had shared beacons. Maybe there was a way she could reach out to Rey or Rey could reach out to her.” (TROS junior novel) Poe planned to find Rey!
So, Poe doesn’t think Rey abandoned them and doesn’t resent her for leaving. If he did, he’d be a big hypocrite here, too, since he abandoned his father, who was dying from a poisonous Lurker bite in Free Fall for the Spice Runners.
Poe trusts Rey and knows she can take care of herself. That’s why he didn’t rush after her like Finn did.
“Poe didn’t have his usual pre-battle swagger. He seemed distress. “What’s waiting for her out there?” he asked Finn.” (TROS junior novel) Poe worried about Rey so much! That she’s somewhere alone and they won’t be with her there.
Poe was incredibly relieved when Rey was revealed to be alive (and he was also worried about Rey when he found out the Emperor wanted her alive).
The way Poe takes Rey’s hand is special, it’s pure tenderness, and the way he rubs his thumb over her knuckles tells everything. Poe loves Rey more than friend. Also, Rey pinches Poe’s elbow with a hope, like she tries to reach him. And when Poe does the same, she happily closes her eyes and pinches him again.
Poe and Rey also acted so jealous of Finn and Zorii respectively. Poe kept asking Finn what he was gonna tell Rey when they were sinking in the sand. On Kijimi, Rey couldn’t stop thinking about what Poe’s past with Zorii was.
So, usually, men tend to date women who remind them of their mothers (Take Harry Potter for example! Ginny looks a lot like Lily Potter.). Rey and Shara Bey (Poe’s mom) look similar and they’re both brave, adventurous, and great pilots.
Men also tend to date women who remind them of their exes. Rey also looks similar to Zorii, plus they are both cagey, kept secrets, both love to argue with Poe, but they care about him, and are extremely loyal.
TL:DR. My point is that Poe and Rey are actually good friends and would be a great couple. Disney/LF were just a bit more subtle about their relationship. 
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kashimos-hajime · 4 years
end of year creator tag (2020)
RULES: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works <3
tagged by @qvid-pro-qvo! thank you so much :) 
1. dust to dust (din djarin x fem!reader) (AO3 LINK HERE) - it has to be said. this fucking MONSTROSITY of a one-shot (44k+) is crazy bc i wrote this in like 5 days. i never really knew what i was getting myself into except what if din met a reader who just refused to stand down and protected the child and i feel like there will never not be a need for readers with strong personalities. kinda slowburn as can be and i’m glad i finished it and i’m super proud of it because i love this reader and also smut!!! i suck at writing smut and i feel like i did decently well with this one. also clumsy realness!! i enjoy writing the aspects of life that are overlooked and that’s the fact that first times are rarely perfect in some senses but perfect in another and there’s like a reader’s place in a universe and i could just go on and on about it tbh
2. if the world was ending (bucky barnes x fem!reader) - this was really the first thing i wrote that REALLY blew up and honestly i look back on it now and im amazed. my first fic (i think) of 2020? and it just decided to go off. i wrote this in a span of a day and posted it without a second thought and it touches on the idea of right person, wrong time. never thought it’d reach as many people as it did and when people still rb it, leave comments, etc, i just feel so honoured that they do.
3. the shakes (poe dameron x fem!reader) - what must be said about being horny, bumping into a total stranger who stole the chip you were meant to steal, pushing him into a closet to hide, and letting him eat you out for free while stealing the chip back from him?? anyways i love this reader and poe dameron and i wanna go back to them some day heheh
4. dear... whoever (bucky barnes x fem!reader) - idk, i love this fic. it’s cute, it’s a bit angsty, it’s written in a diary format so there isn’t a lot of dialogue. it let me explore a reader’s personality through her writing style and just,,, it was fun. i love writing this honestly.
5. darling, dearest, not quite dead (sith!obi-wan kenobi x fem!jedi!reader) (AO3 LINK HERE) - GIRL, my last fic of 2020 and here we are, with obi-wan kenobi himself. what is there not to love about him?? honestly this fic was supposed to have smut but instead we got tenderness. anyway, these two mean the WORLD to me, esp this reader w anakin, ahsoka, and padme. that is all :)
tag: oh no um i don’t have a lot of mutuals im struggling NKSDKNSD um  @venusbarnes @wxntersoldiers @beskars and anyone else who wants to do it :)
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sandsofoneiros · 3 years
No Light, No Light.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything in this other than Ro and Seraphine. Empress is @thembohux oc. Also, you'll be reading this while I'm on vacation! So, I won't get to discuss anything until I get back!
Description: The one where Poe is in the First Order and Senator Citlali doesn't want him around her. Could feelings grow between them? Let's find out.
Word count: 4941.
Warning: Slight mention of anxiety, using the word blood, and there's the use of blasters. Some cursing as well.
Tagging: Lemme know after you read it if you want to be tagged.
Chapter One: In The Presence of Enemies.
Three Days before. . . .
The Senator stood beside the young Queen as they watched another transport shuffle load up with more of the Nabooians. It was a bittersweet moment that shouldn’t be happening. These individuals shouldn’t be asked to leave their homes and their lives behind, but this was for this safety. This was for the future of Naboo. The Final Order was on their way to claim the planet, but Naboo was more than that. So much more. This still caused a dull ache in Ro’s heart as she watched her own family load up on the transport. Her sister’s eyes were puffy and red from their last goodbye. Her arms were full of the last dresses that had created in the Citlali dress shop. Her aunt Eira was doing her best to stay strong for Thalia. This shouldn’t be happening. The Resistance should be here stopping the Final Order. The New Republic should be here to help them, but neither had come. Now, her planet belonged to the Final Order. Her family would be safe, but she couldn’t say the same to herself. She had decided the moment Queen Seraphine had told them about the evacuation that she would remain. They had dressed the Queen in her black dress that was inspired by the dress that was once worn by the handmaiden, Sabe. Seraphine had told Ro that it was the highest honor to wear the dress as she helped her people. Ro, in return, had dressed like one of her handmaidens instead of her usual senator attire. She wore the dress that was orange velvet with the red hood today. To know that it was Padme’s blood taking over the planet made her even more upset. What would the former Queen say if she were here now? Would she tell them to fight? Would she tell them not to lose hope? Ro had always looked up to Senator Amidala since she was young and had been the whole reason she had pursued this career. Yet, here she stood watching the world around her fall apart, and she didn’t know what she could do.
“Any falcons in the skies?” Seraphine finally asked before glancing up at the Senator. They had spoken in code to keep any unwanted listeners from learning anything private.
“No, but we hear there are foxes in the woods,” Ro answered back before shaking her head. The falcons meant TIE fighters and foxes were the troopers on the ground. There had been no TIES today, which struck her as odd. The TIES had been flying overhead since Emperor Ren sent the transmission that he would take Naboo for the Final Order. The TIES were to keep any unwanted visitors away and also to stop any type of uprising. Storm Troopers had arrived the day after and patrolled the grounds. They didn’t interfere with people who were leaving the planet but made sure that the ones who were staying understood that they wouldn’t tolerate anyone starting trouble. Hearing them march or hearing the TIEs fly overhead made Ro’s stomach churn, and she would fight not to become sick. She never thought that certain sounds would ever make her sick. It almost made her feel embarrassed. She couldn’t show fear. Ro wouldn’t allow the Final Order to see her fear. The senator wondered if there would ever be a chance that everyone could return to Naboo. They should fight, but they wouldn’t stand a chance against Emperor Ren and his forces.
“I know you want to fight, Senator Citlali. I see the fire in your eyes.” Seraphine stated as she looked over at the woman standing beside her. She admired Aurora in the short time that she had gotten to know her. She had become like an older sister to her, but now that her own family had left, Aurora was the only family she had left. Seraphine clung more and more to the woman in these last days, where the future was unknown to them.
“Forgive me, m’lady. I simply don’t want to lose our home.” Ro’s fingers twitched at her side as she watched the transport shuttles close and departed. This would be the last transport for Naboo. There weren’t many left now. Just the ones who were too stubborn to leave, and no one dared fight them. They had been through too much to just leave their home. No one had ever told her the surrendering was hard. No one had ever told her that surrendering would make a wildfire spread through her body.
“Shall we take a walk?”
“Of course, m’lady.”
The arrival. . . .
They had spent all night preparing for this moment and no matter how much they smiled or laughed; it didn’t ease their fears. Ro had spent most of the morning preparing the Queen for their guests. They dressed her in a replica of Queen Amidala’s gown. The queen had worn the crimson and black dress when she had met with the Trade Federation so long ago. Seraphine had hoped that she would channel the beloved Queen’s bravery, but so far she felt even more scared. Adding the headdress had been the hardest part for Ro. Glancing in the mirror, she sighed. This would be the last time that she would ever wear this or any of her other gowns. Ro had sworn it wouldn’t but the young queen knew the truth. She was going to accept it. Senator Citlali had left alone to finish getting ready. This was the last time that they would be home. One last look in the mirror, Seraphine nodded at herself and turned to leave the room. She would meet Aurora in the throne room, where they would wait for the Final Order to arrive.
Senator Citlali stared at herself in the mirror. Her long hair braided and resting over her left shoulder. Dressed in a long black saffron dress, the plunging neckline opening of her dress that stopped just a little above her belly button revealed her black bra underneath. The light golden details showed the lace details on the bra itself. She would wear the black drape around her shoulders. She looked as if she was mourning, and she was. Her fingers stroked the pendant that rested at the bottom of her necklace. It could easily be mistaken for just a simple necklace, but there was a much more sinister purpose. One that she hadn’t even told the Queen about. This was just a precaution. This was if things became too much and Ro couldn’t believe that she had let herself do this. Aurora wanted to believe that maybe something would go differently today when they arrived, but that was a cruel lie that she was telling herself. Slipping on the ebony sandal that had thin straps that went to her ankles, Ro reached for the black drape that had the same gold stitching as her bra. The last thing she grabbed was the blaster and kept it covered. It was time.
The Queen sat on her throne with the Senator sitting beside her. It had been quiet for the longest time until Seraphine watched Ro. The woman was sitting straight up with her leg crossed over the other. Looking at the white polish on her nails that Seraphine had done last night. However, her outfit had caught the Queen off guard.
“Are you planning on seducing the Final Order, Senator?” Seraphine chuckled. She knew the question was going to catch Ro off guard and hearing the Senator laugh was better than the silence they had been sitting in.
“Seducing the Emperor? The Empress would have my head. No, I thought I would just woo a trooper and take his blaster. A daring escape.” Smirking, she uncrossed her leg and winked at the young girl. She could only imagine what she was feeling in these moments, the weight that had been on her shoulders, and now it was being lifted in a way. She reached her hand out to take Seraphina’s and gave it a squeeze. They only had each other now, and it might not be for too much longer. The Final Order could do whatever they wanted when they got here, but they weren’t alone.
“Show them no fear, m’lady.”
Captain Dameron and his squadron were the first to land, and Poe was more than happy to stretch his legs. Storm Troopers were already crowding around him to give him their reports and he only half-heartedly listens to them. It wasn’t their fault for simply doing their duty, but he had other things on his mind. He had been securing the area before Emperor Ren’s boot touched the soil of Naboo. His eyes scanned over the capital and stopped at the sight of the palace. Was it checked recently?
“Is the palace cleared out? What about the Queen?” Captain Dameron asked as he walked towards the palace. He didn’t want this to turn into a bloodbath the moment that they went into the palace. He was certain it wouldn’t end well for the rioting side.
“Queen Seraphine hasn’t left the planet along with another. We have identified the other individual with her as Senator Citlali, and they’re both in the palace. They haven’t left since the last transport.” The trooper spoke as Poe listened. So there was a fourteen-year-old girl and a senator in the palace? That wasn’t awful.
“What do we know about the Senator? Are they dangerous? Any ties to the Resistance?” Poe asked. He wanted to make there wasn’t anything that they weren’t walking into some trap. People did ridiculous things when they were desperate, and this time he didn’t want to shed any blood. He especially didn’t want to shed any blood in front of a teenage girl. He never understood why Naboo had always elected to have young Queens. He couldn’t imagine that being his daughter or even son. He would constantly be worried about them. The other thought that bothered him was that the family of the Queen had just left their daughter. They left her alone. That very well could be the reason the senator was still here.
“She doesn’t have any ties to the Resistance. No military training. She was born here. That’s all we know.”
That was reassuring. Not a threat to him or anyone else. It was time for them to make their way to the palace to do one more last sweep, and then he would report back to Kylo that it was safe for his arrival. However, Kylo had nothing to fear, anyway. He could easily eliminate any threat that even attempted some attack. However, Poe knew this was a precaution. This was to make sure that nothing went wrong. He would give the Emperor hell for doing his dirty work one day. It was always nice to be the childhood friend of the Emperor and Empress. It always helped that he was on the good side of the most high-ranking officials of the Order. However, he knew there were officers and others that questioned his loyalty. They thought he would turn traitor at the moment that it benefited him. That moment had never come. Poe was well aware of what they whispered the moment his back turned. He wanted to think that they were merely jealous. He was one of the greatest pilots in the entire galaxy, and he was in the good graces of the Order’s top command. Most didn’t know the bond that they all shared. How they were practically family. How he will do anything to make sure that not only were they safe but also the galaxy. They were his family.
The walk to the palace was taking longer than he expected, but his droid had joined him not long after. The droid was better company than some troopers that marched beside him. The area surrounding the palace was just as remarkable as the royal palace itself. No wonder Kylo had insisted on claiming this planet. Although he wasn’t enjoying how quiet it was. He knew that there had been an evacuation the days prior, but he had caught glimpses of faces in the windows of what he thought were businesses. Poe hoped that in the future that he could see the streets bustling with people once more. He would love to see it thriving once again.
“One more sweep of the palace. Check everywhere. Meet me in the throne room when you’re done. If you come across anyone, bring them there and we’ll see what to do.” Poe ordered while the troopers nodded and scattered to start their sweep.
“Alright BB, let’s see what happens in that throne room. Kylo won’t mind me keeping the throne warm for him.” Poe smirked before scratching the shaved part of his undercut. It was getting long again. BB replied with several beeps that caused the pilot to laugh while they made their way to the throne room.
Upon entering the throne room, Poe wasn’t expecting two things. One, the two girls that were occupying it. Two the warning shots from the blaster that the woman had aimed at his feet. She was certainly an excellent shot, and it had stopped the captain in his tracks and even made BB move behind him. His hands were up in defense to keep her from taking another shot. His eyes scanned the room to look for anyone waiting to ambush them. His eyes landed on the young queen, that was gripping the edges of the armrests of the throne. Her knuckles were paling as she looked at the other woman. The Queen had sprung up to grab the free arm of the woman and whispered pleas not to shoot him. That had to be Senator Citlali. His gaze trailed up her form and noted the rather interesting dress that she wore. She had tossed the dark drape to the side that hid the blaster. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of her. Was that a custom dress style for Nabooian women?
“Is that a traditional Naboo welcome, Senator?”
“It is for the tyrants and their dogs.”
“I was talking about the dress.”
Poe grinned, watching as Senator Citlali gripped the Queen’s hand tightly. She was certainly distracting. He couldn’t help but trail his eyes down the chain of the long necklace that she wore. The pendant meant nothing, but his eyes would wander even more to where his imagination could start. She still had the blaster pointed at him, and he was certainly in no position to be upsetting the woman. Yet, a sneaking suspension told him she wouldn’t do anything that would harm the Queen. Poe didn’t want to harm either of them. He wanted no more bloodshed, and especially not in front of a teenage girl. There had to be a way to calm the Senator down to talk, at least. Kylo might not be in such a forgiving mood when he got here.
“Senator Citlali, please lower your blaster. I’m not here to harm you or the Queen. You can trust me.” Poe kept his hands where she could still see them. He knew she would not believe him, and she had every right not to. He was the enemy. Her enemy. He had a hand in taking her home. The captain was surprised that she had given him a warning shot, she could have easily gotten a better shot. She could have taken him out, but she hadn’t. It was possible that she didn’t want to subject the Queen to such a sight. They were agreeing on one thing, it seemed. Making sure that they caused no more trauma to the young queen. They were doing their best to keep her in mind during this altercation between them.
“Trust the lapdog of the Final Order? Please tell me you understand why I have a hard time doing that.” She scoffed at him before guiding Seraphine behind her. She was serving as a shield for the young girl and was doing her best to be brave for her. The sounds of the marching Stormtroopers only got louder. A thin layer of sweat was forming on her brow, and she felt her stomach tighten once more with nerves. Her hand remains steady as she kept the blaster trained on him and her gaze was cold. There was no chance of her lowering it soon. The stand-off couldn’t go on much longer with the troopers making their way to the throne. That was all they needed. They would outnumber her, and she wouldn’t be able to keep Seraphine safe.
“I understand your hesitation but imagine the stormtrooper seeing this. You’ll have more on your hands. Just lower the blaster and we can talk. I won’t approach you yet.” He continued to keep his eyes on her. The troopers would only add more stress to this situation. People did crazy things in stressful situations. Her arm slowly lowed, and he gave her a small smile. She would listen, and that was a step in the right direction. However, the queen was hugging the senator tightly, and that caused her to wrap an arm around the teenage girl and nestle her into her side. Her walls were coming down as she whispered what Poe assumed were words of comfort.
“Don’t come any closer to us. I will shoot.” Ro warned him, as she let the blaster fall to the floor and completely wrap her arms around the queen. She had no plans to shoot him. She just wanted to calm Seraphine more than anything. The stormtroopers had cut their moment short upon their arrival into the throne room, blaster drawn. Poe could have screamed at all of them. The senator had swept the queen back behind her and went to reach for the blaster.
“Hey! Lower the weapons! She will not shoot!” Poe’s tone had changed, and he glared at all surrounding troopers. This throne room was getting too crowded for his liking and this was going to add more edge to the situation that he had been trying to handle previously. The senator would fall back into her fight-or-flight response, and Poe knew she was going to fight before ever running away. She was already proving how much of a fighter she was, and not with just her words. “The Emperor won’t enjoy having to hear my report about stormtroopers who disobeyed their commanding officer. Grand Marshal won’t like it either. Now, stand down and let me handle this.”
The troopers did as they were told, and Ro’s shoulder remained tense as she watched them. Seraphine hadn’t stopped shaking, and Ro continued to hold her tighter and tried to keep her calm. It wasn’t working. Her mind told her to reach for the blaster that rested behind her left foot, but that would be foolish, and she opened herself. Her best bet was to just let the captain actually do his job and listen to his offer. What was the worst that he could do or say? Her own heart had pounded in her chest, and she felt herself fighting back any tears that threatened to fall. Don’t show fear. Ro thought of her previous words. She wouldn’t show fear. The thought of why the captain was keeping his men from doing anything was looming in the back of her mind. He could easily save a harsh punishment for her. She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment and counted to herself, hoping that she could ground herself again. It was hard to remain strong when she could feel herself breaking. The situation grows more intense with each passing second.
“Senator Citlali, I think it would be best if you came with us back to the Steadfast where we can discuss what will happen next.”
“I refuse to leave the Queen. We stay together.”
“I can make sure of that. Will you come peacefully or will I need to use binders?”
The mention of binders made Seraphine grip her dress tighter. Ro didn’t want to parade the poor girl around as if she was some prisoner. She didn’t want to look that way, either. Sighing, the senator realized that she would have to play nice with the enemy. She would have to be on her best behavior. Before she could answer, there was another sound of footsteps that were coming down the hallway. They echoed louder than what the stormtroopers had, and Ro knew without a doubt that Emperor Ren and his knights were here. . .
“Shit. I told him I would tell him when it was safe.”
Poe couldn’t help but groan as everyone in the room seemed to squirm. They all knew who was about to make his presence known, and that meant that anything could occur. The captain could only hope that Kylo would make anything worse. He figured that Empress would have told him to be on his best behavior while he was down here just in case. The room seemed to go older upon the Emperor and his knights stepping into the room. A slight shiver ran up Poe’s spine and he watched as everyone stood at attention for their leader. Exhaling through his nose, he waited to see what the man would say about his tardiness in contacting him. Still, his eyes remained on the Senator, who was doing her best not to fear what was to come. He wanted to promise her it would be alright. That Emperor Ren wasn’t looking to harm anyone. He wouldn’t Kylo do something so foolish. He watched as her fingers gripped the queen’s dress. Seraphine hadn’t even lifted her head up to see who was coming into her throne room. She wasn’t trying to be a Queen anymore; she was just a teenage girl. A scared teenage girl.
“Captain Dameron, you sent no communication. We were worried something had gone wrong.”
“Worried? I think you mean impatient, your highness.”
“Are these the prisoners?”
The word prisoners made Poe cringe a little. He hadn’t called them that and had even said he wouldn’t use binders on them. Kylo was making him look like a liar, and he could feel the glare from the senator on him. That wasn’t the way he wanted her to look at him. The knight stood close to him and their emperor. The silence of the room was deafening as they all waited to see what would happen.
“This is Queen Seraphine and Senator Citlali. I told them that if they came peacefully -”
“He wouldn’t put us in binders, but he’s a liar! Much like everyone in the Final Order.” Ro spat as she looks at them. His shoulders squared before moving Seraphine behind her once more. Poe knew what could happen, and he didn’t want to see that. He didn’t want Kylo to harm the woman who was just upset over what was going on. However, Poe knew Kylo didn’t have the best temper. He was in a tight spot.
“Your highness, I said that. I wanted to them see we weren’t so horrible. I kept her calm.” Poe continued, but he wasn’t sure if Kylo was listening behind his helmet. His umber eyes remain on the older woman to make sure that she wasn’t being touched by the Force. He would have to step in if Kylo tried to use it on her.
“Do you believe her to be harmless, Captain?” Kylo asked, before turning to face Poe. The captain already turning to face him. They trusted each other. Poe wasn’t entirely sure that Senator Citlali was harmless, but he didn’t want to be deemed a liar.
“Yes. I will escort her and the queen to the shuttle. I say we discuss everything back on the Steadfast. Both of them are clearly distressed about the situation.”
“Fine, take them to the shuttle and prepare to take them back to the Steadfast. I have matters to attend to here. I’ll keep my knights with me. Prepare the others to depart with you.” Kylo spoke, as Poe nodded his head.
“You heard your Emperor. Prepare to depart! Senator Citlali, Queen Seraphine, please come with me.” Poe held his hand out to the Senator. Her eyes held nothing but pure disgust before she took a few steps towards the exit, bowing to the Emperor. The Queen did the same and squeezed Ro’s hands as they left the room, leaving Poe alone with the Emperor. The men waited a few moments before Kylo took off his helmet, a gloved hand carding through his hair to push it back.
“I had it under control. She was just scared and I don’t blame her.” Poe started before Kylo rose a brow.
“I’m sure you did. That’s why there’s a blaster mark on the floor. Tell me, how did she distract you? How did she catch you off guard? Your thoughts are loud, Dameron.”
“Like you have room to talk when it’s your wife. Now, if you’ll excuse me, your highness, I need to make sure they’re comfortable.” Rolling his eyes, Poe started out of the throne room with BB-8 close behind him. It didn’t take him long to catch up with the others, but he noticed how the senator kept the queen close to her. Clearing his throat as he approached them, he gave them a small smile. “The transport isn’t too far, and I won’t be separating you. I ask that you don’t kill me on the way. I’m certain we can find you some food and water if you need it? Maybe caf.”
He noted that the woman wasn’t listening to him in the slightest, but Seraphine seemed to be a little more relaxed. With a curt nod, he led them to the shuttle and spoke little. He saluted all that he passed along the way and tried not to let the silence of the girls bother him. Poe wanted to show them that the Final Order wasn’t as horrible as they thought. They were going to keep the galaxy safe and bring order. This was going to be better for everyone. He truly believed that. He believed in what they were doing. Approaching the shuttle, Poe took one last look at Naboo and made a note that he would visit again. He might even bring the senator back if she would allow him. “Watch your step, Seraphine.”
“Queen Seraphine.” Senator Citlali snapped, which cause him to lift his hands up once more.
“You have some bite, Citlali. I might have to put you in those binders.” He grinned before following behind them to prepare for their departure.
“Touch me and I’ll make sure that this shuttle never makes it to the Steadfast,” Ro spoke as she turned to face him. Her shoulder squared as she tried to make herself a little bigger. He liked her.
“Aurora, leave Captain Dameron alone. Please take your seat.” Seraphine spoke sternly as she had buckled herself in. Poe rose a brow as he watched Aurora turn on her heels and go to the queen. He hadn’t planned on learning her first name, but now he couldn’t help but grin. He could see how devoted Aurora was to the young queen, and he could admire that. He was just as loyal to Kylo and the others. They were his family.
They spent the rest of the time in silence as Poe began his flight preparations. None of them will break that silence just to make awkward small talk. Instead, Ro had helped take off the headpiece that Seraphine had been wearing. She even took down her hair to comb through to help the young queen relax during the journey. Seraphine had curled up the moment that they took off. Her eyes grew heavy, and she had fallen asleep. Ro’s slender fingers working through her hair as she slept. The cold air of the shuttle made goosebumps form on the exposed skin of her midsection and the top part of her cleavage. She cursed herself for not grabbing the drape when they were leaving the throne room. Her arms were getting goosebumps from the chilled air.
“Here.” Poe’s voice startled her as she looked up at him. In one hand, he held out a black leather jacket with the symbol of the Final Order on the shoulders. She took it with reluctance. Placing her arms through the sleeves, thankful for something to put a barrier between her skin and the chilled air. Next, he handed her a cup of hot tea. Her eyes following the tendrils of steam as it swirled in the air. “I didn’t have any caf. It’ll help you warm up. Not too much longer until we arrive at the Steadfast.”
She only nodded her head at him before taking a small sip of the tea. The leather jacket smelled of the captain, but she couldn’t help to feel a little comfort from it. It was probably just from the warmth that was giving her. Captain Dameron had gone back to his seat and was back to watching all the control along with their course. Seraphine stirred for a moment before Ro hummed once more. She would not let the teenage girl feel alone, especially not around their enemies. They only had each other now. They wouldn’t establish trust with anyone from now on. They had to show them they were strong and wouldn’t be their prisoners. However, Ro already felt like a prisoner despite not wearing the binders. Her new journey made her feel like a prisoner.
“Twenty minutes until arrival. . .”
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dalekofchaos · 4 years
Ways I would improve Rise Of Skywalker
My post on how I would fix TROS
Exegol would be Moraband
They are Holocrons, not Wayfinders
The Resistance base would be Batuu, not Ajan Kloss
There would be no Death Star ruins, the final Holocron would be on Kamino
Ben would have an existential crisis after his meeting with Palpatine. The revelation that Palpatine has been manipulating him all his life, shakes him to the core. And at this moment, the force ghosts of Luke and Anakin reach him. First. Luke. Luke tells him that he kept his promise, that he’d always be there for him. Luke makes amends to his nephew. Luke finally realizes the truth, he didn't kill his fellow students and shows Ben the truth through the force. The truth that he hesitated and regretted his moment of instinct and they forgive each other. And Anakin finally appears before his grandson. Ben is in disbelief and says “....Grandfather????” Anakin finally speaks to his grandson “I never wanted you to repeat my mistakes. That pull to the light you were feeling was always me. I wanted you to be better than I was, who I could have been” and showing Ben his memories and what he had to go through. His life as a slave, meeting Padme, meeting Obi-Wan, becoming a Jedi, losing his mother, Order 66, losing Padme and being saved by Luke and finally destroying Palpatine(lol but not really). And telling Ben “Let the light in. You still have a chance, no one is ever really gone“  And as a parting gift, Anakin and Luke use the force to will Han’s spirit, and finally father and son can speak for real. Their talk remains the same, especially the “Kylo Ren is dead, my son is still alive.” line and with  the Skywalkers and Han talking through with him, Ben decides to renounce the dark side and Palpatine, but realizes it won’t be easy to leave, so Ben will play the spy.
Pryde is not with the First/Final Order. Hux is 2nd in command and is the perfect tool for Palpatine to use against Ben when he feels his turn to the light.
Senator Enric Pryde is the benefactor for The Resistance and the last surviving Senator of the New Republic. His aspirations is to bring the Republic back and plans to lead by Leia’s example as he was the only one who listened to her claims, but red tape held him back. 
Rey would have her yellow lightsaber from the beginning and it would be a Yellow Saberstaff
The tie in novels matter and The Resistance is in a giant fighting force
Knights Of Ren are Sith warriors who serve the Sith Eternal 
Rose joins Rey, Finn, and Poe
Connix would be featured more prominently  on the Black Spire/Resistance Base. We would also have it established that Poe and Connix are in a relationship. Cause Billie Lourd deserved to shine and if Poe had to have a girlfriend, at least let it be with someone he already has great chemistry with. 
FInn and Rose are together. Cute displays of affection like kissing, nicknames like “Commander Tico” “Jedi Prince” and Rose made a matching pendant for Finn to match hers to show that Finn and Rose are soulmates
During the time skip, Rey and Finn would’ve trained together and Finn would be her Padawan. Finn, like Rey would craft his own Lightsaber. A Purple Blastersaber. 
Hobbit boy would be cut from the movie entirely  
Instead of doing nothing, Chewie fights the Knights Of Ren and loses, that’s how Chewie is captured. 
Jannah is inspired by Finn’s defection and the defeat of Phasma. Jannah explains that it’s because of him they got the courage to rebel when he left and when Phasma was killed, there were small rebellions, but only Jannah’s group survived. Jannah and her people even call Finn “Phasma slayer” this inspires Finn to help Jannah start a Stormtrooper Rebellion. And Rose is there to help broadcast a signal so Finn can give a speech to incite Rebellion
Finn, Rose and Jannah are able to sneak aboard Hux’s flagship. Rose helps using her skills to help Finn to broadcast a signal to every Stormtrooper. I think it could be something like this. “My name is Finn, I was FN-2187, a Stormtrooper. Like every one of you, I was taken from a family I will never know. I was raised to do one thing… but my first battle, my friend Slip died and that death marked me and made me realize We are people and we have a choice. I wasn’t gonna kill for them. I had nothing to fight for. Until I met my friends, they gave me a name, a purpose and something worth fighting for.(cue Finn smiling at Rose) So I am here to tell you.  You have a choice. You are people. You do not have to kill for them anymore. Take back your lives and fight the people who took your lives away from you. I am giving you the one choice they never gave you and choose for yourselves. You can either storm this very room and kill us or you can take back your lives. The choice is yours.” Then we get a very emotional scene of Stormtroopers led by Finn’s last surviving Squad member, Zeroes removing his helmet and tossing it to the ground and then we see hundreds, to thousands of Stormtroopers ripping their helmets off and tossing them to the ground. Officers DEMAND they put their helmet back on and kill The Resistance scum, but they don’t. It happens. Rebellion.  Finn, Jannah and Rose have successfully led a Stormtrooper Rebellion and together burn The First Order from the inside out and Rose could say something that calls back to TLJ. “It was worth it, though. To tear them up, make ‘em hurt.” Finn would embrace Rose in a kiss and say “Now it’s worth it.”
No fake out deaths. Chewie is shown on a different transport, but C-3PO does give his life to translate the holocron(just let him translate the holocron, translating a weapon is fucking stupid) and C-3PO asks R2 “let me take one last look, at my best friend”
After interrogating Chewbacca and reading his mind which shows him his happy childhood memories with “Uncle Chewie”, Ben reveals his true allegiances to Chewie and frees him
Finn and Poe are captured and are at Kylo’s mercy and awaiting their execution. To their surprise, Kylo Ren kills the Stormtroopers and allow them to escape.  Ben tells them “I am the spy” then Poe goes “I KNEW IT!” Finn retorts “NO YOU DID NOT” Finn asks Ben why and then he telepathically tells Finn everything, Finn understands and they shake hands. 
Replace Zorri Bliss with Jacen Syndulla(played by Matt Smith), and this gives Poe a ex-boyfriend, which also cuts out that horrendous racist stereotype. Jacen is undercover for The Resistance and he helps Poe and they embrace in a kiss. Poe tells Connix “we used to date” this way we can show that Poe Dameron is Bi 
Ben tells Rey the truth of everything in his quarters. And Rey would ask Ben to prove that he's changed and together they destroy Vader's mask to symbolize his turn to the light. 
During the scene where Rey flies into the hangar. Instead of Ben asking Rey to take his hand, it’s Rey asking Ben to take her hand. With this, Hux enters the room and claps. Hux displays Snoke’s murder for all to see and displays Ben’s conversations with Rey. “Did you think The Emperor a fool Ren? Or me? You are a traitor. OPEN FIRE! and with that, every single Stormtrooper begins to open fire.  Ben then flies into the Falcon with Rey, Finn, Poe and Rose.
Together they leave for Kamino for the final Holocron together. Rey’s fight with Dark Rey still happens, while Ben fights Vader(a projection from Palpatine obviously) Leia’s death causes Ben to lose his fight and is left for dead, Rey saves Ben via force healing
Rey is still horrified by her inner darkness and that Palpatine is her grandfather, so she still goes to Ach-To. So cue the same scene between Rey and Luke, only, instead of Rey going via X-Wing, it’s Ben and Chewie in the Falcon who come to Rey 
Chewie comes to Ben’s aid for saving him earlier, for saving him and showing that Ben has a change of heart, Chewie hugs Ben and takes Ben to Moraband to save Rey. Chewie even gives him Han’s blaster. Showing that Chewie forgives Ben for Han’s death and to help him save Rey.
When Ben arrives, Rey hugs and they embrace each other. Ben parts ways with Luke. Luke would encourage Rey and Ben to heal Ben’s Crossguard Lightsaber, so with their combined powers, Ben’s Crossguard Lightsaber is healed and it is now white. Luke then tells Ben and Rey, “1000 generations of Jedi lives within you now. This is your fight.” and tells them “may the force be with you” Before leaving I could see Ben rebuilding his saber hilt and it would most likely be Grey.
Prior to landing on Moraband, Ben changes his attire. He removes his dark Kylo Ren aesthetic, for something you would associate with the son of Han Solo art by machodoodle and Phantasy Studio 
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Ben asks, “how do we look?” Rey tells him “perfect” Ben will say”no, almost perfect” and Rey realizes what he means and undoes her buns and frees her hair. “Now we’re perfect” how Rey with her hair freed would look, source
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Before exiting the Falcon, Ben believes this is the last time to tell Rey, so Ben would talk to Rey and tell her “I never wanted power, all I wanted was you. You were never nothing, you were everything to me and I love you Rey” Ben would hold out his hand and Rey would take it and Ben would kiss Rey. Both Ben and Rey believes this will be their last night alive, so Rey and Ben make the most of it by making love. Your standard movie sex scene, but nothing too explicit
When they land on Moraband, they are greeted by the Knights Of Ren. Rey and Ben fight the Knights Of Ren together.
Instead of space horses to land on a Star Destroyer, it’s basically the result of Finn’s message. Stormtroopers start rebelling and Finn is leading the assault. Stormtroopers vs Sith Troopers. And we’d see Finn igniting his Lightsaber to lead the charge. Just imagine how emotional it would be to have the lightsaber of a former slave to be used to lead and free other slaves. It’s an awesome battle, but it results in Hux’s defeat. Hux shares Pryde’s fate.
After Hux’s defeat, Finn senses danger. So Lando drops Finn off to save Rey and Ben
Due to Finn’s presence, Ben and Rey are fully rejuvinated.
Rey, Finn and Ben are able to kill Palpatine together(Anakin, Leia and Luke are able to empower them both to end Palpatine once and for all) however it would not end the with Rey and Ben just deflecting lightning, Palpatine would draw two red lightsabers and faces Ben and Rey in a epic lightsaber duel. It is easily the best lightsaber duel in the sequel trilogy with Williams brand new edition of Duel Of Fates playing in the background. It ends with Palpatine saying “I AM ALL THE SITH! and Finn, Ben and Rey say “we are the Skywalkers” and it finally ends with Palpatine destroyed.
Pryde and Ben sign a treaty to end the war
We’d get a scene of Ben making peace with Finn and Poe 
Also a scene of Lando and Chewie hugging their nephew
To help cement his redemption. Ben goes off on his path of atonement to right his wrongs by wiping out FO holdouts. Ben insists he has to do this on his own, but Rey will tell him “we’ll do it together” and the final scene is Rey and Ben in the Falcon, sharing a kiss before they head out to end The First Order hold outs.
Epilogue. The war is over. The First Order is no more. The New Order is established. Think Galactic Federation of Free Alliances from Legends. Lando Calrissian is the Chancellor of the New Order. Leia passed away and is entombed on her home of Chandrilla with Han. Finn leads a program to help properly help his brothers and sisters integrate back into galactic society and to help them all find their families and worlds. Poe and Finn would be the Ministers of Defense, always keeping The New Order’s Military strong and on their toes so they can prepare them for whatever threat there is to come. Finn and Rose got married and Rose leads a sanctuary for all the children and animals who have lost their families due to the war and helps take care of them, but also Rose would lead an attack on arms dealers and war profiteers who have profited off the war and suffering of the galaxy. In time, Finn and Rose would bring relief and restoration to Hays Minor and together Finn and Rose Tico would return home and have a family. Poe and Connix get married on Yavin IV. I believe that Rey and Ben would get married on Naboo, have their honeymoon on Chandrilla, then setting down on Mortis to reform the Prime Jedi and balance the Force while raising their family. Basically Rey and Ben would either gain a peaceful life on Naboo or build a New Order where both sides of the force can come together in order to achieve balance, where they can love freely and use their passions and compassion for the good of the force without suppressing their emotions and I think the best place for this new Order to take place would be on Mortis.
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kyberphilosopher · 4 years
i don’t believe in chance, commander.
About Star Wars…
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Yes. I will write for Star Wars.  I have an especially deep love for the prequel trilogy and the Clone Wars series. Here is the list of characters I’ll do-
Anakin Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Padme Amidala
Luke Skywalker
Ahsoka Tano
Captain Rex
Darth Maul
Din Djarin (The Mandolorian)
Cal Kestis
Rey Palpatine
General Grievous (Nothing gross or extreme, just interesting concepts)
Jyn Erso
Leia Organa
Poe Dameron
Armitage Hux
The Son (Mortis Arc, if you’d forgotten)
Don’t see a character on here you want really, really badly? Request. I can probably pull it off. I will at least consider it, I promise. 
Do you want a character with a platonic relationship? Request. Even if it’s Palpatine, Dooku, or whoever, I can probably pull it off. I will at least consider it, I promise.
I also write books. I have my own original characters and concepts in them, and they mean a lot to me. If by chance you find that you want an x reader or imagine with any of these original characters, request. Here’s a little mini list in case you are curious who I will write for-
Keres Vagor
Aheka Shyn
Circe Onblekk
Acer Adamus
There are others I will do, but they are a part of Adamus [which is incomplete currently] and you haven’t met them yet. 
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redrikki · 5 years
Star Wars Fic Masterpost
Prequels/Clone Wars Era
May the Force Get With You- You’d think Anakin Skywalker’s conception would be pretty epic, mythic even, but you’d be wrong. Turns out, the Force is a lousy lay and a worse father. (Shmi Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker, The Force, Salty Narrator)
Second Wind - Ahsoka takes the wrong exit of the the world between worlds and ends up with a second chance at saving her master. (Ahsoka Tano, Shmi Skywalker)
Pain Management - Anger can get a slave killed. Shmi teaches her son some coping strategies. (Shmi Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker, Watto)
The Force Is In the Details - The chance cube lands on red and now Shmi must learn to manage with a freedom she never asked for. Written as part of the Jedi Fest Rogue Robin challenge as a continuation of The Force is in the Details. (Shmi Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker, Qui-Gon Jinn, Padme Amidala, Jedi Council)
The Anchor That You Can’t Leave Behind - On the queen’s yacht headed back to Naboo, Anakin and Padmé miss their mothers but Obi-Wan can’t get why. (Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi)
Another Word For Nothing Left to Lose - When Obi-Wan told him he was free at Qui-Gon’s funeral, Anakin took him at his word. There may, however, have been something of misunderstanding. (Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi)
For Amidala - Her handmaidens had all poured so much of themselves into Amidala, it was like they were part of her now. Padmé didn’t know if she had the strength to let one go. (Padme Amidala, Sabe, handmaidens)
Wordspring - Anakin’s words dry up in the middle of his fourth month at the Temple. If Obi-Wan can’t get them flowing again, maybe someone else will. (Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Sheev Palpatine, various Jedi)
Nothing to Write Home About - A month after losing his wife, Cliegg Lars decides to write to her son. Anakin Skywalker gets the pen pal he never knew he needed. WIP. (Anakin Skywalker, Cliegg Lars, Owen Lars, Beru Lars, Ahsoka Tano, Padmé Amidala)
For the Greater Good - Count Dooku has never seen the appeal of Anakin Skywalker, but, when the Chosen One breaks with the Council over the treatment of the clones, he decides acquiring the boy’s allegiances might be worthwhile after all. WIP co-written with @grand-duc and @thendstartsnow (Count Dooku, Anakin Skywalker, Palpatine, Clone Troopers)
Once More With Feeling - A redeemed Anakin travels back in time post-RotJ and decides to unfuck the timeline with mixed results. (Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padmé Amidala, Sheev Palpatine, Jedi Council, bunch of other people)
Bridal Carry - On Naboo, it’s tradition for the groom to carry the bride to their marriage bed. With Anakin’s new prosthetic, it’s more difficult than it sounds. (Padmé Amidala/Anakin Skywalker)
Secret Tunnel - War in the Outer Rim! While fighting on the mining world of Mumblety, Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano is tasked with mapping the tunnels along with a team of clones. When trouble strikes, will she have what it takes to save the day and complete the mission? (Ahsoka Tano, Echo, Fives, Anakin Skywalker)
No Place Like Home - Ahsoka’s return to the temple after her first deployment was strange, made even stranger by the fact that it should’t be strange at all. (Ahsoka Tano, Rex)
Eat, Snip, Love - Ahsoka can’t remember the last time she had a home cooked meal. Anakin and Padmé are determined to change that. (Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala)
Love and Support - After Padmé is shot at a conference, her mother insists she come home. Padmé, of course, is going no where. Episode tag to 3.07 “Assassin.” (Padmé, Ahsoka)
Across a Crowded Room - It’s a party in his honor, but it turns out the Hero With No Fear isn’t good with crowds. Padmé to the rescue. (Padmé Amidala, Anakin Skywalker)
Lightening Rod - Anakin gets electrocuted…again. It probably says something bad about his life that he’s getting used to it. (Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Obi-Wan Kenobi)
Coming Out of My Cage, Doing Just Fine - On the way back from Kadavo, it finally hits her. In this war, Ahsoka had been outmatched, outmaneuvered, and outgunned, but she’d never felt powerless. Not like she did in that cage on Zygerria. (Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker)
In Our Bed After the War - After the mission to Zygerria, Padmé and Anakin have a difficult conversation. (Padmé Amidala, Anakin Skywalker)
Domestic Life Was Never Quite My Style - Despite her best efforts, Padmé is pregnant. Now she has a difficult decision to make. (Padme Amidala, C-3P0)
You Call That Family? - In an AU where Anakin has left the order to be Padme, Obi-Wan encounters unexpected resistance when he goes to collect the twins. (Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Padme Amidala)
Birthright - The Force called him to his family and Anakin is not prepared to give them up. Not even to the Jedi Council. (Anakin Skywalker, Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, baby Skywalkers)
If Not For These Bad Dreams - Fives has dreamed about killing every Jedi he’s ever met except General Skywalker. Turns out he’s not the only one. (Fives, Kix, Tup, Jesse)
Dateline Felucia - Embedded with the troops on Felucia, a reporter from HoloNet News paints an intimate portrait of the men of the 212th Attack Battalion. (Cody, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Waxer, Boil, clone troopers)
Ahsoka the Vampire Slayer - Ahsoka is the Chosen One, the Slayer, or at least she was until she died. She got better, but now there’s a new Slayer in town and things with her Watcher are strained at best. Add in a bunch of zombie mind control bugs and Ahsoka’s week could be going better. BtVS fusion. (Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker, Barriss Offee, Luminara Undili)
Bursts of Stardust - Collection of short tumblr prompts. (Everyone ever)
Rebels Era
With the Rest of the Miscreants - Boy meets galaxy and learns to live in it. A lost baby Jedi adapts in four ‘easy’ steps. (Caleb Dume, Janus Kasmir)
Cloak, No Dagger - In light of the intel from Gorse, Hera and Ahsoka rethink mission protocols while putting on a show for the ISB agent watching them.  (Hera Syndulla, Ahsoka Tano)
Tag - Sabine and Ketsu, bounty hunters extraordinaire, argue about how to sign their work. (Sabine Wren, Ketsu Onyo)
Swordsmith - Ezra makes his lightsaber. It’s not his life, except in all the ways it is. (Ezra Bridger, Ghost Crew)
Graffiti on the Walls of the Heartland - Three works of art Sabine made for crew members and one she made for herself. (Sabine Wren, Chopper, Hera Syndulla,Kanan Jarrus)
Chicken Soup for the Jedi Soul - Four meals Kanan cooked for his crew and one he made for himself.  (Kanan Jarrus, Ghost Crew)
Ain’t No Fun (Life on the Run) - Ain’t no fun living life on the run but, with his Hera and their crew by his side, Kanan finds it isn’t always so bad. (Kanan Jarrus, Ghost Crew)
Wild Blue Yonder - After the events of “The Brotherhood of the Broken Horn,” Hera decides it’s high time Ezra learn how to fly. (Hera Syndulla, Ezra Bridger, Zeb Orrelios)
A Distraction - Kanan’s been blinded. There’s nothing Hera can do to fix it so Chopper gives her something she can. Written as part of the Jedi Fest Rogue Robin challenge as a continuation of A Distraction. (Hera Syndulla, Kanan Jarrus, Chopper)
Then My Hair’s Too Short - Apparently, Ezra had a new hair cut. That’s fine, it’s his head after all. Kanan just wished he had mentioned it. (Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger)
The Blind Beggar - When Ezra objects to Kanan taking point on a mission, Kanan decides its time they had a talk. (Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger, Ghost Crew)
Cut to the Heart - Sabine found the stupid thing in a cave, but now the Darksaber is taking over her life. Kanan gives her a little perspective. Tag to 3.13 “Trails of the Darksaber.” (Sabine Wren, Kanan Jarrus)
Rebel Moments - Collection of short tumblr prompts (Ghost Crew)
Rogue One
The Lord’s Estate - Every lord must have an estate. Lord Vader’s is Mustafar. (Vader, Palpatine)
Peace is a Lie - Sometimes Vader wakes up and can’t remember what war he’s fighting. (Darth Vader)
A Cog In Something Turning - Cassian hadn’t meant to give K-2SO free will. Good thing for both of them he’s a terrible slicer. (K-2SO, Cassian Andor)
Original Trilogy
Sea of Sorrow and Sand - Ben Kenobi is an island in a sea of sorrow and sand. Beru Lars has come to drag him back to shore. (Obi-Wan Kenobi, Beru Lars)
What Remains - What remains of a relationship built on lies? Nothing, as Darth Sidious will soon find out. (Darth Vader, Darth Sidious, Padmé Amidala’s preserved corpse)
On This Strange and Mournful Day - The events of Vader Down go very differently. The father and child reunion is only a motion away. (Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Dr. Aphra)
After the Funeral - Han offers Luke some unexpected support after the funeral of the guy who tortured him. (Luke Skywalker, Han Solo)
A Cynic’s Guide to the New Golden Age - The second Death Star goes kabloowie and takes the galaxy with it. It’s a new golden age of piracy and Aphra’s got some looting to do. (Dr. Aphra, Luke, 0-0-0, BT-1, Black Krrsantan)
The Last Truce We Ever Came To - Darth Vader is dead but he won’t leave Leia alone. (Leia Organa, Force Ghost Anakin Skywalker)
Lego Star Wars - The Freemaker Adventures
Disembodied - Roger loses his head and, frankly, it’s getting old. (R0-GR, Rowan Freemaker, Kordi Freemaker, Zander Freemaker)
Sequel Era
Red Fish, Blue Fish - Leia bought an aquarium for her child like her father before her. In a perfect world she could raise Ben to fill his grandfather’s legacy. Too bad he had more than one. (Leia Organa, Ben Solo, Angst)
A Matter of Precedence - FN-2187 wasn’t the first, except for the time he was. Others have defied the First Order before, but none quite as spectacularly. (Finn, First Order)
So You Want to be a (Space) Wizard - Finn finds a mysterious book, takes an Oath, and starts one hell of an Ordeal. Crossover with Young Wizards. (Finn, Poe Dameron, Rey)
Old Haunts (All We’ve Ever Known) - Anakin and Obi-Wan as snarky Force ghosts during The Force Awakens. (Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, TFA cast)
Lady in Waiting - Rey’s spent so much of her life waiting it’s hard to know when to stop. Luckily, Poe’s there to give her the push she needs. (Rey, Poe Dameron, Leia Organa, Finn)
Not a Drop to Drink - On Luke’s island, Rey couldn’t quite get her mind around the sheer amount of water stretching out towards the horizon. (Rey, Luke Skywalker)
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agent-barnes40 · 4 years
The Connection #6
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Characters: Caitlyn, Rey, Kylo, Palpatine, Snoke, Darth Vader, Anakin Skywalker, Poe Dameron, Leia Organa, Stormtroopers, Armitage Hux, Domaric Quinn, Enric Pride, C3P0.
Relationship: Reylo x OFC
Warnings: Palpatine, minor character death,  and another Palpatine warning, We are in tros, expect tears.
The next day, Caitlyn and Kylo were in separate Tie- Whispers. Caitlyn, following Kylo, who had the Sith- Wayfinder hooked up to his navigation system. "Master?"
"Yes?" He grumbled. She sighed and shook her head. "Never mind, Kylo."
"Tell me, Padawan!" Kylo snapped.
"I heard a voice last night, it kept waking me up," Caitlyn mumbled. Kylo's head shot up to glance toward her TIE. "I'm sorry to hear that, we're almost there. I promise."
"What do you think this place is?" Caitlyn quietly asked, seeing the dark planet up ahead. Her head started to scream. Her body jerked, which in turn jerked her TIE.
"Caitlyn?!" Kylo screamed, turning his TIE around so he can watch her TIE.
"Ben... I'm going to fl-loat for a little bit." Caitlyn groaned, closing her eyes and turning off her engine. Kylo flew over there and floated next to her.
"What happened?"
"I don't know, and it felt like someone was trying to rip my mind apart."
"Breath, Caitlyn. We're going to figure it out, okay?" Ben said as his TIE floated next to hers. "Just head to the planet, Kylo."
"I'm not leaving you." Kylo snapped. Eventually, Caitlyn regained her stability and started her TIE again.
They both headed down to the planet, and Caitlyn stumbled, getting out of her TIE. Kylo hurried to grab her and steady her before the two head into the planet.
Caitlyn jumped when she heard an ominous voice ring out around them as they walked the dark hallways.
"At last."
Lightning flashes and the room the two just turned into, and Caitlyn gasped at the giant statues' height that loomed over her.
"Snoke... Trained you well, Ren."
Kylo looked around, putting a hand on Caitlyn's shoulder to steady her. "I killed Snoke. I'll kill you too."
"My boy... I made Snoke." Caitlyn whimpered and gulped, looking around, hearing Snoke's voice start to ring around her.
"I've been every voice you both have ever heard," Snoke said
"Inside your head." A familiar voice rang, and Caitlyn gasped as something inside her broke.
Kylo pulled her along with him as the two looked at Snoke's mangled bodies nearing the origin of the voice.
"The First Order was just the beginning... I will give both of you so much more."
The two of them pass a tank, as Kylo responds. "You'll die first."
"I have died before." The voice rings, and the two stop and turns to the tank and walk close to it. Caitlyn watches as she steps back, in fear.
"The dark side of the force has many abilities; some considered to be..."
Lightning lit the room, and Caitlyn gasped, staring at the mangled man in front of her. The man looked dead, turning to look at her.
"Unnatural." He finished, and Kylo lit his saber and held the blade at the man's throat.
"What could you give me?" Kylo asked, staring at the man.
Caitlyn watched as Kylo tilted his head down before looking up at the man's face.
"A new Empire."
Caitlyn gasped at the ground, shaking as she looked up.
"The might of the Final Order will soon be ready. It will be yours if the two of you do as I ask. Kill the girl! End the Jedi... Finish what your grandfather Vader could not."
Caitlyn watched as Kylo lowered his lightsaber, and his head turned so his eyes would meet hers. "You both will rule the galaxy as the new Emperor and Empress. But, beware... she's not who she says she is."
"Who?" Kylo asked, turning back to the man. The man turned his head to look at Caitlyn.
"Kylo, leave us," Caitlyn said, staring at Kylo. Kylo nodded and stepped away, and Caitlyn stepped up to the man and lit her lightsaber, illuminating the two of them in purple light.
"What do you mean? Who am I?" Caitlyn asked, staring at him. The man chuckled.
"Its been a while since I felt energy like yours, Amidala."
~ Rey shivered as she whispered for the Jedi of the past to communicate with her. ~ Kylo and Caitlyn headed back to the fleet,  and when Caitlyn landed, she took off for her room.
Kylo and the Knights all looked at each other. "She's okay. She's going to be in conference with someone." ~
Caitlyn crossed her legs and closed her eyes, calling for the force ghost of Anakin Skywalker. "Master Skywalker, please, I need to speak with you. It has something to do with Senator Amidala."
She felt a hand on her shoulder. "What about Padme?"
She opened her eyes and met Anakin's eyes. "This man I met recently told me that I have the same force energy as her, but Senator Amidala didn't use the force. She wasn't a Jedi."
Anakin sat down next to her. "Padme's force energy was strengthened when she was pregnant with Luke and Leia because they are strong with the force."
"I can't be pregnant, Master Skywalker. I-I.." Caitlyn trailed off, suddenly very shy. Anakin laughed and shook his head. "I know. I mean, Padme's energy in the last few months of her pregnancy was way more identifiable..." Anakin trailed off his eyes, scanning her body.
"You're Nabooian, right?" Anakin asked, and Caitlyn nodded. "I'm a Senators daughter. She died when Snoke.."
Anakin put his hand on her shoulder. "Snoke ordered for the Galactic republic to be murdered."
Caitlyn laughed and wiped at her eyes that were filling with tears. "I never got to say goodbye."
"I understand." Anakin patted her shoulder, and Caitlyn laughed, smiling at him. "Thank you." ~ Rey gasped at the words Poe said and clenched her chest. "Caitlyn would've told me."
Poe gave her a look, one that held pure anger. "She's with Kylo Ren. She's always been working for him. We're probably on the list to be the first planet to be blown up."
"No, she wouldn't, Poe!" Rey snapped, and Leia lifted a shaky hand. "Enough!" ~ Caitlyn stood next to Kylo while they were in a meeting. She could hear the whispers of the Stormtroopers flanking the walls.
"Knights of Ren." One whispered, and the other responded. "Ghouls."
Caitlyn shook her head and looked up at Kylo, hearing his mental whispers. "We have a spy in our ranks; they sent a message to the resistance. Whoever the traitor is, they won't stop us, what we've seen on Exegol. The First Order is about to become a true Empire."
Caitlyn nodded and stared at the group of First Order generals. Hux looked at her before looking at Kylo. Kylo finally pipped up. "I sense unease about my appearance, General Hux."
Hux straightened himself before looking back at Kylo. "About the mask? No sir. Well done."
Caitlyn stifled a giggle as others started to pipe in their agreements on the matter.
One man, however, his name rang in Caitlyn's head. Domaric Quinn piped up about Exegol. "Forgive me, sir, but these allies on Exegol.. they sound like a cult. Conjurors and soothsayers."
Caitlyn looked up at Kylo, but before the two could say anything, Enric Pryde answered. "They've conjured legions of Star Destroyers. The Sith fleet will increase our resources 10-1,000fold. Such range and power will correct the error of Starkiller Base."
Another man pipped in, a name Caitlyn couldn't remember. "We'll need to increase recruitments. Harvest more of the galaxy's young."
Quinn looked at the two men before starting to say something. "This fleet, what is it, a gift? What is he asking for in return?"
Caitlyn gulped as she watched as Kylo started to crush Quinn's throat. Kylo looked around at the group. "Prepare to crush any worlds that defy us. My knights, apprentice, and I are going hunting for the scavenger." ~
Poe glanced at the desert planet they were on and then looked at C3P0. "You sure this is it?"
C3P0 nodded. "These are the exact coordinates that Master Luke left behind." ~
Caitlyn sighed as she got into her TIE. "Is this a good idea to go after Rey, Master?"
Kylo looked at her. "We have too. You heard what Palpatine said."
"But... I don't want to hurt her. Master, I love both of you so much and.. and I don't know why." Caitlyn said and gasped at what she said finally surged through her head.
"Get in the TIE and follow, Caitlyn. We'll talk about this later."
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chromium-siren · 5 years
001 for Star Wars and 003 for Padmé Amidala?
001- Star Wars
Favorite character: Poe Dameron and Yodito
Least favorite character: General Pryde. He just seems kinda shoehorned in.
5 favorite ships: Finnrey, Han and Leia, Kyluxma, Phux, Rey and Rose
Character I find most attractive: tie between Poe and Finn
Character I would marry: tie between Poe and Finn
A random thought: I’m mad about what they did with Phasma, and I bet if she was male, her role would be massive.
An unpopular opinion: I wanted Rose Tico and Jannah to fall in love
My canon OTP: Han and Leia
My non canon OTP: (sigh) Finnrey. But hopefully they’ll be canon in the future
Most badass character: LEIA! But it’s a five way tie between Rey, Rose, Jannah, Poe, and Finn
Most epic villain: Darth Vader. Even if he has bad parenting skills.
Pairing I’m not a fan of: R*ylo.
Character I feel the writers screwed up: *bangs pots and pans together* PHASMA
Favorite friendship: Poe, Finn, and Rey
Character I most identify with: R2-D2. I too, am short and irritating.
Character I wish I could be: Phasma.
003- Padme (it’s been a while since I’ve seen the prequels, but Imma try)
How I feel about this character: I don’t remember much about her except she had nice clothes.
Any of the people I ship romantically with this character: Anakin but before he went off the rails.
My favorite non-romantic relationship with this character: I don’t know if she and Obi-Wan have met, but they would be great friends
My unpopular opinion about this character: I wish she hadn’t died that way.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened in canon: That she didn’t die.
Favorite friendship: Ahsoka
Crossover ship: Captain Janeway x Padme
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dracosollicitus · 6 years
For the fluffy prompts, could you do Poe surprising Rey in a regency setting? It doesn't have to be in your regency universe. Unless you want it to be. If that doesn't seem to flow with your inspiration, just Poe surprising Rey. You are the best! Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!!
(oooOOOOooooOOOooooo I like it.)
[not in Force and Fortitude ‘verse, but regency/arranged marriage]
“Mrs. Dameron?” Rey startled where she was standing at the window, staring out onto the sweeping grounds at Yavin. She wondered for just how long Martha had been calling her name - her new one, the one she had yet to grow accustomed to. 
“Yes, Martha?” She smiled at the girl, who adjusted her arpon carefully.
“It’s the master, ma’am. He’d like to see you in the front drawing room.”
“Oh.” Rey nodded and bowed her head. “I see.” Martha bowed and turned to leave, but in a fit of nerves, Rey spoke yet again. “Martha–”
“Yes, ma’am?” 
“The master…did he seem…cross?” It would be very unlike Captain Dameron to be cross; he was perhaps one of the most genial people Rey had ever been acquainted with. To be fair, they were a good deal more than acquainted with each other, as they were three weeks into their marriage. 
“No, ma’am.” Martha smiled, a small twitch of the lips, but a smile nonetheless. “No, I - it is not my place, ma’am, but I believe you’ll be quite pleased with him.”
“Oh?” Rey arched her brow and smoothed out her dress. “Well then. Thank you, Martha.” The girl did bow and hurry away, and Rey sighed at that. She would have liked to have talk with the servant girl a little while longer, as it was not so long ago that their stations would have been equal. Not even four years ago had she been taken in by Mr. Skywalker as his ward; she had been elevated from destitution almost overnight, but after the death of Mrs. Mara and the unpleasant rumors that arose from a man in his fifties keeping on a girl not yet one and twenty, they were required to seek placement for Rey elsewhere.
At the time, when Mr. Skywalker had mentioned it, phrased it in that way so very delicately over breakfast, she had thought he meant as a governess. 
The next day, a Mr. Armitage Hux had appeared at tea, and Rey realized Mr. Skywalker meant something very different indeed.
Compared to all the painted ponies and complete and total crabapples that Mr. Skywalker had trotted out for her, Captain Dameron was undeniably the most suitable match. And, Rey mused as she walked down the hallway towards the front drawing room, Captain Dameron would be the best match in any gathering. A handsome military man freshly retired after a decade and a half at sea, Captain Poe Dameron turned heads wherever he went, had the easiest disposition Rey had ever come across - and that was even when considered next to Mr. Skywalker’s brother by marriage, Mr. Solo - and was exceedingly gentle, for all his famed ferocity aboard his ship. 
In fact, he was so gentle with her, Rey was beginning to fear he did not want to be married to her at all; he hadn’t so much as kissed her since their wedding day. When they retired for the night after their ceremony, Poe had kissed her hand delicately, stroked her hair as softly as a butterfly’s wing, and wished her a good night. That was the most physical intimacy they had experienced, and after Mrs. Solo had been so careful to explain to her the workings and expectations of a married woman, Rey fretted that she had done something to make Captain Dameron very displeased, indeed.
Rey reached the drawing room and smoothed out her dress one last time and patted her hair carefully, making sure it was pinned just so. Captain Dameron had never expressed any kind of preference regarding her hair, so she simply kept it in the current fashion - a strange regret thudded in her stomach at the notion that her own husband had never seen her hair down, but Rey tucked it away and knocked on the door delicately.
“Captain?” She said in a low tone, when there was no answer. “You called for me?”
“Come in!” Poe called back, much louder than she would have dared spoken indoors. Mr. Skywalker’s etiquette lessons, delivered by his own mother’s old butler, had been quite stern in breaking her of her wild habits. Rey pushed the door open and walked in. 
The moment she saw the entirety of the room, she gasped, her hands flying to her mouth. For a full half-minute, she did not speak, rendered speechless by the surprise. 
Captain Dameron stood in his waistcoat, looking very handsome indeed, and all the more handsome for the broad smile on his face; and what was also remarkable was the equally handsome pianoforte he stood next to. Rey had never seen such a fine instrument - the one she had learned to play on had been Mrs. Padme Skywalker’s, and had been several decades old - and she had not had the occasion to play on one since coming to Yavin. 
“Oh,” she gasped, once she had found her voice. “Captain Dameron - is this -”
“It is for you,” he said, his smile faltering slightly. Rey realized that her husband looked quite…nervous. She had rarely seen the expression on his face, and in fact, the one time she could recall such a nervous countenance had been when he lifted her veil in the ceremony. He cleared his throat and continued with a heightened tone of confidence. “Tell me, does it please you Mrs. Dameron?”
Her feet stumbled over each other in their haste to cross the room to the pianoforte, and Rey ran an admiring hand over the smooth wood, the whisper of her gown’s sleeve over the instrument undeniable. “Aye,” she whispered before correcting herself. “I mean - yes, yes it please me greatly.” She ran her hand along the keys, not pressing down, not daring to make uninvited noise, and she felt the heat of a blush fill her cheeks as she studied Captain Dameron’s gift to her. “It is too much,” she concluded, raising her eyes to his face with great anxiety. “You - you are too kind to me, Captain.”
His smile was gone, but his expression was no less affectionate as he gazed at her. “No, I do not believe so,” he countered. “I think it is just adequate.” 
“May I ask what the occasion is?” Rey inquired. “If I am in fact deserving of such a gift?”
“The occasion is you are my wife, and I can think of no special occasion required for me to enjoy spoiling my wife.” The captain rested his elbow on the instrument’s lid and smiled at her, wide and teasing, and Rey found herself returning the smile, showing her teeth, the precise opposite of how she was trained. Rather than disgust him, though, her easy show of happiness merely increased the joy on her husband’s face. 
She continued to stroke along the black and white keys with amazement, and she only looked up when Captain Dameron spoke again. “In honesty,” he said in a low voice, diverting her attention, “I - I do not know much of women, I fear.” She stared at him in shock; it was a forthright declaration, and one she would not have expected from the charming man; after all, more than one girl had expressed their jealousy to Rey after her engagement was announced two months prior. “I spent six and ten years at sea, my darling wife, and -” he laughed nervously, attempting to draw himself up to a straighter posture. “- And as good of men as my crew were, it was perhaps not the best environment to study how to please wives.”
Rey laughed, brightly, before she could stop herself. She covered her mouth with her hand, mildly horrified at the loud noise she’d created, but Captain Dameron shook his head earnestly. “No, please, I beg you - do not hide your laughter from me.” His lips twitched again, and he took a step towards her; Rey dropped her hands to her front once more and clasped them together. “Could you - would you perhaps tell me what I did to earn such a beautiful noise?” 
She blushed and looked down, her cheeks full warm now. “It was amusing, sir, to hear you say that you bought this,” she gestured at the pianoforte, “incredible gift merely because you wished to please me.” She lifted her eyes to her husband’s face and switched to a more teasing voice. “Most husbands would have started with flowers, if they wished to give their wife a gift.”
Captain Dameron laughed ruefully and nodded, and Rey smiled more, pleased that she had not angered him with her cheek. “I suppose that is true,” he acknowledged. “But I am not most husbands, and you are not most wives.” He coughed slightly and indicated the small bench set out in front of the instrument, a lovely little seat in a matching colour. “Would you please play something? Would it be too much to ask?”
“No, Captain,” Rey assured him, settling down on the seat and spreading the skirts of her dress carefully. “It would not. Do you have any requests?”
“The air you played the night we first met,” Captain Dameron said softly. She gazed at him in surprise, and saw that he was studying the pianoforte’s lid most diligently. “At the ball, when the ladies were exhibiting. You were - it was enchanting, the way you played. As though there were nothing in this galaxy but you and the music you created.”
“You do me a great honor, sir,” Rey said softly, setting her hands on the keys. “But I shall do my best, if only to please you as much as you have pleased me.” She began to play the tune, a spritely and energetic air that was a personal favourite of her own. 
“You always please me,” Captain Dameron said so quietly, it was almost entirely covered by the music. She blushed all the more, but continued to play, and when the last note had faded, she felt her husband’s eyes lingering on her face. She dared to meet them, and what she saw took her breath away. 
“You realize, husband,” she said serenely, enjoying the brief red on his face at the address, “That you have created quite a conundrum for yourself.”
“How so, wife?” 
“You started with such a marvelous gift, you shall have to find more elaborate and expensive items with each and every gift that follows,” Rey teased, and Captain Dameron laughed lightly at her jest. “Perhaps an elephant, next?”
“Perhaps,” the captain agreed. “But what should the lady like, for me to best please her?”
Rey opened her mouth to continue their lively banter, but a strong urge to be entirely honest consumed her, and she redirected her course. “Why…” she bowed her head again and studied her hands once more, which were once again clasped in her lap. “I should like…to spend more time with you.”
A gentle finger was tucked under her chin, and Rey lifted her head once more to meet her husband’s eyes. He looked thunderstruck, and it was difficult to gaze at him in her mortification. “Is that the truth?” He whispered. “Is that all my wife would ask of me? Time?”
“I should like to know you,” Rey said truthfully. “You are my husband, and yet we do not even…” she blushed, too shocked at her candor to continue. 
“Well,” Captain Dameron knelt at her side and held his hands out; Rey placed her hands in his, and he lifted them to her lips. “Let us rectify that. Tell me, do you currently have engagements elsewhere?”
“No, Captain,” Rey answered, a sweet smile crossing her lips. 
“It is settled.” He rose to his feet, and Rey did as well, their hands still clasped between them. “I will show you my favourite tree from when I was a boy. My mother planted it, and I took great pains with it in my childhood. If it would interest you?” His nervous expression had returned once more, and Rey inclined her head, eager to dispel the anxiety in his countenance. 
“I should like that very much, Captain.” They walked towards the exit together, Rey’s hand in his arm, but he paused at the door; she watched his tongue drag along his bottom lip - and for some reason, the sight caused her stomach to clench unbearably, as though she had missed a step walking down a flight of stairs. 
“May I ask one more thing of you, my darling?” Rey nodded in assent, her brow arched in curiosity. “Would you be so kind as to call me Poe?” She blinked, startled at the request. “I should very much like you to call me by my Christian name.” 
“As you wish,” Rey said, smiling so ferociously, her cheeks ached from it. “Poe.” 
They walked out of the parlor together, and Rey felt as though it were the beginning of a very great journey indeed.
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soupfangs-blog · 6 years
I want Ben Solo to get some kind of face paint in Episode IX
Hear me out. I had a dream last night about meeting a theme park Kylo Ren (again) because I met the Disneyland masked Kylo Ren and was a little disappointed.
I was thinking about how his mask is so intimidating and myself and my small cousins and even my aunt were afraid of him when he was saying his lines. The mask obviously played a huge part in that, as Kylo Ren intended. We met Boba Fett too, with similar levels of helmet-intimidation, except his lines were more akin to ‘I’m cool, I won’t kill you unless I’m getting paid to do it’ lol
But would Disney ever consider an unmasked Ben Solo in their Parks? Is Adam Driver too unique in features to take a shot at impersonating? Because to my knowledge, they’ve never tried it with Kylo Ren, even with the handy identifying scar, or maybe because the scar is a bit grim for Disneyland vibes.
This is where I think face paint would come in handy! It would give the character a distinguishing facial feature along with distracting from or even covering up the gruesome scar. Ben Solo has a new face anybody can cosplay.
I’ll admit part of this idea came from my dream because I dreamed there was a skit where Kylo Ren implies he likes an audience member’s face but ‘there is always something sinister beneath’, then a special digital effect makes it seem like he takes a painted mask off of their face and burns it. But then I thought “painted mask” o:
Anyway it could be good for in-universe reasons too. He could keep his iconic black outfits while alerting us to his new allegiances with the face paint. He could have some awkward ‘yes I am just a tall bloke nice to meet you Poe Dameron whom I’ve never met before’ conversations. Honestly his real appearance isn’t that well known to characters besides Rey and Hux so that could happen without paint BUT-
It would be a shout out to Padme! Ben Solo getting some of that Amidala bloodline face painting! Serve me lipstick splitting his lower lip! (And maybe Rey smudging it with a kiss, hahaha)
So in conclusion, I want Ben Solo to paint his face and smile at us when we visit Disneyland or Disney World.
Bonus points for a specific overdone hairstyle because Padme and Leia would be proud.
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starlightlotus · 6 years
"Oh! I didn't mean to step on your toes!" + Poe
A/N: I’m going to make this a modern AU so more good stuff in this!
Pairing: RavenPilot (Poe Dameron x Padme Solo)
Summary: Invited to a co-worker’s wedding party, Leia decided to bring along Ben and Padme. Ben stood by his mother as she was talking to the bride and the groom, but Padme was outside enjoying the view from the balcony. The view from the mountains was a sight to take in until a small accident happened creating a new beginning.
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“Oh! I didn’t mean to step on your toes!” Poe said as he apologized to a young woman.
A wedding party had occurred, everyone was having a great time as some of the guests came to congratulate the newlyweds, and it didn’t take long for a small accident to happen out on the balcony. The young woman Poe bumped into grabbed a napkin to wipe her arm. Luckily the spilled drink only went on the young woman’s arm and not on her dress.
“Don’t worry about it. That happens to everyone,” the young woman said only to look up and see Poe.
A dashing young man in a navy blue suit with tan skin and dark curls, good lord, if looks could kill others would say. The same went for Poe seeing the young woman, she had fair skin and long dark wavy hair. But the dress she wearing is what got Poe’s attention, a flowing black dress that fades into blue at the end. Almost to match the night sky above the couple. 
Poe had to collect himself quickly to deal with the little incident that happened. Luckily for him, the situation did not get out of hand too fast. This was a wedding after all, and he was sure as hell not going to be the one to create such a scene at a happy occasion.
“I’m very sorry about that again, how about I treat you to a drink to make it up to you?” Poe asked lending out a hand to the mysterious woman.
“I guess that’s fine, it is a party after all,” the woman said taking his hand and the two made their way to the bar in the party.
The music played and everyone in the main room was talking and laughing with one another. Through the loud crowd, Poe introduced himself and started a conversation to get to know the woman.
“I’m Poe, Poe Dameron by the way. And who do I owe this fine drink for?”
“Padme, Padme Solo. So you must be the flyboy my mother appreciates so much? She always told me stories about you and who knew I would meet him here at this occasion.”
Poe’s charming smile faded as he turned around to face Padme as the two were halfway towards the bar. Funny enough, Poe had heard stories about how Leia had a daughter who was single. Little did Poe knew that he would meet Leia’s daughter in person at his friend’s wedding.
“A small world we live in. Leia always told me things about you.”
“My mother told you stories about me?”
“I would ask the same for you.”
“She always told me about the good times she had in the Air Force. Along with keeping in touch with some who retired to pursue a different career and those who are still in the Force.”
“Leia always told me how she had a daughter who needs a little adventure in her life.”
“Are you trying to suggest something here, Dameron?”
“Give or take, it’s your choice, princess.”
“You know, I can see why my mother likes you a lot. Even though she has me and my three brothers.”
The two continued to laugh and talk about each other on their way to the bar. But once the crowd was clear, the couple saw that Leia and Ben were talking to the newlyweds at the bar, Snap and Kare. When Leia glanced up at the crowd she noticed her daughter standing next to Poe. All she could do was give a warm smile before getting up from her seat to reunite with her daughter. The Snap, Kare, and Ben looked up to see why Leia stood up only to see someone very familiar.
“I see you’ve met Dameron here by yourself,” Leia started off.
“Well, I guess you can say it was a coincidence for us to meet this way,” Padme said before looking back to give a wink to Poe before they joined in the group to enjoy the rest of the evening together.
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