#if she was THAT young she would've been born AFTER their parents died
stairset · 2 years
I think it's funny how all these recent interviews about Bo-Katan are making her age an even bigger point of contention than it already was and so far Wookieepedia refuses to update her page, even they're like we ain't touching this shit with a 10 foot pole and I respect that.
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remember-digimon · 4 months
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Izzy is the reason all these kids are still alive btw just wanted to make sure we all know that
So Izzy is smart. He brings a laptop and cellphone to summer camp and uses big words. But thankfully he does not fall into the trap of 'smart kids' of western media; overly nerdy, completely socially inept, you get the idea. No, Izzy is more than that. His intelligence has a basis in something besides a trope; namely, computer science and engineering.
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(Don't even get me started on Matt being the one to go into engineering when IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN IZZY)
From the moment the kids land in the Digital World, Izzy is curious about it. His crest is knowledge but I really think it should've been curiosity. He gets Tentomon to evolve by hacking his code. He comes up with some aliens conspiracy to explain why they're there and why there's things like phone booths on the beach.
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Izzy is the problem solver of the group. In fact, without him, the other kids are just... Kinda lost. Izzy has the answers, and if he doesn't he'll at least know how to find them.
Even though he's younger than the others, being 10 when they're 11, they treat him as an equal. This is opposed to the other kid that's 10, Mimi, who is kind of coddled, and the two youngest, TK and Kari, who are literally the hope and light of the group.
Izzy is basically Tai's second-in-command, deferring to Tai's leadership while Tai takes his input very seriously. However, Izzy isn't much of a leader on his own.
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He gets distracted by details. When Mimi finds him in the temple, he's so busy on his laptop that she gets upset and runs off into a maze. I would attribute this to him being younger, and as he gets older he does get better at applying his intelligence to a leadership role.
Most of the kids have an interesting family dynamic and Izzy is no different. It's revealed that he's adopted, that his birth parents died shortly after he was born and his adoptive parents were friends that took him in.
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What I like about this reveal is that, of course, Izzy found this out on his own due to his curiosity. He overheard his parents discussing whether or not they should tell him, deciding not to because he's too young.
During the Odaiba raid, when the kids have a moment, Izzy gets to finally have the conversation. They admit that he's adopted and tell him what happened, and he says he already knows. He didn't want to bring it up himself because he thought he could just pretend like things were normal, like before he knew. But obviously it couldn't. This shows the price he pays for his curiosity, that sometimes knowing things isn't all fun times and computer jargon. It isn't helpful for Izzy to pretend to not know, to ignore what he knows. Instead it's better for him to apply what he knows to react appropriately, instead of hiding behind the easier mode of willful ignorance.
This also comes into play, though in a different way, during Izzy's confrontation with Vademon. Izzy gives away his curiosity (under extreme duress but still) and is basically empty of all character after that. He does a weird alphabet yoga meditation and willingly gives up his crest and tag, when earlier in the episode his curiosity was at a boiling point over it.
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This causes Tentomon to de-digivolve to the baby stage; the only other partner Digimon to go back to this stage is Patamon. With the loss of his curiosity, Izzy has lost the core of his being and is no longer able to maintain Tentomon's existence.
Of course, he gets it back and everything is fine afterwords. This episode is very interesting when looking at how things work for the kids and their Digimon, why the crests are important, etc. But that's a post for another time.
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Izzy is incredibly important to the team. Without him, I highly doubt they would've made it very far at all. He's able to look up Digimon on his laptop, kind of like a Digimon version of a Pokedex, when none of the currently present Digimon can give an explanation about who they're up against. But aside from his usefulness as the Smart Kid, it's noteworthy that he uses his intelligence to be helpful instead of lording it over everyone. And he is still a kid, albeit with an impressive vocabulary, so sometimes his curiosity gets him into trouble.
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whackk-kermitt · 2 months
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Sorry for the Wait
Warnings: Angst, Slow build, Supernatural Reader, Implied female reader(gender-natural pronouns) Summary: Everyone is born with a mark on their wrist, their soulmate's name. If you're born without one, your soul mate hasn't been born and given a name yet. If your soul mark fades to a murky gray, it means your soulmate has died. Stiles was born with his mark already faded; he had no hope for love.
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Stiles was the only person he knew of to hide his mark. For as long as he could remember he covered it with long sleeves and a chunky roped bracelet when it was too hot for a flannel or jacket. Although it was taboo for people to stare at soul marks, they were typically prideful of the names of their fated matches. Nobody ever really covered them up, except stiles.
When he was just five years old the smile he got when peering down at the name died when he learned why his mark so faded out. It had always looked like that. It was normal for him he didn't think much of it. He was still so young, his parents didn't know how to tell him. It wasn't until the first day of school when one of the older kids started bragging about already meeting their soulmate, that other kids started talking about the subject. Stiles knew from what his parents told him that it was rude to stare at someone's mark, or even ask them about it, so he never did. But in that moment all the other kids sharing their names and showing off their marks, Stiles figured what the hell. His smile shined as he showed off his mark and gushed about how pretty his soulmate's name was.
"Dude, your soulmate is dead." The kid he never got the name of said almost as if it was funny to him. long story short, he went home after fighting with the kid, because how dare he. That was when his mother, through guilty tears, told him the truth about his mark.
Stiles's heart was torn into tinny little pieces at the age of five years old. He cried so hard and for so long that his ears rang at the silence when he stopped. Red eyes, puffy cheeks, and red dots from popped blood vessels in his face from screaming out in agony. His mother and father grieved his loss with him. His mother had anger in her. How is it that her beautiful son was robbed of even the happiness that bloomed in her when she finally found his father?
Some people had waited their whole lives for their mark, waiting for their soulmate to be born, but the name never came. Maybe they died before it could happen, maybe they were destined to be alone, and nobody had the answer. Stiles, however, had just missed his, they were at least alive when he was in the womb, but head before he was born. He was robbed. He had thought it would've been better if he hadn't had a mark at all, then it wouldn't feel like something was missing, just something he didn't have.
To this day, stiles still spends time in the backyard, where he and his parents had put a memorial in the garden for [y/n] [l/n]. When the flowers die, he brings new ones. The 'grave' is adorned with trinkets and gifts he's brought over the years. They had been battered and sunbleached from sitting out in the garden day and night. A Batman action figure, he brought to them when he was seven, has turned completely gray and tattered. He joins his soulmate there when life gets tough and he needs them.
He'd spent so long searching for them on the internet, wanting to know anything about them. How they died, where they were born, their birthday, literally anything. With no luck and no closure, all he could do was imagine the perfect person in his mind's eye to fill the void in his heart. His soulmate would have been perfect after all. But he knew nothing he could think of would ever amount to the real thing, so even his daydreams that once comforted him in his grief turned into hunting reminders that they were gone.
When his mother died he spent most of his time crying over the memorial he built right next to his soulmates in the garden. It was unfair he didn't have either of them to soothe his torment.
He accepted a long time ago that he would be alone in his misery until the day he joined them.
Which brings us to today. He had spent the last three years fighting for his life alongside Scott and the pack for peace in Beacon Hills and today was no easy venture either. Stiles hadn't celebrated his birthday since he turned five, it had become the first day he was doomed to never meet his soulmate, them having died before he was born. He had not known how long they had been gone, but his birthday had become the day dedicated to his loss.
As he drove home that chilly October evening, fresh flowers on the passenger seat he nearly cried out in frustration when his phone had gone off. He could do this tonight. The monster of the week couldn't give him the evening? It was the one day a year he let his loneliness and sorrow fill him and it already was.
He had done nothing but think about it all day, he was drowning in that feeling he felt that first day he mourned. Part of him felt pathetic for still feeling this way over someone he'd never met, but it was deeper than that. He pulls his shit together all year, tucking the never fading ache away for this one day.
"Scoot," He mused, trying to keep things in a light mood. Phone tight in his hand. "Talk to me."
"They are making a move. Derek called and said he tracked them through the preserve."
"Do they have it?" His voice bellowed in nervousness.
"We don't know, but why else would they be moving so quickly and attacking on-site." Stiles could hear the panic in Scott's voice. "Mr. Argent is gathering his people and meeting us out on the preserve."
"Shit," Stiles let panic sink in for only a moment before squirming in his seat and making a U-turn at a red light. "Alright, where are you at? How long do you think we have?"
"I'm almost to the outlook. Thats where Derek said the sent trail was leading towards. We're gonna try to scout out from up there."
Stiles sighed looking over at the flowers with a silent apology.
"Stiles I don't think we have long. Maybe an hour if we can't stop them in time."
"I'll be damned if we let another demon run loose and break havoc in Beacon Hills, man. We'll pull this off. And besides, if Deaton is right about this thing, we have that scroll to help us ring it in."
"Yeah, I gotta go. Be careful, dude." And the line went dead.
Stiles's stomach clenched at the thought of another Nogitsune-type monster being summoned. After all the pain he suffered at the hands of the last spirit he encountered, the blood on his hands, he couldn't bear the thought of it happening all over again. But that's what happens when a batshit coven of Wiccans come rolling into town, promising peace and allyship when really they're after an ancient vessel housing pure evil within.
He couldn't fathom how they thought releasing the evil spirit from its prison would work out in their favor! The spirit, according to his and Lidyia's research, had originally been captured by Wiccans in the first place. So you stroll along a century later and release it and what? It says it's thanks for its freedom and grants you powers beyond your own capabilities? None of that tracts in Stiles's mind, but at the same time, he's not a Wiccan who's driven desperately mad in pursuit of all power.
As he puts the jeep in park, he clobbers out and groans at the track up the mountain to the lookout. He just hopes nobody dies before he gets there to keep an eye out for everyone. Yanking the metal baseball bat from the backseat he started up the hill.
The hike up is easier than he imagined, being more fit now than he was before getting deeply involved with werewolves and other supernatural creatures. Constantly running and fighting for your life does that to you, I guess.
He's still out of breath when the lookout comes into view. He was surprised to see not only the pack and hunters but the Wiccans as well. The hunter's guns are loaded, racked, and trained on six seemingly normal women. The wolves armed themselves with claws and fangs, snarling and growling low at the threat. The Wiccans were backed up against the cliff, five of them guarding one who cradled a stone cylinder under her chin, eyes closed and muttering something Stiles couldn't hear.
Stiles eased up behind his allies as Mr. Argent and Scott tried to reason with who Stiles assumed was their leader. The woman stood out as the youngest of them, but something about her made the hair and Stiles's neck stand at attention. Her eyes were old and wise. Stiles remembered in this research coming across forbidden practices among Wiccans across the world; involving dark energy or magic or whatever, and using it to suck youth out of people's souls, aging their victims while they get younger. The intent and darkness in that woman's eyes told Stile all he needed to know about what they were really up against.
"I don't understand," Scott cried cutting Mr Argent off. "What is it you're after? Chaos, mayhem, murder? What do you get from all those people down there dying when you realize that thing?" He motioned behind the women at the lights and life of Beacon Hills.
"You would ever understand, dog." She hissed like a cat. Stiles cringed keeping his judgment to himself. "The Mortamaga is a friend to our kind, it will do our bidding and we will avenge our people. Spiritus Mortis is our saving grace."
Stiles took his place just behind Scott's right shoulder looking at the women like she just spouted that the night sky was yellow. Her and the other Wiccan's gazes darkened as their partner began muttering louder, stiles realized she was chanting some language he didn't understand. The engraving on the stone cylinder began to glow and he could feel the mentions rising.
"Are you hearing yourself?" Stiles heard his voice call, his mouth moving before his brain could tell him to shut up. "You wanna summon something that literally translates to 'spirit of death'? You're an idiot if you think that's gonna be your friend at all! It's death for everyone."
"The Mortamaga was one of us until it was slaughtered among our ancestors at the hands of our enemies. Its power was point and strong, enough to cast a grand curse even in its dying moments to return and avenge our people. It was trapped away and taken from us! We have finally found it, and we will have our revenge."
The wiccan cackled a cry that reminded Stiles of the green hag in the Wizard of Oz. Before Stiles could react the wolves began a petrified howl as a seal broke loose on the vessel and it began to crack open. There was no stopping this.
Caios was coming again.
"Gah-!" Stiles shriveled in on himself, dropping the bat and holding his wrist tight to his chest. Burning on the flesh of his hand spread up his arm and across his chest.
"What are you doing to him? Stop!" The true alpha warned with a howl.
His vision grew hazy as the burning spread to his whole body. Inside and out, he felt the nauseating heat of it, from the tip of his longest strand of hair to the very center of his soul. His murky vision only allowed minimal sight, the pain sweeping across his mind as it ate at him.
The hunters and pack took cautious steps back, watching the vessel break open, Scott never leaving his side.
The Wiccan watched him, a knowing grin on her face, "That isn't us."
A thick fog poured from the vessel onto the ground, hypnotizing Stiles's limited gaze. Once it was all out and on the ground it began to circle in on itself, wind picking up and chasing it around and around. The Wiccans began cheering at accomplishing their mission. They stood in a circle around the fog as it climbed on top of itself and danced to life, just past its dense surface a solid form started to shape.
Stiles vaguely heard Scott calling for his attention just beside him but his mind was elsewhere.
He watched the form grow and dance in disturbing movements as it took a humanoid form, bones cracking and snapping into place.
Stiles wasn't scared though, he felt it calling to him, in his mind as though they were one. It hushed his aching body, allowing the pain to begin to melt away. He felt the guilt and fear in it. He felt it call his name, asking him where to find him as if it did not know he was right there. The fog took solid form and his vision came back to him, looking at the back of a person who felt so familiar to him.
"Stiles," Scott tried to get his attention, tried to pull him back and away from the danger. "Stiles!"
But Stiles did not feel that he was in danger, he felt calm. The burning had subsided into a serene warmth. The kind he felt when he hugged his father closely after having almost lost him. The kind of warmth he felt when his mother had sung him to sleep as a child. The kind of warmth that made him smile.
"Mortamaga," The lead woman smiled pleasantly, on her knees with her hands outstretched, palms up. "You will avenge are people, will you not?" She seemed just as hypnotized by it as Stiles felt a moment ago, but the feeling has faded from him now.
He took a moment to look down at his wrist, this mark had returned to life, bold and strong as he had wished it would be all this life.
He watched the figure turn its head to look the women over, features constricted in visible confusion.
"[y/n]." He heard his voice say.
The figure turned to him, Scott giving it a warning growl. Soft, almost frightened eyes met with his.
"Mieczysław," It's voice questioned softly. All he could do was nod dumbly. The soulmark on his wrist is on full display to the enchanting Spirit. It smiled.
It was them, it was his soulmate. And gosh were they something. Stiles's daydreams and fantasies were nothing compared to them. They stood so still, as if trained to not make any movement they didn't absolutely need to, the complete opposite of him as he sat there fidgeting. Calm and surreal, pose and elegant. And in stiles private words, never to be said out loud, 'A total walking wet dream.'
"What?" The Wiccan's face dropped almost comically.
The spirit eyed the crowd of witnesses to its miraculous restriction. She frowned at the fear in their eyes.
"You are a friend of my people, will you not help us?"
The spirit turned its head to the woman curiously, then turned fully. Its frown deepened as its eyes glowed, looking deep into the woman's soul.
"I am not." The spirit reached out and grasped the woman by the throat dragging her to her feet, the higher until she was hanging in the air. "I will not help you."
"You are the Mortamaga, you are supposed to be at our will, help us!" A Wiccan behind them called angrily. Everyone came to the same thought, 'What the fuck is happening?'
"Your stories are lost in translation, I see. There are lives in you that should not be there, lives you stole from people too young to have even lived at all." The spirit seethed. "I am no friend of the dirty wiccan, I hunt you for sport."
"No!" Another Wiccan called. She made a move to charge the spirit but a fog rose from the ground and trapped her and the others in place.
"I did not sleep these long years to be summoned back to life by vicious vermin. You are not who I came all this way for." The spirit thought for a moment, briefing a sorrowful gaze at Stiles as he stumbled to his feet, filly letting Scott pull him away. "Shall I leave you to the wolves?"
"You were one of us." The head Wiccan choked out, feet kicking to find the ground.
"I am Wiccan. It is in my blood. But forbidden is forbidden." It used to throw her at the feet of Chris Argent. "And a monster is to be hunted."
Stiles was in absolute shock. Completely unaware of what to say or do.
"The power you used," The Wiccan accused while being grabbed and bound. "The curse you laid on yourself, if forbidden, death curses are forbidden."
"My soulmate would not be born for another hundred or so years. I bound that seal to only break when we were of the same age, to the day." The spirit, if you could still call them that, inched closer with a nasty glare. "I did not use the curse to trap young and innocent souls in mine to keep me young. I remember your ugly face Alba Hings."
"It's forbidden though! You can not kill me if you are not punished for the same crimes!"
[y/n] sighed sadly raising her wrists to be bound as hers were. None of the hunters made a move to her though, too afraid, or out of respect, Stiles didn't know. As long as his soulmate wasn't being taken away.
They dropped their arms with a surprised look adorning their features before stepping toward Stiles with eyes still trained on the hunters.
"You will burn them?" They asked.
"We don't really burn witches at the stake anymore." A hunter Stiles didn't know the name of chuckled awkwardly.
"No," [Y/n] sighed at his stupidity. "A Wiccan's powers are bound to them even after death, you need to burn their bodies at least. Any curses or lingering influence will die with them."
As if they had no clue, the hunters looked amongst themselves and shrugged at the information. Working collectively to gather up the hags and drag them away to lord knows where.
[y/n] stared blankly before turning to Stiles with a questioning gaze. "Are all your friends this dim?"
Stiles could only laugh.
They looked shy as he did, smiling softly as his laughter died down.
"I'm sorry for the wait." They bowed their head shamefully. "I heard when you called out to me over the years, I tried to call back but you know, I was dead."
"Worth the wait, [y/n]."
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I'm sleepy, and going to bed now. I'll maybe do a part two cause I had more ideas about them actually meeting and shoots.
•Kermitts Masterlist•
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medusasea · 1 month
Touya's Reasons
Now, let's make this clear from the beginning. Endeavour was a bad father. His quirk marriage to father a child with a specific quirk in order to make them his successor is messed up. The way he handled Touya's was messed up. What he did to the rest of the family after Touya's supposed death was downright disgusting. But was his treatment of Touya really that bad that he would turn him into a murderer?
From what we see, Endeavour used to be very cheerful and nice during training with Touya. After Touya started getting burns he put an end to the training and he even did this peacefully. Some Dabi defenders point out that Endeavour pushed Touya to the side and that he should've started a different activity with Touya. I don't see it like that at all. We see Endeavour talk to Touya way more than he does to the rest of the kids before Shoto was born. It was only after Touya tried burning baby Shoto that Endeavour largely isolated Shoto from the rest of the siblings. Now, considering Endeavour wanted to train Shoto but not Touya, it is likely he would've spent more time with Shoto anyway, but Touya tried to kill or at least harm Shoto as a baby, way before the training started. The thing is, the Endeavour never trained Fuyumi nor Natsuo, who are younger than him. Enji never told Touya about his plans to get a successor, Touya found out by himself, but I don't know how. Since nobody told him about the plan and neither of his siblings got training at that point, what made him think his parents were trying to bring a child with a specific quirk into the world? Shoto was also just a baby. It is nomal for older siblings to feel jealousy, but Shoto was way too young to start the training and he was just a baby while Touya was around 10. He should've felt more sympathy for a defenseless baby. As for Endeavour starting a new activity with Touya, I agree that Touya needed that, but do you think Touya himself would've realized this? He was burning himself up to prove himself to his father, even though the latter told him multiple times to stop. Do you seriously think Touya would've been open for a new activity when he was so obsessed with becoming a hero? If your child is burning themselves, would starting a new activity really seem like it would help? Or at least it wouldn't be the first thing to pop into your mind. What Touya needed was first and foremost counseling and self control. I do not condone any of Endeavours actions, in fact they were very stupid, I just don't see how they would drive Touya to murder.
After Touya escapes the hospital he wants to return to his family only to see Endeavour being even more abusive than before with Rei and SHoto being his (biggest) victims and his family overall living on after his supposed death. This finally drives him to villainy. Except there have been 3 years since his family thought he died. They did not abandon him and they did not move on right away, Touya only didn't see them mourn because it has been 3 years since he disappeared and he knows this things. So he shouldn't have any reason to get revenge on them sans Endeavour and maybe Rei, since she was an accomplice in her husband's plan to get a successor and she didn't stand up for herself as much as she should.
I agree that his experience was hard. His father was very proud of him when they did gero training only for that to get stripped away from him once he got burns and his father not dealing with it in a professional way. However, he was getting burned. There is a difference between being stubborn and being desperate. I can still sympathize with his disappointment, but I can't sympathize with his obsession to the point of getting burned, even if the people in your life discourage you to and they still show you love and affection nor with his desire to murder, especially innocent people.
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dreadsuitsamus · 2 years
Blessings | Kakashi Hatake x Reader |
author's note: hello again! this is something i wrote a while back when i finished watching naruto. kakashi is one of my favorite characters and this is the first thing i wrote featuring him, and the only thing i actually finished with him. this story is a little different than what you would probably expect, as this is an AU and kakashi and the reader are the adopted parents of naruto and sasuke. i hope you enjoy this little fluff piece! i also apologize for any spelling and grammar errors!
pairing: kakashi x reader
warnings: modern au, naruto and sasuke are children, brief mentions of death and suicide, brief mention of sex
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A soft sigh broke the silence in the kitchen. Your two boys, Naruto and Sasuke, were in the living room playing together. They were peaceful for now, but you kept an eye on them anyway. It didn't take much for your little ones to start arguing, be it over toys, the tv channel that was playing, or who got to hold mom's hand when they went on family walks. You smiled softly when Naruto hugged his adopted brother, and Sasuke happily returned it, perhaps under the guise that you wouldn't witness the moment. The picture you just took, however, would prove him wrong many years later.
With another sigh, you glance over at the timer on the oven. Fifteen more minutes and the frozen pizza would be ready. It wasn't your intention to serve pizza tonight, and especially not at this hour of eight o'clock at night. But your attempt at ordering Mexican food, a favorite of your dear babies, was foiled by the delivery driver stealing the food but marking it as delivered anyway. You'd have to treat them to it another time, since it would take too long for an attempted redelivery tonight. Maybe when their father returned home from his work trip you could go to the restaurant in person, as a family. And to sweeten the deal further, you'd let them invite one friend each.
Stealing another glance at the boys (it became much too quiet in the two minutes your attention was on your thoughts) you couldn't hide the smile when you saw them settled onto the couch and watching tv. They were four years old now and had been together since they were babies. Naruto's parents, your brother Minato and his wife Kushina, unfortunately passed away on the day of his birth. There had been a crash on the way to the hospital, and neither made it out of that hospital alive. They had asked you to be their precious son's godmother right when they learned of the pregnancy, and while you loathed to have to take the position, and especially so early in Naruto's life, you swore to protect Naruto and give him the life he deserved, the one his parents would've given him if they could.
Your husband had the same duties for your other son. Sasuke was just a few months older than Naruto, and he was placed in your care just weeks before Naruto was. Tragedy struck the young Uchiha in the form of his father getting a life sentence in prison for embezzlement and insider trading just to be able to afford Sasuke's elder brother Itachi's medical treatments. Consoling him on those late nights was no easy task. Even as an infant, he knew the people holding him were not the ones he was used to. His brother died of a rare sickness just one month after Sasuke was born, and his mother was overcome with her postpartum depression and grief. You thanked her in a prayer every morning for calling Kakashi that dreadful night before she ended her life. She didn't have the strength to continue, but she was able to make sure her baby would be safe. Her love as a mother was doubted by those in town, but that phone call was all the evidence that you needed to know she loved Sasuke.
To have two infants on your hands with such short notice wasn't easy (especially as you mourned your brother and saw him every single time you looked at Naruto) and it cost you your job, but Kakashi did as he always did and found a way to make things better. He worked hard to pick up the financial slack and also helped with the boys as soon as he would get home each evening. He was exhausted every night, you knew, but he didn't utter any complaints. He had his duties to those children and to you, his wife. Hatake Kakashi was the greatest man you ever knew.
Pulling yourself away from the tragic happenings of your children, you lit your phone's screen to view any notifications. Aside from a text from Gaara's mother attempting to set up another playdate, you had no messages. It wasn't very surprising, honestly. Kakashi wasn't expected to return home for a few more days, and while he was known to send messages throughout his workday with witty comments about those around him, today hadn't been one of those days. He'd sent a text that morning and called the boys around noon when they tried to refuse a nap (you loved his scary dad voice, admittedly) but other than that he was presumably busy with work and hadn't been able to chat much.
You always missed that man when he was away.
The oven's timer went off, and Naruto bounced up from the couch and rushed to the kitchen, giddy and ready to eat. "Peesha time!" He squealed.
You chuckled softly and scooped him up, setting him on his chair at the table, a little booster seat sitting atop it since he recently was able to graduate from the high chair, but was still just a touch too short and much too wiggly to have total freedom at the table. "Patience, darling."
Naruto pouted and crossed his arms while you removed the hot pizza from the oven, setting it on the stovetop to cool. Sasuke toddled in just after that and he too was swept up and into his own booster seat. He frowned at you, cheeks puffed out and eyes defiant. He simply didn't think he should have to be in the booster; and to his credit, you and Kakashi wouldn't have bothered with it at all if the boy was tall enough. He wasn't full of blossoming, all-consuming energy like his brother and you didn't have to worry about him running away to avoid eating his vegetables. It wasn't like Naruto hadn't tried that before (more like every night) but his fingers were just too clumsy to unlock the simple mechanism keeping him in the seat.
You kissed Sasuke's forehead, compromising with him silently and not latching the booster's belt. His frown vanished and his dark eyes then focused on the pizza on the stove. He could tell by the smell it was his absolute favorite: plain cheese with a crust stuffed full of more cheese.
"Eh!" Naruto whined, giving his own forehead an open-palmed whack.
"Naruto." You chided softly, smiling as you grasped his little hand and gave him a kiss as well. "Be gentle."
Naruto's smile was bright and he smacked his hands on the table as his stomach growled loud enough for you to hear, and even Sasuke's tummy rumbled unhappily. "Food!" The little blond yelled.
"I'm on it, babies!" You moved to cut the pizza and then further cut them into bite size pieces before setting the plates on the table. Sasuke was a neat boy and picked up his little fork to eat with, whereas Naruto used his hands like usual. With a grimace, you resigned yourself to your fate that you could not go even one day without having to bathe Naruto due to his messy eating.
The front door opened up and you frowned, panic striking instantly. But just as soon as it appeared, the fear was dispelled once you caught a glimpse of the supposed intruder. "Kakashi!"
Sasuke gasped and jumped out of his seat, which made Naruto start to yell and complain that he couldn't move to see his father too. "Pa!" Sasuke cooed, jumping into his father's large, outstretched arms. Kakashi stood and kissed his son's cheek, settling him onto his hip and moving to the kitchen before Naruto's tantrum could worsen.
He ruffled his blond boy's hair and leaned down to give him a greeting kiss, standing up straight to finally look at you too. He smiled gently, and you could see how tired he was when you looked into his eyes. "Surprise." He laughed softly, ignoring how Sasuke fiddled with the collar of his cotton t-shirt and then brought his hand to his mouth after Naruto shoved a piece of his pizza into his father's hand.
You smiled and stepped forward for a brief kiss that was interrupted by Sasuke's little hand pushing his dad's face away from his mom's lips. He wasn't much of a fan of sharing his mom's kisses. "Welcome home, my love." You wouldn't bother asking why he was home now until the boys were in bed.
Kakashi smiled and swooped in to steal another kiss, sticking his tongue out at Sasuke after. He set him back onto his chair and you served him his own plate of pizza too before you sat down again. Naruto patted the table in your husband's direction, and Kakashi sighed. "You sure like to cash in on favors early." He murmured with a tiny smile before returning a small bite of pizza to replace the one Naruto had lovingly given him just minutes ago.
Brat. You shook your head softly, but your lips curved up at the ends too.
Dinner was spent with the boys talking Kakashi's ear off about their last three days without him, and your husband was unable to even ask any questions himself between their barrage of talking. Sasuke was your quiet boy for sure, but even he couldn't resist being excited whenever his beloved Pa returned home.
As soon as dinner was finished, Kakashi sprang into action and started the nightly routine, which was officially behind schedule now as the time neared a quarter after nine o'clock. Naruto was bathed rather quickly, not leaving as much playtime as he would prefer, but his lack of protesting was mere proof it was past his bedtime. While you finished up the bath, Kakashi was getting Sasuke into his pajamas and helping him brush his teeth.
You couldn't help the swell of pride in your chest when the boys were finally in bed and listening to their Pa read them a bedtime story. Kakashi was sitting in between their little beds and animating the stories, as he did every time, with his voices and gestures. You had wonderful children, and the perfect man to raise them with alongside you.
You waited at the doorway for Kakashi to finish telling the story, and when he was done you both gave the boys goodnight hugs and kisses. They yawned and curled up in their beds, content settling in them for the night. With a soft click, their door was shut and they were officially down for the count.
Kakashi took your hand and led you to your own bedroom, kissing your knuckles before letting go. "Rest of the trip was cancelled." He explained simply, with a yawn he tried to hide in his elbow. "Bad weather coming."
"Not to be happy about work being disrupted but..." You cupped his face and smiled up at him, thumb brushing over his beauty mark. "I am glad you're home."
His strong arms wrapped around you and pulled you close, and he laid his head on top of yours. "Me too. It's far too quiet on those trips; I can't function without Naruto's yelling."
You laughed and stood there for a while, just taking the time to relax and ease your minds. Time alone was scarce ever since the boys came into your care. Moments like these were sometimes all you could steal together. It wasn't until Kakashi started to lose his balance that you let go and moved away.
"Uh-uh, you are not falling asleep standing up again."
Your husband merely whined just like your sons would, first pulling off his shirt and pants, then flopping onto the bed face first, his arms stretched out with a happy sigh. He loved this bed, and loathed the ones in the hotels he had to sleep in during various business trips. "I should work from home..." He yawned into his pillow.
"You don't think it would drive you crazy?" You hummed, slipping into a nightgown before you approached the bed. You pressed one hand to the bare, warm skin of his toned back before lifting one knee onto the bed and crawling forward.
"You manage just fine."
You couldn't help but laugh. "I think you've forgotten your boys aren't in school yet."
"Why are they my boys when they're misbehaving and mischievous, but they're all yours when they're sweet and loving?" Kakashi deadpanned.
You kissed his shoulder blade and started to gently work some of the tension from his back. "Because they learned it from you."
All Kakashi could manage was an offended scoff. Silence fell between you and your husband, comfortably, as you massaged him. Several pleased groans escaped his lips and you felt him relax beneath you with each moment that passed.
"Tried to treat the boys with Mexican tonight." You muttered. "Driver stole the food. Had to improvise."
Kakashi hummed, accepting the reason why bedtime was late. Not that it mattered that much to him; on the rare occasion that you were the one out of town, he let the boys stay up until they fell asleep on their own. Of course, you weren't exactly aware of that tidbit of his parenting. "We'll make it up to them soon."
"Karura wants to set up a playdate soon for the boys and Gaara."
"I'm sure Sakura is itching to come play with Sasuke soon too." Kakashi mumbled, his eyes closed and body fully relaxed. "God, look at us..."
You chuckled softly. "To think we'd be parents." You murmured quietly. "We went from nice furniture and plenty of money to this in the blink of an eye."
Kakashi hummed, not committing himself any further into the conversation. He loved every bit of his life; nobody could ever say he didn't. The same went for you. Those boys would have to be pried from your cold, dead hands.
But admittedly, it'd be nice to freely have sex again. A benefit to being in a neighborhood with so many children the same age was the playdates and sleepovers. He'd be pawning the boys off for a night as soon as possible; god, he couldn't wait for them to start school.
You bit back a yawn in an attempt to hide it, but unfortunately your husband was more perceptive than you gave his current condition credit for. "I'm plenty comfy, honey. Lay down with me."
Kakashi turned the lights off while you settled in, then came around to envelop his warm, muscled body around yours. One large hand rubbed your belly absentmindedly, the other hand moving to tilt your chin up for a gentle kiss. You maintained the contact until the awkwardness of the position started to strain your neck, breaking the kiss after and settling back in as you were.
Your husband's lips had kept busy, scattering small kisses along your shoulder and neck for a few moments more. He gave you a final squeeze and adjusted your body slightly, so your rear was pressed just to his groin area. In that way, your bodies fit together just right, like puzzle pieces.
Kakashi pressed a kiss to the shell of your ear. "I love you."
"I love you too."
He nuzzled his face in your hair. You clasped your fingers with the ones he had against your stomach, humming lightly. Just as you were about to succumb to sleep, little feet were padding against the hardwood floors of the hall, and with a considerable effort, your bedroom door was opened up. Kakashi held back his tired sigh and sat up to see his two boys standing at the door.
"Pa." Naruto whimpered, leading the charge to the king-sized bed. Sasuke followed closely behind him after closing the door back, Kakashi lifting them both into bed with you.
"What's wrong?" He asked, wiping at his eyes.
"Scary noise." Naruto was on the verge of tears at this point. You turned on your other side to face them and pulled the toddler into your arms, pressing a soft kiss into his blond hair.
"Probably the tree." Kakashi mumbled. There was a branch that would sometimes tap against the boy's bedroom window if it got windy enough. He just hadn't had any time to prune it lately.
He moved Sasuke to lay beside Naruto, pulling the comforter back over everyone. Sasuke snuggled deeply into Kakashi's chest once he laid back down. In the darkness, his eyes found yours as the boys quickly fell back asleep, now safe and sound with their parents.
"One day we'll get our bed back." He laughed softly.
"I'm in no rush." You murmured, cupping his face briefly. "Just as soon as the day comes that we get the bed back is the day that the boys will be too independent for Momma and Pa's bed."
Kakashi turned his head to kiss your palm before you settled it on Sasuke's tummy. He gently grasped Naruto's little hand with his finger and thumb, smiling when the boy instinctively closed his tiny fingers around his Pa's one big one. "You're right. As always."
You laughed softly and nuzzled Naruto gently while Kakashi gave Sasuke a few soft kisses on his rather chubby cheeks. All these boys were yours to love and love you in return. You would definitely savor each and every moment you had with them. As you learned four years ago: life was too fleeting to not appreciate everything you had. For the kid's sake, for you and Kakashi, for the four parents that wouldn't get to see their sons grow up, you would count your blessings and savor it all.
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lullaebies · 1 year
Hey! Can you do some headcanons on what it would be like for Helaena and Aegon as parents if the Dance never happened? They were really young when they both died, so would they have more babies if they lived? What would it be like for the twins and Maelor to grow into teenagers, what would the marriage plans for them be like? Love your content btw ❤️
Oh sure!! This should be very fun. The Dance not happening AU could mean a lot of things so there would be many variables, so bear with me a bit haha. (And thank you for the compliment, dear! <333) [also I'm sorry for the length of this if you ask me about the kids I really can speak for HOURS about my hcs.] Helaegon as Parents, Part 2 - No Dance AU Headcanons
⁎ For the if they had more babies question - probably yes! I don't see them abstaining. I think as the first kids grow older Helaena might specifically want more childen, but generally they would just happen as it is the way of life, regardless of planning or not planning. ⁎ Speaking about more children - Helaena and Aegon would be so bad at naming, lmao. They wait until the baby is out to decide, lol. I think Jaehaerys was named after the Old King via Alicent influence and Jaehaera was named in tow to fit, so Maelor would've been the first true name they've chose (I personally imagine that was from Helaena; also for the record, I genuinely don't believe it had anything to do with Maegor lol). Anyways, they would suck at it, and I imagine they'll have a lot more joke names they talk about. Imagine Aegon coming to Helaena like "Daemon the Younger. To piss uncle off." (He got very inspired from Aegon III's naming pettiness😂) and Helaena is like "I should kill you and make our son Aegon the Youngest" LMAO. ⁎ I always said this, but I do feel like there would be a cycle of hardship in the family; Aegon and Helaena were both not exposed to the best of parenting and Aegon will continue to struggle with his substance abuse/vices, which will obviously have effect. I have gone on several tangents on how I can see him and Jaehaerys butting heads like crazy as the father vs the oldest son. I do think there are times Aegon would try harder to be an active parent, especially after Jaehaerys and him get into a big fight, or Jaehaera mediates, or Maelor being visibly upset. I also think there inherent guilt in Aegon for a lot of things, I do think he will try to be better after he gets a few slaps from his first children, as he doesn't want to be like Viserys. His younger children will get the better of it, likely. I like to think he could find power in the fact his kids believe in him still despite everything. ⁎ Helaena would be such a sticky mom ahhh. Jaehaerys could grow taller than Otto and she would still look at him like he's a baby, Jaehaera she would want kept close too (As Alicent wanted her close, cough) and not even speaking about Maelor! I do believe all the kiddos would have her side on most things - Jaehaerys and Maelor being Biggest Defender no. 1 and Intern Smoll Defender no. 2. Jaehaera is The Conciliator coded and she tends to be midway, she'll probably be the one who is most honest with Helaena. ⁎ If Helaegon have more kids, needless to say the first three would be a pretty hands on crew of sibling help. Probably particularly the twins. I think Maelor might have to go through an ick phase at having a younger sibling always on his toes, though really he was just the same to the twins when he was born.
⁎ Some Teenage personality headcanons: Jaehaerys - mr. Trying to be good enough and work hard to be good enough. Extrovert using humor to cope, can be shady and also defensive like dad. Feels like he has a very big responsibility to help mom and family. He takes to a warhammer as a weapon in the future as he has a grip of six✨ Jaehaera - Careful in her steps, emotional intellegence based girl who is a bit too kind on other people sometimes. Likes to sew, and she makes her own dolls as she grows older. Introverted but Tries. Can be awkward when she's not used to someone or can't tell what they're like. Maelor - forever the first family baby, but he is the type to try and push against it LOL. I actually imagine him a bit more bookish and curious. Skinnier kid but has quips and he talks back. I think he's shyer outside of the family, people that don't know him gaslight Aegon his son is not a menace at all, "all he does is read books in the library and be cute are u fr" vibe, but in reality he learned from brother to not take shit. He's a Grandma kid for sure, I like to think he reads to Alicent back when she's elderly. ⁎ To end this off, on marriage proposals and the likes: I think no matter what AU spoken of, one thing that Helaegon would always agree on is that they would prefer their kids to find a love marriage, and I very much believe they would not be into putting them into Targ incest shenanigans unless the kids express they want it. this is one thing they want to break the chain in and are in full agreement - helaegon do not want the kids to have the same burdens they had to deal with. Overall this topic is muddy because its very much depends on the cirucmstances of things, but in the grand scheme of things - if helaegon are not pressured for alliances/not reigining king and queen, love marriages would be preferred if not at least arranged marriages where the prospective spouse is well regarded and of fitting status. If they are pressured for alliances as king and queen - Houses like House Lannister that are Green supporters will likely be considered first, then general houses that can benefit the crown and stability of the realm (possibly even Rhaenyra's family if its to keep the peace), and only then proper houses where the kids find someone they like. It is the feudalistic monarchy way. At the end there would be an attempt to give the best for them, one way or the other.
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snazzilystoopid · 1 year
Ninjago little sister AU, pt. 3~ Jay's turn!!
This is kinda longer than I thought it would be but I hope yall like it anyways <3
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Hope you all enjoy 🤭🤭
Gwendolyn "Gwen" Gordon
She hates the name Gwendolyn with a burning passion, so most people just call her Gwen.
Jay calls her Lyn most of the time
So basically Gwen had no idea that Jay existed up until the space of time between Possesion and Dotd
(To make space for when Skybound would've taken place)
Gwen was born a year after Jay, and their mom decided to leave Jay at the junkyard because once she divorced Cliff, she wanted to keep them both
Unfortunately she wasn't able to take care of two young children by herself and made the difficult decision to give up her eldest child
She was leaning towards keeping Jay at first, because he was the one who inherited her elemental powers
She ultimately decided to keep Gwen, bear in mind her taking the children wasn't agreed between her and Cliff
So "Johnny Law" (as Kai calls it lmao) got involved and Libber was forced to hand custody over to Cliff, whom Gwen has lived with ever since
Up until he died obviously
Yes he did still die even though Skybound technically didn't happen
Anyways, Gwen grew up in a very fortunate household, though her father was distant due to his job and because he'd much rather hang out with other random women, models, etc
So she's raised by herself, more or less
Nothing really special happened in her life before she met Jay. She goes to school like any normal kid would, she also becomes a fan of the ninja (like any normal kid would)
Just like her dad, Jay was her favourite (but she didn't know he was Cliff's favourite because its his son ofc)
But one thing stood out throughout her younger years and it was that she wished she was taken by her mom, not her dad
Because he never paid attention to her
When Cliff passed away, she got a hold of his will and was a little confused as to why half of it wasn't in her possesion
She wasn't actually living in the mansion when he passed, by this point she had gotten an apartment of her own (with her dad's money 😭)
Meanwhile Jay still gets the letter that his dad died
Only this time he knows it's not Ed, it's Cliff
So Ed and Edna give him the key to his mansion, at the same time, Gwendolyn also makes her way to the mansion and unlocks it first with her spare key
Jay shows up afterwards and explores the mansion for a bit, looking at the places he hadn't already been to, before finding Gwen's old room
Little did he know that she was already in there
When he opened the door, Gwen grabbed a replica of his nunchucks and threatened him lol
Because she was confused as to why there was another human in her dad's house
Jay explained that Cliff is his birth dad and he was left at a junkyard blah blah blah
By this point Gwen realised she was related to the Lightning Ninja and she actually squealed
Poor Jay is so confused but Gwen explains that she's Cliff's kid as well, and she's lived with him for most of her life
So they hug and Jay cries bc hes emotional like that
Gwen takes him on a little tour of the house, she doesn't know that Jay's already been here but anyways
They go back to her apartment and she tells him all about her crappy childhood with basically no father
Jay cries some more because he then realises that his sis had to grow up with essentially no family
He offers to take her to visit Ed and Edna, and she agrees
(Yes this is still happening between DotD and Possesion)
The Walkers feel so bad and basically become her second parents
She still lives in her apartment, but she would come over to visit them a lot during the events of DotD and HoT
So after Wu gets lost in the time stream, Jay and Cole go looking for him
But before Jay leaves, Gwen gets to meet each of the ninja first because her bro wanted to flex that he's got a little sister
Even though she keeps telling him they're only like 14 months apart
When she was introduced to Cole she nearly had a heart attack
She has the BIGGEST crush on this guy
Once he left she wouldn't shut up about him and that really pissed Jay off
She met Nya last, and Jay at first introduced her as one of his friends
Jay left the room they were all in for like 5 minutes and thats when Nya explained that her and Jay were actually dating
Gwen didn't mind but then after that they became besties hehe
Gwen and Jay stay in touch while he's away looking for Wu, and she's the first person he visited when he got back
During that time she had become a Mechanic like Ed
They played video-games for like 3 hours straight
At the beginning of Hunted, Gwen joins the resistance as a mechanic
But she was kinda bitter about the whole thing because at first she thought her bro had been squashed like a bug by Garmadon
He was ok but still after that she just stopped admiring the fact that he was a ninja
She hated the idea of her only birth family left being in constant danger
Ed and Edna tried talking to her but she always refused to visit the monastery
So whenever they wanted to meet up it had to be somewhere in Ninjago City or at the junkyard
Nya texted her when Jay got sucked into Prime Empire, having a literal meltdown
Then the rest of the Ninja (minus Zane) get sucked in
Gwendolyn was pretty pissed off and she stormed right up to the monastery, yelling at Master Wu, who had no idea what the hell was going on
But then Zane explained she was Jay's little sis and she got even more pissed off when he said "little"
She basically cussed him out for letting him get into all this trouble and him being in danger all the time
After Gwen calmed down Wu explained how it was completely Jay's choice but this girl didn't give a shit
She ended up helping them out anyways lol
When Jay returned she gave him a big hug and he got all teary-eyed bc he missed her sm 🥰
Just before the Ninja got the letter about Shintaro, Gwen tried to ask Cole out on a date with Kai and Jay's flirting advice
The silly guy didn't take the hint and she was friendzoned
She considered herself pretty good-looking and approachable, and was severely humbled by this
Jay didn't stop laughing about it until Nya told him to stfu
By the end of crystalized, Gwendolyn is the same age as Jay!
Time for more facts hehe
Gwen has brown hair, but she dyes it blonde
Because of this most of the time no one would think that she and Jay were siblings, but if you look closely, you van definitely tell, mostly because of their freckles
Nya and Gwen both do impressions of Jay whenever he's around as a joke
Nya also told her about the events of Skybound, and she's the only other person who knows about those events
Gwen hasn't got any elemental powers, however she, like Jay, is immune to electrocution (meaning it can't kill them, but it can hurt them)
She she has a lightning ninja-themed hoodie that she wears almost everywhere
Whenever the ninja want to have parties (that aren't under Wu's watch) they always go to Gwen's apartment
This basically means whenever they want to have alcohol at a party they always go somewhere else bc Wu's banned alcohol from the monastery 😭
Whenever Cole talks to her she goes really pink in the face, which Jay always teases her about
If someone ever calls her by her full name, her left eye will start to twitch out of irritation
Ed and Edna bought Gwen this blue teddy bear plushie for her birthday, and from then on she never went to sleep without it
She decided to name the plushie "Jaya" after Nya and Jay 🥰
That's everything!! This one was kinda long heh, also sorry if you find any typos in this-
Lloyd is next, prepare for a tragic ending lol
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msommers · 1 month
1, 3, 11, 14, 19 for riya, meredith and ellana?
ok so like. ignore the time it took me to get to these. i was in fact thinking of them constantly but the act of actually typing?? horrendous. // oc asks: roots edition
1. How many living parents does your OC have? If they're alive, where are they now and what's your OC's relationship with them? If they're dead, how did they die?
RIYA — two! both of Riya's parents are still living in the ancestral Clairmont estate back in Cumberland, thank goodness. Riya is the biggest daddy's girl known to Thedas, they've been nearly attached at the hip since she was born as she's Loren’s only daughter and youngest child. they had matching outfits, practically a language of their own with all of the in-jokes and references, and she felt safe talking to him about anything and everything. she's not nearly as close with her mother, but their relationship is still good. i think Riya sometimes perceives it as being a little worse than it is, but that's just because she's somebody who craves frequent displays that show how somebody feels about her. Priscilla sacrificed a whole new palatial estate to the Circle of Magi just so Riya could grow up in the comfort she was used to, never truly punished her for shunning her studies and responsibilities, and started pulling on every resource to protect her after the frame job. there's no doubt they love each other with all of their hearts, but Priscilla has trouble with vulnerability and emotional expression, and Riya struggles with the high standards/expectations from her. 
MEREDITH — first of all: you're sick and twisted for this. second: zero 💚 they were both casualties of Rendon Howe’s coup. i personally, me myself and i, believe Rendon would have been too much of a cowardly, slimy fuck to be face-to-face with any Cousland when it all kicked off, so i believe that Bryce suffered a fatal stab wound from one of Howe's stealthier soldiers and subsequently bled out in the larder before being found. as for Eleanor?? i'm having a tough time with this one and have been for the whole week it took me to finally get back here. as of right now, i'm fucking with the idea that Eleanor was able to wipe out a small group of the attackers before Rendon finally showed up with his own squad of goons, and she died from one of them stabbing her in the back after she'd gotten far too close to taking Rendon down in a rush attack. i simply find it hard to believe the woman who took down a warship at the age of fifteen would've laid down and died, or been unable to get at least one good strike at the man who filled her with such a powerful vengeance. clearly the fuck didn't die there, but i like to think he spent a good few months recovering from the wound Eleanor left him on her way out.
ELLANA — you'd think after all these years i would have her clan figured out but i kinda forgor 💀 i think her parents would be alive! given who Ellana is, i imagine her family (and clan overall) would hold similar values and they'd lead kinder lives that allow them more peace from outside dangers. i know she'd be a family focused woman so she would have a good relationship with both parents, perhaps closer with her mother just cuz. if i end up making a post in the next few days with a bunch of brand new dalish elves hot off the presses this is your fault (affectionate)
3. How did your OC feel the first time they left home? Why did they leave?
RIYA — answered here!
MEREDITH — first time she left home probably would've been joining her father on teyrn business to visit some bann or other, tagging along because of a young girl's curiosity. likely could have been the first trigger to her becoming interested in politics, bombarding Bryce with questions on the carriage ride to their destination and then somehow finding even more once they were there because she found the business so fascinating. it would have undoubtedly been exciting for her from the jump, and only gotten better the further along they went as she started to learn more and more about the people of the teyrnir and her father's responsibilities. 
ELLANA — her clan is one of the rare groups to engage in occasional trade with humans and i imagine this soft-hearted clown would've enjoyed taking part in those ventures, i'll count that as technically leaving home because i'm sure it was at least a week’s worth of time spent traveling out and engaging. she was eager to go! it would have meant a great deal to her that she was being entrusted to join the journey as a protector for those who were going along, and she wouldn't deny feeling a bit of a thrill at the idea of interacting with non-dalish for the first time. 
11. What was your OC scared of as a child? Are they still scared of that?
RIYA — answered here!
MEREDITH — Aldous doesn't strike me as the type of teacher to censor or lighten history for the sake of a young mind, which i'm sure Meredith would've been grateful for in her young adult years and onward, but as a child she was often worrying herself to sleeplessness over the dreadful—and sometimes downright evil—acts of humankind. the Orlesian occupation and subsequent war to regain Ferelden’s independence was filled with enough horror stories on its own to fuel her nightmares for years on end. this all probably contributes to her later development of paranoia tbh, but let's not examine that rn. i’d say around her origins era that she’s still holding onto those fears, but she has the added fun and lucky experience of getting to learn that her own countrymen are just as capable of their atrocities.
ELLANA — i think she would have been fortunate enough to avoid any serious fears as a child, in part due to her innate bravery and another to her clan having a more gentle history compared to many others. perhaps a fear of heights, which she'd definitely gotten over by the time the inquisition came around (hi mage barrier + flinging self off a cliff to avoid finding a path combo <3) ((she wouldn't like. Literally do that but it's funny)). something super specific but i feel suits her as she's spent so long in the woods: a forest going silent. not something i think she'd have gotten over, and just the idea of it makes her feel on edge. like what the fuck do you mean all of the wildlife and even the wind has gone quiet because Something Is Coming, that’s always scary. 
14. Who was your OC's first love? How do they remember that person now?
RIYA — a noble boy that started training under her brother, Regulus, when she was in her teens. he was a young warrior-in-training with lofty aspirations of gaining glory through acts of altruism and heroics—basically he was a startup version of the heroes she'd grown up hearing stories of from her own family history and other various tales of daring, so naturally she had to pounce on that with all the finesse a 15-year old Riya possessed. it worked because she was pretty and heaped on all of the praises a young fighter would love to hear from a girl (not to mention there's a high chance they already knew each other from running in the same social circles), but it wouldn't have lasted very long. they had a good month or two of a fun and frivolous relationship, but Riya had gotten her first hook-up and that sparked her long-lasting habit of fooling around with a partner until she was abruptly ready to drop them and move on in search of another. she would have been adamant then and would still be now that just because their connection was brief, it doesn't mean her love for him wasn't real (it was a shallow thing entirely based off of her [unsurprisingly] getting horny about a young hero in the making but hey! still counts). i'd say she remembers him fondly because i don't imagine it ended in a Disastrous way. all she's got of him are good memories of early practices for her flirting skills, eagerly observing warrior training, and a judgment-free first sexual experience that probably gave them both a good confidence/happiness boost.
MEREDITH — if there's one thing about me it's that i'm gonna push my “Meredith and Gilmore were childhood sweethearts” agenda whenever i'm handed the opportunity, because i can't be convinced that it's not adorable as hell. a little lady and a young squire?? cuties. babies. must be protected. nothing too serious really but they were in their early teens and had grown up together, having that close bond made it easy to slip into crushes once they hit puberty. he fancied himself her protector and she found it incredibly romantic, as a young noble girly is wont to do. he also knew how to make her laugh, could tell when she was hiding irritation from others to be polite, and took her seriously (which we all know is monumental to a teen girl who has Ideas and Opinions). unfortunately, most of the time when Meredith allows herself the space to remember him, she thinks back to his promise that he would be at her side until she had all of Ferelden wrapped around her finger. makes it harder to face the fact that she’s taking those steps without him, even if she’s managed to find support in others. she’s fond of the times when she can think of him and focus only on his loyalty and courage, rather than the other Horrors which plague her even a decade on. we don’t talk about Fort Drakon <3
ELLANA — the Second of her clan, a girl named Mirisa. a severe case of puppy love that lasted quite a while on both sides. Ellana was practically born with a deep respect and awe for mages, so i imagine that contributed to her developing a crush and subsequently taking any excuse under the sun to be present for Mirisa’s practicing or training so that she could observe the magic. their favored way of wasting the time away and being together was going off to relax under the shade of some tree or other, Ellana with her head in Mirisa’s lap, content listening to the Second ramble on about all she was learning from the Keeper that week. most of the arcane talk went over her head (though she engaged with it as best she could), but her favorite topics were the various tidbits of history that she wasn't learning about in her own teachings. they're probably still friends by the time Ellana is sent to the Conclave tbh and she looks back at their little love affair as an adorable example of harmless, innocent romance. it brings a smile to her face recalling the little moments of sneaking chaste kisses when nobody was looking, or them giggling at nothing simply because they were giddy being near one another. 
19. What traditions or stories does your OC carry forward from their childhood to the rest of their life?
RIYA — answered here! 
MEREDITH — i’m sitting here trying to come up with a condensed list or something but it’s like. take one look at this woman and you know she’s carried and cataloged literally everything she’s ever been told or learned herself through her entire life. she has names of nobility and military figures memorized from wars and conflicts that haven’t mattered in who knows how long. she’s hoarded knowledge on ancient and abandoned Fereldan traditions just for fun. she can recite the entire timeline of the Cousland family back to its origin and give you cute little blurbs on most, if not all, of the family members. she’s a fucking nerd with an obsession to Know Things due to the assumption that knowledge is power enough to keep her safe and in control, she’s not letting anything slip the mind palace.
ELLANA — naturally she carries and maintains the vir tanadhal as both a dalish and a hunter, feeling more attuned to the vir bor'assan (bend but never break. "as the sapling bends, so must you. in yielding, find resilience; in pliancy, find strength.") out of the three. the vir banal'ras (aka dalish calling for a blood debt to be paid) wasn’t something she clung to very much as a kid but the memory of it came rushing back and became very important to her on a handful of occasions during her time as agent/inquisitor. she wasn’t as religious or spiritual as some of the others from her clan, but she still carried out the traditional ways of worship for the evanuris as any good dalish would.
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festivalofthe12 · 4 months
SO this is probably something covered in the manga which I have since entirely forgotten, but. The Juunishi thing is reincarnation, right? As in, whenever the old Horse or Dog or whatever dies, they're soon/immediately after reborn as another new Sohma family baby?
Obviously there are metatextual reasons why the main characters are mostly grouped around the same rough generational range... but if you think of it that way, it makes more sense: in modern days, there's not that much variation in how old people get before they die, so it kinda makes sense that they tend to die and therefore be reborn at within a couple of decades of one another? maybe????? (of course this has been going on for a Long Time and stuff like infant mortality or just death at a young age due to injury/illness used to be much more common but. ignore that. maybe.)
ANYWAY my point is. Could Sohma adults potentially try to game the system and time it such that their kids will be born around about when older Juunishi members die? Thus giving themselves a way better chance of having their kid be one? (For those who would care about that, which we know at least some do.)
Specifically, I'm not sure if we ever got a stated reason for the huge age gap between Yuki and Ayame... but this sure as hell sounds like a plausible one, giving everything we know about Yuki's mum. Like, IDK if she deliberately tried to get the Snake (the Snake, Dog, and Dragon are all very similar in age, so presuming that their previous reincarnations' deaths weren't super sudden, that'd offer better than usual odds of getting at least one) and then realised she could do better, or if she got the Snake but wasn't satisfied and started planning things out for the Big One...
Though. the Rat would most DEFINITELY have been a high risk/high reward goal. Because. This time around, at the very least, the Rat and Cat both ended up the same age. :'D
Which, now that sounds like a fanfic idea just waiting to happen... but in practice, IDK if it would've really changed all THAT much? Yuki's mum would almost certainly have just disowned Kyou lmfao (possibly while trying to hide that he was even hers so she wouldn't be associated with the Cat??? no clue how she'd manage that though. I feel like the two options are some other random woman gets him and immediately the curse is revealed [and the main house would find out about that, ofc] or Kyou fjucking dies. I guess she could try to pass him off on a single father????????)
anyway uhh I know less about Kyou's parents. but. his dad doesn't seem the type to NOT send his kid off to Akito, especially if there was something in it for him.
So if this isn't that wacked-out 'the Cat gets weirdly lost for a while because he grows up with a random dude who doesn't even figure out about the curse for several years making it way harder for the Main House to track him (and honestly given that the juunishi transform when they're too weak and babies are Definitionally Defenceless even this doesn't seem all that realistic)' scenario. I guess the main difference would be just that Kyou and Ayame are siblings. Presumably in this case Kyou still gets raised by Kazuma and everyone knows his mum is his mum but she maintains some level of status by having the Snake. And I guess in this world Ayame gets treated more like Yuki because she doesn't have a better option this time round and is desperate to distance herself from the Cat lmao.
That's about as far as I've thought it through hahahaha because in the end this is more of a Kyou-centric thought experiment than Yuki really. But it's still kinda interesting (to me)!!!!!
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iron-hearts-ablaze · 5 months
Karlach; a full timeline
1462 - 22nd Eleint (September) Karlach Cliffgate was born 1475 - Caerlack Cliffgate falls gravely ill with fever. Due to the clerics turning down Tiefling coin, she passes away. - Karlach starts getting into more fights in school. 1478 - Karlach finishes secondary school, instantly starts working small jobs to help her father financially. - Pluck Cliffgate is involved in an accident involving his wagon and dies from his injuries. Karlach is involved in more city-wide fights, starts making a name for herself in underground fighting rings. 1480 - Karlach's friend informs her of job position going being a body guard for Enver Gortash. - Karlach is accepted for the job, her employment begins. 1482 - Aged 20, Karlach is traded to Zariel for blueprints and information. - Enver Gortash tells Karlach's remaining friends she moved to Neverwinter. End of 1482 - midway through 1483 - Karlach is subjected to imprisonment, experimentation and countless surgeries for her engine to be placed and adjusted as well as to break her mentally to be moulded in Zariel's image. - Gets Zariel's name tattooed on her by force. - During maintenance on her engine for repairs and upgrades, the engine explodes, burning most of Karlach's body on the right side. - Karlachs first tour of the Blood Wars begins. 1485 - Karlach becomes part of Zariel's special forces. More tattoos are forced on her, as well as the engravings in her horns to mark the occasion; "my champion, the Demonsbane. My blood is her strength!" 1488 - During a vicious battle with demons, Karlach loses part of her right horn 1492 - 20th Eleasis (August) Karlach, persued by the Blade of Frontiers, spots a nautiloid ship and jumps on board. Becomes infected and ship later crashes onto the shores of The Chionthar. - 22nd Eleint (September) Karlach's 30th birthday
Explanations under cut, this this is long already:
We are told BG3 takes place in 1492, and it has also been confirmed that Karlach is 30 during this time - so basic math led us to discover the year. However, I made up the 22nd Sept section - using Samantha's birthday instead.
There is a contradiction in Karlach's story in game. At one point she says Gortash paid her well enough to move her parents into a nice neighbourhood. However, at their graves in Act 3, she says: "I was a teenager when mum passed--bad fever. A good healer would've saved her, but she slipped away before we found one who'd take our gold. Dad went a few years later. He was on an errand for work, travelling the Risen Road. His cart overturned and caught him just so. I was on my own after that. Fell in with Gortash not long after. If my folks had been alive, they would've sniffed him out straight away." - I have gone with the graveyard story. That she was an orphan when she started working for Gortash. The ages, however, I have made up based on the 'teenager' comment.
Throughout her childhood, adolescence and young adulthood - Karlach scrapped. Quote: "I was a wild kid--brawling my way through the city." I feel she has a strong reputation because she has always been this way. More of a Fighter, than a Barbarian in her past. Becomes more a Barbarian after the anger gets to her after the trade.
"One of my mates got wind of a bit of work guarding some indoorsy type with lots of enemies. Seemed like easy money, so I went in for it." - another quote to back up that a friend was the one who told her about Gortash and Karlach showed no sign of knowing who he was before this.
I admit I have made up the origin of the burns, just something I like for the character.
Originally, before it was changed, Anders told the player Karlach lost her horn while battling hoards of demons - despite the slight change, I thought I'd keep it. I feel the burn made the horn weaker and easier to break.
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archduchessofnowhere · 7 months
Do you know about the potential marriage between Crown Prince Rudolf and Archduchess Maria Antonietta of the Tuscan branch? Read (unsure if it's accurate) how Emperor Franz Joseph I because of her tuberculosis, but reminds of Ludwig I of Bavaria initially opposing his third son Prince Luitpold marrying Archduchess Maria Antonietta's own aunt Augusta Ferdinanda who although died young, she did also bare four children who had long lives of their own.
Hello anon! This is a subject I've tried to look into, and honestly I find it equally frustrating and fascinating.
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Many of Rudolf's biographers state that his first love was Archduchess Maria Antonietta, the only child of Ferdinando, last Grand Duke of Tuscany, by his first wife Princess Anna of Saxony. The story goes that they fell in love around 1878, and as you said, that she was considered a potential bride for the Crown Prince until her tuberculosis became evident. Some authors choose to end the story there, but others go even farther and talk of a secret marriage in 1880 - which would make Rudolf's marriage to Stephanie of Belgium in 1881 invalid. Maria Antonietta eventually died in 1883, at the age of 25.
But what these biographers sometimes don't mention is that in 1937 a man called Robert Pachmann claimed that he was Rudolf and Maria Antonietta's secret love child, born a month before the archduhcess' death, and that since his alleged parents had been legally married, he was the real head of the House of Habsburg and not Otto von Habsburg, Emperor Karl I's eldest son.
While before the invention of DNA tests it was very common that a person would randomly pop out claiming they were someone famous' lost child, what I find particularly interesting about this case is how FAR the Pachmanns went, going to trial several times, to the point that in 1965 Theodor Pachmann, Robert's son, was legally recognized as a Habsburg by a Vienese regional court, and again - even more explicitly - in 1976, when a judge ruled that he was a great-grandson of Franz Josef and Ferdinando of Tuscany. All these veredicts, however, were based solely on the testimony of Robert Pachmann's mother, who in 1925 stated that her son was actually Rudolf's and Maria Antonietta's. It was only in 2013 when two of Theodor's sons finally compared their DNA against a Habsburg: Georg Hohenberg, Archduke Franz Ferdinand's grandson. Which came out negative. Despite this, Robert Pachmann's descendants still claim to be descendants of Rudolf, mostly because they don't understand why Robert and Theodor would've spent so many years at court fighting for their case if it wasn't true [x].
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From left to right: Crown Prince Rudolf, Robert Pachmann, Theodor Pachmann and Rainer Pachmann (Theodor's son). From Alles aus Neugier: 40 Geschichten aus 40 Jahren by Georg Markus
At this point I was so down the rabbit hole that I thought, ok, there must have been some kind of rumor about Rudolf and Maria Antonietta, and Robert Pachmann built his story around that. After all, his descendants insist that there is evidence of a "love story" between them. But here is the thing: I can't find a single mention of a potential engagement or a rumored affair between Rudolf and Maria Antonietta from before Pachmann made his claim. In fact I can't even find a single mention of Rudolf and Maria Antonietta ever being in the same room together, though I assume they must have met at least once in court. Of course, just because I haven't found it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, so if any of you ever come across any sort of story (it doesn't matter if it's just rumors!) about Rudolf and Maria Antonietta from before 1937, please let me know!
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transitofmercury · 9 months
Pulitzer Family Fact Post (Katherine's Siblings Edition)
I'm finally doing it, after threeish years, I'm finally making posts about my acquired knowledge of the Pulitzer family. I'm starting with what I know about his kids because I think that's what people would find most interesting. I'd quite like to go on about Pulitzer's siblings and what people have managed to figure out about his childhood but I'll do that another day. It's been a while so I might forget stuff or get things slightly wrong but I'm doing my best to be accurate. Information is mostly from James McGrath Morris' book, 'Pulitzer: A life in Politics, Print and Power' and records I looked at on Ancestry (I got really weird about this).
Pulitzer and his wife, Kate Davis, had 7 children: Ralph, Lucille, Katherine, Joseph, Edith, Constance and Herbert. I'm just going to go through kid-by-kid and reel off everything I remember that is actually semi-interesting.
Ralph Pulitzer: Born June 11th, 1879. Died June 14th, 1939. He was born in St. Louis because Pulitzer hadn't bought The New York World and moved the family to New York at this point.
All the kids seem to have been sickly (like their father) but Ralph was asthmatic and small for his age, his health was always a concern. The family would spend a lot of time in Europe but he and Lucille were the ones who usually joined their parents while the younger ones were left in America. He didn't like learning Latin (From a letter to Lucille: "I never imagined a language capable of such filthy, beastly rules and contradictions") and preferred Greek. He was educated at St. Mark's School and would've been at Harvard by the time that Newsies happened.
All the sons were a bit detached from the realities of how newspapers worked because they were raised in mansions and boarding schools but Pulitzer was surprised and very upset about them having limited journalistic skills. He really wanted them to be prepared to run the paper after him and they really weren't. He started to become president of The World around 1907. When Pulitzer died, he got 20% of the newspaper stock in the will. He was the main person running The World before they sold it in 1931. Ralph preferred high society life to newspapers. He married Frederica Webb who was vaguely a Vanderbilt in 1905. They had two sons, I think, and eventually divorced. He remarried and had two daughters but one died very young. He died in New York following complications to do with abdominal surgery.
Lucille Irma Pulitzer: Born September 30th, 1880. Died December 31st, 1897. She was probably also born in St. Louis but I haven't been able to find the record. Her middle name seems to come from one of Pulitzer's sisters.
She was Pulitzer's favourite, that's the key thing about her. He had very high expectations of his children and a lot of rules, and she managed to meet those expectations and didn't break those rules. She was focused on her studies, she could speak multiple languages and play multiple instruments. In Pulitzer's code-book, she's referred to as 'Lulu' instead of Lucille. Seems to have spent a lot of her younger years in Europe. When she was 14 she had a minor throat surgery and Pulitzer got upset that everyone was paying her more attention than they were him (his wife got really mad at him and he sent Lucille flowers to apologise).
I think I read about her graduating from Miss Brown's School for Young Ladies in May 1897 when she would've been 16. Summer of that year they held a party at the Chatwold (their place in Bar Harbour) to basically debut her. A couple days later, she became ill. She had Typhoid and despite the family's efforts, she died months later at the Chatwold on New Years Eve. After her death, Pulitzer established the Lucille Pulitzer Scholarship at Barnard College, which makes me think she wanted to go to college and that he would have supported this.
Katherine Ethel Pulitzer: Born January 30th, 1882. Died May 9th, 1884. Same as Lucille, probably born in St. Louis but I've never seen the records. She's the one daughter whose middle name I can't link to one of Pulitzer's family members but her first name comes from her mother. There's not much to say because she died so young. She died of Pneumonia in New York almost a year exactly (one day off) after Pulitzer purchased The World.
This is quite sad (it's already sad) but she is either omitted or forgotten in the 1900 census. They asked for the number of children born and the number of children living, at this point all 7 had been born and 5 were alive but the Pulitzers responded that 6 had been born instead. They weren't forgetting Lucille after three years, so it seems like Katherine was not counted.
Joseph Pulitzer II: Born March 21st, 1885. Died March 30th, 1955. One of the few children born in New York.
Less sickly than the others but Pulitzer was constantly disappointed by him. He was also sent to St. Mark's School. As a teenager he didn't do what his father told him to and didn't pay enough attention to his studies. He got thrown out of St. Mark's in 1901 after he and some friends snuck out to buy beer and then ended up climbing into the headmaster and his wife's bedroom when they were sneaking back in. Pulitzer was really angry about that. Pulitzer managed to get him into Harvard but he just kept being the same as he was before so Pulitzer pulled him out of Harvard.
He got sent to St. Louis to be trained by the people Pulitzer had at the Post-Dispatch and actually developed journalistic talent. His father could not see this talent and was still disappointed in him. He only got 10% of the newspaper stock when his dad died. He ran the Post-Dispatch far better than his brothers ran The World. He tried to punch Hearst which is just really funny to me. He married Elinor Wickham in 1910, she died in 1925 and a year later he married Elizabeth Edgar. He had similar health problems to his father towards the end of his life and after he died, the Post-Dispatch passed to his son, Joseph Pulitzer III, it stayed in the family's hands until very recently (either the 90s or the 00s) but there was a legal battle about whether to sell it in the 80s.
Edith Louise Pulitzer: Born June 19th, 1886. Died April 6th, 1975. She was born in Lenox, Massachusetts. Her middle name seems to come from Pulitzer's mother.
Pulitzer was not that interested in his younger daughters but he still had high expectations for them. When she was younger and her parents travelled to Europe, she seems to have been left in America more than her older siblings but later on she seems to have been just following her mother around to wherever she went. She was 13 when the Pulitzer house fire happened in January 1900. Morris mentions an incident where she got upset at her father for constantly criticising her and the two of them had a bit of an argument. She was sent to Miss Vinton’s School for Girls in Connecticut.
She married William Scoville Moore a couple weeks after her father died, I think I read that they had to have a pretty boring, scaled back wedding because, officially, she and her mother were still in mourning. They had five sons. William died in 1944 and then two of their sons died in 1944 and 1945 fighting in the war. Another son died in 1957. She lived the longest out of all of the children, and 1975 feels so strangely recent for a child of Joseph Pulitzer to have been alive then. She and Constance both got the same amount in the will and it was obviously a lot of stuff but I think she might've tried to claim that it wasn't enough and that her father wasn't in his right mind when he made the will.
Constance Helen Pulitzer: Born December 13th, 1888. Died July 14th, 1938. She was born in France, probably Paris, because the family (Joseph, his wife and the eldest two children) were in Europe looking for advice on his worsening health when she was born. According to census responses from the early 20th century, her first language was French while all her siblings' had been English. Her middle name seems to come from another one of Pulitzer's sisters.
Pulitzer did not see her for very extended periods of time in her early childhood. She was also at home when the Pulitzer house fire happened, she was 11 at the time. Once, when Pulitzer was away from home, he only received a letter from Constance and told his wife to tell the other children he didn't love them (that's a quote, "To all the rest of the children you can say I do not love them"). She also followed her mother around Europe a bit when she got older. She debuted in 1907.
In 1913 she married William Grey Elmslie who had been her younger brother's tutor. The family expressed their support for the marriage but I think only Edith was actually present. Oh, this is Newsies relevant: she and Edith shared a property in Santa Fe. She died at 49 which is young even by Pulitzer family standards and makes her the first child to die in adulthood but I can't find a cause of death so I don't know what went on there.
Herbert Pulitzer: Born November 20th, 1896. Died September 4th, 1957. He was born in New York. I see him get called Tony a lot, he might've had a middle name that gets forgotten.
This is a twist you're not expecting: he may have not actually been Pulitzer's son. There's (significant) evidence that Kate was having an affair with Arthur Brisbane when she got pregnant with Herbert and it's definitely possible that Arthur was Herbert's father. He was born a long time after Constance considering that the first 6 children were born within 10 years of each other. And if you look at pictures of Pulitzer and his older sons at around the same age, they look very similar - I don't think Herbert looked that much like him but he does kinda look like Arthur. We can't really know but I do think it's very, very possible. Pulitzer never doubted that Herbert was his, and he seems to have been the favourite of his sons since he got 60% of the newspaper stock. He briefly ran The World in the years before it was sold but apparently people who worked there didn't like him. He was very young when the Pulitzer house fire happened and Kate had to go back inside to save him.
I'm less certain about details in Herbert's life than the other children, I'm not sure why I know less about him but I do. He was the only child at his father's deathbed, when he was only a teenager. He learnt to fly and fought at the end of WW1. Married Gladys Munn in 1926 and they had two children together. Their son, also called Herbert, led a messy life (highly publicised divorce). Herbert died of uremic poisoning, which is described "urine in the blood" and, yeah, that's the note this post is going out on.
Again, it's possible I've made mistakes or forgotten stuff here. I also can't stress enough how much information James McGrath Morris' book has provided this post.
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melonminnie · 1 year
HI HI ‼️<3
can i pls request an oscar x female reader where all oscar family loves her ,
it can be kinda of part two of mabel's past life friend request
so she could have been oscar's playmate so the empress [mabel mother] loved her and always loved to spoil her and play dolls with her [reader couldn't quite understand the concept of dolls and thought it was a waste of time but she loved the empress so she played with her either way] while esteban got attached to her with time and saw her as his daughter so like the empress he loved spoiling her and after he knew her parents's motive and put them in jail he made sure that a good noble family adopt her while the duchess [oscar mother] met her accidentally and grew fond of her , i read a chapter of the novel because oscar looked so beautiful in the art and he said that she hates ignorant people and the reader is quite responsible for her age so she praises oscar for his choice of future wife lmao . but then she grows to love her like her daughter [when she knew about her parents she was about to go to esteban to ask him to execute them but she stopped herself lmao] .and then mabel was born and the empress died and that was the first time reader cried bcs she lost her mother figure and the first person to give her parental love so she decided to protect mabel until her death bcs she was the only thing left from the empress . and lastly is mabel that was so happy to find her dear friend that she loved so much but lost due to an illness and in this life her friend is completely healthy ‼️[minus the scars that she had, who dared to hurt her dear sister figure‼️] maybe even in their first life reader had abusive parents so mabel got sad bcs can't her friend have a nice family for once‼️so when she realizes her brother love her friend she decides to get them together and then she can have reader as her sister in law ‼️<3AND THAT'S ALL ‼️‼️<33BYE BYE ‼️<3
Strawberry shortcake (Oscar x fem! Reader)
-accidentally posted this so I had to copy the request and write it IM SO SORRY the empresses name is sianna or cianna if you translate it genuinely don’t know how the former empress and Oscar act so sorry
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“Y/n come here,” Sianna spoke softly, trying to coax the young girl to sit closer to her.
It had only been a few weeks sense esteban had announced you’d be staying with them temporarily.The empress would call you into her room every day.
Of course she knew it was going to be hard to get you to have your guard down. That’s why she tried though.
The older woman never gave up after she spoke, she kept on coaxing the younger girl to move closer to her, after a while of sianna practically pleading with y/n, the girl agreed and sat next to the empress.
Sianna watched with soft eyes as her lips perked up into a smile, the pink hair turned her attention and quickly grabbed a small box with a ribbon covering it, it was a present placing it In between y/ns hands.
"Open it," she stated the obvious with her sole attention on the child. Sienna's smile only widened once the gift was opened, and Y/N stared at the gift in confusion. It was a doll, yes, and a very expensive and pretty one.
Yet the child couldn't comprehend why she needed it. She lifted her gaze and stared into the woman's eyes. "Don't you like it?" She questioned, worry laced in her voice, She'd never had a daughter nor a child; yes, she had Oscar, but he wasn't really her son, yet she still considered him her son.
"No, I do like it." y/n answered, The situation was awkward; the girl clearly didn't know how to play with a doll, yet she'd try, of course.
The girl quickly got up and hugged the empress out of worry that she didn't enjoy it. "Thank you!" Y/n buried her face deeper into the woman's dress, and Sianna laughed and hugged the girl back. Sure, their first meeting was embarrassing, but she would've been okay with it.
“Y/n!” The door suddenly opened, revealing the crown prince whom had grown attached to his new or only playmate.
A few months had passed sense the girl had been in the castle, There was still anger in the community due to her parents and punishments they’d thought was suitable.
Due to that not a lot of people would want to adopt the young girl from her background, Esteban growing a liking to the girl knew he couldn’t just let her go.
For a few months it was frustrating, nobody was willing enough to help the desperate emperor.Kindness only goes so far.
Oscar turned his head and scanned the room, “What!, your all here” he cried after noticing, he moved his body and sat directly in-front of his playmate.
The silver haired boy picked up the toys on the floor and started playing with them.While the two were occupied Esteban voiced his worries to his wife.
It was out of pure luck that the emperor was the one who was taking care of you, anyone else you would’ve ended up in an orphanage by now.
“I’m sure you’ll resolve it sooner” Sienna smiled.
A few weeks had passed at this point, it had now pasted the third month of a criminals daughter staying with them, that day it was marked the day that Esteban could finally rest.
All the issues were solved, it was declared that they used their own child as a pawn and that she had no part in it, with that came the millions of nobles now stepping up to take care of the girl now.
Esteban looked threw the letters one by one, yes it was annoying him that they’d all decided to accept the proposal now. In fact Esteban almost made the decision of announcing you as his own but he decided not too due to multiple reasons.
The emperor looked threw the acceptance papers one by one, it was only right that you’d be placed with a presentable family, maybe even one of high status If he was lucky enough.Esteban sighed in relief when he got to that one acceptance letter he’d needed. He’d place you with the viscount for now.
On one faithful day, Oscar had decided he’d wanted to have a picnic with you of some sort, and so he did the only problem was that it was a surprise.
The prince was so excited he’d quickly taken you away to hang out with him with knowing how’d you’d react.
But of course things didn’t go his plan, he soon stopped in his tracks and stared at the former empress, or rather his mother.
It was known to everyone how scared he was of her for obvious reasons, yet you couldn’t comprehend why?.
As much as you wanted to stay with her and form some sort of relationship, Oscars feelings were more important to you, so instead of him dragging you you were the one dragging him instead.
“Oscar is something wrong?” After the two of you ended up in a secluded area it was time for the question. “You don’t look too good do you wanna go back?”.
The silver haired boy seemed to go back to reality at the sound of the girls voice, “No! I didn’t show you the surprise come on” Oscar grabbed y/ns hand yet again and dragged her to his surprise.
“Interesting..” the former empress mumbled, her mind still to the interaction that just happened.
After that interaction Oscar was more protective when th e two of you were together, “Oscar what’s wrong your acting weird!” The girl pointed out.
“Am not it just to protect you y/n!” He announced, “from what?” The girl questioned his motives, “From you know!”
“Oscar of you don’t tell me I won’t know what’s bothering you” y/n responded, the princes eyes soften before he stared at the ground, “you wouldn’t understand if I told you” he pouted.
“I can try!” She pried into him, “you know how you met my mom last wee-”
“What about me?” The said woman responded from behind her son, her green eyes sharp as ever staring daggers at the two children. “Duchess..” Oscar responded the atmosphere becoming gloomy.
“I was just asking him about you!” Y/n defended, “Is that so?” It was clear the duchess didn’t believe a word, “Yes! I must say your very incredible from what I’ve heard” the girl praised.
Somehow the atmosphere brightened, though it wasn’t able to be shown at her expressions, yet it was clear. Pacifica turned her attention to Oscar before replying.
“You’ve chosen a great wife I must say”
“!?” The boys face changed color into a bright red. “She’s not my wife though” he tried clearing up the misunderstanding, “she will be though no?”.
Pacifica soon found out about the recent incident, She wasn’t surprised nonetheless, yet for some reason it made her burn with anger.
She resolved her thinking with just going to Esteban for the issue and if he didn’t agree she’d easily pay someone to assistant the parents.
But she held herself from doing so, knowing if she did she’d quickly spark another issue within the community.
A few years had passed at this point, y/n remained one of the closest people to the imperial family, it was known across the entire nation.
“Oscar” the girl cried as she ran up to hug the boy, it had only been a few hours sense the empress’s death was announced, it was safe to say that the entire country was in shambles.
For the first time the silver haired boy didn’t speak when you called his name, as grief struck him too all he can do was cry with you.
Oscar knew that you’d never stop crying after you found out, but he still wanted you to meet his sister in hopes that you feel somewhat better.
After finally convincing you, Oscar quickly pulled you to Mabel’s room, “Cmon look at her y/n!” The silver head spoked urging you to take a look. “What if she cries when she looks at me?” The girl objected.
“Y/n your not ugly for her to cry when looking at you” he urged yet again pulling you closer to the crib, y/ns hands hit the crib Oscar next to her, “see isn’t she so cute?” He laughed.
Mabel’s eyes met Oscar’s friends eyes, “!!” The pink head lifted her arms and kept on wriggling them, “She looks like sienna..” y/n replied, her body leaning forward.
“Mabel is really pretty!” She announced, “See I told you!” Oscar added.
“Oscar” the girl turned her body towards the boy, “Sense this is the last thing that the empress left I wanna protect!” She declared.
“I wanna protect her till I die”
There was a long silence hung in the room, “who am I to deny you?” He answered with a smile on his face.
In Mabel’s little mind, she knew the moment she stared at the girls eyes that this was the same person she’d met in her previous life.
So the moment the person in-front of her declared that they want to protect her, she’d knew that she’d do the same in a heart beat.
Because she couldn’t protect modern life y/n, she’d protect historic life y/n with her entire soul.
Mable slightly appreciated being a baby, she’d found out about your entire past purely by listening on the maids, she was slightly sad that you’d still had cruel good for nothing parents.
And sense she’d have nothing to do, she’d have her entire attention on the two of you, which is how she found out about her older brothers liking to her.
So the pink head put into her mind that she’d make you become her sister in law living with her forever and ever!!.
The plan had started when she was still young but she decided to put it in full commence action when she was 9. (If I’m not wrong Oscar would be 15 ?)
“Aidan come on!” The girl urged as she pulled onto the black head boys hand, she’d let him know about her little scheme and essentially forced him to do it with her.
“What are you getting out of this?” The boy asked irritated, “A sister in law duh!”
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Requested by @lind-55 tysm for requesting!! <3
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avatarskywalker78 · 26 days
OC Introductions - Zhān Xiulan 
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Wip: Sophia Reynolds AU
Zhān Xiulan grew up on Shadow and first met Mal Reynolds when she was hired by his mother to work on their ranch. The two soon became firm friends and always confided in each other - bonding over their somewhat strict upbringings and their shared frustration over the lack of prospects on Shadow - which was why Mal was the one about her budding romance with Jackson, another ranch hand. Though Jackson was something of a rogue, she was truly in love with him and truly believed she had a future with him. But it turned out she was wrong - Jackson didn't really love her at all, and ditched her when she found out she was pregnant, and though she wanted to keep her child but couldn’t see how, because her parents would never accept her being unmarried.
She was initially reluctant to confide this particular problem to Mal, given he was raised Catholic, but in the end decided to trust in their friendship - if nothing else he could be a listening ear. She was right to do so, as Mal was furious on her behalf and wasn't going to stand for her child being taken away, so he offered a suggestio; given that everyone knew he and Xiulan were close...why not say he's the father? He'd be happy to marry her if it means she gets to keep her kid, and she made a point about only telling him about Jackson - it's believable and he can withstand the flack, being from something of a well-off family. Though she initially refuses - worried about dragging him into the mess - she has to concede that these are all very good points.
So they tell their respective parents and get married soon after - they still get some grief but this dies down pretty quickly, and Xiulan doesn't expect Mal to throw himself into parenthood once the kid is born...except the moment Sophia is born he loves her; turns out his plans not to get too attached didn't really work out (and she suspects it never would've done because he has a good heart) and he does consider Sophia his daughter, so for the next seven years they happily co-parent her
But then war breaks out in the 'verse and Mal leaves to fight, and the next thing she knows she's fleeing with her young daughter, just hours before Shadow is destroyed. With no way to reach Mal, they go into hiding - and in the aftermath of Serenity Valley she fears he's been killed in action, though she doesn't say so to Sophia. By 2517 she's running a small business on her new homeworld and is utterly stunned when it turns out Mal's alive - and believed the two of them lost for good on Shadow.
Tagging (let me know if you want to be added or removed): @shrinkthisviolet @starstruckpurpledragon
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hotchs-second-wife · 2 months
DON'T BLAME ME || 4 || Jay Halstead x Thea Rhodes
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Synopsis: Theodosia Rhodes, the youngest daughter of a big-time Chicago CEO, needs a husband of her own choice before her father makes that decision for her. Jason Halstead, newly-made Intelligence detective, needs a wife to inherit his portion of his mother's inheritance.
Warnings: Allusion to smut, but nothing outright excluding sexual thoughts. Mentions of arson, kidnapping, murder, rape; allusion to childhood trauma, suicide, cancer-related death; descriptions of vehicular accidents including, but not limited to, car-on-car collision, car-on-truck, train; outright familial/parental pressure; portrayal of misogyny and misandry; Elli's speech downgrades and upgrades a lot because I'm not around kids 24/7 (thank god). Read ahead at your own risk.
The socialites I grew up with always were—and likely always would be—gossip mongers. When they weren't out spending Daddy Dear's money, they gossiped about the lives of others.
Half speculated Jay had gotten me pregnant, and to keep up Dolan Rhodes' public image, he married me so the child wouldn't be born out of wedlock. The other half suspected he was after my money—why else would a "no-good rat with nothing to show" marry into one of the most prominent businesses in Chicago?
Most Chicago socialites shared one braincell and smarts rarely worked in that one cell. Most, because I still had good friends from high school that were smarter to think I was pregnant, or my husband wanted my money. Especially a detective.
Jay was a kind man, better than half of high society's socialite boyfriends or fiancès. At least he had some decency to make it clear he didn't love me like a husband should, nor would he take advantage of the fact we were married to get into my pants.
"You know if I was him, I would've slept with you in an instant." Shay insisted, leaning against the back of the sofa as I scrolled through articles on my laptop. I'd originally been ordering new air masks for the team, but Shay wanted to snoop on the society I grew up in.
Gabby snorted, "you would've slept with Teddy even if you weren't married to her."
I had to agree with her. While I was into women, Shay was too close for me to think about a romantic relationship with, even just as friends-with-benefits. And considering we worked together, things would've ended awkwardly in the long run. We both knew that.
"Told you he was a good one." Gabby pointed at me. "Makes a good husband by the sound of it, and your family's alright with him. Your sister likes him, and your father hasn't said anything."
"Because he knows I'd just ignore him. As far as he's concerned, I'm in love with Jay." I snorted, turning back to my laptop. "Nothing beats a love match in high society."
Otis pointed at the articles popping up at the bottom of the website open. "You didn't say you're an heiress."
The last title piqued Cruz and Otis' interest, both nagging me to click on it. As we do, photos the press took from the wedding infiltrate the screen.
"The wedding Theodosia Rhodes and Jason Halstead has been the talk of Chicago lately, with many speculating that Detective Halstead married into the Rhodes family for a piece of the money. Why else would a Canaryville native marry one of the richest young women in Illinois?" Cruz read out loud.
"Because he needed a wife?" Gabby deadpanned.
Cruz continued. "Dolan Rhodes doesn't hire just anyone. Marrying the second child of CEO Cornelius Rhodes would certainly give Detective Halstead the jump into getting his own store.
And let's not forget the dramatic difference on childhoods between the married couple. Detective Halstead grew up with one older brother in Canaryville, while Lieutenant Rhodes grew up as the older of two twins with an older sister. Rhodes' mother died by suicide when she and her twin brother were only ten years old, and Halstead's mother passed when he was 23 and deployed."
"Of course, my mother is brought up again." I grunted, sitting back as Otis took my laptop.
"Detective Halstead is made out to be a loving husband, but would he be there if something happens to the lieutenant?"
"Like any of these pampered poodles would be there if something happened," I rolled my eyes, watching Mouch jump channels.
Most calls happened during the day—people were awake then, and more likely to get in trouble. So we had the night to ourselves.
Which, with firefighters, meant sleeping.
Unless you were a 20-something newly-married lieutenant with a pile of paperwork to do that should have been done when you were on your honeymoon, but wasn't.
I needed popcorn to get me through it, since having Pride and Prejudice playing on my computer required popcorn. I knew we had some left over from a few days ago, so I snatched it from the shelf and put it in the microwave.
"Rough night?" I heard Herrmann's voice ask from behind me. When I nodded, he continued. "How's the marriage going?"
"In all truth, Herrmann, I don't know how it's meant to go. I mean, my mom and father's marriage was pretty much so there'd be good-looking kids guaranteed and a smart heir to the company."
He raised an eyebrow with concern etched on his face. "Is that what you want?"
I shrugged. I didn't know. "Jay told Brooklyn he wanted an amicable partner and a fine marriage that his mother's lawyer would believe, just in case that it took forever for the will to be done. I just wanted my father off my back."
"Do you want a fine marriage, as Halstead calls it?"
"What's with all the questions, Herrmann?" I frowned, taking the popcorn bag out of the microwave and emptying it into a metal bowl.
"I just worry about you, kid. You know you and Gabby are like daughters to me." Herrmann sat with me at the round table. "I can tell something's bothering you, and it's a different look to just paperwork."
I sighed. "I don't know how to be a good wife, much less a good girlfriend. I broke up with Chief Jones' son purely because my father didn't like him being a firefighter."
"I think that break up was more than your father's opinion."
"I don't know what I'm doing, Chris." I stuffed a few popped kernels in my mouth. "I offered myself up for him to sleep with me on our honeymoon and he turned it down."
Herrmann gave me a sympathetic smile. "He's a good man for you, Teddy. He's not taking advantage of a situation he knows you don't know anything about." He grimaced briefly. "Cindy might have mentioned your lack of...preparedness of marriage."
"Gee wow. I love Cindy and all, but—wow."
"She was hoping he'd take it as you only wanting your father off your back and nothing else, and it worked." He excused. "He knows you're doing as well as you know how. I'm sure he'll say something if he wants more out of this arrangement of yours."
I offered him some of the warm popcorn. "Thanks, Herrmann. You have some good advice—some."
"I'll take it." Herrmann shrugged. "Finish that and get some rest, kiddo. Can't have our Lieutenant Rhodes falling asleep on a call."
"You and I both know I could never!"
I knew the apartment would be quiet without her home, but I didn't think it would be quiet enough to hear a feather drop. Especially with housekeepers around.
I couldn't help but call Brooke. I needed someone to talk to and staring at the roof was driving me crazy.
"It's 3-freaking-am. You better not tell me someone's been murdered, because that'll be Voight in half an hour." Brooke's voice hissed through the phone. She was a cranky one whenever she got woken up from her sleep.
According to Thea, that was all Severides. Including Brooke's niece, who slept near all day anyway. Severide was alright with me taking her for the 24 hours he and Thea were working, but so long as Brooke was around and Elizabeth had gone back to Brooke's after we spent time together.
"Is that Mommy's husband?" And to say that little girl loved me was an understatement. Thea had been cautious about introducing me to her so soon, but Elizabeth had delighted over the wedding, and Brooke had to stop her from running after Thea's car when we left for the cruise.
"Yes, say hi to Mr. Jay."
"Hi, Mr. Jay! Do you miss Mommy too?"
I laughed at her question. Not because it was an outrageous thing to think, but it was true. I slept in the same bed with Thea for three nights, and I was missing her. A large, quiet apartment was a lonely one. I was used to living in my own, but I guessed that expecting someone home soon was what made me uneasy.
"I do. Your mommy's fun to be around." I answered truthfully.
Elizabeth let out an agreeing hum. "Mommy is fun. She lets me dress up and do things Daddy won't let me do."
"That's because Daddy says no, and you go to Mommy and she can't say no to you." Brooke snorted, and I listened to their play tussle over the phone. "Thea says she's always wanted a daughter, so when she and Kelly met Elle at the hospital, she immediately offered to help raise her. When Claire met her, she'd mistaken Elle as her sister's baby.
"Apparently Elle looked like Thea when she was a baby." It made sense, she still looked like her mother. Even if Thea didn't give birth to her.
Brooke excused herself, putting her phone on her bedside table, as she took Elizabeth back to bed. When she came back, she was getting a call from Kelly and said goodnight.
So I went back to staring at the ceiling. Then I looked at the bookshelf, glancing over the book spines. I recognised a couple Thea had been reading last week, and there were a few gaps between the book sections. Of course, separated by genre because—as Thea put it—she's not a monster.
I remembered her tour she gave of the apartment, and her showing me the spot on the balcony I was absolutely not allowed to stand on at any given time because the wild birds that visited her claimed that is their spot and she usually left seed out in the mornings she had work.
I'll put some out when I wake up, so she doesn't have to worry about it when she gets home.
One of the other bedrooms—there were five—was turned into her office where, if she wasn't doing CFD paperwork, she was reviewing store reports or resumes for potential store employees. The other four were the master bedroom—hers—mine, Elizabeth's and a spare room. We'd briefly discussed it'd be our future child's room, but she promised she wasn't expecting anything right away.
"CFD Firehouse 51, Lieutenant Rhodes' office." The house phone blared, and I almost forgot it did that. I rolled over to answer the phone on the bedside table.
I was expecting it to be her assistant when I'd answered, but her voice was instantly recognisable. "Did I wake you up?"
"No, I haven't been able to sleep." I excused. "How's work?"
"It's the usual, kid up a tree or in a hole he dug himself." She let out a breathy laugh. Thea went quiet for a moment, "lost a vic earlier."
"I'm sorry, Thea. That's rough."
She hummed. "I figured if anyone understood, you would." I couldn't argue with that, even though if I had to be called in, it was too late. We talked about stuff like that. "We have an engagement party to attend next week, an old friend of mine from high school. Loose term."
"Do you want me to buy an engagement gift?"
"No, no, she's got everything she could ever want and if she didn't, she could just ask her fiancé for it anyway. Just wanted to make sure you knew." I'd imagined social events would be a key feature of this marriage, and Thea had told me as such, but I'd figured nonsensical, baseline events like charity fundraisers where we'd only run into a few people she knew through her father.
She knew the engaged couple, so I'd have to act like I know her more than I actually do.
Make Brooke write a list of everything she knew about Thea.
"You can just wear a dress shirt and pants with your work shoes if you want," she continued, sitting her phone up on the desk as she opened her laptop. "What colour shirts do you have?"
"Uh, blue, black, and white—the one I wore at the wedding."
She hummed, and seemed to scroll through a website on her laptop. "We'll go with the white—if you don't mind—and I'll see if I can find a dress to match."
"Don't you have a dress picked out?" I asked, and Thea explained couples matching was the bride-to-be's thing. And likely the theme of their wedding. "Do you need me to do anything else?"
"Act like you're in love with me. I don't know how hard it could be, but I'm sure you'll find out."
The firehouse bell rang, and Thea said goodbye before hanging up. Act like you love me.
If I needed to put on a show in front of rich people, I could at least embarrass myself in front of friends first.
Brooke liked the idea of taking Elizabeth to see her mom and dad after work, so I convinced the girls to come buy flowers for Thea. Elizabeth led the way, of course, pointing out that her mother loved pink flowers and we settled on roses.
"Do you like Mommy?" Elizabeth asked, as Brooke strapped her into her seat. "Daddy says he likes Mommy a lot, and I asked him why he didn't marry her, but he doesn't like her that much."
"Because your mom and dad are best friends, like Mr. Jay and I," Brooke reasoned. "They love each other just as much as they love you, but it's a different love than you're thinking of, Sweet pea."
"Mommy and Daddy are best friends?" She looked at me with her little brown eyes sparkling. "Are you and Mommy best friends?"
"Someday, maybe. But we are friends. I used to be with Aunt Gabby."
Elizabeth giggled, "Auntie Gabby is funny. That's why Mommy likes her so much. Do you still like Auntie Gabby?"
"She's a Severide, naturally curious." Brooke smiled, sitting in the driver's seat. She looked at her niece in the rearview, checking if she was ready to see her parents.
When we arrived at the firehouse, only a few of the crew were sprinkling out and I recognised a few from the wedding. Thea's team, if I remembered them correctly. Elizabeth bounced at my feet, waving at her mother's team who happily waved back, and Brooke scrolled through her messages.
"They always take the longest; doesn't bother Elli though." Brooke snorted, playing a video showing her niece. Before long, her little voice squealed as Kelly and Thea walked out the apparatus doors with Casey and Gabby in tow.
As she ran towards them, Thea crouched down and opened her arms. "Principessa! Do you come to pick us up with Auntie Brooke?"
"And Mr. Jay has something for you!"
"I don't think you were supposed to say that, Elle," Kelly laughed, playing with her hair as Thea held her. He smiled at Brooke and nodded at me in greeting as we stopped in front of them.
"Aren't they pretty, Mommy?" Elizabeth meant the flowers, but Thea kept staring at me.
Kelly slipped his daughter from her arms with a "Tedd, I'm not an expert with romantic gestures, but I think you're meant to say something."
"Thank you," she squeaked. With a cough, this quiet Thea faded away. "You didn't have to."
"You're my wife."
Gabby practically squealed with Shay—Elizabeth's godmother—behind her and she gave them a side glance.
"I don't think I can do a big grand gesture every time I pick you up, but I can at least bring you flowers in a colour you like." I reasoned. Husbands who liked their wives did romantic gestures for their wives all the time, right? Sure, Thea was a means to an end and so was I, but it didn't mean I shouldn't bring her flowers or make her breakfast when I could.
Thea smiled, letting out a breath, before pointing at her BMW parked in front of the house. "I drove here."
"That's fine, I'll take Kelly and Shay home," Brooke laughed, passing Elizabeth to me. "Since it's your 48 hours with Elli, I'm sure Kelly won't mind her being with you."
Kelly and Thea gave each other silent looks—one which likely said I'd be a dead man at some point—before he agreed. He said goodbye to Elizabeth, and waved a goodbye to me as well.
Elizabeth fiddled with my collar as we walked to Thea's car. "He'll get used to you being around Elli. We agreed it was up to her if you're in her life, and she wanted to meet you, so he's adjusting."
"I'm fine with him not wanting me around Elizabeth, I understand. I wouldn't want a man I barely know around our young daughter either." Our?! Why did I say our?! Why did I assume we'd have a daughter?
"Mr. Jay missed you last night, Mommy. I bet it was really cold at Mommy's House without you there." She looked at Thea from the back seat. "He called Auntie Brooke because he was lonely."
"Because he and Auntie Brooke are best friends, principessa."
The ride home was mostly quiet, the occasional mention of something random from Elizabeth in the backseat. When she asked for snacks, Thea reminded her that there were snacks at home.
Getting to the apartment was less of a hassle with her around, since Doorman Willy recognised her from a mile away. There wasn't any triple checking to make sure we lived in the apartment, and Elizabeth enjoyed her lollipop as we rode the elevator.
Thea let out a sigh of content as she dropped her bag beside the door in the entry, fumbling with her keys to hang them on a hook with T etched into the holder. She'd gotten a J put above my key hook once I'd gotten the spare key, and a new spare was being made for her to give Elizabeth in ten years.
"Jay will put a show for you, and I'll get some snacks ready, okay?" When she received a nod, Thea headed into the kitchen. The apartment wasn't overly big, the kitchen and living room being open, with three bedrooms on the main floor and a loft above the kitchen. A laundry room was across the corridor to Elizabeth's bedroom along with a bathroom between them. Thea's ensuite was between our bedrooms; mine would become the spare bedroom whenever someone outside of Firehouse 51 and the unit would come by, and we'd move some of my things like photos into her room.
Thea set down the snacks in front of Elizabeth. "I'm going to figure out some dresses for upcoming events. You're fine to watch Elli for a few minutes, right?"
"Mommy runway!" Her daughter cheered, holding a carrot stick in one hand and a cookie in the other.
"Okay, let Mommy pick out a few dresses and you and Jay can rate them."
Elizabeth wiggled up onto the sofa, patting the cushion beside hers and eagerly signalling for me to sit down. Her mother had skipped off to get into some dresses.
The first was a pink off-the-shoulder dress that reached her mid-thigh, with bubblegum-like sleeves connected over the chest. It complimented her skin tone well, and thanks to her morning runs and her job, her legs worked with the dress rather than against it.
"Pretty Mommy!" Elli clapped her hands together excitedly.
Thea thanked her, giving her a curtsy as well as the dress would allow.
"It looks beautiful on you." I agreed earnestly. There was no point in lying—especially since she was warming up to me—and even a toddler could see she was beautiful.
We continued Thea's fashion show before Elizabeth became sleepy and was put to bed. "She was probably keeping Brooklyn up all night," Thea laughed, making sure the bedroom door was fully closed. The in-house chef mastered away at lunch, as we settled on the sofa.
We decided on a movie to watch, and sat in silence. Nothing inherently big happened, and we swapped watching the movie to being on our phones occasionally. "I've got a new candidate," Thea grunted, slumping further into the sofa.
"I thought Casey got the candidates."
"I sometimes get the chiefs' kids or the captains' brothers. They'd rather their candidate family members get 'better' training from a 'higher' officer." Thea rolled her eyes. "It's a load of bull, but at least it gives us something to do. Someone new, as well. Chief Jones' kid."
Why'd that name sound familiar?
Thea nodded beside me, "yes, one of my exes' little sister. She's a total sweetheart, but I think having a chief for a dad and officers for brothers gets to her head a lot of the time."
"You'll knock her down a few pegs, and get her into shape." I tried to reassure her, but I don't think she wanted it as she kept looking at her phone. I just thanked God that I wasn't in-charge of anyone too, and continued watching the movie.
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Maybe a weird question, but how would the coalition of bereaved parents react upon seeing what their sparklings became in the "canon" universe?
Oooooh this is a good ask!! Not only is it about Hindsight (yesssss 🥰) but this is such a fun topic! I've actually thought about it a little bit, a silly crack idea of the destructicon high command getting plopped into canon
We'll start with Electroshock and Illuminate. They're ecstatic when they find out he's alive, but the happiness is short lived. When they see what's happened to Shockwave they're horrified: he's been reduced to little more than a husk, just a shell of what he used to be. Empurata and shadowplay was usually reserved for those who crossed the Senate and needed to be put in their place. It's horrific, to see that their baby has been reduced to little more than a drone. He operates exclusively on logic almost like a pre-programmed AI. His emotions have been physically removed from his mind, and if he gets a chance to meet them he doesn't have much to say. How can he? He recognizes that they are his creators, and still holds his memories of them, but all the feelings attached to those memories are gone. He's not happy to see them, he's not sad to see them, he hasn't missed them. Their baby can't feel anything and it's alkost like suffering his death all over again. He's here but he's not there, you know?
Illuminate is devestated, begging Shockwave to come back, to speak to her, to say that some sliver of him still remains in there. Electroshock knows he's gone--she was a Senator for millions of years, after all. She knows a clean shadowplay when she sees one, and she knows there's nothing left of their son 😔
Now, for Wavelength... his is a little more difficult. Considering he's half-dead, all hooked up to and one with the mothership, his consciousness is fragmented and scattered. He can "see" through the security systems, and this is the first time he ever gets to properly look at Soundwave. He can't see his son's face, but his stature is so achingly similar to his sire. Because Soundwave doesn't speak it would be really hard for them to communicate if they were actually together. Wavelength, somewhere within the recesses of his mind, is proud of his son. He's doing what needs to be done, fighting to rectify Cybertron's miserable state and working tirelessly to bring them closer to victory. How could he not be proud? He wishes he could hear him speak, just once--all the other parents have memories of their sparklings alive, giggling, cooing, and yes, even speaking, but Wavelength never even got to hold him. His baby died before he could even be born, so he never got to hear his sparkling make a single sound. He longs for it, more than anything, but is content just to see him in another world, alive and safe.
For Starscream... well. His carrier is dead, but if Skysoar could see him, he'd weep tears of joy. The deaths of his newborn triplets killed him, so to see that even one of them made it to adulthood is a great relief. He looks a lot like Storm Rider, actually, so lithe and quick and graceful. The other two are equally as glad to see him alive, once they figure out which one he is. They were so young when they died that their color nanites hadn't yet come in, and Starscream is constantly dressed in the mourning colors. They're very worried for his health and safety. He seems to have such terrible luck, and his mental health is clearly in a very poor state. He's completely isolated, and seekers are so social they need positive relationships to be healthy. It's clear he's been alone for a long time. Perhaps, if things were different, he would've become a great Winglord just as they hoped. If they had actually entered the other timeline/dimension, they would've separated him from everyone else to protect him, and get him the help he needs: destructive and treacherous tendencies are not doing him any favors and he desperately needs intervention.
And finally, Megatron. This could change a bit from timeline to timeline, as Galvatron gets more and more obsessed and paranoid the more lives he goes through, but to keep it simple we'll stick with the second timeline's iteration.
At first, he's blinded by pride and joy. Not only has his son grown up, but he's become such a fine warrior that he's unrivalled by all but the Prime himself. He followed in his carrier's footsteps and waged a war for the betterment of society, to give the warframes a chance at a better life. He avoids or outright denies any wrongdoings his 'sweet little angel' has committed. It's Terminus that has to set him straight: though he is also ecstatic to see dear Megatronus alive, he certainly isn't well. He's gotten himself hooked on dark energon of all things, which is worse than every cybertronian narcotic combined. Raising the dead and forcing them to fight as mere puppets is a line he isn't comfortable crossing. Terminus doesn't care at all for the autobots or the organic creatures they love so much, but he's not going to sit idly by while their son plays with fire and inevitably sets himself ablaze. He doesn't care if Megatron is an adult: as his sire he has a responsibility to guide him and set him straight if he's doing something stupid, and drug use like that is about as dumb as it gets. He doesn't care if he wants to cyberform the earth (the destructicons already did). He doesn't care if he wants to wipe out all the autobots. He doesn't care if he wants to rule over Cybertron as it's sole monarch. It's almost cute, if you ask him, how much Megatronus has grown up to be like his mother. But he's going to nip this problem in the bud if it fucking kills him
TLDR: ultimately, they're all happy to see them alive, but each worried for different reasons as their kids are each suffering some major issue. Tysm for the ask, anon! I had a great time with it 💖 if there's anything else you'd like to know about Hindsight or have more ideas to throw out there, please don't be shy ^-^
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