#if someone nonbinary asks are you male or female you will see the gears turn in their head then instant regret when they process
dandenbo · 6 months
spec reqs recs
so much good work this year, i've been trying to make my way through as many as i can. below are some of my favourites. authors are still anonymous and summaries are my own. thanks to the mods at @spectre-requisitions-exchange
my gifts
be gentle - E, nonbinary shepard/thane
it's art! it's explicit! it's OTTO!! there's dick here, be warned, all the more reason to go look at it. i'm blown away by this, it's so gorgeous, and i'm extremely touched that someone drew my oc. i love you i love you 🫶
make me a home even as i wander - T, nonbinary shepard clone/jack
postwar, the clone shows up at her doorstep and asks for her help. a great exploration of the ways jack does and doesn't change, and how bonds grow between hard-edged people. i'm in love with this clone, btw.
other recs
on the shore (from a distance) - M, kaidan alenko/male citadel doctor
really touching examination of trauma and healing. told from the oc pov, fascinating outside look at kaidan's story. really have to praise this one for its structure too, great use of flashbacks.
seeing a salarian about a ship - T, kaidan alenko/major coats
short, sweet slice of spectre life, a little peek at what things are like for both of them postwar. delightful and funny prose.
astronomy in reverse - G, female shepard/male shepard
not exactly a ship fic. and yet! heh. post-control ending, big existential questions, multiverse something or other. this one really got my gears turning, an inspiring piece of writing.
tell me when - E, samantha traynor/ashley williams
great premise that really delivers on conflict and resolution - ashley and sam are both on horizon and ashley's having a bad time. really strong characterisation, fantastic dialogue. also features a gay bar, which i don't see enough in ME fic.
out on the town - T, miranda lawson/liara t'soni
art in a very distinctive style that i always love. i'm studying the textures and colours, they're so cool. also, fashion!
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h0neywheat · 4 years
2:30 in the morning and im still zonked so sorry if this is unintelligible
but everything almost feels so childish now in terms of gender...like stupidly painfully obvious. I keep thinking of things that I've done in the past that just make sense now that transmasc has entered my line of thinking when it comes to identity. like lmao how many transmasc ocs that slightly differed in appearance from me and also coincidentally look like their mom's within their own cannon does it need to take for it to click? how much does relating to male characters and finding joy in being compared to them does it take to click? why does seeing drawings of people with top scars make my brain go !!!! why does seeing top scars at all make my brain go !!!!???? whens it gonna click that since the beginning of even questioning my gender the possibility of top surgery and a deeper voice sounded appealing but it was buried by "I just need to learn to feel comfortable in my own body" but all the self love feels slightly off like yeah this body is fine and beautiful but it just feels off? when's it gonna be time to entertain the idea of why I would be "obnoxious" if I was taller and had a flat chest? why did I get so mad and dysphoric when first being shown r/egg_irl? why did the memes of wanting someone to be confused of whether I was a boy or girl only feel somewhat relatable? why have I always felt somewhat of an imposter labeling myself as nonbinary and unaligned? "I just want to look feminine in the same way men do but not be a man but preform femininity in a way that isn't recognized as female because that makes me dysphoric" when am I gonna put together why all my gender envy is geared toward masculine aligned people? why did it take being asked "if you looked like the people you envy but still were nonbinary but no longer clocked as a woman would that make you feel comfortable or even euphoric?" for gears to start turning? why did the concept "but you would be clocked as a man" not feel bad? why did I burst into tears when my boyfriend drew me with top surgery scars? why have the past few days felt like a bunch of puzzle pieces fitting together? like the answer was always there but I wasn't listening?
I've almost spent an hour writing this and I'm in tears now because everything just makes sense it just feels like many years of denial coming to light and it feels freeing and embarrassing because it's all been there like knock knock milo you're a guy
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elegant-etienne · 4 years
12. what is something everyone should know about your muses before interacting?
Multimuse Asks!
All of them are huge messes with varying degrees of obviousness about it. Eti most of all TBH.
Houmei has the Echo, but like, in a bad way moreso than a “makes you really good at everything” way. His whole “prince” thing essentially started with a meta joke. I wanted to play someone who mimicked the way some RPers play really grandiose characters with nothing but their word to back it up, knowing others will roll with it, and see how often he could push his luck with just saying really off-the-wall things with little consistency. Turns out it’s a lot.
Adi is chronically ill, and finding a cure is something that may or may not happen within his storyline, but while he’s technically looking for a cure, I am not OOCly looking for one, since confronting the causes of that is the main gear in a larger machine. I’ve made this pretty clear with anyone I’ve RPed with long-term. His focus is on trying to live as best he can and manage his symptoms, and he dislikes any hyperbole around his daily struggles or treatment.
For Etienne, the main thing is simply that they go by they/them and are neither male nor female! I do use rather specific identifying language for them when I fill out memes (transfeminine nonbinary, as they are DMAB, transitioned, and identify more with femininity but do not identify as female) but Etienne doesn’t really like labels! It feels a little unfair to them to label them at all when they would probably resist doing so.
Also, Eti really doesn’t care that much about pronouns at this point, as long as others treat them with respect and don’t deliberately, intentionally push them into a gender after being presented with evidence otherwise. They like being ambiguous and it amuses them that two people could meet them on the same day and one would call them “he” and the other would call them “she.” However, if that same person, upon getting to know them, deliberately only called them a binary pronoun, that would upset them.
(As an aside, I also wish neo pronouns felt like more of an option. Somehow in the 200+ years it’s been since the first ones in usage were posited, they just haven’t taken off much. Mm.)
I understand, love, and appreciate that folks work hard to self-correct when they misgender Eti - and as part of a larger trend, I think it’s very important and necessary to be cognizant of those slips and correct them when necessary. Just - also - Etienne genuinely does not care that much. So, just know when I say, “It’s not a big deal to them! They’d take no offense!” I am not trying to smooth things over. That’s honestly how Eti feels. They want gender to be fun, not serious, most of the time. While they do have some fragile emotions connected to their gender (and how they experience it in the lens of others, etc.), that isn’t something that’s raw in their day-to-day life.
Thank you for the ask, @atomicdeke!
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1-800-hellraiser · 4 years
Born This Way (Jane the Killer x Female! Lesbian!Reader)
Pages: 5.1 
Words: 1,793
Genre: I have no Idea tbh/kinda fluffy?
Associated song: Born this way - Lady Gaga
!Tw! Swearing and alcohol
(P.s Happy Pride! :))
"No matter gay, straight, or bi, lesbian, transgendered life. I'm on the right track baby, I was born to survive."
    You stand nervously at Jane's door, trying to work up the nerve to knock. 'Why is this so fucking difficult for me?' You ask yourself, you don't really know. You want to ask Jane to go to a pride parade with you and Clockwork that's somewhat close to the mansion. But, you can't bring yourself to ask her. You don't want to be a pussy and ask someone else to ask her for you, that's middle school level pussy-ness. You are not going to stoop down to that level. Ever.
   Taking a deep breath, you knock on Jane's door. You immediately regret it as you hear a muffled 'I'll be there in a second' through her door. You are tempted to sprint back to your room. Before you could, Jane's door opens. Your breath hitches in your throat. "Oh hey Y/n." "H-hey Jane." You manage out, Jane looks at you funny. "Are you okay Y/n?" Hearing that, you finally come to your senses. 
   "Oh yeah, I'm fine. I just zoned out a bit. But, I came to ask you if you wanted to maybe go to a pride parade with me and Clockwork?" You squeak out, Jane's eyes widen a bit. "I would love that, Y/n. When are we going?" Jane asks, gently rubbing her left hand over her right. "Tomorrow at noon, its going to be on walnut  street. We're gonna walk." You explain, a hint of relief in your tone.
   "Ok, great!" Jane says, putting her hands together. You smile and nod. "I'm gonna go tell Clockwork that you're coming, I'll see you tomorrow." You say, giving Jane a gentle wave, she waves back and goes back into her  room. You silently celebrate in front of her closed door. Then, you happily walk to Clockwork's room.
    After navigating through a few hallways, you find a door with 'Clockwork' messily etched into the wood. You knock on Clockworks door excitedly, rocking back and forth on your heels. After a few seconds, a disheveled looking Clockwork emerges from her room. "What do you want." She slurs, your face explodes into a giant grin. "She said yes!" You say, bouncing on your feet. Clockwork smiles and wipes some drool off of her chin. 
   "That's great, now leave me alone, I'm trying to sleep." Clockwork insists, closing her door on you. That didn't phase you though, since she's just like that. You go back to your room to find something to do. You arrive back at your room and decide to pick out some clothes for pride tomorrow.
   You decide to take the lesbian flag you have hanging above your bed with you. You search through your wardrobe and find a sleeveless flannel with the lesbian flag colors. You take that and find a pair of black jean shorts. You grab those and look for a pair of socks. You find knee high rainbow socks with white hearts you got last year from Spencer's. You also have some bracelets that are the lesbian flag colors. You set your outfit on top of your dresser and look around for something to do. 
   You glance at the clock on your wall. It reads 10:37 (22:37) pm. You decide to shower and hit the hay. You grab your pjs and walk to the bathroom. You grab some towels from the cabnet next to the sink. You place your pjs on the edge of the sink and strip off your old clothes. You toss your old clothes to the side, and turn on the shower. You step in and let the warm water cascade over you. 
   Stepping out of the shower, you wrap at towel around your figure. After you dry off, you brush through your h/c mess of hair. After that, you brush your teeth and pick up your clothes and put them in with the rest of your dirty clothes. You finally flop onto your bed and slowly slip out of consciousness.
   Tomorrow arrives with a bang, literally. Clockwork got back at you for waking her up by sneaking into your room with a gun and firing it in your room. Thankfully, nothing was damaged. "YOU MOTHERFUCKER." You screech falling off your bed. Clockwork is doubled over crying. "You ass!" You yell, Clockwork only laughs harder.
   You sigh loudly, "I'll deal with you later, I need to shower." You sigh and close the door on the dying Clockwork. You collect your pride apparel and trudge into the bathroom. You peel off your pjs and toss them aside. You test the water before getting in the shower. The water is perfect, so you step in. 
   Stepping out of your nice morning shower, you feel refreshed. You dry yourself off, brush your hair and teeth, then get dressed. You also used body paint and painted the lesbian flag on the bottom of your right eye and the top of your left eye. You look at yourself in the mirror. You smile, you look cute today, you hope Jane thinks the same.
   You blush and shake your head, ridding that thought from your mind. You walk out of the bathroom with your pjs, butting them back to wear tonight. You put in your shoes and gather your things. You leave your room and notice that Clockwork left. You shrug and walk down to the living room. Clockwork is decked out in pride gear, but Jane isn't so much. She does, however, have a medium sized lesbian flag laying on her lap and lesbian flags painted on the cheeks of her mask. 
    "Wow Y/n, you look cute." Jane muses, resting her face in her hand, being careful of her makeup. "O-oh, thanks, Jane." You respond, gliding your fingertips over your flushed cheek. "Well, we better get going, I want to get there early before it get's to rowdy," Jane states. You nod, some pride serve alcohol for the adults, some don't serve alcohol. The pride closest to you, does. You follow Jane and Clockwork out the door and make your way through the forest.
   You finally make it to pride. There are quite a few people there already. About, 50-100 people, with more probably on their way. There are many flags, of course. There are the most common ones, like the gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, transgender, nonbinary, genderqueer, LGBTQ+ ally, and many more flags. But there are also some that are less common, such as intersex, omnisexual, aromantic, asexual, polysexual, and even lithromantic flags. 
   You're so happy to see so many people that are accepting of themselves and others. You feel this fuzziness inside you, and it's not just the beer. You feel at home, safe. You look around at the people, and vendors. The vendors are selling food and apparel for people that want to buy it. There are also a few drag queens and kings walking around, taking pictures with people. There is also music, the song playing right now is 'Born This Way' by Lady Gaga. 
   "Holy shit, is that Trixie Mattel?!" You hear Clockwork shout over the music. You turn and sure enough, it is the infamous Trixie Mattel. "It sure is." You add, Clockwork grabs your and Jane's wrists and proceeds to drag you to ho meet her. You giggle, for as long as you known Clockwork, you've known about her love for the queen. Clockwork watches Trixie's videos religiously. 
   Once you reach the queen, Clockworks freezes. You never seen her do this before, at all. Jane taps Trixie on the shoulder. "Excuse me, Ms. Mattel?" Trixie turns around and smiles at Jane. "Oh honey, no need to be so formal! Please, call me Trixie." The queen declares, Jame nods. "Okay, Trixie, my friend Natalie here wanted to get a picture with you, she's a huge fan." Jane explains, nudging Clockwork closer to Trixie. 
   Clockwork snaps out of her broken-ness and grins ear to ear. She pats around her pockets for her phone, a look of panic sets onto her facial features as she realizes she left her phone at home. You hand her your phone, "I'll send you the picture when we go back home," You affirm. Clockwork smiles and hugs you tightly, "Oh my god thank you Y/n, you're the best!" "You're welcome." You say, patting her back. 
   Clockwork goes up to Trixie, Trixie wraps her harm around Clockwork and Clockwork wraps her arm around Trixie's waist. Clockwork snaps the picture, says a quick 'thank you' and scuffles away. After she walks away, she bounces on her heels, gushing about how nice Trixie is and how cool she is. You giggle at Clockwork fangirling over her favorite queen. 
   You, Jane and Clockwork had fun at pride. You won a dance competition between you and a random person who bet on you losing. You gained twenty dollars from that experience. Jane got hit on by a lot of women and used you as an excuse to get away from it all, while Clockwork made out with a total of twelve single people. Eight female and four male. You bought some more pride apparel at some of the vendors and some fucking amazing food. Clockwork also got drunk and threw up in a trashcan, that's when you and Jane decided to call it a day.
   You and Jane haul a drunken Clockwork up to her room. "Nooooo, I wanna go *hic* backkkkk." She pleads, Jane shakes her head. "Clockwork, you're very drunk, we can't go back, besides, it was getting dark anyways." You try to explain, but it didn't work. You open Clockwork's bedroom door and lay her on her bed. You set her phone in her hand and walk out of the room with Jane. 
   "I had a lot of fun today with you, Jane." You inform, rubbing the back of your neck. "I did too, we should do that again sometime." You nod and look down. "Y/n, look at me, I think you have something on your face." You look up at Jane and she leans forward and plants a sweet peck on your lips. "Goodnight Y/n, see you tomorrow," She says. Jane turns and calmly walks away from you. You brush your fingertips over your lips and break out into a goofy grin.
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justwritingscibbles · 7 years
The Request List
Hey dolls, so everyone can see what fics that are going to be written I made this list.  If you don’t see your request, please notify me so I can add it. Only if you sent it in when the requests were open. 
Thanks everyone!!
-Male x Male!Reader wedding
- Dark talking a female reader out of suicide. I think after antagonizing her?
-Could you write a sequel to A Battle of Seduction where the reader manages to seduce Dark?
-I have a... dirty request... What about a Dark x Reader where he shows ownership with a collar and even has a leash for the Reader when he really wants something. Sorry I just... need more stuffs like that (>//<)
-For requests, could you do smut where the (non gender specific) reader is in a romantic relationship w/dark and they have a celebrity crush they always gush over and say how amazing the celeb is and one day dark *ahem* portrays how he feels about his S/O liking someone else so much. I hope this makes sense and I don't mind what you choose for the ending and if it's sfw/nsfw.
-Getting a request in because your writing is awesome! Female reader and Dark nsfw with some fluffy aftercare would be cool. Thanks!
-For requests, could you do smut where the (non gender specific) reader is in a romantic relationship w/dark and they have a celebrity crush they always gush over and say how amazing the celeb is and one day dark *ahem* portrays how he feels about his S/O liking someone else so much. I hope this makes sense and I don't mind what you choose for the ending and if it's sfw/nsfw.
-Getting a request in because your writing is awesome! Female reader and Dark nsfw with some fluffy aftercare would be cool. Thanks!
-Since you accidentally got rid of the request list. I would like to see a sequel to the Tea Party fic, where Mark explains to (Y/N) who Dark is, and when he takes over again (Y/N) asks him if he wants to play Hide and Go Tag and makes him change before they go outside because (Y/N) doesn't want his nice suit to get dirty
-Could pls do a bullet fic about what it would be like to be the daughter of darkiplier I feel like he would spoil her so she always choose him over her uncle Wilford...if ur not busy it anything I just kind of want another opinion before I write a fic around this idea
-How about an angst fic with a fem reader and Anti where the reader witnesses one of Anti's complete meltdown/glitchouts for the first time and tries to help him, but ends up getting hurt.
-Oh my god my ask cut off I'm so sorry If I could make a request, Anti with a S/O who is typically very tense and anxious but completely melts when someone plays with their hair? Like he discovers that and now constantly plays with it
-Can we get more SO (nonbinary) fighting with Anti please? The end is up to you though. Whether it turns out okay or not.
-High-key need HC's for Anti dating someone who is super awkward (if you do spontaneous HC's -help me fuel my love for him. I need all the ideas I can get when I start writing about him- I really love all your stories by the way omg.)
-Sequeal to ‘Caught with your pants down’
-OOOOOOO REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!!!!!!!! Can i request a NSFW with Natemare with a female reader!!! Maybe like Natemare kidnapped the reader away from Nate because he's lonely AF. Idk just an idea!
-Ho, requests are open? Lovely! Since you turned me into natemare trash (thanks for that btw), natemare using dirty talk on s/o while she's relaxing, or whatever seeing if he can use his voice alone to make her come. Afterwards he just has that smug look on his face like "told ya so :)" cause you know hes one kinky boi. Why yes, you can make this as NSFW as you want! Please and thank you!
-I heard requests were open, and i love your writing. I would love if you could do NSFW with Mare and a female reader? Ive became Mare trash and need more of him in my life. It can be romantic or just fuck buddies. Thank you in advance
-Hi, I sent the request about comforting natemare about his scars before. I guess I might as well add the specifics now: sfw, fluff/hurt and comfort, no gender preference, either platonic or romantic (my view of what constitutes as platonic is broader than most people's, so it would probably be easier to just write romantic)
-Never requested a smutty thing but fuck it let's make sure I'm going to hell as the new queen. Anyways, I've read an old ask talking about Mare fingering the reader with his smoke in public and I was wondering if you could do this (if you haven't of course). NSWF with female reader and maybe having dinner in public. And the relationship is romantic.
-I'm Natemare trash and darned proud of it! It's a female reader paired with Natemare. Reader has a bad day, Natemare picks at her, reader warns him to stop, the little hellion doesn't listen, reader explodes at him and really hurts his feelings. He's sensitive, you know. So, now reader must make it up to him. -Chinadoll
-I'm not sure if I want SFW or not. If it were to be NSFW, it would be the reader showering Natemare with affection and focusing on his pleasure, not her own. If you can make NSFW work for you, by all means, add it. However, if you think the fic would be better without it, that's fine too. Is it okay to leave it up to you? If you'd rather it be solely my decision, I'll decide :) So random question: have you ever watched the anime "Rurouni Kenshin"? -Chinadoll
- Gender Preference: Female NSFW or SFW: SFW Fluff/Smut/Angst/Other: Whatever you wish to write so long as it is not fluff or smut. Characters: - Yin Embodiment of my negative emotions. She is mostly calm and patient but if provoked, she will attack ferociously, either with shadows (she's a umbrakinetic) or with her weapon; a curtain pole. There are things from me or my childhood that I have applied to Yin: ☯ Dislikes dresses and skirts. She'll wear anything but dresses or skirts. She mostly wears a shirt, a jacket over the top and black pants/leggings and boots. - Natemare (I'M NATEMARE TRASH OKAY I'M SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE ME) Description of Story: (Feel free to make up your own story. I like to give creative freedom to people I request to/commission.) Relationship: None please.
The Host:
-Because I am utter garbage for him, can we get some love for the Host? Can we have the host and a newly blind SO fluff, with him assuring her that just because she can't see anymore doesn't change anything about their relationship? Please and thank you!
-Can we get host angst? Like, recently after he lost his sight and he breaks a little because he can't see his (nonbinary) SO anymore and it makes him sad.
-Could you do a Host x reader where the reader had a bad day and breaks down, and the host helps to comfort her? Sfw, fluff, romantic relationship, and female reader please! Thank you!
-Could you do something of where it's A x fem!reader but reader's dating this jerk who abuses her but she keeps it from A so he wouldn't worry or yell at her until one day she doesn't go see him and he takes it to his own hands to see her only to see abusive boyfriend hurting her?
-Honestly I just need some more A in my life so I was wondering if you could do A and a male reader, and how they first met??
-Can I request an asexual female reader getting aphobic comments from someone (asexuality isn't a thing, you just haven't met the right person yet, the classic "i could change that" implying sex could fix them, that sort of thing) and A/gear ((both would be nice or your choice if you don't want to)) help them out? Platonic would be great, but romantics cool too
-Could you make a story with a poly with dark and anti where they find out that the reader was physically abused by their parent when they went to visit them again? (Gender neutral pronouns) Thank you hun
-What if you wrote a fanfic where Darkiplier, Anti, or Natemare (your choice) was chilling out around the reader- just anywhere in the same house- and the reader is on their phone. But what the twist is- is that the noises of adoration the the reader makes whenever they see a cute or cool post- sounds like different types of sensual moans, and since the reader has never done this before, this is the first time one of the dark!bois is discovering it and they hear it throughout the house.
-I fell in love with the idea of the big poly relationship between the reader and the dark boy and I was wondering if you have any more headcanons?
 -What would a poly relationship between Wilford and Anti include?
-Dark/Anti sequel to ‘Intellectual Jealousy’
-How about a fluff story where Anti and Mare are snuggling with the reader, who gets up for a glass of water or something, but the boys are so comfy they don't immediately notice and cuddle with each other for a little bit. (And maybe the reader snaps a photo to prove it happened)
-Maybe poly anti and dark helping a nb SO through a panic attack? Or just helping SO calm down and relax in general please? Thank you! female reader, poly romance with Dark and Anti, something sfw and fluffy? Idk? Cuddles? 
-hi, so this request is based off an ask that i saw another ano post. could you write a story about Anti and Dark suddenly switching personalities and how Mark and Jack react. IDK it could be cool
-Could you write something (sfw-ish?) where anti and dark are trying to out-do each other for the reader's birthday and they both buy her expensive lingerie sets in their favorite colors, and insist she 'pick her favorite'. So she goes to change and they're both good, but to avoid the argument either wears bra from one and panties from the other, or comes back just stark naked. (Please dont publish this as to spoil it for readers). If you want to.
-Nsfw poly relationship with Dark and Anti with a non binary reader?
-Since requests are open and I hope you accept this. Female, SFW, Fluff, Natemare and Anti having a prank war and poor Reader got in the middle and takes revenge on the two by making it seem like the other until she pranks both at the same time, and Poly relationship.
-If requests are open, could I see a gender neutral reader with a poly Anti and Dark relationship and the reader likes to walk around in their shirts? What do they do the first time they see them do it? (Can b nsfw, I love your writing either way xx)
-Google and Bingsepticeye having a debate to impress their gender neutral s/o if requests are still up
-Also idk if I sent this already before but Bingiplier and Bingsepticeye poly-relationship hcs with a female reader
-Is requests open? If they are could possibly do a poly relationship with Natemare, Dark, and Anti? Hopefully a bullet fic? Swf or nwsf (I totally spelled that wrong I'm sorry) or both. And gender neutral? Sorry this is choppy with my ask, I'm trying to stick to the rules as best as possible. (And if requests are open, you can ignore this!)
-Can you write a thing plz where the reader is super sensitive to sound, and has been overstimulated, and dark and Anti are being too loud? Maybe it leads to a panic attack or something? (Bonus if they haven't seen the reader in a panic attack-y situation before?) Poly!ship, plz!!
-Hi! I'd like to send in a request pretty please. I hope I'm sending it in the right format. Nonbinary reader, he/they/it pronouns please(specific, I know, but hey), SFW, angst. Poly for the win, reader being with Natemare and Dark. Reader is going through a really tough time, to the point that they barely wanna get out of bed, and one day, either Mare or Dark finds a notebook filled with drafts of really disturbing goodbye notes. What happens next?
-Can I request fem!reader fluffy platonic tickle fight with mark and/or teamiplier? Also your writing is so good and adorable and I love you byyyeeee!!!! Also sorry if I did this wrong! Sorry!
-Fem!reader, high school au? Were she gets bullied and MET sees, Mark and Tyler run to the bully aggressively while Ethan goes to comfort you. It's SFW and a platonic relationship. If you need anything else just let me know!
-You should do a preference thingy like the jealousy one you did. Except it's like, what they boys do when the reader cries. Gender neutral of course!
Wilford Warfstache:
-You should do a preference thingy like the jealousy one you did. Except it's like, what they boys do when the reader cries. Gender neutral of course! 
-I need more yandereplier so... Him with a gender neutral s/o who is very outgoing and is very flirtatious
-If your taking requests would it be ok to ask for another "dating would include" with yandereplier?
-Would it be ok to request something with yandereplier? Like his SO is spending a lot of their time with Dark/Anti/Natemare (your choice) and he get jealous so he tries to win them over/show them that he can do so much more for them than the others? (I sorry if it's to specific and weird! I just really love your writing ;^; ) Thank you!
-Hey can you write an Ethan × fem reader imagine where she shaves her legs and shes like excited and just like makes Ethan feel then and she's just really excited and not in a sexual way but Ethan gets all blushy bc I live for that cute shit 😪
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koujakuzure · 7 years
how do u feel about genderbending?
short answer: I generally don’t mind
longer answer with more explanation:
hmm… well, honestly, it depends! and I know there are very mixed opinions on this subject, especially when it comes to “gender-bending” trans individuals (which is another conversation in itself, which yall can ask me about separately if u rlly wanna kno my opinion on it), so I try to look at it from both and all sides. it’s not a very black-and-white thing, just like pretty much anything that deals with gender lol 
really, I prefer the term “cis-swap” rather than “gender-bend” mostly bcuz gender…. is very ambiguous. Gender, unlike sex, is a social construction (and you can look all of this info up or ask any sociologist or psychologist to confirm that I’m not just pulling this stuff outta my ass). Sex is a biological concept, based on genitalia (and/or chromosomes); it’s often very black-and-white (with a few exceptions, such as intersex individuals), unlike the concept of gender. Gender is basically the traits we use in society to identify what is deemed “masculine” and what is deemed “feminine” (i.e. in American society, the color pink is deemed “feminine” whereas blue is “masculine” even tho they’re literally just colors; or how skirts, dresses, and heels are “feminine” clothing items, and suits are often deemed as “masculine” attire, or sometimes androgynous/gender-neutral). 
and, with the term “gender-bending”, that’s insinuating that you can take a gender fluid, agender, or nonbinary individual/character and somehow recreate them as an “opposite” of their initial gender identity (if that makes sense- sorry if the wording is a lil weird).
I don’t mind when ppl use the term “gender-bending” bcuz I get what they mean when they use it, but I just use “cis-swap” as to not overcomplicate things adjfhskhs (or maybe I’m the one that just overcomplicated things orz). 
but anyway, I think that there’s really only two things that bother me when it comes to the general populace’s take on “gender-bending”:
1. Ok, well firstly… “Gender-bending” one damn character in an entire franchise just to put them into a heterosexual relationship with another character… it’s very lame. I don’t feel offended by it or anything, but every time I see it I’m just like “…… weak…”. That’s not to say that the characters may-or-may-not-be headcanoned as a different sexuality (maybe bi or pan or smthin), but 9.999 times out of 10, when a person “gender-bends” ONE character to pair them with another character into a heterosexual relationship…. it’s often to make them hetero. And just to clarify, since I know (I just goddamn know) someone on this hellsite will take this the wrong way and NO. I am NOT saying heterosexuality is BAD. dear christ hop of my dick, I saw those gears whirring in ur brain, readin’ into shit. It’s Not That Deep.
2. Oftentimes when someone takes a male character and turns them into a female, you could’ve started off with the most muscular, steel-eyed, roughened, toughened male character….. and his female counterpart is often amounted to some lameass little dainty girl with giant gravity-defying tits, and big, sparkling moe eyes. @ all y'all artists that do that shit: you are WEAK. When you make a “gender-bent” character, you shouldn’t be changing the ENTIRE goddamn character, personality and distinct physical traits and all. Girls come in all different shapes and sizes (that includes their muscle mass and boobs, dumbasses). Same with guys!! Gender-bending female characters into men shouldn’t always mean giving them a six-pack lmao There is a vast array of *~body types~* 
I have this specific image in my mind of a “gender-bent” thin moe-lookinass Jotaro smothering the original male version of Kakyoin with her overly-sized tits and it’s killin me yall pls stop doin this,, yall killin m e, i lose brain cells when i come across this shit p l s
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