#if someone wanted to beat me that bad that they were like
ms-demeanor · 2 days
On insurance: I still live with my parents and don't know a lot yet about the sorts of things adults usually have to spend money on. I've always been skeptical of things like insurance and credit cards because it seems to me they wouldn't be selling that if they didn't expect to make money from it. I talked to my cousin a while ago about credit cards and basically came to the conclusion that they do that because they're betting on the customer getting sloppy and letting their debts stack up, and the way you beat that and get money from credit card companies is just by being careful.
I'm a little more confused about insurance though because it seems much more straightforwardly like a gamble they will simply not take if it won't pay off for them. Like, you don't go to a casino because every game they play at a casino is one they've done the math on and have determined that statistically most people will lose money on most of the time. Is insurance not kinda the same? Where they estimate the risk and then charge you an amount calculated to make sure it probably won't be worth it for you?
I know if you have a car you legally need car insurance so everyone knows you can pay for another car if you crash into someone, and I gather that here in the US at least health insurance companies have some kinda deal with hospitals so that the prices go down or something, and there's a reason I don't fully understand why not having health insurance is Really Bad. But we get to pet insurance, or like when I buy a concert ticket and it offers ticket insurance in case I can't make it to the show, and surely if they thought they were gonna lose money on that they just wouldn't sell it, right? Or they'd raise the price of it until it became worth the risk that something bad actually will happen? Wouldn't it only be worth it to buy insurance if you know something the insurance company doesn't?
So the deal is that most people don't use their insurance much, and often insurance companies will incentivize doing things that will make you use your insurance less.
So, for example, you can get a discount on car insurance if you have multiple cars because people who insure multiple cars are more likely to be responsible drivers (the ability to pay for multiple cars stands in as a representation of responsibility here). The longer you go without an accident, the lower your premiums get because that means that you are not costing your insurance company anything but you are paying into the system. The car insurance company's goal is to have the most responsible, safest drivers who never get into car accidents because they can predict (roughly) how much they're going to have to pay out to their customers and they want the number they pay out to be lower than what's paid in. So they try to discourage irresponsible drivers by raising their rates and encourage responsible drivers by giving them discounts.
Health insurance companies often do the same thing: I recently got a gift card from my health insurance company because I had a visit from a nurse who interviewed me about my overall health and made sure I had stable blood pressure and access to medications. It is literally cheaper for my insurance company to give me a $100 giftcard and hire a nurse to visit me than it is for me to go to my doctor's office a couple of times, so they try to make sure that their customers are getting preventative care and are seeing inexpensive medical professionals regularly so that they don't have to suddenly see very expensive professionals after a long time without care.
Insurance in the US has many, many, many problems and should be replaced with socialized healthcare for a huge number of reasons but right now, because it is an insurance-based system, you need to have insurance.
We're going to use Large Bastard as an example.
Large Bastard had insurance when he had his heart attack and when he needed multiple organs transplanted. He didn't *want* to be paying for insurance, because he thought he was healthy enough to get by, but I insisted. His premium is four hundred dollars a month, and his out of pocket maximum is eight thousand dollars a year. That means that every year, he pays about $5000 whether he uses his insurance or not, and if he DOES need to use the insurance, he pays the first $8k worth of care, so every year his insurance has the possibility of costing him thirteen thousand dollars.
The bill for his bypass surgery was a quarter million dollars.
The bill for his transplant was over one and a half million dollars.
His medication each month is around six hundred dollars. He needs to have multiple biopsies - which are surgeries - each year, and each one costs about twenty thousand dollars.
Without health insurance, he would very likely be dead, or we would be *even more* incapable of paying for his healthcare than we are right now. He almost ditched his insurance because he was a healthy-seeming 40-year-old and he didn't think he'd get sick. And then he proceeded to be the sickest human being I've ever known personally who did not actually die.
Health insurance costs a lot of money. It costs less money for people who are young and who are expected to be healthy. But the thing is, everybody pays into health insurance, and very, very few people end up using as much money for their medical expenses as Large Bastard did. There are a few thousand transplants in the US ever year, but there are hundreds of millions of people paying for insurance.
This ends up balancing out (sort of) so that people who pay for insurance get a much lower cost on care if they need it, hospitals get paid for the care they provide, and the insurance company makes enough money to continue to exist. Part of the reason that people don't like this scheme is because "insurance company" could feasibly be replaced by "government" and it would cost less and provide a better standard of care, but again, with things as they are now, you need to have insurance. Insurance companies are large entities that are able to negotiate down costs with the providers they work with, you are not. If you get hit by a car you may be able to get your medical bills significantly reduced through a number of means, but you're very unlikely to get your bills lower than the cost of insurance and a copay.
Because of the Affordable Care Act, which is flawed but which did a LOT of good, medical insurance companies cannot refuse to treat you because of preexisting conditions and also cannot jack up your premiums to intolerable rates - since Large Bastard got sick, he has had the standard price increases you'd expect from aging, but nothing like the gouging you might expect from an insurance company deciding you're not worth it.
Pet insurance works on the same model. Millions of people pay for the insurance, thousands of people end up needing it, a few hundred end up needing a LOT of it, and the insurance companies are able to make more money than they hand out, so they continue to exist. This is part of why it's less expensive to get pet insurance for younger animals - people who sign up puppies and kittens are likely to be paying for a very long time and are likely to provide a lot of preventative care for their animals, so they're a good bet for the insurer. Animals signed up when they are older are more likely to have health problems (and pet insurance CAN turn animals away for preexisting conditions) and are going to cost the insurance companies more, so they cost more to enroll (and animals over a certain age or with certain conditions may be denied entirely).
This weighing risk/reward is called actuarial science, and the insurance industry is built on it.
But yeah it's kind of betting. The insurance company says "I'll insure ten thousand dogs and I'm going to bet that only a hundred of them will need surgery at some point in the next year" and if they're correct, they make money and the dogs who need surgery get their surgery paid for out of the premiums from the nine thousand nine hundred dogs who didn't need surgery.
Your assessment of credit is correct: credit card companies expect that you will end up carrying a balance, and that balance will accrue interest, and the interest is how they make the money.
And it is EASY to fuck up financially as an adult. REALLY EASY. But you are still likely to need a good credit score so you will need a credit history. That means that the correct way to use a credit card is to have a card, but not carry a balance.
To do this, never buy anything on the card that you can't afford. In order to avoid needing the card for emergencies, start an emergency fund that is at least 3 months of your total pay *before* you get a credit card. That seems like a *lot* of savings to have, but from the perspective of someone who has had plenty of mess-ups, it's a lot easier to build up a $10k emergency fund than it is to pay off a $10k credit card debt.
If you don't understand how interest works on credit cards, or why a 10k savings is different than a 10k debt, here are some examples working with $10k of debt, 23% interest (an average-ish rate for people with average credit), and various payments.
With that debt and that interest, here's how much it costs and how long it would take to pay off with $200 as the monthly payment:
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Fourteen years, and it would cost you about twenty four thousand dollars in interest, for a total amount paid of about thirty four thousand dollars.
To save $10k at $200 a month would take four years and two months.
Here's the same debt at $300 a month:
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4.5 Years and it costs about six grand (again, just in interest - sixteen thousand dollars total). Saving ten thousand dollars at three hundred dollars a month would take just under three years.
Here's the same debt at $400 a month:
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3 years, about $4000 dollars (fourteen thousand dollars total). Saving ten thousand dollars at $400 a month takes just over two years.
The thing is, with all of these models you're going to end up paying one way or another. Insurance vs out of pocket is you weighing the risk of losing a fair amount of money by signing up but not using the system, or potentially losing a catastrophic amount of money by not signing up.
For credit cards they really only work if you know you're never going to need them for an emergency, because an emergency is what you're not going to be able to pay off right away. I didn't have an emergency fund when Large Bastard had his heart attack and needed surgery, or when we moved between states suddenly, or when we moved between states suddenly AGAIN and needed to pay storage costs, or when Large Bastard needed a transplant, or when Tiny Bastard got in a fight with my MiL's dog, and the fact that I didn't have an emergency fund is still costing me a lot of money.
So, young folks out there: what's the takeaway?
Get insurance. Get the best deal possible, which usually ends up being the one you sign up for early. You may think you can let it ride without insurance, but man in the six months between when I graduate college (and lost my school insurance) and when care kicked in after 90 days at my job I got electrocuted and needed to go to the ER. If that hadn't been a worker's comp payout I would have had thousands of dollars in bills. Something could happen. You could break your leg, you could get hit by a car, you could suddenly find out that you actually have heart disease at twenty, you could develop cancer. Have insurance, you need insurance. You legally need car insurance in the US, and you financially need health insurance. If you have a pet, I think it's a good idea for them to have pet insurance.
Credit cards are not for emergencies, they are not for fun, they are not for buying things that are just ever so slightly out of your budget, they are for taking advantage of the credit card company and managing to get by in a system that demands you have a credit score. ONLY put purchases on your credit card that you already have cash for. Before you get a credit card, build up an emergency savings so that you aren't tempted to put emergency charges on your card.
If you DO end up with an interest-bearing debt, pay it off as fast as possible because letting it linger costs you a LOT of money in the long run.
Stay the fuck away from tobacco and nicotine products they are fucking terrible for you, they are fucking expensive, and they are not worth it put the vapes down put the zyns down put the cigarettes down I will begin manifesting in your house physically i swear to fuck. Knock that shit off and put the cash that you'd be spending on nicotine into a savings account.
Take care, sorry everything sucks, I promise that in some ways it actually sucks less than it did before and we're working on trying to make it suck even less but it's taking a while.
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nvieditz · 1 day
bad decisions pt 2
alexia x reader
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hey everyone! sorry it took a bit for this to be done (and i apologize for the bit of a cliffhanger but i have the “rest” of this done and will be coming out so i just liked how this ended haha)
warnings: no smut just plot (smut in the next part i promise) 2k+ word count
You get back to Ana’s apartment and it’s quiet and dark. You don’t even bother turning the lights off you  hang up your keys and head to the guest bedroom you’re staying in. 
You hop in the shower quickly before putting on a big t shirt and heading to bed. Out of curiosity you turned on your phone and opened google. 
You searched Fc Barcelona Alexia
The results were… wow.
You found yourself going through the images tab and reading her description. There was an instagram account link. You couldn’t help but click on it. 
Holy 3 million followers.
You basically stalked her whole profile for an embarrassing amount of time, being blown away by all the awards and trophies she’s won. You finally put your phone down when you realized what time it was. You had to stop thinking about her. 
But how could you when that was the best sex you’ve had in a long time. 
The next morning you wake up to noise in the kitchen. Ana must be up and getting ready to go to the gym, she always goes on weekend mornings. 
You have to get some work done so you decide to head to a coffee shop and do some work there. 
You throw on some jeans and a t shirt, grab your laptop and leave your bedroom. 
But what you see in your kitchen is a surprise. 
Ana is making breakfast and one of Alexia’s friends from last night was sitting on one of the stools from the kitchen island. 
“Oh, Hi y/n I didn’t hear you come in last night,” Ana asks, just as shocked as you are. 
Alexia’s friend flashes you an awkward smile. 
“Yeah sorry I got back pretty late,” you respond which adds more awkwardness to the air. “Well, I’m heading out so have fun.” You smile as you grab your house keys and head out. 
You put on your headphones and walk towards the coffee shop you saw that looked cute. 
It was a beautiful day in Barcelona, as always. You were considering moving here since your job is work from home and you’re tired of the rainy weather back home. And, it would help you be farther away from her. 
You reach the coffee shop and order your drink before claiming a small round table and get to work. You’re the social media manager of a new language learning app so your work today was mostly research, looking into new trends and what catches people’s eye. 
But then something catches your eye. 
Or someone. 
There’s Alexia, in line for a coffee, with another one of the girls from last night. 
You try to pretend you didn’t see her and continue work. You focus on your work and the Fletcher song you love playing in your headphones. 
You suddenly see Alexia standing in front of your table holding her coffee. “Mind if I sit here?” she asks. 
You wanted to say no but you didn’t want to be rude. “Sure,” you said as politely as possible without trying to incite anything. 
You try your best to ignore her and continue your work, but you can feel her staring at you. You look up at her from your laptop. 
“Why are you ignoring me?” She asks, clearly annoyed. 
“Because I came here to do my job not chit chat.” you realized you snapped at her a beat too late. Her face flashed with anger. “I’m sorry, I’m just not in the best mood.” you try to salvage the situation.
“No, I mean clearly you couldn’t wait to leave yesterday so I don’t know what happened because according to… you know… you seemed like you had a good time.” she presses. 
You take a deep breath before answering. “I did have a good time,” you pause, “but if I’m being honest, I just wanted a one night thing to distract me from- well it doesn’t matter from what.” you shake off the mopey feeling creeping back up. 
She looks confused. “Ok, I don’t fully understand but I respect your boundaries.” she states but she doesn’t get up.
You look at her just as confused. She finally starts to get up but before she leaves she leans in and whispers, “Oh and you left your strap in my apartment,” she winks. “and your hair looks really good down like that.” she smiles as she walks away. 
You hide the blush her comment made you get by taking a sip of your coffee. You finally get back to work. 
You’re packing up your stuff after a few hours doing some work and your phone dings. 
Thinking it was Ana you pick up your phone immediately. 
[instagram] @alexiaputellas has started following you 
You scoff at your phone. You ignore it and put your phone away. How did she even find your profile anyway? 
You walk out of the coffee shop and head back with the intention to just relax for a few hours and maybe go grab some dinner with Ana. 
Your phone dings again.
[instagram] @alexiaputellas “when do you plan on picking up your things 😉”
You can’t help but smile because clearly she wanted to see you again, very badly. But you still felt like she wanted something more that you didn’t want. 
You ignored the message again for now and headed home with Ana. 
You walk in the door and see Ana sitting on the couch watching tv. 
“Hey,” you say as you kick your shoes off. 
“Hey where’d you go?” she asks.
You set your bag on the counter and head over to sit next to her. “I went to the coffee shop to do some work,” you reply nonchalantly. 
She looks at you for a beat. “Are you ok? You seemed off this morning. And also why were you here this morning weren’t you going home with Alexia?” her voice came off teasing at the sound of Alexia’s name. 
“Yeah I’m fine, I did go home with her but decided it was best not to stay.” you replied trying to end the conversation. 
“Well, what was it?” she asks, “Was she… bad?” she whispered jokingly. 
You laughed softly, “No, she was… great,” you smile. 
“Sooo… what was it?” she asks, clearly genuinely interested. 
You take a beat to think about what to say, “Well, I don’t know. I feel like staying would insinuate that I wanted more than just a one night thing and you know I’m not looking for anything right now, not so soon after.. you know who.” you look down sadly. 
“You can say her name you know… she’s not
voldemort,” Ana laughs, “and I understand, and I’m sorry about the whole thing with Ona this morning, I didn’t mean for it to be awkward.” 
You laugh, “It’s ok. So how was that?” you tease. 
“Really good,” she smiles. “Oh and she asked if we wanted to go to a party she’s having tomorrow?” she slips in quickly. 
“Oh god I don’t know, Alexia’s probably gonna be there isn’t she?” you ask worriedly. The last thing you needed was seeing her again. 
“Oh come on, I don’t want to go by myself and I like her. If you see her you can just ignore her, flirt with another one of her friends, let her know you don’t want anything for sure,” she begs, “Please? for me?” she begs like a small child. 
You think about it for a second, “Fine.” 
Ana practically jumps for joy and kisses your forehead, “Thank you thank you. It’ll be fun I promise,” she runs over to grab her phone, presumably to text Ona and let her know we’re coming. 
You get comfortable on the couch and put on an episode of Modern Family before you and Ana sat on the small table in the kitchen eating some leftover Paella from a few nights ago, still as good as new. 
After eating you decide to go to bed early, needing to catch up on sleep. When you get in bed you open instagram and once again are reminded of Alexia’s message. 
And the fact that you hadn’t followed her back. 
You were too tired to do anything about this—smartly at least. 
You ignored it again for now and went to bed. 
The next morning you wake up dreading this party— and that was an understatement. 
But you had to get up to get some
work done.
You get up and sit yourself on the couch with a cup of coffee. You didn’t bother to change out of your pajamas since you had no meetings today. 
You spent the next few hours designing posts for the company and diving into instagram looking for potential trends for promoting the company more. 
By the time you’ve almost driven yourself mad, your computer is about to die and it’s almost time to clock out. You go to grab your charger but your phone pings. 
You turn around to grab it and see the notification from instagram. 
[Instagram] @alexiaputellas “can’t wait to see you tonight.”
You scoff and ignore the message. You grab your computer charger and plug it into your laptop. 
Your phone dings again. 
[Instagram] @alexiaputellas “you can’t keep ignoring me you know?” 
You smiled at the message and continued to ignore it. 
After a little bit, you finished work and started to get ready since the party was in a few hours. 
You started to realize you feel a little excited to see Alexia. You like the attention. 
And as long as you don’t let it get any further, there’s no harm in a little fun.
You just had to make sure it was just for fun.
You were finishing getting doing your makeuo when you heard Ana get back from work. 
“Hi babe, how are you?” she called from the living room. 
“Good, just getting ready!” you called back. 
You hear her footsteps getting closer to you before she enters the bathroom that you’re in. “Sorry it took me so long to get back we’ll probably be late to the party,” she said. She looked at you and your almost finished makeup, “You look really hot for someone who doesn’t want to go to this party.” 
You laugh as if what she said was ridiculous, “Oh please. I just don’t want to be caught underdressed,” you joked. 
“One thing is not being underdressed and another thing is looking like you want Alexia to fuck you senseless again,” she teases. 
Your face goes red, “When did I say anything about senseless?” you laugh. 
“Oh you don’t have to tell me. I know,” she whispers as she leaves to go get ready. 
You look at yourself in the mirror thinking maybe you are overdressing. 
You decided to wear a red tank top that showed just enough cleavage to not be too showy but not modest. You wore your low rise, black jeans that fit you so well and you know you look really good in them. You decided to add a belly chain to the outfit to make it look even better. You decided to keep your hair down for the night. 
You convinced yourself this hair decision had nothing to do with Alexia’s comment in the coffee shop the other day.
When Ana is done getting ready you order an uber to come pick you up and you wait until it arrives. You grab your bag and your keys and you and Ana head out the door. 
When you’re in the uber you find yourself mindlessly scrolling through instagram and you end up going through the barca femenil squad instagram. 
Just to see who may all be at the party, not to look at pictures of Alexia. 
When you get there you get out of the uber and realize, this is the same building Alexia’s apartment is in. Figures that they live in the same building. 
Unwanted memories of the other night come flooding back. 
You shake off the warm feeling in your body as you walk into the building. 
You can hear music from the entrance and you assume that’s coming from the party. 
You head up the stairs and reach the apartment where the party noise is coming from. Ana knocks on the door a d a few seconds later Ona opens the door. 
“Hi,” she hugs Ana then gestures for both of you to come in, “Come in” she smiles. 
You walk in and in no surprise, most of the women there are all extremely fit and definitely fellow footballers. You spot Alexia in the kitchen talking to someone else. You pretend you didn’t see her as you said hi to the others. 
Ana sits down to where Ona is sitting and Ona offers to grab both of you something to drink. You taker her up on her offer and ask for a rum and coke. 
You sit down on the end of the couch no one seems to be taking up. 
You mindlessly switch from paying attention to the conversations around you and not. You’re happy Ana seems to be having a good time but you’re a little bored. 
That is, before someone sits next to you. 
This woman is FIT. 
Brown hair with dyed blonde highlights and an energy that exuded so much confidence it was intimidating. 
She’s wearing a tight white t shirt and some dark blue pinstripe low rise jeans, with some boxers
peaking above them.  
“Hola,” she says to you, her eyes quickly rake down your body and back up. “I’m Misa, nice to meet you.” 
She extends a hand for you to shake, you smile a little before grabbing her hand and shaking it lightly. “I’m y/n, nice to meet you too.” 
She smiles at you, “So, how do you know Ona?” she asks. 
Not wanting to tell her the full truth, you said, “Oh, Ana’s my best friend,” you gesture toward where they’re sitting. 
“Lovely,” she teases. You can feel her slowly inching closer to you. 
“So, do you play on the barcelona team as well?” you ask her, subconsciously hoping Alexia is watching this conversation, you try to be more into this conversation. 
“No,” she smiles, “I play for Madrid but I’m friends with most of these girls from the Spanish national team. I’m here visiting.” 
Misa was about to say something else,
but you can feel Alexia watching you from your peripheral and something took over you. 
You quickly break the distance between you and Misa and kiss her. You can feel her surprise at first but she slowly deepens the kiss as her hand wanders to your thigh. You break apart from the kiss after what felt like hours. 
“Can I get you another drink?” she asks you softly. 
“Yes please,” you smile. She grabs your empty glass off of the table and heads to the bar to refresh your drink. 
Immediately as she’s gone you feel someone else sit next to you. 
You turn to see Alexia. She looks… mad. But why would she be mad? You guys aren’t together. 
“Hi Alexia,” you say blankly. 
“Hi,” she says flatly, “why have you been ignoring me?” 
“Who says I’m ignoring you?” you snap back. 
“You, right now.” she bites back. “Why are you acting like this? Did I do something?” now she seems worried. 
You sigh and look down for a moment. 
You think about what to say for a moment. 
You put your hand on her thigh. You look at her and your eyes darken. She looks really good and you hadn’t noticed from how much you were trying to pretend she wasn’t there. 
“We can keep doing this,” you point between the two of you, your voice lowers, “if you promise, there are no feelings. This is just for fun. Because I am not ready for a relationship,” You say blatantly. 
She seems a little taken aback at first but then her eyes darken. “Ok,” she pauses for a moment. She leans in to kiss you. It’s a soft kiss but slow. Painfully slow. She pulls away and whispers, “Meet me in my apartment in 30 minutes,” before getting up and heading out the door. 
You realize you don’t remember which apartment is hers. 
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solxamber · 2 days
Kidnapped(?) - Malleus x reader
You were sick of the taxes imposed by the aristocrats in your already poverty stricken village. Your idea of a solution? Kidnap their young master , and make them reduce taxes as the ransom, of course. Only problem is that you went into the wrong manor and kidnapped the wrong young master.
crossposted from my ao3!
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It’s far too late for a sane person to be awake, let alone breaking into an aristocratic manor, but here you are, perched atop a wrought iron fence. You inhale deeply, the cool night air doing nothing to calm the wild thudding of your heart. Sure, you’ve trespassed on fancy estates before—who hasn’t?—but this time, you’re aiming high. Really high.
Tonight, you’re going to kidnap the young master.
It sounded less ridiculous in your head, but the village’s plight had pushed you this far. Unfair taxes, people going hungry, all thanks to the greed of the lord’s family holed up in their luxurious estate. Someone needed to stand up for the people. That someone just happened to be you.
You’d never kidnapped anyone before, but how hard could it be? Grab the rich guy, ask for a ransom—specifically, less ridiculous taxes—and stroll away like a hero. Easy.
The manor looms in front of you, all dark windows and dramatic architecture. It's almost too easy to slip past the guards. You start to wonder if they’re just really bad at their jobs or if this is some elaborate setup. Still, you can’t help but smirk. You’re so good at this, it’s almost criminal.
Well, it is criminal. But you know, details.
Inside, the place is eerily quiet. Every shadow seems to be watching you as you slink through the halls, making your way toward the young master’s room. You’ve heard the rumors—aloof, cold, basically allergic to feelings. Intimidating him into compliance? Piece of cake.
After a few minutes of creeping around like a ninja, you find a room with the door slightly ajar. A faint light flickers inside. Jackpot. You steady your breath, grip your very intimidating (okay, slightly makeshift) weapon, and push the door open.
Sitting at a desk, seemingly unfazed by your dramatic entrance, is the young master.
“Ah,” he says, turning slowly to look at you. There’s a glimmer of... curiosity? in his eyes. “A visitor. How... unexpected.”
You blink. This is not going to plan. Where’s the panic? The yelling for help? The appropriate reaction to being ambushed at night?
Determined to salvage the situation, you wave your weapon and try your best "intimidating kidnapper" voice. “You’re coming with me! I’m here to kidnap you, and if you want to see your precious manor again, you’ll lower the village taxes!”
There’s a beat of silence.
The young master raises an eyebrow. “You’re kidnapping me? How... amusing.”
Amusing? You falter. “This isn’t a joke,” you insist, shaking your weapon for emphasis. “I’m serious! Ransom, taxes, starving villagers—ringing any bells?”
Instead of, say, panicking or fleeing, the young master stands up from his chair, all calm and composed, like this is a perfectly normal Tuesday night activity. “Very well. I suppose I should humor you.”
You blink again, utterly at a loss. “Wait... you’re just agreeing to this?”
“Of course.” He tilts his head, giving you a strange, intrigued look. “I’ve never been kidnapped before. It sounds rather... interesting.”
And just like that, he strolls toward the door as if this is his idea. You scramble to follow, wondering what exactly you’ve gotten yourself into.
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As you lead him through the estate, you’re still grappling with the bizarre reality of the situation. Here you are, attempting to kidnap someone, and the guy is practically rolling out a red carpet for you.
“You know,” you mutter, glancing over at him, “most people don’t just let themselves be kidnapped. It’s not really how this works.”
He turns to you with a serene smile that’s entirely too pleasant for a hostage. “Why should I resist? You don’t seem the type to harm me.”
You narrow your eyes. Is he flirting? Intentionally or not, this guy’s nerve is off the charts.
“I didn’t catch your name,” he says suddenly, voice smooth as silk.
“I’m not giving my name to my hostage,” you snap back. This is Kidnapping 101.
“Ah, of course.” He nods, clearly amused. “Then I’ll introduce myself instead. I am Malleus Draconia.”
Your stomach drops to the floor. Malleus Draconia. THE Malleus Draconia. The name practically vibrates with power and danger, and you suddenly realize you’ve made a colossal mistake. You haven’t kidnapped the young master of the manor—you’ve kidnapped the prince of the fae.
“Oh no,” you mutter, horror creeping into your voice. “Oh no, oh no, this is bad. This is really bad.”
Malleus watches you with mild amusement, an eyebrow raised. “Why the sudden distress?”
You whirl on him. “You’re Malleus Draconia! I— I wasn’t supposed to kidnap you! This is a mistake—like, a huge mistake. I’ll just let you go and we can pretend this never happened, okay?”
But instead of looking concerned, Malleus just smiles wider, a wicked little gleam in his eyes. “Let me go? But I’m having so much fun.”
You gape at him. “You... want to stay kidnapped?”
“Indeed.” He seems completely unbothered by the sheer absurdity of the situation. “It’s been quite some time since I’ve had such an engaging evening.”
Well. This is officially the weirdest night of your life.
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The night only gets stranger when you run into his retainers.
“Young Master!” a voice bellows, and you look up to see a tall, green-haired fae charging toward you, fury in his eyes. “What is going on here?!”
Before you can even explain, Malleus casually steps in. “Ah, Sebek. Allow me to introduce my kidnapper.”
Sebek freezes mid-charge, eyes wide. “Y-Your... kidnapper?!”
Malleus nods with an unnervingly calm smile. “Yes. Isn’t it wonderful?”
Sebek’s brain seems to short-circuit, and he storms off, shouting something about telling Lilia and Silver. You groan, burying your face in your hands. “This is a disaster.”
Malleus, of course, chuckles softly beside you. “On the contrary. I think it’s rather amusing.”
Of course he does.
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By the time Lilia and Silver arrive, you’ve already resigned yourself to your fate. At least they’ll make your execution quick, right?
But Lilia just grins mischievously, clearly enjoying the spectacle. “Well, well. This is certainly the most interesting kidnapping I’ve seen in centuries.”
Silver, on the other hand, just raises a brow. “He seems to be enjoying himself.”
Malleus smiles at you, as though being abducted by a random stranger is the highlight of his week. “Quite.”
You’re about to protest when Malleus turns to his retainers with a firm nod. “I’d like to speak to my kidnapper alone.”
Sebek looks like he’s going to explode, but Malleus’s sharp glance shuts him up. Lilia throws you a wink as they all leave, and just like that, you’re alone with the fae prince. Again.
Malleus steps closer, his calm mask slipping just a little. “You know, I’ve grown quite fond of this little adventure.”
You blink up at him. “Are you serious?”
He tilts his head, lips quirking into a smile. “I propose a deal. I’ll help your village with the taxes. In return, you’ll... continue kidnapping me.”
Your jaw drops. “Wait... you want me to keep kidnapping you?”
“Yes. It’s been rather fun.” His eyes twinkle with amusement. “What do you say?”
You sigh, rubbing your temples. “This is the weirdest deal I’ve ever made.”
Malleus grins, entirely too pleased with himself. “Wonderful. Now, shall we shake on it?”
And so, your bizarre, extremely non-traditional kidnapping arrangement begins.
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Every few days, it’s the same: you sneak into his manor (more like casually walk in, since he always leaves the window open for you now), and the two of you embark on whatever adventure catches your whimsy. Sometimes it’s sneaking into human markets where Malleus marvels at the mundane—like street food or ridiculous trinkets. Other times, you explore abandoned castles with winding, forgotten hallways that echo with untold stories.
It’s almost normal now, the way he expects you to “abduct” him with little more than a raised eyebrow and a soft chuckle as you half-heartedly demand his presence for another outing. The most feared prince of the fae is now, apparently, your willing partner in crime.
The first time you take him to a local fair, though, you realize just how out of his element he truly is. Malleus spends a good twenty minutes, completely entranced, watching a cotton candy machine.
“Is it... magic?” he asks, his (very pretty) eyes locked onto the swirling pink clouds as the vendor twirls the sugary fluff onto a stick.
You can’t help but laugh, the sound coming out far more amused than you intended. “Nope. Just sugar spun into fluff. You’ve really never seen this before?”
Malleus watches the process with a reverence usually reserved for ancient relics, finally accepting the cotton candy as if it’s some kind of delicate treasure. He takes a cautious bite, his expression lighting up like a child’s.
“Incredible,” he murmurs, his voice filled with awe. “It dissolves on the tongue.”
You bite back another laugh at the sight of this powerful fae prince, someone who commands fear from almost everyone around him, completely taken by spun sugar. “Glad you like it.”
After that, it’s a night of him eagerly trying every strange, sticky fair food he can find, utterly fascinated by things as simple as corn dogs and funnel cake. You can't decide if it’s endearing or a little embarrassing, but either way, you’re having more fun than you’ve had in a long time.
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As the weeks pass, the more you look forward to your little "kidnapping" escapades, and that in itself is a whole other problem. Malleus’s wide-eyed curiosity about the human world is... strangely adorable, and while he’s still every bit the regal fae prince, there’s something endearing about the way he asks you questions about everyday things with such genuine interest. He’s surprisingly easy to talk to, his quiet intelligence making for great conversation—when he’s not completely sidetracked by things like human street food.
The more time you spend with him, the harder it becomes to ignore the truth creeping up on you. You’re starting to fall for him. It’s ridiculous, and yet... here you are.
Of course, not everything goes smoothly.
“Human!” Sebek shouts dramatically one afternoon as you and Malleus return from yet another outing. “How dare you abduct the Young Master again!”
You roll your eyes, half-expecting this by now. “Sebek, I’ve told you before. He wants me to kidnap him.”
Sebek bristles, sputtering indignantly, his green hair practically standing on end. “Lies! The Young Master would never allow—”
“Sebek,” Malleus interrupts, his tone calm, but with that unmistakable edge that immediately silences his retainer. “I went willingly. Again.”
Sebek’s jaw drops, looking like someone just told him the sky isn’t blue. “But... Young Master...”
Malleus gives him a slow, deliberate look, his lips curving into a faint, almost predatory smile. “You should try it sometime. You may find it... enlightening. Although,” he turns to you, his voice soft but with an unmistakable possessiveness, “you’ll have to find another human. This one is already mine.”
Your breath hitches as Malleus’s words hang in the air, and you can't help but feel your heart skip a beat. Sebek, meanwhile, looks utterly scandalized, his eyes wide as saucers. Lilia, who has been watching the whole thing with far too much amusement, claps Sebek on the back.
“Don’t look so shocked,” Lilia chuckles. “Let them have their fun.”
Sebek looks like he's about to explode, but instead storms off, muttering something about propriety, while Silver smirks quietly from the sidelines.
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One night, after another "kidnapping," you find yourself sitting beside Malleus on a hill overlooking the village, the faint glow of the fair still visible in the distance. The stars hang bright overhead, and there’s a soft stillness between you as the cool air nips at your skin.
Malleus’s voice breaks the quiet, low and thoughtful. “You’ve given me more than I expected.”
You glance at him, curious. “What do you mean?”
He turns to you, his dark eyes holding a depth you hadn’t seen before. “Companionship. I hadn’t realized how much I longed for it until... until you.”
Your heart does something funny at his words, the raw sincerity of them tugging at something deep inside you. Without thinking, you reach out, brushing a stray lock of hair from his face, your fingertips grazing his skin. The air between you seems to still.
“I’ve grown... quite fond of you,” he murmurs, his voice softer now, almost vulnerable.
You swallow, feeling your pulse quicken. “Malleus, I—”
But before you can find the words, Malleus leans in, his eyes never leaving yours, and you feel the warmth of his hand gently cup your cheek. The world seems to fade away as you both hover there, caught between anticipation and something more.
“I do believe,” he whispers, his lips brushing against your skin as his eyes darken with something you can’t quite name, “that I’m falling for you, my little kidnapper.”
Your heart stutters, and before you know it, you’re closing the space between you, your lips meeting his in a soft, tentative kiss. For a moment, everything else ceases to matter—no fair, no adventures, no strange arrangements. Just the two of you, finally giving in to the pull that’s been drawing you together for weeks.
When you pull back, breathless, Malleus smiles, and it’s the softest, most genuine smile you’ve ever seen from him. “Does this mean,” he says, his voice still low and teasing, “you’ll continue kidnapping me?”
You laugh softly, feeling the warmth of his words settle deep in your chest. “I suppose I don’t have much of a choice, do I?”
Malleus grins, his fangs glinting in the moonlight. “No, I suppose not.”
And honestly? You wouldn’t have it any other way.
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This is my first time posting here so i have no idea what i'm doing and the formatting is probably off because i'm on mobile but i'll slowly figure it out.
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thisonehere · 2 days
Can you write about Smoke and female reader going on a date and some creep (maybe black or red dragon) walks up to the reader and tries to hit on her and even went far as smacking her butt really hard and Tomas loses his patience overall and beats the crap out of the creep?
My Hero
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Tomas x reader
A/n: Okay, love this idea. I love writing Tomas in such a protective position. Btw, sorry to all the Rachel’s out there. Had to think of some name lol
C/w: Sexual harassment, S/a, mention of blood and violence
Tonight wasn't supposed to go like this. It was just supposed to be a fun little night for you and Tomas to unwind and spend some time together. Madame Bo's seemed like the perfect place to do it. The place as a whole had a really nice vibe always you feel at home . "I'm going to go get us a table." Tomas said to you. You just nodded as you took in the place. The smell of delicious food filled the air as restaurant staff and the distant sound of Bo berating someone. You smiled at it, you haven't been here for so long. "Pick the one with the nicest view." You ask Tomas as you dodged out of the way of a busy waitress with a tray full of food, the sight of it making you more hungry. "You're my nicest view." Tomas said with an abashed smile. You let a light chuckle at this. "Tomas! Really? Go!" You said with a smile.
You watched Tomas's giant figure disappear in the crowd. You waited at the entrance, your eyes wandered around and eventually found their way to the sky as you admired the stars above. It felt so nice to be out with Tomas, it was just him and you, just how you liked it. "Well, hello there." You heard a voice suddenly spoke to you. You looked down to find a stranger in front of you. He wore all black and small like a mix of alcohol and urine. His sleeves were rolled up to reveal a tattoo on his forearm, a clan marking. You narrowed your eyes as you immediately recognized, a black dragon marking. You didn't know the difference, but you did realize just how dangerous this could potentially be. He flashes you crooked smile, making your stomach churn in discomfort. Out of politeness you forced a smile into your face in return. "Um, hi."
"What's your name?" His eyes bounce up and down your body, eyeing specific parts of, you shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. "Um, Rachel." You lie, your eyes dart desperately inside, hoping that Tomas will come back right now to save you. "Rachel, huh?" He seems to bite his lip just a little. "Not bad for a Rachel..." He mumbles under his breath, causing you to feel more uncomfortable. You didn't like the way he was looking at you, you felt something horrible in your gut as you avoided eye contact.
"You come here often?" At this second you saw an opportunity. "Yes, I came here tonight with my boyfriend." You say, making sure to emphasize the boyfriend part. Hoping that this'll cause him to leave you alone. But he just shrugs at this. "Your boyfriend isn't here right now, is he? It's just you and me." His lips curl as you panic internally. "You know, me and my boys, we come here all the time. We go wherever we want actually, different states, different countries." his eyes gleamed at you expecting you to be impressed with his flex. "Uh, cool." You say awkwardly, trying to think of a way to escape from him. "What's your number? I could take you with me...if you are a good a good girl for me." You smile wanes at this. "Uh, excuse me, I have to go-" You try to quickly walk away, but he side steps you and blocks your path, that gross grin still on his face. "Hey, where you going?"
"Uh, M-My boyfriend's probably wondering where I am. So, I should go." You feel your heart begin to race as you try to get past him. But he's adamant about blocking you. "What's the rush? I'm sure he can wait." He stared at you up and down, the grin still on his face. "Come on, give a chance. I'm a nice guy." At that second, you see Tomas in the distance. His smile slowly fades as he sees the black dragon standing in front of you and the distressed look on your face, causing him to speed up. You drowned the man out as Tomas approached, you felt your heart beat against your chest as Tomas desperately made his way through the crowd of people. You were pretty sure the man asked for your number, he tried to ask what your sign was, he asked if you were even listening.
"Y/n! " Tomas called as he finally made it you. The black dragon looks over his shoulder, his narrowed eyes stretch at the sight of Tomas. He clears his throat and puffs up his chest. "Excuse me? Listen, I don't know who this 'Y/n is, but me and Rachel are having a conversation. Fuck off." He tried to make his voice sound deeper as his eyes darted all over Tomas's large figure.
Tomas steps in front of you, getting in the man's way. "Okay, feel free to talk to this 'Rachel', while me and Y/n excuse ourselves." If you could see his face, the man no doubt was confused. "Wait, what-" but Tomas interiors him, "Excuse us." Tomas gently takes your hand, "Come one." He softly whispers to you as you. "So it's like that 'Y/n', huh?". You avoid eye contact as you pass by him. "Alright then, let me know when you want a real man. I'll be sure to remember that sweet ass of yours?"
You gasp as you feel the sting of his hand slap your butt. Immediately, Tomas spins on his heels to face the Black dragon, who eagerly meets his face with a smirk. "What?". You were in too much shock to speak, you just stared at the two as they stared at each other. "Listen, you better run off before I-" but before he can finish his sentence, Tomas's fist slam into the man's face at lightning fast speed. The man slams onto the ground, a surprised look on his face as he clenches his broken nose. Many people inside stopped what they were doing to peer outside and see what was going on. "Fuckin' bastard, I'll-I'll kill you! And then I'll grab you bitch and-" he doesn't have a chance to finish, Tomas grabs him by the throat and begins to pummel him. You stood there and watched, slightly scared, you never saw this part of Tomas before. You knew he was Lin Kuei, but you never anticipated he could be this brutal.
After a few more hits, Tomas stops stares down at his work. The Black dragon laid unresponsive, his blood painted all over Tomas's fist. He looks at you as if he forgot you were there, a mortified look forms into his face. "Y/n, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...in-in front of you-I-I" he lowers his head in embarrassment, he didn't mean to get so violent in front of you. But the moment the man touched you, everything went red for Tomas. "A-Are you okay?" He finally found the courage to speak. You looked at the Black Dragon and then back at Tomas, "I-I am...Thank you."
You offered your hand to Tomas. Your lips curl a little into a small but grateful smile. Tomas turned your smile and took your hand, and you both went back into the building, leaving the Black Dragon unconscious on the ground outside.
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anonymous-existences · 17 hours
Chapter 3: New Faces, New Job, New Everything.
Continuation to the Prolouge, Chapter 1 and 2.
Danny stares at Dante in absolute shock, Red Hood? RED HOOD?? OF ALL PEOPLE. Dante had to meet the rumored and probably the most violent of the Vigilantes. And Red Hood being a literal Crime Lord makes this worse.
"He had a fat ass to be hone-" Dante Blurted with a smirk but Danny cuts him off, "No, No. Shut up. I don't wanna hear your- or my- wait no. YOU'RE gay shenanigans." Danny pinches the bridge of his nose, trying to process the whole story.
"Let me get this.. straight-... You ... Ugh.... Ancients save me. YOU. MET. RED HOOD. AFTER. Beating up... Someone in his HAUNT?? And what do you mean he's a revenant? I thought frostbite said those were the "rare cases" of semi-halfas" Danny tries to clear up all the information in his head through just yelling it out.
"Yep." Dante popping the "P" and does not elaborate on anything else but a simple 'yep'.
"Kill me fully- wait... No. Jazz wouldn't want that." Danny reminded himself and took a deep breathe.
"I am so telling Clockwork." Danny spoke out.
"Oh come on! I'm in physical probation! I defended someone from getting bad things happen to them—" Danny cut him off.
"You can say "Fucked up shit" you know stop physically censoring yourself." Danny just stared at Dante with a judgemental face. Dante gasped dramatically like he's offended by that statement.
"OH WOW. It's not like I'm trying to 'Censor' myself because you're a traumatized 13 year old kid and I'm an adult given the responsibility of YOU cuz I love you like my brother." Dante states emphasizing every word.
"You sound like a drag queen." Danny blurts out
"I look better in pink anyways." Dante smirked smugly and Danny just frowned and sighed as Dante Ruffled his hair Mischievously.
"Don't you have a job interview today?" Danny grabbed his hand and gently places it away from his poor hair.
"I already got hired. They said I fit the job." Dante sounded very proud of himself before Danny blurts out "I think they hired you on the spot because you're Eye Candy."
Dante was stunned and thought about it for a moment.
"Yeah I suppose but that doesn't matter now, I have a normal job and people doesn't seem to be bothered by me at all so it's very good." Danny imagined that if Dante had a tail he'd be wagging it and Danny didn't like that mental image of a fucking CATBOY DAN- "UUUUUGHH! I hate that." He drags his palm on his face dramatically.
"And you Danny. Is coming with me to work. I am not leaving you in the apartment because. I will list it.
1. Someone might break in and you're not safe.
2. You might kill that someone either through ghost or through your tendencies to grab that goddamn creep stick and hit without hesitation.
3. I am not letting you play DOOMED for 7 hours straight, But I will let you play Minecraft.
4. You or well, We. Tend to roam away from home when we are bored, in this case you do. And ding ding ding we're in Gotham.
5. If you ever got into any danger. I would not worry if you're okay. I would worry if you killed someone first.
That's your list."
Dante started Loud and Clear.
"Fine but I get to bring both my phone and headphones with my switch." Danny Complied with a deal making Dante smile triumphantly, "Fine with me Twerp, and you better behave at the cafe." He chuckles and Pats Danny's Head Gently but still mischievously.
Danny also giggled, Danny's chest felt warm. And his core buzzed in familiar happiness as Dante and Danny Pressed their foreheads into each other before Dante pats Danny's shoulder and stands back up with a groan.
"Let's go kid, get ready now." Dante stretched his body and cracks some of his "old bones" as Danny heads to his bedroom and takes his sling bag and puts his 'neccesities' inside with a smile.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Tim heard about a new Cafe opening nearby Gotham U, although at first he was suspicious of how so many people are already visiting it and even the lines reach outside. He soon found out why. One of their workers was rumored to be apparently "eye candy" or whatever they called people who are very attractive.
This worker was the main Barista and he apparently makes the drinks Infront of the people and he was good at it.
That got Tim even more curious, How attractive does someone have to be that people of all genders are lining up on a new store as if a celebrity is inside. And so he decided to wait in line like any other student as to not direct any attention to himself because that would be utterly humiliating for him.
He waited.....
And waited....
And kept Waiting and Waiting....
Until finally, what felt like an eternity he finally got to order His Coffee.
It seems the rumors are true, the bartender is indeed attractive. Tim got even more curious about how the big man seemed to have canine sharp teeth, oddly pale complexion that almost looks... Purple? And Lazarus Green Water with Red Rims.
"An Americano with two shots please.." He states to the Cashier, "And name please?" The Cashier asks again.
"Timothy." He calmly tells her as she writes it down to a receipt and hands it to the orders That the "Eye Candy" Man and Another Worker was Making.
Tim sat on a nearby table. It was the only table that happened to be empty. Except a 13 years old kid just sitting there playing... Minecraft? Okay-.
The kid stared at Tim, Tim stares back. 'He looks like adoption Bait.' Tim thinks to himself then suddenly he slowly feels weird, as if he's being judged intensely, Unfortunately and possibly even worse than how Damian judges him.
"You look like an overworked 9-5 office worker that has no paid vacations or time off for a student." the kid suddenly speaks out and it felt as though Tim had just been shot with a non-existent arrow of truth.
"Wha-" Tim tries to ask but the kid interrupts him before he could even start, "you should really get some sleep and maybe lessen your intake of Coffee... Ah right. Name's Danny by the way. Sorry. You just started staring at me so I couldn't help but state my opinion." The kid, or well... Danny said as he went back to playing Minecraft on his switch.
"I- it's... It's fine. I know I need sleep... All college students do- it's normal." Timothy just sighs and nods subtly, knowing full well this random kid is right.
Goddamit, the kid acts like Damian a bit too- and he has the typical black hair blue eyes appearance, possibly an orphan attitude. Tim continues to have a subtle Life Crisis in his head.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
'Such a weird person.' Danny thought to himself and chuckled softly.
He continues to play Minecraft with Tucker and Sam to Pass his time and so he doesn't go all deppreso mid-daylight. The amount of people entering the cafe was still... Concerning at the very least, now that the customers have heard Dante's voice... They started to call him the "Everything in one Package." Which was way worse than "Eye Candy" to be honest.
'Vlad would be confused and shocked.... I wonder how Ellie is doing.. hopefully not too bad....' Danny hums to himself as he made a gravesite ingame for Jazz to remember her by.
It has become tradition for these teens to make jazz a gravesite whenever they start a new world and they always made sure it's beautiful and colorful in a way Jazz would have liked it.
Danny smiled as he finished up the ingame Gravesite.
Although it hurts to see and do this every time, he still loves it because then he has something to remind him of her existence.
Her precious Existence as he likes to call it.
"I miss her so much..." He mutters to himself.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
"I'm so... Tired." Dante was plopped onto the couch lazily.
"I am scared to be an adult like you..." Danny just stared at Dante as he Begrudgingly sat back up from the couch to stretch his body and head to the kitchen to cook.
"I met a random older student today, we kinda talked. He called me adoption bait which was funny because technically I am considering V l a d." Danny laughed.
"Adoption Bait my ass, who would want to adopt a little messy homeless looking goblin." Dante just chuckled smugly and Danny Pouts. " I am not a homeless looking kid" he tries to defend himself "that's the thing you're most concerned about in my sentence?" Dante tucked his hair back into a tight Ponytail and let's it flow naturally like fire.
"I know I'm a goblin, it's just how I am." Danny proudly says and pats his chest and puffs it out with pride.
"Ofcourse you do... Ah right. Kiddo I have a surprise for you tomorrow. So make sure to get enough sleep today alright?" Dante kneels down to Danny's Height to speak to him properly.
Danny thinks for a second, "Sure! I like surprises!" Danny giggled nodded profusely in excitement.
"Good." Dante smiled softly, he loves it when Danny is happy. His core loves when Danny is also happy. A happy Danny is a happy Dante.
He wishes this could go on forever. Just Danny smiling and not screaming for his life in his nightmares.
My Arm is cold from writing this <33
Enjoy though.
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bella-goths-wife · 1 day
Platonic yandere bowers gang.
The reader is a freshman, shes just a clueless 14 year old who needs someone to guide her, why not that be the bowers gang?
Platonic yandere bowers gang x freshman reader
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You weren’t particularly bad kid
Sure, you mouthed off to teachers and smoked behind the bleachers on rough days
But you also kept up with your studies and got pretty good grades
So you weren’t a bad kid, certainly not bad enough to avoid snide comments or harassment
Certainly not bad enough to catch the eyes of anyone important, or at least you thought anyway
You had met belch first
After a particularly cruel day caused by your classmates constant teasing and bullying, you had decided to hide out behind the bleachers for a quick smoke and to reevaluate your life choices
But instead of the usual quietness, you heard frustrated mumblings and the sounds of crunched up papers
You peaked your head around and saw an extremely frustrated belch sat on the ground with papers scrunched up in his hands as he attempted to solve whatever was on the paper
You had planned to just turn around and pretend you saw nothing, but fate had another plan for you as belch coincidentally looked to his left and made eye contact with you
Belch stiffened and began to plan out how to best beat you into forgetting what you saw, but before he could even rise up from the ground you spoke
“Do you want some help?” You had asked quite calmly considering the situation, and belch had noticed there was not one smidge of mockery or pity in your tone
He would have almost called your tone kind if it weren’t for your monotone delivery
Belch was stunned into a paralysed state as you calmly sat yourself next to him and read over the math problems he had been attempting
Half an hour later you had helped him complete the sheet, practically finishing it all by yourself at that point
Belch was about to threaten you into silence but you just stood up and walked away, not intimidated by him in the slightest
You, a lowly freshman, was not intimidated by him, one of the biggest and scariest people in school
Belch was so taken aback that he immediately reported his findings to Henry, who let a plot grow in his head
While the bowers gang had a few very intelligent members, they were all failing extraordinarily
All of their grades were written with a ‘do better’ message and delivered with a sigh from their teachers
So an idea popped into Henry’s head
Why should they do all of their work when they can just get someone else to do it for them
And now he knows about this genius freshman from belch, well it was almost fate in Henry’s eyes
He rounded up the boys and stalked you throughout your day at school to find a chance to corner you
They watched as you sat through your first lessons with a bored expression and they also watched as you completed the class work in less than ten minutes before just staring out the window for the rest of the time
They watched as you got relentlessly picked on by your peers and they watched as you finally grew tired enough of it to get up and leave the classroom, deciding to just skip considering you already knew what was being taught
They couldn’t help but he slightly fascinated with how you carried yourself
You were a genius, that was very much clear
But you almost seemed like you were reluctant with your intelligence, like the mere fact that you existed bored and exhausted you
Henry in his own brand of narcissism, couldn’t help but think he was the same
He was not, he was intelligent but he could never fully match up to you
But he projected the idea that you were exactly like him, that you two were two peas in a pod
Two geniuses surrounded by idiots
He finally thought he had found an equal
It was then that he decided that instead of just intimidating you into doing what they wanted, he’d make you a deal
And that’s what he did as he and his boys cornered you behind the bleachers
He made you an offer, you complete all their work and get them good grades and they’d allow you to sit with them at lunch and would keep your tormentors away
You were reluctant to accept this offer considering you understood that the boys in front of you were not good people and it was likely you wouldn’t be treated well during this agreement but you were just so tired of being picked on that you agreed anyway
So the deal was made and from that day forward you’d sit with them at lunch and would complete their work for them during the periods that you skipped, most of the time one of them joined you
Most of the group didn’t understand why Henry had extended this offer to you in the first place, didn’t understand his weird fascination with you
They all began to understand individually with time
Patrick began his obsession when he realised that he could make being in your presence a game
Patrick is a sociopath, there’s no sugar coating it because it’s just the truth
And Patrick loves to torment, he likes to manipulative and he likes to cause pain to his chosen target
And it’s only after a few times he tries to target you that he realises that you don’t succumb as easily as other people
Any words he spewed, any plots he cooked up and any sickly sweet manipulative tactics he tried to use, you would most of the time simply see through it
This made whenever Patrick finally did break you down all the more satisfying
It became a somewhat game of cat and mouse to him as he attempted to find the best ways to hurt you
But Patrick also quickly noticed he despises when someone other than him and the others tried the same methods to hurt you, that’s why he scared off all of your tormentors and bullies
He wants to be your biggest and only bully
And he wants the satisfaction of finally overcoming your intelligence and breaking you more than anything
Victor was the next one to become obsessed with you
Victor was the verbal punching bag of the group, or he thought he was considering how he denies ever acknowledging his cruelty towards belch
But with you, he finally had someone who was below him
In his eyes no matter how smart you were, your still younger than him and you clearly need guidance in how to survive in highschool
He could sweetly (meanly and roughly) condescend you and you couldn’t do a damn thing about it because you were the bottom of the food chain
You validated his want to be needed, to know better and be better than someone
He purposely ignores the fact that intelligence wise and probably in most ways your better than him
He doesn’t care as long as he can keep treating you like a clueless little lamb who wandered into the den of wolves
Belch was quickly taken with you considering he always struggled with his intelligence and you had helped him that afternoon in a calmer manner than any teacher had
But he also enjoyed that your not scared of him despite that fact you definitely should be
You spoke to him without mockery but you also didn’t mince your words, you explained things without sugar coating his failures but you also didn’t rub his loses in his face
The other question why he has you teach him instead of just having you do his work, but you help him learn and overcome his insecurities that he’s had about his intelligence for years now
Maybe that’s why he’s so protective of you, maybe that’s why he begin to view you as a sister figure
Belch doesn’t care to expand his thoughts on that subject beyond the fact that he knows it’ll be hard to ever let go of you now
Henry and you have a weird dynamic
In some ways Henry views you as somewhat of an equal, in others he views you as the bottom of the food chain considering you can hardly defend yourself
His fascination brews from the need to be what you are, he’s always wanted to be the smartest in the room and his inherent narcissism had deluded him into believing that’s true
And now he has you, someone who actually is the smartest person in the room
Sometimes deep down Henry can’t tell if he’s obsessive with you because he wants to have an equal or if he just secretly wants what you have
He also enjoys that your unafraid of speaking the truth to him
You don’t sugarcoat your words when talking to him, which is a risky move on your part but it seems to work for you for now
You’ll openly disagree with his decisions if you believe they’re wrong, and usually Henry would kill someone for disrespecting him by disagreeing
But he feels more open to listening to you, feels more inclined to taking your advice
Your almost like a right hand to Henry, that’s if he ever actually admitted that your anything to him
But you are, because he’s already threatened and hurt the people who hurt you and is actively making sure that his presence surrounds you enough so that anyone within a few feet of you will flee out of fear
Henry believes that your just like him, therefore it’s his duty to guide you to the right path
To guide you into his path
You just didn’t realise how intrusive and dangerous this guidance would become
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Sorry if this didn’t make sense at all 😭🙏
I’m trying to go for a sister sage and homelander type dynamic here but it probably doesn’t work
I just had the idea and thought I’d mix it with the ask tbh
Anyway, what did you think? :)
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monstersflashlight · 17 hours
Patreon Commission for anon!
Request: alien x orc x human with human reader and NSFW please. Something with some angst and fluff mixed in.
A/N: Sorry for all the "alien boyfriend" and "orc boyfriend", brain wasn't braining today. This has a fair amount of hurt/comfort, enjoy!
Intergalactic idiots
Alien x orc x fem!reader | angst with happy ending, body worship, oral sex
You are anxiously waiting next to the ER door when your orc boyfriend walks in with the saddest face you’ve ever seen. “What is it?” You ask immediately, knowing well that for him to be alone, for him to have called for you to be at the hospital when they arrived… something must be very, very wrong.
“There was an accident,” he announced, looking at the floor. And your alien boyfriend is nowhere to be found, so it must be something bad with him. Something happened and your heart is beating fast and hard, making you want to scream.
“What? What happened? Where is he? Is he hurt?” You ask in a quick succession, feeling like the weight of the world falling over you at the thought of losing him. Losing either of them, but right now you can’t process the fact that he could have been hurt, too. You can only process the fact that your alien boyfriend is not there, and that means he’s been hurt.
He sighs heavily and lets out a teary: “He- He got shot.” As soon as the words leave his mouth your tears are running down your face.
“You promised! You promised you would take care of him!” You scream at him, you are hitting his chest with your fists, not really hurting him but needing to let out your frustration and pain.
He cries, too, his body sagging as he lets you hit him. “I- I know. I’m sorry. I failed you. I failed both of you.” If you were in another moment of your life, if your anxiety wasn’t so high, you could have said something, that it wasn’t his fault, that he had nothing to worry about and you were glad he was okay… But you didn’t. You couldn’t.
You could only imagine the worst and your body froze in place as you ask: “Can- can I see him?”
“Not yet, darling, the doctors are working on him,” his voice soft and placating, but you don’t want to hear it. You don’t want to hear him talk at all, your brain wants to blame someone and he’s there. He was there when your alien boyfriend got shot…
You don’t even realize how his hands are bloody and his face is stained with tears. You don’t realize his hands are trembling and his body is scratched in a thousand places. You sit there in silence and don’t accept his hand when he offers comfort. You two fall silent, sitting next to each other but barely moving as the time ticks.
Time passes, you don’t know how much, but when a naga doctor appears, you are on your feet and walking to her instantly. Your orc boyfriend follows, but you don’t mind anything at all, you only need to know he’s alright. “Is he okay?”
And she says the most precious words: “He will be.”
It takes a whole week for your alien boyfriend to be back home. An awful week where you don’t talk to your orc boyfriend, you barely see him at all. You don’t sleep together, you don’t go together to the hospital at all, and when your alien gets back home, you two walk awkwardly around each other until he gets tired of your shit.
You are organizing the wardrobe when your orc boyfriend walks in and you don’t say anything. Your alien boyfriend realizes instantly: “What is it between you two? You barely spend time in the same room, you are not touching each other. Or me for the matter,” he adds the last part just as a joke, but you flinch at his words.
You let out in a short breath, your heart beating fast as everything that has happened comes crashing into you. You feel bad, you feel so bad, but you don’t know how to fix it. You acted like a really bad girlfriend, you were shitty to him, and you don’t know what to do about it. And now your alien wants to talk about it and you can’t avoid it anymore.
“We… We are okay,” you let out, the lie tasting like ashes in your mouth. Your orc boyfriend is looking at you with a pained expression, and you swallow around the knot in your throat.
Your alien boyfriend sits on the bed and calls you out: “Bullshit. What happened?” He asks, looking between you two.
“I failed you,” your orc boyfriend says and your heart hurts for him, you want to go to him and hug him until the pain goes away, but… but you don’t know if he would welcome that, and it hurts more than it should.
Your alien boyfriend looks shocked. “You what? No, you didn’t. You think you did?” He points at your orc and he shrugs, and then points at you. “And you think he did?” You shrug, not wanting to answer, either. “You are both stupid as fuck. Come here,” he orders.
“But the wounds…” You try to argue with him, but he looks at you with those eyes that drive you in instantly, making you shiver.
“Come. Here.” He repeats. Both of you obey, walking to him like he’s pulling invisible strings.
You sit next to him, your orc boyfriend sits on the other side, and you both look at him expectantly. “You are the glue that keeps us together, you know that,” your orc boyfriend finally says.
“No, I’m not. What keeps us together is how much we love each other, and the fact that you two have been walking around eggshells around me and each other because of something neither of us is at fault in is incredibly stupid.” You two remain silent, knowing ful well he’s right. Your eyes are full of tears and you feel about to burst into sobs, but the comforting presence of your boyfriends keeps you controlled. For about two seconds before he says: “And what’s even worse, you two haven’t been touching my dick or your own parts and it shows.” You laugh between your tears, feeling the knot in your throat slowly dissolving as you hit his arm without any strength. “Ouch! Hitting the wounded alien, what a mean human we have here…” He jokes more, making your tears run free within your laughter. “Oh sweetie, don’t cry…” He lets out, his tone going soft.
And then your orc boyfriend is looking at you with a panicked expression. “Don’t cry, darling, please, you know it drives me insane to see you cry…” You know it does, he gets crazy and panics every time you cry because he doesn’t know what to do, how to act, tears really scare him.
“I’m sorry,” you choke out, trying to sniffle and making the most awful sound as you start to sob uncontrollably.
“Shit,” they both say at the same time, their arms coming around your body and getting you in an alien-orc sandwich. You cry more while they hug you tightly between them.
“I thought you were going to die,” you sob. “I was so worried.”
Your alien boyfriend kisses your forehead. “I know, sweetie, I know… But I’m okay. I swear.” He looks over your shoulder and orders to your orc boyfriend: “Tell her I’m going to be okay.”
“I- He… I-” He starts but can’t finish the sentence, a single tear running down his face and making your heart squeeze painfully again, another ugly sob escaping.
“You too?” The alien says, exasperated.
“I was worried, too, you asshole! I saw you bleed, I held my hands to your bleeding form as you passed out. I was scared shitless that you were going to die and it would be my fault.” You listen as he explains and you feel like the worst asshole in the world. He suffered, too. He was worried, too. And you acted like a jackass and made it even worse for him. And for you. You denied yourself of the comfort you thought you didn’t deserve and hurt him in the process. What a shitty girlfriend.
“It wasn’t your fault. It wasn’t nobody’s fault.” Your alien boyfriend explains, now rubbing his hands in both of your backs, trying to calm you down. “Now come on, kiss each other and say you are sorry for being stupid,” he jokes. “It’s not a suggestion.”
“I’m sorry,” you both say at the same time, a teary giggle escaping from your mouths as you kiss each other sweetly.
But it soon becomes frantic and passionate. For someone used to kiss and fuck every day, spending more than a week without any kind of action has been a pain for all of you, and it shows. You hate that your alien boyfriend was right. He’s going to be insufferable about it, you can already tell.
You break apart and look at him, lying there with a hand inside his pants, rubbing up and down. “You are a pervert,” you joke, licking your lips and looking at his covered erection.
“Oh, I know… And you are, too.” You blush, looking down because you know he’s right. “Now, are we going to fuck or what?” He let out bluntly.
You look at him, and think about the literal hole in his side that is still healing. “But you are wounded.”
“My dick works fine,” he says, lowering his pants enough to show you his pretty white dick, already glistening with precum.
You think about it, you want to tell him no, you can’t have sex, but you feel desperate. You feel needy, you need to touch them and be reminded they are okay. They are alive. And so are you. “You… You can’t move,” you finally said. It should be okay if he doesn’t move, right?
“I can’t?” He says, looking at you with a puzzled expression.
You both say in unison: “No.”
You lean against your orc’s chest and whisper against his ear: “Should we tie him down?” He nods. “You take the balls and I take the dick?” You add, bemusedly. He pulls back and nods, a big smile framed by his tusks. You lean down and kiss him until you are breathless.
“That’s not fair, you are forgetting about me.” You look at him and he’s pouting, his big black eyes looking into your soul with a glint of arousal mixed with some desperation. You shiver, but say nothing as you take your orc’s belt and tie it around your alien’s hands and the headboard, immobilizing him. “And you say I’m the kinky one?” He asks between laughs as he tries to move his hands and realizes you tied it more securely than he expected. You start unbuttoning his sleep shirt as he struggles, your orc boyfriend taking his pants off slowly. “Wait, I’m going to be the only one naked here?” He asks, still trying to break free and earning himself an annoyed look as you both stop what you are doing to look at him.
“Yes,” you say at the same time.
He stops struggling and looks between you two, frowning without eyebrows, which makes him look kinda funny. “That’s not fai-” He doesn’t get to say anything else before your orc boyfriend wraps his lips around the tip of his alien dick.
He breaks into a big moan as you start kissing your way down his torso, being very careful about his side wound. You kiss the edges of the bandage around it and keep going down, your tongue tracing the ridges of his torso as he shivers. You keep going down, not forgetting to kiss even an inch of his beautiful torso until you are face to face with your orc. He has his lips wrapped around the tip of your alien’s dick, not even doing much, just sucking like he’s a lollipop he’s enjoying. You ignored the struggle before, but hearing your alien whimpering and groaning as if he’s being tortured turns you on so much you can’t stop from slipping a hand inside your panties.
Your orc boyfriend realizes first: “Don’t you dare touch that pussy, that’s mine to please,” he growls, pulling back from the dick he was sucking. You smile at him cheekily and peck on his lips, rapidly ignoring him in favor of taking his place.
He grumbles something and you feel his hand slipping next to yours as he goes down and takes the alien balls in his mouth, rolling them around messily. You can only hear his filthy sounds and your alien’s whimpers. Soon, you are groaning around his shaft too, the orc’s dexterous fingers rubbing your clit in the most amazing way possible and making your brain go blank for a second, your groans joining the symphony of sex in the room.
“I’m about… I’m gonna…” You hear the warning over your head before you feel his dick opening and the little tentacles holding your face down as he comes in your mouth.
The first time was a surprise, but you’ve come to love when his weird dicks does alien things, it’s exhilarating to know he can hold you down in more than one way. But at that moment, as he releases inside your mouth and you keep sucking, your tongue lapping at him as your orc boyfriend sucks his balls like they are his favorite candy, you feel hotter than ever, your pussy so wet around the orc’s fingers you are two thrusts away from exploding.
And then you feel it, the flicker of your orc’s finger against your clit and the burning sensation in your lower abdomen as the orgasm takes you by surprise, your mouth occupied as you groan around alien dick and fall apart around orc fingers. Your brain short circuits for a second, ad your vision blacks and you can’t have any coherent thoughts as your orgasms takes over your body and brain. It never ceases to amaze you how great the sex has been since you three started dating, who would have thought thruple sex would be the best of your life?
When you come down from your orgasm and the alien dick-tacles (dick-tentacles you know) in your mouth finally release you, you fall flat against the mattress as your orc boyfriend laughs over you both for being fucked out and boneless. “Are we good now?” He asks.
“What? No!” Your alien exclaims, surprising you. You look at him with a question in your eyes. “He hasn’t come yet,” he explains, looking at your orc with a smirk on his face. He blushes in the prettiest shade of green and you want nothing more but to maul him… sexually.
“I can fix that,” you say, throwing yourself at him and trusting he would catch you. He does, and you kiss him senseless, your hand reaching for his erection.
You hear some struggling and then your alien is pouting again. “Is nobody going to untie me?” He says in the most whiny tone ever.
You two break apart and look at him with a smile as you say in unison: “No,” and laugh loudly. He grumbles some more as you two kiss again, your hand rubbing his erection.
“I regret forcing you to solve your communication problems,” he lets out grumpily. But you know it’s a lie. He’s smiling big as he struggles against the restrains and you jerk your orc’s boyfriend and he watches.
Everything would be alright.
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lunaritex · 2 days
⠀𓏲࣪ ִֶָ ︎ִֶָ KISS BENEATH THE ICE 𖤐 . — park sunghoon
↺ CONTENT: enemies to lovers, non-idol and college au, reader is female (sunghoon calls reader princess), reader and sunghoon are part of the ice-skating team, kissing at the end, tooth-rotting fluff.
↺ FROM HYE: Reading and writing about an idol was definitely not in my 2024 bingo card. Hopefully I get his character right after inhaling content after content whoops... @kazuhaiku (I bet you didn't foreseen this coming)
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Ridiculous proves to be an understatement to describe your current dilemma. Never in your life did you foresee yourself breathing in the same air as your number one most despised person: Park Sunghoon. You were dragged along by your group of friends to attend a party held by someone who you cannot remember. You could have been using the precious time practicing for your upcoming competition instead of wasting your time, standing in a corner as you watched everyone having the time of their lives. 
One thing led to another and you groaned at the sight of Sunghoon entering the kitchen, probably in search of something he could drink. He arched an eyebrow when he saw you leaning against the kitchen counter, a half-empty paper cup held in your left hand with your phone held in your right hand. 
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing here all alone?” He asked, having to slightly raise his voice as he reached your side, due to the loud booming music coming from the DJ. 
“And what’s it to you? Last I checked, you’re not my mother,” you retorted, raising the cup but Sunghoon was quick to snatch it out of your grip. 
You watched with disbelief and faint annoyance as he downed the remaining content in one go. He crushed the paper cup with one hand, accurately tossing it into the bin behind him without looking. Scowling at how he was showing off, you pushed yourself off the counter and attempted to leave, only to stop when he grabbed your wrist, holding you in place. 
“What do you want now?” You snapped, irritance seeping into your voice. 
“No need to be so angry. How about we get out for some fresh air? We can go ice-skating if you want,” he proposed. 
“I-!?” You could barely speak when someone knocked you from behind, making you tipped forward. The next thing you knew, you fell into Sunghoon’s chest as he steadied you, hands resting on your waist. You were quick to move away, not wanting to make this awkward and mumbled a thanks under your breath. 
“...Fine, I’ll go with you,” you replied, and you pointedly ignored how your heart skipped a beat at how his face lit up before dragging you out of the party. 
You felt at peace the moment you stepped onto the ice rink, shoulders instinctively loosening as you elegantly glided across the rink. You have loved ice skating since you were young, wanting nothing more to pursue it as a future career and your dream was to represent the country in the ice skating Olympics. You came to a stop when you heard Sunghoon entering the rink, leaning back to rest your elbows against the edge of the rink as you watched him skate over to you with experience. 
Both of you are in the same team and due to your looks and excellent teamwork (if people were to ignore how often both of you are constantly at one another’s throat), you were often paired together for competitions. You did not expect Sunghoon to boldly corner you against the edge, arms resting on both sides of you and the sudden proximity does dangers to your heart and soul. 
“Whoops, my hands slipped,” he apologized, making you roll your eyes. 
“Haha, very funny. Perhaps you should be a comedian in the future,” you deadpanned. 
“That doesn’t sound like a bad idea, but the thought of you having to work with someone else doesn’t sit well with me,” he smoothly admits, and the implications were as clear as day. 
Your breath hitched in your throat when your eyes met. Both of you could not find the urge to look away and you saw the way Sunghoon’s eyes trailed down your face, drinking in your features until they landed on your slightly parted lips. It was like both of your minds reached the same conclusion, with how you leaned towards one another, heads slightly angled to avoid bumping into one another. 
Fireworks exploded in your stomach the moment your lips met. It felt like something straight out from a romance anime, where the two main leads finally kissed after confessing their feelings. Sunghoon was the first to pull away, faint nervousness seen on his face; scared he had misread you and crossed the line. 
“So, does this mean we’re dating now?” You asked, noting how his shoulders sagged with relief and he smiled. 
“Sure, if you want to, girlfriend.” 
This time, the laugh and smile you gave him was genuine. “You don’t even have to ask, boyfriend.”
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dark-frosted-heart · 2 days
Choose Your True Love - Keith Howell (part 4/4)
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This is the from the 4th anniversary event.
As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this. 
(—I didn’t expect this)
Alter!Keith: You don’t even look sleepy.
Emma: You’ll be surprised by how gutsy I can be.
Alter!Keith: So you’re saying you didn’t cry during the fight or when people were hurling insults?
Emma: Well…I wouldn’t say cry, but rather, I’ve gotten so angry I thought I’d explode.
Alter!Keith: Wish I did something about that. Would’ve been interesting to see you rage.
Moonlight dimly lit the room.
Prince Keith was sitting on my bed, staring down at me as I lay on my bed.
The way it felt like he was watching my every move made me so nervous, I wondered if he could hear my heart beating. 
Alter!Keith: … Sorry.
(...For what happened back at the estate, I’m guessing)
(I have a feeling he’s not used to apologizing)
The way he awkwardly looked away was so different from how cold he was toward the nobles. I felt some sort of adoration.
Emma: Just words?
Alter!Keith: Is there something you want?
Emma: I want you to sleep.
Alter!Keith: You’re still worried about these dark circles? Too bad I’m not feeling sleepy.
Emma: You might fall asleep if you just close your eyes.
Alter!Keith: I’m still not done dealing with those people, so there’ll be trouble if he comes to the front. …Well, causing trouble would be convenient for me.
Prince Keith snickered at that and I couldn’t sense his true intentions.
Suddenly, everything that happened today flashed before my eyes.
(Wicked Prince Keith didn’t have any obligation to put so much effort into taking over government affairs and work)
(The reason why he does what he does is for the sake of the nice Prince Keith)
(So much more than I could ever imagine…He only lives for the nice Prince Keith)
(Probably never for himself)
I tried to hold back the tears that started to well up as I continued to think about how he supported the nice Prince Keith all by himself, without anyone being aware.
(I’m frustrated by the fact that I can’t do anything to help, even when I’m right beside him)
(But I don’t want to keep being someone that can’t do anything)
Alter!Keith: Hm?
I sat up on the bed and turned toward him.
I then gently placed my hands over Prince Keith’s ears.
Alter!Keith: What are you doing?
Emma: Warming your ears can help you calm down and relax. There’s too many unpleasant feelings today and I want to make them go away. …Please let me at least do this.
(I want to help lift this burden, even if it’s just for now)
Alter!Keith: …
Prince Keith’s sigh melted into the dimly lit room.
Seeing the somewhat vulnerable look on his face after he released his pent- up emotions loosened the strings tightened around my heart.
Alter!Keith: That guy’s future fiancee sure is softhearted.
Emma: …How did you know?
Alter!Keith: You don’t look like the type to invite someone else to your room when you’re engaged.
A bony finger traced over the engagement ring on my finger that had two jade stones of different colors.
Alter!Keith: If you really are his fiancee in the future… Is that guy finally smiling?
(...This was what he wanted to ask back in the study)
Though he asked nonchalantly, there was an underlying desire in his voice.
Emma: …Yes, he’s smiling. So, so much. Every day, from morning to night, he’ll smile on various occasions. Whenever our eyes meet or we pass by each other, the smiles reach his eyes…Ah, when we made sweets the other day, I got so shy with how much he smiled. It was so cute… And before we sleep—mmph.
Alter!Keith: I didn’t tell you to gush about it.
(Hmm, I was doing that)
I nodded and he removed his hand from my mouth.
Alter!Keith: Well it sounds like he’s happy…else there’d be no point in me being around. … That guy came back.
Emma: Even you smile just as much as him.
Alter!Keith: Huh…me?
Emma: Of course.
Alter!Keith: What…I didn’t disappear?
(Ah, I thought so)
~~ Flashback ~~
Alter!Keith: Haha, so I played with you in the future? Well, you do look gullible.
~~ End flashback ~~
(It’s been on his mind this whole time)
(The way he said it, he assumed he didn’t exist anymore in the future)
Since his very existence was supposed to be impossible, it’s only natural for him to think that way.
(But I don’t want him to assume that)
(I want Prince Keith of the past to know he has a future)
Emma: In the future, I’m engaged to both Prince Keiths. I love you both and you’re both more important to me than anything else.
Alter!Keith: …
Emma: That’s why I don’t want you to think you’re someone that will disappear. I won’t let you think that. I want you to remember that the both of you will be loved by a stubborn, greedy woman.
When I loosely laced my fingers with his, he awkwardly responded back.
It looked like he believed me.
Emma: I’m still new to it, so there’s only so much I can do to help you. But I definitely will become a strong woman who can support you.
Alter!Keith: You’ve already done enough. Actually, I… Your words saved me.
The last time I saw Prince Keith, he looked childish and at peace.
(Mmm…I’m in…)
Instead of moonlight, it was sunlight that streamed into the room through the windows. I squinted at the brightness.
When I sat up and looked around, I found myself in Prince Keith’s room.
(Everything that just happened was all a dream)
(It was a pretty realistic dream…my heart still aches a bit)
Alter!Keith: Thought you weren’t in your own room. You were here instead.
Emma: Ah…Prince Keith.
(Oh yeah. I was waiting for him in his room as he finished his official duties)
Alter!Keith: …
(What’s wrong?)
When Prince Keith came into the room, he immediately made his way toward me and sat on the bed.
He awkwardly patted my head.
Alter!Keith: You look like you wanna cry.
Emma: Ah…Well, I was remembering the dream I had.
Alter!Keith: …That so. Then nothing happened to you.
Emma: Sorry for worrying you.
Alter!Keith: Not forgiven.
Emma: Eep!
After nipping my neck, he wrapped his arms around my waist.
The pain in my chest faded away as he patted my back, similar to the way one would when comforting a child.
(Back then and now, Prince Keith’s kindness never changed)
Emma: Um, so your official duties…?
Alter!Keith: I’m done with them.
Emma: You finished pretty early today.
Alter!Keith: More precisely, I put an end to it. Wanted to spend time with you. Since it’s your day off, there’s no point in my working that hard in the first place.
(You say that, but I know you do your job perfectly)
(...So you want to spend time with me?)
Emma: Mnn…
He tilted my chin and captured my lips with his.
It felt a surge of happiness with love from our repeated touches.
We stared at each other and when I kissed him, he pushed me down onto the bed.
(Wicked Prince Keith has things he wants to do for himself now)
(Use his time for himself, and not for the sake of someone else)
Warmth spread in my chest.
(I want this to keep being the norm for him)
With that wish, I hugged my lover tightly.
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Ok this one is a little far fetched and might get me some angry comments and reblogs, but I wrote this for me, not for you, so if you don’t like it you can scroll.
Warning, Bruce x Dani
Bruce is 19, and just left to do his world tour thingy when he meets Dani.
Dani (19) is in a bad place. The Fenton parents are dead. Jazz is dead, Danny is healing in the ghost zone, Sam is missing, Tucker is in a semi permanent coma and Dan is deaged to a year old and the GIW is still legal.
Dani and Bruce were created from a life of tragedy.
So when Dani and Bruce meet, they click instantly.
They had a whirlwind romance that lasted up until they were both 21 and dan is 3.
Eventually though, Bruce know he will have to leave, and Dani know he cannot stay.
He invites her to Gotham, by she refuses. the AEA make it hard to live in the US. Plus the GIW is still hunting her and Dan
So Bruce returns alone.
Keep in mind, he busted started being Batman, he doesn’t have the connections within the Government as Batman, and it would be suspicious for Brucie to suddenly pressure the government ink removing a set of acts that ‘protects’ America citizens. And because within the next 15 years or so, he adopts a family, so he kinda forgot about the acts
But one day, while all the kids are on a siblings trip and Alfred is on holiday, there’s a knock at Wayne Manor.
It’s 15 year old Dan, looking beat to hell, and without his mother.
The GIW had finally caught up with Phantasm and his ghost son. But Dani stashed Dan away to protect him, and they took Dani instead of them both. Dani always told him that if he needed help and she wasn’t there, to go to Bruce Wayne’s house in Gotham City.
(Yes I am aware that the age math isn’t matching, but because Dan was deaged and didn’t grow up in a place with ectoplasma in the air, he didn’t age and developed qright. He’ll age better now that he’s in Gotham tho)
So when Bruce’s kids and Alfred arrive a week later he sits them down and says.
Bruce: I have someone I want to introduce to you
Jason: oh hell- it’s another kid, isn’t it??
Tim: Doesn’t he have black hair and blue eyes??
Cass: does he have trauma??
Dick: why couldnt you stop with Duke!
Bruce: hey, if anything, he’s my first kid! I had him before you! (You cannot convince me that after raising Dan for two years, he didn’t see himself as Dan’s dad)
Duke: say what now?
Dan: sup
Dan: and yes, I do have trauma
Bruce: Dan will be living with us until I find his mother
Damian: who is his mother?
Bruce: my ex
Steph: oh god you have another blood son
Bruce: no me and Dan aren’t related by blood. Anyway, my ex got herself kidnapped by a government organization that declared her and Dan none sentient.
Barbara: oh god he does have trauma
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fruifruit · 4 months
i can’t find a way to transform this into a comic right now but i truly believe “i don’t want to battle you anymore” is one of the worst things that mc can say to kieran
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jrueships · 3 days
i genuinely cannot stand being around ppl who have to take their anger out on others . i'm so sick of always having to act like the bigger person to my Older brother while he can just tornado around my entire life & belongings & relationships without warrant all over smthing that had absolutely nothing to do with you or anyone, rlly.
#but HE runs and tells on ME?#i was just going to let shit blow over#lock myself away as fucking alwys like when we were little and he would cuss up a fucking storm#screaming crying and throwing the shit i bought over being unable to beat a game he plays every fucking day#set on fucking Easy mode#and hes hitting a bat into the door or wrecking my shit in my room or fucking. yelling abt me to the fuckin dog#and in the 'dog's voice' making the animal agree with him bcs im? acting crazy#over a fcking video game that u cant even tell him to turn off or at least stop fucking screaming and wailing or else it'll just set it off#sooner#when dad did it he was fcking drunk and i was illegitimate#it's like i cant even fcking escape fcking hell.#hiding all my bad grades in math bcs i couldnt read a stupid fking number right bcs i didnt want ppl screaming at me#for causing even more trouble than they already have to deal with and just living as dumb bcs it costs less#ill get over it ill try harder#i always have to be the bigger fucking man and im so fucking tired of it#but how are u supposed to cut off someone youve been assigned caretaker as b4 u were even born#im so fucking exhausted#anyways so yea. im pretty sensitive to tone so if i seem like a baby to smthing i apologize#i rlly just. cant stand sme things sometimes#i love getting told i never felt like a friend to my other siblings not only bcs of our massive age gap but also theyre legitimate and#i dont drink or smoke so apparently we cant hang without them always checking the time on their phones#while im taking them out to smthing they like like it's so fun i fcking love it here#anyways yea. love zero comprehension or compassion. love it. loving my life
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Dysprosium, Mary Soon Lee
dysprosium, AN 66, is a silvery-white rare earth metal. its name is derived from the greek dysprositos, meaning “hard to get at”, owing to the difficulty in separating and isolating this rare earth element. dysprosium is used to measure neutron flux, to fuel reactors, and to activate phosphors. terfenol-d is a magnetorestrictive alloy, meaning that it changes shape when a magnetic field is applied, and is used to manufacture underwater acoustic systems.
jason “robo” robertson, dallas stars #21 for @simmyfrobby’s nhl periodic table poems <3
#i had a couple different ideas for poems that were taken by the time i could go deranged for a couple hours to make this but as I looked#i was like WAIT NONE OF YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE JASON ROBERTSON YOU HAVEN’T SEEN MY TEXAS CAM and had to do it. also was STRUCK with the#sudden immaculate vision of the Dallas D as part of terfenol-D and could not get it out & robo is the most dance! person i know on the team#liv in the replies#dallas stars#jason robertson#nhl periodic table poems#guys i am plagued with visions and no execution skills!! every day i come here and learn one new skill on GIMP the way god intended!!!#today it was emboss. also cannot claim any credit for the pulse to the magnetic beat photo which is so cool that was one where i had a#couple and was like maybe i can do like crayon shockwaves like the art process video kasper showed? and then found that picture and was#like thank you lord stanley for knowing my limitations. thank you for your understanding in this moment it was a trial enough to make#expand contract dance and one would THINK i would have fucking learned from the claude animorphs tragedy!! i did not. but i did use the#shear tool and 3D rotate so at least if we’re animorphing it’s SLIGHTLY better. anyway me frantically doing this like WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT#WAIT FOR ME YOU GUYS ARE SO FAST i keep seeing all of these and just spinning around in circles until i get dizzy & fall down I’m so happy#the drive folder for this is just called joy!!!!! because joy this is such a cool idea but now because it brings me so much joy#i just saw the Travis dermott one and burst into tears super normal AND someone did exactly what i wanted with hydrogen which was the water#the ice!!!!! it’s so perfect!!! and cody ofc did silver lord stanley. like does it ever make you cry how beautiful & creative everyone is?#anyway if you see me post and delete this and then update it or change it no you didn’t it’s fine. but i wanted to be included#if i could make the dysprosium letters not have a white background i would I simply could not fuck with it at 1AM. we are hitting send#it may not look like it but i queue#pretend i spoke at length about the reasons why i picked all the pictures & the element just know that it’s there inside my brain u can ask#GUYS I TAKE IT ALL BACK I SAW NEONFRETRA’S ISOTOPES AND I COULD MAKE THE EDITS EVEN THOUGH THEY’RE THERE!! ISOTOPES!!!! YOU GUYS!!!!!!#get ready for the edits then. dylan magnesium my beloved child of stars who can never return… like i wish i could say anyone else but it’s#i KNOW number nineteens bismuth don’t make me Google how many years nolan played hockey but also there’s ej for stable so.. also half-life#actinium claude giroux my beloved… when i saw there already was a claude i thought maybe Brady too for that#I don’t know how but flerovium doubled magic is percolating in my brain as was promethium bad boy because I was like hmmm. tyler. but#couldn’t commit and THEN SOMEONE DID BAD BAD LEROY BROWN TYLER BERTUZZI TO PROMETHIUM AND BESTIE I AM KISSING YOU ON THE MOUTH!!! with cons#anyway shane wright germanium with juraj slafkovský but showing him very obviously not missing it. if jack eichel was not an asshole#the narratives WOULD be narrativing. you could argue for a sidovi here with the calder cup and potentially a best friend stealing narrative#(the most recent is cam yorke’s acquisition of jamie d from trevor zegras which would then require a yorkie one for silicon the other side)
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crystalkitty1220 · 4 months
Man I wonder where the leader of the fear realm could've gone, it's alMOST LIKE NEVIN HAS AN
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#had to re-edit the image real quick because the original edit was from a post I made about Drew years ago#and while the Drew thing is becoming less and less likely. Nevin havinv one has basically been canon since#someone mentioned Greg's (was it Britney's) aura being familiar in s2ch1. ive been putting together a list of every line#that points to Nevin's aura throughout the whole thing (most from s2ch1 but then s2ch10 came out and it was really canon at that point)#but clearly i'm running out of time to say ''i fucking called it'' before it's explicitly stated and i dont want to be in another situation#where somebody else will beat me to a theory and me posting anything about it will seem like copying them. sorry about that btw i had#thought i had already mentioned theorizing that nevin was possessed by a demon in that old theory i made but i had forgotten that one was#super old and was about sigma. so no copying there i just got extremely paranoid there was a mention of a cult and i was like ''nuh uh#that's way too specific and out there of a detail to end up in both our theories'' and i forgot the rest of my super old post was outdated#as hell. and echos had gone ''yeah they're so similar!'' and i took their word for it but now i'm realizing they were probably just trying#to be supportive. so yeah no copying there i was just beaten to the punch of saying something. but i will NOT back down from the aura shit#because i have been calling that shit FROM THE START or at least since i started reading ibvs back when ch20 came out.#also not backing down from saying chris was the worse friend because these past few chapters are the first time isaac has done anything tha#could knowingly upset chris meanwhile chris has. let edward drag isaac to the lair after isaac said edward would beat him up. chose not to#believe edward was holding the secrets over their heads because 'it was something isaac had said' and then immediately distrusted edward in#the next chapter because a random person he didn't know said to steal a book (might i mention how that entire scene proves chris' lack of#development and refusal to take responsibility because it perfectly alludes to when chris had brought those fireworks into his old school#and makes me wonder if charlie has actually gotten him in trouble with his past schools or if he's still just not taking responsibility#and if him following nevin to the woods to test out their powers is an extension of ''if something bad happens its not my fault''#like seriously this man would bring a mysterious suitcase onto a plane if he's told to). uh what was i talking about agai#anyway on a related note my mental state has only gotten worse since i left tumblr and the habit of thinking about chris instead of sleepin#or doing schoolwork has not stopped. so i was still failing for a while and might graduate now but am still staying away from tumblr.#so yeah this was a little update and im not going to linger this time im just going to leave tumblr again right after hitting post#addendum because i just can't let things go. and was thinking about chris again. i don't think his lack of development is because of bad#writing (anymore. i used to.). instead i'm certain his character arc is going to continue into him following someone (nevin probably) into#doing something really bad. and then he'll finally get actual consequences and go 'oh shit i fucked up real bad this time'#if you think that theory is reaching too far into the future you should hear mine about isaac dying at the end lmao
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falldogbombsthemoon · 4 months
How can one stare at themselves in the mirror for hours and feel like they are the hottest mf on earth but as soon as a stranger looks at them, they feel like a shrinkled up pickle. Like God please.
#definitely not talking about myself#like maaaaan i wanna look fancy and shit but i cant stand people looking at me#someone glances at me for just a second and i feel like that person just threatened to beat the ever existing shit out of me#lets just say getting in a class full of judgemental teenage boys in 8th grade wasnt the best for my self-esteem :) haha :)))#i dont fucking feel comfortable anymore without a jacket dude#and i dont look bad. like ik that but for somereason im an anxious piece of shit#also haha lets see how imma get through fucking summer when i cant wear my jacket at all times#someone just delete grade 8 out of my mind and then put me in a new class and boom i wouldnt care at all#we just love all the wholesome humanity you get to experience as a short haired afab dont we? :)))#genuinely i want to live in my own world. which in my mind i very much do so thank whomever for creating imagination#if we were in the 1800s you could now call me romantic#or somrthing like that#we just started the romantic period in music and that shit catched me#as much as i hate my music teacher for being a complete fucking inhumane dickhead. i gotta like how fascinated he talks about that topic#oh but now hes competing with my biology teacher for the title of my very own personal wellbeing crasher#ive been yapping. im sorry. my mind is wide awake and i should be sleeping#tw vent#ig?#idk man my thoughts are a mess and i had to write them down bc i cant talk to myself rn#oh shut up already#quinns daily yapping post
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muttsona · 5 months
phone calls laced with memories of what will never be
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