#if the coloring is off its cuz i can't find my glasses
noorionoodles · 3 months
ay, if it's no problem could you do an Andy Reed one-shot?
my idea is that the reader is a person who normally doesn't pay attention to the rain (even if there was a storm, they would be in their thoughts and wouldn't notice it) only this time the protagonist finds a kitten (I'll leave the rest up to you) always if you want
Deviated faaaar from the og request but I still hope you like it ;-;
Tease (Andy Reed × Reader) (Harvest town)
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Summary: reader finds a stray cat in the rain, drunk Andy finds her, flirting insues. (Yeah there's not a whole lot going on here)
tw/: pre-established relationship, mutual pining, mentions of alcohol and depression, lots of cringe flirting, cat ignored halfway through the story cuz these two can't shut up for two seconds—
The rain pattered against the glass panes, a symphony of raindrops mimicking the murmuring whispers inside the lone man's head as he leaned against the counter. Glass of wine in his hand, his gaze remained fixed on the swirling red sparkling under the bar's golden light.
Andy stood silent. Thoughts pouring into his mind just as he downed another drink. Just how many did he have? He lost count. A sudden gust of wind picked up, forcing the windows wide open with a loud thud!
His mind snapped out of his melancholy. Andy looked towards the opening, not caring about the spatters of water making a mess of his clothes or his wooden floor. Seeing a familiar figure standing in the distance, its silhouette lingering between his bar and the Ford Mansion, he sighed. This is the third time this week, and he is getting tired of blaming it all on the rainy evenings of spring.
At least you'll get me to stop thinking for a bit, he thought to himself, locking the window in a firm fit.
He pushed himself off the glossy edge, walking towards the entrance and taking his umbrella out of the basket with a twirl of his hand. He pushed the doors wide open, stepping onto the murky sidewalk. Sure enough, there you were. Standing near the fences, your drenched back turned against him.
"Little farmer!" Andy called out in a low drawl, voice drowned out in the haze of the downpour. You didn't respond. Calling out your name again, he dragged his feet to stand beside you, gaze hovering over you curiously.
Feeling a shadow suddenly drift over you, you look up to find him observing you with amusement in his eyes.
"Little farmer, I'm starting to believe you're doing this on purpose." With a smile, he kept holding his umbrella above you, shielding you while he soaked in the rain.
You could only scoff at his words, taking the umbrella from his hand. Your other holding the straw hat that's otherwise always on your head. "Don't worry, I didn't forget this time."
"Forget what this time?" He teased, tilting his head so the umbrella wouldn't interrupt his gaze on you. "That you're standing in the middle of the rain? Color me impressed."
"That only happened twice!"
"Three times, actually. If we're counting tonight."
You squint your eyes at him, "I'm surprised you remember that when you're so drunk."
He frowned, lips quivering and acting all pathetic. "How did you know? I swear I can still walk."
"I can smell the alcohol off you, Andy!"
"Oh how you wound me, little farmer."
You groan, not moving an inch until you feel a gentle palm on the small of your back. He dropped his act, chuckling at your irritation, no doubt directed at your situation.
"Come on, you klutz." His voice softened, "Let's get you inside." His gaze drifted to your firm hold on your hat, clearly noticing something rummaging inside. "And whatever it is you're hiding from me in that hat."
You look down at your arms, lifting your hat to take a peek, as if you're reassuring yourself it's still there. You're not surprised his observant eyes noticed so soon.
He guided you back inside the bar, sighing in relief as he closed the door. You close his umbrella, watching him shed off his waistcoat. His strands of auburn red dripping wet like a waterfall, you watch him unbutton the cuffs of his dress shirt. With a flick of his wrists, he pulled them over his arms, exposing the sculpted muscles that are always hidden by the constricting fabric.
You were snapped out of your shameless gawking with the sound of a soft purr. Quickly, you stepped towards the counter, placing your hat upside down on the surface.
"It's okay... you can come out now." You rest your head on the countertop, patiently waiting for whatever was supposed to come out of hiding.
Andy spotted a furball of black perk her head up, a small kitten coming into view. She hops over your hat, clumsily landing on her paws and falling face first on the counter surface. You let out a soft laugh, muttering a 'careful' as you prop the dizzy cat back onto its limbs.
"Another cat, huh? Poor thing..." He lifted his hand towards the feline's face, to which it approaches with caution. "This one must've been trapped in the rain. It's a good thing you brought it inside."
"Isn't she cute?" Your eyes sparkle in delight, and without a second thought, you pick her up in your arms, cradling her like a doll.
Andy raised an eyebrow at the way you handled the stray. "She is. Though I'm surprised she didn't scratch you just now." He chuckled, making another attempt to gain her trust by showing his hand.
Only this time, the kitten suddenly lunged her claws at him, almost grazing his face. Andy yanked himself away with a surprise yelp. "Sheesh, relax! I wasn't gonna hurt you..."
She glared at him, turning her head away to lick her paw. You could only laugh at the cute pout on the bartender's face. "I guess this one doesn't like you either, hm?"
Andy puffed his cheeks in feigned annoyance, ducking his head under the counter he stood behind and throwing a spare towel your way. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. It's not my fault I look so scary."
You laughed louder, draping the soft cloth over the kitten. "Literally, who told you that!?"
"I can tell. Just look into her eyes." He stared at the annoyed cat dead in the eyes as he tried to prove his point. She purred against your hand as you dried her, ignoring him completely.
"See?" You raise a brow, watching his shoulders slump. He looked just like a kicked puppy. "You're not scary. She's just sassy."
"And you're straight up cruel!" He claimed with a dramatic flair, his palm resting on his cheek. "That little rascal almost ruined my pretty face, and you don't even care."
You snort at his words, rolling your eyes as you lean over the counter, face inching close. "Oh, don't be so dramatic." You pull his face towards you, a firm yet gentle grip on his chin. "Let me take a look..."
His breath hitched at your touch, eyes wide as he felt you tug on his face. A red flared up to his cheeks, matching his hair. He stared into your eyes that were trailing down his features. Did you even know what you were doing to him? Your thumb grazed over his stubble, and he could smell a mix of rain and grass emanating from your hair. Your breath ghosted over his cheek, leaving a trail of goosebumps on his skin.
His eyes drifted to your chapped lips, and it took every ounce of his liquor-tainted restraint not to close the gap.
"See? You're fine." You pulled away, and he already missed the warmth of you. He watched you plop back onto the barstool, your fingers playing with the kitten now relaxed in your arms. She glanced over at him, her tail flicking back and forth as she relished in your attention. Andy suddenly felt a twinge of childish jealously in his heart.
He quickly masked his pout with a remark, giving you wink. "So you're saying I'm handsome~?"
"I never said you weren't." You respond without missing a beat, grinning at the blush on his face, darkening to a maroon.
He simply let out a breathless chuckle, raising his hands in defeat, knowing you have the upper hand this time. Or so he'd like you to think. He wasn't going to give up so easily.
"Damn sugar, you're not relenting this time." He raised his hand, fingers ghosting over your cheek. You give him a puzzled look, heart picking up pace at the nickname.
"But I didn't do anything?" You tilt your head innocently, ignoring the way your body leaned into his touch on instinct. The cat in your arms still playing with your hand, now looking over at the two humans with suspicion.
Mirth flickered in his eyes, and he leaned closer. You stared at the motion of his throat with the way he laughed, making you swallow a lump forming in yours. His lips drifted to the shell of your ear, a teasingly small space in between. His fingers trailed down your face, tilting your jaw to meet his gaze.
"Oh, but you did. Taking in your fill and denying me even a single sip." You swore you heard his voice deepen. His face hovered over you, thumb wiping the rain streaks off your cheek. The same motion now reaching your lower lip, his eyes flickering there once more.
He suddenly pulled away, and now it's your turn to be a blushing mess. Your eyes darted from his proud grin to the cat in your hands as she gave you an unimpressed 'meow.' For some reason, that made you more embarrassed.
Andy relished in your reaction. His smile widened at the sight of your blush he wished he could kiss all over. It warmed his heart in a strange way, and he felt a lot lighter after that. You were truly one hell of a way to get his mind off things.
"Sorry, sorry." He gave a sheepish smile, as if someone flicked a switch in his mind and now he's back to gentle Andy. "I'll stop teasing you."
You notice his expression. The way his smile reached the crinkles of his eyes, you knew it was real. Not one of those polite ones that so seemlessly masked the bartender's face. And you felt ligther too.
You couldn't help but smile back. Still in a flustered state, you bury your face in the towel, soothing your quivering heart beating in tandem to the drums of rain against the windows. The soft purrs of the cat in your arms as it lulled itself to sleep.
"It's fine. You win this time."
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phoenixfiiire · 4 months
@dawnturnstodusk asked: 📃 (something with Clive and Joshua?) | If you slip in a little 📃 I will discuss one four scenarios that have been living in my head rent free | ACCEPTING
you can't tell me what to do!
1 - okay so for Joshua and Clive there's the very much needed (and obvious) 'actually talking about what the heck they DID for close to twenty years'.
2 - this is maybe less exciting on its face but like, what the heck are they going to do with Rosaria? literally both of them sitting there trying to pass the duchy off to one another in an endless game of no you because Clive now should technically be the one running it; he is a Dominant and the first born.
3 - brotherly shenanigans but also like. hello they are siblings. the game has given this very... rose-colored glasses view of their relationship and it's very sweet and loving but god damn at some point it just has to break. not like they need to hate each other, but there's a lot of trauma there that's built into their siblingship b/cuz of annabella and then clive thinking he killed joshua, but also joshua hid that he was alive from clive for years. like sure you can't blame Baby Joshua, but what about when he was an adult? even though there's probably valid reasons why Joshua didn't (valid in terms of 'I didn't want Ultima to find you'), it still is like? Joshua? wtfuck???
4 - but also clive just being the Absolute Worst when he sees his baby brother having a crush
5 - i just want to remind you that benedikta did have Joshua as a captive and man what if he didn't break free and she was able to take him back to Waloed where Barnabas was waiting that'd be craaaaazy
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Patton's witch tips
- you don't HAVE to use any specific tool and anyone who tells you that you do is a wad
- don't trust tiktok. Straight up
-find divine in the mundane
- don't force yourself to do something that doesn't work for you
-fuck around and find out
- you are not in danger of being hexed. That is fear mongering bullshit from people who should know better
- don't bury glass jars
- magic is everywhere
- the gods are chiller than you think
-seriously delete tiktok
- take advice from tumblr with a grain of salt
- don't trust tiktok
The thing with witchcraft is it can be amazing and awesome and fun! But too many people have a stick up their ass and scare new people away who don't know everything. It's always the most misinformed that have the loudest voices.
Like my one friend. Who CARES if someone only started practicing witchcraft because it's a 'trend'? Why is that a problem? As long as they're being respectful, we should be welcoming them!
I'm only just getting back into it now that I'm an adult and know I don't need all the fancy shit. I can use cheap birthday candles. I can just stuff some dirt in an empty pill jar and leave it on my nightstand. I can make spell Playlists. I can use ANY rock.
I don't need to waste my time learniI can collect as many books as I want for research and never touch online information. I can work with the gods I want to. As long as it isn't a closed practice like Voodoo, Native American practices, or parts of Judaism, I can pick any pantheon and any creature I want. Like Roman, Celtic, Greek.
If I wanna solely believe in fairies, that's my biz. If I wanna use the song Reel Love to manifest love in my life, I can! If my only good luck charm is a cleaned off chicken bone, then so mote it be! I love making my own sigils! But I don’t really care about candles.
Like SOME stuff I wanna get right. Like colors and water types and moon phases. Cuz yeah SOMETIMES you need a certain thing for a certain thing. And its nice to know when full moons are. But other than that, 90 percent of witchcraft is fuck around n find out.
Rocks can be good, just don't think you NEED a certain specific rock. I only buy the rocks I want. The rest are from outside that I just wash off. My favorite protective wards are my rose quartz pig and Technoblade figure.
Again. There are exceptions. If someone says a religion is closed, do your own research and if it's closed. Don't fucking do it. Don't do voodoo if you're white. Use your brain. But if some witch on tumblr who abides SOLELY by the 3 fold law is telling you're a fake witch because you learned about witchcraft from a magazine. That person is probably just not a good person. If that person thinks magic is solely connected to their genitals, they're a TERF and you need to block their ass.
This is a long winded way of me saying that what you do with your craft is your business. Don't think because you don't like tea, can't afford crystals, or don't understand tarot that you're not a witch.
If you say you're a witch, you're a fucking witch.
Signed, a disabled, trans masc, lesbian witch, whose tired of people's bullshit, and whose finally getting back into witchcraft at almost 20
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itsza · 2 years
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(+ vegas my dude, pick a side)
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Kinnporsche as textposts part 14/??
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beetroot-merchant · 3 years
Welcome to episode ∞ of beetle is obsessed with things, today we talk about SCRIBKYLY!! MAN HE HE STEALING COLORS FR!! AA
[scribbles belongs to @occatorcreator, and freedom ad guy belongs to @starsandsciss0rs! freedom plays a v minor role so ehfgrnk if you came here for that, don't /lh]
oKOK this is gonna be long but!! if i don't scream for a minute i think ill fall apart so ye click at ur own risk!! headcanons theories and doodles under the cut, warning for minor swearing and mild ooc
SCRIBBLES. I have so much to say about this man. I'm not even kidding when I say mentioning them gives me actual goosebumps. I've come to know every obsession comes with its own unique symptoms but still ;; freak . /lh
(oh and also please note that whenever i insult them its affectionate. its a habit of mine ^^' i love scribbles very dearly and would like to punch them into tomorrow please)
Buncha HCs first! for both Scribbles and CDAU in general :] im sorry to whoever is reading this
1. [based on the kitkat thing] He has an odd fascination with preparing/eating food wrong, and cursed things in general. Going off the Discord conversation you might have seen, he drinks cereal out of a cup, and lets just say there aren't many foods he doesn't stuff in a blender first ("Toast juice isn't cursed, its efficient"). Vertical chips enjoyer. Not sure if they have a phone, but if they do, you won't find anything in its gallery besides the likes of le fishe au chocolat and Heinz Mayoreo. Its terrifying. They're terrifying.
2. It has siblings. His animator, whoever they are, sucks, right? But they still draw, so one would think they practice a lot? Buncha distorted salty evil freaks is what I'm saying. they bros. He's the youngest, which does say something about how old the rest of them are - as well as his animator... maybe they don't suck, but the tech was just really limited at the time? I dunno. I just think it deserves bros
3. Continuing from #2, since they're all fucked up and unstable, and it sort of hurts to exist, the tech associated one (whoever that is) made a sort of safe space where their bodies are just. more functional. They can't stay there for long, the animator would get suspicious, but its a nice place to hang out and vibe
4. Also, he hasn't seen his siblings in a long while. They sent him out on some journey for revenge, cuz he was the most stable and able-bodied, and he never came back
5. After being separated long enough from their sticks, the colors in their jars adapt to being stick-less and become sort of... sentient? Not really intelligent or able to communicate, but they still fill some criteria of being a living being. They move around and respond to certain stimuli (which makes it kind of heartless to leave them in small jars, maybe he builds like a little glass room for them to fly around in? I dunno), and after being isolated for long enough, they can even begin to talk. After it begins to talk, Scribbles finds Second's color especially to be good company, even if its a bit of an overthinker sometimes. Its powers come in handy, too. Red's is good at distracting him from whatever he's worrying about, which is a lot more useful than you'd think, but most of the time he lets it chill with the others.
6. He's not on the hunt for colors as much as names. There's a reason he won't tell us his real name and just goes by Scribbles; he hates it, maybe he's even ashamed of it. Once he finds someone with the right name, one that represents him, he'll probably stop. Getting their color will just be an added bonus.
7. He can also steal the colors/names of black/grayscale sticks, not even the likes of Chosen, Victim (if he was still around), Gray, or Freedom are safe.
8. A bit of explanation for the last two - how does he take colors? My theory is, as long as their name doesn't represent them anymore, their color will come with it, since names and colors seem to be inherently tied. So for someone named the Chosen One, all he would have to do is spread propaganda telling everyone he's evil and whatnot, "and who'll choose you as their hero then? The main five? The stick figures so weak they got robbed of their own names? Didn't think so."
When it comes to some others, it gets more complicated. In the case of Freedom, though, it was easy; take away their freedom and they're not free duh ._. idk i really like the idea of freedom and scribbles together, polar opposite little bugs i would like them to watch a movie
In the case of RGBY (as well as Gray (??), Mango (?) and Purple) its kind of a paradox - their name represents their color, and their color represents their name, so how would you take either away?
No seriously how I haven't filled in this plothole help-
Uh, moving on
9. (again from the Discord conversation) His favourite Pokémon is Scrafty! They share energy
10. if it ends up getting a redemption. the song Little Do You Know (s/yt/am). thats all
okAYYY time for doodles! Not entirely settled on how to draw him yet, but I'm sure I'll figure it out soon, considering all the drawing I'll be inevitably doing ^^'
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song lyrics from You Can't Hide :]
this would be on digital but i can't find my pen so :p
...And wow, look at that! You've made it to the end. Congrats! I'm not entirely sure how you've maintained your sanity, but that's none of my business ':D I'm... probably going to be talking about this guy for a long time, so prepare yourselves :)
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gaytedlasso · 4 years
15, 16, 19, plus one you'd like to answer
15. Worst thing each member of TFW has done?
Oof gonna have to take off my rose-colored glasses for this question. I love ALL of TFW so much, but I can be realistic too.
Sam: The demon blood. This answer is probably because I'm on S5 of my rewatch so it's fresh in my mind, but I honestly can't believe how much he rationalized it. I know he felt guilty after Lillith but still. I love Sam but this wasn't like a singular choice. He kept choosing Ruby over everyone else for a long time.
Dean: Kicking human Cas out of the bunker. I'm a heller but Dean's honestly done some extremely shitty things to Cas. There was no real reason for them to abandon Cas the only time he's truly needed help and was at his most vulnerable. Just thinking about it breaks my heart.
Cas: incapable of fault... Jk. Um he made a lot of mistakes in S7. Leviathan thing being at the top of the list probably. Also I know he needs a vessel but it honestly makes me so sad knowing that Jimmy is possessed by him. Jimmy was so traumatized in that episode when we meet him and only agreed to it again to spare Claire.
16. Thoughts on Chuck?
Chuck the writer/prophet, fun. Chuck as "God", an asshole. I'm actually a Christian so seeing his character kinda stung a bit. I obviously don't think spn affects my faith but still not a fan. He just viewed everyone as his playthings and got mad when they didn't play along. That being said, the emotional scene where Dean questioned where Chuck had been during all the horrible things that have happened on earth was honestly amazing and heartbreaking. And it felt very real, cuz even Christians have doubts and get angry.
17. Favorite Cas/Dean, Cas/Sam, and Cas/Jack scene
Cas/Dean: Oof where do I start? Okay. Obvious answer would be something emotional like the confession, but honestly it's Tombstone. When they're in the car and Dean tells Cas to act like he's from Tombstone and Cas describes the movie as "the one with guns and tuberculosis." Tombstone is literally in my Top 10 favorite movies so this is the best thing I've ever seen.
Cas/Sam: I love this duo. I have two favorites. The entire scene when Cas is drunk is amazing; "I got your message. It was long and I find the sound of your voice grating." And in 15x01 when Sam accidentally shoots Cas through a ghost and Cas just says "You shot me" looking so freaking done.
Cas/Jack: Dadstiel is my favorite. I love almost all their interactions but a personal favorite is when Cas give Jack permission to join social media. It was such a father/son thing.
My choice, 3. What's a scene that you think is underrated?
This is probably because I just rewatched this episode for the Dean's birthday netflix party heller-jensen did but it's in Regarding Dean. For most of the episode, the things that Dean forgets are played off as funny, like Sam leaving all the post-its and having to tell Dean about monsters. But I had forgotten about the scene where he is talking to himself in the mirror. He keeps repeating his name and at one point looks absolutely terrified when he can't remember it. It's honestly the most terrified I've ever seen Dean because he drops the stoic act during this episode because he can't remember his trauma. Anything with memory loss really gets to me and I honestly start sobbing just thinking about it.
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amalthemir · 6 years
OC Interview!
I was tagged by @nuka-nuke (luv u bab) for this, so here I go!
1. Choose an OC.
2. Answer them as that OC.
3. Tag 5 people to do the same.
I’ll tag @scarecrow-forest @lamorellenoire6 @chibikinesis @ryu-no-joou and @beetleboo
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1. What is your name?
Would be sitting comfortably in a chair, whiskey glass in hand
"We'll aren't you straight to the point. If you've got to know, name's Texas, doll~."
2. Do you know why are you named that?
"Dunno, mama once said somethin' about her ancestors bein' from a place called Texas back before the world went t' shit. Might've all jus' been some bullshit for all I know."
3. Are you single or taken?
"Well that answer depends on if I find ya interestin' or not. But for t' sake of time, I'm seein' someone, well, a few someones. That satisfy yer curiosity yet, doll?"
4. Have any abilities or powers?
"Sure do princess! I've got a this cute lil' trick where if I say someone is dead, they'll show up dead the next day! World works in strange ways, darlin'."
"Aside from that, I'm killer with an automatic rifle, you'd be dead in a secon' if I wanted it. The rest of my talents are... well, let's just say I'm good with a rope."
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
"Who t' hell is that Mary Sue lady? You better not be playin' me for a fool if you know what's good for you..."
6. What’s your eye color?
"Brown, plain an' simple. Mama said I had papa's eyes, always said that his were like chocolate- or caramel or some shit. Don't rightly give a fuck to be honest."
7. How about your hair color?
"Brown again, dark brown to be frank, but you can prob'ly see the color better in good lightin'."
8. Have any family members?
"No, mama got sick and died like a dog, and papa left and never came back, fucker probably got himself killed years ago, wouldn't be surprised if he's still in a ditch somewhere back in Vegas."
9. Oh? How about pets?
Sits up a bit straighter
"Well... don't rightly have one unless you count that quantum deathclaw egg I stole- rescued from an empty nest after its parents were... killed in an unfortunate hunting expedition. The thing hasn't hatched, but it hasnt rotten yet either, so don't know what's gonna happen with it."
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like?
"Well now that you mention it, havin' someone waste my time askin' stupid questions is pretty high on my list of things I don't like."
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
"You mean besides tying people up, takin' people's shit, or getting myself a new "toy" to play with? Dunno, all that takes up most of my time."
12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?
"You... are you fuckin' serious? I had a feelin' you were a dumbass but boy, you're somethin' else. Yeah I've hurt people, sometimes they even like it when I do it."
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
"Well sorry to disappoint, darlin', but you don't get t' where I am without poppin' a few heads. If it makes ya feel any better, I prefer playin' with my toys rather than breakin' 'em... at least at first."
14. What kind of animal are you?
"What kind of- the hell kinda question is that? I don't fuckin' know, a damn coyote for all I care."
15. Name your worst habits?
"Do you really want me to? There's a lot of 'em. Off the top of my head I'd say maybe drinkin' on the job, not bein' able to stop myself from wanting to... get a taste of something I find interesting, and dunno, maybe, just maybe, I like to stay a bit too clean sometimes, old habit really."
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
"Nope, nobody at all. Other people are just pawns, though I like to play with some more than others."
17. Are you gay, straight or bisexual?
"I'm whatever you want me to be, baby doll."
18. Do you go to school?
"Do we fuckin' look like we have a damn school here at Nukaworld? Or do I like like a damn brat that should be sittin' on a desk takin' damn notes about some bullshit? Yeah, thought so."
19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
"Hell no, don' wanna get caught up in any of that business. Like hell that I'm ever gonna allow myself to get tied down to one por sod for the rest of my life. That's what mama did, and look at her now, six feet under cuz she was sure papa would come prancin' on in like nothin' happened. No thanks. As for kids that's another can of blood worms I ain't touchin' anytime soon."
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
"Sure do, people line up to see me every day, all eyes on me whenever I walk in the market, real ego booster if you ask me."
21. What are you most afraid of?
"Dying of boredom, so right now I'm pretty much on death's row."
22. What do you usually wear?
"A suit. I know, I know, you must be wonderin' why the hell I wear a suit, well, to be the best you gotta look the part, don't cha' think? Plus, it's catches people's attention, makes it easier to lure them in. Guess keeping it all clean is a hassle, but I've got people for that."
23. What’s one food that tempts you?
"Hm.... maybe some mirelurk cakes, damn things are pretty good when you find someone to cook 'em right."
24. Am I annoying to you?
"Nooooo of course not. I'm having the time of my life, can't you tell?"
25. Well, it’s still not over!
"Christ sake... this better be worth it."
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?
"High and mighty, darlin'."
27. How many friends do you have?
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
"Pies? Why fuckin' pies of all damn things? I don't know, them pre-war ones looked good I guess, never had one. Might try to get someone that knows how to make one."
29. Favorite drink?
"Whiskey, plain and simple. Used to have Susnset Sarsaparilla back in Vegas, but they don't have those over here. Nuka-Wild comes close enough I guess, doesn't quite taste the same though."
30. What’s your favorite place?
"Anywhere that's mine, that's private, and a place that I can drag a new toy into in order to have some fun."
31. Are you interested in anyone?
"You could say that... there's a certain pup that I'm training into being more... well behaved. Gotta say, I'm hooked so far."
32. That was a stupid question…
"I'd say the same for all the other questions you've asked, but sure, whatever floats yer boat."
33. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
34. What’s your type?
"Hm... guess I like a challenge. Don't get me wrong, being able to do what I please with someone from day one is always fun, but there's something about breaking them and making them mine that turns me on intensely."
35. Any fetishes?
"Yyyyyup, let's see... domination, bondage, being rough, puppy play, being very physical, etcetera, too many to name."
36. Camping or outdoors?
"Pretty much everyone has slept outdoors before in their lives, how else you think I traveled from the west all the way to the east?."
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lucy-in-the-house · 6 years
☆~Oc info sheet~☆
So I decided to get off my lazy @ss and post this :b
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^^^sketch of my oc(tails and ears not included)doing one of her favorite passtimes, free-run parkour in search of a wall to graffiti^^^
☆*Full name*☆
Lucy Jeanette Eileen Giroud
"The fox"
17 (physically)
Half human/half demon
Pineapple. Just kidding, Female
☆*Blood type*☆
HH, also known as 'Bombay Blood'
☆*Eye color*☆
☆*Hair color*☆
2nd year highschool student, or in France: Terminale student. And the personal bodyguard of the heir to a worldwide criminal organization.
-Eliott Giroud (older brother).
-Lisana Teatly (Lily for short, childhood friend).
-Thomas Carlson (childhood friend)
Drawing, 'performing arts' (dancing, singing, theatre,...), playing video games, watching anime and listening to Kpop.
☆*Favorite food*☆
Chocolate and any soft, and not sour, candy.
☆*Favorite drink*☆
Bubble tea
Iron bru (for the meme)
☆*For dem shipzzzz*☆
I like to ship her with Laito :3
"Crazy is such an ugly word. I prefer... mentally unstable."
"I ain't no fox!"
"You vamps are literally oversized mosquitos"
"*Irish accent* you wanna go mate? You wanna fight? I'll bash ye 'ead in! I swear on meh mom I'll destroy ya!"
"Well imma just skiddadle the heck outta here"
"Hon Hon Hon I am very française!"
"*T pose* I'm the meme Lord and punmaster. Fear my powerrrrr..."
"If you're feeling suicidal you came to the right place! Cuz I'm gonna f*****g kill myself as well"
"BTS are true Gods. No need for Jesus when I got these sunshines."
She will usually wear a red or purple hoodie with black shorts (sometimes jeans) with pink thigh highs and white shoes. She always has three hairclips to hold up the right part of her fringe. She has a pair of red glasses but doesn't wear them often because she forgets. She is very pale (mostly because of her unbalanced health) and is a bit chubby, she's a bit too busty for her age (but seriously doesn't give a damn).
She's a really laid back and bubbly girl, who has a bad case of swearing, and talking about morbid subjects with problem. She a good person, though she might be psycopathic. However, she's absolutely horrible at socializing, as a child she never had the chance to, so she has difficulty opening up to others, or speaking to people she isn't familiar with. Apart from that, she can get very sassy and sarcastic with a pinch of salt. She gets easily triggered like say sh&t about her fam and she'll diss yo @ss. She's also a 'daredevil', and will never say no to a challenge. She a kind soul with a pinch of spicyness and MEMES.
And although she's a weirdo, she a good and respectful student.
And I almost forgot, she a Kpop fan and an otaku (not a weaboo) so her social life is n o n e x i s t a n t.
(Note: her history is long, but if you read it all you'll get a cookie🍰🍩🍰🍪🍪🍪🍪)
Lucy was born in an average family. She grew up in france, though she was born in america. Her life at home was pretty normal, though she didn't get along very well with her father or siblings, but Lucy was pretty close to her mother who was like a best friend to her. At school however, she was constantly bullied, both mentally and physically. The reasons were one because she was the only child with red hair in her school (and they thought she had some contamination), and because she didn't fit in any social groups.
She grew up thinking she was a freak of nature and a disgrace, cursed to be alone, that love was something she'd ever experience and learned that the only way to be left alone was by being creepy and/or violent.
However, she managed to make friends with two people, and she made her mind to protect them no matter what. The bullying went on for 10 years. Her parents tried taking her to therapists, doctors, psycologist, but not one could fix her broken mind. So the only option they had left was to send her away to her Uncle and Cousin, after that day, she never saw her biological family again. (Except for her brother)
Her cousin Caitlin (who is now dead) was like an older sister, and was nice to her. She soon found out that her family came down from generations of monster hunters, her uncle was one, and so was her cousin, her cousin taught her how to fight, and the weakness of practically every monster that she could remember. But her cousin's intentions behind educating her on this topic was to find herself a replacement, to kill a demon she had summoned a few years back. Caitlin had sacrificed her soul to a demon to obtain the weapon needed, which she gave to Lucy.
After her cousin dissapeared, she went back to her hometown and reunited with her friends. She spent the next year hunting the demon her cousin was aiming for, but little did she know that the demon was also looking for her. When they finally encountered, it was a hard battle. Lucy won, but barely alive, having a big scar going across her torso. But before the demon died, it infuses its soul into Lucy's body, giving Lucy it's powers and cursing her with immortality. After that fight, she went back to her friends. They traveled down to the South of France and settled there, trying to live 'normal' lives... Until one day, she received orders from [...] to live with the sakamakis.
-Eliott: they almost never interact, although they are family. They only speak when it comes to business or important matters.
-Lily: they are very close, Lily is one of the only two people who know Lucy inside out. Lucy has sworn to protect Lily even if it would cost her life. They love to hangout together and cry over fandoms.
-Thomas: same as Lily, except he's like a mom, always taking care of Lucy, even when she says she doesn't need help, they both share a love for kpop and anime. Lucy's emotional bond with Thomas is stronger than anyone else she's close to, even Lily.
As Lucy is half demon, she gained most of the abilities of the demon who infused itself into her, who was a shadow demon:
-increased strength and hearing
-she can sorta float
-the shadow realm: by jumping into a shadow (a person's shadow, object's shadow, any shadow at all) she can enter an dimension called "the shadow realm", a place only shadow demon may access
-a little thing I like to call Katherine: Katherine was the 'name' of the demon Lucy fought with, this ability activities when she deadly mad or under too much stress or pressure that she just snaps and goes psycho. She has strange black tentacles (like a kagune from Tokyo ghoul). She will attack anything around her. Only Thomas and Lily can control her under this form.
Lucy has been fighting since as long as she can remember, so she is very skilled in the domaine.
Although she might not have all the abilities of the demon, she's still more powerful than a demon, as the fact she has emotions (which demons don't) has a great impact on her powers.
Lucy can't die from age ot sickness. But she candie from bloodloss and getting wounded, as she heals only slightly faster than a human.
☆*other info*☆
1-Lucy was the second eldest of her biological family.
2-she enherited half of her father's company (the other half her older brother) and her family's mansion.
3-she an absolute virgin :/ *le sad music*
4-She's left handed, therefore her capacity at cutting meat is non-exigent (true story, left handed people struggle more at cutting meat, and I'm talking out of experience because I am left handed)
5-she speaks fluent English and French (Those were the two languages she spoke throughout her childhood), she also learned German, Japanese and is trying to learn Korean. She's also fluent in Shakespearean and in both English and Australian slang.
6-in the south of France, she goes to a highly reputed international campus.
7-lucy doesn't like physical contact whatsoever, except for Thomas and Lily, and she can just about tolerate Laito but She gets really flushed and embarrassed. She gets uncomfortable when people touch her hair, shoulders, lower back and thighs, if someone does touch her there she'll flinch and try to pry them off.
8-she only wears clothes that fully cover her body because she's a very self aware person and she's covered in scars because of her sh&tty childhood.
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