#if they already have duo names I haven’t seen it
fireheartwraith · 1 year
Okay, we really need a duo name for 4halo, so here are some possible candidates
Dramaduo (reference to dramatrio)
Nestduo (because of ninho and Bad's multiple secret bases)
Loveduo (why not)
Haloduo (because Forever is an angel 🩷)
Gossipduo (because yeah)
Same for Baghera and Forever!
Siblingduo (could cause problems with other sibling duos in the qsmp)
Goldenduo (because I love them, and their blonde)
Blondeduo (doesn’t flow as well)
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targaryenluvs · 10 months
Can i ask for a finnick odair with a winner female reader who she avoids but he is obsessed with and wants to marry in front of the whole capitol
Some dark-ish fluff
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pairings: dark!finnick odair x fem!reader
warnings: obession, stalking, nc kissing, forced engagement???
summary: you’d thought you’d escaped the capitol, and to some extent, him, the ever so sweet and charming finnick odair. but it seems your fate had been signed as it seemed you couldn’t get away from him no matter how hard you tried.
a/n: i actual hate writing dark stuff cuz i never know if it’s decent, I DO FLUFF GUYS WE CAN TAKE THAT ROUTE 😭 NOT PROOF READ
you wondered what you were going to get.
all the pastries infront of you were mouthwatering and the aroma had your stomach growling.
“i’d recommend the dark chocolate cakes, they practically melt in your mouth. but maybe something as sweet as you wants a change?” and there it was, the voice and person you’d hoped to avoid. at such a large capitol party your hopes were high but it seemed as if the man had a radar, with your name on it.
“finnick, how are you?” you feigned interest as you turned his way.
“better, now that i’ve seen you.” he beamed at you, undeniably happy. it’s not as if you weren’t interesting at all, or ugly, but you truly had no idea why he was so infatuated with you. you’d never given him any signs, or at least you didn’t think you had, you’d hardly ever talked to him. even if everybody loved him, you could tell something, was off.
“how sweet of you. there are so many people here, best if i try my best to meet as many as possible, have a nice night finnick.” you dismissed him as you placed the cake down, yes it was petty but the fact that he’d suggested eating it deterred you even more-so than it’s insanely sickening contents. “i’ll come with you, the people would love it. the capitols diamond and darling. there’s not a single pair of victors as great of a duo as us sweetheart.”
and as he linked your arms together, you were off. you thought it’d be better to just go with him, stand and smile as he talked. it would give you a slight break at least, but after so much time greeting people your face was threatening to fall apart. so after an hour or so you’d excused yourself to the bathrooms, unknowing of the blonde on your trail.
“are you okay y/n?” finnicks voice asked sweetly as you lowered the towel you were using to pat down your face. “what’re you doing in here? the party’s down stairs finnick.” what did he want? you are so fucking tired of this party and just wanted to leave, you’d been here for hours already, long enough to know that it’d be appropriate to do so. and you may or may not have wanted to put as many kilometres between yourself and finnick. “i just wanted to make sure you were okay, everyone’s asking for us.”
“you, they’re asking for you. i’ve been here for a while, everyone’s seen me. you haven’t, they want you. and if you’d mind letting me exit.” as you tried to move past your wrist was caught in his tight grip. “they want to see us both sweetheart, trust me, we’re much better together. can’t you see? all of the capitol loves us together, even the districts.”
“i don’t care, if i’m going to marry someone it’ll be someone i actually like.” the door slammed shut as you walked away from him. finnick laughed, if there was thing he loved about you, it was your short temper. he walked after you, his hand clutching the velvet box in his pant pocket, he was going to propose one day, why not now?
as you made your way through the place, fake smiles aimed at everyone, finnick caught up to you. “y/n, please.” you turned around, “what? what is it?” you shouted as the party’s attention zeroed in on the two of you. you could her muttering of the people and shuttering of cameras.
this bitch.
he was down on one knee, a huge diamond ring rested in the middle of a box. his eyes glistened, teary eyed. was this dickhead really crying? as if he’d waited his whole life for this moment. “finnick-” you warned as you raised your hand, only for him to grab it and pull himself up. people were cheering and clapping as he wrapped his arms around you.
“i have loved you, since the moment i saw you. everything about you is my favourite thing, your smile, your laugh, your eyes- your gorgeous, gorgeous eyes. there’s no part of me that could go on without you. i love you so much sweetheart, so please put me out of my misery and marry me, you’re the only person i could ever imagine myself with.”
say yes!
what a lucky girl!
i knew they’d get together.
the crowd around you egged you on to accept. how could you not? finnick odair, tribute, youngest victor, terribly handsome and the capitols darling. a catch in everyone’s eyes but they couldn’t be further from the truth. a man who’d purposefully proposed infront of the capitol, knowing you could never say no. god knows what snow would do to you, let alone the capitol for breaking their favourites heart. you weren’t worried for yourself too much, you’d been a hollow shell ever since your games, but your family? your parents and siblings didn’t deserve to be killed.
“i know you’re in shock sweetheart, but i’ll take that as a yes.” finnick kissed your forehead and then slid the ring onto your finger.
the crowd is deafening and the flashes blinding.
and as he kissed you again, you couldn’t help yourself from crying. as everyone viewed it as tears of joy for being in love but you knew the truth about finnicks love for you. there was none.
just want and desire.
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kamotecue · 8 months
her apology ✮ l. walti
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pairing: lia walti x fem!reader
part two of here
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the shuffling of blankets were heard, as you moved around in the hotel bed. the game against switzerland made you a little bit restless, it was the way her shoulder had hit you, almost knocking you to the ground—if ana didn’t catch you, it could’ve risked your recovery time. you sighed before throwing the blanket up, resting your back against the head board.
are you hungry? - aitana signed, as you gave her a little nod. you haven’t wore the hearing aids since the match, there was a bit discomfort due to the uproar when you had went down.
i have plans with ana for brunch, wanna join? - you signed, as aitana gave you a nod, as she handed you the clothes that you had set aside last night. it was grey loose plaid pants, a simple white polo shirt and your gold necklace that had your name in cursive a gift from mapi.
the brace was already on, as you handed aitana your wallet and phone, she quickly placed it in her bag and the two of you were already off. as the two of you made your way through the plaza, you were noticed mainly by barcelona fans—the two of you politely smiled, and greeted them as you passed by.
when you arrived at the restaurant, your eyes searched the place as aitana raised her hand—guiding you to the table ana was sitting at, she was joined by a few of her teammates. but your eyes were on their captain who refused to look at you, aitana had sat in front of lia, while you were in front of ana.
really? - a scowl was seen on your face, as you signed at ana who had an amused look on her face, it was a look that you desperately wanted to remove. aitana gave you a little nudge as you turned to look at her—your phone was held out as you grabbed it giving her a small thanks.
what? you need to solve whatever this is, n/n. - ana gestured with a laugh as you glared at her, but the attention was brought to the waiter as he approached the table. you had sat up straight, finally reaching through your pocket to fish out the container. the pop was heard, as you hummed before pulling it out—gaining lia’s attention.
“i’ll have what you’ll have, tana.” your soft voice was heard, as aitana hummed taking note of your words, ana had simply gave you a smile as you tore your eyes away from the menu—quickly looking at your phone, the heap of messages from your agent as offers were coming to a close.
the rumors are true, you won’t be renewing your contract with barca. instead you’ll sign to a new team, rumors have it you’ll enter the french league, or the wsl league—others think you’ll sign for real madrid.
“poniéndoselos por fin? [finally putting them on?]” aitana asked, as you fidgeted with your phone.
“los quitaré pronto. [i will remove them soon.]” a nod was given as the table had engaged in a small conversation, you had occasionally replied—not knowing how a certain player had looked at you.
you were consuming her thoughts, it wasn’t like her to brush off a player. but when you didn’t respond after her making an effort in english, she thought you had ignored her. but everything was clear when you brought out the case, and she felt ashamed of her actions.
that night, her first search on instagram was your page—there were photos of you with the barcelona team, the spanish national team but there wasn’t enough photos of you by yourself.
as everyone finished up, it was time to pay—the bill was split in half. you paid for your meal, aitana’s, ana’s and lia’s. it was something the swiss player hadn’t expect, but she had gave you a thankful smile to which you returned with a curt nod.
the rest of their teammates decided to head back early, leaving the two swiss duo, you and aitana alone.
“shall we look around?” you shrugged, as aitana gave ana a nod. aitana and ana had led the group, while the two of you hung back. the crutches were the most annoying part of this.
“leon.” a soft yet gentle voice was heard beside you, as you tore your eyes away from the two ahead to lock eyes with the swiss captain.
“walti.” you had said, the pair had watched from a few feet ahead, whispering on what could possibly happen.
“i’m sorry for the way i acted, after the match.” lia replied, as you analyzed her eyes—the features catching you off-guard as you averted your eyes.
“it’s fine, i didn’t really mind it.” of course, you did mind it—afraid that you did something that she didn’t like.
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arc-misadventures · 5 months
Vtuber AU. Weiss collabing with her mom or sister?
The VTuber: The Empress of Ice
Today was an unusual stream for one, IHateMyDad2.0. Then again, among any streamers what would be considered normal?
Bot, no today, she could have a very special guest, one that could have disastrous, or highly beneficial implementations to her channel for years to come.
Only time would tell.
IHateMyDad2.0: Hello everyone, and welcome to the stream!
Her white haired avatar gave a dazzling smile as she addressed her chat. She loved streaming, within this space she could feel the mountain of worries she had built up over years of abuse by the hands of her despicable father slowly being chipped away. And, today was a special day.
For today she was listening to her family councillor, and had decided to take part in a family exercise they had recommended to help reunite her with her family members who had nearly been torn apart by their father’s actions.
IHateMyDad2.0: Okay, chat! We have a special guest with us today!
~~~Stream Chat~~~
Steveo: Whoo! Stream!
Ferbanjo: Hi Snowangel!
Monkittiy: A guest?
StarChild: Is it cookie?
IHateNyDad2.0: No, no it’s not, Cookie. No today we’ll be joined by a family member, a never before seen family member at that! So, everyone please give a warm welcome to my mother, ‘The Ice Empress!’
Emerging from the corner of the screen was a 2D model of a lady that extruded an air of mature elegance, and a crown of nobility upon her. One could easily tell based upon the models that the duo were related.
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Although one couldn’t help, but point out several, physical differences between the pair.
TheIceEmpress: The Ice Empress? That’s a terrible name. I thought we agreed upon the, Sovereign of Snow?
IHateMyDad2.0: What? The Ice Empress is a really catchy name.
TheIceEmpress: And, a derivative name that a preschooler would come up with. SovereignofSnow carry a much more palatable air or royalty to it. Royalty that must be feared, and respected.
IHateMyDad2.0: Mom?! It’s a cool name, right chat?
Littledino: Sovereign of Snow sounds better
Monkitty: The ice empress is rather bland
Yenta: We can call her, Sovereign for short
Draven: A new queen has appeared!
Ferbanjo: All hail the Sovereign of Snow!
Heartbreaker: Sovereign!
4SakenGodde$$: ❤️Sovereign❤️
Adrastus97: Milf!
IHateMyDad2.0: Eh…?
IHateMyDad2.0’s mouth hanged wide open as she stared in shock as her chat swiftly agreed with her mother, and the fact that they were already simping for her mother.
IHateMyDad2.0: Okay, fine! The Sovereign of Snow it is…
SovereignofSnow: Now that is far more appeasing to the senses~! Don’t you think so too dear?
IHateMyDad2.0: It is a little better…
SovereignofSnow: Now then my dear, what are we doing for your stream; Are we going to talk about your fellow streamers? I’ve often heard you talk about them, I’m quite curious to learn about them.
IHateMyDad2.0: I… I haven’t talked to you about my friends before.
SovereignofSnow: Well… no you haven’t. However, I do hear you scream something about cookies quite often.
IHateMyDad2.0: Eh…?
SovereignofSnow: She’s a fellow streamer isn’t she?
IHateMyDad2.0: Cookie? Yeah she is a fellow, VTuber I hang out with. Her full name is, CookieMonster. I call her, Cookie for short when we’re chatting, and playing games.
SovereignofSnow: Oh that was what was happening. I thought it was your safe word.
IHateMyDad2.0: MOM?!
IHateMyDad2.0’s model burst into a fierce blush as her mother roasted her so effortlessly. Her chat erupted into a fit of rampant laughter at her expense.
IHateMyDad2.0: I am in no way in such a relationship that with anyone that requires a… a safe word!
SovereignofSnow: That’s no surprise really, you have much left to be desired compared to your sisters.
IHateMyDad2.0: What is that supposed to mean?
SovereignofSnow: That compared to your sisters, and myself for that matter, you are quite lacking in certain physical aspects.
IHateMyDad2.0: What aspects…
Yenta: Is the aspect that she is flat?
Littledino: No booba
StarChild: Flat booba
Draven: She pads
IHateMyDad2.0: I AM NOT FLAT?!!
She yelled in rage as she saw the comments her chat was making pouring in as the insulted her body’s shape, and size. A response, that if an expression could be displayed would have shown a teasing smirk from the bottom of her lips.
SovereignofSnow: No, you are not out right flat. But, when you are compared to your older sisters, or myself, a fair comparison would be apples to watermelons.
IHateMyDad2.0: You are not that big?!
SovereignofSnow: B to E, E to F, and F to G my dear~!
IHateMyDad2.0: Your my mother, of course you would be the biggest one among us!
SovereignofSnow: Actually, I am a F-Cup. Your sister, B…?! No, no names… Ahem. The… Black Sheep of the family is the biggest.
IHateMyDad2.0: She’s how big?! I thought she was only a cup size bigger than me?! Not that big??
SovereignofSnow: I thought you were aware of this? Her model certainly displays her sizeable cleavage quite well.
IHateMyDad2.0: Well considering what her streams are like, I thought she was doing it for the views.
SovereignofSnow: That wouldn’t be of any surprise to me. The Black Sheep of the family has always been the most flamboyant, and outgoing of the four of you.
IHateMyDad2.0: Resulting in her being the degenerate of the family…
IHateMyDad2.0 scouled as she remembered the nature of her older sister’s streams, and the rather depraved aspects of them.
IHateMyDad2.0: Why do you let her do those kind of streams? I thought you would be all against her streaming considering what she does.
SovereignofSnow: Oh, but I am against them. I don’t like the videos she does. But, she is a grown woman, and she is allowed to do as she pleases. And, as her mother I have to respect her choices. I don’t have to like them, but I will respect them nonetheless.
IHateMyDad2.0: Oh… That’s really nice of you, Mom.
SovereignofSnow: Thank you.
Adrastus97: The Sovereign is really growing on me.
4SakenGodde$$: She is quite understanding of her daughters
bumblequeen: I like her
Stevo: Me too
Ferbanjo: I hope we see more of her in the future
Summertimeaadness: Same
SovereignofSnow: But, there is one thing about my daughter, and her streaming that concerns me.
IHateMyDad2.0: What’s that?
SovereignofSnow: Who is this man she is… obsessed with? The one she refers to as, ‘Darling?’
IHateMyDad2.0: ‘Darling?’ Oh, she is talking about a fellow streamer; His name is, ErrantryPaladin.
SovereignofSnow: And who exactly is this, ErrantryPaladin?
IHateMyDad2.0: Well, he is… Actually, There is a short video that was uploaded of him that I was planning on watching, would you like to watch it with me, Mom?
SovereignofSnow: By all means.
IHateMyDad2.0: Awesome! Okay, here is the video… What?
SovereignofSnow: What is it?
IHateMyDad2.0: The name of the video it’s… It’s called, ‘The Broken Paladin.’
SovereignofSnow: Broken Paladin? Is something wrong?
IHateMyDad2.0: I… I don’t know. This was a bit taken from his stream, but the video was made by a person watching his stream, not, Errant himself. So, I have no idea what it is about.
SovereignofSnow: Then let’s find out what’s wrong with your sister’s darling paladin then.
IHateMyDad2.0: Okay, let’s start the video.
She hit the play button on the video, and watched a story play out that she did not expect to see.
IHateMyDad2.0’s stream cut away to an image of, ErrantryPaladin; He was in the midst of a simple game of HOI4, building up his chosen nation of, Brazil’s infrastructure for the upcoming war.
ErrantryPaladin: Okay, that should help my production. Hmm… I want to build some railways… What do you think chat, should I build a railway around my whole country, or should I…?
His words were suddenly cut off as a donation was made, followed by the robotic male voice, and the message it had to deliver.
StalwartDoggo: “Hello, Errant! I’ve been wondering something about you, and you fair maidens…”
ErrantryPaladin: This should be good.
Stalwart: “What is it like having all these woman fawn over you? What is it like to be the alpha with a throng of woman hanging over you?”
ErrantryPaladin: …
ErrantryPaladin: Pffft! What fucking bullshit is that?!
If it could have been seen one would see the collective viewers of, Errants jaws drop like an anvil. They had expected him to say many things, but what he had just said.
ErrantryPaladin: Alpha… Pff… what a fucking joke…There are no woman fawning over me, the real me, not this…
Errant’s hand waved in a circle around his face, looking tired at the screed.
ErrantryPaladin: This mask…
He looked to the side of the screen, and despite the fact tgis face couldn’t portray such emotions, one could only see a broken, and tired man as he stared far off into nothingness.
ErrantryPaladin: What I mean by that is, people only know the mask, this face I present to all of you.
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ErrantryPaladin: The face of a huntsman, a lone warrior, who fights for the people against the hordes of Grimm monsters that attack the weak, and defenceless. The face of the wannabe hero…
ErrantryPaladin: But, the real me… I am no where near as amazing as him. I’m just me.
He sighed as he seemed to lean back in his chair, his mind deep in thought.
ErrantryPaladin: You see… people could be shown an image of a person, and they think that, that person is cute, and they’d be interested in meeting that person, and maybe go on a date with them. But, then they actually meet that person in the flesh, and totally be turned off by that person.
ErrantryPaladin: I mean, how many of you would still like me if I was five foot two, and a chubby. I will bet money that many of you would lose all interest in me.
Errant looked away as he heard another ping appear before him.
ErrantryPaladin: Ahh, no, QueensBane, I don’t look like that. Actually, I do look a lot like, Errant. 6’2”, blonde hair, and deep blue eyes. I just lack his confidence…
A deep sigh escaped his lips, as he watch his chat feed play by. Getting annoyed by the comments his chat was making.
ErrantryPaladin: “You’re a ten, ErrantryPaladin.” No, I’m a seven, eight at best chat… Listen, I am handsome enough guy to get the girl, and I have the money to support a family… If I was such a great catch… why have all of my relationships ended so horribly…
ErrantryPaladin: I mean… my first girlfriend, was only dating me to get close to my sister! She was just using me… bitch couldn’t ask my sister out herself, she had to use me as a proxy?!
ErrantryPaladin: Hmmm… Now that I think about it, the last time I saw her she was nursing a black eye, a bloody nose, and a broken lip… My sisters are really protective of their little bro.
The vindictive smile that spread across his face was a terrifying sight to many, but it faded as soon as it appeared as a bitter frown usurped his smile.
ErrantryPaladin: The next girl I was dating dumped me because I was boring. Still don’t understand what she meant by that.
ErrantryPaladin: I caught my next girlfriend cheating on me. She tried to play it off as a ‘mistake’ that will never happen again.
He scoffed in indignation as he shook his head.
ErrantryPaladin: Bitch had been banging this guy behind my back for about a month, so this wasn’t a quote, ‘mistake.’
ErrantryPaladin: And as for my last girlfriend… Chat, have you ever seen those videos where a guy comes up to a couple, and ask if they will cheat on your partner for a thousand bucks?
His eyes scanned his chat feed as he saw several dozen variations of the word ‘yes’ scroll by. As well as people asking if that was what happened to him.
ErrantryPaladin: It was for a hundred.
Errant just sighed in defeat as he looked down at his desk.
ErrantryPaladin: We had been dating for three months, and she was willing to throw it all away for a measly hundred bucks… I told her to take the hundred, she could use it to pay for her uber. I dumped her at the pier with that steamer, and cut her from my life. That was about… two, and a half years ago, give, or take a month, or two. I haven’t been in the dating scene since.
ErrantryPaladin: So no, StalwartDoggo… I don’t have any bitches. No one sees me as a catch since they just throw me away in the end for the dumbest of reasons. I don’t have anyone! Hell I don’t have any friends either!
ErrantryPaladin: I’m all on my own… just like always…
Errant stared into the void for a while, his mind not paying attention to his stream before he took a deep breath, and turned to face his chat.
ErrantryPaladin: Now, where were we?
ErrantryPaladin: …
ErrantryPaladin: Ahh yes… Trains~!
The mother daughter duo stared at the screen as the video ended they did not expect the video to end in such a way. Especially, IHateMyDad2.0, she had always seen, Errant as an indomitable mountain, that always seemed to have everything under his control, and yet he seemed so broken on the inside that she had joined idea how to respond to that.
Her mother however…
SovereignofSnow: Hmm… You don’t suppose he’s into older woman now do you?
IHateMyDad2.0: …
IHateMyDad2.0: Eh?
Her face broke into an expression of wild confusion, and shock as she heard those words leave her mother’s mouth.
IHateMyDad2.0: Y-Y-You can’t be series, Mother?! You’re at least twice his age! Do you seriously think he would be interested in dating someone your age?!
SovereignofSnow: I don’t see why not; Aren’t all men into well endowed, and full bodied woman? He has had many loveless relationships, I have had a loveless marriage, we have so much to connect over about that alone. I think we would make a lovely pair. Don’t you think so dear?
IHateMyDad2.0: I-I…? W-What?!
SovereignofSnow: Oh! I’m also a bonafide, Milf. What young viral man doesn’t want to bed a milf?
The last few minutes had been the most unbelievable minutes of her life, she had expected many things to happen, but to hear her mother say those few words broker her in a way she never expected, and left her with but on response.
Meanwhile on, ErrantryPaladin’s stream he was informed that, IHateMyDad2.0’s mother had made certain comments about him. Now he didn’t have the time to watch the full video, so he was stuck with looking at, IHateMyDad2.0’s mothers, SovereignofSnow’s model where he came to a simple conclusion.
ErrantryPaladin: …
ErrantryPaladin: …
ErrantryPaladin: Smash.
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cas-backwards-tie · 1 year
Chapter One: Seed Uprooted
Heiress of Gotham
Bruce Wayne x Daughter!Reader
Masterlist | Next Chapter
Summary: After the loss of your mother, it feels as if all hope is lost. Fortunately, you’ve been placed in the care of your absentee father. The Wayne name has always been said to come with a few odds and ends that you’d have to get used to, the question is: will you?
Warnings: Angst, Anti-Police themes, Cursing, Death, Depression themes, Orphanage
Words: 1.5k
A/N: This has actually been in my drafts and in my docs for... at least three years, I know. It's been rewritten at least twice, and I'm finally deciding to put it out there.
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I remember that day. I remember exactly where I was when I’d found out. And I remember the moment I met him.
The high-pitched ringing gives permission for us to finally leave the classroom, Mrs. Gurdept’s earlier demand that “the bell doesn’t dismiss you, I do.” did not divert anyone’s attention from packing up. Backpack already strung across your shoulders, you’re out the door along with everyone else. While your friend Daisha talks about how annoying the classmate is that sits next to her in History, it’s the uniformed men coming your way that catches your attention. It’s the BPD: the Bludhaven Police Department. Parting the sea of students the police officer’s eyes scan the faces of the students passing them. Heart rate rising, you try to keep your eyes on Daisha, determined to look engaged in conversation enough to skate past them without questioning.
“Miss?” One of the officers steps in front of you, blocking your path. Eyes immediately jumping up to his face, you scowl. “Can you answer a few questions for me?” Rumor has it they’re looking for Perdy Chapman, one of the sophmores who supposedly ran away from home once he’d been ousted as a drug runner for Marin’s gang; worst part was… he was funny, nice, and a straight A student. Officer reaching into the pocket on his breast, the white glimpse of a folded paper is barely seen before you respond. There’s no doubt it was some sappy photo of your classmate that you most definitely don’t want to see.
“No, I’m sorry, Officer. We’re late to practice!” Instantly grabbing Daisha’s hand you tug her along behind you, speedwalking toward the exit. She doesn’t question you; most of the kids know by now: never talk to the police. If you haven’t done anything wrong, then there’s no reason to talk to them. They’re all corrupt anyway.
Sitting on top of the cement barriers blocking off the parking lot from the kiss-and-ride line, Daisha playfully smacks your arm. “‘We’re late to practice’? Are you kidding me? You were so fucking quick with that!” A fit of laughter consumes the both of you, the imagined frustrated looks upon the cop’s faces bringing you practically to tears. It takes a while to calm down, the conversation turning into gossip, and eventually into Daisha sharing some of the memes she’d recently seen online. 
“Do you think it’s gonna rain?” The question leaves your lips as your eyes watch the dark, ominous clouds roll through the sky. A wet smell of oncoming rain lingers in the air like the humid and hot summer nights in the Carnaveron District. 
“Well… if the clouds aren’t an obvious sign, I’d say yes,” she teases. The three short honks are our signal: her mom is here. Jumping off the cement barrier we head over to the spot she’s parked in line, a soft drizzle makes itself known as the drops plunk the roof of the car. Daisha sweeps you into a quick hug before getting into the car, the duo waving goodbye before driving off. Since you don’t live far, it’s easier to walk. It’s the one part of your routine that consistently brings you joy. The breeze and gentle pitter of rain on your skin helps clear your head of all the school drama. Off toward home, you find yourself beginning to get lost in thought about tonight’s homework assignments and what you have to do. It’s only the buzz of the cell phone in your pocket that brings you back to reality. “Auntie?”
“It’s your mother. Get to the hospital as soon as you can. Cuidate, mija.” The dial tone signals the call’s ended. Frozen there on the sidewalk, time doesn’t seem to pass; thunder rumbles in the distance, it’s the only thing that reminds you that time is still moving. It starts to sprinkle rain.
~~~Two Hours Later~~~
Technically you were an orphan… at least that’s what you’d thought. Legally they were mandated to send you to a state-run orphanage. Everyone probably thinks they don’t exist today, and yet, there it was… right in front of you, open and waiting: the gates of purgatory calling your name. Though on the borders of Bludhaven and the streets that lead toward the country part of the state, the building looks like any other. Brown bricks, tall elongated windows; it would look like a ghastly warehouse to you from the outside if you didn’t notice the tricycle on the lawn, or the chalk drawings on the sides of the building and sidewalk leading up to it. 
“I have to take this call, excuse me,” the social worker steps away from the black Hatchback Sedan. Lost in your own world, it doesn’t even occur to you to eavesdrop on her call. There’s no possible way that things could get worse than this. Nonetheless, many ‘mhms’ and ‘okay, I understands’ are heard throughout the field adjoining the driveway. The grey clouds finally starting to disperse, it’s quiet out here, the only murmur of your social worker talking and the occasional passing car fill the air. Just as the numbness starts to churn in your stomach at the thought of your Mom, there’s a knocking on the car window.
“Damn!” There’s an exasperated and ludicrous look in her eyes. “Someone’s got one hell of a guardian angel lookin’ out for you, kid. Follow me.” Even if she’s audible through the glass, she doesn’t wait to check as she turns and heads toward the orphanage’s entrance. Though thoughts of running away cross your mind, there’s no logical reason to do so. What’s left out here for me? Nothing.
Once inside of the building you're told to sit tight on one of the wooden benches by the entrance office. Though the social worker chats with the warden, you don't pay them any mind. Their words go in one ear and out the other, your fiddling fingers in your lap far more entertaining as you try and comprehend what the toll of your mother's death will have on the rest of your life. Sixteen, and no longer any semblance of security in any realm of matter toward your future. How did this happen?
It feels as if it's instantaneous, yet the wall on the clock shows over half an hour has passed. Doors creak open with the cool ocean-ladened post-rain wind, an older man closes the umbrella he'd been holding over the younger-looking man who strides into the building with a sort of conviction that only exists through the air it permeates. They both are adorned in long trench coats and sunglasses, though the younger wears a black hat.
"Lisa! I assume this is her," the broad man addresses your social worker before turning his gaze down toward you. With the click of the door's lock as it seals shut, all noise diminishes in the halls of the orphanage aside from the faint echo of children's laughter in the distance. The building instantly warms by a few degrees and the men take off their sunglasses, pocketing them. Mouth subconsciously falling agape, you recognize one of them. The man standing before you is one you've only seen all your life on billboards, television, and in magazines: Bruce Wayne. He crouches to your eye-level.
"Yes, this is-" Lisa, the name of the woman you'd only known as your social worker, begins to introduce you. What follows truly feels like some sort of grief-stricken concoction of fantasy, and though it might be dangerous, you follow it.
It isn’t until the car pulls up to the massive and ornate double doors that you snap out of it. “This isn’t a joke?” He must be tired of it: this most likely being the fifteenth time you’ve asked such a thing in the last hour.
“No. It’s not,” while one might pick up on the disappointed tone in his voice, Bruce Wayne offers a small, sympathetic smile. His hand gently comes to rest on your shoulder, leading you out of the clean, sleek Rolls Royce.
“It’s a pleasure, Miss,” the elderly man states your name in a titular way. Taken aback, he hardly registers in your mind. Too many thoughts and emotions consume you, leaving nothing but a rapidly beating heart and a million questions tucked inside the body of a young girl. The fields had turn back into factories, factories into skyscrapers, skyscrapers into trees, and by then you’d finally come onto the property. In the dark there wasn’t much to take in; light illuminating windows upon rows of windows that span so far you wonder for a moment if they ever stop. Yet the edge of the mansion can be spotted from your place by the door, too weary to step inside.
"Are you coming?" Bruce Wayne, himself, asks you.
"I'm afraid if you stand out there all night you'll catch a cold," the older gentleman, whom you've already forgotten the name of, warns.
"That reminds me, Alfred, please go set up a bath for her. I'll take her upstairs," Bruce delegates. Though you wouldn't know it for months, he decided to give you a moment. Waiting at the door, he remembers the hours and days that followed his own parents' death. He's well aware that this is undoubtedly a big moment for you, if not the biggest in your lifetime, and thus, a little patience won't hurt.
"This is..." you can barely even come up with a sentence, let alone a string of thoughts as you take in the palace before you.
"-your new home? Yes." He finishes the thought for you.
taglist: @ohdamnadam, @safarigirlsp, @jynzandtonic , @moonlightsolo
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trashland-llamas · 23 days
Written as a part of the @extremetimedchallengeexchange 2024; Prompt was - Jason Todd (transgender, closeted) at a gala, bleeding thru his pants: i. uh. got stabbed?
Can also be found on AO3
[. . .]
Jason had decided to attend another one of Bruce’s splendid galas. Dressed in a burgundy dress shirt paired with a white pantsuit. Aware that it was risky with how irregular his period had become once starting testosterone.
But Dick had convinced him to match with the other robins, all wearing their signature color. Which was then further accented by the white.
Plus Jason didn’t really have any excuse, having kept his transition a secret since his adoption. Easier said than done when you live with the world’s best detectives.
So Jason bit his tongue and hid his misery behind a well placed smirk. ‘You’re not actually enjoying yourself are you?’ A green cane hit his foot. Stopping himself from snapping at the cane’s owner.
‘Is that so bad Damian?’ Jason turned around, noting how he had slicked back his hair for the event. ‘Oh, sorry that seeing you so sour-pussed all the time makes it disconcerting to see you happy,’ Damian quipped. To spite him, Jason flashed him a disingenuous smile. Fully exposing his teeth to the younger.
A hand clutched his lower stomach as he felt a sudden cramp. Not thinking much, that there’d only be some slight spotting in his boxers.
The duo’s conversation interrupted by a dutiful benefactor. Reminding Jason of the whole purpose behind these galas. To maintain the front that is Bruce Wayne as a public persona but to also show their gratitude as a family to the charities’ donors.
Disembarking, they start to make the rounds. Jason relied on his memorized script, personalized with a little improv. ‘It was nice seeing you again.’ Jason says to the ninth person whose name he doesn’t remember but vaguely knows their face.
Everything’s going smoothly until a guest shrieks in horror, confusing Jason. Until he looks down and sees the sea of red staining his pants. He’s hyperventilating when a warm hand grabs his wrist.
Meeting the bloodshot blue eyes of Tim Drake. ‘Are you injured?’ Is the first thing Tim asks, undoing Jason’s collar. ‘Uh, I was…stabbed?’ The uncertainty tells Tim that he’s lying. Not that it was anywhere close to a successful lie.
The air tense as Jason was still shaking like a leaf. ‘Please, Jay. Please let me help you,’ Tim pleads. Unable to piece together enough information to figure it out himself. Not wanting to invade Jason’s personal space anymore than he already was.
‘I’m on my period,’ comes his uncharacteristically meek answer. ‘I’m trans, been transitioning since before we met.’ Hearing a soft ‘oh,’ Jason chances a glance at his younger brother. ‘I haven’t had a period in years except for some spotting here and there.’
‘Why did you come to the gala if you weren’t feeling well?’ Tim had seen Jason suffer through the pain as often as he had seen him ditch a gala. ‘I didn’t know until sometime during. Thought I could make it through the night.’
‘Got any safe houses nearby?’ Tim decides to get him out of here, texting Damian a bullshit excuse as to why they left. Trusting him and Dick to be handle it. ‘Yea,’ Jason taps the directions into Tim’s phone.
Tim awkwardly watches from the doorframe as Jason rummages around. Chucking the pants in the trash, too exhausted to soak them in cold water. Then grabbing a pad, pair of boxer and some comfy clothes. ‘You can come in if you want.’ He calls to Tim before running off to the adjacent bathroom.
‘Anything I can do, Jay?’ Tim pipes up. ‘Uh, can you grab the electric blanket? Should be in the dresser, bottom drawer.’ Following his instructions, Jason exited. Sat under the covers, he guided Tim in placing it on his lower stomach.
‘Do you want me to stay?’ Jason nods at his question, laying his head on Tim’s shoulder. The duo quickly fell asleep, oblivious of the Wayne driving his way over.
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octo-artist · 7 months
Calm before the Inkstorm
Pre-war yan! Octavio x reader x platonic pre-war yan! Craig
Chapter 1: Sunny days…
TW: Possessive relationships, toxic mentalities,slight abuse of power, Typical Yandere shenanigans on both sides
I do not condone any of the actions in this series! If you are in a relationship like this please seek out help!
Certain parts are heavily inspired by Dissonant melodies by DriftingNova
Y/N=your name
T/C=tentacle color
E/C=eye color
Masterlist Next chapter
Where did everything go so wrong… Why did things turn out this way… This war should never have happened, how many signs did I ignore to reach this point…
~Four years prior~
The day was a sunny one, hardly any clouds in the sky, in a castle overlooking a quaint seaside village two figures converse in the garden, an Octarian prince and an inkling gardener. The prince, Octavio, is seated on a platform beneath the tree, his octobrush leaned up to the platform and an instrument laid out in front of him, the inkling meandering about tending to the various flora around the yard. Octavio watches them with a bored expression leaning his dead against one of his fists, it does not take long for the boredom to win him over.
“y/n, come sit with me I know you’ve already finished your duties for the day so why not take a break?”, the prince calls out from his seat, patting the space next to him with his free hand.
“Your highness that would be improper of me to do, i’m just a gardener after all not a noble”, Y/n replies, a small tinge of amusement in their voice hearing the young prince groan in exasperation.
“As if, don’t make me have to order you to take a break.”, he argued back, a bit annoyed at the Inkling’s refusal to sit with him.
“Prince Octavio with all due respect I need to finish pruning these flowers, if I don't remove the withered buds the plant won’t redirect that energy to the healthy ones.” Y/n calmly explained.
They continued their work not hearing the prince stand up and begin to walk up to them until he wrapped his arms around their waist and lifted them up and carried them over to the platform despite their protests.
“Your highness put me down! We could be seen! What would your advisors think if they saw this?!”, y/n scolded the young man who merely laughed in response.
“Ah let them! They can’t say shit to me, I’m the crown heir so they have to listen to me!”, Octavio laughed as he sat back down, not releasing the inking, setting them in his lap, “besides you’ve been working all morning and haven’t stopped once to take a break, so now i’m making ya take one. Been working on more music and I want you to hear it.”
“And you couldn’t play it while I was working?”, y/n questioned not believing that to be his only motive.
“Nope, you’re gonna stay right here and listen”, the cheeky grin could practically be heard as he let go and let y/n move to the spot next to him before beginning to play, a beautiful tune filling the space with a calming atmosphere. Closing their eyes y/n lightly swayed listening to the prince play. Their bond was a mystery to those who saw them, but it was clear to many they were close, both having grown up together despite their very different lifestyles.
The peaceful atmosphere was quickly interrupted when an unknown voice speaks up from behind the duo, “Wow you play really good!”
In response Octavio whirls around grabbing his weapon and pointing it at the intruder, an inkling male with white tentacles and gold eyes, he’s fairly scrawny wearing travelers gear. “Back off! What do you want?! Are you a burglar? An assassin?”Octavio demanded, positioning himself between the stranger and y/n.
Stuttering the inkling replies, “a-an assassin? N-No I’m a… I’m a fan of your music?”
Lowering the brush slightly the confused prince looks at the inkling saying, ”My what?”
Recomposing himself, the inkling smiles and explains, “I heard a heavenly melody in the wind, so I followed your song to this courtyard! You have some real talent!”
“But how did you get security clearance?”,Octavio asks, relaxing a bit but staying on guard a bit, keeping his position between the two.
Holding up a peace sign with a confident smile the inkling states, “Oh, I just snuck in!”
Both look at him deadpanned before Octavio calls for the guards to throw the intruder out. Unfortunately dropping a notebook in the process which the prince picks up curiously when the courtyard quiets once more.
“Oh no, poor guy must've dropped it when he was being dragged out. Maybe I should bring it to the front doors to retu-”, Y/n starts but is interrupted not long after.
“No i’m sure he’ll be back for it, kinda curious what's in it.” Octavio says, still looking at the journal.
“That feels like an invasion of privacy, your highness”, Y/n says concerned.
“The guy jumped the wall just to tell us he was a fan of my music, I think that warrants reading it to know exactly how he got in”, Octavio says back, not swayed by their concern, opening the book to take a look inside.
“I’m just going to get back to work… I don’t feel comfortable looking through some poor soul’s personal property”, Y/n states, picking the pruning shears back up to continue pruning the plants around the courtyard.
“You’re too nice y/n, you gotta know when to make the tough calls for the safety of yourself and others”, Octavio states not looking up from the page he’d landed on. Y/n doesn’t reply to his comment, focusing on their work. Naturally as the prince had predicted, the inkling came back for his journal, jumping the wall like the day before. Octavio waited with his arms crossed, a deadpan look on his face as the other male climbed down the wall, “So being tossed out once wasn’t enough to teach you a lesson?” The inkling spooked by Octavio’s statement pleads with him, “I know I know i’m sorry! But I lost my journal and I was hoping-” Not letting the inkling finish Octavio tossed the journal at him, it landing square in the poor guy’s face.
”Here, I wrote a couple of verses. Some parts could use some more work, but all in all your lyrics ain't half bad.” Octavio responded.
“You…” the inkling began, “You like my songs?”, his eyes now twinkling.
“I think they’re acceptable. Craig. Don't get too full of yourself.” Octavio replied a bit annoyed.
Reeling back in shock Craig stammers “H-HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME?!”
“IT’S WRITTEN ON THE COVER YOU AIRHEAD!” Octavio yells back. From the door to the castle a laugh can be heard, the duo turning to see that y/n had arrived just at the tail of the conversation. This distracts the two long enough to calm down a bit before continuing as y/n walks over to join them.
“I-I see! Well Craig’s fine and all but I prefer to be addressed as cap’n”, Craig says, a sweat drop falling from the embarrassment of forgetting he’d written his name on his journal. “What are you the captain of..?”
“Captain of fresh rhymes!” Craig states striking a pose making y/n chuckle at the silly antics of the man. Octavio gets a slight frown before eventually cracking up at Craig’s antics as well.
“Alright then if THIS is what we’re doin’… I guess that makes me the Sovereign of Spicy Beats! You can call me Prince Octavio” holding his hand out for Craig to shake, which Crain initially goes to grab saying with a smile “It’s always a pleasure to meet a fellow music lover! I…” he freezes mid sentence pulling away a bit like he’d just thought of something confusing both y/n and Octavio.
“I, ah…”, Craig stammers lost in thought, “hmmm”
“Hellooo, what are you-“, Octavio starts before being startled by Craig grabbing Octavio’s hand in both of his hands with a grin before exclaiming, “Let’s start a band!” To the surprised Octavio who looks to y/n in confusion. “I mean it wouldn’t hurt to give it a try tav, it might be fun!”, y/n says trying to assure Octavio, Craig taking note of the nickname before asking, “are you two a-“ to which both end up growing flustered before Octavio pulls Craig close to whisper sternly, “you are not to tell a soul ok? They’d lose their job if we got discovered by the council, got it?”
“Crystal clear, secret is safe with me!” Craig states making a zipping motion over his lips.
“Good, then I accept the proposition. I don’t have anything better to do and it can get pretty boring around here.” Octavio says releasing Craig who’s now once again grinning.
“Oh this is gonna be great!”, he exclaims, excited to have a new friend and band mate.
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signed-sapphire · 7 months
The Fallen Star ✨
A Wish rewrite
Cielo design 💛
The boy is here! The most ever! The Fallen Star’s very own Starboy!
So I lied and don’t have the finalized designs for King Maggie or Queen Ams yet soooooo *throws confetti at you* take this Starboy reimagining in the meantime!
Eugh boy the name gave me trouble. I didn’t want to use Aster since that’s the name of a a couple popular Starboys already (@annymation/@gracebeth3604/ @mythartist21) and while the Greek name is cool, I wanted something a bit different.
SEE-EH-LO, for anyone wondering. He/they pronouns <3
I was heavily considering choosing Estrella and making Starboy a Stargirl, and then we’d have a gay romance. But this is supposed to be SOMEWHAT of a homage to early Disney. This may not be KoW, but… idk. Cielo is a gender neutral name. Literal manifestation of light. Go ahead and draw them as a female-presenting figure and it’s still TFS!canon~
Aaaaaaanyways. Here’s the actual rewrite!
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First of all! Cielo is NOT the Northern Star! He’s a baby star like… in the bottom right
However, the Northern Star? Evangeline? Yeah, she’s gonna be in my rewrite
But Cielo is NOT her
For now I’ll just say Evangeline is sort of a mentor-figure to Cielo and leave it at that
So not all stars are wishing stars, and similar to Kingdom of Wishes, a wishing star is born when first wished upon
Once a wishing star fulfills their first wish, they become Stars (capital S), and are free to help anyone that needs it
The more wishes a Star fulfills, the more powerful they become
Idk maybe it’s like a Rise of the Guardians thing, where the more people that believe, the stronger your magic is
Sparkles and hope and glitter and shit
Until, as explained in my rewrite… the Stars grew bored and started simply granting wishes
Then people grew lazy and started demanding wishes
And all this belief made the Stars go overpowered
Basically it became Wonderland, everything coming true, kingdoms burning and villages destroyed
Yeah. So Magnus god rid of them eventually
Though who would suspect that it would be the king’s own daughter that would bring back his greatest fear?
Yep, Asha brought Cielo down
Not purposely, but even if she had done it purposely, she wouldn’t have chosen Cielo
He’s a little baby, a dwarf star maybe
Only ever gotten one wish in his life…
Huh never seen that before *side eyes KoW*
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Personality traits
Very Anna-coded
Probably ADHD tbh (autism x adhd duo unite)
HE’S the quirky Disney princess
Although more Flynn than Raps
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Fuck around and find out
(And by fuck around I mean wait for my rewrite to come out bc I haven’t slept in two days and I’m too tired to articulate their story accurately)
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Due to popular demand, Cielo now has the Charlie Morningstar cheek thingies
Also @gracebethartacc got an ask about canon!Star being marketed with a star over their right eye so… vitiligo mark, anyone?
Yeah I don’t have many colored refs but basically Cielo’s star eye mark and cheek thingies turn into vitiligo marks when in their “human form”
Uh take this
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Ye sort of like this^
Heart shaped face! His part is also supposed to resemble a “V” shape to make the top of the heart
My sister said they looked like Viva and I’m crying but too late to take it back
I guess they’re both Spanish? Ajdjajhsjajajs
Thin slutty waist. Imagine Lucifer from Hazbin Hotel bc Jeremy Jordan is Yes.
Like I’m obsessed with that wet cat of a character I’m thinking about Cielo’s voice being Jeremy
Although his younger VA days as like Varian would better suit Cielo…
Design by @mythartist21 save for the Trolls hair and cheek thingies! Those were my additions
Uhhh pointy ears, poofy sleeves
Idk is the star eye mark AND the cheek thingies too busy? Lmk and I’ll try to post a colored ref of that helps
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chcrryade · 3 months
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posted by justbcmb⠀⠀⸻⠀⠀July 3rd, 2O21.
So.  Here we are.  I’m assuming you’ve all seen what I have—and if you haven’t,  then what I’m referring to is an article explaining a little about the members of the JAGUAR boy group that’s coming just next month:  CHERRYADE.  I can taste it a little already.  Most people have no idea what’s going on,  (and I don’t blame them,  seeing as the last sign of life we’ve seen from JAGUAR was the BONSOIR disbandment notice from back in May 2O2O)  so I’ve decided to take one for the team and provide to you all a slightly omniscient-sounding  (but only because I do my thorough research,  and have my inside sources!)  complete run-down of everything surrounding CHERRYADE—including their managing company,  all the artists that came before them,  and the groups they’re primarily going to be forged out of.
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PART i. the company.
“All press is good press,” says the company that is more used to attracting bad reviews than good. Known primarily for housing a whole host of outspoken and authentic personalities, attempting to pull off outrageously ambitious ventures that almost never go to plan, and generally biting off more than they can chew, JAGUAR has risen to (what some may call) infamy from where its headquarters stands proud in the centre of Gangnam. When you step inside their walls you’ll find great minds, good music, and an admirable work ethic—just don’t look too much further into it. Prodding around into things unknown never ends well, after all.
JAGUAR is a fictional South Korean entertainment company, founded by current CEO Ae Seungdae in 2003. They started off as a PR firm, working the media for their clientele—that mainly consisted of struggling actors, those who had either not yet found their breakout role or those that had gone through something that had sent public opinion of them into the red—and quickly making a name for themselves as a reliable service, one that had yet to majorly fail. It was something of an open secret within those who had hired them and the industry in general that while they were not always the most ethical in their methods of dealing with the media, they were always effective, and so nothing more than a few rumours were ever brought against their name. 
Their work in the PR business continued until midway through 2006, where Seungdae made the (correct) assumption that there was much more money to be made if they began to work within the industry, rather than simply managing the front of it. And so, by the beginning of 2007, they had fully jumped ship and rebranded into the entertainment company that they’re known as to all today. 
The first act to be released to the public was the co-ed duo JUST4U, attempting to cater to both young male and female audiences straight off the bat with the appeal the respective members had. They struck gold pretty much from the get-go, shooting upwards in popularity after the release of their first single ‘DBL TRBL,’ and from there it only got better—for the two members and for the company.
The first sign of decline was shortly after their second mini album in 2012, where allegations of a physical fight breaking out between the two arose after a performance on a music show. They were put on a year-long unofficial hiatus after the incident, but it seemed their fanbase wasn’t at all deterred, because after their long-awaited return in 2013 with a whole full album they were met with nothing but love and support. The first (that was known to the public, anyway) fight seemed to be the start of the end for the duo, though, as only three years later in 2016 they would meet their end after yet another vicious argument that got through to the press, and that appeared to be the breaking point—as they both cut their contracts with the company not long afterwards, and JUST4U ceased to exist. To date, their seven-year run marks them as JAGUAR’s longest lasting group.
That didn’t leave JAGUAR with no-one to run their show, however, because in 2012 they debuted a male soloist named YOON, a heartthrob that was again met with massive success not long after the release of his first mini album ‘ON: YOUTH.’ He continued after JUST4U’s demise as JAGUAR’s reigning king until late 2018, where he was found to have taken his own life in his penthouse apartment. Both the public and the company were rightfully devastated by the loss, but after theories began to crop up speculating on why exactly he committed suicide, it was clear they needed to do some damage control.
So, just under a week after the news officially broke of YOON’s passing, along came the release of ‘MAYDAY’—a pre-debut single from what was (then) the four-membered group BONSOIR. The release was clearly timed to take the attention away from the death, but to JAGUAR’s credit it worked fairly well and most theorists were now more interested in the new trainees, a fanbase quickly building from the abundance of content that JAGUAR were now putting out focusing around BONSOIR.
This pre-debut promotion would continue until mid December, shortly after struggling actor Ahn Jaehee would decide to put his career of background characters to rest and continue down the idol pathway, instead. By the time of their October 2019 debut with mini album ‘BETTER IS MORE,’ it was revealed that Jaehee was an official part of their lineup—but the original four didn’t seem to be the most excited about this fact. In fact, there were constant rumours and stories of fights they would get into with the new maknae, and this was what would eventually come back around to bite them. In March 2020 an article was released that told all of the things Jaehee had gone through at the hands of his bandmates, and all things BONSOIR abruptly fell silent. The last thing they got was a quiet disbandment notice in May 2020, and after that JAGUAR as a whole seemed to fall completely quiet. No announcements of an upcoming group, no nothing. They were a ghost company. 
Until July 2021. A surprise announcement was made, of a new boy group set to debut at the turn of the very next month. CHERRYADE, they were called, and the word being spread was that their lineup consisted mostly (with the exception of two) of members from groups that had met the same fate as BONSOIR—that was to say, disbanded after one scandal or another (or simply the lack of interest) and left to rot. To this day they remain active, and although they’ve gotten themselves into a fair amount of hot water, they’ve yet to scald so bad it spells out their end. They all even appear to semi-like each other, which is always a bonus. But that’s not to say there isn’t something career-threatening on the horizon. It’s all just a waiting game.
PART i. (2) the staff
With big dreams & a bigger smile, Seungdae only ever wants the best for his employees. Fully supportive of whatever they do in their endeavours (as long as it doesn’t involve publicly dragging JAGUAR’s name through the mud, of course), he’ll happily encourage any less-than-tasteful actions they decide to indulge in if they think it’ll help them climb to the top that much faster. Scandals aren’t so bad if they make heads turn and lips move, fights can be swiftly moved past, and the press can be silenced completely if you know the right people to do it for you. He’s a glass-half-full type of man.
BORN⠀ㅇ⠀JUNE 2, 1978
Seungdae’s unwillingly pessimistic right-hand-woman, Hyojoo is really just trying to keep her head above water. When she got the job back in May 2003, back when JAGUAR was simply a quiet little PR firm in the centre of Gangnam, she had no idea what she’d end up being, what the company would go on to turn into. She is of the complete opposite opinion of the CEO—she thinks everything should be moral, and everyone should at least keep it civil until they’re behind closed doors. Unfortunately, her mission of attempting to keep everything above-board failed long, long ago.
NAME⠀ㅇ⠀SIM HYOJOO ( 심효주. )
BORN⠀ㅇ⠀MAY 11, 1981
If there’s a bad idea, one that’s full of too much flashing lights and more sparkle than substance, then chances are it came from Jitae. He’s a kid at heart, just wanting things to look cool rather than there to be any significant meaning behind it. While he always means well, is always filled to the brim with grandiose visions far beyond himself, putting those ideas into practice is another matter entirely. The only thing that usually stops him during his board meetings full of over-expressive arm movements and explosive sound effects is Hyojoo giving him a look that says none of them will ever come to light. So he sits back down.
NAME⠀ㅇ⠀OH JITAE ( 오지태. )
BORN⠀ㅇ⠀AUGUST 4, 1982
As the younger sister to the now-deceased YOON, Eunhee has a lot to hate about JAGUAR and everyone in it. But she stays on, if only to look after her younger cousin Hasun and glare daggers at any former BONSOIR members she passes in the hallways. She runs a right ship and is cutthroat in her ways, unafraid to point out every single little thing she finds wrong with ideas brought to the table or thought-to-be finished products placed in front of her. Stragglers are the one thing she won’t tolerate, the things that have no use to her, and she’s unafraid to do all things necessary to cut them loose.
BORN⠀ㅇ⠀APRIL 19, 1995
Sumi has every single one of her priorities completely straight, all lined up in a neat little row that she refuses to let get knocked astray. She likes to think of herself as one of the only ones with her head screwed on right, the only one with proper drive and ambition. A Lady Macbeth of her time (without the suicide—she’s not going out like that). The act of her reaching the very top, whether that be within JAGUAR or any other company she may decide to jump ship to, is something she feels is inevitable. It is going to happen, the only question left to answer is when.
NAME⠀ㅇ⠀IM SUMI ( 임수미. )
BORN⠀ㅇ⠀NOVEMBER 26, 1981
Running primarily on spite and too much caffeine that is strictly healthy, Sungki is slimier than he likes to think of himself. Loyalty is a fickle thing for him, something that will change with the tide and who hasn’t wished him a good morning that day. He’s not particularly pleasant, however harmless he might look, but even he himself is oblivious to how much he’s disliked at times. His trust can be bought, as well as.. Well, everything else about him. There isn’t much he’s not willing to do if the digits climb high enough. He has some redeeming qualities, it just might take a while to name them.
NAME⠀ㅇ⠀DOH SUNGKI ( 도성기. )
BORN⠀ㅇ⠀MARCH 13, 1987
Kyuri is a passive-aggressive, slightly manipulative, and always-put-together-looking ray of sunshine. She won’t let a strand of hair come out of place, and won’t let a single person that’s crossed her know a single day of peace. Her number one belief is that one can get anything they want if they’re charming enough—a belief that, in her case, is one that works every time. All you have to do is put on a shining white smile and grip their hand a little too hard, and she finds that everything she may want falls straight into her lap. She could do with seeing a little less of a number of her colleagues, but she’d never breathe a word of that to their faces.
NAME⠀ㅇ⠀BOM KYURI ( 봄규리. )
Simply trying to get by, trying to make a living to support his quiet little life, Youngshik has seen more than he ever really wanted to when he first got the job back in 2004. Trying to keep a leash on two firecrackers with their fuses lit was something that got his pulse racing on a good day and left him feeling at risk of a heart attack on the bad ones. A week of peace per year was the standard he slowly found himself getting used to, and despite all of the screaming and the fighting and the throwing things, he found himself missing the pair when they reached their limits and left.
BORN⠀ㅇ⠀JUNE 28, 1984
If there’s anything Hanbi hates, it's everyone else. She says she would’ve been better off never even coming near the company building in the first place, would’ve been much further on in both her life and career if she had never set eyes on any of them at all—but despite this, she never makes any sort of move to leave. Some think it’s because of the cheques being written out for her, some think it’s because of the dirt they speculate she has on them concerning their treatment of once-superstar (and now dead) YOON, and some go on to make the harsher comment that, even with all her criticisms, without JAGUAR, Hanbi would just be another face in the crowd.
BORN⠀ㅇ⠀NOVEMBER 24, 1992
Ever bored, never having a nice thing to say, and a bit of an alcoholic, it’s common knowledge that Jaeyoung only really got the job because of his shareholder father pulling a few strings when he decided it was best for his son to try and handle a big-boy job for once. He’s holding on by a thread, but it’s not so clear as to whether he’s particularly worried about the status of his employment. His strongest bonds are formed through swapping contraband for excuses about what he’s been doing all day instead of managing the groups that were put under his care, and there may be a few DUI’s he’s shoving under the carpet.
BORN⠀ㅇ⠀JULY 30, 1993
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PART ii. act one: just4u.
What do you get when you mix a country boy who hopped on a train the second he’d graduated to the big city and never looked back—only to resort to sleeping rough and stealing wallets when he realised his dreams of hitting it big were going to be a tad more difficult to achieve than he’d initially thought—and a born-and-raised big city girl—not spoiled nor particularly rich, but with certainly enough spite in her veins to rival both—who spends her days shoplifting and slacking off at her gig at the local noraebang? JUST4U, is your answer, after they were scouted on the street by an overexcited Jitae who had made his decision with just a singular look at them.
JAGUAR’s very first pet project, the members street casted by Jitae himself after wandering the highstreets of Gangnam pretty much aimlessly, JUST4U was a fictional co-ed South Korean duo made up of members Yeseul and Insu. Appeal was their core concept from the very start—in every meaning of the word. Sex appeal, endorsement appeal, musical appeal; they were trying to hit it all straight from the start line, likely wanting a boost after the recent rebrand from a PR firm to a full-blown entertainment company. To JAGUAR’s credit, though, it was an aspiration that was met both fairly well and fairly soon. Their debut single ‘DBL TRBL’ in September 2009 rocketed upwards in popularity and put their names in a lot of people’s mouths barely a week after its release, and it seemed like JUST4U could be the next big thing if JAGUAR played their cards right. They continued to be plastered all over the place, the company doing their best to grab as many publicity stunts as they could for the pair as the months passed by. The hype was well maintained, and many stuck around for the next release: the first mini album named ‘DIZZY,’ released in June 2010. From that point onwards JAGUAR felt it was safe to assume the attention wouldn’t take a nosedive into nothingness if they laid off the promotions, and relaxed a little, giving the members a little room to breathe.
The duo’s success was constant, never failing to gain headlines and interviews and more and more wins, more recognition, more of their names being passed from mouth to mouth. They were breezing through things, enjoying every second of the attention and the (monetary) awards they got from it. In fact, it was all a little.. Too good. While everything was doing more than fine on the music front, the relationship between the Yeseul and Insu was rocky at best, and had been since the start. They hated one another, point blank. That didn’t mean they wouldn’t trade favours and light each other’s cigarettes and lie about whatever the other may have needed them to lie about, but it did mean they couldn’t go a week without another screaming match about some petty thing or another. Maybe Insu had left his straighteners plugged in and on the countertop in Yeseul’s bathroom. Maybe Yeseul had left Insu’s earrings in her top drawer. Whatever it may have been, they made sure to fight about it multiple times over.
The media were none the wiser until August 2012. Another fight, but this time backstage at a music show—and it escalated to the point of throwing things, breaking things, bringing innocent staff members into it. Rumoured to have even been off the back of a drug-fuelled high, following leaked photos of empty baggies on their dressing room floor. What they’d just done was taken their own squeaky-clean image and set it alight—but, to be honest, neither really cared. JAGUAR stepped in to release a statement denying the claims, but in the same breath announced that all public appearances would be ceased for the time being, until everything had calmed down. The word ‘hiatus’ was never uttered, but it was clear as day to everyone who had read it that that was what it was. JUST4U spent their year off doing exactly the same things they’d been doing before it, although this time much worse. They wouldn’t come back until October 2013, when they dropped the full album ‘FEELING SWEET’ and convinced everyone they were better than they’d ever been, when the reality was that they were just getting crazier and crazier.
The fights continued, the sex continued, the drugs and clubs continued—the year off had really done nothing at all, and neither had the media. Yeseul and Insu continued to do whatever they wanted, and argued every second doing it. Maybe some would have thought JAGUAR would’ve stepped in after the 2012 fight to see how they were doing, and maybe even offer them some help, but the truth was that Seungdae thought JAGUAR’s artists should live their lives however they saw fit. Drugs and drink be damned, as long as they weren’t publicly dragging the company’s name through the mud, he found it to be none of his business—and advised his staff to follow his lead.
They carried on making their music and their impact (good or bad, it’s more up to you to decide) until 2016, where they finally began to crash and burn. One last fight, so loud it made their throats burn, snapped the final piece of string holding them together, and on that night in October they decided they were finally done—Yeseul going about cutting her contract the very next day, and Insu following suit not long afterwards. At seven years, they’re the longest group JAGUAR has housed to date, and will forever be known for never having a moment of peace between them.
ACTIVE FROM⠀ㅇ⠀2009—2016
PART ii. (2) the members
She’d say she was only in it for the money, but after a while Yeseul did grow to enjoy the rush of performing, the thrill of seeing the hordes of fan after fan screaming her name and waving lighters and phone torches and lightsticks in time. It was just too bad she had to share all that fame and attention and utmost adoration from the thousands, the millions, with someone she couldn’t stand—that person being Insu, of course. The only chemistry between them was physical, and apart from that the only time they could tolerate each other was when they were either blackout drunk or having to pretend to be best friends for all the cameras that thought them to be.
NAME⠀ㅇ⠀NA YESEUL ( 나예슬. )
BORN⠀ㅇ⠀JANUARY 9, 1989
Insu came to Seoul with the highest of expectations, and not a singular one of them was met. It wasn’t as if he expected fame and fortune (or even a stable job) to fall into his lap, but sleeping in saunas at eighteen was a nightmare—and got pretty cramped, too. When he was scouted he took the chance purely for the idea of the cash that came with it, even despite the years of training he undertook before it. Life as an idol was one that met most of those stupid and too-high expectations he’d set for himself as a naïve teenager, but there was just one thing that ruined it, just a little bit—Yeseul. Trying to get along with her was worse than any nights spent sleeping rough.
NAME⠀ㅇ⠀CHOI INSU ( 최인수. )
BORN⠀ㅇ⠀JULY 16, 1989
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PART iii. act two: yoon.
Here’s a boy. One with what some would call a natural talent for music, a knack for flipping a switch that turns him into someone able to light up the room with a few jokes and a smile. What do you do? The only answer is to recruit him, obviously, but the one obstacle in the way is the fact he has zero interest in ever becoming a performer like all the star-studded ones you see on television nearly every night. So what then? The only answer for Jitae (because, really, who else would it be?) is to pester. To beg would be the real word, but pleading for a 12-year-old to join your company when you’re 11 years older than him is more than embarrassing. Whatever you want to call it, it finally worked in the end, and after four long hard years of training, YOON was what rose out of the ashes.
The only soloist to date that JAGUAR has ever debuted, YOON was a fictional South Korean singer, songwriter, and general performer. Birth name Choi Yoonhae, he was much more interested in growing up and getting a normal job than ever being an idol—but Jitae had passed him by one day and was eager to try and convince him to join them, to help them fulfil Jitae’s latest vision of a moody soloist that would capture hearts all across the country (after a few years of training, of course—debuting freshly-turned-teenagers wasn’t really their thing). Yoonhae was reluctant, but after a long, rambling conversation and a business card tucked into his pocket, he took it home and began to reconsider a little. He went back in the end and put on a more than worthy performance, and was accepted not long after that. Four years spent in the practise room day in and day out later, and YOON finally debuted with the hit mini album ‘ON: YOUTH’ which (similarly to how it had gone with JUST4U) brought in a reasonably large fanbase pretty quickly. Next was the mini album ‘RHYTHM’ in January 2013, and from there it all continued to go uphill for the singer.
There was only one problem for all his fans to pick at over the years. He released music, sure, but it was all singles—one notable one being a collaboration with JUST4U, in September 2013, after which he seemed to become much better friends with the duo—and mini albums. No full projects in sight, even as every anniversary of him being active creeped closer and closer. Some defended the choice, saying that maybe it was Yoonhae himself that didn’t feel he was ready for a full album, but most of his fans were angry on his behalf, practically demanding a longer release from JAGUAR. In reality, Yoonhae himself was sort of on the fence about the prospect. He wanted to do it, sure, but he didn’t want it to send him crashing back down to earth after he’d been enjoying a comfortable high for years at that point. So he continued to agree to the mini albums and singles that were set forward to him and thought over the album all the while.
Besides, he had other things to worry about other than putting a whole album together. He had to watch out for his recently-employed younger sister, had to keep an eye out for his younger trainee cousin every once in a while and make sure he was holding up fine. Other responsibilities to handle, other relationships to maintain, other bad habits to feed. He avoided putting out a full album until he really couldn’t any longer—which, in a stroke of good luck for him, lined up with a time he felt he finally had enough songs to put forward for an album anyway. March 2018 marked the release of YOON’s long-time-coming first (and, tragically, last) full album: ‘NO DRAMA.’ But, just as he’d been so worried about before putting it all together, the reception went in the opposite direction of what he’d hoped—what everyone had hoped. It tanked. Fell to the bottom of the charts, sales practically nonexistent. It didn’t even grow organically after a couple months, staying forgotten by all; including all the fans that had been begging for it only weeks before its release.
This kickstarted Yoonhae’s decline. It sent him spiralling, and the only thing he could do to stop the landing from hurting too hard was self-medicate—by day-drinking, by sleeping through schedules with his phone turned off and hands over his eyes, with empty pill packets piling up in his bathroom bin. Nobody could reach him, no matter how hard they tried. He disappeared from the public eye, ignored all the company’s calls, and on occasion skipped town to do god-knows-what in other ones. Gone was the country’s brooding heartthrob, and in his place was a washed-up star who was reaching his wits end. People thought he’d just cut his contract like JUST4U had done before him and live the rest of his life as a normal man, but Yoonhae proved them all wrong—in what was probably the worst way possible.
November 2018. Police were called to his high-rise apartment, and a few hours later they quietly left it with a body bag in tow and tape around the doorway. It wasn’t as much as a scene as you’d expect it to be, but JAGUAR did everything in their power to not let the news spread to the media for another three days—presumably to give them ample time to get all their plans for afterwards in order—before finally announcing it to the press. YOON had passed away, for reasons undisclosed. But ‘undisclosed’ never meant anything to anyone, not when you had hundreds and thousands of fans desperate for the real truth. So they did some digging, some sorts less legal than others, and not two days after the announcement the real reason was leaked. Suicide. By one of his own silk ties. Sleeping pills in the system, a bottle of white wine knocked over on the coffee table. It was the complete opposite of what JAGUAR wanted, and so they did the first thing they could to take everyone’s minds off of it—release a new boy group. BONSOIR’s predebut single dropped later that same November, and worked exactly as intended. YOON was a tragic tale for all involved, one that started high and ended.. Well. Six feet under, would be the blunt way to put it.
ACTIVE FROM⠀ㅇ⠀2012—2018
PART iii. (2) the member
Notoriously private, Yoonhae was one that kept himself to himself both when it mattered and in general. He knew how to play the part of the idol everyone wanted to see pretty much perfectly, but as soon as he was off the clock it was like he was a completely different person. Reserved, blank—not exactly cold in how he acted, but certainly not the most friendly either—and all in all a pretty hard person to get a read on. He was just.. Yoonhae. Not much of a threat, not someone you should be particularly worried about having in the same room as you while you spilled all your secrets (which, for a few people, would be a large mistake on their part). Just there. Maybe that was why no one noticed the signs of him slipping further and further away, until one day he wasn’t there all all, anymore.
BORN⠀ㅇ⠀MAY 21, 1993
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Well.  I think that’s enough for part one.  I was going to cover BONSOIR here,  too,  but then I realised a three-in-each-part format would probably make more sense  (and make it all a little more balanced).  Second and final part will be up soon.  Have a nice night!  I’ve been justbcmb,  thanks for sticking around.
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camixiez · 1 year
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birthday girl
paring: namjoon x fem! reader
genre: college au! fluff
warnings: alcohol mentions (everyone is of age)
word count: 691
cami’s note: savor this namjoon fluff, because everything for him in my drafts is angst. idk why i keep hurting this man.
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namjoon had no idea how he ended up at your birthday party. 
it was an open invite, and anyone was free to come, but namjoon still wasn’t able to understand why he was here. 
jungkook and jimin had convinced him to go to some random party with them and be the designated driver for the night. however, that plan was long gone after the two convinced him to take a shot with them or else they would try to hook him up with some random girl. 
at some point in the night the pair was long gone, talking with some girls on the couch in the living room, and namjoon was just standing around in the kitchen by the food. 
“hey, i don’t think i’ve seen you before,” namjoon turned his head to see some random person with a crown. he assumed it to be you, the sole person everyone was here to celebrate. 
“you haven’t, but happy birthday,” he smiled at you, holding back the laugh at your obviously tipsy state.
“well since it’s my birthday, and our first time meeting… we have to take a shot together.” you stated, reaching behind him for the closest bottle. you looked around for a package of shot cups and grabbed two from the plastic.
“are you sure you can handle another shot? you look pretty done,” he chuckled as he watched you pour the liquid into your cups.
“i’ve already finished two bottles alone and i can still outdrink you,” you laughed, handing him his cup. “watch me.”
“you’re on,” he smirked before bumping cups with you and downing the shot. 
after half a bottle, you offered for the two of you to take a break and step outside, and for both of your sakes he agreed quickly. 
he felt the cool night breeze hit his face once the two of you were able to find seats and sit on the front porch. he looked up at the moon and stars, then over at you. the moonlight lit up your face in a way completely different from the yellow lights in the kitchen. the evening air really had a way of making you glow, or maybe it was just the alcohol messing with his vision.
“take a picture, it’ll last longer,” you whisper, meeting his gaze and snapping him out of it. he hadn’t even realized he was staring so hard. he felt the heat rise to his face, but he would just blame that on the alcohol. you let out a small laugh before leaning towards him and asking, “so, what’s your name and how’d you find my party?”
he hadn’t even realized how close the two of you were until he felt your breath on him. the scent of alcohol was strong, but there also seemed to be a scent of…strawberries?
“namjoon, my friends dragged me here to be their driver,” he replied as calmly as he could without staring at your lips for too long.
your gaze turned to an expression of fear, leaning back you asked, “wait you’re someone's ride? and i made you drink? i’m sorry-”
“don’t worry, the same idiots i was supposed to drive already forced me to drink shots with them,” he cut you off, laughing. 
“oh okay , good. who’s your friend?” you inquired, only to have your question answered by the duo in question.
“namjoon hyung! there you are!” a voice called from the front door. namjoon turned around to see jungkook and jimin walking out with two girls. “jimin and i are heading out so-”
“wait, are you with y/n?” Jimin asked, walking over to the two of you. “i thought you said you didn’t want her?”
“excuse me?” you ask, pretending to be offended, but the smile on your face couldn’t hide the fact that you were flattered the duo thought namjoon would be into you.
“wait, she's the one you guys were gonna set me up with?” namjoon asked, his eyes widening in realization. the other two boys nodded and he looked back over at you with a smile on his face while saying, “well thanks, she’s pretty cool.”
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jakesuit0 · 1 year
Go With Me Review
“Go With Me” manages to give more insight into multiple different character dynamics in the span of 11 minutes. Finn and Bubblegum, Jake and Marceline, Finn and Marceline, and Marcy and PB have series defining moments for their relationships, with even some super insightful Finn and Jake interaction sprinkled in. Not even the 90-minute Stakes miniseries manages to accomplish that. 
Despite Finn’s puppy love for Princess Bubblegum, Finn does not understand romance nor is ready for it. Despite this, Jake pushes Finn to bring a date to couple’s movie night. Jake and Marceline encourage Finn to pursue someone who is too old for him, albeit for different reasons. Jake has a naive view of romance, and has no frame of reference for how to help a (barely) teen human boy deal with his feelings. He views Finn as someone capable of having true romantic feelings, which Finn clearly isn’t yet. Finn immediately shoots down PB’s description of the night as “romantic”. PB declines for whistling practice. I don’t think this was just an excuse to turn down Finn. Bubblegum finds Finn's crush on her cute and harmless in the first two seasons. I think she’d be willing to humor him by attending, not yet knowing the effect that kind of behavior has on Finn. Jake gives more terrible advice, pushing Finn to keep pursuing PB. 
Marcy’s introduction into this episode is great, with the slow split screen reveal of her presence. It’s also the first of many times we see her hiding inside the Treehouse. Jake reveals that he has gotten over his fear of vampires. While Marceline can still easily spook him, it's nice that Jake has finally come around to Marcy like Finn did in “Henchman”. I love how Finn and Jake both get separate mini-arcs throughout a few episodes before they each accept Marceline as a friend. Marceline not being able to go out in the sun (before they got lazy and just started photoshopping sunscreen bottles into title cards) is already enough of a barrier to work her into plots, we don’t need Jake’s fear as another one. They had a funny workaround in “It Came From the Nightosphere”, but I’m glad they retired it. I love how they still address this development. Most shows would have just given up on the running gag without an explanation to make writing episodes easier. 
In order to make Peebles jealous, Finn and Marcy pretend to have a great banter session outside Bubblegum’s window. This leads to our first ever interaction between Princess Bubblegum and Marceline, the second most iconic character duo in the series, and one of the most famous character dynamics in cartoon history. While it takes 103 episodes for Marceline to interact with Ice King, and 170 for Lumpy Space Princess, Marcy gets to interact with a member of the main cast that isn’t Finn and Jake in season two! Even without the context from future episodes, this scene gives a lot of clues to their relationship. There is clear tension between them. It is obvious they have a history, with Marceline calling PB by her first name, something we haven’t even seen Finn do up to this point. It’s satisfying seeing how well this scene works with information provided a decade later in “Obsidian”. Marceline likes to tease PB, and Bubblegum puts up a tough exterior to act like she doesn’t care about Marcy, like she did while Marcy first sang “Woke Up” in the Glass Kingdom. It’s obvious they’ve had multiple interactions similar to this over the hundreds of years since their break up. Finn’s newfound friendship with Marceline would only force these kinds of interactions to become more frequent. This is probably the most drastic example of an episode being impacted by a later installment in the series. And oh yeah, Princess Bubblegum’s first name is Bonnibel! I love how well her first name flows with Bubblegum. It’s nice having a shorter and easier name for her than “Princess Bubblegum” that isn’t just “PB”. I love getting pieces of character biography like names and ages dropped so casually.
Marceline just wants to get back at her ex as well as have fun messing with her impressionable friend like usual. Marceline literally says her reason for wanting to help is that “it'll be funny”. Of course Marcy knows that wrestling and wolves would do nothing but upset PB. She plays these pranks at the expense of Finn, but Marceline knows to not take Finn’s crush seriously in the first place. Her “advice” is as bad as Jake’s but she isn’t stupid like Jake. 
In the process of getting wolves for Marceline’s next plan, we see how much more compatible Finn is with Marcy than PB. They’re both fun, wild animals. Bubblegum reacts appropriately to Finn putting wolves in her room. It's sad seeing her ban Finn from the kingdom. She understands she is dealing with a child and that Finn has a good heart, so she keeps the door open for when Finn starts behaving better. She knows that Finn will come around and it feels more like a parent or teacher disciplining a misbehaving child. I’m sure Bubblegum realized that this was all Marcy’s doing soon enough anyway. On the other hand, the Finn Marceline pairing is a much more fun and refreshing dynamic when compared to PB and Finn. This is purposefully highlighted and something Finn comes to realize. After his latest failure, Marcy tells Finn to forget about Bonnie. I get the feeling that another motivation for Marceline was to sabotage Finn so he wouldn’t keep dealing with the heartache she knows comes with PB.
All of this sets up a fake out that the series would turn to start pushing Finn and Marceline as a romantic pairing. Finn goes to ask Marcy out to the movies instead. Someone getting this close to Marceline makes her uncomfortable. Her reaction is to try to scare Finn away, a tactic she internalized from when she thought she scared her mother away and reinforced in the downfall of her relationship with Princess Bubblegum. Marceline misinterprets Finn’s invitation as a romantic gesture. Marceline and Jake egging Finn on throughout the episode caused this. He is only barely 13, he isn’t ready for that! I like Jake rightfully feeling embarrassed for his actions. Marcy realizes Finn’s intentions and happily goes with Finn as friends. She still can’t give up messing with Finn, with the great “no tongue” comment that went right over his head. I’m very happy the series didn’t go for a Finn, PB, Marceline love triangle. It’s nice for Finn to have a female friend without any baggage. The episode teased Finnceline for the only time in the series, and then immediately shot it down forever. Well, forget about “Bad Little Boy”. I’ll discuss that episode’s implications when we get to it.                  
Finn and Marceline ditch movie night when confronted with the onslaught of make outs. They are truly perfect friends. The episode ends on wolves tearing apart the screen after a couple proclaims that nothing will ever tear them apart. There is a joke in Spongebob that is identical to this, with Plankton instead of the wolves. There is absolutely no way that it’s a coincidence. 
“Go With Me” is the third and sadly last Finn and Marceline duo episode. While I think “It Came From the Nightosphere” is the overall better episode, I think this is the best showcase of their relationship in the series. It's great seeing these character dynamics be explored in a more sitcom-y episode.
Grade: A
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readthephible · 5 months
i've seen people talk about shaymien drifting apart and missing their dynamic- since i know you love them both dearly, what are your thoughts on this?
oh dear anon, idk if you know what you’ve signed up for letting me ramble about them. hiding this under a cut bc it will probably be very long and also like tw speculation
so i’m basically rewording what i sent in an emotional, pms-infused series of messages to my bestie arrow @feral-teeth. i have been making connections and conclusions in my head where i’m having to step back and realizing they’re so parasocial, but i think i just emotionally connect to both shayne and damien so much that it “all” has a deeper meaning to me. keep in mind that this all just thoughts i’ve had as a viewer, it’s not me trying to say that any of this is factual or encouraging anyone to pry. don’t do that please (i, avery smoshpvnk, do not endorse the act of harassing real people with my speculative thoughts of them)
my over-emotional Shaymien Thoughts™️ have progressed with my obsession, mainly looking at the wavelengths over the course of their friendship how they’ve been close, then a little more distant, close, then a little more distant. i don’t have a set in stone timeline for it ofc, especially compared to like dan and phil where we have very solid chronological factors to make sense of things, but a rough outline: so random, they become best friends. they eventually become roommates for a little while. damien moves in with an ex and they drift for a bit while shayne gets miscellaneous roles and eventually books with smosh. shayne opens the door for damien at smosh.
from the get go they’re already a solid duo like in show with no name episodes, we see them closer with the damien and shayne show - so many good moments!!!, smosh pit weekly, then into the mythical era still with a good dynamic like in tntls and stuff. eventually we get hacking off mini series (iconic and under appreciated) that starts in 2019. then they seem to still have a good, standout dynamic through the pandemic videos. hacking off comes back for a bit about 2021. there’s also some GREAT moments from like twitch / heavy baf era (basically the time when saige is there) about them seeming really close, chaotic, having fun (ex. quelf, uno, game of life) there was also a stream damien did (12/14/21) where shayne came to his apartment (that i didn’t know about until recently??? i would die for the vod)
we get closer to the renaissance aka anthony’s back era with stuff like baf legacy series (where damien is touchy with shayne as expected, and also i know at the end of the series he is proud of everyone for the commitment and character work but the way he looks at shayne, kill me) ⬇️
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[Image ID: baf legacy betrayal set. the main focus is damien in the middle dressed as mr. grub, smiling up at shayne who is standing to the right of the image and posing with a katana as the chosen. angela is on the left, jaw dropped. End ID]
then, the damien and shayne show revival! that’s where damien unintentionally clears up their timeline in a sense, and it’s cute how he gives a sappy monologue about him and shayne’s friendship. it’s really sweet even though damien did make a joke at the end to deflect from it.
i watched the video when it released, and admittedly i haven’t been a recent (as in last 5 years) smosh watcher since about august, but after this, i have just noticed a bit more of a decline in “joint content” with them. the space in which we have had videos with them together since then and especially this year has been admittedly lengthy. i have respect for my fellow rarepair shippers like how we all experienced the spommy drought, but i feel like with shaymien we have an extensive history of “canon” content rather than more consistent, current content, compared to like ianthony for example where we get to see their dynamic all the time. or anyone + the frequent cast members like shayne, ian, courtney. (i don’t really count shour/tney as a ship bc it’s real and like, not to be touched how i see it. but you do you.) even the ones we’ve got, they haven’t been seated together. (except for smosh mouth, but like, that’s the guest chair.)
could this be because damien is just busy outside of smosh? of course it could. in streams and through social media posts, you can see/tell/hear that he has been traveling, auditioning and working a LOT. i feel like with smosh videos though, besides maybe through the delay of sword af, there wasn’t a huge, monumental difference that oh, damien isn’t in videos as much. like it seems a bit more balanced i guess or less noticeable. but also, shayne has been in a ton of videos this year already, so why haven’t they been casted together with how frequently we see them in videos normally??
we get the we found our so random scripts smosh mouth episode. hallelujah shaymien is reborn. right?
idk, this could be me just totally misinterpreting, but i feel like ever since about the “decline” after the d&s show returns video, i feel like there’s a bit of a disconnect. and now this is me being incredibly parasocial and self projecting, but because i relate to damien so much, i can kind of tell that he is the kind of friend that puts in the majority of the work when it comes to upholding a relationship. is this true for all of his relationships? i have no fucking clue. but it’s something i’ve noticed with shaymien specifically. how they just don’t interact the same or bounce off each other as much as they used to.
i got a comment on one of my compilations that started more of a spiral for me:
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[image ID: A YouTube comment saying “The fact that Damien wasn't at Shayne's wedding can be something so shocking and sad to me personally.”End ID]
is this true? who knows, i’m not gonna try to look into it too much, but from what i’ve seen, it makes sense. extremely speculative: surely we would have gotten photos? unless it was actually really small and limited, but why would shelby young post about it then? same with renfaire. you’re telling me they both went but didn’t even meet up?
anyway, it breaks my heart. not just in a shipper sense. at the end of the day, i really just want what’s best for them, i love their friendship and i can admire a relationship being only platonic but so strong. i have a thing for duos and always have because my lack of having a best friend throughout my life. anyway
from what i’ve seen as a viewer: you can tell damien ADORES shayne. ofc in our little alternate universes we take it a step further for fictional fantasy fun purposes, but on camera, you can tell he loves shayne so much. they both have seemingly gone through some rough shit, been very vulnerable, and grew up from being 20 and 21 together - so young and figuring out the world. i believe damien’s dad died around the so random time, and being a young adult moving to la to become an actor, mental health, neurodivergence and therapy, weight issues (me coded!! damien is me!!), relationships, etc. and through 13 years, shayne has been a constant.
you can tell how grateful damien is that shayne has been there, proud of how far he’s come, and what they’ve done together. (again, he kind of summarizes it in the d&s show revival.)
how can you tell?
1.) because of how he looks at shayne when shayne isn’t looking back. the way damien looks at shayne in the smosh mouth episode makes me want to BAWL.
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the heart eyes haas is INTENSE. it’s just so tender, loving, sappy, sentimental and sweet—the intimacy of getting to be nostalgic with someone about a very niche, specific time of your life is such a concept to me. only damien and shayne know what it was like to constantly be asked “where’s demi?” then have that moved to “where’s anthony?” from so random to smosh. only they (okay, and maybe some other so random cast members) know what it was like to be a “special guest” for all the episodes and never have a solidified position on a goddamn disney channel show, or what the on set pranks were like, or who the makeup artist was that made you look dead.
damien is the one to mention the “metaphysical soulmate radar”. damien is the one to say it was their big break, just not in the way they thought “for friendship and good connections”. if you are Unwell like me about them, there is still the lowkey amanda playing the third wheel bc they’ve known each other for so long dynamic, but it’s different compared to like, bad 2 sentence horror stories.
2.) how he makes references and talks about shayne when he isn’t even there (recently, jackbox video with smosh theme where he did shayne’s bananas on monday joke). a semi recent stream where a character’s name was shane and he said there was no correlation and got all 🥰 (https://www.tumblr.com/queenofcaradelle/741683580962521088/hellers-brothers)
and this:
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[Image ID: A tweet from Trevor saying “shayne blocked me” with a meme image of baby Peter Griffin. Damien’s reply: “The hell did you do? I’ve been antagonizing him for 13 years, and never got so much as a shady subtweet.” End ID]
no one asked bro /lh
3.) scroll back on damien’s instagram a bit and see how much shayne appears. here’s a link: https://www.tumblr.com/smoshpvnk/735024614400524288 but to summarize that post it is THIRTY. PHOTOS. where the focus is just the two of them. the vidcon post from last year where damien shared the text exchange “WE are awful 😌”.
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also, i stalked damien’s instagram (not promoting to do that, but i did it) and he is a very, like, proud and happy lover of people! like he wants to shout about them from rooftops! i wasn’t in this fandom for saige era, and damien has deleted those public photos from his instagram, but the photos come up on pinterest for me - they’re very cute, sweet and proud.
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(took out the @ name of his ex - not about saige bc of date)
4.) even how he touches shayne: damien is a VERY touchy feely person and usually ghosts his hands or gives very light touches to others, but with shayne, it’s a full grab, it’s a grip on the shoulder, it’s an initiated hug. it’s “heart of the cards” with a bro handshake that shayne thinks is gonna be a high five but damien holds his hand and forces it still. even when he knows a touch wouldn’t necessarily be appropriate, with shayne, damien’s inner thoughts just seem to win so he ghosts it (ex. hacking off where shayne has oreo on his mouth and damien pretends like he’s gonna wipe it off)
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— end of examples
damien just loves him so hard and so genuinely. and again, this is only speculation, but especially as of lately, it does not seem that shayne reciprocates that much admiration.
i know exactly how it feels to be damien. to need a person in your life that you can be 100% yourself with, without holding yourself back, because otherwise you feel like you’re going crazy. how you can love and appreciate someone so much it becomes obsessive. that person, that relationship, becomes a core part of your identity. how even if it’s not necessarily romantic, you can develop strong crushes on people that feel so intense and overbearing. how you want to spend so much time with them, envision the two of you becoming so close, jealousy making you really hard on yourself.
i know, and maybe damien does too, what it’s like to be the one who gives 75% in the relationship when the other person is giving 25%. the 75% person is trying so hard to keep it alive when it doesn’t seem like the other one is giving the same amount of effort, and disappointingly, unceremoniously, and ultimately — it fades away or crashes and burns.
i feel like the smosh mouth episode, as beautiful as it is, is a great example. how there is some good back and forth between them, but i feel like it’s heavily dependent on only so random nostalgia, which is great, but it’s not a lot of new information. we know they became friends from being on so random. it’s like finding one common thing you and a coworker have and being forced to work together on it to produce a result. again, i love that episode, i watched it the second it came out and blocked the world out to watch it. and maybe i need to watch it back to squash the little voice in the back of my head saying their dynamic is different now, or maybe i need to watch it again to make that voice louder, or maybe i shouldn’t even touch it bc it will break my heart to analyze.
ofc this is only based on what we see. maybe shayne just isn’t a pda person at all (not just touch, i mean other methods too like the 5 love languages. see: my edit of shaymien x everything i know about love by laufey) or damien’s is so strong it makes his look like nothing (again about the 75/25 though.)
maybe their friendship is absolutely blossoming privately and we don’t see it. maybe they will drift apart for a bit but come back together in an amazing way. maybe their friendship is so strong that it can overcome a (presumed) not speaking period like ianthony. or maybe it isn’t. maybe their friendship isn't as strong anymore because of them being busy with other things, or being on different walks of life (ex. shayne just got married which is presumably taking up a lot of time)
i don't mean that to negate any of damien's accomplishments ofc like boi is successful, but it must be hard in a way to have your best friend hitting such a huge milestone when you're just... with 2 cats. not getting to be with him as much anymore. drifting away from a relationship you thought would last forever. stuck caring so much more than the other person does. understanding that life must go on and so do people but it’s a sad event.
i know that, for me, staying busy and forcibly mindful and in the moment/present (working WAY too much) where you don't even have a choice to stop and think and be in your head sometimes just numbs it and makes you forget, and damien has seemed so busy lately. i’m glad he said in his tuesday 4/23 stream that he plans on taking a break soon and that it doesn’t feel bad to be busy. he’s an adult, he can handle his own life, i’m not trying to baby him.
also, i don’t mean to blame shayne or anyone else for my (admittedly silly) little perceptions of some guys from a youtube channel i love. this is, again, all entirely speculative.
my heart hurts thinking about the potential of them not being best friends anymore, of the lack of content we have seen with both of them recently, of my own perception of how much shayne means to damien. don’t listen to mitski (especially francis forever) and think about shaymien at the same time. but if you do, you better meet me in my dms. don’t think about how we’ve gotten, what, 4 videos with them both this year and it’s already almost may. don’t think about how we haven’t seen anything from shayne to damien lately and how it’s all been damien /about/ shayne, mostly indirectly.
who knows what’s going on. but either way, shayne is a big part of damien’s life. thanks for letting me get on my shaymien soapbox 🫡
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moonsunlovers · 1 year
I’m sorry about what I’m going to say because some of you probably won’t like it but I always say that I want to stay true to the facts and I need to get it off my chest: I believe it’s Jk in that video. And I believe it because:
- The structure of the windows and the house space is the same as his actual house
- The intercoms in the wall are in the right places
- The mood lamp is there with the lights changing the colors in the video as we saw in Jk’s lives
- The sofa is the same that were in bts dorm
- Bam is there, it looks exactly like him and based on the dates that this video was taken at that time (around february-march) Bam were at home with Jk, not in the training center
- Jk’s haircut in the video matches the one that he had at that time
So yeah, I believe the video shows Jk with a girl (somebody else posted another one with Bam in his house in which you can see the tattoos too). I’m not going to be like taekookers when Taennie was exposed and decided to invent the craziest theories. Some people said that this video was already proof to be a Chinese couple, when they were talking about jungkook all the time but with his Chinese name, that’s why some people misunderstood. So once again, I truly believe it’s him, there’s no point in deny it.
BUT. That means all we believe in is false? NO. I truly believe Jimin and a Jungkook have one of the most special relationships in the world. We don’t know what’s there behind the cameras. It’s clear that this video was taken with the intention of using it to cause chaos and problems to Jungkook. The fact that it was published yesterday, violating his privacy with the goal of sabotaging his new single makes my stomach twitch. It’s simply an atrocity. We haven’t seen the whole video, we don’t know if there were somebody else, if they’re just best friends, family members… It shows Jungkook hugging a girl from the back, so what? They are not kissing, not doing anything super intimate. And besides, even if she was somebody special to him at that time, it doesn’t change the fact that Jimin and Jungkook have been together for sure at some point in all these years. We don’t know the ups and downs of their relationship but we have countless moments that prove it. Rose bowl, hickey gate, Tokyo trip. These ones alone tell everything we need to know. They are the closest duo in bts and their chemistry is unmatched. It’s impossible that they haven’t crossed the line at some point. But still we don’t know what’s going on for sure. It could have been a quick break up, it could have been just nothing and the girl is just a friend. We probably won’t ever know. Let’s see what the following months brings to us.
The only thing that matters to me is that my two babies had an amazing time together in NY recently and that they are still there for each other, unconditionally. Their bond is unbreakable and nothing will make me thing that they are not soulmates destined to be together. As long as they are happy, I’ll be too.
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lavalampstealer · 9 months
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YAYAYYY okay ONE (1) person asked so now I can dump about them. I’ll give you guys the condensed story otherwise we’ll be here for days (and this is gonna be a compiled masterpost about them, so I might repeat info I’ve already said)
(Also btw: don’t take this as canon bc its not, its just something that I thought would be cool to explore)
Now, you might’ve seen some of my other drawings of Canary- he’s an existing handler that I have and he’s during the time period of the games (late 1960s). This whole thing sprouted from me wanting to give it a backstory, and it might’ve gotten a little out of hand, which lead to all of this.
Basic setting for this is that it’s the mid 1930s ish (haven’t nailed down an exact year), the Agency is in its early days, and there’s more of a focus on being covert and indirect. In fact, it wasn’t called the Agency at all; it was known as the Roost, as all the agents/handlers/other staff had bird/bird-related codenames. Zoraxis, while maybe being known publicly as that, was known as the Quarry behind the scenes (stone/rock-related names). Two birds with one stone, canary in the coal mine, you can see where I got it from. ANYWAYS.
The story focuses on this agent duo, Canary (he/it (yes he’s a guy, he just likes wearing dresses, so what /lh)) and Cardinal (he/him). Their field is Infiltration, so their job is to go to high class events/places (like parties or something) and yknow. Stop the bad guys. It could be stopping an art heist, investigating a sketchy ‘charity’ that is actually funneling money right back into Zoraxis, interrupting a weapons exchange, etc- you see what I mean.
Small tidbit, they gave each other their accessories. Canary gave Cardinal his watch and Cardinal gave Canary its earrings. Starting to feel cringe now but too late for that, on we go.
More about the two. Their dynamic is pretty much that everyone else in the office can see that they like each other- except for the agents themselves. It’s not gay to have dance lessons with the homie in preparation for an upcoming assignment. Mutually just being like “wow he’s pretty WHAT WHO SAID THAT-”
I mentioned a canary in the coal mines earlier; that’s pretty much Canary’s job. He’s the one who’s constantly surveying the situation and making mental note of near everything so he can relay info to Cardinal, the one acting as the proverbial miner in the coal mines. Cardinal’s there to go into the thick of things and be the closest to danger. And their dynamic usually works out fine! Usually. Except for one time. The one time Canary missed a detail, and things went wrong fast. The bird stopped singing, but it was too late for the miner to get out. Gonna switch gears before I completely spoil what happened-
They have a handler, Jay, but she’s not a handler in the sense that Handler is in the main games. She’s a lot more hands off, she’s more like a superior to hand over assignments and pass along details. She usually doesn’t come along with them on missions, and because of the limited tech in the 30s (and their budget), they don’t have earpieces for her to communicate through. That’s why they’re in a duo in the first place, so that they’re not out alone and have some kind of backup. Her ref sheet will probably be coming next, a friend helped me come up with her design (you know who you are and ty :]).
So. That’s enough out of me for now. I’d be happy to answer any questions you got, so don’t hesitate to ask!
….and I may or may not have been listening to Copacabana while coming up with their story but shhhh its fine.
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peakdeer · 2 years
Hourglass wives/duo
(depending on if it's a romantic or platonic relationship)
The potential relationship dynamic between Lauren the Sand Witch who only started magic like yesterday, and Cleo the Time Witch who has been learning magic for potentially lifetimes using her time powers.
Cleo had been a witch for centuries. She’d practiced magic for her whole life, and all of her unlife. She knew her way around magic, even learning the difficult hex magic. She honed her abilities until she truly was powerful, until she truly was the Time Witch. She’d long lost track of how long she’d lived for.
Lauren had been a witch for a day.
Two, actually, by now. She has no idea how to use magic. She runs around without any wand to her name, not even comprehending how to use one. The one spell she does have, she often casts wrong or positions incorrectly. As a highly talented witch who works in hex magic, the idea horrifies Cleo.
As a fellow witch, as Cleo, she feels bad.
Not bad enough to lavish hundreds of gifts upon the Sand Witch, but enough to talk to her, enough to offer her some advice.
Cleo swooped down in front of the Sand Witch’s sand castle. Or, at least, that was what it looked like. It was very cute, she had to admit. She had to give Lauren credit—at least she had a house. Cleo’d been too busy here to build a proper house, and her old one was infested with glow lichen and rotting.
“Hello. You’re the Sand Witch, right? The new one?” Cleo asked, landing next to the witch in question. She wore a cute dress, kind of like the ones maidens wore in the old villages. Cleo had seen some of them in one of the timelines, but she couldn’t quite remember which one. The Sand Witch actually looked quite interesting, her hair half a dirty blond and the other half a purple—wait.
Cleo had to stop herself from laughing. The Sand Witch looked like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Even the laces in the cuts of her sleeves were colored with the same tan and purple.
“Oh, hello! Hello, yes, that’s me. I… I’m new, yeah. I became a witch just… yesterday I think?” The witch startled, turning to look at Cleo.
“Mhm. How’ve you been settling in?” Cleo inquired, glancing around Lauren’s setup. Besides the house, there didn’t seem to be much there except sand and the occasional dry bush.
“Uh… pretty well, I think! I built a second story onto my house and met some of the other witches! I just, uh. Need to get some more spells and things. I started a farm at least!” Lauren explained, waving towards her farm almost offhandedly. The farm was a sad sight, stalks not quite golden but wilting nonetheless, the heads of grain trailing in the dirt. There wasn’t even a spot of water to help the fields, and it looked as if the farm had been made simply by removing the sand and shoveling dirt in. It was a miracle the crops had even sprouted, especially having grown this much.
“That’s lovely. Your house is very cute, love it.” Cleo responded anyway, pointedly looking at the adorable house instead of the lifeless farm.
“Thank you! I appreciate it! I haven’t had many people come to my house yet, just… just you, actually. No one’s seen my house. I’d invite you in, but you don’t want to see the interior. Trust me.” Lauren chattered, looking almost disappointed for a moment before she forced a smile on her face.
“I’m sure it’s not that bad inside. Do you have a waystone?” Cleo changed the subject quickly, hoping for something safer to talk about. She wasn’t a big fan of dealing with emotions. They were quite inconvenient.
“Oh yeah! I picked one of those up! I’ve kind of been using it as a door stopper.” Lauren looked over at her dented door and winced. “But then I moved it. For obvious reasons.”
Cleo couldn’t suppress a laugh at that. “It looks like a bear mauled your door! How hard do you swing that open??” It indeed looked like someone had wrecked her door—it was covered in scratches in addition to the deep gouges it already had.
“Listen! I’ve got a lot of energy! It just happens sometimes! At least I only hit the wall with it once.” Lauren defended herself. She seemed to realize it was a losing battle, though, huffing and looking away.
“The wall? Lauren, you’d have to tear the door off its hinges to do that!” Cleo’s laughter only intensified at that, and she found herself glad she’d decided to stop by. She hadn’t laughed this hard in a long time.
“…Yeah. I’ve had to replace a few doors. For totally different reasons! It had, uh… nothing to do with that.” Lauren protested, trying in vain to preserve what remained of her dignity. Cleo almost felt bad, but Lauren had done this to herself.
“Sure it didn’t,” Cleo teased with a chuckle. Her eyes caught again on Lauren’s small farm, and she winced. It looked so… unhealthy there, growing on the sand-laced dirt without even water to help it grow.
Lauren didn’t seem to notice, blabbering on. Something about a pelican? Cleo wasn’t sure she wanted to know.
“Here, let me just…” She pulled out her Farmer’s Staff, stepping towards the farm and focusing her powers. The crops began straightening up and growing a second later, the dry and wilting stalks shooting up and filling with life.
Lauren had stopped talking by the time Cleo looked up, her jaw dropped and surprise evident on her face. She seemed to be speechless for a moment, eyes darting from her crop field to Cleo.
“You’re the Nature Witch?” Lauren guessed. “No, actually, you don’t fit the vibe. Uh… not the Storm Witch, Necromancy or Illusionary maybe? Though the crops weren’t really dead, and they feel real…” Lauren poked the stalks suspiciously, as if suddenly doubting them.
“Oh! You’re the Time Witch?” Lauren’s head shot up in realization, her eyes widening.
“Correct,” Cleo agreed with a grin.
Perhaps the Sand Witch was smarter than she thought.
“Woah! That’s so cool! You control Time?” Lauren gasped, eyes darting around Cleo as if she’d see an example if she just looked hard enough.
“Yeah, I do. It’s fun.” Cleo agreed nonchalantly, watching with glee as Lauren’s face filled with awe.
“That’s awesome. I wish I had that power! All I have is… sand. And sometimes it doesn’t work.” Lauren admitted, looking rather bashful. From what Cleo had heard about her, she couldn’t really offer encouragement.
“I’m sure you’ll get better at it. I can help teach you?” Cleo offered without thinking. She hadn’t come here to babysit a witch—but this was different. This was helping a friend. She could at the very least do that.
“That would be great! Ooh, a new friend! I don’t have many of those,” Lauren burst out excitedly, giving a little twirl. Cleo smiled despite herself, a laugh bubbling in her throat.
Or not.
But maybe she didn’t mind that. Maybe she didn’t mind helping the Sand Witch—helping Lauren out a bit.
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signanothername · 1 year
Bonus for Blades:
Blades and Bumblebee: Ngl, when B made his last appearance I was genuinely so happy to hear him admit that he saw Blades as a true friend. Most star struck relationships tend to be one sided or remark how one member is clearly better than the other. But here’s bumblebee, one of transformers most popular characters, seeing Blades as an equal. My man didn’t even make fun of the name “bumbleblades” Love him. I also love how in Academy Blades has accepted that equality. Still putting B’s name high, but talking to him like an actual friend rather than someone he wants to be friends with/impress. I headcanon that, that transition for Blades happened after he and Dani had to move to China. The two B’s having to deal with being leaders probably gave them a lot to talk about. I also head canon that Blades totally forgot to tell B any of this. One day B shows up at GR or viceversa and gets thrown in the face:
“Oh yeah! I’m in China now! Heh, a lots happened. New location, new team, new mission (bonus if he’s saying this in primal form: new form too, IG… forgot to tell you about that one with the whole energon eater crisis”
Also, I’ll never let go of the fact that the rescue bots are all older than Bumblebee, even if only by a little.
Blades and Blurr: Kinda with like Kade, Blades can only take so much of Blurr, to his credit however, he does try. This is the classic awkward duo where they’ll be together in a room and go like “so… nice weather, huh?” It’s the one relationship where you can tell Blades is older. Not only is he shown in a more experienced light, but he also does that grampa thing of trying to get you exited for something he is only for Blurr to shut it down.
Blades and Salvage: this is completely headcanon, but I figure they get along. Salvage is a creative like Boulder and I can see Blades just enjoy watching him come up with something new. I noticed but didn’t mention that when it comes to Boulder and Blades they sorta take turns being the grounded one. Whenever Boulders exited Blades seems to be more down to earth, even when they’re still doing the crazy thing, and viceversa. Point is, I see Blades taking that more grounded (even if exited) role with Salvage, only with no switching like with Boulder.
Hell yaaaaaaaa!!!!!
Ok sharing more thoughts >:)
And I agree! The thing is, I love how their relationship develops on both sides!
During Bee’s first appearance he seemed a tiny bit uncomfortable with Blade’s excitement and tendency to be physically affectionate
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And that’s completely understandable this is literally their first time meeting and Blades is already very affectionate towards Bee
Their second meeting in “Odd Bot Out” goes a lot better and Bee seems more open towards Blades
They fist bump like two bros hell yaaaaa
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Then their last meeting episode in S4 and you can truly tell Bee is super fond of Blades and truly sees him as a best friend, it’s genuinely so nice and that episode was so heartwarming to watch ugh 😭❤️🌷✨
Look at Bee’s smile when Blades hugs him this time!!!!
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All the team seems to have grown so much including Blades and I’m ngl I’m kinda sad we haven’t seen these developments, like it would’ve been nice to have a show taking part in between Rescue Bots and Academy where it focuses on the Sigma-17 team as they journey through their new mission, or at least a S5 of RB covering that
But you can tell how much Blades has grown not only with his relationships but also as a person, he seems to have a lot better control over his anxiety and generally seems a lot more confident in himself and it’s so nice to see
And omg I approve of that headcanon, I think Blades’ mission could definitely be a great connection point between the two
And hell ya the rescue bots are older!!! I get the idea of the fandom thinking the rescue bots are young and I completely agree, they’re definitely young, however I don’t believe they’re really as young as the fandom thinks
They’re obviously way younger than OP and Hightide, but they’re definitely not way younger than Arcee or Bulkhead, i’d even say they’re around their age just slightly younger
They all know what a Decepticon is, meaning they have to be old enough to witness Megatron’s rising, Heatwave mentions Starscream by name, meaning he knows of the lieutenant, and that could only happen as long as the war happened, hell Heatwave is canonically a lobbing champion (three years running might I add) which can’t happen if the planet is at war can it?
What I’m getting at is that they’re old enough to have lived on Cybertron before the war even began, they assume their HQ is still active cause they woke up from stasis not knowing how much time has passed since their departure
Bee on the other hand, has been one of the last Sparks to be created before the well of Allsparks died, he was created during the war, unlike the rescue bots who were created way before the war even began
And who’s not to say the Rescue Bots HQ never operated during the war? Rescue teams are definitely needed during a war when buildings fall and people die, at least that’s what i love to think, is that the RB HQ definitely operated during the war, before it got wiped outta existence that is
So yep, I’m team “the rescue bots are actually older than Bee and Smokescreen”
Blades and Blurr: wheeze omg I wholeheartedly agree! Blurr is too much of a hothead for Blades to wanna deal with him too much, Blades is probably thankful HW is the one dealing with him and is actually surprised by the amount of patience he shows with Blurr
That being said, I feel like outside training and rescues there definitely would be a bit of dissonance between them, and both are a bit impatient, so neither will want to deal with the awkwardness or having to go through what the other is planning
Blurr either needs another hothead to keep him in check (Heatwave), or someone calm enough to deal with his impulsive behavior (Salvage), Blades definitely wouldn’t know how to deal with him
Blades and Salvage: ooooohhhh I love the way you think!
Salvage is generally really calm, kind and understanding, he and Boulder are similar in that regard, only less chaotic than Boulder, so Blades would definitely get along really well with him
And omg I never really noticed that thank u for pointing out these little details hzhzhzhzj, but it absolutely makes sense as Blades used to have a grounded alt mode so he’s definitely a lot more comfortable with being grounded rather than hanging in the air, and it’s nice to see how he becomes grounded when Boulder isn’t around, shows how he subconsciously does the thing he used to do
And ah it’s honestly nice to think of Blades and Salvage teaming up, I think they’d be great! :D
Honestly thinking about Blades’ relationships with others is so fun hahaha
And the show is genuinely such a masterpiece when it comes to its characters, you can tell how much thought were put into every character and I think that’s amazing <333
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