#if they see too much 2 sides of the coin goin on when theyre so focused on one.. might not be so gr8 !
jrueships · 1 year
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maxeys chart 😭😭
#he also has one more scorpio in mercury#next time harden or doc is baffled at maxeys constant need to work.... just show him this#scorps do NOT like going into things without preparing or trying in some way or form#put that with the go getter in cap and ure gonna have a scorp whos IN in that gym namean?#the scorpio venus....#it's like with most scorpios. when theyre doing right theyre really doing right... but when theyre doing wrong...#in thinking theyre doing right... when they might not be.....#i can see how maxey .. despite the way WE love him... perhaps.. is not the most... critically acclaimed partner to be#in wagsites#he needs a cancer or a taurus bad#BAAAD !#hmm... ill make sure to keep an eye out for that#maxeys relationship with gemini iq and his constant pestering of iq#with the 'he too big time to answer my facetimes now 😔' from max rlly was written by the stars lmao#great deep lover and great overall surface/summary go well in a person but in two persons#always looking n feeling in two opposite extremes!! can be tuff! scorps need that LOYALTY loyalty#so they can feel secure enough to give all that back n more#if they see too much 2 sides of the coin goin on when theyre so focused on one.. might not be so gr8 !#scorps can take a joke against themselves as can cancers n tauruses#but they all have a kinda Stop barrier to that that only scorps/cancers/tauruses can feel out the best b4 that happens#and feelings actually get hurt then#gems might be too outwardly to see that sometimes and a misunderstanding might happen that a scorp will harbor forever#maxeys cap keeps his bond strong with iq tho!! they just have to keep checkin in with eachother n stuff!#just to make sure theyre doin alright!!#i love not traditionally compatible people being a couple/friends. i love seeing what theyre wary of n what works#anyways!!!#maxey#mr power with a purpose !!!!#it's either bball or superhero and one gets paid the other gets comics!
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obannthepunished · 6 years
This weeks notes Mostly transcription this week i think, i tried my best for nott’s scene. as usual ignore the asterisks because theyre just notes to myself.
Molly is Nervous (tm) abiut sticking around, or going to the gentleman
theres a fight in the evening nip, beau is fucking excited its thedd (halfling from sewers) and lewis (one of the ones that had run from the research facility)
N: "I got three gold on Thedd" M: Seems a bit late for a wager at this point N: Just you and me! M:.... fair. I'm in.
Thedd wins by standing on lewis' throat til he passes out holy shit M: (drops coins into Nott's hand) N, smug: Thank you :)
oh now Nott and Beau are fighting jesus christ. C: "I cast Haste on Beauregard." Laura: YOU PIECE OF SHIT **
J: Inflict Wounds (17 dmg) ((Fjord, changing his voice: "I GOT 5 GOLD ON THE HORNY ONE)) B: WHAT THE FUCK JESTER, Stunning Strike, (7dmg, jes fails con save (6), she is stunned, extra attack from haste, 6dmg) J: (is stunned for this round, until the end of beaus turn) B: Beaus the shit outta her ( 12dmg, 6dmg) ((MOLLY blinds her)) B: still goin, but misses 2 of em, hits on the third (12dmg) J: (goes down)
caleb: goes for the low five, and Beau just.... ignores him unintentionally bless.
Frumpkin is sent to lick the blood off of jesters face, Beau cleans her up <33
They are called to the gentleman's side
offered a forward of 500gp and a pot of 4500g to travel to Shady Creek Run, the criminals town, and free and bring back Ophelia... something, who corresponds often with the gentleman
the tldr of the second (250 adv, 1750 pot) is that the swamps are dangerous for the gentlemans safehouse which has gone dark.
theyre promised resources for missions from the gentleman
Jester: "IS HE MOIST"(re the gentleman)
they take on both, starting with the swamps. The Gentleman advises they travel the 70 miles above ground.
Fjord is so fuckin smooth talky wtf. they get greater heling potion(s)?? + cure disease? Caleb's gettin some ink + paper, but its not good for spells 8(
Nott keeps making water puns. im counting 4. and a hankie.
Jester wand of smiles Kutha again, poor kutha 8(
Caleb + beau ( + assumedly nott) go to pumat's
have they paid their inn tab??
Cay buys incense for rituals, probably find familiar lbh. he also gets his magical ink+parchment.
Beau is interested in the bracers of defence. Theyre like 1200gp tho arent they??? B: how much PS: 1200 gold B:HOLY SHIT PUMAT. [snip] B: HOLY SHIT PUMAT(S).
they have 6 horses, 2 pulling, 6 solo. Jes is driving thr cart.
Caleb: (brings up the feywild) Jester: oh the traveller has told me about that!!
Frumpkin is (one of) the first cats yasha has seen 8'O shes fuckin loving it **
lots of fucking soldiers heading to war. hundreds, if not thousands.
night falls as they reach the origin of the. road. they cant find a campground because tal rolled SHIT even with advantage.
Jester + Fjord take first watch. (13. Nothing) Yasha + Beau on second watch. (14. Also Nothing.) B: We should huddle together for warmth??? Y: Fr- Frumpkin is keeping me. very warm. are you cold??? do you want my, my cloak? B: No, no my, my (jacket??? cant remember what she said) is fine, its htin, but its warm Then they talk about Yasha ands this is the furthest shes ever been. Y: "i like this stuff. Grass, and, things. you know." B: You appreciate grass?
B: What was your favourite part of xorhas? Y: I... dont know if i HAD a favourite part
this was the CUTEST shit
third watch is Nott + Molly (10, nothing happens) taliesin trying a jester voice makes me the heart eyes emoji
goblins canonically steal children what THE FUCK. And EAT them. But Nott, apparently, has not eaten a child. "My clan, we STOLE from people. money and clothing and things. And when things got tough, we'd steal the people too." Goblins dont do family. "I do not have an urge to kill and eat children" "i have cravings for... rats... cats-" (Caleb snaps) Frumpkin goes back to the feywild Yasha: =(
taliesin taking watch after rolling shit cmon. he gets 16. Noon, broken cloud cover, a tiny distant curl of smoke. oh not again. its a mile away tho so like
the smoke is coming from a small shack.
"For you, Fjord, I will make Frumpkin a bird." He doesn't though but its the sentiment.
Yasha gets shoulder frumpkin back!
The shack door opens to "an elderly fullblood orc" with hair and beard and all that shit.
for 1 (one) gp a month, you TOO can bother a whole old man orc. Jesus christ he had a battleaxe. puts it down, invites yasha and molly in. THIS IS SO UNNECESSARY Molly buys hide armor + 2lb of meat for 16gp. M: Perception check 10. Matt: "Okay." There is sOMETHING SUS about this.
and theyre off again, i am glad for this. i do not like elderly orc man.
yasha and molly double up on that goof "we totally killed him, three times." its very good
M + Y: What kind of meat is this? (fuck their rolls) its meat! its good meat!
M+Y take first watch, its 12. Nothing happens. Yasha collects some flowers to press awww. N+C Second watch, they roll w advantage lmao. 22. something is going to happen. "you hear the snapping of a twig. you see a shifting of shadow. a few things" Cay casts mage armor
Two arrows for Caleb. con saving throw. probably poison. 10. its poison. he is poisoned. fucks frickin sake. is it gnolls?? is it goblins??? hyenas??? furred barking things. wolves.
two ogres, a cluster of wolves, and goblin-like creatures
initiative order:
Beau: Nat20, 24 Goblins Caleb: 18 Fjord, Molly: 16 Ogres Nott: 15 Yasha, Jester: 6 Wolves
B: Jester, puppies!!
Yasha and Jester shrug off poison of those that hit them.
Caleb casts slow on one ogre. unrelated liam is so good???
oh yeah eldritch blast gets two beams of eldritch blast at lv3
Molly radiants once scimitar and cuts RIGHT through one of em. misses the second.
Caleb hit with a javelin, 4-5 inches into his stomach, holding itself upright. Caleb keeps the spell going.
Nott pretends shes one of them and aims for Caleb, hits the book instead. and nails it.
Jester (traumatised): CALEB!!! cure wounds 2nd level. but he is pretty fucked so its ok. he heals to full its ok its ok. Jester cares so much
Yasha pulls necrotic shroud! which as someone who cant watch TM, this is a reveal for me! :D
J: (to cale) Youre alive! How did- C: (monotonous) haha! funny, joke.
Fjord explodes a goblin Molly cuts one in half, vertically
Molly curses the ogre attacking beau
Nott shoots the ogre, and then the goblin next to her... but misses and is fucked
Yash gets the hdywtdt on one of the ogres
Beau @ necrotic shroud!yasha: you look... dope. You look FUCKIN HOT LETS GO.
cay has magic missile!
fjord gets the second hdywtdt w eldritch blast.
cay n molly go to retrieve stolen goods from goblin but apparently just Molly
Yasha necrotic shrouds when shes startled awake. F: Can you fly? Y: ...no J: Have you tried? Y:... yeah.
Yasha n Caleb have a conversation in celestial C: No really, are you an angel? Y: of sorts, i guess [snip] C: You will have to explain this now, or later. do you want to explain this now, or later? Y: i- ill explain it, just, maybe we should clean up first!
i have no idea whats going on but i heard marisha say "bad dragon" and im gonna die
J: Nott, are you okay? Was it weird to fight other goblins? N: it was... rewarding. I'm only sad that... one got away. B: Nott, do you share the same hatred in yourself? [snip] N: Do... do I hate myself? No. I'm... I'm cool. F: You seem excited to hurt your own kind. N: I know, I'm a goblin, for as long as I've been alive I haven't felt comfortable in, in there. I havent felt comfortable in my skin. It feels like I shouldnt be, i dont fit in with them. I feel, this feels WRONG, like I should be in a different body. The way they act, the way they are, it's not ME. They do horrible things to people, and they seem fine with it. I never felt the same with them. It's not that I don't like myself or anything, I think I'm okay, I just don't like how I feel when I see my hands, or my feet. They just feel wrong. I just want to be... different. C: Was there anyone you were close to? N: Not in my clan, but there was... someone. They tried me on different jobs but I was not a soldier, i was not a good cook, not good at sweing, or building, they stuck me with the torturer. I was the torturers assistant. there was a halfling village not far away and they captured someone from the village, they wanted me to kill him, but instead, I was kind to him. And he started talking, and my... fellow gobbies didn't like that, but they allowed it, because i was getting valuable information. [about halflings resources] I became friends with him. He was nice. J: What happened to him? N: I hope he got away J: Did you leave before him? N: We left together [snip J: Did you love him? N: .... I don't know. The halfling taught her how to speak in halfling, taught her about alchemy, when he has taught her everything, the goblins said to kill him. And she didnt want to. so she got REAL drunk, and shot another goblin in the ass. N: I hope he got away. We ran off in separate directions. I've been running ever since.
+1 to the quest log, find Nott's friend.
Beaus trying to be nice i love her.
C: I do not care. I know who you are now. (<333)
B: I think we're all a little bit of island of misfits.
F: You showed a lot of bravery tonight B: Nott, The brave. J: Maybe there is a comma.
Y: Nott, I'm sorry we made fun of you eating children N: I HAVE NOT EATEN CHILDREN
B: What got you locked up with this guy? (Caleb) N: Being me. Stealing food? C: You told me it was cherry wine. N: OKAY IT WAS BOOZE.
it is now raining.
M: Well, I'm sleeping underneath the cart! if anyone wants to join me... J: We wont all fit! M: We'll snuggle. *
Molly + Jester are under the cart.
"i tasted a baby once. ONCE. they were handing around a bowl, I didn't know-" -N Liam takes Sam's flask and takes a swig so i assume caleb does the same in canon C: "Who am I to judge?"
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