#if they were gonna be masc then thats cool but i cant feel the same way about them idk
taptrial2 · 2 years
infodump about these ocs im brainstorming for because i cant help myself:
two masc middle school girls who are initially rivals. one punches the other and is surprised that the other punches back. this results in mutual respect and a budding friendship
also theyre both lesbians and mutually lament about the cute girl at school whos also super quirky and nice but she has a boyfriend 😔 they both hope shes bisexual or repressing something because she defended gay marriage one time in a social studies political debate
they end up best friends with tiny meek nerd girl because theyre two really strong personalities who just decided they were friends with her one day and she got swept up in their shenanigans. but shes just happy she made friends with girls she thinks are really cool :]
the two jock girls argue a lot but always have tearful dramatic apologies. they sometimes dont notice right away when nerd girl gets left out but they try their best to make her feel included and loved
one of the jock girls has Oldest Sister Syndrome because of her many small siblings, and she acts up at school to compensate for her very stifling home life. the other is an only child who's lonely and tries really hard to defend herself from percieved threats, actually threatening or otherwise
btw all of them are magical girls. oldest sister is the first one to be turned into one and has a primarily red outfit with rainbow motifs, and when only child is turned into one as well she has a primarily blue outfit with matching rainbow motifs. little nerd girl is the last of their friendgroup to turn into a magical girl and it turns out she's pink-themed and fated to be the leader, since she's very knowledgeble about magical girl tropes
their long transformations take place in a giant ball of light that turns everything that touches it into dust, so it's valuable in certain circumstances (and they take advantage of it and transform Super Deliberately Slowly a couple times before fights so they can work out what they're gonna do). but it also takes forever to do a full-length transformation, so most of the time they just slap themselves a couple times as fast as possible to get their outfit on and magic working. different approaches for different situations. also they can float/fly
because theyre in middle school the magic actually represents them taking on way more responsibility than they should at a young age. the series is about them realizing that they shouldnt have to save the world and have to do homework and navigate their identities and relationships at the same time, and that in taking on the world's problems they've just lost sight of themselves. the finale is a timeskip where as adults they feel they finally have the space and time in their lives (and the life/social skills) to actually take on caring for other people and the world. but throughout the whole ordeal, they're never alone and the power of friendship helps them :]
anyway thats what i have so far and all of this is subject to change the end
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