#if this was their relationship at 31 and 33 i don’t want to know how it was like at 11 and 13
Robespierre babysitting Desmoulins compilation
Monsieur, I read the following passage regarding the decree from May 22 on the right of war and peace in your latest number of Révolutions de France et de Brabant […] I must, Monsieur, point out the error in which you have been led on the fact which concerns me in this passage. […] I hope, Monsieur, that you will be good enough to make my statement public through your newspaper, especially since your magnanimous zeal for the cause of liberty will make it a law for you not to leave bad citizens the slightest of pretext to calumniate the energy of the defenders of the people.  De Robespierre.  Robespierre in a letter to Camille, June 7 1790
M. Malouet: …Is Camille-Desmoulins innovative? He will justify himself. Is he guilty? I will be the accuser of him and of all those who take up his defense. Let him justify himself, if he dares. (A voice rises from the stands: Yes, I dare. A part of the surprised assembly rises; the rumor spreads in the assembly that it is M. Camille Desmoulins who has spoken; the president gives the order to arrest the individual who uttered these words.)  N…: I ask that we deliberate beforehand on this arrest.  M. Robespierre: I believe that the provisional order given by the President was indispensable; but must you confuse imprudence and inconsideration with crime? He heard himself accused of a crime against the Nation, it is difficult for a sensitive man to remain silent. It cannot be supposed that he intended to disrespect the Legislative Body. Humanity agrees with justice, pleads in its favour. I ask for his release, and that we move on to the agenda.  [The president annonces that M. Camille Desmoulins has escaped and can’t be arrested. The Assembly pass onto the order of the day.] Robespierre and Desmoulins during a session of the National Assembly August 2
[Robespierre] thought the highest (il a fait le plus grand cas) of Camille Desmoulins. He's going too fast, Robespierre said to me, he'll break his neck; Paris wasn't made in a day, it takes more than a day to undo.  Souvenirs d’un déporté (1802) by Pierre Villiers, who claims to have been Robespierre’s secretary for a while in 1790.
I point out to Monsieur Camille Demoulins (sic) that neither the beautiful eyes nor the fine qualities of the charming Lucile are reasons for not announcing my work on the national guards which has been given to him and of which I send him a copy if necessary. At this moment there is no object more pressing or more important than the organization of the National Guards. At least that is what the citizens of Marseilles think, of whom I am here attaching a decree relating to my speech. I beg Camille not to mislead himself and to try to also send me back the letters from Avignon and the replies which I gave him.  Robespierre in a letter to Camille, February 14 1791
How come you (Robespierre) tolerated that the vile informer (Camille), to whom I was answering, seeing the Society cover with long applause the hard truths that I was beginning to tell him, left his place to go sit down behind you, pulled you by the tailcoat and spoke to you in a low voice and with an air of intelligence! Didn't you have to feel that such intimacy would favor him, and turn to my prejudice?  The deputy Patris regarding a session at the Jacobins May 9 1792
The true origin of the rigor of the Committee towards you, would it be in a very long note, which was printed following l’Histoire des Brissotins, which Robespierre made me cut out, but which will have transpired?  Desmoulins in his Lettre à Dillon (1793).
One day Camille familiarly enters the Duplay house; Robespierre was absent. He starts a conversation with the youngest of the carpenter's daughters; as he retires, Camille hands her a book he had under his arm. ”Elizabeth,” he said to her, ”do me the service of holding onto this work; I will come back for it.” No sooner had Desmoulins left than the young girl curiously half-opened the book entrusted to her custody: what was her confusion, seeing paintings of revolting obscenity pass under her fingers. She blushes: the book falls. All the rest of the day Elizabeth was silent and troubled; Maximilian noticed it; drawing her aside. "What's the matter with you," he asked her, "you look so worried to me?" The young girl lowered her head, and as an answer went to fetch the book with the odious engravings which had offended her sight. Maximilien opened the volume and turned pale. "Who gave you this?" he asked in a voice shaking with anger. The girl frankly told him what had happened. "It’s fine," Robespierre went on, "don't talk about what you've just told me to anyone: I'll make it my business. Don't be sad anymore. I'll let Camille know. It is not what enters involuntarily through the eyes that defiles chastity: it is the evil thoughts that one has in the heart.” He admonished his friend severely, and from that day on, visits from Camille Desmoulins became very rare.  Histoire des Montagnards, volume 2, page 417-418 (1847) by Alphonse Esquiros. Esquiros claimed to have obtained this anecdote from Élisabeth herself.
Robespierre: Camille's writings are to be condemned, no doubt; but nevertheless it is necessary to distinguish the person from his works. I consent freedom to treat Desmoulins like a spoiled child who had happy dispositions, and who has been led astray by bad company. His head sometimes wanders, but his talents are precious. But we must demand of him that he prove his repentance for all his thoughtlessness, by quitting those companies which have ruined him. We must crack down on his acts that Brissot himself would not have dared to admit, and keep Desmoulms in our midst. All these truths are not flattering for an author: but if the vanity of Camille Desmoulins is offended by them, he considers that he has attracted a small admonition sufficient to correct it. When he sees that he has deserved still more severe reproaches, he will feel the necessity of rallying to principles, and removing from himself all causes of an error that we are willing to forgive him for. Let him examine that his writings are the pain of patriots and the joy of aristocrats, and he will be grateful to us to see that it is only for him that we can forget them. I end by asking that his numbers be treated like the aristocrats who buy them, with the contempt that profanity deserves. I propose to the Society to burn them in the middle of the room (There is applause several times; Robespierre's speech was interrupted by applause and bursts of laughter).  Desmoulins: That's very well said, Robespierre, but I'll answer you like Rousseau: "To burn is not to answer."  Robespierre: How dare you still want to justify works that delight the aristocracy? Learn, Camille, that if you were not Camille, one could not have so much indulgence for you. The way you want to justify yourself proves to me that you have bad intentions. To burn is not to answer! But can this quotation of the sublime philosopher of Geneva find its application here? WelI, I retract my last motion; I ask that Camille's numbers not be burned, but that they be answered. Since he wants to, let him be covered with ignominy, let the Society not restrain its indignation, since he persists in supporting his diatribes and his dangerous principles. The man who clings so strongly to perfidious writings is perhaps more than misguided; if he had been in good faith, if he had written in the simplicity of his heart, he would not have dared longer to support works proscribed by patriots and sought after by all the counter-revolutionaries of France. His courage is only borrowed, he detects the hidden men under whose dictation he wrote his diary; he detects in Desmoulins the organ of a villainous faction which has borrowed his pen to distill its poison with more audacity and certainty. Desmoulins, who sees himself blamed by the patriots, finds himself compensated by the adulations of the aristocrats he frequents, and by the caresses of many false patriots, under which he does not perceive the perfidious intention of ruining him. You must know what he said in response to those who blamed his writings: Do you know that I sold 50 000 copies! I would not have said these truths if Desmoulins had not been so obstinate, but the point of order has become necessary. I therefore ask that the numbers of Camille Desmoulins be read from the rostrum: if there are individuals who defend his principles, they will be listened to, but there will be patriots to answer them.  Desmoulins: But Robespierre, I don’t understand you. How can you say only aristocrats read my paper? The Convention, the Mountain, are they composed of aristocrats? You denounce me here, but was I not at your house? Didn’t I read you my numbers, asking you, in the name of friendship, for your advice, and to trace the path that I had to take?  Robespierre: You didn’t show me all your numbers, I only saw one or two. To avoid quarrel I didn’t want to read the others, it would be said that I dictated them.  Danton: Camille mustn’t be frightened by the rather severe lessons Robespierre’s friendship has just given him. Citizens, let justice and cold-headedness always preside over our decisions. In judging Camille, be careful to not strike a deadly blow against the liberty of the press.  [A secretary reads number 4 of Vieux Cordelier, which excites reclamations, the reading is at several times interrupted by marks of improbation. The club, at the proposal of Robespierre, decides that it will hear the reading of Camille’s third and fifth number tomorrow, where he will justify himself.]  Robespierre and Desmoulins at the Jacobins January 7 1794
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Prompt List
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Hey! I am so sorry for not uploading for like five months! I really want to start uploading again but I think doing so many Taylor Swift inspired prompts burnt me out - if you sent a request or do send one I will get to it just give me time.
Here is a prompt list I'll be using from now on, like always if you have your own idea(s), send them in!
These's prompts include: "dialogue", 'anything in quotations is what the whole fic will be based around', 5 times plus 1, AU's and more!
Send in just one or merge some ideas together!
Click here to add yourself to my tag list! 🤍
1 - “You’re in love with her, you know that right?”
2 - “I didn’t know where else to go.”
3 - “I’m replaceable, you’re not.”
4 - “You kept it?”
5 - Leaning their head on their shoulder
6 - “Because that’s what you and I do, we protect each other.”
7 - “I swear on us.” “Why us?” “Because there is nothing I have ever believed in more.”
8 - Person A getting hurt protect Person B
9 - “Hey, calm down. They can’t hurt you anymore.”
10 - “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have kissed you.”
11 - “Whatever you do, don’t let go.”
12 - 5 times Person A and B correct people about their relationship status and the 1 time they just accept it
13 - Everything is black and white until you meet your soulmate. The world goes back to black and white when they die.
14 - “For what it’s worth, I never gave up on you.”
15 - Accidental love confession
16 - “You’re staring at him/her again.”
17 - “Give me one good reason why I should trust you?” “Because no matter how much you hate me, you know I have never lied to you.”
18 - “I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.”
19 - “If there was ever anybody meant for me, it’s you.”
20 - “You had your chance with her. You had your chance and you blew it, and this is my chance and I am not going to blow it because we are made for each other.”
21 - ‘I still hope there is more to our story. Maybe we just had to fall apart to find each other again one day.’
22 - “You weren’t there…why weren’t you there? I needed you! I needed you and you weren’t there!”
23 - “It’s my job to keep you safe, yes, but you could work with me a little to make it easier.”
24 - “Because I haven’t stopped thinking about you and you haven’t stopped thinking about me.”
25 - ‘I am usually an optimist but I have never hoped for a sad ending like I do for you and her.’
26 - “I can’t say if the day I met you was the best or worst day of my life.”
27 - “Don’t look at me like that.”
28 - ‘Do you think the universe fights for souls to be together? Some things are too strange and strong to be coincidences.’
29 - “She’s my best friend, that’s never changed.” “Yeah, the only thing that changed was your feelings for her.”
30 - “How many fingers am I holding up?”
31 - “You’d die for her?”
32 - ‘He had that awkward tenderness of someone who had never been in love and was forced to improvise.’
33 - “I did it for you, you idiot.”
34 - “If I never see you again just know that I love you so, so much.”
35 - ‘He kissed her. Without warning, without permission. Without even deciding to do it, but simply because he couldn’t have done anything else.’
36 - “I thought you were dead!”
37 - Squeezing their hand reassuringly
38 - “Whatever you do, do not make a sound.”
39 - “I had a nightmare about you and I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
40 - “I can’t do this without you. I won’t do this without you.”
41 - “See? I told ya they’d get together.”
42 - ‘There is some good left in this world and it is worth fighting for.’
43 - Born with your soulmates first name tattooed on your body
44 - ‘There are some people that you meet and you just know from the get go that they are important, that you have to do anything to keep them in your life. He was that person.’
45 - “You came to me, begging me for help!”
46 - “Tell me about your life before all of this.”
47 - ‘S/he would always be my biggest what if.’
48 - “It turns out I’m absolutely terrible at staying away from you.”
49 - One being forced to hurt the other but refusing, getting themselves hurt instead
50 - “Why is it always the people you can’t trust saying “trust me”?”
51 - ‘If you were going to die, I was going to die with you.’
52 - “You can’t sleep yet kid, I need you to stay awake.”
53 - ‘We met at the wrong time. That’s what I keep telling myself anyway. Maybe one day, years from now, we’ll meet in a coffee shop, in a faraway city somewhere and we could give it another shot.’
54 - Five times they wanted to say ‘I love you’ and the 1 time they finally did
55 - “I always thought you were the bravest person I’ve ever met.”
56 - “I’ve never had a family before.”
57 - “I’m not leaving without her.”
58 - ‘Sometimes we do everything right and it’s still not enough.'
59 - “Hey, you’re bleeding.”
60 - ‘We’re in love, we just want to be together. What’s wrong with that?’
61 - “Take me instead. Leave her/him and take me.”
62 - Sitting together on a rooftop
63 - “I think…I’m in love with (Name.)” “Congrats on being the last one to find out.”
64 - Needing somebody else to point out the fact you have feelings for character
65 - “I know we’re not…friends or anything, but…I’m here for you, if you need someone to talk to.”
66 - Drunken kiss
67 - “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.”
68 - ‘Home is not where you are from. It’s where you belong. Some of us travel the whole world to find it. Others find it in a person.’
69 - “If I had it my way, we’d never leave this bed.” 
70 - ‘Everything that needs saying, truly saying, begins with a lump in the throat.’
71 - When mysterious injuries appear on your body, it’s because your soulmate got them.
72 - ‘For old times sake.’
73 - “I’m never gonna be good enough for you, am I?”
74 - “Don’t hurt him! Just stop hurting him, please!”
75 - ‘Sometimes there are no words that can help. Sometimes you just need to sit together in silence and try to come to terms with how the world works.’
76 - “When I let a day go by without talking to you, that’s just not a good day.”
77 – “Do you have a plan?” “I have a gun.”
78 - “How long did you think you could hide that?”
79 - “Leave with me.”
80 - ‘She was good and he needed a little good in his life because without it there was an awful lot of darkness.’
81 - 5 places Person A and B have kissed plus the 1 place where they did more than that
82 - “Honestly I wasn’t listening but I always disagree with whatever you say.”
83 - “There’s no way I’m sharing a bed with you.” “You’re more than welcome to sleep on the floor.”
84 - Person B is frowning all the time but Person A can always see when they are happy (Grumpy x Sunshine)
85 - ‘I want you to always remember me. Will you remember that I existed and that I stood next to you here like this?”
86 - “I’ll do it, but only because you asked me to.”
87 - 5 times Person A treated Person B’s injuries, plus 1 time Person B treated Person A’s injury.
88 - ‘Maybe one day we’ll meet again and I’ll be right for you and you’ll be right for me.’
89 - "Dying in the middle of nowhere doesn't seem so bad if you're here."
90 - “Oh no, you’re a morning person.”
91 - “I hate you.” “I love you too.”
92 - “No, don't stop, keep talking. I like hearing you talk.”
93 - “Are you cold?”
94 - “What do you want from me?”
95 - “Look, I know you hate me but I don’t know what to do and I really need some help.”
96 - “I’m not leaving you. Not this time.”
97 - “I wish things had been different.”
98 - “I can’t leave you alone for a second without you getting into trouble, can I?”
99 - “You’re not sleeping?” “Nope.” “Why not?” “Don’t want you to stab me the second I close my eyes.” “I won’t.”
100 - “This isn’t just an (object), it’s a promise.”
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parkerslatte · 10 months
Prompts & Dialogues
Requests Open!
1. There is only one bed do they need to share.
2. Alternatively, there is only one pillow so they are forced to share and their faces are only inches apart.
3. Gently wiping food away from their mouth while maintaining eye contact.
4. Pretending to be in a relationship for a mission/event.
5. Secretly dating when they are forced to share a dance with one another.
6. The morning after a one night stand.
7. They are a big clingy baby who's cold on the outside but all pouty with you.
8. Cuddling together for warmth.
9. One character gets injured and the other finds them.
10. Character A finds B bleeding out on the floor.
11. Daggers against throats.
12. Character A walks in on B dressing their wounds and offers to help.
13. Character A tells Character B that they are pregnant.
14. They are drunk and they keep mumbling I love yous and how much they want to kiss you.
15. Having a bath together after a long day.
16. Character A pushes B against a wall to kiss them.
17. Character A and B get interrupted by C.
18. They are meant to hate one another but they can’t stay away from each other.
19. Sharing a kiss when it could be the last time.
20. Character A feeling B become limp in their arms.
21. You can't keep you hands off each other, even though no one knows about the two of you.
22. A huge argument that ends up with the two making out.
23. Character A is jealous because Character B has a date, but they are just friends
24. Character A has been away for a while and they reunite with Character B.
25. Comforting one another after a rough day.
26. Everyone can tell that Character A and B are madly in love with each other except A and B.
27. “No, no-no, fuck, [name], don't give up on me like that, please-please.. stay.."
28. “Kiss me again, but- mphh"
29. “Do you think they bought the act?" "While I kissed you down your throat? They definitely did, honey."
30. “You were supposed to be a one night thing but I don't think I can the spend the rest of my days without you."
31. “They’re looking. Kiss me now.”
32. “When I say run, I need you to do it. Don’t even think about me.”
33. “Friends don’t talk about each other like that.”
34. “Stop teasing.”
35. “Why can’t you love me back?”
36. “I still love you and I hate myself for it.”
37. “I didn’t know where else to go.”
38. “Come on, you can do better than that!”
39. “We’re you ever going to tell me?”
40. “Do you think about them when you look at me?”
41. “I was only using you.”
42. "Please, just pretend for one night? I'll do anything you want."
43. "You deserve someone much better than me."
44. "Can you let me in, sweetheart?"
45. "Your hugs feel like home."
46. "Stop running from your feelings!" "Then stop making me feel this way!"
47. "You really think that I care."
48. "You've been smiling much more recently."
49. "I will always choose you, no matter what."
50. "Was this all a joke to you?"
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Some prompts are mine and some are from the lovely @urfriendlywriter !
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rebelliousstories · 5 months
What We Have Seen
Relationship: Norm McLean x Reader
Fandom: Fallout
Request: Yes by @fallout-girl219
Warnings: Fluff, Angst
Word Count: 1,046
Main Masterlist: Here
Fallout Masterlist: Here
Summary: When the plan to repopulate Vault 32 is set into motion, two people have to find a way to work around the set backs.
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“Feel like getting out of the house?”
And that was how she found herself along with Norm exploring Vault 32. The decrepit vault was in total disarray when they entered. Bodies strewn about, and locked in grotesque positions. She saw the worst of humanity in that vault. People turning on one another, infighting to the extreme. The worst was seeing the blood on the wall from the people of Vault 32, declaring they knew what was going on in Vault 31.
Norm took off to the Overseer’s office and she followed after him shortly. She did not want to be left behind in this place. When they made it to the office, it was not in a better state. The Overseer was bound to the chair, and holding something. Norm turned on the computer and began to rifle through it.
“Norm, I don’t like this place. They all went bonkers.” She pointed out as she continued to look around.
“If the last bio signal was two years ago, how did raiders get in?” Another puzzle in this great mystery that Norm called out.
“To do that, they’d need a pip-boy.” Her observation came, just as Norm stopped on a page on the computer.
“They had one,” came a whisper, ”they had my mom’s.”
All the air had been sucked out of the room. Neither one knew how to respond to that. There was both too much and not enough to be said.
“Come on Norm. Let’s get out of here.” Grabbing his hand, they made their way back to Vault 33, only to be stopped by Betty.
“Where have you two been?” Their hands flashed away from each other as if they had been burned. Looking at the other, they tried to formulate a plan when she blurted something out.
“We were helping with the potatoes.” She drawled out, trying to find the words. Betty looked at them for another moment before sending them off to get cleaned up. As they walked, both of them shared a look of silence. A look of, “I won’t tell if you won’t.” Mutual Understanding.
It was only a few days later that the duo found themselves in a lonely corridor when that dreadful announcement came. The announcement that they were resettling Vault 32. They had already seen the newly decorated vault, and the life that was brought back. They had no clue what they had done with the bodies, but the stark change in how it was before to now was suspicious.
When the reassignment came through, their hearts dropped. She was going to Vault 32. As they sat in that lonely hallway, their lives being pulled in different directions, it was bittersweet. Over the past few days, an unlikely relationship had blossomed. It never went farther than a few stolen glances and secret handholding, but it was their relationship. Neither one cared to show too much emotion to the people they did not care about. Norm had his arm wrapped around her shoulders, while her head was on his shoulder.
“I don’t wanna go, Norm. I mean what are we going to do? What’s gonna happen to us?” She lamented.
“I don’t know. But what I do know is that you’re not leaving. Not with everything we’ve seen. There’s no way I’m letting you go.”
She poked her head back up and off of his shoulder to look him in the eye. That was the most honest emotion she had seen from him since Vault 32. Her own tracked over his face like she was trying to remember every mark, every wrinkle and feature. His did the same, but with less attention. Norm knew that he would find a way to keep her with him; consequences be damned.
Before either one of them knew it, they were leaning in and locking their lips together. It was a little messy, and fumbled, but nether one of them cared too much. Norm reached a hand up to rest on her face while she found purchase on his chest. They moved against each other,and slowly found their rhythm. Neither was rushed, although they probably should have been; but they were trying to savor this moment. Who knew if it was going to be their last?
Sitting there together, the couple remained lip locked for what felt like hours. And they showed no signs of stopping. They were trying to keep their mind off of the impending vault switch. A noise startled them away from each other; Chet was at the end of the hall,and had dropped a can staring at them. They looked in between one another before Chet took off running. Norm followed after him quickly, and even though Norm was physically smaller and not as strong as the man, he still managed to get him to stop. Pulling him into another corridor, Norm was as out of breath as Chet.
“Chet, you can’t. Please.” Norm stated. He would never beg the man not to tell; this was the one time being a MacLean worked out in his favor.
“I have to, Norm. You can’t be doing that. You’re lucky that it was me who found you two, and not someone else. What if Betty caught you?” He asked, slowly catching his breath.
“She won’t. Not if you don’t tell her.” The shorter man took on an air of authority, and hesitantly let the other man go. Chet looked at Norm with just a touch of fear, but left silently anyways. By the time he did, she had finally caught up to the two men and warily watched Chet leave as she went to stand beside Norm.
“Did we just mess everything up?” She whispered, fighting every urge in her body to hold Norm’s hand. He turned to the woman with a gentle expression and drew her into his arms. Pressing her head against his shoulder, Norm squeezed her tightly.
“No. Never think that we messed anything up. It’s just the world we live in. Everything else is messed up. We’ll be fine.” As they stood in that empty corridor, the couple could not help but embrace each other for what was to come. They could only hope that everything would turn out just how it needed to.
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trash1129 · 2 years
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×,.·´¨'°÷·..§SELF-SABOTAGE§.·´¨'°÷·.. -a Soobin smau (+ written chapters)
Summary: After (Y/n) breaks up with her ex, Do Jaeyi, she isn’t left alone by him. Finally after being bothered nonstop, she breaks and tells him she is dating her high school rival, Choi Soobin. Now they are left to keep up the act of being a couple till this all blows over. Little does (Y/n) know Soobin has been waiting for a chance like this.
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a/n: here we go again with me attempting another smau! I’m more excited about this one because I actually planned stuff for once :D I really wanted to try my hand again at one of these and wanted to try an enemies to lovers type situation
☆Rating: 16+
☆Release date: March 2nd, 2023
☆Ending date: August 15th, 2023
☆Status: ended
☆Pairing: Choi Soobin x Fem! Reader, mentions of past relationship with an OC, and maybe some pairings on the side if I wanna add some spice ;D
☆Content: smau with written chapters, fluff, crack (idk if it really is bc I don’t really think I’m that funny), some angst at some point tbh, fake dating, semi-enemies to lovers, semi-mutual pining, psych major!(y/n), dancer!(y/n), psych major!soobin, barista!beomgyu, college!au, slow burn ig???
☆Warnings: lots of swearing (I have potty mouth myself so they all will too), some suggestive parts maybe and some mentions of sex but no smut bc smut isn’t something I write, chapters may be long idk yet, I didn’t really pay attention to like grade levels in relation to age so we don’t need to pay attention to if it’s accurate or not
☆Featuring: the rest of txt, lee chaeyeon (iz*one/solo), Lucy (weki meki), probably some other idols in passing
DISCLAIMER: This is a piece of pure fiction and do not represent txt artist, iz*one/solo artist, weki meki artist, any other artist or reflect their actual selves or morals. All in this fan fiction is 100% fake and not real at all
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The ass shakers
Soobin’s emotional support group
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02. You see how easy it is to lie?
03. Twinkle toes
04. Don’t HMU😣😭😿💔
05. I’m meeting Lucifer today! (Written, 1.9k + sns) unedited
06. That's the spirit!
07. That is a (Y/n) response
08. Very Soobin core
09. Is that Choi Beomgyu?
10. Soob is a broke ass bitch
11. I was threatened 🥺🥺 (Written, 2k + sns) unedited
12. I do but I don’t :D
13. Darling baby girl
15. Slay or be slain
16. Mean girls Christmas routine
17. Love birds (Written, 3.6k) unedited
18. Because sleepover :)))
19. In the words of Twice
20. And I’m Hyojeong
22. Skill issue
23. Keep my wife’s name out of your mouth
24. I’m concerned (Written, 1.2k + sns) unedited
25. No pics🗣️ No proof🗣️
26. Not you too
27. Oh f*ck
28. Prettiest face I’ve ever seen
29. …what?😃
30. I know. I’ve known.
31. fanfic levels
32. Master manipulator (written, 1.9k + sns) unedited
33. Crush (written, 2k) unedited
34. Limited addition animal crossing switch
35. Epilogue
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Bonus!: New privs
Bonus 2!: Daily bf texts
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nicksbestie · 1 year
maybe y/n and Ashton having an argument? he seems like a really calm guy most of the time so it would be interesting to see how he is during a serious moment like that
word count : 1010
warnings : talks of alcohol addiction
“Why do you keep doing this?! You keep shutting down and closing me out! I can’t help you if you won’t let me!”
“I told you! I don’t want to talk about it! You keep pushing me and I don’t want to! Yet you keep doing it!”
“Because I fucking care about you!” 
“I didn’t ask you to care about me!” 
Ashton spun on his heel, stalking out of the room and you could hear the front door slamming shut, knocking a picture frame off of the wall. You slid down the wall, sitting down. What had just happened? It was a stupid, hypothetical question. You knew exactly what had just happened. You’d tried, once again, to get Ashton to put down his drink and talk to you, but he wouldn’t do it. You didn’t even know the person you were in a relationship with anymore. He was completely taken over by addiction, and the fridge was never not stocked with strong liquor. 
You didn’t hate him, even though you maybe should. You wanted him to heal, you wanted him to cope, but he didn’t realize that he was just making everything worse. And while the aggravation of fighting with him hung heavily on you, the worry was worse. You hated fighting with him, especially because Ashton was downright scary when he was angry. With his broad frame it was terrifying to be on the receiving end, even though you knew he would never lay a hand on you. 
Luckily, he had left his location on, and when you noticed he was at Calum’s house, you sent him a text. It was late at night, and it wasn’t a long text, either. You trusted Calum to take care of Ashton. They had such a close bond, and you believed that if anyone could get through to him, Cal could.
12:31 AM : Please be safe. Get some rest. I love you.
*read 12:33 AM*
Checking your phone after showering to see Ashton had left you on read, you sighed, shooting off a text to Calum as well. 
12:50 AM : Take care of him. I’m heading to bed, but if you need me, call. Thank you &lt;3
*read 12:51 AM*
12:52 AM : I will. Getting him sober, and then we’ll talk. He’s staying here tonight, at least. He’s rambling about how upset and sorry he is for yelling at you, if that eases your mind. I’m the one who saw your text on his phone. He loves you too. See you soon &lt;3
Reading through Calum’s text really did help you relax, knowing that Ashton didn’t mean to start a fight, or to unintentionally hurt you. Hearing, or rather, seeing, the confirmation that he still loved you helped you sleep, when you finally did crawl into bed. You fell asleep still upset, but knowing that Ashton was in good hands made you much less anxious. 
You woke up to a soft knock on your doorway, having always been a light sleeper. Rubbing your eyes and sitting up, you saw a figure standing in your door, easily recognizing it as your boyfriend. You checked your phone to see the time, noticing another text from Calum that he sent earlier. 
9:45 AM : Ashton is refusing to stay here. I tried to stop him, he’s determined to fix things. I’m sorry if you still need space. I hope everything works out. 
You didn’t reply right that second, setting your phone down after realizing it was just past ten. You looked up, noticing Ashton hadn’t spoken, so you broke the silence. 
“How is your hangover?” 
He shrugged, not making eye contact. 
“Not terrible. Four out of ten.” 
You sat up, throwing back the blankets that were normally deemed as being on Ashton’s side. 
“You were an idiot, Ash. You drove drunk. I don’t care if it was just down the road to Calum’s. Rest assured that I am very angry at you.” 
The shame sunk into his face, along with a mixture of sadness.
“I know. Calum ripped me a new one this morning. And last night, too. I can’t believe I did any of that, including our fight. I’m so many different levels of sorry, and I know that won’t fix it, but I am.”
You could see just how guilty he felt and how much he was beating himself up for it, as while one part of you wanted to say he deserved it, the other part won. You patted the bed, motioning him over. 
“I’m angry beyond belief, and I don’t want you to think you’re off the hook here. However, I still love you, and I know you didn’t intend for this to happen. So come lay down, I’ll get some painkillers, and we’ll talk.”
The conversation lasted a few hours, and a conclusion was finally reached. Ashton swore he was going to get sober, and he got rid of all of the alcohol in the house. He called Calum, profusely apologizing for his actions the previous night, and thanking him for everything he did to help. He never wanted to see that look of fear and worry in any of his friends or loved one’s eyes ever again. 
Two years later, he hadn’t broken that promise. He was now two years sober, and was making consistent progress in his mental health, with the assistance of therapy. He knew he needed a better solution than drinking his problems away, but he hadn’t gotten that push to actually fix his behavior. 
At this point, you could look back on that struggling time in his life, knowing that he didn’t have to go through it anymore. He reminded you every day that you were one of his main reasons to stay sober, and his self control improved every day he didn’t touch a drink. All of the rest of the band were so accommodating, even doing a “Mocktail Chats” for their most recent album to make him feel more comfortable. All in all, things were, by far, better.
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cheesecakeislazy · 3 months
Hey, I hope you have a nice day. I also hope you enjoy MORE FUCKIN HEADCANONS WOOOOOOO
Sally Headcanons
1. While yes, Sally loves the color pink, it isn’t actually her favorite color. She doesn’t have one. She loves blue, green, purple, all colors.
2. The only color Sally dislikes is orange, due to this, she hates oranges and tangerines
3. Sally has the body of a 7-10 year old, yet she is mentally older.
4. Despite the fact Sally is mentally 16, she still has childlike characteristics within her mindscape
5. Sally has a hard time trusting adult men; females and younger males are more trustworthy to Sally
6. Mr. D (Sally’s teddy bear) is a normal teddy bear
7. Every single person inside the mansion has seen Mr. D move on his own; nobody knows how or why as Slender has confirmed it has no supernatural tendencies within it
8. Sally likes to watch Bluey
9. Sally likes to hang out with BeN, Jeff, and Toby; viewing all three of them as older brothers
10. Jeff and Sally hang out the most
11. Sally used to have a little kid crush on Ben; Sally no longer views BeN that way because she thinks that dating is gross
12. Sally is AroAce in my AU, because despite physically being 7, she’s mentally around 16
13. Sally constantly asks Slender for a puppy
14. Sally hates wearing socks
15. Sally also hates wearing shoes of any kind
16. Sally doesn’t leave footprints anywhere, not in snow, mud, anything.
17. When Sally has tantrums Jeff calls them her “poltergeist attacks”
18. When upset, Sally can make objects levitate.
19. Sally usually throws the objects she levitates, due to the fact the objects are usually plates, vases, cups, and Toby- Damage is always present after a Sally tantrum
20. Sally cannot levitate objects on command.
21. Sally calls Slender “Mr. Slenderman”
22. Sally gave Slender a white mug that had “#1 Mr.Slenderdad” written with black sharpie on it
23. Sally isn’t an innocent little girl, she also loves to commit war crimes
24. Sally usually kills creeps, molesters, perverts, etc.
25. Sally has constant bruises and cuts on her from her death
26. The wound on Sally’s head eternally bleeds forever, it’s annoying but she’s gotten used to it
27. Slender puts bandages around her head to somewhat stop the bleeding
28. Sally and Jane argue a lot
29. Jeff managed to convince Sally that Jane is a bitch
30. Sally is a Princess Peach main in MarioKart
31. Sally is one of the few people that Ben likes to play board games with because she doesn’t destroy the game board/pieces
32. Sally likes to play house and dress up
33. Sally serves real tea and desserts at her tea parties
34. Sally doesn’t really know how to defend herself, so she can’t go on intense missions or go on missions alone
35. Sally is 4’5
36. Sally needs to be babysat whenever a majority of the mansion is on an expedition
37. Babysitting duty is rotated around the mansion
38. Jane hates babysitting duty because Sally never listens to her
39. Jeff is rarely on it but when he is, he loves it
40. Most of the proxies see Sally extremely often but don’t really know her
41. If given the chance, Sally will cling onto Slenderman all day
42. Sally loves Ben’s brownies (the not weed ones)
43. Sally loves chocolate chip cookies
44. Sally and Lulu are decent friends
45. Sally and Lazari have play dates together
46. Sally and Lazari share a room in the mansion
47. Sally and Smile dog have a complicated relationship
48. Sally loves Smile Dog because he’s a dog and constantly tries to play with him
49. Smile dog.. is an intelligent dog that usually wants to be left alone; he doesn’t hate Sally he just finds her a lot to deal with
50. Sally used to be really bad at painting nails, now she’s actually quite good at it due to BEN teaching her
51. Sally likes to draw and finger paint
52. Sally’s art skills are the same of a preschooler (aka fucking awesome)
53. Sally has a bad habit of randomly falling asleep; Slenders arms, Slenders tentacles, tea parties, while standing up, taking a bath, etc.
54. Sally likes fruit punch and grape juice
55. Sally likes to say Fuck (Jeff taught her)
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emikodebauched · 3 months
♥️。.。:∞♡* Debauch Me.。.。:∞♡*♥
∘₊✧──────✧₊∘ PLEASE ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
'*•.¸♡ Tell me how you would man-handle me ♡¸.•*
'*•.¸♡ What you would do to make me obedient ♡¸.•*
'*•.¸♡ What you would be like as rough hubby ♡¸.•*'
'*•.¸♡ And or how you would slut train me ♡¸.•*'
My poke-stats:
𓆩♡𓆪 H- 4'11" W-95lbs 𓆩♡𓆪 Half-asian \^_^/ 𓆩♡𓆪
𓆩♡𓆪 Eyes- big, round, dark .
𓆩♡𓆪 Skin : pale af 𓆩♡𓆪 Hair: Mid-back caramel brown.
𓆩♡𓆪 Virgin bebe with the dirtiest needs 𓆩♡𓆪
𓆩♡𓆪 Little slut into most things : face-fucks, g@ng b@ngs, leashes, collars, rope bondage, misogyny, cnc free use, and lots of spanking. Dreaming of a big daddy that would make me into a kept woman 🤤.
※─── Not into : Anything to do with bodily waste, gore, race play, dumbification, or cages. ──────※
ੈ✩‧₊˚ loves hand/forearm pics (stereotypical I know)ੈ✩‧₊˚
ੈ✩‧₊˚Am into: Being talked down to, forced to do kitchen work, spanking punishments, ownership stuff, being passed around, slut shaming.ੈ✩‧₊˚
*・῾ ᵎ⌇ ⁺◦ 💘 ✧.* Thank you for reading *・῾ ᵎ⌇ ⁺◦ 💘 ✧.*
.✧ ┊ IMPORTANT ┊✧. 
✦ Currrently not looking for any irl Daddies or Sirs✦
✦ DMS off. Feel free to drop any terrible thoughts you have of destroying me in the asks ✦
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚Otherwise ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
ੈ✩‧₊˚ Have your fun with me \^_^/ ੈ✩‧₊┊.
♡♡♡♡♡ NSFW ASKS ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ
1. Would you rather be blindfolded or blindfold me?
2. Would you rather orgasm while performing oral or during intercourse?
3. What was your high school sex fantasy?
4. What’s your favorite position?
5.  Which part of your body do you consider the most sexy?
6.  Do you like to swallow?
7.  Who do you fantasize about when you’re alone?
8. Your last sexual encounter; good or bad and why?
9. Where is one place you would never have sex?
10. Top or bottom?
11.  Best sexual complement you ever got?
12. When was the first time you masturbated?
13.  Have/would you ever have sex outside?
14. Who gave you your last kiss? Did it mean anything?
15.  Do you sleep in pajamas, underwear, or nothing at all?
16.  If you had a sexual “to-do” list, what would be on top of the list?
17. Is a weird “sex face/orgasm face” a total deal breaker?
18. Do you have a gag reflex?
19. Is your sex life award-winning or a total flop?
20. Are piercings sexy?
21. Can/Have you ever squirted before?
22. List your kinks.
23. How did you discover you were kinky?
24. What was your first kinky sexual experience?
25. Any unexpected ways kink has improved your life?  If so, what are they?
26. What do you think is important in keeping a BDSM relationship healthy?
27. Something that never fails to make you horny:
28. Where is one place you would never have sex?
29. The most awkward moment during a sexual experience was when:
30. Whats the best way to sexually bind someone? (handcuffs, ropes, etc.)
31. Whats the fastest way to make you horny?
32. Something that you have hidden in your room that you don’t want anyone to find:
33. Two things you like/dislike about oral sex:
34. How big is too big?
35. One sexual thing you would never do:
36. Three spots that drive me insane:
37. Do you like it when your sexual partner moans?
38. Is it good sex even if you don’t cum?
39. Do you watch gay/lesbian porn? Why/Why not?
40.  If a child was born on the occasion of the last time you had sex, how old would that child be now?
41. Do you like giving head? Why/why not?
42. Do you own any sex toys? If so, how long have you had them?
43. Do you watch porn?
44. Have you had sex in your parents bed? (Would you?)
45. How would you react if you found out your parents had sex on your bed?
46. Spanking: turn on or turn off?
47.  What is one random object you’ve used to masturbate?
48. Biggest sexual fantasy?
49. Kitchen counter, couch, or on top of the dryer?
50. Thoughts on period sex?
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thgfanfictionlibrary · 4 months
Mature Rated Fics Masterlist (34)
Part 1-Part 25 / Part 26 / Part 27 / Part 28 / Part 29 / Part 30 / Part 31 / Part 32 / Part 33 /
Created: March 14th, 2024
Last Checked:------
I See Fire-authoresskika (ao3)  Summary: If this is to end in fire, then we should all burn together. It's My Turn... outtake from Twisted…-Chele20035 (ao3)  Summary: This is an outtake from my WIP, Twisted. You don’t have to have read the story to understand this… but I will tell you this… Peeta is usually the one who takes charge, but this evening, Katniss turns the tables on him. Set sometime between Vegas and Christmas.  It Begins-angylinni (ao3)  Summary: Katniss and Peeta have a complicated, messy relationship filled with heartbreak, pain and when they get it right, unparalleled bliss. Over the course of fifteen years, they fall in and out of love and manage to figure out that the love they share is worth fighting for. This is how it begins. Part Nine of Finding Home. Just Friends-HGfanonezillion (ao3)  Summary: Single father Peeta agrees to let his daughter sign up for an outdoor day camp for the summer. What he didn't expect was to befriend the director Katniss, a single mother herself. And no matter what all their friends say, the pair are ONLY friends. Right? Kinky-fuckery-chele20035 (ao3)  Summary: Peeta gifts Katniss with a new toy which leads to a most enjoyable evening of play. Mentions of bdsm within a loving marriage. Later…-chele20035 (ao3)  Summary: Happy New Year!!! I know, its late, but I wrote this little thing for "Winter in Panem". What happens when Peeta tries to help out hours before company is supposed to be there? Canon.... let's get physical-daydreamsandcaffeine (ao3)  Summary: Katniss typically preferred being outside to exercise, but the weather was not in her favor. (In which Katniss begrudgingly uses a Peloton bike, but one instructor is changing her tune on it.) Looking to Score-Court81981 (ff.net)  Summary: Soccer coach Peeta Mellark finds it hard to keep his mind off the hot new referee. Unfortunately, Katniss Everdeen wants nothing to do with him. Or does she? Modern AU. One-shot Love Is…-annieoakley1 (ao3)  Summary: The story of how Peeta Mellark became Peeta Everdeen, spanning fifteen years of partnership, friendship, and love. Everlark, modern day AU. Complete. Love the way you lie-angylinni (ao3)  Summary: Katniss comes home again and her past smacks her in the face. Coming home, she finds that while some things have changed, the way she feels about Peeta hasn't.
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snowdice · 7 days
Little Kestrel (Part 55) [Birds of Different Feathers Series]
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Logan & Patton & Virgil (future Virgil/Patton but not in this story)
Main: Logan, Patton, Virgil
Appear: Thomas
Mentioned: Janus
It was supposed to be a quick job either way. Either Virgil would assassinate King Thomas of Prijaznia or he’d be caught and get executed. Yet, when Virgil gets the wrong bedroom and gets caught by Prince Logan and his future royal advisor, Patton, the job ends up getting way more complicated for the 14-year-old. He also ends up sleeping in a (actually pretty comfortable) closet for a few weeks…
Notes: Implied/referenced child abuse, assassination attempt, knives, torture mentioned, captivity, teenagers being really dumb, sexual coercion of minors implied, a minor offering sexual favors, fire
This is a prequel to Kill Dear. I wrote it 100 words at a time on my blog, but this is the edited version. If you want to see how it was crafted (and possibly some future content), look at the tag proofread stories.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30 Part 31 Part 32 Part 33 Part 34 Part 35 Part 36 Part 37 Part 38 Part 39 Part 40 Part 41 Part 42 Part 43 Part 44 Part 45 Part 46 Part 47 Part 48 Part 49 Part 50 Part 51 Part 52 Part 53 Part 54
Virgil was beginning to be able to read some of the common instructions in magic books, but Logan still made sure to read out the instructions to him at least twice before setting him loose. He’d started to jot down notes to himself about things, though these notes were not words, but various symbols that only made sense to the boy himself.
Logan had asked about their meaning at one point and received an answer that, while earnest, was unintelligible. The symbols were mostly just pictures of things to represent certain steps in spell casting, but they were filtered through Virgil’s rudimentary penmanship and often bizarre perception of the world.
Though, despite the fact that Logan could not often decipher his chicken scratch, it did seem to help him produce more and more quality charms even as Logan began to introduce more complicated processes to make them. He was a very good student even if he didn’t have the best foundation for learning.
“I add lavender for the next step, right?” Virgil asked, his finger on a word in Logan’s magic book.
“That is correct,” Logan confirmed.
Virgil looked back at the book and mouthed the word ‘lavender’ to himself before turning back to his potion. He grabbed a few sprigs of lavender and threw them into the cauldron.
The liquid popped and bubbled violently, but Virgil didn’t flinch as he once would have, prepared for it now.
After the lavender, Logan knew that it would have to simmer for 5 minutes. Virgil looked down at the boiling liquid, contemplating it for a long moment.
“Can I soak a knife in it?” he asked.
“What?” Logan asked.
“Can I soak a knife in the potion once it’s done?”
“In that potion?” Logan clarified. “In the emergency hand warmer potion?”
“I think a hot knife would be useful,” Virgil said.
“For what?”
Virgil shrugged. “Cooking food on the road,” he said, “burning wood, stabbing someone and immediately cauterizing the wound.”
“That is… not a standard use for this potion,” Logan said.
Virgil titled his head at him. “Would it work though?”
“Well, I don’t know,” Logan contemplated. “Perhaps. The potion can cause burns if one uses too much of it or if it is used without an appropriate layer between it and the skin. If one were to pick a knife with enough surface area and let it soak long enough, it could in theory get hot enough to do as desired. Hmm…” he thought about it. “There would perhaps be the problem of the potion not sticking to the knife very long as it is intended to soak into fabric. However, cardamom could solve that issue as long as it doesn’t interact with any other ingredients. Let me see that spell.”
Virgil stepped out of his way so he could study the page. “Yes,” Logan said after scanning through all of the ingredients. “I think cardamom would work for something like that. Let me go find some.”
He turned to walk towards where he kept his supplies of potion ingredients. Virgil followed on his heals.
“Can we use a serrated knife?”
“Oh, that’s a good idea, Virgil,” Logan said, nodding as he searched through the cupboard that should hold the coriander. “The knife being serrated would help keep the potion stuck to the blade after many uses and would increase the surface area.”
“That was certainly my intention,” Virgil said smoothly. There was something odd about the tone that had Logan turning and blinking at him. Virgil just smiled at him innocently and Logan turned back to the cabinet finally locating the cardamom.
“So how are we going to use that?” Virgil asked.
“We’ll put it in right before the last step and let it sit for about 3 minutes,” Logan said. “If it doesn’t quite work, we may need to make another batch. There are options other than cardamom, but that’s the first idea that comes to mind and it’s a lot simpler if it works.”
He continued to speak of the many other options they could try as they returned to the caldron as well as how they could test the hot knife. It was already about time for the next step and Virgil did it without interrupting Logan’s rant.
Virgil listened to his suggestions with interest all while still making sure the potion he was making was progressing well.
Logan did eventually take over to finish the potion with the revised steps he’d come up with and they ended up with a potion that looked perfect except it was a few shades darker than the one they’d originally been planning to make.
“Well, it looks good,” Logan declared. “We will need to acquire a knife to test its effectiveness, however.”
“There are a few good ones in the kitchen,” Virgil pointed out. “I especially like the one 10 inch one with the black and white handle.”
“You have been eyeing up the kitchen knives?” Logan asked.
Virgil rolled his eyes as though that was not a perfectly reasonable question to ask him. “We should steal that one,” Virgil said.
“Do you think we’ll be able to sneak past Ms. Heart to steal a knife from her kitchen?” Logan asked.
“We can’t,” Virgil said. The ‘but I can’ was implied.
Logan almost didn’t believe him… and then he remembered the water pouch incident. “It’s the dinner rush,” Logan said. “We should probably wait for a bit.”
Virgil was shaking his head. “The dinner rush is the best time,” he said. “Everyone will be distracted, and all of the knives will be out and in prime stealing position.”
“And if Patton’s mother catches us messing around in her kitchen during her busiest time of day, she will have Father ground us for a week.”
“Then we just won’t get caught,” Virgil said.
“I’m not sure if it’s that simple,” Logan said with a frown.
“You can stay here if you want,” Virgil offered. “I’ll just go by myself.”
“No, I’ll come too,” Logan relented, though he did still have some reservations about the idea.
He let Virgil lead him towards the main dining hall. By now, Virgil knew the kitchens and dining hall very well.
“Stay here,” he said. They were in a hallway a few feet down from the staff entrance to the main kitchen. “I’m going to do some reconnaissance.”
“What type of reconnaissance?” Logan asked, but Virgil had already vanished before his very eyes. With a blink, Logan looked up and saw a dark figure disappear onto a balcony overhead.
Well, Logan really had no choice but to wait there for him. It wasn’t like he could follow him. He could hear the clatter of silverware on plates from the dining hall down the corridor as he impatiently waited. It only took Virgil a bit over five minutes to return. He dropped suddenly from above and landed in front of Logan in a crouch.
“Well?” Logan asked, letting a bit of irritation into his tone so Virgil knew he was displeased. Virgil did not seem to care.
“Got it,” Virgil said with a wide grin, brandishing a large kitchen knife.
Logan flinched back at the unexpected sight of a weapon.
“You said you were doing reconnaissance!” he sputtered. “Not…” he trailed off remembering that while they weren’t in eyesight of anyone right now, they could be in earshot of someone. He lowered his tone, “stealing the knife already.”
“I was doing reconnaissance,” Virgil said with a shrug, “and then I used the information gathered by that reconnaissance to steal a knife.”
Logan narrowed his eyes at him.
Virgil just smiled. “You would have gotten in my way.”
“I would not have,” Logan insisted.
“How many times has Patton’s mom caught you stealing food from the kitchens in the past?” he asked.
Logan pursed his lips. “That is Patton’s doing,” he said.
“Sure,” Virgil said with an eyeroll. “I’ll have you prove it some other day, but for now,” he twirled the knife around in a way that made Logan cringe even though he did seem to have an expert handle over it. “We have a knife.”
“Right,” Logan agreed with a nod. “We should continue the experiment.”
Virgil stored the knife away… somewhere on his person, and they snuck back to Logan’s rooms.
When Virgil handed over the knife, Logan did have to admit it was a perfect specimen for their project: long and saw-like with a heatproof handle.
Logan carefully set it in a shallow dish and proceeded to pour the potion they’d made onto it. They let it sit for a little under half an hour before carefully pulling it out of the concoction with tongs and letting it airdry. Meanwhile, Virgil suggested they set up a testing area with various old sheets and clothing. They’d even found and decorated an armor stand with an old suit that Logan particularly disliked.
“Well,” Logan said once he’d tapped the handle and had not gotten burned by the potion. “I think we can test it now.” For safety, he made Virgil put on thick heatproof gloves before handing him the knife.
“So how do I make it work?” Virgil asked.
“The original potion works through light friction,” Logan said.
“So just start stabbing things?”
Logan went to respond, but before he could, Virgil had already twisted around and sliced through one of the sheets hanging in Logan’s potion room. There was a sizzling noise as the knife cut through the sheet like it was tissue paper leaving two aflame halves flapping about.
Logan leapt forward to tear the pieces of sheet down and the two of them stomped on the flames to put out the fire.
“It’s perfect,” Virgil said with a grin once the charred remains of the sheet were extinguished.
“It does seem to work as intended,” Logan agreed.
“Let’s do it again,” Virgil said.
“Er, well, perhaps we shouldn’t…,” Logan started, but Virgil had already set his eyes on the armor stand they’d set up. That suddenly seemed like not such a good idea to Logan.
He stabbed the armor stand viciously. It went up in violent flames. Logan’s eyes widened as the blaze only seemed to get bigger as Virgil drew back the knife.
Virgil did not seem to share Logan’s worry as he turned and stabbed another piece of hanging clothing, setting it ablaze as well.
“Virgil, no! You’re going to burn the room down!” Logan yelped.
The armor stand, at that very moment, decided to fall to the ground. They had, perhaps, not set the testing area up as well as they should have because it fell directly onto one of Logan’s rugs and set that on fire as well.
“Oops,” Virgil said, eyes wide.
Above the sound of crackling fire, Logan heard a tapping on the door between his bedroom and work room. It opened slightly after a moment and Logan’s father’s voice called out as he was sticking his head into the room, “Um, what do you mean Virgil… is burning the room down!”
The moment Logan’s father fully processed the presence of the flames, he was bursting into the room. He at least remembered that there was a fire extinguishing powder stocked in Logan’s work room even though that fact had slipped Logan’s mind in the chaos. (Perhaps Logan should have thought to set it out when they were testing a fire knife, but Logan would just add that to his growing list of regrets.)
The king managed to put all of the fires out within 30 seconds of poking his head through the door, but the fire left in his eyes when he turned to look at them afterwards was perhaps more dangerous.
Virgil slowly hid the knife behind his back. It was probably a bit late for that.
“What were the two of you doing in here?” the king asked.
“Nothing,” Logan said. Virgil shot him a look that told Logan what the boy thought about his lying abilities.
Logan’s father put his hands on his hips. “‘Nothing’ set the rug on fire?”
“We may have been doing a small experiment,” Logan said.
“What experiment?” the king asked.
“…I do not wish to say.”
“Virgil wanted a fire knife.”
“A what?”
Virgil frowned over at Logan. “Your resistance to interrogation techniques is deplorable.”
Father turned to look at Virgil and obviously spotted the fact that Virgil was holding something behind his back.
“Give it here,” Father said, though his tone was a bit gentler with Virgil than it had been with Logan.
Virgil debated it for a moment, but then offered over the knife with a pout on his face. Father gingerly took it and the fire-resistant gloves from him. “Where did the two of you even get this knife?”
“You can’t tell her,” Logan said.
“You stole a knife from the kitchens?!” the king asked.
“We borrowed it,” Logan said.
“Can it be used for cooking anymore?”
“In the intended manner.”
“Then you stole it.”
Logan just frowned and looked away.
“I’m going to go put this in a secure location,” Father said, grimacing at the fire knife in his hands. “No more experiments for you two for a month. I’ll sic Patton on you.”
With that, he picked up what was left of the fire extinguishing powder (just in case) and turned to exit the room.
“Well,” Logan said once he was gone. “That was irresponsible.”
“I could steal it back from him.”
“N-no don’t do that.”
“I definitely could though,” Virgil said.
“I did not hear you say that,” Logan said, putting his hands over his ears. “I am not responsible for any more of your actions in this matter. I am going to the library.”
He walked out of the room then and Virgil followed him to the upstairs library. He said nothing more about the fire knife, but Logan would be a fool to suppose he forgot about it.
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cmtcahrule · 1 year
No Words. Part 2.
For those who can't or won't watch.
26. After our wedding I had purchased all of these lanterns. I had this storage unit of all of these lanterns because they really went with the vibe. I had him and his friends drive them in a U-Haul to Texas which was really helpful until they got stopped at the border with weed and went to jail. So they helped when they could.
27. So when things really blew up for him, which I knew took some years, and you were in the spotlight at red carpets, and you were at big movie premiers, and more eyes were on you, how did that feel? Like you had the taste of fame from the hosting, but did you like being in that spotlight of Hollywood? It felt really weird. Like I should be asking questions. I felt like I still wanted to be the person asking questions. There’s always a fine line. You want to be a supportive wife. But you don’t want to lose your identity. Your husband’s career is going one direction but I have always found it tricky to be a supportive wife and maintain everything else that I want. How can I maintain my young, bitch self and be who I am?
28. I wondered how you felt when he was doing really well and you had to come along for the ride? Everything goes back to relationships. We were best friends. We went everywhere together. We didn’t have kids for 5 years. We were together on every set and every experience. I have so many of my friends from his movie sets like Social Network.
29. Where were you when your marriage was ending? Were you ready? I don’t think anyone is ready. I am such a family person. My family is everything. I would literally do anything to take any pain away from my kid. There is literally nothing I would not do.
30. I am a very Christmas card, basic bitch girl who believes family is more important than life or work. I would honestly do anything to keep my family together.
31. During COVID ahead of the divorce announcement: He was having struggles with his dad. He said mentally I am not OK. Like for me, if anyone said I am not OK, you don’t argue with that.
32. Long story short, he left. I saw some text messages that were not supposed to be sent to me.
33. You know what, we have worked so hard and come so far, you just don’t leave your family during a global pandemic. Especially with everything that we have been through.
34.Yes, family is important, but some people are OK with infidelity, but some people can move on, some people can turn a blind eye, but I fucking deserve the world and I am not the girl.
35. I think people make mistakes but I was never going to stay in a relationship where I was disrespected.
36. I remember screaming and crying and not understanding how and why that this could even be happening after we had so many plans. We wanted more kids. We wanted to be in this neighborhood.
37. It was the most horrible time of my life. I am strong. Yes, you are strong as fuck. From the sidelines, watching you…the way you handled it should be written about.
38. Did he try to fight for the marriage when you wanted to end it? He was not in a great place at the time. I won’t speak on his behalf in terms of treatment but all I wanted for him was for him to get help.
39. I drove him to the airport.
40. A good place to heal is where there is no paparazzi or tabloids. I honestly think that one more year might be our “safe zone” here. It is not like we are hiding but I just want to protect them until they can understand that we are both in really healthy places now.
41. I told my daughter I will buy half of your car if you wait until you are 16 to have a phone.
42. I don’t want to overstep but this came out in the media that Armie is paying $1,500 per month in child support and for some reason that became public. I have built a really successful company and I have 3 shows right now in production. I am so grateful for the success of my company and my team. I can sit here and literally spend however many dollars on another year of arguing back and forth with him about how much money and it is such a waste. I will provide for our kids. They are with me all the time.
43. We were in LA and we were staying at my friend’s house and together putting the kids to sleep and reading a book together. That is what kids want and that is what makes them happy. If that is the one thing I can give them I will. There is nothing I won’t do for them. They didn’t ask for any of this.
44. Are you still dating your hot boyfriend? Yes. He is amazing. He is from Lithuania. Born and raised in a small village. He is a physical therapist. I am in love and I love him.
45. So if you move to LA is he going to come? I don’t know. Everyone says the city will ruin him. He is very traditional. He is only 26.
46. The kids love him so much. He is so present and great with them. He is never on his phone.
47. Our family of four, including Armie, is really important to them. That is their identity now.
48. Regarding work: I am excited for the one on Discovery. It is basically a Dateline but with modern terms. Toxic relationships. I am manifesting 300 seasons of it.
49. We have also done a show on Hulu about opening the location here in Cayman which I am hosting and producing. A couple of other ones that just sold.
50. In the end, everything comes down to trauma. Maybe you are filling a void you did not have when you were younger. We are all products of our upbringing. And that really manifests itself in romantic relationships.
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4townie · 7 months
Road to 4☆TOWN
part 31 | part 32 | part 33 | part 34 | part 35
Janelle awkwardly stepped into the house. She stared at the floor, attempting to regulate her heartbeat.
“Oh, hey, babe.” Robaire noticed her. “You were out later than I expected. Everything alright?”
“Yeah, totally. I’m fine.” Janelle answered quietly.
Robaire narrowed his eyes. “You don’t look fine.” He got up and walked over to her. “Are you okay? Did something happen while you were out?”
“Nope. Nothing.” Janelle frantically shook her head. She hesitated. “You…once said you’re close with Selina’s boyfriend. What’s his name?”
Robaire’s eyes widened. “Uh…funny story, I’m bad with names.” He laughed awkwardly. “Anyway, we’re not that close. At least not right now…”
“Robaire, I know you’re lying to me.” Janelle crossed her arms. “Just tell me what his name is. What’s the big deal?”
Robaire was quiet as he debated admitting the truth. His anger at Jesse after their argument was fighting with his loyalty, and he couldn’t tell which was winning. “Um…”
“Fine.” Janelle rolled her eyes. “Don’t tell me. See if I care.”
“Wait, Janelle,” Robaire quickly grabbed her wrist, “it’s not that I don’t want to tell you, it’s that I can’t.” He explained. “I can’t really tell you why either, but I made a promise to both of them that I really shouldn’t break.”
“And what about me, huh?” Janelle looked him up and down. “It’s okay to just keep me in the dark and lie to me about things?” She shook her head. “I can’t believe I thought you were different.”
“Babe, I am different!” Robaire chased after her.
“No, you’re just like him!” Janelle yelled back. “All he ever did was deceive me, and here you are doing it, too.” She faceplanted into his bed, burying her face in a pillow.
Robaire looked at her sadly. “W-Why did you wanna know?” Janelle refused to answer. Robaire sighed and sat beside her, gently tucking a few curls behind her ear. “I’m not trying to hide anything from you. In fact, I want to be as honest as possible. Without breaking my promise to them, I mean.”
Janelle picked her head up. “I’m not sure that’s good enough, Robaire…”
“Then I don’t know what to tell you.” Robaire turned away from her. “I can’t betray them like that, it’s crossing a line. But I really want to make you feel better.”
They both fell silent as tension filled the room. Finally, Janelle sat up.
“I ran into Selina while I was out. At least I think it was her.” Janelle admitted. “You didn’t tell me she was pregnant again.”
“Well, I did.” Robaire nodded. “But why is it important?”
“She looks about as far along as my ex’s whore should be.” Janelle said quietly. “Is…is it possible that—”
“Nope.” Robaire shook his head. “I can promise you that’s not it at all.”
Janelle narrowed her eyes. “How can you be so sure? You don’t even know his name.”
“Trust me, Janelle, it’s not possible.” Robaire assured her. “Selina and her boyfriend have been together since highschool, and their relationship is rock solid.” He wrapped an arm around her waist. “You have nothing to worry about.”
Janelle looked at him uncomfortably. “If all that’s true, why couldn’t you just tell me his name?”
Robaire blinked a few times. “I mean his name’s really not that important at this p—”
“Well it’s important to me. It feels like you’re hiding something.” Janelle pushed his arm away “Besides…you were more willing to maintain your loyalty to your friends than to me. You’re my boyfriend, Robaire. You told me you love me. Shouldn’t I always come first?”
“You do, baby, I swear.” Robaire nodded. “It’s just this one thing that I have to be careful with. It’d be a huge mistake if I—”
“So being honest with me is a mistake?” Janelle got offended. She scoffed and got off the bed. “I can’t deal with this right now. I’m going home.”
“No, no, Janelle, wait.” Robaire tried to catch up with her. “That’s not what I meant. Give me a chance to explain. Can’t we talk about this before you just walk out?”
“You think I’m running away?” Janelle turned back with a scowl. “You promised you’d never make me feel the way he did, but that’s exactly what you’re doing right now. I thought I was with someone who could heal me and save me from my heartache and all you’re doing is making it worse.”
“Janelle, I’m sorry I hurt you, but I promise I’m not hiding anything.” Robaire pleaded, grabbing her hand. “Please don’t go.”
Janelle looked him up and down. “I think we need a little break.” She snatched her hand away. “Hopefully a few days apart will make you reconsider because I can’t be with another liar.” She shook her head and stormed out, slamming the door behind her.
Robaire groaned and slammed his head into the wall. “How could I have messed this up so soon? We just went public, I can’t be single again already.” He glanced down at a photo of him and Jesse together and found himself glaring at his best friend. “I hope you’re happy.”
If anyone is confused, Janelle has never met Selina but she has seen pictures since she and Robaire are close
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heloflor · 7 months
Was thinking a bit about how “The Devil’s Playhouse” has a lot more comedy than people make it out to be, and while especially thinking about “The Penal Zone” I realized this episode is actually very very very very gay. Like, I’m pretty sure it’s the Telltale episode with the highest amount of gay moments (205 is second on this list, what with Sam getting catcalled by a moleman, Max flirting with Mr. Reaperphone, the whole bachelor party, Peppers etc).
I think what I really like about those moments is that it’s a great example of normalization. The characters are incredibly casual about it, talking about gay relationships the exact same way one would talk about straight relationships, it’s really neat to see! Especially considering that this game was made in 2010, a whooping 5 years before gay marriage was legal in the whole US. It's crazy and great how much they were able to get away with!
(Screenshots of all these moments with timestamps (and quotes) under the cut. To have as little pics as possible, only a small section of each dialogue is taken. And to have a limit of two screenshots per pic max, some dialogues that are cut in two parts in-game have the second part pasted under the first. The timestamps puts you at the beginning of each conversation. All footage from NapalmX717 with the screenshots in chronological order of this video)
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Max: “What can I say, Sam? Alien ships love to abduct me. It’s not my fault I look so probe-able.” (9:44)
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Sam: “Nice work, little buddy! Make sure you wait three days to call, or he’ll thing you’re desperate.” (11:47)
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Max: “Well, he IS pretty charismatic, Sam. And he’s from space, which is a plus. But you’re the only hairy, overweight, domineering control freak I need, Sam.” (20:38)
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Sam: “I don’t need to go to another planet for a methane rich environment, as long as I’ve got you, pal.”
Max: “That’s really sweet and obvious, Sam.” (22:46)
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Skun-ka’pe: “Perfect! Just the one I wanted to see ha ha ha ha!”
Sam: “Keep the hands where we can see ‘em, pal.” (23:36)
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Max: “We could just give ourselves tongue-baths, like cats and flight attendants do!” (30:57)
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Sam: “Why do we have jumper cables? Neither of us knows how to use them.”
Max: “It’s simple, Sam: the RED cable goes on the RIGHT nipple, the BLACK cable clamps to the…” (34:42)
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Max: “Oh boy! Now I can finally set up my 24-hours adults-only naked bunny chat line.” (34:58)
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Sam: “Toys...Toys… we must prepare… the toys….”
Max: “Well, that’s just a typical Friday night for YOU, Sam.” (36:45)
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Flint Paper: “Oh. Well yeah, that could be it. I was thinking it was you, Sam!”
Max: “You think you know a guy. I’m not angry, Sam, just very disappointed.” (1:03:49)
(For context they’re talking about who might be Girl Stinky’s secret admirer)
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Max: “I can’t lie to Flint Paper, Sam!” (1:05:20)
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Max: “What kind of pretend mother would I be if I didn’t worry about our imaginary baby?” (1:10:31)
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Momma Bosco: “Oh, it’s not all bad. I’m getting better at apparating. And now I don’t leave a trail of ectoplasmic slime behind every time I leave the room.”
Max: “That’s better than Sam can say.” (1:23:13)
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Sam: “I’m not gonna rest until I find the guy who killed my partner!” (1:43:13)
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Max: “Wow. I feel really very close to you now, Agent Superball.” (1:45:33)
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Sam: “I don’t like the thought of you teleporting off without me, Max.” (1:46:33)
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Max: “Sam, this is all so sudden! I… I don’t know what to say!” (2:07:10)
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Sam: “I think one of us should try to smash through that window with his rock-hard, melon-sized head.”
Max: “And I think one of us should try the door, unless he wants to spend the rest of the day picking plate glass out of his partner’s fluffy white nether regions.” (2:17:00)
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Girl Stinky: “Sam and Max? Don’t tell me Skun-ka’pe wants YOU guys to be his love slaves, too?” (2:24:48)
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Girl Stinky: “Eww. He wishes. He’s SO not my type. You only have to date an evil gorilla once to learn never to make THAT mistake again.”
Max: “We’ve all been there, girlfriend.” (2:25:07)
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Girl Stinky: “Gee, it sounds like YOU two should go out with him. Would you like me to give you guys some privacy?” (2:27:33)
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Max: “You’re my best friend, Sam! I know you’d take a bullet for me!” (2:31:02)
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Sam: “You keep coming up with creepy disaster scenarios that always end with you eating me, Max. It’s getting annoying.”
Max: “If you don’t like it, then stop looking so damn tasty.” (2:38:11)
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Max: “Think of something quick, Sam. I don’t like the way he’s undressing me with his eyes.” (2:53:22)
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Whatever you need
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AN: Thank you to the anons who sent me asks about the boys looking after Cali when she’s having her period. I didn’t follow the suggestions to the letter, but hopefully you will still enjoy this fluff tinged with a small amount of smut.
Beta’d by @lfnr-blog-blog-blog
Dividers by @firefly-graphics and moodboard by me
Master list | Series Master list
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Relationship: Engineer Bucky x Reader (Cali) x Artist Steve
Word Count: 1.2k
CW: Period fic, soft loving boyfriends, clothed thigh-riding/soft smut, lots of kissing, soft dirty talk - kinda.
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You didn’t know why you were so surprised by your boys being so in tune with your body, but every month - or rather every 31-33 days - you were still taken offguard.
Initially you thought it would be difficult for the two men to understand the waxing and waning of your menstrual cycle, previous partners having never cared, but they’d proved you wrong. 
“Darlin’ we know how to take you apart with the merest touch, what makes you think we don’t know what’s going on down there and how it all works?”
You lay on your side on the bed, Bucky pressed up behind you with his large warm hands splayed across your cramping abdomen. He’d found you here, in your baggy sweats and vest, not needing to ask what was the matter when a wave of pain made your features twist in discomfort. He’d just whipped out his phone, called Steve to tell him to bring home snacks and supplies, and then snuggled up behind you.
“Well, to be honest most men are either ignorant and/or don’t care.”
“And those guys are bozos. How can they not want to understand? If they have menstruating people in their lives who they love and care for, understanding it just makes sense.”
His right arm was moving, drawing slow circles on your stomach, soothing your aching body.
“I remember talking to my doctor once, about my periods. Before I’d even started he asked if they were still regularly every 28 days. Part of me wanted to tell him that I was the fricking moon, and that not all women are like that. When even health professionals can’t get it right…”
You trailed off. Sure, your guys knew a lot, but you would admit you hadn’t plumbed the depths of their knowledge on the subject.
“I know, sweetheart. I got three sisters. I know more than I ever thought I would. 17 year old me got my eyes opened wide the first month all three of them and Ma synched. My pa just came home, dumped a load of candy on the table and told Ma that he and I were going out for boys' night.”
You giggled at the mental image of young Bucky, eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights, not knowing what to say in the face of a multiple progesterone crash.
“‘N by extension, Stevie knew all about it cos he was always hanging out at mine when his ma had to work nights.”
You turned your head to look over your shoulder at him. His misty grey eyes looked back at you and his cheeks and chin was covered by a short layer of hair. Fuck, he looked delicious. You needed to distract yourself.
“So, here’s a test for you. Why are there different sizes of tampons?”
“Easy- different flow rates.”
“How often does a woman need to change her tampon?” 
“About every 6 hours. Don’t leave it in for more than 8. Come on, give me a hard one here!”
You pondered for a moment.
“When does a woman grow her eggs.”
“Grow them? When she’s still in utero. Which means when your mom was pregnant with you, there were three generations in the same body. But your ovaries take turns maturing one each month.”
It was a bit awkward to press a kiss to his lips, but you didn’t care.
“My, you are clever.”
He smiled against your lips.
“I know…”
His lips roved gently over yours as his hand continued to stroke your stomach, slowly but surely stoking a fire within you. So much for distracting yourself. You always got horny on your period, your jumbled hormones doing a number on you, but you always felt a bit ‘wrong’ doing anything about it.
Reluctantly you pulled your lips away from Bucky’s, giggling as you felt his erection nudging your ass.
“Need me to help you out with that?” 
Bucky turned you in his arms so he could look you in the face, brushing his nose against yours and cupping your face.
Let’s just focus on you, darlin’. Orgasms are good for cramps.”  His voice was a purr, his lips brushing over yours before he sucked your lower lip into his mouth and ran his tongue over it. You pulled away with a laugh and smacked at his chest, but your doubts were crumbling.
“Bucky! You’re such a horn-dog!”
He chuckled and pulled you closer, slotting one of his thick thighs between your legs.
“Can you blame me, when you and Stevie are so god-damn sexy.”
“You’re not too bad yourself…”
“Flattery will get you everywhere and everything you like.”
You nipped at his jaw and heard him drag in a sharp breath.
“Didn’t think I needed to flatter you.”
“Okay. You got me.”
“And you got me.”
He kissed you again, his hands slipping inside your sweats to knead your ass and gently move you up and down his thigh. Okay, now all your doubts were gone. Vanished. Poof. There was only Bucky and how good he was making you feel. You wrapped your arms around his neck, fingers tangling in his hair as you breathed soft whimpers into his mouth. 
Up here, in the top floor bedroom, you didn’t hear the front door open and close, but you did notice when the bed dipped behind you, and the smell of Steve’s cologne enveloped you.
His breath tickled your ear as his large hands, with their long, tapered fingers, slid up your vest and started to stroke over your sensitive breasts.
“Hey, baby. Bucky helping to soothe those pesky cramps? You nodded and let out a muffled mmm-hmm as Bucky continued to kiss you.
“Well, just enjoy it, Cali. Let us make you feel better.”
Steve’s thumbs brushed gently back and forth over your nipples and you gasped, throwing your head back. His mouth latched onto the side of your neck, while Bucky shifted to your collarbone, his hands still on your ass, rocking you.
You could feel the pleasure building in you as the friction across your clit sent shockwaves through your core, coupled with the gentle teasing of your breasts. You closed your eyes and just let yourself drift away on the rising tide, small whimpers and moans making their way past your lips
“Just let go, darlin’. That’s it.”
“So beautiful, baby.”
You were surrounded by your boys, being loved and cared for. You couldn’t believe how lucky you were.
Finally, you crested, a soft ecstasy filling your pores and surrounding you like a fuzzy blanket. Steve and Bucky continued to kiss you and pet you until you slowly relaxed into the mattress. When Bucky pulled away from you, leaving the bed, after a quick readjustment of his pants, you let out a little whine, not really to be dragged from your comfortable, warm spot, but Steve just wrapped his arms around you, a mirror of how you’d been lying with Bucky only 30 minutes ago.
“Ssshhh, Cali. He’s just gone to run you a bath. And you're gonna have candles, and wine, and candy and that relaxing music that you like. Sound good?”
“Nothing’s too good for you, sweetheart. I hope you know that. Now, you rest here, and have a little snooze, and I’ll wake you up when your bath’s ready.”
“Okay, Stevie.”
You drifted off, with a smile on your face and warmth in your heart.
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Tag list: @jobean12-blog @tuiccim @yarnforbrains @sidepartskinnyjeans @flordeamatista @krissy25 @bodeckersdiamonddoll @goldylions @luxeavenger @wheezy-stucky @doasyoudesireandlive @chemtrails-club @seitmai @peaches1958 @pono-pura-vida @writing-for-marvel
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Bad Date Prompts
1. “I’m not even looking for great anymore. I just want someone decent.”
2. A and B go home (together)/say goodbye to one another after a bad date.
3. A and B go on a date together despite having had an awful argument just hours earlier/etc. (e.g. The tickets to a concert would have gone to waste otherwise.)
4. A is on a date when they run into their ex/crush B (who is on a date as well).
5. “I’m proud of you for putting yourself out there again. Even if—"
6. A meets up with/calls friend B after having been a bad date.
7. A and B’s date takes a turn (for the worse) when A hurts themselves/has an allergic reaction to something/etc.
8. A and B’s date went badly. Luckily, it has come to an end and they can part ways. Right? (e.g. On their way down from the restaurant, the elevator gets stuck.)
9. A and B have been busy lately, their relationship suffering because of it. A date is supposed to bring them back together, but things don’t go according to plan.
10. “This is going badly, isn’t it?”
11. A notices that something is weighing on B’s mind during their date. The latter, however, does not want to talk about it (as to not ruin the date).
12. “I want to apologize for the way my date’s behavior earlier.”
13. A and B alternate making plans for their dates. A always puts a lot of effort and thought into it, and is disappointed when they notice that B isn’t doing the same.
14. “Oh, I wouldn’t know. Never been on a bad date (before).”
15. A sets friend B up for a blind date. When it goes badly, the latter blames it on A.
16. A asks their friend B to fake an emergency so they can leave the date earlier. (The emergency turns out to be very real.)
17. “Dating is freaking exhausting.”
18. A and B are on a date when they get confronted with a topic that has led to arguments between them before/etc. (e.g. a marriage proposal at the neighboring table)
19. “How come every date I go on is plain awful?” “You just haven’t found the right person yet. (Or maybe you have, and they are currently sitting right across from you, waiting for you to finally realize it.)”
20. A date drives A and B (even further) apart/etc.
21. Friends A and B are on a double date. It is not going well. (e.g. their dates are exes)
22. A and B are on a date when they run into B’s family/ex/etc. (A is not ready to meet them (just yet).)
23. “Sorry, that was… Do you think we could have a do-over?”
24. A and B swap stories about their worst dates.
25. A and B have been getting closer. Yet, when they are on a/another date, A notices that B is pulling away from them.
26. A had a few bad dates lately. So, before going on another one, they question if it is/will be worth it (to get excited and ready. To put themselves out there).
27. When A’s date doesn’t show up, friend B, who is in the neighborhood, decides to join them instead/etc. 
28. A thinks the date is going well – until their date states that it isn’t/etc.
29. “You need to stop comparing everyone to B.”
30. A’s date is going badly, and they try to build up the courage to cut it short.
31. A and B enjoy their date – until another couple/etc. nearby starts a loud argument.
32. A and B see/run into each other again after having been on a bad date together.
33. A notices that stranger B is uncomfortable on what they’ve learned is a first date. (So, they strike up a conversation with them to make them feel better/get them out of their current situation/etc.)
34. A sets friend B up for a blind date with someone the latter has a complicated relationship with/etc.
35. “Is it me? Am I doing something wrong?”
36. A and B’s date is going badly until something happens/A makes a comment that lightens the mood instantly.
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ygodmyy20 · 4 months
Getting to Know You Meme
Tagged by @texasdreamer01 (thankies texas!)
01) Are you currently in a serious relationship? Yep, got married a month ago.
02) What was your dream growing up? Dream of what? My career? My life? My fantasy? I mean I wanted to be an elf in LoTR when I was like, 12. Does that count? hahah
03) What talent do you wish you had? Asking waiters to change my order if they got it wrong.
04) If someone bought you a drink what would it be? Beer (specifically a New England IPA)
05) Favorite vegetable? Hm. I really love good arugula.
06) What was the last book you read? None I just read fanfics haha
07) What zodiac sign are you? Leo
08) Any Tattoos and/or Piercings? Nope tho I wish to get a tattoo one day.
09) Worst Habit? Probably overthinking myself into a spiral.
10) What is your favorite sport? Dressage
11) Do you have a Pessimistic or Optimistic attitude? Optimistic because lifes too short and I just want to be happy.
12) Tell me one weird fact about you. Uhhhhh.....I am a twin? (always a easy one haha)
13) Do you have any pets? Sadly no BUT I may.....may be trying to. foster a kitty. Maybe. While my husband is out of town for a month-long gig.
14) Do you think clowns are cute or scary? Scary but also eh whatever.
15) If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be? I can't answer this or else I'm gonna spiral.
16) What color eyes do you have? Blue
17) Ever been arrested? Nope
18) Bottle or can soda? Bottle
19) If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it? Put it in my savings.
20) What's your favorite place to hang out at? Hm. Probably at home or in the woods.
21) Do you believe in ghosts? I dunno
22) Favorite thing to do in your spare time? Writing, drawing fanarts, horseback riding.
23) Do you swear a lot? Yeah
24) Biggest pet peeve? I dunno, I don’t know if I have one? Depends on the person or circumstance or situation:
25) In one word, how would you describe yourself? Hm. Emotional.
26) Do you believe/appreciate romance? I’m a hopeless romantic. And I got married and kinda like this guy a whole dang lot.
27) Favourite and least favourite food? Fav: sushi. Least fav: I’m honestly not a huge fan of potatos….
28) Do you believe in God? I believe in a universe. Wherever god is in it I got no clue.
29) What makes you happy: Sharing my art with friends, having movie nights with husband on Fridays.
30) Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: Ado
31) Favorite place to spend time: Probably at home, or out i the woods.
32) Favorite lyric: Goodbye by Bo Burnham
Am I going crazy? Would I even know? Am I right back where I staretd fourteen years ago?
33) Recommend a film: Akira
34) Recommend a book: haven't read enough
35) Recommend a band, a song, or album: Fire Hell and Holy Water by Gioli & Assia
36) Recommend a TV show: Mob Psycho 100
37) Where are you from, and do you still live there? Where have you lived? I am from the midwest and am still in the midwest
38) Do you have any pets or animals in your life? How did you find/get them? I had cats growing up and I would love to get one. I also ride horses.
39) What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten? Uhhhh. Hm. I am not sure.
40) How did you 'find' fandom? I got into Yugioh! when I was 12 and started writing fanfics and them opps here i am.
41) Make a list of 5 things that you see without getting up. My Teru and Mob figures, my Mob cat, my cat lamp, my ipad, my water bottle. I am at my desk there is a lot here
42) How do you style your hair? Down or half ponytail or pony tail. I have long hair.
I got this ask before the other writer one so I know many asks have been going around today haha so VERY much no pressure tags: @russenoire @thousand-winters @toastytoaster22 @emeraldoodles or anyone else who wants to!
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