#if working a job has taught me anything its that i hate people i hate people I hate people I hate people I hate people i hate p
confetti-critter · 8 months
Coworker who made everyone sick is still unmasked coughing on everything btw
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hotluncheddie · 2 years
steve becomes a handyman. he taught himself to fix things slowly over the years, things in his parents house, things at the kids houses, eventually helping at the munson trailer whenever eddie or his uncle mentioned anything even a little broken. there was a lot, but he wanted to. wayne could honestly do most of it on his own but steve wanted to and they never said no. (wayne would usually clap him on the shoulder with a 'nice job' or a 'thanks kid' and steves insides would just beam)
((eddie would watch from the side, helping where he could. but mostly he'd just watch steve.. watch his arms.. flex.))
it moved from just something he had to do into something he enjoyed, felt a sense of accomplishment and control whenever he fixed something. felt a little like he was fixing himself maybe? fixing little bits of his life and maybe if he just kept fixing things people would stay, people would let him stay. he fixed things for his friends and at some point he realised every time he did it felt like i love you.
i love you, i'll fix it, please let me, i love you, please stay, i love you.
his dad hates it, thinks its below them. but steve was never made for meetings or reports or an office and steves confidence is growing, he knows this is something he can do, wants to do. so when wayne mentions a guy he knows looking for an apprentice he jumps at the offer, his dad can get fucked. the pays better than retail and he has enough of a name still that when he works on houses in the nicer parts of town the owners are quick to warm, he knows their world well enough to put them at ease and turn on his charm, so the job stays his.
he's got good spacial awareness, finds things way easier to remember if he sees how they're done, just a sequence of movements and his physical capabilities have always been the only thing he can really reply on himself for. so he just finally, finally feels like he's got something here, a way of moving through the world that doesn't fill him with dread. he spends his days learning and fixing things, he didn't know it could be so simple.
and the kids still call him, he talks to robin most days, still best friends. they're all growing up and changing but they still want him around, even when there's nothing to fix much now.
and on fridays, after work, when he's tired, he goes to eddies. he goes to eddies and falls into the couch and eddie will shove him to shower because 'why are you always so sweaty?!' and he'll joke something about being a 'hardworking american stud' and eddie will smirk and flirt and say 'don't i know it' but his eyes are soft and it makes steves cheeks burn.
and on fridays eddie will make him food and let him pick the film they watch and run his fingers through steves hair and ask if steve wants to stay the night, because eddie wants him to stay and steve always, always says yes.
he knows eddie is too smart and too big and too different for this town, that he'll need to leave one day to go somewhere better. and steve wants that for him, for all his friends because they can all do better. but this knowledge doesn't fill him with so much dread anymore, believing they'll always be connected to him, they're not leaving him. thinks maybe eddie and him could go somewhere better together, thinks there'll be lots of things to fix in the city.
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farmerbebop · 5 months
Can you talk more at all about Mcgoohan and The Prisoner, I followed you for the art but now I want the tea. Admittedly, I know zero about Mcgoohan or his work outside of recognizing him from TCM reruns.
Thank you for the question and for enjoying this blog.
McGoohan was an enigma, and so was The Prisoner. Almost everyone who has ever tried to explain The Prisoner ended up saying more about themselves than about its creator.
Generally, everyone agrees that McGoohan was a rebel, but no one really knows when it started. Probably very early, because his daughter once mentioned he got a scholarship to a prestigious school in England called Ratcliffe (he was from a working class background and grew up on a farm in Ireland) and then immediately said "He hated it, but he went, because he had to." The only good thing about it was that he learned boxing there.
The official story always starts with something like: He worked multiple jobs before becoming a self-taught actor (he was the stage manager and one day the actor was sick) when it should start with his childhood in the countryside. Even though he always seemed like someone who could hold the sky up if it fell down, it's also well-known that he was a hopeless romantic, and his childhood was probably responsible for that.
Anyway fast forward to a rainy night in England, when the Lyric Theatre was dead silent after his performance of Brand because the audience forgot how to breathe, or to clap. He got off stage and told his wife his performance wasn't good enough and she agreed. His co-star later said those two people were the only ones in the world who could see something wrong in such a performance.
He soon moved on to TV. He agreed to do this spy show, even though he disliked the whole James Bond thing. The producer realized that too late. He was already changing scripts on the spot. No womanizing, no kissing, no gun (well, in a few cases there were guns but they hardly did anything). Some big boss from the US flew over to tell him they wanted more sex and violence. He told the guy to fuck off.
That was Danger Man. If I get a dime for everytime a woman fainted over John Drake, I would be a millionaire. At some point during my first watch of it, I started hearing music when he walked. Literally.
John Drake was a spy with a moral standard. It was McGoohan's work. He gave the public a hero in every sense of the word. But he made sure John Drake was always interesting. After all, he happened to be one of the greatest actors ever lived.
Then he got tired of it. Of course that was not good for the network. He was the biggest TV star in the UK.
So he told them he could do another show. And it was The Prisoner.
Oh before that, I must mention that he got married early in his life, was in love with his wife until the day he died, wrote her love notes everyday and occasionally got soft meat thrown at him during their fights.
So he made The Prisoner, basically did almost everything. Was very angry at times, probably slept like 4 hours a day, went through several nervous breakdowns. His co-star Leo McKern didn't go through "Once Upon a Time" unscathed either. According to McGoohan: "He'd truly cracked."
The Prisoner was McGoohan's baby. No one in the crew was allowed to mention the word television. He wanted it to be more than that. He made sure it was of the highest quality. It was his vision that carried the whole show.
It was about an ex-spy called Number Six. No one knows what he did, only that he resigned. People still argue whether or not he is John Drake. To me, no one really knows who John Drake really is, and so Number Six could as well be John Drake. After all, what is the difference beside that Number Six has a past and John Drake doesn't?
Number Six was kidnapped to the Village, where the Village authority (the Number Twos) tried everything to extract information out of him. They wanted to know why he resigned. And he wouldn't tell them that.
And then there's Number One, who gives out order to the Number Twos, hires and fires them at will. No one knows who Number One is. But in order to get out of the Village, Number Six will eventually have to face them.
This show gives you complete freedom from the very start. It will ignite your imagination. It was a marvelous feeling.
It doesn't coax you into liking Number Six, it doesn't even tell you who he is. But when you see the fire burning in his eyes, when you hear the thunder in his voice, when you see him walking up and down his room like a lion in a cage, you will understand why you are here with him.
The Village is a mirror of our modern world. The Prisoner predicted so many things we are seeing now. And yet, it feels so new, so strange, so fresh. It was like seeing the inner workings of McGoohan's mind laid out before our eyes, the beauty of its dreams and the horror of its nightmares.
I think you need to watch it completely open-minded, let it change you, and it will let itself be changed by you.
Its conclusion drove some people mad. They couldn't accept it, they wanted a Bond-like ending. They couldn't handle McGoohan's 'absurd' ending. He went from being the highest paid actor in the UK to someone who hid from the angry public in a place with no telephone.
Fame. Money. Status. All of that gone over night. But we know by now that he wasn't someone who cared about that.
But I think he wanted it to reach its audience, to reach future generations. He wanted to leave something behind for eternity.
He was so ahead of his time. And if he was still alive, he would still be ahead of our time.
I could go on forever but I only slept like 4 hours last night so I'd better stop before I start talking more nonsense. All of my followers know they should take whatever I say about McGoohan with a grain of salt. My only motto is: the only ones I shall make fun of on here are McGoohan and myself.
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anamericangirl · 11 months
The most frustrating part of the discussion about drug shows, LGBTQ, pedophiles, and kids is how quickly leftists will change the subject to religion.
1: This drag queen who does a reading hour was found with CP on his computer.
2: There are pedophiles in churches too!
1: I'm aware of that. If there was a pedophile priest I would bring it to your attention too. I'm not talking about something that happened years, or months ago or any hypothetical pedos who still haven't been caught. I'm talking about what was reviled this morning.
2: You Christians are always demonizing poor LGBTQ people, making them look like they're after your kids. Deal with pedophiles in Churches first!
1: First of all, it's not only Christians who have problems with kids being taught LGBTQ and Drag Queens. Those things are obviously sexual. Talking about who you prefer in bed. Talking about changing your privet parts. ''Feeling'' like another gender. It confuses kids! That's why there is so many LGBT youth who later regret transitioning. Second of all, we are dealing with all kinds of pedophiles everywhere at the same time. There is no ''deal with it first''. There always be another one of these people. If we're only allowed to talk about pedophiles in LGBT spaces after we deal with pedos in Churches we will never get to talk about it. And even if by any chance we did succeed there would be no telling because of all the hypothetical pedos that can still be there. Also, why do you only bring the Christian religion? What about other religions that don't support LGBTQ? And what about religions that practice marriage between children and adults, actually, plain to see pedophilia?
2: So you're not only homophobic but also racist!?!
1: Religion is not a race!
2: Here, I found an article about a pedophile priest just a day ago. I will vandalize local Churches which have nothing to do with this guy.
1: What? Why? How will it help? If you're worried about children being abused why don't you just observe people around them and look for something suspicious?
2: The unfortunate truth is there always be pedophiles where kids are. Predator follows its prey. I don't think they go out of their way to work at a senior home instead of a school. Speaking of which there is much more pedophile teachers. Will be just as passionate about getting rid of them from schools as you are about getting them out of Churches?
1: I don't want to get rid of them from the Churches. I want Churches and Christianity gone.
2: By that logic, should we get rid of public schools?
1: I don't care about logic. I care about feelings, MY FEELINGS regarding hating anything Christian and loving anything ''progressive''. I use children to guilt trip you into agreeing with me.
A pedophile is a pedophile! Stop protecting them because they belong to your group! It makes that group look terrible.
That's a pretty solid break down of the problem here. Instead of just acknowledging the pedophiles in their own group when they are discovered they just deny, deny, deny and immediately just turn it onto christianity for some reason and find a news article about someone child molester from a church as if that makes a point against the pedos in their own camp.
And the thing is we're not even denying that some people in the churches are pedophiles. There are pedos everywhere and what we need to do is remove them, not act like they aren't there or just shrug and go "well I found one in your group too!!" Uh good job?? Let's get rid of them both.
Instead of trying to find who has more pedos we should just be able to unite on expelling them. Not denying the problem and trying to shift the focus elsewhere.
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starzzmissthesun · 26 days
For marauders fandom:
Ships- Xeno/James, Evan/Lily, Sirius/Evan
Characters: Xeno (Lovegood), sybill (trelawney), and Emmeline (Vance)
Hmmmm.... These are like RARE PAIRS if I've ever seen em. (Also btw I'm not big on multi shipping purely cause I get real set on things😭, so this is DEF. biased) (also sorry because I do dis all of these ships😭but i DID say honest) (also please don't take this too seriously 🙏these are just to me, I don't care what other people ship)
so for xeno/James...i honestly don't even know how that dynamic would work. To me, they would just be in VERY different worlds. James is in the typical(and I hate to say the marauders are this) "class clown", overly loud, " popular ", very likeable and conventional group, and xeno is in with the outcast people, almost opposite. I see how that could be fun, but I personally think xeno would want someone who has similar thinking and eccentricity(‼️) as him, while James is more arrogant and would scoff towards it. Not to say he'd be rude to them, just finding it weird and talking about it with his friends. I also just think that's not the kind of group or person James would find interesting to start with. The only way I even see them meeting is because Peter (to me) is friends with Sybill and she's friends with xeno. Overall I'd rate it a 2/10, it's not BAD or anything, its not against the characters morals or completely unlikely, its just a VERY far reach for me, out of sight.
Evan/lily: I DO think the Evan(s) is really funny I have to admit😭 BUT I think the main aesthetic I've seen of them (and bartylily) is always very booktok-y of like, bad boy with angst falls for smart-snarky girl who also has angst, and I just can't get behind it. ESPECIALLY in canon because I think Evan was a pretty die hard DE and lily was muggleborn and fought so hard against it. And not in canon, I picture lily to want the typical home-y life, she wants to get a beautiful house, befriend the neighbors, have a classic wedding, have kids, get a nice job she loves, and with her highs and lows her life is beautiful. Meanwhile Evan is peak FREAK behaviour, will never live that kind of life lily would want. The thing I DO think they would have in common would be their curiosity and experiments. lily loved potions and was great at it, she wanted to undo things and see how they work to create something new. Evan likes to undo and figure things out for the destruction, he enjoys the process a million times more than the result unless the result is decay, unending destruction. Overall a 3.5/10, I see it, I get WHY people would like it, just doesn't work for me and my ideas of these characters.
Sirius/Evan:um...i don't even really see anything there for them? I suppose the rosiers and blacks grew up with eachother, but I can't see why Sirius would ever be interested in any of regulus' little friends. As an older sibling myself (and it's probably different for some) I could only ever see my sibling's friends as an extension of my sibling. I also think (especially in canon) Sirius would see Evan as someone SO adjacent to the rest of the Blacks and the Rosiers, and in my idea of Sirius, he would completely stray from and genuinely not have any interest in someone like that. And I think Evan would be bored of him, I think he would figure Sirius out real quick when they were kids and crave an enigmatic aspect to his partner. This one's a 1/10, I genuinely don't think they would even LIKE each other that much.
(Once again, take that with a grain of salt🙏)
Xeno... Xeno, xeno, xeno.... Being honest I love him sm. (Someone who has REALLY good xeno thoughts is @florsial , so if you want more constructed thoughts go there) He's very odd, not just weird airheaded way, but just Is. Like they are just. The peculiarness is not taught or learned or developed, he just popped out with a different way of being, his thoughts will forever be a mystery of how they appear. I really like the HC that they're Lucius' younger brother. Such a fancy family, his brother immediately fitting into the socialite he's meant to be, meanwhile xeno is outcasted. He just. Cant. Understand these people and what the whole purpose is. He carries this huge imagination that he looses himself in, dreams become prophesies, "what ifs?" become reality, anything they want will be true. And they back it up, too. He is prime example of conformation bias.
Sybill Trelawny! Shes very very sensitive, very sweet. But!!! She is judgey, very gossipy, especially when it comes to her practice, if you don't believe her get outta here!! She knows what she sees, she doesn't doubt herself after a past of ignoring her visions. Ultimately frazzled and anxious, constantly running back and forth from door to door, something's lost? She doesn't know! Shes very very smart and logical, just not in the typical way, she applies it to her interests only, not any of the other stuff since it would be just useless to her. Shes trained herself to be very very good at connecting the dots and figuring things out (whether they have substance or not).
And Emmeline Vance.. I gonna be honest I don't know much about her because I don't see much about her, just her name is mentioned. From what I gather, shes very smart and preppy, in the "popular" group. Her relationship with the Valkyries varies in different accounts, but I personally think between 1st-4th year her group and theirs did not like each other and were almost catty (typical middle school drama), but she eventually got closer with them, and they with her. I think her ship with Mary is really cute from what I've seen!
Anyways! Thanks for the ask!!!!!(despite my first half being VERY opinionated)
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liquidluckandstuff · 4 months
In the Snape character meme ask thing you said Hogwarts has really gone to the dogs, and that you have opinions about it👀👀
Can you elaborate on it pls? I'm really curious👀👀👀👀
This is coming from a real world place not a fantasy place. As in "If a school like Hogwarts really existed."
First off, there are a lot of teachers like Professor McGonagall or Flitwick who are very very good at their jobs. Great. Fantastic.
But then you have teachers like Hagrid or Trelawney or even Snape who very clearly know their craft, but are absolute shit at teaching it.
This is why I HATE it when people think "Oh if you can't do, teach" because they think it's easy. It's very clearly NOT.
You have Hagrid whose heart is in the right place, and who knows what kind of experience, teaching all these kids about magical animals. There is no denying he loves what he does, and for some animals is very experienced but why does he keep teaching about the same animal all year? Skrewts, unicorns, nifflers and thats all we really hear about.
A lot of those are because he HAD to to get Umbridge off his back. Part of being a teacher is keeping student interest and doing the same thing over and over again makes them bored. They were very CLEARLY bored in his class and they themselves didn't think he was a very good teacher.
So now you have this man teaching them about something he clearly doesn't know much about, or at least HOW to teach it and these kids have to take these super important tests that could determine their fates in the wizarding world?
Hagrid clearly doesn't understand the pressure they are under because he never took a test like that himself.
Then, you have Trelawney who kind of just skirts on by with her lessons. These students are clearly faking their understanding and getting away with it for a number of reasons.
But mainly its because she doesn't know how to follow up with her teachings. She teaches it, has them do it, and then her corrections don't have any solid structure other than "Well you don't have the inner eye" which basically can translate to in the real world "You didn't get it the way I taught it the first time there must be something wrong with YOU not with the way I taught."
Honestly, part of me liked that umbridge had her leave the school. She herself could not provide one shred proof that she could do the things she claimed. Because if she WAS a good teacher, her students would have been able to put into practice the things she taught.
(I mean fuck umbridge but we are comparing to good teaching practices here. She "teaches", most of the students cannot do what she taught unless they have a natural talent, therefore she isn't really a good teacher) Sure those kids love her, but love doesn't help them pass those O.W.Ls
And finally Snape.
He is a MASTER at his craft. A POWERFUL wizard.
and he HATES children. Start there and how on earth does that make him a good teacher? He has the same problem that Trelawney has. Teach it and expect them to get it but if they don't they are idiots? And this dude actually insults them.
The environment he created is already working against him. Students do NOT learn well in an environment where they do not feel comfortable in and how are these kids supposed to be comfortable with a man who will insult them for anything?
He is literally just there because Dumbledore wants him there. Then, when does he actually offer remedial potions to anyone other than Harry? and even then it isn't real? Who would WANT to go to remedial potions with him when they aren't comfortable with it?
I would take that failing grade and a howler from my mom if it meant i didn't have to spend any more time with him.
So you have this unwelcoming environment with a man who is LOOKING to insult you (if you aren't in Slytherin but even then you might not be safe) and you better get his lesson down right the first time because otherwise there will be hell to pay.
The students who do learn do it out of fear, or get help from an outside source (like Hermione). And while I do love it when people work together like that it should NOT be how they are learning the content. That gets me PISSED.
That is horrible teaching because what is the POINT of a teacher being in a classroom at that point if the students are the ones doing all that work constantly? He isn't even monitoring them very well if that's all he is there for.
Sure there are classes where they do that but like.. that is the point of that class. There is also a lot of freedom in those sorts of classes to learn what you want to learn. But those kids? With all that pressure and having to do that for so long?
No no. It's not Snape that is a good teacher, those kids who do work hard and make those good grades on their O.W.Ls that is ALL on them. ALL their hard work and dedication. Snape just bullied them into it and sat back and got to take the credit.
Anyway. I really really hate a lot of the teaching styles at Hogwarts.
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kkbardd · 7 months
hello! i haven’t sent an ask in a while because schoolwork has been piling up infinitely :[ , but your recent posts have been really interesting to me! i really liked the room sketch one, I can’t exactly explain why but there’s something so indescribably human about it. i love spaces that looked lived in, that have personality, and I think that your room (current one? made up? old one?) has done a great job of showing that. and I’m not very good at giving advice— I can hardly follow it myself, but if you don’t know something, don’t know what you want to do, try things. it’s okay if you don’t like them. i recently found out I’m more competent in languages than I thought! i can already read and understand simple sentences in german.
there’s always more to yourself than you’ll know, I think, but the world is kinder than people think. If anything, everyone is still very new at this. we’ve never lived before. do the things you like, branch out, don’t become less of yourself for other people. everything has a place, and my best advice is to treat life as you would a vacation. do all the things you can while you’re here. build a life that makes it worth it. (sorry for the long ask and my rambling, or if this is overstepping in any way. i just read what you wrote and kind of related to it in a way. thank you for continuing to create art, it brings me a lot of joy! :] )
hey isopod!!! thanks for the ask & I wish u good luck with ur school work!
Thank u so much for the compliments, im really glad the vibe of my room was conveyed in those doodles. i absolutely looove drawing my room! It’s extremely small (a renovated utility closet) and just barely fits a bed + my desk but its packed full of the things i love. It’s very lived in and I feel like it reflects my character well.
when i drew that page I was in my senior year of high school and pressures to decide my future were overwhelming. I never thought much about it until then and I didn’t have any idea of what I was going to do. The only thing I felt I had going for me was art but I didn’t want to turn my only hobby into a job I hated. I remember going through a master list of majors on random college websites and one-by-one asking myself if I’d be okay doing it. In the end I had nothing. I was really crushed about it and felt stuck. This was right after the covid quarantine too so focusing in school was difficult & I couldn’t bring myself to apply for scholarships. I started skipping classes, smoking weed, and pushing off my assignments. All of this only made me feel more miserable, of course, so everything seemed pretty bleak at the time.
But luckily I had the support of my family and especially my mother. She would always remind me that “we have option”, “we always have options”. Because I did! This was a fresh start to try my hand at a totally different experience than what I’ve done so far. I ended up choosing my major on a complete whim after hearing my aunt had a job in an adjacent field. I was pretty sure I’d drop out after a semester, yet here I am about to graduate soon & I’m having a ton of fun!! (Hell, I’m 10 hours out in the middle of nowhere right now for my Field Methods class!) It’s not that I had a knack for Geology that I just never tapped into, or that i secretly had a passion for rocks this entire time; I just found something that seemed like an okay fit and grew interest from there. I think that a small level of commitment like that is more than enough to get you going. I had a ton of ideas in my head about how I needed to have a perfect fit major that would connect every dot I’ve laid out in my life thus far, but that’s not true at all. Life is much more messy and unpredictable than that.
But enough of my rambling!! That time of my life may have been stressful but I’m very grateful that I went through it! It changed how I viewed problems and it taught me to always look for other options when everything seems helpless.
Thank u so much for ur encouragement, I really appreciate it <33 I completely agree with everything u said!! Life is an ever changing experience & often leads u in unpredictable directions!
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mdhwrites · 1 year
The Take On The Owl House I Hate the Most
Kind of because I see it WAY too easily. I probably wouldn’t actually make a blog about this because I could see it landing me in hot water but... Well, I keep talking TOH not liking the fact that it’s a kid’s show, that it’s a fantasy show, etc. like that. It doesn’t like comedy of kid’s shows, it doesn’t like the moralizing, Dana explicitly chose Disney because they would give her 22 minute time slots unlike other kid’s shows right now. It does create a show that feels different but also feels like it’s not wearing the skin it wants to be wearing.
That’s not the take though. That’s all stuff I happily agree with and have talked about in the past. No, this take is one I wish I agreed with less but that the show possibly supports and I REALLY wish it didn’t at ALL. The show wants to be a CW-esque, teenage/adult oriented, drama. And if it were... Luz would be wanting to fuck Eda.
Now normally I would hear someone pitch me this and go “Okay, you can go do your edgy AU. Have fun.” I’m not interested but fandom will do as fandom does. It only makes me cringe and recoil into myself because... How else do you explain the complete and total worship and obsession over Eda that Luz has? The first episode explicitly makes it clear that if Luz doesn’t want to do something, she won’t. In fact, the first THREE episodes, all reinforce that. Someone tells her to do something mundane and she goes off to have her own adventure. To have her own fantasy. Meanwhile, Eda is CONSTANTLY shitting on her and belittling that fantasy and that doesn’t really stop until post Once Upon a Swap. EIGHT EPISODES IN. And Luz and Eda have ONE more episode that has them together in a major way, Adventure in the Elements, after that for the entire season. That is the basis for Luz deciding to throw away her mom and not only go save Eda but destroy the portal. That’s not who Luz is, even in S1. She is too self interested in her own fantasy. It’s part of the problem with the Found Family as I’ve discussed before.
So this raises the reasonable question of, if Luz doesn’t find Eda’s normal work interesting, won’t listen to her, isn’t getting properly taught and barely has anything to do around the house, why does she stick around? Well... In episode four, we get this.
And that comment isn’t really new for the show. Eda’s attractiveness is just a blatant fact. She is made out not only to be attractive, but sexually attractive, MULTIPLE TIMES in at least the first season. Her looks get more attention, including by Luz, than AMITY, who is easily the next character who’s looks are even mentioned or glorified. In fact, her being on the market is a topic that crops up more than once in the series. Hell, it’s one of the first things we know about her, that people want to fuck her, as it’s in the fucking pilot. Warden Wrath finds her SO ALLURING as to drop his job to get a DATE with her.
And yes, Raine exists. Does Raine make sense with how Eda is portrayed in the first season, as someone who is happily on the market but also tired of how many assholes she meets on it? No. Admittedly, Eda’s relationship with... Relationships doesn’t make a lot of sense in general but she absolutely doesn’t feel like a character who is mourning the loss of their soulmate, which is absolutely how the show tries to portray it in S2.
She feels a lot more like she fucks around and finds out a lot of guys are assholes. There’s a reason why it was REALLY popular to ship Gruncle Stan and her when S1 was all that was out.
Worse yet, if you want to say Amity proves Luz isn’t into older women or the like, we get this chestnut from fucking First Day.
“And maybe meet a hot, yet vulnerable, upperclassmen.”
There’s... A lot of problems with this line but it also would fit WAY better in, you know... A CW drama and not a kid’s show. Especially from your MAIN FUCKING CHARACTER. She CANONICALLY, because TOH doesn’t think about its jokes WHATSOEVER, has unhealthy, fucked up relationship fantasies. Especially with school. After all, if it was to make them better, she could have said angsty, hurt, troubled, etc. But it’s VULNERABLE. Vulnerabilities are explicitly to be TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF.
*eye twitch*
Now, I do want to say that Eda did take her in and gave her a chance. Luz doesn’t do well with that chance, it’s less than one episode before she tells Eda to shove it for not thinking she’s not special enough, but you can maybe make a case there. She also gets with Amity. So if you wanted to, I dunno, prove that Luz was written in a way that made her seem more interested/cared about Amity more than Eda, especially since S1 does not earn that sort of interest, are there examples of that?
*dead eye stares the camera*
“Don’t you want to go save your girlfriend?” “I do but I’d rather be here and be prepared for if you guys need help.” This is from Clouds on the Horizon. Admittedly, her fear is warranted... But she literally would rather do NOTHING in order to support Eda, because she is explicitly not a part of this plan, than go help unstick her girlfriend. This is also the episode where Luz blatantly ignored Odalia threatening Lumity’s existence so that she can focus on saving the white boy there and get into a position that better, you know, helps. Eda. With the specific motivation that Eda is in trouble, despite the fact that she hasn’t made a plan for how they’re not all about to DIE! Like if Alador didn’t step in, Luz’s plan didn’t mean SHIT. At least Amity was actually dealing with the current problem while Luz was only focused on “Eda is in trouble. I need a way that gets me to Eda.” I personally vouch that the fact that it saved Hunter was tangential as Gus is MORE than powerful enough to make Hunter disappear and replace him with a clone and that’s an even less complex plan than what Luz made up on the fly.
Don’t like that? How about her desperate need for Eda’s approval, to be seen as a peer of hers, STILL, instead of being willing to talk to her, in Titan Where Art Thou? Or that Luz specifically needs to make sure Eda is okay in King’s Tide while her friends, who do not know the human realm or have connections there, are being forced through a portal? Including her girlfriend. How about the simple fact that Luz is WAY more honest with Eda than she literally ever is with Amity?
It’s all just REALLY awkward. But in the context of a CW show, it’s still not good writing, but it’s in line with those absurdities WAY more than with a kid’s shows absurdities. In fact... That’s kind of true in general for TOH. Having the twist that a relative ruined your life because you were better than them and they only became successful because of that choice? That’s in line. The comedy styling leaning more on either pure misery of a couple characters that the writers obviously hate and have there to make mean statements on? Yeah, that sounds right. The refusal to resolve plotlines, especially happily, when it could instead be milked for drama for the next three seasons? The fact that it obviously set itself up to go on for eternity? That sounds about right too. And I will admit I could be wrong. I don’t watch CW shows. Degrassi, Glee, Riverdale? They hold no interest for me because I don’t like mean spirited they often feel. But... with time, TOH absolutely feels more and more mean spirited. And even early on, that ridiculing of other media and fantasy and wanting to have fun all feels in line with that sort of spirit. Including the lack of interest in its fantasy elements.
Eda and Luz aren’t even the only ones that frankly make more sense like this. Lilith’s break with reality almost, and constant need for validation (including from Luz, including as a teacher which is uncomfortable in Escaping Expulsion in general, LET ALONE IN THIS CONTEXT) fits more in line with the sort of ‘insanity’ that those shows might give a character who’s life collapses. To add a chaotic element. Speaking of, that also fits the Bad boy of Hunter, who gets shipped with all the girls who are his age. Not in fandom BUT IN THE SHOW. All three of his introductions to Luz, Amity and Willow work as the start of a relationship arc, INCLUDING WITH THE LESBIAN. And... You know... Luz is Bi... And there are TERRIBLE plot lines you can do with that. *shudders and gags*
Meanwhile, characters like King, Gus, Willow, frankly Belos and his regime, and all the one off villains that other kid’s shows would embrace... Are kind of pushed to the side. Pushed to the side for characters who would feel entirely at home on something far more adult oriented. Something that was trying to be edgy and shocking and constantly have twists that prove how terrible these characters are. It even commonly sets it up. All of the reasons why Lumity WOULDN’T happen were part of why Lumity was so interesting between S1 and 2. But a lot of those plotlines admittedly felt more like this. Tackling racism, classism, Amity’s need to be the best, Luz’s flighty personality, etc. like that. Not helped of course by the fact that Hunter IS older than Luz and so IS a “hot yet vulnerable upper classman’ as he’s really only missing the BIG muscles of the dude Luz thought was “questing in all the right ways” back in episode TWO.
And if you’re wondering why this take has lingered with me... It’s because I keep asking why creative choices were made for The Owl House. Why are characters like this? Why is it a kid’s show when it obviously doesn’t like that it’s a kid’s show? Why is Luz so obsessed with Eda when they spend such little time together? Let alone POSITIVE time together?
And the idea that at one point it was meant to be an adult oriented cartoon, like Helluva Boss or Hazbin Hotel, but was just jammed into a kid’s show sized hole so it could be on broadcast television does help explain some of it. Do I think it’s actually true? NO! God no! Absolutely fucking not. Not for a second. Or bare minimum, I REALLY hope not. Also, I do want to point out that I don’t think the show would be GOOD like this, just that it leans weirdly on these sorts of tropes and writing styles and that it accidentally gives really awkward ways to interpret these characters, especially when what we’re told doesn’t match what we’re shown.
But ever since the concept was introduced to me, I could never quite get it out of my head. And I guess I just needed others to suffer with me. I’m sorry.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead, If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
And finally a Twitter you can follow too!
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
Since you're (almost) a history teacher, can you tell us a history fact you wish more people knew?
First, if I may politely point it out, there is nothing "almost" about me being a history teacher. I have multiple degrees in history that required me to teach, research, and publish in the subject, I spent three years teaching in a university classroom while simultaneously conducting doctorate-level research, I have both actual and pending publications and participation in the field (i.e. book reviews and conferences), and I also, it is worth noting, spend a lot of time on here giving substantial historical, political, research-skills, and general-information responses for free. This is intellectual labor for which I am not compensated and which I do just because I enjoy teaching. Not being snippy at you or anything, but just pointing out that this is already the case, so yes. Appreciate your friendly local academics and the work they do for you, etc etc.
Anyway, as I have said before, my main beef with popular engagements with/awareness of history is that it's either not taught at all, or in an "opinion" that conveniently confirms everything somebody already thinks about the world. I hate how history has become especially politicized in the current American/Western culture wars, though it's true that it is always an inherently political pursuit (history is written by the victors, etc). On that note, I wish more people would realize that history is not just the record of the actions of a few powerful white dudes. History by its nature is the record of EVERYONE, even if the mechanisms and sources that we have available vary widely due to proximity to power, class, wealth, and influence. It likewise drives me batty when left-wing social media, especially Tumblr, lazily stereotypes all historians as crusty old white guys at elite universities who Do Not Want You To Know The Truth!!! (What is this, Weekly World News?)
There are tons of diverse historians working on all aspects of social, chronological, and global history, including in the recovery of traditionally marginalized narratives and people. It is very, very important and often thankless work, so yes. We are here, we want to talk to you, and we want to teach, which is especially difficult and relevant in the current moment. There are, as noted, many ways to do that beyond just the confines of a traditional professorial job, especially as many of us are forced to make new or unorthodox career paths.
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alphaman99 · 10 months
Reposting this letter written by a Canadian Professor, Lena Bykhovsky who teaches biblical studies at Carleton University in Ottawa.
“Dear Students,
I have spent the last 25 years showing you the beauty of all of the literary, cultural, philosophical, and artistic heights of the human spirit over the course of human history. Teaching you has been the most wonderful and satisfying of callings. I never wanted to do anything other than meet with you, discuss ideas with you, discover and rediscover human insights, truths, and wonders. I never regretted my career path, never hated my job, and never doubted my legacy. I felt privileged and honoured to show you how to analyse, to think critically, to weigh evidence, and to understand people and ideas, contexts and complexity, deeply and thoroughly. I thought my work was helping to make the world a better, more humane, more thoughtful place.
You have broken my heart. No: shattered it, irreparably. I don’t know how I will ever set foot in a classroom again. I don’t know how I will ever see you the same way. I know now that I was deluding myself that I ever had any impact, would ever leave any positive legacy, that my work ever made any difference.
I watch you all on social media, in the streets and the quads, marching in solidarity with a movement that seeks only to wipe me out. To exterminate me, my children, my parents, my entire family and community. I know, some of you think you’re trying to help the oppressed. You think that my kind is the white colonialist racist kind that you hate.
But I thought I taught you how to evaluate arguments. I thought I taught you the importance of understanding context, both historical and rhetorical. I thought that I taught you that the world did not operate according to dichotomies, like black and white, oppressor and oppressed, villain and victim. I thought I taught you about complexity, about judgment, and to examine your sources and not to take anyone’s statements at face value.
Zionism is the Jewish right to self-determination in our ancestral homeland. Israel is that ancestral homeland. Jews are the indigenous peoples of that land; not the only indigenous peoples of that land, to be sure. But Israel is the only land to which we are indigenous. After 2000 years of longing, the result of the Holocaust – a Nazi movement which sought to ethnically cleanse the world of Jews by systematically exterminating us – was that the international community granted us a sliver of that ancestral homeland.
It was to be shared, partitioned into a Jewish state and an Arab state. The Arabs rejected the partition and attacked the Jews when they declared the state of Israel in 1948. The Jews won. Arabs who remained in Israel became citizens with full rights and freedoms. 20% of Israel’s population today is Arab. They fight in the army, they are doctors, lawyers, members of Parliament and supreme court judges. There is no apartheid. Israel’s Jewish population consists of Jews from Arab lands, whose parents or grandparents were kicked out when the state of Israel was formed, and of descendants of refugees from Eastern Europe, Holocaust survivors who had no homes to return to. Some are more recent refugees from Europe, Russia, and the Americas who either returned to Israel for religious reasons or because the Jew-hatred in their communities grew too excessive and they decided to emigrate, to head for the one place in the world Jews can go if their neighbours or governments turn against them.
The West Bank and Gaza strip – along with refugee camps that still exist in Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan -- were the places that the Arab nations who attacked Israel at its founding told the Arabs living in Palestine (later to be known as Palestinians) to flee. It was supposed to be temporary, because the plan was to “push the Jews into the sea.” When the plan didn’t work out, all of these states refused to absorb the Palestinians. They wanted to keep them in camps because they still planned to annihilate Israel and the Jews that lived there and then the Palestinians could return. The West Bank was in Jordan and Gaza was in Egypt until 1967, when the Arab states tried again to push the Jews into the sea. Their failure this time ended with Israel capturing these territories.
When Israel tried to exchange land for peace and give Gaza back to Egypt, Egypt didn’t want it. And so the territories remained in Israel. In 2005 Israel pulled out of Gaza and left it to govern itself. Most of the West Bank is also self-governing, but not all because of the high number of suicide bombers and other threats to Israel’s existence fomenting there, so Israel hasn’t been able to fully remove itself. The current awful Israeli government has allowed religious fanatics, “settlers,” to build settlements there, which makes everything worse.
And you see what I did there? I criticized Israel’s government. I can do that, and still support the existence of a Jewish state in our ancestral homeland.
When you say “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” this is a call to ethnic cleansing of Jews from their homeland, from the only state in the entire Middle East that would look remotely familiar to you in terms of basic rights and freedoms and a democratic system if you were to visit the region. When Hamas supporters – like those who led you all in a rally on my home campus today – talk about Jews as “occupiers,” they don’t mean Gaza. They mean the whole state of Israel. They want Jews eradicated from the entire land. Hamas actually wants us gone from the whole world, as they have stated many times. Who are the Nazis now?
But here I am, teaching again. I can’t help myself. I wish that you cared what I had to say. I wish that some knowledge, some context, some understanding, could reach beyond the slogans and chants for my death that you are repeating mindlessly and endlessly as you march to the beat of hatred across the tattered remains of my broken soul.”
Tumblr media
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zukkaoru · 5 months
tachitanihigugin (or whatever their ship name is) + body
or, if you want platonic, platonic lucy & margaret + ignite
or, gin & chuuya + mollify (okay now i'm just having fun with the vocab words lol)
n e ways ilyyyyyy
tanitachigugin + body, post-doa arc, junichirou joins the pm
Tanizaki cancels out his ability as the body hits the ground with a thump. Tachihara’s heart is still hammering in his chest, and he can still feel the glass shard that was pressed against his throat mere milliseconds prior.
Slowly, he lifts his fingers to his neck. They come away red.
He looks to Tanizaki, expecting— He’s not sure what, exactly. Horror. Regret. Revulsion. He’s spent his first few months in the mafia going out of his way to avoid directly killing anyone. But the only thing showing in his expression is pure, unfiltered, rage.
(Eerily reminiscent of his reaction when Naomi was threatened.)
In the blink of an eye, Gin is standing across from him, placing themself between him and Tanizaki. Concern plagues their expression, but they remain silent as they look him over. They’re joined shortly by Higuchi, who fusses over him and scolds him for not being more careful until Gin calms her down.
Tachihara filters most of it out. He’s still staring at Tanizaki.
“What was that?” he asks.
Tanizaki frowns. He wipes the blood from his knife with the sleeve of his sweater. Gin and Higuchi turn their focus to him as well, but he doesn’t falter as he slips the weapon back into its sheath. “I was just doing my job. Don’t think about it too hard.”
“But you don’t kill people?” Higuchi points out, her voice tilting upwards and turning it into a question.
“I never said that.” Tanizaki turns his back to them. “I was taught to search for other ways to handle my enemies, but if someone I ca— if someone is in danger, I have no qualms doing what needs to be done. Now let’s get out of here before their backup arrives.”
lucy & margaret, no abilities college au
“Is this…really a good idea?”
“Yes!” Lucy tosses another crumbled paper into the fire. “I hated this class and I’m going to celebrate the end of the semester by burning everything.”
Margaret frowns. She picks up the one textbook Lucy hasn’t ripped apart yet and flips through it. “What if you end up needing this stuff? And didn’t you rent this one?”
“Oh! That copy is actually Mark’s.” Lucy plucks the book from Margaret’s hands, then rips out several pages and adds them to the fire as well. “I turned mine back in already.”
“…But Mark rented his too?”
Lucy grins. “Sounds like his problem, not mine. Now are you going to make s’mores with me or not?”
chuuya & gin (& tachi) post-doa arc
“Woah woah woah!” Chuuya places themself between Gin and Tachihara. With a simple touch to both of them, they’re held back by gravity. “What the hell is going on here?!”
Gin, expectedly, doesn’t answer. They simply glare past Chuuya at Tachihara. If looks could kill…
Chuuya grimaces, then turns and raises an eyebrow at Tachihara.
“Don’t look at me!” he exclaims. “I didn’t do anything!”
Chuuya bites back a sigh. They pinch the bridge of their nose, trying to figure out the best way to deal with this situation. Gin has been…hostile towards Tachihara ever since the revelation that he was working with the Hunting Dogs. Chuuya can hardly blame them, and if it were their choice, they would have had him executed long ago. But Chuuya isn’t going to fight this battle against Mori because they simply don’t care that much.
They have half a mind to just let the two of them go at each other.
But that will result in a lecture from both Mori and Kouyou, and Chuuya doesn’t have time for that.
Maybe they should just drag the two back to the Black Lizard office and make Hirotsu deal with this.
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fizzingwizard · 1 year
weird (tmi warning)
so I often bitch about how much I hate shaving. well, when I was a teen, living at home with my parents, and didn't have a boyfriend, and wasn't going out, I used to go without shaving my legs whenever I could. usually thats because I was wearing long pants most of the time, but in the summer i might be wearing shorts only at home, where only family members would see me.
all I was trying to do was not shave because I hated it so much and got such awful razor burn, and also I was like still a kid and had a very limited income from my part time job, which I was saving to go to Japan. so i didn't spend on random products to help with shaving that I didn't even know whether or not they'd work. I just didn't want to be itchy all the time, and I thought my family, at least, wouldn't mind me being a little hairy. I mean my mom shaved but not everywhere >_> and my dad being a man of course didn't but also he very often walked around completely naked except for his briefs. was it really ridiculous of me to think that if my dad could strut around the house in his underwear no problemo, i could be a little hairy sometimes?
anyway on my last phone call with my dad, I don't remember how we got on the topic but I mentioned shaving and my dad was shocked to find out that I shave regularly. I was like yeah dad I've been doing it since I was thirteen. "but you didn't all the time" "no dad because shaving sucks and if no one was gonna see me i didn't do it" and he said "I thought you were doing that rebellious European feminist thing, you know, they like to go full body har"
I'm unreasonably annoyed by the this x'D for like twenty years my dad has thought I express my feminism through refusing to shave. (a position btw he doesn't respect) never did it occur to him to ask me. or that shaving just sucks. this is doubly funny bc when my mom taught me how to shave (remember I was 13) she told me to use my dad's razor. (which is probably pretty weird but thats what happened) and then I just... never had my own razor x'D until I went to college. so i was shaving with my dad's razor all through my teen years, and my dad still didn't think I was shaving??? he thought i was intentionally choosing to look like a yeti, at like fifteen, because I was such a radical feminist. that is hilarious because if anything describes me at fifteen, it'd be conservative. I was still pretty entrenched in evangelical christianity back then. and i'd been taught by church, and specifically by my dad, that feminism was just whiny and full of lies. if he said he thought i was being a European feminist lol when I was like twenty-five, that'd be different, but at fifteen? bahahaha.
and then more recently. i don't remember what it was but some video on youtube I think, someone was talking about rejecting make-up as a form of feminism, resisting the patriarchy and all that. and of course I know about that, same as I do know about women who choose not to shave for feminist reasons. but because of the conversation with my dad I'm now wondering. are people looking at me and thinking she doesn't wear makeup because she's an extreme feminist? she goes to protests and flashes her boobs while shrieking into a megaphone? looooool. I don't wear makeup because I hate the feeling of having stuff caked on my face, I hate having to take it off, I hate having to pay for it, I hate having to try a hundred different brands just to find something that kind of occasionally works on me. I'm fine with my face. It's not an amazingly beautiful face. but it's mine. i have no problems with it. other people might but i'm not being some super feminist by not caring about it, i just don't actually care.
that being said I am feminist and will defend anyone's right to shave or not shave, wear makeup or not wear makeup. just like maybe ask people before you leap to conclusions. its so weird that everything i do has to be some kind of statement. i just don't like wearing makeup or shaving, that is it, there's no deeper meaning to it lmao
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tetsunabouquet · 2 years
When you cannot choose your family (Kagami)
A/N: Slight AU inspired by a conversation I had the other day. After the Vorpal Swords game ended, everyone was celebrating in the cafeteria.  Kagami included, however, our redhead had this dreadful feeling in the pit of his stomach. It was that feeling when you knew something was coming, something you wouldn’t be fond of, creeping up on him. The others didn’t seem to share his feelings. Everyone was in high spirits, though Kuroko was clearly mentally preparing for Kagami to announce his departure and Riko was looking very much defeated by her father’s reckless spending. Momoi was attempting to cheer her up, and Kuroko took the other seat next to Riko to put a hand on her shoulder.  Kagami couldn’t help but wonder, if those two would finally get together once he left for the US. They certainly seemed like a slow-burn bound to happen, even if it was just Momoi’s persistence finally working into Kuroko’s skull. Not that this was what he was sensing, no, those two getting together would be wonderful. So what was the bad thing he felt was going to come? Kagami was suspicious of anything, but not that. Oh no. Shivers came upon him as Kagetora re-entered the hallway with a man of senior age.  The man was tall and of relatively healthy shape despite his age, his white hair was streaked with black, and his black eyebrows were just like Kagami’s.  A white tiger. His grandfather. Everyone grew silent at the sudden appearance of the imposing older man, and to Kagami, this silence was deafening. “Kagami, where are your manners? Why aren’t you greeting me?!” The man scolded. “I swear, my son has done an incompetent job.” Kagami swallowed as he stood up. “Hello grandfather.”  “What? No bow? No offering of serving this old man some food? And here I taught you were a kind grandson.” The man said, his eyes dramatically watering. Kagami gave a quick bow before rushing to help his grandfather with a seat and some food. Meanwhile, several others such as Akashi, thought the man definitely looked like he was still fit enough and was just using Kagami’s stupidity and indeed, kindness, to not have to lift a finger. This, is how old people take advantage of others. After Kagami’s grandfather swallowed his first bite, he looked at his grandson and said, “Now that was an entertaining game. Though I honestly thought you’d get crushed.” “Oi! Couldn’t you just have faith in me, grandpa?”  “I did. About as much faith as I have that there’s going to be a full moon later this week.”  “But the full moon was last week, nanodayo.” Midorima couldn’t help but interrupt, and everyone had one singular thought. ‘Of course he knows when its full moon.’ “Exactly.” Kagami’s grandfather replied, and Kagami sighed in disappointment. His grandfather wasn’t a cruel man, nor a hateful one, or evil.  His grandfather was just the type of man that wasn’t easily impressed and he was even more critical towards his own family. His grandpa was very much anti-nepotism, and believed his children and granchildren should actually prove their worth rather then blindly believing his offspring to be naturally the best at everything. Kagami sat down next to his grandfather as everyone awkwardly resumed eating. This victory party was sure as hell crashed. The only ones enjoying themselves seemed to be a drunk Kagetora and Kagami’s grandfather. Adults really ruined everything. Momoi decided to feed Kuroko who was too busy staring at Kagami in sympathy, and with a surprised blink, he opened his mouth and allowed her to place a snack inside.  Hyuga low-key stared at the scene, as if he wanted to do the same thing to Riko. Only the table was already full, cock-blocking the Seirin captain.  After a small while of observing the teen hormones, Kagami’s gradnfather asked him, “You still don’t have a girlfriend, do you?”  Kagami’s face flushed, and he shook his head. “I see, so even your barely visible friend gets laid before you do.” Kagami’s grandfather stated, and he, Kuroko and Momoi felt like they could all die right on the spot as Takao struggled to not burst out in laughter at the remark whilst Aomine seemed torn between defending Momoi against his rival’s grandpa, and laughing at his rival getting burnt.  Kagami’s grandfather just continued to eat, as he studied the teens his grandson considered his friends. He might not admit it out loud, right there, but he was glad his grandson had found such a warm, large group of friends. Takao continued on the joking mood, and poked fun at several others. Laughter errupted amongst the group, and Kagami’s grandfather was content. He relaxed in his seat, but not long after he could finally see it. A husky puppy was walking around the hall, with his big pleading eyes, it was clearly on the hunt for leftovers. Recognizing it as the basketball team’s mascot, Kagami’s grandfather took a piece of sausage and was holding it low, just above the ground. Spotting the yummy offering, Nigou instantly rushed over, making Kagami freeze on the spot as his grandfather fed the canine. Goosebumps were covering his skin as Nigou’s tail wagged just a few centimeters away from his leg. The dog was eating happily, and Kagami’s grandfather looked on with a gentle smile whilst his grandson looked like he could pass out any second. The Seirin team thought to themselves, that Kagami’s grandpa must be doing it on purpose. Certainly he’d know about his grandson’s fear of dogs. “You were one hungy, cute little mascot, weren’t you?” Kagami’s grandfather cooed, petting the dog between his ears. Nigou barked, almost as if to say, ‘My owners seldomly spoil me, but their grandparents are different! Are all grandparents so generous?’  Kagami’s grandfather chuckled in response. Later, as everyone gathered for Kagami’s anouncement, the old man was still there, holding Nigou in his arms. The fluffy puppy was looking happy at the attention. The gathering of people were mostly curious. Kuroko already knew, and so did Kagami’s grandfather as his son had already informed him. It was why he was here, wanting to attend Kagami’s final match in Japan before leaving.  “Well guys, I’m going back. To America.” Kagami stated, “Alex found a school interested in me.”  “Eh, you?! I thought I was supposed to go.” Aomine said, looking grumpy. “Why you? Clearly, if anyone should go it’s the blonde.” Kagami’s grandfather stated, much to everyone’s surprise. “Thank you Kagamicchi’s grandpa! I knew you saw my talent!” Kise replied, looking very much touched. “Well, you clearly have incredible skill, and such a handsome face! The media adores good looking athletes.” Kagami’s grandpa stated, only adding to Kise’s ego. “Yeah, I’m a model.” Kise replied, proudly. “I see. You clearly have a good career planned ahead of you.”  And slowly, everyone was forgotten as Kise took the spotlight, Kagami’s grandfather analyzing the boy’s skill as an athletic genius. That night, Kagami and Aomine found they had another thing in common: they hated Kise being the favourite.  I hope this is somewhat as you imagined @vespersposts​
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scentedchildnacho · 1 month
I did make it to harvest church for a benevolence ..
He wanted to know why homeless for a decade
So I told him it's a trash to people where they just kind of leave many disparate problems
So the over crowding and noise kind of moves me all the time to place structural holes...
I notice people leaving a vintage vase people can't use because it isn't cutting edge medicine and it not making them feel very good to not take it to a repurposing and green job training booth
Its mostly management problems leading to apathy to situations like anti immigration in Germany ...its these creepy ladies that can understand Foucault on the inverse and they show up to flash knives at people or talk in gross disturbing ways or just witch every bodies rest time
Wagner they will sometimes just really hit and strike a project with militant ladies that admit they hit their kid with anything around and themselves
Or the men sometimes they drop off these men sometimes that dont care if their ultimate speed bully...and it's again knife threats or beating people up severely like police footage and again stuff to just ruin people's time
The situation is just not managed and it's just very unfair other psychiatrists work with early Alzheimer's and that psychiatrist just dumps pill restraints
So I would travel a lot to find people's missing services...like someone's domestic abuse shelter a 5 hour train ride away....or someone else's camp...even more states away or someone's largely dark men food stop again several states away....
I told him the push to view things as maximal crisis tends to shove homeless into compounds instead of uplifting it's condition as it's come to live
I said kamala is Indian so to her everyone is a tribe.....and that's homelessness...it's a tribe to live for God not for land grants so something about God has to tell me where God is taking people instead of always positions filled in basic functions not really gainful anymore
Tribe of Levi....uhm there is a Vietnamese priest here and it's the south east Asians that will help poor white with things like fishing or lou ows pig roasts
So maybe I can ask him about sacrificing a young cow or calf because it's spirit haunts and persecutes the people here
That beauty of a young cow face all this car crisis is to turn the children especially into perfect smooth sickly forms
There is maybe a scandinavian wealth here that won't stop stalking me with cow veneration....so it's symbol is we get to be here and stop with how boring
Dian fossey did have like followers who worshipped all she taught them so that is maybe the car terrorists at the children
They are The native Americans and indigenous diaspora doesn't exist....
They do they try to defile me it's not just trying to hurt me they think my lady is of ill repute at the church and attempt defiling
I watched a film called silentium and the nun was like I think I can't join them because I'm a people and this perverted Marxism or flesh is why isn't correct and they were like you don't have to be perfect
Anyway I guess the immigration has been idle sitting in little shops with all this God art in vista California that some sectarians warn is idolatry and can really summon something people think is demonic
I read this book by a Frenchman called you will not have my hate...because it's been trendy I guess for common people to pronounce in famous ways that they will not be seeking reckonings or retribution
So I mean they were placing strange altars by the side of the road about one young man in vista California....
And I think they blame the emigration because they could be stricter and work more about who is coming and going around their districts and have been willing to open walls or ideas they shouldn't have
But I find myself now at meals with black and tan types so others might say I'm never getting managed or getting out of this unfair objectification because the IRA killed an emigrationist that could have helped
Wagner what is all this if people are lewd or wrong restrain them when there are peoples that understand before wall or before CPS
I'm from Wisconsin but they found out that 20 percent of severely abused emigration issues were from the states so something about that type of emigrationist missing from the homeless here and people wanting to leave them on sidewalks and hog tye them like old gay films all just very crude and no one is interested in that
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pscottm · 6 months
Small-time investors in Trump’s Truth Social reckon with stock collapse
Carol Swain, a prominent conservative commentator in Nashville who previously taught political science at Vanderbilt University, said she invested $1,000 in Trump Media stock earlier this month, at $48 a share, over the objections of her financial adviser, who predicted the stock would dive.
“If I lose it, fine. If I make a profit, wonderful. But at the end of the day, I wanted to show my support,” she said. “There’s such an effort to destroy him and strip his wealth away, and so much glee about it. I would like to see him be a winner.”
She, too, suspects stock manipulation, arguing that “the people who hate Donald Trump would do anything to try to hurt him.” As for Truth Social itself, she said she posts there only sparingly and prefers X, where she has 35 times as many followers. “I have always wanted not to just preach to the choir,” she said.
McLain, the tree service owner in Oklahoma, said he believes the stock could “go to $1,000 a share, easy,” once the media stops writing so negatively about it and the company works through its growing pains. The company’s leaders, he said, are being “too silent right now” amid questions about the falling share price, but he suspects it’s because they’re working on something amazing and new.
McLain is an amateur trader — he invested only once before and “lost [his] butt” — and said he hasn’t talked to his family about his investment, saying, “You know how that is.” But he believes the Trump Media deal is a sign he is “supposed to invest,” he said.
“This isn’t just another stock to me. … I feel like it was God Almighty that put it in my lap,” he said. “I’ve just got to hold on and let them do their job. If you go on emotion, you’ll get out of this thing the first time it goes down.”
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charredstarling · 6 months
Just some shadow work
Why do you hold grudges: Because if i let go, i have to reckon with what happened. if they arnt really as terrible as i thought then theres a chance that it wasnt their fault that i was hurt. it also calls into question the abusers that i do not forgive, what if they arnt that bad either? and that train of thought had led me right back into the arms of those who hurt me on multiple occasions. Its safer to hate a select few than to doubt the validity of my trauma.
Why do you feel undeserving of love: because for most of my life i wasnt shown love unconditionally, i was only shown praise when i did my very best. otherwise i was yelled at or hurt because i wasnt doing good enough. even when i wasnt doing anything wrong i was punished, and i carry that with me today. i do not let myself feel loved unless i believe that i am doing the very best that i could be doing, and i rarely ever feel like i am doing good enough. i motivate myself by yelling and screaming and hurting myself because its what pushed me when i was younger, but now it doesnt do anything good for me. when i am shown love i feel confused and doubtful, because unconditional love feels fake to me.
How often do you lie to yourself: Every day from the second i wake up to the second i fall asleep. I say i am ok and that i feel fine and that i can handle all of this on my own and its a blatant lie and everyone around me knows it. i cant admit consistently that i am not capable of handling all of this on my own, and i also cannot ask for help because i feel unworthy of it. it is my job to handle all of this so that others dont have to. but that isnt fair to me, and i lie and say that its ok and that life isnt fair. i lie when i say i love myself and i lie when i say that im doing good because thats all surface level, i havent even started breaking down my old thought patterns yet. and i shouldnt have to alone because rebuilding oneself is a monumental feat. but in my mind i am a burden and i must do this alone, so that maybe someday someone will be able to tolerate me in full.
What emotions do you avoid feeling: anger. i never learned to process it properly and so no matter how justified it is i end up scaring myself out of feeling it. i worry that feeling angry means i will hurt people, because i was hurt when others were angry. thats when i was abused, when they were angry. and i fear that just the action of feeling that anger will unleash some hidden abusive monster inside of me and ill go around attacking everyone i see.
How can you face that feeling: sitting with it when i feel it. just letting it run through my system without trying to distract myself. letting my mind construct whatever arguments or insults it wants and ranting to friends until ive felt all i can feel for that moment.
How can you motivate yourself: by being gentle. i need to stop trying to use fear as a motivator and start using my passion as a motivator. and to do that i need to step away from fear, i need to be gentle with myself and forgiving of my misteps.
What has love taught you: that i am beautiful and kind and smart and amazing. and that i am compassionate and enjoyable and funny. love has taught me that i am not some horrible broken thing, that i am a person just like anyone else. love has taught me that i am deserving, and that people are kind and that they do care.
What has loss taught you: That life is something to cherish, and that no amount of time will feel like enough. and that sometimes its better to let go or to leave. and that some people arnt meant to stay, some people werent all that great in retrospect. loss has taught me to be scared of it, because to be abandoned is to lose. but loss has also taught me to greive, and to cry, and to scream. loss has taught me how to process things, how to feel. in some loss there is a relief, a comfort. in some there is an anger. loss has guided me
What are you hiding from others: that im actually just a scared animal thats wandering around hoping that i figure something out. that i am not actually all that wise, i am just hurt. that i am not all that in touch with myself and that its all a front to try and avoid the truth. the truth is that i am a wounded scared animal wandering around in a hostile world with no clue what i should be doing. i cannot tend to my wounds lest someone else notices they are there, and i cannot ask for help lest someone sees me as a pet or a project.
What can you learn from time: That i cannot stop it, i cannot make it slow, but i can rest. i can rest as long as i need. i cannot expect the world to stop spinning but i can expect others who live in this sea of time to be understanding. we are all here together in the same storm.
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