#if y’all got ideas feel free to chuck them at me
roguelov · 4 months
I have problem with my octo!Dream story where reader gets saved by Dream after a bad storm and shipwreck and taken to an island/cove of Dream’s home but like I have no reason for why reader is out at sea 😂 my brain is like ‘here’s all these scenes! Write!’ While I’m sitting here like ‘cool cool love this but why are we here?’ And like also needing a reason for the reader to maybe want to leave for tension??
Like do I make them a pirate? But it feels so typical
Business woman? Shipment gone wrong or out to meet up with a possible buisness partner?
Like why we out at sea? Who put us here?? I mean I did and I am the god of this story but I’m still scratching my mind
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Screaming into the void about my season 3 favs
-I geeked out over the camera pan out from Mike on his stakeout to the Los Pollos Hermanos sign
-Also screamed at the TV watching out of focus Gus casually sweeping in the background while Jimmy is in the restaurant
-Hey who’s got your back? ME that’s who
-There’s a moment Jimmy and Kim lock eyes across their office and smile, they are truly happy and all is right in their world
-Kim asks Jimmy for a dollar so that she’s officially his lawyer. This man really gets all his best ideas from her.
-Fun foreshadow/call back: the art in Jimmy’s office is lady liberty
-Howard’s little hop to look over the fence💀
-Jimmy threatens to burn Chuck’s house to the ground… yikes
Sunk Cost
-Jimmy had red string wrapped around Marco’s ring bc it’s too big for his finger. BCS writers really think of everything and then make it symbolic.
-Bill Oakley replying “you moron” when Jimmy says he’ll be representing himself cracked me up
-Be honest, on first watch did it click for y’all that Gus wanted Hector to demand Gus transport all the product??? That one took me a sec
-Chuck’s 512 - 521 address mix up explanation to Rebecca in the flashback almost makes it seem like Chuck inadvertently gave Jimmy the idea to do the 1216 - 1261 swap all those years later
-We get to hear “I DID IT FOR KIM” again AND we get to watch Kim hear it!!!
-The absolute betrayal of Jimmy telling Rebecca about Chuck’s condition after we see him go to such lengths to keep it from her in the flashback… not saying Chuck didn’t deserve it but damn. Feel like this gets overlooked compared to the rest of the episode
Off Brand
-Where are your notes let’s spread em out roll around on them and see what happens
-I thought you were president of the drama club or something? …i’m treasurer
-We get our first commercial starring Saul! (Saul Goodman productions)
-Saul Goodman, that guy has a lot of energy
-Jimmy’s emotional breakdown act in the insurance office really had me for a sec. Spoilers but very same vibe as his breakdown to the mall security guy in season 6
-In the opener flashback Jimmy retrieves the band aid tin from the ceiling in his parents old store that we later see Gene still has!
-Mike searching for the body of the Good Samaritan gutted me
-This condition to me is as real as that chair, it’s as real as this house, it’s as real as you, but what if it’s not? What if it’s all in my head? And if that’s true, if it’s not real, then what have I done?
-We see Slippin Jimmy in action and it’s as wonderful as I imagined
-Who would have thought Nacho practicing close up magic would be such a vibey scene? The YouTube comments on the track validate me.
-Jimmy strumming smoke on the water, that man is up to no good
-Buddy this is the land of the free and the home of the law suit
-Howard is SUCH a dick to Jimmy in the parking garage HOLY SHIT
-What Jimmy does to Irene is unspeakable so we’re not speaking on it
-Kim’s car accident sacres the fuck out of me every time
-Chuck really looks Jimmy in the face and tells him he’s going to hurt everyone around him because he can’t help it and to stop apologizing and accept and embrace it 😦
-Jimmy makes things right for mrs Landry to his own detriment
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Heart’s Possession - MichaelxAdamxfem!reader part 3
Adam and Reader grew up together and were high school sweethearts, after his death and learning about monsters, (Y/N) tries to move on but never forgets her first love. When ten years pass, what will happen when a familiar face appears?
I’m gonna be real with y’all. This is a self indulgence fic. I have more planned. I just have had this idea in my head for a minute. Bare with me. 
Once leaving the bunker, Adam and (Y/N) managed to find then hotwire a car to drive to where Michael thought was safest. Leave it to Adam to find a convertible. It was dark, the moon lighting their way to nowhere.
As they drove down the highway, (Y/N)’s eyes were closed, feeling content for the first time in a while. She had been missing a piece of herself for so long but now he was back. 
“Michael says thank you by the way.” Adam’s voice brought her out of her thoughts. 
She looked over at him, “For what?” 
He glanced at her then back to the road, “It’s not every day that an angel has a panic attack.” 
She thought for a moment, “I guess I understood what he was going through.” Around that time they had gotten to a nearby town, parking outside a hotel. 
Adam put the car in park, turning to look at her, “What do you mean?” (Y/N) sighed, gnawing on the inside of her cheek.
“Babe?” He asked, sliding his hand over to cheek so she faced him, “Did something happen with your dad?” 
“You missed a lot to say the least.” She cleared her throat, “After the funeral, I wasn’t doing well in college and I was struggling mentally. My dad exploded at me one night and said... All the things he had been holding back apparently. That I was a failure, he never loved me, and he never wanted to see me again. My things that weren’t thrown in the lawn were burned; pictures, books, clothes,  stuffed animals. He disowned me. Took me out of his will. Sold everything and moved to Cabo.” She let out a deep breath and looked back at Adam. 
Adam was staring down at the center console, shock over his face, “I’m so sorry.” 
She chuckled, “I guess we’re all members of the bad dad club.” 
Using Angel-jedi mind tricks, Michael was able to get them one of the better rooms at the hotel for free. They would stay there until it was no longer safe. 
She came out of the bathroom after a shower, wearing a bathrobe that came with the room. She found Michael sitting in a chair in the corner of the room, deep in thought. He looked so lost, but how could he not be? His father who he had been with for a millennia abandoned him in Hell for hundreds of years and then he found out that he wasn’t the only Michael. God, or Chuck, as the Winchesters referred to him, made hundreds of different universes and hundreds of different Michaels. She couldn’t imagine that degree of betrayal. 
“Hey...” She smiled softly. Michael looked up from his lap and up at her. 
“How are you feeling?” She asked. 
“Not particularly well.” He rolled his shoulders, “But I’ve been better.” 
“I get it.” She sat down on the edge of the bed, “Why don’t you take a hot shower?” 
His head tilted slightly, “I do not need to bathe.”
“I guess.” She tucked her hair behind her ears, “But as a human experience, a hot shower relaxes the muscles, the steam clears out your nose, your throat. Just let the water pour down over you.” 
Michael thought for a moment and nodded to himself, “I suppose I could try.” He stood up from the chair and made his way into the bathroom. When the door closed, she sighed and laid back against the soft sheets. 
Adam opened the door to his house, smiling when he saw (Y/N) with a large box in her hand and an even bigger smile. 
“Happy Birthday, baby.” She sing songed, making her way inside. He took the box with one hand and pulled her close with the other, pressing a sweet kiss to her lips. 
“Thanks.” He whispered as he pulled away, “I’m glad you got here before-” 
“You ready, kid?” A deep voice called. They both turned to see Adam’s father, John Winchester making his way out of the kitchen. The man looked between the two and smiled. 
“Look at this lady killer over here.” He chuckled, patting Adam’s shoulder, “Now who’s this young lady?” 
“It’s (Y/N), Mr. Winchester. You met me last year. And the year before that. And the year before that.” She said awkwardly. 
“Oh.” He looked her up and down, “Did you do something different with your hair.” 
“Well, anyway.” John changed the subject, “I was just about to take Adam out to dinner for his birthday.” 
“That’s really not necessary.” Adam shook his head, “You already took me to the game. That was great, I had a good time.”  
Before John could contest, his phone began to ring. He pulled the phone out of his pocket and looked at the caller ID. It must have been someone important because he promptly said his goodbyes and was gone, not to be seen for another year. 
“Who was that do you think?” She asked. 
He rolled his eyes, “Probably his other family.” 
The bathroom door opening brought her out of the memory. Michael stood in the doorway, a towel wrapped around his waist. A blush creeping onto her cheeks. She shouldn’t blush, she had seen it all before. But it almost felt like it was different. Michael wasn't Adam but was at the same time he was.
Michael and Adam were two sides of the same coin. There were differences of course but they had the same make up. They were both headstrong, passionate about the things they loved, a hell of a temper.
"Well?" She sat up, "How was it?"
Michael sighed, raising his eyebrows, "I must admit, our body does feel more relaxed. And I suppose I feel more relaxed as well."
"Maybe next time we can upgrade you to a tub. Light some candles, a bath bomb maybe." She chuckled.
He narrowed his eyes at her, "You wish to give me a bomb for the bath?"
Her eyes widened, "Oh! No, no, that's not what that is." She stood up, grabbing her phone and pulling up her Facebook. One of the many ads was a video for a bath bomb that turned the water rainbow colors.
She showed him the screen, "It's this. It's a chemical reaction with the water that makes it fizz. People put in calming scents like lavender and rose or they add chamomile for your skin. It's fun."
"Fun?" He took the phone from her hand, scrolling through the feed.
"Yeah." She smiled, "Maybe tomorrow we could go back to my town, do some shopping and pick some stuff up. Get some more clothes for you and Adam."
"I don't require more clothes. I just fix these ones." He said without looking up from the screen.
"I know." She shrugged, "But believe it or not, people notice when you're wearing the same clothes everyday. There could be bad days and when you look at the clothes you wore, it could remind you of it. But when you put on a new outfit, you're like a whole new person." Seeing he was still unsure, she added: “You don’t have to come out if you don’t want to.” 
Soon (Y/N) had fallen asleep on the bed, Michael was still looking over the little device she had shown him. It was strange how much human technology had advanced since he had been trapped. With just the touch of a finger, the world was his oyster. He was able to learn about everything that had happened over the last decade in their world. Disaster, ruins, death. Yet this little rock kept spinning. The humans rebuilt and started anew.
Michael was brought back to the Face Book application where he looked through the pictures on the profile library. There wasn't anything recent on the page. Most of the logs were dated back to 2009 when Adam first died. There were pictures of Adam and (Y/N) together, celebrating birthdays, or just taking pictures together with their tongues out and holding up two fingers - the peace sign. 
“Man, I haven’t seen those pictures in a while.” Adam said over Michael’s shoulder. Michael glanced at Adam. 
“You two seem very happy.” 
“We were.” Adam sighed, watching as Michael went into (Y/N)’s friend’s list. It was short, probably because of her inactivity. There were some people from college, a few from high school, the inactive pages of Adam and his mother, then they came to her family including her father. Whether it was his or Adam’s, Michael felt rage.
“Look at that son of a bitch.” Adam sneered, looking at (Y/N) father on the beach with women young enough to be his daughter, “This is the same guy who helped us move in on our first day of college. Family sucks.” 
Michael tightened his jaw as he stared at the man, “We should kill him.” 
“As much as I want to, we can’t.” 
“You’re right. We should make him apologize to (Y/N) and then kill him.” 
“Trust me. I’m with you.” Adam walked away, looking out the window of the room, “But it wouldn’t be right.” 
Michael narrowed his eyes, “Right? And this-... This asshat completely abandons his daughter to create more pollution and waste and killing him isn’t right? This speck of insignificance is what I thought humans to be.” 
“Okay, maybe that wasn’t the right word.” Adam shoved his hands in his pockets, “I mean that we can’t just kill whoever we want to. We’re gonna live a normal life until we hear from Sam and Dean again.” 
Michael sighed in frustration, putting the device down on the desk on the other side of the room, “Fine.” 
The next morning, Michael teleported them back to (Y/N)’s town and, after packing a bag of clothes, they traveled to the local shopping mall. 
Adam looked around the mall’s atrium, grinning from ear to ear. He was holding her hand tightly, swinging their hands playfully between the two of them like he used to. 
“I never thought I would miss going to the mall.” He said, “A bunch of these stores I’ve never seen before.” 
She smiled at him, “Wait till you see the Hot Topic.” 
“The goth store?” 
“You’re in for a culture shock.” She winked, pulling him towards a hallway lined with stores. 
After picking out a few things for Michael and Adam’s closet, they had agreed to get a snack in the food court. They were deciding between pretzels and cinnamon buns, Adam stopped in his tracks, jolting (Y/N) to a halt. 
“What is it-?” She then noticed that Michael had taken over and had stopped them in front of the Lush outlet. The archangel was staring intently into the store, his eyes darting over the colorful baskets and containers. 
“Do...Do you want to get a bath bomb?” She asked. Michael looked at her sharply, as if he had been pulled out of a trance.
“Yes.” She smiled at his curt answer, pulling him inside. Michael stood by her side, looking over her shoulder as she showed him around. She offered him round colorful bath bombs for him to smell and look over. 
“Here, this one’s for sleep.” (Y/N) held up a pink ball. 
Michael blinked at her, “I don’t sleep.” 
“Ever.” His reply only reminded her of a certain sparkly vampire. 
“Alright.” She set it back, looking around before grabbing another, “How about this one? It’s lemongrass scented and it looks like a cute little ghost.” She made a cartoonish ghost noise to his amusement. 
“K, how about this one? It’s got three kinds of lavender and chamomile oil.” She asked and, after not being met with opposition, put it in her little basket. After a few more minutes of looking, they left the store and went back on the road. 
Fortunately, with (Y/N)’s savings, a short vacation wouldn’t hurt too much, but it couldn’t last forever. She would have to figure out what to do soon but for now she was on a whirlwind road trip with Adam, getting back to normal.
Another day, another hotel. They spent the day in bed, watching movies and talking. As Adam scrolled through the list of movies they had planned so he could catch up with the world, she reached over and touched his cheek lightly with her fingertips. She knew every feature of his face, even if she couldn’t feel it. The scar on his temple from field hockey, the slope of his nose, the way his eyelashes fell against his cheeks, how his lips felt against hers, the way his eyes sparkled in the light. 
Looking at her out of the corner of his eye, he smiled and set the phone down on the nightstand, turning to face her. 
“My beautiful girl.” He whispered, taking her hand in his and kissing each of her knuckles. 
“Even all these years later?” She asked. (Y/N) was twenty-nine, her life was stressful and not her own. She had gray hairs from the ordeal that took his from her that no amount of hair dye would get rid of. She was older and wiser, her heart mending. 
“(Y/N)... I have been in love with you since fifth grade. Nothing’s gonna change that.” 
But things had changed. 
She gnawed on the inside of her cheek before replying, “What about... Michael?” 
“Well...” He thought for a moment, “It’s complicated.” 
“Your relationship is complicated or the situation itself is complicated.” She asked. 
“Babe, you don’t know what it was like down there. All we had was each other and I think... When I think about him, I have the same feelings for him that I have for you.” 
She sat up slightly, “You love Michael.” 
Adam was looking down at the blankets, probably listening to Michael talk, “No, no, it’s fine..... Michael, wait-” 
With a flash of blue in his eyes, the archangel appeared. He narrowed his eyes at her, his lips tight in disapproval. 
“You have no right to question him.” He said sternly, sliding off the bed and walking to the door. 
“I wasn’t questioning him! I just don’t understand how you can-” 
“How I can what?” He stopped, turning to look at her, “For a millennia I was a soldier, content with following my father’s every order because that’s what I was created for. I only began to question that loyalty when Adam and I were left in Hell to rot. And...” He rolled his shoulders, “I began to care about humans, like Adam... Like you. But perhaps I was mistaken.” The angel ripped his eyes from her, walked out the door and slammed it behind him. 
Michael and Adam had been gone for a while, the thought of them abandoning her was terrifying to imagine. But it was a possibility. Michael was basically akin to a god, the God even. He was the most powerful person or being that she had ever been near. Hell, the sheer power of him was enough to make her shiver. He could take her out in the blink of an eye. She was insignificant to him. A hindrance. An annoyance. A speck of dust compared to the beings he knew. He had fought demons, leviathans, darkness, his own kind. 
Maybe she should just get out of their lives. They seemed to have plans and dreams that didn’t involve her. Hell, Michael would keep Adam safe, love him in a way that she never could. 
(Y/N) put her bag together and as she was about to walk out the door, there was a knocking from the other side. She stopped in her tracks, dropping her duffel. She had a dark feeling. Alone in a hotel room. 
Leaning up on her tiptoes, she spied out of the peephole, into the hall. There were two men standing outside the door. At first glance they appeared to be employees of the hotel. 
“Miss (Y/L/N)?” The bigger of the two called, “We got a complaint from your neighbors that the faucets were leaking, we’re just here to check yours.” 
“Our faucets are fine. Thank you.” She looked over them closely, noticing that their uniforms were ill-fitting and there appeared to be dark stains that were still wet. The pit in her stomach grew heavier and her mind was screaming at her to run. But where could she go? They were on the top floor and these men were blocking her only means of escape. 
“Well, we would still like to check.” The man insisted, then looked around the hallway, “Is... Is your husband with you?” His tone became more sinister. The lock on the door began turning slowly. She grabbed it, turning and holding it back to its locked position. 
“My husband will be back any minute!” She called, her voice rising. She squeezed her eyes shut, praying that they would go away. 
“Sweetheart.” The man said, his mouth pressed against the door, “He don’t scare us.” Suddenly, the door wasn’t behind her anymore, thrown down in the middle of the hallway. 
There the two men stood, staring down at her like she was their dinner. She scrambled to get away but was caught by the two men, who tugged her by her arms and sniffed at her hair. 
“She’s not a virgin.” The smaller one growled to the other. She struggled to get out of their grip, but the grip only tightened. Bruises forming under their fingertips. 
“No, but how many bitches these days are?” The larger man smiled, revealing sharp teeth, “Besides, she hasn’t gotten any action in quite some time.” The grip on her arms turned from pain to heat. Their hands glowing on her arms. She screamed as their hands burned at her arms, searing heat and flame causing smoke to rise from her skin. 
“Please!” She cried, “I don’t want to die!” 
“It’s nothing personal." She felt the sharp pain of nails stabbing into her charred skin, causing her to scream louder.
"Please!" She sobbed, crying out as they threw her to the ground of the hotel room. She looked at her arms, seeing charred marks on her arms, pain radiating heat. She looked up at the men in the room, seeing reptilian eyes where human ones once were.
"Please..." She begged, scrambling back until her back hit the sliding glass door that led to the balcony, "Please."
The two only came closer, descending like wolves.
She screamed out last time, hoping he was close: "MICHAEL!"
The creatures opened their mouths, orange flames building and ready to char her to a crisp. But that orange light was replaced with blur and their reptilian eyes glowed the same color. The creatures screamed, engulfed in light. She closed her eyes, waiting for that final darkness that never came.
Opening her eyes, she saw the two creatures on the floor dead, their eyes burned out of their sockets. Behind them stood Michael, the glow slowly leaving his eyes.
Her breathing was rapid as she got off the floor, throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly, sobbing into his shoulder.
Hesitantly, Michael held her close. His touching healing her arms as if nothing had happened. The relief from the pain only made her cry harder.
"I'm sorry." She whimpered, "I shouldn't," she swallowed thickly, "Shouldn't have said those things, it was stupid. I'm stupid."
The rigidness in his body subsided, Adam's hands rubbing her back softly, "It's alright. We got you." 
Read part 4 here!
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genesisrose74 · 3 years
Requested by @blanknamed (aka my bestie fr): hihi i saw the matchup and remembered my irl friend sent me these pictures when describing my aesthetic at one point and was wondering if i can have a matchup with someone from dsmp and dr. stone 🥺congrats on 1k too! so proud of you ❤️ you deserve this milestone!
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Arielle get over here and let me give you a virtual kiss on the forehead because you’re just the sweetest person to ever grace this earth 😚forgive me for the long wait but i had to put so much into this one because it’s for you!! thank you for always being such a ray of sunshine and for becoming one of my first ever mutuals so long ago — and as a show of my gratitude, i’ll get right into your first pairing, which is going to be with…
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I had a literal conflict over this because I think you could be compatible with more than half of the characters in dr. stone (looking at gen specifically), but UGH you and Senku would be so damn iconic together. As much as he’s not intent on becoming romantically involved with anyone, it just so happened that you both had a chance meeting together at the school library — in the modern times pre-petrification, of course. You were looking for a book on the development of radiation powered technology for a history class, and by coincidence Senku was reading the blurb of that very text when you stopped by. When you asked if he’d read it, your classmate simply shook his head and said he just knew a lot about the subject, and soon enough a conversation blossomed from that point.
Y’all talked for two hours. While standing in the same spot. TWO HOURS. And it didn’t even stop there because he realized the time and asked if you wanted to talk more over a bowl of this really good ramen he knew about close by. Senku barely even realized the implications of his offer until much later, since…
He was way too involved in your conversation to notice
He’s never had any interest like that in someone before, let alone has he ever tried asking a person out in general
Everything about you was so interesting to him that he cannot process anything else going on around him and he doesn’t know why
You just feel so different in comparison to his dynamic with anyone else that it throws him off. He’s curious as to why he straightens up when you walk in a room, why everytime you smile at his stupid dry jokes it makes him more confident, why your intrigued questions about his work give him an extra burst of adrenaline. After he comes home late, having fallen asleep in the library while you studied for a test beside him, Byakuya eventually spells it out for Senku in massive bold letters.
No, seriously, he writes it on a whiteboard with a chunky black marker.
“That’s ridiculously far-fetched,” he asserts quickly, trying to push his old man out of the room. “Since when have I ever been interested in anyone in that way?”
“Senku, you waited for her to finish her work. Without complaint.”
And he’s like: oh shit—
But knowing Senku, he still makes some futile attempts to disprove the concept that he could ever be attracted to someone in a romantic sense. Ya know, all that, “science is my only devotion” shit. It lasted for about two weeks, which was the exact amount of time that he tried avoiding you in hopes of seeing if he could in fact continue his routine without your presence next to him.
The bitch still cannot swallow his pride though, so you have to be the one to make the first move — which is about as simple as perfecting Flight of the Bumblebee on a violin. Every time you try bringing it up, it’s like Senku gets a sixth sense about it and is pulled away from you as soon as possible. At some point you just had to corner him in the school lab, hands smacking against the surface of his work table and mouth blurting it out.
“I think we should go on a date.”
He’s kinda impressed at the sheer willpower you displayed in finally getting the question into the air. And as much as he would hate to admit it, some happy nerves shot through his body when it happened. On the outside, though, he simply failed to fight a grin.
“Wanna get food with me tonight?”
And you did :D and it only went good from there. Dates at cafes with comfy chairs and pretty lighting, test runs of new experiments in the middle of the night that Senku calls you to see together, just enjoying the presence of one another in a secluded corner of the libraries you frequent. Even after the disaster that was petrification you’re both side by side, being sarcastic little shits to each other as soon as Senku frees you from the stone; doing new tests to save the world, going on picnics by the river, and constantly being of service to one another.
And then from the c!dsmp, I thought it was only fitting to match you up with…
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^^ artwork by SAD-ist on YouTube
Listen, listen: I was considering a more standard/expected approach to this matchup, like maybe c!Wilbur or c!Niki because they’ve both got some major academia vibes. Especially Niki, because damn she’d probably take you to her flower shop and make handmade bouquets for you each day. However, I just think that it would be so perfectly fitting to have you and c!Sapnap together aesthetically. He’s very emotionally driven, always doing something stupid, and he probably hasn’t read a book since L’manburg claimed to be a sovereign nation. Regardless of that fact, he could sit and watch you read a book for hours, even if you didn’t ask him to. Standard case of grounded scholar + impulsive idiot = natural soulmates.
Within the region of the SMP, I imagine you like confining yourself to the libraries filled with ancient texts on the vast history of your home — although taking a visit to Eret’s self-made museum is always a pleasure as well. Niki gets along with you easily enough that you hang out together all the time, and it’s on one such occasion in the early days of L’manburg that Sapnap encounters you for the first time.
Dream had sent him out for scouting duty (which to Sapnap translates into, ‘be annoying to everyone within the walls’), and he’d taken to the edge of the country’s small borders, lounging up high above the trees so that he could see everything below with ease. To his surprise he found you, scribbling away within a ragged old notebook underneath a tree canopy, and wearing the prettiest smile he’d ever seen exist on a person before. You were waiting for your friend to arrive, it seemed, taking the ideas in your head and putting them to paper whilst you sat patiently. He was enraptured with you right away, and as a result he took to teasingly pestering you every chance he could.
Sapnap showed up at least once a week — and when he could, more than that — to slowly learn more about you. He tried staying under the radar of Wilbur when he did, just to make sure none of his endeavors were interfered with or got back to Dream in any capacity. Initially, his presence appeared a pain in your side, but your apprehension ultimately fell at the hands of his ridiculous humor and genuine inquiries as to your likes and dislikes. You knew who he was from the get-go, but it was hard not to find delight in his visits when he made such vigorous attempts to know you.
Although you’re sure he’d already learned it somehow, you told him your name one fateful afternoon, and he’s thought about that moment every day since, marking it as the first day he truly made progress in winning you over.
“You should come up here one day so we can talk normally,” he called out on a particularly overcast fall morning. “Maybe then I can see your face up close.”
You laughed, gazing up at him from the hillside on which you reclined. “You’re ridiculous. That’s not how this relationship works.”
“Mm, relationship? Sounds like you wanna gimme a kiss more than saying anything, hu—ow!”
A pine cone had clipped him in the shoulder harmlessly, chucked with expert aim by your own hand. Despite his surprise, Sapnap couldn’t help smiling.
“If you’re working that hard to twist the narrative and get me up there, how about you just come down instead?”
Without missing a beat the next day, he scaled to the top of the nation’s wall, made his way inside (with very little consideration for his safety), and took your face in his hands.
“You want me to?”
You already knew the implications. “Yeah.”
And he kissed you, then and there. Nice job, Ari!
Navigating a full blown relationship in the conditions y’all were in was not ideal. Sapnap tried everything he could to make sure you were safe, despite his distaste for your mother country and its leaders. After that cleared, though, it was a whole lot easier to be together and figure things out. Sapnap didn’t mind you staying within the walls as much as he initially thought because it reminded him of the first time you met, and so long as he could spend time with you he loved every second. Literally ask this man to do anything with you and he’s in, no matter what it is.
The sheer spontaneous energy Sapnap has inevitably feeds into your own, so while you’re much more contained than the pyromaniac, you have some very notable moments of crazy that are simply unforgettable. It’s honestly super funny to see that infectious life invade your senses, because otherwise you’re a super logical person and love entertaining yourself with the more simplistic things.
You work a lot with Wilbur on record keeping and cartography, but something that you and Sapnap apparently have in common is archery. That pine cone throw was no fluke, and he found that out when you came to visit, a shimmering bow fastened to a stock-full quiver on your back. It’s become a pastime to both ride out into the forest with your horses and practice archery (oftentimes mounted) as a way to let out frustration. If the weather conditions are too abysmal to go and do something outdoors, though, Sapnap likes to fall asleep watching you do methodical work, most commonly with his head in your lap as a fireplace crackles nearby. He’s a huge sucker for that cozy atmosphere, even though he tries to be all tough and badass at other times.
This became a huge ramble because I just think this pairing for you works so well, but I’m praying you get the picture. Sapnap is a flirty, slightly whiny, very protective, and free spirited person whenever you’re around, and he’d do whatever he could to see that pretty smile like the first day you told him your name. He thinks the world of you, and in his eyes your intelligence goes unparalleled.
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retrievablememories · 4 years
the weekend | jaehyun (m)
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title: the weekend pairing: jaehyun x black makeup artist!reader genre: fluff, smut request: “I love the Jaehyun x Stylist scenario can there be a part 2 where it’s like steamy and they are dating in secret with that Noona ana younger guy vibe???👀👀💞💞💞💓” and “Hiya this is the anon asking for a part 2 of Jaehyun and the makeup artist a first date with a little smut thrown in if you are feeling it. Whatever you come up with I'll read and more than likely love it💖💖💖😘😘😘” word count: 4k warnings: car sex, public sex, doggystyle, dirty talk, oral sex (female receiving), fingering, unprotected sex—don’t try at home 🔞 a/n: this is the sequel to style. i think it’s been more than a month since this request was sent in, y’all can throw sticks and stones at me now 💀 this fic is “set” after the release of final round, but let’s pretend it’s actually like november rather than july/august
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Even though you and Jaehyun have been together for a few months now, today marks your first date.
All of your “dates” so far have consisted of video chats, phone calls, and text messages—and the occasional sexting session, of course. There’s no denying that you love talking to Jaehyun and hearing his voice over the phone, but you haven’t been able to do much else other than that, which could wear anybody thin.
Whenever you work with him on set, you have to play the part of makeup artist Noona who does nothing more than joke playfully with her client and treat him like a silly younger brother. It’s cute and fun for a while—you are grateful for the time to be around him, no matter how it comes—but you can’t pretend like you don’t want more. Maybe not the full experience of “going public,” but at least being able to be boyfriend and girlfriend around the other staff without it being a huge deal.
Jaehyun, in all his sneakiness, has managed to wrangle you into a supply closet or abandoned practice room a time or two, but there has never been time for anything other than a few stolen kisses. Between your endless assignments for NCT and other SM groups and his comeback activities, you’ve been operating on borrowed time.
But with promotions for The Final Round being long over and your schedule having finally slowed down, now is the time.
At this point, there’s so much tension built up between you that you’re almost afraid either one of you will spontaneously combust if you stay in the same space for long enough. The other boys have noticed and tease Jaehyun about it; even Jungwoo has snitched to you that Jaehyun has moaned your name in his sleep more than a few times.
Even though you’re going out today as an actual couple, you both still have to wear disguises. Lowkey, you’ve never really seen the point of these things; fans can always spot their favorite idols from miles away, but it’s probably better to be safe than sorry. You don’t really know what to expect, but you’re anticipating the date either way, excited to finally get together outside of work.
Jaehyun comes to pick you up that afternoon, and you look out the window to confirm his appearance when he texts you he’s outside. When you go to meet him, your nerves are alight.
You chuck your hat into your lap and pull your mask down when you get inside the car. “Ugh, I don’t like wearing that shit on my head. How are yo—” You’re interrupted when Jaehyun leans over the center console and kisses you full on the lips. For a second you laugh against his mouth at his eagerness, but you let yourself succumb to the kiss.
When he pulls away, it’s clearly reluctant, but he looks at you with his face pink and an overly eager grin on his face. “Sorry, we probably shouldn’t do that out there…” He glances around the apartment complex, but no one is there but you two, and his face betrays the lack of regret he actually feels.
“I don’t mind,” you say, trying to play it cool, though you’re feeling quite the opposite. You’re way too taken in with his dimples and his cute and playful demeanor, and it’s moments like these that make you realize that, despite being his makeup artist, you much prefer his bare face to any of the work you’ve done.
Jaehyun pulls out of the parking lot and you settle into the seat. “Aren’t you glad we finally get to hang out like a normal couple?” His excitement is almost palpable as he taps his fingers on the steering wheel to an erratic rhythm.
“Of course! As normal as it can be when you’re dating an idol, I guess,” you say with a hint of amusement, gesturing to your disguises. Jaehyun sighs a little at that.
“You might not believe me, but I still feel really lucky that you chose me, you know,” he says. “I mean...you could just date someone who you don’t have to go through all this extra shit for, someone you could see regularly, and I’m sure it’d be easier, but…”
“Don’t say that. I don’t care about that, Jaehyun; if I wanted that, I’d have it. This is different for me, but I don’t regret any of this.” You grab his free hand that’s resting on the console and slip your fingers between his. “You don’t have to be self-conscious about it or anything.”
Jaehyun squeezes your fingers between his and gives you a smile in return.
You and Jaehyun go to a restaurant he’s talked about before, claiming it serves some of the best pork belly in the area. It’s a little fancier than you expected it to be, and you would’ve dressed up more if you knew, but Jaehyun insists that what you’re both wearing is fine. It’s not like anyone one else will be judging you, anyway; the restaurant has a private dining room, which he reserved so you’d have some privacy while you eat.
“You really went all out, huh?” you say, giving him a sly look after you both sit down.
“Why not? You only get one first date. Got to make a good impression,” he says, putting his chin in his hand.
“We’re already together, I don’t think there’s much chance of me rejecting you at this point.” You laugh. “But you know I appreciate the effort.”
Jaehyun grips your hand, running his thumb over your knuckles and smiling softly. “Anything for you.”
You and Jaehyun talk as you wait for your food to come, filling each other in on all the things you didn’t get to say over the phone or simply forgot about until now. Even though you talk or text over the phone at every opportunity, you’re a little surprised to find there’s still so much to discuss in person.
“It’d be nice to have a vacation...like, a real getaway. Two weeks. A month. Not just a few days off from recording or filming or whatever the hell they decide to have us do that week,” Jaehyun says wistfully once you eventually land on the subject of your jobs.
“Where would you go if you had that time off?” you ask, clasping your hands together as you anticipate his answer.
He shrugs. “Anywhere is fine, I don’t have a real preference...as long as you’ll come with me, of course.”
“Maybe the stars will align and our schedules will allow it someday,” you say, though you aren’t optimistic that it’ll happen any time soon. You already know a new round of SM comebacks is coming soon, which means you’ll be busier than ever. You don’t work with every group or idol, but just 1 or 2 comebacks means dozens of promotional appearances, which you’ll need to be on hand for.
“If that happens, we could go to the beach...” Jaehyun spins his fork around in his hand as he thinks.
“The beach is very ambitious.” You giggle, though it’s half-hearted. “There are way too many people there. People who could recognize you.”
Jaehyun has that face again, which tells you he wants to say but I don’t really care who finds out, but you assume he’s not actually that reckless. Maybe. “It wouldn’t be impossible,” he says slowly, “if it was nighttime. Or a beach people don’t go to often. Or a private beach.”
“Maybe,” you say thoughtfully, tracing your finger across the tablecloth. You’re both talking about it like it’s some far-off thing, but you can already see the wheels turning in his mind, and somehow you feel this beach trip might come sooner than you think.
Much sooner, actually.
After you leave the restaurant, Jaehyun makes good on his idea and actually takes you to the beach; the closest one is a little over an hour away from Seoul. It’s a last-minute thing, and you’re both exhilarated and anxious at the same time. You pester him with questions about the other people who’ll inevitably be at the beach, although that doesn’t do much to dampen your enthusiasm; taking this trip just means more time with him. And God knows you both need these hours together however you can get them.
“It’s almost winter,” he insists. “Hardly anyone will even be out there to see us. And if there are some people, we can just keep our disguises on.”
“Yes, almost winter, which means it’ll be freezing cold, too.” You shake your head at his smirk, and you know he’s thinking he’s just had the most genius idea ever. You wrap your arms around yourself at the thought of the temperature outside.
“If you get cold, just stay next to me. I’ll keep you warm,” Jaehyun says this like he’s just made some heroic declaration, and you look at him for a few seconds before you both burst into laughter.
“Here you go with the kdrama lines again.” You roll your eyes, leaning against the window as you watch other cars speed past on the highway. “I’ll be waiting for your acting debut, Mr. Jung.”
“Promise you won’t get jealous if I do?”
“Please! There’s no reason to be jealous,” you reply coolly. “I’m the one who gets to have you all to myself, after all.”
When you get to the beach, it’s about as empty as Jaehyun predicted it would be, to your surprise. There are a few stragglers here and there, but they’re too far off from where you are to worry about. You’re decidedly less nervous once you see this, and you let him tug your hand and pull you onto the sand like a thrilled kid.
“This is pretty,” you admit as you watch the waves crash against the shore. There’s nothing but sand and water for miles—enough to lose yourself in. You hold your hat closer to your head as a sudden strong breeze threatens to carry it off.
You and Jaehyun walk along the sand, and you make him walk on the inside closest to the water because you don’t want the cold tide splashing you as it rushes in. He doesn’t care nearly as much as you do about it, which makes you shake your head in amusement. He even takes his shoes off at one point.
“You’ll catch a cold out here,” you say, raising an eyebrow at his bare feet in the water.
“I’ll be fine,” he insists. “Even if I get sick, I’ll get to have you as my sexy nurse, so I’m not complaining.”
“You’ve got a lot of balls! Who said I’d be your nurse? You’d probably make me wear one of those goofy ass nurse costumes straight out of a porno.” You snort at the idea of that, though secretly, you don’t hate it.
“Don’t tempt me.”
You turn your head away from him, holding back your giggles but mostly so you can resist the urge to jump him then and there. “You’re so immature sometimes.”
“You still love it, though.” Before you can respond to that, Jaehyun leans closer to you and plants another wet kiss on your lips. You stumble in the sand a bit, but he slips his arm around your waist to steady you and press your body closer to his.
You quickly lose yourself in the kiss, focusing on nothing but Jaehyun’s lips on yours and the thunderous sound of the waves crashing against the shore. Jaehyun lowers his inhibitions as he deepens the embrace, his hands sliding to your ass.
“Your ass is so soft,” he groans, gripping the soft flesh and pushing his hips into you. You can already feel that he’s hard and straining against his pants.
“Horny bastard,” you giggle against his lips, though you could probably say the same for yourself, unable to part from his mouth for even a whole second. Your tongues slide together, and one of Jaehyun’s hands shifts from your ass to travel underneath your sweater. You don’t want to, but you manage to pry yourself away from him. “Maybe we should go back to the car. I know it’s hardly anyone out here, but I ain’t tryna get arrested…”
Jaehyun sighs, planting a few more kisses on your neck and collarbone. “Do we have to?” You try not to throw your reasoning to the wind as you stroke his hair and bring his face back up to be level with yours.
“Do you plan on fucking here? Because you’ll be washing sand out of your ass for days.”
“Well, when you put it like that...guess you’re right. Let’s go, then.” He finally steps away from you, only to hook his arms under your legs and sweep you off your feet, carrying you back to the car.
“You never quit!” You cling to his arms as if you’re afraid he’ll drop you as he walks you back to the car, with you kicking your feet and laughing the whole time. When he finally sets you down, your shoes touching the gravel of the parking lot, he unlocks the back door and you both slip into the backseat of the car.
Jaehyun shuts the door behind you both, finally closing you off from the cold. He leans over the console to put the key in the ignition and turn the heat on, and you take the opportunity to smack his butt while he’s up. He sits back with a fake shocked expression on his face, and then he tries to grab your arm and twist your body around so he can do the same to you.
You cry out and try to shield your butt from him, but he lands a smack hard enough to sting, and you punch him in the arm. “Ow! I didn’t do it that hard to you!” You two end up playfighting in the back of his car, both your hats flying off in the tumble as you push your hands against his chest in an attempt to stop him from tickling you to death.
You end up lying on your back with Jaehyun hovering over you, his warm breaths hitting your face as he laughs. He pulls his mask off fully so you can see his face, and you do the same.
Jaehyun tilts your chin up and kisses you, his other hand on the hem of your sweater as if he can’t decide if he wants to pull it up or go underneath it. He eventually settles on the former when he tugs it upwards to rest above your breasts, his lips never parting from yours the entire time. With this new access, he gropes your tits, kneading the flesh softly and pressing his thumbs into your nipples through the fabric of your bra.
You push your chest closer into his hands, relishing his gentle but firm touches on your body, and he presses forward more to slide his tongue past your lips, exploring the warm confines of your mouth. In turn, your hands go underneath his sweater and shirt, diving under the fabric and caressing his firm abs.
“Your hands are cold,” he smiles against your lips, sucking the lower one into his mouth after speaking.
“Because you brought me to a beach in the middle of November,” you reply, pressing your fingers deeper into his skin and absorbing his body heat. Your hands drift higher and ghost across his nipples, making them harden in response to your touch.
Jaehyun’s lips move to your neck again, biting at your pulse point and leaving soothing kisses in their wake, although he doesn’t spend much more time there before burying his face into your cleavage.
“No more low-cut tops for me,” you say breathlessly as he practically devours you and leaves marks behind on your skin. You wish to do the same to him, but that would only raise questions from the other stylists and the managers, who you’re not interested in doing battle with. Jaehyun answers that by pulling your bra cups down and sucking your nipple past his lips, swirling his tongue around the tip in a way that makes your legs tremble.
You move down towards the waistband of his pants and unzip them, pushing your hand into his underwear and gripping his dick. It twitches in your grasp, and his breath comes out hitched as you squeeze and stroke him as best you can while his jeans are still on.
“Fuck,” he says as he sits back, separating you from him and undoing your jeans. He pulls your pants off, and you help him shimmy them down in the small space of the car. Your underwear comes off soon after, discarded under one of the seats. You’re already wet enough to be glistening, and Jaehyun decides to take a taste of it, maneuvering you both so he can bury his mouth between your thighs.
You whimper quietly as he licks into you and pulls your clit into his mouth, curving his fingers inside you just like he said he would in all those nasty messages you sent to each other. Your mind and body are electrified with how good it feels, your hips pushing up to be closer to his mouth as he indulges in you, making a mess of his face.
Before you can come, though, Jaehyun pulls away from you, which makes you curse. You reach for him, though he’s quicker than you and shies away from your grasp. “Get back here before I kick your ass.”
Jaehyun pushes his pants and underwear further down, revealing his hard dick to you. “I’ve got somethin’ better for you. Get on your hands and knees for me.”
More shuffling ensues as you balance yourself on your hands and knees on the backseat of the car, Jaehyun settling in behind you. “This ain’t very comfortable.” It’s not the worst thing in the world, but there are definitely better places to fuck than inside a cramped vehicle.
“Sorry, babe. I promise the next time we have sex will be on a feather-lined King-sized bed, but until then…” The tip of Jaehyun’s dick slides across your ass and then through your pussy lips, nudging at your entrance. He teases you by pushing it in and then taking it back out, and you quickly grow tired of his games, wanting him to fuck you for real.
“Haven’t we both waited long enough?” You wiggle your ass against him and try to back up so he’ll slip inside, but he holds your hips in place and continues rutting against you like it’s the only thing he wants to do.
Finally, he acquiesces and slides inside of you, and you both gasp into the heated air of the car at this raw contact. Your fingernails make little imprints in the fabric of the seat as you hang onto the material, letting a shuddering breath pass through your lips. Jaehyun is hard and thick inside you and stretches you out nicely around him, filling that space inside of you that needed to be satisfied.
Your head hangs low as he begins thrusting into you, a little slowly at first and then more steadily as he gains a good rhythm. You keep your moans to a minimum, afraid to alert anyone outside to your presence in the car—even though they would most definitely see you before they hear you. Jaehyun isn’t having that, though, as one of his hands sneaks around to your front to stroke your clit; the added sensation makes you push back against him harder, wanting him as close as possible.
“Why are you hiding those pretty sounds, Noona?” he asks teasingly. “You told me all those times over the phone how you wanted to moan for me...why aren’t you doing it now?” He rocks his hips into you a little differently, rubbing against your spot, and you can’t help the groan of pleasure that slips out after that motion. You press your sweaty forehead against the seat, trying to gather breath. You never thought of yourself as being someone who gets off on honorifics, but in this context, it’s doing something to you.
“We’re in the middle of a parking lot, if you didn’t notice,” you say through gritted teeth, trying to keep your voice low and steady as he keeps sliding against that spot, the soft slap of your bodies being the loudest sound in the car.
“A nearly empty parking lot at night,” Jaehyun retorts, pressing his fingers more firmly against your clit. His hand slides lower to where you’re connected, and he uses your wetness to help him circle his fingers more smoothly. You can only roll your eyes; he has a response for every argument you try to bring up. You can’t be bothered with that, though, as your mind gets increasingly hazy from how he continues fucking into you without a single worry.
Your attempts to stay quiet become more difficult as Jaehyun’s pace increases, like he’s purposely trying to overwhelm you with stimulation. The one hand that was still holding your hip comes to your front like the other, though he reaches up higher so he can grasp one of your breasts, pinching at your nipple.
“Fuck, baby,” Jaehyun grunts, pushing into you hard enough to make you yelp. “We waited too long for this. Should’ve just fucked you in the practice room.” A moan slips out at that, even though you try to hide it, and of course Jaehyun doesn’t miss it. “Do you like the thought of that? Want the whole group to see you taking my dick? Little exhibitionist.”
You can’t deny how your pussy throbs at the idea, even if you won’t say it to him. Not that you would need to; he can probably feel it. “That’s y-you! Th-this was your idea, pervert.”  
“Stop acting like you don’t love this dick.” It’s getting to the point where you can feel yourself climbing that summit towards your climax, yet you still need that extra push to get you to the top. If there’s anyone else in the parking lot right now, it’s already too obvious what you’re doing inside the car, so allow yourself to forget about trying to be inconspicuous and freely push back on Jaehyun’s dick, whining at how deep it reaches inside you.
More sweat gathers on your skin, and you’re sure the windows must be steamed up by now.
“Hope you’re gonna soak me,” Jaehyun says, pressing himself closer to your body so he’s draped across your back. The hand he was using to fondle your tits darts to your lower body, and he wraps his arm around your hips so he can hold you in place as he hammers into you. This move pushes you off the edge you’d been clinging to, and you scratch the seat’s material and moan loudly as your walls clench around him and draw him further into your willing body, trying to milk him for his own release.
“God, Jaehyun, please fuck me, please, yes.” You chant this incomprehensibly, uncaring that he’s already fucking you—you’re still going to ask him for more. You haven’t felt this blissed-out in a while. Jaehyun keeps pushing into you after the first orgasm and pulls another gush of pleasure out of you as he searches for his own end.
It finally comes with him hurriedly pulling out of you to spill his cum on your ass, stroking his length to get every last drop out. He groans deeply as he expresses his pleasure, and his sounds make you clench around nothing, wishing he’d come inside you instead.
Jaehyun wipes his cum off you as you slump against the seat and regain your breath, feeling more content than you have in months after finally unwinding that ball of tension within you. Jaehyun seems to feel the same way he keeps covering you with kisses even as you try to pull your clothes back on, satisfaction coloring his features.
“Look, if you want round 2, you’re gonna have to take me to an actual bed.” You playfully wave away his advances, but not before giving him one last long kiss.
“Say no more.” You both climb back to the front of the car and Jaehyun easily pulls out of the parking lot in search of a nearby hotel, readying yourselves for a long night.ahead.
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shirtlesssammy · 4 years
15x15 Bullet Point Rambles
A soup kitchen volunteer hears a mysterious voice from an alley and follows it. Great plan! Always follow those creepy alley voices, kids. He finds a teddy bear. It’s evil and talks! Oh, also this young man dies
Dean thinks he’s found Amara in Atlantic City, binging the keno games. He tries to reassure Cas that they can handle Amara because they “used to have a thing” (¬_¬)
Cas heads off on a hunt with Jack “I just graduated from CSI” Kline. THESE TWO asking about a laundry list of supernatural causes WE ARE TRULY BLESSED TONIGHT
Jack gets excited about “Marvelous Marvin the talking teddy” Which he has….for his stepson. Ronald. LOL
GUYS, CAS just put a picture of himself with a cowboy hat in a crossroads box. GUYS, CAS looked sooooo good in a cowboy hat that Dean took and then printed a picture of it.
Zach the crossroads demon is talking in an odd Crowley affectation and I am eating it right up. He’s also really into angels solving people crimes because he would WATCH that show. ISWYDT, show.
Another community center employee steals donations and then gets called by the same creepy voice. Dun dun DUN
Cas and Dean check in with each other. Dean is….super evasive about their plans to confront Amara and we’re kind of weirded out by it?
Boris: Why are they going into this without trying to talk sensibly to Amara? Literally Dean talked to her and saved the world! We want Amara to survive! She’s done nothing wrong! Team Amara Does Yoga and Eats Comfort Food!
Jack arrives at the community center and asks for kool-aid. BBY BOY (Boris: It was technically flavor-aid)
The woman wakes up tied to a chair. Someone’s writing deadly sins on the wall - for her, it’s greed. There’s a mechanical guillotine that chops off one finger and then gives her a countdown before another gets lopped off. EEEESH YIKES
Jack reaches out to one of the other volunteers and they bond over loss. “Well, I have more dads than most, and I feel like I’m letting all of them down.” AW, Jack.
SOMEBODY please make me an aesthetic of Cas sitting on this small plaid couch!
Cas talks with the pastor, who reveals that he’s made changes for a more tolerant church. “A saint is a sinner who keeps trying.” I love the BONDING!
Dean has “a process” for all-you-can-eat establishments. ME TOO, DEAN!
Amara shows up and asks Dean if he missed her. I shove Dean’s face away with my hand and step excitedly in front of Amara. WE MISSED YOU AMARA
Amara is entirely unimpressed by the boys, but she IS impressed by the idea of pirogues! Let this sunflower enjoy her food in peace!
Back in case-of-the-week land, the victim is still tied up. Still losing her fingers to a countdown timer. Meanwhile, Jack gets welcomed into the fold. HELLO!
Cas introduces himself to the prayer group. He used to just follow orders and follow the plan. He got lost when the plan fell apart…and then something changed. “Something amazing.” He found a family. He became a father. He rediscovered his faith and who he is! CRYING NOISE! This is so lovely.
Dean and Sam talk to Amara and confront her on the universe squashing truth. Dean suggests that Amara help them trap Chuck but she won’t go for it.
Amara tells him that they see a woman, they see Chuck as a “squirrelly weirdo.” But they’re ineffable, Amara tries to explain. She and Chuck splitting were essentially the big bang. They’re so much BIGGER than what Sam and Dean see.
Ah, I see Jack is a battering ram now? Ooookay.
Dean heads in for one more question from Amara. “Why did you bring her back?” (Natasha: YES WE CIRCLE BACK). He’s angry at the loss of his mother. GRABBY HANDS
Amara: I wanted two things. I wanted you to see that your mother was just a person. The myth you held onto where she lived was just a myth. The real, complicated Mary was better than your childhood dream because she was real. NOW is always better than THEN. You could finally start to accept your life. WHOA SOME SERIOUS WISDOM AMARA
Also, Amara thought having Mary back would put out Dean’s fire - his anger. Never! “Just another cosmic dick rigging the game,” Dean tells her angrily.
“Can I trust you?” Amara asks, considering helping them, and Dean flat out lies and tells her he would never hurt her. DAAAAMN DEAN that’s a dangerous game.
The pastor’s daughter watches her friend enjoy all the social media attention from the attacks and viciously STABS her. Damn, girl. Later, in her torture dungeon, she tries to attack her dad for all he’s done to change the church.
Cas frees the victim and heals her fingers. PHEW, THANK YOU CAS
Boris: Very intrigued by this examination of faith without the traditional structure of Faiths. There’s a thread of faith in this episode: Cas laying out his faith, Amara’s faith in her brother… WE could use another decade of this show to untangle more of this!
At the end, the human culprit is taken away, a family is torn apart. (What was up with the cross roads demon police officer taking her away, y’all?)
Cas and Jack talk about feelings in the truck, in the fine tradition of the Winchesters. Jack tells Cas that he’s going to die when he kills Chuck and Amara. Cas looks HORRIFIED and SO DO I.
Billie’s spell is turning Jack into some kind of a bomb and he won’t survive. “Don’t tell Sam and Dean,” Jack begs because HE’S JUST LIKE CAS and also the DEAN and AMARA SOUL BOMB PARALLELS YOU GUYS
Later, Dean hits up the booze in his dead guy robe because he’s coping GREAT
Cas and Dean reconnect in the bunker. Cas is going to look for “another way.” OH and he has something REALLY IMPORTANT to tell Dean in case he dies but he isn’t going to tell him until right no——
fade to black
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debbiechanclub · 4 years
Best Two Out of Three, Part 24
Oh, friends. @hotyeehawman man and I would like to profusely apologize for how long it took us to get this part out. (And yes, we both changed our usernames - you’re in the right place!) It feels like it’s been an eternity since I posted any of this here fic. But luckily for you all, I’m pretty sure this is the longest part yet? And that being said, I’ll just let you lovelies get into it.
Best Two Out of Three
Part: 24/26
Pairing: Kenny Omega x OFC x Adam Page x OFC x Matt Jackson (yup that’s what we’re going with now.
Word count: 9.1k
Warnings: Language; angst; brief explicit sexual descriptions
Catch up on previous parts here.
Tag squad: @freshlysqueezedmox @gabbynorth98 @librathepheonix13 @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @exe-sadboi-exe @comeasyoudar @champbucks
Callie awoke the next morning with an unmistakable knot in the pit of her stomach. Guilt.
It wasn’t regret. She didn’t regret sleeping with Matt. He had been… wonderful. Attentive. Caring. Passionate. He’d made her feel desired and alive in ways that she hadn’t in months. So long that she’d almost forgotten what it was like to feel like that. She’d missed it, craved it, more than she’d realized. And there was no one else she rather would have helped her find it again than Matt.
Which was precisely why she felt so guilty.
The covers shifted as he stirred next to her. She felt him roll over and snake his arm around her waist. She smiled and relaxed into his touch. She didn’t want to feel guilty about how Matt made her feel. She just wanted to feel it.  
“Good morning,” she said. But he wasn’t quite awake.
“Mm,” he grunted in return.
She laughed and turned to face him. His long, thick hair was disheveled from sleep and had nearly fallen out of its bun. She reached out and brushed a stray strand back from his face. “I was thinking about going to get Starbucks. Do you want anything?”
He didn’t open his eyes as he answered. “Yeah, but I’ll get it, babe. Just gimme few more minutes.”
Callie’s pulse quickened. Babe. She chalked it up to him being half-asleep. “It’s okay, I don’t mind,” she insisted. “You want your usual?”
He nodded. She smiled and kissed his cheek, slipped out from underneath his arm, and climbed out of bed. Their clothes were scattered on the floor, remnants of the night before. She grabbed her joggers and pulled them on along with the closest shirt she could find—Matt’s Young Bucks t-shirt—and then she threw her hair in a bun, slipped on her sneakers, grabbed her phone and wallet, and went out the door.
The nearest Starbucks was just a five-minute walk from the hotel, but she was in no rush to get there. It was a beautiful morning, and she needed the air—especially after Matt had let that pet name slip. She did her best to clear her thoughts of it as she arrived at the coffee shop. She queued behind a man in a business suit and pulled out her phone like everyone else. But, not long afterward, someone unexpected joined the line behind her.
“Late night?”
Callie’s stomach lurched. She’d know that voice anywhere. Adam.
“Not really,” she responded without fully turning around. She was suddenly exceptionally aware that she was wearing Matt’s shirt. She didn’t want him to see it.
But then it came her turn to order—and there was no hiding that she was getting two coffees to go. She spoke as softly as she could when she told the barista what she wanted and, as soon as she paid, turned and hurried past Adam to a table by the window, flustered. Of course this would happen. Of course she would run into him the morning after she’d slept with Matt, getting coffee for him, wearing his fucking shirt. She looked warily back at him as she sat down. She just wanted to keep an eye on him… but she found herself starting to stare as he pulled out his wallet. Admiring the way his t-shirt stretched over his biceps. How well his jeans fit him. She started to get lost in her thoughts—but then he turned toward her. She quickly looked away, back down at her phone. But not quick enough. It wasn’t long before he was standing in front of her.
“Where’s lover boy?”
She glared up at him. “He’s not my lover boy.”
Adam rolled his eyes. “Oh come on, Cal. Hair up, glasses on, wearing his t-shirt. This has walk-of-shame written all over it.”
Callie’s brow lowered. “Well it’s not a walk of shame if I’m going right back to him, is it?”
She regretted it almost as soon as she said it. Hurt flashed in his eyes. But it was gone in an instant, replaced with nothing but resentment.
“So he made you go get the coffee?” He scoffed. “What a gentleman.”
“I offered to get it,” she snipped. “And what are you so upset about? You’re more than free to move on with Alex now.”
“Oh, am I? Well you might want to let her know that, because she went home with Kenny last night.”
Callie faltered. She didn’t know what to make of the sarcasm in his tone. Was he trying to mask his hurt? Or was he just being an asshole?
The barista called out her name not a second too soon. She looked Adam in the eye as she stood from her seat. “Well, it’s not my problem that she rejected you,” she spat. “At least now you know how it feels.”
She shouldered past him, grabbed the coffees from the counter, and pushed out the door back into the morning air. She walked much more swiftly back to the hotel than she had to Starbucks. She knocked on the door when she got back to the room, too agitated to bother with trying to fish out her key card while balancing two coffees. Matt answered in just his sweatpants.
“That was quick,” he noted as she breezed past him into the room.
“Yeah. Oh,” she stopped and turned around to hand him his coffee. “Here.”
“Thanks…” he trailed off as he took it from her, his brow furrowed. Callie wasn’t surprised when he asked, “Are you okay? You seem flustered.”
“Yeah.” She breathed out and took a sip of her coffee as he shut the door. “I just ran into Adam at Starbucks. It was… awkward.”
Matt’s eyebrows arched. “Oh.” His eyes flicked down to her shirt. His shirt. “I guess he assumed…?”
He frowned. Callie fidgeted. Now it was awkward between them. But she didn’t anticipate what he said next.
“Do you regret it?”
Her eyes widened. “What? No,” she answered with a shake of her head. She walked over and gave him a reassuring kiss. “Not at all. I just would’ve preferred not to run into my ex the morning after.”
She inwardly winced at that word. Ex. It still hurt to think of Adam that way. She still loved him; that wouldn’t go away overnight.
But the feel of Matt’s arms around her helped.
“Well, forget about him,” he said. “Let’s go out today. Get away from everyone.”
A smile pulled at the corners of Callie’s lips. That sounded like a perfect idea. “Okay. I’m gonna jump in the shower.” She shot him a smirk as she pulled away. “Want to join me?”
He groaned. “All my stuff is back in my room.”
“So?” She peeled his shirt over her head and tossed it aside. His eyes drank in the sight of her.
“Twist my arm, why don’t you,” he said, and he grabbed her hand and pulled her into the bathroom.  
* * * * * * * * * *
Adam didn’t know what to think. He didn’t know what to feel. He didn’t know where to go from here. He didn’t want to go back, but he couldn’t see a way forward, either. And the kicker was that he’d done it to himself.
He’d considered turning around and walking right back out when he’d seen Callie standing in line at Starbucks. And after their interaction, he wished he had turned around and left. He didn’t want to know that she’d been with Matt last night. He didn’t want to think about him touching her body the way that he used to touch it, making her feel the things that he used to make her feel. He didn’t want to know that their relationship was barely two weeks in the ground and she’d already jumped into bed with another guy. And not just any guy—Matt-fucking-Jackson. Literally anyone else would have been better than Matt; Nick would have been better than Matt. But, ironically, he wasn’t surprised that it was Matt. Adam knew Matt had always had a thing for Callie; he’d known it from the day Matt had introduced her to him. But he’d never thought anything of it, never worried about it, not even when Matt would flirt with her right in front of him. He was his friend; he wouldn’t seriously try to move in on his girl like that.
He’d been wrong on both counts.
But, as hurt and upset as he was, Adam knew he didn’t have any room to judge Callie. Not really. Not after where his mind had gone last night.
He’d needed a physical release last night. He’d needed to unburden himself of the drunken, thoughtless way he’d kissed Callie; of the stress and tension and anxiety he’d been carrying for weeks. And so, alone in his hotel room, he’d taken care of it—and he’d thought about Alex. He’d thought about how her lips would feel wrapped around his dick, how she’d look underneath him as she took him, how she’d sound moaning his name. It wasn’t the first time he’d gotten himself off thinking about her, but he hadn’t done it in years, since long before he’d met Callie. And after he’d finished, he hadn’t been able to stop himself from texting her.
Hey, are you at the hotel?
Her response had gutted him.
No… I’m actually on my way to Kenny’s.
He hadn’t said anything else after that, and neither had she. He wasn’t sure what would have happened if she had been at the hotel. He wasn’t sure what he’d been hoping for when he’d texted her. But he didn’t want to think about it. Just like he didn’t want to think about the fact that Callie was with Matt right now.
He walked back into the hotel and crossed through the lobby, but he slowed before he could reach the elevators. Chuck nodded in greeting as he, Trent, and Orange walked toward him.
“Hey, Hangman. What’s up?”
He shrugged. “Oh you know, just went to Starbucks and ran into Callie getting morning-after coffee for Matt. So... yeah. What’s up with y’all?”
He took a sip of his coffee as they all stared back at him, unblinking. Maybe he shouldn’t have volunteered so much information, but he couldn’t help it—he was emotional. But before he could excuse himself and disappear, Trent said, “Well that fucking sucks. We’re going to get breakfast. Wanna come with?”
The offer surprised Adam. Why the hell would they want him to come with them? He’d just drag down the mood. Besides, he didn’t want to go with them. He wanted to go back upstairs to his room and wallow in self-pity.
But then he thought of Alex again. She’d tell him to snap the fuck out of it.
“Fuck it,” he decided. “Sure.”
“Cool,” Trent returned.
They all started toward the exit. Chuck fell in step beside him. “If you’re wondering where Alex is, she went to Kenny’s last night.”
Adam frowned down at his coffee cup. “Yeah. I know,” he said. That was another thing he didn’t want to think about.
* * * * * * * * * *
“C’mon, c’mon, c’mon!”
“Alex, don’t just mash buttons. You need to do combos.”
“But this—is—working!”
Alex stuck out her tongue in concentration as she furiously mashed the buttons on the game controller. She and Kenny had been playing this stupid Street Fighter game for forty minutes now, and she absolutely refused to quit until she won at least one—
She dropped the controller to her lap, defeated. Again. Kenny curled his lips into his mouth. He was trying desperately not to laugh.
“It’s not funny!” Alex scowled. She was far too competitive for her own good.
He gave her an apologetic grin. “I’m sorry, baby. That round was better.”
She rolled her eyes. “You’re just saying that.”
“I’m not,” he assured. And then, “I think it was the first time you lasted past three minutes.”
“Kenny!” She gasped and grabbed a throw pillow from the couch. “I could say the same about you last night!”
She swung and whacked him with the pillow. “Whoa!” She reared back again, and he held up his arm to block the blow. “Uncalled for and untrue!”
She smirked. “Come on, you walked right into that.”
She swung again; but he caught the other end of the pillow and used it to pull her closer. “Oh yeah? Well I certainly didn’t hear you complain last night.”
Alex bit back a bashful grin. No, she definitely hadn’t complained last night. Last night had been… indescribable. Normally with Kenny it was a frantic rush to rip off clothes as they blindly stumbled and pushed each other to the nearest available surface. Rough and quick. Fucking. But last night had been different. He’d undressed her deliberately, like he wanted to memorize every curve of her body, every mark on her skin. He’d carried her to his bed and laid her down gently. He’d paid more attention to her needs than his, pleasuring her completely, slow and deep as she’d clutched at the sheets, his back, his hair, riding wave after wave until she couldn’t handle it anymore. He’d made love to her. She’d felt what she meant to him, undoubtedly. She’d felt it that morning when she’d woken up next to him and he’d told her to stay in bed while he made them breakfast. She felt it now. And, more than anything, she hoped that he felt what he meant to her, too. She didn’t want him to doubt that anymore.
“C’mere,” he gently said. He moved the pillow from in between them, and Alex snuggled against him as he wrapped his arm around her. “I’m sorry for teasing you,” he said with a kiss on her head. “I know video games aren’t your thing.”  
She let out a sarcastic laugh. “And that’s not a deal-breaker?”
“What?” he shot, incredulous. “That’s ridiculous. Why would it be a deal-breaker?”
Alex’s face burned with embarrassment. She shouldn’t have said that; she didn’t know how to explain it without incriminating Adam. And she had to explain it now. “I don’t know,” she muttered. “It was one of the arguments people made back in June about why we shouldn’t be together, because I don’t play video games. It’s dumb; I shouldn’t have listened to it.”
There was a thick, contemplative pause. And then Kenny said, “And by ‘people’ I assume you mean ‘Adam.’”
Alex didn’t say anything in response. Her silence spoke volumes.
Kenny squeezed her closer. “Do you remember what you said to me at the hotel the night we first got back together? After your match against Callie and your fight with Trent?”
She looked up at him, her face a question mark. He went on.
“You said, ‘Fuck what anyone thinks. We worked things out and that’s all that matters.’ Well… now I’m saying the same thing to you.”
Alex glanced away, chewing anxiously on her lip. She did remember saying that now. She wished she would have taken her own advice.
“I couldn’t care less that video games aren’t your thing,” he assured her. “But you know they’re my thing, and you care enough about that to try. That means a lot to me. And besides… I actually think it’s adorable how frustrated you get.”
Warmth spread throughout Alex’s core. It meant a lot to him. He meant a lot to her. She needed him to know, once and for all. “Well, I care about the things you care about. Because I love you.”
She looked back up at him. He smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. He looked so happy. “Yeah?”
She nodded. “Yeah.”
Kenny tilted her lips toward his and kissed her, soft and sweet. “I love you too, baby,” he said, and Alex’s heart was so full that it felt like it would burst out of her chest. They’d taken the long way around to get here, but they’d made it… and she finally felt like she could rest.
* * * * * * * * * *
Callie couldn’t get rid of that knot in her stomach. It had only grown larger and more solid after she’d run into Adam at Starbucks. And, after a while, the focus of her guilt had started to shift.
Matt had been an absolute sweetheart all afternoon. He’d taken her to the beach because he knew how much she loved it. They’d walked along the boardwalk and out onto the pier, and he’d held her close and smiled big as she’d taken their picture in the midst of the ocean. He’d even waited patiently as she’d gone through the shops picking out clothes and trying them on (she’d rewarded him by modeling a few bikinis). And now, as they sat in a cute little café getting something to eat, she couldn’t help but watch him with a smile on her lips as he looked over the menu, admiring his long lashes and hair, his beard and jawline. He made her heart flutter.
So then why couldn’t she stop thinking about Adam?
The waiter brought them their drinks. They put in their order, and as they handed him the menus, Matt told him it would all be on one check. Callie blushed as the waiter nodded and walked away.
“You don’t have to pay for me,” she said.
“I know, but I want to,” he returned. “Besides, I owe you for getting the coffee this morning.”
“This’ll be more than the coffee.”
“Are you sure about that? We got Starbucks.”
She laughed. “Fair point. Well, thank you.” She crossed her right knee over her left, and her foot bumped his leg underneath the table. “Sorry,” she muttered and shifted in her seat. He gave her a quizzical smile.
“Okay, what’s up?”
She took a sip of her iced tea. “What do you mean?”
“I mean you’ve been tense all day. What’s on your mind?”
Callie grabbed her straw wrapper from the tabletop and nervously wound it around her finger. That was a loaded question—and she wasn’t sure she was ready to unload. “I know I’ve been tense,” she said. “I’m sorry.”
He shook his head. “Don’t apologize; just talk to me. I want you to feel like you can talk to me about anything.”
“I do feel that way,” she returned. “It’s just…”
She trailed off. Matt finished her thought for her. “Adam?”
She wound the straw wrapper so tightly around her index finger that the tip turned red. “Is it that obvious?” she muttered.
He pulled his mouth to one side. “Well, you’ve seemed a little off ever since you ran into him this morning so… yeah.”
She frowned. “I’m sor—”
“Callie,” he gently cut her off. “Stop. Just talk to me. You’re not gonna hurt my feelings.”
Callie glanced down at her hands. On the contrary, her fear of hurting him was the exact reason she didn’t want to tell him what was on her mind. But Matt had been nothing but open and honest with her. She needed to do the same.
“I like this. A lot,” she said. “I like being with you, more than I expected to so soon. And I don’t regret anything. But… I’m not completely over Adam yet.”
She held her breath, bracing herself for his reaction, anticipating the worst—
“I don’t expect you to be.”
She breathed out. “What?”
Matt’s eyes were soft and understanding as he looked at her across the table. “I don’t expect you to be completely over Adam yet. It’s only been what, a week-and-a-half since you ended things with him? And in one of the most dramatic fashions possible,” he said with a smirk. “It’ll take time to get over that. Longer than a week-and-a-half.”
Callie’s brow furrowed. She was relieved, unbelievably so. But she was also confused. “But that doesn’t bother you? After we… you know.”
He smirked. “Not really. I mean, not to sound cocky, but I’m pretty sure you weren’t thinking about him last night or this morning.”
Her cheeks colored and she rolled her eyes. “You absolutely meant to sound cocky.”
Matt’s grin widened. He knew he had, too. “But no, it doesn’t bother me,” he assured. “I like you, Callie. A part of me always has, even when you were with Hangman. But I know this has all happened pretty fast, and I don’t want to push you. So as long as you’re honest with me about what you’re feeling and what you want, we’ll be good.”
Callie’s heart fluttered again. She didn’t know what she’d done to deserve someone as sweet and understanding as Matt. But she did know she didn’t want to lose him. “Okay. I can do that,” she said; and as he smiled at her, she did her best to bury the thought of Adam’s kiss in the back of consciousness.
* * * * * * * * * *
Saturday... All Out 
Alex was a bundle of nervous energy as Kenny pulled up to Daily’s Place Saturday afternoon. Today was the day: All Out. Her anxiety over it hadn’t let her get a wink of sleep last night, so much so that she worried she’d affected Kenny’s sleep with all her tossing and turning. But as they got out of his car and grabbed their suitcases from the trunk, he looked like his only concern was her.
“Are you alright?” He caught her hand in his. “You’ve been quiet all day.”
She tried to nod. “Yeah. I’m just…” she trailed off and changed her mind. “No. I’m nervous about your match. And about seeing the boys.”
“Don’t be nervous about the match,” he said with a gentle squeeze of her hand. “That’s for me to worry about. And why are you nervous about seeing your friends?”
Alex frowned. She couldn’t help but notice how he’d said the match was for him to worry about—not him and Adam. But she tried not to dwell on it. “Because I’m nervous I’ll walk in there and it’ll just be a repeat of three months ago. I’m sick of everyone trying to tell me what’s best for me.”
She glanced back at the arena, worry darkening her eyes. None of the boys had seemed thrilled when she’d told them she was leaving with Kenny on Wednesday, but they hadn’t put up any arguments, either. She hoped they hadn’t saved it for today.
Kenny let go of her hand and brought his up to cup either side of her face. She looked up into his eyes, gripping his wrists as he held her. “Remember what I told you?”
Her brow puckered. “Fuck what anyone thinks?”
“Fuck what anyone thinks,” he repeated.
She pressed her fingers into his skin. “I care what they think, Kenny. They’re my best friends.”
“I know.” He let out a breath and touched his lips to her forehead. “And because they’re your best friends, they should support you when you’re happy. Right?”
She frowned again. “You would think so.”
“Then don’t be nervous,” he said with another kiss on her forehead. He pulled back and looked down at her. “I’m sure it won’t be a repeat of three months ago. And if it is… it’s their problem, not yours.”
Alex lifted her heels off the ground and kissed him. “You’re right,” she breathed. “But speaking of your friends… don’t take it personally if I go out of my way to avoid Matt.”
“I’ll talk to Matt,” he returned. “Don’t worry about him, either. He’ll come around.”
She gave him a small, grateful grin. But she wouldn’t hold her breath on Matt coming around.
He shut the trunk and locked the car, and then he took her hand again, interlacing their fingers as they walked into the arena. And Alex realized, with some surprise, that she didn’t care if anyone saw them. She was with Kenny; he was with her. She didn’t want to hide that.
But they had to part ways once they got to the locker rooms. They shared a lingering kiss as Alex told him she’d see him later—she knew he’d be busy until after the show was over—and then she continued down the hall toward the Best Friends locker room. She drew in a deep breath through her nose, let it out through her mouth. “There’s nothing to be nervous about, Alex,” she said to herself. “They’re your best friends.” She steeled herself when she arrived at the door, pushed her way inside. Chuck, Trent, and Orange were all already there—and so was Adam.
She stopped just inside the entrance, her eyes wide and surprised. “Oh! Hey. I wasn’t expecting to see you in here.”
Adam looked even more caught off-guard to see her than she did him. “Yeah… Chuck said I could share with y’all. It’s a full house tonight and I don’t really have anywhere else to go because of… you know.”
She nodded. “Yeah. Of course.” She pulled her suitcase toward a cubby, doing her best to seem unbothered. But seeing Adam had thrown her off more than she’d expected it would. The text he’d sent her Wednesday night flashed in her mind. Hey, are you at the hotel? She’d thought about it more than she cared to admit over the last two-and-a-half days. Prior to two weeks ago, she wouldn’t have thought much of it at all. But now that she knew how he felt, she couldn’t help but wonder what his intentions had been. 
“Hangy’s been hangin’ with us the last few days,” Chuck stated as she sat down. “Cowpals is a thing now.”
“It’s not a thing,” Adam returned. Chuck glared at him.
“Just let it happen, Adam!”
He grinned. So did Alex. “I agree with Chuck,” she said. She exchanged a glance with Adam as she unzipped her suitcase—a feeling. They’d always have each other’s back, no matter the circumstances.
“So do I,” Trent piped up. He looked at Alex. “All we were missing was you.”
He didn’t say it negatively. In fact, it was quite the opposite. We missed you. That was what she felt from it. Warmth.
“Well, I’m here now,” she smiled, and her anxiety loosened its grip when he smiled back. They were her best friends. Nothing would change that.
* * * * * * * * * *
Callie had never spent much time in the EVP room. But now here she was, sitting on the couch next to Matt, watching as the All Out Buy In pre-show got underway. It was nice. She could get used to it.     
“So are you gonna come out with us for our match orrrr…?”
She shot Matt a look. “I’m not even gonna justify that with a response.”
A corner of his mouth quirked up. “Why not?”
Her eyebrows arched. “Seriously? I’m not accompanying you for your match, Matt. That’s just asking for trouble.”
“Trouble from who? Everyone’s about to find out that we’re wrestling together against Trent and Alex next week. What’s the difference?”
Callie looked down to pick at a loose string on her jeans. He wasn’t wrong—Tony had made the mixed tag match official earlier that afternoon, and Callie wouldn’t be surprised if the commentators mentioned it during the show tonight. But there was a difference between wrestling a match with Matt next week and accompanying the Young Bucks for their match against Jurassic Express. There was a big difference.
“There’s a difference, and you know there is,” she softly insisted. “I’m not going out there with you.”
She kept her gaze turned anxiously away from him. Ever since their talk at that little café two days ago, a nagging voice in the back of her head had kept worrying that, even though Matt had said he didn’t want to push her, he would only wait so long for her to get over Adam. Now, she worried he’d take her resistance the wrong way. But she had her reasons—completely valid reasons. She didn’t want people to assume things about their relationship; she didn’t want to invite their criticism and judgment. But, more than that, she didn’t want to rub her budding relationship with Matt in Adam’s face—and especially not tonight. He had a tag title match he needed to focus on tonight.
“Callie,” Matt said. The soft urgency in his voice beckoned her to look at him. “It’s fine. I was only joking.”
She gave him a tight smile. She believed him… but part of her still worried.
He leaned over and gave her a kiss. “Speaking of the match… I should go get ready. You can hang out here if you want.”
Her brow furrowed at him as he got up from the couch. “By myself? I’m not an EVP.”
“No… but you’re sleeping with one.”
He smirked. She scowled. He let out a laugh and bent over to give her another kiss. “I’ll let you know when it’s safe to come back to the locker room. I’m sure Nick’s changing now, too.”
She nodded. “Okay.”
He gave her a wink and went out the door. And as it clicked shut behind him, that little voice in the back of her head nagged at her again.
* * * * * * * * * *
There was an undeniable electricity in the air—a big fight feel. Because it was a big fight: Kenny Omega and Hangman Adam Page vs. FTR for the AEW World Tag Team Championship. And Alex was almost certain she was more nervous than the people who were actually fighting.
Her hands were clammy as she walked through the halls to the Best Friends locker room. She wanted to walk with Adam to meet Kenny, so she could wish them both good luck before they headed to Gorilla. She wanted to stay out of their way as much as possible. She prayed they were on the same page tonight.
She entered the locker room just as Adam stood from his seat. He glanced at her as he grabbed his championship. “Hey. What’s up?”
“Just thought I’d go with you to meet Kenny,” she answered. She curiously looked him over. He was wearing black and white tights designed to look like chaps instead of his usual trunks. “New gear?”
He glanced down at himself and shrugged. “Yeah. Big pay-per-view match, I figured why not.”
She nodded. “I like it.”
A smile pulled at his lips. But it disappeared fast. “Well, I was just about to head to his locker room.”
She nodded again, and they went back out the door. She saw him look at her out of the corner of her eye as they walked. “Are you watching with the guys?” he asked.
“Yeah. They’re in one of the lounges with Jurassic Express and a few others.” She drew in a breath. “I might see if I can get a drink before I head back there.”
He gave a wry laugh. “That nervous?”
She looked up at him. “Aren’t you?”
His eyes turned contemplative. “I’m nervous, yeah. But not necessarily about losing the titles.”
Alex frowned. She wasn’t as nervous about them losing the titles as she was about other things, either.
They arrived at The Elite’s locker room. Adam raised a fist and knocked. Half a minute passed before Kenny answered, dressed in his usual gear, his AEW Tag Team Championship already around his waist. He smiled when he saw Alex.
“Hey. You coming up there with us?”
She shook her head. “No, I don’t want to get in your way. I just wanted to wish you good luck before you went up there.”
He flashed a cocky grin. “I don’t need it.”
Alex rolled her eyes. I—not we. Again. She tried to ignore it just like she had earlier. “Well, kick their asses, then.” She reached up and kissed him, tender but quick. She didn’t want to do too much in front of Adam. Kenny smirked again as she pulled away.
“You know I will.”
She gave him a nervous smile, and then she turned to Adam. She stood on her toes and gave him a hug. He momentarily stiffened before he returned it. “Good luck,” she said.
She unwound her arms from around him and stepped back. “I’ll see you after,” she said to Kenny, and with a parting glance she retreated back down the hall, her stomach in knots. She half-wanted to find somewhere to watch the match alone, in the interest of self-preservation. Then again, maybe she wouldn’t take it so hard if she watched with her friends. Either way, she kept walking toward the lounge; and when she arrived and saw Trent opening up a bottle of red wine, she made a beeline for him.
“Wine?” she charged. Alcohol was alcohol, but still.
He gave her a look. “We’re classy, Alex. I don’t know how many times I have to tell you that.”
“A few hundred more,” she quipped. It earned a grin. He grabbed a glass and gave her a healthy pour. She took a long sip as she moved to one of the couches and sat down next to Chuck. He gave her a sympathetic smile.
“How you feeling?”
She laughed into her glass. “Like I’m gonna need a whole bottle to myself.”
* * * * * * * * * *
Alex had been joking—but the more she watched, the more she thought she probably would need a whole bottle to herself to get through this match.
Every minute brought with it a fresh wave of anxiety. Her entire body had tensed when the match had nearly started with Kenny and Cash, only for her heart to drop into her stomach when Adam had called to start it off instead, asking Kenny, “Do you trust me?” She didn’t know what Kenny had said in return—his back had been to the camera. When the match finally got underway, Adam had locked up with Cash like he wanted to murder him. He’d gone after him so aggressively that Dax had jumped in to intervene, and then Kenny had, too, obviously worried that Adam’s emotions were running away with him. He was proven right when Adam nearly swung on him. They’d worked through it… but Dax and Cash were firing on all cylinders. They’d managed to isolate Adam first and then Kenny, punishing them each in turn. And even when Adam and Kenny were able to pick up the pace and work together, it had been painfully obvious over the last fifteen minutes that, despite being the champions, they weren’t the tag team specialists in the match. FTR were.
Kenny and Cash were the legal men now. Adam was somewhere outside the ring, out of commission after Cash had shoved him off the ring apron and sent him flying into the guard railing. Kenny had hit a Tiger Driver ’98 and gone for the cover, but Cash had kicked out at two and dragged himself to the ropes. But Kenny didn’t give him much of a chance to recoup. He charged at the opposite ropes, rebounded, and nailed Cash with a V-Trigger to the side of the head. Then he picked him up on his shoulders. He was setting up the One-Winged Angel. Alex held her breath and grabbed Chuck’s knee—but Cash quickly got out of his hold.
“You want a refill?” Chuck asked.
She just nodded and handed him her glass, keeping her eyes glued on the TV. Cash shoved Kenny into the corner and charged, but Kenny dodged and reversed, pushing Cash into the corner. Dax made a hot tag. Kenny charged again, going for another V-Trigger—but Cash moved out of the way at the last second. Kenny’s knee rammed hard into the turnbuckle.
“Fuck,” Alex cursed under breath.
Chuck returned with her wine. She thanked him and immediately took a drink; and then nearly choked on it when she saw Cash swing Kenny’s leg through the ropes and Dax grab his ankle for a vicious dragon screw leg whip.
“You alright?” Chuck asked.
Alex nodded even though she wasn’t. Cash spun Kenny around and hit another dragon screw. And then Dax slid into the ring and latched on an inverted figure four leg lock.
“Shit,” Trent said from the other side of Chuck. Chuck elbowed him. Alex’s stomach dropped. That was the exact move Dax had used on Chuck to beat Best Friends in the tag team gauntlet match.
Dax grabbed the ropes for leverage, but the referee didn’t see it. Kenny did his best to stay up on his shoulder in order to keep the pressure off his knee. But he still looked like he was agony.
“And remember, this is how they made Chuck Taylor tap out in order to punch their ticket into this match,” Excalibur commented.
“Thanks for the reminder, Excalibur!” Chuck shouted at the TV, causing a few people in the room to laugh. Alex wasn’t one of them. She didn’t breathe again until Kenny managed to reach the ropes, forcing Dax to break the hold.
Kenny laid on the mat, nursing his knee—but Dax got right back on him. He grabbed his leg and dropped a few elbows on his knee before he put all his bodyweight on his thigh and bent Kenny’s leg at an unnatural angle around his torso. Kenny grabbed at his head, his arm, anything to try to get out of the hold; but Dax just got up, dragged him to the ropes, draped his ankle across it, and smashed himself down hard onto his leg. Alex worried at her lip. Adam was back up on the ring apron now, but Kenny was nowhere near him.
Dax tagged in Cash. Cash jumped to the floor and held Kenny’s ankle across the rope so that Dax could throw all his bodyweight down onto his leg one more time before they switched. He slid into the ring and stomped Kenny’s head, making Alex scowl; but then Kenny sat up and rolled under the ropes to the floor. He limped over to the guard railing and latched onto it, doing his best to keep himself upright.
Alex felt her chest start to tighten. She felt so helpless. All she could do was take another drink.
* * * * * * * * * *
Callie was starting to regret watching the tag title match with Matt and Nick. They were all cheering for the same team—but it was obvious that Matt and Nick expected Kenny to do all the work. It irked her. So when Adam had finally tagged in and started clearing house, she couldn’t help but feel a little vindicated.
She nervously watched as he ascended a turnbuckle, knowing immediately that he was going for a moonsault. She both loved and hated that move; she loved seeing it, but it always scared her when he did it. But then, he didn’t do a moonsault. Tully urged Cash and Dax to come to the other side of the turnbuckle—and so Adam pivoted and did a senton instead.
“Tremendous improvisation there by Hangman Adam Page,” Excalibur stated. Callie smiled to herself. But Matt pursed his lips.
“More like unnecessary risk,” he commented.
It was a struggle for Callie not to roll her eyes. Matt and Nick were arguably the biggest daredevils in the entire company. Either of them would have done the same exact thing.
Back in the ring, Adam went for the cover on Cash—but he kicked out at two. After they both got to their feet, they traded blows in the middle of the ring before Cash attempted another swinging DDT; Dax made another blind tag as he did. But Adam blocked the move and hit Dax with a back elbow, knocking him to the floor. He and Cash jockeyed for position until Adam gained control and drove him toward the ropes; but Dax hopped back up onto the apron and hit Adam with a forearm. He dove into the ring and covered him. Adam kicked out at two.
“They’re deadly with those blind tags, man,” Nick said.
Both Matt and Callie kept quiet as they watched Cash and Dax ascend the turnbuckles. They jumped simultaneously and hit Adam with tandem diving headbutts. Cash was the legal man again and he hooked Adam’s leg. That time, Kenny dove in and broke up the pin attempt. Callie half-expected a smart-ass comment from Matt. Thankfully, he didn’t make one.
Kenny and Dax were battling on the ring apron now. Each of them tried to suplex the other, but each attempt was blocked, until Dax ended up back inside the ring, his head still locked underneath Kenny’s arm and vice versa. But then, suddenly, Cash charged and launched himself over the ropes and flipped to the floor. He grabbed Kenny and picked him up on his shoulders, and Dax jumped off the ring apron and hit him with a diving bulldog to the floor.
Matt and Nick expelled twin breaths of exasperation. Callie’s mouth went dry. She wiped her hands on her jeans and got up from the couch to cross the room and grab a water bottle from the mini fridge. She opened it and took a long gulp. By the time she looked back at the TV, Cash was back in the ring with Adam. Adam tried to hit him with a short-arm lariat, but Cash reversed it and landed a forearm to the back of the head. Then he lifted Adam up on his shoulders. He walked over to FTR’s corner and tagged in Dax. Dax climbed the turnbuckle and hit Adam with a diving bulldog to match Kenny’s. He went for yet another cover, but Adam powered out.
“Hangman needs to tag in Kenny,” Matt said.
Callie shot him a look. “Kenny’s not even in their corner!” she argued, motioning to where he’d collapsed against the ring apron. Matt ignored her.  
Dax pulled Adam up by the hair and reached out to tag in Cash. Cash climbed the turnbuckle again—but Kenny jumped up onto the apron and pushed him off balance. Meanwhile in the ring, Adam reversed Dax’s hold and dumped him over the ropes onto the floor. Cash tried to get back into position atop the turnbuckle; but before he could, Adam jumped up onto the second rope, picked him up, and hit a lungbuster suplex into the middle of the ring. Callie held her breath as he went for the pin—but Cash somehow managed to kick out.
“Fuck,” she breathed. She walked over to the couch and sat back down next to Matt, further away than she’d been before.
Kenny yelled something at Adam from outside the ring. Adam beckoned him. “Last Call!” he shouted. Callie tensed. She didn’t have a good feeling about this.
Kenny got into the ring while Adam went out onto the ring apron. Cash struggled to get up from his knees in the middle of the canvas. Kenny picked him up by his hair and held him by the arms. Adam flipped over the ropes and careened toward them, on-target for a hard Buckshot Lariat—but Cash ducked. Callie’s hand flew to her mouth; he’d nearly hit Kenny instead. And then, disaster. Adam grabbed Cash. Kenny charged, aiming to land a V-Trigger. But Cash pulled free at the last second, and Kenny’s knee collided with Adam’s jaw with an audible smack!
“Fuck!” Matt cursed.
Kenny tried to catch Adam, but Cash hit him with a chop block to the back of his injured knee and they both fell to the Matt. Kenny reached out and grabbed ahold of the fringe on Adam’s tights, pulling and jerking, trying to revive him. When that didn’t work, he smacked his leg. But Adam was completely out of it.
Cash pulled Adam away from Kenny and then hit Kenny with a basement dropkick, sending him rolling into the corner. He jumped up and tagged in Dax. Dax climbed the turnbuckle while Cash picked up Adam, upside down. Dax jumped, and they hit Adam with a perfect Mind Breaker. Dax went for the pin, grinning wickedly at Kenny as he tried to crawl toward him. He anticipated a three-count.
But Adam got his shoulder up at two.
“Holy shit,” Nick leaned eagerly forward on his knees. Matt remained quiet.
But Cash and Dax didn’t waste any time. Cash battled Kenny and shoved him under the ropes to the floor while Dax dragged Adam back onto his feet. Cash tagged in and ascended the turnbuckle. Dax picked up Adam. Cash jumped, delivering another Mind Breaker. He pinned Adam. Dax intercepted Kenny as he tried to dive through the ropes, but he didn’t need to. That time, Adam didn’t kick out.
Disbelief and dread consumed Callie as FTR’s music started to play. The crowd was mostly silent as Justin Roberts’s voice echoed throughout the arena. “The winners of this match, and new AEW World Tag Team Champions: F—T—R!”
Matt pushed himself up. “Come on, let’s go,” he said to Nick.
Callie looked up at him in confusion. “What’re you gonna do?”
He shot her a look over his shoulder. “Try to talk Kenny down,” he returned, and then they both exited, leaving her alone in the locker room.
She stared at the door, stunned, unsure what to do. She looked back at the TV. FTR hoisted the titles high above their heads while Tully brought them two cans of beer. She expected them to crack them open and drink in celebration—but they didn’t. Instead, they set the beers next to Adam, who still laid clutching his head on the mat, as if to toast him. Thanks, bud, we couldn’t have done it without you.
She kept watching as they continued to celebrate, waiting for Matt and Nick to burst out from the tunnels. But they never did. Soon, FTR left, and the former champions were left alone. Adam leaned against the ropes, still not quite all there—and Kenny stood in the middle of the ring, a small folding table in his hands.
Callie’s breath hitched in her throat. Kenny held the table up, gripping it hard, an angry, contemplative look in his eyes. Seconds passed like minutes. And then, he tossed the table aside. Relief flooded her; but it was premature. Adam stumbled toward Kenny, and instead of catching him, Kenny moved out of the way and let him collapse face-first to the mat like a felled tree.
She would have preferred that he hit him with the table.
“Where the fuck are Matt and Nick?” she said out loud. Kenny gazed down at Adam’s prone form, a look of quiet disgust on his face. He exited the ring and stalked up the entrance ramp. He paused on the stage to give Adam one last hard look, and then he turned and walked through the tunnel.
The camera stayed on him as he moved swiftly through Gorilla and toward backstage. Matt and Nick stood waiting for him in the interview area. Kenny started yelling.
“Did you see that? Did you see that there? After everything I did!”
“Hey, hey, hey,” Matt tried to say; but Kenny pushed through them and kept walking.
“I’m done. We’re done. Let’s go.”
Callie’s eyes widened as she continued to watch. Matt turned and followed after Kenny without hesitation. Nick was more hesitant, but he followed, too.
Kenny and Matt continued to talk, but Callie couldn’t understand what they were saying as the commentators tried to figure out what was happening. They moved into the parking lot and Kenny pointed toward a waiting SUV. “I’m done. Are you guys coming with me?”
“Oh fuck no,” Callie muttered.
Matt continued to try to talk him down, but he didn’t try to stop him from walking. “Let’s sit down and talk about what’s going on right now. I know it’s…” he trailed off, unsure what to say.
“It’s time for a clean split… a clean break,” Kenny said. “Let’s go back to the way things were.”
They reached the SUV. He finally stopped and looked back at Matt and Nick. “Are you coming with me or not? It’s up to you—you can’t go back on this.”
Neither of them answered. Kenny didn’t have the patience for it.
“Okay, think about it—think about it. I’ll see you guys.” He looked at the driver. “Get in the car! We’re going,” he ordered. And then he got in the backseat of the SUV, slammed the door, and drove off, leaving Matt and Nick—and everyone else—stunned and confused.
* * * * * * * * * *
Alex walked on shaky legs through the hotel lobby, pulling her suitcase behind her. She reached the elevators and punched the up button, angry. She felt like a tea kettle ready to burst; and, honestly, she was afraid of what she might do when she saw Kenny.
She’d left the arena as quickly as she could after the end of the tag match. Gone back to the locker room, packed up her shit, and called an Uber, apologizing to Orange on the way out for not staying for his match against Chris Jericho. There was no way she could stay there a second longer after what Kenny had done.
The elevator carried her to their floor. He’d booked the same room he always did. She stepped off the elevator and walked swiftly down the hall. When she reached the room, she banged hard on the door. Kenny answered a few seconds later, apparently fresh out of the shower, wearing just a pair of gym shorts.
“Hey, baby,” he said—but Alex pushed past him into the room. He shut the door and followed her inside. “Look, I’m sorry for—"
Alex whirled around and slapped him hard across the face, cutting him off mid-sentence. She’d hit him hard enough that it turned his head, hard enough that her hand immediately stung. Kenny touched his fingers to his face. He gave a short, wry laugh.
“I guess I deserve that.”
“You’re fucking right you do,” she bit. “You lied to me, Kenny. You told me you would fix things with Adam and you just left him out there. You left the whole fucking arena.”
He rolled his eyes. Alex’s hand itched to slap him again. “Well what would you have liked me to do, Alex?” he asked. “Hm? Should I have caught him and told him that everything would be alright? Should I have said, ‘Don’t worry, we’ll get the titles back, bud!’ Is that what I should’ve done?”
“You shouldn’t have just left him and run out of the arena!”
“Well I did, because I’m done with him!”
Alex went momentarily dizzy. “What?” she breathed. “How can you say—”
“Because I’m done with being a tag team wrestler, Alex!” he proclaimed. “I’m done with being a drunken cowboy’s sidekick! I don’t want that! That’s not who I am! That’s not what I came to AEW to do! I don’t need to tell you that! You know that.”
He raked a hand through his hair, frustrated. Alex could feel it radiating off of him like heat. It shocked her, but she knew she needed to just listen.
“It was fun with Hangman while it lasted,” he went on. “I’m glad we got to be tag team champions together; I am. But I’m past that now. It’s time for me to be Kenny Omega now. It’s time for me to be the guy that everyone’s wanted and expected from day one of Dynamite.”
Alex scoffed. “What guy? The Cleaner?”
“Yeah,” he bluntly returned. “Exactly that guy. Isn’t that the guy you wanted when we first got involved? The Cleaner?”
Her breath hitched in her throat. There was nothing she could say to that—it was true. She’d never met Kenny prior to AEW. She just knew him as most of the world did: The Best Bout Machine, the leader of Bullet Club, the Cleaner, Kenny-fucking-Omega. His reputation preceded him. It intrigued her. It attracted her. It made her want to get to know him once she had the chance. And then she fell in love with him, the real him. But the thought of him being that guy in AEW… with her… she’d be lying to herself if she didn’t admit that that intrigued her, too.
He stepped closer. Alex didn’t move. He took her by the hips and pulled her against him; a pleasant tingle danced up her spine at his touch. As upset with him as she was, she couldn’t help the way her body reacted to him.
“I know you’re angry,” he said, his voice softening. “And I’m sorry it happened this way… but we both know it would’ve happened eventually. I can’t keep tagging with Adam to get what I want. And what I want is the AEW World Championship… and you by my side when I get it.”
Alex’s stomach did a flip. But her brow lowered, stubborn. “And what makes you think I want to be by your side when you get it?”
He gave a breathy laugh. “Come on, don’t be ridiculous. You know you’re my girl.”
There it was again, that cocky grin. But Alex didn’t argue or pull away. She just gazed up at him, her chest rising and falling with her breath, heart racing. She wanted to believe he was wrong; but she knew he wasn’t. She knew she’d go around and around this carousel with Kenny until it made her sick. He pushed her to the edge; he drove her insane; he made her do things that she never thought she’d do in a million lifetimes. He was exhilarating and infuriating and terrifying and intoxicating all at once. And every time she thought she’d sobered up she would always fall right back into him. It might take a week, or a month, or a year—but it was inevitable.
“Aren’t you, baby?” He cupped her jaw in his hand. She leaned into his touch. He ran his thumb over her mouth. Her eyes fell closed, kissing it, and then he parted her lips and slipped it inside her mouth. She sucked as he moved it in and out, slow. She bit down gently and opened her eyes. He looked like he wanted to ravage her—and she wanted to let him.
He pulled his thumb from her mouth and picked her up. She wrapped her legs tight around his waist and kissed him as he walked her blindly to the bed, grabbing at his curls, needing to taste him, feel him, get lost in him. She was still upset with him for what he’d done to Adam; of course she was. But she was in love with him. She couldn’t help that.
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mrsdr-ethan-ramsey · 4 years
God, Have Mercy pt. 2 (Ethan Ramsey x f!MC)
You all asked, and now you shall receive...here is part 2 to God, Have Mercy (linked if you haven’t read it). I hope y’all like it part 2! I loved writing Ethan and his father. Part 3?? Yes please? No, stop you’re butchering this idea? What do y’all think?
Part Three Here!
Tag List: @the-soot-sprite​ @ethandaddyramsey @silverlitskies @trappedinfandoms @samihatuli @sherlockedmcu @marywitchjane @awalker965 @openheart12 @flyawayboo @hatescapsicum @edith-eggs1 @princess-geek @akacalliope @my-heart-beats-for-ya @hipstercoffeeshop @miyakokurono @riverrune @chasingrobbie @sekizincimektup @canthandlechoices @thatysn @virtualrain202 @myusualnerdyself 
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Parker Kennedy)
Summary: Ethan posts his first pictagram thanks to his father’s photography skills and Parker knows it was meant for her.
Warnings: Swear words? 
Word Count: ~1300
Ethan never expected to actual use his new social media account. He had intended to delete it as soon as he got what he needed from it, but now? He could see the perks of social media. One of them being, seeing all the photos Parker would post. Since the ‘incident’ in his office, Ethan became addicted to checking the website just to see if she had posted anything else. Nothing since that day. Deciding that he needed a distraction, Ethan made the snap decision to visit his father for the weekend. Hopefully the distance from Parker would clear his mind.
Ethan arrived in Providence late on Friday night, in time to talk to his father before they both went to bed. He had spent most of Saturday helping his father with projects around the beach house and cleaning up the space. Since Ethan left and his father was living on his own, he had gotten better about keeping the house tidy but Ethan would always clean when he would visit. There was always something worn or broken for him to help. It was the least he could do for him.
On Sunday morning, Ethan woke up early as usual. His father was already up, as when he went to the kitchen the coffee pot was freshly brewed. Pouring himself a cup, Ethan went outside where his father was sitting on the porch drinking his own cup of coffee like he did every morning. This was always the highlight of Ethan’s trips home, just sitting with his father in the morning simply enjoying that they were together.
“Good morning,” Ethan said, his voice gruff from just waking up. He sat down in the chair next to his father, relaxing back into it.
“Good morning Ethan,” Alan replied, eyes staying on the waves rolling in from the ocean.
They stayed quiet for a while, letting the sound of crashing waves be the only thing to listen to. It was peaceful, completely different than the usual sounds of Boston traffic that Ethan listened to in the morning. Ethan’s eyes stayed on the horizon as he brought his mug to his lips, not expecting the next words out of his father’s mouth.
“So Ethan…when are you going to settle down?”
For the second time this week Ethan coughed out his coffee, the brown liquid landing on his lap and the deck this time (instead of the picture of Parker practically naked...great now he was thinking about that again).
“What??” he choked out, his head snapping to face his father.
Alan chucked as he watched his son’s eyes widen, a red tinge coming to his cheeks. “You’re 37, don’t you think it’s time you found someone? Unless…you already have someone?”
Ethan said it too quickly, making his father just smirk and turn back to the view. Ethan tried to clean the coffee of his pants as his father spoke.
“Not even that colleague of yours? The blonde you call Rookie?”
“I’m her boss, it would be inappropriate.”
“Plenty of colleagues date Ethan. It sounds to me like you’re just making excuses,” Alan argued, taking a long drink from his mug.
Ethan narrowed his eyes at his dad, shaking his head he replied, “I’m not making excuses. It could hurt her future career if anything happened between us. I need to be able to push her professionally.”
“So we should set you up on online dating?”
Thankfully Ethan wasn’t drinking because he knew he would have coughed up his drink, again. Online dating?? What was his father doing in his free time? Reading Cosmo?
“I am not doing online dating,” Ethan said flatly, trying to deter his father from the idea.
“And why not?”
“I will not use the internet to date. The internet is for research, not relationships.”
“Well, if you change your mind…”
Ethan’s phone buzzed in his pocket as father put his own down. As he unlocked it, he had several photos of himself sent from his father. They were all taken here, in Providence, but he couldn’t remember him taking any of the pictures.
“When did you take these?!” Ethan asked, scrolling through what he had sent. He had never seen these photos before. 
Alan shrugged, “I knew you wouldn’t let me take photos of your visits so I did it when you weren’t paying attention. Figured I could create a…oh what’s it called…Timber?”
Alan smiled, “That’s it! I figured I could make a Tinder account for you to find someone to introduce you to. That was until I thought you’d probably want someone in the Boston area.”
“You were going to steal my identity to find me a partner?” Ethan asked, completely baffled that his father was admitting this to him.
“I figured one of us should be trying to get you a spouse. I’m getting old Ethan and I want grandchildr-”
“Alright, that’s enough,” Ethan cut him off and put his phone away. He wasn’t going to entertain the idea of him being in a relationship with his father. He wouldn’t use those photos to create a Tinder, but as he looked through them some more...maybe they could be useful.
***** “Holy moly!! Ethan has a pictagram! I repeat, Ethan Ramsey has a pictagram!” Sienna shouted as she ran out of her room and into the living room where Parker and Elijah were currently watching Spider-Man: Far from Home. Parker tried to look shocked, like she hadn’t been there to help him set up the account.
“What??” Elijah asked, his jaw dropping as he paused the movie.
“He has a pictagram! Danny texted me that everyone in the hospital is talking about it! He even posted!” Sienna said rather loudly, causing Jackie and Aurora to join the other roommates in the living room.
Jackie cocked a brow, “You’re kidding, right?”
“No! Go look up @ethan-ramsey!”
Each of the roommates pulled out their devices, searching the username in the app. When Parker’s timeline finally loaded her eyes widened. Holy. Shit. There in all his shirtless glory was Ethan Freaking Ramsey at the top of her page. Scrolling through the likes and comments, it was obvious that all of the hospital and more had found his account. He had blown up with one post. How was that even possible!?, Parker thought to herself as she scanned every inch of Ethan’s bare chest. He looked more relaxed than Parker had seen him in a long time.
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“Look at all those thirsty comments…” Jackie mumbled.
Aurora read aloud, “ ‘I would catch a disease just to see this doctor’. Who comes up with this stuff??”
Parker could practically feel herself turn green. She had never been one to get jealous, but see all the people throwing themselves at Ethan made her only see green. She had always known that Ethan could get anyone he wanted, but this just made it way more obvious to her. Ethan Ramsey could honest to God get any man or woman he wanted.
“Huh,” Elijah said with a furrowed brow. “He’s only following one person, but I can’t see who it is.”
“I-It’s probably Edenbrook,” Parker said quickly, trying to control the color in her cheeks. She knew it was her profile, but she couldn’t tell her roommates that.
Sienna eyed her, thinking about the recent photo Parker posted on her pictagram. Parker could see her connecting the dots in her head. She quickly shook her head no at her, begging her not to say anything to the others. Parker could handle Sienna knowing, but she didn’t feeling like airing her dirty laundry to the rest of them.
“Yeah, it probably is,” Sienna agreed slowly. She sent Parker a look though, telling her that she’d have to give her all the details about why Ethan Ramsey was following her later.
The excitement of the event quickly went away and everyone returned to what they had been doing before Sienna had run out. Everyone except Parker. She looked at the image, imagining being there with him. The wind blowing through his thick hair, the smell of salt in the air. He looked like an angel. Parker chewed at her bottom lip as she thought. Did he post this as a reply to her photo? He must have…he said he didn’t want to post anything. Now he was on his way to be as famous as Bryce on pictagram. If this was how he was going to be, Parker could easily keep up with him. She smirked as she double tapped the image, a red heart covering his chest. Game on Ramsey. Game on.
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gray-is-neutral · 4 years
I posted this on my ao3. I’m super proud of it for the time being. Tell me what y’all think! :) It’s another fix it fic and this is part one.
Pt. 1 The Truth.
Billie was minutes away from breaking through the door. Nothing could stop her. I knew that; Cas knew that too. I felt hopelessness cloud my mind. I thought of all the people I failed. Sam, Charlie, Jack, but most of all, I failed Cas. That was the hardest part of this. I didn’t mind dying, but I didn’t want to drag anyone down with me. Least especially Cas.
“It was Chuck all along,” I said, the realization setting in. My brain was scattered as I panicked. The oxygen wasn’t going to my brain. I could hardly breath. “We should have never left Sam and Jack. We should be with them,” I choked.
I saw the fear and dread in Cas’ eyes. He was panicking himself, trying to find a solution to this when there was none. There was no way out of this. She was going to get through that door. We were going to die. I saw images of what she would do to Cas because she would have to kill him first. He was the angel. I would only be able to watch. We wouldn’t even end up in the same place. He’d go to the Empty and I’d go, who knows where.
“She’s going to break through that door,” I said, unsure how to deal with this sickening reality.
“I know.” Cas’ voice was like a whisper. It was like he was struggling with the words. I understood because I was too. How is one supposed to deal with the idea of imminent death? Death was quite literally knocking at the door.
“And she’s going to kill you, then she is going to kill me.” I was so tired. So so tired, but I still don’t want to die at the hands of Billie or Chuck. That would just give them another win, and I was sick of playing into Chuck’s hand.
“Cas I’m sorry.” And I was. I was sorry for everything. This was my fault. I was sorry for the way I have treated him for the last several years. I was sorry for the times I made him choose. I was sorry for the times he chose me. I was so beyond sorry.
“There is one thing that she is afraid of,” Cas’ voice had a hint of hope. It wasn’t a good feeling though. It was like it was a hope that resides by an unexplainable sorrow.
“There is one thing strong enough to stop her,” he continued, looking me in my eyes, his tears didn’t stop filling his eyes, but his hopelessness was replaced by determination, like he already knew what he was going to do. That scared me more than Billie.
“When Jack was dying, I made a deal to save him. The price was my life. When I experienced a moment of true happiness, the Empty would be summoned, and it would take me forever.”
No no no no. No please not now. Cas please, I prayed.
“Why are you telling me this now?”
I only was able to process bits of what he said.
“I wondered what my true happiness could even look like….. because the one thing I want, I know I can’t have…...happiness isn’t in having, it’s in being, just saying it.”
He was saying too much for me to understand at once. I couldn’t wrap my head around it.
“What are you talking about man?”
“I know how you see yourself Dean. You see yourself as our enemies see you…...Daddy’s blunt instrument…..hate and anger, you think that’s what drives you……..”
Cas no. Please don’t. Please.
“Everything you’ve done, good or bad, you did out of love…...that’s who you are……...caring man on Earth…...selfless loving human being…….ever since I pulled you out of Hell…...changed me.”
His tears flowed freely. My head was pounding. I couldn’t breathe.
“Because you cared, I cared……….cared about you…….Sam…..Jack…..the whole world because of you.”
I never thought that my heart could feel this broken. Could be this shattered, but so selfishly hopeful.
“You changed me Dean.”
“Why does this sound like a goodbye?” Please don’t let this be goodbye.
“Because it is.”
No. No. No. No. No.
“I love you.”
There was silence for a minute. I hoped that maybe happiness wasn’t in just saying it. It was selfish, but I hoped and prayed that him just confessing his love to me wouldn’t be enough.
It was wrong, but I hoped this wouldn’t be complete without an, “I love you too.”
“Don’t do this,” I begged.
Please forgive me. Please don’t go. Please don’t please, please no.
Apparently my prayers went ignored because the Empty came any way as Billie burst through. It instantly consumed her.
It started to cover Cas too. Was this really it? Our last goodbye? No it couldn’t be. I still had so much to tell him. So much I wanted to do with him. I wanted to scream. What about Jack? What about Sam? Are you okay with leaving them?
He would be. I knew that. Sam and Jack are strong. They aren’t kids anymore. They don’t need a babysitter. They don’t need Cas. They don’t need me either.
I’m not sure if it was the lack of oxygen, but I had made up my mind. I was not about to let Cas die for me alone again. Never again. I rushed to him and gripped him tightly. I guess the Empty knew I didn’t belong there because it slowed it’s progression.
“Dean!” Cas’ panic grew. “Let go,” he demanded.
“Never. I won’t ever let you go,” I said.
“Please, before the Empty consumes you too.” He was sobbing, trying to push me away, but his angel mojo was gone, the Empty took that to keep him docile. I hung on tight as I could.
“No. I’m not letting you go. I’m going with you. You aren’t dying alone again. I cannot lose you again. Never again, Cas!” My own tears mixed with slowly progressing black goo of death, but I wasn’t afraid. I was with Cas. He has always been my protector. My angel. He deserved a life, if not a life, then I would give him my love instead. He deserved that much at least.
I planted a kiss on his lips, it was hesitant at first. Eventually, his hands pulled my face closer, and he kissed me back. I moved my grip to his waist as the Empty consumed us together.
I couldn’t breath at first, but I didn’t care. I would rather die from suffocating from Cas’ kiss than drowning in the Empty.
When Cas stopped so I could breath. I gasped for air. After I caught my breath, I looked around. Nothing, vast, infinite nothing. The only thing I could see was Cas. It was infinitely dark, and cold, but I didn’t shiver.
I let the weight of what we did settle in my brain. We won. I was with Cas, and not with Sam, playing out Chuck’s Cain and Able fantasy if I’m not with Sam. We finally said the biggest fuck you to Chuck’s plan. We finally had free will.
Once he let me go, he punched me in the gut and sent me three feet in the other direction. I doubled over, unable to breath.
“What have you done?” Cas’ voice was angry. “Do you know that you’re stuck here forever?” his voice boomed in the silence.
“I do, and I don’t care,” I said, slightly drowsy. I struggled to stand, so he came to me. He got on his knees, and I caressed his face.
“You should care!” he cried into the abyss. “What about Jack and Sam? What about the world? What about everyone? Why did you follow me here?”
I was struggling to stand, I was so, so tired. I needed to....tell him.....he deserved an answer. He walked to me. He was still crying. I smiled at him to let him know that I was okay. I was okay with this ending as long as I told him. He spoke his truth, it was my turn now. He looked down at me. He tried to manage a smile.
“Do you know what happens now?” he asked, getting on his knees to meet me.
“No,” I yawned. “Tell me.” My body felt like lead.
“We sleep. Forever.” He looked at me. “No one will come for us. The only way out is if it lets us out, and I don’t think it will this time.” His voice a whisper.
“I figured that much Cas,” I said. “I need to tell you-“
“No,” said Cas. “No. I’m not-” a dramatic yawn cut him off. “-giving up yet. Not when there is still a chance that-”
“Cas. Stop,” I said, words getting harder. I wanted to panic. To tell him to shut the fuck up and listen, but my body wasn’t listening. I was so tired.
“L-listen. About before. I’m sorry,” I said, unable to keep my head up.
“You can’t fight it, can you?” his voice was warm, calming me against my will.
“No,” I confirmed only able to respond in one word sentences.
“I’m. So. I’m. So. So. Sorry,” I was struggling.
He laid my head in his lap. “I’ll watch over you,” he said, removing his trench coat and covering me in it.
No, I prayed. No, Cas I have so much to tell you. No. No .
I was drifting. My breath became deep against my will. My body no longer responded to anything I told it.
“Cas, I-” I couldn’t finish that thought. Cas please. You deserve to know. You deserve love. You deserve. You, I tried to pray but my head was going black.
“I know.” He kissed my ear and whispered something.
I’m sure it was beautiful, but I’ll never know.
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Supernatural and Good Omens Crossover
“Hey, Cas!” Dean shouted, a strange excitement clouding his voice (and judgement). Sam and Dean locked eyes for a moment, and Sam could’ve sworn for that brief second, he saw the corner of Dean’s mouth beginning to form a small smile. “Cas! You comin’ or what?!”
Castiel entered the bunker’s hall to see Sam and Dean standing in front of the table, a bowl perched hastily, surrounded by some very common ingredients for spells. A virgins blood, the bone of a saint, goat liver... you get the gist. 
As Cas edged forward, a blinding light shot up from the bowl, forming a beam-like shape right next to it. “Dean,” Cas said gruffly, and so very tiredly, “what are you doing?”
“Hey, c’mon man,” Dean replied, pouting, “you can clearly see our own personal witch Sammy has the spell book. Not me.” He raised his hands in mock surrender, causing both Cas and Sam to simultaneously roll their eyes.
“We got him,” Sam spoke finally, much to Dean’s content, and further, to Cas’ dismay, mostly because Castiel knew exactly what Dean was doing and he was very much, as the youth say, done now. 
Cas recalled a recent incident about the fight he had with Dean. It was late and Dean had just come back from a very exhausting demon hunt, which had turned out to be quite disastrous, what with all the involvement of Hell Hounds. 
Sam had gone to bed early that day, saying that he’d catch up on some research to help beat Chuck, but Cas and Dean both knew that whatever Sam was catching up on, it wasn’t research. Dean could hear dialogues sometimes, coming from Sam’s room. Most often, it was “Title of your sex tape”, which always intrigued Dean very much, and googling it turned out to be a very bad idea.  
So, Cas and Dean were relaxing in the kitchen, sharing a bottle of whiskey, talking about everything and nothing. Dean suddenly started talking about how Crowley had turned out to be not such a bad guy for a demon. Then Dean thought about how Heaven, Hell, the Empty and the Purgatory were all in utter chaos, which led his train of thoughts towards resurrecting Crowley. Cas had made a mental note that day: late nights, whiskey, demon hunts and exhausting days always gave Dean the stupidest, most idiotic ideas of all time. 
“Sammy can bring him back,” Dean had said, to which Cas was certain he had put up quite an argument but the fight turned slightly vicious and both Cas and Dean spent the following week shooting daggers at each other. Cas eventually forgot what he had said, but Dean stood by his statement. 
This was the reason why Sam and Dean had been trying to bring back Crowley for several weeks now; trying different spells, different ingredients, different places and hell, one time, different clothes too (if you must know, Dean insisted that they wear a black suit. Yes, it had been a long day and Dean was down two glasses of Whiskey; why do you ask?). Everytime it didn’t work, Dean would spend days on end in his room, eating nothing but stale pizza, watching reruns of The X-Files. Cas was worried it would happen again. 
“Cas? You there, buddy?” Dean pushed Cas back to the present with a small but sturdy tap on his shoulder. “We got him, Cas, we got him.” 
Cas tilted his head in confusion and frowned, then looked at Sam, who nodded in agreement. They all focused on the bowl in front of them as the light grew warmer and brighter, until a figure began materialising from the beam.
Crowley opened his eyes to see himself in a strange place, a place he’d never seen before, nor considered running away to. Three men stood in front of him, tall and very well built, wearing an absurd amount of flannel. Crowley looked to his left to see a blinding light, and for a second, he thought he was in Heaven again, with that purple-eyed monster. 
“Which poor sucker are you wearing as a meatsuit, Crowley?” The man with the scruffy, short, light hair said. 
“Wait, wait, what? Meatsuit? Don’t be stupid--” Crowley sat up straight, looking around frantically, he said, “what the hell did you do with Aziraphale? Where is he?”
“Uh, Dean,” Cas began, clearly suspicious, but Dean cut him off.
“Just hold on to your horses for a second, Cas, let me handle this.”
Cas sighed.
“WHERE IS HE? And, and, did you just say Crowley? Nobody, in all of six thousand years, has ever called me “Cr-ow-ley”.” Crowley spoke angrily, then in exasperation.
“Where’s who?” Sam said, understanding something was definitely off.
“Aziraphale.” Crowley hissed, but it wasn’t an angry hiss, it was more of a habitual, slurring-of-words-hiss.
“Who’s he, your side chick?” Dean joked, but by now he was certain that whoever this person was, it was not Crowley. Sure, he had the accent. And if Crowley had been more focused on looking like an overdramatic sass queen, then maybe the black attire too. But this man, or whatever he was, he was not Crowley.
The blinding light grew brighter still, flashing an almost heavenly glow now, as another figure materialised from the beam.
The figure was more angelic than any form Castiel had seen. Michael could never. Cas could feel the figure’s aura deep inside him, resonating with his own grace, a soft humming of something divine. 
“Oh, my, you seem to have caught us in quite a compromising position,” the heavenly figure said, his voice lilted, and apparently apologetic. 
“You two are holding hands?” Dean spoke before he could stop himself. “If you think that’s compromising, boy do I have news for you.” Dean subsequently made a mental note to never talk again.
“Well I grew impatient and--” Before the figure in all shades of beige could complete his sentence, the man calling himself Crowley jumped to his feet.
“Angel! Where were you?” Crowley had gathered his senses and he was not going to let his angel go anywhere again. “Aziraphale, you gave me quite a fright, you bastard.”
“Wait, can someone explain to me what is happening?” Sam said, his hands raised, angel blade in one and holy water in the other.
“Is that...that’s holy water.” Crowley mellowed down, a frown making its way up his face.
“Now, that isn’t very kind of you, sir. There is absolutely no need to bring in weapons. That would be simply preposterous!” Aziraphale, replied calmly, miracling away the weapons from the tall man’s hands. This seemed to cause a chain reaction, making more weapons surface. Now all three men were clad with some sort of weaponry; very nifty ones too. 
“There is,” Aziraphale began again, more sternly this time, “simply no reason to be feral, dear boys.”
“If you’re wondering, I am Crowley. Crow-ley. I am a demon; didn’t fall, though; sauntered vaguely below. And this is Aziraphale. Now boys, as much as I’d like to stay here and make your lives miserable by, I dunno, replacing all the real bacon with vegetarian bacon, I’d rather wrap this up quickly. We just dealt with an apocalypse and I have the alarm set for a decade of sleeping. And trust me, you don’t want to wait for Aziraphale to start with his magic tricks.” 
Dean made a face at the thought of vegetarian bacon but quickly got over it, concentrating instead on the fact that this was Crowley too. Crow-ley, apparently.
“So, you’re not Fergus? You mother’s not Rowena? God Dammit Sammy, what’d you do?”
Sam looked as confused as everyone right now, but he could’ve sworn he had called Crowley from this universe. Something must’ve gone wrong. 
“Just give us a moment to talk,” Sam said to the angel and the demon, and turned to Cas and Dean.
“And no monkey business,” Dean added, causing Sam to roll his eyes in disappointment again.
“So, my dear, before we go back, don’t you think it would be wonderful if one could, you know, miracle the one with light hair and the one with the trenchcoat together? I would, but it has become a little--” Aziraphale began suggestively, his eyes sparkling with excitement.
“What? Angel, they are just friends! Like us,” Crowley replied.
“My dear, we are married,” Aziraphale sighed, deadpanning.
“Wait, we are?! Since when?” Crowley screamed, obviously taken by surprise.
“Since you went to talk to Holmes, quite an interesting chap, about your secret admirer?” 
Crowley shook his head, still confused.
“We got married the next day, Crowley,” Aziraphale sighed again.
Crowley shook his head yet again, much to Aziraphale’s disbelief.
“You proposed!”
Sam coughed, interrupting Aziraphale and Crowley’s very important conversation about if they got married or not.
“So, here’s the thing: we think that while we were trying to contact Crowley of this universe, you, Crowley, from another universe were summoned here instead. This could be because of two things: Chuck is going insane and he no longer has control over the veils between universes, or two, because Jack (he’s a nephilim), is back, his powers might have overwhelmed the spell. We also think that because of your “compromising position”, both of you got summoned, instead of just Crowley. Either way, you are free to go.” 
“Or you could stay for a couple of drinks, if that is okay by you,” Cas said, hoping they’d stay, just so he could get to know them better.
Crowley and Aziraphale exchanged a knowing glance, coming to an agreement.
“It is noon presently; would you have cocoa by any chance?” Aziraphale chimed happily.
Hey y’all! I am sure this has been done before but I am currently practicing escapism by writing silly fanfics so please bear with me through this phase.
I’m gonna tag some awesome people: @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @petrichoravellichor @all-or-nothing-baby @telefunkies @jensenackles-ismyreligion @mystybloo @thedepressedexpress
Tell me if you want me to tag you or if you don’t want me to tag you.
Thank you for reading uwu
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asterekmess · 4 years
S3A - E3
Hiya, back with another episode of the rewatch. I am...not looking forward to this episode. *deep breath* here we go.
Read More’s save sanity
Hey, so I know this is a really heavy first bullet point...but isn’t anybody else uncomfortable with the image of a black boy running around out of his mind with fury and bloodlust and going after little...white kids? Am I reading too much into this? I know Cora’s running around too. I just...whatever, I’m just gonna keep my mouth shut.
Straight from way too heavy to way too light. So that girl dropped a big jar of fireflies, but they say that fireflies that actually glow aren’t native to California, which would mean these are part of the whole magic thing going on, and at the end of the whole firefly thing they get rid of all the fireflies. So...what if someone finds that jar and opens it?
...nevermind the jar opened up somehow...
Okay, listen, I have a petty and biased hatred for this moment with Scott. Like...is it so hard to say, “I had to get the kids he was chasing away from him?” It’s not like they don’t have time..they just stand there in silence for a while. I also hate the savior pose he strikes there with the kids clinging to him. Like, I get that it’s a very common trope. I still hate it. I use the anti-scott tag for a reason, let me be salty.
why te fuck does Scott FLOAT in the intro?
Lydia has seriously emptied an entire bottle of ibuprofen? She should be dead. Or at least at a hospital. She’s too smart not to know how dangerous it is to take ibuprofen (even the recommended dosage) for too long at a time.
Lydia...Lydia knows about werewolves now. Did no one tell her about this whole escape plan for the betas? She could’ve helped.
Cue the shitty SFX running. Y’all look ridiculous.
Man, come on. Are you seriously telling me that Derek never played hide and seek with his siblings? Like, they’re werewolves for fuck’s sake. Derek never did fake chases through the woods? He tracked PETER for christ’s sake, all the way across town. He was like yards behind him before he got shot that one time.
This show relies a lot on character’s losing time and just finding themselves places. Jackson losing time, Lydia losing time. Lydia losing time again, but in a new way. Later, it’ll be Stiles losing time. I’m just saying, it happens a lot.
It’s fucking august in California. Does it actually get that cold? Poor Lydia’s nose is always red cus she gets forced to wander around in the dark and freezing. I can see her goosebumps when she kneels next to the pool.
I know it’s gotta be hell on her voice, but I think it’s so interesting the way Lydia screams and how it has to jump around the chords before hitting that one note. I don’t know why I find that so interesting. Guess it just reminds me of a wolf howl. Seriously, look ‘em up. Weirdly similar. GO  Holland!
What do you mean the last memory that she had of her mother, Scott? You should’ve told her RIGHT THEN. Right off the bat. There was TONS of time between her getting bit and when she died. You should’ve told Allison right away. Fuck you, you had all of spring break!
god fucking damn it now I’m crying again. Erica, sweetie...Derek honey...
I’m trying to get past the tears to enjoy this romancey stuff, with the candles and the lil lamps, and the LOTR references. I’m really trying.
This is totally not what I should be thinking about while watching the two of them make out, but like, so does Caitlin not go to their school? She just sort of appears a couple times, but Stiles doesn’t seem to know her. Maybe she went to the same school as Heather?
don’t like bugs don’t like bugs ew ew ew ew
Hi cora!
Isaac! You’re somehow feeling better, even though you were apparently out of commission like an hour or two ago...wait huh?
I gotta say, okay, listen I just can’t help it. I know this is serious, but that lil smirk on Isaac’s face? I don’t think he looks smug, personally, I think he looks like he’s about to go play, go rolling around in the grass and leaves, playing with a pack member. He’s been alone for so long this summer, what with Jackson leaving. he’s had no wolves to play with (cus’ we know Derek’s a grump). As worried as he’s gotta be, I bet he’s having funnnnnn.
I..uh..Cora what sound is coming out of your mouth? That..that does not sound like a wolf. That sounds like a wild cat of some kind. Wolves don’t make that screechy noise. They bark and growl, like the sound that came just before. That doesn’t even sound like a roar. Who gave you cheetah sounds?? You’re canine, not feline. Come on they did SO WELL with Derek’s sounds-- No. NO Do not tell me they gave Cora cat sounds cus she’s a chick. I’m gonna fight someone. (For those of you interested, if you scroll to the bottom of this webpage, you can listen to wolf growl snippets and they’re such good quality (I think the bark snippet is broken tho). Listen to those whimpers and whines too, fucking fascinating. I love wolves. Such beautiful animals.)
Cora with Isaac and Scott attacking her and growling at her: “Fuck you, I’ll bite you!” Cora with Derek just growling at her: “BYE bro!”
Stiles, honey! I missed you! Literally, just the sound of your voice makes me feel better.
Scott, Seriously, Derek just said you haven’t tracked either of them anywhere near the pool. You’ve both been following them all night! Yeah, they’re dangerous, but they couldn’t get to the pool and back in time to fight you! I”M GONNA SMACK YOU. DOn’t use that fucking patronizing tone of voice when Derek is TELLING YOU FACTS.
OUR fault? OUR FAULT? I’m gonna fucking *kicks a chair and storms off, grumbling* *Spins around, cus fuck it i’m gonna yell. it’s my post.* NONE OF THIS is DEREK”S FAULT. NOne of this is ISAAC’S FAULT. Fuck dude, I’ll even say that it’s not Scott’s fault! If it’s anyone other than the Alphas’ fault, it’s Allison’s, but tbf she thought she was helping.
And now I’m really fucking sad, cus’ I hate watching this poor girl get told she’s just hallucinating.
WHY does everyone go shopping at fucking 8 pm in Beacon Hills? What...Chris you don’t even have a day job.
I don’t...I don’t understand this scene with Isaac. Like..what exactly are they trying to imply? That he thinks she’s hot? All he’s seen is her raging around with fangs free and glowing eyes. And yeah, some people definitely think that’s hot. But like...that’s just so...what? I choose to read this scene as him just wondering about Derek’s home life. Like, “Since when do you have siblings? Why don’t you tell me these things? I have an aunt?”
WHAT DO YOU mean “Your world?” CHRIS YOU GREW UP AS A HUNTER. THIS IS YOUR WORLD TOO. He was YOUR dad. You’ve been a part of this WAY longer than Scott! Don’t blame the werewolves for ruining your life! THAT WAS YOUR DAD and YOUR STUPID HUNTER CODE’S FAULT.
OKay, listen, I have so many issues with this I need a therapist to mediate my conversations with it. FUCK YOU TW for bringing in Chris. I dont’ give a fuck if he’s experienced or trying to redeem himself. He is a HUNTER he has Slaughtered Derek’s kind for his entire life. He may want to do the right thing, but the right thing definitely doesn’t involved him Standing in front of Derek and forcing him to listen to hunter PROPAGANDA BULLSHIT. I’M SO FUCKING MAD. This was so inappropriate, holy shit. SO far beyond okay. Even the CONCEPT that werewolves wouldn’t be as good at tracking other werewolves as hunters are is fucking stupid. You said it yourself, Chris they can follow scent up to TWO MILES AWAY. Wolves can track their prey for weeks without losing the scent. Just because Isaac stepped on some footprints doesn’t mean he’s incapable of finding them. And what’s all this shit about them “Being able to rely on their human half”? NO? First off, minor detail. Werewolves aren’t half wolf, half human, dumbass. They’re all werewolf. AND The show has said like Ten TIMES that they can’t access their human form/the thought processes they would normally have during a full moon without an anchor, and Boyd and Cora are effectively anchorless on this moon. This is just utter bullshit and I’m so goddamn angry I don’t even know how to process it. “If you’re not trained like me you have no idea this print is Boyd’s” YEAH THEY DO. THEY CAN LITERALLY SMELL IT.  DEREK ALREADY IDENTIFIED THE TRACKS. FUCK you.
ALSO. Getting REAL SICk of people slicing their wrists every time they need a little blood for a ritual or for bait. YOU CUT THE MEAT of the arm. ON THE BACK. WHERE YOU WON”T HIT a VEIN. DUMBASSES.
WHAT THE ABSOLUTE FUCK DO YOU MEAN NINE YEARS DEREK? YOU’D BETTER MEAN CORA WAS NINE YEARS OLD, CUS’ THE FIRE WAS SIX YEARS AGO. and what do you mean you don’t have a lock on her scent? you’ve been following it just fine all night! Wolves remember human scents decades later.
Booooo, i hate the entire concept of wolves going mad on a full moon. It’s lazy and boring. Wolves are not vicious animals, they’re shy as fuck. THey don’t attack without reason. Werewolves should be the same. Full moon’s enhance their wolfishness, so it should make them MORE SHY. The moon should enhance whatever they feel, rather than just making them mindlessly aggressive.
“Primal apex Predatory satisfaction”? seriously? Shut the FUCK up Chris, I’m really fucking sick of your hunter bedtime stories.
....i hate this woman.
Casual reminder that Isaac wouldn’t suggest Killing boyd. Ever. I fucking hate these writers.
yeah yeah, running scene. blah blah blah.
See, I never really understood those fics where Peter just refuses to give anyone any info. He tells Derek what’s up constantly. He didn’t lie or hold anything back when he helped Derek figure out what was up with Jackson or how Jackson needed Lydia to be cured. He walks right up to Derek and says “Hey, so those Alphas clearly want you to join them and that means they’re trying to make you kill your own pack” Peter helps Derek all the time. He’s just a dick while he does it.
Look, I love this moment with Peter, his “Let Scott be the hero of his morally black and white world. You and I, we live in shades of gray” lines are so good, and they speak so much to his character and personality. And he’s right. But I hate that they built the scene around Derek planning to kill his own pack, and following Scott around doing as he asks. I just hate what they do to Derek here.
The dog whistles suddenly have no effect on their hearing? Love it.
Take a second to bring up a plotline you won’t explain for ages. I vibe with that, so long as it is eventually explained.
OOh, suddenly BHHS has a football field?
Not gonna cry, not gonna cry. FUCK I’m crying again.
I just...dude I’m over here trying not to completely lose my shit and cry like a baby, and Stiles is in the middle of panicking and losing his oldest friend and he still puts the dots together. Like. Jesus christ this boy.
NOW Derek? You choose NOW to take Every Single Step down the stairs? JUMP.
...what is this a cartoon? Glowing eyes in the dark? one too many sets? Yeah, yeah, I get it, they’re supposed to look like fireflies.
Why did you stop to look at each other after blasting them? Just go.
OH, yeah, of course Scott has to be the one to hear the extra heartbeat. Scott. Not Derek. Not the ALpha who’s senses are heightened above the a Beta’s. Not DEREK the ALPHA who has a PACK, which makes his senses even stronger that that. No. Scott. The omega. Because he’s like an inch closer to the door. Yah. Sure. That makes sense. SUre.
Dude I wish my high school had that much backup supplies free for the teacher’s to grab. Also, I hate this woman.
WHy were the lights off in the boiler room if she was in the back grabbing stuff? That..what?
OH. I forgot, so Caitlin’s out of high school? She’s...what, 18? 19? Okay, fine, I’ll take that.
Oh stop faking Jennifer, fuck you.
Crying again. dont’ mind me. This is Derek. Not choosing to kill his beta or his long lost sister. Choosing to die himself instead. THAT is Derek (it’s self-sacrificing and it’s because he gives his own life no worth, but it’s still him.)
HOW IS IT DAWN? THAT WOULD BE like 6 HOURS of standing around! Or did the sun not set until like 10 pm? Hm? This show has no concept of time, and werewolves are very time oriented. Someone take away the show from the writers. They’ve lost their privileges.
I hate this. I hate that Isaac shouts for Scott. Not Derek. That’s just so fucking dumb. I’m so tired of it. I’m just so fucking sick of it.
I don’t even wanna look at this. I hate this woman so much.
YOU REALIZE that the third Virgin was Taken. The third virgin is DEAD. the sacrifices have been made, and now Jennifer has control over people. This is where she starts controlling Derek. Right Fucking Here. He loses his agency the moment they touch, if not the moment they make eye contact or he gets in range. I hate it. I HATE IT.
BOOM. Episode three, and Stiles already has the villain after next figured out. He’s past the Alphas now. 
Final Thoughts: I’m angry, I’m tired, and I honestly got very little joy or interest out of this whole episode. I hate what this show did to werewolves and how much insane Scott glorification there is and how every little thing HAS to be about Scott. Scott’s relationship with Chris. Scott saving the kids. Scott’s the one Isaac calls for. Scott’s the one who hears the heartbeats. I get that he’s the main character. I also hate that he’s the main character. It’s just so sad and pathetic and boring and just....ugh. I’m going to bed. I will try for another episode or two tomorrow.
(I promise I’m okay. Just go listen to the wolf howls for me in that link, huh? Listen to those beauties and imagine how amazing a wolf show could have been.)
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almaasi · 5 years
reaction post typed while watching SPN 15x12 “Galaxy Brain”
45 days ago this show went into hiatus and i was like i’M GONNA WRITE ALL THE DESTIEL FANFIC
45 days later all i have is over a hundred thousand words of star trek: deep space nine fic and two failed attempts at destiel because every time i tried to write even the simplest, softest, shortest story, my brain would switch to depression mode and cease to function, only to be immediately rescued as soon as i gave up and thought about deep space nine again
hyperfixating autistic brain sure is a thing
i feel odd noting this, but i think a strange reason i’m less inclined to write spn fics right now is because i would always write from a place of dissatisfaction, because i disliked or distrusted where the story was going in terms of dean and cas’ relationship - except s15 seems to be going fine so i have nothing to complain about or fix (THIS BETTER NOT JINX IT OH MY GOD). even AUs don’t make sense anymore?? BUT THAT SAID i’m definitely not gonna stop trying. sometime soon the right story idea will Arrive and i will write it. and post it the same weekend because y’all have waited LONG ENOUGH
right!! let’s watch whatever this is. i have no clue what’s about to happen. they’re going to alaska right?? or did they already go to alaska and come back? i forget
edit: i guess alaska looked suspiciously like vancouver so i didn’t notice
ohhhh yeah i wondered when kaia would come after dean for michael breaking the spear
edit: but now i’m wondering.......... remember when au!bobby came and sat in the bunker with sam and a bunch of the au hunters, and sam basically did a powerpoint presentation and bobby was like “you have a racist pumpkin for a president” ? and how jack’s biological father was also the president? what’s the timeline on that? because if clinton’s doing a reelection then she’s had her 4 years already so that doesn’t match. THEN AGAIN, as we learn at the end of this episode, radio shed world is another au, so now i think about it, it doesn’t matter, the end. computer, erase that entire personal log
until the kid said “radio shed” my brain literally read the thing as “radio shack” regardless
and they don’t even have that where i’m from
“it’s monologue time”
“the world”
cue a tv shot of DEAN AND CAS 
radio shed is having a 50% off sale and there was only one customer?? just occurred to me
giant tv? in this economy?
yeah guess not
these AUs don’t spark joy.
“but they do”, with chuck pointing at dean and cas. “they challenge me”
when it says “our world” does it mean sam and dean’s world or THIS WORLD 
*edit* the former, clearly
aahhh i missed jody
somehow jack looks much older
i really don’t know what it is, but every time there’s a close up of sam’s face this season his face makes me very uncomfortable. it’s either tense or jumping around all over the place and i really can’t tell if it’s sam or jared having a face problem
i expect all the gifs on my dash by the time i post this
KAIA’S ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i assume “connect four” is also a metaphor for the family
or worlds
or something
the graphic designer in me cringes at the magazine not-kaia’s reading, particularly the ad for bb cream. i mean it looks legit but there’s no brand name for a standard-name product (what kind of company would advertise like that??), and the text at the side is BLACK ON BLACK???????????????? HRHGHHGH
jody: “if we fail.......”
cas: “she’d never recover”
sounds like cas knows a little about romantic pining and heartbreak
the sound of the thunder makes my spine tingly
feels relaxing
like... pretty sure that’s asmr, i get that soLELY from thunder sounds??
billie: “the books write themselves”
gettin a lil terry pratchett vibe there. yee
it’s over. radio shed guy.......... oh no
WHAT A GOOD EPISODE. best part was them finding kaia and kaia giving dean a hug and not-kaia staying behind and her world coming down around her. i cried a little ;~;
loved how there was team free will + jack and then WOMEN of the same number, if you include billie, and discount the fact the reaper died the moment billie arrived
wow i really didn’t write much as i watched. but this was so absorbing! and smooth! and beautiful in so many places. i look forward to seeing claire and kaia happily reunited at a later time c:
i liked kaia and jack’s friendship. it was complicated and sweet, and kaia did look good in his clothes~
and when kaia and dean hugged, sam’s reaction smile was the most comfortable i’ve seen his face look all season. *thumbs up emoji*
ahh this was nice. i mean, everything was terrible, but it was fun and somehow soft. because Family Doing Stuff Together and saving one life even if it endangered the world forever
also? the women had very nice false eyelashes, which were very natural-looking, except for the fact that i noticed them and was constantly distracted by them
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forever-rogue · 5 years
Sexting Gone Wrong
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A/N: Hiya fam, so here is the...much anticipated smut from that first little drabble I did, where some sexting went awry. So yeah, here is the smutty goodness. Please note that is basically porn without plot. I think we all know what we’re expecting. And please, as always, remember, don’t like it - don’t read it! I’m not tagging anyone since I know smut isn’t for everyone, but if y’all want to be tagged in future smut, let a sis know.
And remember to have safe sex! ;)
Pairing: Reader x Gwil x Joe x Ben
Word Count: 3.9k
Warnings: ....smut.....
You flipped to the next page in the book you were intently reading, some Chuck Palahniuk of course, because what was better before going to bed on a Friday night? Having Gwil in your bed with you was the answer to that question. But he was off at another interview or press dinner with Joe and Ben and you had opted to remain at home. It had been a long week and you weren’t in the mood to dress up and rub elbows with people you barely knew. 
Plus, the idea of seeing Joe and Ben in person after your little sexting mishap still made you a bit nervous. Especially after Gwil’s offer. The idea wasn’t discussed again so you figured it was long forgotten or actually had been a joke. But you’d never admit that you were disappointed – but let’s be honest, you wanted to see what Joe and Ben were packing.
But now it was nearing 11 o’clock and you were starting to wonder If Gwil would ever make it back. You had yet to receive any texts from him, and hoped he was okay. Grabbing your phone, you contemplated calling him quickly just to check in and make sure nothing had happened. Just as you were about to call, the sound of front door opening reached your ears. Swallowing nervously, you grabbed  the book and padded quietly down the hall, ready to beat the intruder if need be. Luckily your nerves were short lived as you realized it was Gwil that had come home.
Running down the hallway, his grin stretched from ear to ear as he spied you, and you only gave him a few seconds to react before jumping into his arms and tossing the book to the side.
“Gwilly!” you exclaimed, grabbing his face and showering it in light kisses as he held you tightly, and you wrapped your legs around his waist, “I missed you, love. I was beginning to wonder if you’d ever come home!”
“Sorry, darling, everything took a little longer than expected, and my phone died,” he responded, giving you a lingering kiss before setting you back down. That was when you noticed that you two weren’t alone. Standing behind Gwil, looking as handsome and dapper as ever were Joe and Ben, stealing a few nervous glances at you. It was then you remembered you were only wearing an old shirt of Gwil’s and very cheeky lace underwear.
“Umm, hi boys,” you said quietly, attempting in vain to cover yourself up. It didn’t really matter at this point – between the three of them they had all seen you naked, “I didn’t realize you were coming over…I would have dressed a little more appropriately.”
“It’s okay, Y/N, I purposely didn’t tell you they were coming,” Gwil stood behind you and snaked an around your waist, holding you tightly against his body, his lips were inches from your ears. His hot, sweet breath was fanning across your face and you immediately felt the familiar tingling starting between your legs. He was going to share but wanted to make sure they knew who you belonged to.
“O-oh,” was all that you managed to squeak out as Joe and Ben’s eyes poured all over your body. You very lightly rutted your hips against the bulge in Gwil’s pants, attempting to single that you were that okay with everything. More than okay if you were being honest, “does that mean…”
“Surprise my love,” he growled in your ear, nipping at the delicate skin there, effortlessly find your sweet spot, “tonight you belong to us.”
“Oh really?” you turned your head and kissed his cheek, making sure to give pointed looks to Ben and Joe, both of whom were looking more excited than ever. You pulled out of Gwil’s grasp, and sauntered over to the boys, taking one of their hands in each of yours and pulling them along to the bedroom. You were suddenly glad that you that the two of you had invested in a large bed, “well then, come along boys.”
Gwil followed closely behind, a smirk on his face as his pupils dilated with lust. He was more than excited that to make you happy, and if he was being honest with you and himself, he couldn’t deny that some feelings for his costars and best friends had popped up over the last year.
“Who’s first?” you asked suddenly, a wave of bravado coursing through your veins. There was something about having three men who wanted only you that gave you an incredible sense of power. You lifted the hem of your shirt and made quick work of pulling it over and tossing it to the side, leaving you in only your lace panties in front of them. They were all ogling you, like it was the first time they had ever seen a woman. Joe was closest to you, his eyes wide and pants tauter than they had been before.
You grabbed his wrist and started to unbutton his shirt, your fingers shaking ever so slightly with both nerves and excitement. As you got to the last of the buttons, you crashed your lips onto his, kissing him with a passion and fervor that you didn’t know you had. He was different from Gwil, the way his mouthed moved against yours, the way he tasted, but it was still pleasant, and you knew you could probably get drunk off of his kisses.
Pulling back, you rested a hand on his chest, the other hand trailing down to his belt and quickly undoing it. He hissed slightly at the sensation as you reached down and pulled his cock free from the confines of his boxers. Moaning, he kicked off his pants and boxers and pushed them away, standing bare in front of you. An impressive specimen, you decided.
“Tell me what you want Joey,” you whispered against his lips, slowly jerking his cock a few times. He almost whimpered against your lips, and you knew what he was saying. You gave him wide, innocent doe eyes as you sunk to your knees, licking a long stripe up the length of his shaft. His cock was already flushed and leaking from the slit. You did your best to fit as much of him as you could into your mouth, bobbing your head slowly.
Behind you, Ben seemed to be feeling bold as he stripped off, eyeing Gwil up and down before pushing him lightly onto the bed. Gwil licked his lips before giving the blonde man a smirk and let him undress him slowly before capturing his plump lips in a tantalizing kiss - it was a beautiful sight to behold.
Joe let out a few low moans as you worked on him, bucking his hips lightly in time with your thrusts. You hollowed your cheeks and sucked him a little harder and could tell he was getting close when his cock twitched in your mouth.
Pulling off with a loud pop, his eyes snapped opened, and he looked at you in surprise. You kissed along his hip before asking, “where do you want to cum, Joey? Anywhere you want.”
“In your mouth. Swallow...” he choked out as your swirled your tongue over his tip, “please.”
“Whatever you want pretty boy,” you told him, taking him back in your mouth and encouraging him to fuck your mouth. He looked over at Ben and Gwil who were currently tangled up in each other, Ben languidly stroking Gwil’s cock. He groaned at the sight and only gave another thrust before spilling into your mouth. You swallowed everything he had to offer, making sure to lick him before opening your mouth and showing him it was all gone, “tasty.”
“Jesus fuck,” Joe whispered as he pulled you to your feet, before pulling you in for another kiss. He could taste himself on you, and it drove him wild, “you’re perfect. Gwil’s been holding out.”
“Apparently holding out on himself and Y/N,” Ben smirked at Joe from where he was lying next to Gwil. He beckoned for you to come over hands immediately going to your hips as he tugged down your soaked panties. You shivered in delighted surprise as he hovered a few fingers near your aching core. You wished he would just get on with it, but he got an idea in his head, “sit on my face, love.”
“Ben, really?” you tingled with excitement. Gwil had asked you to ride his face a few times and those were some of the best orgasms you had ever had. There was something about the closeness that made it more intimate, and more powerful at the time. He cocked an eyebrow at you, and eagerly obliged, shimming your way up his body until your knees were on either side of his head. Gwil pushed himself up and kissed along your jawline as you gripped the headboard.
Ben wrapped his strong arms around your thighs, taking a few moments to kiss along the delicate skin before burying his face in your soaked heat. You immediately let out a moan at the sensation, gripping the headboard so tightly your knuckles were turning white. It wasn’t the first time he had down this, that much was apparent.
“Ben, holy shit,” you managed to get out as you rutted your hips against his face. He chuckled under you, the vibrations mixing in his ministrations as his tongue worked wonders on you, his nose nudging against your clit, “feels so good.”
Joe was stretched across the bed, playing with himself, his cock already hard again as he watched the two of you. Gwil got an idea and didn’t want him to feel felt out.
“C’mere,” he murmured to Joe before kissing his swollen lips. He moaned into the kiss, Gwil’s stubble scratching his chin deliciously. He held his face between his hands, running a finger over his lips, “you know, Joe, this cock isn’t going to suck itself.”
“Look who’s wearing the pants for once,” Joe joked before pulling away from the lanky man, kissing his way down his torso as he spit into his hand, and started to pump Gwil’s cock. Gwil leaned back against the pillows, a blissful expression on his face as Joe’s mouth found its way onto his cock. He was moving almost painfully slowly, with teasing licks and sucks, causing Gwil to writhe under him slightly. Joe tutted at him, holding him down as he took him fully in his mouth and giving him what he wanted.
Between the sight next you and the pleasure that Ben was inflicting, you were ready to come undone. Reaching behind you, you grabbed Ben’s cock, and starting to stroke him slowly, which earned you a few moans from him as he increased his worship of your body. 
“I’m gonna cum, Ben,” you whimpered as he pulled back from you for the briefest of moments. You could practically feel your juices dripping down your legs.
“Cum all over my face pretty girl,” he nipped at the skin of your thighs before moving back to suck your clit. You gasped at the sensation before squeezing your eyes shut as waves of pleasure shot through your whole body. Ben, being ever the gentleman, worked you through your orgasm, lapping up every bit of your juices as you came down from your high.
“You’re good at that,” you said, as he licked his lips, his face glistening with your arousal. He shrugged as it if was no big deal. You noticed Joe still going at Gwil, and turned back to Ben, “everyone’s got their cock sucked except you, poor boy. Let me help you.”
You didn’t give him a chance to respond before taking him in your hands and spreading his precum down his shaft, getting him nice and wet. His eyes rolled back as he shivered under your soft touch.
“Y/N,” his voice was barely audible as he watched you go down on his cock, sticking your bum in the air. You shot him a quick wink before starting to bob your head up and down, taking all of him in your mouth, almost obscene sounds mixing in with your gagging.
“I have an idea,” Gwil raised his eyebrows at Joe, who had just finished cleaning him off. Gwil looked at you, staring at your bum before getting up and positioning himself behind you. His ghosted his long fingers down your spine before settling putting his hands on your hips in a strong grip. He lined himself up at your entrance, running his cock through your soaked folds before pushing into you, burying himself completely inside you. You moaned around Ben’s cock at the wonderful feeling of being stretched out by him.
“Gwilym,” you pulled off of Ben, and leaned back against him, pressing your back against his strong chest. One of his hands worked its way up your body, massaging your breast as he started to pound into you. He rolled your nipple between his deft fingers, instantly earning some moans from you. He let his hands roam your body, kissing your neck your bringing one of his large hands to rest on the column of your throat, squeezing lightly.
“Just like that,” you sighed contently as he continued snapping his hips into from behind, bringing you closer to the edge of another orgasm. He groaned, low and gutturally, in your ear as Joe took your spot and started to suck Ben off, making sure he got his release as well. There was something about watching the two men, so comfortable with themselves and each other, have no reservations and inhibitions as they pleasured one another.
“’m gonna cum,” Gwil stated and your reached him and grabbed his bum, pulling him closer you, trying to get him as deep inside you as possible. He changed his angle slightly, hitting your g spot, giving you a few deeper thrusts before spilling inside of you, moaning your name mixed in with a string of curses. Your walls clenched around him as he gently rubbed your clit, bringing you to your second orgasm.
“Gwil,” you moaned as you slowly pulled out of you. He turned you around and started kissing you gently, cupping your cheek and whispering a few sweet nothings in your ear. You beamed at him, gravity taking over as you felt his cum slowly start to drip down your thigh. You didn’t bother to wipe it up, but raised an eyebrow towards Ben and Joe, a mischievous grin on your face as Gwil nodded, “so boys, who’s next? Who’s going to fill me up?”
Ben and Joe looked at each other with wide eyes, trying to decide who was getting first. The older men took advantage of the moment of contemplation, kissing Ben fiercely before reaching for you. You liked this side of him, more dominant than his usual day to day self.
“On your back,” he commanded, and you did as you were told, getting comfortable and spreading your legs wide open for him. He bent down and kissied along the delicate skin of your collarbones and breasts, nipping lightly to make sure there would be purplish bruises there tomorrow. He attached his mouth to your breast, swirling his tongue over your nipple while his large hand massaged the other.
“Joey, need you now,” you whimpered, and he chuckled lightly as he left a few more open-mouthed kisses on your torso. He put his hands on your thighs, placing your legs on his shoulders as lined himself up and swiftly entered you, giving you almost no time to adjust before he started mercilessly pounding into you. 
Your words had driven him over the edge and he needed you bad. The headboard stated knocking against the wall and you almost felt sorry for the next door neighbors. Almost. Gwil and Ben in amusement as Joe continued his tirade on you, exchanging languid saccharine kisses as they tangled up in each other.
“God, you feel so fucking good,” he almost groaned as he closed his eyes and bit his lower lip, trying to contain himself at least somewhat. You mewled in content as you watched him fuck you, gripping the blankets as you started to see white, “I’m gonna cum.”
“Cum in me,” you told him, and his eyes seemed to roll back at the sheer thought of getting to coat your walls with his seed. He gave a few more sloppy, erratic thrusts before spilling inside you, unable to find any words. He rode his high as you did you too, the feeling perfect bliss, “didn’t know you had all that in you, Joey. You’re amazing.”
He reluctantly pulled out of you, rolling over and giving you a sweet kiss. It was almost amusing – your boys being so gentle after all the dirty things they had just done. His expression was completely fucked out as he laid next to his,  a  sleepy little smile on his face.
“Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you, baby boy,” you turned to Ben was watching you with wide eyes.
“Please?” he asked quietly, not wanting to beg or seem too needy, especially after Gwil and Joe had just done a number on you. You ran a hand through his blonde waves, before kissing him and moving to straddle him. You gave Gwil a sweet smile as he moved next to Joe, laying down and cozing up next the other man, absentmindedly running a hand up and down his chest.
You reached down and grabbed Ben’s cock, lining it up at your entrance, before sinking down on him, both of you moaning at the feeling as he stretched you out. The friction of your clit against his pubic area was almost too for you to handle as you started to move, taking your time to ride him. You took his hands and placed them on your breasts, encouraging him to let his hands roam your body.
“You feel so good Benny, you fill me up so well,” you cooed at him, leaning down to give him a quick kiss. He was almost moaning and whimpering under you, sure no one else had ever made him feel this good. He bucked his hips lightly in time with your movements, pushing you further and further to the brink. You were getting tired, but Ben had no problem taking over, his warm hands skimming along your hips before resting on your bum and gripping onto the supple flesh.
“Almost there,” he groaned, working a little more fervently now, chasing the high he had been after all night. Closing his emerald eyes, he bit down on his bottom lip, which was sure to be bruised by tomorrow, as he thrust into you harshly. It was almost painful in a way, he was hitting so deep inside of you, but it was mixed with too much pleasure to be unenjoyable.
“Let go, Ben, let go,” you spurred him, wanting to feel him add to the mixture of Gwil and Joe’s cum that was already inside you. He let out something resembling a strangled cry as he pulled you against his chest, lightly biting down your shoulder as his hot cum coated your walls. You felt a few tears stream down your face from the pure joy of the over stimulation, reaching a new pinnacle of euphoria.
“Not gonna lie, but that was pretty fucking hot,” Joe commented from where he laid, eyes intently roaming over your and Ben’s sweaty bodies, chests still rising and falling rapidly. Gwil made a small sound of agreement as he reached over and trailed his long fingers along your jawline, a satisfied smile on his face.
“Tired, pretty girl?” he asked, seeing the completely fucked out expression on your face as your eyes started to get heavier and heavier. It was hard to keep up with three prolific men when you were just one person.
“Mhmm,” you murmured, giving Ben a quick kiss before sliding off of him and curling into Gwil’s outstretched arm. Ben made to go to the bathroom to get a washcloth to help clean you off, but you grabbed his wrist and held him back, “leave it. I want to feel it - all three of you inside me, what a dream.”
“I’m guessing you were okay with all of this?” Gwil mused as he played with a strand of your mussed hair. He had been nervous to bring the two others along with him, but he trusted you and them, and had a feeling everything would work out.
“This was more than okay,” you agreed, closing your eyes as you rested your head on his chest, listening to the strong, even beating of his heart, “all three of you are just lovely.”
“We’ll have to do this more often,” Joe smirked from the other side of Gwil, pulling the blanket higher over your bodies.
“Duh,” the three of you echoed - after how well this all turned out, it was a given that this was going to be a thing. You weren’t quite sure what to call it or if it even needed a label. Whatever it was, it felt right and you were more than happy that Gwil had made good on his promise. Maybe you should have sexted Ben and Joe a lot sooner.
“I’m going to propose a new group chat,” Ben suggested as he stifled a yawn, lazily draping an arm around your waist, “and call it the Thirst Squad.”
“Ben,” you chided, “I’m all for that, but it’s going to need a better name. I’m not sending pictures of my tits to the thirst squad!”
“Okay, okay,” Gwil shushed all of you, “we can decide on the name later, but now let’s get some sleep. I have a feeling we’ve got a long weekend ahead of us.”
You shivered with delighted excitement at the thought of spending the weekend in bed, entangled with your lovers. It didn’t seem like such bad idea.
You could get used it this: you, Gwil, Ben, and Joe. It had a nice ring to it.
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yoon-kooks · 6 years
Little Things
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Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Genre: FriendsToLovers!AU, FWB, Fluff
Summary: You never thought a casual one-night stand would lead to six months of friends-with-benefits shenanigans, nor did you believe that something as simple as borrowing his hoodie would make you question your feelings for him.
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: this is day one of my yoongi fluff week 2.0!! tomorrow ill be posting a short dogwalker!au ft. min holly ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ check out the official myg fluff week post for the full schedule~!
When the rustling of sheets finally settles after a long night, it’s all routine. First you cuddle your bare body up to his and listen for your heartbeats to slow. Then you stare longingly, waiting for a kiss. And when you finally get the kiss, you never want it to end—the feeling of his tender lips against yours. But then it does, and the two of you have a moment of silence to cherish each other’s company.
“I should get going now,” you break the silence, running a delicate index finger along his chest.
Yoongi waits until your finger has made its way up to the tip of his chin before nodding. Your lips can’t hold back a tiny smile and giggle. It’s always so funny how the two of you don’t have much to say once the physical intimacy ends, and yet, there’s this unspoken feeling that lingers between you and him.
And after giving the boy one final smooch on the cheek, you sit up in the bed and stretch. The boy, too, knows that’s his cue to get cleaned up and dressed. You enjoy the view as he rolls out of the blankets first to slip on a fresh pair of boxers.
“Hey Yoongi, can you toss me my underwear please?” you ask innocently, still waiting beneath the warmth of the blankets. His eyes glance over at the bottom corner of his bed, the designated spot where all your clothes got tossed aside amidst the sex. But in the aftermath, your clothing seems to have disappeared.
“Help me look for them, Lazy.” Yoongi sneaks another peek at your exposed chest before handing you a heavy black mass. It isn’t until you unfold the black mass that you realize it’s one of his many hoodies. One of the hoodies you’d always wanted to try on when he wasn’t looking because it looked so soft and comfy.
You slip the hoodie over your naked body, thankful that it covers just below your ass cheeks. Although you really want to check yourself out in the mirror, you instead help the boy gather your clothes that had somehow scattered across the bedroom. A sweater is found on the floor, jeans thrown over the chair, a cute bralette hanging over the computer screen, and lace panties in the hand of your friend with benefits.
Snatching your last garment out of Yoongi’s hand, you smirk. “I’d put these back on, but they’re probably all dirty now. So I won’t~” Instead of putting any of your own clothes back on, you shove them into your bag and opt to make use of Yoongi’s hoodie. The boy picks up on your naughty intentions and pulls the hood over your head, perhaps to trap in the warmth.
“Are you going to be warm enough like that on the way home?” Yoongi starts digging through his dresser for some sweatpants you can borrow along with the hoodie. “It’s cold out tonight, you know.”
“It takes like five minutes for me to drive home, so I think I’ll be fine, Yoongi. But I appreciate the thought,” you giggle at his sweet gesture. The two of you might only be acquaintances who use each other for sex, but he’s definitely the most thoughtful boy you’ve come across. You can recall so many instances in which you were on the receiving end of his soft side, like the time he helped you cover up a bad hickey with makeup, or how he disses the annoying coworkers you always rant to him about. And part of you envies the lucky person who’ll someday be blessed with all his love and affection.
“Fine, but just remember to return my hoodie when you have time,” he puts on a pouty lip as he walks you to the door.
“Nah, I think I’ll keep it forever. Thanks,” you stick your tongue out and wave goodbye with sweaterpaws.
When you awake the next morning, you’re nice and toasty thanks to Yoongi’s hoodie. It’s so comfy, you had fallen asleep in it as soon you laid down on your bed. And for a solid ten minutes, you roll around your bed contemplating whether or not to “accidentally” steal Yoongi’s hoodie and claim it as your own.
After coming to the conclusion that theft is never the answer, you change into a clean set of your own clothes and toss Yoongi’s hoodie into the washer along with your dirty laundry. You suppose you should be a good person and return the hoodie all clean and neatly folded. But until the laundry is done, an idea pops into mind. You pull out your phone and text the boy.
[9:27AM] Y/N “are you free for dinner tonight?”
[9:29AM] Yoongles “why yes i am”
[9:30AM] Yoongles “was there somewhere in particular you wanted to get food from?”
[9:30AM] Y/N “just come to my place 💃”
[9:33AM] Yoongles “oh 😳”
[9:33AM] Yoongles “omw 🏃‍♂️”
[9:35AM] Y/N “NO NOT NOW you horny fucker”
[9:36AM] Y/N “LATER.”
[9:37AM] Yoongles “later 🤤”
You can only shake your head with a smile as you toss your phone aside. Smiling like an idiot seems to be becoming a bad habit the more you interact with Yoongi.
“Hey Y/N, I’m expecting a package today with some, uh, adult toys, so answer the door if someone knocks. I’m gonna be out with Jimin. Thanks in advance~” Your nosy roommate, Taehyung, pops his head into your room and chuckles when he sees your face. “Oh shit, you’re smiling like an idiot again… Let me guess—Yoongi finally asked you to marry him?”
“Yoongi and I aren’t like that,” you throw a heart-shaped pillow at the boy.
“Funny, you said the same thing after you had that fateful ‘one-night stand’ with him. Half a year later and you’re still sleeping with him,” Taehyung shrugs as if your love life is any of his business. “So, naturally, the next step after friends with benefits would be for y’all to date, yeah?”
For a moment, you really do consider the possibility of being that lucky person who could call Yoongi their boyfriend. But at the same time, you’d worry that your relationship with him wouldn’t last outside of the physical intimacy. “I really don’t think so, Tae.”
Taehyung frowns, chucking the pillow back at you. “Whatever you say, Y/N. But I’m just saying when you got home last night, you looked awfully happy and cozy. Enamored, even.”
“That’s because he let me borrow his hoodie…”
“Yeah, but whenever you borrow my clothes, it feels a lot more malicious and petty than heartfelt, you know.” With an overexaggerated hmph, your roommate backs out of your doorway.
“It’s just… different.” Because your world is somehow different when Min Yoongi’s involved.
As soon as the clean laundry comes out of the dryer, you’re so tempted to wear the toasty hoodie one last time. You slip your arm in the sleeve “just to test how warm it is fresh out of the dryer”, and the coziness only reminds you more of the boy who let you borrow it in the first place. He’s sweet, he’s gentle (except in bed!), but he’s not yours.
You slowly retract your arm from the sleeve with a disheartening feeling, but pause halfway out of the temptation that never seems to fade. You really shouldn’t be playing around with something that doesn’t belong to you, and yet, it’s something you can’t let go of.
So maybe, just until Yoongi shows up, you’ll secretly wear his hoodie to keep warm as you run to the grocery store and start preparing dinner in the kitchen…
Knock. Of course someone has to knock on your door right when you’re about to start prepping dinner. You seriously contemplate whether or not you should ignore the inconsiderate person who had the audacity to interrupt your mission in the kitchen. But it might be Taehyung’s dildo, so you suppose you should answer the door.
“Oh,” is all you can say when you open the door and see Yoongi eyeing you up and down in his clothes. You’re caught red-handed.
“Cute hoodie you got there.” He gives you a nod of approval as if he wasn't the one who bought it in the first place. But maybe this means he doesn’t mind you wearing his stuff. Maybe he likes the way it looks on you.
“Thanks, it does look pretty cute on me, doesn’t it?” you play along before switching back to reality. “What are you doing here so early? I told you to come by for dinner, not lunch. The only reason why I bothered to answer the door was because I thought it was Tae’s dildo. I haven’t even started preparing the food yet and-”
“Wait, two questions: 1) Dildo? And 2) you’re making dinner?” Yoongi tilts his head with wide eyes. “If I had known, I would’ve brought over drinks or dessert… maybe a fruit tart or someth-”
“No… We’re making dinner. Together,” you stop him from rambling on. “And yes, dildo.”
After dragging the boy into the kitchen, you throw a spare apron at him. He leans against the counter looking awfully boyfriend-like, waiting for the head chief to give him directions.
“You can chop the vegetables and I’ll handle the noodles and broth, okay?” You walk him around your kitchen, briefly going over where cooking utensils and ingredients can be found. He nods with a chuckle over how serious you are about cooking dinner together.
“Yoongi, come here,” you say an hour later, once the vegetable soup is just about ready to come off the stove. With a tiny spoon, you scoop up some broth and feed it to the boy. “How is it?”
“Hmm…..” He smacks his lips and takes his sweet time in giving you proper feedback. “Can I have another taste?”
You dip the spoon into the pot and hold it out for Yoongi taste once more. Except this time, you pull the spoon away just before he can taste anything and stick it into your own mouth in triumph. Your smirking lips keep the spoon in place, taunting him.
He steps a little closer, backing you against the counter, until he has a grip on the spoon. Tugging gently enough for you to fight back, he laughs at you “You’re ridiculous, you know that?”
You shrug, still keeping a tight hold on the spoon between your lips. It’s only when his face draws near yours that you weaken your grip and allow the spoon to slip out. Because there’s something else you’d rather have between your lips than a fucking spoon.
With a spontaneous kiss on the lips, you give Yoongi an innocent smile before forcing him to get the bowls and another spoon. And once the soup is all dished out, you lead him to the couch with bowls in hand.
“Ooh, it’s good, right?” you ask while slurping up a long noodle.
“It’s only good because someone did a phenomenal job chopping up those veggies.” He leans over to wipe off the tiny bit of broth that had splattered onto your cheek. “What made you want to cook soup all of a sudden?”
“Because it’s nice to have something warm when it’s cold out?” you chug down a good amount of your broth. “And because I wanted to share something with you, as thanks for letting me borrow your hoodie last night.”
“And you’re still wearing it, by the way.”
“Well do you want me to take it off now? During dinner?” You set your soup bowl down on the coffee table and teasingly tug at the bottom hem of the hoodie.
“Maybe a little later?” He flips the hood over your head again. “You’re free for the rest of the night?”
Nodding, you pull a blanket over yourself and snuggle up to the boy as he finishes up his soup. That unspoken feeling lingers again.
“Y/N,” he says once his empty bowl is set down on the table next to yours.
“Yeah?” You throw part of your blanket over his lap as he settles back onto the couch with you.
“Cooking was fun.” He runs his fingers along your back in a soothing motion. “It’s a good thing I came early, right?”
“Let’s do it again soon. I want to try making tacos next time,” you yawn.
“Okay,” is the last thing you hear him say before drifting off to sleep. Cooking with a friend was a lot more exhausting than you had anticipated. But like the boy said, it was fun. And it’s the little things like that that you appreciate so much about your relationship with Yoongi.
“Y/N.” In the midst of your slumber, you feel something soft poke your cheek but you decide to ignore it.
“Y/N, wake up.” You feel something shake your shoulder but you decide to ignore it.
“Y/N, c’mon on.” You feel something warm against your lips that you can’t ignore. So you kiss back.
“Mm… What time is it?” You stretch your body out, still in the arms of someone warm.
“It’s seven in the morning, and I have to be at the studio in half an hour,” Yoongi’s soothing voice almost puts you back to sleep until you realize you’d slept right through the night with the boy on your couch.
“No you don’t,” you giggle, rolling yourself on top of the boy to give him a couple of love bites. And after a rather affectionate hug, you finally let him go. “Just kidding.”
“Haha, very funny, Dork.” He flips the hood over your head once more before heading to the door. “Thanks for the soup. I enjoyed last night.” A night without the obligations of friends with benefits.
“Me too.” As he opens the door, you remember something, “Wait, Yoongi. Your hoodie.” You start struggling to get the oversized black mass over your head until he stops you.
“You can keep it,” he laughs at you.
“…You’re really letting me keep it?” Your eyes brighten. “But that’s such a boyfriend-thing to do, you know.”
“I know. Do you want it or not, Dork?”
“I want it!” you hiss at him. “But does that mean you don’t mind if we’re something more than just, uh, friends who fuck a lot?”
“You mean like dating?”
“That or, umm… Yeah that.” You shrink yourself in the hoodie. “Like, we can make tacos together and stuff.”
“We could do that,” Yoongi nods. “It’s actually been on my mind for a while now.”
“Mine too.” You throw your arms around the boy’s neck and send him off with a dozen kisses on the cheek.
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scribeofmorpheus · 5 years
Mark of the Wolf Epilogue
Catch Up Here!
Pairing: Derek Hale x Reader (Lastname: Markolf)
Words: 3k
Warnings: Language, sexual references and... hallucinations, or are they?
A/N: The end of a journey, but the start of a new one! To all those that stuck around till the end -I’m sorry for taking so long- and y’all are the best! Check the link at the end to read the blurb for the sequel.
Leave a like or reblog if you enjoyed this chapter! It helps ☺
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You laid in Derek’s bed watching the first glimmers of daybreak scatter over his velvet sheets. His mouth was parted slightly as he took long, drawn out breaths in his sleep. You hugged your knees to your breast, taking in the peaceful silence.
With the last of the hunters lost to the winds, you were unsure of what going back to normal meant.
Were you just supposed to go back to your newly-moved-in apartment and unpack the last few boxes you left on the floor? Then what? Spend the rest of your days spaying cats and clipping outgrown nails? Somehow the prospect of returning to how things used to be felt a little underwhelming.
What about Derek? He was still a wanted man in four states. Still a criminal in the eyes of the law. Was it safe for him to stay? Would he stay?
As you pondered your future, Derek stirred from sleep, a groan emanating from his chest.
“Morning,” you whispered over your knees.
He smiled at you, “Morning.”
He sat up to lean against his headboard, chiselled chest in full view.
You blushed, remembering the kiss in the woods and how sexy his glistening muscles made him look.
He splayed his arms wide for you to crawl under, the red rash slowly forming on his forearm identical to Peter’s. Scratch marks present from when he was asleep, digging his nails into his irritated flesh.
You tucked yourself under his strong frame, trailing fingers over the snaking flesh. You shuddered. It didn’t feel right.
Derek kissed the top of your head, chasing your worries to the back of your mind.
“Where do we go from here?” you asked, keeping your eyes trained on the growing rash.
“I don’t know,” he admitted, stroking the bony trail of your neck. “But I know I don’t want to go back.”
You smiled, “Neither do I.”
Something writhed under his skin and you started from the contact it had with the pads of your fingers.
“What are we going to do about this?” you poked his arm.
He dismissed it nonchalantly, “As long as it doesn’t kill me, I don’t care.”
You hummed in thought.
Derek seemed more carefree, less burdened. You felt deprived of this side of him, wishing you had known he possessed such calmness underneath his brooding façade earlier.
“You’re still a wanted man you know,” you reminded him.
“And you’re a vet with a clinic in disrepair,” he retorted.
“So…” you looked up to meet his green eyes. “What do we do about that?”
Derek kissed your lips, twining his fingers with yours, “I’ve actually been having this reoccurring dream.”
“Oh yeah?” you arched a brow.
“Mmm-hmm. It’s about us actually.”
“Us?” you felt comfortable saying the words, it scared you how normal it felt on your tongue.
Derek noticed how casually you said it too, it made his smile grow, “Yeah, us. We’re always alone, just the two of us, with nothing but a map, a camping tent and two backpacks.”
“That sounds… a lot like my childhood actually.”
“That’s not the best part. Every morning we wake up somewhere new. And on the last day, we pitch our tent in front of this magnificent waterfall, surrounded by nothing but free open spaces and curious coyotes.”
“You had me till coyotes.”
A laugh rumbled from his chest, “They tend to steer clear of wolves. A hierarchy thing.”
“Ahh,” you said, drawing circles around his abdomen.
“How about it?” He asked, eyes peering into yours. He looked vulnerable.
“What? Leave Beacon Hills, disappear for a while to go on a hiking trip with a guy I just slept with?” you teased.
He rolled his eyes, “Hey, I’m more than a piece of meat you know.”
“I know. Not many people would go to such lengths to help a total stranger.”
“You’re not a stranger to me. I’m beginning to doubt if you ever were.”
“God! It seems like years ago that I pulled that bullet from right here–” you poked the spot that once looked mangled and bloody from a bullet wound.
Derek jerked, finding your touch ticklish.
“Well?” he asked again.
What he was asking of you was to be someone you weren’t. Someone spontaneous and adventurous and not someone who was calculating and a meticulous planner. He was asking you to take a chance on whatever warm feeling was spreading through your body right as the golden glow of the sunrise bathed your naked bodies.
The rational part of your brain was telling you ‘No!’. Warning you not to be swept up in the moment like a hopeless romantic.
Be with him, but don’t put everything on hold for him, the rational voice said.
Oh, for once in your life don’t listen to her, follow your heart, be bold… give yourself a shot at being happy again. Lord knows you’ve earned it, the dying remnants of your fun-loving college girl years argued against the other voice.
You held his gaze for a long pause, trying to weigh the options. In the end, it was his unexpected kiss that decided things for you.
“What the hell!” you cast caution to the wind. “Yeah, let's go see some mountains together or some shit.”
“Yeah?” Derek was grinning now.
And with that, he rolled you onto your back and kissed you passionately.
On the bedside table, vibrating incessantly was Derek’s phone. Caller ID stating it was Stiles trying to get ahold of him for the sixth time in a row. Derek ignored the call and chucked his phone into his clothes hamper before he lowered himself between your thighs.
 ~Two Months Later
“Where to next?” you pulled out the map and placed it next to the lantern propped up on a foldable table.
Derek looked at the map then back at you, a cheeky smile on his face.
You knew that look. That was the look that told you he wanted to be doing something else besides plotting out points on the heavily marked map.
He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and bit his lip, “Why bother with ‘next’ when we can just enjoy the beautiful view right here.”
You glanced over your shoulder to look at the rolling hill ranges that spanned for miles and miles.
“It is a beautiful view,” you agreed.
He placed a kiss to your shoulder, “That’s not the view I was talking about.”
Heat flushed to your cheeks, “Ever the charmer.” You rolled your eyes.
“I’m only charming for you,” he kissed the crook of your neck, mouth sucking on the sensitive flesh until you were certain it would leave love bites.
You moaned, but then forced yourself to not be swept up in his incendiary touches, “Ah-ah, Derek. Map. Next destination. Focus.”
You chastised him with a playful smack and he huffed, “Easy for you to say. Focusing is the last thing I’m capable of doing right now. It doesn’t help that you smell like the wild –cedar and freshwater. It’s intoxicating.” He breathed in the scent around your hair.
God, he was making it hard for you to focus as well.
You cleared your throat, “Well you’re just going to have to reign yourself in, Romeo.”
“You’re so persistent,” he whined dramatically. “Okay, you really want a destination.”
“Yes, please.”
“How about here—“ he circled Beacon Hills with his finger.
“Beacon Hills?”
“Yeah,” he shrugged. “I’ve been thinking about it a lot. Deaton’s finished with the repairs. I’m a free man again. Maybe we should think about taking this thing we got going back to a more permanent setting.”
Your eyes widened, “Are you suggesting…?”
“I’m saying I want us to move in together,” he said it so boldly you almost wondered if he knew asking someone to move in with him wasn’t the same as asking them to share a closet space.
“I’ve thought about it a lot,” he revealed. “When I’m not thinking of all the things I want to do to you.” He playfully nipped your earlobe before stretching back into his relaxed pose.
Your voice was torn between panicked and husky, “Living together is a huge commitment Derek, it’s not—“
“I’m committed to you, almost devoutly so. It scares me sometimes,” he laughed awkwardly. “Besides, aren’t we practically sharing a living space right now?”
Your mouth hung open. He’s got you there.
He sighed longingly, “Waking up next to you, sharing meals with you, fighting over which way’s East or West or South or… you get the idea. I want more of that. In a house or apartment, or loft even, just as long as it has walls, a sturdy bed and you.”
You giggled, happiness spreading through you.
His face turned serious just then, his hand taking yours, “I want those things with you more than I’ve ever wanted them with someone else. I—“
Suddenly his phone rang and Derek sighed, annoyance taking over his features as he looked at the caller ID.
“It’s Stiles,” he told you. “I gotta take this. It’s probably about him closing my case. If it’s not… I’ll kill him.”
Derek shot you an apologetic look and then crawled out from under your shared tent. You went back to reading the names of all the places you’d yet to visit
Yellowstone, North Beach Campground, Crystal Cove, Derek wants us to move in together… Derek wants us to move in together! This is all happening too fast… Am I being paranoid? I mean… we are technically living together since we share a tent, but then again—
 Derek walked a few paces until he reached the crystal waters of the lake, with a lazy grunt he plopped down on top of the stony shore, pressing accept on his phone’s screen.
“Stiles, this had better have been important,” he grumbled, his frown baring down on his face for what felt like the first time in aeons.
“Wow, missed you too buddy, long time –how’s the weather over there? The mountains mountainy enough for ya?” Stiles retorted.
“I mean it, Stiles,” Derek warned.
“I was just calling to let you know you’re case has now been dead-filed. You’re a free man again.”
“I thought I was a free man weeks ago?”
“Yeah, but now its legally-filed-paperwork official with a stamp and a seal and everything. A public apology will be made by my department in a few days.”
“Okay then. Good to know. Now if you don’t mind I have something to get back to so…” Derek waited for Stiles to hang up but he didn’t. From the weird pause on his end of the line, Derek knew Stiles was fumbling to say something. “What is it, Stiles?”
“Have you told her yet?”
There was a pregnant pause, Derek looked at the odd, reddened symbol that moved under his skin on his forearm and then over to your happy, stress-free face under the tent.
“I’m going to. I just haven’t found the right time.”
“You can’t keep this a secret forever. Someone’s going to wonder why Peter had a mental breakdown and left for Kathmandu. What if that happens to you?”
“Peter is a drama queen. He’s fine.”
“But you aren’t. You know what that mark means.”
“I know.”
“And I won’t keep this from the others forever.”
“I know.”
“You’re one of them now.”
“I know!”
“Just… don’t carry this on your own. Secrets have never brought anything good to the pack. And yeah I get it, you know.” Stiles hung up.
Derek took a deep breath, glancing over his shoulder to make sure you hadn’t heard his little outburst. He was relieved when he saw you fully immersed in the map laid out before you, a toothy grin lighting up your face.
“You should listen to your friend,” a raspy, unwelcome voice spoke. Derek was still getting used to the new voice in his head. “Secrets are dangerous.”
Derek turned to the source of the voice, seeing Alyster’s thin face and skinny form standing next to him. Dead and incorporeal. A supernatural hallucination reserved solely for him.
Derek snorted, “That’ll go easy over dinner. Oh, babe, you know that guy who was trying to murder you, murdered your boyfriend and almost killed everyone you've ever loved? Yeah, turns out he was right. Killing him didn’t mean he’d stay dead. Now he’s a voice in my head that I can talk to from time to time,” Derek sneered sarcastically before continuing on his rant: "I pretty much took his place. Don't worry though, I'm not alone in this. Peter's gone insane and secluded himself behind the doors of some spiritualist convent in Kathmandu. Would you like some bread?"
Alyster’s skin-crawling laugh trickled out making Derek’s neck prickle in discomfort.
“It does sound ridiculous when you put it that way,” a smirk stretched at Alyster’s mouth tightly. “But it could be worse. You could have Astrid inside your head instead.”
Derek ran a hand over his face and groaned, “Just… go burrow back into my subconscious and do… whatever it is dead men do when they’re trapped in someone else’s mind.”
“Wither,” Alyster said darkly. “We wither.”
A gust of wind blew in from the East, an odd sensation to it. Derek’s wolf instincts went rampant, he didn’t know what was making him so agitated. It was like a shrill, ultrasonic sonic sound had bored a hole into his head and lit his nose on fire. Derek tried to exhale the scent away in strong bursts, his hands placed to his ears to block out that painful noise. Nothing seemed to be working.
The rash on his arm turned solid, finally ending its repetitive cycle of writhing and wriggling. The itch had refrained. Then, after Derek was sure that he could practically hear the buzz of light’s frequency, everything shut off and his senses returned to normal. A stream of blood ran down from his nose and ears.
“What the fuck was that?”
Alyster’s face turned grave, “That was the First Coming.”
The meditative instructor at the retreat sat in front of Peter with his legs crossed in the lotus position, a large statue of a praying Buddha was erected barely a stone’s throw away.
“Breathe in,” the teacher instructed the class. “And out.”
Peter repeated the actions, trying to silence the incessant ramblings of Astrid’s consciousness now bunking with his own.
“Du bör sluta slösa bort din tid,” Astrid said in Swedish.
I keep telling you, I don’t know what you’re saying! Peter shouted back in his head. And shut up, I’m trying to focus on my breathing! 
”And breathe in,” the teacher parroted. ”And now breathe out all your worries and stresses, feel them ebb away.”¨
”Oh, does my speaking Swedish annoy you?” Astrid remarked with bitterness. ”How insensitive of me. I’m sorry. I’m so terribly sorry. Would you like me to fetch you a towel for all that sweat? Maybe a glass of water with a slice of lemon? Oh! No, wait... I can’t do those things because you stabbed me in the heart with a stake!” Astrid patronised him, her voice so loud inside his head.
You deserved it!
Peter ground his teeth together in the hopes she’d be drowned out by the sound of molars filing down on one another.
”And now we’ll take in one deep breath and hold it,” the teacher said.
Peter held his breath.
Astrid’s pitch went flat, “All this breathing and more breathing seems to be working. I feel very relaxed here. Namaste.”
Peter saw her hallucinatory projection bow mockingly at the instructor's feet. Peter held back a laugh.
”Silence please,” the teacher chastised when he heard Peter’s breathy laugh.
Yeah, you heard him, silence wench! Peter mocked at Astrid.
Astrid rolled her eyes, “I was being silent. You’re the one who can’t internalise his laughs.”
Whose fault is that? It’s not like my brain isn’t crowded enough already.
”I warned you my kind doesn’t die, you chose to shove that stake into my heart anyway. If it’s anyone’s fault, it’s yours,” she bit back.
”Keep holding,” the teacher said.
Maybe if you weren’t a homicidal bitch!
”Hold,” the teacher repeated.
 “Maybe if you weren’t a homicidal bastard!”
”And, release,” the teacher said serenely.
”Shut up!” Peter barked, startling the class. He scrunched his face and plastered on a charming smile, “Terribly sorry, I wasn’t talking to you.”
Astrid snickered with pride, “Yeah, tell them you were talking to a dead woman that lives in your head, go on, tell them!”
Peter stood from the cushion and bowed to the rest of the class, “I think I’ll be retiring to my quarters. Namaste.”
The entire class looked at him with wide eyes, all their voices quaking from shock and surprise, “N- Namaste.”
Peter rolled his eyes and walked away, We really need to set some ground rules.
“Don’t see why, I’m having a great time,” Astrid shrugged. “I’d rather be in your head, roaming around like some phantom than spend my eternity with the love of my life.”
Suddenly, a high pitched, nearly immobilising sound pierced through Peter’s skull like a hot poker. His eardrums vibrated so frantically he was certain they’d burst. An odd taste filled his mouth and he felt like he’d just swallowed a whole tub of wasabi.
“Gahhh!” he clenched down as he lost his footing and fell through a paper wall. “What is that?”
His claws started growing out of their own accord, eyeballs aching from internalised pressure. Then suddenly it stopped.
Peter picked himself up off the floor and looked down at all the blood that had soaked into his shirt from his nose alone. It was like a murder scene. One of his eyes went bloodshot.
Astrid’s eyes narrowed, her voice chillier than ice, “She has awoken.”
“Who?” Peter asked the ghostly woman, ignoring all the scared faces in the crowd clamouring around him.
“The First Coming.”
Out through the window, Peter could see a flock of birds swarming in a frenzied spiral, their cawing noises irritating his wolfish hearing.
“Well… fuck!” Peter spat the blood out of his mouth and stormed out of the retreat. “It was nice knowing you Buddha.” He threw a piece sigh up to the giant statue, his rash taking on the coherent form of an unmoving symbol.
 ~Below the Mother Three
Worms wiggled out of the earth, screaming inaudibly as they left the solace of the rotting tree. Black mould had webbed across the ancient tree’s trunk like a mossy blanket, bringing with it a foul stench of decay.
Below the surface horizon, root tendrils began to shrivel and rot, turning into puddles of fermenting tree sap. Deep down, at the centre of the trees dying rhizomes, was buried a sarcophagus. A symbol harkening the end of days was chiselled into the stone lid.
Under the airless, lightless, soundless seal of the ancient casket was a mummified body wrapped in black cloth. The inside of the sarcophagus shook, tremors from the earth forcing cracks onto the stone.
Softly, painfully, a single breath was taken and the earth would never be the same.
 This story continues in: Covet of the Wolf
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 tags: @melissavercos @divisingstories @theflash-trash @mynamesalreadytaken @island-end @chipster-21 @helloscorpious  @marvelismyfantasy @anonymousfanfics-blog @homra-the-red-clan @derangedangel @phonegalhelp @bowtiesandwhiskers @soldierwinterthe @alina-barnes @sumlariss @luckythepizzadog4444 @tlytxia @drunklili @iamabeautifulperson18 @zenawa @squadkyoya @cassandraevans @moli1497 @wanderlust-travler @143amberrose @humbledarkness @rockyrocket15 @4llmywr1tings @smolbeanfive @500daysofbecky @smolbeanfive
Permatags: @gruffle1 @thechickvic @notawarriorjustyet @savethehoneeybees 
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with you [chapter one]
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Summary: Clementine pops the question, Louis has nightmares, Violet can’t let go of the past, Mitch doesn't know how to handle gross feelings, Ruby's a goddamn sweetheart, Willy doesn’t ever remember to knock, Aasim can't dance, and James is here, too.
Nothing like a wedding to bring this family together.
Note: Holy shit, you mean I’m finally posting actual [with you] stuff again? Yeah, I can’t believe it either. If for whatever reason you don’t know why this is being re-uploaded, then you can find all the information on this post here. If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask. 
Otherwise, I want to thank everyone for taking the time to read my stories and for the support y’all have given me through this nonsense haha. It truly means a lot, and I can’t tell you how nervous I am about posting this because I AM proud of it and I want y’all to like it, too! 
So, I hope you enjoy it! Thank you! ❤️
Ch1 | Ch2
Read on: AO3 | FF.net | Wattpad
A supply run to the train stationed was a spur of the moment decision. 
While finishing up their morning hunting trip- checking and resetting traps, hunting adult rabbits and capturing any babies for their ever-growing rabbit farm- it seemed their duties were done. Just as they were ready to head back, Louis mentioned it wasn’t too far away.
“Up for a little adventure?”
Given that they’ve torn the place apart, Clementine wasn’t sure if it’s really an adventure to travel that way anymore, but AJ was more than willing to go back and look around. 
She figured it wouldn’t be so awful to go and collect anything they might’ve missed from their previous trips, though she felt this was more of an excuse to stay out longer, to enjoy the cool air and each other’s company.
Aasim deemed it a waste of time, choosing to take back everything they collected and meet up with Mitch and Willy, mumbling something about repairing one of the gates. 
Up ahead, but not too far, Louis tells some crazy, exaggerated story as AJ hangs on to every word. Something about Aasim and a shark, she gathers. It’s ridiculous enough to make her rolls her eyes but smile all the same, especially when AJ calls him out on absurd details.
“Aasim doesn’t have a peg leg!”
“Or does he? Tell me this, has anyone actually ever seen Aasim’s bare leg? No, and that’s because it’s a peg stuffed into a boot.”
“No, it’s not!”
Clementine spots a walker lingering in the trees from the corner of her eye, its head twitching with interest at the sound of the boys’ laughter. 
It’s the first one she’s spotted today, likely due to James doing his part of their arrangement.
They worked out a decent system when first offering him a place to stay; anywhere they plan to hunt or scavenge, they let James know in advance so he can gather and lead stray walkers away, making trips a lot easier and quicker. In exchange, he’s welcome to stay in a room and eat with them whenever he wants. 
He rarely stays multiple nights in a row, but Clementine’s glad to see him and the others get along when he does stick around. 
She picks up a large rock and chucks it. The walker follows the noise with a low gurgle.
The decrepit train station is empty. 
The dead couple remains as left; slumped over, tied to their chairs, and still holding hands. 
They try and gather as much as they can, like salvageable, leftover food hidden beneath the trap door, duct tape and a few bandages. Clementine finds a working lighter beneath the table, stuffing it in her pocket as heavy thump vibrates behind her. 
“Oh-ho!” Louis calls out from behind the counter. “Looks like I found your secret stash.”
Clementine quirks a brow, leaning over the counter to peer down at him. He flashes her a bright smile and waves a beaten up chocolate bar.
“Seriously?” When she tries to reach for it, he teasingly jerks it away.
“I don’t think so, darling,” he pockets the bar. “Gotta save stuff like that for a special occasion.”
“Special occasion,” she scoffs. “Like?”
“Like when it’s your birthday, or if it’s someone else’s birthday and you forgot to get them a present,” Louis glances away, shrugging a shoulder with a sheepish grin, “or, y’know, for date night.”
“Date night, huh?” 
From behind her, AJ shuffling around the dead couple, unfolding something small and gray. Upon a closer look, Clementine can tell it’s a wallet, and from it, AJ pulls out a five-dollar bill.
“Look at that,” Louis approaches the boy with a grin, “looks like dinner’s on AJ.”
Louis takes the wallet and pulls out some credit cards. “By the looks of it, we’re getting a three-course meal.”
“With extra dessert,” Clementine smiles.
“Triple dessert.”
“Quadruple dessert.”
“Now, that’s what I’m talking about!”
AJ looks between the two of them, clearly confused. “I don’t get it.”
Louis goes to explain, but something small falls from the wallet with a soft thump. A plastic casing preserves a photo with handwriting on the back and a bent corner. 
“What is it?” AJ asks.
Louis holds up the picture, motioning to the couple. “It’s, uhm... their wedding photo.”
“Wedding photo?” AJ studies the picture. Clementine moves around them to look as well.
It’s jarring, the idea that the young couple are the same people as the decaying bodies in the chairs before them. They’re both so clean and happy with wide smiles and life in their bright eyes. 
The woman’s beautiful, Clementine thinks, with her hair braided back into a bun of curls and her cheeks a pretty pink. Her dress glows white with glittering details, and the diamond ring is visible on her hand resting against her husband's chest.
“They look...” AJ’s mouth twists as he searches for the right words.
“Happy?” Louis offers.
“Well, yeah, they’re smiling, but...” AJ looks at the dead bodies. “I don’t know. It’s weird. Why’re they dressed like that?”
Louis laughs, “Well, little dude, back before the walkers came, people used to get married. It was a pretty big deal, and when they did, they’d have a wedding. Think of it like a huge party with lots and lots of people to celebrate the couple’s marriage.”
“Okay,” AJ says. He takes the photo and studies it. “What does that mean? To be married?”
“Uh, well,” Louis scratches his neck, “it’s what people used to do to prove they really loved each other, I guess. It was, like, this big step to take to marry someone and call them your wife, or your husband.”
“Everyone did it?”
“No, not everyone.”
“How come?”
“Uh, well,” Louis says, “it wasn’t for everyone, I guess.”
“But anyone could do it?”
“I think so.”
“Even me?” asks AJ. “I can get married?”
Clementine smiles. “You’re a little young for that right now.”
AJ frowns and crosses his arms. “How old do I gotta be?”
“Well, there isn’t really a set age-”
“And I can marry who I want?”
“Yes, but,” Clementine shoots Louis a glance, looking for help with an explanation. He shrugs a shoulder in response, clearly amused.  “It’s not something people do anymore.”
“Why not? I mean, you just throw a party. We’ve done that before. And I can marry whoever I love? Like you, right?”
At that, Louis laughs. Clementine sighs. “Uh...”
“Marriage wasn’t for that kind of love, buddy,” Louis says, “it’s a bit more complicated than that.” He puts the picture back into the wallet and tucks it into the dead man’s pocket. “These two didn’t love each other like you and Clem do. They got married because...” Louis’ smile almost turns sad, “they were in love, as a couple.”
“Oh...” AJ thinks, “oh, like a kissing love.”
“A kissing love,” Louis agrees. “Exactly.” 
He winks at Clementine, making her roll her eyes and suppress a smile. 
“Like you and Clem?”
Warmth rushes to Clementine’s cheeks as a loud, nervous laugh escapes Louis.
Before AJ can ask his next question, there’s a soft bang against the door. The conversation’s forgotten as they glance among themselves, silently telling each other to stay on their guard, get low and carefully maneuver to the door. 
AJ peeks out the window, confirming their suspicions. 
Clementine nods. “Just one?”
“Looks like it.”
They all stand, relaxing a little. The door’s closed, so one walker isn’t a threat.
Louis hauls a hefty bag over his shoulder. “Well, I think we’ve gotten all we can get,” he says. “We should head back.”
Louis hesitates, glancing back at the walker couple. It’s quick, but she catches it. The look in his eyes is like whenever someone mentions Marlon or Brody or other fallen classmates, or whenever he brings up his parents in passing. Almost a sad nostalgia, with maybe some pity and longing. She hasn’t quite deciphered that one yet. 
Regardless, it’s gone when he turns back to AJ, Chairles in hand, saying, “Think we can take that deadhead?”
Clementine remains behind as they go, the crack and squelsh of the walker skull being struck echoing from outside as she approaches the couple, glancing down at the man’s rotten hand entwined with his wife’s.
He still has his ring on.
It stuck with her for the rest of the day. 
From when they entered the gates of the school again, continued with their daily chores, all throughout dinner, to now sitting on the couch with Louis in front of the burning firepit. His arm rests comfortably behind her as he chats with Omar, allowing her to lean back into his shoulder and chest. 
From what she could tell, he wasn't thinking about it, and neither was AJ. 
He let the conversation of marriage go after Louis moved onto another topic. She knew he was trying to avoid the obvious question on AJ’s mind to spare everyone the awkwardness. 
“Like you and Clem?”
Like Louis and her...
Marriage isn’t something she thinks about. Not truly, anyway.
Sure, there had been that dumb “marry, ‘flip’, kill” question that seemed to come up during their card games, and sure, from all the groups she’d been in, some had married couples.
Like Kenny and Katjaa.
Christa and Omid.
David and Kate. 
Rebecca and Alvin.
And before the walkers, her parents had been married. Happily married with little to no problems. 
She doesn’t remember a lot about them, but some things stood out in her brain when she concentrated hard enough.
Like how her father would always kiss her mother’s cheek before going to work and after coming home. It didn’t matter if she was cooking, or still in bed, or working on a project, or on the phone, he always kissed her. It was like some unspoken rule.
And how they laughed together. Her father had this deep, rumbling voice that practically shook the house when he laughed, and his laugh only made her mother laugh harder.
And the cute names they called each other. 
Sweetheart. That’s what her father called her mother. 
But, marriage isn’t something that stuck in her brain, not something she actively thinks about. 
Seeing that wedding photo, the couple who chose to die together tied to those chairs, and actually talking about it, hearing Louis talk about it, seeing him look back at them the way he did... it stuck with her.
Something lightly tugs as her hair, breaking her thoughts. She cranks her neck to look up at Louis as he pulls something from the messy ponytail of her hair. 
“Sorry, you had some grass there,” he grins, holding up a green stem before flicking it away. “Figured you wouldn’t notice with how zoned out you were. Where’d you go?”
“You went somewhere.”
“I was just enjoying the fire.”
“Hm,” Louis nods before reaching up to tip the hat off her head. “Here, turn around.” 
She shifts around with her back to him and hat in hand as Louis, as gently as possible, frees the purple band from her hair. His long fingers attempt to comb through the absolute mess of curls, and if she weren’t so used to him doing this by now, she’d be embarrassed by the disaster placed upon her head.
“Haven’t heard from James in a while,” Louis mentions. “Didn’t see him out there, either.”
“There were barely any walkers today, so he’s out there somewhere. Probably in his camp.”
“He does know that he as a bed here, right?” Louis begins braiding her thick locks, weaving chucks of curls the best he can, “I mean, it’s nothing fancy, but it has to be better than sleeping on the ground. Or in a tree.”
“Maybe you should tell him that,” she suggests with the hint of a grin, glancing back at him with a perked brow.
Louis chuckles. “Yeah, because I’m gonna get through to him.” He jerks his chin over to the tables where Mitch and Willy sit together with Ruby and Aasim. “If you and Mitch can’t convince him to stay permanently, then I’m afraid no one ever will.”
Louis ties off the braid, placing it over her shoulder to look at. 
He’s gotten better at this. The first time he ever braided her hair, it was, for lack of a better term, very ugly. 
Aasim was appalled upon seeing it, insisting he shows Louis how it’s done. Which was a bizarre thing to learn about him- Aasim could braid hair quickly and beautifully. 
Since then, Louis’ skills have improved immensely. 
Facing him again, she smiles, leaning forward to press a kiss to his cheek. 
“Thank you.”
He goes to speak, but Ruby’s approaching figure catches their attention.
“Ya got watch, Lou,” she jerks her thumb back at the post. “You and Aasim.”
“Aw, seriously?” Louis pouts, which quickly turns into a smirk. “Hey, wanna switch? I can take your morning shift and you can go with Aasim tonight?”
“Nope,” Ruby shakes her head, pointing back at the tower. “Get goin.’“
Louis slouches, mumbling quietly, “I tried, my dude...”
“Don’t keep ‘im waitin’.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Louis stands, reaching his arms high over his head to stretch out his body. He lets out a satisfied groan as they fall back to his sides. “I’ll be there in a second.”
Ruby nods before walking off.
His foot taps hers. “Guess I’ll see you tonight,” he says, leaning forward. His fingers caress her jawline as he lightly pulls her towards him and places a quick, soft kiss on her lips. “I’ll try not to wake you.”
“Goodnight,” is all Clementine can muster up to say.
He leaves her with a smile. 
And as she watches him walk away, twirling the end of the braid around her finger, it occurs to her with a single, strange thought.
I want to marry that boy.
Clementine tries to fall asleep, but she’s restless. She doesn’t know how long she’s laid there, but no position, no angle allows sleep to take her.
AJ snores quietly in his bed on the other side of the room, and Louis still won’t be back for a few hours, leaving her with nothing but a near-silent room and noisy thoughts. 
It’s maddening. 
Not bothering to gather her boots or grab her hat, she tiptoes out of bed and slips out, quietly closing the door behind her to not disturb AJ. 
Footsteps thump against the wooden floors causing her to turn, alert and listening. 
Violet keeps her eyes forward as she walks down the hall, not giving Clementine any acknowledgment as if she were nothing but the door itself. 
Clementine watches her, a greeting caught in her throat that she pushes down. 
By now, she knows better. 
To say it’d been awful between the two of them ever since the delta fight two years ago would be an understatement. She still can’t even breathe in Violet’s direction without getting ‘fuck you’ eyes, and talking was completely out of question. Not that Clementine didn’t still try, but it seems that Violet’s determined to keep herself in the shadows of the school. 
She’s gotten a little better, though. Two years ago, she’d only talk to Tenn and Louis. As time went on, she expanded her daily communications to Ruby, Omar, and Aasim.
Not her, though. 
Louis once tried to help them patch things up. 
It didn’t go over well.
Clementine tries to put it out of her mind as she moves down the opposite direction. Down by the entrance doors, grumbles echo through the quiet air where she finds Ruby grimacing at something in her hands.
“Hey,” she greets.
“Oh, Clem,” Ruby smiles. “Thought you went off ta bed?”
“Can’t sleep.”
Ruby expression softens. “Bad dreams?”
“AJ snorin’ too loud?”
Clementine chuckles. “No, I’m just not tired, I guess.”
“Ah, well, ya wanna help me fix Willy’s shirt?” she holds up a dirty blue shirt with a tear along the side. “Got it caught again and didn’t bother stopin’ to untangle himself.”
Clementine kept the shirt still and flattened against the table while Ruby goes to work.
“Wish that runt would be more careful,” she murmurs, “always tearing his clothes up. What’ll happen if he ruins all of ‘em? That boy’ll be in nothin’ but rags here pretty quick.”
“You could have him sew his own stuff.”
Ruby scoffs. “Yeah, right.”
Clementine watches her steady hand as she sews in comfortable silence. Being around Ruby like this is peaceful. The two had gotten close over the years, and for that, she’s grateful. She adores Ruby.
“So, somethin’s got you wanderin’ around this late. What’s on yer mind?”
Clementine hesitates, thoughts going back to earlier at the train station, as well as racking her brain for any time she’s ever talked “romance” with the girl before her. Aside from a few comments about her and Louis, nothing sticks out. 
 ”Can I ask you a personal question?”
“Sure, hon.”
“Have you ever liked someone? Like, had a crush?”
The redness on her cheeks brightens as Ruby blinks down at her needlework, processing just what the question entails. “I-uh- what in the world are ya askin’ me that for?”
“Just curious if anyone ever caught your fancy,” Clementine replies. She didn’t think the question would actually make her flustered.
Ruby pokes herself with the needle, hissing a cuss.
“Well,” she says, “hate ta disappoint you, but no.”
Ruby shakes her head. “Nu-uh.”
Clementine thinks back to Aasim and Louis’ constant teasing of the poor boy.
“You don’t like anyone here like that? Not even a little?”
Ruby hesitates.
She finishes sewing up the shirt and holds it up in front of her. 
“Why the sudden question?” she asks. 
“I don’t know,” Clementine answers honestly. “Just was curious, I guess.”
Ruby shifts her weight onto one foot and scratches at her arm. After an awkward silence, she sighs. 
“Well... alright, can ya keep a secret?”
Clementine perks up, nodding, “Yeah, of course.”
“Don’t get excited. He, uh... he’s not real.”
Ruby’s blush deepens. “Sometime after all the adults left, I had a hard time sleepin’ at night. Ms. Martin was startin’ ta worry ‘bout me. She told me I should try readin’, it’ll take my mind offa everything, and I remember tellin’ her how stupid that was. But...” Ruby sighs, “I still let her read ta me before bed one night. A love story called ‘The Woodsman.’ Well, kinda a love story. She read it so well and,” she grins sheepishly, “I guess I kinda fell in love with Milo.”
Clementine smiles back. “Yeah? Why’s that?”
“Milo’s this handsome woodsman doin’ everythin’ he can to help support him and his family, right. He’s kind, like, genuinely kind. And the way he describes and talks about Abigail just is enough ta melt your heart. Or make ya cry, mostly both.”
“Do they end up together?”
“No- Well, sorta? Ya see, Abigail’s taken and forced ta live on top this big ‘ol mountain by this old, ugly witch as punishment fer Milo killin’ one of her wolves- uh, it makes more sense when ya read it,” she explains, running her fingers over the fresh stitching in Willy’s shirt, her mouth twisting. “Milo tries and tries again ta climb the mountain and save her, but every time he gets a little bit closer, he slips and tumbles down.”
“Everything he does, he does it fer her. To free her of that witch’s cruelty. And the crazy part’s that he doesn’t even know if she loves him back. He don’t care if she does or not, he keeps climbin’ anyway and it eventually kills him,” Ruby shakes her head. “Never makes it back to Abigail.”
“That’s... awful.”
“Can’t tell ya how many times that part’s made me cry,” Ruby laughs dryly, “and it’s even worse ‘cause as he’s laying at the bottom dyin’, he’s still thinkin’ ‘bout how only he knows she’s up there and only he can save her and... he dies. He dies and becomes a star.”
“A star?”
“In the sky. High up there and he watches and protects her from the witch until eventually, Abigail dies, too.”
“And becomes a star, right?”
Ruby nods. “Right.” 
She folds up Willy’s shirt neatly, draping it over her arm.
 “After we lost Ms. Martin, I went through some of her things and found the book. Can’t tell ya how many times I’ve read it. Guess I always liked the idea of someone lovin’ me that much, enough ta fall down a mountain over and over again just ta save me. It’s justa silly fairytale,  ‘cause I know someone like that doesn’t exist, but… thinkin’ they do still helps me sleep at night.” 
“That’s not silly,” Clementine grins. “I think it’s really sweet.”
“Don’t tell anyone,” Ruby smirks. “Don’t want ‘em ta think I’m too soft.”
Clementine laughs. “I won’t.”
Ruby’s gaze falls as she mulls over something, something sorrowful passing over her brow. Clementine nudges her. 
“Hey, you’ll find your Milo someday.”
“...Ya think so?”
“I do.”
With a sincere, thankful grin, she says, “Well, sorry I blabbered so much. Think it’s time I hit the hay. Thanks fer helpin’ me and... fer listenin.’”
“Thanks for sharing that with me. It sounds like a good read.”
“I’d let you borrow it if ya want.”
“I think I’d like that.”
Ruby beams at her, smile wide across her face. She gathers all her things and is just about to walk back to her room when Clementine stops her.
“Can I tell you a secret?”
“Don’t hafta,” Ruby says. “Just ‘cause I shared, I mean.”
“I know.”
“Well, alright, then.”
Clementine hesitates, and in a whisper, she says, “I think I’m in love with Louis.”
Ruby laughs. “Oh, hon, that ain’t no secret,” she grins, “it’s all over yer face when yer together. His, too.”
“No, I mean...I really love him.” Clementine laughs again, this time feeling silly herself. “Y’know, if Louis were cursed by some witch and put on top of a mountain, I’d never stop climbing to get him back. Is that crazy?”
“No,” Ruby walks toward her, reaching down to grab her hands. “Not at all.”
“Really,” Ruby says firmly. “In fact, you should tell him that.”
“Yeah?” Clementine smirks. “’Hey, Louis, by the way, if you ever happen to get cursed and kidnapped by a witch, I promise to save you.’”
That makes Ruby giggle. “Well, if any one of us were ta get cursed, it’d probably be him.” 
They laugh together now. 
“Does he already know? You ever tell him how much you love ‘im?”
“I have,” Clementine says. “Lots.”
“Good. Ya never know in this world... don’t want any more regrets than we already got.”
“I know. Believe me, I know.”
He shouldn’t still be thinking about it, but he is. 
Even now, up on the watchtower looking over the silent forest, Louis thinks about all the times he, Clementine, and AJ have gone back to the train station, trying to remember if he ever stopped to actually look at the walker couple hunched over in their chairs together. 
No, he barely paid them a glance once he knew they were taken care of. 
Now, they’re all he can think about. 
“You’re quiet,” Aasim mentions, lowering his binoculars and paying him a side glance. 
“And you’re observant,” he retorts without missing a beat. 
Aasim’s gaze falls down to the deck of cards in Louis’ hands as he absently shuffles them, but says nothing more, rolling his eyes and turning back to peer through binoculars.  
Watch is uneventful as always. 
Not that he’s complaining- it’s what Louis prefers. 
A calm, quiet night of watch is better than a night of being constantly on edge, panicking at an extreme increase of incoming walkers, or catching assholes trying to sneak in. 
No, he appreciates the silence outside the walls.  
It gives him time to think about things. 
Back home- well, back in the old house he lived in before being sent away to Ericson, they had an incredible dining room on the first floor. Monochromatic, with dark hardwood floors and a glass chandelier above the dining table. 
There was a fireplace, too. They only used it during the winter, but above the mantle hung a beautifully framed photo of his parents on their wedding day. Around the holidays, when the fire was ablaze and his jam-packed stocking hung from the mantle, his mom would string lights around the frame, the same lights trimming the rest of the room. 
And for the life of him, Louis can’t actually remember what the photo itself looked like, what his mother’s wedding dress looked like or if his father had his beard or not. He can’t even remember what color the background was. 
The only thing he remembers about it is seeing it poke out of a cardboard box the morning he was being brought to Ericson, surrounded by several belongings packed away, ready for a move away from the freshly bare walls and empty fireplace. 
Of course, all three of them were going in different directions. 
He hasn’t thought about that for a long time, but thumbing through the walker’s wallet and seeing their wedding photo struck something. 
His parents were happily married at one time, just like the walker couple. They fell in love, had a wedding, had him, and then everything went downhill from there, didn’t it? 
“Tomorrow, we should work on expanding the kennel for the rabbits,” Aasim mentions. “We’ve got two who could have babies any day now.”
“Lucy one of ‘em?”
Aasim frowns. “Dude, I told you not to name them.” 
“I didn’t. Willy did.”
“...Wait, seriously?” Aasim sighs, rubbing at his brow. “I told Mitch to keep him away from them. They’re not pets, they’re food.”
Leaning forward with his elbows against the wooden edge, Louis rubs his eyes and sighs. 
He needs to stop thinking about this shit- his parents, marriage- it’s all in the past and nothing will come out of letting it weigh on his mind. 
He forces himself to think about how at the end of his shift, he gets to go back inside and up to his dorm where Clementine’s waiting for him, then he’ll get to climb in their warm bed and finally get some sleep.
Shit, he needs a distraction. 
“You even see anything out there?” he asks.
“No, everything’s quiet.”
Moving closer to Aasim, Louis shuffles his deck of cards one last time before dealing out seven to Aasim and himself, setting the rest between them. Picking up his cards, he moves his fours all together and waits for Aasim to get the idea. 
With a sigh, Aasim follows suit. 
“Usual rules?”
“With a twist.”
“Of course.”
“Winner gets to ask the loser a question.” 
“Alright... got any fours?” Louis asks.
“Go fish.” 
He draws a card. 
Aasim rearranges his cards, asking, “Got any sevens?”
"Double damn.”
Louis hands him his seven.
“Nines?” Aasim asks. 
“Go fish.” 
The night sky is a comfort compared to inside, the cool air offering more solace than her own bed.
Rubble crunches and kicks beneath as Violet drags her feet, her focus stuck on the cracked cement, fallen bricks, and the upcoming bell laying motionless on the side. It’s rusted over from years of being left in the rain, a sickening metallic smell emanating off of it.
She comes to a stop, her gaze stuck without really looking at it, as if her thoughts have smeared her visual focus. Thinking back on it, there isn’t a time where she remembers the bell actually being attached where it was meant to be. Not that it really matters. She’s not here to admire the fallen bell and it’s greater purpose, nor to mourn its untimely fall.
She nearly jumps, whirling around to find Tenn watching her, his fingers twisting nervously and concern furrowing his brow.
“Shit, Tenn,” she curses, fully facing him while crossing her arms over her chest. “What the hell are you doing?”
“I’m on patrol,” he says, reaching into his pocket to proudly pull out his patrolling knife, the same one AJ uses when he walks around at night. “I saw you come out here and you looked mad.”
“So you followed me without saying anything?”
“I just wanted to make sure you’re okay,” he offers a soft grin. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“You didn’t,” she lies, rolling her eyes. “I’m fine.”
He nods slowly but doesn’t turn to leave, instead eying her over-sized coat and the bell she stands beside.
"It’s a little cold out here. Why don’t you come inside? It’s late.”
“I said I’m fine, Tenn. I’m just getting some fresh air.”
“Then, do you want some company? I can take a break from patrol and go up there with you.” 
She knows he’s trying. He’s always trying with her, trying to get her to talk to him the way she used to or smile or… something. 
Sometimes he as bad as Louis in that regard.
She hates to think it or feel it or whatever, but right now she can’t deal with him. She can’t deal with anybody. She can barely stand to look him in the eye and his voice gnaws at her eardrums, too loud and too damn concerned. 
She just... really needs some quiet. 
When he doesn’t move or say anything else, Violet turns on her heels and approaches the stairs, only for him to call after her.
“Are you sure? I can climb up with you-”
“I said I’m fine, Tennessee,” she snaps much harsher than intended. “Go back on patrol.” 
The effect of her words is instant in his soft, slightly hurt expression.
“Oh-okay,” he stutters out, nodding. “Just- just be careful not to slip, and if you need anything...” he trails off, waiting for any type of response. When he doesn’t get any, he turns and walks back the way he came, adding, “Goodnight, Vi.” 
She watches him go, wanting nothing more than to bang her head against the bell until it rings. 
Why the hell did she have to do that? Why couldn’t she just say, “Thank you, Tenn, I would love the company” or “Thank you, Tenn, but I want to be alone right now” or-
It doesn’t matter now. Tenn’s gone, back on patrol and doing his best to protect them and the school from danger. She’s proud of him for that, though she’s never had the opportunity to tell him that. 
No, that’s a complete lie. 
She’s had plenty of opportunities. Every time she sees him practicing his bow with Willy or learning defensive strategies from AJ, she could easily walk over there and tell him how good he’s doing. 
But she doesn’t, because each and every time those things happen, Clementine’s there with him. 
And that just-
A yawn builds up in her throat as she takes the first set of stairs to the wall. She shakes it off, beginning her climb to the top.
Another sleepless night that will undoubtedly lead to a deep sleep in the morning. Seems to be her usual schedule these days; complete daily tasks with as little issue as possible, eat dinner, retire early and pretend to try and fall asleep for the rest of the night until dawn breaks, then actually sleep until breakfast is long over.
It’s not so bad when she has night watch, but tonight’s not the case.
In fact, tonight’s a completely different story.
She managed to fall asleep peacefully with a full belly and a relaxed state of mind, something that’s rare even now. She’d been hopeful curled up in bed with the comforter wrapped around her, and that was stupid.
“Shit,” she hisses when her foot slips, causing a short pang of panic in her gut before she catches her self, holding tight and waiting as Tenn’s words repeat in her mind. 
She wonders how long it would take them to find her body -her walker body- if she did fall, as morbid as that may be. 
Deeming herself safe, she continues her climb.
It was a good dream.
Of course it was.
The one night she finds some peace and her own brain has to fuck it up with false, happy realities. On top of it all, she crossed paths with Clementine on her way here and that made everything worse.
Now it’s all she can think about.
The mere sight of her pisses Violet off.
Though, at this point in her life, she’s not even sure if she can accurately pinpoint why. They haven’t spoken- really spoken- in nearly two years but the pain is still present in every second she’s near and Violet can’t stand it. She refuses to stand it.
Never again.
The breeze is stronger at the top, sweet against her face and through her hair. It’s one of her favorite feelings to be up here alone beneath the stars, the wind calming and the sight breathtaking.
Planting herself down in her usual spot, Violet takes a few deep breaths and pulls off her jacket, digging around in the pockets for her notebook and an old green glitter pen.
The notebook isn’t traditional in style, but completely handmade with loose leaf paper sewn together and her name decorating the cover. It was a gift she received two years ago from Tenn, Aasim, and Ruby when everything seemed to finally calm down after the delta.  
It’s a gift that she’s held onto earnestly, one that she used regularly, one that she needed.
Aasim said it was for her thoughts because “writing’s easier than talking sometimes,” and that’s one hell of an understatement.
She refused to write in it at first, knowing that once she did, everything that happened would become more real and the weight of that would crush her into dust. It wasn’t until that fight with Louis that she began writing in it, listing a number of ways she could possibly apologize to him.
Now, it contained everything; memories, different constellations she found in the night sky, thoughts, observations, mini diary entries…
Sometimes she wrote about her parents, her grandma. Sometimes she wrote about the others, sometimes she wrote about Louis, about Minnie, about Tenn.
Sometimes she wrote about Clementine.
Sometimes… she wrote about the delta, the interrogation room, about the cold water, the walkers, the explosion…
And sometimes, she tore pages out and tried to forget.
Opening up to the next blank page, Violet draws a series of dots representative of stars before connecting them in the shape of two birds. Next to one, she draws a speech bubble and writes, “Fly away with me!”
She sighs.
It was a good dream, far from a nightmare and somehow, that made it worse.
She and Minnie were in the fishing shack, lying on the bed and holding hands, talking in muffled, obscured voices. Everything around them was warped, but they were together without any chaos.
Violet always wanted to do that.
She always wanted to go there with Minnie, carve their initials on the wall together, then cuddle in bed while Minnie sang to her until the sun set. When night fell upon them, the need to be together kept them in that bed, even at the cost of worrying the others.
That never happened.
The closest Violet ever got to the fantasy was waking up early and going there by herself to carve the initials, then leading Minnie back as a surprise.
That was the first time they ever kissed.
But, that was it.
They grabbed their spears and went fishing.
The only thing memorable about the kiss is that it was her first. Quick and a little awkward, but enjoyable, she thinks.
Fuck, it was so long ago.
Violet rubs her face on the sleeve of her shirt, murmuring “stop” several times under her breath.
While being up here is calming and peaceful, now that she’s sitting alone beneath these stars, Violet realizes just how lonely it can be.
Yeah, lonely.
It’s fucked but it’s nights like this that she wishes for the comfort of another beside her to talk to about this stuff, but when someone offers her it to her like Tenn did, she refuses it. 
Because she actually longed for the comfort of a girl who aided in her suffering at the hands of an evil bitch hellbent of kidnapping as many as she could for her army? A girl who had a face she once loved but eyes as hollow as cold space itself and who was a lovely yet sorrowful memory she’s held on to for far too long, but just can’t seem to loosen her grasp of?
That comfort is a falsity, a pipe dream and she knows it. 
No, she longed the comfort of friends who desperately want to help her no matter how much she pushes them away. Someone who understood the pain she felt and comforted her with beautiful art and kind words, or someone who saved her life and loved her and never stopped trying.
Someone there in the flesh who offered himself to her every day who she repeatedly turned away from.
Because isn’t that who she is now…?
A person who craves the comfort of interaction but also flees from it the first chance she gets.
One big, stupid, fucking contradiction.
But at least she has the night sky, right? 
No matter what, the moon and the stars would never truly leave, they’d come back to her every single night, and that’s more than she could say for most. 
Clementine’s still awake when Louis sneaks in. 
He tries his best to be quiet, stopping at the door to slip off his boots and jacket, tiptoeing around before slowly sliding into bed with her with a huff.
She lifts her head off the pillow, silently watching him rub at his tired eyes. 
“Hey,” she whispers.
“Shit,” he curses, startled, but relaxes when she sits up on her elbows. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to wake you.”
“You didn’t,” she sighs. “Been in and out.”
Louis scoots closer to her so that her chin rests against his shoulder. He entwines their fingers, bringing their hands to rest against his chest. 
He’s freezing from being outside, so she yanks the blanket up closer to fully cover them, causing him to let out a content sigh.
“How was watch?” she asks.
“Same ol’, same ol’,” he replies. “Convinced Aasim to play go-fish with a twist ‘til he got mad,” he yawns. “Asked him when he’s finally going to confess his undying love to Ruby and he threatened to throw my deck over the wall.”
Clementine chuckles. “Sounds about right.” 
They find a pleasant position with her arm around his waist and her body pressed snug against his back. He kisses the back of her hand as his eyes flutter shut, the day's exhaustion catches up with him.
"Guess we’re going to expand the kennel tomorrow,” he says. “Lucy and another rabbit are going to have babies soon, so that’ll be a lot of fun.”
“How was your night?”
“Better now.” 
The corner of his mouth twitches into a grin.
Their hands raise and fall with every breath he takes, and soon he’s fast asleep. His heartbeat is soft against her hand, the rhythm a sweet lull. She keeps herself awake a little longer to make sure he remains peaceful.
She runs her thumb over his, thinking back to the couple in the train station, wondering what their last kiss was like, what their final words to each other were. She wonders if there were a lot of things left unspoken, things that wanted to be said, needed to be said.
She squeezes his hand and allows her eyes to rest.
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