#if you are please make sure you buy from a responsible breeder who health tests both the mother and father11
mypetshopworld · 5 years
Ho Ho Ho it's Christmas Time. The cruellest thing you can do on Christmas. A Dog is not a Toy. Why it is a bad idea to give an animal as a Christmas Gift.
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The unwanted Christmas Gift we all been there.
Christmas Time is a hectic time, and everyone rushes to get the presents and things ready to spend time with family and friends. 
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It is a time where thousands of Christmas present will be returned the next day. We all been there. Receiving a Gift we didn't really want. An embarrassing pullover from Aunt Megan, an ugly pair of socks, a tie or a useless electronic gadget. All of those items are easily returned or just put in a drawer and forget about it. Some even end up in the daily trash.
Giving a pet as a Christmas Gift. A bad idea for both the future pet owner and the pet.
Giving a living animal to someone and the person does not really want it or is prepared for it, that is the moment when it becomes disastrous. After all, it is an animal with feelings, it is breathing and deserves to receive love. According to ASPCA In the days, weeks, and months following the festivities, animal shelters all over the world are inundated with animals who were given as a gift. I have to say those are the lucky ones, not every pet will be brought to a shelter. Some will be abandoned in the woods or beside the road and left to fight for themselves. Some will die, starve to death or get hit by a car. Some guardians will advertise and look for a good home, the danger here is that they might get in the wrong hands and are used for dog fights or for animal testing. Pet Shops advertise their pets and some people get supercharged with the idea of giving a puppy or kitten as a Christmas gift.
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It sounds great and cute thinking of the surprise and the face including the tears. I don't want to spoil your Christmas present but giving a pet as a Christmas present is a not a good idea.
Let me tell you why it is not a good idea?
Having a pet and inviting it to become part of the family is a family decision. Not a spontaneous one it is a decision you want to have discussed and thought through. There are much more things to consider as just the video you can upload and share with your social media tribe and friends. A dog is not a toy, nor is a cat, a toy. Those are animals living beings, and yes, they do have feelings.  The internet is full of lovely videos and photos of puppies. Kittens packed in Santa cloth and puppies with Santa hats coming out of boxes. The reactions of those who receive them. You can find thousands of videos where joy comes into a person's life, and it is accompanied by happy tears. 
Why should an animal not to be considered as a gift? 
After all, we are talking about a living being and an animal that requires care and attention. The Shelters getting full after the Christmas months with animals what are given as a gift, but when people realize what kind of work and commitment is involved, they give them up. I do not say all are like this and some people are happy and commit to a lifetime keeping the pet.
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What a lot of friends do not realize when they give you a pet as a Christmas Gift that the cute puppy needs training, and will do a lot of mischievous things. Without proper training and care, the puppy can become a dog that is not listening to the owner or becomes aggressive. Same goes for the aquatic part like turtles they are so cute when you buy them so tiny and small.   Unfortunately, they grow quickly out of the small Aquarium and without a proper filter system, the water becomes quickly dirty and smells. That is why many end up in the local River system.  Is it right to give pets as a gift for Christmas? We should always keep in mind some critical points before considering giving a pet as a Christmas gift. 
A Pet is a lifetime commitment and a loyal family member
Having an animal is a decision that can change a person's life a lot. It's a long-term commitment. You can't change them, you can't give them back. That's why before giving an animal to someone else, we must make sure that the person understands the responsibilities to have an animal in their life.  Even more important are they up for this challenge and are they living in an environment where they can accommodate a cat or a dog. ( check out our free dog breed calculator. Choose the right dog for you ) Therefore, the person should have verbalized the desire to adopt. Also, we must be clear that the animal gets the time and space it requires. 
Adoption is a great solution to help abandoned animals. 
Theoretically, the more animals adopted, the better for them, for shelters and for the families. Is that so? More or less. Statistics show that during Christmas or holidays, the abandonment rates increases. This is why some associations and NGOs temporarily closed adoptions on Christmas Eve.  It is essential to highlight that in the spirit of Christmas, there are non-certified breeders that sell pets before they are ready to be taken from the mom.  Those pets come without their proper vaccinations, and without worrying about their welfare. This will obviously translate into behavioural issues and health problems of the animals.  Most of the Pets bought on the streets will die as they are breed for business and not for the well being of a Pet.  "Pets should not be considered a commodity."
Download my Christmas Gift for you. 3 Free Ebooks. All you need to know about Pets. Cats. Dogs.
For the love of Dogs For the love of Cats For the love of Pets
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Puppies and Kids are great together but consider a dog or a cat is not a toy. 
There are many cases of children who wish to have a dog as a pet animal, and there is really nothing wrong with that. It is one of the best things that can happen to a child having a dog or cat around and grow up with it.  Who hasn't heard that speech saying if you have a dog, you'll have to take care of him? However, it is essential to remember that they are children and that they cannot be 100% responsible for a dog. It is, in the end, the responsibility of the parent.  When adopting an animal, parents should be aware that it is their responsibility, and the fact that the child does not care for the dog is no excuse for abandonment. It is a family decision I can not stretch it often enough. Pets, in my opinion, should only be given as a gift by parents to the kids, at least they have put some thought into it. 
Pets as a Christmas Gift. Consider all changes and challenges. 
*If you are determined to give a pet to make a person happy, old or young consider different factors.  *Is there enough space for the pet?  *Can the person or family accommodate a pet? *How many hours a day is a pet alone. If more than 8 hours do not give a pet as a gift.  *Is the person or family able to accommodate the vet and food expenses?  *Make sure the person is not allergic to pets.  *Does the person have experience with pets?  *If the pet is a dog, is the person or family able to walk with the dog regular?  There are a lot of things to consider and please think before you make the decision to give someone a pet as a Christmas gift. Understand the pet like a dog or cat will be hurting if it is returned after Christmas.  Pets have feelings and emotion the same as you. It will not understand why you leave it alone in a shelter and abandon it. If you want to give a pet as a gift, you assure that the person is ready for the commitments and responsibilities. 
It's time to think about the pet's arrival at the new home.
If it's a puppy or a kitten, you should remember that they will be separated from their mother and siblings.
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They will come to a home full of people and stimuli that will probably make it more than uncomfortable for the pet. The first night it will cry and call out for the siblings and the mom. You might not get much sleep. You must have a bed or a playpen prepared in a quiet place in the house where they can sleep and be away from excessive noise and groping. In short, a comfortable place to hide.  You should also have toys and food. An alternative way to avoid the stress of arriving at a new home is to surprise the person with an adoption certificate. This is a good way for the future pet owner to be ready. The adaptation will be less stressful, and the future owner will have time to choose a pet, accessories and bed himself. The future Pet owner can also prepare himself or the family mentally for the new member. 
Consider adoption before you buy from a Breeder.  
If you buy from a Breeder, please make sure it is a certified Breeder and not an illegal Breeder who breeds pets for the sake of money.  Choosing adoption over buying is a wise decision.  In addition to being a much cheaper option, we'll stop financing illegal breeders and avoid indiscriminate dog breeding.  You will also save an abandoned and homeless pet and give space in the shelter for another pet to arrive.  In 2018 this video footage went viral RSPCA posted it. Everyone was so touched even Snoop Dogg and Andrew Neil offered to take the dog in. But if that person's wish is to have a specific breed, we recommend you to look for a kennel that has all the papers.  It will give a guarantee that it is reproducing healthy pets with specific veterinary tests, and that has a hygienic space that favours the welfare of the puppies. 
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You will be surprised how many dog breeds are abandoned every day, and you can find in a shelter. Go on the internet and look around in animal shelters near your area. I got our Doberman and German Shepard from a shelter. Alone in the US, there are yearly around 1.6 Million Animals euthanized. 670.000 Dogs and 860.000 Cats. Both of my dogs have been Christmas gifts and sent to the shelter with only 5 months old. I guess the owners did not consider how big they get, and that they will chew and destroy in their puppyhood a lot of things they can get their teeth on.  Remember that many pet breeds are also abandoned and need a home. In a pet who comes from an animal shelter, you find a loyal companion.  We hope that all this information will help you evaluate whether or not it is positive to give pets as a Christmas Gift.  And how you can assure the pet has found a family or owner for life.  If you liked my blog Ho Ho Ho it's Christmas Time. The cruellest thing you can do on Christmas. A Dog is not a Toy. Why it is a bad idea to give an animal as a Christmas Gift. Please like and share with family and friends. Visit our Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter page.  I wish you a wonderful a festive Season. 
My Christmas Gift to you. 3 Free ebooks instant download. All you need to know about Pets, Dogs, Cats
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For the love of cats click here For the love of dogs click here For the love of pets click here All yours Melanie  Source Information https://www.aspca.org/animal-homelessness/shelter-intake-and-surrender/pet-statistics Approximately 6.5 million companion animals enter U.S. animal shelters nationwide every year. Of those, approximately 3.3 million are dogs and 3.2 million are cats.  We estimate that the number of dogs and cats entering U.S. shelters annually has declined from approximately 7.2 million in 2011.  The biggest decline was in dogs (from 3.9 million to 3.3 million).Each year, approximately 1.5 million shelter animals are euthanized (670,000 dogs and 860,000 cats).  The number of dogs and cats euthanized in U.S. shelters annually has declined from approximately 2.6 million in 2011.  This decline can be partially explained by an increase in the percentage of animals adopted and an increase in the number of stray animals successfully returned to their owners.Approximately 3.2 million shelter animals are adopted each year (1.6 million dogs and 1.6 million cats).About 710,000 animals who enter shelters as strays are returned to their owners. Of those, 620,000 are dogs and only 90,000 are cats. Read the full article
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So you're really thinking about getting your first cat, and you are sure you should get a cat in the life of yours. Splendid! You may have some preconceived notions that you want a certain breed of cat, or even that you want a kitten instead of an adult kitty. But before that crucial decision, do a little homework. Like life itself, there are many issues involved in choosing a cat, several of which you might never have thought about. Here is the help you need in making that decision. On the flip side, you may end up lucky enough to be picked by the cat of the future of yours.
Male Vs. Female
Personality-wise, there actually is not a considerable amount of difference between the sexes, if they're neutered. Whole male cats are going to fight for territory in case outdoors, and inside will liberally spray their strong scent on curtains and walls, to mark their territory. Whole women will spray on occasion. Worse yet, they will make themselves and you miserable each and every time they go into season, with obnoxious yowls and bizarre body gyrations.
On another hand, as soon as spayed, the personalities of theirs will improve. I have known male cats being loving and loyal, and they are my usual preference. Others recommend female cats as felicity. Bottom type is that it does not make a really big difference. You will wish to look for character first, then in case you buy a number of nice kitties, narrow it down to sex, if that's vital to you.
Pedigreed Cat Vs. "Moggie"
You may well have previously been to a pet store (heaven forbid!) or a cat show, where you fell in love with a specific breed, Klikk her. One important factor with pure bred cats is, until the breeders have years of experience with genetics, and very carefully chooses the breeding stock of theirs with the cats' full pedigree background, undesirable traits will creep into the breed. Some breeds have inherent problems due to this, e.g. Persians with P.K.D.and/or nasal issues due to their foreshortened noses. Reputable breeders are going to screen the cats of theirs as well as offer guarantees against known bodily issues in the breed of theirs.
"Moggies," that I have used in the English term for household mixed breed cats, are of unfamiliar parentage. The Moggie you follow from a shelter or rescue organization will more than likely be described as a real "orphan." Because the health of theirs and genetic history are unknown, it is crucial for a shelter cat to be able to be subjected to testing against some illnesses, and also to obtain his "shots," preferably before you bring a single home.
Adult Cat Vs. Kitten
When you first visit a shelter you'll be torn between pleasing kittens clustered in cages, but keep in your thoughts that grown cats generally are much more "user friendly", and will be ever-so-happy to find a new home. These cats often came from a happy family setting and were given up because of illness of an owner, death, divorce, etc. The advantages to you in adopting an elderly cat are many:
Older cats (other than ferals) are usually trained to a litter label.
Kittens are lively and rambunctious. Your household will never again be peaceful with a mad kitten running around. If "serenity" is your lifestyle, you will be better off with an older cat.
Grown cats might already have been neutered as well as had its "shots."
Older cats may make the change to a new home easier compared to kittens. Older cats are much more grateful!The benefit on the more mature cat is that most of these cats will not find homes because people naturally gravitate toward the kittens.
A final consideration is the own age of yours. If you are 65 or older, it's usually probable that you will not outlive the cat of yours, so an older cat would be a great choice. You might actually want to adopt a "disabled" cat, that we now reference as "special needs cats," one that is blind, deaf, an amputee, or usually "disabled." These cats make wonderful companions and compensate for their "disabilities" with a wealth of love and devotion for their man savior.
For additional info, please read this particular illustrated article on the countless Reasons to Adopt an Older Cat.
If you're younger, with school-age kids, a cat who is one or perhaps 2 years old would be a good choice, and s/he can grow up with the children of yours.
One or higher Cats?
You may haven't even entertained the idea of adopting much more than one cat, but it's not unusual for somebody to go to a shelter to embrace a single kitty and come dwelling with 2. You may fall in love with a beautiful, personable cat, only to discover that she's a littermate or perhaps "best friend" and may simply be used during a pair. The response of mine to that scenario is that in case you've space in your home and the heart of yours and the information to care for longer than one, you'll be rewarded with much more than two times the amount of joy. This is particularly true when obtaining a kitten. Kittens are scores of interesting, but for a selection of purposes, 2 kittens are better than one, in many cases.
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kernowbears · 8 years
how do you have so many neefoundlands?? they're so expensive, i'm just trying to figure out how to get one omg
we buy our food in bulk orders and get discounts, which helps. honestly we are just very lucky to be able to provide for them! if you do not have the funds to comfortably care for one please wait until you do :) 
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littlefrenchdog · 5 years
All About French Bulldogs
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Typically, the Frenchie is one of the most vibrant dogs around. Their open playfulness and bat-shaped ears, combined with their loving relationship with people, make them great pets. They are very often sought after due to their compact size, allowing them to live in most dwelling environments and requiring little exercise. They are not overly fond of barking either so fit apartment-style living comfortably.
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French Bulldog Pup
The history of the French Bulldog is one that includes three countries and not just its namesake, French. The other two countries of importance are England and America. England was the origin of the French Bulldog in its original incarnation.  Being bred from the old English Bulldog. Breeders in France breed these bulldogs into the small framed bulldogs that we know today. America comes into play in the dictated that a real French bulldog must have the distinctive "bat-shaped ears". The English Bulldog that they originated from does not look like the one we know today but one that was bred for the sport of bull-baiting over 200 years ago. Many English bulldog breeders began to change the breed around this time to a bigger, heavier dog with exaggerated features. Others crossbred them with terriers resulting in the bull-and-terrier breeds used for dogfighting, ratting, etc.
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Frenchie Another group of breeders developed a smaller, lighter toy bulldog, around 12-25 lbs in weight, having either upright or rose ears, round foreheads and short underjaws—and perhaps a touch of terrier liveliness. These were quite popular with workers in the English midlands, in particular, the artisans in the lace-making industry around Nottingham. When the Industrial Revolution hit England, it impacted a lot of the craft shops. Many people moved to where they could find work. The lace-makers emigrated to North of France. With them, they brought their toy bulldogs. ⠀Soon the popularity of the toy bulldogs began to spread from across all France. There started an active trade between England and France exporting these little bulldogs. They were favourites of the ordinary person from Cafe owners, tradies and les belles de nuit. Most of the British wanted nothing to do with these French bulldogs, so the French were the guardians of the breed until later in the 19th century. The French developed a more standard breed from the dogs— a dog with a compact body, straight legs, except without the extreme underbite of the English bulldog. Many had erect "bat ears" while the other had "rosebud" ears. Americans travelling to France fell for these beautiful little dogs and started to bring them back with them to the United States.  Americans preferred dogs with upright ears. On the other hand, the French and British breeders preferred the rosebud ears. Some extra photos and history can be found in the following book: French Bulldog: The Frenchie
Size and Weight
Broadly speaking, the French Bulldog will be about 11 to 12 inches tall. Males weigh 20 to 28 pounds, females weigh 16 to 24 pounds.
Colour And Grooming
French Bulldog coat is short, soft, shiny and smooth. Its skin is baggy and wrinkled, particularly on the head and shoulders. Here are some of the colors.
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French Bulldogs needs regular bathing and grooming. They can be washed as often as every week, up or on the other end every six weeks, obviously, it depends on their lifestyle. With such a smooth coated breed, frequent bathing is essential for the maintenance of skin health and coat. Start grooming your Frenchie at an early age and educate your puppy to stand on a table or ground to make this experience simpler for both of you.
Health and Lifespan
The average life expectancy of the French Bulldog will be between 9 and 12 years. Even though they are an adorable dog, they are sadly susceptible to a broad spectrum of health issues. Such issues not only affect Frenchie's lifespan, and also have a profound impact on their well-being. Potential Frenchie owners might consider the advantages and disadvantages of having a French Bulldog. Yet many French Bulldogs have a much shorter life expectancy. This study of more than 2,200 Frenchies revealed 98 fatalities in 2013, with a median age of just 3.6 years. Unfortunately, the French Bulldog is susceptible to several health issues, some of which may be life-threatening. Before contemplating this breed, we suggest doing your research.
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Finnish Kennel club Do French Bulldogs Have Health Problems?(Opens in a new browser tab)
Birth and reproduction
French Bulldogs commonly necessitate artificial insemination and Caesarean section to give birth, with over 80 per cent of the litter delivered in this way. Many French Bulldog male dogs are incapable of natural reproduction. Because the French Bulldogs have skinny hips, rendering the male unable to mount the female to breed normally. Consequently, artificial insemination of female dogs must be conducted by the owners. French Bulldogs average about three pups per litter. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Bulldog
Children And Other Pets
The French Bulldog gets along exceptionally well with children, even if you have really young children, they should be perfectly fine. As with every dog, you should never leave them alone, unsupervised with Children. Frenchies show a tendency to get aggressive with other dogs, this can be easily overcome with correct training and socialization. These are incredibly imported steps with owning any dog. And the effort you put in the begging will pay off with a well-behaved dog.
Personality and Temperament
Please read the following article on French Bulldog Personality and Temperament.
Please read the following article on What Food Is Good For French Bulldogs?(Opens in a new browser tab)
The Popularity of the French Bulldog
The prominence of the breed has seen incredible growth in recent times, with a 44 per cent increase from 2016 to 2017 alone and a stunning 2964 per cent increase over the last ten years (2008 to 2017). Throughout the United States, the Frenchies did not place among the overall 30 most popular dogs for years. As of 2019, the French Bulldog is number 4 in the USA. Throughout the UK, they placed 76th throughout 2005. They are now in 34th position. The rise of French bulldogs popularity precisely aligned with the advent of social media. Something about Frenchie is appealing to the internet, particularly Instagram. Several of Instagram's more famous French Bulldogs include Seattle's Sir Charles Barkley, with over 324,000 followers; Tokyo's Muu, with 582,000; and Chicago's skillfully promoted Manny, nicknamed the "most-followed" Frenchie, with 660,000 fans. The French Bulldog is also preferred by celebrities such as Beckhams, Lady Gaga and Hugh Jackman. The Kennel Club is worried that the drastic growth in the number of French Bulldogs is due to more people preferring the dog because of how it appears and because it is perceived to be a popular option, instead of because it is the most appropriate breed for their lifestyle. There is also worry because the French Bulldog isn't the right option for everyone, people who are buying without doing their homework will then have to turn the Frenchie over to the dog shelter once they know they can't take care of it.
French Bulldog Breeders
Very often, unsuspecting people purchase French Bulldog puppies from puppy farms or people carrying out backyard breeding without the necessary knowledge and skills in birthing puppies. It typically results in puppies having terrible health and behaviour issues that may not are noticed immediately. French Bulldogs that have genetic health issues due to poor breeding and acquires poor behavioural problems because of no early socialization could well cost a great deal to treat and in some instances can take many years to undo early damage, which, regrettably, tends to result in heartbreak, more for the owner. Responsible breeders will not sell their dogs to the first person who shows up with money in hand. It is strongly advised that you only purchase puppies through responsible breeders that use a health care scheme. The breeder should be willing to provide you with copies of the back & hip health rating documents and the Genetic tests for both parents. All French Bulldogs must be tested at the age of 12 months and before mating. The Frenchie also expected to be X-rayed and tested before purchase. Association website is an excellent source of information about all French Bulldog breeders. https://www.akc.org/dog-breeds/french-bulldog/pictures/
French Bulldogs are companion dogs, and they flourish once they have human contact. They're not just a breed which can be left alone for lengthy periods or expected to live outdoors.Since they don't tend to be big barkers, French Bulldogs make outstanding apartment pets.French Bulldogs are companion dogs, and they flourish once they have human contact. They're not just a breed which can be left alone for lengthy periods or expected to live outdoors.Since they don't tend to be big barkers, French Bulldogs make outstanding apartment pets.They make excellent watchdogs, but they can be territorial. They really like being the focus of attention, that can lead to behavioural issues if the spoilt.If you like a clean house, a French Bulldog may not be your dog, as it is susceptible to drooling, flatulence and some shedding. They are also hard to house train.French Bulldogs don't need a lot of exercises but it a good idea that you take them for a daily walk, so they do not put on weight.French Bulldogs can also be very trainable, but they can also be stubborn. Be firm and patient in their training.Frenchies as with most Bulldog breeds are not good in hot weather. On hot days, keep an eye on them to make sure they do not overexert themselves.Since they don't tend to be big barkers, French Bulldogs make outstanding apartment pets. Read the full article
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The Weimaraner will inspect incoming artwork for beetles, moths and other critters that can damage museum collections And Now House Training is So Much Easier Just make a spreadsheet in excel and print it out, or simply buy some lined paper. ordering & shipping Free Info If your dog suddenly begins having “accidents” or if you have been unsuccessful at housetraining, contact a veterinarian right away. Resolving health issues may resolve the problem. Taking objects away from your puppy when they are in the middle of enjoying them only teaches them to guard these objects, not to give them up. Racine Campus Finance Take your puppy outside to potty before putting him in the crate. Bought chew toys to occupy your puppy in the crate? Charity 11 Ways You’re Shortening Your Dog’s Life Look over how long after eating they pooped u “We deal with the worst of the worst, and that’s what people don’t realize,” she said. “We deal with the dogs who, literally, their lives are on the line. And every one of us here cares so much, we don’t want dogs to die.” ©1997-2016 XO Group Inc. MAKE A DONATION Leash How to Potty Train a Puppy the Easy Way Open Cases JW Pet Patch welcomes contributions and comments from our users. We strive for civil, enlightened discussions on Patch stories and local issues. Please abide by our posting standards: Doreen Tovey Supplies Aggression (when off leash) Literature & Language Club Nylabone Last Name Reward your puppy every time they eliminate outdoors. Praise or give treats—but remember to do so immediately after they’ve finished, not after they come back inside. This step is vital, because rewarding your dog for going outdoors is the only way to teach what’s expected of them. Before rewarding, be sure they’re finished. Puppies are easily distracted and if you praise too soon, they may forget to finish until they’re back in the house. Eventually, work toward giving a tasty reward less frequently but with unexpected bonus treats—several at once, for example, for a particularly long “sit-stay.” Even young pups learn to appreciate the bonus concept of higher value rewards for better performance. I am intersted in (please check all that apply): You cannot successfully house train a puppy who is ill because their bodily functions will be too unpredictable. But of course if they’re ill, you want to have them back to good health anyway! We have 2 Italian Greyhounds (12 weeks old). Instead of crate training, we have a closed in terrace that is their “crate area”. We have built them a large grass box for potty, but they don’t use it a lot. I’m home with them most of the time, so I am able to correct their mistakes, but night time or if we are out of the house, they don’t use it. What would be the best way to get them going in the correct spot at the times they aren’t being supervised? Lucky Dog Kentucky Derby Canine Dimensions. 2018. All Rights Reserved. Sitemap. Privacy Policy. Video title Related services WA Startup Uses Trash To Make Prosthetics Whether you are a complete newcomer to dog training or have some experience, this course provides a comprehensive foundation of knowledge and skill. It is also a wonderful course for someone looking to change careers or looking to add training skill to his/her animal care skill set, such as a veterinary technician, pet sitter/walker, or groomer. Don’t punish your dog if they pee inside. Regardless of all those old training ideas punishment isn’t a good deterrent for house training. Yelling at your dog after the fact just confuses them and makes them nervous around you. If you catch your did in the act you can try to get their attention & move them outdoors. If you’re successful & they continue going once you get outside praise them like crazy. Holidays and HAWS Use “NO” for actions that are not appropriate. “NO” is an authoritative sound that should result in an immediate reaction. Do not use the word “NO” combined with your pup’s name. Dog Coat Types See How We Help Dogs & Veterans Considerations For An Indoor Bathroom Spot Ads and Cookies Obedience Training Intermediate Agility First of all, be picky when you choose your breeder. It starts with them and the habits they give your puppy when raising them. So check them out, visit the puppies at home with the breeder, ask for habits and observe their behavior. Although house training a puppy can be hard work and tiring – be patient and consistent, and all your efforts should pay off! Tricks: Wave, Take a Bow, Spin, Heel PureBites “Another word for training is teaching, so recognize that your new pet is looking for your guidance and praise,” she said. Your job this first week is to build up your bank account of trust with your puppy. Select by health condition Fruits & Berries (1) My mission is to help you have a wonderful relationship with your dog. Learn how to teach good manners, to decode canine behaviors, and have a really great time. For Clickertraining.com November 20, 2017 Life Jackets & Swim Suits Share this article: Toilet training a puppy 7. So much more! Manhattan, NYC, Chelsea, upper east side, uptown, downtown, midtown, East Side, West Side, Central Park, Washington Square Dog Park, Tompkins Square Park, SoHo, NoHO, Battery Park, Greenwich Village, TriBeCa (function()).call(this)}).call(n,t("../../../lib/node_modules/webpack/node_modules/process/browser.js"),t("../../../lib/node_modules/webpack/buildin/global.js"))},"./shared/polyfills/function.js":function(e,n)Function.prototype.bind,"./shared/polyfills/object.js":function(e,n)Object.keys,"./shared/polyfills/requestAnimationFrame.js":function(e,n)!function()(),"./shared/polyfills/string.js":function(e,n)String.prototype.endsWith,”./shared/require-global.js”:function(e,n,t)e.exports=t(“./shared/require-shim.js”),”./shared/require-shim.js”:function(e,n,t)var r=(this.window,function(e)if(!r.hasModule(e))var n=new Error(‘Cannot find module “‘+e+'”‘);throw n.code=”MODULE_NOT_FOUND”,nreturn t(“./”+e+”.js”));r.loadChunk=function(e)return”main”==e?t.e(“main”).then(function(e)t(“./main.js”).bind(null,t))[“catch”](t.oe):”dev”==e?Promise.all([t.e(“main”),t.e(“dev”)]).then(function(e)t(“./shared/dev.js”).bind(null,t))[“catch”](t.oe):”internal”==e?Promise.all([t.e(“main”),t.e(“internal”),t.e(“qtext2”),t.e(“dev”)]).then(function(e)t(“./internal.js”).bind(null,t))[“catch”](t.oe):”ads_manager”==e?Promise.all([t.e(“main”),t.e(“ads_manager”)]).then(function(e)undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined.bind(null,t))[“catch”](t.oe):”publisher_dashboard”==e?t.e(“publisher_dashboard”).then(function(e)undefined,undefined.bind(null,t))[“catch”](t.oe):”content_widgets”==e?Promise.all([t.e(“main”),t.e(“content_widgets”)]).then(function(e)t(“./content_widgets.iframe.js”).bind(null,t))[“catch”](t.oe):void 0,r.whenReady=function(e,n)Promise.all(window.webpackChunks.map(function(e)return r.loadChunk(e))).then(function()n()),r.prefetchAll=function()t(“./settings.js”);Promise.all([t.e(“main”),t.e(“qtext2”)]).then(function().bind(null,t))[“catch”](t.oe),r.hasModule=function(e),r.execAll=function()var e=Object.keys(t.m);tryfor(var n=0;n Pets 101 toggle menu Start your puppy out right and learn the basics of being an awesome pet parent. S.T.A.R. stands for socialization, training, activity, and responsibility, and this program follows the American Kennel Club program while laying a strong foundation. Basic training activities include the name game and loose leash walking, and puppies will work on these commands: sit, down, drop it, give, wait, and follow me. Your puppy will gain socialization skills with other puppies and people, and we’ll introduce puppies in a positive way to everyday objects they may encounter. We’ll discuss housebreaking, crate training, safe toys, and ideas to keep the puppy busy. The class ends with the S.T.A.R. Puppy Test and the pet parent’s Responsible Puppy Pledge. How to train a puppy through the ‘terrible twos’ Old English Sheepdog Smit/Shutterstock Crate training (2-3 months) There are so many books out there about “successful” dog-training techniques, methods, and schools. The amount of information can be overwhelming, and, to make it worse, it’s often contradictory. Search Puppy pads Your puppy needs to learn that people around him, particularly small children, can be a bit unpredictable. But he needs to accept that their unpredictable behavior is not threatening. You can help him do this by imitating a child’s behavior. Try stepping quickly towards his bowl — then drop in a treat. Gently bump into him, while he’s eating, or roll toys nearby — anything to cause a distraction, but drop a treat in the bowl to reward him for continuing to eat calmly. Do this every so often, but not at every meal. If your puppy freezes mid-mouthful, growls or glares at you, stop and try again another time. If this continues, it’s best to seek advice from a veterinary behaviorist or certified dog trainer. How to Train a Puppy to Come When Called Best crate: MidWest Life Stages Folding Dog Crate Paw care Topics: Crate Training, Crate training puppies at night, Crate training dogs, Crate training puppies, Puppy crate training tips, Crate training tips, Crate training schedule, Crate training a puppy, Crate training your dog Stations To achieve this, you need to follow this 5 step process: local ad Search & Rescue I always advise clients to be proactive weather-watchers. If your dog’s potty place is outdoors, consider that potty habits can and might change with the season, and you may have to consider creative and proactive ways to keep your dog’s potty habits strong. For dogs who detest rain, the erection of a portable canopy might just ease the pain. A snow shovel goes a long way in helping small dogs deal with deep snow. Some indoor-outdoor carpet can buffer the heat of summer pavement. Chinchilla advice Beyond How Can I Adopt A Retired Service Dog or Failed Guide Dog?
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fbq('track', 'ViewContent', content_ids: 'dogtraining.dknol', ); Potty training a puppy Expert Advice Hi Karen, It sounds like you will need to go back to basics with your potty training and start from scratch as you would with a new puppy. There is some great advice here: https://www.thelabradorsite.com/a-quick-guide-to-house-training-your-labrador-puppy/ You might also like to post up on our friendly forum, where our experienced members are sure to have some good advice! house training older dog | puppy crate training house training older dog | puppy training tips house training older dog | crate training puppies Legal | Sitemap
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ladystylestores · 4 years
Your Monday Briefing – The New York Times
China-U.S. feud over coronavirus heats up
China on Sunday temporarily suspended poultry imports from a U.S. slaughterhouse where workers were infected with the coronavirus, a day after President Trump blamed China for recent U.S. economic troubles, saying the country “sent us the plague.”
As China battles an outbreak in Beijing, the United States has seen the number of daily new cases rise in 18 states across the South, West and Midwest. Seven states hit single-day case records on Saturday, and five others hit records earlier in the week. The country has seen more than 2.2 million infections, and more than 119,000 people have died — by far the most in the world on both counts.
Globally, cases are rising rapidly. Reports of daily new cases began surpassing 100,000 a day in May, but spiked past 176,000 over the weekend.
Here are our latest updates and maps on the outbreak.
In other developments:
The British government said Sunday it would seek greater powers to act against foreign takeovers of vaccine firms and other health-related businesses to make sure that they do not threaten Britain’s ability to deal with a public health crisis like the pandemic.
Australia’s second most populous state, Victoria, has reimposed some restrictions and extended its state of emergency to July 19, as it battles a spike in infections.
New York City has hired 3,000 disease detectives and case monitors for its contact-tracing program, but the effort has gotten off to a troubling start.
A study of the wildlife trade in three provinces in southern Vietnam has produced notable confirmation for one underlying objection to the wildlife trade in Asia: The trading offers an ideal opportunity for coronaviruses in one animal to infect another.
The Times is providing free access to much of our coronavirus coverage, and our Coronavirus Briefing newsletter — like all of our newsletters — is free. Please consider supporting our journalism with a subscription.
China plans new Hong Kong security agency
A blueprint for China’s proposed security law for Hong Kong, which was made public by state media over the weekend, revealed that Beijing plans to set up an agency in the territory to “collect and analyze” intelligence and to handle certain cases.
The draft also gives Hong Kong’s chief official, who must answer to Beijing, the power to decide which judges will hear those security cases. That shift would further erode the autonomy of the city’s independent judiciary.
Opposition leaders warned that the measure would imperil the rule of law in Hong Kong, a global financial center that has greater freedoms than mainland China.
Context: The proposed law is a pillar of President Xi Jinping’s push to subdue protests in Hong Kong, the sole part of China that has loudly defied his authority. Opposition from the United States, Britain and other Western countries appears unlikely to derail that effort.
Related: As Beijing tightens its grip and Hong Kong’s protesters grow more desperate, there is less room for democracy advocates to work within the system. Case in point: Martin Lee, the 82-year-old founder of the territory’s first pro-democracy party, is under fire by both sides.
Apple looks to Asia for its chips
Silicon Valley is bracing for the breakup of Apple and Intel, signaling Apple’s determination to take more control of how its products are built.
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing, the partner Apple uses to build similar components that it designs for iPhones and iPads, is expected to take Intel’s place, making Mac chips in factories in Asia. Apple could announce its plans as soon as Monday, with computers based on the new chips arriving next year.
Analysis: The move is a blow to Intel at a time when U.S. officials are concerned over the weakening of American leadership in chip manufacturing, which they regard as crucial to the country’s ability to retain an edge over China.
Big tech trend: The biggest tech companies are expanding their abilities and reducing their dependence on partners even as smaller competitors and the global economy struggle in the coronavirus pandemic. Facebook is investing billions of dollars into the fastest-growing app in Indonesia, a telecom giant in India and an undersea fiber-optic cable around Africa. Amazon has built out its own fleet of cargo planes and delivery trucks. Google and Apple continue to buy upstarts.
If you have 6 minutes, this is worth it
Why Japanese jobs look safe
The coronavirus pandemic has pushed Japan into an economic downturn, but its unemployment rate remains low, at just 2.6 percent. The world’s third-largest economy has not seen the mass layoffs that the U.S. has.
Our reporters look at the mix of social, demographic and epidemiological factors behind Japan’s low jobless rate.
Here’s what else is happening
U.K. stabbing attack: Three people were killed at a park in southern England on Saturday in what the police are investigating as a “terrorist incident.” A 25-year-old man was arrested at the scene on suspicion of murder and remained in custody on Sunday.
Trump firing: The president is facing increased criticism that he is purging his administration of officials whose independence could be a threat to his re-election after he removed a federal prosecutor, Geoffrey Berman, who had put the president’s former personal lawyer in prison and was investigating his current one.
Snapshot: Above, a Spanish bullfighter in an empty bullring in Málaga, Spain. Bull breeders and matadors accuse the Spanish government of wanting to use the pandemic to end bullfighting, in line with the wishes of animal rights activists.
What we’re reading: This article in Outside Magazine. “The best part of my day over the past few months has often been a long (socially distanced, responsible) walk,” writes Anna Holland, an editor based in London. “I loved this beautifully written ode to walking.”
Now, a break from the news
At Home has our full collection of ideas on what to read, cook, watch and do while staying safe at home.
And now for the Back Story on …
5,000 miles for a final goodbye
“It is every foreign correspondent’s nightmare: a family emergency when you are half a world away.”
For our Tokyo bureau chief, Motoko Rich, the call came last month. It was her 76-year-old father, who was dying from congestive heart failure. During the coronavirus pandemic, many people have been unable to make it to the bedside of their dying relatives. She was one of the lucky ones. Here’s an excerpt from her story.
I was in Tokyo. He and my mother were in California. Suddenly, I was facing questions unique to the pandemic — whether it would be wise to travel, or whether I could forgive myself if I didn’t. If I did go, I wasn’t sure I could return to Japan because of an entry ban on many foreign nationals, including Americans.
In the end, I resolved to go. I applied for, and was granted, a humanitarian exemption from Japan’s entry ban.
The next day, I stepped into the nearly empty airport in Tokyo, where I felt like an alien arriving on Earth to find an entombed ruin of a dead planet.
My father had been officially sick with congestive heart failure for five years, but in truth he had needed a lot of care for at least a quarter of a century, after he had undergone open-heart surgery at age 50. For years, my mother made well-balanced meals catered to his diabetes and heart condition. His doctors told her they believed he had lived as long as he had in part because she had taken such good care of him.
On the night my father died, I was only a week into my self-isolation and had not received results from my coronavirus test, so my mother and I stayed masked on either side of the king-size bed. She crossed her arms over her chest in a sign of the hug we were afraid to exchange. I considered just taking the risk, but then thought: What if I test positive and I’ve just sobbed and snotted all over her?
Perhaps the guilt of an adult child with an aging parent is universal: We can never do enough. But it is doubly so when we live more than 5,000 miles away, and even more so during a pandemic that makes travel difficult.
That’s it for this briefing. See you next time.
— Carole
Thank you To Theodore Kim and Jahaan Singh for the rest of the break from the news. You can reach the team at [email protected].
P.S. • We’re listening to “The Daily.” Our latest episode is on the meaning of Juneteenth, a celebration of the emancipation of enslaved Americans. • Here’s our Mini Crossword, and a clue: Green bit in fried rice (three letters). You can find all our puzzles here. • Tara Parker-Pope, the founding editor of Well, talks to the creator of the 7-Minute Workout about exercise for every age and fitness level, at 1 p.m. Eastern on Monday (3 a.m. Tuesday in Sydney). R.S.V.P. here, or catch up with the event afterward.
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from World Wide News https://ift.tt/37Puxt5
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purrcraze · 5 years
Why Your Sphynx Cat Is Getting Hair – What You Should Do
Hang around a Sphynx cat long enough and you get used to their suede-like skin, but see hair and you start to ask, “Why is my Sphynx getting hair?”-and the answer may surprise you.
Why is my Sphynx getting hair? No matter the climate you live in, a Sphynx will grow a little fuzzy hair as part of their preparation for winter. If a sphynx is not spayed or neutered, hormone changes that result in hair growth may also occur. It can happen to any Sphynx at any time.
This is the basic reason why your Sphynx may have a case of the fuzzies. However, it’s nothing to be alarmed about- please keep reading to understand why.
Your Sphynx Has Hair
As a Sphynx owner or prospective owner, it has probably come to your attention that the Sphynx is not actually totally hairless.
Much like us humans, the Sphynx has what is known as Vellus hairs, or sparse, very fine hairs.  They also feature a soft, touchably fluffy down that makes their skin a pleasure to pet. If you look closely enough, you will see that your Sphynx has hair on his toes, nose, and even the tail.
You should also know that the hairless gene is non-dominant, or as science calls it, recessive. This means that if your Sphynx were to mate with a non-Sphynx, their offspring will most likely have hair-only one quarter of their offspring would be without hair.
But My Cat is Growing Hair!
We once heard the story of two Sphynx brothers, both aged five, that loved going into their owner’s garden. They preferred to use the bathroom outdoors as some cats do.
However, the one brother grew a crop of curly hair, especially around his back and tail, while the other was hairless as the day he was born. The owner wondered about the reason for this, and perhaps you have had the same concern.
While the owner did not mention the type of climate she lived in, the answer was that the repeated exposure to cold temps could very well have triggered a response in the body to keep warm by growing a bit of a coat.
A related breed known as the Mexican Hairless Cat had a similar story: this breed would grow a line of fur going down the back that would also cover the tail during times of cold weather.
Hairless Cats Are A Result of a Mutated Gene
It is also important to consider the science behind hairless breeds: Hairless cats are a result of a mutated gene. Cats without hair have been found in litters of cats for a long time, and so the Sphynx and other hairless breeds had some hairy relatives a while back.
Ultimately, it will be Mother Nature who decides what happens when it comes to your Sphynx. The hair may stay on for a long time, or it may come and go just as hairy cats get their summer and winter coats. The experience will vary from cat to cat.
A Sphynx Munchkin – The Bambino Cat
How Can I Care for My “Hairy” Sphynx? What You Should Do!
Do not think that just because your Sphynx has a bit of hair he or she is immune to the cold. You should still do your part to make sure your “hairless” hairy kitty still has the cold-weather gear necessary to keep warm.
Us humans can absolutely relate: Even though we have Vellus hairs on most parts of our body, we still require cold-weather gear, clothing, socks, hats and more to be comfortable in chilly months.
Therefore, think of the hair on your Sphynx as your cue to step up. Make sure he has a cozy sweater or cat parka to wear as a means of keeping warm.
There are also cat scarves that can help your Sphynx. Make sure your cat has access to a warm place, such as a room with a space heater he can enjoy if he needs to warm up.
Make sure your clothing choices are not items that could irritate the skin of the Sphynx. Soft textiles made of fleece and cotton are great choices for a Sphynx.
Furthermore, it is important the clothing of the Sphynx is washed and cared for frequently.
You should wash the clothing for your cat in an eco-friendly, colorless and scentless detergent to make sure the harsh chemicals found in standard detergents do not harm the sensitive skin of the hairless breed.
Remember, Not All Sphynx Will Be Okay with Wearing Clothes
In that case, make sure there are warm places for your cat as well as plenty of blankets made of soft fleece, he can use to stay warm.
You can also buy your cat a warm and fluffy cat bed that have small heaters built right in. Invite your cat to snuggle up at night, too. Covered cat beds are a great place for your cat to warm up and hide if she feels stressed out.
Also be sure that you do your best to stop up all the drafty places in your home. Doing so will keep your pet happy and warm especially during the chilly months.
Keeping Skin Clean
It’s also important to keep skin clean as can be even when it is chilly outside. It can be tempting to skip bath time because water naturally makes us cold, but don’t do it with your Sphynx.
Make sure to follow standard bathing protocols-water should be warm but not too hot. Use a gentle soap and then a cup or gentle water hose to clean the suds off him.
Also be sure that you check the ears as well for any wax buildup. Use cat wipes or a soft clean cloth to clean all the hard to reach places on your Sphynx.
Lastly, make sure to wrap your Sphynx in a clean, dry towel after the bath. This will get the water off him and keep him warm. There are even special cat bath towels you can purchase if you feel the towels at home do not measure up.
Having hair presents another need to keep your cat clean: The hair could trap dirt and grime, and cats regardless of breed take pride in being clean. Keep his spirits and his hygiene up by making sure baths are always part of your weekly routine.
Related Questions
Why Are Sphynx Cats So Expensive?
It is due to the expenses that come with the breeding process. The fee you pay covers facility maintenance, health tests, vet care, and more. Higher fees are typical of an ethical breeder. It is all to ensure your Sphynx is healthy.
Are Sphynx Cats Nice?
They are among the friendliest and kindest breeds. They are known for being gentle, easygoing, and good with families. They even like dogs. However, they need a good companion and do not care to be left alone. They love attention from their people.
Do Sphynx Cats Eat A Lot?
Yes-Sphynx have a high metabolism and will eat more than some cats. They do this as a means of staying warm, as they do not have the thick fur needed to do so. It is okay to leave out a dish of food for your Sphynx to eat as their metabolism is very high.
If your Sphynx is growing hair, there is no need to worry about it, but it is a signal that you as a pet owner should take note of your cat’s needs to stay warm.
Be sure to provide your cat plenty of ways to keep warm, such as clothing, blankets or a pet bed to curl up into as a means of staying warm.
Of course, be sure to follow all proper bathing procedures, and make sure textiles offered are soft. Your Sphynx will really appreciate the chance to stay toasty during chilly moments! 
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paulcleonard · 7 years
Border Collie
Border Collies are best known for their intelligence and working roles as sheep herding dogs.
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Border Collies are a highly intelligent breed and need lots of exercise and training. If you are thinking about owning a Border Collie be prepared to spend in excess of 2 hours a day with your dog keeping that intelligent mind occupied. These dogs need lots of space, games, puzzles and ideally a job or sport to do, like agility or farm work.
Border Collies really do need an experienced owner who loves to train and someone very active. In exchange a Border Collie will be responsive, loving and fun to share your life with.
I’m looking for an owner as active as I am. Someone who loves a run at the beach, playing ball, training and agility or flyball. I would love to live on a big property with lots of other dogs and people. I bore easily, so I really need to be kept busy and I do not like to be alone. Please remember I love to herd and if you don’t have anything for me to do, I will round up the family!
Lifespan 10-15 years Weight 12-20 kg Height (at shoulder) 50-53 cm
Playful – Life is just a game to your average Border Collie. They love chase, ball-games and playing with other dogs. As they get older they can become a little lazy, but if kept at a healthy weight will often stay playful into middle age.
Lively – Border Collies are very active dogs and need lots of activity and stimulation. They are often very excitable, particularly when their owners come home.
Loyal – A Border Collie will often bond very closely to one person in the family and be extremely loyal. This can translate to a dog that is not suited to long periods of being alone and perhaps even a bit snappy if not socialized appropriately.
Intelligent – These intelligent dogs are very trainable and need at least 2 hours a day of exercise and training when young and continuing on into adult-hood. Without mental stimulation and training they become easily bored and sometimes destructive.
Exercise Requirements Very High – 2+ hours per day Training Requirements Very High – 2+hours per day or working dog (eg property or assistance dog) Apartment Friendly? No
  Border Collies are high energy dogs that need lots of exercise and training. An activity like agility, flyball, obedience work or dancing would be ideal. If you live near a beach or on a property and have lots of spare time, the Border Collie would be a good fit.
Trips to the Groomer No- easy care at home Tick Friendly? No Hypoallergenic No Brushing High – Daily brushing required Hair fall High Shed – you will be living with lots of hair Coat Type Long
  Border Collies really need a daily brush or to be clipped regularly as they have a dense coat that can be high maintenance. They are ideally suited to colder climates, rather than hot climates, but their coat can also be insulating in warmer conditions. Just make sure there is a dam or pool to jump into on hotter days if you live somewhere with hot summers.
Good With Kids Excellent – Good with kids of any age Good With Other Small Pets Medium – Ok with other pets, supervision advised Sociability High – Loves other dogs and best in a multi-dog household.
  Border Collies are ideal dogs for multi-dog households. Having a canine playmate can help to alleviate boredom and burn off some of that boundless energy. They are generally okay with kids, but are often very busy dogs so need their own space and can be very excitable as young dogs. An adult Border Collie tends to be very gentle with young or older kids if socialized when young. Border Collies do have a tendency to ‘herd’ other pets such as cats, so if they are not given an outlet for this behavior, they should be watched around smaller animals inclined to scare easily.
Overall Expenses (Annual) Medium – $1500-$2000 Veterinary Expenses (Annual) Medium – $200-$500 Food Expenses (Weekly) High (large and giant) – $20-$30+
  Border Collies tend to be robust, healthy dogs who don’t have large health problems. That being said they do often put 110% effort into activities and can easily injure themselves in the process. They also need good quality food and lots of it to power that energy house.
Ivermectin sensitivity – first described in 1983 some Collies are uniquely sensitive to ivermectin, which is used for parasite treatment. The MDR1 gene mutation that causes this sensitivity can be tested for. Those dogs with the mutation should be given ivermectin containing medications with caution and may be more susceptible to loperamide, digoxin, odansetrom and many chemotherapeutic drugs also.
Hip Displaysia – Border Collies are prone to hip dysplasia, and while more breeders are hip scoring in an attempt to breed out this devastating disease, in some cases it can still occur, particularly with overfeeding at a young age.
OCD – Osteochondrosis Dissecans is a painful cartilage defect that occurs in large breed puppies and commonly involves the shoulder joint, but can also effect the elbows, knees or ankles (hocks). Like hip dysplasia it has been linked to over-feeding during the growth phase and excess calcium supplementation.
Border Collie breeders are usually very proactive in testing for the genetic diseases Collie Eye Anomaly/Choroidal Hypoplasia, Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis and Trapped Neutrophil Syndrome, but you should check with your breeder before buying a Border Collie on the status of their dogs for genetic diseases.
Border Collies are not ideally suited to areas with ticks or seeding grass, due to their long coat. However if regularly brushed or clipped they can be a little easier to manage.
Border Collies should be fed a high quality diet and an appropriate ration should be determined to ensure they are not over-fed when growing to reduce the chance of hip dysplasia and OCD. They are also more inclined to develop cruciate ligament rupture and other orthopaedic injuries if allowed to become overweight.
Border Collies are all descended from a dog in Northumbria in the north of England called Old Hemp who was a legendary sheep dog. His fame and skills meant that he sired large numbers of puppies for farmers who wanted excellent sheep dogs. Sheep dogs typically need to be fast, stealthy and intelligent. They should be able to read sheep, respond to hand signals and love to work and herd sheep.
The bronze statue that stands at Fort Benton Montana, US was erected for Old Shep who kept a 6 year vigil for his owner who died in the town. Legend has it that Old Shep saw his owner’s coffin being loaded onto a train after he died in hospital and from then on he met each train coming in, waiting for his owner to return. Sadly he was hit by a train and died in 1942.
The Border Collie is ranked at number one in Stanley Coren’s The Intelligence of Dogs.
Owners of working Border Collies may be reluctant to own a white dog as it is thought that the sheep would not respect a white dog.
Petfinder lists all types of dogs who need homes, both purebred and mixed breeds, adults and puppies.
Border Collie Rescue has Border Collies across most of the US needing new homes.
Border Collie Society of America also coordinates fostering and rescue of Border Collies US-wide.
The ASPCA often has Border collies for adoption, just do an advanced search on their adoption page.
  The post Border Collie: Breed Information appeared first on Love That Pet.
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mypetshopworld · 5 years
Ho Ho Ho it's Christmas Time. The cruellest thing you can do on Christmas. A Dog is not a Toy. Why it is a bad idea to give an animal as a Christmas Gift.
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The unwanted Christmas Gift we all been there.
Christmas Time is a hectic time, and everyone rushes to get the presents and things ready to spend time with family and friends. 
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It is a time where thousands of Christmas present will be returned the next day. We all been there. Receiving a Gift we didn't really want. An embarrassing pullover from Aunt Megan, an ugly pair of socks, a tie or a useless electronic gadget. All of those items are easily returned or just put in a drawer and forget about it. Some even end up in the daily trash.
Giving a pet as a Christmas Gift. A bad idea for both the future pet owner and the pet.
Giving a living animal to someone and the person does not really want it or is prepared for it, that is the moment when it becomes disastrous. After all, it is an animal with feelings, it is breathing and deserves to receive love. According to ASPCA In the days, weeks, and months following the festivities, animal shelters all over the world are inundated with animals who were given as a gift. I have to say those are the lucky ones, not every pet will be brought to a shelter. Some will be abandoned in the woods or beside the road and left to fight for themselves. Some will die, starve to death or get hit by a car. Some guardians will advertise and look for a good home, the danger here is that they might get in the wrong hands and are used for dog fights or for animal testing. Pet Shops advertise their pets and some people get supercharged with the idea of giving a puppy or kitten as a Christmas gift.
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It sounds great and cute thinking of the surprise and the face including the tears. I don't want to spoil your Christmas present but giving a pet as a Christmas present is a not a good idea.
Let me tell you why it is not a good idea?
Having a pet and inviting it to become part of the family is a family decision. Not a spontaneous one it is a decision you want to have discussed and thought through. There are much more things to consider as just the video you can upload and share with your social media tribe and friends. A dog is not a toy, nor is a cat, a toy. Those are animals living beings, and yes, they do have feelings.  The internet is full of lovely videos and photos of puppies. Kittens packed in Santa cloth and puppies with Santa hats coming out of boxes. The reactions of those who receive them. You can find thousands of videos where joy comes into a person's life, and it is accompanied by happy tears. 
Why should an animal not to be considered as a gift? 
After all, we are talking about a living being and an animal that requires care and attention. The Shelters getting full after the Christmas months with animals what are given as a gift, but when people realize what kind of work and commitment is involved, they give them up. I do not say all are like this and some people are happy and commit to a lifetime keeping the pet.
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What a lot of friends do not realize when they give you a pet as a Christmas Gift that the cute puppy needs training, and will do a lot of mischievous things. Without proper training and care, the puppy can become a dog that is not listening to the owner or becomes aggressive. Same goes for the aquatic part like turtles they are so cute when you buy them so tiny and small.   Unfortunately, they grow quickly out of the small Aquarium and without a proper filter system, the water becomes quickly dirty and smells. That is why many end up in the local River system.  Is it right to give pets as a gift for Christmas? We should always keep in mind some critical points before considering giving a pet as a Christmas gift. 
A Pet is a lifetime commitment and a loyal family member
Having an animal is a decision that can change a person's life a lot. It's a long-term commitment. You can't change them, you can't give them back. That's why before giving an animal to someone else, we must make sure that the person understands the responsibilities to have an animal in their life.  Even more important are they up for this challenge and are they living in an environment where they can accommodate a cat or a dog. ( check out our free dog breed calculator. Choose the right dog for you ) Therefore, the person should have verbalized the desire to adopt. Also, we must be clear that the animal gets the time and space it requires. 
Adoption is a great solution to help abandoned animals. 
Theoretically, the more animals adopted, the better for them, for shelters and for the families. Is that so? More or less. Statistics show that during Christmas or holidays, the abandonment rates increases. This is why some associations and NGOs temporarily closed adoptions on Christmas Eve.  It is essential to highlight that in the spirit of Christmas, there are non-certified breeders that sell pets before they are ready to be taken from the mom.  Those pets come without their proper vaccinations, and without worrying about their welfare. This will obviously translate into behavioural issues and health problems of the animals.  Most of the Pets bought on the streets will die as they are breed for business and not for the well being of a Pet.  "Pets should not be considered a commodity."
Download my Christmas Gift for you. 3 Free Ebooks. All you need to know about Pets. Cats. Dogs.
For the love of Dogs For the love of Cats For the love of Pets
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Puppies and Kids are great together but consider a dog or a cat is not a toy. 
There are many cases of children who wish to have a dog as a pet animal, and there is really nothing wrong with that. It is one of the best things that can happen to a child having a dog or cat around and grow up with it.  Who hasn't heard that speech saying if you have a dog, you'll have to take care of him? However, it is essential to remember that they are children and that they cannot be 100% responsible for a dog. It is, in the end, the responsibility of the parent.  When adopting an animal, parents should be aware that it is their responsibility, and the fact that the child does not care for the dog is no excuse for abandonment. It is a family decision I can not stretch it often enough. Pets, in my opinion, should only be given as a gift by parents to the kids, at least they have put some thought into it. 
Pets as a Christmas Gift. Consider all changes and challenges. 
*If you are determined to give a pet to make a person happy, old or young consider different factors.  *Is there enough space for the pet?  *Can the person or family accommodate a pet? *How many hours a day is a pet alone. If more than 8 hours do not give a pet as a gift.  *Is the person or family able to accommodate the vet and food expenses?  *Make sure the person is not allergic to pets.  *Does the person have experience with pets?  *If the pet is a dog, is the person or family able to walk with the dog regular?  There are a lot of things to consider and please think before you make the decision to give someone a pet as a Christmas gift. Understand the pet like a dog or cat will be hurting if it is returned after Christmas.  Pets have feelings and emotion the same as you. It will not understand why you leave it alone in a shelter and abandon it. If you want to give a pet as a gift, you assure that the person is ready for the commitments and responsibilities. 
It's time to think about the pet's arrival at the new home.
If it's a puppy or a kitten, you should remember that they will be separated from their mother and siblings.
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They will come to a home full of people and stimuli that will probably make it more than uncomfortable for the pet. The first night it will cry and call out for the siblings and the mom. You might not get much sleep. You must have a bed or a playpen prepared in a quiet place in the house where they can sleep and be away from excessive noise and groping. In short, a comfortable place to hide.  You should also have toys and food. An alternative way to avoid the stress of arriving at a new home is to surprise the person with an adoption certificate. This is a good way for the future pet owner to be ready. The adaptation will be less stressful, and the future owner will have time to choose a pet, accessories and bed himself. The future Pet owner can also prepare himself or the family mentally for the new member. 
Consider adoption before you buy from a Breeder.  
If you buy from a Breeder, please make sure it is a certified Breeder and not an illegal Breeder who breeds pets for the sake of money.  Choosing adoption over buying is a wise decision.  In addition to being a much cheaper option, we'll stop financing illegal breeders and avoid indiscriminate dog breeding.  You will also save an abandoned and homeless pet and give space in the shelter for another pet to arrive.  In 2018 this video footage went viral RSPCA posted it. Everyone was so touched even Snoop Dogg and Andrew Neil offered to take the dog in. But if that person's wish is to have a specific breed, we recommend you to look for a kennel that has all the papers.  It will give a guarantee that it is reproducing healthy pets with specific veterinary tests, and that has a hygienic space that favours the welfare of the puppies. 
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You will be surprised how many dog breeds are abandoned every day, and you can find in a shelter. Go on the internet and look around in animal shelters near your area. I got our Doberman and German Shepard from a shelter. Alone in the US, there are yearly around 1.6 Million Animals euthanized. 670.000 Dogs and 860.000 Cats. Both of my dogs have been Christmas gifts and sent to the shelter with only 5 months old. I guess the owners did not consider how big they get, and that they will chew and destroy in their puppyhood a lot of things they can get their teeth on.  Remember that many pet breeds are also abandoned and need a home. In a pet who comes from an animal shelter, you find a loyal companion.  We hope that all this information will help you evaluate whether or not it is positive to give pets as a Christmas Gift.  And how you can assure the pet has found a family or owner for life.  If you liked my blog Ho Ho Ho it's Christmas Time. The cruellest thing you can do on Christmas. A Dog is not a Toy. Why it is a bad idea to give an animal as a Christmas Gift. Please like and share with family and friends. Visit our Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter page.  I wish you a wonderful a festive Season. 
My Christmas Gift to you. 3 Free ebooks instant download. All you need to know about Pets, Dogs, Cats
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For the love of cats click here For the love of dogs click here For the love of pets click here All yours Melanie  Source Information https://www.aspca.org/animal-homelessness/shelter-intake-and-surrender/pet-statistics Approximately 6.5 million companion animals enter U.S. animal shelters nationwide every year. Of those, approximately 3.3 million are dogs and 3.2 million are cats.  We estimate that the number of dogs and cats entering U.S. shelters annually has declined from approximately 7.2 million in 2011.  The biggest decline was in dogs (from 3.9 million to 3.3 million).Each year, approximately 1.5 million shelter animals are euthanized (670,000 dogs and 860,000 cats).  The number of dogs and cats euthanized in U.S. shelters annually has declined from approximately 2.6 million in 2011.  This decline can be partially explained by an increase in the percentage of animals adopted and an increase in the number of stray animals successfully returned to their owners.Approximately 3.2 million shelter animals are adopted each year (1.6 million dogs and 1.6 million cats).About 710,000 animals who enter shelters as strays are returned to their owners. Of those, 620,000 are dogs and only 90,000 are cats. Read the full article
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mypetshopworld · 5 years
Ho Ho Ho it's Christmas Time. The cruellest thing you can do on Christmas. A Dog is not a Toy. Why it is a bad idea to give an animal as a Christmas Gift.
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The unwanted Christmas Gift we all been there.
Christmas Time is a hectic time, and everyone rushes to get the presents and things ready to spend time with family and friends. 
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It is a time where thousands of Christmas present will be returned the next day. We all been there. Receiving a Gift we didn't really want. An embarrassing pullover from Aunt Megan, an ugly pair of socks, a tie or a useless electronic gadget. All of those items are easily returned or just put in a drawer and forget about it. Some even end up in the daily trash.
Giving a pet as a Christmas Gift. A bad idea for both the future pet owner and the pet.
Giving a living animal to someone and the person does not really want it or is prepared for it, that is the moment when it becomes disastrous. After all, it is an animal with feelings, it is breathing and deserves to receive love. According to ASPCA In the days, weeks, and months following the festivities, animal shelters all over the world are inundated with animals who were given as a gift. I have to say those are the lucky ones, not every pet will be brought to a shelter. Some will be abandoned in the woods or beside the road and left to fight for themselves. Some will die, starve to death or get hit by a car. Some guardians will advertise and look for a good home, the danger here is that they might get in the wrong hands and are used for dog fights or for animal testing. Pet Shops advertise their pets and some people get supercharged with the idea of giving a puppy or kitten as a Christmas gift.
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It sounds great and cute thinking of the surprise and the face including the tears. I don't want to spoil your Christmas present but giving a pet as a Christmas present is a not a good idea.
Let me tell you why it is not a good idea?
Having a pet and inviting it to become part of the family is a family decision. Not a spontaneous one it is a decision you want to have discussed and thought through. There are much more things to consider as just the video you can upload and share with your social media tribe and friends. A dog is not a toy, nor is a cat, a toy. Those are animals living beings, and yes, they do have feelings.  The internet is full of lovely videos and photos of puppies. Kittens packed in Santa cloth and puppies with Santa hats coming out of boxes. The reactions of those who receive them. You can find thousands of videos where joy comes into a person's life, and it is accompanied by happy tears. 
Why should an animal not to be considered as a gift? 
After all, we are talking about a living being and an animal that requires care and attention. The Shelters getting full after the Christmas months with animals what are given as a gift, but when people realize what kind of work and commitment is involved, they give them up. I do not say all are like this and some people are happy and commit to a lifetime keeping the pet.
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What a lot of friends do not realize when they give you a pet as a Christmas Gift that the cute puppy needs training, and will do a lot of mischievous things. Without proper training and care, the puppy can become a dog that is not listening to the owner or becomes aggressive. Same goes for the aquatic part like turtles they are so cute when you buy them so tiny and small.   Unfortunately, they grow quickly out of the small Aquarium and without a proper filter system, the water becomes quickly dirty and smells. That is why many end up in the local River system.  Is it right to give pets as a gift for Christmas? We should always keep in mind some critical points before considering giving a pet as a Christmas gift. 
A Pet is a lifetime commitment and a loyal family member
Having an animal is a decision that can change a person's life a lot. It's a long-term commitment. You can't change them, you can't give them back. That's why before giving an animal to someone else, we must make sure that the person understands the responsibilities to have an animal in their life.  Even more important are they up for this challenge and are they living in an environment where they can accommodate a cat or a dog. ( check out our free dog breed calculator. Choose the right dog for you ) Therefore, the person should have verbalized the desire to adopt. Also, we must be clear that the animal gets the time and space it requires. 
Adoption is a great solution to help abandoned animals. 
Theoretically, the more animals adopted, the better for them, for shelters and for the families. Is that so? More or less. Statistics show that during Christmas or holidays, the abandonment rates increases. This is why some associations and NGOs temporarily closed adoptions on Christmas Eve.  It is essential to highlight that in the spirit of Christmas, there are non-certified breeders that sell pets before they are ready to be taken from the mom.  Those pets come without their proper vaccinations, and without worrying about their welfare. This will obviously translate into behavioural issues and health problems of the animals.  Most of the Pets bought on the streets will die as they are breed for business and not for the well being of a Pet.  "Pets should not be considered a commodity."
Download my Christmas Gift for you. 3 Free Ebooks. All you need to know about Pets. Cats. Dogs.
For the love of Dogs For the love of Cats For the love of Pets
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Puppies and Kids are great together but consider a dog or a cat is not a toy. 
There are many cases of children who wish to have a dog as a pet animal, and there is really nothing wrong with that. It is one of the best things that can happen to a child having a dog or cat around and grow up with it.  Who hasn't heard that speech saying if you have a dog, you'll have to take care of him? However, it is essential to remember that they are children and that they cannot be 100% responsible for a dog. It is, in the end, the responsibility of the parent.  When adopting an animal, parents should be aware that it is their responsibility, and the fact that the child does not care for the dog is no excuse for abandonment. It is a family decision I can not stretch it often enough. Pets, in my opinion, should only be given as a gift by parents to the kids, at least they have put some thought into it. 
Pets as a Christmas Gift. Consider all changes and challenges. 
*If you are determined to give a pet to make a person happy, old or young consider different factors.  *Is there enough space for the pet?  *Can the person or family accommodate a pet? *How many hours a day is a pet alone. If more than 8 hours do not give a pet as a gift.  *Is the person or family able to accommodate the vet and food expenses?  *Make sure the person is not allergic to pets.  *Does the person have experience with pets?  *If the pet is a dog, is the person or family able to walk with the dog regular?  There are a lot of things to consider and please think before you make the decision to give someone a pet as a Christmas gift. Understand the pet like a dog or cat will be hurting if it is returned after Christmas.  Pets have feelings and emotion the same as you. It will not understand why you leave it alone in a shelter and abandon it. If you want to give a pet as a gift, you assure that the person is ready for the commitments and responsibilities. 
It's time to think about the pet's arrival at the new home.
If it's a puppy or a kitten, you should remember that they will be separated from their mother and siblings.
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They will come to a home full of people and stimuli that will probably make it more than uncomfortable for the pet. The first night it will cry and call out for the siblings and the mom. You might not get much sleep. You must have a bed or a playpen prepared in a quiet place in the house where they can sleep and be away from excessive noise and groping. In short, a comfortable place to hide.  You should also have toys and food. An alternative way to avoid the stress of arriving at a new home is to surprise the person with an adoption certificate. This is a good way for the future pet owner to be ready. The adaptation will be less stressful, and the future owner will have time to choose a pet, accessories and bed himself. The future Pet owner can also prepare himself or the family mentally for the new member. 
Consider adoption before you buy from a Breeder.  
If you buy from a Breeder, please make sure it is a certified Breeder and not an illegal Breeder who breeds pets for the sake of money.  Choosing adoption over buying is a wise decision.  In addition to being a much cheaper option, we'll stop financing illegal breeders and avoid indiscriminate dog breeding.  You will also save an abandoned and homeless pet and give space in the shelter for another pet to arrive.  In 2018 this video footage went viral RSPCA posted it. Everyone was so touched even Snoop Dogg and Andrew Neil offered to take the dog in. But if that person's wish is to have a specific breed, we recommend you to look for a kennel that has all the papers.  It will give a guarantee that it is reproducing healthy pets with specific veterinary tests, and that has a hygienic space that favours the welfare of the puppies. 
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You will be surprised how many dog breeds are abandoned every day, and you can find in a shelter. Go on the internet and look around in animal shelters near your area. I got our Doberman and German Shepard from a shelter. Alone in the US, there are yearly around 1.6 Million Animals euthanized. 670.000 Dogs and 860.000 Cats. Both of my dogs have been Christmas gifts and sent to the shelter with only 5 months old. I guess the owners did not consider how big they get, and that they will chew and destroy in their puppyhood a lot of things they can get their teeth on.  Remember that many pet breeds are also abandoned and need a home. In a pet who comes from an animal shelter, you find a loyal companion.  We hope that all this information will help you evaluate whether or not it is positive to give pets as a Christmas Gift.  And how you can assure the pet has found a family or owner for life.  If you liked my blog Ho Ho Ho it's Christmas Time. The cruellest thing you can do on Christmas. A Dog is not a Toy. Why it is a bad idea to give an animal as a Christmas Gift. Please like and share with family and friends. Visit our Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter page.  I wish you a wonderful a festive Season. 
My Christmas Gift to you. 3 Free ebooks instant download. All you need to know about Pets, Dogs, Cats
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For the love of cats click here For the love of dogs click here For the love of pets click here All yours Melanie  Source Information https://www.aspca.org/animal-homelessness/shelter-intake-and-surrender/pet-statistics Approximately 6.5 million companion animals enter U.S. animal shelters nationwide every year. Of those, approximately 3.3 million are dogs and 3.2 million are cats.  We estimate that the number of dogs and cats entering U.S. shelters annually has declined from approximately 7.2 million in 2011.  The biggest decline was in dogs (from 3.9 million to 3.3 million).Each year, approximately 1.5 million shelter animals are euthanized (670,000 dogs and 860,000 cats).  The number of dogs and cats euthanized in U.S. shelters annually has declined from approximately 2.6 million in 2011.  This decline can be partially explained by an increase in the percentage of animals adopted and an increase in the number of stray animals successfully returned to their owners.Approximately 3.2 million shelter animals are adopted each year (1.6 million dogs and 1.6 million cats).About 710,000 animals who enter shelters as strays are returned to their owners. Of those, 620,000 are dogs and only 90,000 are cats. Read the full article
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purrcraze · 6 years
Why Ragdoll Cats Are So Expensive
The Ragdoll is arguably one of the most expensive cats that you can get your hands on. With its enchanting blue eyes, pleasant demeanor, and soft and silky coat, it’s not surprising that these felines can cost you a fortune. But why are these cats so expensive in the first place?
Why Are Ragdoll Cats So Expensive? Ragdoll cats are so expensive because they are carefully and selectively bred to achieve their highly desirable characteristics. Their steep price can also be attributed to their availability—or lack thereof. Ragdolls are not as freely available as other popular pedigree cats such as Maine Coons and Persians, which makes them even more coveted among cat lovers.
The upfront cost of acquiring a Ragdoll cat will vary depending on the breeder, location, and the quality of the cat itself. Some breeders charge a more premium price for Ragdolls with rare or non-traditional eye colors and coat patterns. In general, you can expect the cost to vary from a couple hundred dollars to thousands of dollars. Here is what you should be aware of.
How much do Ragdoll cats cost?
As said earlier, the initial cost of owning a Ragdoll depends on various factors. If you’re planning to purr-chase one, you can expect to pay around $400 for a good pet-quality cat and a minimum of $1000 for a show-quality cat.
While it can’t be denied that Ragdoll cats are very expensive, many cat lovers—especially Ragdoll cat owners—swear that they are worth every penny. The Ragdoll is such a pleasure to have as a pet because of its affectionate nature.
Why are there discrepancies in Ragdoll cat prices?
Perhaps you’ve been canvassing prices of Ragdoll cats and have noticed that the prices tend to vary considerably among breeders. Breeding a purebred cat like the Ragdoll can be very costly. There are so many costly expenses that come with breeding a high-quality Ragdoll cat. Here are some of them:
Breeders are required to vaccinate the kittens before they sell them. Vaccination rates vary depending on their location.
Some breeders have their Ragdolls DNA tested to make sure that they fit the standard of the breed.
Some breeders have their kittens undergo genetic testing to screen for inherited diseases and abnormalities.
The daily expense of caring for the kitten. This includes food, litter, and milk replacer (if necessary), among other things.
How to buy a Ragdoll cat without being scammed?
Ragdoll cats are pretty rare, and thus expensive and difficult to find. The popularity of these exceptionally affectionate felines has made it difficult for breeders to keep up with the demand.
You know what they say, people want what others can’t and don’t have.
This is why a number of cat breeders take advantage of this situation by selling below standard—or even a mix—to unsuspecting consumers just to make a quick buck.
Prior to purchasing your Ragdoll, take some time to do a quick background check on your desired breeders to find out whether their prices are worth it.
You may come by a seemingly too-good-to-be-true deal, but the cat may come with a multitude of health issues.
On the other hand, a higher price tag doesn’t automatically mean a higher quality cat—exorbitant prices could also mean that someone is trying to take advantage of you.
So, the reputation of the breeder plays a key role in determining whether their asking prices are reasonable or not.
Costs of Having a Ragdoll Cat
As with any other cat breed, or pet for that matter, your expenses don’t stop once you’ve bought and picked them up at the breeder.
Owning a Ragdoll cat isn’t all about cuteness and snuggles, you need to be sure that you can handle the responsibility that comes with having one.
Every year, numerous cats are brought to the shelters by their owners who weren’t financially prepared to raise them. Please don’t be one of them. When you bring a cat to your home, you need to be in it for the long haul.
Getting a cat is a serious financial responsibility, so you need to budget accordingly before you take the plunge. If you’re really decided on getting a Ragdoll cat, allow me to walk you through the numbers.
Initial Vet Visits
Spaying and neutering your cat can set you back around $50 to $130. Initial vaccinations can cost you around $60 to $130. Recurring expenses such as tick and flea treatments cost about $35 to $40 per visit; and worming, about $10 to $15 every three months.
Your food expenses will depend on the weight of your Ragdoll cat, as well as your choice of what kind of food to feed your cat—kibble, wet food, or a combination of both. On average, prepare to spend around $20 to $40 a month for your Ragdoll’s sustenance.
Despite being relatively low maintenance compared to other long-haired purebred cats, Ragdolls still require coat brushing from time to time to prevent them from ingesting their own hair.
If you intend to have your cat professionally groomed, expect to spend around $50 to $80 per visit.
Vet Emergencies
Unfortunately, even the healthiest of cats will amass a number of vet emergencies throughout their lifetime. Make sure that you have enough money to shoulder the expenses once the need arises.
An average veterinary treatment can set you back around $300 to a couple of thousands more for complicated procedures.
Luckily, some Ragdoll cat breeders do genetic testing to detect potential hereditary diseases. Acquiring a sickly cat can multiply your expenses tenfold, so it’s important to get your Ragdoll from a reputable breeder.
Apart from the expensive initial cost of purchasing a Ragdoll, subsequent expenses can be high as well. If you are thinking of getting a Ragdoll kitten, be absolutely sure that you are financially prepared for the costs involved in raising one.
Purchasing a Ragdoll cat is a huge investment. Nevertheless, they will surely pay you back with lots of happiness and affection, if they are well taken care of.
Related Questions
Which Ragdoll cat gender is more expensive? Female Ragdolls are much more expensive than males simply due to the fact that they are capable of reproducing. However, male Ragdoll cats are more likely to develop costly medical problems as they age.
What is the life expectancy of a Ragdoll cat? A healthy Ragdoll cat can live up to 12 to 15 years. So basically, that means, having a Ragdoll cat is a 12 to 15-year financial commitment. You need to be able to provide for your feline friend’s basic and medical needs for more than a decade.
I’m a first-time Ragdoll cat owner, what other things do I need to purchase? You need to get a litter box, a cat bed, food and water bowls, a grooming comb, a scratching post, a cat carrier, and some toys for entertainment. You may also want to throw in a cute leash or two.
Are Ragdoll cats affectionate? Ragdolls are considered as one of the most affectionate cat breeds in the world. They also tend to be more interested in interacting with humans than with other breeds of cats, or other pets in the household in general.
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