#if you can’t tell I had Ms. Pela from fan club anon in mind
actorsmask · 9 months
(Ahanon is currently lounging in their house, reading some random book Ms. Pela had made them beta read for her. Apparently she wrote it and wanted them specifically to speak their thoughts on it.)
Simple plot, but effective, it always got readers on the edge of their seat and makes them yell in frustration for the two to kiss… Heh, boy do I know the… Feeling…
(They immediately sat up, interested at a particular part of the story.)
… Oh my god, Ms. Pela…
The book read: “I do not love him! Your just spouting nonsense now!!!”
His friend stared at him with a deadpan stare. “Yeah, sure, mhm, totally— I’m not going to do this again Sam! You need to stop denying it and delaying or you’ll lose the chances you have of being with him!”
Sam rolled his eyes and stood up. “Like you said, I’m not doing this again either! I do not have any feelings. Period.”
“You didn’t seem like it that one time Garrett got the flu—“”That is beside the point.”
“No it’s not! I’m telling you, running around in circles like this won’t work!”
Sam sighed and walked back to his room, ignoring his friend yelling at him to ‘wake up.’
“… I don’t like him.”
… He admits he’s attractive, but so does everyone else! I mean, everyone likes Gerard! He’s a novel citizen, good work, good pay, good life, good family, and good money!
Sam? He can’t even count the amount of times he’s went to jail! He’s a crook, a criminal, an absolute fool… He and Gerard would never work. Never.
… Sometimes, though, he allows himself to wish.
“… Garrett!!!”
Garrett snaps out of his trance and looks back at his friend, who looks at him with a raised eyebrow. “These bags won’t carry themselves lover boy! Help me out!” “Ah, of course, sorry.”
Garrett immediately picked up a few bags and walked alongside his friend, who side-eyed him.
“If you were daydreaming about—“”I was not daydreaming about Sam.” “I didn’t even mention Sam.” “I can already tell you we’re going to bring him up.”
“Basta, tomato tomato.”
Garrett sighed, shaking his head. “I don’t like him, nor love him.”
“Keep telling yourself that.” “I’m serious.”
“And so am I, Garrett.” They said seriously, looking at them with a stern gaze as if they were a parent scolding their child. “You need to reflect seriously, and think about this. You can never just easily put a label like this when it comes to love.”
“I have already thought and reflected, and I can say with full confidence that I do not like Sam.” His friend sighed and kept walking.
“… You won’t be able to be with him forever, Garrett.” This made him stop walking, staring at them as if they had insulted him. “Again, I’m serious. You know how many enemies he has? How many enemies you have? Something could happen to either one of you or even both! And you would never get the chance to talk again.”
This made him stop once again, it made him think. Garrett was rich, sure, but it meant people wanted his money. His family was well known too, which made him even more of a target.
Sam… Sam always landed himself in jail. One day he himself could go too far and get tased by the cops, or worse, shot and killed. Not to mention the amount of people he’s hurt and scammed.
As Garrett was thinking, his friend snapped their fingers to get him out of his trance.
“See what I mean now, Garrett? Both of you are big figures, both well known, which makes an easy target.”
“…” They sighed and put a hand on his shoulder. “You can still wait, but don’t keep each other waiting so long. Both of you have dangerous lives, you might as well spend what little you have left with each other not as rivals, but as lovers.”
(The book ended there.)
(Ahanon laughed loudly as they finished reading.)
Oh Ms. Pela, stooping to a new low I see!
(They sigh and place the book down on their table.)
… She asked me how she should end it…
(They said thoughtfully, looking towards an old picture of themself and Sampo, it was… From a really long time ago.)
… I haven’t seen him this happy… For a long time.
Maybe… Maybe I’ll wait and see, then I’ll tell her how the story should end.
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