#if you can't drink tea without sugar do you really like tea
7000f1 · 1 year
I didn't know there was a Dunkin Donuts where I live till yesterday and I decided to try it and uh
why so much sugar. really. donuts don't need that much sugar. and why does my matcha ALSO have sugar. this is BLASPHEMY
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teddybeartoji · 4 months
lays down and kicks my feet, tell me some thoughts you have about satoru, draws circles on your blog with my finger
HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII JAZZ HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII:3333333333 IT'S SO GOOD TO SEE YOU HEREE HEHEHEHHEEE i have a bunch of smaller headcanons for him i hope that's what you were looking for!!!!!!!!
HE DROOLS WHEN HE SLEEPS!!!!!!!! like actually drools. he also snores but the snoring is so fucking cute??????????? i hate him why is everything he does always so perfect?????????? bro can't even fucking drool and snore in a bad way smhhhhhhhhh
HE LOVES WATCHING YOU DO "HARD WORK"!!!!!!!!! and by "hard work" i mean shit like carrying around heavy things and idk putting together furniture or smth lmao. it most definitely turns him on too.......... there's just smth abt your dirty clothes and your sweat and your concentrated face and he loooooves when you tell him that you don't want his help!!! he always offers bc he's a Gentleman like that even though he knows you don't necessarily need it. but the way you just go "no-no, i got it." gets him going!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he wants youu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he's bringing you drinks like he's a proper malewife and then proceeds to just admire you while you work lmao.
HE LOVES CALLING YOU!!!!!!!!! calls you over the smallest things. he just wants to talk to you and he wants to hear your voice!!!!!! some of the calls are literally just minute long (and that's only bc he spends 30seconds on saying that he loves you), while some calls are hours long. oh and he absolutely adores if you do the same. he wants you to call and send voice messages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOSES HIS SOCKS ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and he steals yours btw. he's constantly going "baaaaaaaabee! have you seen my sock?!" while the said sock is literally sitting on the chair right next to him SMHHH ok but when you show it to him he just turns to you with a dopey smile and gives you a sloppy, haste little kiss, mumbling how he doesn't know what he'd do without you............... i wanna marry him jazz i wanna marry him
LOVES KISSING YOUR TUMMYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he's always smiling while doing it too. you could just be lazing on the couch, scrolling on the phone and he's crawling on top of you. he pushes up your shirt just so he can see and feel your skin before pressing light, gentle kisses on you. if you peek at him from under your phone, you'd just find him staring back at you with sparkling eyes.
HE DOESN'T LIKE TEA???????? idk this just feels right okay... don't judge me i am an avid tea drinker so i am upset abt this too. no matter how much honey or sugar you put on it, he's always scrunching his nose at the taste. he is willing to try different ones just for you but i really feel like he's not a fan of any of the flavours. (FLAVOUR???? TEA FLAVOUR???? idk english is weird ok)
(he knows exactly how you like yours though. suguru has taught him how to make good tea, so satoru relishes in making you smile whenever he surprises you with a cup!!!! he knows when you want it too; he's a bit of a mind reader honestly. you sit down on the couch and he's already marching into the kitchen with a mission. it's his love language<33)
SHOWERS EVERY MORNING!!!!!!!!!! i think he loves showering. just overall. it gives him so much energy and it makes him feel so good, so fresh - it's the best way to start his day!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also sings in the shower. or more like yells in the shower. a lot. he's dumb and i love him. and then he always steps out of the bathroom with wet hair and just like a pair of pyjama pants on and he smells so fucking good aaaand it makes you wanna get him all dirty again!!!!! i said what i said.
(he sometimes just leans on the doorframe as he's brushing his teeth and just grins at you knowing full well that you wanna EAT HIMMM)
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luveline · 10 months
I love your KBD universe it is soo adorable!! All the kids are written so cutely! I relate to Avery so much! I was thinking about what if mom is super pregnant and she always wants to be near Steve, like she almost doesn’t even want him out her line of sight. Always wanting to touch him and get kisses from him. Love your blog!!
kisses before dinner ♡ you're pregnant and steve is lovely
There is a silver lining to being eight months pregnant (that isn't the baby at the end) —your husband. 
Steve gets soft. When the physical evidence of your pregnancy becomes unignorable, and then glaringly obvious, he treats you with exceptional care, love and tenderness. You can't get enough of it or him. 
And you're like a lost puppy when he's not near. “Steve,” you say, feeling rather morose about the whole thing, “where are you?” 
“In the kitchen! Do you want something?” 
No, you think, just you. “What are you doing?” 
“Babe, I'm making you and Ave your drinks!” A telltale plink of ice cubes knocking against glass follows. “Don't get up, okay?” 
You squeeze Avery's hand where it's held in yours. “Does he think I'll explode?” 
She giggles, her almond eyes lit with her laughter. “Maybe, mom.” 
“Do you think I'll explode?” 
“No way. You didn't explode before.” 
“‘Xactly.” You'd offer to carry her, or simply scoop her up without asking, but being so pregnant actually does feel like you're going to explode sometimes and you figure it's a bad idea. “Let's go see what he's doing.” 
You and Avery pick over Dove's tea party, abandoned sadly in the middle of the living room, and make your way into the kitchen, which is less hecticly messy but a tad grimy after a long week. Grease clings to the stove top and there's a cherry red stain down the front of the refrigerator. Death of a stolen popsicle. 
Steve sighs when he sees you, too much love around his eyes for any believability when he chides, “You can't sit down. It's impossible.” 
You push yourself back against the counter next to his hip. Avery does the same immediately, giving him a similar look, you're sure. 
He tries to hide his smile with a sip of Avery's too full drink. “Here,” he says when it's at a safer level, “apple juice for you. And ice, princess.” 
“Thank you,” she says, eyes wide as her open palms. She takes it and drinks at it greedily, the sweet taste of concentrated sugar enough to steal her attention. She walks out of the kitchen calling for Beth. “Come have some juice!” 
“That's adorable,” Steve says. 
“You tend to make them that way.” 
He throws an arm against his forehead, slouching beside you, the other wrapping behind your back. “I know. It's exhausting.” 
You spy your youngest under the kitchen table. The girls are fascinated with alcoves and small spaces. If they can fit into a nook, they will, and if they can't, they'll squeeze in anyhow. She breathes through her mouth over a pad of paper with a shard of a crayon in hand, drawing rather intricate things, considering her age. 
“Are those flowers?” you whisper. 
“Think so…” Steve lifts his head high to kiss the top of yours, his arm moving up to your shoulders. He rubs at them like he's trying to relieve a pressure you haven't announced. “You really need to stop getting up all the time. You're at risk–” 
“No, the doctor said if I'm not careful I'd put myself at risk.”
“And what are you doing?” he asks, voice like velvet, smooth and soft as he looks behind your ear. He must see something, petting away a flyaway or a loose strand or something, his touch as tender as his voice. 
You tilt your head away from him. After as long in love with one another as you have been, he knows you're asking for something rather than moving away, and he leans in again to kiss your cheek, rubbing behind your ear all the while. 
“Let's go sit down,” he suggests. 
“In a second.” 
You're terrible lately but it's all his fault. You crave his affection both big and small, all the time, and in every place. You'll be off work any day now and you're sure you'll spend that time soaking him in while he runs ragged trying to get things ready. You've done it before. Steve in the grocery store looking for a hundred different things while you draw stars into the backs of his hand, or trying to fix the baby gate onto the wall while you sit on the stairs making googly eyes at him. 
“My boy,” you say stupidly, wrapping your arms around his neck. Regrettably, he can't continue to dote on you like that, but it prompts him to hug you as close as he can manage. “I love you.” You lay your cheek on his shoulder. “You smell really nice.” 
“I love you too.” Pine, today. Fresh. “I see what's happening.” 
“What's happening?” 
You think he's going to put you down. The baby hormones are making you clingy, he might say, but he doesn't. “You've realised how hot I am. You're late, but I'll forgive you. You know, ‘cos of your predicament.” 
“Thank you,” you say, kissing his neck gently. 
You leave a series of butterfly kisses down the column of his neck before squishing yourself into the curve of it, resting too much weight on him. He takes it all without complaint, hugging you tighter, the distension of your bump a beach ball between you that makes you unfortunately shorter, bending as you are. 
His breath is a pleased sound in your ear, but he doesn't say anything. You hug until you have a strange pain in your neck; he encourages you away from him like he can sense it. 
“You okay?” he asks, thumb under your eye, a millionth sweet touch to add to the mountain. 
“I'm great.” 
“Yeah?” He holds you in place and kisses you. “Love you,” he says, his bottom lip jutting against yours. He kisses you again, and then he pulls away completely, a hand between you both the only tether. “Time to sit down. I'm gonna take your blood pressure.” 
There's no need. If anything, the way he's looking at you might give an inaccurate reading, but you think of the fawning and fretting and the rough of his fingertips digging into the top of your arm and smile, giddy. “‘Kay.” 
“Come on, Dovey, let's go be mommy's doctor,” he calls to Dove. 
In a rather uncharacteristic episode of actually listening, she abandons her crayons and takes his offered hand. He shoots you a quick smirk, as if to say, Yeah, I did that. It's stupid and it makes you laugh, because you couldn't love him much more than this. 
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No Sugar Tonight 3
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
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Character: Brock Rumlow
Summary: A regular customer becomes more than just a familiar face.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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Your shifts are often tedious. Slow and dull. You like the night shift because it’s not as stressful. Or was.
That night you spend looking out the windows in expectation. For each customer that walks across the tiles with echoing footfalls, you wait in expectation. They come and get their treats and go. None of them are him. That stranger. The one who looms like a shadow in your mind as he had that day on the street.
Dayani is late. You give her the keys with a yawn. You get a day off and you’re more than eager for it. You’re relieved to leave shy of the dreaded encounter.
You head off through the front doors and turn down the street. The tree planted between the sidewalk blocks splits in too and as a figure emerges from the shade. Oh no.
You make to walk past the dark-haired man who prefers his coffee black. He simply turns and walks parallel to you.
You glance over at him warily. He doesn’t look back. He keeps walking, only reaching blindly to take your hand in his. You go rigid but don’t pull away. You’re jittering in terror.
“What are you--””
“You think anyone’s gonna mess with me?” He says flatly.
“No, sir, but--”
“Brock,” he says, then recites your name. “Now we know each other.”
Your mouth opens and closes. His hand is hot and a woodsy cologne wafts from his jacket. His skin is rough against yours. He squeezes as if he can sense your reticence.
“Brock,” you repeat. “Okay.”
“You got a day off.”
It’s a statement. It’s without a sliver of doubt. How does he know that?
“I told you, you’re easy to follow. You need to look around more.” He reprimands. “Too late to see me. I’m here.”
His tone is eerie. It makes your skin tingle. He drags you on but not towards your usual route. He also told you not to take the alleyways.
“Sir, er, Brock?” You murmur.
“Those muffins are too sugary. You need a full breakfast.” He insists.
“Right, that’s... okay. Erm...”
“It’s a nice place. You’ll like it,” he says bluntly.
You don’t know what to say, or do. You want to run away but can’t. His hand is a snare and you’re a helpless rabbit caught in it. You look down at his thick fingers. You don’t understand. He was always so silent. You were sure he hated you.
He takes you into a diner. You’ve never noticed it before. It’s quiet this early. He brings you to a booth and sits across from you. You fold your hands in your lap as you sit on the bench and wait. You could try then to escape but you wouldn’t want to make a scene.
“Coffee, black,” he orders as the waitress comes by. He looks at you for the first time and as you ask politely for a green tea, he doesn’t look away. His eyes bore into you. The waitress goes to get your drinks.
“Quit.” He says.
You frown, “huh? What am I doing?”
“Your job.”
“My job?” You utter.
“No need for it.” He says.
“Sir, Brock. I... I have to pay my rent.”
“No. You don’t.” He lifts his menu and drops his eyes to the laminated list. “You have to eat.”
You follow his lead, only to have something to do. You take the menu and read it. The waitress returns and puts down your drinks. He gets sausage, bacon, and eggs. You get a waffle. She goes and you’re alone again.
“Good.” He says.
Your confusion tautens in your cheeks. Good what?
“Call your boss.” He says, “then we can enjoy our meal.”
“I really can't afford to quit–”
“I didn't ask. In fact, I didn't ask a single question. I'm telling you.” He sneers.
Your heart flips and you bit your lip.
“I'm more than happy to tell him myself. He pays you shit. I'll take care of you.”
“I don't… what do you want from me?” You croak.
He snickers, the most humour you've seen in him. He reaches for his cup and drink. He grimaces at the taste. “That's dog shit.”
You sigh impatiently. You're getting frustrated by his terse way. Somehow he is straight to the point but you're completely missing it.
“You. Just you. That's what I want.” He sits back and pushes his shoulders wide.
He stares at you and nods.
“Are you asking me out?” You wonder.
“I don't ask,” he jabs his finger into the table with each word.
“I… I don't know you, I–”
“You're too old for roommates. The place is shit anyway. Those old wires will start a fire and the sprinkled are rusted.” He overrides you. Again.
“No,” he echoes with a snort. “Again, no question marks here.”
“You can't do this.”
“Can't do what? It's done.”
“Give me your phone,” he demands.
“No, you can't–”
“Give me the damn phone. Now. Or I'll burn down that box you call a home myself.” His eyes are black pools that threaten to drown you.
You reach into your purse and take out your phone. He snatches it before you can react. His thumb taps and drags quickly across the screen. He puts it to his esr as the waitress returns with your food.
You thank her quietly as he ignores her.
“Yeah, I'm calling on her behalf. She quits.” He doesn't wait for a response. He hangs up and dials again. “She's tendering notice. Moving out. Fill the lease.”
In a few fell swoops, he's cut every string holding your life up. It all comes crashing as he hands the phone back and turns his attention to his food. You're not very hungry. A glance from him changes that. You lfit your fork to ease the edge in his jaw.
“Good girl,” he says as he cuts into the sausage.
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cvp1dsasha · 5 months
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hi feathers! here is a list of what i eat when i cr@ve high c@l food.
it worked until now and i haven't had any binges since i r31@ps3d!!
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-apples (~55 kc@ls /100g)
*what i usually do to make them tastier is that i cut them in reaaaaally small cubes, put them in a bowl, microwave for a minute and a half and that's it! you can even add vanilla extract or some 0kc@l sweetener if you have some, definitely top tier!!*
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-sugar free chewing gum (~2 kc@ls /piece)
*classic, but love love love it!! i always have some on me to go to school and... pretty much everywhere! they supress hung3r and keep me grounded and focused (because of my mental disorders) so yeah!*
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-black coffee (~2 kc@ls /100ml)
*not everyone may like it, but i personally do. it's an 4pp3t!t3 supressant, it works pretty well!*
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-carrots (41 kc@ls /100g)
*same here, not everyone pay like them, especially for their texture. but you can't mash them and make a purée (it's the french word but i think it's called the same in english...), you can cut them in sticks, in dices... and my favorite way : grated carrots !!!*
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-boiled eggs // without the yolk // (52 kc@ls /100g)
*i personally am severly afraid of egg yolks, and the white is super low c@l. a FULL medium sized egg is about 32g, so it's suuuuuper low c@l!!!*
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-lettuce (15 kc@ls /100g)
*OMG i LOVE LOVE LOVE LETTUCE!!! so low c@l, so f!ll1ng, nice texture and you can combine it with lots of low c@ls toppingsnas well! (ex : boiled egg whites yum)*
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-tea (~4 kc@ls /100ml)
*i've been obsessed with tea for a few years now... what can i even say about it? it changes from water, since only drink coffee, tea and water.... yeah.*
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-cucumbers (15 kc@ls /100g)
*i realllyyyyy like cucumbers. they're low c@l and very filling as well, plus i really like the texture of it. in a bowl, cut in small dices, it's perfect! you can even add a bit of salt and/or pepper with it.*
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thank you guys for reading this, i hope you have an amazing morning evening or night wherever you are !!
love from France <3
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Plot: Thomas is omega who will never find his true mate. Or no?
Warnings: omegavers; deviation from the canon; omega!Thomas Hewitt, alpha!male!reader / Y/N, mention of murdering, blood
Part 5 || Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
"Here, Y/N, your coffee," Kayla said with a slight smile, handing you a gray mug with a hot drink. You looked up at her, eyebrows slightly raised, and nodded. Leaning on the back of the chair, you took the cup from her hands, immediately sipping a few small sips. The bitterness of the coffee instantly burned the delicate throat, spreading a pleasant warmth in the stomach.
"You seem tense. I've never seen you drink coffee without sugar," the girl frowned, sipping tea from her own mug, "Is something wrong?"
“No. Just thinking."
She sighed. You've always been the soul of the company and the best friend of the team, but today you looked.. tired? Scared? Kayla didn't know. But she knew that this was not her usual friend, whom she liked to make fun of. Although, perhaps you have problems with your family again? Who knows.
Deciding to change the subject, the girl pulled her chair closer to your desk. Brushing a strand of red hair behind her ear, she took another sip of tea.
"This new intern's gonna drive me crazy! Maybe you'll talk to her yourself, won't you make me work? I'm actually a girl," she said resentfully, looking around, "And those perfumes. Is she really gonna get your attention with that shit? It's hard to be in the same room with her! How did she get here? I can't imagine.. hey, are you even listening to me?"
Kayla frowned, looking at your impassive face, her gaze directed somewhere towards the window. The girl really didn't like it when her words were just ignored, especially when it was her best friend.
"My god, Y/N!" She grabbed your shoulder and shooked you, bringing you to your senses, "Oh my god, what's wrong with ya today, huh? Maybe have you been drinking all night again because of your feeling of loneliness?!"
"It's just.." You sighed. Gently taking her hand in yours, you removed it from your shoulder, "It's difficult. I dunno how to explain it."
"What do ya mean how? With words! What's your mouth for, huh?"
“Yeah.. It's just that last night I kind of had a argument with someone. Accidentally." You started, but Kayla immediately interrupted you.
"Of course you quarreled, you don't know how to keep your rude tongue between your teeth!" She took a sip of tea. You grinned, looking down at your half-empty mug.
"No, it's not... I didn't say anything actually. Simply.. left. In the middle of the night. I just didn't know how to react. Those people were.. strange. In a good way. Although I'm not sure anymore.."
"And that's why you're crying? Well, you left and left, is there a problem? Found something to cry about, meh.."
"They seem to be dear for me.."
Kayla looked up at you questioningly. Immediately, a sly grin graced her face. She leaned closer, grabbing the collar of your shirt, "Oh, did our baby Y/N find a mate? Who is she? Is she beautiful? Our intern will be mad with jealousy."
"No, it's not my mate. He's an omega, but not mine.." The girl chuckled, "Oh, come on, it's not yours. Do you think I'm stupid and didn't smell someone else's pheromones on ya? For a whole month, those damn peaches... I can't eat them anymore!"
You smiled slightly, enjoying your friend's usual explosive behavior. She has always been a support for you, always listened to whatever was going on in your life. A good girl, she helped you adapt to this environment at work. Like a sweet, slightly annoying little sister.
"But anyway, it seems that this omega is dear to you, isn't it? I'm not blind! All those smiles of yours, frequent weekends, and so on. Y/N, it's not the case to leave them offended and run away like a coward. Talk to them! I don't think it's that bad."
"Mm... Maybe you're right.."
"I'm always right, trust me!" The girl purred smugly and winked at you.
Can you really try it?
"Tommy, baby. You can't skip the dinner again ," the woman said in a gentle, worried voice, lightly knocking on her youngest son's closed door. There was no response. She sighed. Fatigue and anxiety could be seen in her exhausted figure and tense shoulders.
It's been a little over a week since the night you found out about the Hewitt family's secret occupation and ran away in the night. From that moment on, Thomas was not himself. That same night, he chopped the unfortunate victim from the basement into small pieces, not caring about the pain caused. He slaughtered him like the last pig. His breathing was labored and his whole body was tense. Something inside him broke painfully when you left. Why did you leave? Why did you leave him? His skin and clothes were covered in blood, and his hair was matted with sweat, and his heart was beating wildly in his strong chest. But it hurt. It hurts a lot.
"Baby, I'm coming in," Luda said, pulling the door handle and entering the room. The air in the room was musty, the curtains were closed, so neither the sun nor fresh air penetrated inside. Thomas was curled up on the bed on top of a lot of clothes. Ragged sobs came from him. The mother's heart sank at the sight of her child. She went inside and put the dinner plate on the desk.
"Baby.." the response was a growl of displeasure. Luda sighed, realizing that she needed to give the boy a little more time, and reluctantly left his room, opening the window before that.
Thomas was lying on a pile of clothes, your clothes, and desperately clutching the fabric in his hands. Your scent was almost gone, and it made him whine plaintively. You liked him, didn't you? He was your omega, wasn't he? Then why did you leave? Why did you leave him? It's lonely. Sadly. Painfully. He was in pain. The scent glands on his neck throbbed violently, causing nausea in his body due to the onset of heat. Usually you were with him at such moments, your pheromones calmed him down. But not now. Now his body was in that unpleasant painful state again, just like before. He missed you. So much. But you probably didn't like him anymore. You've probably already found a better, stronger, more beautiful omega.
Your smile, your beautiful eyes and soft hair. Your pleasant smell. Your sweet words of comfort when he felt insecure and bad. Your gentle touch, as if he were the most precious thing in the world. Your affectionate nicknames.
Why did you take it all away from him?
Perhaps it would be better this way. He doesn't need to hide his secret from you anymore. Then why does it hurt so much?
The wide gray road, surrounded by dead wood and yellow grass, seemed endless. There's not a soul for miles around. You were clutching the steering wheel rim a little nervously, glancing in the rearview mirror with the hope that there were no unwanted guests behind you.
It was already about 6 pm, so probably everyone had been resting for a long time.
You knocked gently on the door and took an unconscious step back, burning the door with your gaze. Your head was full of thousands of thoughts, good and bad, options for the outcome of events and just some gibberish that makes your temples throb. You'd be lying if you said you weren't nervous. Although outwardly it was hardly possible to say this, given your firm gaze and calm, albeit a little tense, aura and body language.
Finally, the door opened with a slight creak. The gray-haired man's face darkened, and his eyebrows drew together.
"Damn it, why are you here again? Wasn't it enough for you?" Hoyt spoke in a rough, loud voice, taking a firm step towards you. Now he was dressed in a simple shirt and house trousers, the lack of a sheriff's uniform made him strangely more friendly and pleasant to the eye, "Get out of my sight, you cheesy boy!"
Hoyt snapped and grabbed you by the collar of your shirt, which from the outside could look very funny, considering that he was slightly shorter than you. Still, it didn't take away his menacing appearance.
Voices and hurried footsteps could be heard from inside the house. Soon the door opened wider and Luda's worried face appeared in the doorway.
"Mama.." you muttered in a low voice, looking at her face. You gently pushed Hoyt away from you, coming closer, and handed the woman one of the bouquets of flowers that you had been holding in your hands all this time. White lilies. A tired smile graced Luda's soft face as she shifted her gaze from you to the flowers and back again. "Mama, I'm really sorr-"
"You sorry? You bastard.." Hoyt interrupted you, grabbing your shirt tighter and dragging you down from the doorway to your car. "I'll shoot you in the head," the man swore, already raising his fist to your jaw, but was stopped in time by Luda's firm voice, "Charlie, leave the boy alone. It's not his fault."
"But mama..."
The man tsked, spitting on the ground, but let go of your shirt, going back into the house. Luda gave you a brief nod in the direction of the house and also returned inside. You smiled slightly and gently climbed into the house, carefully slamming the door behind you. The house greeted you with the usual silence, enclosing you in its soothing embrace. You followed Luda into the kitchen, who was already pouring fruit tea into two mugs. Obviously, she understood that you had a lot to talk about.
"Thank you," you said with a slight smile, sitting down on a chair and picking up a cup of tea.
"We expected you to come with sheriff," the woman said, her blond eyebrows slightly drawn together.
"I.. I don't deny that I wanted to do it," you began, clutching a porcelain cup in your hands, "But then I thought that you wouldn't do it without a special reason. No, of course I don't support it, but I don't condemn you either. To be honest, I just accepted it as a fact. As long as you don't hurt me..." After saying the last words, you slowly looked up at Luda, her face was decorated with a tired smile.
"We would never hurt you, Y/N. You are a member of the family."
The woman's words caused a pleasant warmth in your chest, which made your lips lift in a slight smile. You took another sip of tea, feeling the hot liquid warming your whole soul.
"But how.. Tommy?"
Luda sighed, "Since the day you left, he hasn't left your room."
Your room?
"Can I...?"
In response, Luda only nodded briefly. You putted the cup on the table, spilling some copper liquid on the light tablecloth. You grabbed a bouquet of vervain that had been placed on the chest of drawers at the entrance and carefully went to the second floor. It was quiet all around, which was eerily accelerating your already wildly beating heart. You went to your bedroom door and knocked softly. There was no response. Your fingers automatically rested on the door handle and turned it. There was a musty air in the room, mixed with the cloying sweetness of pheromones. You walked slowly inside and closed the door behind you. Things were scattered around, although the furniture still looked clean, apparently Luda still came and wiped off the dust; Thomas was lying on your bed on a pile of your clothes left in this house. It was a kind of makeshift nest. Thomas's hair was disheveled and looked dirty, but it still soft. You putted the bouquet on the bedside table, lowering your knee onto the soft mattress, then the other one. And now you're lying behind Thomas, listening to his quiet breathing. He must have been asleep. Your arm gently wraps around his waist, pulling him closer to you, and you see how the man's big body shudders. He lies there for a couple of moments, just staring in front of him, his heart beating faster. He turns in your arms, now looking up into your eyes. He wasn't wearing a mask. His big sleepy eyes were swollen, as if he had cried a lot, and his face was covered with scars, some with freshly dried blood. Your heart ached that you made your boy feel this way. You took your hand away from his waist and gently touched his cheek, caressing the roughened skin with your thumb. Thomas made a small sound, but leaned into your touch, closing his eyes. He didn't seem to believe you. Those warm eyes looked at you with resentment and pain, and it made you want to cry yourself, but he couldn't do anything with his body, which craved your touch. He missed you so much. You leaned forward, gently covering his lips with yours, trying to give him that feeling of security and care again.
"I'm sorry, baby. I'm really sorry, I didn't want it to happen like this," you whispered, pressing your forehead against his, "I'm here, see? I won't leave again, I promise. I'm here with you."
It took some time before Thomas was able to fully trust you again. You started living with the Hewitt family again and helping them, sometimes you even participated in the capture of victims. Usually these poor things quickly trusted you and sought protection, although in the end they still met your lover with a chainsaw. It has become a habitual course of life. Tommy became more clingy, he had nightmares whenever you slept in separate rooms, so after a while you began to live in the same room with a large bed. It made life much easier for him and for you. Now your clothes were always close near if he needed to feel safe when you were not at home or his inner omega was preparing for heat and making a nest. You slept in an embrace, where Tommy was usually a little spoon, which he really liked. When you got used to living together, played an impromptu wedding, where Thomas's close relatives were. You managed to mark him on the same day, so now you were connected by something more than just marriage. Surprisingly, you quickly got used to this kind of life. You were usually the most attentive and clear-minded person in this family, you made sure that no victim escaped, so that your family remained safe. Your family. Perhaps these are really the people who have become your dearest family.
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twst-mmc · 9 months
heartslabyul boys with a dormmate (male) who is allergic to sugar, Like his allergy is terrible, if he consumes too much sugar he could end up dying, even if he eats little he gets an extremely irritated throat, so during birthday parties he just drinks tea or eats some fruit that was left on top of some cake or pie.
I ended up making this one gn because I noticed I didn't use any gendered terms lol
Summary: Due to a rare health condition, consuming sugar can be extremely dangerous for you. To the tea party-loving Heartslabyul boys, this is something new.
Riddle/Trey/Ace/Deuce/Cater + gn!reader (SFW)
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Riddle Rosehearts
• this boy would be VERY cautious
• like he'll make sure there isn't even any sugar near you
• he watches the more mischievous Heartslabyul boys closely so they won't accidentally slip you any sugar
• "Trey, please tell me there isn't any sugar in the tea?"
• feels a bit sad that you can't eat his favorite pies
• he kinda relates to not being able to eat sugar, though for different reasons (*cough* his mom *cough*)
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Trey Clover
• he can't really make his standard desserts for the party with less sugar, so he makes an exclusive sugar-free dessert for you
• if you do accidentally eat sugar, he takes the best care of you
• he doesn't want you to just sit there during the Unbirthday Party while everyone else is having fun with the cakes, so making something for you was a must for him
• these desserts have actually become so popular with other Heartslabyul students that he now has to make them in higher quantities
• has definitely offered to make a cake that has oyster paste instead of sugar in it (ahem)
• the perfect mix of cautious and lighthearted
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Ace Trappola
• has definitely tried to make you eat sugar before
• immediately stopped his attempts once you told him off
• helps Trey make the sugar-free desserts & sneaks out a few fruits for you
• has secretly googled your condition & done A LOT of research on it
• picking out snacks for your birthday usually ends up with Ace secretly calling Deuce and discussing sugar, too (see: Deuce)
• "Naww, Y/N! Such a pity that you can't have a bite of MINE! But... hehe, I can still have a piece of YOURS, right? Pleaaase?"
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Deuce Spade
• he forgot it the second you told him for the first time or mixed it up with someone else
• has accidentally gifted you sugary snacks before (you luckily noticed) & got made fun of by Ace
• however, he has improved a lot and now pays extra attention
• when buying snacks for you, he has semi-aggressive phone calls with Ace ("You think I can buy this?" — "Dude, are ya crazy! Too much sugar for sure!")
• somehow doesn't trust anyone around you & always keeps a few dessert toppings for you
• helps Trey make the sugar-free desserts for you
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Cater Diamond
• like Ace, he has definitely googled your condition, but he did it the very second you told him
• didn't have any strong feelings on it as he dislikes sugary sweets and could go his whole life without much sugar
• actually grew to like Trey's exclusive sugar-free desserts
• he honestly doesn't care about it tbh (unless you've accidentally had sugar and are having complications because of it)
• he DOES gift you really healthy sugar-free snacks regularly
• "Heeyy Y/N! Look here, Vil advertised these on his Magicam and I HAD to buy them! Wanna have one?"
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lost-in-fandoms · 3 months
magical realism AU in which Daniel is a witch who owns a little garden+coffee/tea shop that is really beloved because his drinks are special and give you exactly what you need. Energizing teas that really do make you feel more awake without having caffeine in them, or drinks that taste exactly like a latte but have no coffee or milk in them. But he's struggling a bit mentally lately, and that reflects in the plants of his garden, struggling to grow or growing a bit too out of control. There's a patch of mint in particular that is taking over all the other plants, and no matter what Daniel does, he can't contain it.
He asks for help to other witch friends, who try to give him potions or spells or suggestions of any kind, but nothing seems to work. Every night he goes to bed with no mint in his garden, and every morning he wakes up with mint everywhere.
Then someone gives him the number of someone who will "for sure be able to help" and Daniel doesn't believe in it, but he's tired and he doesn't know what to do anymore, and he's struggling to make his drinks now, so he calls.
Turns out the number is Max's, who doesn't have any magic powers. Max who turns up in a two-colored car that he fixed himself and who asks where the mint (that now covers every inch of the garden) had started from. Daniel points him out to the initial corner, and leaves him to it.
Two hours later, Max comes to look for him, telling him it should be done. Daniel doesn't believe him, but Max has two big bags of mint in his truck and there's no mint in his garden, so he goes to bed.
There's still no mint the day after.
He calls Max again and Max is confused because it should have worked, but Daniel is like no it did!!! I just want to know how you did it. And Max says, well I just went to the root of the problem and eradicated it. The plant had just become a little over enthusiastic, but if there was no main root to grow from it had nowhere to go.
Daniel refuses to see it as a metaphor for his own problems, and goes on with his life, except that it keeps happening for other plants, and he feels like he's slipping because this is what he could do and now he can't do it anymore. He calls Max, again and again, and Max always fixes the problem, but it's never enough.
One day, Daniel keeps the place closed because his drinks aren't turning out right anyway, and sits out with Max as he carefully prunes the hedge that was trying to grow twenty feet tall. And they talk, and Max is kind and funny and asks questions Daniel doesn't want to answer but will think about in his bed when he's laying awake at night.
Max leaves him the number to a friend of his, a psychologist, and another number, his personal one.
The next time Max comes over, after he's done taming the rose bushes, Daniel invites him inside and they have lemonade and when Daniel kisses him Max tastes like lemon, sugar and spring.
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tinandabin · 2 years
A Normal Day In Sagau but with a twist | part 2
ok, this isn't post isnt related to any of my other sagau posts. I wanted to read something light hearted and comedic so here I am 😃 also the reader has been ise-kaied over here
You were sitting in your super soft chair, drinking bittersweet tea as you boredly looked out your window, starting at the clouds and thinking of whether you should jump out the window and touch some grass, but before you could take any action the door to your room opened and there came one of your servants.
"Good afternoon, Your Grace's Beloved, lunch is ready. May I escort you to the dining hall?" She asked politely; keeping her eyes on her shoes.
"Yo," You replied casually, "I'm not really hungry so y'all could eat without me." Grabbing some sugar cubes, you dumped them into your half-filled cup of tea and stirred it fast.
"Of course, but I do not think the... Archons would be happy with that." She responded nervously, as she took a glance at you to see your tired eyes.
"They can suck my nonexistent dick for all I care." You mumbled out and gently told the girl to leave and she did so; albeit a bit hesitantly.
When you were first ise-kaied to Genshin Impact.. You were expecting yourself to be the creator and for you to be, 1. Hunted down, 2. Then worshipped. You had pricked yourself ( purposefully ) with a stick to see if you had golden blood, only to see clear, diamond-like blood.
At first, you were confused but when you were face to face with the Archons, while your diamond blood dripped down your finger, you heard them whisper one thing. "You are our....Creator's Beloved."
Apparently, in one of the scrolls, the Creator wrote something along the lines of, "And whosoever be blessed to have blood like diamond shall be the one I cherish forever; be aware my children, for they appear only once in a Blue Moon."
So here you are now. Stuck in this palace with all the acolytes worshipping you as 'Their Holy Grace's Beloved.' Man, you really are so done with this shit. Because yeah sure, you are the Creator's Beloved but that didn't give you any cool powers. So, conclusion: You can't fucking escape until you meet this so-called creator. You will sucker punch that bastard in the face bro.
You groaned as you heard your door open again, betting 10 sugar cubes that it's probably one of the Archons. Time for another headache.
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tealfloyd · 2 years
“If MC’s going to die, at least she would do it with style~”
SUMMARY: After a stressing week of homework, MC has to spend her free day with every dorm; to top it off, she drinks Grim’s unknown potion (Everyone x Fem!Reader).
WARNINGS: Death mentions but as a joke (?) There’s not really anything triggering, I think.
CONTENT: MC changes her dress everytime she enters a dorm. Wedding mentions in Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw, Scarabia and Diasomnia. Every outfit is inspired on the villain except Scarabia. WORDS: 6K+
A/N: I’m glad some of you actually liked this concept, I’m not really good describing dresses and anything regarding clothes if I’m being honest, but I tried my best.
Now onto the fic~
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It's six in the morning and you already feel tired, groggily standing up to overcome the busy day you have ahead.
Last week you had to do a lot, and when I say a lot is a lot, of homework; so much that you had barely seen yourself in the mirror (Vil gasped at that because your hair was starting to look like a bird’s nest).
Because of that, the time you usually spent with your friends decreased greatly, the only interaction that you had with them being a quick greeting; and sometimes your overworked mind didn't process the 'hi, MC' they were pronouncing.
When you had free time to spend with them (mostly half an hour or less), they asked you if you wanted to participate in some of their activities. Absentmindedly, you agreed to it, scribbling down on your paper without actually knowing what you were saying yes to, only saying the day you would be free.
That day has come, and it’s stuffed to the brim with different events featuring every dorm.
It was a miracle that the hours didn't collide, and it’s not like you could cancel; you have seen how eager they were when you said yes, and you didn't want to disappoint them.
Once you showered you walked down the stairs, heading to the kitchen so you could get a boosting drink, not really thinking about taking breakfast when the first thing on the list was assisting to Heartslabyul's tea party.
You saw a glass of juice sitting on the top glass of the fridge, and you decided to give it a try, because what’s the worst that could happen?
It tasted bitter, and you frowned at the flavour, gagging while placing the now empty cup on the countertop, almost letting it drop when a yell came out of nowhere.
“Henchman! What are ya' doing!?” Grim hurried over to your side, recognizing the singular vase you were previously holding.
“Ah, drinking juice?” You sent him a confused look while washing the cup. “You made it? You could have added more sugar to it...”
“That wasn't juice MC!” Now you’re confused.
“That was my credit potion for Crewel's class!”
Oh, oh.
You dropped the cup in horror and shock, being at a loss of words.
“Why the hell would you put an unknown potion in the fridge!?” You started to drink water, hoping that would ease the effects of whatever you just drank.
“I suppose I may have forgot to take it out... But that doesn't matter! Now I don't have anything to present!” You stood there, ominously glaring at him. Grim really has to be grateful that looks can't kill.
“Grim, what was the potion for?” Your tone causes him to have shivers down his spine,
having a murderous aura along with piercing and threatening eyes.
“Ah, well, I... Really don't know...” He muttered the last part, but it was still heard by you, only increasing your rage.
“You don't know!?” You calmed yourself down after seeing Grim at the verge of tears, taking deep breaths. “Okay, if it's for a Crewel's class it can't be poison, but you made it so that means... It can be poison."
You started to walk towards the front door, turning your head at him before exiting through it. “We will deal with this later, that is if I'm not dead. For the meantime, I expect this place to be completely clean when I come back."
Certainly, it's the greatest day of your whole life, and probably your last.
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A ball gown. Hollow to floor with large, black sleeves. Uncovered shoulders blades lead to puffy forearms, made with a very soft material. It had a smooth lace tracing the neckline, and also a corset, which was perfectly adjusted. The wide skirt was the main attraction, waving at the minimum movement. The colours resembled those of Heartslabyul; the red, black and white harmonizing beautifully, looking like a dress a Queen would wear. A royal bun, loose but not enough that it would look messy. A few strands of hair were placed on both sides of your hair, topping it with a small crown.
Heartslabyul was trying something new. A breakfast tea party, clearly following the strict rules so that it would be a meeting worth of the Queen of Hearts; and you, obviously.
Ace and Deuce pestered asked you for the whole week, insisting that you should come and even giving you a fancy invitation with Riddle’s neat handwriting on it, stating: “You are formally invited to partake in the Breakfast's Tea Party of Heartslabyul, the next Saturday at 8:00AM."
The duo had barely seen you the whole weekend, and they were with you in the same classes, so imagine the time you spent with the others.
They saw the chance of talking to you in the lunch, thing you were doing outside of the cafeteria so you could get more work done in peace. Not that you can really be in peace when being friends of these two dorks, who whined about you not loving them anymore.
You chuckled at the setup, and you asked what they wanted. A couple of seconds after the question, Ace shoved the letter on your face, telling you the contents before you even read it.
You said yes, it wasn't like you could refuse anyways, and some Trey's goods would cheer you up after so much work.
At your agreement they swore they could cry from excitement.
Got to say that when you passed through the portal, you didn't expect a wear such a fancy dress out of nowhere as the result of Grim's potion.
Riddle is so red you start to think he's sick. It's like he created a whole new shade when he saw you approaching the table, registering seconds later that you weren't wearing your usual clothes. After that, he's a complete mess. He is trying his best to not stutter or flinch whenever you try to engage a conversation, finding the tablecloth more interesting not really, but he doesn't want you to laugh at him because of his state. He also feels a bit conflicted, since the gown reminds him of his mother; his not so happy memories cross his mind, until, by accident, he sees you smiling at him. And his mind wanders to the thought of you using a wedding dress, and at that moment he realises he spilled his tea (which was thankfully warm) on his hand.
Trey is acting like his normal self. He actually seemed to be the only one who wasn't freaking out, but don't be mistaken; if you inspect his face, you can see a slight blush and a loving gaze directed at you. We can say that out of the five boys, he is the one more capable of holding a regular conversation, after all, he’s Heartslabyul mediator. He is even bold enough to lightly tease you about wearing such a formal attire to a tea party, yet he loves that you showed up like this, thinking that you planned it when we both know that wasn't the case.
Cater is taking pictures so fast that his phone can't register them all. His storage is suffering from the number of selfies and photos he has of you, just from today. But can you blame him? He wants to preserve this moment, only posting a few ones so everyone can see how amazing you are. He would probably, probably delete them from his Magicam if you asked, but there is no way he would delete all of the other ones. How can he erase such precious memories? He would have to be insane to do that!
Ace is that kindergarten kid who has a crush on you. We all know that, yes, but it can't be ignored. Actually, he can't be ignored, since he's messing with your bun and your crown, even putting in on himself. He only stops when you get too annoyed or when Riddle scolds him. Don't have too much faith though, there's no way to stop him; he's a force of nature, the force that wouldn't stop until you pay him attention.
Deuce stops functioning. His brain cells are working so hard to try to maintain a normal interaction with you, but eventually they just give up, leading you to snap your fingers in order to get a reaction. He can't believe he lived long enough to see this part of you, and curiously, he has the same train of thought as Riddle; your dress could be a wedding dress, it just needs to be painted white- And, he’s out.
When you realised what you were wearing, you let out a huge sigh of relief, thinking that this were the effects of the potion and not a horrible death, so at least you get to live another day in this twisted wonderland.
You didn't really care about the dress. Sure, you thought it was beautiful, but it was just a dress, right?
No, it’s not just a dress.
You wondered if the potion had a different effect when suddenly everyone got quiet, and then, boom, five flustered boys at your service.
You couldn't explain the situation because some of them were too busy surrounding you or stop functioning, so you told them what happened around an hour later when they calmed down.
In general, we have four boys who're blushing so hard it rivals Riddle's hair, and one boy who doesn't make it that obvious.
Overall, pretty great experience, you got to eat good food and it was a pretty interesting sight.
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A large, sheath dress. Ruffles adorned the hem while the shades transitioned towards the waist, where a lace was tied up, matching the initial colours and patterns, making it a subtle but elegant detail. It was of a soft yellow with some gold motifs, which you thought resembled the Afterglow Savannah, were spread all-over, giving light to a majestic dress. Two braids, which interlaced to create the illusion of a crown; speaking of it, you also had some light, golden feathers tightly adjusted so they wouldn't fall off, the main ornament being a crown with a rose gold jewel.
You complained to Jack one day after a Spelldrive practice in Vargas class, saying that you wished you could be better at it so the others would stop laughing at you, clearly meaning it as a joke.
Well, Jack took it seriously. He went to Leona and asked if you could be part of the Spelldrive training one day, and the lion actually thought about it, thinking about how he hadn't seen you the whole week, so spending some time with you would be nice.
Jack came to you when you were walking to your dorm, being extremely careful because you were holding a huge stack of books, necessary for your notes.
He immediately retrieved the majority of them from you, taking this chance at talking to you to ask if you wanted to join the Spelldrive training at Savannaclaw one day.
You said yes, saying that you could do it the next Saturday, though you had to admit you were confused at the sudden request, and you must have made a frown because Jack told you what you said before.
You laugh at his thoughtfulness, lightly teasing him about it, and he just shrugs it off, with red ears and a happy, waging tail.
And now you are wondering if you should cancel it because how the hell are you going to practice with such a dress?
Leona's first thought when he saw you was that he passed out while sleeping. He took a short nap while waiting for you to arrive, opening his eyes when he heard your greeting, about to affectionately grumble. Instead, he was found staring at you, cheeks starting to become red when realising the kind of accessory you were wearing. He doesn't really focus on the dress, but on your hair, the style and the crown normally used by brides in his home place. He snaps from his trance fairly quickly, and the only thing that gives him away is his faint blush and the way he avoids looking at you for too long, almost telling you that you look on it, but it turns into a teasing comment. Well, it's the thought what counts.
Ruggie dropped his shopping bags, too stunned to take into account that he had eggs there. He went to Sam's earlier that morning, since he had some discounts, smiling to himself at the cheap shopping session, before he heard you calling him. He didn't look at you at first, but when he did, holy mother of Pearl... The rustling of the bag and the crashing of the eggs colliding with the floor was all the sound he processed. He also knows about the hairstyle and the ornament, blushing deeper when you ask him if he's okay. He laughs in embarrassment while answering that he is fine as fine as someone with a huge crush on you can be.
Jack is trying so hard to not be flustered. And if he didn't have a tail it would've worked, because its speed could rival that of Sonic the opm one or the Sega one, take your pick. Because he’s a runner, he has great control over his heart rate, so he can actually talk to you and be calm, or at least for him it seems like it. He doesn't know about the hairstyle, but he does know about the eye-catching thing on your head. He told you that you looked great, also asking why you're wearing that when it was supposed to be a practice session, but he is not complaining.
You had to apologise and explain the reasoning of your clothes. You heard Leona grumble something about taking care of Grim, while Ruggie and Jack shook their heads in disappointment and disbelief.
Safe to say that you didn't make any major efforts while being there. They refused to let you practice in that dress, only doing basic stretching standing up and correcting your position. Other than that, nothing.
It's not that they didn't want you to practice with them, but if you dress was damaged during the process, dear Sevens, they wouldn't forgive themselves.
So, you passed the remaining hour in the bench, watching them as they explained the basics and doing short demonstrations, paying full attention as that was the only thing you could do.
Once the time was done, you bid them goodbye, thanking them for the help as you promised that the next time you would come back with better clothes.
The next time.
They can't help but think of the sight of you in a large, divine wedding dress, and Leona is contemplating the idea of getting you one.
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A mermaid-shaped dress. A long skirt made its way to the floor, a silky and shiny fabric layering over it so it wouldn't look plain. It was mainly black, but it had a gradient shade of marine dark blue and purple in the top and the hem, contrasting greatly with the translucent, white scarf that was situated over your shoulders. Soft curls. The volume of your hair increased, outlining the sea-themed hair pins that were placed at one side, giving an elegant air to the look.
These guys were sly. They asked you when you were at the lounge, drinking a little bit more of Jade's tea as you kept writing, not noticing the thoughtful stare that Azul was sending you, nodding at the twins as they approached you.
Your workflow was disrupted when you heard Floyd's loud sigh, as well as Jade's, and you raised an eyebrow at the sudden action.
They both complained very loudly that you were forgetting them, Floyd literally draping over you as crocodile tears invaded his eyes.
You sighed too, telling them that you're sorry so they would drop the theatrics, asking what you can do to make it better, all while continuing typing, a difficult task when you have such a tall boy hugging you.
Azul coughs, and you shift your attention to him. He says that you can do them all a favour, and you're already expecting the worse the moment you see his mischievous smile, along with those of the twins.
He mentioned having some menu ideas, but he needed a loyal customer to try them out, obviously talking about you, and you had no other option than to accept, doing a small pout as you said the day.
Maybe you were supposed to die today either way.
Azul is ready to welcome you with his perfect smile (which he definitely practiced just for this situation), only for this façade to break when he saw you so... Elegant. He quickly tries to hide it, but there's no use when Jade and Floyd saw the whole thing, and he knows he would never hear the end of it after this. He acts all gentlemanly, but that's just because he tries to be prepared for every situation he could get flustered around you, and let's just say that is not working. He is capable of hold a normal conversation most of the time, so cooperate with him, he might even give you a free meal as payment.
Jade is staring, and you don't know how to feel about it. He knows how to hide his feelings better than Azul when it comes to you, so he doesn't really have anything that makes it obvious about his crush on you. He offers you his arm, asking about the reasoning of your really fancy attire, and his curiosity and interest just sparks when you told him what happened that morning. My, are you really that unaware of your surroundings? Then he supposes he has to stay with you for a few days to make sure you don't endanger yourself further.
Floyd doesn't even notice it at first. The one and only thing that Floyd makes when he sees you is making a bee line, running, towards you so he can tackle you into one of his affectionate squeezes. He's too busy cooing at you and being happy about you showing up that he fails to register the gorgeous gown you just appeared with. In all honesty, he doesn't care. I mean, sure, he thinks you look amazing on it, but he's interested by your personality and actions more. Yet this certainly serves as a boost for his attention, so I’m just going to say that you have to be prepared.
You mentally cursed at this dorm's design, because it was nearly impossible for you to escape in this dress, and before you could even think about trying it, you felt yourself being lifted several inches from the floor while hearing Floyd's happy noises.
You didn't even have to walk as he was carrying you the entire time, shifting to a bridal style when Jade told him that it wasn't very proper of him to carry you as if you were a sack of potatoes.
Azul stood next to you, making sure that the food was of your taste and that you seemed happy with it, trying to set you free from the taller twin's grasp, who utterly refused as he hugged you tighter.
It made the eating aspect more difficult, but your worries vanished when tasting the first plate; a delighted gasp leaving your lips as you continued eating, hearing a relieved exhale from Azul and a small giggle from Jade.
Most of the plates presented to you were pretty good, and you hummed contently when drinking a vase of water, checking the hour on your phone.
Oh no.
Excusing yourself, you managed to set free from Floyd's grasp, thanking them for the delicious food and stating which ones were your favourites, hurriedly leaving as if you were Cinderella when the clock strikes midnight.
Well, it wasn't midnight, but it was midday, and that meant that you had to soothe the clingy boy to let you, promising him that you would be with him the next day, and with that, you set you path towards Scarabia.
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A low riding red harem pants and a black off the shoulder top, connecting both garments with translucent stripes, which graded from black to red to make sure that it made sense. Everything was covered with golden chains with some intricate jewels, tinkling at the contact. The pants had a black fire design at the bottom, looking a lot like the original Scarabia uniforms. Low ponytail. It was held up by two golden bands, ending in a small swirl. The main accessory being a golden headband with a sapphire embellished to it.
Kalim was known for being happy most of the time. Most of the time. The poor boy thought you were mad at him when you barely paid him any attention in the span of that long, long week.
It went to the point in which he thought you would forgive him for whatever misdeed he had done by buying you anything that reminded him of you, and there was nothing that Jamil could do to stop him.
You visited Scarabia one day, Jamil's suggestion of helping you with some history questions had you walking there; you certainly didn’t expect to see what a surprise a huge stack of gifts, neatly piled up in the dorm's living room.
You had to reassure Kalim that you weren't mad at him, just overworked, and his face bright up once again, happily hugging you.
He told you that Jamil will be helping him with some dance moves, and the latter was forced to cover Kalim's mouth, but it was too late; the box had been opened, and so did your curiosity.
You accepted, telling them that you would be free the next day (aka, the infamous Saturday), much to Jamil's dismay. He exhaled, hiding his flushed face in his hoodie while thinking of the fact that you would practice with him.
Kalim is confused, but is a good type of confused; he doesn't know why you're using this outfit, in fact, he didn’t even realise that you weren’t using different clothes in the first place: he tends to have tunnel vision when he spots you, slowly dissipating after some seconds and that’s when he takes notice of the outfit, and then, he remains quiet. And that’s starting to worry you because is weird that Kalim isn’t talking about his excitement and being around you like a puppy. You went up to him and he stutters about how beautiful you look; sweet things you would expect from a boy like him. Though he has to ask where did you get the traditional headband that engaged woman use in his land.
You can’t even see Jamil’s face at first, his hoodie hiding his flushed face as soon as he saw you. That way he can actually talk to you, instead of being a literal rock, because he doesn’t want you to see him in such a state, with pink cheeks and a love-struck gaze. He does tell you that you look good, in a very… Jamil way; suddenly asking why you’re wearing that, muttering a: ‘It looks good on you’, regretting it almost immediately because now you’re asking him if you heard correctly. He cuts you off and says that you all have to start stretching, ears burning in embarrassment.
After explaining the story, you saw a completely worried Jamil, who scolds you about your reckless reasoning of drinking something that was obviously suspicious, all while Kalim is trying to calm him down.
You apologise while laughing, the fact that he’s concerned about you touches your heart and he stops at that, announcing that all of you had to stretch in order to maintain his composure.
The practice was fun; they taught you some of the traditional moves of the Scalding Sands and it was entertaining hearing all the jingles coming from your outfit, not noticing the mesmerizing stare that the boys were sending you.
You were there for approximately one hour, and that’s when you get a text from Vil.
You groaned, saving your phone, muttering a small: ‘Sorry, I have to go’.
Telling them you should do this other day, you left. When you did though, dear Kalim was starting to search similar clothes that he thought you would look great in, and surprisingly enough, Jamil didn’t stop him, curiosity getting the best out of him.
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An A-line gown. This one was larger than the others, bringing along a long cape with it. The plan palette contrasting the golden glitter on the hem of the cape, a black and smooth surface that you could see through it, but just at the end. The main colours were a dark shade of purple for the dress and black for everything else, with some glances of gold in the accessories, but that was it. A loose braided crown, with a real one over it; the beautiful yet simple design being a delight to the eye, as well as the rubies adorning it.
Epel begged (and when I say he begged was that he was on his knees, looking like he was praying) for you to come with him at the modelling session that Vil will have for him.
You were there, baffled at this out of nowhere action, and in the heat of the moment (mostly to make the boy stand up) you agreed.
This time though, you couldn’t choose a date, because it was programmed from the start, so at least you’re thankful your mind didn’t mess up this one.
You haven’t had the experience of being with the Vil Schoenheit in a clothes trying affair, but it was definitely something that was worth trying, regardless if the experience itself was good or bad.
He thanked you, quickly standing up fixing his uniform so Vil wouldn’t scold him, unaware that Rook was hearing the conversation, animatedly walking towards his dorm leader so he could break the news to him.
When he heard this, he brainstormed ideas and even considered getting you a Pomefiore uniform, thinking of ways to convince you to use it.
Vil’s face betrays him as he shows his astounded expression. It seems like he underestimated your fashion choices, but he’s puzzled because, MC? Why use such an elegant gown when you’re going to a clothes trial? Once he understands what happened though, his faith on you faded a little bit, but don’t worry MC, he will make sure you know how to compliment your natural beauty. He’s inspecting the dress as you stand there, getting dizzy for all the turns he was making you do. Letting a hum of approval, he mentions something about buying you both matching outfits- Scratch that, he decided he would make them himself.
Rook is kneeling before you, literally. He always praises you for everything you do and everything you wear, and this isn’t the exception. He takes your hand so gently, afraid that you would be scared by his antics, but he smiles against the soft skin of your palm when you tilt your head, looking adorably confused. It didn’t last long as Vil retrieved you from his grasp, annoyed. He chuckled at that, thinking about how to take care that his Trickster didn’t accidentally poison herself.
Epel has his mouth shaped like a ‘o’. He’s the first to ask, very loudly may I add, why the hell are you wearing that, but like, more soft since he was talking to you. After the story time, he lets out a small apology after Vil chided about manners with guests, his agitation quickly becoming embarrassment as he actually takes a good look at the costume; he needs a couple minutes to recover from the sudden shock, so don’t be harsh on him, it’s just that he’s passing through a lot of mixed feelings right now.
The truth is that you didn’t get to try any clothes on during your whole stance in Pomefiore; mostly because Vil was too busy checking the entire thing and Rook was by your side, making his job more difficult. Epel, as I said, is perplexed; should he feel relieved because Vil is focusing on you, or should he be mad that Vil is focusing on you? He doesn’t know.
Vil, being Vil, found a few errors in your unplanned dress, bringing a notebook with him so he could write things that he wanted to apply on the designs of the new one, and you get to see him do one of his rare, pure smiles out of giddiness.
He also inspected your hair, and as he did that, Rook approached to tell you one and another time that you were beautiful; that no one in earth could rival your ethereal being and you were worried what Vil would have to say about that.
Nevertheless, he hummed in response, and you were ecstatic.
Poor Epel tried to make a casual chat, but he was so nervous that his accent slipped and he had to endure a few minutes of Vil’s scolding, quietly thanking you for being there as you distracted him with a detail on your cape, and once again his attention was on you.
When the time was over, your legs and feet were sore after all the standing, thankful for the next event as it meant that you would get to sit down for the next hour.
You excused yourself, and what a shame that you didn’t see the guys pout as you crossed the door, as they were absolutely gold.
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A short dress. From the largest we pass to the shortest, just a little bit up the knees; a robe cape that had a skull pin on the left part attached to it covering most part of it so the length wasn’t noticeable. In the end it had a cloudy texture and it looked like a goddess garment, creating the illusion as if you were walking on air. Apart from that, all the set was black, with some blue flames on it, which alluded to Hades powers. A Dutch braid. This one was also similar to a crown, but it seemed much bigger, the strands that came out of it perking up, tinted of an enticing shade of blue.
Idia was sulking the whole week. Only because you didn’t have time to play with him and he had to face the villains completely alone, as he was reminded during a cut scene of your charming laughter when you lost; something he never really understood, but it was cute nonetheless.
Ortho tried to convince him into going to Ramshackle, but just when it seemed like he was actually going, he curled up into a ball in his bed and refused to move.
The younger Shroud knocked on your door one afternoon, giving you a quick greeting as he asked you if you could come to Idia’s gaming session the Saturday.
You couldn’t refuse to Ortho, so you happily complied, wondering if he already knew that that day was your free day.
Idia let out a high pitched scream at the news; he hoped that he wouldn’t make fun of himself while being with you, something that was only possible if you were next to him, for real.
Hades better help him out to not die of shame.
Idia passes out. The only reason he wasn’t hurt when he woke up was because you managed to catch him on time, resting his head on your lap. He opened his eyes a few minutes later, meeting your concerned ones as you asked him if he was okay, and his hair combusted into pink flames at the heart-warming sight. He has already done the only thing he feared the most: embarrassing himself in front of you. He stands up so fast because of the adrenaline, trying to overcome the mortifying scene by making a teasing comment about your dress, and he ends up redder after your sincere thanks. You’re going to be the death of him, maybe quite literally.
The reason the session took longer to start was because both you and Ortho were trying to get Idia back to his senses, as he passed from a living dead state to a pink candle.
Somehow he calmed down, only looking at his phone because if he saw you he was sure he would pass out again, sighing in defeat at the recent memory.
Even after the awkward situation, the playing went smooth. You were pretty good in this game, a RPG with some rhythm elements added to it, along with the OP cards that you gained while spending your goods at the gacha some weeks ago.
You needed more practice, but the talent was there, and just when you were getting comfortable your phone played a catchy ringtone, indicating an upcoming phone call.
You didn’t have time to say ‘hello’ as Sebek was screaming at your unpunctuality, claiming that his young master had been sad for the past 10 minutes.
Exiting the game, you expressed your gratitude for letting them stay at your dorm, and Idia muttered: ‘You’re welcome to come whenever you want though’.
You compromised to play another game later on, and for the first time in the afternoon, Idia, willingly, exchanged looks with you, promptly regretting.
You left before he could pass out, and he would be forever grateful for that.
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A trumpet dress. It had a long tail, but it wasn’t longer than the Pomefiore one; either way, this gave more of a…Goth vibe, slightly damaged at the ends. The full circle cloak helped cover the bare shoulders, a little heavy since it was made of a thick fabric, yet it truly increased the royalty aura that you were exuding. It was mainly black, with the sparks being of a raven purple; the flashiest colour being the neon green situated on some details of the dress, along with the cord that maintained the cape secured around your form. Feather cut hairstyle. It didn’t have accessories, nor braids or any ties, the only thing over your head being two black horns that were glued on it; smaller than Malleus horns that is.
This time you weren’t the one being the guest or being taught something; you were the teacher. And it started when you were taking a break from the overwhelming study that you’ve been doing since the week started.
Malleus always strolls there at night, waiting for you, and when you didn’t come to visit, he was enraged; the anger becoming sadness when he thought that you were mad at him, or even worse, you didn’t want to be his friend anymore.
Because the two of you were in different years, the probability of spotting you down the hallway was very low, now add to the problem that you were passing most of your time in the library, the Mostro Lounge or your dorm; now that reduces the chances to zero.
Lilia tried to cheer him up, as well as Silver, and when Sebek knew about this he explained that you were busy with your homework, and that eased him up a little.
But just a little; Malleus is very possessive and he needs to see you to make sure you are okay, so he knocks the door one night, hearing the light creaking of the wood as it opened to reveal you.
He tried to refrain himself, but at the end, he ended up hugging you. It was comforting; you didn’t push him away and you stayed there, in silence, until you broke the ice by asking if he wanted you to pass by Diasomnia tomorrow.
He smiled, saying that it would be a pleasure to receive you in his dorm.
And that’s how you scheduled the plan, leaving it for last because the other things were already timed, reserving it for casual talking about your world and human customs.
Malleus takes your hand, gets down on one knee and is preparing his words to get you engaged to him, no jokes here. However, before he can say the magical words, Lilia awkwardly laughs and cuts him off, distracting you so he can say that it’s maybe a little too early for him to marry you. He strongly disagrees, but he does gain some awareness when told that that could ruin your friendship, so he accepts, defeated. But that is not going to ruin his mood; you being there, talking to him and happily telling some stories of your world is enough for now.
Lilia is delighted, his laughter echoing through the room after Malleus tried to wed you. The style of this dress really has a resemblance with those of the Briar Valley, but it’s very unique, and maybe it’s because you’re wearing it. Even though he stopped Malleus from proposing, his mind can’t help but think about you in a traditional wedding dress of his hometown. He wonders if he can get you to use it one day, yet it stops there when he hears you cackling because of some funny anecdote that you were telling. It’s better to cherish the present, he thinks.
Silver is awoken up suddenly because of Sebek’s scream at the action of his young lord. He takes a moment to process the scene as he opens his eyes, ready to defend his soon to be king, and that’s when he sees him kneeling in front of you; noting the kind of clothes you are wearing, his cheeks burning ever so slightly. When the commotion was over, he sat next to you, and he tried to stay awake, he really did, but the soothing tone of your voice relaxed him to the point where he places his head on top of yours, quiet snores leaving his mouth.
Sebek thinks you are really going to marry his young lord. If Lilia didn’t stop him, he would; out of anger at you for seducing his master, or jealousy because he liked you too? We would never know, but what I do know is that if it was the latter, he will feel remorseful of his feelings, mostly when he realised that you didn’t even planned to come like this at first. He shuts up for a second, mind rebooting because wow, human? Tell him why are you such a beauty?
Lilia took advantage when Sebek quiet down, hurriedly sitting you in the sofa while asking some questions about your universe.
That made way for everyone’s curiosity (except Silver, he was busy sleeping on top of your head) to perk up, the air being filled with different questions about the place where you came from.
Malleus asked about the wedding customs, mostly human ones, and Lilia was surprised, to say the least, when you responded every one without suspecting a thing. How oblivious can you be?
Lilia wanted to know some recipes, and you told him some that you thought they all would enjoy; but there’s no limits to Lilia’s menacing cooking, even if he doesn’t have to use the stove or the oven he still will manage to make horrible meals, so you were very careful with your words. A futile attempt for sure, but let’s continue.
Sebek asked about the royalty and everything regarding the upper class, since he was curious that in a world with no magic, people still obeyed humans with no magical abilities. Less to say that you don’t actually know how to respond that.
It was getting late, and you noticed that the time was almost up, so you excused yourself with the same manners as before; thanking and promising to meet them next time, walking back to Ramshackle.
At the end, Grim hadn’t done much, only a couple things were cleaned and he was sleeping soundly on the sofa with tuna cans surrounding him. You sighed at it, sitting down in the couch with your pyjamas on, softly caressing the fur of the creature.
Your phone started to beep, messages popping up on the screen of everyone you just saw today, and you chuckled at that, starting to respond to every single one of them.
Maybe the fancy clothes were gone, but the havoc will still continue.
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 7 months
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I Cherish You, Halcyon Days: iv.
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“You’re gonna die, kid. In the worst way possible.”
tags: afab!reader (she/her), angst, slow burn
pairing: gojou x reader + onesided!getou x reader
summary: You’re 15 years old when you’re told you’re going to die. You’re 17 years old when you realize who your killer will be. And you’re 17 years old when you make peace with the fact you wouldn’t want it any other way.
index | previous chapter | next chapter
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You hum in pleasant surprise when the taste of green apples and mango hit your tongue. This really could have been hit or miss, you sip again. Still as good as the first sip. Just because you like experimenting with food and drink, it doesn't necessarily mean there will be a good payoff. Fruit teas from random shops are always either too sweet or just right for you, never something tolerable in between.
Thankfully, this place understood that the sugar is only supposed to enhance the drink, not drown it. You look over at the tall and lanky boy a few short steps away. Tea isn't Gojou's thing, hence why he is the only member of the group who hadn't ordered anything, but you think this one will be right up his alley. "You've gotta try this," you angle the cup slightly above your shoulder. "It's this green apple mango flavor they're promoting."
Without taking the cup from your hand, Gojou simply leans down to take a drink. "It's alright," Gojou shrugs before sipping again with vigor. "Needs more sugar."
You snort and lean away, bringing your beverage with you, "well if it's only alright, stop drinking it then."
"You know," Gojou sighs and you already know it's going to be some bullshit spewed out of his mouth coated in false philosophy and maturity. "Here in Japan we have a saying that food tastes better when you share it."
You roll your eyes but grin at the fact you called it, "well we just shared it and it still tastes exactly the same so," when Gojou attempts to take your cup, you turn immediately. "You better follow your best friend's example and get inside that tea house and order yourself a drink!"
Gojou slumps over your back with a whine, "what if yours tastes better than mine for some reason and they give me a bad one?"
You're giggling but no dice, "no!" You shove your straw back into your mouth and lean over your drink protectively. Get your own drink, you point at the tea shop once again with a mumble. "You have pretty privilege, there is no way they'll fuck yours up!"
"Stingy," Gojou clicks his tongue but he drags himself across the street where Suguru is standing in line anyway.
Crisis avoided.
"... What was that?" Utahime's eyes widen while her brow furrows.
It's a chilly April day in Moriya and the lot of you are enjoying the last bits of spring vacation. School holidays work differently when you go to a jujutsu school, you learned quickly. As far as the higher ups were concerned, vacation just meant more free time to send students on missions. Sure you're in a completely different part of Japan doing a lot more traveling than you'd ever do in your typical high school experience.
But in reality, this trip to a ryokan in Ibaraki Prefecture is nothing more than a glorified work trip with sightseeing sprinkled in. They could have at least sent us to a coastal town if they were sending us to Ibaraki. You shouldn't expect much from an institute that still does school on Saturday when the rest of the country stopped doing it in 2002. At the very least, the mission had been wrapped up and this final week of spring break before the new school year started, you get to enjoy yourself.
Next week, I become a second year student, you did it. You managed to survive your very first year at Jujutsu Tech. You'll miss having Fujioka-sensei as a teacher, she was kind and had lots of fun anecdotes. But you can't stew in awe and nostalgia with how Utahime is staring at you like you've lost your mind.
"What was what? It's green apple mango fruit tea," you cock your head before sliding your cup to the traditionally-clothed girl's side of the table. "Wanna try it too?"
Utahime promptly slides it back in disgust. "After he put his mouth on it? No thanks," you only shrug in return before sipping at the fruity goodness all over again. That's more for me then. Your nonchalance drives your upperclassman into mania. She looks at Shoko like she's the only other sane person at the table. 'What the heck is going on?!' her lips move silently. "Why am I the only one freaking out about this!?"
The brunette holds up a hand in the most laidback display of defensiveness you've ever seen, "they've been like that for a while now, everyone just got used to it." Shoko's words only make Utahime's more aghast.
Oh right.
You smack your lips together with a weak laugh, avoiding your friend's accusatory gaze.
Something shifted in the cosmos after December 8th, 2005 without your meaning to. You aren't exactly sure how long it took after your birthday for sharing food with Gojou to become habit, but it did.
Something is too sweet or too spicy? You swap plates.
You get an assorted bag of snacks and sweet treats from helping a random grandma cross the street? There isn't really a point of keeping any of the stuff you know Gojou will like.
But you never realized how ingrained into normalcy it became until one particular day you leaned over to eat a chip Gojou held in his fingers. "Does this taste kinda soapy to you or is it just me?" He asked, shaking the bag it came from. They were roasted cumin lamb skewer flavored chips imported from China.
"Yeah, I think it's just- wait, give me another one?" You chewed more slowly that time around, really feeling at the flavor. "No, I'm getting it too."
Suguru and Shoko made faces that looked exactly like the one Utahime is wearing right now. "[First]!"
"Look it isn't like we're friends or anything," you tell the soon to be fourth-year. "When there is food involved, the We Hate Gojou Alliance calls forth a truce," you explain seriously, folding your hands and resting your chin on them as if you are Ikari Gendo. "For how can we hate if we are not properly nourished?"
At the bullshit you spew, Utahime's expression shifts into one that is purely unamused as her brow furrows and she purses her lips. It takes a lot out of you to not laugh then and there. "And since when was that an addendum we agreed on?"
"It's one I made out of personal interest," you close your eyes, nodding at the memories. Food comes before any quarrel you have with an annoying classmate. If it came down to it, you'd become Gojou's best friend for a sandwich. "When food is involved, Gojou Satoru isn't that bad."
"You're full of it," Utahime fights the twitches of her lips trying to curl upward. "Very, very full of it." The upperclassman relents with a sigh a beat later, knowing her arguments are futile. "You're a traitor. I hope you know that you're a traitor to our cause, [First]," you bite your lip to prevent yourself from laughing again. You're failing the longer she goes on. Shoko is your mission partner, but you think it is arguably fair to say Utahime is who you're closest to besides her. When you transferred to Jujutsu Tech, it was Utahime who gave you a tour around the facility when the teachers were suddenly too busy. She was a kind and beautiful upperclassman who came with a lot less monetary baggage than Mei Mei. "First Getou and Shoko, now you," she sips her matcha with a pointed glare in the direction of the tea house windows. Whatever Gojou does, it makes Utahime's amused scowl turn into an annoyed glare.
"I was technically never part of any alliance to hate on Gojou, I'm only an affiliated acquaintance," Shoko laughs lightly, tucking a stray hair behind her ear. "Utahime-senpai, you just have to accept this as part of the new reality. [First] and Gojou have become friends," your mission partner rolls her eyes when you shoot her a pointed look. "Apologies, food-based acquaintances."
Satisfied with her correction, you nod.
It's then Suguru finally reappears, a beverage in hand. Gojou is still waiting by the window for his own order to finish. "What are you guys talking about now?"
"I was telling them about this convenience store by my old high school everyone went to to have mental breakdowns," it's always a pleasure when Suguru looks at you like you've grown a second head. Laughter slips from your lips as easily as breathing. "It's called Adachi's ー that's the owner ー but the joke was to call it Adachi 7-11 because it rips off the 7-11 color scheme. He's a sweet guy though," you quickly add before continuing your spontaneous tale of the incredible 7-11 knock off store.
You eloquently tell your friend that Adachi is the kind of grownup who understand kids have it rough. That it's unknown who it was from Tsubame High that started the tradition of finding aisle to just sit and cry and snack in, but eventually it just became the spot to have freak outs. If you stayed to eat while you freaked, you simply paid for what you ate or drank when you were ready to leave.
Respect someone else's crying space. If you couldn't avoid going into their aisle for something, just politely pretend they don't exist.
If you really needed a cry, Adachi's office is free for someone having a particular trying time.
And last but not least, Adachi's was a judgement free zone.
It was like having a bartender for teenagers. Except in this instance, the only services the bartender offered were snack food, cheap wagashi and a select variety of beverages.
"First, I promise people don't go there to cry as often it I made it sound. Second, I know it sounds weird but it actually was kinda cool," you chuckle as the cursed user shakes his head the longer you go on. "Exam week? We're all basically in there studying and freaking out while eating a bunch of snacks." It really built up a surprising amount of comradery among your classmates you make sure to tack on before taking a break to finish the rest of your tea. "Before you ask, if I'm gonna have a mental breakdown, I prefer having it in the privacy of my own room," or in front of a beluga whale, but that explanation will take forever and a half. "And that... is the story behind Adachi 7-11," you conclude dramatically.
Suguru shakes his head but his expression is playful, "I give you points for the improv, but I'm taking away points for how long your story was."
You click your tongue in mock annoyance, "everybody's a critic. I just wanted to cover all the bases in case you felt so intrigued you wanted to know more about your mysterious classmate."
"You don't have a mysterious bone in your body," Shoko chirps and when you lightly kick her ankle under the table, she kicks back. "Utahime-senpai just feels betrayed that [First] is getting along better with Gojou." At the reminder, Utahime squints in your direction again. 'And after all I've done for you. I should have gone to Kyoto Tech', Utahime sighs into her warm cup. "The We Hate Gojou Alliance is turning into the I Alone Hate Gojou Alliance."
This is when Gojou finally saunters over, drink in hand, "that's because I'm cool and charming."
"You know, if you have to say it, you're probably not as charming as you think you are," Suguru advises with a grin. Gojou promptly ignores it as if he never said anything at all.
"Sucks to be you, Utahime," Gojou sticks out his tongue at the songstress. "[First] and I are practically best friends. Right, [First]?"
The more you deny it, the less convincing you know you sound so you stop with a heavy breath. "Anyway," you pivot the conversation to something other than your food-based truce. "Does anyone know if there are going to be any new 1st years? Or is it gonna be a while before we start seeing some new faces?"
Suguru nods, "I heard from Fujioka-sensei that there are two first years coming enrolling," you perk up at this information. It's a small jujutsu world, so small you didn't even know if you'd be getting any underclassmen. Two 1st years coming in still just seem so small though. From what you've learned though, 2-3 students per grade is average and the school lucked out with your 1st year class having four kids. Suguru points a finger back and forth between you, "she didn't tell me much about them but they're recruits from non-sorcerer families, like us."
Sometimes, life decides to grant you little miracles. "Finally, we're growing in our ranks," you cheer, bumping your cup against Suguru's. "That's less clan politics to hear about!"
The closest you've ever gotten to clan politics in Japan were from anime and dramas and the occasional snippets you learned about the imperial family on the news. That changed when you became a sorcerer. It's a small jujutsu world, you learn things here and there whether you want to or not. Interesting as the stories can be, however, you're glad your family is normal. Everyone at your school from a sorcerer family makes clan politics sound annoying at best and harrowing at worst and that's just from the things you learned from Utahime, Shoko and Mei Mei.
Your other peers aren't so keen on sharing what goes on in their families.
Yamada isn't the friendliest of your upperclassmen.
As for Gojou ー the only one of your classmates from a family apparently worth mentioning ー he doesn't care about clan politics in the slightest and opts to ignore it.
Thus, the Big Three Families still are a mystery to you even with Gojou's close proximity to your person. Nor are there any students at your school that came from either the Zenin or Kamo Clans. There are a couple enrolled at the jujutsu school in Kyoto apparently but you haven't had a chance to meet them. You only had three summaries to go off of when it came to the big name families in jujutsu, all courtesy of Gojou back in May of last year since you couldn't participate in the Sister School Exchange Event in Kyoto.
(Apparently having two special-grade sorcerers for students gave Tokyo Tech the biggest advantage so only Gojou and Suguru got to go. Jerks. Utahime threw a big fit over it too, but at the very least Tokyo won last year.)
"Do you like having rights as a woman?"
"Um, yes?"
"Then you won't like the Zenin Clan.  You know Carnage from the Venom comics in the States?"
"Yeah, my mom reads those."
"That's the Kamo Clan."
"Okay, well what about your family? What's their deal?"
"They have me."
Vague, but clear enough descriptions to paint the necessary pictures ー the Amazing Sexists, the Bloods and the Jujutsu Jesus Havers Club.
Considering that this year the Sister School Exchange event will be taking place in Tokyo, you wonder if this will give you a chance to meet these fancy jujutsu folk. You tell your group as much, sighing in wonder. "It's a good thing you and Gojou won the exchange event, I wanna meet the kids from the other school." That was what you'd been most excited about before Fujioka-sensei dashed all your hopes and dreams. You wanted to see the differences in the campuses and what sort of crazy the teachers had going on. C'est la vie. "What were they like when you went there? Were the big clan kids more refined than Gojou over here?"
You barely dodge the definitely cold hand that was about to touch back of your neck in retaliation while Suguru chuckles out an explanation, "They have a couple folk from the Kamo Clan. They were... nice."
"You hesitated before you said nice," Shoko deadpans.
"They were polite," Suguru pivots his next selection of words in his attempt to remain neutral.
Gojou sticks out his tongue, unimpressed by his best friend's attempts to be cordial, "they were whatever. We didn't really talk to them."
"Boo, you're boring," you shake your head in heavy but mocking disappointment. "Should have just asked Utahime, she's seen them more." Your gazes turn to the oldest person at the table.
Utahime shoulders square off in satisfaction at being deferred to. "There are a couple of Kamo Clan kids at Kyoto Tech, one of them won't be coming because he'll be a fourth year student like me," her spirit drops for a moment and you offer a small smile of reassurance. Fourth year students don't get to participate in Sister School Exchange Event. Hence why she'd been so upset that she'd been unable to participate in it. There's not much you can do to comfort your friend, nor is there anything either of you can do about the past. At the very least, Utahime is nothing if not an optimist. She'll just kick ass in a different category. "As for the younger Kamo, Ririka, she's actually pretty nice when you talk to her but she can be a bit intimidating at times. She'll be a third-year student once school starts."
You make a noise of pleasant surprise, "Kamo Ririka, I'll keep an eye out for her." There's nothing better than a nice but intimidating woman, in your opinion.
"As for everyone else, they're all definitely a lot more tolerable than Gojou, it's not even a competition," Utahime glared at the sunglasses-wearing boy pointedly. He shrugged back without a care in the world, unperturbed as ever. "But while I was visiting home, my mother told me that Zenin Naoya is enrolling in Kyoto Tech so we'll be seeing him in a few months as a first year."
Whoever Zenin Naoya is, just mentioning him immediately makes Gojou groan in annoyance. "I was hoping that brat was gonna get homeschooled," he chews on his straw. You aren't sure how irritated he actually is but you do note how white brows curl in displeasure.
Gojou makes a face, "Zenin Naoya. I can't stand that guy."
You nudge him, lips curling into a light smirk, "I'm sure your fancy rich kid beef isn't that serious."
"No, Gojou actually isn't being hyperbolic this time," you glance over at Shoko. She and Utahime are sporting matching grimaces, brown eyes glancing at one another in understanding. "Zenins are bad but Zenin Naoya is the worst."
Well god damn. You share a look with Suguru who shrugs back, just as lost. That's the problem with not being born into the world of jujutsu, you're behind on all the history and beef going on behind the scenes. You have to learn little by little whether that be through being told or stumbling your way into procuring the knowledge on your own.
Zenin Naoya ー a member of the Amazing Sexists. You glance back at Gojou who has gone back to drinking away at his cup of tea. His partially obscured face doesn't make it any easier to read how he may be feeling underneath the surface.
Either way, you'll form your own opinion on this Naoya person when the sister schools converge in Tokyo.
Second year is definitely going to be something.
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Fun fact for my fellow Americans and anyone else whose school holidays work differently, while here in the states, the end of summer vacation is when we go up a grade, students go up a grade at the end of spring break in Japan.
Summer vacation in Japan is about 30-40 days long depending on the prefecture from the end of July to the end of August. In Tokyo, I think it's from about July 21st to to August 24th. You come back and you're still in the same class. Winter break is from about December 26 to January 7th. And Spring break is about March 26th to April 5th. Like I said it can change prefecture to prefecture, but the mentioned dates are the standard for Tokyo give or take a few days or two depending on the ward.
Just wanted that knowledge to be shared, if you were curious as to why the reader is going up a grade after spring break. In Japan, the school year starts in April.
I really wanted to work on Reader's initial dynamic with her peers and her personal philosophies in these first few chapters before kicking off into the heavier stuff that comes in 2nd year. Considering how in canon, shit pretty much was smooth sailing for Gojou and co. during their 1st year until the 'Toji really beat the breaks out of 2 teenagers' mission, I wanted to reflect that in these initial chapters. Hopefully you guys have been enjoying it as much as I have. The Sister School Exchange Event is around the corner and those folks are coming to Tokyo, I wonder how that's gonna go >:3c (not that you can participate but there's plot, I assure you).
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harvesti · 2 months
extended intro post:
daily workout (running/pilates/yoga): home workouts, because gyms make me nervous and a bit annoyed (too many people making too much noise!). I usually spend around 45 minutes-1 hour doing each of these, and I rarely do more than one per day, except when I mix my yoga routine to my pilates routine. I don't like to take full rest days so usually my rest days are just yoga days, and I leave my full rest days for occasions when I can't workout because of another commitment.
no refined/added sugar: made the decision to cut back on sugar by the end of 2023 because I started reading a lot about nutrition and realized that sugar is just not meant to be consumed the way we do, in this extremely processed, refined, concentrated form. it's addictive, harmful for our health, and it spoils our palate for other foods. not to mention that it is the biggest villain when it comes to weight gain. I meant to just cut back a bit when I made the decision but since around April 2024 I just cut it off completely.
no highly processed food: another huge villain when it comes to health and weight, full of toxic additives that we don't even understand, addictive, and a big enabler of laziness. I only eat food that I can recognize as food and understand what's in it, so almost nothing that comes in an aluminium foil packet makes it to my shopping cart.
no red meat: I was actually vegan for 2 and a half years but eventually went back to eating dairy and eggs, and I'll eat the occasional chicken and fish, although so rarely that I think I could consider myself a vegetarian. but even when I went back on my dietary choices, I couldn't stomach red meat anymore. most people don't even know how to cook it properly anyway, I hate handling it on my own, and it just makes me feel heavy, both physically as well as spiritually.
no soda: this came naturally as I decided to stop eating highly processed foods, but I used to be the Diet Coke Girl™ all my life, and I thought it was cool since it had no sugar. imagine my surprise when I found out that artificial sweeteners such as the one in diet Coke actually make you crave sugar and leads to binges. not to mention, soda makes me totally bloated.
no overeating: that's a no-brainer, but it was the hardest part of my journey! I love eating, y'all, and my brain was always like, I rather feast and indulge than feel like I'm going to miss out. it took me a long time to find a balance and being able to just enjoy a meal without feeling like I need to ravage a huge plate to feel like I truly enjoyed it. cooking 100% of my own food helped a lot with that.
no alcohol: quit on May 2024, after I realized I was using alcohol as a way to distract myself and ease anxiety when it occured. I was also feeling my limit getting weaker, so I had to drink a lot more to get tipsy, but when I got tipsy, I got sick almost immediately. it stopped being fun, and it felt more like a hassle than something that could give me pleasure. now that I'm completely sober, I realize drinking alcohol is kind of... terrible. it was a great decision, even if I did it sort of by accident really.
low caffeine (coffee only in the morning, green tea all day): I used to drink 4-5 cups of very strong black coffee throughout the day and, of course, I had major anxiety to the point of trembling, getting migraines and becoming paranoid. I started lowering my intake first to deal with this aspect, but later I found out that caffeine also leads to cravings and binging exactly because it accelerates the body and the mind so much! now I only have it after I wake up and sometimes in the afternoon, if I'm really sleepy when I can't really be sleepy. I still have a lot of tea because I love a hot beverage, and green tea actually calms me down a lot, even if it does have caffeine as well. I take mine with ginger and a splash of lemon juice.
lots of greens, lots of whole foods, lots of water, lots of fruits, lots of sun: another no-brainer! my favorites are broccoli, kale, leeks, chickpeas, zucchini, cherry tomatoes (which I grow myself), mushrooms, grapes, plums, pineapple, bananas, coconut and melon.
i.f. 16:8: I feel like it's absolutely necessary to give my body time to deal with itself without the "burden" of digestion. everything that happens in the body is a trade-off, so if my body is constantly dealing with food, it can't pay attention to other important processes. not to mention that, intermittent fasting takes my mind off food for a while, helps me plan ahead my meals better, makes me focus on nutritive choices instead of ones that are just yummy... and I enjoy eating when I'm actually hungry!
takeouts/eating out out on special occasions; same with dessert: it may seem like a restriction, but it's something I decided to kind of recover a sense of hacing these things be special again. once I started to make my own money and become independent, I started to indulge a lot on these things because when I was a kid they were so rare and exciting, so I was always eating out at my fav restaurants and always having something sweet around, until it just became a bad habit. now, keeping these things safe for special days makes them special too instead of just feeling like a boring indulgence. (I still try to get desserts that are sugar-free or very small on sugar though.) my fav food to eat out is sushi!
daily reading, at least 3 hours: as a real Classic Millennial, I used to be a huge reader when I was a kid, but as social media became a thing in my life, I lost the habit completely. the pandemic made me realize I needed to go back to books and delete Twitter, basically, which was my biggest distraction, and I've immediately reconnected with my old self and started to read like 50 books every year since. my fav genres are romance and non-fiction about nutrition and botany!
no complaining, no gossiping: it's a big part of my mental health to be grateful and to focus on myself. it may seem small, but it completely changed my perspective on day-to-day life once I set the rules to not complain and not gossip. actually, I don't engage with anything that doesn't concern me directly, doesn't benefit me directly, and is out of my control. life is chill like that.
no dwelling on the past: burned my childhood diaries, cut ties with past relationships that were just hanging around me because of the size of our history, let go of constantly reminiscing and trying to run scenarios and dialogues in my head. I only deal with the day and the week I have ahead, and that's what exists in my reality. no past, no distant future. two feet on the ground.
skin and hair care every evening: I've been genetically blessed with poreless skin and thick hair, but I still have to care for my skin because it tends to dry heavily, and caring for long, thick hair is a must, otherwise it tangles within hours. my skin care is a mix of high hydration, careful nutrition, and The Body Shop's aloe vera night cream for my face, and my hair care is washing it every 3 days (2 days in the summer), keeping it in a hydrating mask, blow drying it, coconut-oiling it, and keeping it in braids whenever I can, especially when sleeping.
silence = gold: I focus immensely on being observant, being a listener, being non-reactive. I think spending long periods of time not speaking, not watching anything, no music, just listening to nature (especially in the mornings) is of utmost importance to a healthy mental and spiritual state. "speech is silver, silence is gold" is one of my life's mottos!
(thanks for reading all of this!)
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thesupreme316 · 1 year
Hey bestie!
I can't remember if you have done it yet, but how AEW Stars react to when you have really bad period cramps?
Love you boo!
AEW Stars React: You on Your Period
Pairings: MJF x Fem!Reader, Darius Martin x Fem!Reader, Dante Martin x Fem!Reader, Ricky Starks x Fem!Reader, Hook x Fem!Reader, Daniel Garcia x Fem!Reader, Eddie Kingston x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1K
Supreme Speaks: hiii, I thoroughly enjoyed this one! Thanks to @wwenhlimagines for the request (I LOVE YOU BESTIE). As a person currently dealing with this, yes....i also decided just to make it about periods in general to avoid redundancy ALSO EDDIE WON HIS FIRST NJPW CHAMPIONSHIP
Warnings: Period mentions, suggestive mentions, not proofread
Taglist: @wwenhlimagines @hooks-martin @hookerforhook @sheinthatfandom @aew190 @eddie-kingstons-wifey @triscillal
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“Imagine having that kind of problem”
Will make fun of you (playfully) until you throw a box of pads at him
Is convinced that you are a demon during this time of the month
Will get you an expensive heating pad…and himself one too
Will make sure that you have your favorite candy…and also getting himself some too (its a uterUS)
I feel like Max wouldn’t know what to do emotionally (I can only see him as his gimmick sometimes)
But he is ready to drop a check on anything that you need to
Looks up more products/medication to get you so you can be more comfortable
Almost called 911 when you haven’t moved from an uncomfortable-looking position (almost thought you dislocated your spine)
But don’t tell him he needs to go out at 12 AM to get you something…he’ll say no
Darius Martin:
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“What do you need?”
Darius definitely understands you and already has a little kit for you when you come over
He replenishes it every month
Makes you drink water at least every hour
Will give you massages at any hour, he doesn’t care
Darius is one who doesn’t underestimate your pain
Has everything in arms reach for you
Will have the heating pad on standby and will turn the shower to the hottest setting (per your request)
“Hey, I’m not doubting your pain but are you sure that hot lava water will help you? It’s burning me”
Will try to motivate you to exercise to relieve your pain
Dante Martin:
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I think because of the fact he only has a brother; he doesn’t understand/know the pain of periods
Will just do everything you ask
“Does it have to be this brand-….Yes, I understand but you didn’t need to call me all those names”
Does research and have you take vitamins
Will use another bathroom just to make sure he’s not making you wait or feel uncomfortable
Like MJF, is also scared to see you in a twisted-up position but lets it go when you tell him you feel the least amount of pain
Is also scared of your mood swings (if you have them), but he will quickly understand that you’re not mad at him…you’re mad at Mother Nature
Definitely will ask his brother for tips on how to avoid anything that’ll make you mad
Overall, he will be happy to help you and learn more about you
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Tired? Can’t walk due to your period stabbing you in your tummy/uterus?
Call 1-800-SEND-HOOK
Like Darius, is very prepared for your time of the month
Will massage you with a heating pad
I also think he would push for more healthy food and vitamins for you instead of sugars; Mans will have five types of teas for you to try for relief
Will slap your hand if you reach for caffeine
“You’re gonna reach for a Coke when I made this raspberry tea? Don’t complain when your cramps get worse.”
Is not bothered by your period banter; he just remains silent
I’m still deadass about him carrying you everywhere; He’ll do it bridal way or piggyback; it doesn’t matter to him
As long as you are okay and getting better, Hook literally doesn’t care
Daniel Garcia:
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I’m convinced that Daniel has tried a period simulator
So safe to know that he understands your pain (it's an uterUS pt.2)
(He was screaming from the pain before it reached level 7)
Will put on your favorite movies to distract you from your pain
Daniel will alter his regular routines to include you and to make you comfortable
Will massage anything you ask him
“You want me to massage your stomach? Done. Now can I massage your tits? Pretty please?”
Will carry you every now and later for your comfort
Doesn’t wanna leave your side until you’re feeling like your old self
“Can I leave? My girlfriend is currently experiencing pain and I’m starting to feel it too.” (Again, uterUS)
Ricky Starks:
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Mans is probably the best on this list for dealing with pains and periods (besides Darius)
Ricky does everything to a T
Medication? Has the correct brand of water, pads, and food? Is patient with you? MAN HAS EVERYTHING
But I think, and hear me out
Mans would be into doing the devils tango during this time of the month (don’t know how you feel about it)
“You think a lil blood will stop me? Hell nah! Besides, I heard it really helps with your cramps”
Will continue to do routines with you -self-care with you; face masks, massages
I think he might take you to an acupuncture appointment to help with the pain too
In terms of your mood swings, he will playfully argue with you
“Don’t roll your eyes at me, unless it’s in pleasure…you goblin.”
Eddie Kingston:
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“Ight I’m just gonna ask. What size is ya pussy?”
Legitimately doesn’t know what he’s looking for but understands the pain you’re experiencing
Will agree with whatever you say about periods (and will fight anyone who disagrees with you)
Will hog you during this time; just in case you need him at any time
Has everything in a fanny pack or book bag; sometimes will just throw the bag to you so you can grab it
Like the other men on this list, will massage you if you want it
Remember like how I said when you get injured (self-promo) that he will argue as he helps you? Yeah, that doesn’t change
“Get this Eddie. Can you hand me this Eddie? Just m-“ “Are you mocking me?” “No, my sweet!”
Will distract you from your pain with his nonsense
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dawnthefox24 · 9 months
My Overwatch Headcanons Part 2 DPS addition
(These are my headcanons please respect them ^^)
Ashe/Elizabeth Caledonia Ashe
Wishes that her parents would have at least noticed her but knows you can't always get what you wish.
Hate's Cole with a passion since he betrayed her and the rest of the gang but won't admit that she does miss him from time to time.
She considers B.O.B as a father figure too her and will do anything to protect him at any cost.
Is an arsonist.
Has called B.O.B the wrong name a few times before.
Wonders where her hover bike is and really wants to know what happened to it even though Cass won't tell her.
Always wondered if Cole really sacrificed himself to protect the gang or it was all just a ruse to leave them for good.
Hate's it when her plans get foiled mainly by Cassidy since they keep crossing paths with one another.
She wonders why Lifeweaver doesn't want his parents support since their making sure he doesn't end up like her.
Is very jealous of Lifeweaver but understands where he's coming from but give's him a heads up in case his parents do drop him or at least forget about him.
Needs to start a competition on who's the better shot since she has a huge ego.
Has wondered if her parents think about her or at least missed her.
Is very impressed by Echo and wished Cole didn't get in the way with the "cargo"
Hate's saying her full name and hates being called Eliza or Liz since those were nicknames her parents gave her.
Is a bit of a narcissist.
Get's annoyed when people mentioned if she had a crush on Cole to which she punches them hard before saying no.(she won't mention that she saw him as a sibling)
Wishes she never met Cole but without him they would have never form the deadlock gang.
Knows she supposed to be focusing on heists but she needs to get rid of a certain pest ignoring the gangs pleas to leave Cole alone.
Really take's her threats seriously and always keeps her word.
She sometimes has to be reminded to sleep since she usually is busy planning a heist and it's usually B.O.B or Frankie who has to remind her to rest( It used to be Cassidy when he used to be part of the gang)
Always vents too B.O.B about her problems and is very grateful that he listens too her
Her favourite food used to be apple pie but now it not anymore
Likes her coffee with a small dash of milk and sugar in it, she can drink it plain once in awhile but she needs some flavour in it.
Symmetra/Satya Vaswani
Realised she was autistic when she actually had trouble reading a few social ques.
When Niran left the academy she really did miss him but won't admit it to him since she finds it to embarrassing.
Will forever be grateful that Niran was her very first friend and she appreciates it since she never really had any friends before till she met him.
Doesn't understand why people hate Vishkar since she thinks what they're doing is right, but is slowly starting to think they might have point.
Is very socially awkward but is trying her best to be a bit more out going.
She likes listening to Lucio music since it keeps her very calm but feels very awkward around him since she has a feeling that he doesn't like her too much.
Always worries for Niran and doesn't want him ending up hurt even though he has no regards for the rules it scares her that she might see him hurt or worse.
Misses playing with Niran hair from time to time since it was really relaxing for her mainly she enjoyed doing a few hairstyles for him.
Her favourite tea is Jasmine tea.
The first time she met Baptiste she was already threatening him, since she doesn't want to see Niran heartbroken.
Doesn't like to talk about how she grew up in poverty.
She finds Zenyatta as her own teacher though she does get a bit jealous of Genji since she doesn't understand how Zenyatta can deal with someone like him.
The only two people she truly trusts are just Niran and Zenyatta since they seem to understand her in some ways.
She finds gardening peaceful and calms her nerves as well, she also found out that she has a good green thumb as well(Which makes Niran happy )
Really wants to be friends with Lucio but doesn't know how too since he seems a bit hostile towards her.
She actually taught Niran how to kathak and was impressed that he was practicing how to dance with her .
Has her own little routine on what she needs to do.
Always has to reminded Niran to slow down even till this very day.
She see's Niran as a brother too her and to her he's the little brother who always gets in trouble.
She enjoys spending time with Niran and surprisingly Hanzo as well for some tea time together.
Whenever she gets too stressed out she starts dancing to calm her nerves since she feels move free when dancing as there is peace too it.
She misses eating Niran's pumpkin coconut soup, so when they reunited again she asked him to make it very bluntly to which he did.
She tends to get lost in thought once in awhile as her mind tends to go somewhere else.
Is visual and hands on learner since she doesn't understand when people tell her something it becomes very complicated too her.
She enjoys spending time alone since relaxing for her.
Sombra/Oliva Colomar
Knows that Talon shouldn't have trusted her from the start but she stays for only Sigma since she doesn't want him ending up getting hurt.
She and Cassidy are like siblings to one another though she hates the fact that she doesn't know so much about him but so far his internet search history makes her chuckle.
Knows that Moira carries band-aids.
Always makes sure the Sigma is getting treated well since she cares about him.
Even though she enjoys hacking it could be sometimes boring too her since its the usual speal she finds on the daily bases.
She understands where Illari is coming from but is worried that if she finds something it might crush the poor girl and she doesn't want that happening too her.
Knows the Mauga really wants Baptiste back but always erases where he's at in case Mauga does look him up.
She's happy that Baptiste left Talon for the greater good since is 100% right as Mauga does bring out the worse in him.
Her and Cole tend to spend time together and catch up on a few things but will leave little remarks about his past only to be shut down real quick by it.
Enjoys changing people's passwords if their asshole's too her or to her friends.
Doesn't like the experiments that Moira is doing on Sigma since they're taking advantage of him for "games"
Enjoys sigma company and takes to him about things that upset him she also made a promise to herself not to leave him if things go south.
Has blackmailed a few people before but sometimes does it to get free stuff.
She became friends with Kiriko,Brigitte,D.va and Tracer though she won't admit it too them since there not really friends.
Knows about Frankie but finds it comical that she'll be the better hacker than her.
Loves to annoy Zarya from time to time getting a rise out of her.
She still closes door on Reaper since she finds it hilarious whenever he gets mad though she does wonder if he still misses his wife or something.
Her favourite food are Tamales
Her and Sigma tend to talk about space and birds as well. She tells him her favourite bird is the Social flycatcher since that bird reminds her of herself.
Has wondered if Omnics ever dream or if they even fall asleep. (She tried to hack Maximilien but of course she got in trouble before she could even do it)
Listen to people's playlist and will always change it to her own liking since "people have no taste in music"
Won't stop still she finds more information about Cole since she really loves a challenge and it's a challenge she won't stop till she completes it.
Torbjörn Lindholm
Worries for Brigitte 24/7 but is very proud of her and how far she accomplished her goal to where she got.
When he took in Bastion he was a little bit hesitant at first but in the end things turned out great of the both of them and he feels sad that bastion is the last of his kind.(He adopted Bastion much to Ingrid dismay)
He loves his kids and his wife dearly but also his turrets those are his babies too
He keeps in contact with his others kids wondering how their doing and asking how his grandkids are doing as well.
There's a deep regret on what he did to Angela with her biotech as it turn into a biotech rifle ignoring her warnings.
He doesn't want to build Cole a robo horse since it takes time an energy but in reality, He's just lazy since he could built it but he doesn't really feel like and wishes that Cole would stop bothering him for a moment.
Tends to get stressed out when Rein and Brigitte tend to run in head first but he trust that his daughter will be okay.
The first time he saw Ganymede he wasn't so sure that the bird will be safe with Mitzi being around but so far they've never really interacted, though the chances are very high none the less so he's protecting Ganymede at any cost.
Is happy that Bastion is part of his family now but is a bit concerned since Rein is a little bit iffy with him taking in a bastion but none the less he seeing the progress between Bastion and rein bonding but is keeping a close eye on rein in case he does something.
Love's his Ingrid always and loves to speak of the time they first met too his grandkids much too Ingrid dismay but he knows she enjoys it.
Will always be thankful for Reinhardt saving him from certain death.
He does see Angela as a daughter but knows she won't even speak to him only when its needed since he can't fault her for that after all he did go behind her back.
He's very proud of Brigitte and though he knows he not suppose to have favourites Brigitte is his favourite child but so is Bastion but he won't say that out loud.
He always happy helping out around the work shop with Torbjörn whenever he can
Is very happy the first time he met Ganymede and is still working on building his nest.
The first time he saw Rein he was terrified of him and still is.
Has to protect Ganymede from Mitzi from time too time since Mitzi has tried to eat Ganymede more than once and luckily enough either Brigitte or Torb always catch Mitzi or Ganymede flies away from the cat.
He really really likes Orisa but its a small crush.
He and Cole get along pretty well since he enjoys his company but noticed that almost everyone enjoys Cole's company which is very odd.
Knows that Sojourn doesn't understand what he's saying to her but appreciates the effort of her trying to understand what he's saying to her.
Enjoys the upgrades that Torb gives him and is very thankful for it.
Will die for Ganymede.
He and Ganymede are very inseparable he never leaves without Ganymede.
Is trying to find the right branches for Ganymede so he can rebuild his nest again.
The only people he likes are Cole, Brigitte and Torb plus Ganymede as well.
Wonders if he should either ask Zenyatta or Orisa to be his translator for Sojourn whenever he speaks too her. Since it seems she's the only one who is struggling with whatever he's saying.
Even though he doesn't eat or smell food but if he did have a favourite food it would be Ingrid apple pie.
He takes really good care of Torbs hat and wears it all the time since he finds comfort in it.
Sojourn/Vivian Chase
She doesn't have any regrets for when she spoke out against Overwatch she knew what she did was right.
Is very close with her sister and niece as she writes too them making sure that their alright.
Had to put Murphy on a diet since she kept eating all the left over scarps and knows that Murphy isn't too happy about it.
She loves cats but is allergic too them.
The people she is close too are Cole and Winston, since they seem more likely to understand her.
Loves croissants mainly buttered croissants.
Doesn't even regret getting her cybernetic enhancements since how ever could she turn down rocket legs making things go quicker for her.
Knows that Jack is pissed off at her for speaking out against Overwatch but find it very hypocritical of him since other agents spoke out too.
She has no idea how the others can understand Bastion except for Zenyatta and Orisia but thinks the others don't even know either since all he does he beeps and boops.
She actually did miss Winston and the others since she did tell them that.
Was surprised when Hanzo thought about adopting a dog though she might send him to a few shelters who are showing dogs who need to loved and taken care for in the future.
She fins it really weird on how much Genji as changed since she always remembered him being angry and well emo as well but none the less she's happy that he's gotten better.
The first time she got her rocket legs she slid into the wall not even knowing how too stop at first till she got the hang of it. Thought it would be easy but she was wrong.
She loves her niece dearly with all of her heart and always makes sure she stays safe for her. Her nieces words not hers.
Wanted to be a detective when she was younger but turns out she surpassed that goal of hers.
Will kill anyone for Murphy,harm her beloved Murphy you'll be 5 feet under.
Wants Jack to let go of the past for what she did but knows he's too stubborn to let anything go.
Was a barista part time but had to quit since too many people recognised her.
Still keeps in touch with agent Tremblay
Loves a nice hot cup of coffee everyone morning mainly a double double.
Knows what Cassidy meant when Jack is chasing ghosts
Amelie Lacroix/Widowmaker
Enjoys classical music as it keeps her calm.
Killing truly does make her feel alive since that's the only thing keeping her sane and not lose herself too madness.
She misses Gerard everyday and hates herself since she really loved him with all of her heart.
Used to be terrified of spiders but has grown a liking to them now.
Is very much terrified of Moira because of her experiments.
Is a wine connoisseur but prefers red wine but sometimes white wine is also good.
Always wondered how come Ana never took the shot too kill after she shot her eye out.
Doesn't like Tracer since she finds her a distraction but annoying as well.
Loves doing ballet since keeps her in more control of her body and mind.
Knows that Reyes made mistake for going to Moira for help.
Likes being isolated since she doesn't want to be around to many people.
Finds her teammates a bit incompetent.
Is always shivering in the dead of night do to how slow her heart is since she cannot keep herself warm.
Always visits Gerard gave and talks to him telling him what's she been doing staying there for awhile till the next morning heading back to Talon.
Doesn't like the fact that she sometimes has to go on missions with Sombra since she always asks her stupid questions.
Some what regrets killing Gerard.
Always wondered if things would have differently if she wasn't kidnapped and didn't end up kill Gerard.
Feels very calm when she has her rifle with her since it makes feel at ease, finding some comfort in it.
Doesn't like loud noises.
Always goes to her and Gerard favourite spots when he took her out on dates.
Her favourite food is wine but she also likes Salade de Chèvre Chaud (Goat Cheese Salad).
She likes liquored cherry chocolates but also salted caramel chocolates too.
Tracer/Lena Oxton
Loves her girlfriend Emily and plans on proposing to her very soon.
Has a deep regret for not saving Mondatta but more over she should have taken that bullet instead of him.
Her and Cole are very attached to the hip since she finds him as a good friend but also a brother too her since he always makes sure she doesn't get too caught in the mission.
Even though she bad at every type of video game she loves cooking games since she finds some calmness in it.
Hate's Widowmaker with a passion and enjoys messing her up since she finds it funny whenever she gets frustrated.
Is terrified with Orisa when she told her too run getting the message with how she catches criminals.
Has to be reminded to take things slow.
Always asks for nature tips from Lifeweaver because she had no idea what she's doing as she accidentally kills Emily plants more than once(She keeps buying new ones).
Her and Iggy spend time together but also gave Iggy one of Lucio signatures.
Plans on making Iggy maid of honor and Cole her best man.
Enjoy's Cole company since she really did miss him and was the first person to tackle hug him when they saw each other once again(she cried hugging him)
Has asks Cole is he knows that like at least 2 people have a crush on him and was confused when he said yes too her.
She won't lie the first time she sparred with Genji during his time when he was a Blackwatch agent he scared her to death but over all in the end there good friends with each other.
She and Winston are very close since she's gotten to know him more during her time in Overwatch but always the checks up with her Chronal accelerator.
Will forever be grateful that Winston made her accelerator.
Sometimes has a girls night with Angela, but sometimes Angela tends to be very busy so she goes to Kiriko,Brigitte and Hana.
When playing cooking games with her she tends to be very competitive and will get mad at the other play she's playing with telling them to mend their stations when cooking, they need to be on their side of the kitchen and she's on the other side( her Gordon Ramsay side always comes out).
She had a feeling that Fareeha was gay since she used to tease her about her crush with Angela, she still teases her about it to this very day.
Loves listening to the old vinyl music and still can't believe that there still around.
Love earl grey tea and always has it with scones cranberry lemon scones in fact.
Dreams about having a big family with Emily but mainly pets.
Really wants to know what Zenyatta did before the crisis but there's no straight answer with him also she's pretty much disappointed in Genji since even he doesn't know either.
She,Angela,Cole and Freeha always have a get together to catch on a few things and see what they've been doing.
Has tried to get Hanzo into D&D but he keeps refusing but she won't give up till he says yes.
Reaper/Gabriel Reyes
Is in consent pain to the point where he can't move his body too much.
Had a small crush on Jack and Martina knew about it.
He did see Cole as son to him.
Thinks that Jack is responsible for the way he turned out but also the fact the way Overwatch fell too the ground.
The only people who have seen his face are Ana and Moira.
He deeply misses Martina and his son but knows they won't even recognise him.
He still believe what he did was right by killing Antonio even know Cole was nagging at him through the whole way he still believes he did nothing wrong.
The pain killers do nothing for his consent pain but they somewhat work none the less but still a total dud in the end.
He should have killed Jack when he had the chance but wheres the fun in that but mainly he wants him to leave him alone.
To him Sombra some what reminds him of Cole but more annoying than ever.
He believes that Jack abandoned when in the explosion since he knows he could have saved him but didn't since he was on the brink of death.
He is somewhat grateful that Moira saved him but some part of him wishes that she didn't.
Has no ill will towards Ana but never liked that fact she's always taken Jack side than his since he thought they were friends.
Knows he has an anger problems but he doesn't even know how to fix it since thats the only thing he can feel besides the pain he's feeling.
He has wondered if Jack has ever saved him during the explosion maybe things would have turned out differently.
A part of him wished he should have retired a head of time and settled down with Martian and lived his life the way he wanted.
The only thing he doesn't regret was taking Cole in even though he used the deadlock gang as leverage against him.
He fully doesn't trust Sombra but knows that Talon needs her in the end.
He cannot taste food but he does miss Martina cooking since she made some amazing conchas.
100% misses Martina cooking.
The only people he scared of are Martina and Ana.
He always attracts cats for some reason but in the end he feeds them though he pretends to hate it.
Still enjoys sewing since he finds a calmness to it as it some what control his anger, its the only thing that keeps him calm.
Misses making everyone there Halloween costumes since he doesn't like the cheap crappy ones.
Cannot sleep during the night with depending on how bad the pain can be.
Hates dancing in front of others since he doesn't like being the center of attention.
He tries too control his anger but gets even more angrier when he cannot calm himself down.
Adopted a stray cat in secret and only Sombra knows because the cat reminds him of certain cowboy that he knows.
Genji Shimada
Will forever be grateful for Zenyatta and Angela for everything that they did for him.
He really wants Hanzo to get better but knows he can't push him since Zenytta had to reminded him of that.
Wants to explain to Kiriko what really happened to him but doesn't want her to hate Hanzo since in the end he's suffering enough already and also the fact it was his fault the Shimada clan crumbled.
He is ashamed of himself for what he did during his time in Blackwatch.
Doesn't like the fact that Moira pointed out the obvious of agreeing with her on what happened with Antonio since he was clouded my anger and revenge on his brother that he didn't care at the time.
Will forever be grateful that Cole was his friend during when they first met.
Thinks his brother and Cole have a crush on each other.
Has a crush on Angela but also a has crush on Zenyatta as well.
Still plays video games but doesn't play with D.va since she's likes to rub it in his face that she's the better gamer.
Is really concerned for Hanzo well being.
He really does see Cole as a brother though he knows he was an ass to during his days with Blackwatch.
Used too get nightmares of actually killing Hanzo, but now they just stopped.
Allowed Lucio to hook his music to his lights but found it very annoying but wanted to stop him from asking him so let him only do it once.
Doesn't like Ramattra since, Ram basically left Zenyatta.
The first time he sparred with Zenyatta, he would constantly lose too him because of how angry he was.
Feels very embarrassed by how much little control he had when he was angry to the point that Zenyatta had to teach him how reckless it was(Which is very much embarrassing)
Has regrets for all the things he did during his youth and also his time during Blackwatch.
Has to tell Kiriko he isn't the same person he was back in his youth anymore and that he's changed for the best.
Will spend time with Hanzo just to repair what bond they have left but knows that Hanzo won't even look at him for what he's done.
Thinks Fareeha has a crush on Angela.
He was worried that people wouldn't like his brother for what he did too him, but wasn't expecting Angela and Cole to be the first people to welcome him but mainly Angela(Since he explained how much Hanzo ruined his life with Cole).
He's happy that his brother made a few friends.(Mainly Mei,Brigitte and Illari)
Enjoyed playing D&D with Lena and asked his brother to play with them though his brother says he'll think about it.
Finds it very hypocritical of Jack accusing him and Cole for what happened during their time in Venice since he explained to him that his mind was clouded by anger.
He apologised to Lena the first time they sparred when he was in Blackwatch though she forgave him(even though he knows he scared her too death)
He has no idea why Symmetra is jealous of him whenever he spends time with Zenyatta.
Whenever stress he meditates.
He worries for Cole since it seems like he hiding something even though he told him he regrets what they did during their time in Blackwatch he did try his best to make good memories even though his memories contain him being broody.
Regrets giving Overwatch the green light to take out the shimada clan only for the Hashimoto to swoop in.
Hanzo Shimada
He wondered if things would have been differently if he didn't kill Genji and would have told him to leave.
Knows Kiriko hates him for leaving but he lost so much but knows she has every right to be mad him for leaving.
Can't bare to make eye contact with Genji but he's slowly trying.
Has a major sweet tooth for strawberry pastries.
Still thinks he doesn't deserve Genji's forgiveness for what he's done to him.
When he says he was better with a sword he really means it.
Gets PTSD and night terrors for slaughtering Genji to the point he refuses to sleep.
Was surprised when Angela and Cole were the first people to be friends as he allowed himself to vulnerable around them.
Adopted Illari/became her mentor since he see's himself in her, he also heard her call him dad but choose to ignore it.(it made him smiled though)
Always helps Brigitte with her poetry and is happy she's slowly improving on it.
Enjoys ice carving with Mei since he finds a calmness being with her.
Really hopes that his father is proud of him but also forgives him for what he's done.
Has anxiety when mentioned about his past.
Thought about joining Talon but decided against it.
Joined Overwatch for Genji's sake since he's is his only family.
Salmon sashimi is his favourite food with tuna being seconded.
Prefers Oolong tea.
Has a huge crush on Cole but doesn't even know what to say too him.
Tried to write a few love letters too Cole but chickened out last minute throwing them away.
Is slowly healing at his own pace but he's getting there.
Sym and Lifeweaver are his gossip friends but he mainly listen to the gossip.
His favourite animals are horses and sparrows.
Feels a bit out of place now that he finally having a "normal" life for once.
Might try to defeat the Hashimoto clan on his own without Kiriko or Genji help, since he knows it's his responsibility and duty.
He finds Baptiste attractive.
Has OCD on being perfect.
Feel like he and Cole carry the same burden though different.
Solider 76/Jack Morrsion
Knows the wound on his side isn't healing correctly but chooses to ignore it.
Wishes he saw all the signs on what was happening to Gabriel.
The reason he is still going after Gabriel is because he wants to help him.
Used too have crush on Gabe.
He misses Vincent everyday.
Is terrified of Cole since he might turn out like Gabe even though he knows that he and Ana trained him as well.
Hate's Sojourn for turning her back on Overwatch since he thought they were friends.
Even though Ana is with him he wishes she never tagged along to begin with.
Is slowly going blind but can still somewhat see.
Thought Gabriel died in the explosion since he was lifeless when he saw him so he mourned him thinking he was dead.
Wishes he never even became strike commander.
Has night terror about the explosion and abandoning Reyes like a coward.
He could have save Gabriel but didn't even know he was alive till he saw him.
See's Lena and Angela as his own kids(Cole used to be but all he see's is the shadow of Gabriel Reyes)
Wonders when Gabriel will kill him since he knows he really deserves it.
Knows he responsible for how everything turned out but refuses to take part of the blame so he blames it on either Genji or Cole for not doing the bare minimum.
Knows he tried he hardest to make Overwatch work but he was under consent stress and couldn't keep up with all of the work that was happening.
Won't stop fallowing Gabe even if it kills him he wants to make everything up too him for what he's done.
Wishes she knew more about her successor Aurora
Saw Mina and Cole as parental figures since she was more close to them.
Is always willing to learn more and adapt to her surroundings to improve on herself.
She's Bastion personal translator too Sojourn since she's quiet surprised that she's the only person who seems not to understand Bastion.
Is thankful that Cole saved her and woke her up from her quarantine even though like she states it really didn't feel that long.
Her only regret is that she didn't say goodbye to Mina.
If she could eat and smell her favourite food would be pie mainly apple pie.
Feels like she doesn't belong anywhere.
Is helping Bastion build a nest for Ganymede.
There are times were she wished she could have saved Mina.
Really wants to make Mina proud like Aurora did.
Knows that she'll never be like Aurora but knows she do everything she can to help.
Has wondered if Aurora is proud of her since she considers Aurora as a sister even though they never met each other, but she likes to think that she is.
Tends to wonder what would happened if Cole ever saved her and she ended up with the Deadlock gang.
Mei-Ling Zhou’s
Really misses her friends a lot and wished that none of this would have happened to them.
She fully understands what Illari is going to through and sympathies with her.
Love's Snowball company since Snowball is the closest thing she has to her friends.
Wanted to be Hanzo friend since he only had 2 friends and also the fact that he was pretty awkward being around other people so she made the effort.
The people she considers to be her friend are Hanzo and mostly everyone she hangs out with.
She knows that Cole understands the weather forecast but doesn't trust the news reporters since they're not very certain on how the weather is going to be.
Finds Junkrat a bit annoying though at the same time very entertaining at best.
She is very sensitive.
She loved playing D&D with Lena and had the most fun playing it and is asking Hanzo to come and join for the next session telling him he could watch.
Is an animal lover and loves penguins since she finds them interesting and cute.
Taught Roadhog how to make dumplings and was impressed by how much of a quick learner he was.
Love's boba milktea is her favourite type of boba but melon is second best.
She speaks Cantonese and Mandarian.
Always apologises even though it can never be her fault she just can't help herself.
She mainly snow though she likes rain too due to how calming it is and relaxing since there nothing great than listening to a storm at home and reading a book.
Is learning how too carve ice with Hanzo she thinks she isn't doing it right.
Junkrat/Jamison Fawkes
He's very glad he met Roadie cause without he wouldn't be doing all the things they both enjoyed.
Is scared of Junker queen but has total respect for her.
Is really trying to make some friends but doesn't understand why they don't want to be friends with him.
Wants Ana too be his mother but was a bit heartbroken when she rejected him.
Is he and Roadhog in a relationship? he doesn't even know himself he just enjoys his company.
The only people he considers to be his friends are Cole and Lifeweaver.
He made Roadie his pig pen for him since where is the fun in that when you can have two traps at once.
The first time he made pig pen it was a bit too much like his own trap so he asked Roadhog for some advice even though he wanted them to be matching.
He always takes advice from Cole how too stop a train even though he doesn't even know how too stop it so he takes notes down...maybe.
Had a feeling that Jack would eat his own toenails since he looks like someone who would.
Always wanted to be a news anchor/weather reporter.
Finds that he and Ashe share the same love for bombs but his bombs are way better than hers and thinks she needs to step up her game.
His favourite animal...spotted dogs the ones that laugh(basically Hyenas)
Is an arsonist but doesn't know the meaning of it, thinks its a compliment.
Is lucio #1 fan.
He'll forever have roadhogs back and knows that Roadie will have his back too.
Pharah/Fareeha Amari
Has mommy issues but is slowly working on them.
She misses her mom but also resents her for being alive since she mourned her.
She never liked her last name being English so she changed it to her mothers since it sounded more cooler than Fareeha English.
Is very close too Cole and see's him as an older brother as she still considers him family.
She and Cole wrote to each other keeping a few updates on one another.
Has a huge yet very obvious crush on Angela but has a feeling that Genji also likes her.
Basketball is her domain she'll wipe you with the floor.
Saw Cole trip on a basketball once and laughed at him.
Thinks her mom is in love Rein with Rein feeling the same way towards her mother.
She going to Sojourn for dog tips advice since she is going to adopt a Rottweiler and maybe a Doberman as well.
If she ever gets a rottweiler she's gonna name them either Rosco or Hades.
Wishes her mom would just come back to her and put her first than any other mission.
Is quiet impressed that Kiriko can keep up with her in a game of basketball.
She talks to her father once in awhile but isn't as close as him.
To her Jack and Gabe were her parental father figures though now she barely knows them.
She is still close with her mom but is still heart heavy being near her though she happy she is alive she just won't tell her that.
Hates it whenever Cole or Lena tease her about her crush on Angela, even till now she hates it.
Always ask Sojourn about Murphy and gives Hanzo some which type of dogs will suit him,Though she'll be honest she thought that Hanzo was more of a cat person than anything.
Hints to Cole about how much Baptiste really likes him.
Has asked Cole if he liked anyone but all she got was a "It ain't none of yer business"
She is really trying to hook up Baptiste and Cole together not even realising that Cole likes Hanzo and Bap is in a relationship with Lifeweaver but to her two hands are two hands.
She remembers the first time she came out she came out to Lena too which Lena told her she already knew that she was gay.
Knows that Cole seems very stressed but whenever she asked he would just avoid the topic thinking it has to do with Jack.
She will forever take care of Angela but does drop a ton of hints that she really likes her but isn't so sure that Angela likes are back.
Hate's playing video games with D.va since whenever she plays D.va tends to annoy her too the point they have a shouting match in which Cole has to separate them.
She won't admit it but she knows that she has a ton of trauma too unpack.
Knows that her mother is trying but she's slowly getting tired of waiting and knows it's not her fault.
When she found out what happened to her mother eye she was beyond pissed and was stopped by her mom and Cole to cool her down before she did anything stupid.
Will always let Angela win in bowling though Cole calls her a simp which she hates.
Really wants to know who taught Cole how too shoot like that, the only people she has in mind are Jack and Gabe.
When she was younger she thought that Cole had a crush on Angela and it made her very jealous of him but found out he wasn't into her because he saw her as a sister.
Honestly thought Cole and Genji were dating found out they were not.
Cole Cassidy
Will lie about his past or just tell people hint about it but he'll never tell the whole truth about it.
Knows that Sombra wants more information about him but always shuts it down killing the mood for her since it's none of her business.
Despise Jack knowing that the old fool can't admit when he's wrong.
Regrets his last words too Gabe when the Swiss HQ exploded in front of him since he never got the chance to apologise to him.
Will sometimes spend the Holiday with Martina and her son since he considers them as family to him and will be grateful when first met them.
Called Ana mom once and is still embarrassed about it too this day,though it seems that Ana can never let him forget about it.
Took him awhile to realise that he had 2 adoptive mom's which were Ana and Martina.
Knows he sucks at all kinds of sports but will never tell Fareeha who taught him how to shoot.
Hate's yelling at people but it get others attention and work done.
The people he considers as siblings are Genji,Angela,Fareeha,Lena and Sombra(Ashe included).
Knows that Baptiste,Lifeweaver and Hanzo have a crush on him,though he has more of a crush on Hanzo than anything.
Found out who Reaper is and is dreading the day they'll have to confront each other once again.
Used to see Gabriel and Jack as father figures but not anymore.
He is still waiting for his robo horse.
He was bit unsure about Hanzo showing up too Overwatch but when he saw him he couldn't help but feel sympathy towards him when all he saw was how broken Hanzo was.
Flirts with Hanzo since he enjoys seeing him getting all flustered.
He didn't mean for Bap to feel bad after he ate his pork griot not realising it was pork of all things and felt even more worse when he had to spit it out in Bap hand of all things.
See's Kiriko is trying to set him and Hanzo up by planning dates for them but is failing miserably.
Thinks that Widowmaker is a great sniper but knows she lacks the combat skills.
Was a bit surprised when Doomfist asked him to join Talon which was very suspicious.
The tapir will forever be his favourite animal since he finds them cute and adorable also they remind him of pigs.
He hates the taste of pork after working in basically a slaughter house mainly pork factory it made him feel a bit nausea, since it made him lose his appetite and also he couldn't put them down.
Will never allow himself to be vulnerable ever again after losing Mina due to how close he was to her as a friend and as a close family member as well.
Has no clue how his deadeye work he is still trying to figure that out himself.
The only people he's close too are Lena,Fareeha,Angela and Genji.
Is stressed out but knows how to hide it well.
Keeps a hided stash of cigar everywhere but knows how much Angie hates it though he can't help himself it became his coping mechanism.
Wishes things would have been different but life kept flipping the coin.
He misses his folks but knows their long gone.
Has cried himself too sleep a few times and wakes up pretending that none of that happened and carries on with the day.
When Angela asks him if he's okay he always tells her that he's fine even though he's really not.
Is depressed but hides it to support his friends hiding his true feelings which he knows is wrong.
Sometimes wondered what would have happened if Gabriel never caught him or he picked the prison instead of Overwatch.
Finds Jack pretty stupid going after Gabriel like that knowing he's either going to be end up dead or worse.
Honestly was a bit hurt when he found out Ana was alive but none the less he was thankful she was still alive.
Wished that Sombra would stop looking at his internet search history, cause how else was he suppose to remove the cactus spines out.
Knows he has the same stride like Reyes and doesn't like to be reminded it of it since he was close too him after all.
Had to built thick skin when he was surviving on his own.
The first time he killed someone was out of self-defense and that's when he knew he was all alone.
Is honestly happy that he retrieved Echo back.
He knows that Echo has some doubt is she wonders if Mina was proud of her and he's sure that Mina is very proud of Echo.
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writtenicarus · 1 year
AFTG Headcanon Series [4] Kevin
part 1, part 2, part 3 part 4, part 5
Okay first of all let's start off by saying this man is so much more then vodka and goddamn exy, seriously
The fandom and the foxes never take his trauma and issues seriously and it hurts me to the core so much
A year after he told Wymack he was his father he started getting him Father's Day cards, he was extremely embarrassed at first and ran away but Wymack found him after and hugged him
Eventually sees Bee about his drinking problems, he tries very hard to work on it but it's still quite tough and he relapses several times
Trials to call Jeremy and Jean once every two weeks to check in on them, see how they're doing, he's trying to build friendships
Still gets upset on both Riko's birthday and the anniversary of his death but, again, it's another thing he's working on
Is able to set boundaries with Andrew, he doesn't trust him as much as he used to after what happened on the bus trying to figure out where Neil was but he's at peace with it, he doesn't feel bad. Andrew fucked up, he's allowed to distance himself
Finds new friends that take the same classes as him
Starts truly coming out of the shell he was forced into throughout his teenage years and is able to discover who he is as a person
Gets really close with Neil by the end of Neil's second year at Palmetto and he values Neil's opinions on everything
Doodler!!! This man will absently draw on anything without noticing including the people around him
Doesn't like hugs from just anyone but if he does trust you will hug you for hours
Is not really the type to get sick but when he does he takes absolutely no time off to feel better, he just pushes himself until he breaks and moves on
Silently judges people whenever he leaves the house
Idk why but I could see him being really really interested in marine biology
Writes a book at some point in his life - whether it's about exy or whatever he does eventually and it does really well
Can tie his shoelaces at an alarming pace because he used to being forced onto the court as soon as possible, but also because he can't wait
I'd like to say he eventually Coaches his own team, but I don't think he would, I think he would play until he couldn't no longer and opt for a quieter life (perhaps pursuing marine biology)
Misses his mom oh so very much
Hates any form of hot drink unless it's extremely black coffee or tea with ONE sugar
Is trying to get out of the funk he's in when it comes to food, he is trying to learn that not all foods are bad and will kill him just because they're not fruit or vegetables
Afraid of dying and drowning (why he works so hard on being a strong swimmer)
Can't sleep fully in the dark, he got used to it early on but after being at Palmetto and getting used to the life around him, if he ever was put in a dark room it triggers a lot of flashbacks for him
Always helps Abby with dinner when the foxes go to her house, she will never be Kayleigh but he eventually sees her as a motherly figure
Overall, I think his recovery and development as a person starts with him realising he doesn't have to box himself up anymore
Part of why he cared so much for Exy was because it was all he had
Now he has so much more
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alexxncl · 1 year
how the obey me characters like their coffee
brothers, dateables + luke, and side characters
resurgence of my coffee obsession has me thinking thoughts
and i'm right bc they all told me this themselves
masterlist | more drabbles/hcs
Tumblr media
i feel like he likes his shit sickeningly sweet...like you can barely taste the coffee
so much creamer it almost looks like milk, so much sugar that your teeth will fall out just by looking at it
it used to help him stay awake, but he's immune to it now. he just drinks it to drink it
he doesn't care for iced coffee that much. he had a sip of mammon's and almost gagged
the blackest coffee you've ever seen, extra espresso shots, whether it's hot or iced
y'all know how pedro pascal and jaemin from nct like their coffee? yeah...nasty
if he hasn't had his coffee, don't talk to him
unless you're mc or luke. then you have a pass
he drinks it before he leaves the house, while he's walking to RAD, while he's in class, while he's at lunch, while he's in detention, while he's-
you get the picture
but he won't admit that he's addicted
he likes chai tea 🫶🏽
coffee never sat well with him, it made him more anxious than he already is
he likes the taste but he can live without it
he drank a bunch of it once while pulling an all-nighter with mammon before an exam...never again
luci and mams keep a very close eye on his caffeine intake
no cream or milk, but a shit ton of sugar
"bitter like my soul" headass
he doesn't drink it often, but he's particular when he does
doesn't like hot coffee because he can't drink it right away
either makes it himself or asks asmo to do it when he's too tired
more milk than sugar with a pretty design on top
an oat milk girlie
strongly prefers hot coffee but will drink either
he just has a knack for creative stuff, y'know?
i feel like he worked as a batista for a while and does little pop up shops for his fans :(
he doesn't drink coffee like that. it doesnt do anything for him
but he likes sweet things, so he asks belphie to put flavored creamer or sweetened almond milk and a lot of sugar in it whenever he does drink some
he started drinking it to get closer to luci and mams, but he never made a habit out of it like the two of them
asked asmo if he could learn how to make it so that mammon wouldn't run out during the day and is actually really good at it
do NOT give him coffee
he hates it
it's nasty and it makes him jittery
he'll make it, and he's almost as good as asmo, but he won't drink it. absolutely not
never really got the hype until he had some of lucifer's
only drinks his coffee that way now
he still prefers tea, but a little caffeine every now and then won't hurt
he tried black coffee and hated it. you know he loves his sweets
drinks it on occasion but will lie if you ask him about it
he's THE tea demon, yk? can't let the title be for nothing
if he makes some for diavolo, he'll drink it however dia likes it
if he's just making it for himself, he likes it with a little sugar and no creamer
spiked (sometimes, when he's not writing) and black
mainly because he doesn't want luke to drink any and thinks this is the best course of action
also because it keeps him awake
(he's like lucifer, coffee doesn't do anything for him anymore. it's a habit atp)
spiked and sweet
he's too old and too tired
but it's only ever spiked with top shelf, aged, hard shit bc he's extra
tried it black and spiked and hated it
please don't give the baby coffee
11 year olds don't need coffee
he kept asking to try it, so mammon gave him some of his (much to simeon's disdain) and he quite literally almost died
he'll never touch it again bc why is it so BITTER
he won't admit to it but he cried
mammon has proof - videos and pictures
tried it once and threw it away
likes his black like mammon, but way less espresso
only likes iced americanos
also likes them extremely watered down ??? idk man he's weird
another tea drinker but he likes his caffeinated
can't stand the taste of coffee, he doesn't know how simeon drinks it so often
tried some of simeon's - before he started spiking it, mind you - and threw it away bc he thought it was disgusting
simeon did not in fact cry (yes he did)
it depends on the day, but she's a mocha girlie 99% of the time
when just wants coffee or she's having a really bad day, she gets her usual
if it's a really good day, she gets something different
iced or hot, she doesn't care
a very specific order and only gets hers from a very specific mom and pop shop in a run-down area of the otherworld
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