#if you couldn't tell from the 4 months difference lmao
skyxsy · 1 year
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Haven't drawn properly for a while and it has been almost 4 months lmao
Here is thinking Ame comparison
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 2 months
It's Hard to Believe | Jungkook One Shot
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Summary: Getting pregnant with your best friend's baby definetly wasn't a part of the plan... Pairing: f!Reader x Jungkook (fwb, f2l) Word Count: 2.7k Warnings: A tiny bit of explicit and suggestive language but nothing crazy a/n: This is something I started writing at like midnight and it's kinda shit but I thought I might as well post it since I haven't posted in a while (Like five days short of a month wtf?!?!? How has it been that long?!?!) (I just barely checked rn lmao my bad 🥲) p.s. I kinda wanna do a full on series on a concept like this but it'll be different and less fluffy but that won't be happening for a long ass time but yeah lol Requested by a lovely anon 💜
"How am I supposed to tell him?" I ask my friend Sam for the millionth time since I found out. "Y/n just tell him. You guys have been friends for how long?" she asks and it's like I'm having deja vu from both of our responses. "Like ten years" I mumble and pull my sweatshirt sleeves down over my hands in an effort to stop my nervous fiddling but it only makes it worse. 
"Right and you guys have been messing around with each other for over a year now, maybe even more...I don't wanna know" she says while holding her hand up in a way to assure me that she doesn't need the details. "Just tell him. If he's as great of a guy as you keep on telling me he is then I promise everything will be okay" she says and places a hand on my shoulder before she gets up off my couch. 
"Where are you going?" I ask while she shrugs on her jacket. "Didn't you say he's supposed to be here around five?" she asks and I nod my head, checking the clock and seeing that it's already 4:30. 
"Yeah...are you sure you don't wanna stay and say hi?" I ask and she glares at me. "Let me know what his response is to that bun in the oven and then we'll talk. I wanna figure out if he's an asshole or not before I decide to waste anytime on him" she says while lacing up her shoes. 
"Promise me you'll tell him tonight?" she asks and lifts up her hood, getting ready to shield herself from the pouring rain outside. I nod my head reluctantly, that being way more progress than I've made for the past few weeks since I found out. "I promise" I utter under my breath and she smiles, pulling me in for a bone crushing hug. 
"Text me if you need me" she says, worried for what might happen but hoping for the best. "I will...thanks" I whisper and she nods her head before walking out of my door and turning slightly and waving to offer me one last farewell.
I close the door after I see her get into her car and lean my back up against it, steadying myself for a second and taking deep breaths, trying to stop my racing heartbeat before pushing off of it and tidying up before Jungkook gets here to distract myself. 
Sam has been the only one I've been able to count on and honestly the only person I can trust since I haven't told anyone else. She was the one I called when I missed my period and she's the one who brought me a pregnancy test...and then when out and bought me ten more because I couldn't actually grasp the concept that I was pregnant...am pregnant.
Jungkook and I have always been careful and taken all the necessary steps to keep this from happening but I guess we got careless this time. 
Through out this whole arrangement we've made it very clear to each other that we're not sleeping with anyone else but neither of us are looking for any sort of commitment either so that's why this has gone on for so long. 
Like it or not though we're going to be committed to each other in one way or another no matter what because I'm keeping this baby. No matter what he says I'm keeping them. 
Jungkook is my best friend, the one person who has been there for me through everything. He's seen me at all of my highest highs and especially at my lowest lows and no matter what he's never made me feel shitty about it. I know he's not the kind of guy that'll turn on you because of something like this but I can't help but still feel terrified. 
This wasn't supposed to happen but even if this child wasn't made with love from his side...it was made with love from mine. 
I don't know how long it's been since I fell in love with him but I know I shouldn't have said yes to this whole fuck buddy ordeal. I just couldn't stand the thought of him being with someone else so when he offered up the idea I said yes.
I figured that if this was a way to prevent him from getting his heart broken by all those sorry excuses of girlfriends he's had in the past then I guess I'll be okay with breaking mine.
He's been acting different lately though. He's been a lot touchier, asking to come over more often, going out of his way to help me with things, offering to feed me all the time and all of it is making me feel like he already knows. 
Does he know? Have I started showing already? I haven't really noticed a difference in my body yet but he looks at me naked a lot more often than I pay attention to myself naked so I mean I guess he could've noticed right? 
Only one way to find out though...
A half an hour later I hear him take out his keys and unlock my door and soon I'm greeted with a smile that tugs at my heartstrings. 
"Hi baby" he says, using that pet name he's become very fond of since this whole ordeal started. The sound of it after finding out I'm pregnant with his baby has made me a little uncomfortable though since I haven't told him yet. 
Don't get me wrong I love it when he calls me that but I can't help but think that if this goes south that he won't ever call me that again. 
Maybe the hormones have started to scramble my brain already because those uncomfortable feelings are quickly thrown away when I take in the sight of him after he shrugs off his rain coat. A simple black baggy hoodie and jeans engulf his form and the comfy sight just makes me want to curl up in bed with him and forget about everything and everyone.
Just him and I, it's always been him and I. I just don't know if this little one is going to change things. 
I place a hand on my stomach for a second as a way to gain some strength from my itty bitty baby before finally working up the courage to greet him.
"Hi" I greet him softly, walking over to where he's stopped to take off his shoes and when he looks back up at me he smiles again and kisses me. I sigh into it, savoring it for just a little bit longer and when it finally breaks he looks down at me with concern now written all over his face. 
"Are you okay?" he asks, sensing that something's off right away from the just the small change in the way I kissed him. I hesitate for a second then simply hold out my hand for him to take and he does, following behind me as I lead him over to my couch. 
Getting this over with sooner rather than later is my best option right now so there's no reason to delay. 
He needs to know, he deserves to know.
We sit there in silence, longer than he would like us to since I can tell how tense his body has gotten in a matter of minutes. "Y/n you're scaring me" he whispers, not wanting to pressure me but relaying his feelings. 
I take a couple more deep breaths before finally starting. "I need you to listen to me and I need you to please not speak until I'm finished" I say while looking down at my lap, not being able to meet his eyes. 
He murmurs a soft 'okay' and waits for me to continue, taking one of my hands and placing it in his lap. He needs some form of physical contact to keep him grounded since he's not too sure what to expect and I let him, knowing I need some reassurance too. 
Even if I don't know what his reaction is gonna be, in this moment I need it more than ever.
"I guess there's really no right way to go about saying this because this wasn't supposed to happen so I'm just gonna come out and say it..." I start off and he squeezes my hand, encouraging me to keep going. 
"I missed my period...over a month ago...and I haven't had it since then" I say and finally look up at him where he has an unsure expression. It's not one that's mad or disappointed with what I've said thus far which is a good thing but more like he's trying hard to hold himself back so he can keep that promise. 
His hold on my hand hasn't loosened, in fact it's gotten even tighter and that gives me hope that we'll work this out so I take another deep breath before continuing. 
"I tried to kid myself into thinking that it was late but when another week passed by I got nervous. I asked Sam to get me a test and it came out positive. I didn't believe it and thought it was a false positive and so to ease my mind she went a bought ten more from a bunch of different brands and...all of them came out positive" I say and he still looks at me with that same expression, waiting for me to give him the okay to speak and so I do. 
"How long have you known?" are the first words out of his mouth and although they're not negative they aren't necessarily positive either. "About a month now" I say and he nods his head, taking another second or two to formulate what he's gonna say next. 
"I'll support you no matter what you decide" he says and I let out a breath I didn't even know I had been holding in. "I wanna keep it" I say and he nods his head and smiles softly at first and then as the seconds go by it gets wider and wider making my heart beat faster. 
"Am I allowed to get excited now?" he whispers and I can't help but chuckle as tears start to prickle my eyes and give him a nod. "You're excited?" I say, my whole being slowly overcome with emotion. 
"How could I not be?" he scoffs playfully but that answer has me confused. "But Jungkook we're not together. I mean we're not in a relationship, we're just friends" I explain and there's a playful glint in his eyes after I say that that's making me even more nervous.
"You wanna know what I thought you were gonna tell me?" he offers up, slightly changing topics but I look at him in a way to urge him to continue. "I thought you were gonna break up with me" he says and I smile, "Jungkook we're not together. How could I break up with you?" I chuckle in disbelief. 
"Correction, I thought you were gonna break up with me before I even got the chance to ask you to be my girlfriend" he says with a grin and my jaw drops, the dots all connecting as to why he's been acting so different lately. "You were gonna ask me to be your girlfriend?" I utter quietly as if we were in a crowed room and I had a secret for just the two of us.
"I had actually planned on asking you tonight" he explains, walking over to where he had placed his backpack on the floor, taking out a bouquet of slightly squished flowers. "Sorry they're all beat up. I forgot and rode my bike over here so I didn't really have any other option but to put them in there" he says almost as if he was nervous, rubbing the back of his neck and it's then that I notice how pink his ears have gotten. 
He is nervous
I take them from him and smile, waiting for him to say it but he simply stands there and admires me and I can't help but laugh. "What so funny? I told you what happened to them" he utters through pouty lips which only makes me laugh more. "No, no it's not the flowers it's just that...don't you have something to say?" I ask, calming down my chuckles and when he looks at me with the same confused expression I have to try my hardest to keep the laughter at bay. 
"Do you have something you would like to ask me Jungkook" I rephrase it and after a second his lips go from a pout to the shape of an 'O' as he's figured it out. "Oh um, yeah, right. Well I um" he starts off, rubbing the back of his neck again while stuttering and trying to find the words and after struggling for a second I decide to poke fun at him again. 
"Jungkook I am literally carrying your child and you're too afraid to ask me to be your girlfriend?" I laugh, giving him a slight reality check which he scoffs at before responding. 
"I was trying to remember what I had rehearsed to say to you but now that you're being a little brat I guess you'll never get to know all the nice things I was gonna say" he retorts, his voice suddenly taking on a darker tone that sends a shiver through my body and he smirks when he sees my reaction to it. 
He cups my face and rubs his thumb along my bottom lip, making them part and he leans in as if he was going to kiss me but stops just shy of my lips. "Will you be my girlfriend?" he whispers, nudging his nose against mine and making me smile. 
"I'll have to think about that" I play coy with him which he chuckles at. "You know if you weren't pregnant right now I would have thrown you over my lap for that smart mouth" he warns and I smile before leaning in and kissing him for just a second before pulling back. 
"Yes I'll be your girlfriend" I say and nudge my nose against his as well and before I can register it my back is on the couch and his lips are pressed against mine, the kiss not rushed but full of so many words that have yet to be said and he gives in, not being able to hold it in anymore.
"I love you" he says, pulling back and looking down at me to see my expression which is completely dumbfounded to say the least. "You what?" I ask and he chuckles, "Is it really that hard to believe?" he points out and I guess now that I think about it it really isn't.
"I guess we've both been in love with each other for a while now huh?" I smile and his eyes light up at my round about confession. "Say it" he says, and I can feel my cheeks heating up. I hadn't planned on actually saying those three words to him even though I've felt them for so long but I don't want to hold them back anymore. 
"I love you" I whisper and he smiles, "Say it again" he repeats, clearly not believing it just yet. "I love you Jungkook" I say and the little switch up with attaching his name to the end darkens his gaze. "I guess there's no chance in me getting you pregnant a second time right now huh?" he asks, sliding his hand up my thigh and I giggle. 
"No I think that's pretty much impossible but the odds are never zero" I say and he rolls his eyes. "I'm trying to tell you that I wanna hit it raw" he states the obvious while rolling his eyes. "I know I know...and the answer is yes Daddy" I tease, testing to see how that word affects him now that he knows.
He tongues his cheek at that making me bite my lip, knowing that's gonna be even more of a trigger word for him from now on. "Daddy huh? Well I guess that title is a little more fitting now isn't it?" 
Taglist: @jkslipppiercing @trina864 @kaitieskidmore97 @goddesofimortality @coolbluedude @coralmusicblaze @whoa-jo @00frenchfries00 @pastelpinkjoon @joonwater (Rest of the tags will be done in the reblogs 💜)
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captainfern · 1 year
me, patiently waiting for any marigold updates because i can’t get enough of dbf!price: :3c
(in all seriousness tho i love your work so much you have converted me into a price slut and i am eternally grateful)
(live laugh love barry sloane)
Marigold pt. 4
dbf!Captain John Price x fem!reader
[“Marigold” by Nirvana]
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• summary - price is deployed for over four months. photos and phone calls aren’t enough. when he gets home, you fuck lol. • rating - 18+ • wordcount - 6.5k • warnings - fem!reader, dad’sbestfriend!price, established relationship?, age gap [whatever you want it to be as long as it's legal lmao], exchange of explicit photographs, phone sex, mutual masturbation through the phoneeeee, unprotected piv, oral [f!receiving], fingering, praise, light degradation, a sprinkle of dacryphilia, breeding kink [yk fern be serious when it's in bold], creampies, strong language, fluffy at the end, porn with a bit of plot i guess, um... i think that's it omfg i need to take a breath after typing this
the longer dbf!price fic i told you all i'd write
*rings little bell* dinner is served whores
Deployment was never easy for Price. Even when he didn't have anyone waiting at home for him, leaving the safety of what was familiar to him was stressful enough. He never showed it, though. He had a taskforce to captain. He couldn't afford to get homesick during missions of life and death.
But now...
Now, things were different.
He had you waiting for him. Sure, you weren't waiting for him in the sanctuary of his home— like he wanted you too— but you were still waiting for him.
So this deployment was especially hard for Price. The night before he left, he popped around to your house to say goodbye to your dad. They talked for a while as you listened in from the top of the stairs. When it was time for Price to leave, he stood at the bottom with his arm resting along the bannister, looking up at you.
"Say bye to Price, honey." Your dad said.
"Bye, Price. Stay safe." You said politely, your dad smiling gently at you.
Price's jaw ticked before he nodded in return. "Thanks."
He wanted nothing more for you to bound down the stairs and launch yourself into his arms. He wanted to hold you tight to him as you whispered in his ear. He wanted to litter your face in kisses and run his hands along your back and arse. He wanted to mutter into your ear, telling you he'll be back to you in no time. Back to you.
Instead, he turned on his heel, your dad offering him a hearty slap on the back as he walked Price onto the front porch. You watched them go, your heart in your throat. Your eyes stung with tears, chest beginning to heave. So, before the emotions could bubble to the surface, you retreated into your bedroom in search of sleep.
You didn't see Price look over his shoulder in search of you.
Price texted you when he could. Which, to your dismay, was not a lot.
A couple times every week, maybe, if service was good. Most of the time, it was a short burst of conversation. A couple of exchanged words before he was back into the thick of his mission. Even more common, he'd text you a huge paragraph before he went dark for several days, leaving you to reread the heart-warming message over and over again with tears in your vision.
A month passed like this.
During this time, the mission was critical for Price, so you understood why his attention was elsewhere. But, after about six days of anxiously waiting for a text, you got one.
————Hey, sweetheart. How've you been? alright. work sucks as usual. how are you?———— ————Not bad. I miss you. i miss you too. oh my god don't make me cry————
You managed to talk a bit more, before he was gone. With a simple goodbye, and a couple of x's, no more messages came through. You found yourself rereading the conversation over and over again, your stomach knotted with anxiety.
You lay back in bed, snuggling beneath your blankets. It was late, and you had work in the morning, but you doubt you'd be getting much sleep. Your stomach was a swirl of nerves, and sadness continued to simmer in the back of your mind.
You grabbed hold of the neckline of the tee you were wearing, bringing it up to your face and inhaling deeply. It smelt like Price. Your favourite cologne of his, too— all rich and masculine, with a hint of cigar smoke. You whined into the shirt.
You missed him so much.
Another entire month passed.
Price was on edge, too.
The 141 boys had noticed it. Price was a bit shorter and snappier with them. He smoked an extra cigar each day, too, and would smoke it right to it's last dying embers.
He was still doing his job really well— as soon as they were out on the field, Price let nothing distract him. But, in the solace of a safe house, or other place away from the fighting and shooting, Price's emotions were altered. He found himself checking his phone, despite having absolutely no reception where they were. He spent hours before missions checking, and re-checking the equipment, muttering meticulously to himself.
Gaz tried to ask what had Price so worked up. Price dismissed him, stating it was nothing. Gaz wasn't convinced, but didn't want to get in Price's way. Soap poked fun at his captain, but that didn't last long after a scolding from both Price and Ghost. Ghost would give Price a look when the captain would check his phone for the umpteenth time that morning.
"Something on your mind, captain?" Ghost asked.
Price shook his head. "Nothing, mate."
He was a goddamn liar.
He pulled out his phone again, opening your messages. It had been two weeks since your last conversation. You had been the one to sign off. The time differences were not helpful.
————ok, talk to you later :) stay safe! miss you x
He felt his throat go tight.
He missed you so much.
Two more months ticked past.
Four months since he'd left.
It was absolute torture for both you and Price.
Luckily, Price and the 141 found themselves hunkering down in an area with reception. Price was ecstatic when he saw those bars appear in the top left corner of his phone screen. Throughout the entire day, he felt as though his phone was burning a hole through his pocket. He was itching to text you. To talk to you.
It was like a shadow, looming over him— the temptation of stepping aside and pulling out his phone so that he could text you.
He wanted to tell you that he was alright, and that he'd be home soon. He and the boys were safe. More importantly, he wanted to know if you were safe— how were you? How was everything at home? At work? What had you been up too? Where have you been recently?
By the time the 141 reached the next safe house for rest, it was late at night. Pitch-black, the taskforce dragged themselves into the house and separated almost immediately, chasing sleep while fending off exhaustion long enough to find a bed or couch. Price found himself across the house, tucked away in one of the rooms as he pulled his phone from his pocket while he kicked off his shoes and prepared to get into bed.
Immediately, his phone screen lit up with numerous text messages from you. He smiled wide, his heart soaring. With a trembling hand, he opened the messages, his heart beating excitedly against his ribcage. The thought of you made his heart race.
————captainnnnn i miss you so much ––––four months is too long i'm going insane ––––i miss you more than anything
Price chewed on his bottom lip, clearing his throat as sadness swelled there. He turned off his phone and blinked into the darkness for a moment, before switching it back on. There was a break in the messages by about an hour, Price noticed.
————fuck price i need you ————open this alone [image] x3
His smile dropped at the most recent text messages, sent just seconds ago. He blinked at the three photos, his mouth dropping open in shock. The shock was quickly replaced by need as his cock hardened in his trousers and he let out a low groan.
You fucking tease.
The first photo was a selfie of you from the waist up— you were wearing his t-shirt, which pooled around you. You were propped up in bed, face shiny with moisturiser, skin dewey with the aftereffects of being fresh out the shower. It was tame, but your nipples showing clearly through the cotton of the shirt made Price's eyebrows quirk in intrigue. A smirk settled on his face, and he spent a good five minutes just looking at your pretty features.
When he swiped to the next photo, he muttered a "fucking hell" out loud. A mirror selfie, with that floor-length mirror you had in your room. You were twisted half away from the camera, with your arse to the mirror and your upper torso towards the side. You wore a tiny fucking thong, the curve of your arse on full display, making Price release a shaky breath. You still wore his shirt, too, but hoisted it up with your free hand, exposing your abdomen and a small sliver of skin from your tits.
Price hands shook as he reluctantly swiped to the next one, his cock painfully hard in his cargos. He quickly unbuckled his belt with his freehand as the last photograph illuminated the screen.
"Christ." Price hissed, dipping his hand into his boxers and pulling his cock out.
You, wearing absolutely fucking nothing, standing in front of your mirror in such a way that Price groaned into the air, tossing his head back. You looked so good, so fucking good. Your bare legs, your hips and thighs, your tummy and waist, your tits. Fuck, you looked so pretty.
He gripped his cock firmly, hissing out a breath, eyes taking in every inch of your body. He quickly spat into his palm, before stroking himself, paying careful attention to the underside of his tip, just like you would.
He groaned lowly, careful not to disturb the rest of the task force across the house. Teeth biting into his bottom lip, he fucked his fist in the darkness, his phone screen illuminating his face in a soft white glow. Your photo on screen, he could imagine the hot suction of your mouth on his cock— the purposeful movements of your tongue along the one prominent vein running up the lefthand side; the cheeky skim of your teeth when you pressed your nose into his hair, tip of his cock at the back of your throat.
"Fuck, pretty girl—" He whispered, dark hooded eyes on his phone, his thumb flicking between each photo.
He could imagine more, too. The tight, wet grip of your cunt around his cock, taking more and more. He choked on a low moan at the thought. Your pretty cunt— always dripping for him, soaking your best underwear as you rode his thigh; the tight heat as you rode his cock, tip slamming into your cervix with soft wet sounds.
Price spat onto the head of his cock again, trying to imagine it was you doing it. The speed of his hand sent wet clicks through the room, paired with deep, hushed grunts and groans. Price had dropped his phone onto the bed next to him, propping it up on the pillow so he could still see your photos. But pleasure was quickly taking over his body, his free hand at his balls as he fucked his fist to the thought of you, you, you.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck." He whispered, movements desperate.
Swiftly, he grabbed the bottom of his t-shirt and lifted it up, biting it between his teeth to expose his abdomen. Groaning around the fabric, he came up his stomach, white splattering along the soft ridges of muscle. He whispered your name as he stroked himself through it; stroked himself until his hips twitched in overstimulation, and his cock softened in his hand, slick with his release.
He breathed hard, hand sticky.
Thinking in an exhausted post-nut haze, he grabbed his phone and snapped a couple pics of himself. Of his cum splattered up across his abdomen, through his happy trail; and of his cock in his hand, painted white.
He wanted to roll his eyes. He felt like a horny fucking teenager.
Price sent you the pair of photos before he made quick work of hurrying to the bathroom and cleaning himself up without waking anyone. When he returned to his room, his phone was illuminating again with more messages.
————holy fuck price oh my god ————fuck you're so hot i can't
Price couldn't help but smile as he settled into bed.
You started it, sweetheart.———— ————yeah. did you like them? I think the photos I just sent make it obvious.———— ————you wanked to my photos captain?
Price laughed. Of course he did. He had a whole collection on his phone, photos and videos, of you in varying states that he fucked his fist too each night he missed you.
Of course I did, pretty girl. Just look at you.———— ————price... You're so fucking beautiful.———— ————price don't make me horny. i have work 😭
Price smiled softly at your messages, his breathing calming. He felt an overwhelming sense of pride in the way you talked to him; how you texted him and called him; how you still called him Price after all this time. Your Captain Price.
Call me later if you can, sweetheart.———— ————i will. miss you so much I miss you too. Have a great day at work.———— ————i'll try. stay safe, old man x
A week went by. Just one more week until Price was home free. Four and a half months away was brutal.
His emotions were slowly becoming harder and harder to ignore. He found himself thinking of you constantly. He missed you so much it was making him worry— worry about you, about his boys, about the end of the mission. Fuck, his mind was going a hundred miles an hour, but his main thoughts were all about you.
The week didn't have as much contact with you as he would've liked. He found himself fucking his fist to the file of saved videos he had of you— wet cunt taking his fingers, his cock, your mouth whimpering his name, his rank.
Goddamn it, he felt like a teenager. Constantly horny for the pretty girl who sent him nudes. Wanking to said nudes almost every night. What had gotten into him?
He kept thinking about how there was one week until he was home. That kept him going. One week until he could hold you in his arms, hug you, kiss you, absorb your presence. One week until he could shove his cock, his tongue, his fingers into your tight cunt.
He screwed his eyes shut. What the fuck, Price.
It's like you knew he was thinking about you.
Price jolted when his phone vibrated on the table beside his bed. He leaned over and grabbed it, leaning against the headboard and smiling as he saw your name flash on screen. He answered, trying to keep his excitement to hear your voice at bay.
"Hey, pretty girl." He drawled, and he heard you whine softly through the phone, making his smile stretch tenfold.
"Hi, Price," you whispered, and the sound of your voice alone had Price's stomach erupting in butterflies. You sounded tired, as though you'd just woken up.
"Did you wake up to call me?" Price asked.
"Mm... maybe," you replied. "But it's okay. I wanted to call you."
Price chuckled. "Okay, sweetheart. How've you been?"
"Good... mostly..." You said, words stretching out.
"Mhm. I miss you."
"I miss you too." Price whispered his reply, throat growing tight. He cleared his throat to try and dislodge the tight, burning sensation.
"Mm... tell me about your day." You said.
Price did. He talked about the mission, and the things that had been happening these past few months. He explained how this week was closing everything up before he'd be home.
Then, silence followed. Price listened to your breathing, wondering what was going on inside that pretty head of yours. He was about to ask, too, when he heard you release a high-pitched whine. This was followed by the rustling of sheets, and a shaky inhale of breath from you.
"You alright?" Price asked, and your response was a low moan.
Price's cheeks flared red as he listened to the soft sounds filtering through the phone. Then, he pressed his tongue to his bottom lip, smiling as he listened to you.
"You touching yourself, pretty girl?"
"Fuck—" You whispered. "Y-yeah. Miss you so m-much and you sound so g-good."
Price chuckled lowly, at the right baritone that made you whimper. Price continued to smile to himself as he dipped his free hand into his boxers and pulled his hardening cock out, giving it a couple of strokes before he began speaking to you.
"Tell me what you're doing," he whispered as his cock hardened more, your noises music to his ears. "Be a good girl and tell me how you're touching yourself."
You moaned. "Ah... 'm using my fingers."
"Y-yeah... two."
Price spat into his hand and gripped his cock, spreading it along his length.
"Imagining they're yours," you breathed. "But... fuck— they're not big enough, Price— fuck— s'not you."
You were almost sobbing now, and Price could hear how wet you were. Loud, slick sounds. Hell, it felt like Price was there.
He listened to the way you fucked your fingers into your cunt, the way you sobbed out for him, breathing erratically.
"You sound so fucking wet, sweetheart," Price muttered, fucking his fist. "Such a perfect cunt. Come on, add another finger."
Price heard you sob out a moan as you added another finger into your aching core. Price imagined your body trembling against your bed, hips shunting forward to try and notch your fingers deeper. But they wouldn't go deeper. They weren't Price's.
"Captain—" You moaned sweetly, and that made Price's cock jerk violently in his hand. He cursed as you fought to spit out a sentence through a moan. "Feels so good."
"Yeah? I bet it does, sweetheart. Good girl, keep fucking that pretty wet cunt with your fingers. That’s a good girl." Price whispered deeply, listening to your sounds.
He was breathing hard, too. Grunting and groaning into the phone, making your cunt clench around your fingers. You released whimpers and whines in response as you tried desperately to chase your release using your fingers, imagining they were your captains.
Ultimately though, it was his words that were sending you closer to release.
"That's it, that's it, such a good girl," Price said. "Fuck that pretty cunt. When— ah, fuck— when I get home, I'm gonna stuff you full, sweetheart. Stuff that pretty cunt with my cock. You want that? You want me to fill you up? O'course you fucking do, my perfect girl."
You bit your lip, moaning. "Price, m'gonna—"
"Cum for me. Cum 'round your fingers like a good girl."
Price listened to your orgasm with his mouth agape, fastening the pace of his hand. He whined your name under his breath, breathing hard, no doubt loud where your phone was pressed to your ear.
"Coming, sweetheart," Price panted, lower stomach tightening. "M'coming—"
He came in hot spurts all over his cock, thighs, hand and upper arm. Residual splatters went up his bare abdomen, too.
He breathed hard into the phone. "I'm gonna fuck the shit out of you when I get home."
He heard you laugh. "What a way to ruin the mood, captain."
When Price got home, he didn't even bother unpacking. He dumped all of his shit in the hallway, kicking off his boots while pulling up your contact on his phone. He sent you a text, telling you to come over, and your reply was instantaneous.
Come over.———— ————you're home??? Sure am. Don't keep me waiting.———— ————i'm on my way
Excitement built inside him as he smiled down at your message. Never had he ever felt this way about a person before.
He moved around the darkness of his home, turning on the lights and drawing the curtains. He sighed to himself, finally making the effort of taking his bags upstairs and putting them in one of the spare rooms. He'd sort them out tomorrow.
With excitement to see you still heavy in his body, he had a quick shower and scrubbed away the remnants of his deployment. Afterwards, he got dressed, pulling grey sweatpants [lol hehe] over his boxers just as he heard the engine of a car in his driveway. His heart fluttered and, not bothering to put on a shirt, he hurried downstairs.
When he threw open the door, you had a fist raised to knock. You squeaked in surprise when he wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you inside, slamming the door shut and locking it, before pinning you against it. He slotted his mouth to yours, and you gasped into the kiss, before wrapping your arms around his bare shoulders.
Price pulled out of the kiss after a long moment, breathing deeply as he rested his forehead against yours.
"Hello to you too," you joked, smiling. "I've missed you."
"I've missed you too," Price replied. "So much."
You leaned in and kissed him this time, taking the lead. He groaned happily, putting both hands on your waist and pulling your lower half into his. You hummed into the kiss, tongues smoothing together, as he nudged your legs apart with his knee and settled it at your already aching core.
"Remember what I said to you on the phone last week?" Price asked, as you peppered his face in kisses. He fought off a smile.
"That you'd fuck the shit out of me when you get home?"
"Yeah, I remember," you smiled, nipping his earlobe. "You gonna do it, or no?"
"Cheeky..." He muttered, kissing you one last time before spinning you away from the door. He pushed you away from him with a smack to the arse.
He nodded to the stairs. "You know where I want you."
His words went straight to your core.
With a building ache between your legs, you shakily kicked off your shoes. Then, you bounded up the stairs, wiggling your arse as you went. You giggled when Price groaned, following just a few steps behind.
You practically skipped into his bedroom. You turned around just as he walked in, pulling you closer to him straight away. Hands on your hips, he kissed you hard, his tongue pushing against yours, exploring your mouth. The kiss was full of longing and desperation— all of Price's pent up emotion from four months apart.
Price guided you backwards until the backs of your knees hit the bed. He lay you down on your back, shifting you so you had your head on his pillows. He followed, crawling over top of you, continuing the kiss. You tugged at his hair with one hand, the other moving to the waistband of his sweatpants. You skimmed a fingernail over the elastic.
Price broke the kiss. He licked his lips, savouring the taste of you.
"Impatient, are we?" He queried as your fingers pulled the waistband of his sweatpants down, exposing his boxers and the imprint of his hard cock.
You cupped his bulge and he grunted.
"It's been four months, Price. Of course I'm fucking impatient." You quipped, squeezing lightly.
He cursed, eyes shutting, hips canting into your touch. After a second, he opened his eyes and battered your hand away from him. He slunk downwards until he rested between your legs. You propped yourself up on your elbows, cocking your head to the side as he took off your trousers and your underwear.
The scene was oddly tender. He placed kisses along the bare skin of your legs as he pulled your trousers and underwear away. He tossed them across the room, resuming the trail of kisses along your thighs and knees. He kissed right past your most sensitive part, and you blew out a breath, as his lips pecked over your hips, navel and tummy while he pushed your shirt up.
You helped him pull your shirt over your head.
"No bra?" Price remarked, hands automatically cupping your tits. "Naughty girl."
He tweaked your nipples, making you whine.
"Price, please..." You begged, voice trailing off as he pinched at your sensitive nipples.
"Hmm? What do you want?"
You felt your face heating up. "Want your mouth on me."
"Yeah? My pretty girl wants my mouth on her?" Price drawled slowly, edging back down your body until he was settled comfortably between your legs. He gripped the plush flesh of your thighs in two large hands, squeezing and groping.
You whined, feeling his breath fan across your dripping core. "Please, sir."
He hummed, content. "You always ask so nicely. Such a good girl for me, sweetheart."
You and Price both moaned when he sealed his mouth over your clit first. He circled the bud with his tongue, your hips bucking, hands fisting the sheets at your sides. The vibrations of his moans made your mouth drop open.
His facial hair tickled your inner thighs as he sucked on your clit. He skimmed his teeth along the top of the sensitive bud, and you cried out, shooting one hand down to grab his hair. He grunted when you tugged. He then dragged his tongue down your folds slowly— so slowly you thought you might have a fucking heart attack at the sensations— before circling your soaking hole.
"Such a needy fucking cunt," Price mused directly into your core. "Always so wet for me."
Price licked into you, making you bite back a scream. Four months without his mouth on you had driven you to the brink of insanity. You gripped his hair, urging him closer as the solid muscle of his tongue moved in and out of your core. The sounds were slurping wet, echoing loudly in your ears. They played amongst a chorus of Price's grunts and groans, and your whines and whimpers, producing an orchestra of sounds.
His beard scratched the sensitive skin. Not that you minded. It only added to the tight coil in your lower tummy that was twisting tighter and tighter, your body shining with sweat.
"Price, I'm so close." You sobbed as he continued to lick into you, his eyes watching your facial expressions change.
Price dragged his tongue in a zig-zag motion up your slit, sucking your clit into his mouth as he watched you squirm. "Ask nicely, sweetheart."
You keened, your climax building so aggressively that your legs trembled in his hold and you felt a thin layer of sweat building on your lower back, still pressed against the soft blankets.
"Please, sir, can I..."
His teeth skated across your clit again, and you moaned loudly.
"Fuck—! Please, sir, p-please, can I cum? Please, please—"
He seemed satisfied with that. He dipped his tongue back into your cunt and stuffed it inside, humming confirmation that you could let go. The hum seemed to punch you straight in the fucking uterus, and you came with a mewling moan. Price lapped it up, pressing your thighs tighter around his head.
He sucked you through your high. While you trembled, he massaged your thighs, tongue moving in and out of you lazily. Just when you were on the verge of overstimulation, Price pulled back. His facial hair glistened with your arousal, sparkling in the semi-darkness.
He tutted at you. "What's wrong, sweetheart?"
You hadn't realised tears were streaming down your face.
"Mmmfeltsogood—" You whimpered out in one jumbled word, a couple of tears running over your lips. "Missedyousomuch—"
"My poor girl," Price crawled over you. "My poor, needy girl."
He licked the tears off your lips, before kissing a few off your cheeks. He kissed you deeply once you caught your breath, and you tasted your arousal and the salt from your tears. The arousal on his face smeared onto yours, leaving sticky residue across your chin and cheeks.
"You alright now?" He asked gently, voice soft.
You nodded.
"Good. I'm going to fuck you now, okay?"
Fuck, well okay then.
You nodded again. He chuckled behind a close-lipped smile while he shoved his trousers and boxers down his legs, kicking them onto the floor. You whimpered at the sight of his cock— hard, curving towards his abdomen with a reddened tip leaking ivory beads of pre-cum. A prominent vein ran down the left side, from tip to base, dipping into his pubic hair. His dark happy trail crawled up towards his navel, skimming the base of his abs. You were fucking salivating.
He situated himself between your legs, which you wrapped around his hips as he sat back on his heels. He gripped his cock, hissing as he stared at you. So pretty. All for him.
"Condom?" You joked with a coy smile, watching the copious stream of pre dribbling down his length.
He huffed an amused laugh, leaning over you. Drips of pre landed beside your navel. "As if you don't enjoy me filling this tight cunt."
He wasn't wrong.
He kissed you as he notched his cock at your fluttering entrance, smearing your slick around while his tongue probed against yours.
"I missed you so much," he whispered against your mouth as his head pushed into you. "I missed you so fucking much, sweetheart."
The stretch was still difficult to get used too.
You exhaled a breath, his cock sliding in. "I missed you, too."
Eventually, his cock hit the base of your cervix and you whimpered. He shushed you with another kiss before he moved his face away, eyes darting across your features. He ground his hips into your pelvis, and you whimpered again.
"My girl's so sensitive." He uttered, pulling his cock all the way out. Then he thrust back in, and his brutal pace began— your moans of pleasure his starting gun.
His cock rammed against the plug of your womb repeatedly as your mouth dropped open in a silent scream. He had one hand on your hip, the other beside your head as he fucked you into his bed. Your hands ran up and down his back, feeling the smooth planes of muscle. Your hands moved to his chest, squeezing his pecs. You smiled, fingers scraping through the coarse hair. Your hands continued lower, running over his sternum and abs, rubbing over the top of his happy trail.
He grunted, using one hand to snatch both of your wrists. Before you knew it, your hands were pinned above you. Price used one hand to keep your arms in place before his thrusts grew heavier— fucking his fat cock into your soaking cunt. He was fucking the shit out of you, just like he promised.
"That's my girl, just take it," Price grunted. "Take my cock. That's a good girl, sweetheart. That's a good girl. Let this needy cunt take my cock."
You whimpered, chest heaving, sensitive nipples brushing against his chest. The bed creaked beneath you, headboard tapping the wall. His cock continued to bruise your cervix in a way that had your entire body shivering in pleasure.
"Harder." You moaned.
"Harder?" Price chuckled, but obliged— the weight of his thrusts increasing, slamming into the spot within you that had your back arching. "You want it like this? Want it rough? Fucking hell, sweetheart, such a naughty girl."
You bit your lip, hiding your whimpers.
"Yeah, such a naughty girl," Price muttered, eyes zeroed in on where his cock entered you. "Naughty, naughty girl. Letting your dad's best friend fuck you like this. Letting your dad's mate fuck this tight cunt."
That made you moan really loud. His eyes found your face, a vulpine smile developing over his mouth.
"Yeah, you like that? 'Course you do. Needy fucking slut, aren't you, sweetheart? Just love this cock, don't you?"
His words made your core clench. You mewled, a pathetic little sound. You were one more bit of dirty talk away from coming all over his cock—
"Can feel this cunt squeezing me, pretty girl," Price said. "You wanna cum? Go on, then. Cum 'round my cock. Show me how much of a needy slut you are for this cock, darling."
Fucking hell.
You came.
A lot.
You squirted all over his fucking abdomen, and you felt it. Felt the wet gush, felt the warmth. But, above all, you felt the pleasure— tummy tightening, cunt fluttering, legs trembling. Usually, you'd moan his last name. You always had done— Price is what you'd called him since you could remember. Hell, it's what your dad would call him, too.
But this time was different.
"John—!" You cried, and Price smiled as he continued to fuck you.
"Good girl, good fucking girl, there you go," Price moaned through his smile. "Such a perfect girl."
His brutal pace continued, and you were quick to realise that, holy fuck, your third orgasm was looming, pooling in the base of your tummy.
"John..." You whispered.
"John? Thought that made me sound old?" Price mused, pounding into you. "You like that I'm older, don't you, sweetheart? Guys your age can't fuck you like I can."
You mewled again, barely able to keep your eyes open. You were doing your best to watch him. Watch the way he hovered over you, pinning your arms above your head. The way his hips surged with each thrust, slamming himself inside you. You felt the subtle vibrations of his chest against yours as he grunted and groaned.
Your third orgasm reared its head within you, and you felt breathless as the weight of the pleasure pushed moan after moan from your lungs. Price watched you, and the way your mouth dropped open in a continuous harmony of sounds.
His thrusts were becoming sloppier. He was panting, too, as he watched your body grow tight, your cunt constricting his cock in such a way that he grit his teeth to suppress a whimper.
"Come on, beg for me," he whispered, rutting into you desperately. "I know you're close, sweetheart, I know, I know. Just beg for it."
You whimpered, tears welling in your eyes as the pleasure mounted, burning hot inside your tummy. You felt dizzy, too.
"Please, sir, please let me cum, please, I'm s-so close... n' feels so g-good."
He groaned, pleased. "That's my girl. Cum for me."
You did.
You came around him for the third time. You arched as best as you could in order to feel his chest against yours— feel his body, his warmth, his presence. Tears slipped from your eyes as you moaned, and you finally allowed your eyes to flutter closed as you did so.
Your brain was fuzzy and warm and you felt so good. He made you feel so good. The solid weight as he lay over you, the heat of his bare skin, the slight scratch of his light, coarse hair. He stuffed you full, his cock reaching a place far within you that ached each time he spoke. Maybe it was your heart he was reaching, maybe not with his cock— although it surely felt close— but with his hands. His voice, too, and his words, his personality, his mind. Captain John Price had a firm grasp on your heart, and that sent more hot tears spilling down your cheeks.
"I love you." You sobbed, and he released your hands at just the right moment. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, pulling him closer to you.
He groaned, deep and melodic, his arms either side of your face. He leaned down and captured your mouth in a soft kiss. It was slow and passionate, full to the brim with emotion.
Price pulled away slightly, speaking against your lips. "Say it again."
"I love you."
"I love you, John."
"Fucking hell," he kissed you again, rutting into your tight heat without any discerning rhythm. He was chasing his high. "I love you too."
He kissed the tears off his cheeks, before his head dropped into the crook of your neck. He nipped at the flesh, sucking a bruise.
"I love you, I love you," he repeated. "And m'gonna fill this pretty cunt with my kids. Breed you nice and full, sweetheart— ah, fuck— mhm, get you nice and full... all fat with my kids. Ah, ah— I love you."
He came inside you with a quiet moan, your name following like a mantra. You felt him, hot and thick, flood past your cervix. You whined, rubbing his shoulders.
Price dragged his cock out of you, bringing a wave of fluids with it. Embarrassment zapped up your spine as your arousal and his cum seeped out of your hole. Price ignored your whimpers, gently gathering his cum that had leaked out. He pushed two digits into your cunt, stuffing his cum back inside you.
"Don't waste it..." He whispered, more to himself than to you.
You whimpered under your breath at the feeling of his fingers inside you. He wiggled them around a bit, ensuring his seed stayed right up inside you.
"My perfect girl. I love you." He whispered again.
This time, it wasn't to himself. It was directly to you.
An hour or so passed and, after a couple more rounds, Price cleaned you up. Ever the gentlemen, he turned on the shower and helped you into it. Behind you, he soaped your body, running his hands along every dip and curve. He exited the shower first, grabbing a warm towel and wrapping you in it.
Little words were exchanged between the two of you as he dried you, then dried himself. You basked in each others presence. He then dressed you in his boxers and his shirt, kissing up your legs as he pulled the boxers up, and littering your face in pecks as he pulled the shirt over your head. He put on his boxers too, before guiding you back into his bedroom and yanking back the covers.
Price hopped in first. He held the blankets open for you to clamber in, nestling yourself against his chest. He settled the blankets back over you, hugging you tight to his body. He breathed deeply, nose to your hair.
You listened to his breathing for a moment.
"I meant it, you know."
"Meant what, sweetheart?"
"That I love you."
He hugged you tighter. "I love you too."
You sighed into his chest. "This... I'm going to be in a lot of trouble with my dad."
"Yeah. Same."
You laughed at his nonchalance, leaning back to look at him.
"I'm serious," you muttered, fending off a smile, tapping his chest with your fingers. "I'm in love with his best friend."
He grumbled something.
You chuckled. "What?"
"If he has a problem, he can take it up with me."
"That is the problem, Price. He will take it up with you."
"True," Price said, and you laughed. He hummed, thinking. "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it, sweetheart, okay?"
"Okay..." You breathed, snuggling yourself back against him.
Comfortable silence followed. Then—
"Do you really want me to have your kids?"
He choked on his saliva after inhaling to quickly. Shocked, probably. He coughed lightly, and you waited for him to soothe himself.
"Yeah, well, uh— okay, look, I mean—"
You pat his chest, echoing his words. "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it, John."
let me know what you thought x
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readerthatreadsss · 1 year
Requesting more dom!peter 😮‍💨🥵
𝗔/N: Your request is my command! (especially since I've been searching for more dom!Peter fics myself and have been failing so I might as well do it my damn self!) Also, yeah, it's been a damn long time lmao. I planned to finish up and release this like 4 months ago. Then a whole bunch of bad shit happened and I kinda gave up on writing for a little bit (outside of school cause I need that damn Bachelor's degree) BUT I've slowly started reading again and that bled into me opening up my drafts and finding this and spending some time with it. If you couldn't tell I had a shit ton of fun with this one...so feel free to check my newly updated Masterlist and request guidelines and send me more requests! The more I get, the more I'm gonna force myself to actually write them. (If you already sent one just know I��m working on it I promise)
𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗡𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 | 𝗧𝗮𝘀𝗺!𝗣𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝗿
(heavily inspired by the song with the same title by Adele.) It came up in my shuffle and when I started listening to the lyrics it was just too perfect.
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he's so fucking pretty aghhhh (gif not mine)
𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: Tasm!Peter Parker x Vigilante!Fem reader
𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 5.6k+ (This is my big comeback so I might as well feed yall)
𝗦𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: You and Peter have been broken up for about 3 years, but when an impromptu visit to your apartment takes a turn...that may no longer be the case...
𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 (𝟭𝟴+ 𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝗗𝗡𝗜): SMUT!, lil bit of angst at the end (ex to lovers so ofc), minimal use of y/n, P*rn-with-plot, Reader and Peter are FERAL for each other because of their powers (enhanced senses and all that), p in v sex, unprotected sex (wrap your willy before you fuck her silly), a lil possessive Peter, oral (r receiving), fingering, praise kink, Peter using his webs to restrain reader (pre-consented ofc), dom!Peter, sub!Reader (bratty at first tho), pet names (sweetheart, baby, pretty girl, angel), choking, rough sex, brief spanking, other positions, creampie, etc...
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The remaining sunlight of the evening bled through your wide studio apartment windows as you finished folding what was left of your newly washed laundry. The plan for the rest of the evening was simple;
Drink two bottles of wine (knowing that your enhanced metabolism would sober the effects), catch up on a few missing assignments to keep your NYU professors off your ass, then jump into your suit and go patrolling.
It was a familiar routine.
Or at least, it had been...since he left.
Your relationship with him ended during your first year of college. To say it hurt like hell would be an immense understatement.
What hurt the most was the fact that you both gave everything you had to make it work...but long distance can be a bitch.
On that warm Saturday night in May, your ex-boyfriend received a call informing him that he had been accepted into a very prestigious engineering program (with a full-ride scholarship attached) all the way in California.
You applied for the very same program, so you knew just how big of an opportunity it would be. And, in good faith, you pushed him to take the offer.
You both insisted, "we'll make it work," and "we'll video chat and text every day. It'll be fine!"
What a load of horseshit.
It took 6 months for you to both arrive at the conclusion that you couldn't juggle your individual academic loads, your nighttime hero personas, AND a long-distance relationship all at the same time. A three-hour time difference didn't help matters either.
It took a while, but you eventually moved on. You kept your grades up, went on a few dates here and there, and even managed to convince yourself that you were doing fine without him.
*knock knock knock*
Your head peeked out from the fridge to look where you heard the strong yet hesitant knocks on your front door.
Only a handful of people knew where you lived and you weren't expecting to see any of them today.
Assuming it would be a postal worker or someone along those lines, you swung open the door with a polite smile.
You felt your voice die in your throat as you locked eyes with the deep brown ones you hadn't seen in three years.
"Peter," his name fell from your lips, barely audible.
"Hi, Y/N," he replied with that awkward grin you knew all too well.
His hair was shorter than the last time you saw him, but from the tight fit of his jacket, you could see that was about the only thing about him that shrunk.
You wanted to actually hit yourself in the head for actually imagining yourself doing many things to his large...meaty...biceps- NO, no, no, no get a grip! a voice of logic sounded in your mind.
You hadn't realized how long you stood there silently sizing him up until he spoke again. "Can I...uh...come in, maybe?"
"Umm...sure," you nervously answered, finally taking note of the small cardboard box he was holding.
As you stepped aside to allow him entrance into your apartment, his familiar scent invaded your sensitive senses.
"Oh God," you muttered under your breath, knowing that he heard you, yet unaware that your scent had basically the same effect on him as well.
"You alright?" he turned and asked you in concern trying to hide the tightening of his jeans with the box he brought.
You nodded way too fast, promptly putting some distance between yourself and him. He hadn't been there for longer than 5 seconds and he was already having an effect on you.
"How've you been?" he questioned you, scratching his neck and actively avoiding eye contact. Unbeknownst to you, he was currently repeating every physics law he could remember in his mind to try to quell his growing erection.
It wasn't working very well.
"I've been fine. You?" you quickly spoke, slightly out of breath.
"I-uh-I'm alright," he shook his head with a tight-lipped smile.
He soon found himself just looking at you. It wasn't a blank stare, no, it was the sort of intense look you unintentionally gave someone when trying to commit every single feature to memory as if you weren't certain when you'd get another chance to.
It was a habit of his you noticed a lot when you were dating. And just as it did back then, it sent chills running rampant down your spine. Not to mention your nipples growing obviously hard behind your large shirt with no bra to hide it.
Peter noticed it immediately and fought back a smile, which you glimpsed.
"Why are you here, Peter?" you decided to get down to business before your body betrays you any further.
The brunette let the question hang in the air for a few seconds before actually coming up with an answer. "I wanted to drop these off," he placed the small box on your kitchen counter.
Your eyes immediately narrowed. "You could have mailed it. Or you could've just dropped it at the door and then left. So why are you really here Peter?" you would have felt worse about your tone if you weren't so bothered.
Why the hell did he feel the need to suddenly show up and make you start feeling things you swore you wouldn't feel for him again?
Peter took a deep breath. "Aunt May called me last week. She's not doing too good. So, I came back to help take care of her."
You felt your stomach sink at his words. While you both dated, May grew to be like a second mother to you. You had no idea she was sick.
"Oh shit Peter-I'm so sorry," you crossed the room to engulf him in a hug, despite your initial reaction to his visit.
Peter immediately accepted your hug and found the anxiety in his body dissipating soon after. Your hugs tended to have that effect on him.
He couldn't stop himself from deeply inhaling and drawing in your hair's familiar scent when he wrapped his hands around your clothed waist.
A few seconds passed before you released each other, with you also savoring the feel of his body against you and the way how your skin lit up with goosebumps though there was a thin layer of clothing separating his hands from you.
"I was just cleaning up my old room at May's and I found some of your stuff so I figured I'd drop by and..."
You nodded in understanding and walked over to where he placed the box.
It was mostly filled with old t-shirts, tools, and gadgets from days when you would sleep over at Peter's or stop by to help each other with school projects.
"Thanks," you sent him a smile as you closed the box.
Your smile warmed Peter's heart. It was actually his second favorite thing about you, after your hugs of course. "Yeah, you're welcome," he smiled back, running his hand through his hair. It was a mess by now, but you still wanted to run your hands through it…or maybe even pull on it-
"Sorting through some of this stuff made me realize how much I...missed you," he said, his tone growing more assured.
Thankfully, you were still facing away from him, not giving him the chance to catch the pained expression that briefly crossed your face.
But you could feel him slowly approaching your frozen figure and found your body silently reacting in ways it shouldn't be, yet again. "Do you miss me?" he asked, his voice heavy.
You held back the urge to scream "Yes!" because admitting that out loud would be taking 3 steps backward.
Admitting that you missed him would be undoing all the work and tears you put into moving on from him and the hopes and dreams you had for a life with him.
Admitting that you missed him would mean giving in to the part of you that thought back to your most intimate moments with him when you touched yourself.
And admitting that you missed him would mean letting him back into the four-cornered box you had locked yourself in for the past 3 years.
But, with every step closer that he took, your resolve disappeared that much faster.
"You okay?" he called for your attention.
Your sharp intake of oxygen brought a tense silence over the room when you turned to face him and realized that he stood close enough for your lips to nearly brush his.
"Peter, I-" you tried to form words, but then you saw his lust-filled brown eyes lower to your lips.
And that was all it took for the last of your self-control to disappear.
"Damn it," you mumbled once you realized what was about to happen.
Before Peter could question your outburst, you found yourself latching onto his jacket lapels and pulling him down to meet your lips.
It took mere milliseconds for Peter to react. After all, he had been thinking about doing this since you swung open the door and looked up at him with those eyes of yours.
His large calloused hands took hold of the sides of your face as you clashed in a heap of teeth and tongue. It was desperate and feverish but it was perfect.
It was a language only you and Peter seemed to master, even now after three years apart.
Your lips moved swiftly against his, eager to taste more and more of him with each passing second. You felt him press his growing bulge flush against you, causing a pathetic whine to involuntarily tumble from your lips and a smirk to find its way onto his.
"I did miss you," you softly spoke, "but we can't do this Peter," the logical part of your brain made an appearance, though you kept peppering his lips with kisses.
As his lips moved to your neck, Peter's hands slid down to your ass where he effortlessly lifted your legs off the ground and up around his waist. The feeling of his hands against the bare skin of your thighs garnered yet another moan from you.
"You don't sound so sure angel," you felt him smirk against your heated skin.
You hadn’t heard that nickname in years yet it sent small chills down your spine for the second time that night.
A mumbled curse slipped your lips when he nipped a particular spot below your ear. That was definitely gonna leave a mark.
You soon gathered the strength to pull Peter's hungry lips away from your body, swinging your arms around his neck to hold yourself up.
"We can’t go back from this, you know that right?" you spoke, the both of you panting from the effects of the last minute.
"I don't wanna go back," Peter shook his head, "I wanna fuck you, right here, right now," his lips immediately found yours before his words could fully resonate.
This caught you by surprise which allowed Peter to slip his tongue between your lips.
As his taste continued to flood your senses, you felt yourself grow alarmingly wet.
Peter knew it too because he slowly pulled back and smirked down at you. "I could smell you from the moment I walked in here. Glad to see three years hasn't changed the way your body reacts to me, angel," he accompanied his words with a quick slap to your ass.
His slap and the familiar pet name left you a moaning mess. Just like he knew it would.
A lovely laugh left Peter's mouth before his lips met yours again.
He walked your entangled bodies over to the kitchen counter without breaking the sloppy kiss.
Peter used one hand to blindly clear the counter and place you on it, which sent your box of things flying toward the floor.
Not that either of you cared.
"Too much clothes," you were barely able to say in between kisses.
You followed up by shoving Peter's jacket off his shoulders which fell to your hardwood floors with a thud. He immediately got the message and got rid of his t-shirt as well.
A shameless whimper left your lips at the sight of his very toned muscles. You easily maneuvered Peter's body closer to you and began kissing and sucking his neck and every other available inch of skin just as you had pictured earlier, making sure to leave a few purple bruises in your wake.
“You’re killing me here baby,” Peter harshly swallowed, his eyes sliding closed as you continued to have your way with his chest.
"Wouldn't be a terrible way to die though, right?" you mumbled between lovebites and licks. You felt like an animal in heat but you just couldn't get enough of him, the occasional flex of his muscles with each slither of your tongue and his deep groans only egging you on more.
The taste of his skin alone could've made you cum easily.
But the same could be said for Peter as the feel of your tongue slithering all along his chest had him practically creaming his pants then and there.
Fucking enhanced senses, he cursed inwardly.
“Alright, ease up pretty girl,” he reluctantly grabbed your head, detaching your swollen lips from his body.
“Your turn,” he tugged at the hem of your top.
You quickly pulled off the oversized t-shirt you were wearing to reveal your bare top half to him.
He spared no time in cupping your breasts with his eager hands. "Fuck, I missed you so much," he mumbled.
"Me, or my boobs?" you jokingly raised a brow at him.
"Definitely both," he grinned, bringing his mouth down to your tits.
As his tongue made contact with the soft mounds, you loudly moaned and wrapped your fingers in his unruly tangle of hair.
He switched between nipping and sucking on your nipples, in the way he knew you liked, while his free hand pinched and squeezed the other.
"Just like that Peter fuck-" hearing his name fall from your lips drove Peter insane.
His tongue flicked your sensitive nipples harder, and his eager sucking pleased you to no end.
Peter eventually pried himself away from your supple breasts, remembering the other parts of you he wanted to worship, and brought his hands to rest on the sides of your head. Your lips connected once more in a delicate kiss.
Though you knew what lay ahead for the evening, you were both perfectly content with each other's lips at the moment, just enjoying the constant waves of pleasure from the intimate contact.
But it wasn't long before the kiss grew heated and you tried to take control. Peter, however, wasn't giving you a chance.
"I leave for three years and you think you're hot shit, huh," he smirked.
"Why don't you ask the guy I fucked on this counter last week," you retorted, knowingly riling him up.
"Don't say shit like that, it's not funny," he nearly growled as his grip on your ass grew more forceful.
You secured your grip on his hair before pressing a small kiss on the side of his lips. "Gimme a reason to shut up then," you challenged him.
“Trust me, I will,” Peter grabbed your hands from his hair and forced them to your sides. His movements were swift as he laid you flat on your counter and ripped your thong off your body.
There he is, you smiled to yourself. This is the Peter you wanted to fucking ruin you.
You felt his face ghost your drenched opening as he deeply inhaled your scent. "You smell fucking delicious baby," he praised you, his mouth actually watering at the thought of tasting you.
A genuine smile found its way onto your face but morphed into a gasp when Peter teasingly ran his tongue up your sensitive slit.
"You taste even better," he added, using his strong arms to bring your thighs closer to his head. He wanted to tease you but it was getting harder to resist the urge to dive right into your heat like a man starved.
"Holy shit," you all but screamed as he briefly nipped at your swollen clit before sucking on it to soothe the sting.
His grip on your thighs combined with the ministrations of his tongue was pure bliss.
You attempted to slip your hands in his hair once more, but found that they were suddenly held in place against your counter by two of his webs.
Your eyes briefly widened at the feel of the rough, sticky material against your wrists, not having felt it in a few years. Back then, you expressed to Peter your desire to engage in some bondage, but being the daughter of a super soldier, it was clear that no rope or wire would be able to hold you. Peter's webs became the next best choice.
"That's not fair," you pouted, though it melded into a moan as Peter continued to suck and lick between your glistening folds.
The sounds of Peter devouring you resounded through the small apartment.
"I'm close Pete," you whined, your chest heaving in arousal.
Peter decided to focus his tongue on your eager bundle of nerves while he slowly inserted two fingers into your pussy. He instantly curled the digits causing you to briefly squirm at the sudden pressure against your G-spot.
"More," you begged, and Peter delivered, adding another finger inside of you. He immediately sped up his motion inside of you, making sure his fingers gauged that spongy spot to drive you over the edge with each thrust inside of you.
“That feels so fucking good, Peter, oh my God," you loudly moaned at the feeling of his fingers inside of you, calling forth an orgasm with no warning.
You repeatedly bucked against Peter's face as you came, white-hot pleasure filling your veins. Peter locked onto your stare, still skillfully working his fingers in and out of you, loving the way you constantly clenched around his fingers.
"Jesus fucking Christ," your legs jerked when Peter dove in and drank every ounce of slick you had to give while still fucking you with his fingers.
With his face now damp of your juices, Peter looked up to meet your blissed-out eyes. "Gimme one more, angel," he placed a soft kiss on your thighs, "I know you can do it for me."
You would do anything to keep Peter's mouth between your legs.
So, you eagerly nodded in response before taking a deep breath in preparation for another onslaught.
You didn't have to wait long.
Peter’s tongue went to work on your glistening hole while his fingers fiddled with your overstimulated clit. And, within minutes, your thighs were trapping Peter's head as an even bigger orgasm rocked you again, the borderline pornographic sounds leaving your lips shooting straight to his hardened cock.
Peter seemed perfectly fine with staying between your legs all night, but you had other plans.
"Pete, I need you inside me," you begged, tears of pleasure leaking from your eyes.
He rose from beneath you and climbed up to free your hands from his webs. "I know, baby, I know," he softly replied, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips and using his hands to soothe your reddened wrists. Your own taste on his tongue flooded your senses which made you even more desperate.
Peter obliged, slipping out of his sweatpants and sliding his girth between your folds. He used one hand to hold himself up above you on the counter, and the other to slowly guide his dick into you.
You both shared a long moan as he buried himself to the hilt inside your pussy, your wetness making it way too easy.
He held still for a few seconds, waiting for you to adjust and give the all clear for him to move.
Eagerness guided your words. “Fuck me, please.”
Peter set a brutal pace, knowing you were more than capable of handling it. Satisfied cries left your chest as you dragged your nails along Peter’s back, hard enough to leave trails.
“You can take it, pretty girl, I know you can,” he groaned as he continued to pound into you, trying desperately not to blow his load with the way you were constantly clenching around him and marking his back.
You tried to reply, but all that you could form were sloppy moans and broken syllables.
“Oh look at you, drunk on my cock already?” he teased with a particularly hard slam that prodded your cervix, “I’m nowhere near done with you yet.”
Pleasure-filled cries mingled with words continued to fall from your lips as Peter gently moved a few fallen strands of hair behind your ear with a hand. "-feels so fucking perfect," you muttered, your lips curved into a drunken smile.
Peter reached down and pinched one of your nipples, gaining a loud whimper from you. “I love hearing you make those pretty sounds for me baby,” his strokes grew harder and deeper.
“All for you, Pete, all for you,” you panted as he fucked into you, the delicious smell and sound of sex lingering in the air.
Peter used a hand to wrap around your throat before using the other to reach down and fiddle with your aching clit.
The combination of Peter’s dick hitting that perfect spot, his fingers massaging your clit, and the lack of air from his hand around your neck was making you dizzy and overstimulated.
You fucking loved it.
“God, I missed you,” you spoke breathlessly.
He moved closer to kiss you briefly and tenderly. “I missed you too, baby.”
No amount of time could take away his knowledge on how to please you, how to get you like this with ease, not when you were all he thought about for years on end.
Peter pressed a quick kiss to your forehead then continued to fuck you on your kitchen counter.
"I'm gonna cum again baby, right fucking there," you moaned out.
Peter's grip on your neck grew tighter. "Not yet, don't you cum until I tell you to sweetheart," he commanded you, removing his fingers from your clit.
A frustrated groan rumbled in your chest as you forced yourself to sustain your orgasm.
"Don't pout," he smirked.
And before you could realize it, Peter had pulled out of you and effortlessly flipped you onto your stomach.
A hand soon gripped your hair, yanking you up against his chest and eliciting a pitiful whine from you.
"Tell me what you want,” Peter commanded, using his free hand to strike your ass. Hard.
You whimpered again at the sting of his slap. “I need you inside me. Please,” you pleaded.
He seized your hair harsher and leaned forward for his lips to graze against your ears. “Beg.”
A small whine left your lips at his words. You were so desperate you didn’t even care how embarrassing this would be in retrospect. “I need to cum, Peter. Please baby you're the only one who can make me cum.”
Peter pressed a kiss to your neck, nearly causing you to lose your footing. And he soon complied by ramming himself back into you.
“Oh my Fuck-“ you cried before biting your lip, suddenly aware that you had neighbors.
But Peter pulled his cock from your heat, with just the tip remaining, before roughly slamming into you, his hips slamming against your ass with the motion. “Come on, lemme hear you angel.”
He repeated the action, knocking the air out of your chest, “Peter!” your hands gripped the sides of your counter with such force you were sure you felt it crack under your grasp.
Peter caught wind of this and freed your hair before using his hands to pull your hands behind your back. "You're so perfect baby," he mumbled in your ear, continuing to brutally fuck you from behind, "So fucking beautiful with my cock inside you."
"I can't hold it anymore," you cried, "I need to cum, Peter, please."
With that whiny tone and those overstimulated tears to top it off, Peter couldn't deny you any longer. "Let it all out for me sweetheart. Cum for me," he littered your shoulders with kisses.
Your eyes slammed shut as your walls contracted around his cock, pleasure shooting through you and rocking you on a seemingly cellular level. Your mouth opened in a silent moan, unable to form a sound from the satisfied tremors attacking your nerves. The intensity of your finish is one only brought on when Peter fucked you and it was damn near cosmic.
"Shit," you groaned in relief, your long-awaited climax passing.
Peter slowed his movements inside of you and released your hands. "You did so good for me angel," he pushed your hair aside and kissed your neck, trying to stave off his own orgasm for a little while longer.
Aftershocks rocked your body while Peter continued sporadically moving inside of you, yet you couldn't get enough. Your body was more than ready to keep taking whatever he dished out.
Peter didn't need to read your mind to see that, but he needed to make sure. His lips kept up their onslaught on your neck as he softly spoke, "You wanna keep going?"
"Hell yes," you panted with a grin that he couldn't fully see, "You still haven't cum yet, and my bed is still fully made."
Happy with your response, Peter gave your ass a sharp smack. "That's my girl."
He pulled out of you and turned your body to face him, smiling at the sight of your fucked out face. "Three orgasms and a handful of tears later and you're still the most beautiful girl in the world," he held you by the sides of your face.
His words left you reeling, causing a slight blush to dust your cheeks and butterflies to swirl within your stomach.
Before you could form a response, Peter leaned down to kiss you. He soon hoisted up your legs around his waist, preparing to escort you to your bed as per your own demands.
As he looked around for the bed's location, you took advantage of his momentary distraction and latched your lips onto his neck, reapplying the bruises you left there that were slowly fading already.
Peter was the happiest man on earth as he walked over to your bed, his cock prodding your soaked entrance, and your lips ravaging his neck.
He carefully sat on the edge of your bed, with you now on his lap and your legs still around him. You expected him to ease his length back into you but he slowly brought your head down to meet his intense stare.
You carefully wrapped your hands around his shoulders to keep yourself up, the silence in the room growing deafening.
You could tell from his eyes that he desperately wanted to say something, and you wondered if it was the same thing you had been considering as well.
But you were both aware of what saying those words would mean for your broken relationship and simply settled for smiles instead.
Peter brought a hand up to lay your forehead against his, allowing your breathing to momentarily sync.
"You ready for me?" he questioned you with a hand at the nape of your neck to hold your head against his.
You immediately nodded in response causing his own head to shake in time with yours. A small laugh was shared between you both as your nose continued to brush his own.
"You're adorable," you said before you could stop yourself.
That stupid full-toothed grin that you hadn't seen in a while soon spread across his beautiful face at your words, gaining another laugh from you.
"Last round?” you eventually pleaded with a smile.
"Anything for you," Peter replied, meaning it in every way. Adoration littered his stare as he slowly lowered you onto his length.
A satisfied mewl slipped your lips at the familiar feel of him.
The slow drag of his cock in and out of you, while he rocked your hips back and forth to grind on him, had your bottom lip sucked between your teeth with eyes closed and head thrown back in pleasure.
But Peter wanted to see it all. He wrapped a hand around your neck and forced you to meet his dilated eyes. “Keep your eyes on me, baby.”
His soft yet stern tone caused you to swallow back a moan as you continued to move on his girth.
He then slapped your ass with his free hand, silently urging you to move faster.
You leaned down and quickly kissed his lips before happily obliging, now beginning to bounce in his lap, chasing your next climax.
“There you go angel, just like that,” Peter’s stare never wavered.
Peter furiously fucked up into you, your moans and the constant smack of skin on skin filling the apartment.
His other hand which never left your throat now squeezed it harder. “Fuck!” You were barely able to moan out as your breasts bounced with your every move.
“Shit, you’re gripping me like a vice,” Peter groaned, his crude pace never faltering though his orgasm was closer than ever.
Your bed creaked under the onslaught of your bodies, but neither of you payed it any attention only having one goal in mind.
“One more time,” Peter planted his feet on the ground to get a better angle, "Need you to cum on my cock one more time."
But from the broken pacing of his hips to the strong furrow of his brow, you could tell he was close too. “Together?” You breathlessly suggested, grasping the nape of his neck with your hands.
Peter nodded in agreement before engulfing your chest and back with his arms, pulling you closer to his body.
Your breaths mingled, eyes focused on nothing except each other as his grip on your upper body allowed him to help you ride him even faster.
"Yes, Pete, oh my God-" pleas, curses, and moans tumbled from your lips as your skin buzzed at your incoming release.
"There you go, cum for me," Peter's voice grew strangled as his hips stuttered below you.
"Fuck," you wailed, your finish hitting you like a freight train and your pussy leaking into Peter's length.
The intense clench of your walls around him was all it took for Peter to explode with a groan, his pace faltering with that final pump.
"Holy shit baby," he panted, his cum painting your walls in spurts.
His firm hold on your body brought you collapsing on your bed together, satisfied and smiling.
And, for what felt like hours, you lay there in his arms. But of course, your thoughts began to run rampant.
Peter could damn near hear your thoughts spiraling.
"I don't regret this," he suddenly broke the silence you had elapsed into, "Do you?"
"Peter I-...I don't know," you freed yourself from his hold and sat up to look at him.
His brows furrowed at your response, hurt briefly flashing across his features.
"I loved you," you spoke, "I loved you more than anything."
"I know. I loved you too," Peter nodded with a small smile.
"And I will never blame you for leaving. Ever," you slipped a hand in his own and squeezed briefly.
Your eyes stung with tears threatening to fall. "What happened to us, it damn near destroyed me, Peter. And it took so so long to put myself back together."
Peter swallowed harshly at your words.
"And then here you come, waltzing in here, fucking my brains out and making me feel things," you lowered your head, looking away from him.
You heard Peter move closer to you before feeling him lift your chin to face him again. His expression wasn't as disappointed as you'd expected, just confused. "Spit it out. I know you're holding something back."
"Why'd you come back here and-and do all this? Reminding me of what we had when you know you're gonna be gone again in the next few weeks?" you felt your voice shrink to a broken whisper.
Peter used his thumb to wipe away a lone tear that fell from your eye, his previously puzzled look now morphing into a smirk. There was obviously something he wasn't telling you.
You sniffled and lightly hit Peter's shoulder. "Well, now it's your turn bug face, spit out whatever you're hiding!"
You received no answer other than Peter leaning forward and pressing a deep kiss against your lips. You eagerly accepted and returned the spontaneous action but were left even more confused when he pulled away.
"That wasn't an answer," you arched a brow at Peter.
"I'm not going anywhere," he smiled.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that I'm moving back to New York, or already moved, technically," he began to explain.
Your mouth opened and closed in shock as your brain fumbled for a response and came up inconclusive.
"I'm gonna finish out the school year online and stay here to take care of Aunt May. I mean it, baby, I'm not going anywhere," he grinned, watching tears of joy fall from your eyes.
"This better not be some sick fucking joke Peter, I swear to God," you pointed a finger at him accusingly.
"Can you shut up and just come here?"
You couldn't help but laugh as you obliged and grabbed Peter's neck before pulling him in for another kiss, your face still wet from tears and a smile almost permanently etched onto your face.
You pulled away but sank into his open arms. You relished how securely he held you. "I'm so happy," you said aloud, truly meaning it for the first time in a long time, though it was only meant to be an inner thought.
Peter kissed your forehead and looked down to meet your eyes, "I'll never stop making you happy, Y/N."
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leclercsluvs · 5 months
CL16/DR3 | Already Over | smau
part 4 | masterlist
an: this isn't super long but im mentioning lando winning this weekend and he did so i simply had to post it. might try and see if i can get another one done tomorrow with his actual win fc: sabrina carpenter pairing: charles leclerc x fem!reader, daniel ricciardo x fem!reader
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liked by danielricciardo, yourbff and 2.703.726 others yourusername let's do it again sometime!
yourbff WHAT??
yourusername surprise 🤗 yourfriend how COULD you?? 😔 yourusername dont want him to get dragged lmao
danielricciardo damn he couldn't even stay off the phone?
yourusername apparently i'm not entertaining enough 💔 yourfriend well considering you took a photo you had your phone out too, was he not entertaining enough? is that why you climbed him? 🤨 yourusername no comment
fell4y/n girlll he better take good care of you!
lecslvr wow she moved on fast
luvy/n girl what? 🤣 charles was literally with a different woman BEFORE they broke up and she's been single for a few months and SHE moves on fast? y'all want to find any reason to hate on women lmao
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liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc and 652.206 others danielricciardo she was late and then on her phone (probably taking pics, i was looking stunning)
landonorris and who might this be? 👀
danielriciardo oh just someone you know landonorris i'm sorry, what?
ricsbestglam omg he's finally out of his single era???
daylightmoon i might be crazy, but hear me out. daniel AND y/n went on dates, they both post about it, they were both on their phone, and doesn't this look one the same from yourusername
y/nswrld no i was literally thinking the same. like WHAT ARE THE CHANCES
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liked by yourusername, ricsbestglam and 849.593 others danielricciardo thanks for the flowers darling, but they were a little inconvenient 😘 tagged: yourusername
yourusername well at least i was there to hold them while you signed stuff for fans 🥰
danielricciardo and how did that work out for you? yourusername we don't talk about that >:(
ricsbestglam the relationship i didn't know i needed
landonorris Y/N?!!!
yourusername yes? landonorris how could you NOT tell me? yourusername you finding out like this was funnier 🤭 danielricciardo i just found it funny to not tell anyone
scfty/n she really meant it when she said she was gonna be there for landos win (let it be this weekend please) y/nswrld daniel better treat her right or i'm cancelling f1
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liked by scuderiaferrari, carlossainz55and 382.732 others charles_leclerc not how i would have ideally wanted to end the weekend, but luckily carlos scored a podium!
carlossainz55 you'll get it next time!
charles_leclerc thanks mate. maybe i'll beat you again carlossainz55 don't get you hopes up too far
part 5
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Okay guys, I've been thinking about it recently and I just find it so hard to believe that Ben and Klaus weren't close in S4 or at least had some sort of relationship aside from Ben being pissed off at him.
But then, I realized, they can't have that much interaction because Ben was literally in jail for 4 years!!!!
I'm imagining, that at the start of the reset, Ben hung out with Klaus. But like in my previous post, Ben got weirded out by Klaus and was afraid to become a replacement Ben.
So maybe they hung around for a year or more, getting drunk, having parties and getting to know each other. But Ben started to pull away, and when Klaus tried his usual antics of overdose or partying hard, it didn't work on this Ben because this Ben doesn't have that strong bond/memory of Klaus so he just left. Then, that little antic of Klaus NEARLY GOT HIM KILLED, hence why he became such a germaphobe paranoid.
Klaus thinks to himself, since he's no longer immortal and he can't tie Ben down with his usual hitting rock bottom schemes, he needs to find a different way. But like I said, his near death experience scared him so much that he couldn't hang out with Ben for a while.
But in that while, Ben got arrested for his crypto schemes (which Klaus probably knew of, but didn't think would be that big). So, he tried to visit Ben at jail, but he couldn't, he was too scared to go out now and eveything else felt dangerous.
Because, if he does die now, how will he spend more time with Ben? How will he get his brother/not-brother to hang out with him again? I like to imagine that Klaus became weak when he lost his powers, sickly even, and Allison didn't notice that much because she was too focused with Ray and Claire.
Imagining sickly Klaus trying to survive because he'll be damned if he's the one who dies and leaves Ben alone.
He can't visit Ben in prison, but he often writes him letters. Maybe even more than once a month. But in those four years, he received maybe less than ten replies from Ben so he's bitter about that and was actually counting the days when Ben would be released.
So when he sees Ben at Grace's birthday party, he really was pleasantly surprised. But Ben, who's bitter that Klaus didn't visit him in prison is mad at him. Miscommunication anyone?
So, they're on this stalemate because they're both pissed off with each other. And Ben wants to hang out less with Klaus because he's a paranoid germaphobe now and it's a turn off for him.
I really also like the part where when Ben asked Klaus to drink just one time, and he did accept the drink. He didn't drink it, but he wanted to be closer to Ben so he accepted it. Hoping maybe this will start something for them. He doesn't want his powers back, he just wants his Ben back so he "drank" the marigold just to show Ben that he's still good'ol Klaus.
I actually don't know where I was going with this lmao I just wanted to tell you guys that Klaus probably wrote insanely cheesy romantic, toxicly begging letters for Ben when he was in prison. Ben liked it, but is still weirded out by Klaus so he barely responds to it.
This can also explain why Klaus called Ben an obnoxious asshole (lol), because he's bitter that Ben didn't put the effort Klaus did when he was in jail. Which is also absurd af cuz how is my man supposed to put in effort when he's in fucking jail? lmao
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blitzosicedcoffee · 1 month
Might Regret this and delete it later but answering a question about my most traumatic experience made me want to list all the fucked up and just...weird as fuck things that have happened to me. Like I can't sleep til I do this. Maybe it'll be cathartic I dunno:
Tw: Sexual assault, all other assault?
-Age 3 force fed Tabasco
-Age 2 Thrown in pool by Stepdad
-Age 4-6 locked in room when parents screaming at one another
-Age 6 or 7 Witnessed mom throw a hairdryer at stepdad because he verbally abused her.
-Age 5 Fell off a table from dancing and broke my leg, my dad didn't tell my mom.
-Age 2-7 Forced to stay at the table (sometimes falling asleep) cause I couldn't finish my food.
-Age 7 Forced to eat chicken and dumplings and immediately threw it up (still can't eat It today)
-Age 7 Got laughed at by my whole elementary school class because we had to say our times tables in front of the class and I couldn't get past 5's. Sobbed in front of them all.
-Age 8 Moved across the country to a whole new state.
-Age 8 lived with a family friend for a year who had five other kids (add on myself and my three siblings) so there was not quiet ever for that whole year.
-Age 9 Cried in front of *that* class about math and being the new kid.
-Age 9 Got pressured by neighborhood kids into stealing from 7/11.
-Age 10 Got made fun of for having certain friends
-Age 11 Got made fun of in fifth grade for still playing pretend.
-Age 11, Almost lost friends cause I tried to convince them I was a real witch (damn you halloweentown and your influence).
-Age 12-14 Pervy PE teacher that made the girls all do squats and the boys do jumping jacks. Never the other way around.
-Age 13 A middle school science teacher is Arrested for child pornography.
-Age 13 Had a boy tell me that kissing me made him realize he was gay.
-Age 13: Become my science teachers' TA (different teacher than the one above). Mostly spend the time watching cash cab and Bill Nye in his room.
-Age 13 I received my first tiny acer laptop and start playing Webkinz online, club penguin, and Wizard 101. (Also looking for dates on there but I don't tell people that).
-Age 14 Got my first flip phone, add my friends' contacts for text. We don't have Internet yet.
-Age 14 Start playing around on Omegle. Where kids SHOULD NOT BE.
-Age 14 Met one of my best friends on Wizard 101 and cheated my bedtime and played more when I really should have been sleeping.
-Age 14 Read Twilight, got obsessed. Started my first babysitting gigs. Overpriced myself but they paid it so.
-Age 14 Best friend in person at the time was a really bad influence and decided to pretend she was possessed and drown me in a pool. I begged her to stop and she pretended that the demon in her left.
Okay it's about to escalate:
-Age 15 Tried out for my first play, it was hairspray. I wanted to be one of the leads. I could sing but I couldn't dance. I ended up a techy.
-Age 15 Had my first girl/girl relationship And I kiss her on Halloween and I like it and she says she likes it too. But then she has to break up with me cause she's Mormon and doesn't want to leave her church.
- Age 15 Gets into an online relationship with two British guys from Omegle who are definitely adults. Sent them underage nudes cause I didn't know better.
-Age 16 Said British guys decided to blackmail me with my nudes and threatened to post them online if I stopped meeting with them over cam. (I was regularly doing shit over cam with them. It was gross). Told my mom, she had no idea what to do. She just took away my phone and laptop for a while which??? Didn't do anything to help???
-Age 16 Started going out with my first in person boyfriend after we sang owl City at the same time and fell on top of one another on the theater stairs. LMAO it was so cringy.
-Age 16 Six months later I broke up with him over text by trying to scare him away by telling him I thought I was a fallen angel so he'd think I was crazy. (He was ignoring me a lot so I was done) Then I gaslit his friends and said he broke up with me. (I don't act like this anymore, teen me was WILD).
-Age 16 Pretended I was in a romance bdsm novel and handcuffed myself to my own dresser and had to make an excuse for my parents not to come in, so they wouldn't see me.
-Age 17 Met my current partner of 10 years over Tumblr, we started talking over messenger then skyping every day.
-Age 17 Parents kept fighting and stressing out younger siblings so I had to take them all to the park to get them out of the house.
-Age 17 Mom kept telling me that my partner over Skype was a 56 yr old man. (He looked 19 to me).
-Age 17 I finally got my own room.
-Age 17 I ended up trapped in my walk in closet while naked because there was a brown recluse in a power stance. I stayed in the closet for an hour until it moved.
-Age 18 We had to move to a house where we didn't have enough rooms for everyone so I was put into a makeshift room in the dining room where I had no privacy.
-Age 18 My partner visited for the first time.
That's where I'll stop. Holy hell. It feels good to go through it all. I'm sure there's more. But this is just some of the weird things that have happened over my childhood and teenhood lol. Not to mention everything that's happened in my adulthood. That'd be a whole novel. Maybe this is why I follow Loki because I've been through so much chaos 🤔
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shadow-genesis-yay · 11 months
Gimme them Memory headcanons! Please!
Say less! o7
>headcanons under the more/reading<
(Sorry it's long & for late response, was shopping for birthday stuff)
First 1: Memory in my design has white streaks they got from Void's side! Void just dyes his hair black to hide em for unknown reasons (probably ego or smth I dunno. Voids out of my control /j)
2: They're 6'4, uses mostly It/They but also uses he. They prefer mostly the other two tho but won't get mad if he is also used. (This one's mostly based off how in canon, Memory was referred to as a thing by Sabre, and he would use It/They until switching to He. Mem was still called a thing but used he ig). Oh and ig they also used nicknamed but only like it when Void calls em them. Like Memmy/Mem/Memoy/Fancy Steve lol
3: He has light sensitivity and uses their mask to help it when outside of the void/memory dimension
4: It has heterochromia, but in a different way! His left eye doesn't have a iris/pupil, and the area that's supposed to be white is pure red like Voids. (I think it's called the sclera) and also on said left side, they have a scar on its cheek that it got during some event they doesn't like talking about
5: Memmy likes cats and owns two! One tuxedo cat named Voodoo, and the other, a black cat (Bombay I think) called Morticia! Memmys had them since they was a smol lil swirly peppermint boi, and treats them like royalty as deserved 😤
6: (this one's kinda from a quote my friend made but it's too funny to not make a Memory headcanon) If Memory got called a specific slur I'm not gonna say, he'd just be like "Yeah no duh, it's obvious. Now please tell me something I already don't know about myself, or leave please and thanks."
7: Memory is highly skilled in swordsman ship, archery, and fighting. It's won awards in competitions they entered secretly (not because Void would be mad, but because they're Void's son. Void's like a king/God in the eyes of the other steves [of course except Nightmare LMAO] and terrifies em.) They's only lost once and that was more on its end since he didn't want to do competitions anymore, so they purposely disqualified itself by starting a fight.
8: while this one may be more of a ship that was started for funnies, it took my brain over so uh yeah. Memory is married to Faceless. The reason for why (to me) is because since Faceless doesn't have a face (no duh), he's immune to Memory's powers, even when mimicking others. And Faceless just couldn't resist a fancy boi in a suit. (I love this ship but at the same time I'm like "I want it gone from my mind its been 3 months help") ik they never met canonically but I speculate they met a tiny bit when Elemental worked for Void and El had to capture Faceless. It's a long shot but yolo I was bored
9: Memmy boi like flowers. Mostly roses or any black flower, but they'll be content with any other color if red & black are unavailable :)
10: While Memory may seem stern and cold, when you get to know them, he's really nice! Though it's usually always on guard and will unintentionally break your arm if you happen to spook them (somehow).
11: Memmys very sneaky and will smile a cheeky smile when it scares someone from behind.
12: Memory really hates cameras. Like, REALLY REALLY hates em. Whether it's off or not, they don't care and WILL throw a dagger at it. This one's more from a funny thing Sabre himself replied with in his discord when I said "I wish Memory had more screen time. He would of bee such a cool villain" with Sabre replying "maybe he did but we forgot".....I walked basically right into that joke but I love it so I'm considering it canon /hj
Uhhhh yeah anyways I think that's it other than more funny meme ones me and a friend made when I was bored and thought 'what if after the camera was off, Sabre and the steves would have a smp world together' and Memory would be the sometimes chaotic one of the server.
Ye uh I rambled alot lmao idk if this will even post but thank you so much for the ask and willingness to hear the headcanons about our silly little peppermint boi! Memory deserves so much more love that what's seen, I love him so much
Memory Steve, our beloved 'forgotten' king <3 👑
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seventeenplug · 2 years
Softest Time PT2 (Kim Mingyu X AFAB reader)
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Hehe, I just learned how to make my tumblr a little prettier so let's see how it looks lmao.
Pairing: Idol Kim Mingyu X AFAB reader (reader has breasts and vagina)
Genre: fluff + smut
Warning: cuss words, sexual content, Mingyu as a switch, Reader trying to dom lmao. Father Mingyu. Fanservice and hit of reality.
Summary: This is a part 2 as per request :) to the Softest Time fic that i did a few weeks ago of Mingyu, if you haven't, do check out part 1 here.
Word Count: 2.5K words.
There will be mature content underneath so beware and minors do not interact, or do, I can't really tell you what to do.
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It was safe to say that although you two had tried for a long time, luck just wasn't in your favor.
Yourself and Mingyu had begun trying for a second baby once Ha Ru had turned 7 months old, you did all sort of things to help you get pregnant, things you didn't have to do, nor did when you got pregnant with your precious little boy.
Ha Ru had just 16 months old (1 year and 4 months), he babbled a lot, and he was already walking around the house causing ruckus, you couldn't help but feel like it was the perfect time to have another baby.
It seemed like none of it worked, you improved your diet by a lot, also starting to go to the gym more frequently and taking up yoga classes, but the universe had different plans.
You couldn't help but feel a little saddened that all of your effort wasn't working, nonetheless you were happy with your body and mind improvements after you started this routine, so that was a good thing you could say.
"I don't get it, getting pregnant with Ha Ru was so quick... it was so easy. Why are we unable to get pregnant again, Gyu?" you hopelessly pouted as you spoke to your husband, his back to you as he practiced for their future comeback.
"Maybe it's because with Ha Ru, we didn't plan it..." he began, your eyebrows furrow, staring at him through the mirror waiting for him to explain.
He sighs, grabbing his towel and patting his face dry, walking towards you, sliding down the wall and sitting next to you.
"Maybe the stress is what's wrong here. We didn't plan Ha Ru, remember? We had no plans for kids at the time, we just wanted to get married and live just us two for a while. He was a surprise on our honeymoon" he smiled, thinking back to the memories of your sudden motion sickness, something you had never had before.
Sure enough you found out that you were pregnant. In fact, you were already 3 months pregnant by then, meaning you two had unknowingly, married pregnant.
"Ok, so does that mean that we should just give up on the idea?" you asked confused.
"No! No, no baby. I mean..." he dragged out, a smirk on his lips as his hand caressed your thigh. You laughed.
"You mean we should keep trying without planning everything" you concluded, a nod coming from your husband, his head dropping to your neck, kissing as he moves around.
"Mingyu, I'm trying to be serious here" you giggle, pulling your body away from the hands of your needy husband.
"Y/N, it isn't your fault that we aren't getting pregnant. Let me love you and show you, my appreciation for your already hard work, looking after me and Ha Ru" he mumbles, tightening his hold on you.
He pecked your cheek, taking your face between his hands, eyes meeting yours, a look of love shining brightly in his eyes as he softly kissed your lips.
"It isn't our fault. It's just not time yet" he whispered reassuringly. I nod, a soft sigh leaving your lips, climbing onto his lap, hands around his neck hugging him tight.
His hands, wrapping protectively around the small of your back, holding you close to him.
"Darling, I love you. But you're making it extremely hard to contain when you keep sighing into my neck and inching closer" he says, a strain in his voice.
"Why? Am I making you hot, Gyu?" you whisper in his ear teasingly placing a kiss by his ear.
Mingyu chuckles, his hands grab onto your hips pushing you back from him and instead having you seated near his knees, eyes feverishly staring at yours before he kisses my lips, pushing me closer now.
You give a contented sigh, letting one of my hands travel down his chest and under his shirt as the other went to the back of his neck tugging onto his hair.
"If it's meant to happen, it will. Trust me" Mingyu whispered enamored with the feeling of your hands on his chest, i nod pecking him once more. The feeling of it was electrifying, it was the best feeling, pulling him impossibly close to me as his hands explored everywhere, a moan escaping your parted lips once he begins to suck on your weak spot.
Hand carefully tracing every mark, a smile on your lips as i feel every crease of his abs, feeling him shiver under your every touch.
You tug at the bottom of his shirt, helping him lift it up before you remove your own, going back to kissing him after the removal of the items of clothing.
(Beginning of smut scene)
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"Gyu" you whisper, a groan leaving his own lips as he throws his head back onto the wall as your hands loop around his pants' belt.
"Fuck, Y/N. I missed this" he whispers, voice ragged with passion and need, hands gripping at your hips, squeezing them.
With a little work you manage to get his pants off, placing yourself between his legs, ass up as you lowered your upper body to the floor, eyeing the obvious bulge, contained in his underwear.
Your hand caresses him through the boxers, squeezing his base, your eyes are on his face, watching a thousand emotions race through his face as his face scrunches each time you squeeze him, lips running through his dry lips and teeth biting his lip to try and contain the louder sounds as to not make anyone in the company aware of the nasty actions happening in the practice room.
Soft movements of hands are enough to piss him off on most days, but you two had had sex so little these past days due to a fertility doctor's recommendation to wait it out that he was now too needy to even complain of your slow moves.
You kiss your husband once more before going back down, lips settling on top of his head through his underwear, a strained moan sounding through the room.
Pulling his boxers down and throwing them to the side where his trousers were you licked your lips watching his member sprung up, your thumb running over his tip before you gave a shy kiss to it, a hiss leaving Mingyu's tightly sealed lips.
You rolled your tongue over his member, your hand lowers to accompany your moves and touch the parts you couldn't reach, your husband's breathing just kept on getting heavier the faster you moved, engulfing him whole.
"Fuck, I'm close" your husband warns, eyes glued on you as you stare up, removing your mouth from his member, licking your lips as you lift yourself up to his height.
"Mine" you whisper, watching satisfied as a wave of lust overflows in his eyes, grabbing you with force and lifting you up, swiftly trapping you between his body and the wall.
"Do you have any idea of how fucking hot you looked saying that? God, you're such a fucking tease babe" he groans, his forehead leaning against yours as he mumbles incoherently.
"How much do you want me" he whispers, pushing away from you, confidently standing over you.
"So bad, Mingyu" you whisper back.
"How bad" he teases further, his hand removing your skirt together with your underwear, leaving you naked.
"Really, bad" you shakily reply.
He smirks, hand between your thighs, his middle and ring finger teasing your entrance, already dripping with excitement, his thumb making 8-figured on your clit.
Broken moans left your mouth, a few higher than the others, your hand reaching to grab his wrist as to stop him, but it was simply seen as an incentive to make him go faster, your other hand covering your mouth that only let louder noises leave.
"I'm so close" your voice peeked higher, Mingyu lowered his face to kiss you, feverishly kissing your lips to quiet you, although with the amount of pleasure you felt it was hard, and he took your moaning as a means to let his tongue enter your mouth.
Breaking apart to breath he continues his torture down your neck and to the valley of your breasts, lips wrapping around your nipple, harshly sucking before he gives attention to the other.
The pleasure was immense and within a few minutes he had you clamping down around his fingers, dripping down the practice room's floor.
"Do you think you can take more?" he wondered, eyes watching for any insecurity of yours, you nod, gulping dryly as you look down at his member still standing proud and tall.
"Come here" he coos, grabbing both your arms to wrap around his neck, picking you up by the thighs and placing you just above his hip.
"Are you ready, darling?"he asks you once more, you kiss him, easing his worries and reach your hand down to grab his shaft.
Rubbing it between your folds, moans leaving both of your mouths when you finally push it in. Resting upon one another as you awaited for the stretch to feel good.
"You can move" you whisper into his ear, he kisses your jaw, pushing further in you, hips flush against yours.
He grabbed at your hips, one of his hands on the wall behind you, helping you slide against him.
Moaning against his head, clenching around him as he fastens his movements, pounding into you, almost as good as he did in bed, making you dumb.
"I love you" he exhales, kissing you once more, fingers pushing your hair behind your ear.
"I love you too" you whisper back, fingernails scratching at his back, as you continuously clenched around him.
"I'm so close" you moaned.
"Me too"
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Your core felt like fire, the familiar sensation just reaching when you heard him grunt in your ear making you reach your speak, spasming around him as you both climaxed, both exhausted.
He pulled out, still holding you close and kissing your temple before setting you back down on the floor.
(End of smut scene)
"If this doesn't get you pregnant, then -" He laughs alone, you giggle, leaning back onto the wall.
"We, need to clean this up, before your members get here. Especially Jeonghan. If he sees this, he'll kill you" you joke, moving around Mingyu to grab your discarded clothes, throwing Mingyu's.
Once dressed, the two of you made sure to clean the entirety of the floor and the wall you two had touched before exiting the room and the building itself to go home.
"I worked, so hard today" he sighs, hand reaching down to grab yours, a smile on both of your faces.
Unknown to you, in all your happiness post sex, reporters had followed the two of you around as you headed to the café you two had first met at, you grabbing a tea and him an Americano, his favorite before making your way to your son's daycare to pick him up.
"Mama!" Your little boy said rushing to the gate reading to leave, tears prickling at his eyes, you coo at your sweet boy, hoisting up in your arms, greeting the teachers who informed you of the calm day that had been, Mingyu by your side with his hat and mask, fingers playing with the chubby cheeks of your kid.
"You want to come to papa?" Mingyu beamed happily as his tiny arms began flapping around trying to reach him.
The rest of the day was pretty simple, you sat on the rug entertaining Ha Ru, your eyes often lifting to admire your husband's back as he cooked dinner, something that had always impressed you about him. His cooking skills.
"I'll see you tomorrow, Ha Ru's mom. Ha Ru, bye!" The teacher bid her goodbye's, going completely ignored by the boy, too focused on his dad who played airplane with him.
The three of you now made your way home, unaware that you were still being followed.
The three of you eat in complete bliss with each other, taking little breaks between to each feed Ha Ru before both of your phones go crazy.
"What the hell..." you whisper, your best friend was calling you, a few messages loading the same time.
"It's (your friend's name), hold on a second, Gyu" you say, getting up from the table and heading towards the big window in the living room.
"Hello? What's up? It's not like you to call out of nowhere" you start, a little laugh at the end.
"It's out... Y/N, everyone knows!" she almost yells through the phone, you furrow your eyebrows, eyes going back to the dinner table, Mingyu on a call, eyes big as he stares back at you.
"They... know?" you ask still in shock.
"You made the news" she clears her throat, trying not to laugh at the end.
"I did? Me?" you joke back, Mingyu looks at you astonished at how you could even laugh in this situation.
"Turn on the tv" she simply says, hanging up the call.
You do as told, Mingyu standing up from his seat, picking up Ha Ru as he does before walking to the living room to watch the news as well.
And sure enough, the two of you are splattered all over the gossip news, and then a photo rolls of the two of you entering the daycare and leaving with Ha Ru.
"Well... I mean, at least we managed to hide it for 4 years, right?" you try to lighten the mood, his sigh is the only thing you hear.
"Are you mad?" you question confused.
"Of course I am... I didn't want the fans to know. Not like this" he huffs sitting down on the sofa with your son on his knee.
"I'll just do a VLive right now then. Get it over with"
"Wait! Do a written note first" you try to help. He nods standing up and leaving Ha Ru on the couch.
Everything gets written down, how you two met, how you started dating, the marriage, pregnancy, and the now. He even made sure to include some photos.
Pretty sweet if you had to give an opinion.
Overall the fans were hurt for not being included in such a big mark of his life, but nonetheless most of them were supportive and started calling Ha Ru the carat prince.
Cue Mingyu's teary eyes, as he hugged you, the immediate rise in views of the vlive, the tweets, calls and messages from family and friends and most importantly the fans making guesses and pols about the gender of the new baby carat.
You were introduced about a month later by Mingyu during a VLive in which he spoke about all things' family. Including you and your child.
He thanked the company and the members for the support but most importantly the fans for accepting him even after he went behind their backs.
Better were the news when in that same VLive you crashed in saying you were pregnant. Unaware that he was live.
It was hard, and it was long awaited. But everyone was happy to welcome your baby girl, who you named Sarang in honor of the love the fans had sent.
You had even opened a YouTube channel to showcase day to day life with your little family, a channel very loved by everyone.
Posted the 25th December 2022
The end :)
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vacantgodling · 3 months
supernatural dadsssssssss
11 - Does one act as a narrative foil to the other? How so? 17 - Are they keeping a secret together? How do they feel about that? 21 - What is their worst memory together? (aside from getting divorced/being divorced)
thank you thank you! and a small thing thank u for always including the full question tbh i be losing the ask games on my blog even if i tag them lmaooo
11 - Does one act as a narrative foil to the other? How so?
hmm. kind of yes and kind of no? jihan and hue aren't fully actualized foils of each other, but in some ways they are? i think mostly in terms of how they handle love. hue is very, it's better to have never loved so you never experience loss because he's so... young in certain ways. yeah he's in his 40s, but jihan is 800+ and has a completely different outlook on loving and losing because he's just... wiser? even if jihan wouldn't say that himself, i'm saying it because he is. all love is worth having even if its fleeting is how jihan approaches life and even if sometimes he does wish he didn't feel such attachment (like some of his vampire friends tend to forgoe relationships with mortals entirely even friendships to avoid this heartbreak) jihan can't help but be enamored by life and love. so in some ways they are but they're also very alike so its not a full literary foil device tm.
17 - Are they keeping a secret together? How do they feel about that?
well, the secret being they're "divorced". there's a lot of caveats because of the wrp they techncially can't get Legally divorced, and hue DEFINITELY doesn't want to tell his sisters or their friends about it cuz they'll kick his ass. so he sort of swore jihan to secrecy and bc jihan is whipped he agreed. both of them feel terrible about everything for a variety of reasons and tbh it doesn't even take long for word to get out and the mess to begin so it was kinda for naught pff.
21 - What is their worst memory together? (aside from getting divorced/being divorced)
love the caveat LMAO. i think it would be the time that ozzy got really really sick with pneumonia. like she was in the hospital and they thought she might die because the illness and the meds were having a REALLY BAD counterreaction with her magic so that was a stressful... month and some change. they were both absolutely run ragged and they had to have esther stay with hue's eldest sister, agni, for awhile because they just couldn't deal with trying to take care of her (esther was like 8-9 when this happened and ozzy was like 4-5) and also be at the hospital with ozzy. telling the girl's bio-mom, who hue and jihan are actually good friends with, was probably the worst part about this entire mess it was just a nightmare for everyone involved lol.
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autisticlee · 5 months
I somehow ended up on hEDS youtube and this video makes me go HMMMM. for a few years now i've had people ask me if I have hEDS or say they really think I do and should get reevaluated by a different doctor. I always have to say I don't have it because I failed the evaluation from the orthopedic specialist I saw for joint issues and chronic pain. she did the beighton test and gave me a 4/9 but you need at least 5.
after watching this, i've concluded she didn't even test me correctly? they say if you get a 4 but answer yes to things like could you put hands on the floor as a kid then it counts as a point. my hamstrings and back are so stiff and painful to bend forward, but I could do it as a kid. another is if you contorted yourself in weird ways to amuse your friends. I would always put both my legs behind my head at the same time to freak people out lmao. but according to my doctor, doing it as a kid doesn't count....and she didn't really evaluate anything else. she asked if I have the heart problems all the people in this video don't have, and if I had dislocations that specifically required professional medical attention....my parents forced my dislocated bits back into place as a kid. they refused to take me anywhere that cost them money lmao unless it was serious. like I wasn't allowed to go to the doctors when sick until I had bronchitis/pneumonia and could barely breathe. now I just get subluxation mostly which my doctor said I seem to get a lot of very often. that was it.
she didn't test for sketchy skin which I definitely have or those weird heel bumps I always thought were super gross and didn't even know had anything to do with this until now, or anything else from this video. also when she tested my knees, she grabbed one leg by the ankle while I was sitting and said my knee doesn't bend back, but they're all doing it while standing. i think my one knee at least looks like some of theirs from what I can tell, while standing?? but it doesn't do it while sitting because tight ass hamstrings. (don't remember if it's this video or a different one but having unstable hips and/or knees can cause extremely tight hamstrings and muscles apparently due to overcompensating for the instability which makes sense. my hips are so bad and knees pretty unstable too)
anyway. i had a lot of these things they covered on this diagnostic thing that my doctor did not go over and just told me I have "general hypermobility" and said it's not an issue and that my pain and and unstable joints are ~because I need to exercise more and exercising will cure it~ is what she basically said. not even concerned about the fact that I was there mainly because exercising fucked up my shoulder really badly and I told her how I fucked up my knee so bad once and couldn't even walk on it normally for months. also hips and wrists and etc. also my job is physical labor so.... exercise?? so instead of giving me things to help with my joints she just sent me to physical therapy to do shoulder workouts for one shoulder that I could only seem to do while the physical therapist was watching me and correcting me. once I did it at home, I hurt myself very quickly and could never finish the daily workouts 😅
I feel like there's a way better chance i'd have a higher score if it was done properly or I was evaluated with everything in this video, and not just denied right after scoring a 4 on the beighton test. but also impostor syndrome like what if i'm wrong....from what i've seen online in my googling, you have to have a 5+ in order to be allowed to say you have hEDS and self diagnosis isn't as accepted as it is for other things (like autism for example) because it's more specific and a "serious condition" so not sure if I can just say I have it despite it being very relatable. until I can figure out doctor stuff one day and see if I can pass a proper exam, I have to just keep saying I have "hypermobility issues with joint and muscle pain and other stuff and dont know why it's happening" whenever I talk about these problems....which is a mouthful (fingerful? if i'm typing it?)
unfortunately, I have no clue how to get a different doctor?? or if there's even anymore in my hospitals network, especially ones that know more about hEDS? I currently am not even sure what's going on with my primary. I was told he was moving offices and cutting down on how many patients he sees but would have his staff schedule me when he gets to the new place....that was over 2 years ago and im still waiting. I used to do checkups twice a year. idk what to do about it. I can't do phone calls. writing emails and stuff makes me anxious. when I contact them through the mychart app like refilling prescriptions, it comes up as a different doctor now. so not sure what's going on at all and don't know how to or feel comfortable asking???? trying to figure out medical stuff and communicate with medical staff is so overwhelming for me I rather lie down and cry instead of dealing with it lmao i need an adult! like a real one!!
if anyone wants to share info, related experiences, talk about your hEDS or hypermobility symptoms and problems, or anything else like that, feel free to share with a reblog or reply or go to my ask box!
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izzy-b-hands · 10 months
On a happier note, I am enjoying having to research baby milestones for the Midwifery Charge AU (fic and nostalgia rambles below the cut)
(which at this point, thanks to the help of a good friend, I've realised is best done as a collection of lil one shots from moments in it. I just. don't have the mental anything nor the organisation to do a multichap full fic rn. Y'all know I lose steam too easily on those and just don't do them as well as I do simple oneshots. I wrote a full original trilogy at age 10 and again at like age 21; I used all my 'full multichap project' juice too early in life AND both trilogies kind of sucked ass. RIP to them may their memory never find me again let alone be a blessing but I digress)
Bc it means I get to remember all the cute shit the cousins did when I was helping raise them and like. certain bits can be used for baby in the fic even!
Like how the oldest one learned to roll over from one direction, but then couldn't replicate it going the other way, and she would just. lose her shit wailing until someone rolled her over that way. Then she was good until oh fuck oh no, she rolled over right to left again and to her lil brain it was too different from rolling left to right, she's stuck forever oh g-oh hey someone rolled her back to her tummy. neat.
We never let her sit for more than a second or two stuck (mostly to try and encourage her to. ya know. Realise that she could in fact roll herself both ways and it would be fine. Took her time but she got there lol) and I'm just
Dying at the image of the crew so carefully taking turns watching Baby (who I'm gonna reveal bc I don't think I have yet? if i have ignore me lol, is named Basilica after Izzy's deadname (he gave her the name, there's an entire Thing abt it and little moments abt his journey as a trans man tucked into this au), going by Baz for short (thank u to the aforementioned good friend for this as a nickname for the full name, bc I was struggling to figure out how to shorten it and Baz is !!! perfect!!!) )
And she's been with them longer than expected. 4-6 months is the average that I've found for when babies learn to roll over, so maybe she's abt 5 months old at this point.
Doing tummy time with Fang and she does it! Right to left rolling over, absolutely perfect, stunning, no notes, they're gonna make her a medal but-
Oh no. She's gotta roll left to right now, and instead of rolling the other way she just panics and weeps and everyone on this ship is a big fuckin softy (i get it lol, I was with the cousins) so they keep rolling her over the other way to calm her.
Until they have a crew meeting and Jim mentions Nana telling them that sometimes, babies have to just. cry for a minute or two and learn how to do the thing. You can help, but first you have to let them try and encourage them to do it on their own. (they gloss over the fact that Jim also makes clear with this anecdote that Nana absolutely would have taught a baby how to throw a knife. And honestly, is she wrong for this? who can say, not me, but I like knives and think a baby with a knife is hilarious, so I'm biased. I'm never gonna have kids, don't worry lmao.)
Cut to everyone having tummy time while the ship is docked/anchored somewhere safeish (let's be real, for the Kraken crew, nowhere is really fully safe with all the raiding they've been doing. But Ed and Izzy and Fang all know the quieter spots other ppl have forgotten that they can rotate going to for moments like this)
In a circle, around Basilica on the blanket Frenchie designed and knit for her, while she whines and cries bc goddamn it, why is rolling the other direction so hard? So scary?
And they're all lowkey trying not to cry (Ed and Izzy the most out of all of them, for varying personal reasons that all ultimately culminate in a want for Basilica to have a better childhood than they did, including the little moments/early achievements like this) while babytalking like mad, trying to encourage her to roll the other way
It's just not happening, but juuuust as Izzy is abt to break and gently roll her over, a cannon booms in the distance
And if that adorable little shit doesn't roll left to right, then again, trying to lift her head up to see where the big noise came from. She's not even crying anymore, she's just curious!
Unfortunately, said cannon is a sign they need to head out, so they have to pick her up and get her settled in Ed's room(really Ed and Izzy's room, by this point. Are they back together in a healthy way? Not really, but they're Aware of their mutual issues and are just barely talking some of them through. or starting that process, at least) for her own safety and now she's crying bc she's so mad! She wanted to keep rolling over! She was literally on a roll, how fucking dare they pluck her off the floor so easily!!
Despite the potential incoming danger of another ship, everyone is giggling as they get the ship moving. I'm envisioning it like. U know when a baby is So Mad So Incensed, they're making those angry babbles that are loud enough to hear a room away? That sound is all they can hear aside from the waves and the far off cannon fire, and it's a mood lightener. Yeah, they might be about to fight for their lives, but listen to her! She's swearing! (I do absolutely have an idea for her first word being 'fuck' thanks to Izzy lmaooo)
And they're all as excited to escape not just for their lives, but so they can lay the blanket out again and have her show off her new skill. A little soft moment in between having to fight to save themselves or raiding for more loot (and baby gear/supplies, my god not a one of them ever thought they'd be threatening ppl for additional cloth diapers but. here they are lol.)
Anyway. Eventually I'm gonna get all the snippets posted up in an ao3 collection, including the few I've already posted here. When I get that started I'll drop a link, in the meantime I'm gonna see if I can get my brain to actually finish another oneshot for this au today lmao
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luxuriousmalfoy · 1 year
Interview Music Tag Game
RULES: Put your playlist on shuffle. For each of the 10 interview questions, select a lyric from the random song that comes up. (Skip if there aren't any lyrics and make sure to drop the name of the song in your interview answer!)
OKAY this looked so fun so tysm for tagging me @felixantares ily!!!!!
also i just did this with my liked songs on Spotify which i've had for many years, so some of these take me back lmao
First off, how would you describe yourself in one sentence?
It’s poker—he can’t see it in my face but i’m about to play my ace. New Romantics by Taylor Swift
okay this song uses the first person plural in like EVERY LINE except this one and one other. this was a very hard one lmao
2. What kind of [Aries] are you?
I’ll burn out and slip away, and this is just a part I portray. Masterpiece Theatre II by Marianas Trench
3. You're visiting your favorite spot. What are you thinking about
Nobody’s heard from me for months, I’m doing better than I ever was Call it What You Want by Taylor Swift
okay i love this song sm. my fav on reputation fs!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. If your life was a movie, what do you think the first review would say about it?
It’s so right, you know? Little Black Dress by One Direction
OF COURSE i got the 1d song with the least usable lyrics LMAO PLS just try to use this song for this question with a different lyric than this i'm begging you
5. Say you get a book deal, what are you titling your memoir?
Staring at the Ocean: Waiting for the World to End Heavy Boots by Motion City Soundtrack
Believe me my other choices were far more depressing than what i went with lollll
6. What would you say about your best friends?
Some things just make sense Still into You by Paramore
7. Think back to when you had everything figured out in high school, what was your life motto as a teenager?
Bring some alcohol Still by Foo Fighters
LOL PLS this one was the perfect opportunity i couldn't pass up
8. Describe your aesthetic now.
On the edge of something real. I have a choice, but I don’t know what to feel. Getting tired of all this fear. Fall- Jonas Brothers
IT'S SO WILD i've been listening to this song so damn much lately
9. What's a lyric that they'll quote in your eulogy?
Home now, lights out. Painkillers by Gracie Abrams
okay this one makes me laugh so much bc the idea of me (a recovered pill addict) having lyrics from a song called PAINKILLERS in my eulogy is some seriously hilarious irony
10. And for our final question, say we believe in soulmates, what do you think their first impression of meeting you will be?
I want to tell you there was no one that I ever believed in more than you. I want to know if there was anyone you ever believed in more than me. Bad Idea by Motion City Soundtrack
this one was actually kind of a nice one for this wow. also exposing myself w all the motion city soundtrack on here lmao
okay i am just gonna tag @vitaminpops and @iammyownsaviour no pressure ofc but this was v fun hehe
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andypartridges · 2 years
Name one favorite band from each decade
ooh what a cool question !! i'm just gonna go from the 60s onwards bc i don't have a favourite band from like. the 1540s
1960s - the beatles. hate to be basic but when you have been an obsessive fan of a band since you were five years old & you were known at school as 'that kid who likes the beatles' it's kind of hard not to pick them. yes i have been cringe since i was a child
1970s - genesis. i've said it before and i'll say it again they are THE band i am married to. i probably know more about them than myself and i go crawling back to them whenever i hear afterglow. that shit makes me want to cry every time & it hits different now that i can relate to the lyrics rather than when i was 7 and had no bitches
1980s - ok so xtc are my favourite band of all time. but i wanna just take this moment to talk about r.e.m. bc i've been having an r.e.m. moment lately again and i just fucking love those 4 dudes from athens georgia. they were the first band i really, truly fell in love with and i will never stop loving them (bitch). literally my gateway into alternative rock & Jangly Guitar Music
1990s - similar to the 80s, blur are my fave 90s band & i could talk about them. you couldn't have my early teens without blur, but you also couldn't have them without lush. miki berenyi WAS the blueprint for me and she was the first woman i looked up to whose experiences resembled my own. saying i like their britpop stuff more than their shoegaze stuff will probably get me crucified but i'm sorry i just like songs abt telling men to go fuck themselves
2000s - arctic monkeys my beloved. i saw them live this month so they're on my mind a bit these days (i say having not really listened to the car LMAO) but they are definitely the band i give a shit abt the most from the 2000s considering i don't really listen to much from this decade. whatever people say is such a good debut and i fucking love that it is essentially a concept album about sheffield
2010s - glass animals. how to be a human being is one of the most albums of all time and i'm still recovering from getting barricade at their show last year. i saw a video about how they only make concept albums and i love that for them. like yes give me music with recurring themes and an overarching storyline
2020s - the 1975. ok ok hear me out. they are the current darlings of tiktok and everyone is watching matty healy like a lab specimen but they FUNDAMENTALLY altered my brain chemistry when i was 16. idrc if you hate them but i love those pretentious mfs. i basically listen to 80s music & music that sounds like it was from the 80s and i like it when you sleep (2016) is the latter. their latest album slaps and restored my faith in them after noacf. no i can't keep defending matty healy but i will do it anyway
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merveiilles · 1 year
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// I have made a doctor's appointment with my family doctor to tell him that the sleep meds I was doing a trial run with, do not work for me. I've taken them 3 times in a month and a half when my parasomnia episodes get bad. And each time the symptoms get worse. The other night, after 15min, my body started to ache- which I was warned about and experienced before. As well as the elevated heart rate- which seems weird for putting you to sleep??? but ya... muscles hurt so much, I didn't want to move. I just... was basically comatose/paralyzed- I was paralyzed on my back laying in bed for 13-14hrs. I literally did not-could not move. (I have had sleep paralysis before, this wasn't it- this felt very different.) I woke up a couple times, once to use to the washroom, I hardly remember it. The world was spinning so fast and I couldn't keep my eyes open. I'm surprised I didn't fall down the stairs. But then a handful of hours later I woke up to my alarm- because I set an alarm in case something happened since I have a super long list of side effects to be cautious about. And I checked a message from my mom and went back to sleep for 5 more hours. I could not wake up until it was 4:30pm. And I had to FORCE myself to get up and out of bed. and god it hurt to get out of bed. It took until about 9pm until I STARTED to feel slightly better. So... Made a doctors appointment and have a med review in a couple weeks. Not taking them between now and then because honestly, I felt worse than the first meds I tried. This is the third round of trying a sleeping pill) I hear a lot of stories of people struggling to find an antidepressant or antianxiety med that works for them. I got lucky and the first one I had worked for me, and im still on it 12 years later (flux doses every now and then with doctors permission, etc) But sleepin with struggle pills----- strugglin with sleeping pills lmao -- I have not slept since 4:30ish yesterday. MY BRAIN IS SO AWAKE. AND I SPENT 7 HOURS ON AND OFF, LAYING IN BED. TRYING TO SLEEP. cries. I sleep too little, sleep too much, and see/do/talk weird shit in my sleep. send help.
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wrenwreads · 2 years
piano keys
music brings two people even closer together
pairing/s: peter pevensie x fem!reader
warnings: mentions of heavy rain, and my shitty attempt at someone playing the piano and them teaching as well (i don't play piano lmao 😭)
genre: arranged marriage, friends to lovers, fluff
word count: 1.3k
a/n: this one's longer than normal (especially for my writing). i also thought i'd switch things up a bit and write for our dear peter. might write a second part as well, not sure yet.
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The wedding had been beautiful.
That was one thing for sure. Susan had outdone herself once again with the festivities.
If only it wasn’t just for the sake of alliance, Y/N would have had appreciated it more. She had been stuck in her own mind for that half of the day — thinking of anything - everything - she could have done differently.
She did find herself lucky to be married to Peter.
King Peter the Magnificent.
Ever so respectful Peter.
Peter with his heart so big.
Golden boy Peter.
She had been reluctant. But after one meet up with the King and his first few words to her being “You don’t have to say yes. As much I would love to have this alliance, I respect your boundaries more.”
She had to give him a chance.
That was 4 months ago, the wedding being 3.
So far, their relationship had been nothing but respect and patience. Despite the rings on their fingers and the ink on paper, the two only really saw each other as acquaintances — or so they thought.
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It had been pouring down all day in Narnia. Peter didn’t have a choice but to seize all work for the day, after all, Narnia wouldn’t function if its people were out making themselves sick.
The atmosphere had been nothing but relaxed, enhanced by the large drops on rain outside.
The 4 siblings had cooped themselves in the sitting room. Peter sat on a big arm chair reading a book, the story had gone boring 2 chapters ago.
Suddenly, soft notes of a piano started echoing around the room.
Peter looked up from his book, skeptical eyes scanning his sibling’s faces. “Do you guys hear that?” he asked. Lucy hummed, too concentrated on forming a puzzle she swore she’ll finish by the end of the day. Edmund just grunted, eyes not leaving the book he was reading. “Of course we do. We’re not deaf, Peter,” Susan had answered, although it was not the tone Peter was hoping for. He rolled his eyes, sitting on the edge of the chair. Book forgotten and his palms on his things. “Are you guys — not confused over the fact that there’s a piano playing?” he said, question laced with interrogation.
He’s so confused. Why are they treating this like some everyday thing?
Lucy rolled his eyes, finally looking up from his book. Her loud sigh caught Peter’s attention. He kept quiet, eyes looking at her to elaborate. “It’s Y/N of course.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t know that.” Edmund remarked.
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The blank looks his siblings gave him after Peter confessed that — yes, he did in fact not know that his supposed wife played the piano — had annoyed him, he had to excuse himself out of the room.
His mind went rollercoaster, scenario after scenario in his head on why Y/N wouldn’t tell him that she played the piano.
He was too lost in his own world that he didn’t realise he had walked in the music room. The soft call of his name bringing him back.
“Peter? Are you alright?”
Y/N stood in front him, eyes wide in worry. His heart started doing palpitations and he swears his knees are going weak. When they first met, Peter couldn’t help but think that she’s really pretty. He means really really pretty. In fact, he almost called off the whole deal. He couldn't let someone's beauty go to waste just for an arranged marriage. He had appreciated hers (until now), he just didn't know if the appreciation was mutual.
It was only after the two started to get to know each other that Peter thought it wouldn't be too bad.
Her warm hand had made its way on to his arm, squeezing it lightly. "Pete?".
Y/N watched as Peter finally snapped out of his thoughts, blinking rapidly. She laughed quietly, bringing her hand back to her side. Once she deemed Peter conscious enough, she asked again. "Are you alright?". The man nodded, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. "I— uh— heard!"
She looked at him skeptically.
"The piano, I mean. You were playing," he finally managed to get out, gesturing his arms towards the large equipment. He had mentally slapped himself a million times already. Peter thought he had the skills in him, but apparently not. For he was a stuttering mess in front of his queen.
She didn't seem to mind. Y/N only laughed, walking towards the piano once again.
Peter suddenly remembered what he came to see her for and followed, standing behind her. He watched as she delicately placed her fingers on the keys. She began playing an unknown tune, but Peter was still enthralled. The way her back was straight and her arms relaxed, her eyes darting from one side of the instrument to the other.
He stayed quiet, listening to Y/N play until the sound slowed down and she reached the end. He couldn't help but bring his palms together, his applauds replacing the sound of the piano. "You don't have to do that," she whispered, using her hands to lower Peter's to stop him.
"But why?," he whined, Y/N swore his eyes were going to burst out of their sockets. "I didn't even know you played piano. Y/N that was wonderful."
Y/N looked into his eyes, nothing but adoration swirling around. She could feel herself melt away but tried not to. She bashfully looks away, clearing her throat, finding words to reply to Peter's compliments. "You— uh, were away when... I started playing again.
Dad had taught me how to since I was 5. It was one thing we did together.
I hadn't done it since..."
Peter pursed his lips. He knew what she was talking about. There was always the ugly side of marriages between two kingdoms. The wife stays with the family of the husband.
"Do you know how to play?"
Peter shook his head. He felt his breath cut short at the smile Y/N sent to him. She scoots to the side, leaving room on the bench. She pats it gently, and Peter sat down.
“Let me teach you something easy.”
He sat still as Y/N took his fingers on to her hands and delicately places them on the keys. His mind once again pausing. “Stop being so tense”, she giggles, looking at him. “I’m not,” he denies.
“You so are! Just relax. It’s only me.”
It’s only me.
Yes, and you’re like really beautiful.
He thought.
He finally managed to relax himself.
Y/N taught him a few notes on the keys, occasionally guiding his fingers with her own.
She had managed to teach him an intro of a song he still doesn’t know. It was getting difficult for both of them to focus when Peter would just laugh at his mistakes, making Y/N laugh or when the other just silently giggles, affecting the other.
“What song is this by the way?” He asked as he played the intro himself. “It’s the kingdom’s theme song. Anthem, if you will. It’s usually one we teach children,” she explained.
Peter stopped, a comedic scoff escaping his lips. He looks at Y/N in bewilderment. “You’re telling me I’m playing something meant for children?”
She laughs. “More like for beginners.”
“You’re unbelievable,” he chuckled.
The two spent the rest of the afternoon playing the instrument and by supper, Peter had almost learned the whole thing.
“I assume that was Peter playing the horrendous noise,” Edmund had teased when they entered the dining room.
Peter could only smack his brother at the back of his head.
“Well, he’s learning. That’s for sure,” Y/N reassured, taking her seat.
The look the two gave each other didn’t go unignored by Lucy, Susan, and Edmund. The three chose to ignore it for now, letting the two discover it on their own.
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thanks for reaching the end. once again, my requests and questions are open — feel free to ask. also, my edmund x reader series is gaining shape. i might post a teaser or blurb soon. xoxo
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