#if you disagree i'd like your two cents tbh
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the other big issue is Creation is just too big a quirk for a secondary character
now i can’t really judge Lucas’ opinion the cast of BNHA is too big or not because i’m just not far enough (i did have some whiplash from one episode trying to introduce 20 people though, just like when i first watched IM@S) but we can’t pretend some of Deku’s classmates are secondary character
and that’s fine really. at heart the story is about the Dekusquad and the Bakusquad..... but mostly Bakugou and Shouto, since he gets to be one of the principal cast with most of his squad (hi Mina) being secondary characters (for the sake of this let’s just say the Dekusquad + Bakugou + Shouto are the main protagonists of BNHA)
ok anyways i’m rambling now so anyways, certain powers need to go to certain people
Deku does a good job at avoiding the anime shounen cliche of “our protagonist can do 50 billion things you need a long-ass wiki page and 30 articles to keep track of it” the dude has super strength. it works! that’s as classic a superpower as you can get! everyone else has pretty simple powers at the same time though. convenient, powerful, but simple and very easy to write creatively. sure, One for All, Combustion, and Half Hot Half Cold are the strongest ones but it’s not difficult to understand
they’re the protagonists with good, yet strong powers. but our antagonists have much more powerful abilities. All for One is the most ludicrously powerful Quirk shown so far and if i recall from the wiki, AfO basically conquered Japan using it. Handface-Dude-Whose-Name-I-Forgot’s disintegration Quirk is also super-lethal and powerful. Toga’s shapeshifting could potentially allow her to compromise the protagonists by assuming the form of someone they love and trust
why are final bosses in video games so hard? simple: to provide a challenge. and in a story like this, it makes sense the antagonists have the most powerful quirks: so they can serve as the ultimate obstacles to the heroes. could you imagine if AfO had access to Creation in addition to those hundreds of other quirks he stole??? he might’ve actually won that fight with SPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOILERS
or any of the big villains! think about it!!!
Creation is a quirk that should fall among them. i’d never give one of my protagonists that quirk, it’d make them too powerful. Momo’s quirk should ultimately be in the hands of a very powerful villain, one of the main antagonists even. a villain who uses this quirk to pull a machine gun or a fucking bazooka out of her body! maybe she sneaks up on someone and pulls a syrgine out of herself filled with tranquilizer rounds or even a lethal poison?
so WHY does Momo, a secondary character who just doesn’t have that extreme an impact on the plot have it??? it boils down to having an excuse to write that fanservicey outfit without putting that quirk to good use. 
and it’s... frustrating honestly. i’m not making this post to argue about her outfit, there’s a million of those, but that’s earnestly what it feels like her incredibly powerful quirk is being written to do and it’s very frustrating to think about
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unchaintheunicorn · 7 years
You're not a stupid cunt. I'm sure you did what you thought was best for your country and that's great and I'm proud of you. Idk much about the election over there tho. I'd fuck Jeremy Corbyn tho
thank you!! I really would’ve preferred it if I’d actually been given anons own opinion so I could give my own two cents but NOPE, they had to just disagree in an immature way. ive been invested in politics since i was 13 so…ive done my research and i have my own opinions. ive voted in 4 different elections so I KNOW THINGS. I 100% agree with labour in England, but not in Scotland! it’s a totally different situation and the fact that people have basically handed our country back over to the tories when we were finally getting a voice has made me so angry and im actually heartbroken right now! that’s all i have to say right now tbh (except from the fact that I like corbyn and I’d love a labour majority in england). thank you again!!💙
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