#if you dont have those those must be the main goals and those will likely open the doors for this situation to develop
sukifoof-art · 11 months
Hi, I really liked your art and all and was a fan of you, until you started posting things about supporting a state which is controlled by a terrorist organization that doesn’t care about their own civilians and when any donations come there it doesn’t go to the people who need it but to Hamas, and by donating to Gaza not only do you not help the people in Gaza ,but you also help a terrorist organization who doesn’t care who it needs to kill in order to achieve its goal.
Also when I saw you reposted a post who supported the people in the picture’s with all PLO flags (which weren’t the main problem there) ,it seriously hurt me to see that one picture where people were stepping on USA flags and Israel flags. like….why would you support someone who obviously hate you(assuming you’re from the USA) but even if you aren’t from the USA then think about the fact that you’re LGBTQ, these people HATE people who are Queer and kills them ,so I really can’t understand how are you supporting people who want you dead and are against feminism.
I really hope that what I wrote helped you see this complex situation more clearly and I beg you to look at the situation from both sides.
so this means everyone there deserves to die? this means that a whole school year of children needs to be wiped out? that hospitals must be bombed and millions displaced and communication be cut off? that every palestinian must pay with their lives? that every closeted queer palestinian should die? are you seriously that dense. i made it clear i do not want people who support a genocide following me. have you bothered reading palestinian voices from queering the map? those who regret not saying they were in love and dont even have the chance anymore because thousands are dying? i genuinely don't know what to say to you to make you realize these are real, actual people who are dead. you speak of palestinians as if they're a monolith and not real individual people who had thoughts and dreams. none of these people deserved to die, even if they hate people like me. people can change and learn and grow and they weren't even given the chance. i am so sick of seeing fellow queer people SUPPORT GENOCIDE because they can't be bothered to think about others and their experiences for more than two seconds. of all the queer experiences i've read this is one of the most heartbreaking, and it's from gaza.
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do NOT act like queer people and their families aren't being harmed and DO NOT come into my ask box supporting ethnic cleansing. there is never any reason for thousands of people to live in fear of airstrikes and white phosphorous, or to be stuck beneath rubble and in hospitals that don't even have power. if the idea of THOUSANDS DYING wasn't enough to upset you, there are so many videos of parents mourning their children, children mourning their parents, children and pets shaking in fear for me to not have explain to you that genocide is bad. there is NEVER any reason to JUSTIFY GENOCIDE. that should be clear enough. again, if you are complicit or try to justify genocide, do not follow me and DO NOT try to make me "see the situation from both sides". to be so privileged that you can sit here and write out paragraphs supporting genocide says enough about you.
if you see this i am begging you to contact your government, just do anything you can. even just spreading the word helps because palestine can't. the most important thing is to not give up hope. mourn the dead, and fight like hell for the living.
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lyss-sketchbox · 3 months
[arlecchino sq rant]
and ALSO the way her story quest predictably but disappointingly had no internal logic. even after the memory wiping reveal she was like "NO ONE can escape this if they betray me hoho hehe this is totally successfully written" UNTIL it came to our three playables!! they get a choice, not even just Lyney as the supposed successor! Why involve them then? Why not make a quest mostly about uninteresting npcs like you so love doing? WHO APPROVED THIS
...at least the other animated short, with the twins, is so good
Tbh i dont have any specific gripe with arle's SQ, it's good enough
What i like about it :
Fatui trio dynamic and quirks when they interact with each other (fist bump, natural role division when they scheme, etc.)
Lyney's conviction about 'this is my family, i will protect them with my life' is SHOWN instead of TOLD multiple times (planned the scheming, trying hard to help clervie, stepping up to fight Arle)
The MAIN FOCUSED character initiated the plot instead of 'oh hello random npc i've never met OF COURSE i'll help you'
Arle and Childe dynamic (talks about family growing up, mutual agreement that regrator sucks), feels natural, childe naturally believing rumours easier and arle cautiously choosing her words to mold how people perceive her even in leisure
Alre's strict principles well established (traitors must be punished, all support/sacrifices will be rewarded) it is obvious she works for her goals alone, she joins factions and alliances because she establishes equal trades regardless of which side you fight for.
She clearly don't want to be like Crucabena because she was once her child, and while that doesn't fully explain why she 'cares' about the House, i can excuse that Clervie atleast influenced her in some way so that her children has the freedom to choose the life they wish to live (referring to Clervie's only freedom then is to choose to die)
What i don't like :
The entire facking backstory spoiled in the animation for pity points and/or marketing
Deux ex machina in the form of khanerian crimson moon descendant so her flames can just... anchor people's dying shadow to the world???? sometimes????? plus clervie died when she is 16 and for some reason the shadow is 10 because.........?
Her flames has memory powers also so that she can just choose to make people forget memories of the House
Also look, i get that it's her answer to children who wants choose the life they want, its a magical fantasy world okay pog. But like... so are you saying that these children who forget their House memories just.... get handed a life? a house? a new identity? are people not gonna question why new people are suddenly popping up in their neighborhood? is the government in on it so that they can basically gaslight people that 'ah yes this former fatui person is now your neighbor, has always been!! mhm yeah'?? This is some irminsul level world deletion but manmade??????????
Look its a good premise, it just.... half-bad execution. I get what theyre trying to tell but they are patching the loopholes with magical tissue paper. Its... a lil too easy i think, too hand-wavy. If it was a magic spell to make them forget then they were set to live in a different area and helped gradually to integrate to society, its a lil better. But like... EVEN in the story quest those people who took the bottled flames took a full 2 DAYS to reintegrate to society the SAME society they operated as fatuis in, no issues whatsoever.
While my original gripe is just that the animations shouldve dropped a couple days after the SQ (like how genshin usually post cutscenes a few days after the quest), the more i look into it the more im just squinting at this
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superxstarzz · 4 months
I love the ideas you have! <3 <3 <3 Are there any keywords or a way to explain how some of your classes and aspects work?
I understand that it must be difficult to invent all these conventions but I had to ask out of curiosity
thank u sm!!! and thank you for giving me the PERFECT opportunity to talk about these!!! Hope ur ready for a yapfest, because that's what you're getting!!! I'm gonna break this down into two parts to make it a bit more coherent: How they would work in a session, and how I go about naming and combining them
First: How do they work in a sburb/sbgrub session???
While my original intention was for these to be classpects for sprites, I could see them being assigned to regular players too! Sburb works in funny ways, after all.
With powers, combined god tiers would have the abilities of both their classpects. For example, a Parasite (prince/thief) of Unity (blood/light) could steal and destroy both light and blood. They'd have the powers of a thief of light, prince of blood, thief of blood, and prince of light all at once!
Same goes for personality. Of course, personality mostly depends on the specific player, so this is harder to explain. To put it simply, someone with a combined classpect would have traits from both their classpects. That same Parasite of Unity from the previous explanation would act like a thief of light, prince of blood, thief of blood, and prince of light all at once.
Second: Behind the scenes on creation!!
So for the naming, I actually had some help from my bffsie @diehardpaleontologist !! Because of this, I don't have an explanation for every single name, since half of them weren't done by me :P And as much as I'd love to post the explanations behind every single combo name I did on this post, that would make it 3029204820 years long :,) So I'll settle for a more general explanation about them.
For the classes, a lot of them are just titles that we thought sounded cool or funny. Some of them were actually thought out, though!! Like the Supernova, the Gatekeeper, the Hoarder, etc.
For the aspects, we actually did think most of them through!! Some of them are guilty of being less creative... but they sound cool, soooo!!!
My main goal for creating these was making titles that sound interesting. Ones that are either really cool (The Puppeteer of Dreams) or ones that are funny. (The Beholder of Birth)
Now, the design process!!! For each class, I have a specific aesthetic I look to for inspiration. While actually designing them, I try to not only include elements from both classes but also some unique elements as well! I dont want them to just feel like combinations, I want them to feel like actual classes. That's where those inspiration aesthetics come in :3
The same goes for creating the aspects. I do mix the two color palettes as a base, but I typically change around the colors a bit to make a nicer palette (especially in cases where the mix just ends up... blegh (looking at u psyche pallete.)) When I make the aspects themselves, I try to keep them simple while ensuring they have elements of both symbols. The biggest thing I keep in mind with them is, "Would it cause me mental pain to draw this 3028392 times on an outfit?" If the answer is yes, I change the symbol.
While I would love to yap up a storm on every single design choice I made, this post is already getting long, so I'll spare yall.
If you have questions about any specific class or aspect, I will GLADLY answer them!!! A lot of thought goes behind each one of these, and I'd love to share it if yall r curious :) Thanks for reading this far, and I hope u enjoyed my thought dump!!
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fairys-book-reviews · 2 months
The Revenant Games - Margie Fuston (8/10)
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I'll start this off by saying what i thought prior to reading it. Cos i wrote what I thought down so i could do this lol
What grabbed my attention first, was the name. The Revenant Games, Revenant tends to mean someone come back from the dead, and well, I've always loved books with aspects like that. Then, the cover. It's not exactly too original, in fact on the same day I bought this book, I bought another book with a similar format on the cover. Yet it still intrigued me. I've never been too interested in stories with games and the such (Like the Hunger Games and many others like that), but vampires and witches? Resurrection? Immortality? All are in my top five favourite things, only ones it was missing was polygamy, LGBT+ stuff, and the fae.
And now, to the actual book. I wrote this last night, directly after finishing it (at 11pm).
I must say, I didnt start reading this book with high expectations. The reviews....hadn't exactly painted the best picture. Nonetheless, after reading, while those bad reviews did have points, for me the good outweighed the bad.
Many reviews stated that this was blatantly copying The Hunger Games (Suzanne Collins), just with witches and vampires. Honestly? They're right. The first thing I noticed when reading, is that the writing style was suspiciously similar to The Hunger Games. The way she met Emerson? In the woods, suspicious, sorta watching. Her sister, whom shes doing this all for? Liked by everyone, probably favourite kid (definitely favourite kid). Love triangle between Dude Who Helped Her That One Time and Guy From Home That She Maybe Liked For ages. The actual games were a bit different, but the bare bones were highly similar. But either way, lets get into the characters.
First, our main girl. Bly. She's the least favourite in the family, and she's highly stubborn and freespirited. And honestly, it was rather refreshing to have a female main character whom instead of being like all those 'not like the other girls' girls, refusing to wear fancy stuff, she REALLY wanted a dress, and a ribbon, and a lot of that 'shallow' type stuff. Either way, except for the first part, set a year before the books events, her goal remains the same, with a bit of flexibility in the end. Her goal is to bring her sister back to life, as she blames herself for her death. And honestly? Only development of note that Bly gets is realising she wasnt rlly in love with Guy From Home, she just sorta fantasised about him, and that she has a vampire kink.
Next, Elise. She's not really included in the book, we dont really get anything but memories of her, stories of her. She's our main characters dead sister, and the cause of Bly participating in the games. She's put on a pedestal, likely because when a characters dead, only alive in memories, people tend to say they are better than they were.
Emersons next, and honestly? I don't much like him. At the start I did, but as the book is from Blys perspective, and she mostly just fantasised about him, we saw him in the light she did, where she idolised him. As time goes on, flaws become more apparent. He's cold, rather selfish, and i Just dont like him. Bly shouldve taken the vampire prize instead.
Kerrigans pretty cool. He's a vampire and Blys main love interest. And you know whats amazing? This fucker aint a 200+ yr old dating a teen!!! Bodily, he's 18. But otherwise, just in his early to mid twenties!! (heard others say he was 24, but i dont quite remember). He's got a backstory, and hes got a pretty cool personality. He does that sort of thing I do, where he wears masks of personalities. Cant really say much more without spoilers.
Last person I'm gonna mention is Benedict. Benedict appeared about 3 times, only for maybe a page each time. Benedict is by FAR my favourite i just love him.
Other characters of note that I cant really bother talking about and dont have much to say about are Donovan (Kerrigans brother, hes got some stuff at the end but its all big spoilery stuff), Nova and Vincent (Twins, theyre pretty cool, in Bly and Emersons team in the revenant games), and Demezela, a fuckass witch (I HATE HER GUTS AGH)
Next, we're onto worldbuilding Many people had problems with aspects, like the origins of witches and vampires, but honestly? The characters dont know what happened, not the humans or the vampires or the witches, so why should we know? Others also have issues with the games themselves. They say why would the vampires and witches encourage humans to hunt them? Well one big reason, is immortality. They get bored. They want to feel alive. So they risk their lives. And they want the blood of the enemy side. Theres many other reasons it could be, but on the side of vampires we hear the boredom side a lot.
And onto the plot. So, I wasnt really into it at the start, although by page 30 I was honestly quite enjoying it, although Bly was infuriating at times. Vampires, witches, murder...its cool. Also at the beginning Kerrigan sorta flirted with Vincent and Emerson so bonus points? There were some scenes that sorta meant nothing to the plot but i loved them anyway. Vampires? Making out? Bites? Sign me up, am I right?
Havent been doing brilliant recently but this has been a great distraction, even if it only took me three nights to read (i went to bed at 11pm i swear!!! Reasonable time!!!)
Overall yeah, I really enjoyed the book
Note: It's a series, book 2 isnt out yet
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luperpla · 5 months
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i wanna gab about preshading and how ive been doing it lately. trying to type longer guides on patreon and HV but let's try a quick and dirty version here and see if that helps me get those posts together better. as far as tools used for this, i use an iwata hp-cs and hp-ch (which are .3 and .2mm nozzle airbrushes respectively) along with gaianotes paints for painting gunpla. proper ppe (nitrile gloves, a well fitting respirator and a spraybooth that moves enough air) are a must when working with lacquers. dont give yourself lung or liver cancer for plamo plskthx. pics are from a mixture of the mg sazabi's WIP and some test junk i was doing with the hguc sinanju.
step 1: primer yer part i like to use colored primers cause it really ups the saturation on the paint you use on it. pink for reds/oranges/yellows, blue for purple/blues, grey or white for whites/greys
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step 2: mix your preshade color ymmv on these but personally i like using a darker shade of the main color to do the shading by adding a complimentary color to it. for example, for these parts i mixed brown in to the custom orange color i made. you can use whatever you want though. some folks like using black as a preshade and that's ok! i preshade my orange-yellow paints with pure orange, and blues with either a darker blue or blue with some purple/black mixed in. to goal is to compliment/blend a bit with the color that's going on top.
step 3: go around the edges and panel lines with your dark color, leaving room to fill in with your main paint. hope your hand is steady and your paints are mixed/thinned well! very carefully, go around the part and darken up the edges/panel lines/underside of your parts. i shade anywhere where the "light" might darken up on a real world object but i can't speak to how accurate of a sentiment that is, if that makes sense? it's just what looks 'right' to my eye to do it this way. but the part that's shaded above should serve as a good indicator. here are a few other parts pre-filling in:
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i do this this way for three reasons: first and second, im lazy and cheap. i don't want to waste time and paint coating the entire part when i'm just gonna cover it up anyway. third, if i coat the entire part in the preshade color that's going to have an effect on the main color that's going on top. mainly, it's going to make it darker. i don't want that so i landed on shading stuff this way.
step 4: fill in your main color okay so i always do a shitty job taking pictures of this step (that's why there are no sazabi pictures here) but once you have the edges and stuff painted now it's time to take your main color and fill in the primer-spaces. don't go over your preshade lines, just get as close as you can to that line. it's fine if you hit the edge a little, after all this is the topmost layer of color. even if it doesn't turn out perfect, just work with the wabisabi of the whole thing. embrace the shading not being perfectly uniform. after all, things in real life have degrees of variance.
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take your time, work with a psi around ~12-15, thin your paints well, and be very gentle on the trigger. i work really really close to the part for this step and have to be very careful to avoid splattering or overspraying. this is probably???? one of the trickier parts of this??? i don't know. when you've been doing this for so long your definition of that sorta changes. if you need extra help, look in to something to help steady your arm/hand while doing this part.
step 5: blending okay, so you've got your shading down, you filled in the rest of the space with the main color and it's feelin pretty good. but. there's one more step. get a little distance from your part and give the whole thing the lightest coat you can manage. the goal is to blend the primary color and shading layer together with one or two very light coats of paint. i'm not trying to cover up the preshading, i just want a very thin layer of the main color to harmonize everything.
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see how the preshading isn't so stark now that we've given it those final two coats? i think this is the key to bringing the shading and main layers together. everything feels nice and "finished" now. from here, gloss coat the parts for panel lining and decals or flat coat (or whatever finish you wanna use) it if it's not getting any of those.
and...that's pretty much it. as an aside, glossy finishes tend to make the colors appear darker and flatcoats tend to look lighter but that could just be my eyes being weird.
and uhh....yeah. thanks for coming to my gunpla talk.
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owlovo · 12 days
Hi, bestie 🖤🖤
Top 10 of your favorite characters of all time!!!!
ctommyinnit of dsmp fame. dan you must understand he makes me ILL
stephanie brown. blonde top 2 i need to be stopped
obi-wan kenobi. that one web weave of him holding dying loved ones with the jedi code is like an itch. they cannot help it. YEAH. yeah. lying on the floor in distress
valerie gray. the fact she has a comparatively minor part in dp is DIABOLICAL. and danny ended up w/ sam instead of her? SICK AND TWISTED. WHY DID WE GET BARELY A REACTION FROM HER IN THE FINALE? whatever it got retconned i can move on (lying)
jazz fenton. obsessed
mel medarda dont get wrong i like the other characters but i do wish arcane was about the piltover trio and political manoeuvring. the melvik dynamic that exists in my mind 💥💥💥 dan you get it.
damian wayne 😭😭😭🌟🌟🌟💥💥👍👍🫶🫶🫶😭😭 yup.
washington from red vs blue. this is hard cause i pretty much like all the main rvb cast the same amount but its a HUGE amount. found family ultimate underdog story unlimited grief oughhh
wally west. silly guy. tshirt that say i ❤️ speedsters
csam of also dsmp fame. good job babe you made every choice to cause your own doom and in doing so alienated yourself from and hurt those you love in pursuit of some greater goal! officer down!! 🌟💙💀
(honourable mentions *AHEM* ctubbo, spiderman (any and all), cal kestis (cameron monaghon have my figurative babies), drury walker, e1 and e2 pixlriffs, jack barnabas, daisy toner, basira hussain, comander cody, nobara ubisaki, asa mikata and more im sure im forgetting)
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buzzykrueger · 9 months
hello! i know ur tumblr is mostly about killugon and their dynamic but i just LOVE the way you analyze everything and how you write about it; so i wanted to ask what is your opinion on kurapika 👉👈 and what do you think would've happened if the phantom troupe were ACTUALLY dead in the ynca?
Obviously u dont have to answer but i really want to se your opinion on kurapika and i really admired how you write about hxh and your blog in general.
Hope you have a nice day!
Hello! Thanks for this ask and sorry for the loong delay.
I absolutely love Kurapika. He was my first favorite character in the story, and I think he serves well as a parallel to Gon, especially in Yorknew and the following arcs. Both are extremeley goal-oriented, "selfish" in a way that they will control the situation so that pain and suffering must be experienced by them, and only them, even if it means to close communication with those they love, because they have low regard for their own body and contrasting concern for their friend's well being.
That said, I think Kurapika would be absolutely depressed. Just like Gon lost the target for his rage when Pitou surrended - a rage that fuels but can also distract him from his main objective if misguided - Kurapika needs the Troupe to live because rage is what gives him the strenght to be persistent. He probably would lose his resolve.
This happens with Netero as well in episode 112, when he admits losing resolve after Meruem delivers unexpected displays of empathy and love. But he's a well-experienced Hunter whose mindset works around the mission instead of emotions.
Kurapika may be seen as very mature due to his stoic expression but he's still very young, emotion-driven. Retrieving the Kurta eyes evokes extreme and personal emotions that require a target in order to keep him functional and focused - eliminate that target and he cant redirect that frustration to anyone but himself. I bet he would lose part of his resolve and freeze, before completely give in to even worse low regard for his life.
I hope you like the answer! Thanks for asking 💙
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somedayslater · 2 years
Chapter 408 - random thoughts
Ah my i almost never go here, but those last chapters are really merciless ! I just want to write random thoughts, especially after reading @5x-ra​ own analysis (thanks for your post @5x-ra​, really interesting) !!
1. I dont understand why people are saying She Li is a coward for running. He’s not just running away -because if he was, he would have disappeared and would not have waited for He Tian to try and ambush him. He’s just not an idiot ; what’s the point for him to stay around and get his face smashed ? The difference in level in fighting is clear, he doesnt stand a chance against HT. HT was born and trained as a fighter ; isnt HT the one who is cheating, choosing a way to resolve the conflict with his fists, knowing he can only win X) ?
She Li’s shtick is manipulating people, getting under their skin, planning in advance. It was never brute force, and we rarely see him fighting -he uses other people for that. It’s not bad per se, it just means he’s intelligent ; too bad he uses it for nefarious purposes lol. If he was a nice character, I’m sure people would find it clever for him to run away from the fight scene, find a weapon, and ambush HT. But yeah because his role is to be the antagonist and because his main goal is just to make other people miserable, it’s hard to be impressed by this, instead most of the readers wants to see his face smashed and for him to rip the consequences of his actions lol.
2. I think in the scene where Mo smashes his face from behind, SL is livid, not necessarily afraid ! But yeah, the interpretation of him being afraid is also strongly supported by the manwha. But I think She Li must be thinking, “how dare you do that to me ? how dare you oppose me, now of all time ?” Especially, because Mo do the same thing to SL that SL did to the old man who tried to kill Mo. It’s an ironic twist of the same situation.I’m not sure about SL feelings towards Mo, maybe he he loves in his own twisted way, in a really “i own him” way -he even said almost this sentence a few times. So, for She Li, Mo attacking him is like your own dog biting you after you hit him. SL think he has a right to mistreat Mo : he owns Mo, it’s his possession, and so if he beats him to teach him his place, it’s just rough love kind of. But for Mo to react back, it’s a betrayal. And that’s why SL doesnt hesitate : he tries to actually kill Mo, like @5x-ra​ said piercing him in the head ??? wtf. Like an owner hitting his dog too many times, killing it in a fit of rage, because his dog dared to bite back, SL honestly think Mo deserves to die for opposing him. man...
3. Honestly, isnt this story a story about how adults fail the children again and again lol ? There’s no adults around, except HC and Qiu who are like “ok do what you want, just no killing”. I know it’s because the manhwa is destined for a young audience (? maybe), and a young audience identify themselves with the protagonists and so doesnt want annoying parents taking care of them. Even tho, like what the hell haha
4. Altho i do love the last few chapters, am I the only one who is getting kind of annoyed by this “damsel in distress” version of Guan Shan ? We fell in love with MGS because he was a nasty, feisty, dirty ball of fluff. It was the contradictions that was enchanting : he try to fight innocent jyan yi WITH HIS GROUP just because, he throws a rock at ZZX head, he insults everyone and refuse to socialise, he’s mean to the girls who just say hello to him. He insults HT non-stop, often times it’s fair (HT was really cynical at the time), sometimes it’s hypocrite : why cry because HT is mean to him when literally he ambushed JY over nothing ? He’s proud and think he’s better than others because he’s not a hypocrite, but then he have nothing to show off either. And then at the same time he’s oddly loyal, righteous, and honest. It was what attracted HT. And the appeal to their relationship was this pull and push. Mo was as strong as HT in this psychological game.
But since a few chapters, Mo stopped pushing so much. And it’s nice ! It means there’s actually a relationship being constructed between HT and Mo. But then it became really unbalanced. Because HT continues to pull, and Mo just do... nothing. He’s blushing and not looking in the eyes. He does this bc HT wants to, he does that because HT says so... ok he makes a (weak) scene, and thats all. He’s like loosing his character ? He’s becoming more and more passive, he’s a character where things are being done to him and not a character who is doing things.
And it makes me afraid ! because the same thing happened to ZZX and JY. Remember : we all liked zhanyi because because it was two strong characters, with different feelings, desires, behaviours, etc. JY was always the most active one in the relationship, but ZZx had a personality : remember the confession scene ? the kidnapping scene ? You could really feel who ZZX was. And then, once he began to reciprocate JY’s feelings, his character... disappeared.
Like honestly i dont mean to offend, but ZZX right now ? He’s a street lamp. A sexy, stylish streetlamp, but a streetlamp. He could disappear from the story, you could replace by a photography for JY to droll over, it would be the same. And it makes me sad ! But that’s the reason i’m totally disengaged from zhanyi now. Zhanyi is : Jyan Yi does something ->ZZX is.... here I guess. Once again, a character where things are done to him. He’s just kind of hanging out, and we know JY care about him because JY says he cares about him, but there’s nothing to show for it. It’s been years I think, where all ZZX is doing is sighing, patting JY shoulders, oh and last chapter he ran in the hospital. Where he still is probably.
And I’m so afraid the same thing is going to happen to Mo :0 !! Like, now he mellows and kind of reciprocate HT’s feelings, so he’s just becoming someone who stand by, cry, and run. The main character is HT, and Mo is here to look at him. He’s loosing his personality !! I dont want him to disappear. I dont want Old Xian to do the active one who initiates all the actions x the passive one who says “ahh” “ooh” when the active one do something. Please OX dont do that T_T
Hoping the trend will change soon... even if Mo doesnt want to fight anymore, or scream anymore, he doesnt have to become boring. It’s a strong fit to socialize with others when all your life you have been shunned, to learn to trust and love again, there’s a way of depicting it where Mo keeps his strong, fierce personality, without it meaning he’s automatically reverting back to fighting and insulting.
PHEW here it is, my two cents.
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istherewifiinhell · 9 months
[accepting the sleepy posting] tfa made the bold decision (it made several. in service of being a Good Cartoon. and not just. Good TF) to not super explain MUCH lore lore. techincally speaking its in the future. so all that other shit happened. except no it didnt it wouldnt make any sense if that was true. unless we keep making the same guys i guess. which. IS possible. but no cmon. anyway.
IT MADE the decision NOT to overly explain the goals of the factions. BUT showed things that HAPPENED. namely. oh my god so much autobot, post winning the 'great war' governance thats just like. OH! wow! yall suck FOR REAL! 1 of our main characters has ptsd about it. others, directions of their lives changed by it. including. one being ARRESTED. FOR DRAFT DODGING. guess theres no. um conscientious objection (he got called a PEACENIK).
so in comparsion we know like. BUBKIS about what the badguys want. well. power. ruling the planet. and um their obviously fine with. Murder. tho okay are the good guy government NOT? hmm? but also like. oh u wanna take over the planet with the government that sucks. so bad. and has actively harmed our mains. no yeah. thats. terrible. and its a lack of hmm. suggested governence ideals. not a lot of ideological goals pitched that arent just 'everyone will listen to ME'
But ASIDE from the aesthetic of obsolute cartoon evil they also gave megs the aesthetic of. not revolutionary. but hes playing the game. their phrase is transformer and RISE UP. which neat and tidy, their mostly flying types not driving types. but regardless. Fucks Severly. absolute class act. roll out. where? to drinks? the store? RISE UP. its got connotation dont it.
they show megs playing the fucking game too. he knows how to be a propagandist. he gets the P.R. doing the charming, convincing rhetoric thing. also sexy. duh. tf has a running thing with dealing with guys that are Today Years Old. fully formed 'adults' [altho this show also pushed the hypothetical of robot babies]. well anyway. the heros drop the ball severely and consistently in a way that makes u think. is this? not a thing u have to deal with. culturally. and its VERY fun to see the villians, you know, handle it. Oh they told u we were evil. Oh no no no. its a misunderstanding. lets discuss over high quality. sustenance? LIKE.
not even pulling the g1 trick like. autobots created this new live we wish above all for it to have self determination and true viturous characteristics. [while still being greated in service of this war]. FACTIONALLY. tfa bots are either making shit for war no regards for their life, or just like. eh. oh some new guy happened by accident. i dont care. individually. only the peacenik and the ptsd guy have vested idealogical interest in doing otherwise. and even then mostly just to the ones they like. vibe with. THIS ones my friend. THESE ones fit well with my world view on nature and technology. i guess techically a third was tryna help sorta but also he just kinda wanted some buds. wanting some buds isnt DEVOID of prinicipled idealogy.
i GUESS all to say well the made hero characters who WERE NOT. at the top position of their society. but obviously we know like. hes Oppie... hes... SUPPOSED TO BE. he infact. WILL BE [if they, uh, got to finish the show]. so the powers that be have to hmm. SUCK? and say. like okay i dont wanna say fascist lightly i just. constantly commenting on what 'MUST BE' in someones programming. not as like a factor of. ur a truck u have wheels. but like. 'I thought you were going to be worthy of a position of status but u have failed my imposed expectactions which are not actually of a material nature but a social one' im mean. is that... robot??? eugenics??? "positive eugenics" not "negative eugenics" (<- i believe those are the real terms).
so and like i guess the show would slow [ish] to build to. our guys address the wrongs of their goverment? (~3 specific guys, and a suggested culture) or? maybe some. we cannot fix THERE but we can do good HERE. some sort of. juster society in absentia. right but they didnt quite. get the. what YOU DO get is learning "to be a leader/hero u gotta do. xyz". but thats like. personal scale. what about the absolute historic shit pile of ur planet. ah. unfinished show.
so again im just saying. it invites a stragetic compairson u know. the bad guys got Vision. Got a Scale in mind. it sucks. obviously. but its funny. ur guys also suck, so im not sad if. King Asshole gets Killed. oh he was killed by the people with bad polictics. boo. (you would say that. person of a certain ideology thinking about the polictics of ur toy company kid cartoon)(yup. i would say that. am saying it. now)[<- got my own self commentary coverted again thanks]
oh also to make a running joke about the Meat Heat main guy getting into art (smth smth more tfs thrust into iteration in a world that is not build for their bodies). they kept having the other mains imply theres no cybertronian art. HUH? WHAT? no. theres no painting? maybe. sure (is that natural pigmentation?). maybe. no human like visual art forms? yeah...... okay. but... surely you.... create?? and convey meanings? thru? forms of medias? u have. works of study? smth? maybe all the mains are just kinda. unstudied? being mean? but like. uh. hhhuh? where u all come from sounds like it sucks.
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tharedfish113 · 1 year
In the workplace, Bakugou always, ALWAYS brought his handmade lunch, and it wasn't like a simple sandwich or a frozen pizza. No, this man makes nothing simple and loves himself too much to put junk in his stomach.
Bakugou makes his lunch as everything he does, with tons of passion. Seriously, those containers with his name have food worthy of a 5-star restaurant, and the best part of making such great delicacies? Eating them! Because, yeah, that's why he cooks his own food. No other restaurant or person, not even his mother, can reach his high need for flavor.
Ever since he was a little boy, his mother nagged him about not eating her bland and spiceless food. This woman had never used salt in her life, and sometimes she didn't even cook, going to that Chinese restaurant that was on her way from work, bringing food always cold and tasteless. But when you're a little kid in a strict household like the Bakugous, you cannot have the luxury of not eating the food that was served, let alone insulting it - he learned that one the hard way. So after a slap on the cheek and going to bed without dinner, his mother gave him a great idea.
"If you don't like it, do it yourself, you ungrateful brat!" That was the first useful thing that hag ever said to him. He would teach himself how to cook!
Now, maybe he had a natural talent for doing simple things like eggs or rice, maybe even spaghetti. However, there were foods with more steps and more ingredients that he wanted to make, and obviously, his attempts to recreate elaborate dishes were rubbish, tasted worse than his father's food - who, by the way, was the worst cook out of the three Bakugous - but he loved it.
A normal child would have given up after doing so much work only to make such a shitty thing, and yeah, sometimes he got so frustrated that he would cry silent tears while eating his food - he wasn't allowed to throw it away, his mother screaming not to waste anything - but he really loved cooking. He adored seeing the changes in taste, color, and form every time he added or removed an ingredient. And any time his attempts were successful with one dish, he wanted to make another, and another, and another, until FINALLY he was the designated cook in the house.
Every day, before and after school, Bakugou would take his bike to the local market and buy the freshest ingredients to make breakfast, lunch, and dinner for his family. This meant waking up at ungodly hours and sleeping with the schedule of an old man – a practice he still followed when he started working.
So yeah, he put a lot of effort into making his food, and he deserved to eat his hard work too. But apparently, some people disagreed with him. Some stupid, selfish extras thought themselves entitled to eating his homemade food, his hard work. Some idiot coworker must be blind, because there was no other explanation for why they could not see that big note with his name written in caps and also the usual death threats.
It all started when the creative department changed floors due to building renovations, so obviously, the perpetrator must be one of them. He had an idea, dunce face and raccoon eyes being his first suspects. However, they were discarded when he saw them in the common room eating lots of nasty junk food. So, if it wasn't them, it couldn't be soy face either, since he was always asking him if he wanted anything from his food. It must be someone else, and today he would find out.
With his love for cooking, he knew all types of dishes from different places in the world. His favorite? Spicy dishes. Now, he didn't make them every day due to the difficulties of finding good and fresh spices. Chili serrano, jalapeño, pasilla, habanero, etc. were his main goal. They were hard to find, but Pink Cheeks finally got her hands on some of these spices. So, knowing he would buy them no matter the price, he was the first one to obtain them. Of course, he treasured those spices, trying to put them aside for special occasions like today.
Today was the day; he would catch that fucking thief and kick his ass. Sure, it hurt to waste them on an extra, but he was sure the thief couldn't take the spice in his dish. The first bite would give him away anyway, making his eyes teary and his mouth on fire. He knew the effects, giving his roommate a try.
So, at lunchtime, making his way to the fridge and seeing nothing – again – he went straight to the common room, looking for a mouth on fire yelling in pain. And fire he saw. A shitty, fire red engine hair in the middle of the idiot squad, quickly eating his food while crying. The blonde scowled. How come he didn't notice him? With hair and a body like that – he was huge – it shouldn't be hard identifying the thief before. Did he hide in the bathrooms? And more importantly, how come he didn't die with the spice???
He was certain he had made the dish super spicy to make the food thief suffer. So, why wasn't he screaming? Why was he still eating? It was clear he was in pain, red face abd teary eyes giving him away,but he kept eating,almost finishing the dish..wait a minute
All eyes were on him as the thief, with shitty red hair, got up and made a run for his life, leaving the food behind. Good riddance.
"Kachaan, fancy seeing you at our table," said dunce face with a stupid smile.
"To what do we owe this pleasure?" mocked tape face, while raccoon eyes laughed, playing dumb about his anger.
"Ah, he already gave him a nickname. How cute, Bakubro!!" said Mina.
"That was fast. I thought he would go for the usual 'extra'," added tape face.
"Don't call people names if you don't want to get a nickname," said the pink-haired bitch. "We don't know what you're talking about. We were having a wonderful lunch until you came here and ruined it."
Before he could start with his death threats, the sound of a chair moving interrupted him. Glasses was here.
"MISTER BAKUGOU!! PLEASE REFRAIN FROM YELLING IN COMMON SPACES IN OUR WORKPLACE!!" scolded Glasses, moving his arms in a weird robot way.
"Tch, goddamn it. Calm the fuck down, Smartypants. I was just leaving."
Taking his lunch, he gave one last deadly look to the idiot squad, went outside to the garden of the building. He couldn't stay long if Glasses was having his lunch in the common room. Being the head of the HR department, most of the complaints about his way of working went directly to him, and he wasn't in the mood for another lecture.
Looking at his almost finished food, he wondered about that shitty-haired bastard. At least now he knew what he looked like.
A cruel smile appeared on his face. He had the perfect revenge.
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strawbszz · 10 months
Heyy if you dont want to see me chatting about the coquette community and how trash it can be and that stuff skipp!!!!!
(Also i still absolutely love the coquette aesthetic but the community has some dark sides like every community/fandom)
So a couple months ago i left the coquette/girlblog community and i have some things to say about that community that i witnessed.
The main thing was romanticizing sm0king. Why? Why the hell would you think “omggg!!! Sm0king is so hot and aesthetic!!! I wanna sm0ke!!” Bro do you not know the consequences of sm0king? And i think those people thinking sm0king is “aesthetic” is from mostly lana del rey making sm0king her whole aesthetic and all that stuff.
The other one that mentally hurt me the most was that some of you guys thought the goal of life was to be extremely and unhealthily skinny. It literally made me have thoughts like “why dont i have those dips in my w@ist??” When i shouldnt be thinking about altering and changing my body as a teenager.
The main one that physically and mentally hurt me was romanticizing mental illnesses and sh. I literally started to sh and having that “Girl interrupted syndrome” type sh!t. And i hate that. Why did me and some other girls wanted to be in a mental hospital so bad- like bro do you really want to be monitored by doctors while you use the bathroom, shower, eat, check on you when you are sleeping? Like bro stop being like “OMG IM SO LIKE LISA FROM GIRL INTERRUPTED!! IM SO CRAZY AND I HAVE NO FRIENDS!” Like no wonder no one wanted to be your friend- you acted like a main character in a mental hospital movie. Like bro you must be a miserable person to be around if you are the type to make a Whisper saying “me watching people having fun while i rot in my bedroom” with a girl interrupted photo and thinking that its okay to sh and have an ed. Like you should be sent to a mental hospital but not for the quirky reason. Like you should touch grass or see the light of sun or your parents NEED to take your phone away and make you read a book.
Anyways heres some examples of some “coquette/just girly things/girlblogger” Whispers that are so bad.
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superlativesamsara · 2 years
Hey who wants to hear me ramble about deific title bullshit? No? Dont click through the readmore then.
Alright now that we've weeded out those nerds time to ramble about Flow and Fate and why they're both BULLSHIT
So, Fate is the Aspect of the Negative of Choice, but what the FUCK does that mean?
Simple, really! Fate is about Predestination, Fixed Paths, and Progression. A god/dess of Fate's main gimmick is that, to greater or lesser extent depending on title, they can see the next step(s) that will need to be taken to bring about their desired outcome, almost like a cooking recipe. And much like a cooking recipe, a lot of the times various bits of context for why you're doing this action will be left out because the writer assumed it would be obvious when you got to that step.
So, for example, a Champion Demigod of Fate whose Goal is "Survive this fight", will typically see the next 1-3 actions they MUST take to bring about the quickest and simplest ending of the fight that results in their survival (and usually at least one of those steps is gonna be "run the fuck away" for the vast majority of fights because that's the quickest and most direct way to end a fight in your survival). On the other hand, if their Goal is "Protect [whatever]", they'll be constantly led along in a sequence of exactly what steps will lead to them being in the way of the next attempt to damage whatever they're protecting, though not necessarily in a way that's pleasant for them, if protecting the thing is more expedient by allowing themself to be hurt.
To explain it a bit differently, Fate will always show you the most direct path, but by no means is this guaranteed to be the *best* path. There are ways, thought tricks to resolve better paths, but there's generally a trade-off, in that the more specific of an outcome you want, the less steps you get to see in advance.
Now, to contrast this, we have Flow, the Positive Aspect of Momentum, which probably sounds weird but it's a bit hard to explain in fewer words.
Flow is all about constant change and buildup. Flow is Motion, yours and that of everything around you. If you're at all familiar with Water Style supernatural martial arts, you probably understand what I'm getting at: once you begin, it's critical that you keep the ball rolling, and the longer the metaphor ball is rolling, the more your actions will be amplified, if that makes sense.
To better illustrate this, the signature ability of Flow is a passive effect colloquially called "It Just Don't Stop", which resets all your cooldowns whenever you use another ability (or for some of the more potent powers, just shaves a big chunk off of the cooldown).
All Gods/Demigods/Heroes/etc of Flow will possess this ability, and they'll also possess an intuitive grasp of how everything moves around them. One would best compare this ability to a somewhat juiced up spidey sense, a semi-precognitive preternatural awareness of Things about to come into Motion.
Now the main downside to Flow, is that all their abilities are reset back to their absolute weakest the minute their metaphorical combo ends and they fail to chain in another action of some kind. If the ball stops rolling, it takes a bit of effort to get it moving again, and once again I must emphasize that all of the abilities of a Flow user are tied to their metaphorical momentum.
Where Fate all but lives for punching out of their weight class, Flow can't get away with that because it *will* grind their Momentum to a halt if they can't take them out in one go, and even if they do it'll still severely penalize their Momentum all the same because it'll expend a lot of that built up energy.
To put frame it a little different, on a maze with multiple valid paths but only one exit, Fate will tell you outright "this is the shortest path, follow it", where Flow will actively want to take the longest possible path, because that path will bring them the highest Momentum buildup along the way.
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soulfullionbunny · 4 months
S.M.A.R.T. goals
This a thing learnt from my therapist. Basically he said that i lready knew what i need to do but i lack structure and clarity in my goals. he suggest for me to use SMART to format my goals.
Ok so what is SMART? SMART is an acronym that guides us how we can structure our goals for it to be easier and more likely to achieve. each of the letter stands for an aspect.
S is for Specific. Your goals must be specific so its easier to focus on it. cant be to general bcs abstract goals are hard to intepret their success condition. M stands for Measureable. Your goals need to be quantified in some way so it helps you to keep track. A for Achieveable. I think it common sense for the goals to be achieveable right? R is Realistic. It need to be realistic, as much as it feels good to imagine we achived some impossible task, it doesnt help us in reality. lastyl, T is for Time. Not only Measureable but also kena in time. set a due date or time limit so the goals wont go on forever.
Now how it applies to me? it because my goals since July'23 is to improve myself and be a better man. the way i plan to achieve this before SMART is to focus on 3 main issues my ex had with me; Manipulative, Emotionally Absent; and Sexual Tendencies. Manipulative is by being more aware what i say and learn to accept rejection. Emotionally absent by tackling why im distant in the first place and my sexual tendency is, basically, be closer to God. my only plan for those is to just change my habit and hope for the best hahaha. i force myself to journal my thoughts, i went to therapist, get diagnosed with ADHD/Autism, and do my responsibilities as a muslim. that went nowhere because i dont have anything to measure it with. when i achieved my goals? what time? did it helps me to fix myself? banyak persoalan and so little answer.
then my therapist drop the SMART to me seeing how i had a plan but as per my wording "mcm susah nak keep up and manage". so far its a good addition to my improvement progress and im forever thankful to him. i just hope my adventure in self-improvement go on strong even after i will be (inevitably) rejected.
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girlsexbattle2 · 2 years
The road is a depressing book about why we live life and is poorly executed. if one may deal with thoughts of suicide, may wanna skip this post. oh and canabilism. lots of it
my goal is discussion so have literally the slightest thought cross your mind please tell me about it. i will steal it for my essay (i will credit if asked to)
the books ending is shit. not in the 'oOOO oo emotions' way but bad writing way. the man dies to illness and the boy is on his lonesome for like two days until a deus de machina comes and gives the boy a chance at a new life. and the overall message is like supposed to be life moves on even if you dont(?) or maybe that our lives maybe shit but we have the ability to help it so we must live. ignoring that they really do fuck all to make their lives feel like they are worth living. idk man it feels stupid trying to analyze the plot when the setting is the main focus. like the reason mcarthy wrote the book wasnt to tell a story about characters but to show a desolate post apocalyptic america. i am supposed to question the idea of 'good vs evil' and its dichotomy.
my first thing to say is there are no good guys. not like the boy and the man evil but neutral. grandpa too. just living to survive with no greater purpose. simply walking an uncertain road to oblivion. okay ill mention the on the nose theme of the road is life and youll meet all types of people but they all leave at some point and leave an impact on you in some way. the depiction of the road as cabalistic also an on the nose dog eats dog world.
(great point of idea over execution. dog eats dog world -> man eats man-> man eats man!! fr!! thats a fun little detail but that leaves us with no real reason for canabilism. like i think they mention crows at some point? not the best option but better than newborn.
'oh theres no plants' okay fuckwad why do they have trees? and apples? our duo find a doomsday bunker intact which proves that there is still places unscavenged not saying it would be easy just there are ways to live without eating human flesh. actually htf does the settlement at the end of the book survive? they have to eat something. thats a big detail i dont think carthy would miss that im probably forgetting.
just canabilism aspect doesnt sit right with me. would it be too twitter of me to say this book realizes on a white suburban view of life? cause like native americans didnt live here for fucking centuries as stewards of the land and with mellow cultures for you to say that all society would collapse. like yes the upper middle class up live cushy lives and probably never have killed an animal bc of thier own need of food but others in poverty already live in some [i am white upper class and have no balls to say all] of these conditions. is the road an analogy of poverty? like it would be the end of the higher class but not all of us
actually i really like that point. this is only a horror/sad story for those of us fortunate enough not to live it. we are cooing at the preventable corspe of our fellow man with the smoking gun still in our hands.)
okay idea three(?) would be idea one remixed. the man is the stand in for the older generation or for my purpose the 'current' generation. boy likewise is the to-be inheriters of the current generation title. The man is cautious of people and holds no sympathy for 'others' but he still willing to go into the old world wreckage to scavenge. the boy is opposite, empath but terrified of the world that came before him. good and evil would have to rely on the characters morals. and the focus shifts from the man to the boy when he inherits the current generation title. could be the theme of 'the world is seen through the procived majorities eyes.'
i think i deleted the part that says 'keep living by obligation' which mcarthy fails to make this interesting. like the plot being because dad says so isnt inspiring. okay a realistic life is lived by obligation but thats not a good story motivator. i did what i always do which is watch a video essay about the topic bc im cool like that and he said that the point is to ask the question 'is there a reason for anything?' which yeah interesting question hard to execute in a meaningful or memorable way. or if there is it definitely isnt the road. im a hudge bitch when it comes to stories that make my class have discussions on whether suicide is the answer and seemed to genuinely go to yes. that was the moment i felt most kindled by the duo bc my god mcarthy you better prove them wrong or ill cry. not bc of you unique writing style but because these fucks deserve better. i deserve better.
the man and boy should share more moments being genuine with eachother. no one ever breaks down and like expresses shit to work through it they just crack for a second then go back to surviving cause boys dont cry. like its obvious that the man loves his son. but does he love the person? does he love the boy beyond the title of kin. same thing in the other direction too. cause i really dont think these characters do. and that could be interesting if you explored that but thats not mcarthys goal!! so they are just bland tear fodder. like i think the goal was 'the road is worth walking with loved ones' they lack any attributes so the reader can imprint whatever ideology onto them. Thats lazy. These arent people. Fucking Sun Wukong, representation of the human mind, one of the most varried things in existence, has enough character that the duo would turn to ash in his presence while being a damn fine metaphor (even if it doesn't encompass everyone)
im expected to give them pidy on the idea that they are human and trying to survive in a world hell bent on killing them and just like. yeah man that sucks but me too. and then we both continue living our shitty depressing lives and never do jack shit to help ourselves. well i guess the entire book is to get to a better place. but what happens when they get there that couldnt happen in rock city? what changes because of this. i know i know the winter. i feel unsatisfied. okay so thier goal is to keep living in the world where they reside. not im going to stop this. which is boring i can go talk to any bitch out on the street and get the same life story eachtime. i dont care anymore.
I get thats not the point. that not everything must be a call to action. that this is a fiction book desperate trying to presist thats its real. not like those other books but this is my tumblr blog so im going to say i hate that. i hate the idea that this is it. theres no hope here. go outside and weep if your looking for that. dont require me to read in class a story where nothing is accomplished. where the main take away is our lives will not impact the universe and therefore are meaningless.
okay tldr: the roads all like 'life is meaningless monotonous mess' and i think thats a really boring topic. with out agency your novel is shit. i dont really care about these characters at all bc they arent characters. they are muses for the reader to view how they like. which did not work in this book.
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mikeellee · 2 years
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I posted 6,162 times in 2022
That's 2,396 more posts than 2021!
88 posts created (1%)
6,074 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 84 of my posts in 2022
#hori is a bad writer - 37 posts
#shigadeku - 24 posts
#tomudeku - 20 posts
#the way a lot of the fandom treats izuku just bothers me - 19 posts
#anti horikoshi - 18 posts
#shigaraki x deku - 17 posts
#shigaraki tomura - 10 posts
#anti bakugou - 10 posts
#izuku midoriya - 10 posts
#tomura shigaraki - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 84 characters
#he cant make shiggy so white and black mentality and then boom time for izu save him
My Top Posts in 2022:
So I don’t usually talk about the king aka Shigaraki in my rants...so I want to reticify that.
Before I move on...just to be clear. I do love Shiggy. This is not me being a hater and if you have a different opinion about Shiggy...ok. That’s valid.
My main grip about Shiggy... is how he has no real end goal. I know people here on tumblr have analyses, essays and whatnot about how Shiggy must be the Messiah that will get rid of bad heroes or capitalism or anything like that.
I like this idea. I would read a fic like that.
The problem is when people really think in Hori’s canon...Shiggy is indeed a messiah who will set all the fair people free from the unjust system.
Like, dont we all live in a shit society? I can’t speak for all but in my country we rather revult about Superman’s son kissing a man than...a genocide president who mock the victims of covid.
And yeah in moments like this....is nice going to escapism. People facing na evil ruler/regime and bringing real changes for the kingdom and everyone is happy.
I get it. I like those stories.
But on Shiggy’s part. On Hori’s canon part...we dont know what HE wants.
Duh he wants destruction. One may say.
Ok...he wants to destroy the heroes....ok then I ask
Does he want a literal destruction? Are we rooting for a villain who wants to commit genocide?
(In the war arc he did many bad thinga and yes we can say “AFO controlled him” sure but he still had some control over his action to a certain point and he shows no remorse)
Does he wants a metaphorical destruction?
Does he plans in making something anew?
What Shiggy wants? ( aside a fine 🥦)
We dont know...we will never know as AFO is treating Shiggy as his flesh puppet for reasons unknown for us.
I know there are many posts saying “shiggy will end the corruption” and I have to say...NO HE WONT. Not on Hori’s canon.
Shiggy’s motivation/goals arent totally his. His father hated heroes. AFO increased that to 11.
Shiggy is not speaking about the flaws of the hero society to everyone but more about how the society failed him. How no one saved him.
(He wanted to be saved by Zuzu but...headed by Hori...look if Hori had made them inferact and had a relationship that would have been amazing but, again, headed by Hori 🙄)
Shiggy speaks about his pain and trauma and I notice how the victims in the story need to be shut and accept their abuser ( case point, look at how hori treats Izu)
Shiggy is vilanize and abused by the narrative for daring to want revenge on his pain.
And again, headed by hori, its a bit hard to forgetten Shiggy’s action and LoV’s (Says the person who likes the idea of them winning with Zuzu)
This make me think of MCU Loki...and how he killed many people in the first avanger’s movie.
Sure. He killed of screen and all are faceless and nameless but here the thing...if we are to accept Loki was brainwashed by Thanos...even so, he indirectly killed those people....does he feel remorse?
Bc LoV and Shiggy show no remorse. Asad backstory is not free card for a character to do whatever.
Also for the togaocha out there....in hori’s canon THIS IS HORSE SHIT. Look ship what you want, I BET YOU CAN BE BETTER THAN HORI HERE.
But Toga trying to kill Ochako, mentioned how she used her quirk to kill and then is surprised that Ochako is grossed out by her....IS NOT TRACING A ANTAGONIST RELATIONSHIP
That is Hori being stupid.
See the full post
45 notes - Posted January 4, 2022
I make this post in the hopes some people watch, read and stay mad. It's 2022 and if you still write any Izu shipping fic- regardless with who- where bk is important for Zuzu or the shipping.
You are shipping wrong! And I say this 100% right and certain of this.
Not saying WHO yoi should ship, but when you ship someone- any ship of any fandom- the general consensus is for 2 characters to be together and happy.
And I know some may say "I ship two villains. They do fucked up shit" ok. Then they are fucked up but in love.
And now you wonder "what's matter? If we ship character A abusing gaslight character B, its not as if we are condoning such acts"
TRUE! I can't stress this enough. Liking dark content is not a sin or illegal, but it's sus how the MHA fandom takes Izuku Midoriya and puts him in awful and abusive situations in the name of "love"
A certian server in the discord seems to make Izu the eternal victim, the one who needs to sacrifice everything to be with his lover...who wont sacrifice anything.
And think back how the number of abusive relationships show in the media are awful...See, any "romance" mainstreaming.
And I mention this bc...why is so hard to make healthy relationships?
I ship shigadeku...and the ship can be healthy even if Zuzu falls to the dark side.
You can ship Izuocha and not make Ochako laugh when BK mistreat Izu.
You can ship Izux anyone. And not make him "cant function without my love interest"
You can make healthy and interesting. Also, the whole myth "fucked up relationships are more interesting to read" is not true.
I wouldn't read any Joker X Harley comic...
But I would love to read a Poison Ivy x Harly comic.
52 notes - Posted July 6, 2022
You know, thanks to a discussion with @professionalranter31 I realize something....Shiggy may be the only person, in canon, who really react positively (more or less) to Izu being quirkless.
Like Inko criies her heart out and apologise to him (never will like that nor the scene)
AM dont talk about his past. Yes, he said Izu cant be a hero but it wasnt bc of he is evil...it was to soare him (but I do think he was wrong as not every hero faces a villain like AFO. Also, if AFO didn't exist or was dead would AM agree Izu can be a hero?)
BK, please. You guys know what he thinks. His "iconic" line of suicide baiting tells you everything.
Just it.
"Ah he is quirkless? Ok whatever" and he is the villain. He couls have said smth equally or worse than what BK said. Could have said smth qorse to Izu's face "quirkless good is a dead one" and yet... he never says this.
The villain is more chill about it than....everyone else.
And the love interest, Ochako, knows shit about Izu...Like wow.
65 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
I never did a rant about a ship before bc I always thought someone else could do a better job defending it but, considering how this fandom is...maybe I should give my 2 cents for shigadeku
Note: please. I’m note here to cause any ship war. You ship what you want. If you dont like shigadeku then that’s fine.
That’s out of the way, lets talk about this ship. Now, Hori is a bad writer but even in his bad canon...shigadeku does have interesting and “strong” foundations.
I put “” here bc any ship headed by Hori will be bad written. I know this.
Both are different sides of the same coin. Both are outcasts, both have quirks that caused them pain.
And both are alone.
Now, what we know about shiggy is that he is being manipulated by AFO since a young age.
* I want to mention here how...in the hands of a better writer, the name deku could mean smth omen and AFO could call shiggy deku either in front of him or to his back to add more paralels and development for the 2 like, Izu stood up and says/make bk stop calling him deku is great but imagine him defending shiggy?*
oK think with me. In any sci fi/fantasy movie when a character is being mind controlled or groomed...what would stop him to finished the task is seeing the hero/loved one bc would be the begin for the character to.set free.
“I was supposed to kill this person but I dont want ....for now” and develop from there.
Now, when we meet Shiggy is into the hate AFO spill. He has 0 reasons for wanting AM dead.
“Ahhh but AM represent how this society is bad”
Great answer and idea for a fic. But in canon he never gives a real answer. “I hate AM” is his get go....no further explanation.
But how funny he saw Zuzu and staet wanting to talk to him. No one put this idea in his head.
No Kotaro.
Its all Shiggy.
He, still under AFO’s bullshite, went to see Zuzu. And yes we get the mall scene but what many fans oddly refuse to admit is how...he went to Zuzu on his own free will.
THAT IS HUGE. Especially considering SHIGGY IS GROOMED (that is not fanfic that is canon and I do hate hori’a canon)
He has a photo of Izu...who by the time was just a student.
Like this has a HUGE potential. And I dont get why people refuse to reconize that?
If this stoey was headed by a competent writer shigadeku would be a more prevalent relationship.
They arent mortal enemies...they are two hurt boys stuck in this stupid war and decide to stop the feud.
God this line above is more romantic.
For those wondering...I did watch boku already liking IzuOcha but...Hori sideline Ochako and her feelings so much.
“Ah and the cute moments? Izuocha will be canon, not shigadeku”
I Know. And I have no problems with this ship- if we compare with naruto’s canon ship- but it doesnt change how underveloped it is. Also, Izu could have cute moments with Mina too and no one will say they are endgame.
Not sure if my point is clear. All I’m saying is that Shigadeku has such romantic potential and you dont need to turn Izu into “soft cinnamon roll” or change Shiggy into “playboy” to make it work.
“Ah gross. Shiggy is older than Zuzu”
3 or 4 years isnt a big deal. I mean, Shiggy was a 17 years old when the story begins and that didnt stop anyone to ship shiggy witb dabi or eraserhead who are older than him.
See the full post
78 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
You know, I think we all own an apology to Kishomoto. Why? His ending wasn't bad written...it fits perfectly with the narrative presented.
Naruto was never about the underdog nor a chosen one who will break the cycle of abuse
Naruto was a story about a fascist and imperalist goverment who will gladly and gleefully stomp overr your body unless you have some utility for them.
The will of fire is not a cutesy thing. It's a propaganda...and it was never challanged.
Sending kids to war.
Breaking yourself for your nation.
Naruto, the mc, never wanted to change anything...he wants the prestige. He wants to be hokage so he can get attention.
Sakura and Naruto both are toxic in regards Sasuke. The victim of genocide - who is paint as a bad person for not wanting to go back to konoha- is in the wrong and needs to be taught a lesson.
Sasuke is not allowed to disagree with a goverment who said ok to genocide of his clan.
Sakura is so yandere for Sasuke...and that checks. You can say is sexism but not is out of character. She dump her friend- mind you in this case Sakura was 10 years old- bc she feared her friend could get the attention of Sasuke.
Naruto was never one to change anything bc all he wanted was to be at the top. Not change anything.
Naruto wasn't a tale of hope. But of dispair.
148 notes - Posted January 19, 2022
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0ystercatcher · 2 years
like many factors other than ‘protecting womens reproductive freedom’ affect birthrates and in cases where lower birthrate can be tracked or correlated to stuff like, women or families being unable to afford having kids and therefore unwilling to do so (a fair and rational individual decision), or deciding to do it and struggling with your finances severely to do it, are really not positive things for women or the society as a whole. like we do need kids to yknow. continue to exist as a species. which is not a bad thing to want or incentivate as a group (as long as youre not forcing people into reproductive slavery but thats the other side of this coin and obviously not what i advocate for)
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