#if you fuckers start sending me COD content i am going to burn this blog to the ground
trixree · 1 year
in the mood for codywan spicy fics, any recs???
Per my last post, I'm catching up on old Asks, AO3 comments, and messages received during my hiatus! (Psst, go do my Fanfic Poll)
So I play this game in my brain called "the things you love are illegal to enjoy" whenever I am in times of high-stress. The way that this manifested for me during the last, give or take, 5 months??? is that I've thrown myself into fandoms that I AM NOT IN, I DO NOT CARE ABOUT, THESE ARE NOT MY MEOW MEOWS, because the stakes are lower for enjoyment, ya know? Like, it was too stressful to read codywan for awhile because I LOVE THESE CHARACTERS and have VERY STRONG OPINIONS AND FEELINGS ABOUT THEM. So instead I started realling call of duty fanfic. no, i cannot explain that move. I will not even try. my partner keeps jump scaring me by googling what the characters in COD look like and showing them to me. That in fact ruins it for me. I don't want to know what these men look like, the point is that I have less than 0 investment in them and that's why i can fearlessly enjoy them banging across many different surfaces. I call it 0-investment smut.
Now that I am somewhat A Person again, I plan to go back to fandoms that I truly do have lots of investment in.
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(I do want to note with immense sadness that my absolute favorite codywan writer of all time, @glimmerglanger both here and on AO3, removed their fics from AO3 I believe due to harassment they were facing. I wasn't around at the time all this went down so I don't know many [if any] of the relevant details, but I was very sad to see that this happened to them and i would be remiss if I didn't at least mention that the fandom has lost an incredible source of talent with their departure. Many of their fics were personally very impactful on me and I hope that they are doing well and wish them all the very best. And here's your reminder that fanfic writers do what they do out of a love for the craft, out of a love for the universe and its characters, and harassment of a creator you don't like is NEVER justified.)
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