#if you go 'lmao Americans mad wah wah' you are just as edgy as those who go 'lmao Iraki mad wah wah'
ben-the-hyena · 1 year
Me, a non-American, always seeing Americans on this god damn website either going "9/11 is the worse tragedy in the world, the war was justified because these Arabs and Muslims deserve it, they all are terrorists, Long Live America" or "the war had no reason to exist, poor people, all because of these fucking 9/11 victims, let's mock them and say they deserved it, they're not innocent, Fuck America" instead of seeing it as a tragical day indeed that got overused as an excuse for war propaganda making innocent victims on both sides, the first being weaponized while everyone would have just wished it never happened at all with no death, once again goverments and terrorists are the ones to blame and yet they win by having civilians choose sides over the death of fucking human beings
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