#if you haven’t bitten your sibling even once you’re lying
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Normal sibling behavior
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fanficshiddles · 2 months
Eternally Mine, Chapter 22
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‘I can’t believe they did it anyway even knowing the cameras are up.’ Louise laughed.
‘I know. I dread to think how often I am going to need to edit the footage.’ Chris huffed as he ran a hand down his face.
They were on a date together the following evening after they had both finished work, at a lovely Chinese buffet restaurant. It wasn’t too busy, so they weren’t surrounded by other people, so could talk rather freely.
‘Have you seen anything suspicious going on? Aside from what our siblings are getting up to.’ Louise smirked.
‘There was one hunter snooping around the grounds, but I got to him quickly. I suspect the rest of the hunters probably know that there’s cameras up now.’
‘What about Hannibal, anything suspicious with him? He was weird at the party with Toshi.’ Louise said as she stuffed some chicken curry into her mouth.
‘Nah. He’s a dick, but he’s not in with the hunters if that’s what you’re thinking.’ Chris chuckled.
‘Hmm. I’m not sure about him.’
‘Most people aren’t. Like I said, he’s a dick. Though he’s not against us.’ Chris assured her with a smile.
He reached out towards her and wiped the side of her mouth, as she had some curry there, making her blush.
‘Sorry. I can be a bit messy when eating.’ She grabbed a napkin, though Chris had already wiped it off.
‘Is there any other way to be?’ Chris grinned and winked at her. ‘The state I get in when feeding.’ He scoffed at himself.
‘I guess it’s not easy to avoid getting blood everywhere though.’ Louise giggled a little.
‘Well, no, not really. It is a messy business.’ Chris nodded. ‘I wouldn’t spill a single drop of yours, though.’ He purred seductively.
Louise’s cheeks went bright red as she giggled shyly. ‘What if I don’t taste good? Matt said that happens, some humans don’t taste nice?’
‘Oh, believe me, pumpkin. You would taste incredible, I can tell by your scent.’ Chris hummed low and couldn’t resist reaching across the table to trail his fingers down her cheek.
‘Claire has told me about how it feels to be bitten… I wouldn’t mind you feeding from me… If you wanted to… just…’
‘Not yet.’ Chris finished for her with a smile.
Louise nodded and smiled sheepishly. ‘I’d be lying though if I said I hadn’t fantasised about it.’
Chris could feel his urges trying to burst through, he could smell the very faint hint of arousal from her. Which wasn’t helping much.
‘As long as those fantasies are with me.’ Chris smirked.
‘Nah, of Jessica, for sure.’ Louise teased.
Chris laughed and reached under the table, with his long arms he could easily reach her knee to give her a squeeze. ‘Behave, you.’ He growled playfully, making her giggle.
‘Of course of you…’ She blushed again.
‘Don’t worry. When the time comes, you’ll be begging for me to bite you.’ He winked at her.
‘Oh my god. Stop! You’re going to make my cheeks go on fire.’ Louise laughed and picked up a prawn cracker, she had to stand up slightly to reach across the table to shove it in his mouth. The look of surprise on his face made her laugh even more.
Chris chewed and swallowed the prawn cracker, then gave her a cheeky smirk before they continued eating.
After they finished at the Chinese buffet, they decided to have a few rounds at the bowling alley and a couple of drinks.
‘I haven’t been bowling in years. I used to be really good at it though, so I’ll warn you, when I get my groove back I will kick your ass.’ Louise teased as Chris typed in their names for the screen.
‘That’s some big fighting talk from such a cute little pumpkin.’ Chris teased and slid an arm around her, holding her in place so he could give her a soft kiss on the lips.
Louise blushed once again.
‘I don’t think I will ever get tired of making you blush.’ He grinned and stroked her cheek with the back of his hand.
‘I think it’s permanent.’ Louise laughed shyly.
They started bowling and Louise was a bit rusty at first, but she soon got the hang of it again and was getting quite a lot of strikes. Chris was pretty good at bowling, he obviously had the power in his throws, though that did depend on his aim. Which wasn’t always on point.
Every now and then when Louise was about to bowl, Chris would try distracting her. Wolf whistling at her once or twice, sneaking up behind her to try and throw her off, just general cheekiness. He won the first round, so Louise decided to try and beat him at his own game for the second.
She began trying to distract him too, though it wasn’t as easy to sneak up on him with his amazing hearing. So, she had to try a different tactic.
When he made his way to the lane, taking aim and ready to bowl… Louise began to whisper, knowing he would hear her but no one else would.
‘I’m jealous of a bowling ball, the way you’re handling it and tossing it around with ease… my Prince Charming is sooo strong.’ She whispered just as he was mid swing, knocking him off completely.
The ball spun straight into the gutter, Chris slowly straightened up and turned around, an eyebrow up. He stalked over to her with large strides, his jaw slightly slack.
‘What was that? I didn’t quite hear you properly.’ He smirked and tilted his head.
‘Oh, nothing… nothing at all.’ Louise said innocently.
Chris just gave her a look then grabbed another ball and went back to the lane. He took his time getting the aim right, then as he was about to bowl, she whispered again.
‘Has anyone told you you’ve got a great ass?’
Chris halted his swing and, without turning around, wiggled his ass for her. She started laughing while he carried on with his bowl, managing to at least get the ball down the lane this time and scoring a respectable eight.
‘Cheeky.’ He grinned at her as he joined her back at the seats.
Chis was delighted that she was having fun too and being playful, that she was comfortable enough doing that with him.
After bowling, they went for a little wander around the arcade. Chris noticed Louise’s eyes light up when she spotted a claw machine that had some large Pokemon plushies.
‘Pokemon fan, huh? Which one do you want?’ He asked as he directed her over towards it.
‘Oh, no, no. I was just looking… besides, they’re such a farce, it’s just luck if the claw actually grabs it properly or not.’
‘Aw come on. I can tell you want one.’ Chris grinned and playfully nudged her with his elbow.
‘I…’ She trailed off nervously, not knowing what to say.
Chris whipped out his phone and opened up an app. He turned to show her, and her eyes widened.
‘Pokemon go? You’re a Pokemon fan too?’ Louise squealed in delight.
‘Hah! I knew you were a fan. I saw your eyes light up.’ Chris cheered.
‘Ok, you got me… I know it’s probably silly… but I love Pokemon.’ She said sheepishly.
‘Hey, you haven’t seen my games room. It’s not silly at all.’ Chris said seriously as he took out his wallet and popped in a coin.
‘Games room?’ Louise asked in awe.
‘Come on, which one do you want?’ Chris asked again.
‘Don’t waste your money on me.’
‘Spending money on you, is never going to be a waste, pumpkin.’ Chris assured her as he kissed the top of her head, making her heart skip a beat. ‘Now, I won’t ask again… or I’ll just get you the Magikarp. What one is your favourite?’
‘There’s so many in there that I love, but Shinx caught my eye, it’s so adorable.’ Louise said as she pointed towards it.
‘Electric. Good choice.’ Chris hummed.
He started the machine and guided it right over the Shinx, then it descended slowly and grabbed its head perfectly. It began to rise, and surprisingly the Shinx went up with it. They both held their breath and said nothing as it moved back to the drop zone. Neither of them could believe it when it held it all the way, then let go of it over the drop zone.
‘No way!’ Louise squealed. ‘You must have used powers or something.’ She laughed excitedly.
‘I swear, that was pure luck.’ Chris laughed and reached in to grab it.
‘Here you go. Completely authentic, no vampire magic used at all.’ He grinned and handed her the plush.
‘Thank you so much! I still can’t believe you got it first try.’ Louise beamed happily as she held the Shinx to her chest.
‘I guess my luck has just been all in since meeting you.’ He smiled and cupped her cheek.
The machine began flashing next to them, and a counter began from ten. Reminding Chris that he still had a play left.
‘You need to get one too!’ Louise said quickly.
‘Oh, shit.’ He turned back to the machine and started moving the claw. ‘Has to be Gengar.’
They both watched in shock as the claw grabbed it properly and once again, took it back to the drop zone.
‘What! That’s impossible.’ Louise gasped.
‘There must be something wrong with this machine.’ Chris said as he pulled Gengar out.
‘Definitely.’ Louise agreed. ‘At least we came across it in good time.’
Just as they grabbed each-others hand and began walking away, two employees went over towards the machine they’d just been at.
‘That’s the one, it’s grabbing properly every time.’ One of them said.
‘Close it down for now, we’ll get the engineer to check it.’ The other said.
Chris and Louise rushed off quickly, laughing.
They got outside to the tax rank and were waiting for one to come available when Chris got a text through from Loki. Asking if he could look after Bat for the night on Saturday.
Chris then had an idea.
‘Loki is asking if I will stay over to look after Bat on Saturday. Would you like to join me? We could get takeaway and watch a few movies?’ Chris suggested to Louise.
Louise nodded eagerly. ‘That sounds great.’ She smiled widely.
‘Excellent. I’ll tell Loki to make sure the two spare rooms are made up for us.’
‘Does Bat not normally go stay at yours when they go away?’ Louise asked. The taxi pulled up and Chris opened the door for her.
‘If they’re away for more than one night, yeah. Though for just one night, it’s not worth packing all of her things, she has more than I do.’ Chris chuckled.
He got into the taxi behind her and shuffled over to sit next to her.
‘Yeah, I imagine she would have plenty of belongings to pack.’ Louise giggled.
Chris’ phone pinged again. He looked at the message from Loki and chuckled. He showed it to Louise, who laughed too.
L: You’re making Bat be chaperone? I’m sure she will be delighted.
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midwinterblinder · 4 years
Arranged marriage
A/N: it took me ages to get this out and I’m so sorry. Let me know what you think!
Part 6:
Tommy opens the door to his office to find Polly sitting there with a file which she, by the looks of it, has almost finished reading. “Miss Thompson’s file?” He asks as he pulls a cigarette from the case he carries with him and runs it along his lip before lighting it.
Polly nods. “She’s lived an interesting life.” She says as she finishes reading the last bit of information they could find on Y/N and her eyes follow Tommy as he walk around the desk and sits down in his chair. “Her husband was a tunneller, like you. The details about his death are a bit vague if you ask me.” She tells him as she places the file on the desk in front of him.
He hums in response as he breaths out some smoke. He half expected her to have been married to someone from the cavalry, but he remembers that even the Thompsons had humble beginnings. It also reminds him of what Matthew said in The Garrison the other day; that Y/N doesn’t do cavalry men. He wonders why that is. Tommy’s eyes move up to his aunt because he’s pretty sure she has more to say.
“She was in the war herself.” Polly tells him as she closely watches his face for a reaction and she smirks slightly when she sees a hint of surprise seep through his usually unreadable expression. “Started out as any other young nurse at the front, but by the end she was practically running the field hospital she was stationed at.” She elaborates.
Tommy nods slowly as the slight respect he already had for her after their first meeting increases. He has always respected the nurses at the front. Those women faced the horrors of the war without ever getting proper acknowledgement for what they had done. At least he had gotten some sort of acknowledgement in the form of his medals, not that he wanted them but that’s a different story. The nurses got nothing.
“There’s a lot more in there.” Polly continues. “Some of it makes me wonder if you’ve bitten off more than you can chew.” She says and she watches him place the cigarette between his lips once more as he reaches for the file. She was very impressed by what she read in the file and it made her wonder if a woman like that would be willing to live by Tommy’s rules. “Y/N Thompson is not like any other high class woman, Thomas. She has a mind of her own and she won’t simply follow your rules.”
He just breaths out some more smoke as he opens the file and starts to read. Just because Y/N is smart and a hard worker that doesn’t mean he won’t be able to control her. “We’ll see about that.”
“Is he at least handsome?” Emily asks Y/N over the phone. Y/N and Matthew are in London while Emily and Jacob are back home in Liverpool. Jacob had called to talk about business, but once that was done the youngest Thompson had taken the phone from her brother to grill her sister about her future husband.
Y/N shakes her head with a slight smile at Emily’s question. The youngest of their family definitely has other priorities than the rest of them. “He is actually.” Y/N admits as she recalls Tommy’s striking eyes, fine bone structure and muscled physique. He was better looking than any other man she had ever met, even better looking than her late husband if she’s completely honest. “So handsome in fact that you might regret not wanting to marry him once you’ve seen him.” She teases her younger sister.
Emily scoffs. “I doubt that.” She doesn’t understand why Y/N is willing to marry this man, especially not now that she has managed to get some information about this Thomas Shelby out of Jacob. The things he has done are awful but when Emily said that to Jacob he told her that what the High Rip Gang does is no better, so she had let the subject go. She just hopes her sister will be somewhat happy in her life with this Birmingham gangster.
“I have to go, Em. We need to get ready for the party tonight.” Y/N tells Emily and they say their goodbyes before hanging up. “What?” She asks Matthew when she sees he’s looking at her with his eyebrows raised.
“He impressed you and you think he’s handsome.” He says with a shake of his head as he turns around to select his suit for the evening. “If I didn’t know any better I would think you’re actually looking forward to marrying him.” He adds as he picks up his clothes and makes his way to the adjoining room to get changed.
“Well he is impressive and handsome.” Y/N shrugs as she stands up and walks towards her wardrobe. “Which are qualities that are important if he is to become my husband.” She says as her eyes fall on a dress. “But that doesn’t mean I’ll fall in love with him, Matt, don’t worry.” She assures her brother by sending a smile his way, which he responds to with a nod before closing the door and giving them both some privacy to get changed.
Tommy steps into the room and looks around in search of Y/N and Matthew. He’s wearing one of his best suits and certainly looks the part, but he still feels somewhat out of place in the upperclass crowd around him. He spots the Thompson siblings in a corner together and makes his way towards them. “Matthew.” He speaks up and the two turn around to face him. “Miss Thompson.” He adds as he politely nods towards Y/N.
“Tommy.” Matthew sends him a smile. “Glad you could make it.” Tommy nods in response and he sees Matthew’s eyes move to something behind him. Y/N sees it as well and shares a look with Tommy, but he still finds her hard to read and is not entirely sure what she means by it.
“Go on.” Y/N says to her brother as she gestures at whoever is behind Tommy. Matthew sends her an apologetic look. “Go, Matt. I’m sure mister Shelby won’t mind keeping me company while you go off with the boys.” She adds.
“I won’t be long.” Matthew promises as he sends Y/N a smile before he turns to Tommy. “Keep an eye on her for me, Tommy, I don’t trust these men around my sister.” He says jokingly.
“No need to worry, Matthew, she’s safe with me.” Tommy plays along and Matthew walks away with a chuckle. Tommy’s eyes follow Matthew to a group of men and he wonders what kind of business Matthew has with them.
“Poker.” Y/N says as if she can read his mind, which only makes him feel more out of his debt than he already did in this room full of snobs. “He always goes off with them and leaves me alone to do the actual socialising that is required at these events. Sadly, my brother has a terrible pokerface so he tends to lose quite a bit of money.”
Tommy nods in understanding. “Would you like a drink, miss Thompson?” He asks and after a nod from Y/N he leads her to the bar. “A whiskey, please.” He says to the bartender before he turns to Y/N. “And soda water.” He adds as he remembers that she doesn’t drink.
“You remembered.” Y/N states as the bartender gets to work on their drinks. It doesn’t surprise her that he remembered. She’s pretty sure he remembers everything she said or did the first time they met hoping it would help him to figure her out. And she would be lying if she said she hadn’t done the same.
“Did you not expect me to remember?” He asks and the slight smile she sends his way tells him all he needs to know. He holds her gaze for a moment until they’re interrupted by the bartender. Tommy thanks him before handing Y/N her glass. “Besides, as a man who is interested in you I should remember things like that. Wouldn’t you agree, miss Thompson?”
“I would.” Y/N agrees as they walk away from the bar so they won’t be in the way of anyone else who wants to get a drink. “You might also want to stop calling me miss Thompson and start calling me Y/N, mister Shelby.”
“Then you will have to start calling me Tommy.” He says in return, which earns him a nod. Tommy watches Y/N closely as she takes a sip from her drink and looks around the room. She looks comfortable, which doesn’t surprise him because this is her usual scene, but what does surprise him is that she also seems to be very alert. He expected her to be more relaxed and he’s just about to ask if she’s expecting trouble or looking for someone when someone joins them.
“Y/N, I didn’t know you would be here tonight.” The man says as he looks at Y/N and completely disregards Tommy. “If I had known I would have worn a better suit.” He smiles as he places a hand on Y/N’s arm, and Tommy notices that he looks her up and down with an almost hungry look. He can’t exactly blame the man though, Y/N looks stunning.
“Edward, always a pleasure.” Y/N returns his smile, but she also subtly moves closer to Tommy so Edward’s hand falls off her arm. “I don’t believe you’ve met mister Shelby.” She says as she gestures to Tommy, glad to have something to talk about that will stop Edward from making advances.
Edward reluctantly moves his eyes away from Y/N to look at Tommy. “No, I haven’t had the pleasure.” He says as the smile on his face turns from genuine to forced.
“Well Edward, mister Shelby here is our new business partner. Mister Shelby mostly deals in cars.” Y/N introduces him and watches as the two men shake hands. “Tommy, this is Edward Russell. We take care of some of his international business.”
“Among other things.” Edwards smirks at Y/N. Tommy notices that she seems somewhat uncomfortable. She hides it well, but he can tell that she’s a little more tense than before Edward joined and he’s glad that he’s finally able to read her a little.
“It’s nice to meet you, mister Russell.” Tommy says and he figures he should slip into his role, so he leans slightly towards Y/N to show Edward that he’s not the only one that is interested in her. “So you work with Matthew?” He asks in order to keep the conversation going.
“When we do business on my property it’s Matthew that stops by, but at the Thompson office I work with both him and Y/N.” Edward says as his eyes move to Y/N once again. “I keep telling Y/N she should come and see my factory because I’m sure it would impress her, but she always seems to have other business to deal with.”
Tommy nods and Y/N sees an opening. “I actually went to Tommy’s office in Birmingham earlier this week.” She says before she takes a sip of her drink to hide the smile that threatens to spread across her face when she sees Edward clench his jaw in jealousy. “It was impressive to see how he manages such a large operation.” She adds as she looks up at Tommy with an impressed look on her face, which causes Edward to frown.
“I thought you didn’t visit factories of partners?” Edward can’t keep the harsh undertone out of his words, clearly showing his annoyance. Tommy has to admit that he quite enjoys the fact that he’s already getting under this man’s skin.
“Well, I usually don’t.” Y/N says with a brief glance to Edward before she looks at Tommy again. “But we’ve been working so closely with Tommy and I heard so much about his work, that I just had to see it for myself.” She adds with a smile towards Tommy.
She’s very good at this. If he didn’t know it was fake, Tommy would have believed she was actually interested in him. But he knows how to play this game as well, so he returns her smile. “You’re welcome back anytime.” He mutters it soft enough to make Edward believe it’s only meant for Y/N’s ears, but loud enough for the man to hear.
Y/N’s smile widens as she hears the words roll off Tommy’s lips. Her eyes are locked on his and she sees a slight glint in them, which she is sure is reflected in her own. Their plan has officially been set in motion.
Taglist: @annabethgranger123 @biba3434 @haphazardhufflepuff @urbankaite2 @lovemissyhoneybee
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Once bitten, twice stupid prt.42
Dinner was loud. It was chaos. And it felt like a weight off of Lance’s shoulder once they were done. No one had stabbed anyone. Nothing was broken. Matt and Rieva ate like civilised people, with Rieva even offering to help with the dishes. Sending the group off to relax in the living room, Shiro picked up the tea towel and Lance knew he was about to get “the talk”.
Filling the sink with water too hot for a normal human to withstand, Shiro at least let him get through the plates before breaking the silence
“So you and Keith?”
Lance cringed. He understood Keith didn’t want to lie, but with things so new, he’d kind of hoped he would... for a little while
“How did that happen?”
“I’m not really sure...”
“He didn’t see to know either”
Lance felt the dig. Shiro almost asking that question
“I guess it really changed when he drove me to Platt. My mother, well, you know she’s old. I was in... I was pretty upset and he drove me there. That’s when I turned into a bat”
“I remember that. He was freaking out”
“I gathered. I don’t remember what happened, but Coran made him see I hadn’t turned him. He looked after me for three days, then took me to see my Mami again. I know he’s your brother, but did you need to raise him to be so damn stubborn?”
Lance attempt at humour fell flat, much like he wanted to do. Kind of drop to the floor then crawl away from the conversation
“He was like that when I met him. I don’t know if he told you...”
“That he hasn’t had the greatest life because kids are cruel and he never felt wanted? There’s a lot Keith says, and a lot in the things he doesn’t say. He’d frustrating, stubborn, and quick to act before his brain catches up. His people limit is pretty much two, and if he doesn’t have his coffee he can’t human... but he’s got a big heart”
“I thought you’d bring him out his shell... I didn’t think this would happen”
Shiro didn’t have much right to complain. He had left Keith there
“Neither did we. We both thought Coran and Allura were daydreaming. Then Curtis started calling us soulmates... I’ve tried avoiding relationships all my life, then he comes in with his mullet and bad mood..”
“I don’t approve. And I’m not impressed that you didn’t take him to Coran when he started complaining about chest issues. Coran would have said something if he’d noticed anything during the checks he did on him... I haven’t been allowed to help him that much...”
“Yet you took him down an abandoned mine”
“In my defence, he climbed down after me. After I told him not to. He took plenty of photos down there”
“You really bought him a camera?”
Why did Shiro sound so shocked? He not only had a lie to sell, but Keith’s identity to protect and the man had been a lost puppy without his brother.
“Keith’s been stuck out here with nothing to do, and nothing of his own. It wasn’t fair he was left behind, so I wanted to do something nice for him. Coran told me I shouldn’t be training or pushing myself, which doesn’t give him a whole lot to do. He’s been doing plenty of normal human things. We went to movies in Platt. Hunk finally asked Shay out. Pidge roped him into one of her planning afternoons for a hunt that was not fun at all. We went drinking and he actually sang karaoke. He also tried to get into a fight, then threw up everywhere when we got home... but he’s been doing better. He’s not as angry when he first got here”
“No. I can see that... He’s my family...”
Lance cut Shiro off. Yeah. He got it
“I know. That’s why I told him that you two needed to talk. That he didn’t have to return my feelings and he should talk to you before we decided to date. I don’t have a good relationship with my siblings, so I’m not always going to get what goes on between you. But I don’t want to see him hurt. I don’t want him to feel obligated or pity because his blood triggered this change in me. I want him to live a good life and die old and happy. We’re not rushing things. We don’t want to rush things. But I’m serious in supporting him the best I can. He’s a grown man. He has his own job, money, and life. I don’t want him to be some pet kept on a short leash. All I want is for him to know he can be himself when he’s here and that I’m not about to judge him for it”
Shiro sighed, placing back down the plate he’d picked up to dry
“I need to know. Will having Matt and Rieva here endanger him?”
“Vampires have an evolved sense of smell. That’s why we don’t mix much. The same goes for werewolves. We have egos. A vampire who’s out of control is a vampire who’s let his ego go. I’m not in any hurry to start anything with Matt or with Rieva. Pidge is like a sister to me. You’re vouching for them, so I’m taking your word that this won’t become something. For his safety and yours, don’t come around when it’s a full moon, not the day before or the day after. If something happens, I can protect one of you, but I don’t know about both of you. Not from two werewolves, especially in a new environment. Curtis... it’s complicated. We didn’t get off on the best foot, but Coran sent him. I suppose because I’m closest thing to cursed and don’t want to harm anyone if I can help it. As for dating, we already know my teeth get in the way. We’ll treat it like anyone with a contagious blood disease does. If things cool off, then we’ll have an answer to what’s between us”
“And what if you lose control?”
“Even when I do, I seem to know Keith. I don’t remember anything from turning into a bat the first time. But it seems I clung to him. I’m sure Coran would say it’s due to our quintessence. I know when I shouldn’t be around him, and when to distance myself. I don’t know how many other ways I can swear I don’t want to hurt him”
“Accidents happen”
“I know. That’s part of the reason I didn’t want to admit how he makes me feel”
“And how’s that?”
“Almost alive... You should go join the others. Keith’s going to come marching in here expecting the worst. He gets a bit protective”
“He does that”
“One day it’s going to get him hurt”
“That’s why I can’t give you my full blessings”
Shiro wouldn’t be much of a brother or hunter if he simply rolled over on his human brother dating a monster
“I get it. I really do. Still, for Keith’s sake, I don’t want to fight with you. He loves you, and he needs you. No matter what he says”
“Keith’s isn’t like most people. When his heart breaks... he gets hurt ten, twenty, times worse than normal”
“I know. Like I said, there’s a lot in what he doesn’t say”
“I would prefer you waited before your relationship turned physical”
“We are. My body is going through changes and he respects that. Just like I respect him and nothing happened that night he was drunk, no matter how handsy he got”
“Drunk Keith is a bit...”
“Drunk Keith is a slut. Those are his words. That’s why I won’t do anything to break the trust he has in me. I don’t want him to live a life of regrets”
“I keep forgetting you’re older than us”
“Don’t remind me. I don’t enjoy looking barely legal”
“Coran can’t help?”
“Even if he could, I’d rather he help Curtis first. He’s struggling with his curse and it’s so cruel that he can’t control the things he says. His life’s been put on because of it. I’m sure he’s happy to have you here because he finally has someone who can reach out their hand to him. More importantly, do you know when Matt intends to reach out to Pidge? I’d like to let Hunk know so he can be there to support her”
“Matt was thinking of waiting a few days”
Great. He didn’t want to keep lying to his friends for that long... Pidge also wanted to go back and explore under the pub...
“Alright. I’ll work things out with him. I’ll finish up here”
Lance nearly didn’t head into the living room when he’d finished the dishes. Keith hadn’t come to check on him, he could hear Shiro attempting to draw his boyfriend into conversation with the others. Keith’s poor people skills must have been at their limit. Being the amazing host he was, Lance made up a batch of Hunk’s hot chocolate, making sure that Keith’d have enough milk for his morning coffees as he did. Feeling a little fancy, he got out his Mami’s favourite serving tray. It’d been a gift from all of them as kids. Well loved and well mended. All their names scrawled across the back. The “L” in Lance’s name drawn backwards. The “I” in his older sister Veronica’s name had a heart instead of a tittle. Rachel had a smiley grave. Marco had always had a flare for the dramatic, his name taking up nearly the whole back. Luis name was the neatest of all. Lance wasn’t so much of a dick as to scratch Luis name off... Not when Mami still loved the serving tray.
Loaded up with the twin jugs, cups, and cookies, Lance carried the lot into the living room. Rieva and Matt were cuddled on the rug. Keith had Blue in his lap, with Curtis and Shiro taking up the rest of his sofa. Hearing his voice, he found the group were watching Pidge’s videos. Lance felt more than a little embarrassed. Strangers watching were one thing, a group of people in his house watching him... was something else. Carrying the tray to the coffee table, Lance set it down carefully
“Thanks, Lance. It looks good”
Lance gave Curtis a thin smile, pained at hearing his voice droning on
“Hot chocolate made with lactose free milk and Hunk’s recipe. Help yourselves”
Nervously pouring a glass, Lance backed away, standing by the arm of the couch so he wasn’t in the way. Matt shot him as thanks as he got two glasses organised for him and Rieva. At least Matt didn’t think he was trying to poison him, not like a certain mulleted hunter the first time he gave him coffee
“Lance, wanna sit?”
Lance turned too look at Keith over his shoulder. Blue had been passed to Shiro, not looking happy about giving up Keith’s lap
“I’m good”
Keith might have told Shiro they were dating but they didn’t need to rub it in his face
“If Shiro moves over there’s enough space”
Now that Keith’s lap wasn’t offer, he felt strangely rejected. Warmth started creeping up from his belly... Now was not the time
“Actually, I’m going to head to bed. Yep. Goodnight all, see you in the morning”
Fleeing the room, the cup of hot chocolate made the trip up stairs with him. Slamming his door a touch too hard, Lance rushed to place his cup down on the bedside table. Downstairs Matt was making a comment about something sweet in the air, Shiro joking about it being the smell of the hot chocolate. Rieva agreed with Matt, adding how the smell made her hungry... Her tone saying what kind of “hungry” she meant. Lance seriously doubted they’d do anything to him, but the idea of two horny werewolves scared the fuck out of him. Striding across to his window, he opened it as wide as it went. He didn’t understand why these heat flushes had to keep happening. He’d made up with Shiro, and he’d made up with the others over dinner. Werewolves and meat was kind of a no brainer. Now he was supposed to be relaxing and getting to know them all better.
Stripping himself down, he was too hot for a pyjama shirt and opted for pants only. Given his naturally cold state, and the cool wind through the window, he should morgue slab corpse cold. He’d spent years witching his body would be warm, now he cursed it. The sun had barely been down the better part of an hour, and here he was going off to bed like a loser. Climbing into bed, didn’t help. Keith’s scent cling to his sheets, but the man himself wasn’t there.... and his stupid body want okay with that. The aching throb between his legs drew a whisper from him as wetness dribbled from his arse. Even with the distance, Matt could smell him. Matt colour smell him and the damn stupid mutt was growling over it. If he dared lay a finger on Keith, Lance was going to snap off the insulting digit, force it up Matt’s urethra then snap his dick off and feed it to him like some kind of “fingdicken”, operating on the same principle as a turducken. Maybe he could use bacon as an outer wrapping... kind of borrowing the spirit of “what’s in the box?”.
Slightly horrified by his own thoughts, he curled up up. He didn’t necessarily hate Matt. He just didn’t want Keith to be hurt. Shiro wouldn’t let Keith be hurt. Meaning his twisted thoughts never needed to form. Keith could take care of himself. An involuntary whimper escaped as the first cramp of need hit. Covering his mouth quickly, he listened for a response downstairs. Rieva was busy scolding Matt, the sound seemed to have escaped their attention. With his body like this, he was going to be forced to have a conversation he really didn’t want to have. They whole “hey, I’m not a werewolf but I kind of go into fits of heat” thing was going to make it complicated. Right now he wanted it to piss right off and never come back. He wanted to be downstairs with everyone else, getting know them and not seeming like a dick. Now he was hiding in bed too scared to jerk off in case he was heard. This vampire thing sucked.
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abouldersbxtch · 4 years
Sleepover Confessions
Two days had passed since Karina’s first day at U.A. and both days had gone by rather smoothly, aside from a few instances where she and Bakugo butt heads. She wasn’t sure if he was as dismissive with everyone as he was with her and she wasn’t sure if he just expected her to sit back and take his attitude, but she definitely proved otherwise. Regardless, she was making plenty of friends, even having spent the night with Mina the day after her first, just like she said she would. In the few days leading up to the weekend, Karina had managed to recruit a few more people into helping her move some of her stuff from home. The moving 'team' consisted of Mina, Momo, Jiro, Kaminari, Kirishima, Sero, Shoji, and Tokoyami. Mineta had offered his help but Karina made it very clear that she didn't want him anywhere near her things, especially her clothes. When Friday night rolled around, Karina invited the girls to sleepover at her house so they could help her pack before the boys showed up in the morning to help move everything. All the girls agreed to sleep over, so after classes they all made their way back to the dorms and Karina waited in the common area, talking to Midoriya while she waited for the others. "Sorry I can't help you guys move your stuff. I promised my mom I would come visit and spend some time with her." Karina smiled brightly and shook her head while waving a hand dismissively. "No need to apologize Izuku. Really, it's fine. Besides, we've got more than enough people helping and your mom is much more important than this." Once all the girls had gathered their things and met up with Karina, they all headed out of the dorms, out of the school, and then made their way towards Karina's house with her leading the way. "Are you sure your parents are okay with everyone coming over tomorrow?" Momo asked, looking over at Karina as they walked. Karina looked over and nodded her head with a smile. "They're okay with it. They're honestly just glad I've been making so many friends. Besides, my dad had to go out of town for work and my mom is a nurse who works the night shift at the hospital, so she probably won't be home at all. We will have to deal with my little brother though." She giggled lightly before Mina nudged her a bit. "I didn't know you had a little brother. How old is he? Do you have any other siblings?" Jiro nudged Mina gently. “You’re so nosy Mina.” Karina giggled lightly and hesitated for a moment in answering, her fathers words echoing in her mind about being honest with her friends. She didn't want to lie to her new friends, but she didn't feel like she could tell them the truth yet. At least not the whole truth. "Muroma, my brother, is ten. I have an older sister, but she had a...falling out with my parents and moved out. We don't hear from her anymore, so really it's just Muroma." All three girls frowned at Karina, but it was Momo who spoke up. "I'm sorry to hear about your sister Karina." Karina shook her head slightly and gave a small shrug. "It's alright. It's been a few years since she left." She hated lying to them, but would they be accepting if they knew the truth? It was something that she had always worried about, even before getting into U.A., whenever she tried to make friends. There would always be that dilemma in her head of if the people she met would still love and accept her if they knew.
As the girls approached the house, Karina could see her younger brother sitting on the front steps, staring down at his phone in his hand. "You forgot your key again didn't you?" The young blonde boy jumped slightly and looked up. "Of cour-" He cut himself off when he saw the other girls, a bright blush coming to his cheeks, especially when he saw Momo. The girls all walked up and Mina giggled. "Is this your brother? He's adorable." The blush on Muroma's cheeks got brighter and he ran up to Karina and clung to her side. "Are these your friends?" Muroma questioned while still staring at the other girls. Karina reached down and pat his back gently as if to reassure him while nodding her head. "Yeah. This is Mina, Kyoka, and Momo." She pointed to each girl as she introduced them. "Girls this is my brother Muroma. He's a little shy, as you can see." Mina giggled again while Jiro simply smiled. Momo also smiled, but she also held her hand out to him. "It's nice to meet you Muroma." The young boy stared at Momo with wide green eyes until Karina nudged him. He quickly reached out and shook her hand before returning to his sisters side, his eyes moving from Momo to look at the other two. Karina walked to the front door, digging her key out of her bag before unlocking it and pushing it open. "Alright, go get your homework done. Mom's going to call on her break before you go to bed and she said it all better be done." Muroma nodded his head and ran off up the stairs and into his room after kicking off his shoes in a hurry. Once Muroma was gone, Jiro looked over at Karina as she walked in with the others. "Is your brother still home-schooled like you were?" Karina was in the middle of taking off her shoes when Jiro asked her question. "Oh, yeah. Our neighbor teaches him most of the day and then he comes home when his lessons are over. My parents will do some lessons when they have a day off, but that doesn’t happen too often." Once everyone was in the house and they had all taken off their shoes, Karina closed and locked the front door. “I’ll show you guys around.” Karina motioned for the girls to follow her and then gave them a small tour of the first floor, showing them the kitchen, living room, dining room, a guest bedroom and a bathroom. After showing them the first floor, she lead them upstairs and showed them two closed doors that held her parents room behind one and her older sisters old room behind the other. She showed them another bathroom and Muroma’s room before leading them to her room. As she walked in, the girls all seemed to gasp at the sight of her room. "Woah. You really got to work on packing, didn't you?" Jiro commented as they all looked at Karina's basically empty room. Karina laughed lightly and nodded with a small blush. "Yeah, I guess I got kind of excited. Everything is pretty much packed except my clothes, so it should be pretty easy to get done. Then we can just relax and do normal sleepover things." "I think that sounds like a great idea, but let's get into more comfy clothes before we start packing things." Mina suggested while grabbing her bag. All the girls nodded in agreement and they all started changing out of their clothes. After Karina had pulled off her shirt, Momo spotted some scars on her back and gasped lightly. "Karina, that scar on your shoulder." She covered her mouth with an embarrassed look on her face. "I'm sorry. That was rude." Karina glanced at the back of her left shoulder and then over at the girls who were all staring at the gnarly looking scar that was on her skin and shook her head. "It's fine. I know it looks bad. I got it from using my quirk. It was the first time I tried to turn into a bird and I misplaced my shoulder blade so badly that it broke the skin." Mina's eyes went wide. "Misplaced it? How do you misplace your shoulder blade?" Karina giggled when she realized how she must have sounded when putting it like that. "My quirk is kind of like Momo's in the sense that I need to study things before I turn into them. I have to know the anatomy of the animal I'm turning into or else I could hurt myself like I did. I have to know where to place all my bones and organs or else it'll get dangerous. It's easier when I turn into bigger animals because there's more room, but with smaller animals, I have to be really careful. That’s one of the reasons I absolutely hate turning into bugs." She went back to changing out of her school uniform until Mina pointed out another scar on the right side of her back, near her hip. It went from above her right hip down diagonally towards the small of her back. "Is that one from your quirk too?" Karina hesitated slightly but shook her head and answered without looking back at the others this time. "That's from my sister. It was an accident from when we were younger." It wasn't an accident, but they didn't need to know that and she wasn't about to try and explain what had happened.
Once all the girls were changed into their pajama's, they all started to help Karina pull her clothes out of drawers and her closet. Jiro was probably the most impressed with her wardrobe and Momo was probably the most surprised. "I never would have guessed you were the grunge type Karina." Karina laughed and nodded slightly. "Yeah, I guess none of us can really express ourselves too much through our clothes if we all have to wear a uniform and I haven't been living at the dorms." Jiro held up a black faux leather jacket with spikes on the shoulders that she had pulled out of the closet. "This is so bad-ass! Can I borrow it?" Another light laugh came from Karina as she nodded her head. "Of course." The girls continued with packing Karina's clothes and while they did, Momo also ordered them a pizza. When the pizza arrived, Karina went to get it and dropped off a few slices with her brother. "Karina, you have really pretty friends." Karina was about to walk out of his room when his words stopped her. She looked at him from over her shoulder and smiled. "You think so?" Muroma nodded his head with a small blush on his face. Karina turned all the way around to face her brother and smiled down at him. "I think so too. Want me to tell them you said they were pretty?" Muroma nearly choked on the piece of pizza that he had just bitten into and he quickly started shaking his head. "No! That's embarrassing." "Suit yourself." Karina rolled her eyes and laughed a bit before returning to the girls with the food. Once they were all done packing, which didn't take them long, they went down to the living room and put on a scary movie and started eating the pizza. While they were all sitting on the couch, eating, watching the movie, and talking, Mina looked over at Karina and wiggled her eyebrows playfully. "So Karina, anyone catch your interest at school yet?" Karina was paying attention to the movie until Mina said her name, tearing her eyes from the screen to look over at her friends who were all looking at her now. “Catch my interest? Mina, I’ve only been there for three days.” Mina made a ‘pfft’ sound while waving her hands dismissively. “I was only there for one day and I thought Todoroki was hot, no pun intended.” Karina laughed and shrugged her shoulders slightly. "I mean, I guess? I haven't known anyone for very long obviously but I guess some of them are pretty cool." "Like who?" Mina asked, scooting closer to Karina and nudging her playfully with her elbow. Karina rolled her eyes as she giggled, nudging Mina back. "You're relentless." Jiro had stopped really paying attention and was more focused on the movie, but Momo had become invested in the conversation. "If it helps you feel more comfortable, I have a small crush on Todoroki and someone else." Momo motioned slightly with her head towards Jiro who still wasn't paying attention. Karina smiled and nodded her head appreciatively. "That's sweet Momo. I mean, if we're going based off of looks and being hot, all three of you are definitely attractive. So is Eijiro, Denki, Hanta, Shoto, and I guess Katsuki. If we're talking about who I would maybe pursue some kind of relationship with, that narrows it down. Kind of. I guess then it would be definitely you three again because, I mean, duh. Then there's Mezo, Eijiro, Hanta, and if he wasn't such a fucking asshole, maybe Katsuki. You know what, never mind. Not Katsuki. We'd fight all the time." All the girls, even Jiro who hadn't been paying full attention, laughed when Karina quickly changed her mind about Bakugo.
Momo tilted her head to the side slightly, realizing something about Karina that she hadn't noticed before. Mina was about to start talking about her own crushes, but Momo unknowingly cut her off before Mina had the chance. "Why do you always use everyone's first name?" Karina froze slightly, clearly caught off guard by the question as she tried to think of how to word her answer. "I just...I think that everyone is more than their last name. More than their family, you know? Like Mina, you're not just another Ashido. You're Mina. You're you." All three girls were looking at her now, somewhat confused looks on their faces, but Momo slowly nodded her head. "I suppose that makes sense." "What's your last name Karina? None of the teachers have ever said it before." Jiro pointed out, her full attention on the conversation now. Karina gulped slightly and looked down at her lap, avoiding eye contact with her friends. "They haven't said it because I asked them not to. I prefer that people only call me Karina. I prefer that people only know me as Karina." Jiro arched a brow out of curiosity. "How come? Do you not like your last name or something?" Karina let out a heavy sigh and shook her head slowly. "I wish it was that simple. I've been bullied for a long time for who my family is. It's why I was home-schooled. It's why Muroma is also home-schooled." Momo’s brows furrowed together in concern. “Does it have to do with your older sister and the falling out with your parents that you mentioned before?” Karina silently nodded, secretly hating how logical Momo was being at the moment. Mina frowned slightly and placed her hand on Karina's, squeezing it gently. "You can tell us Karina. We're not going to judge you or bully you. Like you said, you're you right? Not another whatever your last name is." Karina's golden eyes were focused on Mina's hand squeezing her own hand, her heart racing in her chest. "Like Mina said, we're not going to judge you and we definitely won't bully you. You're our friend Karina. You can be honest with us." Momo spoke in a reassuring tone, also reaching her hand out and placing it onto Mina's hand that was still holding Karina's. Jiro got up and walked over and sat down on the ground in front of Karina, reaching up and placing her hand on Karina's free hand. Mina looked at Karina carefully with a reassuring smile on her face. "We're all here for you. You can tell us." Karina took a deep breath. She could feel her heart pounding within her chest so hard that it almost felt like it was going to pop out and her stomach was twisting and turning. She could hear her fathers words on a loop in her head. Be honest, she thought to herself. With a heavy sigh, she finally spoke, her voice about as loud as a whisper, but loud enough for them all to hear so she wouldn't have to repeat herself.
"My name is Karina Toga."
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yayneloveart · 5 years
Good Omens/Lucifer 2
(wow, this thing blew the fuck up. i know this isnt the only Good Omens/Lucifer fantic (Ive made my way around AO3) so I have no idea why this is going nuts. @hairdryertrash even asked me to tag them so they would see the next part asap)
‘Lucifer, you can’t just tie up our witness,’ Chloe sighed.
‘If I hadn’t, he’d still be running,’ Lucifer justified himself.
‘Look, what is this all about?’ Crowley asked from where he sat on the floor. ‘Is this about Adam? What I did to Ligur? What happened at the airfield?’
‘I’m over all that,' Lucifer said dismissively. ‘All in the past.’
'Who told you where I was? Was it Hastur? Beelzebub? Zozo? It was Gabriel, wasn't it?'
'I haven't talked to Gabriel in millennia, I left that up to Beelzebub.’
‘Then why are you here on earth coming after me?’
‘I told you, I’m living here on earth and consulting the LAPD.’
Crowley leaned over to see around Lucifer to the officers standing behind him. He gave Decker an inquisitive look and she nodded at him. He looked at the other officers and they all gave their own affirmatives.
‘I can’t fucking believe this,’ Crowley slowly stood up and the ropes suddenly slid off him.
‘I guess it was a bad idea to tie up a snake. You are a wily one.’
‘And you’re not my boss anymore, so once I’m done here, you can stuff it.’
Lucifer just looked at him in utter awe as he walked past him back to the detectives. Dan did a very bad job of hiding his glee as he told Crowley to come with him to the station to record an official statement.
‘So... another brother?’ Chloe asked.
‘Yes, one of the younger ones, and the least predictable. And a little shit.’
‘You two can catch up after we get started on this case, right now we need to find a killer.’
‘Did you hear him? He told me to stuff it! That little brat!’
With Chloe driving, they arrived back at the precinct after Dan and Crowley and they were already recording a statement when they walked in. Lucifer settled with bitching about his family at Chloe as they watched from the two way mirror.
‘Out of all my siblings, I would think the one who followed me into Hell would have more respect,’ he huffed. ‘He’s even one of my most decorated followers, but no, he had to go and stab me in the back and now hes telling me to stuff it!’
‘Look, I don’t know what you two have been through, but we need him and his statement right now to find this killer,’ Chloe carefully explained.
‘What could he have seen, anyways? He has horrible eyesight!’
‘Wait, you didn’t actually see the killer?’ they heard Dan say to Crowley.
‘No, I got terrible eyes. That’s the reason why I need the glasses, they’re all screwed up. I do have a sharp sense of smell, though.’
Dan sighed audibly, ‘Okay, what did he smell like?’
‘Hes half lying,’ Lucifer commented. ‘He does have bad eyesight, but the glasses aren’t for that. When he fell, dear old dad decided to curse him by turning him into a snake. He can take a human-like form now, but his senses stay the same, and his eyes stay... snaky.’
‘So wait, you were being literal when you called him a snake before?’ Chloe tried to clarify.
‘Yes. Specifically, the snake that convinced Eve to eat the apple.’
‘I thought that was supposed to be you?’
‘Not really, I just told him to go cause some trouble, maybe screw around with that stupid ‘Tree of Knowledge’ dad planted in that stupid garden.’
They turned back to the interview with Dan having a hard time taking Crowley seriously.
‘Look, a meth lab has a very distinctive smell, and lets say I’ve spent time in areas that housed a few,’ Crowley explained. ‘Phosphorus, hydriodic acid, cough syrup, basic ingredients and the man reeked of them. Now unless he was just an amateur alchemist with a head cold, your victim was caught up in some serious drugs.’
‘Alright, so you picked up on the smell of meth making ingredients,’ Dan reiterated. ‘Anything else?’
Crowley thought for a minute. ‘I could smell a bit of cologne. It was too faint for him to be wearing it, so he must have spent an extended amount of time with someone else wearing it.’
‘Would you be able to recognize it out of a line of other similar colognes?’
‘Yeah, it smelled bloody awful. Whoever was wearing it cared more about the name on the bottle than the smell.’
‘Wow, if Crowley is being honest, then he’s giving us a lot of great details,’ Chloe said.
‘Hes still a little shit,’ Lucifer mumbled.
After the interview Crowley tried to sneak out of the precinct without Lucifer seeing, but at the last second Lucifer grabbed him from behind and dragged him back inside.
‘You’re not getting away that easy!’ Lucifer yelled as he put his arm around his neck and held him in place.
‘Lucifer, just leave him alone, we have work to do!’ Chloe tried to break up the fight.
‘Let me go! I don’t serve you anymore!’ Crowley struggled to groan out.
‘But I want to catch up, brother, especially after our last meeting!’
‘Let me go you giant twat!’
‘They remind me of my brothers,’ Ella sighed as she joined the other officers watching them fight.
‘For once I’m happy I’m an only child,’ Chloe commented as she backed off, waiting for the dust to settle before chewing Lucifer out.
‘Oooh, whats that?’ Lucifer caught a glint of something gold on Crowley’s finger. He let go of his neck and slipped the ring from his finger while he was caught off guard.
‘Give that back!’ Crowley shouted as he lunged at Lucifer, but Lucifer gripped Crowley’s hair and kept him at arms length.
‘This is a wedding ring, isn’t it? Did you get married?’
‘No! I bought it at a shop in Rome, I just like it!’
‘My ancient language skills aren’t the strongest, but I think I see the phrase ‘I Love You’ written in several of them. Is that Sanskrit?’
‘Give it back!’
‘If its just a random ring, then why are you freaking out over it-’ and Lucifer yelled in pain as Crowley freed himself from Lucifer’s grip and bit down on his hand, hard. ‘You bit me! You bloody bit me!’
‘You had it coming,’ Crowley picked up the ring from where Lucifer dropped it and replaced it on his hand.
‘I have a first aid kit in my lab,’ Ella announced as she took Lucifer by his injured hand and led him into her workspace, Chloe, Dan, and even Crowley following behind. ‘Wow, that is some gnarly bite you got there, Crowley. I would hate to be your dentist.’
Ella looked over the bite, most of which was two large holes where she guessed his unusually large canines sunk in. If she didn’t know better, it looked like a very large snake had bitten him. She looked up at Crowley and saw a look of satisfaction.
‘Do we have anymore information on our vic, Ella?’ Decker asked as she watched her clean the wound and disinfect it.
‘Oh, yeah, an officer talked to his wife and we got more basic information. Turns out, Weisser was working as an intern for a political campaign, and as far as we know has no history of causing trouble. Not even a parking ticket.’
‘Maybe his killer was part of the campaign,’ Dan suggested. ‘If Crowley is right about the killer smelling like a meth lab, then maybe the killer worked for the campaign and used it to launder drug money.’
‘And Weisser could have found out about it and was taken out before he could talk to the police.
‘Well, who is the campaign for?’ Lucifer asked as Ella finished taping the gaze in place over his wound. ‘We can see if any of the higher staff have any connection to drugs in the city.’
‘He was working for Thaddeus Dowling’s campaign for California Governor.’
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welcometojoelsvoid · 6 years
My ocs explained: Voidverse
A friend of mine asked me to tell about my ocs, and since there a lot of them and this will be long and tumblr messages won't let me send the whole thing, so I decided to make a post dedicated to it.
This post won't have pictures of my ocs because I'm lazy, but if you're interested there's a tab on my blog called "My characters", which has their pictures and their tags.
So, to get the more complicated things cleared out, I have this group of characters I call the "alts", basically, they're alternate versions of myself. One is always based on an aspect of my personality, which I then turn into said alt. A new one is usually born whenever I make one for a new fandom or universe.
Ps. This isn't all of them, there are a few minor characters and wips that I left out because this would become waaayyyy longer than needed. These characters belong in a group I call the "Voidverse", which are the characters that I consider to be the main characters of this storyline (some of my ocs live in different realms and realities, etc). I might make another oc megapost about the other verses if you guys want.
Classic the Demon (he/him), 24
My "main" alt, who is also my persona on the internet is called Classic the Demon (they all have nicknames since most of them usually share my name). Classic is kinda the leader of the alts, he's the one who usually gets to join a new verse if I haven't made a new alt specifically for that verse.
Classic's powers include telekinesis, teleportation, offensive spells and the summoning of a weapon (in this case; a sword) and a pair of wings. Classic has this so-called "pocket dimension" that he accesses via his magic. This dimension is where he stores a bunch of random stuff from clothing to food to sketchbooks. Also, because he's so extra, whenever he summons his sword he kinda swipes his right hand from left to right once while his sword materializes from dark energy, just for dramatic flair.
Like most demons, Classic is also capable of collecting souls through contracts, though Classic had "retired" from doing said contracts.
Classic was born in a Renaissance-era like time period in a small hidden village of demons. The village was very small with only a few houses and a post office. Classic's family consisted of Classic himself, his mother and father. Although his father had left when Classic was an infant for an unknown reason. Therefore Classic was solely raised by his mother.
Classic's only friends in the village was another boy his age named Eemeli and a person called "the Guard". The Guard lived at the edge of the small town, whose job was to protect it from the dangers of the grand forest right next to them. Classic looked up to the Guard, for she was one of the strongest people he knew. His favourite memory of her was when she fought a bear with her bare hands.
Eemeli, on the other hand, was an adventures child much like Classic, though not as reckless. He had a family of two (2) parents and four (4) siblings.
(But of course, because this is a character made by yours truly, there is a lot of edge and angst)
At the age of 13, Classic's village was attacked by a troupe of human soldiers. They burned the houses and slaughtered the people. With the help of his mother, he had survived. Classic had passed out during the attack and once he woke up he couldn't believe his eyes. Everything was destroyed and burnt to the ground, including the people he held so near and dear to his heart. Classic didn't know what to do, so he wandered aimlessly until he reached a town of humans. Traumatised and blinded by hate, he killed everyone and anyone he saw and when he reached the castle he stabbed the king to death with a dagger that had appeared in his hands, which would later on, as he got older, form into the dark sword that it is today.
Classic was "rescued" by a group of angels and was brought into their home in the sky. No, not heaven, but a floating island. He hadn't told them exactly what happened, not that he was all that able to because of the shock of it all. Though the angels did not press on the subject, clearly aware of his discomfort.
The family he was living with had one (1) child, Ale, a pink haired angel with greenish eyes. The two of them instantly became close friends and through that friendship considered each other siblings. Growing up in a community of angels as a demon was tough, but most of them were very accepting of Classic.
Though, with time he became restless. He wanted to go somewhere, do something. But he didn't know where nor what.
At the age of 19, Classic and Ale packed their bags and went to see the world. And through this adventure, they became face to face with Death, literally. On their adventure, Ale had been hurt severally and Classic in desperation tried with all his might to help them. He turned to soul stealing harvesting and contract work to earn currency, souls paid well with witches and faeries. Unfortunately, he couldn't earn enough in time or get any help. Ale had died of sickness and Classic ever since blamed himself.
His journey alone took him to many places, but he was always alone. Until he met a certain someone, but more about that later.
Classic himself is a cocky yet charming personality, not really in love with himself but absolutely adores praise and loves being in the spotlight (when he wants to, otherwise attention from a lot of people make him anxious). He's the one I made the most like myself, so ultimately he has the same issues; depression, anxiety, ADD and sociopathic tendencies. Of course, pretty much every alt have more or less these traits, some show them more, some don't.
He's a loyal friend and cares for his loved ones, good with a sword and has good problem-solving skills and critical thinking, but he lacks the sense of responsibility sometimes and gets very paranoid about not being good enough. He's very forgetful and has a hard time understanding complex things like math, geology and physics but has a talent for arts, language and philosophy. He's not in touch with his owns feelings but can tell when someone else is upset, anxious or lying. He's very unused to affection and compliments, often deeming himself not worthy of them but tries his best to stay positive.
Jojo (he/they), 23
Jojo is an easily excitable and reckless half-dead demon living in a post-apocalyptic setting. Jojo doesn't have magical abilities, though, they lost them alongside his horns and tail after committing suicide before he was brought back to life.
He likes brights colours, stuffed animals, motorcycles and most importantly; explosives.
Jojo had lost a part of their hearing and vision to a malfunctioning bomb, had been lucky that in a tight spot the last of his magical ability had protected all but a small portion of the side of his head, face and neck.
His left leg was lost in a fight. Jojo had seen a young girl being kidnapped, followed the kidnappers and fought them, rescuing the kidnapped children and losing his leg to an axe. This had happened before the war.
Even in crude conditions, Jojo believes that positivity can get you through anything. His blatant naïtivity can often cause him to trust the wrong people but make no mistake, Jojo is no fool and can quickly regain his composure and build up his walls. Jojo is a very social person and can easily get along with anyone, although can sometimes get a tad too excited and accidentally say and do something rather awkward. They always try to make up for hurt feeling, tough. Jojo is also big on taking risks and can often put themselves in dangerous situations.
As mentioned previously Jojo is a bomb fanatic and loves explosives and explosions. He taught himself to make his own bombs and frag launcher, many of which malfunctioned in various ways.
He doesn't remember much about his childhood, his memory fading alongside the scars on his body. He just remembers having a good family and he's fine with that. Jojo is also one of the only alts who drinks and smokes (they smoke pot, don't like cigarettes much). He's overall a pretty chill dude when he's not jumping from place to place and blowing stuff up.
He's also the one who shows the most clearly symptoms of ADHD.
He's a smart boy who's a bit clumsy sometimes.
A wholesome boy. A very sweet boy.
Invite him to every party because he's never been to one but really wants to. Good with kids, animals and knows how to make broccoli taste good. (Not good with elders and other fragile things that break easily)
282-J aka J/Jay (they/them), 22
282-J, the one that is actually not even a demon. 
J's power is "teleportation" via light. They can turn themselves into light particles and move a few meters to the direction of their choosing. So J cannot use this power in places without some kind of light source, though the illumination of a phone or TV, etc, is not enough. J also cannot move through solid matter, like walls and doors.
 J was born into "captivity" in a science lab (Oh, yes, it's "science labs are evil" trope time!). This science lab was fixated on mutants and mutation, so I relate J to the Marvel universe (because X-Men).
From birth J had lived in that facility, being experimented on every single day. Some weren't bad, like seeing how long of a distance J can teleport for example, but some are excruciating, as when J would go days without being fed or being locked in a dark and tight room for weeks, even months! It all took its toll on J's fragile body.
Once the lab crew injected an adrenaline type drug into J's bloodstream and locked him in a small room for three (3) days straight, when a staff member was sent to retrieve J's seemingly passed out body, they had bitten into the man's arm and in response got an elbow to the chest. J coughed up blood and couldn't breathe, actually passing out this time. When J woke up they were in their own room; padded, white walls and the one-way glass in front. J felt their own breath on their face and when J reached to touch their own face, they felt what seemed like a gas mask of sorts and tried to fumble with it to take it off. The voice from the speakers told that the gas mask had two (2) benefits; it restrained J from biting the staff again and it kept J, themselves, alive. Apparently one of J's lungs had received a lot of damage from the incident and the lab crew could not entirely fix it, so a special gas mask would have to do.
J is very timid and does not speak often nor raise their voice. They're very awkward in social situations and get overwhelmed by large groups of people and loud noises. Though J can be brave and courageous when they want to and they're also a quick thinker and rather clever.
Cappy the Capricorn (she/her), 300+
Ah, yes, Cappy the Capricorn- or Cappy the Zodiac demon. The one person you wouldn't invite to your family gatherings.
She is a Zodiac demon and her powers focus mostly on controlling the water element. Another skill of her's is knowing how to cut her own hair using seashells and other sharp objects found on the seafloor. She's a very calm person with a professional-seeming personality, but she can be a bit "inappropriate", so to say.
She's a siren-like creature and when underwater her legs turn into a fishtail. She very much enjoys tricking unsuspecting men into their tombs and seducing women into sleeping with her, though to the fair lass she shall do no harm (In other words; she's a lesbian). Her magic is very powerful, but she isn't a fighter- she doesn't want to waste her time on petty brawling. Although if not left alone when asked, she won't hesitate to use violence as her saviour.
Unfortunately, there isn't much to tell about her background, for it does not exist because I am a lazy sonovabitch who doesn't think through their characters' backstories.
But Cappy is not really that much of a "macho sex object with no personality" (I hope), for in actuality she's a real softy. She's all smooth and clever in seduction and all that sexy stuff, but when a cute girl compliments her, she blushes like crazy and gets all flustered. If she ever would develop a crush on some poor soul, that poor soul would have to deal with a very nervous and stuttering mountain sea goat.
From 1 to 10 I'd rate Cappy a 5/10 on the friendship scale. Not that she's an evil person or whatever, she just doesn't know how to properly act around people (living at the bottom of the sea for hundreds of years will do that to ya, I suppose...). She, however, is very supportive and helpful whenever the people she considers her friends are having a hard time (especially about their own appearance, she ain't having none of it).
The Voidkeeper (she/they), ???
The Voidkeeper, the eldest one- mostly because their age cannot be comprehended for it simultaneously does and does not exist.
The Voidkeeper is half-blind, half-death and selectively mute. She is also a sociopath and does not feel empathy nor sympathy (or feelings, at all).
And most important, they are dead. I mean no heartbeat, rotten insides, dried out blood kind of dead.
She was banished to what is called the Void when she committed suicide. See, demons cannot be killed, only trapped in artefacts or returned to the Underworld, but a demon has the ability to take their own life, but it is not without punishment. When a demon commits suicide they are banished and assigned to a task which they will carry out for the rest of eternity. This one was assigned to look after the Void, a fruitless task for it is empty and barren. The only thing that happens is that every millennia a new book appears in the Void to give some sort of entertainment to the Voidkeeper.
On very rare occasion a poor soul might accidentally either wander or be sent to the Void and it is the Voidkeeper's duty then forward to guide the wanderer where they were supposed to go. Every time something, or someone, appears in the Void the Voidkeeper is alerted by the soul stone they carry. This stone, as prompted by the name, is in a way the Voidkeeper's soul, which they cannot ever regain. It is their life source and their source of power. The Voidkeeper is not allowed to ever be violent, so the soul stone only grants them defensive powers. In this case the ability to heal and create protective forcefields.
The Voidkeeper cannot physically ever enter the realm of the living, but with the aide of someone very powerful, they are granted to walk amongst the living as a ghost of sorts. They, however, cannot be touched by the living.
The Voidkeeper is very silent and intelligent. They know more than you'd expect, but will never tell you what you want to know. Only what you need to know, which in itself is not much. She prefers to observe others as they go about their life whenever she isn't reading, other than that there isn't much to her.
Inquisitor Lotus Draqon (he/him), 23.5
The alt for the da:i fandom and my most recent alt.
He's very peculiar in the sense that he was born from the merged souls of Classic and a dragon called Jupiter. No one is sure how this happened but one-day Classic had disappeared. It took a long time to find where he was and the answer was very surprising.
Now with his soul living in as in another person's body, Classic was trapped in a frozen state in another pocket dimension with Jupiter. This meant that as long as Lotus was intact or alive, Classic would not himself be present and neither would Jupiter.
Classic's soul gave Lotus many of the abilities that he himself has, telekinesis, illusion magic, weapon and wing summoning, etc. And Lotus as a person is fairly similar to Classic, some of the differences being Lotus' dragon attributes; his scales, tail, the sword is rather different, bigger horns and bigger wings (and a bigger appetite).
Lotus is also more innocent leaning and shyer. And unlike Classic, isn't such a good swordsman (he gets better with time tho).
Similarly to Classic, Lotus isn't very independent and often depends a lot on the people around him for help and advice. They both also have a giant sweet tooth and love animals. And they both stutter, have trouble pronouncing some words and have motor and verbal ticks (whenever Lotus yawns, burps, gets excited, happy or is frightened he goes "woof!", Classic just makes weird demon noises. Their motor ticks are pretty much the same, twitchy hands, neck and whole damn body).
Though Lotus is more prone to seek out simulation, tapping his claws against a table, playing with his hair and tail and pressing his toe beans. Classic mostly plays with his hair and his shirt sometimes. Also because of dyslexia, they both often have jumbled words when speaking, though with Lotus it's stronger and for him, reading is harder. Lotus is more willing to take risks and go out on an adventure, he has very strong legs and wings that can carry him for hours. And in general Lotus' health is better than Classic's, he's learned to cope with his problems better and cares for himself more.
Also, laser pointers totally work on him.
Now, let's get to the other characters in my verse.
Katy Huerta (she/her), 38-41
A retired Special Task Force agent called back on the field after suspicious and unknown signals had started appearing out of nowhere. They were most likely of a supernatural origin and agent Huerta was assigned on the job. Katy is a skilled and headstrong woman with experience with supernatural forces. As a young child, her body is shared by her and a power fire spirit. She can control fire and use it as a weapon, as well as turn into fire herself.
Turns out that classic had been causing waves of magic which turned to signals as he made his way to this world and travelled around it. At the time he was 19 years old. Katy wasn't sure how to approach him as she found him walking around abandoned buildings but she knew she couldn't kill or arrest him, he hadn't done anything wrong. So she took him in. Taught him, mentored him, took care of him. Katy doesn't have much knowledge about magic but she taught him how to use his sword, how to use his mind and how to use his heart. Classic would follow her around like a puppy, mostly because HQ didn't fully trust a demon to walk around by himself. They respected Katy a great deal, but we're very unsure of this decision. Katy didn't care, though, she was sure. Katy's heart is as big as her muscles and just as strong, she never gave up on that boy and she's glad she didn't. She found a lifelong friend and a trusted partner. She was like a mother to him.
Katy is what I like to call the "bridger", she's usually the bridge between the different universes and dimensions. I gave her full knowledge of the different alts, what they are and what they mean. Whenever there's a new alt, she informs the others and looks over the new one, deciding whether or not they should be cautious and stay away or if they can be invited to the "inner circle".
The day when Classic had his soul transferred and himself trapped was something Katy wasn't sure how to take action, she had no idea who "Lotus" was and what kind of alt they were (you can never know, even the nice sounding ones can be mean and the world they live in might not be able to handle Katy's presence). She took a risk and bridged into the world of Thedas to handle the situation.
Coraline Daniel (she/her), 65.5
The pretty typical vampire oc, I'd say.
Coraline is a carefree soul who enjoys being a mysterious shadow in the back of people's minds. One day she's here, another day she's gone. She doesn't burn in the sunlight but her powers weaken a lot, which includes mind control, teleportation and flight.
A true lady and a primadonna; never settles for second best, Coraline is a beauty and rarity and uses it to her advantage. Many people are slow to notice she's already sucking the blood out of their veins, her victims helplessly falling into her traps and under her spell. 
All except one.
Agent Katy Huerta; the STF's favourite puppet; a saviour; a righteous knight; a woman of high regard and the only one to catch Coraline's eye. She had been assigned to search for the reason behind recent murders (Coraline's doing, of course) and had successfully tracked the culprit down. Coraline was surprised that her normal tactics hadn't worked and this piqued her interest. Ever since their first meeting, they seemed to bump into each other quite often. It was a classic game of cat and mouse, with a lot more flirting though. And they both seemed to enjoy it.
Coraline could never trap her and she could never catch Coraline in return. Neither of them wanted to. Or did, but the meaning behind it had changed.
Katy would track the vampire to her next destination, catch her red-handed, they'd fight, steal kisses in between and Katy would watch her disappear into the night. It became routine, tradition. Routine was broken when Katy asked her for a date before she could run off again, caught by surprise but regaining composure Coraline accepted. Katy brought her a silver ring as a gift to their date, it was a simple gesture that meant something more to them both.
Akachi (they/them), 12
Akachi was found in Western-Africa, alone and unconscious in a cryochamber at an old hospital. The child was in a deep coma and appeared to have lizard-like attributes. Files showed that they were there because of an illness that threatened to take their life, but nothing else could be recovered.
The STF team took them back to America to take care of them, but no one was sure what should be done. Should they be given up for adoption? Surely that couldn't be safe for the child. Luckily STF's golden girl Katy Huerta stepped up to take care of the child, adopting them. The child's name is Akachi, was what she was told, they were found abandoned and appear to be intersex. And so the child was given in to her care. Once home, Classic had been very curious about the child. They decided to take care of Akachi together.
Back then Akachi had been just 4 years old and they didn't appear to have any memories before the hospital, so adapting wasn't the most difficult thing. Akachi is a gentle soul and a very curious child, very imaginative. Akachi was placed in a special program when starting school, normal school being a distant thought but they got there eventually.
Akachi is very excited about new things, very excited to learn and experience things. Although Katy tries to keep them away from tough adventures, sometimes by accident a certain demon cannot resist the puppy-eyes. Akachi is all too happy to meet new people, they always dream of having a big family and they do consider the alts to be family.
Elizabeth Hart aka Wolfy Heart (she/her), 27
Quite literally my oldest oc, I'm fairly sure that Wolfy was the first oc that I ever made and she's come such a long way since then.
Wolfy is the daughter of a rich German family, not that it matters but I'm just laying down random facts at this point, she grew up fairly similarly to everyone else though, she wasn't spoiled and her parents were very good at parenting and were decent people.
Wolfy is a very motherly person and takes care of her friends a lot, she loves socialising and cooking and is very good at playing the harp. She's very curious and blushes easily, she's very modest. She likes spending time with animals and children and is very creative and fashionable. She's compassionate and wants what's best for everyone, she's a little naïve in that sense.
Wolfy had been good friends with Katy (through a mutual friend) even before Classic came around. And Wolfy was more than happy to welcome him with open arms and warm cupcakes! Wolfy's also like an aunt to Akachi who she also welcomed with open arms and warm cupcakes.
Idk dudes I love Wolfy, she's been there for me through many years and seen some shit, she's amazing, she sometimes makes her own clothes and really likes turtles.
Quality werewolf, would bark again
Katja Storm aka Kstorm (mostly she/they but he is also fine), 30
Kstorm is also a very old character of mine (like Wolfy and Katy), she's been through many changes and I'm finally happy with where she is!
Kstorm is the oldest of (3) three children, she's half Spanish half Korean and she's a DJ and quite enjoys making music. I imagine her style is similar to Porter Robinson but maybe a bit more bass heavy (I just love Porter Robinson y'all)
She's dating a girl named Kayna (Kstorm calls her Kaykay uwu), who's best friends with Wolfy and by correlation, she got invited to the Cool Kids club B)
Kstorm herself is a witch and when Classic came around she got pretty excited (but like low-key, cuz she's cool like that), tbh Kstorm was a big help with assisting Classic to handle and control his magic. While Katy is very agitated about spreading the knowledge about bridging and the alts, but she trusts this group of people.
Kstorm doesn't go on adventures or jump through dimensions much, too busy working but she asks to get herbs and cool artefacts and talismans whenever the others do go.
Kstorm is a cool and collected person, she doesn't like drama and doesn't want to make a big deal out of things, especially if it isn't. She went to medical school to become a nurse before turning into a fulltime DJ and she often puts together charity events at the club she performs at. She's generally loved by her community, though there has been drama and people trying to ruin her name. She lost some of her fans after coming out as genderfluid and pansexual but regained a large following of very supportive followers and fans.
Taika (they/them), ???
Taika is a tall, cat-like forest spirit who came from a very monochrome and old realm, they came to the human realm to experience colour, loudness and life for what it could be.
They don't have a mouth (or nose) so they can't speak and when they were born their limbs were deformed so now they have prosthetic arms and legs (luckily the forest spirits are pretty handy).
Taika is a very innocent and optimistic creature, very curious about humans and other beings.
Taika especially loves a lot of what humans have created and relishes in their culture with loud music, dyed hair, ripped jeans and technology.
Now, Taika doesn't really belong in the Voidverse, but I love them so much that I had to mention them cuz they're literally so precious.
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szopenhauer · 4 years
what is the weather going to be like where you live tomorrow? who knows, forecast is lying
who lives in your house and what are they doing right now? my parents, dunno, they just finished eating
does your best friend live near you? my dad lives with me
what is the last place you kissed someone, if ever? her apartment
how do you like to express yourself? in every possible way?
whose birthday is coming up? my sister’s 
what do your favorite pair of shoes look like? can’t choose only one pair
what city do you live in? what’s the population? I’m not sharing that
what time are you going to sleep tonight? we’ll see
who is the last person you hugged for a long time? parent
what are your top five favorite cities? that I visited or would like to?
how did your parents pick your name? my mom liked it 
do you want to move out? yes
how long would it take you to walk to the house of the last person you kissed? walk? :o omg...
what did you last have a conversation with one of your siblings about? what happened on Wednesday
other than a dislike button, what’s something you wish facebook had? hmm...
which part of your day was best: morning, afternoon, or night? I hope night will be good
what’s something you would do drunk but never do sober? I’ve never been drunk so no idea
what is more annoying, people who take forever to reply to texts or when they only say ‘k’? both are annoying but constant ok or XD are basically K.O. of the conversation
have you ever had a night that’s been hands down the best night of your life? if so, describe what happened? can I count dreams tho?
what time do your parents normally get home from work? mom’s retired and my dad either 8 am or 8 pm
what is a word, if any, that you always have trouble spelling? cześć and similar with ść like iść myć and sometimes also words with l and r inside like galeria as I switch those and there’s garelia instead
what was the last awkward moment you experienced? my whole life is awkward
last thing that really hurt you? physically or emotionally/mentally?
are you ever afraid to be yourself? if I can get beated or even killed for that
did you kiss or hug anyone today? hug
how many people have told you they were in love with you? ugh...
is any part of you sad at all? always
would you kiss anyone you have texts from in your phone? my gf obviously
honestly, if you could go back one month and change something would you? maybe
are there certain things that can’t be joked about with you? yeah
do you still talk to the last person you kissed? even now
do you have a bad temper? I guess
do you believe that there’s good in everybody? who cares if there’s more bad/evil in them
are you the funniest of all your friends? don’t wanna brag but... 
have you ever gone to work with a hangover? never been hungover
what pisses you off the most? shitload of stuff
are you emotional? might be
what’s something you wish you could go shopping for right now? if I had my own apartment...
have you done anything illegal in the last three days? no do you ever get shy around the boy/girl you like? sorta
have you ever gotten soap in your mouth for cursing? do you think that’s right to do to kids who curse?: luckily not, that’s awful, don’t do that
what age do you think is appropriate for kids to start watching horror movies with lots of gore?: never, kid or adult, those movies shouldn’t exist in the first place
do you know what the word “polyamorous” means?  I know
how many bug bites do you currently have?: about 10, first time in my life I’ve been bitten so hard and yet ppl dare to say there are no mosquitos this summer
do you have any wind chimes outside your house? how many?: we don’t, my mom used to have bamboo one inside but somehow it’s gone now
do you know someone who actually had someone give them a bouquet of real roses and one fake one, and tell them they’ll love them until the last one dies?: wow :o
which do you like better, firefox or internet explorer?: Opera but Firefox if I had to choose between those two craps
do you have a flat stomach? would you ever wear a belly shirt to show it off?: it ain’t flat but I still wear crop tops when I’m in the mood for that
with eyebrow piercings, do you prefer the ring or the curved barbell?:  I don’t care 
would you date someone who was five years older than you?:  I don’t think so
if you had to have one drug (illegal ones, like marijuana and cocaine and all of them) right now, what would it be?: none
would you ever get a sleeve or a half sleeve on your arm (we’re talking about tattoos)?: hell no
do you have a wireless mouse and/or keyboard?: not wireless
do you think your biological parents love each other?: what even is love...
would you rather live alone in a huge mansion or alone in a small studio apartment?: small apartment is enough, I don’t have to clean whole mansion haha or pay for all the electricity and such
if you came across child porn on your computer, what would you do?: not possible as only I use it
what’s the name of the street you live on?: that’s personal
how often do you use “<3”?: rarely
how do you feel about abortion?: it’s complicated, I don’t want to talk about it
what’s one thing your grandmother does that you can’t stand?: ...
did you ever notice how it’s more tragic if a younger person dies than an older person, even if they both died of the same cause?: it’s because old person had time to live and it’s normal they’re going to die soon on smth anyway, kids and teens or even young adults should have an equal chance in life 
how often do you wash your hair?: recently basically everyday
do you think the price for a movie ticket is too high these days?: I agree have you ever been to a drive-in movie theater?: nope
what’s your favorite musical?: Cats is the only one I like, I hate musicals
Have you ever watched a beaver build a damn before? not irl, just documentary/online
How often do you get spam in your email? all the damn time, 99% of emails are spam and it makes me mad
Do you use “shall” or “should” more often in speech? should only
Do you know anyone who can read Braille? I learned but forgot already
Do you ever wish that you had a tail? kinda
Do you prefer garden snails or water snails? all of them snails :)
Do you pay attention to detail? often
Would you wear a veil at your wedding, if you were to get married? I prefer capes or trains for that matter but veils aren’t a bad idea either
Are you a male or a female? I’m a cis female
Do you like fairytales? not a fan 
What is your favorite type of whale? I think they’re pretty cool in general, don’t know enough about types
Do you prefer paper bags and plastic bags when you go to the grocery store? Or perhaps those reusable ones? depends
Do you like your country’s flag? it’s... boring
Do you like things that have a zigzag pattern on them? sweaters
Has the airbag ever gone off in the car before, with you in it? no
When’s the last time you used a dishrag? today
What does your favorite bag look like? can’t decide
list two facts about your last kiss. it was with a woman that I’m dating in her apartment - ok that’s three facts lol
what was your first thought when you looked in the mirror this morning? my skin is awful
have you ever worn the opposite sex’s underwear? nah
have you ever kissed in a pool? I haven’t
have you ever lied to protect someone’s feelings? yep
how did you meet the last person you kissed? mutual friend in high school, we went to the crappy concert together
whats something that really grosses you out? plenty of stuff that I don’t want to even think about 
what is the oldest person you would date right now? my age is old enough 
do you use your middle finger often? I suppose
how many people have you kissed in your entire life? one
how many hours has it been since you woke up? at first I woke up at 6 am then half past 10 am and now it’s 3 pm
are you listening to anything? not currently
has anyone ever sprayed you fully clothed with a hose? I don’t recall but would be pissed
do you own an umbrella? I borrow my parents’ umbrella when I have to because I hate umbrellas
what do you have in your pockets right now? no pockets!
how many keys are on your key chain? just one
what do they go to? my house 
are you wearing a shirt that has a sports team logo on it? ewww, no way
have you parents ever hated one of your boyfriends/girlfriends? my mom doesn’t like the fact I’m into girls so... how old is the last person you kissed? 28 
how old were you in 1995? 3
how old will you be in 2027? 35
what brand of shampoo do you use? Family splash
who was the last person to give you money? family member
have you ever dreamt of someone you barely know? that was weird
when was the last time you went to the ocean? saw the sea once, not ocean
do you know how to give cpr? not best
have you ever taken a pregnancy test? what for?
have someone seen you naked in the last month? yup
what kind of doctor did you go to the last time you went? had to get vaccine against tetanus after I was bitten by the dog this Wednesday
are you jewish? am not
have you ever wished your eyes were a different color? it’s not that important
how many times does “n” occur in your full name? twice
what are you initials? Z.C.
what is something that always makes you feel pretty? *rolling my eyes*
how many songs are on your mp3/ipod? I don’t remember, I didn’t use it in a long time
have you ever flashed someone accidentally? in elementary I had no boobs so I didn’t wear a bra and there was PE and I was teaching my classmate how to do a carthwheel and I flashed a certain boy who was bullying me later in life (middle school), he said - You’re wild
do you ever crack your knuckles/back/ankles/wrists/etc?: I despise ppl who do that, stop!
if you walk by a mirror, do you look at yourself in it?: try not to
what would you do if a stranger came up to you and said you are the most attractive person they had ever seen?: think it’s a prank 
have you ever shared a blanket with someone?: sure
what is more important, happiness or trust?: happiness includes trust
do you ever think “what if” about anything?: overthinking for life
do you care too much/not at all/just enough?: all at once lmfao
are you a morning person or a night person?: night but I’m barely a person
what would you do if you opened up your front door and your doorstep was full of surprises?: what kind of surprises?
if you were offered a shot of whiskey right this second, would you accept?: thx but no
do you have a good relationship with your mother?: not as much as I’d like to
the last person you kissed, how many times have you cried in front of them?: 3 - on a cam/video chat, publicly and on her bed
are your nails painted?: they’re not painted
are you someone who worries too often? 24/7
do you like thunderstorms?: I like how lightning looks like and the sound of thunder but weather makes me feel ill so...
would you like to see a tornado at some point in your life?: if it didn’t kill me
could you stay in the same relationship for over a year?: I assume
who has seen you at your “worst?“: family and partner
will you kiss the last person you kissed again?: we plan to
if you could have one super power what would it be?: healing - myself and others
what’s your opinion on people wearing high heels to school?: dumb
do you listen to any music that doesn’t have lyrics?: can but don’t do that usually
do you stutter when you get nervous?: nah
do you attend church regularly?: I listen to the mass every Sunday
what is your favorite superhero movie?: can’t choose only one
do you watch gossip girl?: no
what do you get whenever you go school shopping?: I’m done with school however, back when I did do school shopping, it was about notebooks mostly
what is your #4’s dog’s name?: I didn’t have so many 
do you consider yourself responsible?: depends
are you tired?: yesss
do you think that aliens exist? it’s possible
what do you doodle most often?: *shrug*
if you went to jail, what would you go for?: smth I didn’t do, I would be framed
are there any bruises on your body right now?: weird but not even after that unlucky Wednesday, my skin isn’t bruising easily
if you died next week, what would be the cause of death?: heart attack, allergy, accident etc
what do you think about dating websites?: didn’t help but OKC have fun questions :P
what is your favorite thing to get at starbucks?: I don’t go there
what about at mcdonalds?: french fries
do you wear contacts or glasses?: if I had to I’d choose glasses
how many clocks are in your room?: just cellphone and computer 
how many fridges are in your house?: ... 1
what is the best way to tell someone that they stink?: too ashamed to point that out :x
what time will you go to bed tonight?: 11 pm but probs will fall asleep before 2 am as usual
How do you feel right this moment?: not good
What does the last person you kissed name start with?: M.
How many people have you kissed in the last 5 months?: no one else
When did you last have sex?: recently
State the lyrics stuck in your head at the moment.: I'm hard on the outside but if you see inside, inside, inside 
What do you currently hear?: not a single thing and happy about it
What would you do if your doctor told you, you were pregnant?: they’re mistaken as it’s not possible
If you’re dating someone how long have you been together?: about 2 months
What’s the longest relationship you have ever been in?: dunno if I can count that as relationship 
Do you know anyone who has gotten an abortion?: used to know
Are your parents strict?: they’re weird
What grade are you in?: graduated 
Have you ever kissed in the rain?: wouldn’t want to, I imagine it being uncomfy
When was the last time you seen your mom?: she just opened my room’s door without knocking to ask me for another favor
Do you and her get along good?: won’t say so
Have you ever stole anything?: not really
What’s the last thing you heated up in the microwave? I don’t use a microwave, I heard they’re bad for your health
Have you ever felt like a slave before? kind of
How often do you shave? What do you shave? not your business
Whose grave did you last visit? been to the funeral but besides that my brother’s
Describe a time when you felt brave. nie czuję się odważna tylko dzielna tak jak nie jestem cierpliwa lecz mam silną wolę
Have you ever participated in “the wave”? if I’m thinking what you’re thinking
Have you ever accidentally waved at the wrong person before? worse
Oh no! Your house is on fire! What’s the first thing that you try to save? important documents, pendrives, photo albums, my fav stuffed animal (but most importantly myself and my fam)
Do you remember to save your documents? I’m paranoid about it
Are you the person who paves/smooths things over in an argument, or do you just add more fuel to the fire? I must confess I quite often add fuel but not every single time
How many pets do you have? just my doggo
0 notes