#if you look up alien on my profile you'll probably find the rest if you're interested
anarchy-and-piglins · 2 years
Back with more ‘aliens beeduo save human Techno from an interstellar fighting arena and accidentally adopt him’
The food on the spaceship is almost worse than what he got at the arena. Maybe not in appearance, Techno will take these sterilized packages of indescribable paste over raw meat any day. But in tastes, there's not much of a difference.
Also, they are much harder to open.
They'd probably not be an issue for anybody with proper dexterity, but Techno's hands have been a trembling mess since he got taken in by these aliens. And part of that is due to stress, though the many scars that litter his palms and fingers would betray deeper tissue injury is also at fault. He's making a very unpleasant expression as he tries to rip at the flimsy foil to no avail.
He doesn't even want the grey stuff inside. It's disgusting and flavourless and has the texture of baby food after a baby's already eaten it.
But Techno also would like to stay alive a little longer, which sadly means he'll have to take any nutrients he can get.
As kind as Bee and Boo have been when taking him in, they don't understand Techno's attempts at communicating. Like, at all. So he hasn't had much chance to enlighten them about the wonders of human cuisine yet. And most of the things they cook for themselves, Techno won't risk. At least he knows the goop won't kill him (unless trying and failing to get into the tube causes a heart attack out of sheer frustration).
Man, what he wouldn't give for a can of spagethios right now.
Suddenly two hands close over his shaking ones, Boo's long fingers gently prying the food from his weak grip. Techno has a protest halfway up his throat - perhaps an attempt at keeping his dignity by telling this alien he'd totally be able to take care of his own meal if prolonged trauma hadn't left him with a tremor. But they wouldn't understand him anyway.
Boo quickly rips the foil open before giving it back to Techno, making a small and encouraging buzzing noise deep in their throat. Techno hated that sound at first, likening it to a broken television.
He has since learned it's meant to come across as friendly.
"Uh, thanks," he says lamely as he takes the food back. Boo blinks at him with lids that close vertically over his dark eyes. They tilt their head a bit. They don't understand his gratitude.
And Techno knows it shouldn't matter, but he feels bad.
Suddenly he remembers what the little pig child does sometimes when the older two aliens help them. It might be a weird bet, but as far as Techno can tell the gesture is meant to convey thankfulness.
So slowly - very slowly, not stupid enough to risk making any sudden moves - He tucks in his chin, bends forward and bumps his forehead into Boo's shoulder in some kind of weird headbutting motion.
When he pulls back Boo is staring at him.
Techno thinks he might have done something wrong, still shaking hands pinching at the foil of his food. But then Boo jumps up, the staticky noise increasing in excitement. It's enough to lure the smaller one - Bee - into the room. Boo instantly starts chirping at them.
Techno shakes his head as he brings the food to his mouth, distracting himself from the taste by watching the two that have taken him in flit around like proud parents whose child just said a first word.
Communication efforts will definitely need to be revisited later.
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