#if you want the guy treating the girl like crap go watch After or some Netflix romance wattpad live action you sillies
tategaminu · 7 months
Comments about wanting Callum to be mean or bitchy to Rayla are so weird. You know... he wasn't even big levels of mean in season four and it still ate him up inside. He is not that kind of guy, character or boyfriend and I'm not fond of twisting up such a good example for partners and guys
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tvseries-writings · 4 months
Fight for us
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Maya x Carina x reader
PLOT: A big fire makes the reader worry more about other people than about herself and her pacemaker is not very happy about it, as are her girlfriends.
TW: heart failure, pacemaker
You didn't think the week could get any worse than it was already going then, all of a sudden, you had received a call from Teddy Altman, your cardiologist, alerting you to the fact that it was time to change the batteries in your pacemaker and that the latter was exhibiting some malfunctions that she definitely wanted to check. You sigh, shrugging your shoulders with the intent to shrug off that phone call before sipping your second cup of coffee. And to think that today is your day off and you are already stressed.
“Bambina, that's decaf right?”
Carina walks up to you and kisses you on the lips, biting your lip and looking at you with a look you know very well.
“No, I would definitely say it's not. You know it's not good for you y/n and besides, move that phone; it needs to be at least six inches from the pacemaker.” You sigh, rolling your eyes and shaking your head, but before Carina can scold you again, both yours and her phone ring. That's never a good sign, never.
“Dr. DeLuca”
“Pamedic Y/n”
And if the week had already seemed like crap to you, the words coming out of your boss's mouth only dangerously dash all your hopes for improvement. You and Carina end the call at the same time and then, after a moment of silence, finally finding the courage to speak.
“There's a fire in Fall City’s forest, I've been asked about-”
“Me too,” you say, looking at your girlfriend and voicing the same thought that is haunting both of you.
“Have they called Station 19 yet?”
“I don't know Bella but since they've called all the available workers I think so.”
You exchange a worried look before you decide to pull Carina into a hug.
“She will be fine love, Maya is a fighter and will always come back to us. Let's go save some lives now.”
You are treating a patient's burns when you see Maya enter the tent where both you and Carina are treating patients. You finish bandaging Kelly, the girl in front of you, before quickly running into Maya's arms.
“Woah, hey, I didn't know they called you guys too.” Maya returns the hug, and although your girlfriend smells like soot, you bask in her scent before pulling away when you hear Carina join you.
You hear them talking but you don't really listen to what they're saying; you're tired, your body is telling you to take a break, and your heart, despite the pacemaker, is really acting up at the moment.
“Y/n, are you okay?”
You realize you're rubbing your hand right over the pacemaker only when Carina stops you by locking your wrist.
“Hey, are you-”
Maya is stopped by a sweaty Warren who comes running into the tent.
“Bishop, we need you. The captain wants you with her.”
Maya gives you a look and then an apologetic smile before hurrying off but not without first giving Carina a look that was definitely not aimed at the Italian.
The two of you watch the blonde leave and just as Carina turns to you to speak, a dozen patients are rushed inside and the Italian is forced to put off questions until later.
You turn to Vic and Travis and run toward them.
“Thirty-nine-year-old female, under cardiac arrest two minutes. Performed two rounds of compressions on scene with no results.”
You nod, quickly slipping on another pair of gloves before replacing Vic, performing a new cycle of compressions yourself as Travis connects the patient to the monitors.
“Vic, get the defibrillator ready.”
You shouldn't exert yourself, you know you shouldn't with the pacemaker discharged, but you really have no choice when you have to choose between your life and a patient's. You swore it to yourself when you took this job.
“It's ready.”
Victoria says and you take the pads from her hands. If Carina saw you using it yourself, she would probably kick your ass and a good lecture in Italian; fortunately, she is very busy at the moment. Travis places the electrodes on the patient's body and then, after a glance, places the paddles on her chest.
You feel the electricity leave the paddles and see the woman's body lying in front of you jerk before falling back onto the gurney. You will never get used to this feeling.
“There's a pulse, call heli-rescue and keep her monitored until it arrives.”
You say entrusting it to the only two free people in front of you who weren't strictly necessary in there, two residents.
You take off your gloves and throw them in the nearest trash can, quickly procuring another pair before moving on to the next patient then, like a bolt out of the blue, you notice Teddy Altman enter the tent and if your day was already sucking, it now gets drastically worse.
The faint hope that Teddy has not come exclusively for you quickly vanishes when the blonde doctor catches up with you with a look that is anything but friendly.
“Heyy Teddy, what's the best heart surgeon in Seattle doing here? Were you so bored at home that you wanted to help us out?”
You smile, cheekily, before turning to a new patient but before you can even ask her what's wrong, besides the obvious second-degree burn on her shoulder, the cardiac surgeon grabs your arm and drags you away, far enough away from prying ears.
“What the hell are you doing here? A woman came into the hospital and said there was a beautiful paramedic who saved her life and pulled her out of her panic attack by talking about her beautiful girls: an Italian doctor and a blond firefighter.”
You mentally curse yourself for being so specific, dammit. You would have saved yourself at firefighter or doctor, damn it, did you have to be so specific?
You open your mouth to speak, looking for any excuse in the meantime, but before you can formulate one, Teddy starts talking again.
“No no, y/n, don't even try. I had made it clear, no efforts until the checkup and then I find you literally on the biggest fire in years performing CPR?!”
The blonde tries to keep a normal tone even though, from the look on her face, she probably wants to strangle you with her own hands.
“Teddy, look, I know we're friends and you're my cardiologist but you have to understand that I'm also doing my job here. I'm a paramedic and I have to take care of other people's health.”
“I understand that y/n but you won't save anyone when your heart collapses and it will if you don't get checked right away. I came here just for you, I had to ask Bailey's permission and don't think Miranda will let you get away with this recklessness of yours.”
You sigh, moving a lock of hair from your face and thinking about the long lecture Miranda Bailey, who is like a mother to you, will give you as soon as your slender body ends up in front of her judgmental eyes. You're screwed.
“Oh come on Teddy, couldn't you have said some shit to her? Besides, aren't you bound by attorney-client privilege?”
“Well, sure. Or at least we are until the patient turns out to be a danger to himself and-”
The cardiac surgeon's tone of voice rises to such an extent that the speech you are giving is heard by people who should not have heard a single word, such as your very protective Italian girlfriend.
“Hey, Bella is everything okay here? Teddy, hi, did they call you too?”
Carina girds your hips protectively and you lean a little into her grip; the fatigue was already starting to set in before Teddy's visit and now it's only getting worse.
“No, they didn't call me too but I'm here for a patient of mine.”
The Italian observes the look the blonde gives you and it doesn't take her long to realize that you are the patient.
“Y/n, why did Teddy come here for you? Is something wrong with the pacemaker?”
You want to talk, really, tell the truth and face her stern look and a long, long lecture about how you don't take care of yourself but all your attention is diverted to a firefighter, you don't recognize him since he's not from Station 19, who runs inside the tent and talks loudly to Chief Ross.
“Chief, Bishop and Herrera are stuck in a circle of fire and we can't get the flames under control.”
Although there is no shortage of noise in the tent, both you and Carina hear those words perfectly and in less than a second run toward the two.
“What the hell do you mean Maya is stuck? Why hasn't she been pulled out already!”
Carina screams, Italian slipping off her tongue as she does every time she is gripped by a strong emotion, and you know that fear is the strongest and most destabilizing of all, along with love.
Your heart beats in your chest so loudly that you think it might as well pull off the pacemaker, the sounds resulting muffled as you cling to Carina's side to try to calm both her and your crazed heart.
“Apparently Lieutenant Bishop found herself trapped in a circle of fire while she and Herrera were trying to rescue a civilian. We managed to get Herrera out but it was too late for Bishop...now we are trying to transport as much water as we can but they are in a spot we can't reach with trucks and-”
“Damn it, get Bishop out of there at the cost of filling buckets and climbing that damn mountain. Is that clear?”
Chief Ross yells and the fireman jerks before nodding and hastily exiting. Then, the woman turns to the two of you.
“I know it's hard but I promise you we will get Maya out of there; she's a fighter, she'll be fine, I've never met a woman as tenacious as she is.”
The thought of not being able to see Maya again makes your heart even heavier than it already was; you and Carina hug each other tightly, the Italian drops a few tears, and you kiss her head repeatedly, the same way Maya does, caressing her back and suppressing the sharp pain in your chest you are feeling.
“Car..what if last night was the last time we saw her? I can't lose her, not Maya, not today, I can't, I can't,” you sob, the weight of what's happening is too much to keep inside and even though you know you should console Carina, the anguish you're feeling won't let you.
“It will be all right, she will be all right, I must be...” Carina wipes away her tears and then looks up at you, “I am pregnant Bella, it worked.”
And for a moment, for just a moment, you forget where you are and Maya's condition, for just a moment you think only of you, her and Maya holding a beautiful baby and you kiss her. You kiss her deeply and with such passion that if you were not in that situation you would already be on the bed. When you pull away, you run a hand over her stomach and gently caress it with a smile on your face.
“Hey little bean, we love you so much already, you don't know how long we've been waiting for you.”
Carina rests her hand on top of yours and her head on your chest. The adrenaline rush that the news caused you fades and the dull but constant pain in your chest returns like a bolt of lightning as does the fear for the life of the other woman in your life, the other mother of your child.
Teddy, who has been standing on the sidelines up to that point, approaches the two of you and gives you a sympathetic smile.
“I'm sure Firefighter Barbie is fine, she's strong and wants to get back to her girls.”
“Thank you Teddy.”
And then, you hear Carina realize again what you were talking about before you were interrupted.
You sigh and close your eyes for a few moments; Carina turns away from you, and when you open them again, you see her looking at you with the same look you've been dreading ever since you got the call.
“I hope you didn't come here knowing you had problems with your pacemaker.”
Your silence is worth more than confirmation for the Italian.
“O MIO DIO, I can't believe it y/n, you're so stubborn and an idiot I ahh non so cosa fare con voi due, sei mille volte peggio di Maya dannazione.”
You don't understand a single word she said but considering the fact that she is gesticulating…well, you are definitely in trouble.
Fortunately, however, even the wrath of an Italian vanishes when your girlfriend's colleague runs up to you and waves you to follow him and that's exactly what you do, temporarily forgetting what you were discussing.
“Jack, is Maya okay?” Carina says and when the firefighter does not turn to look at you, you fear for the worst: “Gibson, is Maya okay? Is she alive? Is she hurt? Damn it Jack! Answer me!” You yell, shoving the fireman until he turns toward you. His gaze gives nothing away and you are literally about to grab him by the throat but then a familiar face appears in your field of vision.
“Hey, I'm sorry to have worried you. I'm okay, I'm fine, I feared for the worst but the guys managed to pull both Andy and me out of there.”
Maya has an oxygen mask on her face and a blanket around her shoulders but except for that, she seems fine and you think you can squeal from relief. You pounce on her and stuff her face with kisses before letting Carina do the same.
“If you worry us like this again, I'll kill you myself, is that clear?”
“Crystal doc” Maya smiles, leaning over to kiss her before kissing you too.
“Fuck you Gibson” you huff, giving him a shove and he smiles, raising his hands as if to defend himself, “hey, I just wanted you to see it for yourself.”
The fireman walks away and leaves you alone; you rest your forehead on the Italian's back while she and Maya discuss what happened and how Andy is doing. You don't really listen to them; the pain in your chest with Jack's little joke has only gotten worse, and your breath shortens as tiny drops of sweat wet your back.
You have experienced this feeling before, when you had your first heart attack more than four years ago. You feel the pulse in your ears, you cannot even tell whether it is high or extremely low; despite your medical knowledge, you are not clear-headed enough at the moment to tell. You gradually lean more and more against the Italian so much that you almost risk dropping her.
“Car, call...call Teddy. Pacemaker” you whisper and then, everything goes dark as you fall to the ground with a thud.
Carina and Maya freeze for a few seconds before springing into action.
“Hey! We need help, help us!” Carina shouts, turning you over on your stomach and checking your heart rate.
“Maya, I'm going to get Teddy don't move from here, check her pulse and don't you dare take off that oxygen mask.”
The firefighter does not even have time to react that the doctor is already running away.
“Come on love, come on, stay with us.”
Maya massages your chest, checking your pulse and trying at the same time to stimulate your pacemaker. Carina returns in less than a minute, falling on her knees next to your body lying on the floor, followed by Vic, Travis and Teddy.
“Maya, give me her heart rate.”
“32 bpm.”
“Damn, her pacemaker stopped working, it's set on 50 bpm. We need to take her to the hospital and change the batteries or the pacemaker if necessary.”
“The fire has blocked the roads, we can only go to Eli-rescue but it left a while ago and will never be back in less than 40 minutes.” Travis says, looking at the doctor.
“You don't have forty minutes, you don't even have ten minutes.”
Teddy shakes his head, rubbing his forehead as he constantly checks your pulse on the monitor Victoria has diligently hooked you up to. Carina takes an oxygen tank and connects it to a mask that she places on your face, stroking your hair and leaving a kiss on your forehead.
“It will be okay Bella, we are here with you, you have to fight for us. Please.”
The Italian doctor's voice cracks and Maya promptly takes her into her arms, also stroking your hair.
“I have an idea but it is dangerous and I don't know if it will work .”
Maya and Carina cast a glance at each other and then nod.
“Do what you have to but bring her back to us, please.”
Teddy pulls out his stethoscope, auscultating your pulse.
“Montgomery, get the defibrillator.”
Carina and Maya stiffen and look at the monitor. Your heart is not beating above 30 bpm and your blood pressure is dangerously low and falling.
“Teddy, what do you want to do.”
Carina's voice trembles as her hand falls instinctively on your stomach; Maya notices but at the moment is more concerned about you than intrigued by her wife's gesture.
“With a jolt the pacemaker should restart and keep her alive until the hospital or at least I hope so, I only did it one other time in Afghanistan.”
“Did the patient survive?”
Teddy pauses, remaining silent for a few seconds as he applies the electrodes to your chest. Then, after a deep sigh, he turns to the two women kneeling over your dying body.
“No, it was too late for him.”
Carina runs a hand through her hair and then, grabs the blond fireman's hand.
“Maya, I need to tell you something I-”
The Italian freezes, as does Maya's heart as they watch your body jerk and the terrifying flat line noise that is emitted from the monitor immediately after.
“Come on Bella, please.”
Maya removes her mask and leans over your forehead, leaving a kiss on your temple.
“Come on love, you can do it. Come back to us.”
Your heart starts beating again after one round of compressions from Teddy, and Maya and Carina burst into tears from relief praying that helicopter rescue will arrive in time.
More than six hours pass before your eyes open and an annoying but familiar pain in your chest, just above the pacemaker, lets you know that you are still in the world of the living. Your hand reaches for the mask on your face but before you can pull it off, a hand stops you.
“Hey, no, you have to keep it on a little longer Bella.”
Carina leaves a kiss on your forehead, turning a small smile to you and intertwining your fingers.
“Welcome back love” Maya smiles at you. She still has her oxygen mask on and at the sight, your stomach knots.
“Are you okay? What are your oxygen levels?”
You sit up and reach toward the fireman; your gaze is so concerned that Maya strokes your cheek and grabs your hand to kiss your knuckles.
“I'm fine my love, I'm sorry for worrying the two women of my life, or three ,” the blonde's smile increases as she rests her hand on the Italian's stomach and your worried look is quickly replaced by a smile. “We're going to be moms.”
“The best ones.”
“Yes, although two of these three moms should learn to take better care of themselves. Did you understand y/n? It was stupid to ignore the device that helps your heart beat idiot”
“Yes, it was totally irresponsible of you” Maya nods, agreeing with Carina, before patting your leg lightly.
“Don't ever try something like that again, you are too important to us.”
Carina whispers and you notice she is holding back tears so you reach out and push her toward you, dropping her sitting on your lap.
“Oh and don't think this is the end of it, Bailey can't wait to give you a good talking to.”
“Shit, I'm screwed.”
“Yeah but not by us. No sex for two months after what you did.”
You pout and then playfully shove Maya while Carina taps her hand on her forehead shaking her head with a smile on her face.
You do believe you will be good mothers after all.
Thank you for reading! It's not my best work but lately I feel like everything I write sucks so...well, thanks anyway and have a great day!
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Taglist: @wandanatsbaby @bioquake-archives @bioquakeweek @daisyjohnsonx @wandanatsgirlfriend @chaekhan @station19 @resilientpendragon @so-no-kissing-then @thearchpitbullmx @ashadash0904 @kingshitonly @alwaysgoodnight @callistic @xjule @yuleni18 @simpforwandanat @alexxislexi @mrsdanversromanoff @coollemonsaresour @hushed-woodsman @razorscooteer @eponine-xx @maniacallinc @michelle170 @classyig @elenaguarnieri @scarletwidow @tati3001 @cristin-rjd @your-my-mission @mr-nicely @hi-i-1 @anniethurs @ktstwice @scarlet-raccoon @maria-403 @goldfishthegr8 @wandanatfan @looiegirl-blog @bioquake-blog @daisyjohnsonx
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Am I an asshole because I told someone to shut the hell up about his autism?
Now, please read this before making your vote.
I (21 F) started going back to school recently, I signed up for classes late because it took so long for the paperwork and processes to be finalized. I was taking a speech class in the morning and we had to do a group project in class. Now, I spoke with the professor and told her I did not do well in group projects because I either get treated like literal crap or I do all the work. She said she didn't care, either I join a group or get a 0. Someone (20 M) was watching, we'll call him Ed for clarity. I asked if I could join Ed's group and he said yes. I tried being really nice to Ed and waited for our group members to meet with us after class. He showed me which music he liked and I said it was nice. So, during the entire time period of this project I would meet a lot with my group mates and we'd do the project. It was very difficult because professor wanted over 10 resources and a certain length for the report, then to top it off a PowerPoint we'd be presenting too. Ed did a lot of things to make me feel very uncomfortable, but my group mates ignored it and didn't say anything. He'd talk about how he visited the dark web and looked into hitmen. Then he showed us an intro to a porno. I felt very uncomfortable and mentioned it to the other girl in our group, she said she would talk with the other boys in our group about it (they all had been friends since highschool except Ed) , she said the assignment did require us to find an intro that was terrible, but maybe a porno intro was too much. The assignment in question was basically a research project about why introductions are very important. They ended up choosing some 90's tv show intro, I don't remember which one it was, just that the show got 2 seasons and the intro was too stereotypical for the time. During the time Ed would send me random "hi"s and he added/followed me on all my social media. He would comment on everything and would try to make conversations on them when I wouldn't text back. I kept the texts as bland as possible. Ed just gave me a bad vibe and kept doing shit to make me uncomfortable. Now here's where the autism part comes in. I was talking to a guy I had a crush on instagram and I guess Ed noticed. So Ed basically calls me and asks if I'm not attracted to him because he has autism. I said what the hell and hung up. It made me feel so uncomfortable then he started bringing up his autism on all my photos, posts, tweets, you name it. I didn't know what to do anymore. Ed kept blowing up my phone too. He'd message me every 5 mins and would get mad when I wouldn't answer right away. So back to my crush, Ed messaged him I wasn't interested in dating him! Like dude! So my crush says he doesn't have time for immaturity and blocks me despite me trying to defuse and apologize hundreds of times for that. So I asked for some advice and basically I got that his autism was making him act like that. I don't want to sound ableist, I'm sorry if I give off that impression, but enough was enough. I told him to fuck off or else I'd get the authorities and school involved since what he was doing was harassment. He said he can't harass since he has autism so I told him to shut the hell up about his autism since it wasn't a "get out of jail" card so i finally blocked him everywhere. I don't know if I'm being an asshole or maybe I'm just not patient or equip to handle Ed? Even then, I am in no shape or form attracted to Ed nor was I ever. Now I just never want him bothering me again.
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rotten-debzee · 1 year
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(+ short oneshot?)
Veronica takes her notebook and rapidly starts to scribble in it.
"What are you doing here?"
"The hell do you mean by that, you rude ass geek!", Heather responds, crossing her arms with a clearly offended expression plastered in her face.
Veronica keeps writing before she could discover what being punched by a ghost feels like.
"What I mean is that from all places, why are you here in school right now?", the dark-haired girl questions, thinking how if she was in Heather's position, being at school would be the last thing she would ever think to do.
At first, Heather seems reluctant to answer that, remaining silent for a few moments, before giving up after a little mental battle with herself.
She sighs. "I was bored, okay?"
The blonde would be blushing if it wasn't because she has no blood running in her body anymore. "I have nothing else to do. So… I thought accompanying you would be less boring than staying home alone and unnoticed. Is that what you wanted to hear?"
Veronica definitely didn't expect the demon queen to say something like that ever in her life, so now she is not sure on how to respond to her words.
"Pff, she is making a funny expression right now…", before she is even aware of it, she can't help but smile at the blonde, who is taken off guard by that. Heather's flustered reaction doesn't go unnoticed by Veronica, who giggles at her before writing.
"Be welcome then, how very of you to enjoy boring classes and shitty teachers even in the afterlife"
Now both of them laugh, Veronica is sure that she looks like a mad woman laughing alone from the sight of everyone, but she couldn't care less about crap like that right now.
For some unknown reason, even after the laughter died down, the smiles on their faces remain untouched.
Veronica can't help but feel something weird in her stomach as she watches the blonde closely, not knowing if it's a good or bad kind of feel. Still not being able to tear her eyes apart from her, because even through her dead eyes, Heather's gaze softens with a little spark that wasn't there before, and Veronica is thrilled to discover what other subtle details can be found on the blonde's face.
There are a lot of unsaid words between them, accompanied by, once cold, now slowly melting gazes, and for a good few moments, those interactions were the only ones both girls were sharing.
Until the teacher starts speaking loudly, finally making Veronica snap out of the haze she and Heather were in just a second ago, both breaking eye contact and acting like said haze hasn't even existed to begin with.
The teacher announces a surprise quiz, which is received with tired groans by the students. Veronica joins the crowd in their displeasure, soon being replaced with a smirk, as an idea pops up in her head, writing it down.
"Heather, now that you're here…"
"That one is D for sure, but I'll go check either way…" Heather circles around the classroom as she spies on everyone's answers, she knows that the only right answer is the one the teacher has in his notes, but it's still fun to see what weird things can the students come up with.
"Damn, this stupid fuck has almost everything wrong, how embarrassing…", the ghost mockingly mumbles while reading some guy's answers.
Veronica has been trying her best to not burst laughing for the last 10 minutes, watching Heather just having the time of her life floating around and making fun of the people unaware of her presence makes it almost impossible for her to at least not giggle at the sight.
"Wait Veronica!, that is a trap question, is actually B."
The brunette nods eagerly, thanking Heather silently as she writes everything down. She is definitely treating the blonde with some yummy dessert later for her help. Honestly, at first, she thought she would refuse her petition and just enjoy watching her suffer the test through, but thankfully she didn't.
Maybe this is the start of something, maybe they might start to feel more comfortable around each other, both of them could even be good partners in crime if they try, sure, they might have discovered it a little too late, but hey, better later than never, right?
(lol I can't believe I actually write this)
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megxplryxb · 2 years
Bite Me...
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*Note* Hey everyone, sorry for the lack of posts lately, i've been really sick and feeling crap but started to write this on Halloween night and only finished it now. Also, Green with Envy pt. 2 is almost finished so bare with me. Anyway, enjoy your weekend beautiful people <3
Warnings: Smut at the end because we all love smutty Steve.
Pairings: Steve Harrington fem!reader
Disclaimer: I do not take any credit for gifs used.
The sound of children’s laughter and excitement echoed loudly through your usually quiet neighbourhood as Halloween night was finally upon the town of Hawkins, Indiana. You smiled, looking out your bedroom window to see an army of kids hyped up on sugar, running all over the leaf filled streets with their flashlights, knocking on doors, dressed up as monsters and superheroes trying to get as much loot as they could before darkness completely covered the skies and their parents ordered them to call it a night.
Halloween had been your personal favourite holiday ever since you were a little girl, running around trick or treating with your friends, collecting as much candy as you could in your costume of choice for that year, secretly watching horror movies with your older brothers’ to end the evening while your parents were out at some gathering. Now that you were older however, trick or treating had been traded for drinking and partying but the dressing up tradition had always remained firmly intact for you and your friends.
Music blared from the radio on your bedside locker as you added the finishing touches to the vampire outfit you were wearing to Steve Harrington’s Halloween bash at his parents house. Two fake puncture wounds on the side of your neck, eye make up dark and glittery as your mouth featured a pair of plastic fangs. Your usual straight hair now full of long loose curls, black tights matching the colour of your short skirt. Cleavage much fuller than normal as the purple corset top hugged your chest tightly making your boobs spill over the edge ever so slightly. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t intended on looking a tiny bit slutty tonight, thankful your parents had already long gone to their own Halloween activities to notice what you were wearing.
The beep outside signalled to you that Jonathan had arrived and was waiting patiently outside. The second and continuous beep, signalled to you that he had already picked up Eddie Munson who was not being so patient and wanted you out of the house immediately. You rolled your eyes at your friend’s immaturity, bending down to the mirror on your dressing table, applying the dark shade of lipstick before grabbing your purse and heading out the front door.
“Come on sweetheart, we should be drunk al—SWEET JESUS” Eddie cried, hanging out the car window, stunned as you walked towards your friends, finally getting in to the back seat beside the long haired boy.
“You look amazing!” Nancy squealed excitedly. “You guys do too, you’re really pulling off the blonde wig Nance!” You complimented as Nancy smiled sweetly. She had her and Jonathan’s costumes picked out since the middle of summer, deciding to go as Sandy and Danny from Grease as it was her favourite movie. Jonathan easily agreeing to it once she was happy.
“I know I’m not supposed to say things like this to one of my best friend’s but fuck you look smokin’ hot.” Eddie drooled, eyes glued to your cleavage. He was dressed as some up and coming musician called Slash and swore that this guy was going to be the next up and coming rockstar.
“Eddie can you not be a perv for five minutes?” Nancy pleaded.
“Eyes up here at all times Munson.” You ordered, pointing to your face as he shook his head to focus. “Yes, ma’am.” He joked as you shouldered him playfully.
“Wonder what Harrington is going as this year.” Jonathan quizzed as everyone else shrugged. You knew Steve was dressing as Joel Goodsen from Risky Business, he had showed you the costume two days ago while you lay naked in his bed after another round of mind blowing sex. But that was a secret you had both been keeping from your friends for the last couple of months, because tonight while pretending to be a bloodsucking creature of the night, you also had to pretend that you weren’t in a relationship with one, Steve Harrington.
You weren’t exactly sure when your feelings for Steve had changed from platonic to romantic, maybe those feelings had always been there deep down but you knew something had definitely shifted between you after getting trapped in that Russian elevator back at the Starcourt mall. The way he intertwined his fingers with yours as you sat on the cold floor trying to come up with a plan to get out of there, the way you rested yourself on his shoulder while his hand sat on your thigh, the fact that you had almost kissed while the others were sleeping until Dustin let one rip and pulled you back to reality again, both of you bursting in to quiet fits of laughter. You could see how much Steve had matured by the way he protected you from the Russian guards when they held you captive while Robin, Dustin and Erica had escaped to get help. It was he who took the beatings when they looked for information that neither of you could give, drugging you both in the hopes that someone would let something slip. The only thing Steve let slip in his drugged up state though, was his regret of not getting to kiss you back in the elevator, a regret you silently agreed with.
Neither of you brought it up again after the drugs had worn off and the mind flayer had been defeated. You decided to take Max under your wing after losing her brother and Steve was busy job hunting with Robin after the mall had all but burned to the ground. When you did find yourselves together however, either alone or with the others, you were certain there was a spark between you that neither had noticed before. Things stayed that way for several months, you and Steve being drawn to each other, finding reasons to touch or be near the other, it was something unspoken between you but you both knew it was there. Then, like clockwork, strange things started to occur in Hawkins once more with Chrissy Cunningham mysteriously dying, followed by Fred Benson days later. It didn’t take the group long to figure out another battle was on the horizon.
The battle with Vecna felt darker and more personal than it ever had before. The creature playing on people’s fears and weaknesses, taking pleasure in causing so much terror and pain and for the first time, you weren’t sure it was a fight that you and the others could win. You were fearful for the younger teens safety, hating that they were once again in danger but you all promised to see it through to the end one way or the other.
The night before the final fight, you found yourself at Steve’s house, both realising that if you were going to die, you wanted to spend your last night in the presence of the other. It had become a common theme, finding comfort in each other’s company every time your little town was on the brink of total destruction. Sharing a bottle of whiskey from his parents drinks cabinet, sitting on his living room floor, backs against the couch, listening to music as you talked about all the things you hadn’t gotten to do in life up to that moment. You weren’t sure how it happened or who had initiated it but suddenly your lips were on Steve’s, hands lost in hair, clothes torn off and desperate words being whispered in to each other’s ears. Something that had started out fast and frenzied became slow and passionate, as realisation set in that it might have been your first and last night together. Feelings that had been hidden away for the better part of a year, now out in the open, bodies aching to feel anything other than fear and the next morning you woke in Steve’s bed, laying across his chest as he held you close.
It had been the best night of your life.
Now months later, Vecna was dead and you and Steve were finally a proper couple, although no one else knew that yet. The two of you had been enjoying your time together in secret, getting to know one another better before telling everyone else about your relationship. You knew they’d all be ecstatic, especially Dustin and Max but neither of you were ready to answer any questions yet. So instead, you snuck around like naughty teenagers, trying to steal moments with each other whenever possible and you had to admit, it was pretty fun.
You knew Steve would both love and hate your Halloween costume. He had begged you to tell him what you were going as, pleading with you not to look too revealing as he’d spend all night trying to hide an awkward hard on, knowing he couldn’t touch you without blowing your cover. He should never have told you that because you had made it your job to find the most scandalous clothing possible, wanting to make him suffer.
Jonathan pulled up, parking on the side of the street as you all emptied out of the car. “m’lady” Eddie bowed, offering his hand to help you out, you gladly accepting. “Who said chivalry was dead?” You teased as he winked at you, walking towards the door. Nancy’s soft knock was met by a sneer from Eddie. “Nance, just walk in. No one’s gonna hear your knock with the music that loud.” Jonathan muttered.
“No, Jonathan it’s rude to just walk in to someone’s house!” She argued.
“It’s Steve, I don’t think he’ll be offended.” You laughed. “You’re all wasting valuable drinking time!”. Eddie groaned, finally shuffling by everyone to open the door. The house was already packed with people as you made your way in to find your boyfriend and Robin. Your best friend had also been roped in to help Steve for the better part of two days, cleaning, decorating and shopping for drinks and food for the party, both of you taking over the duties when Steve went to work at the video store. Eventually, you found them both in the kitchen, talking to a bunch of people over a couple of drinks and you couldn’t help but bite your lip seeing Steve in his sunglasses, something about it just made you weak, thoughts immediately turning dirty in your mind.
“You’re here!” Robin gasped, noticing you first as Steve’s attention was pulled from his current conversation to look at you, jaw almost hitting the floor when he saw you. You tried your best to keep your focus on Robin but you couldn’t help notice the lust in his eyes as you mentally undressed each other.
“I know, sorry we’re a bit late, we had to stop at the store for cigarettes for Eddie and then Jonathan forgot his jacket and—”
“I wanna say I’m hearing you but I’m way too distracted by your boobs.” Robin teased as you let out a laugh. “Robin!” You cried, blushing slightly at your friend who was dressed as Carrie, and weirdly pulling it off.
“I’m sorry! It’s just I’ve never seen them so on show before, I don’t know why you don’t show them more often, you have very nice boobies and I’m going to stop talking before Vickie gets here and I get in to trouble.”
“Buckley, stop perving on your best friend.” Steve joked as Robin shoved him playfully. “I’m just complimenting her boobies dingus, girls are allowed to do that sort of thing.” Robin defended.
“Well maybe you should go compliment your girlfriend’s boobies instead because she just walked in the front door.” Steve said encouraging Robin towards the hallway. “Oh, look how cute she looks! I’ll be back in a second.” Robin squealed, running to greet her girlfriend, leaving you and Steve alone as he handed you a red cup full of beer.
“So can I compliment your boobies too or is that weird?” He whispered in a teasing voice. “I’d be highly offended if you didn’t, Harrington.” You flirted back, taking a sip of your drink as he took in the view before him, removing his glasses, placing the temple in his mouth to inspect you further. “Jesus Christ, you’re too fucking hot in that outfit.” He groaned, practically drooling all over the place.
“You’re looking pretty hot yourself, Stevie.” You grinned as he stopped himself from moving closer.
“How am I gonna last the night with you looking like that huh?” He whispered desperately in your ear before the others joined you back in the kitchen.
“What are you guys talking about?” Eddie asked suspiciously as you and Steve both looked at each other…”Boobies.” You said in unison as Eddie laughed excitedly.
“My kind of conversation.”
An hour or so had past and you were back in the kitchen after having danced with Nancy, Robin and Vickie, sitting on the counter top with another drink in hand.
“I think Steve’s seeing someone.” Robin stated, stuffing her face with nachos as you tried not to spit your beer all over the floor.
“What makes you say that?” You asked nervously, looking over at Steve who was sat on the couch in deep conversation with Jonathan and Eddie.
“Well, besides the huge hickey he had on his neck in work last week, he’s not flirting with the customers which is totally unlike him and he hasn’t been on a date in like months. Haven’t you noticed?” Robin asked.
“I guess I haven’t.” You shrugged, avoiding eye contact with her.
“Has he said anything to you?” She questioned as you shifted uncomfortably.
“No, why would he? You’re his best friend, you see him more than I do and I’m sure if he was seeing someone, he’d tell you first.” You assured, feeling slightly guilty for lying to her.
“I don’t know, I mean, I’d really love to meet her if she does exist because he’s been really happy lately, happier than I’ve ever seen him.” Robin revealed smiling at you as you smiled back, heart fluttering at her words about Steve. You weren’t quite sure if she was trying to hint at something but you were thankful when Vickie interrupted the conversation, dragging her girlfriend back to the dance floor again.
A couple of hours past and the party was still in full swing, drinks were flowing, music playing, people dancing and making out. You had just beaten Eddie in beer pong, the two of you deciding to take a couple of shots afterwards for good measure but now you were starting to feel a little light headed, deciding to sneak outside to Steve's back yard for some air.
"Boo." Your boyfriend whispered huskily, wrapping his strong arms around you, nuzzling in to your neck.
"Steve, someone could walk out here at any second!" You giggled, turning to face him.
"What kind of boyfriend would I be if I left you out here all alone huh? Lot's of creepy people out tonight just looking to take advantage of an innocent girl." He teased, as you let his hands roam your body, your arms sliding around his neck. "Is that so?"
"Mmhmm." He nodded, grinning at you.
"Oh Stevie, I think you're underestimating your girlfriend." You flirted, walking slowly to the side of Steve's house, curling your finger, signalling for him to follow you.
"And why is that princess?" He asked licking his lips, catching up to you as you grinned cheekily at him, lifting your skirt ever so slightly to slowly pull your black lace thong down around your ankles before removing them completely, throwing them at your boyfriend.
"Because I'm not very innocent at all."
"Holy shit...." He swallowed, putting a hand through his hair, unable to get any words out of his mouth.
"Steve Harrington lost for words...that's gotta be a first." You smirked, biting your lip as he stared lustfully at you.
Steve had never seen you like this before, usually it was he who would take control, initiate the flirting or the foreplay but here you stood, so bold, so brazen, full of confidence, absolutely radiating sex and fuck, it was turning him on.
"Do you have any idea what you're doing to me right now?" He groaned, closing the space between you, backing you in to the wall. Steve took your hand, placing it on his already hardened cock, priding yourself on your ability to arouse him that quick. "You see what you do to me huh? The way your fuckin' dressed, fuck i've been staring at you all night, just want to ruin you." He whispered.
"I want that too." You moaned, feeling his hand slide between your legs, sliding a finger achingly slow through your folds, letting out a pathetic whine. "So fuckin' wet, always ready for me. Think I could fuck you out here without anyone seeing, baby?" He questioned in your ear, making you shiver excitedly at the thoughts of him fucking you in his backyard. Deep down you knew it was a bad idea but it was hard to care when Steve was whispering dirty things in your ear, promising to make you come over and over again.
"Steve.." You whimpered as his lips met yours, tongue darting in to your mouth. "Wanna know a secret? I've got a thing for vampires and you're the hottest one I've ever seen." He confessed, a darkness in his eyes as the lust began to take over.
"Want me to bite you Stevie?" You teased, nipping lightly at him, leaving wet kisses down his collarbone.
"Oh shit, want you to bite me baby, fucking do it." He pleaded as you sunk your teeth in to his neck. Steve hissing in pleasure as you began to suck on the skin, leaving an instant bruise.
“Oh, oh fuck you’re so hot right now.” He cried, grabbing your hair, holding you in place as you continued to suck and lick his neck.
“Taste good, baby?” He asked as you nodded, proud of the love bite you had left on him.
“Wanna suck on something else now….” You admitted, playing with his belt buckle as he shook his head in disbelief.
“Christ, you’re really trying to kill me.” He stated, throwing his head back as you began to unzip his pants.
“Harrington, where the fuck are you?” Eddie yelled from the house as you quickly pulled apart, knowing it was only a matter of time before your friend checked the yard.
“Shit.” Steve muttered, trying to fix himself before returning to the party, hiding his hickey with the collar of his shirt. “Typical Munson.” He sighed as you fixed your hair and outfit, trying to grab your panties back from your boyfriend.
“Not so fast sweetheart, I’m not finished with you yet, not by a long shot.” He grinned, dangling your lace thong in front of you.
“Steve!” You blushed, trying to grab your underwear again as he stuffed them in to his pants pocket. “I’m gonna keep these for now because what I have planned for you later, doesn’t involve panties.” He smirked as you huffed, folding your arms. Steve slyly smacking your ass as you both walked back in to the house, instantly being greeted by Eddie, wearing a shit eating grin on his face, realising exactly what you two had been up to.
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deathlieteez · 1 year
yunho x reader
♡ attention series masterlist ♡ ┋chapter 1┋chapter 2.1┋chapter 3.1┋chapter 3.2
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chapter 2, pt. 1: emergency exit. now that you are feeling better, you are not going to let any of these traitors ruin your night. you don't care about hoongjoong's pleas, wooyoung's haughtiness, not to mention the will of any of them. with the help of seungcheol, you think you can give them a fucking well-deserved lesson, but it seems that your ex-boyfriend won't let you go without giving you a lesson of something else… personal.
appears: yunho as ur exboyfriend x hoongjoong as you ex bestfriend + wooyoung as yunho's friends x chaeyoung (twice) as ur best friend x seungcheol (seventeen) as ur friend with benefits + jeonghan (seventeen) as ur friend
genre: angst, smut. college au
warnings: sex without protection (be careful please), cheating, cursing, petnames, public sex, partying, mention of sex
word count: 3k
intentional use of lowercase letters
english isn't my mother tongue
songs i get inspired by: good girl era - upsahl + trust issues - drake + go girl - pitbull + do it for me - rosenfeld + mind games - sickick + love is a bitch - two feet + play with me - rendevouz at two + deja vu -ateez
it is not meant to be representative of jeong yunho's personality or any ateez or another groups' idols who appeared ♡
summary part 1: after hongjoong managed to make you cry with his belated apology, seguncheol shows up to take him away, thinking it was yunho. while you try to calm your friend down, he actually shows up with the rest of the group for the first time in a year.
"this is your boyfriend now? didn't know you were into tough guys."
wooyoung. worse, drunk wooyoung. the three of you looked at him, who was watching the scene amused, with his inseparable to his right and the others behind him. yunho was there and he looked at you as if you had just killed someone.
you had to hold on to seungcheol's sides, on the one hand to find some stability, on the other hand to try and hold him back. knew him well enough to know that his whole body was now vibrating with pure fire. when you told him what had happened with yunho and his friends, he almost wanted to go and confront him right then and there, and you feared that he had found his opportunity now that they were right in front of him. your senses were dulled, didn't know if it was the alcohol or the shock of having them all in front of you at once. you sucked in all the air your lungs could hold, forcing a tired grimace on your face. you didn't even notice at what point hongjoong had returned to his friends' side.
seungcheol tilted his head and finally turned around, putting an arm around your shoulders, gently squeezing your skin. you felt safe with him and you wanted to look at him to ask to find the others, but instead you kept looking at yunho. your eyes locked on his pupils, as if you could find the answer to questions you didn't even know you had in his eyes. it was almost hypnotic, and not just for you. he wouldn't take his eyes off of you either.
seungcheol laughed "these are your old friends, right?" you nodded and glanced away to watch seungcheol from below "no, 'm not her boyfriend. am her friend. a real one, know what i mean?" he raised one of his eyebrows and you felt a small tightness in your chest at the reality of his words.
wooyoung clenched his jaw and focused his gaze on your friend, "you think coming like a madman to take her away from her friend is acting like a real one?" he snorted, "that's the shit you're in now?" this time he turned to you, feeling the venom in his words, probably finding liquid courage thanks to the alcohol. choi san's temper always calmed his best friend's hubris, but it seemed he had nothing to do today. "how can you let him treat hongjoong like this? he's been talking about you all night. and you let that tough guy treat him like crap?" oh boy, in that exactly moment, he fucked up your already damned mind.
your eyes darkened on him and you straightened up. you felt the substances working fast in your system, the adrenaline making your heart pump hard again, pure fire rising in your throat, heating face and your whole being. emotions were already on the edge thanks to hongjoong's words, it didn't take much to push you over it, and as always, wooyoung crossed the line. he broke all limits for his friends, just like he did when you had your heart broken by one of them.
"who the fuck are you to judge if i'm better or worse now?" the voice came deep in your throat "do you think i give a shit at how excited hongjoong was to see me after everything that happened? please. what you guys did was real crap, not him trying to help" you laughed bitterly, shocking them "am i better than that? than someone who really cares about me? couldn't ask for anything better in my fucking life, especially seeing where i came from," you lifted your chin to es cape seungcheol's grip, who crossed his arms over his chest and enjoyed the show, "it took me a fucking year not to think about how fucking stupid i was to trust you guys. a friend, him? or you? you guys are creeping me out with this fucking nostalgia story" you shook a few times, watching wooyoung's body tense up. he was holding back, but so were you, "it's freaking cool that your big friend got over what he did in a year, with a new girl to cheat on with his puppy little face. thought that was enough, didn't you? that would have forgotten all about it, because the good girls like me keep our heads down and swallow all the shit everyone has for us" you pointed your index finger at him, "don't you dare talk to him like that again, got it?"
"that's enough, we didn't want this" san spoke to your right, then you fixed your gaze on him.
"muzzle your little friend so he doesn't spit out any more poison" you almost shouted, "i can play that too."
"you're going too far, the whole thing is on me" yunho warned, almost inquisitorially.
yunho spoke to you. he fucking dare to. you looked at him and a sour smile came over your face, a laugh fell from chest "you think so, yuyu? am i overdoing it?" you pushed your body into wooyoung and made your way towards him. the distance between you was now minuscule.
seuncheol took a few steps forward, alert when he finally met your ex's face. yunho shuddered at your closeness and that nickname, once filled with love, now intoxicated with a dark and wicked feeling, but he wouldn't let you see it. "you haven't seen anything yet" tilted your head to the side. placing a hand on his chest, you lowered it gently. the contact caused a rush of electricity that burned both of you "it's good to see you" lied "i've been looking forward to finding out what it would feel like to have you so close again" you brushed your tongue over your lower lip "you look so good in blond. did your girlfriend suggest it? i like it"
mingi reacted a bit late, he had let you go too far, but the shock got the better of him. he couldn't believe his eyes. he couldn't believe you were looking at yunho like that, suddenly almost lewd, dark, mixed with a hatred that was best identified with your sour words from earlier. he grabbed your wrist and pulled it away from your ex's body, abd you looked at him and laughed "stop it for fuck's sake".
"fine" you smiled again, "cheolie, let's go, the others must be looking for us" freed yourself from his grip and started walking, pushing yunho with your shoulder.
seungcheol followed with a triumphant grimace and nodded goodbye. it didn't take him long to catch up with you and put the same arm around your shoulders again "i think you've made me horny".
"'m shaking" you confessed, bringing a hand to your chest trying to calm the heartbeat that was starting to make you even more dizzy.
"you did great" he glanced over his shoulder to make sure they were still watching you leave, "do you want to take it a little further?"
"what do you mean?" he slowed your pace effortlessly and you looked at him in confusion. his lips curled mischievously across his pretty face. you were a moderately safe distance away, just at the edge of the stairs, at the last table of the reserved area. with one hand on your face, he ran it from your cheek to your chin. the sensation was familiar, but now somewhat overwhelming. his free hand traveled to your waist, guiding you gently until your back bumped against the table. "let me help you a little?" you sharpened your gaze, opening your lips slightly, not knowing what to say. "keep watching. this'll keep yuyu thinking all fucking night about what he lost." his words sent another jolt of electricity through your body, you nodded.
he wasted no time in kissing you. he did it as if you were alone, with the walls shielding you from any prying eyes. but the ones that were on you now were more than welcomed. almost as if he wanted to devour you on the spot, his mouth danced with force against yours, with an urgency that was new to you. his tongue ran over yours, bringing a small whimper from your lips that made him smile. he brought his hand to the back of your neck and deepened the kiss before he held you under your bottom, lifting you up and letting your body rest on the round table. placed his body between your thighs and cradled your face with both hands. you only pulled away from him when the oxygen had completely left the lungs. your breasts moved up and down hard and that's when your eyes traveled behind his head, which rested on top of yours, facing each other. just then the group came down the stairs.
it was as if time was rewinding as your eyes met yunho's. his look would be etched in your retina for a long time. anger. the fire burned in his sweet face. and you felt like you were in heaven, encouraging yourself to kiss seungcheol again, never taking your eyes off of him.
yunho wanted to scream. he quickened his pace aggressively, urge coursing through his veins, needing to lose sight of you. in his mind, the image of seungcheol's hand caressing your thigh as he devoured you mingled with his own memories. his mouth devouring you, his hands signing his touch all over your skin. your back arched back, begging him for more. needing him, almost as much as you seemed to be enjoying it at that moment with your supposed friend. felt like he was going crazy and for him, the night had just begun.
"yunho, hey, yunho!" mingi ran to reach him "slow down, man" tears burned in his eyes as he faced him "u okay?"
yunho denied "did you see that shit, mingi?" he began to move erratically, the breath leaving his body. the air was missing "what… why… what the fuck?"
"that's what exactly they were looking for, don't you see? that guy and her."
"'t wasn't her!" he shouted, "she wouldn't do that!"
"she's changed" jongho said, "we'd better go."
with tears of annoyance running down his cheeks, he closed his eyes tightly, he could still see you clearly with that guy on top of you "i don't want to go any fucking place".
"yunho…" mingi's voice clearly showed his concern.
"i don't want to, i can't-! hongjoong, hey, hongjoong! are you crying!?" yeosang held the older man's hand. next to him, seonghwa tried to give some comfort, startling the three of them when yunho screamed again. he approached him with a few long steps.
"he's hurt. let's go" seonghwa asked. yunho felt his blood boil. you had made hongjoong cry. you had crossed every boundary and his mind was completely clouded. with anger and guilt flooded in his eyes, he moved quickly backwards, retracing his path to the stairs, bumping into you, who were laughing with seungcheol, probably about what you had just done.
you were perfectly fine and they looked like shit.
"fucking bitch" he muttered as soon as you were in his face.
seungcheol was about to take sides, his fist clenched tightly, ready to punch him in the face, but you were quicker. your hand slammed into his cheek hard, turning his face at the impact. the rest of them held their breath, caught in their throats. a hollow sound over the music finally deafened yunho's senses. you had never seen him like this. never in your wildest dreams would you have expected something like this from yunho. the shock was even greater than the impression of meeting them again, and you didn't know how to control yourself.
he lost control too. couldn't see beyond his own tears as he grabbed your wrist and pulled you up the stairs. not even seungcheol had time to stop him. he tried to follow you, but mingi and san immediately grabbed both of his arms. he struggled, but their combined strength was enough to hold him there. "i'm going to kill that bastard!"
"stop! he won't hurt her!" seonghwa ran in front of him, he could almost see an animal in his beaten face.
meanwhile, yunho was dragging you past the reserved areas, towards one of the emergency exits marked with a neon red sign. "let go of me!" you demanded, but it was obvious that he was stronger than you. he pushed the door open with his body, reaching a dimly lit corridor, slamming you against the wall with his hand, preventing you from hitting your head "yunho, you are hurting me!" he put your hand over your head and did the same with the other. you moved your body aggressively, trying to free yourself from his grip "fuck, let go of me!"
at that moment you felt a genuine fear towards him. you had never seen him like this "do you think we're a fucking joke?" he growled, tightening his grip and bringing his face closer to yours "are you a real slut now? do you like screwing people?"
you sharpened your gaze, trying to focus on his face inches from yours, "you are the one who started this in the first place" accused, raising your voice.
"going to use your fucking pain to be a bitch?"
"didn't say anything you all didn't deserve to hear" you spat, and he grunted in response.
"so cruel now? you're so tough?" he snorted, "don't fuck with me, bitch."
"stop calling me that, dickhead!"
"where's that condescending little smirk now, huh? dickhead? wasn't it yuyu?"
"fuck you" you spit at him. literally. your spittle landed on his cheek. he let go of you out of uncertainty, wiping his face with his palm. you took the opportunity to run, trying to get out of there. had to get out of there. but it only took yunho a few seconds to catch you up. he pulled your wrist again, causing you to slam into his chest, grabbing you just like seungcheol did before, under your ass, and pulled you back against the wall.
"w-what the fuck are you doing now?" mumbled.
"isn't this how you like to be treated now? like a slut, in front of everyone. almost fucked him in my goddamn face."
"remember u have a girlfriend."
"are you checking up on me now? miss me that much?" a haughty grimace came over his face.
you wanted to hit him again, " you wish" snorted, your breath hitting his face instead of your hand, "get it into your fucking head, you're nothing to me anymore."
"yeah?" he laughed "and what was that about before, huh? just wanted to play with me for a while, didn't you?"
"give a shit about what you think" he growled again, tightening his grip on your thighs as you moaned in pain.
"are you fucking him?"
"you're fucking that guy, aren't you?" his voice was thick, straight from his stomach. the fire burning inside his body spoke for him.
you laughed in an almost lascivious way, bringing your face even closer to his. you hadn't expected this question either, despite your compromising position. he still cared about you. "of course i do" you brought your lips close to his ear so you could whisper, "and i'm going to do it tonight."
he pulled you down so he could turn you around, pinning your hands behind your back, your face on the cold plasterboard, "what do you care? you fuck her too. just like you fucked that chick while i was waiting for you at home."
"shut the fuck up for once" he forced you to look at him sideways, "shut up for once in your life and listen to me."
"what do i have to listen to, ah?" laughed humorlessly again "you still live there, don't you? tell me, do you fuck her in our bed? on that fucking couch where you and i have done it so many times?" yunho hesitated. your words surprised him this time. "yes. it's like that! can you do it without thinking about me?" didn't know that your words had so much power until you felt your hands loosening. no idea where your courage was coming from either. yunho took a few steps back. the darkness didn't allow you to read the expression on his face, so now it was you walking towards him, who tried to move away until his back hit the wall. "tell me. have you ever fucked her thinking about me?"
a lump in his throat prevented him from speaking and he turned to you "say it. do it or i'll leave" you threatened. weren't sure if it would work and if it didn't go the way you hoped, would no doubt be out of there. would have had enough. but the truth was, you wanted to hear it. your whole body ached to hear it and to your pleasure yunho nodded "words. use that pretty little mouth of yours, baby"
"what the hell do you want me to say?"
"you know exactly. don't make me wait, don't have any more patience to waste with you" yunho grunted for the eleventh time, rubbing his face with both hands. he looked away from yours, ashamed. he didn't want to admit it. fantasizing was fine, but saying it out loud was something else entirely. and saying it to you was even worse. for some twisted reason, though, he couldn't stand it if you went off with that guy again. he would kill before he saw you with him again.
"i fuck her with you in mind" he closed his eyes.
"all right baby" you whispered, pressing your body against his, "do you touch yourself when you think of me too?"
"what are you getting at?"
"answer me"
"fuck yes, cannot get your fucking face out of my mind, so i have no choice. satisfied?"
"very much" you admitted. yunho looked at you again to see your triumphant smile. he wanted to scream again. had him where you wanted and things weren't going as he had planned.
"what about you" his words also came out more shyly than he had planned, "do you also think of… me?"
you truthfully denied "every time i do, only remember you with that fucking chick on my phone screen" you rolled your eyes, pinning them to the ceiling, "but i'm willing to give you a chance."
"a-a chance?"
"remind me what it was like to fuck you, yuyu" you murmured, taking one of his hands and placing it on your ass.
yunho didn't move, almost petrified by the surprise and confusion "want that?"
"mhm" you admitted "you're right. i loved seeing this side of you. show me how fucking mad you are at me. how i drive you crazy with my little slutty games" you stroked his arm up to his neck, squeezing the back of it to pull him closer "think you can do it for me, yuyu?"
"you're playing with fire" his other hand grew confident, then grabbed your ass with both of his.
lips were already brushing against each other. your body responded instantly. every hair on your body stood up, missing him as his strong scent crept into your nostrils, intoxicating you even more with his presence. fuck, how much you had missed him, you didn't know until your lips finally crashed against his. he was slow at first, taking his time to taste you again. he gasped at the real memory of your mouth, the one he still dreamed of. he'd missed you like crazy, so now that he had you to himself after so long, he needed to go slow. take as much of you as he could. he gently lifted the fabric of your skirt, exposing your ass, caressing your skin.
"my god" he moaned against your lips, making you shudder. he bit your lower lip, knowing you loved it so much. you noticed how this simple gesture sent a shock straight to your core, drenching you at the first stroke. you were almost embarrassed at how much you were starting to need him. you were wrong. you wouldn't die gladly on that dancefloor, but here. you hated knowing that there was nothing that could turn you on more than fucking jeong yunho "this is so damn wrong" he whined, still running his hands all over your skin. you smiled lustfully, not letting the distance between you grow, with a small sense of fear that he would pull away from you.
"go on" you sighed against his lips, "touch me, please" weakness fighting pride and winning the first battle.
"give me time, dolly" he whispered, stopping the kiss to your displeasure, "need to enjoy you fully, do you understand?"
"you can do it" the words slipped from your mouth, "but don't make me wait, need you."
"you need me?" the self-confidence had returned to her system thanks to you, you knew it and you hated it too. but still you nodded. she closed her eyes once more, slowly taking in the air, letting you enjoy her incomparable beauty "more than anyone else?"
"more than anyone" wished you could shut the fuck up, but at that moment you would say and do anything to please him.
"you're perfect. perfect for me" he confessed without taking his eyes off you, "and you're so damn wet" he gasped, "so ready for me. could fuck you right now without even preparing you." you felt the warmth of his palm on your underwear, which was already soaked with anticipation, but of course he would, because he knew how much you liked his fingers inside you.
he was almost thrilled to know that he hadn't lost his magic on you. that neither fucking seungcheol nor any other guy could take that away from him. feeling his hands on the fabric, you arched your back slightly and he missed no opportunity to attack your neck with his teeth. you moaned, vibrating as he lost his patience and put his hand inside your underwear. you drove him even crazier.
"just like that, yuyu. oh my god" his fingers moved expertly over your clit, allowing himself to insert the one in the middle into you. you moaned in desire and he knew he had to insert another digit. the speed was still cautious, but your hips already began to lightly hit the palm of his hand, looking for more.
"like that? is my baby enyoing it?" he whispered against your skin. a guttural sound of affirmation made hum smile "look at you, can't resist to me, can u? denied u're still into me, but u are nothing but mine" you grunted again, trying to stop yourself to please him even more "tell me it's true, babe, come on"
but again you would say anything. you were too unravel, too drunk to deny him anything and he hadn't even used his cock yet "i'm all yours, yuyu"
"that's my pretty girl. you're so, so good" he cupped the back of your head again to lure you into a short but deep kiss "do you want me to fuck you? need more?" he growled, you gasped again as the speed suddenly increased aggressively. you could cum right now, yunho knew that, but it wasn't in his plans "god, you're a fucking show".
he left your soaked hole, getting a moan from you that only amused him. before you knew it, your face was back against the wall, your skirt even higher and your panties on the floor "ur cunt is beautiful. it obsesses me. i can't believe i've gone this long without seeing it" he complained, placing the head of his cock in your entrance. you almost cried from the strong impression of craving it so much "i'd love to eat it, but we can't here" he introduced a little of its length.
it was as thick as you remembered, and you were too small for it. he moaned loudly, encouraging you to push it in a little more with your hips. "you're a needy slut, baby. thought you were fucking that guy all the time, huh? is he not enough for your needy cunt?"
your face flushed with shame and anger as you started to grunt as he went inside you. faster than usual, but without choking you. at this point you were so fucked up that nothing mattered anymore. but there was something you wanted to try. yunho had always been good with words to make you horny and push your limits. what would happen if it was the other way around? what if you tried it this time?
when he was finally inside, he let out a sigh of relief, giving you only a few seconds before he began to move his hips in an agonizingly slow but deep rhythm. you loved how he moaned as much as you did "ur very wrong, yunho" you moaned with a new lunge, "seungcheol is good, very good," you noticed how he tensed up inside.
"what the hell are you saying now?"
"is she as good as me?" a deeper attack, full of rage "does she let you fuck her like you fuck me?"
"you're a fucking whore"
"absolutely. but only for you" you gasped as he pulled your hair back, your scalp itching in pain, "and you love it."
his thrusts became much faster, more aggressive. you had to put your hand on the wall to keep from hitting your head "you were doing so well, don't you ever shut up?"
you almost thought you couldn't stand this frenetic pace, but the pain was nothing compared to the pleasure. "fuck!" shouted as he slapped your ass sharply.
"that's better. now say my name," when you ignored him, he slapped again, "say my fucking name."
finally you gave in, screaming it out so loud you were afraid every reserved area would hear it, your walls trembling over his cock as you sucked it into you "shit, you feel so good" he grunted as he slapped you again "where do you want me to cum?"
"you can do whatever you want with me".
he smiled at your words and a few lunges later, more and more frantic and erratic, he came out of you masturbating hard "knees".
the floor was cold under your skin, but it didn't matter when the image in front of you was majestic. yunho's flushed face, his lips open, looking at you hungrily, his hand choking his cock with every movement. he didn't need to ask you to open your mouth before he ended up on your tongue. you stayed like that for a few seconds, letting the image sink into his retina before swallowing it all with pleasure. "you're driving me crazy" he confessed, helping you to your feet. your legs were still shaking, and even though you hadn't finished, you felt like you were in heaven. it was even better when he kissed you lustfully, in an almost dirty and obscene way, smearing his lips with his own cum, which was still at the corner of your lips. he pulled up his pants and helped you to arrange your clothes and hair with affection. "you need to go to the bathroom to clean yourself up" he apologized with a tiny chuckle.
"well, there is no pleasure without sacrifice" laughed too.
when he looked into your eyes, you could clearly see the sincere color of love. it was still there. he couldn't hide it even if tried. then he allowed his hands to clasp your hips, drawing you to him with affection, resting his forehead on yours. that was yunho. the real one "i've missed you" he confessed, looking at your lips "every day."
your heart shrank at his words. he had managed to change the whole atmosphere in a few seconds and you had the urge to kiss him, but skipped it. "yunho…"
"i know, i know" he murmured. there it was again. the guilt and nostalgia he was so familiar with pounding his chest again, "but maybe, we could…"
"you have a girlfriend" your words hurt. they were true and that's why they hurt even more.
"but it's you" and there it was again, the betrayal stinging in your eyes, doing the same thing that tore you apart.
you pushed him away with what little strength of will you had left, pulling back out of pride as a last resort. the picture that ended with you came back to your mind. the months of missing him, the tears and the pain. again the angry "can't trust you, yunho".
"what can i do to show that i love you? how can you trust me again?" you denied bitterly. he hated to see that look on your face again. the empty one. the same one you had when you first saw him at the beginning of the night. all yunho was looking for at that moment was a flash of something like what had just happened, but it had clearly confused him.
with your heart gagged by reason, wiping away the tears that threatened to reappear at any moment, you said bitterly, "start by not fucking any girl every time you're in a relationship. even if it's the other one, it's me."
with that you left. didn't say goodbye, shutting the door behind you, leaving him alone and with a sour feeling in his stomach. the worst part of it all is that he knows he would do it again. and so would you.
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i was finally able to upload part two! it took me a while because i had a hard time with english here:( if you see any mistakes, don't be shy to tell me!
♡ hope you enjoyed it, lots of love ♡
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❝I watched you change.❞ ❝I could be mean. I could be angry. You know I could be just like you.❞
Pairing: Dallas Winston x Fem! Reader
Summary:After Dallas criticizing the reader's ways after thinking she was flirting with a Two-Bit, she decided to change.
Trope: Enemies to lovers
Warnings: Cursing, Smoking, Dallas being a cute idiot. <3
Songs: Change - Deftones, Just like you - Three Days Grace
You walked into the Curtis house, in a really good mood.
"Good morning! What's up?" you said with a bright smile as you shut the door behind you.
Everyone greeted you- well, some more bitter than others.
"Can you just shut up for once? And what the hell are you wearing? That band sucks." He said pointing to your cropped band t-shirt and your ripped baggy jeans in disgust before taking a puff of his cigarette.
"Oh. Sorry, I just woke up in a good mood I guess. Felt like wearing it. And you listen to the same band, Dally." You said, your attitude going from happy to sad real quick.
You were very sensitive and was very sweet to everyone. You didn't understand why he was being so mean to you.
"Dally, what is your problem? She's being nice to you and you're being a major dick." Johnny said.
Johnny never talked to his idol like that.
"She's being annoying, alright? So why don't you just shut up Johnny."
"Alright. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye Johnny." You walked out the house and didn't come back for the rest of the day.
"Fine then. Little bitch." He muttered under his breath as he watched you leave, covering up his regret.
"What's up with you, man? Why'd you talk to her like that?" Two-Bit said to his buddy, looking away from his show of Mickey Mouse for the first time. But he couldn't help but listen to the conversation between his two friends.
"Wouldn't you like to know, lover boy. Don't worry about it-"
"No I'm gonna worry about it. Y/N ain't did nothin' wrong since she got here and you're treating her like crap. You need to apologize, Dal."
"Yeah. I ain't gotta do shit."
It was the next day. And instead of wearing your favorite band, you just wore a regular plain blue T-shirt and sweatpants.
Dallas walked in the Curtis house to see you smoking with Johnny and Ponyboy, laughing at Pony's joke about some girl at school.
"Oh my lord! She does walk like that-" You cut yourself off at the sight of Dallas' figure walking through the door.
You blew a puff of smoke, looking away from him.
He sat on the couch, looking at you from a distance.
"Got something to say, Dal? Hm?" You sassed, rolling your eyes before looking at Johnny and Ponyboy.
"What's your problem?" He said, seeming he has forgotten everything from yesterday.
"Oh I'm sorry. I guess I'm still being annoying since you still managed to notice me sitting right here." You said with sarcasm in your voice.
He looked at you, realizing.
"Since when did you smoke?" He said, grabbing the cigarette from your mouth.
"Since I was being annoying. I just thought I'd act just like you. Because you seem to love yourself a lot. You just can't get enough of yourself. You are a selfish person who I thought was my friend. I hate you, Dally." You got up, slamming the door behind you.
He stayed there for a minute, a pain in his chest soon spreading to his brain and the rest of his body.
"Dally, Go." Johnny said, pointing to the direction your went.
He though for a minute, walking out the door to see you on the porch.
"Hey, Doll." He sat down beside you on the steps.
"What do you want."
"Okay don't start your moody shit right now. If you're gonna start that, go flirt with Two-Bit some more." He said, looking at you with anger, also a hint of sadness.
"What?! Dal, you can't be serious right now. I don't think of Two like that and you know it."
"Oh yeah? Then why were you talkin' to him all cutesy at the drive in yesterday morning? Huh?"
"Well if you have to know, he was helping me get a gift for you. I was gonna tell you something but you started being a jerk. So I left." You said, handing him a customized lighter.
He held it in his hands, staring at the designs of the flowers and the skulls.
"Doll, I'm so sorry."
Dallas Winston felt terrible. He got it all wrong and made you feel bad for absolutely nothing.
"It's alright. I just hope we're at least friends again." You said with hope lacing your voice as you looked at him.
"Actually, I was hoping for something different.."
"Look, Dal. I didn't mean to be annoying yesterday. I was in a good mo-"
"Doll, it's fine. You're not annoying. I'm just a major asshole. Forgive me?" He smiled, grabbing your hand gently.
You nodded, squeezing his hand slightly, leaning up to kiss his cheek.
He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a tight hug.
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shanksbaby · 1 year
Shanks x Fem!Reader - Old Love (2)
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after the meeting on your ship you didn't think, or rather hoped, to meet your ex again for quite a while. You needed to be at peace, and seeing it disturbed your inner peace. Besides, Shanks had always been a busy guy, he probably had to rush somewhere else, right? You would not have met him on the same island.
but you couldn't be more wrong. Not only did you meet him, but you also saw him with another girl. Actually, you've watched it from afar, you don't want another conversation like last time. Anyway, who was the other girl? What was Shanks doing with her? Is she the girl he left you for?
with these thoughts flashing through your head you followed them to his ship. Not being able to observe them there, you left thinking that deep down you didn't give a damn, in fact it could have been a good thing after all, so you would have just put a stone on it.
you decide not to go back to the ship though, also because you already know that you would get depressed, so you limit yourself to a walk through the streets alone. Are you thinking about ways you would feel better, should you maybe buy trendy clothes? Or maybe some sake? Or maybe a gentleman's company?
while you were thinking about this, you collide with a large man, then you prepare to give him a damn when suddenly you recognize him.
" Long time to see, Y\N " says the deputy captain of the fleet of the Red, aka Benn Beckman
" Benn!" you say smiling and throwing yourself at him " I missed you "
"I know you joined Luffy's crew" he replies after you talk to him "He's a chaotic boy but he's a good boy, so take care of him"
"Yeah, Luffy is the best captain I could ever hope for. Not like a certain mister"
" Y\N- "
" What? It's the truth"
" I'm sorry about what happened with Shanks. I wish you were still with us, but it wasn't an easy choice for him. "
"Both you and Shanks point out how hard it was for him, but no one thinks how I felt? I was left by the man I loved, in fact I still love like a fool" you said this last part in a whisper
he just looks at you with a pitying look. And no, you didn't want to be looked at like that; it's not right. It was the same look as when Shanks left you on that island. Fuck it, this makes you even angrier.
" But that's okay, I'm learning to accept what happened to me. And slowly I will stop loving that asshole" you add later
Benn looks at you again for a few seconds, but this time you can't decipher his gaze. Then finally he sighs and says "Shanks left you because he wanted to protect you." you are about to speak but he raises his hand and continues " You were injured the day before in a fight against Akainou and he hasn't forgiven himself. He still loves you ".
It is true! The day before you had been injured, it wasn't an excessive wound (in fact they treated you right away) but you could risk getting hurt. How did you not connect the two events? How stupid! Indeed, what a fool that captain.
"But then why is he with that girl?!"
"She's just a new crew member, he was giving her a tour of this town since she's never been there."
"Thank you, Benn " give him a kiss on the cheek " Now I know what to do "
you don't even give him time to talk before you run off to Shanks' ship. Since everyone knows you, or almost everyone, they didn't make a fuss when you boarded the ship, other than greetings. As much as you've missed everyone, you didn't have time now.
you head quickly to Shanks' room, who doesn't even have time to metabolize your presence when he receives a slap from you, making him fly across the room. You approach the body of your former captain, still dazed.
"You idiot, you shouldn't make decisions for others, even if you're the captain! I know why you left me. Do you really think I'm that weak? That I would let myself be killed so easily? How much trust you have in your teammates."
"Do you know how scary it was when you got hurt?"
"Cut the crap. I'm still going to get hurt since I'm in Luffy's crew"
"It's bullshit when people leave you for love, and it's also selfish."
" It's not... Do you know how much it hurts me that you're not here? Do you know how much I've missed you?"
"Then you're a bigger idiot than I imagined. Why do you want to hurt both of us?"
"I…I didn't want to separate from you, I didn't want to hurt you. I just wanted you to be safe"
"Do you think I'm safe with another Emperor? Do you think he's safer with Luffy? Either you don't trust me or you don't trust yourself"
the red stares at you for a few seconds, and you seem to melt under its gaze (it always has the same effect on you). Suddenly he lunges at you and kisses you passionately.
"Yeah, I'm a big idiot"
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nebuvoid · 11 months
A pro-Kairi rant
This here is why I don't want canon undeniable confirmed no work around Sora/Kairi in future KH in a nutshell. This is my personal ramble I just want to get off my chest on my own blog. This is nothing against people that ship it.
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It's not because I'm some ew yucky girl hater. It's the opposite. I've always loved Kairi and any sane fan will tell you she's been treated like crap through the entire series.
The moment she's confirmed to be "safe", she gets left behind. Again and again and again. She just wants to be included. She wants to break out of this role and is beat down every time she tries to.
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KH3 does that again. MoM does that AGAIN. Like it's so deliberately disrespectful. Your role is to stay behind and stare longingly at the skyline.
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Again and again we're shown that she tries to break out of this and can't. And no KH3 doesn't fix it. She once again has to rely on her Princess powers to be allowed to be relevant, when we're shown she wants to be actively a part of this with her fighting prowess. What does she get for that? Killed to be rescued again. I know some people thought Remind was a some great gotcha moment but really it just confirmed the already existing status quo.
And any moments to give her some development get deliberately pushed aside (Very cool we never see her training) or explained away (you can't learn during your adventure like EVERY other character, you specifically have to stay behind for this).
If the series wants to have this relationship, why go out of their way to cut her out over and over? Just as an example: We see Sora excitedly text Riku, why isn't he also talking about Kairi? No really, I'm asking. Even if she's in the timeless forest (sorry guys we can't show you a fun little level for that too much work ugh)(we just really needed Kairi to write a onesided letter to Sora and to remind Lea of Xion - because even here she's not allowed to have a moment for herself), a simple "Man, I wish I could send Kairi a message but I can't reach her there." line would've done a lot. Why make it so purposefully onesided? Why make it so sad and cruel.
Then you have the whole Winnie Pooh - Kairi parallel in KH3 plus the awkward paopu scene that really hammer home how things have changed, they have changed, expectations aren't working out. There's plenty other posts that dig deep into this.
If Kairi as she is now "gets officially together" with Sora, while she's still not allowed to develop her own identity, actually have her own moments, break out of her role as the pining left behind love interest... well maybe some people don't care but I do. It would feel so rotten. The heteronormative amatonormative mainstream media standard that the girl character doesn't need development, she can just be there to be longed after. You know when you watch a TV show and he was a boy she was a girl syndrome starts and you feel that uncomfortable feeling? It's that.
I thought we'd at least get something out of MoM but even here her moment gets stolen by Sora. I don't care if it's a heart connection or whatever, on screen I am once again Sora. (Just to be clear I love my boy Sora I'm just looking at this from an outside the game perspective.)
Actually there's a great video on that here.
Sora and Riku's relationship has been developed over the course of several games. We know them as people, we know their bond. Why should I care about Sora and Kairi in a romantic setting when the games go out of their way to give me next to nothing beyond "she's the girl 🤪you know". Like she's just a prop.
Kairi deserves better.
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Let her develop her own connections. Let her actually find out about her past in RG. Let her finally be an actual equal to Sora and Riku. And then and only then can I be behind canon Sora/Kairi.
I wish I could word this better but I think about this and I'm just filled with indignation and I blank out.
Not because I'm a hater, but because I think Kairi deserves fucking better, do I not want a romantic relationship for her. A girl character is more than just a damn accessory. KH3 didn't do a great job with most characters, but at least in their respective games Aqua, Xion and Namine are allowed to have actual depth, motivation and feelings beyond a rigid role.
In conclusion *big sigh* if a canon romantic relationship for Kairi does take place without any of the above mentioned, I will be severely disappointed.
Now is the last chance to give Kairi the treatment she actually deserves. Considering the track record I don't exactly have high hopes.
P.S. Personally I think KH works best without romantic duos anyway. Platonic bonds can and are just as deep, romanticism just gets placed at the top of the hierarchy - usually - except KH always goes out of its way to show us that that doesn't matter. You don't see people shipping Aqua with Ven and yet no one would question they care deeply about one another. Romance isn't a requirement for love.
P.P.S. Why didn't you give her the damn ribbon Sora, that would've been a really sweet moment.
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writer-of-various · 1 year
Gang AU – Alejandro x Rudy, Rudy x others
Rudy looked out the small window in his room, feeling bitter as he watched people, free people, walk along the sidewalk and laugh and talk. He never had the chance to be a kid or a teenager, and now he's turning 21 and has never experienced life outside the bars. He's a prize, a trophy, all because his father couldn't stop buying drugs when he didn't have the money. He tries his hardest to hide his resentment towards those around him, especially the Garza's. While they did technically buy him off from his father, Mr. Garza was a kind man to him. He treated him like one of his own, and he only had a daughter. Rudy's siblings and mother are dead, so he only has the Garza's.
"Rudy, you up?" Speaking of Garza. Rudy moves away from the window and opens his door, smiling at the sight of Valeria. She's a strong, independent woman that was rebellious at a young age. She defied her father and mother, but they still loved her and only hope that whatever she does, she remains safe and happy. There were some times where Mr. Garza had to put his foot down and the whole house shook with their screams, but they pushed it behind them the next morning and acted like nothing happened. Valeria is brutal to others, she's mean and intimidating but when Rudy first arrived at her home, she made sure to soften up a bit for him. It was obvious he was abused, he had bruises painting his pale skin and he flinched and apologized at every loud noise. She treated him like he was her baby brother, and after so many years being together in the same household, he did become her baby brother.
"Good morning, Val." He greets, following her down the hallway. "What are your plans today?"
Valeria groans, her fists clenching at her sides. "Dad wants to try making an alliance with 141, so he wants me to go introduce myself and all that formal crap. They know who I am, all the dogs here know not to bark at me."
Rudy raises a brow, sensing something deeper. "Is that all? Or do you know them more than you're letting on?" Valeria sighs, stopping abruptly and looking down at him with a small smile.
"This is why dad offers you jobs, you know people too good. And yes, I know them. Ghost is a fucking asshole, he's the co-leader of the gang. There's some rumors that John Price is considering stepping down, and if he does, Ghost takes his place." They start walking again, Valeria holding the doors open for him and he playfully rolls his eyes.
"Then there's the Shadows. Phillip Graves keeps pestering dad about an alliance, but under direct negotiation that father is declining. But the Gringo is stubborn."
"What's the negotiation?" Rudy asks, and Valeria seems to twitch, her eyes darkening and her lips turning down into a frown. "Valeria." He presses, and the slightly older woman growls.
"You. Graves wants you, he has been since finding out you are one of ours. He's a pervert, you were barely 13 and he was almost 20. And stop looking like that, you aren't going to hand yourself over if shit goes sideways." Valeria growls and Rudy shrinks back, bowing his head submissively and Valeria sighs. She pulls him into a tight embrace, and he relaxes under her rare, comforting touch.
"I'm sorry, Val. I just want to protect you and your parents. You guys have done everything to protect me and I just feel like...I don't know. I used to be someone, all the boys and girls in my run down neighborhood used to stop by and I cooked and cleaned and patched them up. I was useful." Rudy trails off and Valeria sighs again before smiling at him.
"Well, when dad steps down and I become the leader, I want you by my side. Like how mom is with dad. Damn, the more I talk about this crap the more I realize we probably belong in London." Rudy laughs at that, shaking his head.
"Trust me, the Royal Family is far more normal then we are."
"I'll drink to that!"
When they arrive at 141's house, they are surprised to see a party being thrown and Los Vaqueros were there. Valeria seems to realize something and she growls, storming over and Rudy quickly follows her, concerned about her change of attitude.
"Vargas!" She screams, and everyone goes quiet, whipping their heads to her direction and Rudy blushes furiously in embarrassment. He stays pressed against Valeria, looking around the place with wide eyes. Between hearing what the Shadow Gang leader wants, which is him, and the fear of anything going sideways, Rudy hasn't enjoyed his time outside. He isn't used to being around so many people at once, he was always kept out of a room that is loaded with weapons and drugs, and there were hookers trying to cover themselves up and sneak away. He doesn't miss the way some people, mostly guys, look his way, their eyes dark with something he can't describe or put a word to. Strange.
"Valeria, what the fuck?" A tall man yells, and Rudy looks at him and is immediately enhanced. The man is handsome, his face sharply defined, hair dark and gelled back and he's muscular. His dark eyes land on Rudy, who makes a small noise and hides behind Valeria, who wraps a strong arm around his waist in reassurance.
"Why are your idiotas here, Alejandro? Where's Price?" Valeria growls, and as if on cue, an older yet handsome man walks out of a room and smiles, but it doesn't reach his eyes.
"Ah, Garza, wasn't expecting to see you here. Are you here for business or the party?" Price takes out a cigar and lights it, looking so calm.
"Why are Los Vaqueros here?" Valeria orders an answer and Alejandro snorts, throwing a glare at her.
"And why is that any of your business?" He throws back and Valeria inches closer, only stopping when Rudy grabs her hand and caresses the back of it, calming her down...for now.
"Alright, my office, now. Party's over, folks! Get the bloody hell out of here!" Price shouts, and the people besides the leaders leave without complaint. Rudy walks with Valeria, frowning when she stops him and looks around.
"I don't want you in there, in case anything happens, but I don't wanna leave you alone out here." She whispers, and Rudy gives her a small smile.
"I brought my knife, I'll be fine. I promise." He whispers back and Valeria grins, eyeing him up and down.
"If I wasn't gay, I would have fucked you right here." She grins wolfishly and Rudy blushes, hiding his face and stepping back from her.
"Val!" He exclaims, and she laughs before walking into the office. He waits outside the door patiently, observing everything around him. He eyes a man with a mohawk walk up to him, a charming smile tracing his lips.
"Well hello there beautiful." He says, and Rudy tries not to blush. Keep it together, Rudy.
"Hello." He greets politely, feeling so small under the man's strong stare.
"I'm Soap, what's your name?" The man outstretches his hand and Rudy shakes it, a perfect brow raised at the weird name. He knows it's not his real name, but to have an alias called Soap is just...unique.
"Rudy, it's nice to meet you Soap." He shakes hands with Soap, who's smile grows wider. Rudy retracts his hand and fidgets, almost jumping in surprise when another man appears out of nowhere, glaring at Soap.
"Why are you bothering this man?" The newcomer questions, and he seems to stand protectively in front of Rudy. This whole ordeal is crazy and Rudy is impressed he hasn't lost his mind by now. The newcomer is cute, barely taller than Soap and he's leaner but he has broad shoulders that Rudy peeks over to try seeing Soap, who appears to not be bothered. They must know each other then.
"Aw Gaz, why ye actin' like that? I ain't doing nothing to the cutie, just being a gentleman." Soap says, a bit too cheerily, and the other man shakes his head. He turns to look down at Rudy, who doesn't like how short he is compared to these guys. Hell, Valeria is even taller than him by an inch, and it doesn't help she wears those boots that give her a few more inches.
"Sorry, sir, my name is Gaz, and I'm sure this buffoon already introduced himself. Are you waiting for Price?" Gaz's voice is soft, like he didn't want to startle him. While adorable, Rudy couldn't help but feel belittled.
"No, I'm here with Valeria Garza." He says, and he wants to smirk when both their eyes widen and they share a look. "Tell me, why are Los Vaqueros here? I hear 141 and LV are close, but not this close...this party, it was a celebration, no?" Rudy continues, and he loves how Gaz looked appalled and Soap was stoic but his eyes gleamed.
"Smart observation, Rudy. You'll learn in like, 2 sec–" "¡Hijo de puta!" Valeria's enraged scream startled Rudy, who runs into the office to see Valeria looking like she was about to have a meltdown. And a meltdown Valeria isn't a Valeria you want to be around.
"Valeria, what happened?" Rudy goes over to her and she glares at Price and Alejandro.
"These two pussies decided to ally with one another. You're going to regret this, John." Valeria says in a low voice, a warning to the older man. She gives Alejandro another sharp glare before moving to leave, when Alejandro speaks up.
"Who's this?" He points at Rudy, who tries to appear calm but every ticking second felt like a second closer before a bomb went off. Valeria stops, looking conflicted and Rudy speaks before he can even think of being smart.
"Rodolfo Parra." He says, settling his features into a sharp glare when Alejandro grins at him.
"Rodolfo...I want him. You give me your princesa, and the three of us have an alliance." Alejandro speaks calmly, but what he said was anything but calm. Rudy pales, looking at Valeria who snarls and lunges at the other, her knife out and ready to strike. Price stops her, shaking his head and Valeria growls, a scary and deep sound that rumbles throughout her chest.
"He's not some bitch, Vargas. Go fuck a hooker." Valeria grabs Rudy and drags him out, cursing in Spanish under her breath. Rudy hugs her arm, trying not to burst into tears but his worst fear is coming true. The Garza Cartel won't get any allies because the leaders of other gangs want him, like he's some trophy.
He's in shock, he doesn't know when they get back to their safehouse, but he snaps out of it when he hears Valeria shouting and Mr. Garza trying to console her. Mrs. Garza has a hand over her mouth, begging under her breath, praying, and Rudy starts giggling. They stare at him in confusion, but Rudy can't stop laughing. Holy shit, was this his life now? Some bitch that's bought and traded? Damn, his father really ruined his life.
"Rudy..." Valeria whispers, but Rudy walks off to his room, shutting the door and holding back the urge to lock it. The Garza's didn't like it when he locked his door. No freedom, really, but he's their trophy. They just treat him better than anyone else can. He goes back to looking out his window, remembering the old Las Almas, when the Mexican government didn't let the people of this beautiful city rot with the cartels and gangs. A city that attracted gangs, mafias, cartels, from all over the world. A city of souls, literally.
Rudy forced himself to go to sleep early that evening, and he didn't wake up until the afternoon of the next day. He sits up and goes to his bathroom, turning on the tap of his shower and trying to hold back the tears. He can't be weak. He can't. He steps in when the water is warm and washes his body and hair, thinking about every solution there could be involving alliances. The Garza Cartel is on top of the corrupted hierarchy, basically the government of Las Almas. 141 was formed after the battle of Las Almas, where the final front of the Mexican military tried to push back the cartel, with no support from the Mexican government. They lost and retreated, and the few that escaped with the soldiers did, because after that, no one was allowed to leave Las Almas.
Mr. Garza is a kind man to his family, he's willing to die for them. But to the outside, he is a completely different man. Ruthless, mean, aggressive. Valeria got it from him, obviously.
The Shadow Company came shortly after the formation of 141. They worked with the Mexican army unit stationed for the final front in Las Almas, Los Vaqueros, but eventually betrayed them and took control of Northern Las Almas. After the betrayal, the commander of Los Vaqueros took a handful of his best soldiers and developed a gang based on weapons transportation that soon became dirty.
The Garza Cartel is in control of all Las Almas, but Mr. Garza allowed 141, Los Vaqueros, and the Shadows to form their own territory under his direct and strict supervision. He wants alliances since there are bigger threats outside Las Almas waiting to take them all down, but the crudeness of Alejandro Vargas and the secret alliance between LV and 141 only made him doubtful. Mr. Garza doesn't want anything to do with the Shadows, especially Graves, but they seemed to be the only option.
He sighs sadly, turning off the shower and stepping out, drying himself on and getting dressed. He hears a commotion outside and furrows his brows looking out his window to see a bunch of black, armored jeeps parked around the safehouse. He races out of his room, his knife tucked inside his belt as he jogs down the stairs, stopping abruptly when he sees Mr. Garza talking to a man. He's white, with light brown hair and blue eyes that he could get lost in. He's unaware of him standing there, staring, before a soft hand grabs his shoulder and turns him around. Mrs. Garza is looking at him with concern, touching his forehead with the back of her palm when she notices how flushed he looks.
"Rudy, are you okay, dear?" She asks and Rudy nods, pointing to the strange yet handsome man.
"Who's that?" He asks, and Mrs. Garza sighs tiredly.
"Phillip Graves. He's requesting a competition against 141 and Los Vaqueros. These men are fucking filthy pigs. We won't let them get you, Rudy." Mrs. Garza says, and Rudy hugs her.
"Mrs. Garza...I have to go to one of them. We are powerful but there's more dangerous gangs out there, waiting for when we are all at our weakest. I can't let anyone hurt you, Mr. Garza, or Valeria." Rudy steps back and gives her a small smile before walking into Mr. Garza's office, surprising him and Graves. The American eyes him hungrily, standing up and sticking his hand out. Rudy shakes it out of politeness, nodding at Mr. Garza and sitting down in the empty seat.
"I hear you want a competition. Fine. Deal is on, whatever gang wins gets me." Rudy says, his voice monotonous and Mr. Garza shakes his head but Rudy holds up a hand. "I'm almost 21, I can make my own decisions. This is beneficial to the cartel. Now, Mr. Graves, why should I ever consider joining you?"
August 15th was the day of the competition, and Valeria had decided to join it on behalf of the Garza Cartel so they could win and keep Rudy. She was furious at him for sacrificing himself but Rudy comforted her and told her it was the only way. And if she won, they would have nothing to worry about. It's been a month since Rudy took charge of his own life and today is the day that fate would choose the path. He was told to wear all white, to represent his purity and neutrality. He wore a white gown that Mrs. Garza bought him, and a white cape with blood red patterns over his shoulders, showing anyone who looks his way that he's part of the Garza's. He leaves his room and meets Valeria down the hall, observing her look.
She wore a black and red military style jacket, and cargo pants. She opted for combat boots with no high heels, and her blade is tucked into a belt that once belonged to Mr. Garza and was passed down to her for her 16th birthday.
"Rudy, are you sure you want to do this?" Valeria looks into his eyes and he smiles sadly, nodding his head.
"I love you, Val, you are like a sister to me, you made me feel so safe here. You were always there to protect me. Let's hope the others, if one of them wins, allow me to visit you." Rudy says and Valeria hugs him, wishing they could stay like that forever. If she loses, the better half of her would be ripped away, and she can't do anything about it.
"Come on, the event is going to begin soon." He whispers and they walk to the extravagant backyard of the safehouse, where the training range was set up to hold a large crowd of people. They walk up the stairs to one of the balconies, where Rudy is to sit besides the Garzas. He peers down to the fighting ground, seeing Graves, Alejandro, and the infamous Ghost preparing. Valeria kisses the top of his head before leaving to join the men below, her evil persona coming out and she will shed blood today.
"Rudy, this is your last chance to say no." Mr. Garza is begging him, pleading with him, to say no but Rudy can't.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Garza." Rudy whispers, clutching the cape tight around him. Mr. Garza nods solemnly, and stands to start the competition. One of the guards below shoots into the air, and the first round begins.
The four must race across the range, pick up a sled full of over 20 pound weights and objects, and drag it back in time. Valeria gets their first, grabbing the straps of the sled and pulling it out, her teeth barred but she wasn't the only one struggling. Alejandro and Graves were trying to push theirs along the painted lines, but Ghost did it with ease. Made sense, he's 6 feet 4 inches and is the biggest out of them, muscles that could kill and a build so broad that Rudy has to admit, he checked him out a bit.
Ghost reaches the starting point first, winning the round but there are still 30 seconds left. Graves comes in second, Alejandro third, and Valeria last. Rudy frowns when he sees her pace, her mouth moving quick and he knows she's cursing off everyone and everything.
The next round is archery, they have to shoot five bullseyes, the targets over 10 meters away. Another shot goes off and the four pick up their bows and arrows, Valeria the first to shoot hers. Bullseye. It doesn't take long before Valeria and Graves are tied, Alejandro in third with Ghost last. Graves shoots his last arrow and it's a bullseye. He's the winner of the second round.
There's ten rounds in total, Alejandro was the winner of the third round which was a fighting cage, Valeria won the fourth which was sword fighting. Ghost won 5, Graves won 6 and 7. Alejandro took 8 and 9. The last round taunted Rudy, telling him his fate is so close and Valeria wasn't it. Neither was 141. He watched from the edge of his seat, as the four stood in their starting point. An obstacle course sat before them, where they had to be careful not to be caught by the group of cartel guards. The final shot goes off and Rudy observes, unsure who he wants as his new "owner".
Ghost kicks at a guard, barely managing to slip past the group as he jumps over a giant log. Valeria is stealthy, careful and the guards honestly can't find her. Graves is racing forward, stopping briefly to punch the guard following him. Alejandro is in the lead, and Rudy feels his blood run cold when he gets closer to the end. Graves is close too, trying to catch up, but it's done. Alejandro made it. Half of the crowd cheers, and Rudy gulps, his anxiety spiking. Mr. Garza clears his throat, standing up and he announces Alejandro Vargas as the winner. Rudy stands and leaves, needing space before he hands himself over.
"This is for Valeria" He reminds himself as he retreats back inside the safehouse.
It's not long before Rudy goes back out, forcing a smile as all the guests were welcomed inside to the massive dining hall Mr. Garza had, the room full of noise and Rudy's social anxiety began rising. He musters a calm expression and walks over to Alejandro, nose scrunching up when he can already smell beer and cigarette smoke from the loud Vaqueros.
"Mr. Vargas." He speaks up, surprised his new owner could hear him over the shouts of his Vaqueros as one of them lost a game of cards. Alejandro smiles, standing up to his full height and grabbing Rudy's hand, leaning down to kiss the back of his palm. Rudy is surprised at the nobel gesture, the heat in his cheeks visible due to his lighter complexion.
"Rodolfo, glad to see you join us. I thought my Vaqueros and I scared you off or something." Alejandro chuckles nervously, and Rudy observes his body language. Hands buried inside his pockets, his cheek tinted red, and his eyes looking anywhere but at Rudy. He's nervous, awkward, a huge contrast to the stories he heard of Alejandro Vargas.
"It takes a lot to scare me off. How are you doing? Do you like the food?" Rudy asks, sitting down in the empty seat beside Alejandro's and the taller man follows him, wincing when he hits his knee against the table. The Vaqueros shared a look before they all stood up and left, some patting Alejandro on the back. Rudy feels his nerves calm down a bit with the big audience gone, his attention going back to Alejandro who's staring at him.
"You're beautiful" He whispers, and Rudy's eyes widen. Before he can say anything, three familiar people walk over and sit down, someone two his right while the other two sit beside Alejandro. Ghost, Soap, and Gaz.
"What 're ye guys talking about?" Soap asks, a slight slur in his voice and Gaz sighs from next to him.
"Nothing, hermanos. What do you want?" Alejandro turns to look at Soap and Ghost, and Rudy is surprised to see how relaxed Ghost looks when sitting next to the person he lost to. Ghost notices him staring and smirks under his mask, leaning forward and startling Rudy.
"How do you feel about Alejandro taking custody of you?" He asks, voice deep and his accent nice to listen to. As much as Rudy feared The Ghost, he admired him.
"How do you feel about Alejandro owning me?" Rudy asks, and Ghost leans back, shrugging.
"You'll be mine eventually, I'm a patient man." Ghost growls and Rudy's face is completely red. He looks down, feeling eyes on him and then there's a hand on left arm, tracing the sleeves of his gown.
"This is pretty, Rodolfo. Fits you, for now." Gaz speaks up and Rudy snaps his head to him, eyes wide. His breath hitches at Gaz's handsome face, his slight stubble and dark eyes, clouded with something. He unconsciously leans into the touch, heat traveling everywhere across his body and he feels lightheaded.
"Follow me, Rudy." Alejandro's voice breaks through and Rudy hesitates. He nods, accepting the hand and letting Alejandro guide him down the hall. He hears footsteps behind him and turns, surprised to see the three following them closely behind. Alejandro opens a door and gently pushes Rudy, who glances around the guest room in confusion. Why did they bring him in here?
"Is everything o-" he's cut off by rough lips dominating his softer ones, eyes widening as he stares at Alejandro. The heat and intensity of the kiss, his first kiss, has Rudy letting his eyes flutter shut and he wraps his arms around Alejandro's broad shoulders. Someone comes up behind him, the smell of rich cologne that he picked up on one person telling him who it is. Soap.
Soap's hands, slightly callous but gentle as he touched him, undid his cape and handed it to Gaz, who neatly folded it and placed it on a dresser. Ghost stalks over and rips the gown off of him, a gasp leaving Rudy's lips as his body is exposed to the cold air. Oh god, was he going to lose his virginity to the four of them?
"Shh, calm down, amor. We're going to take good care of you. You're our queen now, Rudy. Anything you want, we give it to you." Alejandro coos and Rudy melts, tugging at his jacket and whining softly. He felt like a bitch in heat, or whatever the saying is, but all the pressure fell on him and it wasn't bad pressure. No, he felt needy and hungry and not for food, but for the four big and burly men around him.
"P-please..." He whimpers, biting his bottom lip when he feels a hand grope his round ass. Soap grins, coming to his view.
"Please what, baby?" He says softly and Rudy felt like he could faint.
"Please...fuck me?" Rudy looks up at them for guidance, and Gaz is the one to push away Alejandro and Soap and smiles reassuringly down at him.
"Good boy, you asked so nicely. Lay down, Rudy, we'll give you what you want." He whispers and Rudy nods, stepping out of his torn gown and crawling on the bed, laying on his back and feeling his nerves spike up when the four crawl in after him. Ghost rubs his large hands up and down his thighs, the touches soothing enough that he calms down. Alejandro settles between his legs and removes his underwear, gawking at his exposed hole and Rudy shyly looks away, trying to cover himself up. Soap tsks, shaking his head and pulling his hands away.
"Don't, baby. You're so fucking gorgeous. Fuck, do you know what you do to me?" Soap growls and Rudy mewls softly when he feels teeth nibble at his inner thighs. Alejandro grins as he sucks on his pale skin, the blood rushing and forming a hickey. He watches with big, curious eyes as Gaz touches his chest, both hands groping him and his thumbs circling along his nipples.
"Look at his tits, I want to fuck them so bad." He grunts and Rudy moans, slapping a hand over his mouth when he realizes what he did. Ghost chuckles, easing his hand away before trailing a large hand down to his hole and teasing it. Rudy twitches with want, his mind foggy with lust and he whines, bucking his hips up.
"Por favor" He whimpers, and Alejandro nods. He unbuttons his trousers and Soap grabs something out of his pocket, handing a small bottle to Alejandro who gives a smile of appreciation. Rudy stares at Alejandro's dick with wide eyes, wondering how something so big could fit inside him.
"A-ale...it won't fit!" He squeaks out and they all chuckle, but not in a cruel way. Gaz runs a hand through his hair, leaning down to kiss his neck.
"It's okay, Rudy, it'll fit. It's best to have Alejandro first and not Ghost." Rudy looks over at the masked man then trails his eyes down to his noticeable bulge. Okay, even if Alejandro did fit inside him, how the hell would Ghost? That man is just a large package.
"Are you ready, Rudy?" Alejandro asks, looking at him for consent and Rudy realizes that fate gave him luck. If this was how the rest of his life would be, then he'll take it. A part of him screamed that if Graves won, the American would fuck him right away with no prep or consent. These boys though, they were thoughtful and sincere and gentle.
"Yes." He whispers, and that night becomes the queen of the united 141 and Los Vaqueros gang.
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stitching-in-time · 2 months
Voyager rewatch s4 ep8: Year of Hell pt 1
I really don't think I've rewatched this since it first aired- I usually ignored it when casually rewatching because I knew it was the one where Voyager nearly falls apart, and everyone's dirty and stressed, and generally having a bad time. But there's entire scenes I didn't remember at all, and they're all very good.
This was the first appearance of the astrometrics lab, which Seven and Harry had been building for the past few eps, which will be a primary set throughout the rest of the show. (Is it me, or did they change the ceiling of it later?? It feels different to me somehow in this ep, maybe just an unusual camera angle? I'll have to look more closely in future eps.) They have a little unveiling ceremony, where the Doctor tries to make a speech, and ends up being so annoying that everyone is glad to be called back to the bridge. (And he's still dunking on Tom- what did he ever do to you, dude?? Y'know, except be a supportive friend to you even though you treat him like crap??)
(RIP to Janeway's magnificent Gibson girl up-do hair once and for all- they cut it very short for this ep, and she wore some version of a bob cut for the rest of the series, which I have never stopped lamenting. She's always gorgeous, but the up-do was perfection. No, I will not be accepting criticism on my very correct opinion.)
The events of this episode were foreshadowed by Kes in 'Before and After' last season, but apparently, everything that Kes told them about it got erased from their memories when she got sent back to the current timeline, because none of them know who the Krenim are here, or that they should avoid them. So they waltz on through Zahl space as the Krenim start erasing the Zahl from the timeline with their time weapon, and they get caught in the crossfire, because of course the Krenim don't want anyone flying through what is now their space. (Literally everybody in the Delta Quadrant is so territorial! How they heck do they have interstellar trade when every alien species they meet is like 'no one is allowed to enter our space!!' Srsly dudes, why do you even have space travel when you're so damn xenophobic?? Why even would their societies actually put in the effort to develop warp capability when they don't want to go anywhere or meet anyone?? It doesn't make sense, but I guess it's necessary for The Plot, so ok, here we go with Xenophobic Delta Quadrant Aliens volume 15! lol)
The lead Krenim baddie is played by Kurtwood Smith, who gives a perfectly fine performance here, but this was right before That 70's Show started, and now, after having watched him in that show for so many years, I cannot unsee Red Foreman whenever he's onscreen. Like, I just keep expecting him to throw off the civil facade and have him angrily tell Janeway to leave Krenim space before he puts his foot in her ass. I'm usually pretty good about separating actors from roles, but Red is so iconic, I just can't, no matter how hard I try, and it's kinda distracting, tbh. But at least that isn't anyone's fault- the guy playing the second Krenim guy, however, is giving such a bad, over the top performance that I really question both the casting director and the episode director on their choices here. He straight up reminds me of the guy from those Liberty Mutual commercials, where it's supposed to be a caricature of a comically bad, good looking actor who can't even get through the simplest lines. Like, that's literally this guy. How could they have cast him, and let him act like that?? Idk, but that particular distraction is absolutely the production team's fault.
So Voyager has to go through Krenim space while under constant attack, and the ship gets beat up more and more each time, with power failing, the hull breaching, debris falling everywhere, things are on fire, everybody's getting injured and dying, nobody is doing okay. Everbody basically becomes the embodiment of the 'This is Fine' meme in this ep, especially Janeway, who's powering through it all by repressing her emotions as much as possible, knowing that she has to singlehandedly hold the crew together through it all. Chakotay has another one of his 'I'm going to disagree with you in the dumbest way possible' moments when he suggests to Janeway that they can't make it with Voyager, so maybe they should all abandon ship and try to get home in escape pods. Janeway's obviously like 'WTF NO CHAKOTAY' because she's not abandoning ship, ever, and she's not breaking up the family (she straight up just calls the crew 'the family' now, it's not even subtext anymore) and they'd be way less likely to get home scattered in tiny escape pods. To which Chakotay's like 'lol, that's fine, I didn't think it was that good of an idea, I just wanted to give you shit for no reason suggest it haha', as if that wasn't a mean and deranged thing to say to the most stressed out captain in Starfleet. (She must love that man so damn much to put up with that bs, good lord.) He decides to be nicer later, and gives her a pocket watch for her birthday, which she tells him to recycle because they need the replicator rations. He tells her he replicated it months ago before the Krenim attacked and he's been saving it for her, but she still won't take it, even though she's obviously moved by the thought he put into it. Maybe if you stop questioning her judgement she'd accept your gifts, you dumbass. It's a rather heartbreaking scene, since Janeway is clearly stifling her emotions just get by after months of attacks, when she no longer knows what the date even is to remember it was her birthday in the first place.
There's lots of heartbreaking little scenes in this one- the Doctor having to let two crewman die as he evacuates his patients from sickbay, knowing the hull is about to breach and they won't reach the hatch in time; Harry and B'Elanna playing a trivia game to pass the time and distract her from her injury while they're trapped in a turbolift waiting to be rescued; Tom triaging wounded and lingering with B'Elanna even once she's stabilized, clearly worried about her; Seven acting as a guide for Tuvok after he's blinded in an explosion while retrieving her from a jeffries tube, where she'd stayed back to find the phase variance of an unexploded chronoton torpedo. (The same one Kes did in 'Before and After', though the radiation doesn't seem to be a problem in this timeline, for some reason.) So many excellent slices of the crew soldiering on, and pulling eachother along through sheer force of will, with their dedication to each other and their mission to get home all they have to keep them going.
Seven's discovery of the phase variance on the Krenim torpedo allows them to create a defense against it. When the main Krenim baddie uses his temporal weapon to try to erase another enemy planet from the timeline, and ends up erasing half the Krenim empire instead, Voyager sustains no damage from the shockwave, which draws the main Krenim baddie's attention. He realizes Voyager's presence somehow messed up his calculations, and he kidnaps two of Voyager's crew to interrogate, and threatens to destroy the nearly crippled Voyager if they get in his way.
Captain Janeway finally, reluctantly decides to let the majority of the crew take escape pods to evade the Krenim as long as they can while she stays on Voyager with the senior officers as a skeleton crew to try to get Chakotay and Paris back from their Krenim kidnappers, and to find a way to get Voyager through Krenim space in one piece to rendevous with the rest of the crew on the other side. The last shot is the escape pods leaving Voyager, which I think was maybe the first time we'd seen escape pods launched en masse from a Starfleet ship, which was a pretty heartbreaking cliffhanger to end the episode on. I'm honestly surprised this was a mid-season two parter and not a season closer/opener, but at the time, I'm sure I was glad to only have to wait a week to find out what happened next instead of a whole summer.
Tl;dr: A sad but well done disaster-type story where the crew is pushed to the brink, with a devastating cliffhanger.
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
Can you do a summarized version of the K: A Year Later?
You can read all chapters translated here, if you want to get the full story. But if you just need a summary, it's just what it says on the tin: the story of the cast one year after the end of ROK. Each chapter is set up to flow into the next, so usually one character will run into another at the end of their focus chapter and that character will be the focus of the next chapter. The story starts with Kuroh, going over his life at Ashinaka with Shiro and Neko (he helps out at the kendo club and also works at the coffee shop attached to the school). Even with his busy life he still tries to find time to relax and feel the world around him, as Ichigen taught him, and the chapter ends with him meeting Awashima, which is when we learn that Munakata is currently absent.
The second chapter focuses on Awashima, discussing how Munakata basically left on a journey to find himself or whatever and now Awashima's in charge of S4 in his absence. She notices she's gained some weight and tries to quit anko but ultimately a ghost did it (….I'd say it makes sense in context but only in the 'Is Scepter 4 okay' way) so she's good and can once again have anko. She's not the only one giving up things though, as Kusanagi has decided to give up smoking. We get some updates on the Homra alphabet and Kusanagi does his best to function without cigarettes but in the end he has to burn a mud Strain and decides he can keep his cigarettes.
Neko is the one who makes Kusanagi aware of the Strain in his story so the next chapter is hers, showing off her study routine and doing her best. She's made a new friend too, a girl affected by the release of the Slate at the end of ROK, and Neko gets to have cake and study. Eventually there's a knock at the door and Yukari shows up for his chapter, looking for Kuroh. He gets to spend some bonding time with Neko and Shiro before Kuroh comes home and he has some nostalgic feelings about Ichigen too. The chapter ends with Yukari stopping by a liquor store to get some sake and watch the moon, and naturally the store he stops at is the one owned by Kamamoto's family.
Kamamoto's chapter is about his relationship with his childhood friend Ayumi (from Memory of Red and a cameo in Missing Kings). He isn't sure if they're dating or what, but with some advice from Homra he does eventually decide to make their relationship official and even ends up engaged, all while the Homra alphabet (except Chitose, who actually got a girl too) get to be bitter and drink over Kamamoto getting engaged to a girl before them. Speaking of romantic feelings, Yata asks Fushimi on a date asks Fushimi to come over to his place where they play video games and drink cola that they had as kids and spend the night together and it's all very sweet. Afterward Fushimi goes back to S4 and takes care of a Strain situation with perfect skill, because it's the place he belongs after all.
Fushimi's chapter ends with S4 spotting Sukuna on one of their cameras so his chapter is next. Sukuna's living with Yukari and Kotosaka and continuing his training, and one day he runs across his mother. She sees him with a bruise from his training and treats him still like something that was her 'property' so Sukuna fights off her manservant guy and tells her he won't go home with before running off. He happens to spot Anna in her high school uniform and that's our next story about Anna and her new friend Tsubaki. Some bullies who got Red power when the Slate was released try to use Tsubaki to lure Anna somewhere and teach her a lesson, so of course Anna promptly shows up and scares the crap out of them with her King powers. Later she introduces Tsubaki to the Homra guys and they see a huge procession of people coming by, because the King Munakata has returned.
You know how I had some asks about Munakata becoming unintentionally famous in various ways, basically something like that happened and everywhere around the world Munakata went he picked up followers. He ends up in South Africa where he gets a heartfelt letter from Fushimi-kun and decides he must return, bringing his whole entourage along. S4 are all happy to see him and confirm again that Munakata is still their King, and Munakata decides that he is still Munakata Reisi, even without the Slate. He stops by Mihashira, where Shiro's hanging out for our final chapter. Shiro and Munakata have a nice chat (and Shiro says he won't leave the ground anymore because it's not like he said he wouldn't run away a million times in ROK, we've covered this already guys). Shiro stops by both S4 and Homra and then eventually gets to go home with Kuroh and Neko, happily facing the future.
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rainnotliam · 2 years
Y/N x Arven, because you guys are thirsty, thirsty simps. Or famished, famished fans waiting for bread crumbs.
WARNING: Will contain some possessive attitude by Nemona and Arven, fight ensue.
“-And then he proceeds to leave me in the dust! No Pokémon battle or anything, just because I’m a Champion-ranked trainer!” Nemona huffed.
“What a rude jerk, le falta el cerebro,” Y/N agreed.
Nemona sighed, leaning against the current No.1 trainer. “I know, he’s got a Shrooble for brains, if he thinks I’m holding back.”
Y/N continued to scribble down the notes Jacq had instructed them to copy down from the presentation on their laptops. After all, this wasn’t the past where he felt obligated to go slide through slide and baby them all…
“Have you asked others to battle with you?”
“I did, it seems like you’re the only one who could handle my full strength and go beyond. Even La Primera had trouble with you, I’ve never seen her lose her slight composure so easily!”
She practically had her head near Y/N’s neck, muttering more strings of curses. Nemona was clearly frustrated with the lack of talented students.
“What about Penny?”
Another groan. “She’s too busy working with her Star people to be with me to battle.”
Nemona lifted her head, and rolled her eyes at the suggestion.
“Him, really? Y/N, I’ve never had one student complain as much as him! He always pesters me with that stupid ‘student council girl’ nickname… as though I don’t have a right to be my own person and for him to learn my name,” she grumbled.
“Nemona,” Y/N suddenly dropped their pencil, looking at the girl with a writhing feeling in their stomach. “That’s not really a nice thing to say about him, he’s been through a lot lately.”
“But that doesn’t give him an excuse to go around and messing things! I even caught him in the library once past two in the morning, keeping watch,” she sighed. “Not to mention, he doesn’t exactly keep a clean record of not doing his own work exactly-”
“Wouldn’t you like to know, know-it-all girl?”
Nemona and Y/N suddenly watched as a pair of two teal eyes landed upon them. There was a hard gleam of defense set up.
“Arven!” Y/N stood up frantically. So did Nemona, yet she glared at their upperclassman, who firmly held his stance. “She didn’t mean it like that!”
“Oh really?” Arven sneered. “You don’t think I don’t have enough experience de otros hablando atrás de mi espalda? Think I can’t see your exact stare and words piercing through me like a Ceruledge’s sword?”
“So what?” Nemona held her ground. “I’m not letting you treat me like crap Arven, and not any others around here other. How Y/N puts up with you even I don’t know how, but you’re such a bad influence for them.”
Arven’s eyes flashed with a certain edge of violence to them, causing Nemona to instinctively push Y/N to her side protectively.
“I would NEVER hurt Y/N, let alone have the thought in my head,” he growled. “If anything, you’re hurting them with holding them back, and always off making them promise anything you want! That’s an unhealthy friendship there if I do say so myself!”
Nemona threw him a fierce look. “Holding them back? It’s called ‘helping’ Arven. I thought you’d know about now since Y/N helped you.”
Her hand crept up to their shoulder, gripping it tightly. As though almost a signal to run.
They looked up, a spark of fear in those bright, high worried eyes.
Arven didn’t miss this motion, only to take one step forward.
“Stop making them feel like I’m even a dangerous person. And by the way, I know what helping is. You’re holding Y/N back by even putting the idea of helping them cheat in exams and such.”
“We’re studying!” Nemona hissed. “Or is that number forty-three of things people shouldn’t say to you?”
“Nemona please, that’s enough!” Y/N reached for her hand, only for her to push it away. They flinched, looking dumbfounded.
“That is NOT enough! Arven, you’re staying after school to help with the cleaning of the rooms. If Y/N even doing the simplest things like studying with me infuriates you, then calm down after an activity!”
“Thanks a lot genius!” Arven was yelling now, and their classmates were staring at the fight. “As if I haven’t tried that out! And before giving advice, follow it yourself!”
Y/N stared at their argument, mouth slightly open. They were in shock. The two usually most quiet and patient students were losing their temper at each other. Not to mention, Nemona was most certainly livid at Arven, who was close to losing it at her.
“What do you mean you sandwich boy!?”
“Cállate pequeña princesa! I’ve seen you share answers with Y/N, tried to sweet talk them to always copy and not have to worry about it! Like leaving it off like that is fine! I have more practical sense than you!”
Y/N slowly backed away, quietly grabbing their items into their bag. They were absolutely embarrassed by their friends, as classmates started to whisper amongst themselves now.
“Then what does your practical sense tell you to do? Run off and go into a corridor to break another rule again? Go cry at the bottom of the school staircase because life is unfair?!”
Y/N finished packing up, before going right behind Nemona once more. They were about to tap her shoulder…
Only for a larger, warmer hand to reach out for theirs, and yank them forwards. Y/N squealed in sudden surprise, only to be against… Arven?
“It tells me to take my little bud and leave this room without you. Cheating in a way that’s not tolerable… I wonder how Clavell would feel.”
They heard Nemona huff in frustration, and knew she was crossing her arms.
“…If you even hurt Y/N while you’re out, I have something coming for you.”
Arven’s hand let go of Y/N’s hand, only for his arm to sneak around their shoulder and hold them tight against him.
“I would never hurt them. They’re a gift from Arceus, and I won’t let anything harm them either.”
With that, Arven practically held Y/N against them, rushing out of the door with a furious aura. Y/N didn’t say anything…
But it felt strange to be held against their upperclassman. Especially when Nemona and Arven had half fought about them too.
“I wouldn’t let anything hurt you… what is she talking about,” murmured Arven.
“…Why would you?”
“Why would you fight over me like that? I’ve never…” Y/N’s face heated slightly.
“Because, you’re my bud. And, well… I feel like…”
“Nevermind,” Arven quickly finished. “I’m sorry for doing that, I just went out of control as she said that. I guess I just felt like I did back then…”
Y/N blinked, before leaning back to the warmth Arven possessed.
“Finish your sentence.”
“Quiero que me digas.”
Arven went quiet for a few moments.
“I…” he stumbled over his words.
“Well… I guess I just felt possessive.”
“I said so already, you’re my bud.”
“I feel like you’re mine.”
Y/N halted to a stop from their walk, Arven following suite. He realized what had spit out of his mouth. In less than a few moments, his flushed face could rival a Tomato berry’s. Y/N felt the back of their neck to the bridge of their nose blush a brilliant red at this remark.
They only continued to walk in silence back to their dorms. Neither of them said goodbye… although they’d have to elaborate on the statement someday.
(Don’t worry, Nemona realized how much her statements hurt Arven and practically tackled him for a hug. He also felt sorry feeling he overreacted and overwhelmed her with snarky remarks. They both ended up apologizing, though Nemona noticed how much Arven was starting to stare at Y/N.)
___________ Notes:
Once again do not do this irl lmao Arven isn’t just “You’re mine never talk to someone else and don’t hang out with her.” He got caught up in his feelings, and since in the game MC is who he calls his closest friend with a true nod. I feel like this was a reaction appropriate for him. Nemona and Arven have a slight rivalry so I upped it up to a step two. Nemona has slight remarks here and there of Arven to which he snaps to (remember the beginning where Arven straight up shoved the legendary into your care) and that was a small fight. Will post this on ao3 as well, or maybe not. Perhaps I will.
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microscotch · 2 years
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“So as I was just trying to get Angie off my back, what do I see a few inches away?”
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-“What’s wrong?”
-“Please, do you actually think me kissing Lyam’s funnel chest means anything?”
-”Why do I only keep getting screen time whenever April makes out with me?? I do lots of other interesting things too!!”
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-“Haven’t I told you how badly this reflects on me? Now listen, you don’t make out with other hot guys because that would be cheating, but making out with guys vastly inferior to me implies you think they’re equally attractive aka you’re indirectly insulting me!”
-”But...but you guys at least filmed my hysterical Mrs. Patmore impersonation yesterday, right?? :( ”
-“So I can’t make out with ANYONE else is what you’re saying?”
-”The things you do for a promising music video guest appearance career...sigh.”
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“Mine and April’s relationship will definitely be a challenging one, but you know, there aren’t that many girls out there prettier than me, so...”
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“Always date someone matching your degree of hotness.”
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-“I’d love to preserve your skull and take it with me to Sector 8 so I can add it to my collection of...um, portraits!”
-“My wife loves preserving things too, you will surely get along fantastically should you decide on becoming our test subject.”
-“Dude beat it with these metaphors and tell me who’s gonna get custody of the tapes then??”
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“I need to be a good friend to Angie right now, and I strongly believe the best way I can approach this is by teaching April a lesson.”
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-“No no believe me, just one time to get even strengthens the trust in infidelity-prone relationships. That’s why it’s called “getting even”! No feelings involved! Now woohoo me as if Dante hadn’t been struck by lightning in here two minutes ago. 💋”
-”Maxxx likes the sound of that!”
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*cab sound intensifies*
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“So Isabella goes out of her way posing as Angie’s friend and then screws with the guy she can’t get over? Would unironically stan the girl if she wasn’t so annoying outside of that, and if there wasn’t this whole loyalty crap these meatbags are so big on.”
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“Really foreign to me, but what can you do?”
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-”What about no feelings involved, you lunatic?!?!”
-”If this is because Maxxx didn’t offer you a spot in his next big hit, I was planning on an Eye of the Tiger cover so if you’re THAT offended, I will pull some strings and you’ll be featured mud wrestling April if that’s what you - where the fuck did she go?”
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-”How DARE you make me look this stupid in front of everyone else!”
-”You’ve spent the vast majority here being April two, be happy and thank me you’re getting some time on camera for once you disappointment!”
-”Would you both knock it off, I’m trying to dance to Maxxx’ newest EP, “Eyelid Tattoo Blues”.”
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-”Yeah way too good to be true based on how poorly you’ve been doing, now GET OUT OF MY FACE!”
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-“Excuse me, what do you think you’re doing??”
-“I’m trying to get screen time!! :(((”
-”Yeah, cool while you were clothed and all but I don’t want to share a bowl of water with you so MOVE IT.”
-“When will you all stop treating me like I’m the show’s Zoidberg??”
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-“Okay look, I don’t want you to get irrationally upset with me but...”
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-“Oh Maxxx, please tell me your follower count again. I need to emotionally prepare myself for all those people who will watch my big debut!”
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-”THEY were screwing each other yesterday!! I just kissed him ‘cause I knew it would piss her off!!”
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-”See, Roz! There they are!”
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-”Why are you slapping me, I literally just told you off!”
-”Well, if he doesn’t, I HAVE a good reason to slap you for cheating on me!”
-”HOW?? Maxxx and I are officially dating since 22 hours!”
-”Then how did none of you pathetic losers bother to tell me???” 
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-“Look, I’m sorry you’re feeling this way, but I don’t want to be the one the battles always choose!”
-“Well YOU choose them, not the other way around-”
-“Cause inside I realize that I’m the one confused.”
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-”You’re fake, man. Can’t believe I even listened to Chin Tattoo Blues.”
-”What do you mean, Maxxx wanted April all along and she first cheated on him with you-”
-”You. are. fake. man.”
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-”Roz, buy a dictionary!”
-”I’m still not talking to you.”
-”It’s been thirty seconds and I’m not even talking to you in the first place.”
-”Doesn’t matter, just wanted you to know.”
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-“Ugh, this is so annoying. None of the attention is ever on me! Hey, how about some sympathy, Lyam??”
-”I know exactly what you mean! It’s almost like-”
-”Good Watcher stop talking, your sheer presence is depressing me.”
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“I can’t deal with these people anymore. April this, April that - just as I try to have a normal conversation with Roz, first thing I get to hear is how heartbroken he is over April! I HATE her!”
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-“Roz, I can clearly tell you’re crying, so let me distract you by asking you something - do you think I’m a spring or more of a summer girl?”
-”Hey what about - are you filming? Good. - any fueling hatred for me?? I can be pretty annoying TOO if you look behind my flawless facade! <3”
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-”What was your name again?”
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-“Angie, I’m coming to you as a person to tell you the whole thing with me and Maxxx happened, but it was only to sabotage their relationship! Because you clearly deserve to be happy with him inst - why did I just hear something eerie similar to the sound of a love flag?”
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-”Yes Isabella, thank you so much, that surely worked well! Screw both you and Namzib!”
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“Who in this house am I supposed to trust at this point? I feel so backstabbed and deceived by everyone, I don’t know if I can take this any longer.”
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purplerose244 · 1 year
Watched the ninth episode of LEGO DreamZzz: LOVED IT!
So, I might be crazy, but I think I saw a video on Youtube saying that... there are episodes after the tenth? Like another set of ten episodes? Is this for real? I'D BE VERY HAPPY IF IT WAS BUT I'M NOT SURE IF IT'S TRUE 🥹
I'm curious on how the finale will play out, I'm pretty confident Logan will do something stupid as it is basically his meme at this point, as for the rest do we have enought time to meet the Sandman at this point?
Alright, my guess is that the title is a play on words with the fact that it's sheep week... but I can't tell what it is so I guess I'll move on 😅
I was wondering why choosing this animal, lol, and the Wolves are the enemies so yeah that makes sense 😂
Back to Logan making very questionable choices, including breaking in!
He might actually have less self esteem than Mateo at this point, which is a pretty low bar if I may say. While Teo is getting more confidence, it looks like Logan is losing it, interesting parallel
Also I just noticed that Lance got Kai's LEGO hair model, kinda funny seeing this with Vincent's new character
No I will not stop talking about Vincent Tong I love him and he deserves it ❤️
Not sorry
I don't think I'll get over having the Nightmare King going bro or dude 🤣
Aaaand the boy got taken
I think Logan improved some, I scream at him mostly because he's a doofus that needs some judgement
Maybe that's why he hangs with Cooper lol
Yooo look at Coop not taking any more of Logan's crap, I'd say he's forgiven a gargantuan amount of flaws in that guy so it makes sense for him to be at his tipping point at last 🤷🏻‍♀️
Wait wait WAIT did he say "at the Hamptons with his moms"? Like a couple of moms? I don't wanna read this wrong and maybe it's mom's for some reason, but if it was it would be AWESOME 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
Izzie got powers beyond our imagination, and I don't know if I wanna know what she said to the coach 😂
Pff Z is just there eating chips
Heeeeeyyyyy Zoey!
After hearing that bit of backstory I feel sorry for her, but I agree with Mateo, she should do something other that plan revenge all night 😅
Aaaand she got offended. Plan was good Mateo, I was on board
I mean, we knew Lunia's hourglass was broken, I don't know why they thought it would work just like that
I just realized that the Night Hunter's VA is Alessandro Juliani, and I'm still amazed by this guy because he is seemingless! I can never recognize him on my own, he blends with his characters so well it's so cool 💚💚
TEO IS SO SWEET I SWEAR 😭😭 I like that at first it seemed like him and Zoey had nothing in common, but in fact they both have problems with people
I love this sassy girl so much
Huh, I... huh. I did not expect Logan to actually befriend one of those creatures, but I think it has a nice sense to it. If there is someone treating the whole dream situation chaotically, it has to be him
Aaaand they're gonna use that against him. Great 😰 Also do all creatures form the Dream World like chips?
Yeah, sorry Teo, but if you wanna be the protagonist you gotta learn how to make inspiring speech during difficult times. That's just the rule 🤷🏻‍♀️
Logan is still looking for ways to dream craft, huh? Poor guy just wants to be part of the team... he has a bit of a confused perception of how to be a team player, granted, but poor Logs 😅
Nuuuu don't make Logan fight his new friend, why?? Is crafting without a hourglass even useful, like, it's possible and we saw it but I don't really know to which extent it can be brought without hourglass
... that's actually an interesting thought 🤔
Cooper is the goal keeper then?
Why are these kids playing dirty and why does it make sense this is middle school?
Yeeeee, that's it Mateo! That's how you inspire people! 😍 Of course he got mad after they went after Zoey 💕
THE FLIPPING CHICKEN 😂😂😂 Mah boy here is creative everywhere
AAAAAAAAAAA LOOK AT THOSE HUGS OMG AAAAAAAA 😍🥰🥰🥰😍🥰🥰😍😍😍🥰🥰😍🥰😍🥰 You don't understand, I LOVE LEGO hugs for whatever reason! Cooper hugged Izzie and made her swirl!! 😍😍😍😍 ZOEY PICKED UP MATEO!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 Zoey is a strong girl, Mateo got great taste
Aww, Logan gave up on the power! Good on him... after making a HUGE mess, but baby steps as always 😅
Oh yeah you guys should head to where Logan is, only to tell him you won... no other reason other than celebrating... no reason at all... did I say no reason?
Okay maybe one reason
So the finale is saving Logan? I mean, they're pretty good at saving people, I'd say it can end pretty well! 💪💪
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blubberdubbersstuff · 10 months
I feel like there's this BIG disconnection from reality in this community. It is a prevalent thing in this digital age that people have created fantasies of others online and even created parasocial connections, but in this community specifically (fat fetish, feedism, call it what you want), I feel that some people really believe those fantasies to be real.
What do I mean by this?
Well, most interactions I have with men immediately go to feedism talk and never leaves that topic. It's OK at the beginning or if I'm in the mood, but after a while not only does it becomes stale, it becomes boring. This conversation is that: a conversation. It's not a real relationship where you command a narrative.
Then comes the assumptions or the "forcing fantasies onto someone" style of situations. Moments where this guys (yes, it's mostly men) tend to play off of their fantasies and say things like "eat more for me", "you're not fat enough, piggy", "oink for your master"... What? When did I consent to this? Do I owe this guy anything?... well, the answer is no. There is no form of consent in this community for the likes of this people. Impatient guys who are trying to cum off of your body while doing nothing to confort you when society looks at you with disgust since not only are you not adjusting to society's norms, but also rebelling against it. So in turn, society looks at fatties with disdain and feedees with disgust. For them you are an object of desire, emphasis on object. They believe feedees to be desperate for attention and that we owe them for fulfilling OUR fantasies when in reality we're submitting our bodies and realities to fulfill THEIR fantasies... ain't that kinda fucked up? -- Well, short answer is yes. Long answer is YES... when there's no consent. It's OK to live out fantasies as long as the two parties agree to them. Maybe they agree at the beginning and then decide to not partake in it anymore. That's respectable. But to this people it isn't. You need to keep going, you need to keep growing, YOU NEED TO SUBMIT.
I know this sounds pretty depressing, but here me out. Let me cook.
Then there are people who understand you. That understand that you are a human. A person typing at the other end looking at a bright screen trying to make sense of an everchanging world that doesn't exactly make sense to begin with. Those are the people that makes this a less toxic community. But as a whole, we need to do better. We need to be vigilant. We need to take out the trash whenever we can. I'm always saddened when my fellow feedees (especially girls and enbies, you guys rock) get treated like crap. It has also come to my attention that FFAs suffer from this on the other end of the spectrum and it baffles me. They're the best out there and you treat them like crap? How does that make sense? MAKE IT MAKE SENSE!
I'll leave with one final thought. We need to be better. Whenever you watch a video of a feedee or picture or a post on tumblr, think of this: That is a human being. That is a person with feelings, with traumas and with desires in life that doesn't involve feedism. They just happen to like feedism.
That is all, dears. I hope you have an excellent day
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