#if you were here I could put on a ballgown and you could wear a suit
rosicheeks · 2 years
All in favor of seeing Rosie wear a ballgown on just a regular basis, say I! 🙋🏾‍♂️
Hmmmmm if this gets 15+ likes I’ll post me in a ballgown 🥰
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oliversrarebooks · 4 days
The Rare Bookseller Part 68: Oliver's Speakeasy
Previous > Masterlist
tw: mind control, blood drinking
October 1925
"You have to relax a bit, Oliver," said Roger. "If you're holding your breath while I lace your corset, it will be dreadfully uncomfortable."
Oliver let out his breath and tried to calm his nerves. "I'm not used to corsets. It's not anything I thought I'd ever have to wear."
"That's how I felt as well, but vampires do love their low-necked ballgowns on men and women alike. It's another thing I've become accustomed to -- out of all the adjustments that come with being a vampire's thrall, dresses are minor."
"That's true enough. I can only hope I look acceptable in it."
"Given how your master looks at you, I believe he would think you're fetching in a flour sack." He began to lace the corset tight. "You're quite devoted to pleasing your master, aren't you?"
"I find that I can't help myself. Isn't that the effect of the enthrallment?"
"One effect, certainly. Although after twenty years, I hardly know where the enthrallment ends and I begin."
Oliver nodded. He didn't need twenty years to feel that way. He already felt as though he hardly remembered himself before enthrallment. "You seem very comfortable with your master."
"Comfortable, yes, you could say that. It's my duty to take care of him, and it's an easier life if you keep a sense of humor about it. I suspect I've become fond of him apart from the enthrallment. And I know my master appreciates my efforts." He finished lacing the corset and put a hand on Oliver's head. "Your master appreciates you as well, I'm sure of it."
"I can only hope so."
Roger helped him put the gown on, a turn-of-the-century style done in midnight blue with embroidered roses, one tailored to his exact measurements. He then fastened a delicate gold chain adorned with sapphires around his bare neck. Oliver stared into the mirror. He was dressed like a princess or a wealthy heiress, looking nothing like himself. It was a stark reminder of how much he'd been changed since the night of his capture.
It had only been weeks, and yet his former life was already receding away from him, never to return.
Oliver then assisted Roger in donning his own gown, an ostentatious red number that had very clearly been chosen by Roger's master and not Roger himself, and they made their way up the stairs to their masters' chamber to help them prepare as well.
Alexander and Fitz were lounging on the bed when they entered, but they both stood up, wide-eyed, at the sight of the thralls. Fitz whistled. "Fantastic. Lex, are you sure you want Oliver to go out like that? He's going to turn every head in the place."
"Let heads turn. If they touch my thrall, they'll pay the price," said Lex with startling fierceness. "It's no different from when I went out with you."
Fitz laughed. "Somehow, I don't think Oliver will end up grievously insulting and humiliating a vampire in front of an entire ballroom."
"It's almost a pity," said Alexander thoughtfully. "Come here, Oliver, I wish to take a better look at you."
Oliver stepped closer to his master, who took him by the shoulders and swept over him with an appraising eye. He tilted Oliver this way and that, and took his chin in his hand to meet his gaze. Oliver felt just like that fateful night in the auction house, when Alexander had decided to make his purchase, when Oliver first felt his hunger and desire. Even though his master had taken blood the night before, the undercurrent of hunger and desire was still pressing down on him.
"Master, hold still while I fasten your cummerbund," said Roger, who had started to assist Fitz while Oliver was losing himself in his master. "It's difficult to fasten when you squirm."
"You should be helping me with my attire as well," said Alexander, running his fingers down the side of Oliver's face.
"Yes, sir." Oliver felt as if he were in a dream as he began to help his master prepare, slipping the neatly pressed coat on his shoulders and tying a neat bow around his neck.
Just as the vampires were finishing their preparations, the doorbell buzzed, and Oliver ran down the stairs to answer, careful not to trip in his embroidered slippers. He flung the door open to Miss Lily, dressed in a floral pink frock and tall pink heels, the sort of fashionable thing Oliver saw in department store windows. Behind her, Miriam, also fashionably dressed, poked her head out shyly.
"Oh, Oliver, you look positively dashing! This dress suits you so well," said Miss Lily, cradling his chin in her hands. "Where are your masters? They had better be ready, because I don't want to leave the carriage waiting long."
"Well, well, well, if it isn't my bad luck charm," said Fitz, hanging over the balcony.
"Oh, Fitz, dear, thank goodness you're here. Lex hasn't cracked so much as a smile since you last left, even with this delightful thrall at his beck and call. You'd better have relieved him of his malaise."
"You want me to relieve Lex of his malaise?" said Fitz, sauntering down the stairs. "You might as well ask me to remove the water from the ocean."
"I do see your point," said Miss Lily. She leaned in towards him and whispered conspiratorially. "Has he told you about his plan?"
"His daft plan to get all of us tortured? Naturally. And I support it, of course, because I'm as daft as he is."
Miss Lily sighed. "Of course you do. I expected nothing less."
"My ears are burning. I think you must be talking about me." Lex was walking down the stairs now, with Roger following behind.
"Oh, Roger!" Miss Lily went to him and squeezed him, a fondly dazed smile appearing on the thrall's face. "I do hope you've been well."
"Never better, Miss Lily," he said dreamily. Oliver wondered if Roger had been enthralled by Miss Lily as well. And on that note…
"You look lovely, Miriam," he said politely to the thrall, who was clinging to her madam and looking perhaps a bit uneasy at all the commotion.
Her face lit up in a smile. "Oh, thank you, Oliver. You look very handsome as well!"
Miss Lily clapped her hands. "Now that we've got everyone here, let's all pile into the carriage, shall we?"
Next thing Oliver knew, he was crammed in next to Alexander in the carriage, which was only just barely large enough to hold all six people.
"I've been looking forward to this," said Fitz, shamelessly snuggled up to Alexander's other side. "It's been ages since we've been out to the Tiger's Eye."
"Lex and I were there not so long ago," said Miss Lily. "If Lex gets as drunk tonight as he was then, you're going to have to help me carry him home, Fitz."
"Oh, with pleasure."
"If I might ask, sirs…" said Oliver, fidgeting with his dress hem, "What sort of place is the Tiger's Eye?"
"Why, it's a social club for vampires and their thralls. One of the most popular in the city," said Miss Lily. "Everyone who is everyone puts in an appearance now and then, even recluses like your master, and we all bring our favorite thralls, all dressed to the nines. There's entertainment and stiff drinks and even h'ors doeuvres for the thralls. You'll just love it."
Oliver nodded, far less certain than Miss Lily that he would love it. He'd never frequented bars and clubs, finding them loud and awkward at best. At least he wouldn't be going there alone, but could stay by his master's side.
"Make sure you stay close to me," said Alexander, as though he read Oliver's mind. "Don't entertain any vampires who show an interest in you."
"Yes, sir."
They stepped out of the carriage in front of an unassuming restaurant that seemed as ordinary as any other. Clearly human patrons could be seen through the window, enjoying Italian dishes. "This is the Tiger's Eye, sir?" asked Oliver.
"It's in the basement. The restaurant is simply a front run by the same vampire who owns the club." Alexander pulled him close as they walked to the entrance. "It offers cover, and brings in human money and human blood."
"I see, sir."
A mouth-watering scent filled his nose as the group stood before the maitre'd's station. Miss Lily moved a flap on her dress to reveal a ruby pin, and the maitre'd waved them to the back. They all descended a rickety spiral staircase, the sound of music and laughter growing louder.
The Tiger's Eye club was much larger than the restaurant upstairs. All of the tables were low, with the patrons sitting on piles of cushions. While some of the crowd were wearing contemporary fashions, like Miss Lily and Fitz, a good number of them were dressed in formalwear from decades gone by, much like Oliver's ballgown. More alarmingly, some of the patrons were dressed in very little, as though they were burlesque dancers. It didn't take long for him to realize that these were thralls, kneeling on the cushions and gazing up at their vampiric masters with adoration.
There was a stage at the opposite end of the club where a jazz quartet was playing. Waitstaff flitted among the tables, and like many of the thralls, their outfits were absolutely scandalous. Their glassy eyes and sleepwalking mannerisms indicated that they were heavily enthralled as well, and there were prominent bite scars on their necks and shoulders. In one of the back corners, a well-dressed vampire was drinking from a waitress.
With Alexander, it was sometimes easy for Oliver to forget what sort of situation he was in, and feel like he was perhaps an ordinary servant to an eccentric rich man instead of thrall to a vampire. His current surroundings made him intensely aware of his situation, surrounded by potentially hostile vampires and semi-conscious human slaves. Alexander, of course, wasn't distressed at all, taking in the scene with a smile on his face.
All vampires are dangerous -- that's what Roger had told him.
Nonetheless, Alexander was by far Oliver's greatest chance at safety, and so he shamelessly clung to his master as they walked through the club. He could feel the eyes of leering vampires on him and see their hungry grins. His master's grip tightened. It seemed like an eternity before they arrived at a table with a "reserved" placard on it.
The vampires arranged the cushions and made themselves comfortable, Alexander beckoning Oliver close and pulling him halfway into his lap. Next to them, Fitz flopped over into Roger's lap as the latter sighed.
"The music's good tonight. Who's playing?" Fitz asked.
"They're regulars here. The trumpet player is an older vampire -- I've trained up a few of his thralls, and he has a great sense of humor. The others are all fledglings, more or less…"
Oliver found he couldn't really concentrate on what Lily was saying over the din of the crowd, deafened by the sound of his own heartbeat and blood rushing through his ears.
"Say there, I can't help but notice what an excellent thrall you've brought with you."
Oliver nearly jumped out of his skin. The vampire addressing Lex was a larger man in a checkered suit.
"Thank you," said Alexander with a hint of threat. "He's my most treasured possession." And Oliver's heart twisted to hear himself described that way.
"Where do you get a fine thrall like that? I'm new to the area, just moved from down south, and I'm looking for some fresh blood."
"Oh, then I'm the one you want to talk to," Miss Lily interjected. "I handle conditioning for all of the finest high-end auctions and private sales in the city. I can't promise you'll find one as good as Oliver here, as thralls like him are in short supply, but I'm sure I could help you find something to your taste."
Oliver felt Alexander's hold on him relax as the vampire in the checkered suit started to happily chatter to Miss Lily about thrall sales. He noticed that, in addition to Miriam sitting in her lap, Miss Lily was now surrounded by several other adoring thralls, draped contentedly against her shoulders and over her legs.
"Who are…?"
"The thralls Miss Lily conditions are often drawn to her," said Alexander, toying with Oliver's hair. "This happens whenever we go to a place openly frequented by vampires."
"Good evening, sirs."
Oliver looked up to see a waitress dressed in frills that barely covered her most private areas, her eyes dull and glassy. He blushed and looked away.
"We have many top quality spirits available, as well as an assortment of blood on tap, including rare specialties. If there's anything I can fetch for you, esteemed sirs, it would be my pleasure to serve."
Alexander didn't seem the slightest bit put off by the waitress's plight. "I'll have a dry red, whatever's recommended."
"Certainly, sir."
"A light white wine for me," said Miss Lily.
"I'll take a sidecar," added Fitz. "And whatever beer you have on tap for my thrall."
"Right away, sirs."
"I can order something for you when she returns with the wine," said Alexander, and Oliver realized that the waitress had, of course, only asked the vampires what they wanted.
Oliver looked up again now that the waitress had walked away. "I don't drink, sir, but if I could have some tea, that would --" His eyes went wide and his breath caught in his throat. No, it couldn't be. But it certainly was.
While Oliver had been busy trying not to stare at the waitress, another thrall had arrived to cuddle Miss Lily. She was wearing a highly fashionable teal evening dress with elaborate gray embroidery and fringe, her neck and wrists were dripping with gold, and her red hair was done up in a curled bob. She looked nothing at all like the last time Oliver had seen her, but Oliver knew he'd never forget that face, her fear burned into his mind.
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Next week: Emily!
Oliver last saw Emily all the way back in the auction house.
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sophswritingthings · 10 months
Omg imagine Mizus reaction to English!readers wedding dress like their cultures are so different and so beautiful in different ways aaa!!💕💕
pairing: mizu x fem!english!reader
warning(s): swearing
a/n: you having a beautiful ballgown wedding dress made for you with the patterns of flowers and cranes on it without mizu’s knowledge to combine your culture…. UGHHH
summary: it’s the day she’d been waiting; the day you were set to be her wife. she sees you in that stunning dress of yours; and she swears she feels her heart stop.
word count: 821 words / 4,420 characters
“you promise me it’ll be done by the wedding?” you say the words, as if they were almost a plea. you were wearing glasses, much like mizu’s, and a hood over your head to conceal your face.
“it will be does, miss,” she glanced at you. “and you know you don’t have the wear those things around me; I won’t tell.”
she winked, smiling as she was fiddling with the sparkly tool.
“I am the one making you an english dress, aren’t I?” she cocked her head.
“I suppose you are,” you murmur, smiling a bit. “and I thank you for that. I just wanted something from home; since my parents won’t be here to see me married.”
“I understand that,” she smiled.
“thank you.” you sigh, “you really are great, you know?”
“I know,” she chuckled again. “am I ever going to get to meet the groom?”
“mmm.. well, he’s coming to find me after being out for a while—picking me up before we go home, I suppose,” you shrug. “if he decides not to be stubborn you may.”
“if who decides not to be stubborn?”
you whip your head up, seeing your fiancé standing there.
“you couldn’t possibly be talking about me,” mizu raised an eyebrow.
you giggle, walking over to mizu and standing on your tiptoes to kiss her cheek.
“couldn’t possibly be,” you whisper into her ear, feeling her twitch a little.
“as I thought.” she murmured.
“It’s nice to meet you, sir,” aiko smiled, bowing her head toward mizu.
“mm. you as well, miss,” she said in a low tone, trying to keep up her masculine appearance. “we best be going, then, yeah?”
you wrap your arm around hers, nodding to aiko, “yes, we best be. I’ll see you tomorrow then? to pick up the dress.”
mizu looks at you with a raised eyebrow. she hadn’t heard anything about a “dress”. she supposed you’d be wearing a white kimono, to.. blend in.
put the look on your face, combined with your words, told her you had other plans.
the couple slid out of the shop, smiling softly as the gentle snow fell onto the cobblestoned path. 
“so..” she whispers, “what’s this about a dress?”
you giggle, “I wanted something from home,” you murmur, your eyes fluttering as you attempted to clear them of the snow. “so.. I asked aiko to make me a traditional english dress. with a bit of a twist.”
she chuckled, “I see,” she mumbled. “you’ll look beautiful either way.”
you lean your head on her shoulder, “thank you.”
slowly rising out of bed, you snicker as you see mizu has already gone from bed. excited, was she?
well, it was the day of your wedding.
and though it may not be “legalized”, you didn’t care. just to call mizu your wife would be all you needed to keep yourself happy for the rest of your days.
ringo would conduct the ceremony—and you would only have a few people there. akemi, ringo, eiji, and a few of your friends you’d met along the way.
you didn’t need some big ceremony to be married. you just.. needed your love, and each other.
you had collected your dress, the weeks prior. you hadn’t let mizu see it, though, you wanted to surprise her. 
it was a beautifully constructed english dress, with the patterns of japanese cranes and flowers flowing down the rim of the skirt. it combined your cultures in all the good ways you could think of.
“I have never been so excited in my entire life,” you giggle, your accent seeping through your words as akemi does your hair. “I really haven’t.”
“well, good. you should be happy to be married,” akemi smiled softly, “especially to someone who really does love you.”
you blush a little, “I’m lucky.”
“you are,” she confirms. you knew what she’d been through, the ups and downs of her marriage status was a rollercoaster you never wished to ride.
“I know.” you whisper, “I love her.”
“hm, good,” she brushes a few strands of hair out of your face, tucking them behind your ears. “now, let’s get this makeup done so you can go and finally get your wife all to yourself.”
you stood at the alter, smiling as you waited for mizu to appear. 
and when she did, she looked absolutely stunned.
her eyes never left you. your beautiful complexion, the makeup that akemi had done suited you do well. and the way your hair was curled and pulled back..
and that dress.
a dress that was a beautiful blend of yours, and her, culture. the depictions of cranes and flowers scattered across the bottom of the dress, and the large silhouette she’d seen so many women wear—including you—back in england.
yet it seemed so different, the way the fabric shone against the sun.
she was so ready to call you her one and only.
her wife.
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kimbap-r0ll · 1 year
Could I request Jamil, Malleus and Leona seeing their girlfriend dressed in a gown for a ball?
This is kinda cute, thank you for the ask!
Jamil, Malleus, Leona seeing their gf in a gown for a ball
He didn't like fancy occasions that much as he enjoyed more casual dancing, but he knew you wanted to go with him so he decided to go. He knew you were going to be wearing something fancy but he didn't think he would almost drop his drink after seeing you haha
You were absolutely glowing! He almost didn't recognize you if it wasn't for the warm smile you gave him when you saw him amongst the crowd. He was definitely blushing, but he was also surprised. It might take you a bit to get him to snap out of the little daze he had
"Y-you look, um, you look great, amazing actually," he stuttered when you asked him how you looked. He can barely hold eye contact, he's just a bit shy and honestly doesn't know what to do. Sure, he's had moments where he's been flustered, but now it seems like it's five times worse than when you asked him to help you with a dance routine.
He eventually calms down (a bit, he's still shaky when you to dance haha) and has a good time. He tells you he doesn't like how form-fitting the clothes are on him, but says that you look great. He's usually a bit strict but this time it seems like he's less put together than usual because he's so nervous
Overall, I think he would say yes if you were to invite him to a ball next time. He loves seeing you in the dress, but he also really likes you wearing anything you're comfortable with. He'll be thinking about you two waltzing for weeks haha
Unlike Jamil, he's more of a silent surprised. He doesn't almost drop his drink but he definitely stands there quietly with his mouth open slightly. He was the one that invited you to a ball hosted by his grandmother
He's able to be suave when you ask him about the dress and he has no issues talking to you. Though you're sure his cheeks are slightly dusted with pink, you won't hear much of a waver in his voice. He's just so happy to be with you, and with the way he's smiling through the entire event I'm sure everyone at the ball noticed he really likes you
"The dress is wonderful, but you're even more beautiful," he takes your hand and leads you to the center of the ballroom. Soon enough, you two would be the ones leading the event. If you ever feel nervous about the whole occasion though, he'll do his best to calm your nerves. He's super soothing, honestly I feel like dancing with him would be a way you calm down (unless you're flustered then I'm with you on that haha)
When you're chatting with other people, I feel like he'll always be next to you (he just likes being around you all the time). He never seems to take his eyes off of you either, it's something Lilia will tease him lightly for.
Similar to Jamil, Malleus would want you to go with him to another fancy occasion if it were to happen. He really loved the way you looked that night, though he always thought you were pretty. He probably talks nonstop about you to other Diasomnia students if they bring the ball up, which is honestly adorable but for some students it can seem tiring haha
He hates fancy occasions, he honestly wanted you to say no when he asked if you wanted to go over to his kingdom for a ball he had to attend. Then you said yes, and here he is with form-fitting clothes and honestly a heart that's beating pretty quickly. He doesn't get nervous about dancing, but for some reason he's worried that you won't like the way he looks or he's just too curious to see you in a ballgown
Then you came into view, everyone seemed to look in your direction. He probably didn't recognize you at first but when his brother called out to you and welcomed you into the event, Leona was like "wait, that's her?" He knew you would look good in a fancy dress but omg he wasn't expecting to be blown away haha
When you ask him how you look, expect him to be silent for a few seconds. He's just staring at you, wide eyed and you can tell he likes how the dress is on you but he has no idea how to put it into words. He's just so nervous now, and so he just stutters a quick "Y-yeah you look good."
He's able to keep a good posture and an air of regality when you two dance or go to different guests to chat with, but overall you two might get tired of the ballroom and leave for the gardens. That's probably where he tells you he really thinks you're beautiful, and that he's lucky to have you with him. He never really talks in a sappy or emotional way, but from time to time it happens, honestly it's a little cute
He doesn't know if he wants to invite you to another ball just because he hates them, but if it means seeing you in a dress like that he might bring it up. Whenever he thinks about you in general though, you might catch a small smile on his lips. If he notices he might ask in a grumpy voice why you're staring (he's just a tsundere)
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marvinsbitch · 1 month
Newsie Cosplay WIP
I am currently working on a Newsies cosplay (is not Kathrine-specific) that is heavily inspired by Kathrine's KONY look from TUT's Newsies production. I saw the pants, bodice/corset look, and I got so excited. I've sewn corsets in the past. I couldn't tell from references online if it was just a bodice or corset, so I opted to do a corset.
The process you're about to see is some of the work I did to create the Newboy hat that I made. You'll also see my mockup for the corset. The fabric you'll see is NOT the final fabric.
First, I wanna show some of the process of how I made my Newsboy hat!
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You can kind of see the inside of the hat here. I essentially made a tapered diamond shape that I sewed together (two layers of fabric so it would be stiffer). the outside fabric is from a pair of overalls that didn't fit me anymore!
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This was me sewing the brim of the hat, which I basically just made a sock for. I then turned the hat inside out, put the brim piece inside, and sewed that to the inside of the hat.
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This was the finished product!
Now onto the corset! The shape and overall pattern were inspired by TUT's Kathrine KONY costume! (I'm actually so in love with it).
This was actually so perfect because I was feeling very uninspired by cosplay. my hyperfiction has been newsies for about 6ish months now. I didn't think I was gonna do any Newsie cosplays until I saw SuddenlyCampbell's (that's their TikTok) Newsie ballgown/dress they made. I literally saw this cosplay, and my brain shut off.
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(photo taken from their instagram)
I absolutely fell in love with the patchwork technique they used. I knew I wanted to make something similar.
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These photos were just some of the references I used when patterning the corset as well as working and editing a pattern I bought. When I was patterning, I got very particular with how I wanted this to look, so I went through about 3 different pattern iterations before deciding.
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This is the final shape, as well as where I placed the bones.
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After I figured out where I wanted the bone, I sewed in my boning channels and my waistband on the side. I then cut out my corset pattern again in a tightly woven fabric that doesn't stretch and a thinner red fabric on top (these are not my final fabrics. The final fabric will use the patchwork technique seen above in the newsies dress. this also will apply to the trousers I will be making, similar to the ones Kathrine is wearing in the reference photos); sewed them together, put the outside that I had just made on my muslin inside, and sewed along the edge. I then sewed along the edge again with ribbon (I have a crazy amount of ribbon, and it's also hiding my mistakes).
As for the next things ill be making!
The trousers, which will be done in patchwork
Making the official corset also done in patchwork
The collared shirt, which I will be doing in Jack Kelly blue, to reference Livsies. Something I really love about the costume work in Livsies is the use of mixing patterns, but them being subtle enough, they don't clash and look ugly. my dream for the shirt is to get custom fabric and use a deep enough blue with black newsprint text ontop. From afar, it'll look more muddled but, looking closer, you'll see its newsprint.
I hope people think this post was interesting. I love talking about cosplay and the costumes I'm making, so I thought this was a fun post. it's also nice to post my plans somewhere so I can hold myself to the project.
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Also, I thought it was funny you could see me watching Livesies in the background PFTTTT
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plant-acts · 6 months
A prompt for your theatre AU: shenanigans in costume storage.
I might have gone a little overboard with the "few sentences" and wrote 1,259 words...oopsies...
Here is what happens when 8 theater boys are left unattended in costume storage.
The theater was quiet, too quiet for Time’s liking. An annoying mix of the air conditioner and his keyboard had been the only sounds for the past half an hour.
Usually, there was always some sort of commotion in the building, whether it be power tools, footsteps running to and from class, or people making weird accents for a laugh. It was never silent, especially with his current students.
The last time it was this quiet, he found the tech boys trying to turn the booth into a bedroom, and the time before that was because they broke a set wall and were trying to fix it without him knowing. So, to say that he was more than a little worried was an understatement.
At least he didn’t seem to be alone. Malon must have also felt that something was off because less than a minute later, she was knocking on his office door. Her red hair peaked in as she asked exactly what he knew she would. “Dear, have you seen the boys?”
He leaned back from his computer and shook his head, “Not since I sent them all to the costume closet to grab some old clothes we can tear up for the show.” Thinking back on it, that had been almost thirty minutes ago. What had they gotten themselves into this time?
His wife froze. “Link.” She stared at him as though he just told her their house had just burned down. “Tell me you did not send actors into the costume closet.”
Uh oh, she used his first name. Time was in trouble. He wilted under her gaze, suddenly very interested in the fake plant on his desk. “What’s the issue with that?”
She threw her hands in the air, pacing in and out of the room as she fumbled over her words, “What-what’s the issue with that?! Actors cannot be trusted in the costume closet! I-you know what, follow me.”
Before Time could even come up with a response, she grabbed his arm and marched towards the back of the theater.
She was probably being dramatic, yeah. I mean, how badly could the boys have messed it up? They are all responsible college kids. If they can be trusted to live without parental supervision, then they can be trusted not to destroy the costume department.
Time takes everything back. This was the most irresponsible group of people he had ever met. How they all have lived this long was a miracle.
Before him laid the remnants of hours of organizing. Clothes had been pulled from their racks and scattered across the floor, while accessories were hanging from every surface imaginable. In the middle of it stood the culprits…all dressed ridiculously.
“I could fight God in this!” Warriors called, wearing a blinding amount of knight armor. The helmet was too big and fell over his eyes, causing him to bump into everything and everyone within a five-foot radius.
A blur of blue jumped out from a pile of boxes in front of him. “Argh! Fight me then, matey!” Wind yelled while swinging a foam sword wildly. He committed to the pirate bit by dawning an eyepatch and a red bandana. “Or are ye too scared of my might!?”
Warriors stumbled back, knocking Hyrule, who had fairy wings hanging off one shoulder, to the ground. He rubbed his face in annoyance. “Guys, we are going to be in so much trouble if we don’t clean soon.”
Legend helped him up, struggling slightly because of the obnoxiously large ballgown he decided to wear. “Oh, lighten up ‘Rule, they won’t even- HEY! Don’t step on my damn dress, bitch!” He yanked the fabric out from under Twilight’s foot.
“Sorry, sorry, but I agree with Hyrule. My parents are going to be pissed if they see this. Especially Malon. She spent forever putting this room together.” Although he spoke for tidying up, Twi did not hesitate to take the cowboy hat handed to him by Wind and continue to search for a sheriff’s star in the mess.
The sound of clothes falling interrupted whatever response was coming. “Hey, Lege’!” A pink wig sat on Wild’s head as he stumbled out of the rack with a shit-eating grin covering his half-scarred face. “We match now!”
Surprisingly quick in a dress, Legend lunged at him. “Take that off!” He yelled as they dissolved into a tangle of fabric on the floor.
Sky glanced up from where he sat messing with a bird puppet and looked around. Someone was missing. “Has anyone seen Four?”
The room fell quiet as they looked between each other.
“I just saw him by the suits!” Wind called, somehow sitting on top of a shelf and using a telescope to watch the chaos.
From across the closet, Warriors spoke up, “What? But I just saw him over here with the hats?”
Twilight shook his head. “No way! He was with us near the fantasy stuff.”
A voice from under a pile of clothes startled everyone. “All of you are wrong! I’m down here!” Four struggled a bit before pulling his face out of the mess. “One of you- Wild, dumped the cheer uniform box on me!”
Wild laughed without a hint of sympathy. “Oopsies!”
Seconds stretched into minutes as Time and Malon watched with equal parts horror and fascination at the scene in front of them. He put his arm around the other and pulled her close. “Should I be the one to ruin their fun, or would you like the honors?”
She smiled up at him with a glint in her eyes and gently patted his cheek. “Let them have their fun for now. Lord knows they need it with how long I am going to make them stay here to clean it up.”
He chuckled while planting a kiss on her head. “You’re evil, you know that?”
“Maybe a little,” she shrugged, leaning against him as she watched the boys wrestle for a crown. “But don’t get too comfortable, you’re helping too.”
Time froze, “What!? Why?”
“You let them in, so you’re helping.” The smile on his wife’s face told him he probably wasn’t getting out of this.
“In my defense, I didn’t know this would happen.”
“And in my defense, I don’t care.” Malon turned, standing in front of him with her hands on her hips. “Theater is a family remember, if one of us goes down, we all do. And if eight boys trash the costume closet, then we all have to help clean it.”
All Time could do was sigh and laugh through the future pain. “I hate that you’re right.”
“I know you do.” She smiled and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
From inside the room, there was an eerie silence, followed by whispers. Looking over, it seemed the boys had finally noticed their arrival. No one said anything for a long moment.
Finally, Twilight spoke up. “Hey mom, dad.” He shifted nervously. “I promise this isn’t as bad as it looks.”
“Don’t lie, it’s worse!” Four yelled, still trapped under the cheer uniforms.
Wind jumped off of his perch and ran to a box sitting in the middle of the room. “We got the costumes you needed, Time!” He held it over his head with a proud smile.
The closet looked destroyed, his students looked like they were the stars of a kid’s birthday party, and his wife looked two seconds away from kicking everyone out of college.
Time could genuinely say he loved his job.
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tornrose24 · 2 months
So a fews days ago, @chinirom05 asked me some questions regarding my art and writing, and I told them the question was too good to be just on a DM, because my response might help other creatives/writers.
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So to answer the questions...
When it comes to fashion, it really depends on a few factors. Since I’ve mainly done fan art on here, it boils down to ‘What’s the event/time period’ and ‘who is the character I’m dressing up.’ As a bonus, sometimes I try to factor in if I want to pay homage to the character’s ethnicity/heritage (I did this for those TGAMM Aladdin AU drawings for the princess attire).
So I’m going to go WAY back in the past for one example that the CU fandom might recall–remember the CU Tangled AU drawings and fics I collaborated with @princeasimdiya12 ?
While there was inspiration from the movie its based on, I also had to research the time period the movie supposedly takes place in (I think it was around the 1790s if I remember correctly). Edith was the best challenge for this one because there were a lot of dresses to put her in, but I also needed to design them in a way that reflected her character as well as would look good for her body type since she has a plus sized figure. The apron from the first fic was meant to show off her creative side, Her castle dress had polka dots as a nod to her canon outfit, and the ballgown used colors I thought would be good on her–but blue was a necessary element due to her iconic blue eyes. (damn, that was YEARS ago and when I had my old tablet!) Also I loved getting an excuse to research period outfits and creating dresses. George and Harold’s outfits outfits took inspiration from the characters they were based on, but I kept their color schemes and looked up clothes boys might have worn back then.
A more recent example was from the TGAMM fic Her First Forever Friend, and I did do drawings for it, including the example I’m about to talk about. It comes late in the fic (chapter 13, to be specific), but for the moment in question, I wanted to give Molly a new outfit that was meant to be symbolic/reflective of her nature and growth in the story (especially given how limited her wardrobe is in the show). I researched sundresses (or just dresses) for a girl her age, until I found a design I could work with that also looked like something Molly would wear. I also used yellow daisies in her appearance as a theme and for the symbolism behind it (I wanted to use pink lotus flowers at first, but their meaning didn’t exactly fit what I was after). If you’ve read the fic or seen my drawings for the fic (which includes her in that dress), then you’d understand the meaning behind it as well as what the outfit is meant to be parallel to. (Also, if anyone is reading this, do NOT click the link if you haven't seen the series finale of The Ghost and Molly McGee, or read up to ch 13 of my fic.)
If you mean inspiration for fashion… I get it from almost anywhere. For art in general? Well, I started taking inspiration from anime, and then gradually cartoons.
For the writing question… well, it’s not easy. When I have a story, I focus on the ideas and plan things out in my head. However, I might not have the things in between right away, so I might have scenes that take a bit more work to figure out compared to others. There are also some times where I realize an idea might not work so I’ll have to plan it out differently, or I want the story to go in another direction (or I just can’t use an idea).
One good example of this is–again–Her First Forever Friend. I thought I’d be doing a one shot, but it had the potential to be more, so I gave it a go. Here were some challenges:
-Since Molly came to Brighton earlier than usual, how would certain events change as a result? If she’s meant to defeat The Chairman just like in canon, how do I get to that? What’s going to be the big moment where ‘everything changes?’
-Chapter 4. Everyone who read this fic knows this chapter for lots for reasons. As I wrote in my notes, I had a huge decision in ‘who will stay and who will go’ by the end of it. I knew I had a much more interesting story on my hands if I made the choice that I ultimately went with, as well as a really good character arc for someone who needed it… and my readers really enjoyed how that character arc developed. (There’s one line in chapter 6 that best reflects this arc and my readers quoted it in their comments on archive.) In the chapter that came after this, I wanted to put the fortune teller oc in the dream sequence, but I opted not too as it would have made the scene too messy and I needed to keep attention on the three characters already in it.
–When I got to chapter 8, I had an idea of what I wanted to do, but then I realized ‘wait a minute, I’m seeing a problem/plot hole in the future if I just continue forward.’ So I had to give the duo a new problem as well as a way to find the solution–it extended the story to about 2/3 chapters but it was worth it, and I got some good moments to write out.
So yeah, just some examples of my writing process. Sometimes I have things planned, and sometimes I don’t. Especially if I don’t have the entire story arc in my head.
Also, I’ve learned that I need to try to simplify some sentences to make them flow–especially if there’s action in it (a reader commented that my fighting scenes needed shorter sentences to make them easier to read many years back). However, I like going all out on the more emotional moments–if there’s a heartwarming moment in any of my fics, chances are that’s something I loved working on the most and went all out. Also, I’m sorry if you ever need to look up words–I guess that’s the academic side of me wanting to include things that hopefully the readers will look into.
Now if you are collaborating with someone, like I did with princeasimdiya12? There’s a bit of compromise, but I’ve tried to include all of our ideas and put them together. It’s been a long time since I wrote the Tangled CU AU fics and I can’t recall which exact story elements were his at the moment but I made sure to make a note as to which story elements were his. (Also, I’ve seen some collaboration fics where it looks like there’s a scene going on, but everything looks painfully out of order as if the two are writing responses at different or later times, and I can’t handle it.)
Anyway, I hope that advice helps somewhat.
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drawnbadly-blog · 7 months
Hellish Bells
Chapter 5: Dinner Date 1
Charlie was smiling as she slid the beautiful ballgown dress over her head. She had been going over accessories in her head as she matched up gloves and a dainty set of slips. She wished her feet weren’t so flat! If they weren’t, she could wear ALL KINDS of beautiful pumps! Maybe she could commission some more decorative flats? Oh, but now she needed to find those cute hair bows that her mom had given her at her 500th birthda-
“Charlie!” The soft shout caught her attention. She pulled the ballgown all the way down her body to find Vaggie standing in front of her, naked. “I think you’re overthinking this, Char.”
“What do you mean?” Charlie had no clue on what Vaggie was talking about.
“Charlie, it’s dinner. I don’t think we need to be dressed to the nines for it.”
“No, it’s not just a dinner.” Charlie skipped over to her dresser where she’d put the invite and pointed to the specific wording. “It’s a dinner date .”
“Whatever.” Vaggie stretched as she turned and rummaged through her panty drawer. “Don’t expect me to dress up that much.”
“But…” Charlie let loose her most dramatic pout. “But Vaaaaaggie~”
“No.” Charlie could see the blush on Vaggie’s face even as she held firm. Before Charlie could keep applying pressure, Vaggie whipped out a pair of panties and bra. A matching pair.
Charlie gave Vaggie a sly smile. “No fancy dressing, huh?”
Vaggie did a double-take at the undergarments she selected. Her face entirely red now, Vaggie said, flustered, “Pure coincidence.”
“Aw. So you aren’t dressing up for me?” Charlie felt really clever with that turnaround.
“Wha-I, I mean, I could…”
“Great!” Charlie took off the ballgown, leaving her in her frilly underwear and soft, lacy bra. She then rushed over to Vaggie’s closet. “Now, I think wearing that gown you wore for our third anniversary would work best.”
“Charlie, I said we didn’t have to dress nice for Alastor,” Vaggie insisted.
“You don’t have to dress nice for Alastor,” Charlie confirmed. She asked, “What about me? Would you dress nice for me?”
Vaggie looked completely taken off-guard. The redness never leaving her face, she marched over to Charlie and wrestled the gown from her. She said, “Yeah, I’d do it for you.” Vaggie sighed and grumbled, “You’d better be willing to sit on my face later.”
Charlie grabbed Vaggie in a tight hug. “Of course!”
In the end, they came to a compromise. Charlie did not wear her ballgown. No, instead Vaggie had gotten her to settle for one of their regular going-out clothes: a sleek deep blue maxi dress with a cute fascinator hat and her favorite slips, hair loose under the hat. Vaggie had convinced her not to wear gloves. Charlie refused to give up a hat for the occasion.
Vaggie, in turn, had dressed up from the outfit she normally wore. As she didn’t actually have many ‘nice’ clothes, her choices were more limited. Which is how she ended up in the red and black plaid sundress with the matching red bow with black wedge shoes that they reserved for picnics. Charlie couldn’t help but to giggle at the matching colors, to which Vaggie simply sighed and said, “Let’s get this over with.”
Now they were standing in front of the door up to Alastor’s tower. The whole tower was an entirely self-contained apartment that he had fashioned as he saw fit. Why he always wanted the forest connected to his main room no one really understood. Maybe she could ask him about it?
“Are we…supposed to knock?” Vaggie asked hesitantly. “When did he want us here?”
Charlie pulled out the invite card again. “Well, it doesn’t have a time. So, I guess?”
Apparently Vaggie was feeling more impatient as she reached out and knocked. Or, at least, she tried to. Just as her knuckle was touching the door, it opened.
“Ah! There you two are! I was starting to wonder if I should have specified a time!” Alastor waved them in, blocked from view by the door. Vaggie kept herself between Alastor and Charlie as they entered. They were moving to go up the stairs in front of them to the main living area but found them stopped by Alastor suddenly appearing in front of them. “We will not be going up there tonight, dear ladies!” He directed them to a doorway that had been blocked from view by him and the door. “Please, come this way!”
Charlie followed his shadow, Vaggie dodging around her to, again, use herself as a buffer between the other two. They walked through a little kitchenette area that was squeaky clean, almost sterile-looking, even as it smelled divine, out into a small dining area.
This room was different. Not what Charlie was expecting. It was very…human. Homey.
Green and yellow patterned wallpaper covered all the walls, crown molding and various craftsman designs on the walls and ceiling. There was a simple wooden table surrounded by four simple chairs. A china cabinet was nestled next to the doorway where some delicate-looking plates and cups sat on display. A grandfather clock ticked away against the other wall. Next to the clock was a small table with a record player and a radio that was playing soft jazz tunes.
“Wow. This is actually pretty cool,” Vaggie said, a compliment a good way to start out the evening in Charlie’s opinion.
“Why thank you!” Alastor stayed in the kitchen. “Pardon me as I fetch our dinner. I left it in the oven to keep warm and the icebox to keep cool. Please, feel free to sit down. No need to wait for me. I amthe host after all!”
Vaggie gave Charlie a Look. Silently they made a bet as they both sat down, Vaggie’s back turned to the kitchen while Charlie sat to her left. There was no need for words; it was a standard bet between them when they went out together.
“Ah ha!” Alastor’s tentacles reached out of the kitchen, reaching around Vaggie and setting various dishes on the table. “I hope you two have big stomachs!”
The tentacles withdrew to reveal a veritable smorgasbord of food: a cake that she was pretty sure was pineapple but it was upside-down; a plate of potatoes, egg yolk, and what looked like butter with some pepper dashed on top styled in a swirling baked shape; two roasts of some kind of bird with bits of cranberry and oranges scattered on the platter; and a creamy soup with what looked like pomegranates and chives mixed in.
“Wow! Alastor, this looks GREAT!” Charlie turned from the table to the kitchen. “Did you bake all of this yourself?”
“Of course!” Alastor entered the dining room and said, “These are some of my favorite foods from when I was alive. I don’t have much opportunity to pull out the oven mitts and get to work! Thank you two lovely ladies for giving me an excuse.”
Charlie’s attention was caught by his outfit. It, again, was strangely human. Not the same flashy suit that he normally wore. This was more comfortable yet high-class. A simple black and white pinstriped suit which matched perfectly with his eyepiece. He had a different cane, this one with a silver topper, and now she noticed in the corner a little umbrella stand with various canes in it, including his favored radio cane. As she was looking him over, he looked the two of them over.
“I was hoping you would take this invitation seriously,” Alastor said. “I don’t misuse words, and I’m glad you caught my wording.”
“Oh, yeah, we definitely…caught that,” Vaggie stuttered insincerely. Charlie would have to tease her about it later. It felt good to have been proven correct!
“So then…” Alastor skirted around Vaggie and sat in the seat next to Charlie.
“Dang it!” Charlie fussed. Looked like she was wearing that plug tonight.
“Is there something wrong, my dear?” Alastor asked, looking between the victorious Vaggie and the disappointed Charlie.
“What? Wrong? Me? Oh no, no, nothing’s wrong,” Charlie covered, taking unusual interest in the potato things. “This is potato, right?”
Alastor let her switch the topic. “Sharp eye! Yes, it is. Duchess potatoes! Mimsy could never get enough of them at our dinner parties.”
Alastor began explaining each dish as they served and ate them: its background, ingredients, and where he used to eat it when he was alive. Vaggie, forgetting her distrust, began discussing the different ways to bake. She had been the one to bake for the hotel before Niffty came after all. Vaggie hadn’t had any opportunity to talk shop with anyone which is why Charlie was SO HAPPY that her and Alastor were bonding.
Apparently she made it too obvious as it caught their attention. They both were looking at her, confused.
“Charlie?” they both said at the same time. They exchanged glances; Alastor gave Vaggie a toothy grin, to which Vaggie blew out a suddenly frustrated breath and looked away.
Alastor laughed. “My goodness, we let the conversation get away from us! Poor Charlie must feel rather left out.”
“I was really enjoying watching you two talk!” Charlie said cheerily. “Is there anything else you two want to talk about? That won’t lead to an argument? Hmmmmm?”
Vaggie’s eye narrowed at Alastor. “No.”
“And that’s my cue to change the topic!” Charlie said before Vaggie could elaborate. Taking one last nibble of what was duck, she asked, “So, Alastor, why didja wanna have this dinner?”
Alastor blinked, then laughed. “Oh Charlie, don’t you understand?” He said like it was obvious, “We’re on a date!”
Oh. Yeah, she’d pointed that out earlier to Vaggie. Right. That was a stupid question.
Vaggie snorted. “Yes, a ‘date’.”
“Don’t be like that Vaggie!” Charlie elbowed Vaggie when she tried to turn her back to Alastor. “You were having fun until you thought about it.”
“Yeah, when I thought about it! Charlie! It’s Alastor . It’s all an act!”
“Being distrustful of the host is very unbecoming of you, Vagatha,” Alastor tsked.
“Whoever the HELL started that thing with my name being Vagatha is going to die SEVERAL more times,” Vaggie growled.
“Oh my! How violent!” Alastor leaned towards Vaggie, his form shifting subtly to be more monstrous. “ Would you like some help? ”
Vaggie frowned, then admitted, “I might actually take you up on that.”
Well, at least they weren’t sniping at each other like normal.
Hoping to distract from the violence, Charlie asked, “What do we do now?”
“Hm? Do you mean after-dinner entertainment?” Alastor asked in turn.
��I mean, yeah,” Vaggie decided to add in. “It was a ‘date’, right?”
“ Dinner date,” Alastor emphasized.
“You can’t pull that shit on us. You’re making us stick with you, so you’re stuck with us. We don’t disappear after we eat. So, what are we doing?” Vaggie leaned back, staring him down and daring him to deny them.
Charlie was amazed to find that Alastor was caught off-guard. His eyes were wide, looking around in a mild panic, his nails digging into the table at the unfamiliar feeling. Clearly he really did think he could shove them out the door.
Charlie decided to take some playful pity on him. “What did you used to do when you and Mimsy went out to your parties?”
Alastor’s gaze snapped to her, and she felt the momentary panic immediately vanish as his smile reassumed itself on his face. “Ah, yes! I know just the thing!” He got up. “Please stand to the side as I clear the room.”
Not needing to be asked twice, the two women got up and stood back against the wall. Alastor nodded, clapped-
And everything in the room vanished into shadows.
“I didn’t know you could do that! Take things into the shadows like that!” Charlie marveled. “Where did it all go?”
“I merely moved it upstairs,” Alastor said. “We needed the room. And you did, indeed, know. Remember when you came to me when you accepted my proposal?”
“ Tricked into it,” Vaggie muttered under her breath.
“Right! I forgot!” Charlie took a step into the open room. “What are we doing?”
Alastor’s smile turned genuine as he tapped the top of his radio with his hand. A spark raced through it, suddenly turning the music to a fast, old-timey tune. It was VERY catchy and made Charlie want to dance. Her ‘want’ solidified into an ‘actually happening’ when Alastor took her hand and began dancing with her. It was similar to the song and dance that she vaguely remembered from when he first entered their lives.
Vaggie stood, unimpressed. “Yeah, that’s nice for you guys and all, but I-”
“Feeling left out? Very well then!” He let go of Charlie momentarily, one hand touching the radio and the other reaching out and grabbing Vaggie’s arm. As she squawked in protest and the music changed to a more frantic tone, he exclaimed, “Time to switch to a more festive dance!”
Charlie was barely keeping up. She was sure Vaggie wasn’t thinking anymore either; Charlie could see her dancing out of the corner of her eye and there were no more complaints. She looked up at Alastor to find a very pleasant sight.
The genuine smile was shining more brightly than ever, his eyes were closed in joy, and he was humming the tune as they all danced together to it. It made Charlie feel something inside, seeing it. And she wasn’t sure what it was.
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I want to start by saying I LOVE your fanfic and the amount of lore you’ve built around everything, it’s just such an interesting world to experience and you’ve done an amazing job building it. Genuinely in my top three fanfics I’ve read across any fandoms I’ve been in!
This discusses educational discussion of women’s undergarments in the context of fashion history, just in case you aren’t comfortable with it!
In chapter 29 I noticed one line that bugged me a little, so apologies for the LONG explanation here about corsets— if you already know about their actual history and not the hollywood misrepresentation of them feel free to ignore this, I just thought this could help in the future with the ball chapter especially!
““Ha,” she grinned, pulling herself upwards before she turned back to the star. “You think this is outlandish? You should see what some ladies are capable of doing while wearing a corset!”
“A corset?” he repeated.
“Yeah, it’s like a cosmetic thing that came straight outta hell, because no one down there wanted it, so now we on earth have to deal with it. “”
To start- corsets as a whole shouldn’t be demonized as much as they are in popular media since they were quite literally just the old version of bra’s— just like how there are uncomfortable ones and comfortable ones today, there were back then. I’m less here about historical accuracy but realism, because working class women wore corsets daily and they were an essential part of the everyday clothing they wore!
More accurately in this time period it would be called ‘a pair of bodies’ (later on shortened to bodice) and should have been comfortable unless poorly made and tailored. An uncomfortable corset means one of two things, it was poorly tailored like I mentioned before or the corset has been tight laced. Tight lacing only became popular in the early 1800’s and would be the beginning of corset demonization. Doctors would claim organs were being moved and fertility was being damaged (‘studies’ have been made but also debunked) hence the quickly descending popularity of them and the invention of the bra!
To put it into perspective, modern day translation would go like this:
“Ha,” she grinned, pulling herself upwards before she turned back to the star. “You think this is outlandish? You should see what some ladies are capable of doing while wearing a bra!”
(Which by the way, that’s so real, I hate mine so much)
I feel like it’s completely in character for your Asha to have a gripe with corsets, which is why I wasn’t sure if this wasn’t an intentional choice or not. Asha definitely seems like the type to strictly wear working corsets and avoid tight lacing ones like the plague.
Quick personal suggestion, since I noticed asha’s victory dress being very-ballgown like, It’s likely she’d opt for a corset of her own design similar to an Edwardian corset, which created an hourglass design not by cinching in the waist to extremes but adding volume at the hips (hip pads) instead. Ideally, an everyday corset should feel like a tight hug, not a torture machine.
Fun fact: It wasn’t uncommon for men to wear corsets as well! They were good for hiding ‘beer bellies’.
If you prefer visual learning, here’s a really engaging video that goes over the basic myths: https://youtu.be/LWYG5sQp0-E?si=LugoryF2eR_Dja83
Highly encourage you to look further into it because fashion history is so interesting and deeply reflects the political standings of each era.
Tldr: Just like modern bra’s have restricting pushup bras and comfy grandma bra’s corsets had comfy ones and tight lace ones. Asha likely would be wearing a corset too :D
It’s just a personal thing I’m very passionate about, and although im not a fashion historian I hope I gave you a general idea of what corsets are actually like if you didn’t know already 🙏
Seriously looking forward to the future chapters, this fic is a literal piece of art <3
First of all- thank you! I appreciate it!
Also, I did not know that much about corsets, (nor did I know that men actually wore them to hide 'beer bellies' that's too funny) so this was a learning experience to me! I never knew that they were actually comfortable- ((I'll be sure to look into it more!))
Admittedly, I do fine the fashion aspect to be a bit challenging because it's trying to balance the whole- medieval time period fashion vs the star fashion that you see in Asha's victory dress- along with some other things, but I will definitely go back and edit that line in chapter 29 when finished!
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Lute X Alastor Fan fiction
{This was an inspiration over a tik Tok of Alastor singing 'Feeling good' mixed with an ongoing thread! @tunedradio enjoy! ^^}
Lute was getting ready in her room for tonight’s ball that Charlie was hosting at the hotel. At first, she didn’t want to go but Charlie insisted she went and even gone out of her way to go buy a dress with her. Her eyes looked over her strapless red wine and black ballgown. The black design was over her chest and sprinkled down her waist blending into the red. She let out a sigh not wanting to leave the comfort of her room. Deep inside she felt like she didn’t belong here but since meeting Alastor her point of view have changed.
Slowly she left her room and headed out looking down from the upper floor to see everyone chatting and having a good time. Groaning to herself she made her way down and tried to not make herself seem noticeable as she slipped on next to where the drinks were being served. Music played in the background as she watched everyone having fun. "This is stupid... why did I come" She sat down in a chair and threw her face into the palms of her hand.
She felt a tap on her shoulder as her gold eyes looked through her fingers to see Alastor. She soon sat up and managed to put on a smile "Oh hey I'm surprised you're here... I didn't expect you to be here" Her hand pushes her hair behind her ear nervously. "Well, I took it upon myself to see how far I can go past my comfort zone" He leaned against his microphone cane as Lute just chuckled lightly at his response as she could relate. "Pssh tell me about it, but you look great by the way."
He wasn't wearing his usual outfit as he wore a black suit with a burgundy red shirt and a red tie over it. His jacket had a tailcoat as it was over his tail which was only noticeable if he was to move it. His hair was done neatly and clearly it was washed and combed. "Thank you, you look stunning yourself." His eyes wandered over her outfit taking in the intricate designs. His hand extended towards her as she looked at his hand confused.
"May I have a dance with you?" He smiled as his ears were perked up towards her direction. He had leaned over a little bit and his left arm behind his back. Lute blushed lightly as she nervously took his hand. Unaware his tail was wagging back and forth at her response as he pulled her out from her secluded corner. A few others were dancing as well. "Just so you know I don't dance to well" Nervously her eyes looked around paranoid of what others will think. The previous music had ended as it slowly started to merge into the next one.
🎶Birds flying high You know how I feel Sun in the sky You know how I feel Breeze driftin' on by You know how I feel🎶
Alastor pulled her in close as his right hand met with her left hand as their fingers interlaced with each other. Lute's free hand went to his shoulder, and you could tell she was nervous by her grip. "Don't mind everyone else just keep your eyes on me and follow my lead" He used his finger to tilt her head up to look at him as his hand finally rested on her waist.
🎶It's a new dawn It's a new day It's a new life For me And I'm feeling good I'm feeling good🎶
They slowly started to sway at the music starting off at a slow pace. The other residents of the hotel started to watch them starting to dance a bit shocked to see them both dancing. Once Alastor heard the instruments drop by the end of the second line he let go of her waist and raised his arm as he helped her twirl around. Lute's eyes widen as she stumbled a bit but managed to do a full turn. "Oh shit" She whispered latching back onto his shoulder. He couldn't help but laugh at her reaction. "You did great!" His Hand on her waist as he started to take a few steps back and to the side to get her used to following his lead.
🎶Fish in the sea You know how I feel River running free You know how I feel Blossom on a tree You know how I feel🎶
Lute took careful steps to not step on his foot by accident as she managed to find out her feet placement when he moved around. Slowly she started to get the hang of it keeping her wings tucked in so they wouldn't get in the way.
🎶It's a new dawn It's a new day It's a new life For me And I'm feeling good
Dragonfly out in the sun, you know what I mean, don't you know Butterflies all havin' fun, you know what I mean Sleep in peace when day is done, that's what I mean And this old world is a new world And a bold world For me For me🎶
Their steps were a bit faster as they glided around the dance floor. As she was swayed around the ends of her dress would extend outward showing off more of the designs at the bottom. "This isn't too bad" She chuckled but spoke too soon as Alastor took a sidestep back and twirled her out still holding onto her hand. He could see her reaction as she was not expecting that move. She was pulled in quickly as her back was now against him. He leaned down into her ear "You spoke too soon my dear" Spinning her around once more he placed his hand on her back just below her wings.
He leaned forward while leaning her back close to the ground doing a deep dip. "Holy fuck Alastor!" She hissed quietly while her hand squeezed his and her nails dug into his shoulder. He kept a smile on his face feeling his upper body tense up slightly. He pulls her back up and sways her around. "Don't worry... I got you" Lute smiled up at him feeling her body less tensed than what it was in the beginning. Quietly to where only she could hear he started to sing along to the song while keeping eye contact with her.
🎶Stars when you shine You know how I feel Scent of the pine You know how I feel Oh, freedom is mine And I know how I feel
It's a new dawn It's a new day It's a new life🎶
Lute was in awe at his singing, it was rare she heard him sing but when he did, she cherished it. The way the moonlight had shined down made her dress sparkle. At this point all eyes were on them, some cheered and there was Charlie tearing up as Vaggie gave her tissues. "This Is so sweet!" The princess said in tears.
🎶It's a new dawn It's a new day It's a new life It's a new dawn It's a new day It's a new life It's a new life For me🎶
He twirled her around a couple of time and bringing her in close taking steps backwards and then off to the side. Lute joined him in singing the song as their voices harmonized together so effortlessly. Angel had elbowed husk and gave him his usual look "You know what they're doing tonight" He grinned down at him as he kept his stern expression. "Shut up" Husker sighed crossing his arms. Lute could hear the bits of bickering as they moved around near others.
🎶And I'm feeling good I'm feeling good I feel so good I feel so good🎶
The song has ended as for a finale Alastor's hand stayed on her lower back, but his other hand moved to her upper back and dipped her lower as he hovered over her holding her close. Both of the angels' hands was holding onto his shoulders as his eyes stayed locked with hers. Her wings had spread out to the sides showing off the patterns a bit. His tail was definitely wagging and he couldn't help it one bit. "This was amazing! You're a great dancer" She complimented as she couldn't help but blush lightly. "Why thank you, You're not bad for someone who doesn't dance a lot"
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iheartleopards · 1 year
here Cinderella au sari x bumblebee pt 2
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After her stepmother and stepsisters left sari went into the garden sat on a bench and began to Cried she really wanted to go to the ball. sari:why are they so mean to me I wish my parents were alive.
Then suddenly a bright light glowing in front of her.
it's was her fairy godmother.serenity: don't cry Cinderella.
sari look up to see a beautiful autobot with Blue hair a white dress white wings and she was holding a wand.
sari:who are you. Serenity:I'm your fairy godmother sari I know you. been a very kind girl I help you go to the ball.
Sari:but how I don't have a gown and carriage. Serenity: don't worry I help but first can you bring me a pumpkin.
Sari got a pumpkin and placed it in the ground serenity: can you get me 3 mice sari went into the kitchen and got her 3 mice.
Fairy godmother touched them with her magic wand and the pumpkin became a beautiful carriage 2 mice Become horses and the 3rd mice Becomes the coachmen.
Sari: this is so beautiful but I can't go to the ball dressed in rags.
Serenity: don't worry my dear I sort it out the fairy godmother touched sari with her magic wand and sari's rags became a beautiful orange Ball gown she had light orange gloves and her hair was fixed like a princess she weared a tiara in her hair and on her feet were two beautiful glass shoes. Sari:it'sBeautiful gown and I love the glass shoes.
thank you so much fairy godmother. Sari hugged the fairy godmother.
Serenity:you deserve my child have a lovely time but before you go I have to tell you it's very important you must leave the ball by 12 o clock because at midnight the spell will be broken and everything will turn to the way it was before.
Sari: don't worry I promise to leave before 12 thank you so much.
Fairy godmother kissed sari on the cheek. Serenity: have lovely time my sweet may happiness be yours.
Then sari got in the carriage and away she went. At the ball. There was a lot of people who are dancing arcee:I can't wait to see prince bumblebee slipstream:he be so handsome.
Guard: his royal Highness king Optimus prime and prince bumblebee. Bumblebee: prime do I have to do this.
optimus prime:yes bumblebee you have to Pick which girl to be your bride.
Bulkhead: don't worry buddy everything will be ok.bumblebee:but I don't really feel like dancing right now.
prowl:we know but it a order. Ratchet: prowl right kid trying Has some fun. Bumblebee: fine.
Arcee:omg His here the stepsisters went up to prince bumblebee. Outside of the palace sari arrived at the ball
she stepped out of her carriage. Sari:I'm finally here the palace is so beautiful.
Coachman: Cinderella remember what your fairy godmother said you must leave the ball before 12. Sari: don't worry I won't forget.
Sari said as she went the stairs. Arcee and slipstream were arguing because they want to dance with prince bumblebee.
Then sari enter the palace all guests wonder who was that beautiful girl.
prince bumblebee looked and saw most beautiful girl in a orange Ballgown.
bumblebee could not take his eyes off of her. prowl: who is she?
Ratchet:she must be a princess. Bulkhead:what do you Think bumblebee.
bumblebee:she's so beautiful.
bulkhead:go and dance with her.
Prince Bumblebee walked over to the mysterious girl.sari:good evening your Highness. Sari said & curtsied.
Bumblebee took her hand and kissed it. Bumblebee: princess may I have this dance?.
Sari began to blush she couldn't believe the prince was going to ask her to dance.sari:y..yes of course.
Sari said blushing.
They walked to the to the center of the the ballroom prince bumblebee held sari hand then he put her hand on his shoulder then he put his arm around her waist then they began to dance.
Everyone stared as the prince Bumblebee dance with the mysterious girl.
Sari was blushing so hard she felt like she and the prince were the only ones in ballroom.
Sari: are they all looking at you.
Bumblebee: believe me they all looking at you.
stepmother and stepsisters couldn't recognize her.
Arcee:I wonder where she came from. Slipstream: it was my turn to dance.
Optimus prime:it looks like bumblebee find the girl of his dreams.
Prowl:there dance is so beautiful. Ratchet:they make a lovely couple.
Bulkhead: agree
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apricusnights · 2 months
Chapter Eighteen: Down The Rabbit Hole.
Location: UnKnOwN.
Lye: "Ugh my head." She rubbed the back of her head before blinking and looking around. It seemed to be something of a dressing area. A small package was sitting on a chair with her name written on it. She also came to the realization that all of her equipment was gone including her weapons.
Onyx: "Don't bother trying to escape, I've examined everything in here and we're trapped. At least until we follow instructions."
Lye: "Instructions?"
Onyx: "There are packages with our names on them. I already looked in mine. Apparently they want some sort of a show." Motioning to the fact he was wearing a suit and tie.
Lye: "You have got to be joking.." She sighed and opened the package with her name on it, pulling out a ballgown and all sorts of accessories.
Onyx had already turned around to allow Lye to dress.
Lye: "You could have watched if you wanted." Smirking before starting to get herself dressed.
Onyx: "I'd much rather concentrate on what these rabbit miscreants want from us."
Lye finally finished dressing and spun around.
Lye: "Not bad. If the circumstances were different, I could probably dig this."
Lye and Onyx both turned as the door swung open. When they stepped out, they found themselves in a long corridor with only one exit at the far end.
They made their way out into what looked to be a large ballroom of sorts. High above them were several rows of chairs. Various people in rabbit masks were looking down at the two of them.
Speaker: "Please give a warm welcome to our contestants! I hope they are ready to dance their hearts out because anything less than perfection gets you eliminated from the show!"
Onyx: "That's extremely ominous."
Lye: "Just follow my lead.."
Lapis and Nava found themselves in an equally unsettling situation. Nava had awakened later than Lapis who had already ransacked the room they were in trying to find a way out.
Lapis: "I'm going to go out on a limb here and say this is because of you."
Nava: "I have no idea what you're talking about..."
Lapis: "You're the Lavender heiress, kidnapping you just seems like an obvious ransom plot."
Nava: "If that's the case, why did they take the rest of you? Also, I hate to tell you this, but I was removed from the company. Not to mention my parents are currently missing at sea so I'm pretty certain that I'm not much of an heiress anymore."
The door to the room opened suddenly to reveal another long corridor. Lapis and Nava made their way down to the end where another door slid open and led out into something resembling a labyrinth made of mirrors.
Speaker: "Time to find your way to the exit and win a prize. You'll find clues along the way but take too long and meet your demise!"
Lapis: "We better get moving.."
Somewhere in another area of the complex Van was finally waking up. He had to rub his eyes thinking he was seeing something ridiculous as he glanced over and saw Ivory dressed in something resembling a school girl's uniform.
Ivory: "Before you say a fucking word, you have something to put on as well and it's just as stupid. All our weapons are gone, our equipment is missing, and we're stuck here until we co-cooperate."
Van: "I was about to say that's kinda hot but.." Looking down at a school uniform left for him as well. "Guess we gotta play the stupid game.." Of course, not caring that Ivory was watching as he changed into the uniform.
The moment he did the door opened. The corridor took them down to a large open area resembling a playground. In front of them were two hopscotch boards that stretched all he way to the end of the room.
Van glanced up to see a number of rabbit masked people looking down at them.
Speaker: "Some of the tiles are safe, some may cause something unfortunate to happen to your partner. When the whistle blows You may move. When it blows again you must freeze no matter what. Can both of you make it to the end? We'll see!"
Van: "Left side or right side?" Finally in one last room Violet had woken up and looked over at Jae who was examining the room. Unknown to them the room they were in was much different than the ones the others had found themselves in. There was no visible way out.
Violet: "Where..are we?"
Speaker: "I'm not one for audiences or dress up games so I'll get to the point. Ever play an escape room? Well, you're in one now. Work together and find your way out. You're on a timer though and if it reaches zero, I'll have to find some new players. Have fun!"
Jae: "This feels like the chimera cases all over again..."
Location: Smokey Gardens.
Amelia: "This is the last known location of Jae's emergency beacon. No sign of his aShine though and it's no longer working."
Ajax: "Vehicle tracks, relatively fresh. Look around, there was a battle here recently."
Bonnie: "I think the idiots fought each other."
Amias: "So what do you think happened?"
Lilac: "I'll tell you what happened. My brother and his makeshift team decided to chase down Marigold. The two teams got into a skirmish, someone interrupted it and kidnapped them all for reasons I can't quite figure out."
Amias: "Lilac Cheshire? Never thought I'd see you out here."
Lilac: "I was monitoring signals and picked up on Jae's emergency beacon. I tracked my brother's aShine out here. If our father finds out Onyx is missing, I'm unsure of what the consequences will be."
Ajax: "Funny, didn't think the old man gave a shit about his son."
Lilac: "It's likely more about the family name being tarnished. That being said, I believe I have an idea of how to find them. Rather, my acquaintance gave me an idea."
Bonnie: "Your acquaintance?"
Lilac: "You'll meet them soon enough, please follow me."
Location: Lower Docks.
Cyrus: "I trust this source of yours is worthwhile? I had to call in a favor just to get this kind of hardware."
Oct: "I trust them with my life."
Cyrus: "I suppose that'll have to be enough. I do have to ask, why are there civilians here?"
Catalina: "Listen chuckles, my prospective boyfriend got kidnapped and I'm not standing for it. Plus, I've got gear the military doesn't."
Yang: "I'm here because this is personal."
Oct: "I'll vouch for them. Let's just get this stuff set up and get to a safe distance."
Cyrus: "Hopefully your source was right about the location. Otherwise, we're about to do a lot of unnecessary damage."
Yang: "Less talking more exploding."
Catalina: "I like her."
Location: UnKnOwN.
Onyx felt himself pulled back after tripping and setting off one of the trap tiles. A jet a flame shooting up. Lye and Onyx had figured out that the tiles on the ballroom floor were a mix of safe and trapped. They had to perform a dance to whatever music was playing as well as figure out which tiles were safe.
Lye: "You're not bad at this."
Onyx: "My mother insisted we learned ballroom dancing to fit in at her formal gatherings."
Lye: "Guess you can credit her with saving your hide huh?"
Before Onyx could reply he noticed one of the tiles stopped glowing and suddenly spun Lye away from it as it let out a surge of electricity. Proceeding with the dance and dipping Lye much to the other's enjoyment.
Lye: "You're a good dance partner, we should go out some time."
Onyx: "Aren't you dating the theater prodigy?"
Lye: "We're always open to one more."
Onyx: "You realize I'm straight, right?"
Lye: "So are spaghetti noodles until you get them wet."
Onyx: "Let's just get out of here.."
As they danced along to the ever-changing music the crowd began to toss down roses at them. Unfortunately, the roses struck many of the trap tiles setting off all manner of hazards. Lye winced as she barely dodged a blade that shot out from the wall, it did graze her arm but thankfully they were spinning out of the way at the time.
Onyx: "Our score is dropping...look at the door."
The door closest to them was beginning to close as the tiles started to drop revealing a large spike trap under the room. Both decided to make a run for it, Onyx tossing Lye forward. A fire jet burning part of her dress and part of Onyx's suit, but she managed to slide under the door. She reached out as Onyx dove for it, pulling him through the opening just before the door closed.
Lye: "I liked this dress.."
Onyx: "Look..."
Onyx and Lye glanced around, realizing they were inside what looked to be a large empty arena.
Nava: "No matter how far we get we wind up back at the start."
Lapis: "Because the rooms are shifting. Some of them rotate and we get turned around, so we just end up going in circles over and over again."
Nava: "So how do we get out of here?"
Lapis: "I've been counting down how long it takes before I think the rooms shift. It's a pattern, and it tends to happen right around the times we get split up. Just follow me."
Lapis and Nava continued through the maze but just as both would typically get split up by a moving mirror, Lapis slipped through the small opening to Nava's side. He held still and closed his eyes. It was impossible to see the changes, but you could feel the machinery moving.
Lapis: "We have to be quiet. Ignore any music you hear and focus on the walls and the floor."
Nava: "Didn't the voice say there were clues?"
Lapis: "I found one earlier. The clues are meant to throw us off, it's a distraction tactic. They likely put more in every time the rooms change so we're in here forever."
Nava nods and closes her eyes trying to focus. She pointed a direction just as she felt a slight vibration in the floor. Both headed a direction they typically wouldn't and eventually reached a new part of the maze.
Nava: "I don't get it..that looks like the start over there. Did we mess up again?"
Lapis walked over to one of the mirrors and tapped it before standing back. He pulled his shirt off and wrapped it around his fist before slamming it against the mirror.
Lapis: "It's a trick, that's not the entrance but it will loop us back if we go in. This mirror isn't reflecting things the way it should."
Slamming his fist into it over and over again until it cracked and revealed a door behind it. Lapis pulled the broken glass aside an opened the door, letting Nava through before following.
Nava and Lapis eventually would wind up in the same empty arena as Onyx and Lye.
Van moved forward on the hopscotch board after the whistle blew, just managing to avoid a small explosion as Ivory landed on a square on her side. The whistle blew again signaling both to stop. Van having to stand on one leg.
Van: "Hanging in there?"
Ivory: "Other than the electric shocks, attempted laser shot, and cramps in both legs? Yeah doing fine."
The whistle blew and both continued on, barely avoiding more of the hazards. Van glanced over as the whistle blew. He was forced to stop on a square that triggered the square Ivory was on to continuously shock her much to the amusement of the crowd. Van considered moving but Ivory shook her head no.
Finally, they were able to go forward though Ivory was clearly worse for wear. They approached the final few squares as the whistle blew. Both standing on one leg. Ivory's square caused a blade to swing down, Van just barely managed to duck while remaining standing though some of his hair fell to the ground.
Van: "I just styled it the way I like! I swear I'm gonna make you freaks sorry."
The whistle blew and Van hurried forward. Just as he reached the end, he looked back at Ivory clutching her leg. The blade had swung down and gotten a hit on her. Van leaped off of the board causing the door to open before rushing back and picking up Ivory. He was able to rush off of her board right as another whistle blew which was promptly ignored as he ran through the door.
Reaching the arena with the others was a relief. Van removed his shirt and used it to wrap up Ivory's leg before making sure his sister and the others were alright.
The group seemed a bit shocked as they looked over and saw an elevator rise up and open. Jae and Violet exited looking no worse for wear.
Onyx: "And you two were where?"
Jae: "Trapped in some ridiculous escape room."
Violet: "Apparently they didn't realize I've had plenty of experience finding clues on how to get in and out of a room plenty of times. Dad let me tag along for some Templar training now and again. Puzzle solving to save your life is on the schedule every time."
Jae: "Amelia likes escape rooms, I've dealt with my share of them. What happened to all of you?"
As the groups explained what had happened, they noticed a spotlight shining to a balcony above them.
The White Rabbit Queen sat on a throne clapping her hands. Several members of her elite guard stood by her. The Betrayer standing behind her as well.
White Rabbit (Queen): "You've all put on a marvelous show. I think perhaps it's time to reward you."
A platform in the middle of the arena rose up. A crate containing everyone's weapons was on it.
White Rabbit (Queen): "Help yourself to your weapons. If you can get to them in time."
The teams backed up against each other as several doors opened around the arena. Each one releasing multiple snarling chimeras.
As the beasts approached, a huge explosion rocked the arena. Part of the ceiling falling down. A moment after the dust cleared Oct was seen as he put down Catalina, Cyrus, and Yang.
One of the elite guards locked eyes with Yang. The Betrayer spotting Oct and moving forward before being stopped by the Queen.
Before she could speak several ropes were dropped down from the hole made by Oct's team. This time it was Bonnie, Ajax, and Amias who descended to aid their allies.
Amelia speaking through Ajax's aShine: "I'm reading a large force heading your way. You're going to have a lot of company real soon. I'll see if I can slow them down."
White Rabbit (Queen): "Typically I don't appreciate uninvited guests but you're in luck. The next act is starting soon, and we can always use some disposable extras.."
The chimeras began to circle as everyone readied themselves. Meanwhile a masked woman wearing a cloak was making her way through the complex...
To be continued.
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bellarkeselection · 2 years
hello can you write something based on dove cameron's boyfriend song where klaus is in love with the reader but she has a boyfriend (tyler) but klaus doesn't care and wants to woo her because he thinks he can be a better boyfriend than him
I'm Better Than Him
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Klaus eyed you from a far across the ballroom. His mother upon returning to life insisted on throwing a royal ball and inviting the whole town. He had better things to do than make friends with the towns people of Mystic Falls. At least that's what he was thinking until he saw you and he suddenly felt a beat in his no beating heart. He knew you were taken by his first hybrid Tyler Lockwood. But his heart beats for you so he would do anything to take you from him. All so he could call you his love, his queen, ultimately just be his one and only. He only wished you wanted him too. The truth was you did, he was a forbidden boyfriend that you had never experienced before you became a vampire.
Tyler and I intertwined our hands together staring to slowly dance around the large ballroom. I had decided on wearing a simple red dress instead of a big ballgown like Caroline or Elena. I just don't see the point in trying to not trip over your own feet the whole evening. Which is also why I'm wearing sneakers and not wearing heels. "He's staring over here again. I wish he would stop." Tyler grumbled under his breath and I already knew he meant Klaus Mikaelson. Everyone around us dances without a care then suddenly switch partners. Tyler spins me out and I gasped feeling the arms of Klaus secure my waist gently. "Hello love, I was hoping we would get a dance together." Biting my lip veins appeared underneath my eyes seeing a human girl dancing near us. I haven't gotten used to the transition yet so he puts his back to the girl so I'm not tempted to drain her. "Thank you for that...I didn't want to kill her." I whispered knowing he would hear me since he's the oldest vampire to ever exist.
"You're welcome, Y/n. I bet Tyler doesn't know the urge since he's broken his sire bond recently. But I know what it's like. The hunger to kill. I can help you through it better than he can." Rolling my eyes I shake my head at his suggestion. Klaus twirls me out and back into his chest. My hair falls over my shoulders that I had curled a little at the ends. "Thanks for the offer but as you said he's still a hybrid. Half vampire remember, Klaus." He bites his lips forming a smile at my words. I'm not blind that the hybrid dancing with me has a massive crush on me. After we met one night at the Grill then gifts such as drawings or flowers appeared on my doorstep. "Give me a chance, Y/n. Think about it Tyler won't give you an exciting thrill that you seek. He won't worship you like a queen, like I will for all eternity." Staring up into those blue eyes I suck in a breath struggling to not kiss him. I've dreamt about what it would feel to kiss him, how it would feel to almost make my heart race again like I was actually alive once more.
Dropping my gaze to the ground I slightly regret that he might have a point. Ever since my boyfriend became a hybrid he's not like he used to be. Tyler is more aggressive and doesn't really mean to hurt me but he's nearly bit me when we were kissing. "I can't just dump my boyfriend for you. Like it or not Tyler is a good guy, he just isn't good at controlling his temper." Klaus nods his head in agreement leaning forward whispering in my ear. "If you change your mind. I'll be just a call away, Y/n love." Hearing him say my name makes me nearly giggling but I get spun back into Tyler's arms before I could ever respond back to him, glancing around the room Klaus is gone like a ghost.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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kats-alcove · 2 years
After-School Activities: Chapter 7
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|ch. 1|ch. 2|ch. 3| ch. 4| ch. 5| ch. 6|ch. 7| ch. 8|
Pairing: Aizawa x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Descriptions of food, fluff, mild sexy teasing
Summary: You’re a relatively innocent University student, so why are you interested in the school’s BDSM club?
A/N: Fun author fact- I used to want to own a restaurant, and I love baking! So I really like writing scenes with fancy restaurants/food descriptions
Read it here on AO3!
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Semi-formal was a dumb dress code, you had decided.
You were standing in front of your open closet, clothes scattered around your room. For the better part of the last two hours, you had been trying to put together an outfit that fit with Aizawa’s request for “semi-formal wear, nothing too fancy.” You had made a joke about a ballgown being overkill, which had earned you a chuckle.
Not that you had a ballgown to wear even if you wanted to. And you had a couple things that would definitely not be appropriate: mostly clothes Mina had cajoled you into buying for girls’ nights. But that left the rest of your closet available and you were no closer to picking an outfit! Did semi-formal mean you could wear pants, or was a skirt required? Should it be knee length? Longer? Shorter? You weren't sure, and you didn't want to pick the wrong thing and embarrass Aizawa at whatever restaurant he took you to.
You could feel yourself starting to spiral in a panic. This was bad; you were nowhere near ready and you had to leave in less than an hour to be to Aizawa’s apartment on time! Part of you wanted to text Aizawa and have him help you pick, but wouldn't he just see that as pathetic? On the other hand, he might enjoy picking the clothes he would be taking off of you later that evening. Before you could second-guess yourself, you grabbed your phone and texted him.
You : Hey, Aizawa?
Aizawa : Yes?
You : I’m not really sure what to wear. Any chance you’d like to help me pick?
Aizawa : I’d love to, honey. Put together 4 outfits on your bed and send me a picture of them?
You hurried to follow his instructions, scrambling around your dorm to select a variety of clothing. Within 5 minutes, you had four different outfits picked out, photographed, and sent. It took Aizawa a moment to reply, but when he did, it was just three words.
Aizawa : The second one.
Scrolling up, you saw exactly which outfit he was referring to: a tea length dress with short puffed sleeves and a sweetheart neckline. The bodice of the dress was matte black, but the skirt was scattered with light pink cherry blossoms. You had gotten it to wear to a family member’s wedding a few years back, and it fit so perfectly you had kept it in the hopes of getting to wear it again.
It seems tonight was your lucky night in more ways than one.
With that big choice out of the way, choosing your accessories and makeup was a simple task. The real challenge this evening was escaping from the dorm without being accosted by your friends. You thought you were doing a good job, having made it all the way to the common room when a voice from the couches stopped you.
“Oooh, look at Y/N!” Mina squealed excitedly. “Where are you going all dressed up?”
“Just out,” you said, hoping the banal response would be enough to deter further conversation
It wasn't. At Mina’s exclamation, the other girls had turned to you. No sooner did Ochako catch a glimpse of you in your dress than she was squealing and rushing over to get a better look.
“You look so pretty! Do you have a date?”
“Is it the mystery boy?” Jiro called from where she was nestled against Momo.
“Maybe?” You weren't sure why, but you felt the need to be coy.
“It’s definitely the mystery boy,” Mina said. “Look at how she’s fidgeting!”
You flattened your hands against your skirt. “Ok, yeah. It’s the mystery boy.”
“Where is he taking you?” Momo asked.
“Not sure, but he said to dress fancy.” You glanced at the clock. “I need to go or I’ll be late.”
The girls chorused their goodbyes as you left. Before the door could fully close, you yelled behind you, “And don't wait up for me!”
The bus was running on time, thank goodness, although you weren't looking forward to walking all the way to Aizawa’s apartment in heels. Luckily, you didn't have to. Less than a minute after the bus pulled away, a sleek car pulled up to the bus stop.
For a second you tensed, prepared to run if this turned out to be some sort of creep. Then the passenger side window rolled down to reveal Aizawa. He leaned across the armrest to open the door for you.
“Hi,” you smiled, slipping into the seat. “You didn't have to come and get me.”
Aizawa simply shrugged as he pulled back onto the road. “It was no problem; the restaurant is in this direction. You look beautiful, by the way.”
“Thank you! You don't look too bad yourself.”
More than that, Aizawa looked as handsome as you'd ever seen him. He was wearing a dark suit with a white shirt and burgundy tie. The suit had to be tailored, because it clung to the lines of his arms and torso perfectly. You shifted a bit as your mind flashed to what he looked like under his clothes. Noticing your movement, Aizawa brought his hand to rest against your thigh.
That didn't exactly help with the thoughts you were having. In fact, the heat you could feel radiating from his palm only made things worse. As though he could read your mind, Aizawa gave your leg a gentle squeeze.
“Patience, honey.”
You pouted. “I am being patient.”
“Really?” Aizawa’s voice was teasing as his thumb drew circles over the material of your skirt. “So all that shifting is because you’re cold?”
“Mmm-hmm,” you agreed. A feeling of embarrassment rose within you and you forced yourself to still.
Aizawa quirked an eyebrow and removed his hand from your thigh. You nearly whimpered at the loss of contact. In an attempt to cover your lapse, you turned your gaze forward to look out through the windshield. You watched as the upcoming traffic light flipped to yellow, then red. Aizawa eased the car to a stop.
A finger hooked under your chin, turning your head to face your companion. You opened your mouth to ask what he needed, but before you could speak, his lips crashed into your own. It didn't even take you a second to melt into the kiss, hand coming up to tangle in Aizawa’s hair. He nipped at your lower lip in response and you moaned.
The light turned green and a second later a honk from the car behind you startled you apart. You flushed and turned to look out the window. Aizawa pulled through the intersection, mouth curved into a slight smirk. His hand returned to your upper thigh, and you let it stay there all the rest of the way to the restaurant.
When Aizawa pulled up to the gilded marble facade of the restaurant, he motioned for you to stay put while he exited the car. You saw him toss the keys to a uniformed valet before he came around and opened your door. He extended a hand to you, which you gratefully accepted. It wasn't so much that you needed the physical stability, but the glitz and glamour of the building and people in front of you had you feeling a little overwhelmed.
Aizawa noticed; of course he did. However, he didn't say anything about it. Instead he simply tucked your hand into the crook of his elbow and gave you a reassuring smile. The two of you stepped into the foyer of the restaurant, where a dark wooden staircase led up to the dining room proper. To the right of the stairs was a small bar where patrons could sit while waiting for their table.
You took a step towards the hostess stand at the foot of the stairs, but Aizawa tugged you back. He led you over to the bar and exchanged a few quiet words with the bartender instead. The man smiled politely, placed a small sign on the bar, and gestured for the two of you to follow him. He led you up the stairs and, to your surprise, back to the kitchen. You gave him a questioning look, but Aizawa just patted your hand.
The kitchen was loud, causing you to draw further into Aizawa’s side as you were led through a maze of stoves, ovens, and workstations. You were surprised to see that there was a small table set in a corner, out of the way of the hardworking chefs. Aizawa helped you into your chair before turning to greet a man who came bustling over. He wore a white chef’s jacket and apron, as well as a traditional toque hat.
Aizawa sat across from you. “Y/N, this is Chef Tetsuya Shimada. He’s the owner and executive chef of this restaurant.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” you bowed your head respectfully.
“No, the pleasure is all mine!” Chef Shimada bowed deeply to you before giving you a conspiratorial wink. “You’re the first girl Aizawa’s ever brought here, so I’ll make sure everything is perfect for you.”
And with that, the portly chef turned away. You heard him barking orders at his underlings, who scrambled to obey. You couldn't help but notice that despite his apparent brusqueness, all the chefs in the kitchen were smiling. The sommelier poured you each a glass of wine, and then you and Aizawa were left alone.
“So, you know the owner?” you asked, though the answer was pretty obvious. “How did that happen?”
Aizawa nodded. “Yeah. We met years ago, just after I graduated from UA. He was working as a line cook in a 24-hour diner back then. I used to stop there for coffee sometimes, a sandwich if I had the time. One night, I got there just in time to see some wannabe robber with a finger gun quirk holding the place up.”
“That rascal had taken me hostage,” Chef Shimada chimed in cheerfully. He was holding a dish in each hand. “He was using me to get the waitress to empty out the safe. But Eraserhead made sure nobody got hurt, and I promised him that when I got my own restaurant, there would always be a table reserved just for him.”
He set the plates down on the table. “Now, here we have a light ceviche with fresh salmon, dill creme fraiche, and fresh cress.”
What followed was the most incredible meal of your life. Chef Shimada presented each dish himself, explaining the ingredients and preparation methods in detail. It was clear that the man was both skilled at and passionate about his craft. Each course was also served with a beverage, whether it be a wine, a juice, or simply a glass of sparkling water.
And during the courses, you and Aizawa talked more than you ever had before. The two of you swapped stories from your jobs, villians defeated and lives saved. You talked about your childhood, and he in turn regaled you with stories about his friends. You noticed, however, that his tales only seemed to discuss things that happened after high school. For a moment, you thought about asking him what his school days were like, but you decided that you weren't going to press the issue if he didn't want to talk about it.
“They want to meet you, by the way,” Aizawa said suddenly.
“Wait, what?” You looked up from the current course, an expertly cooked wagyu steak. “Who wants to meet me?”
“Hizashi and Nemuri, although you would probably know them better as Present Mic and Midnight?”
Your eyes widened as you recognized the hero names. “They… want to meet me? Why?”
“Well, they are my best friends, and they're kink educators like me. Nemuri actually suggested I bring you to a munch one of these days. It would be good for you to have other connections in the community.” Aizawa must have seen a flash of hesitation on your face, because he quickly added, “You don't have to do anything though, not unless you're ready.”
“No, I’d like to meet more people in the community! I'm just a little worried that they wouldn't like me . Plus meeting new people can be so overwhelming…”
Aizawa smiled softly and took your hand in his own. “Trust me, Y/N, they would love you.  As for being overwhelmed, perhaps you could start with just Zashi and Nem. I could arrange a little get-together at my house, just the four of us.”
“That might be fun,” you admitted. “Let me think about it?”
“Of course, honey. Take all the time you need.”
At that moment, Chef Shimada came back. “All right, I have your final course, lady and gent. My special dark chocolate cake with a light pomegranite mousse.”
He set down a single plate with a single delicious-looking square of rich cake. Then he winked, at you or Aizawa you weren't sure, and hustled away once more before you could thank him. You stared after him for a moment, then shrugged and turned back to your dining companion. To your surprise, Aizawa was holding a forkfull of cake and looking at you intently.
“Open,” he commanded softly, and you obeyed, mouth falling open as you allowed him to feed you the bite of dessert.
The rich taste of chocolate coated your tongue, counterbalanced by the light tartness of pomegranite. You couldn't hold back a small moan of delight as you swallowed. But then your lips curved into a frown when you noticed that Aizawa hadn't taken a bite himself. Quickly, you mirrored his action, taking a forkfull of dessert and holding it out to him. Aizawa wrapped his lips around the tines and hummed happily.
“Delicious,” he stated. “Would you like another bite?”
“Yes, please.”
And so the two of you finished your meal, feeding each other bites of cake until there was only one remaining. You tried to give it to Aizawa, but he wouldn't let you. He simply plucked the fork out of your hand and pressed it to your pouting lips. You pursed them shut, but Aizawa quirked a brow at you and you relented, allowing him to feed you the last bite.
Then Aizawa stood and helped you up. As soon as you were standing, he pulled you into a deep kiss. His tongue swept over yours, and you could taste the cake again, this time mixed with the bitter-sweet flavor of Aizawa himself. You whimpered slightly, a sudden heat growing in your center.
“Even more delicious,” he groaned against your lips. “You taste like heaven.”
“Daddy,” you gasped, then flushed, realizing that you had just called him that in a room full of people.
Luckily, your slip was covered by the noises of the kitchen, so none of the chefs seemed to notice. But Aizawa certainly did. He pulled back to look down at you.
“Are you ready to go home, kitty-cat?”
You tugged gently at the collar of his dress shirt. “ Yes. ”
“Then let’s go.”
Without another word, Aizawa led you back through the kitchen and down the stairs. You stepped outside, the sudden coolness of the night air against your warm skin making you shiver. Aizawa stripped off his jacket, helping you into it while the valet fetched the car. It pulled up to the curb and he opened your door for you before getting in the drivers side.
As soon as he pulled away from the restaurant, Aizawa’s hand was on your thigh, pinky inching dangerously close to the growing wetness between your legs. With the hand he left on the wheel, Aizawa turned the car towards his apartment. You took a breath, excitement and arousal filling you. This was it.
It was finally happening.
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
i remember you saying that you did a lot of research for gfs, and lately i've been thinking of writing a more historical story so i was wondering if you had any tips for thoroughly researching a specific time period? literally anything will help, i'm horrible at research lol
i have a normal and logical level of love for research. I am not absolutely gleeful over this question to an amount far higher than normal. i am NOT--
yeah no i love this question
SO. I am going to answer the question that writers everywhere cry themselves to sleep over (probably) (maybe)
How The Fuck Do I Research Stuff For My Story? (Specific Time Period Edition)
1: know it's not just one thing.
you're not just "researching". That's a big, big umbrella that holds a LOT of things inside of it. You're researching clothing, politics, economic state, government, food, weapons, societal values at the time, and significant going-ons, among other things. It's better to break that into pieces than to try and tackle "research" as a whole.
Also: HAVE A RESEARCH DOCUMENT. Seriously. Write down anything that could be relevant. Also, have a table of contents or something similar and keep it organized. It helps, trust me.
2: Now, here's your pieces. Go in order.
So, you've told me (thanks to my frantic asks to you) that your story in particular is around the 1880s-1900s and takes place in the USA, Britain, France, and Japan. That means your story will exist in the gilded age (rich people! but also poverty), the very end of the Victorian era (she lived so fuckin long bro), the formative years (wooo France is full of communists) and the Meiji period (Japan gets to be powerful!).
No but really you picked a bunch of very.... interesting eras to collide all at once in your story skdjfskjfhk
In general, when it comes to researching the era, you want to look at the big picture of what was going on. You can first search "what era was [time period] for [country]", and then once you have the name of it, go wild: e.g. with the gilded age, you can go "advancements in the gilded age" "politics in the gilded age" "social issues in the gilded age" "the gilded age", and so on and so forth. Put the era's name in your search and you'll find results a lot quicker.
Era will include the economic state, political state, significant historical events before/after (aka events that have influenced your age or that are being influenced by your age), what the era is generally known for, advancements at the time, and relationships with the other countries your story is focusing on.
Food, fashion, common jobs, family structure, architecture & buildings, societal views, and other things that are addressed almost every day in some way. This is where you want to take the societal positions of your characters into your mind; a poor Jewish immigrant man and a high-class young white woman are going to have very different lives, even if they both live in NYC in the USA's Gilded Age. They'll eat different food, wear different clothes, be expected to have different skills, have different cultural beliefs/practices, have different jobs, and likely have very different political views.
So, when looking things up, think whether or not your characters would actually have that in their lives. There are people in ballgowns and people in rags, and you've got to figure out which one your character will be wearing.
Don't just research something like "1890s clothing". You want to find what is worn in that age by the types of people your characters are. So, "what did people wear in the victorian era" is a bad thing to google and expect precise results. "what did poor men wear in the victorian era" is a lot better.
Now's the time to do your research for some really big things, too. Say you have a scene that happens in a mansion in America, and it's a SUPER IMPORTANT SCENE. You're going to want to look up what American mansions in the Gilded Age often were like beforehand, even if none of your characters live in one or will have seen one beforehand.
Ok, so you know what a rich woman in the Meiji period would wear every day. Cool. But do you know what she should be wearing in that one scene with the super fancy event? Do you know what music would be playing? Do you know what weapon she could best have in that event?
It's ok if the answer is "no", even after your general research. Specific research is best saved for when you have to know it. Getting bogged down in research is a real thing, and it's very, very frustrating. So, either look those details up when you outline the scene (if you outline it) or when you actually need to write it. Like, say your characters end up in Paris in 1888 for a scene or two. Well, that's when the Eiffel Tower was built! You knew that already, because you looked up 1880s-1900s France and know quite a bit about it!
... what you don't know yet is what the construction site of the Eiffel Tower looked like. And that's fine--it's until it's time to actually focus on that scene.
3: Make Sure Your Sources Are Legit.
This can be hard, but in my experience, good sources will 1) list their sources and not try to hide them or just not have any, and 2) their information will agree with the info in other good sources. Basically, if 4 sources say XYZ and 1 says ABC, you can probably believe that ABC is wrong.
(Reading published books can help with this, though they're not always true, either. Basically: compare, compare, compare.)
4: Know This Takes Time.
It's ok to look at this and go "haha.... maybe I won't write anything historical". It's daunting! It can be a lot!
But it's all just pieces.
You read a couple articles and watch a video about clothing worn by Japanese peasants. You borrow a book that talks about food in the Gilded Age. You get lost down the rabbit hole of Victorian high-society politics. You write it all down in that trusty research doc.
And suddenly, you KNOW THINGS. You know things!! And videos that hinted at X but didn't quite talk about it lead you to researching X, which hints and Y and leads you to research Y, and so on and so forth.
It takes a long time, definitely. You'll be researching before you write, while you outline, and when you're writing. You'll research when you're editing and rewriting, too. But even if you don't particularly like it, you can find comfort in the fact that it just involves searching the right phrases and sitting down to watch some videos or read a library book. And in the end, you'll have a well-researched story--and that info doesn't go away! If you ever have to know something about the Victorian age, you'll be able to look back at what you learned awhile back. (Especially because you have your research doc, right?)
5: TLDR.
know research isn't just one clump, it's a lot of different things you look at
research the era, then general things, then things you need to know in specific situations only
use specific phrases, not just general things; "what jobs did men have in France in the 1880s" is lots better than "French jobs"
make sure your sources aren't just people lying on the internet for fun. comparing what your sources say and using a lot of them can help with this!
know it takes time, but don't stress. You don't have to get it done all at once.
have your motherfucking research doc. are you listening to me. WRITE DOWN THE INFORMATION THAT YOU FINDDDDDD
OK. This was a SUPER long post, but!! I really hope it's helpful!! If you have more questions, feel free to ask away :D
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dykesymmetry · 3 years
The ballroom was beautifully decorated, blue and white garland adorning the ceiling and draped across the giant windows, every blank stone wall decorated with an elaborate flag, and a gentle waltzing melody playing just loud enough to be heard over the chatter of the many guests moving around the dance floor or milling around the dinner tables.
Techno was, to put it lightly, not a fan.
His suit was too stuffy, for starters. And there were far too many people here for his liking, all of them wanting to gossip about the latest aristocratic drama or someone’s particular dress style rather than anything interesting. Every second that went by, he got a bit more pissed at himself for letting Phil talk him into this.
As if on cue, the elytrian gently tapped on his arm. “You doing alright there mate?” Phil asked, concerned blue eyes framed by green and silver tassels that hung down from his intricately braided hair.
Phil’s attire was, well, a bit different than the other guests’. Rather than the more stereotypical suits and ballgowns that everyone else was wearing, he had opted for something more akin to robes - a light, silk-like fabric adorned with too many tassels and ribbons to count, almost dress-like in nature, but definitely more elaborate than any of the regular dresses here. Traditional elytrian dress, Phil had told Techno beforehand, and Techno could only imagine how the outfit would look on someone flying high in the clouds.
A rather loud throat-clearing from Phil brought Techno back down to reality. “Oh, uh, I mean,” he stuttered, in response to Phil’s questioning look. “It’s a party. Not really my thing.”
“It’s hardly a fucking party,” scoffed Phil. “More of a really stuffy banquet. Besides, it's the winter solstice, we had to have some sort of celebration.”
Techno snorted at that, and Phil’s gaze softened just a little.
“Tell you what, mate,” he said, and extended his right hand towards Techno. “You give me this dance, and I’ll find some way of distracting everyone so you can sneak off.”
Techno eyed him suspiciously. “Your distractions usually end up in someone dyin’, Philza.”
“Hey! Sometimes it’s an animal that dies,” offered Phil unhelpfully, and when Techno’s glare didn’t let up, he sighed, “Fine, fine, I’ll just tell ‘em to piss off or something.”
Before Techno could respond to that, Phil had already given up on the courteous hand offering and was dragging Techno towards the mass on the dance floor, the latter trailing rather reluctantly behind. It wasn’t like he’d never danced before, he’d participated in quite a few more traditional piglin dances back with his sounder, and there were quite a few moments his movement on the battlefield had been described as dancing, especially if Phil was by his side. But the slower waltz that was currently playing was very much not his style.
Regardless, Phil was doing his very best to lead Techno in it all, guiding the piglin’s hand up to his shoulder before moving his own hand to rest on Techno’s hip and slowly guiding them over to the larger group moving with the music.
“Phil-” Techno started, already uncomfortable with the amount of people pushing in towards him on every side, but Phil shushed him.
“Just focus on the music,” he told Techno gently, beginning to sway slightly in line with the people around him. “Move your feet with mine- See! There you go! Now just loosen your fucking hand up a bit there-” Techno relaxed the hand that was crushing Phil’s shoulder embarrasedly, “-and sway a little bit, and you’re good to go. Just follow my lead, and you’ll be fine.”
It was, admittedly, still a little bit difficult to keep himself relaxed with all the people still around, but the more Techno focused on Phil, the easier it was to ignore the rest of them. He realized with a start, as they passed under one of the expansive chandeliers that hung from the high ceiling, that the elytrian’s wings had ribbons that matched his dress and hair, and wondered how many of them were hidden amongst the dark-as-night feathers, pulled close to Phil’s body.
“Phil,” he said, after a long pause of simply watching the older man, “Why even ask me to dance?”
“Some of us quite like to dance, as it turns out.” The elytrian’s tone was teasing but not unkind. “And it wouldn’t be very proper for the king to dance with just anyone, now would it?”
Techno simply hummed in response as Phil continued to lead, and he felt himself once again be swept away by the simple sight of Phil dancing, spinning gracefully around at the end of Techno’s hand. He wondered if all elytrian dances were like this, with full crowds of winged people spinning together in one beautiful motion. What he would give to see something like that.
“I love you.”
The words were out of Techno’s mouth before he even registered what he was saying, and he flinched as he felt Phil tense against him. He didn’t like Phil like that, both of them were well aware of that, and he was certain that Phil cared for him deeply, but the elytrian had always been, well, rather reluctant to receive any of that affection in return. The few times Techno had tried, Phil had fled almost immediately, leaving Techno alone with, if he was lucky, a sole feather as dark as the night sky. But here, there was nowhere to run, Phil was trapped, and Techno internally cursed himself for putting Phil in this situation.
To Techno’s great relief, however, Phil didn’t make any attempt to push him away or distance himself, but rather, simply buried his face in Techno’s chest and made a very noncommittal, “Nggghhh,” one that the pigman had to visibly stifle a laugh at.
“Sorry, you don’t,” he awkwardly began, while Phil continued keeping his face firmly buried. “You don’t have to respond, or anythin’. Shouldn’t have brought it up.”
A very muffled, “It’s alright mate,” came from Techno’s shirt, and Techno once again had to hold back a laugh. Trust Phil to be more concerned about literally anyone but himself at all times.
“Just wanted you to know,” Techno continued, a bit quieter this time, and he realized they really weren’t moving that much anymore, just slowly swaying in place. “You deserve to know.”
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