#if you’re interested in the shippy aspects btw i’ll have to disappoint you
lichtecht · 10 months
i need to know about uli and matz in the new movie
How are they?are they good?did they get sidelined? I need to know!!!
well, basically all characters were kind of underdeveloped, so uli and matz are no exception.
matz got a bit of an extra backstory/storyline about him only doing boxing bc of his father, but that is mentioned in like. maybe three sentences total.
the fight scene was frankly embarrassing, he’s literally knocked out with one single hit 💀
ulis portrayal was fine imo. i expected him to get more of sebastian’s character traits since he’s „The Smart One“, but that wasn’t really the case.
one thing that is kind of a change in dynamics is that the externs are also the ones who bully him, when in the book, the guys who pick on uli are part of „their group“. (which is another reason why i think the interne vs externe thing doesn’t work as well)
i found the aftermath of his accident kind of disappointing tbh. we don’t even see if it had any impact on the other kids at all. i’m assuming not really?? 
he climbs onto the city wall because of a legend that says whoever achieves this rules the whole town. and he does actually make it, but everyone else starts arguing about wether that counts bc he used equipment and then uli slips and falls down.
the only impact his accident had (that i can tell, at least) is that the kids are suddenly like „whoa he had to go to the hospital,,, this rivalry has gone too far“ despite the fact that it didn’t really have much to do with the rivalry at all??
and the legend was made up too, so it was all for nothing apparently?? i don’t even know if ulis stunt helped to show the others that he’s not a coward. it’s not shown 
but like i said, this isn’t exclusive to uli and matz. none of the characters feel well rounded or developed to me. that’s probably because they decided to spend that time on drawing out the conflict between internet and externe (which i could also complain about, but that’s not what you asked)
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