#if youre using 'we' instead of 'i'- i got some great news! youre totally fine :) and dont have it. hope that brings you some ease!
teensie · 1 year
when is everyone gonna stop pretending they got DID?
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thatdammchickennugget · 4 months
Some AITA posts from the slytherin boys
I'm not really sure what this is but enjoy?
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AITA for making my best friend live in a tent in the Forbidden Forest?
Hey, Reddit. I need your judgment on something that happened recently.
So, this is about my (18M, Slytherin) best friend (also 18M, Slytherin), let’s call him T. We both attend Hogwarts. Anyway, T and I have this amazing friendship where we pull pranks on each other all the time. It’s a core part of our friendship, and honestly, it’s what makes our bond so strong.
Recently, I decided to take our pranks up a notch. T always brags about his survival skills and how he is totally unshakable. So, I thought it would be hilarious to test this out. One night, while he was asleep, I used a bit of magic to transport his entire bed (with him in it) to a tent I had set up deep in the Forbidden Forest. I also put up some confusion spells around the area to ensure he couldn’t find his way out of the forest and would always end up back at his tent.
When he woke up, he was understandably confused and a bit freaked out. I thought it was hilarious and watched him struggle for a while before I eventually revealed it was a prank. But instead of laughing it off like I expected, he got really mad and stormed back to the castle.
I thought he’d get over it, but he’s been giving me the cold shoulder ever since. Our friends are divided on this – some say I went too far, while others think T is overreacting. I mean, it’s just a prank, and he always says he can handle anything. Plus, he’s fine! No harm done, right?
Update: Update to answer some questions. No, of course he did not have his wand on him. And to clarify, he was only in the forest for a few days before I brought him back, nothing crazy. I left him a chocolate frog and a bottle of water in the tent so no, he was not going hungry or thirsty, I’m not a monster.
Update 2: Okay so a lot of people seem to be mad about the whole leaving him out there for multiple days without his wand to defend himself with part. Guys, he was fine!! I had stolen Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak and was watching him most of the time! If there had been some kind of dangerous creature I would have helped him of course.
Update 3: Wow I see now people are also attacking me for being a thief?? I didn't steal Potter’s cloak permanently! I just borrowed it without asking. It’s not like he’s using it all the time anyway. And if he doesn’t want it to be stolen he should hide it better. And besides, I gave it back after the prank was over. So, can we please focus on the actual prank here?
Update 4: So, I finally talked to T. I apologized and explained that I thought it was all in good fun and that I didn’t mean to scare him so much. He accepted my apology, but he made me promise to never pull something like that again. We’re good now, but he did insist on getting me back. If you hear about a Slytherin who has been charmed to uncontrollably sing opera in the Great Hall, that’s me. No thanks for the judgment, Reddit!
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AITA for giving my friend a cologne that made him smell like dungbombs?
I (18M, Slytherin) have this friend, B (also 18M, Slytherin). Anyway, B has had this massive crush on L (17F, Ravenclaw) for ages but has never had the guts to talk to her. He’s always saying he needs something to give him an edge, something to make him stand out.
Recently, I’ve been dabbling in creating my own potion recipes and decided to create a new cologne that I thought would help B impress L. I called it "Eau de Enchantment." I figured a magical scent might give him the confidence boost he needed. I didn’t bother to test it out in myself first as it seemed fine.
So, I gave it to B and told him it would make him irresistible. Excited, B sprayed it on just before he was about to approach L in the library. I was watching from a distance, expecting to see L absolutely swoon over him.
Instead, as he walked up to her, people started wrinkling their noses and covering their faces. B had no idea what was going on and kept talking to L. It was then that I realized something had gone horribly wrong. My cologne had somehow transformed into a scent that smelled exactly like dungbombs.
Then, one of the nearby students loudly pointed out, “Merlin’s beard, what’s that smell? It’s like a dungbomb exploded in here!” That’s when B realized something was terribly wrong. His face turned red as he noticed the reactions of everyone around him.
B came running to me, fuming. He said he was humiliated and that his chance at getting L to be his girlfriend is ruined. He hasn’t spoken to me since and has been avoiding me like the plague. All of our other friends are telling me I should not have let him use an untested product, but I feel like I did nothing wrong here. I only followed my inventive spirit and B used the cologne voluntarily!
Update: To clarify, I didn’t intentionally give him something that would make him smell bad. The potion was supposed to enhance his natural charm, not turn him into a walking dungbomb. I genuinely thought it would work!
Update 2: Okay, I get that people think I should have tested it more thoroughly. But I’m new to this potion-making stuff, and I genuinely thought it would work. I didn’t mean to embarrass B. But I do think he’s making this issue way bigger than it actually is.
Update 3: So, B is finally talking to me again. I guess he explained what happened to L and she told him “it’s totally fine, she turned off her sense of smell years ago”??? Anyways, they are together now and I’m happy for them, but I have to be honest L kinda freaks me out.
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AITA for borrowing my friend's pet raccoon and causing a panic?
My friend T (18M, Slytherin) has this pet raccoon named Gary, and everyone at Hogwarts loves Gary. Girls especially can’t get enough of him. He’s like a ladies magnet.
Recently, I (also 18M, Slytherin) noticed how much attention Gary was getting, and I thought it would be cool to borrow him for a day. I figured having Gary around would give me a chance to talk to some of the girls I’ve been interested in. So, one afternoon, while T was busy with Quidditch practice, I borrowed Gary without asking. I didn’t think it would be a big deal since T knows I’m good with animals and Gary seems to like me.
Gary and I had a blast. We hung out by the lake, and as expected, a bunch of girls came over to play with him and chat with me. It was perfect – until I saw T running around the grounds in a panic, calling for Gary. I realized he must have come back from practice early and found Gary missing.
I tried to catch up to him and explain, but by the time I did, he was in full-on panic mode. He thought Gary had run away or been stolen, and he had half the school looking for him. When I finally caught up to T and showed him that Gary was safe with me, he was furious. He yelled at me for taking Gary without asking and for making him think Gary was gone.
Now he’s not letting me hang out with Gary anymore and I miss him. The girls we were hanging out with don’t wanna chat when Gary isn’t around. I really don’t know what to do here Reddit.
Update: I swear Gary wasn’t in any danger. I made sure he was well taken care of and kept an eye on him the whole time. I even got him a cool new outfit. It’s not like I let him run loose or anything.
Update 2: Wow, people are really coming down hard on me. I understand now that I should have asked for permission and considered how T would feel. But let’s not forget that T once “borrowed” my broomstick for a whole weekend without asking. So, it’s not like we don’t occasionally mess with each other’s stuff.
Update 3: I’m sorry for comparing Gary to a broomstick, I see where that might have been a little disrespectful. Anyways, we found an agreement, but I am unfortunately no longer allowed to hang out with Gary unsupervised.
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AITA for accidentally offending my girlfriend by questioning the importance of color-coordinated socks?
So, I (18M, Slytherin) have been dating this amazing girl, L (17F, Ravenclaw). L is wonderful, quirky, and incredibly unique. One of the things I love most about her is her creativity and her belief in ideas that most of us have never even considered.
Recently, we were having a cozy evening in her common room, and L was explaining her theory about the importance of color-coordinated socks. According to her, wearing mismatched socks can disrupt the flow of positive energy and attract bad luck. She was passionately explaining how different colors influence different aspects of your life and how you must align them correctly to maintain balance.
Now, I adore L and all her eccentricities, but I made the mistake of chuckling and saying, “You don’t actually believe that your socks control your luck, do you?” I thought it was a light-hearted comment, but L’s face fell immediately. She got really quiet and then excused herself, saying she needed to realign her chakras.
Since then, she’s been distant and has barely spoken to me. I tried to apologize, but she just keeps saying I wouldn’t understand. Most of my friends think L is overreacting. I mean, it was just a small comment, and I didn’t mean to hurt her feelings. Plus, she believes in all sorts of things that nobody else does. But one of my friends (18F, Slytherin) fully lost it at me and thinks I completely fumbled the bag. Was it really so bad to express a little skepticism?
Update: I’m really mocking her beliefs here. I genuinely find her fascinating and love hearing about all her theories. I just didn’t realize how important it was to her.
Update 2: Okay, I get that people think I should have been more sensitive. I honestly didn’t think a small comment would cause such a reaction. But L once told me that she’s used to people not believing her, and I should have remembered that. I’ll take your guys advice and apologize again.
Update 3: I finally talked to L and apologized sincerely. I told her that I believe in her and respect her beliefs, even if I don’t always understand them. She forgave me but made me promise to be more open-minded. If anyone here knows where to get some of those teacups please let me know.
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victimsofyaoipoll · 1 year
Round 3
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Propaganda Under Cut
Joan Watson
How were BBC Sherlock shippers so rancid about a WOMAN who wasnt even in the SAME SHOW?????
Martin Freeman of BBC Sherlock insulted Elementary and specifically Lucy Liu in the press. He straight up called Lucy Liu a "dog" in an interview APPARENTLY as a joke, because calling female actors ugly is hilarious. Benedict Cumberbatch was more measured about it, but he still said he was cynical about Elementary because it would lose the "male friendship" dynamic, which of course Johnlock shippers used against Joan Watson fans. Even the lead BBC Sherlock actors got in on the yaoi victimization of Joan Watson... 😔
she wasn't even in the same SHOW as the yaoi I've been convinced she deserves to win the entire poll. I was a Johnlocker but I did watch the first season of Elementary and it was fine????? It was totally okay????? Especially in hindsight given how hard Sherlock season four flopped. Also Lucy Liu is a queen and deserved zero vitriol for *checks notes* playing a character???? A fucking fictional character???????? Oh my god we were all SO mean to this show and we (or at least I) thought it was like The Good Fight™️, like we were defending BBC Sherlock against copyright infringement and straightwashing and Jonny Lee Miller's bizarre scarf, (it wasn't a good scarf I do stand by that) but then Elementary didn't make Holmes and Watson a couple either???? And also it didn't insult its audience constantly etc etc we've all seen the Hbomberguy Sherlock is Garbage video. This is really long sorry hashtag justice for Joan Watson
Nyota Uhura
She's Spock's canon partner in AOS, and I get it because they're not a great couple, but she gets villianized in fic so much. They constantly make her an asshole (which totally has nothing to do with her being black /sarcasm) and abusive just for the crime of dating a man headcanoned as gay. And I mean, I think Spock is gay and her being a love interest was unnecessary but still! She's cool!
Oh my god so in the Star Trek reboot she’s Spock’s girlfriend and the fandom has no idea what to do with her??? Like she is ALWAYS either such a bitch or like the mom friend? And there is so much more to her character than that? But they always break down her character AND find a quick and easy way to break up her and Spock. I’m not even mad at that but at least treat their relationship with some weight instead of just being like ‘it never mattered’. People can love multiple people throughout the course of their lives. You know that right? Just because you loved someone before doesn’t make your new love any less special. And even headcanoning Spock as gay… you realize he doesn’t need to be attracted to Uhura for their relationship to have mattered, right? Even if he confused friendship for romantic attraction, him feeling such strong friendship and openly expressing it is so monumental for him!!! 
she's dating Spock, who people ship with Kirk, so fans have decided that it's horrible writing and "really, they're just defending her, the movies turned her into just a love interests," which is not at all true. The movies do so much more for her to the point that the fans who have only seen the movies think that the main characters are Kirk, Spock, and Uhura instead of the Kirk, Spock, McCoy of the original series. Also having a black women being shown as being desired and loved in mainstream media, particularly by one of the most popular characters of all time, is a good thing, not making her "just a love interest"
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Sammy's Little Problem, Chapter 15
Chapter Fourteen here.
It took a second for Sammy to comprehend how huge Littles’R’Us actually was when they pulled into the parking lot. It made Costco seem small by comparison. This wasn’t going to be a quick trip.
Sammy took a deep breath, trying to not feel so overwhelmed. She couldn’t help but notice Allie was treating her much more like a Little than ever before. Movie night now felt like a lifetime ago. She still didn’t feel like a Little. She felt the same as she did the day she received the news.
Just…with much less bathroom control. And did get a bit sleepier around midday and around 8 PM, and, she had to admit, did have to work harder than usual to not be emotionally overwhelmed. But still, adjusting to being treated like a Little was harder than she expected.
“You ready, Sammy?”
“Do I have a choice?”
Alyssa laughed, “well I guess not, no. But I want you to stay close to me, this store is huge and I don’t want you getting lost, okay? I want you to hold my hand or the cart at all times.”
“I’m not a baby,” Sammy huffed.
“I never said you were, Sammy. I just don’t want you getting lost. What would you do if you got lost? You don’t have the keys to the car. You don’t have a cellphone to call me. What would you do?”
“Well, I would have my cell phone if you didn’t take it away!” Sammy retorted.
“We went over this, Sammy,” Alyssa said sternly, “you don’t need a cellphone like you had. We can get you one designed for Littles in the future, but I don’t want you surfing the web and getting into trouble.”
Sammy stuck her tongue out Allie before she realized she was doing it. Her face flushed with embarrassment.
“Well, that is a great point there, Sammy!” Allie laughed, “now can you hold my hand?”
Sammy did. They walked into the store. It was hard to fathom how large it was. There seemed to be endless rows of Little’s products of all levels. It was so big, Alyssa grabbed a map before heading to the counter.
“Hello,” the woman at the counter said nicely, “how can I help you today?”
“We’re here to get everything set up for my new Little, Sammy,” Alyssa responded.
“What a cutie!” the woman said looking down at Sammy, “the first trip is always so exciting! You get to pick out everything your heart desires, little one!”
Sammy couldn’t bring herself to respond. Instead, she hid behind Alyssa in embarrassment.
“She’s still a bit shy,” Alyssa acknowledged.
“Well, that’s perfectly fine!,” she said to Sammy before turning back to Alyssa, “I can get you set up, did you bring the paperwork from the Littles Registration Office?”
“Yep, right here.”
“Perfect. Okay. So I see Sammy here is a Level Two Little. Most of the L2 supplies are down towards the back. Just head straight down and you can’t miss it. You’ll find the diaper aisle on the way, as well as any of the products that are appropriate for both L1s and L2s, such as bottles, sippy cups, and diaper bags.”
“Great,” Alyssa replied, “but these shopping carts don’t seem big enough to carry everything, though.”
“Whoops, I almost forgot! You’ll use this scanner here to select any of the bigger items you’d want. We offer same day delivery and installation if you finish before noon, which gives you three and a half hours, plenty of time. For things like diapers, you can put some in your cart, but the rest you can scan in and we’ll delivery them along with any furniture. And everything you scan will be added up and once you get to the checkout, the government rebate will automatically deduct from the total and you can pay the difference, if any, there.”
“Thank you so much,” Alyssa says as the woman gives her the scanner, “I think we can figure it out from here!”
Alyssa grabs a cart. “Okay, Sammy, you ready to start?”
“I-I guess,” Sammy whimpers.
Unsurprisingly, the diaper section is huge. There are diapers of every size, thickness, color, interest.
“It look’s like the L2 diapers are a few rows down,” Allie says, consulting the map.
“What’s the difference between L1 and L2 diapers, Allie?”
“Well, L1s and L2s have different needs. Remember, L1s aren’t able to walk or talk, so their diapers need to be different than for L2s. L1 diapers are way thicker since they don’t need to worry about walking. They’re so cute though. I’m sure we could get you some!”
“Sammy laughs nervously, “I think that’s okay, Allie.”
“Well, if you change your mind, let me know!”
They get to the L2 diaper aisles. Sammy sees there are three sections: Daytime Diapers, Nighttime Diapers, and Swim Diapers. Each design had a diaper on display, to let the Littles get a better idea of each design.
“Okay, lets start with daytime diapers,” Allie says, “which ones do you like best, Sammy?”
Sammy’s stomach sank at the question. This made it feel so real. She was going to pick out the diapers she’d wear for the rest of her life.
“I-I don’t know,” Sammy whispers.
Allie pulls Sammy in for a hug. “It’s a lot, I understand, Sammy. But would you rather have me pick out boring, ugly diapers? If you’re going to wear them anyway, you might as choose the ones that match your style!”
Sammy doubted diapers would ever match anyone’s “style,” especially not hers. As she looked around, she definitely didn’t think anyone of these diapers would do that. All of them were in sickening pastel colors or complete with babyish cartoon patterns on them. She started walking down the aisle, seeing her options.
“Look at this one, Sammy!” Allie encouraged, “these one’s have astronauts and these one’s have rockets on them!”
Alyssa knew it was a mistake as soon as she said it. Sure, they did make the most sense for Sammy, but maybe it was still a bit too soon for Sammy to want them.
Sammy teared up almost immediately. It was one thing to go from an adult to a Little, but going from potentially being a rocket scientist, to wearing rockets on her diaper was just too much. Tears welled in Sammy’s eyes.
“I’m sorry, Sammy, I should have known that was a stupid suggestion! I didn’t mean to upset you!”
“It’s not fair!” Sammy whined, “I don’t want to wear diapers with rockets on them, I want to work on rockets! I want to go home!”
Alyssa kicked herself. She should know how to not set off her own Little’s tantrums, even if this was so new. “Sammy, please, everything is okay. Come here.”
“No!” Sammy shrilled defiantly, stomping her feet, “I won’t do it! I won’t choose a diaper! I won’t be a Little! I won’t I won’t I won’t!”
Sammy’s screams echoed across the store, drawing sympathetic looks from other Caregivers. Alyssa stood there, unsure how to help Sammy.
“It’s okay you’re upset, Sammy. It’s okay to be angry. I know you don’t want to be wearing diapers. These are big emotions, it’s perfectly fine to feel them. But right now you need to choose some, okay? It’s not up for debate.”
Sammy looked mutinous. “I’m not a baby! You can’t make me!”
Alyssa sighed. “Sammy, now is not the time for screaming. I understand you’re frustrated, honey. But you need to calm down and explain to me how you’re feeling, alright? You cannot scream like this in public. Can you take a deep breath for me, Sammy?”
It took a few more stomps, but eventually Sammy gave in and took a deep breath.
“Thank you, Sammy. You’re doing great. Now let all your anger and frustration out as you breathe out, okay? Nice job. One more time. Good girl, Sammy. Now, can you tell me how you’re feeling?”
Sammy took a few steadying breaths. As she did, she felt herself calm down, regaining the clarity she had before. “I-I’m sorry, Allie! Sometimes it feels like I lose control and just want to cry and scream, I don’t know w-what’s happening to me.”
“I understand, Sammy, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, isn’t it?”
“But we can’t yell and scream when that happens, can we? We need to talk about our feelings before they explode, okay?”
“Y-you’re right, Allie.”
“You have nothing to apologize for, Sammy. Just promise when you start to feel overwhelmed, you’ll tell me, okay?”
“Thank you, Sammy. That’s very mature of you. Now, can you help me choose some diapers?”
“Yeah, I can, Allie,” Sammy says, looking back at the rocket ship diapers, “I actually do want them, Allie. I want to see them so I’ll always remember my goal, to be the first Little rocket scientist ever!"
Go to Chapter Sixteen.
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serene-faerie · 1 month
Doriath Dashboard Simulator (part 2)
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🌲 treehugger Following
I love you oaks I love you beech trees I love you pines I love you holly I love you forests of Doriath and all of your beautiful leaves 💚
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🌺 queen-melyanna Follow
Aman is great and the Gardens of Lórien are beautiful, no doubt
But does Aman have a regal, grey-eyed, super tall Elf king with long grey hair and a strong jawline?
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🌈 thingol-and-melian-can-rail-me Following
Thinking about moving to Doriath? Excellent!
If you've always wanted to live in a kingdom ruled by a DILF and MILF couple, then Menegroth is the place for you!
🐝 hello-my-honey Follow
Girl you do realize that Thingol and Melian are happily married to each other???
🌈 thingol-and-melian-can-rail-me Following
Well that hasn't stopped this elleth from dreaming about a threesome with them 🙈
🍄 from-the-nether-region Follow
I'm straight but even I have to admit that King Thingol is a very sexy king 🤤
🌷 blossoms-of-menegroth Mutuals
Melian is truly the luckiest woman in Arda, being married to an Elda as fine as Elu Thingol
🏹 strongestbow Following
Oh for Eru's sake, don't you all have any decency?! This is your king and queen that you're speaking about!
You need to show them your respect! Not talk about them like this!
🦔 ilovehodgehegs Follow
Me reading this post like
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#y'all are too thirsty ffs #sure thingol and melian are hot #but have some decency people #show some respect for your king and queen
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🏛️ daily-menegroth-pics Follow
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The ceiling of Menelrond
#my pics #menegroth #doriath #throne halls #arda #middle earth #beleriand
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🌳 queen-beech Mutuals
We got some new guests here in Menegroth; some of the Noldor from Aman. So far, I really like them!
Finrod is such a sweetheart, and he's really good at speaking Sindarin too! King Thingol really seems to like him (guess it helps that he's part Teleri). And his sister Artanis seems to have gotten Queen Melian's interest. Same with Lord Celeborn, not that I blame him.
Artanis has the prettiest hair I've ever seen in the world!!!
I'm so excited to get to know these guests! I sure hope we can all be friends :)
🌳 queen-beech Mutuals
Wait what do you mean they were hiding a literal slaughter of our kindred in Alqualondë???
🗡️ heavy-handed Follow
Posts that aged poorly
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🦋 a-tired-butterfly Follow
"Why are you so mad at the Noldor??? We literally saved your lives from Morgoth!!! You should just get over the Kinslaying already!!!"
Omg I know!!! It's not like the Noldor took advantage of King Thingol's hospitality and kept quiet about Alqualondë until he had to confront them about it!!! It's not as if we Sindar are ethnically related to the Teleri, which that means some of us may have had relatives killed in Alqualondë!!! It's totally not as if the Noldor had other motives for coming all the way to Middle-earth and are refusing to respect the people who've lived here longer than them!!!
I guess we Sindar are just overreacting after all :)
🌼 sunflowerdaughter Mutuals
Damn you went for the kill!
But well said, my friend! Anyone who tells us that we're overreacting has clearly lost their mind. Either that, or they're a kinslayer themselves.
🔘 celegorms-girlfriend-deactivated-6702
Oh sure, go ahead and pin the kinslaying on us. You know, it's not like the Teleri could've just avoided the bloodshed by giving us their ships. It's not as if they didn't start the fight themselves. No, the Teleri are poor innocent babies in this and we Fëanorians are the true scum of Arda and even worse than Morgoth himself :))))
I've said this once and I'll say it again: if it weren't for us, you Sindarin cowards would've already been slaving away in the mines of Angband. You should be thanking us for saving your asses instead of getting on our case about Alqualondë.
🌅 sunset-in-the-trees Mutuals
Wow, aren't you a piece of work? I'd expect nothing less from a hardcore Fëanorian supporter lmao
First of all, we Sindar were already battling Morgoth long before you even came to Middle-earth. While you were slaughtering your own kindred, we were doing a kin-avenging of Denethor, so you can shut up about that. Plus, our armies were decimated so that's why we can't even fight in battle now.
Second of all, you didn't even need to steal the damn ships. Fingolfin and his people crossed the Helcaraxë into Middle-earth so you could've just done that instead of killing Elves who were literally unarmed and unprepared. It's telling that you blame the Teleri for defending themselves when you literally ignored their protests and tried to steal the ships anyways. And then you tried to hide this from King Thingol when you know that he's friends with Olwë??? And then you wonder why he hates the Fëanorians and kicked you out of Doriath! I'd do the same if I were in his shoes!
Lastly, I think I speak for all of the Sindar when I say that I would rather be a slave in Angband than ally myself with the likes of you. If this is how you Fëanorians are gonna treat us, then we don't owe you an alliance.
Go back to kissing up to your precious Fëanorians on your own blog.
🌿 woodland-lass Follow
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🕊️ falas-birdie Follow
Annnnd they've deactivated lmao
Guess they couldn't handle your clapback
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🐿️ thesquirrelwhisperer Following
Friendly reminder that if a squirrel gives you an acorn, you must always accept it! It means that you're the squirrel's friend!
🌰 nuts-about-squirrels Follow
And if a squirrel climbs onto your shoulder, don't be scared! He's just being friendly!
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🌌 princess-tinuviel Follow
When he's dark-haired and has a rugged beard 😍
When he looks at you like you're his entire world 😍
When he's strong enough to lift you into his arms 😍
When he can pin you up against a tree like it's nothing 😍
When he calls you "Tinúviel" 😍
#my boyfriend is so hot #and so sweet as well #i love him sm #shut up tinuviel #hornyposting #do not rb
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🪈 daeron-the-bard Following
I don't understand what's so special about Lúthien's boyfriend
Sure he passed through Ered Gorgoroth and Nan Dungortheb and fought off Morgoth's forces by himself which is impressive I guess
But how did this Beren guy even manage to get Lúthien to fall in love with him???
💮 crownofniphredil Follow
I'm gonna be honest and say that it's probably his eyes
He's got the eyes of a sad baby deer and some girls just love that
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💧 es-gal-duin Follow
First Beren and Lúthien stole a Silmaril from Bauglir, then they both died, and now they've come back to life as mortals??? Lúthien has been given mortality???
This year has been wild as hell lmao
I wouldn't be surprised if King Thingol decides to adopt a mortal as his son next year
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🦌 king-elu Following
I've only had Túrin for a day and a half and if anything happens to him, I'll kill everyone in Menegroth and then myself
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🌸 menegrothsroyalfamilystan Follow
Reblog if you think King Thingol and Queen Melian are the sexiest rulers in all of Middle-earth
✴️ notice-me-feanorians Follow
Oh please!
As if the king and queen of Doriath could ever match the glory and majesty of High King Fëanáro himself! He was beautiful and strong, and no one can even hope to be as fabulous as him: not Thingol, not Finrod, not Fingolfin, and not even Fingon!
Long live the House of Fëanor!
🍂 lady-of-autumn Following
Ew get the Kinslayer off this post
🛡️ fingolfin-can-destroy-me Follow
Sorry, but this is High King Fingolfin erasure and I won't stand for it
Who else had the balls to duel Morgoth and wound him seven times???
🌸 menegrothsroyalfamilystan Follow
Has your high king ever married a sexy Maia after looking into her eyes for 200 years?
Has your high king ever carried out a kin-avenging of his long-term ally and best friend?
Has your high king fathered the most badass half-Maia daughter in all of Beleriand?
Yeah. I thought so.
Long live King Thingol and Queen Melian!
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🍁 nostalgic-doriath-povs Mutuals
POV: It's the wedding of Beren and Lúthien and you're enjoying a slice of blackberry rose tart during the feast
🦊 nivrimvixen Following
Wait what do you mean it's been 37 years since the Quest for the Silmaril???
🍃 windsofchange Follow
Posts that make you feel really old when you least expect it
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🌱 lord-0r0ph3r Following
Doriath is officially no more. Our king and queen are dead, and it's likely that the young princes are dead as well. The only consolation is that Celegorm, Caranthir, and Curufin are also dead, and young Elwing is alive and well.
To my fellow Sindar, do not lose hope.
We must look out for each other and rebuild here in the Havens of Sirion. We must endure the cruelty of Bauglir and his forces. But we will not surrender so long as we fight back. We will not give into Bauglir or the Fëanorians.
One day, we will be the harbingers of vengeance. One day, Bauglir will be sent to the Void. And one day, the Fëanorians will have to answer for their crimes.
For now, let us rest and heal. There is still much work to be done, and we will need all of our strength in the coming days.
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Link to part 1 here.
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catindabag · 9 months
TBOSAS on Crack short take (67)
*How Sejanus got accepted by his Capitol peers* Read [this] first.
Festus: Hi, Snow bro!
Coryo: Hi, Creed. How’s life?
Festus: Pretty great! Yesterday, my mom even gave me some sweet baby potatoes to share with my rats!
Coryo: Your mom’s weird.
Festus: She’s on her ✨me and myself era✨.
Coryo: How about your dad?
Festus: Rehab.
Coryo: Poor guy.
Festus: Don’t worry about it. I’m practically the man of the house now!😎
Coryo: Festus, you’re 8.
Festus: You’re 8 too.
Coryo: I’m an orphan.
Festus: I live in a cozy dumpster without any parental supervision. So technically speaking, I’m also an orphan-
Sejanus: *appears out of nowhere and hugs Coryo like a koala* Greetings, my love!😍
Coryo: Hi, Seji Pie.
Festus: Coryo, who’s the new kid and why is he hugging you like a giant koala on crack?
Coryo: He’s my new friend-
Sejanus: Hi! I’m Coryo’s boyfriend and future husband!
Festus: Future husband?
Sejanus: Yup! I’m Sejanus Plinth! Nice to meet you!
Festus: Um- I’m Festus Creed-
Sejanus: Do you want to be the ✨Best Man✨ at our wedding?😀
Festus: You’re already planning your wedding?!
Sejanus: Of course we are! After all, it’s going to be the ✨Royal Wedding of The Century✨!😍
Festus: But I’m too young to be your ✨Best Man✨!
Coryo: And I’m too young to have a boyfriend or fiancé, but here we are.😑
Sejanus: My Coryo is so cute and shy. I want to hug him forever!
Festus: Forever?
Sejanus: And ever and ever!
Festus: Snowy, my cabbage loving brother, are you sure about him?
Coryo: His family is rich.
Festus: Richer than Arachne?
Coryo: Yes.
Festus: Nice! *turns to Sejanus and gives him a bear hug* Welcome to the Capitol, Sej! You’re now my new best mate!
Sejanus: *hugs back* Oh, thank Panem! A new friend to keep and hide in my home!
Festus: You’ll keep me where?
Sejanus: I’m so happy, my love!
Coryo: Whatever you say, Babe.
Sejanus: We should celebrate!
Festus: Yey! Free food!
Coryo: Can we order chicken nuggets and fries today?
Sejanus: Anything and everything you want, my love!😍
Festus: Can Odysseus and Penelope celebrate with us?😀
Sejanus: Sure! Where are they?
Festus: *shows them his 2 favorite freaky pet rats instead* This is Odysseus and this is Penelope! Aren’t they cute?🥰
Sejanus: They’re rats?!
Coryo: Ugly looking rats.
Festus: Yup! But I just call them Ody and Penny for short.
Sejanus: Are they even clean?
Festus: Clean as me!😊
Sejanus: Do they have rabies?
Festus: Rabies? Is that edible?
Sejanus: Festus-
Coryo: *whispers to Sejanus* Creed is currently living in a “cozy” rat infested dumpster without parental supervision.
Sejanus: *whispers back* Why? Is his family homeless and poor?
Coryo: No. They’re rich.
Sejanus: So why the dumpster?
Coryo: His crazy mother is the current ✨Queen of Neglect✨.
Sejanus: And his dad?
Coryo: Rehab.
Sejanus: Rehab?!
Festus: Yeah.😞 My germaphobe dad was forced by my evil mom to live in a dumpster for 2 years because of the rebels.
Sejanus: That’s so sad!
Festus: More like a tragedy. He was even loved and respected by many. However, after the war, my poor dad became borderline catatonic and unresponsive.
Sejanus: But what about your mother?!
Festus: She’s on her ✨me and myself era✨.😔
Coryo: It’s the war trauma. I mean, Mr. Creed’s a germaphobe and he was forced by his crazy wife to hide in a filthy dumpster for too long.
Festus: It’s ok. I still love my dad and my darling dumpster.
Sejanus: You’re making me cry, Creed!😭
Coryo: Babe, don’t feel bad. Festus is fine. He’s doing great! Look!
Festus: *is now talking to his pet rats* Oh, you look so beautiful as always, Penny!☺️
Penelope: *happily squeaks in return*
Festus: Oh, thank you, Penny!
Odysseus: *squeaks in jealousy*
Festus: Ody, don’t be jelly. Penny is your wife.
Coryo: Yup. He’s totally fine.
Sejanus: But he’s talking to rats!
Coryo: That’s normal. It’s part of the ✨Capitol Culture✨.
Sejanus: Talking to ugly rats is a ✨Capitol Culture✨?!
Festus: And heritage!
Sejanus: Coryo-
Coryo: Talking to “sacred” animals is part of being Capitol, my love.
Festus: Except for birds. We don’t talk to birds.
Sejanus: Why?
Coryo: Birds can snitch on you.
Sejanus: That is so weird.
Coryo: You’ll get used to it.
Sejanus: Have you ever-
Coryo: Talked to animals before? Sure! I do it almost every day! I even had to bargain with an angry wild dog for some lima beans and expired ham last night.
Sejanus: You can bargain with wild animals?!
Coryo: It’s a Corso thing.
Festus: We’re both from Corso.
Felix: *jumps out of nowhere* Hi, Coryo! Hi Creed! Who’s your new friend?
Sejanus: Hi! I’m Coryo’s husband!
Felix: Snowy is married already?!
Coryo: Not yet. He’s my friend-
Sejanus: Boyfriend.
Felix: Oh, ok. Nice to meet you. I’m Felix Ravinstill!
Sejanus: You’re an evil scheming Ravinstill?!
Felix: I’m sad now.😢
Coryo: Babe, don’t call our poor Felix evil. He’s sensitive.
Sejanus: But he’s a Ravinstill!
Festus: He’s our baby!
Felix: I’m baby.
Sejanus: Oh. Sorry. I didn’t know.
Felix: It’s fine. I’m used to it.
Sejanus: Being called evil all the time by complete strangers?
Felix: Along with my family.
Sejanus: And you’re not bothered by that?
Felix: It’s a reoccurring Ravinstill problem.😞
Festus: True. I mean, the Districts already hate us for barely winning the war.
Coryo: To be fair, we only won the war because everyone on both sides quickly declared a ceasefire to mourn the death of my gorgeous father and his gorgeous looks.
Sejanus: Oh, yeah! My evil old man mentioned that tragic news to me before. He was even crying his heart out and screaming at everyone that he will never ever recover and truly love again.
Coryo: My father’s death really affected your Pa that much?
Sejanus: Yup. My scheming father and ✨Gorgeous General Crassus✨ were extremely close-
Coryo: How close?
Sejanus: They were roommates.
Coryo: You do know that my dad’s death was just an accident, right?
Sejanus: Really?
Coryo: Unfortunately.
Festus: The rebel who shot Snowy’s daddy even cried and confessed on live TV that it was just an honest mistake on his part.
Felix: True. The poor bastard was supposed to aim his rifle at the sky to signal their whereabouts, but ✨Gorgeous General Crassus✨ was such a catch that he and his other rebel friends got distracted-
Coryo: Leading to my poor daddy’s accidental death. End of story.
Felix: However, because of that incident, people from both sides began to hate my family even more.
Festus: Not gonna lie, sending ✨Panem’s Prettiest Player✨ to the front lines without any warning or explanation was our country’s biggest mistake.😔
Felix: Coryo, I’m so sorry!
Coryo: Felix, it’s fine. You don’t have to feel sorry for me all the time.
Sejanus: Even though District 13 started the war that almost eradicated all of you?
Felix: District 13? What’s that? Is that food?
Coryo: *whispers to Sejanus* His irreversible war trauma is currently protecting him from the ugly realities of this world.
Sejanus: *whispers back* So District 13 still exist?
Coryo: I’m poor. So let’s just pretend it doesn’t exist anymore.
Sejanus: Whatever you say, my love!
Coryo: But seriously, Felix is a good guy. You can rely on him.
Felix: Half of my family is either crazy or shady.
Sejanus: And the other half?
Felix: They’re just a bunch of Bichon Frisé puppy worshippers.
Sejanus: And which half do you belong to?
Felix: I’m a Bichon Frisé puppy worshipper.😔
Sejanus: By force?
Felix: Yeah. My family doesn’t even know that I’m actually a big Hello Kitty fan.
Sejanus: Do you even like dogs?
Felix: I have to like them or else my granduncle and my mother might disown me.
Coryo: His crazy granduncle is the ✨President of Panem✨.
Festus: And his mother is the ✨Vice President✨.
Felix: They’re also the leaders of the famous ✨Bichon Frisé Cult✨.
Sejanus: Your mother is the same woman who declared that eating cold spaghetti on Winter Solstice is a crime against humanity?!
Felix: Yeah. That’s my mom. She’s a true Ravinstill through and through.
Sejanus: And your dad?
Felix: Is also a Ravinstill.
Sejanus: So your parents are related?
Felix: We’re Capitol Nobles.
Sejanus: So?
Felix: That means that we’re all related to each other. Even Coryo, Festus, and I are family.
Festus: By blood!
Coryo: We’re cousins.
Sejanus: Really?! How come?
Coryo: We all share a common great great grandfather.
Sejanus: That still doesn’t add up-
Festus: He had 24 daughters and 16 sons.
Felix: And I have hundreds of cousins roaming around the city.
Sejanus: Yeah, I can see it now.
Felix: Don’t even ask me about my deadly family reunions.😞
Sejanus: So that means that my future children with Coryo will have the crazy Ravinstill blood running through their veins-
Felix: You can’t run from my ever expanding bloodline, bro. Sooner or later, your family will also be part of it.😔
Sejanus: But that’s impossible!
Coryo: Just accept the inevitable.
Sejanus: Ok! No problem, my love!😍
Felix: So can we start over?
Sejanus: Sure! You start.
Felix: Oh, ok. Um- Hi! I’m Felix and I love butterflies!
Sejanus: Hi! I’m Sejanus and I love my Coryo!
Felix: That’s great! I support you! Let’s be friends!
Sejanus: Yey! Another new friend!
Coryo: Yey. I’m hungry. Let’s go eat and celebrate, Babe.
Festus: Free food!
Felix: New friend!
Lysistrata: *slides out of nowhere* Can we be friends too?
Apollo: Let’s be friends, new kid!
Diana: Me too!
Androcles: And me!
Gaius: Do you like squirrels?
Io: Do you like cheese?
Dennis: Let’s do some business ventures together!
Persephone: Have you seen my stew?
Palmyra: Try this expired muffin! I baked it myself!😀
Vipsania: Do you workout?
Domitia: Do you like cows?
Iphigenia: You can buy your groceries at my place!
Juno: A rich District peasant?!
Florus: I’m just here for the food.
Arachne: Is your sandwich recipe better than mine?
Urban: Do you like meth- I mean, math?
Pup: Do you like to sleep upside down?
Hilarius: Do I look good in shorts?
Festus: No! Shoo! Go away! Sejanus is my new friend!
Coryo: And my boyfriend!
Felix: Can we order pasta?
Apollo: Please be my friend!
Diana: Pretty please!🥺🙏
Florus: Where’s the food?
Androcles: Let’s be war baddies!
Coryo: Do you mean buddies?
Androcles: They’re the same thing.
Coryo: No, they’re not.
Androcles: Then we shall-
Sejanus: Fine! We can all be best friends forever!
Androcles: Really?🥹
Sejanus: As long as you eat my gumdrops.
Androcles: Ok!
Livia: Ew. No.
Hilarius: By the way, shouldn’t we all be in school right now?
Arachne: Shouldn’t you?
Hilarius: Nah. School is boring.
Arachne: But-
Hilarius: Let’s go celebrate our newly forged friendship instead!🥳
Sejanus: To friendship!
Everyone: *except Livia and Arachne* To our shotgun friendship!
Florus: Free food! Let’s go!
Io: I’m so excited! This is my first time skipping school!
*Meanwhile, at school*
Clemensia: *is currently sitting alone with her pet hamster* Hercules, this is weird. Why am I the only one sitting in class today? Where is everyone?
Hercules:. . .
Clemensia: Seriously, where the heck is everyone?!
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windvexer · 10 months
Do you know any spells for attracting good and healthy (as in going to treat me respectfully and kindly) friends? I'm having difficulty coming up with a spell myself, as it's been a while since I've done a spell.
Good morning! On reflection I think I might know a total of about 5 spells and none of them related to friendship, so I asked around.
And while the buds had some great links, none of them were directly related to attracting friends.
I don't have a lot of experience in this area, but I can regardless suggest a general course of action:
[Please consider the following to be aligned to my personal practice; I'm not trying to claim that this Tumblr post is the 1 true way to do magic.]
Try combining your conjuring spell with a protection against disrespectful, unkind friends. This protection can be accomplished through the creation of a simple amulet or energetic shielding patterned to that specific purpose.
I believe that magic we put on ourselves can subtly influence those around us. Very aggressive, scary protections can make people think of us as being aggressive and scary. So, protections for your purpose are better off being gentle (perhaps those protections provided by Amethyst or Rose Quartz, or Cinnamon, *maybe* Dill if you want to come off as a bit mysterious and cool, and of course all varieties of common and garden Sage).
Try working yourself into a lovely spell jar that reminds you of exactly the kind of friendships you'd like to have in your life. According to my beliefs, these kinds of jars work best if the are charged/fed and activated.
Any sort of general, basic spell jar format is fine, as long as it's a spellcasting technique you're comfortable with.
I'm looking up resources for friendship and finding very little. Intuition advises that sugar, lemon, and allspice might serve you well. But, of course, anything you like is what should be done. If you like to work with elemental correspondences, consider using Air (communication, talking) and Water (relationships, connection). Of planets, Mercury and Venus might be helpful.
Try working "consumable" spells, such as a candle or incense spell, dressed and treated to specifically attract a respectful, kind friend.
If you don't know of or have certain correspondences, direct energy work can be used to imbue the candle or incense with desired outcomes.
If you're interested in doing multiple spells, you can do both the jar and other types of friend-conjuring spells as well.
Find-a-Friend Powder
I have a lovely copy of Pestlework by @breelandwalker, which is a formulary of magical powders. I got her permission to share the Find-a-Friend Powder formula from that book:
2 pt Confectioner's Sugar
1 pt Forget-Me-Not Blossoms
1 pt Pink Rose Petals
1 pt Meadowsweet**
½ pt Passionflower Herb**
½ pt Cloves
** Substances which should be avoided by those who are pregnant or nursing
Add the powder to a bottle charm that you carry with you to attract quality friends and companions. You can also combine it with modeling clay and use that to create a charm or poppet to be the focus of such spells.
NicGarran, Bree. Pestlework: A Book of Magical Powders & Oils (p. 49). Kindle Edition.
Bree also kindly notes that most any attraction or love spell can be modified to call friends and compaions, instead of lovers.
[For those interested, here is an additional resource list of some of Bree's recipes available for free]
Other Notes:
I find that when working multiple spells towards the same goal, assigning a spirit helper to oversee the operation can be of great value.
This can easily be done by petitioning the help of a tarot card. This is a basic ritual format for petitioning tarot cards.
I would especially recommend working with the Knight/Cups to find a friend, the 2/Cups to foster new relationship beginnings, and the 3/Cups to nurture desired relationships.
If seeking one card to oversee general operations, I recommend the Knight/Cups.
I hope some of this ends up helping! Best of luck.
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copias-girl · 1 year
Hey. I saw you deleted all the excitement/nonsense from the other day, wanted to check in on you. I realized that while I've been on this hellsite for 12 years and seen and experienced a great deal of my own anon drama, I forget how overwhelming & terrible it feels when it first happens to you.
I failed to notice that, in addition to being very new to this site, you're also only 18 (please note that this is not meant to sound condescending - tone is impossible to convey via text). I was a couple years older than that when I joined here, and I carried just as much excitement and energy into everything I posted and reblogged and quickly gained a reputation for myself. From what I've observed from your blog though, mine was decidedly...less fun & positive, so I got a LOT of anonymous messages telling me what they thought of me. I would spend a lot of time thinking about those anons and the terrible things they said to me, constructive or not, objective or not. It didn't matter how many support messages I got from friends or mutuals, or how much we mocked the anons or made light of the situation - I was angry, embarrassed, felt like nothing I did would fix it, and sometimes didn't want to log onto this site anymore, despite it being the only outlet I had to express myself in this way.
It is normal to focus on the small negative in spite of the overwhelming positive - healthy? No. But normal.
My point is: Please do not let this nonsense deter you from being you. Not everyone is going to like you, and that is totally fine. Not everyone is going to like how you post/reblog on your blog. Speaking solely for myself, I generally keep a more contained dashboard I can scroll through quickly at work, so I don't follow your blog, but I don't translate my personal feelings on how you blog into my personal opinion of you as an individual. Everyone blogs differently on this site, which is what keeps it interesting. I'm also not so chronically online to go out of my way to send you a 5-paragraph essay about consent or being hypersexual in a fandom for a gay Satanic band. Instead I'll send you a 8-paragraph essay trying to comfort you and to tell you not to despair, lmao.
I LOVE your enthusiasm about how you express yourself in your posts & reblogs, and it seems there's a shit ton of blogs around you that feel the same way & express themselves the exact same way. Don't lose that spark! Don't let them rain on your parade! [Insert another cliche phrase here]!
Take time if you need a break, but please understand you did nothing wrong. Everything said to you was someone's opinion they wanted to force on you to control how you behave because they themselves are terrified of the world around them and don't understand they cannot control others. Hopefully one day they'll realize how sheltered and, quite frankly, stupid they are. I did.
My advice: if you ever reopen anons and start getting those messages again, delete them and don't engage. Most of the time they're just looking for attention, to rile you up. Classic bullying tactics.
Or print out their messages and use them as firewood. Or toilet paper. Whatever works.
Lastly, you don't have to acknowledge this or publish this message if you don't want to. Genuinely, I just wanted to reach out and make sure you're okay and to attempt to longwindedly impart some advice from my own experiences over the decade.
You do you, dude. Fuck the haters.
Thank you so so much for this incredibly kind and comforting message ♥︎ I really appreciate it more than you could imagine, it even made me cry reading it. I feel like this message is a good closer for this situation, so I’m also going to use it as an opportunity to give a little PSA about how my blog will be operating from now on.
First of all, just thank you again. I’m honestly astonished because every single thing you mentioned is exactly how I feel. The hurt of it all despite getting so much support, the empty feeling of not wanting to go on tumblr anymore despite it being my only outlet. Tumblr was supposed to be my safe space, my escape, my home, and it really sucks because it honestly doesn’t feel like that anymore.
I think the thing that hurts the most is that literally no one reached out to me as a friend in the dms to tell me that I was bothering them. I’m not a mind reader, so if no one says anything then I assume I’m not bothering them. But I do pride myself on always being approachable, I’m ALWAYS open to people messaging me with their concerns.
It’s different when it’s some faceless anon who comes off as slightly passive aggressive. If someone would have just DMed me, I definitely would have put more thought into it and taken their suggestion. Since I haven’t been on tumblr long, I didn’t even know the difference between reblogging with a comment or reblogging with tags until literally just now during this whole situation.
I just feel like I’ve been serving spaghetti every night for dinner. 9 people say they absolutely LOVE it, but then I come to suddenly find out the 10th person doesn’t. But they never said anything all this time, so how was I supposed to know?
I’ve had two people block me who I thought were my friends. One who, during this situation, even said she’d always be there for me. Basically, she informed me that our mutual friend had been upset about my comments and apparently never said anything before this, so I reached out to that friend and apologized. She apparently got triggered by my apology, and they both blocked me. That hurt. A lot. And if I’m being honest I’ve been fighting so hard not to self harm during this time.
I feel like I’ve been treated like a malicious criminal over this, when in reality everyone should know damn well I’ve never done ANYTHING to deliberately make people feel bad.
And don’t worry, I definitely did not take the comment about my age to be condescending. In fact, I wish more people would have taken it into account. And the fact that I’ve only been on tumblr for 6 months, so I don’t really know much about it.
I have a life outside tumblr. I’m a student, and I’ve had to be a full-time caretaker to sick relatives who have now unfortunately passed away. I’m grieving. My father abandoned me and my mother, so I’ve had to take over doing all the things that he used to do.
I come on tumblr, I scream about everyone’s favourite satanic antipopes, I post some fics, and then I close the app and go about my life. I don’t research the history of tumblr and what’s deemed acceptable by certain groups of people. I’m a human. I’m a real teenage girl, with feelings. I’m able to be hurt, and triggered, and everything else. I know I’ve created a personality for myself on here, and I think people often forget that I’m a real girl.
I wish I could say I’m okay, but right now that spark definitely feels dampened into a sad little ember. Since this has happened, I’ve almost stopped eating entirely, and when I do eat, I immediately throw it right back up. My Mom took me out to eat and I threw up in public. This has honestly had my stomach in knots.
Today was the first day I actually didn’t feel nauseous. So hopefully time will heal this wound. I wouldn’t wish this on ANYONE, but I’m glad to see you got through it and made it out ok. I’m hoping for the same outcome for myself too.
Now for the PSA portion of this message (everyone please read):
Will I stop being unhinged? Hell no. But I will be moving any horny comments into the tags, as suggested by the people who had complaints. The absolute last thing I want to do is alienate people and make people uncomfortable. (I still have questions about reblogging with comments tho, for example, if I say something not horny should I still put that in the tags or is it ok to comment that?)
Secondly, my best friend suggested that I should just start taking my unhinged comments and making them into posts of their own, so I’ll probably do that too. I think I might tag them with some cheesy tag, probably a pun on nsfw (not sugar for work?) so that if you’d like to blacklist that tag, you can, and then your dash will be safe for scrolling at work or wherever. And you can just click ‘view post’ if you want to view it.
So, rest assured, the horny party will never stop! But since I’ll be putting my stuff in the tags, you probably won’t see it circulating as much as reblogged comments, so if you want to see me being unhinged, just come to my page and scroll through!
Also, I’ve gotten so many other supportive messages and I want to thank everyone for sending them in. I won’t be answering them, because I don’t want a lot of stuff about this situation on my blog. And this is going to be the last time I talk about this situation on my blog. But the supportive messages really do mean a lot to me, so thank you all ♥︎
I feel malaise, so I might still be absent for a little while, but I’ll try to get back in the saddle as soon as I can. I haven’t been in the best mindset to write, but I’m really going to try because posting fics and running this account genuinely make me happy.
Thank you for taking the time to read, and I hope to see you all again very soon
Love always,
Sugar <3
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chekov-in-a-dress · 8 months
Would love to hear more of your thoughts about the Iso and Sova relationship ask. Doesn’t matter what ship if any.
Okay so for some reason tumblr refused to notify me of this message but HEY that's fine bc now we have more info on Iso and while I haven't looked into him directly, I have run into him in game and of course there's the new cinematic (plus the little short with Iso, Omen and Cypher) which FED ME SO WELL
So let's look at this again, shall we.
I can definitely see Sova as initially very hostile towards Iso because we know that Sova is very protective of the other members of the protocol and having someone straight up hunting a member of his team would definitely trigger his protective instincts.
We also know that Sova hates both secrets and being left out of things so if Cypher (and/or Omen) didn't involve him from the start so upon finding out about the whole situation, he would've likely been very unhappy about that lmao.
So in my head it went something like: Cypher finds out about Iso being tasked to kill Omen (I'm gonna take a wild guess here and say that Cypher is well aware of the organisation Iso works for already and that is probably how it popped up on his radar), Cypher informs Brimstone about it, who consults Sova and Viper, probably Sage as well.
Now I don't know if that was explained somewhere but I have no clue how Cypher managed to convince Iso to not try and kill Omen but instead turn against his employer and join Valorant.
Based on the short cinermatic we got it could be that Cypher told Iso Omen isn't like whatever monstrous threat he was made out to be and Iso confirmed that by watching Omen tend to his bonsai trees??? Which doesn't make that much sense to me tbh like bad people can have cute hobbies too? :'D
I think it's more likely that Cypher had some dirt on Iso's employer and managed to convince Iso that their objectives are far more malicious than Valorant's.
Which would indicate that Iso has a somewhat decent moral compass for a hitman lmao. In that regard he might get along with Sova, considering Sova himself is willing to kill if ordered to / if it's what he deems necessary.
Anyway whatever the reason behind Iso switching sides, I feel like Sova is not the kind of person to just go 'alright ur one of us now' and just drop his suspicions. I do think he's still very, very wary of Iso and definitely keeps a close eye on him whenever possible.
But since Sova cares a great deal about Omen - with or without shipping the two - he doesn't hesitate to use whatever intel Iso has to help Omen in his hunt for the past he doesn't remember. Which is where the cinematic comes in.
So I do think at that point Iso and Sova are working together well enough but Sova definitely doesn't trust him. Though judging from Sova's character he's willing to give Iso a chance to prove himself and earn his trust. ♥
And since we all know that I'm a slut for shipping Sova with anyone as long as they top him I can totally see Iso and Sova as a slow-burn distrust to lovers couple. Make Iso take a bullet for him on a mission with Sova dragging him to safety and tending to his wound while waiting for backup.
Also Iso just watching Sova, standing in the range or at the edge of the practice arena / danger room, earplugs ever present and Sova can just FEEL the intensity of his eyes on him. Maybe at first he's suspicious, thinking that Iso is sizing him up, trying to find his weaknesses - a very Cypher thing to do lmao - and he tells him in a very brusque fashion to leave because Sova prefers practicing on his own.
But after their disastrous mission and once Iso has recovered from his gunshot wound, Sova runs into him at the range. Iso has just finished his practice 'don't worry I'm about to leave' and Sova responds with 'you can stay to watch if you like'. BAM relationship development.
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archiveoftara · 1 year
It's my party and I'll cry if I want to
Hi guys, I came up with this idea few nights ago. The reader is heir of Tom Rotwell. Reader is filthy rich, spoiled brat who has a massive crush on Lockwood. Reader is jealous of Lucy. I initially thought to write only about Lockwood but I might turn this into George fanfic. Please let me know if I should continue or not. Do let me know in the comments
It's your birthday. You're standing on the balcony, looking at the moon shining above you. You look ethereal in your Swarovski studded gown, it enhances your curves giving both elegance and luxury.
You are Y/n Rotwell, successor of Tom Rotwell. Someone who's born and raised in luxury, you thought money is the solution to everything.
You got everything in this world but you still felt lonely. You craved love. To fill the void inside your heart you threw massive parties, shopping sprees, of course with your daddy's credit card. You thought that's life, until you met someone who swooned you from your feet.
You saw this man in the 50th Fittes ball. The infamous Anthony Lockwood but God he's so hot, totally your type. It was love at first sight.
I want him. You thought.
You did some digging and found everything about this mysterious man. You stalked see him wherever he went. You made it oh so subtle. 
The boy has a small agency. He has two employees, a nerd and a scruffy girl. Not someone you would like to be friends with. Your Target was to get Anthony Lockwood. By hook or by crook.
But there is one problem, he's always with this scruffy girl..what's the name?...hmm yeah Lucy.
What does he even see in her?
I mean looked at you, you got the looks, the money, intelligence. You got everything that can make any guy fall for you….right?
Then why isn't Anthony falling for you. What's his price? Fame? Money? Sex?
You were deep in your thoughts when you heard a knock.
"Ma'am it's time." Your bodyguard said.
You sighed. Honestly, you wanted to be alone tonight but you didn't have a choice as your parents arranged this party. You weren't in the mood to listen to any of their lectures about gratitude and upbringing.
The moment you set foot in the room, all the eyes fell on you. You love the attention. With a smirk on your face, you went up to your friends. You grooved a little to music, having small talks with your so-called friends. They're rich kids just like you. Born with a golden spoon in their mouth. You know they're not your real friends. Everyone cares about your money anyway.
You looked around the room, searching for those brown eyes which made you fall so hard in love.
There he is. In a black suit, hair styled like a 50s actor. He looks gorgeous. You smiled to yourself but it faltered when you saw him holding someone's hand. Ugh Lucy. You practically gagged.
Lockwood approached you with a smile. "Thank you for having us Ms. Rottwell. It's truly a pleasure" he warmly shook your hand. You blushed.
"No, it's my pleasure having you with us. Enjoy the party." You gave your best fake smile to the couple. It hurts to see him with her. How you wish it was you in his arms instead of her.
After attending a few guests, Your parents had an announcement to make.
"We are so pleased to share this news with you. Today, our little y/n has turned into a fine lady. I'm so proud of her." Your mother said. "We have a surprise for you all, Our daughter Ms. Y/n Rotwell is getting engaged to Mr. Henry Fittes, successor of the great Marissa Fittes."
Your jaw practically dropped on the floor. You couldn't believe your ears for a moment. You excused yourself and went to the garden.
You found Lockwood outside looking at the moon. You put on your best smile and said hi.
"What are you doing here Mr. Lockwood?"
"Just waiting for Lucy and George."
You were so busy killing Lucy with your eyes that you didn't even notice George standing right beside them.
"Congratulations on your engagement Ms. Rottwell"
Your mood turned sour. "What is your price Anthony?" You surprised yourself with the sudden burst of confidence.
"Excuse me?"
"What do you want? How can I get you? How can I make you love me?"
Lockwood looked at you as if you're crazy.
"Everyone has a price. What's yours?"
"You're crossing your limit."
You ignored him "Why don't you look at me the way you look at her? What does she have that I don't have? You yelled.
"She's not obnoxious like you. You got the money but you're heartless. She's kind, beautiful, brave. She has decency unlike you. I'm sorry. I don't like you, Ms. Rottwell. I only like Lucy, in fact I love lucy. "
In fact, I love lucy
I love lucy
Those three letters were enough to tore you to pieces.
Anthony left you standing in the cold garden.
Everyone you love eventually leaves you. What's so new about it y/n?
You were called on the stage. Your parents asked you to sing a song, showcase you like an expensive piece of jewellery sitting in a box, ready to be sold.
You took the stage and sang your heart out.
"Why was he holding her hand
when he's supposed to be mine?"
It's my party and I'll cry if I want to,
Cry if I want to. Cry if I want to
You would cry too, if it happened to you"~
You glared at the couple. You could see how Lockwood held Lucy's waist, so delicate with his touch. How he smiled to her like he owns the world.
"Judy and Johnny just walked through the door
Like a queen with her king
Oh, what a birthday surprise
Judy's wearing his ring"~
You got tears in your eyes but you hid it so well. Nobody could see the vulnerable girl who just want to be loved..only and only by him.
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I give you the a possible epilogue of sorts where its like a day or so after the masquerade madness,and everything is back to its old ways at nrc,meanwhile poor sebek has yet to catch on to the fact raven and malleus aren’t related
Or alternatively crowley asks how everything thing went over at the other school and raven just looks at him so tired
[Related Posts: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9]
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Crowley asks the NRC kids how the symposium went and they all respond with dead-eyed stares. “It was fine.” Then he demands to know what souvenirs they all got him and the boys march off to their own dorms, totally blowing him off 😂 Raven regales him with a story about a great crimson calamity that struck the City of Flowers over dinner. “But it’s just a story,” she insists to the headmaster, intent on keeping Rollo’s secret, and onto hope that he will repent for his sins.
Sebek continues to remain completely ignorant 🙃 and he now follows Raven around like a lost dog hoping for free treats/headpats. (He also now picks fights with J word--) Raven has no idea what’s the matter with him and she’s mildly on edge that his attitude has done a 180. “I-Is Sebek-san up to something shady?!”
Meanwhile, Silver is happy that Sebek finally made a friend that he doesn’t constantly shout at... and Lilia’s encouraging Sebek to invite his “new bestie friend” over for tea in the Diasomnia lounge with sweets personally made by himself, of course. (Silver has to drag Lilia away before his father can do any real damage.)
... I also like to think that Raven and Rollo become weird passive aggressive pen pals 🤡 Like Rollo probably wants nothing more to do with her, but Raven’s dead set on keeping in touch and trying to be someone he can talk with (like how coming to NRC helped change her for the better). Maybe she can be like a student correspondent between NRC and NBC??
Raven sees herself and Rollo as very similar and she wants to do what she can to help him. We both scrawl down our true feelings on paper rather than share them with those around us, she writes, so let’s talk with each other. It doesn’t have to be about anything serious, but just sharing a little of our days and sharing stories. Let’s take small steps together. Shall I start? Today, Sebek-san introduced me to a new book series—
She can ask VP or Aide-kun to pass the letters along for her, and when the letter finally arrives at Rollo’s desk, he’ll frown and shake his head. “… Utterly ridiculous.” Because honestly, who sends letters these days instead of texting?? But Rollo will take out a piece of paper and a pen and write down a response anyway. Miss Crowley, you must cease your frivolous communications—
Over time maybe that animosity will ease a bit 😔 but honestly, they’ve still both got high walls to scale when it comes to being emotionally vulnerable. It’s just that Raven recognizes those barriers exist more readily than Rollo does. (And again, that’s why she empathizes with him.)
I can see them just talking about random subjects that turn out to be metaphors for how they’re really feeling, so each letter exchanged turns out to be like a little mind game or puzzle to get into the other’s head. For example, maybe Rollo begins to remark on the weather in each letter. On the surface, it seems like he’s making notes about the weather he observes when he goes up the tower to tend to the Bell of Salvation, but it may just be an indication of his mood. Stormy weather for a foul mood, clear skies for a happier mood, etc. Maybe when they’re “close” enough, he can send along some rare magic flowers for her enchanted inks too 💐
“What are you smiling about, milady?” Sebek might ask Raven.
“I received a letter from my friend! I can’t wait to read it after class.”
I wonder what the weather is like over in the City of Flowers… I wonder how Rollo-senpai is feeling today.
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chibivesicle · 1 year
I know I’ve already left a few asks here(I just love your meta okay?) and I had an idea- I saw a comment on the r/Trigun subreddit that Stampede should have picked up where the 98 anime left off, and after reading your thoughts on how you would fix Stampede, here’s my idea; Trigun Stampede but instead of a “reimagining” it’s a direct sequel to the 98 series but pulls from Maximum and instead of just picking and choosing stuff it keeps MOSTLY faithful but reworks and maybe streamlines different parts so it fits in with the timeline of the 98 anime and where it ended, picking up where the last episode of the anime left off.
I just wanted to know your thoughts and how you would make it work?
Hello there,
Thanks for another question! I honestly, would have preferred a full redo of the manga, but maybe keeping the first 5 episodes of the '98 with world building "filler" episodes and then dove into a more manga accurate story. The beauty of those first 5 were it takes him until that 5th episode to draw his gun and fire. The build up and tension was perfect and matched the side story in the manga where Vash uses a target to perfectly hit people so they don't die. I however, would add in more non-canon plot points with Meryl and Milly to keep the magic sauce that was Vash, Wolfwood, Meryl and Milly. These are easy tweaks that could have been added into a refreshed version. Honestly, the quartet character dynamics was great.
The '98 anime did the best with what it could do, but a more streamlined less wandering version of Trigun Maximum would likely have resonated well with older fans. For example there were some random chapters that were action packed but really didn't serve the plot (especially around the Eye of Michael) and Wolfwood got some side chapters which did flesh out his character more but lead to further wandering. I think a major problem with this was the fact they either had to make a 12 episode series or 24 to match current broadcasting 'standards' which was not the case with the '98 anime operating on the considerably older model of the 26 episode season. Though in that case they were animating with cels and Studio Orange is 3D CG. I have no idea how the time/effort per episode compares.
With how long the manga was, I think Stampede needed at least 2 or 3 seasons (say minimum of the 12 episodes per season) or 2 seasons with the (12 + 12 combo like for Spy x Family etc. giving a total of 48 which, damn would likely get the job done).
It got the 'Cliff Notes' version of events and the weird pacing shows. The major problem is that the story never had time to breathe and it just needed to be longer so it could have a more natural progression. Too many things were blink and miss it or sure you totally got X b/c if you squint you'll understand a complex concept.
It is clear that the predominantly (American) English language fandom was expecting the FMA Brotherhood treatment. That was not this and I can honestly see how disappointing it was. For me, I rewatched it back in December and was pleasantly surprised at how well it held up and fun it was. Reading the manga filled in some gaps a but also left me confused and finding a more manga accurate anime would have made my happy. We all know this is not what happened. They went in a sci fi direction (confirmed by more than one interview of staff on the project) created a whole new world and concept. I have also really noticed but will have no stats to back this up; but there is a clear demographic divide on how Stampede was received. I hate to generalize, but it seems dudes who are mainly straight cis-het men, who watched the anime a long time ago (and are super anime watchers consuming way more than I do in short periods) seem to give it the most positive reviews. They say it seems the same, sure it looks different and they kinda sorta miss Milly but its fine otherwise. Maybe I'm wrong since those are also the people who - not surprisingly - have the loudest voices on the internet be it Youtube channels and general prominence. However, as soon as you shift to other viewers there is a lot more concern. Many women are upset at the poor female characterization across the board in Trigun where all of the women were made shadows of their former selves. None of my female friends who watched the original enjoyed what happened to the women in Stampede. Queer fans also seem to have a more negative view with so many of the gay, trans, non-binary aspects of the original cast now gone. [Legato, Elendira, Zazie] 'Cause Legato barely appeared and his huge crush on Knives is not the same as in the manga. Elendira - gone and Zazie hasn't gotten good characterization as well. I'm not saying all people of one demographic can be correlated with their feelings towards it, but it does seem to have general vibes. And it is hard to tell something like this without a statistically robust analysis but it is what I've noticed. Maybe I'm wrong, and I'm toodling around in my small patch of the web but that's what I've observed. Not many straight cis het men are like, "Oh yeah, I really noticed how the female characters are either dead mother figures or cute uwu waifus or literal children. I wonder how other viewers who miss strong female representation now feel?"
I'm not here to stoke a culture war and virtue signal or anything like that. Nor am I falling into the woke SJW whatever you call it. I've sat through enough actual [and incredibly depressing] seminars about studies on the role of diversity and representation in fields (mine specifically being STEM) and when I learned that for women to have proper representation in biology textbooks, it would take another 100 years, I cringed. When you learned at the current rate it would take 500 years for black scientists to be properly represented - it - just - well, fuck. Feel free to think about this for any group that are not cis-het white men. And then feel icky and sad.
Now, is this fair to place such high standards on a product made in a specific cultural context for entertainment? I mean, likely not, the whole point is to have fun and make money through merch.
Buuuuuuuttttt . . . .
I know that diversity in media has a long way to go and it was sad to see a diverse manga lose that diversity in the more recent version. Until media companies and production studios and teams 'get it' they won't realize that there is a market for it. Which is hilarious since the original was way more diverse and interesting than Stampede. Seriously, why are there no black people in Stampede? This leaves me scratching my head in confusion since Kekkai Sensen has an even more diverse cast! Nightow clearly writes these types of characters on purpose. It didn't get lost when Bones did the first two seasons of Kekkai Sensen. Hell, the inherent diversity of Kekkai Sensen is literally written into actual dialogue in the chapter/OVA King of the King of the Restaurants.
I didn't mean to fall into a rabbit hole, but I'm really thinking there are going to be very different responses and 'fix-it' solutions for what fans had wanted to see or hoped they'd see with this. Okay, I'm going to shut up now. But yeah, I'd do a early '98 anime with manga hybrid as my reboot for Trigun.
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demonslayedher · 2 years
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Things that went through my head while watching this episode:
--Kyogai is so not bothered by these demon slayers running around his mansion, it truly is way more annoying to him that the other demons sneaked in and let his prey get away. How far our former Lower Moon Six has fallen, to get his tsuzumi ripped out by the likes of those guys!!
--Kyogai is trying so hard, okay??? He used to be good at eating people, he used to have recognition, but he's fallen into a slump and lost his touch. He's got Eater's Block and is doing his best!!
--Sorry, Kamado Tanjiro, introduce yourself all you want (he really does keep announcing his name and declaring that he will defeat his enemies, I can't believe he keeps doing this all the way to his showdown with Akaza, dear sunshine god, this boy, I swear), but Kyogai has way bigger problems. Namely, he who shall not be named.
--Teruko's gotta be, like, five or six, I'm guessing. Inosuke seriously could had broken her!! Send him flying, Tanjiro, he deserves it!
--I love how Tanjiro and Zenitsu are respectively doing their best to take care of the children. Tanjiro knows how to adjust his tone and take little steps to reassure Teruko, and later Kiyoshi, and Zenitsu... well, he's trying, and it's endearing.
--And also hilarious, I truly love all Zenitsu and Shoichi's interactions, and it was thanks to Shoichi that i was able to start warming up to Zenitsu. On my first watching I just beginning to see Zenitsu's redeeming qualities, although he was still annoying as hell.
--And then THUNDER BREATH happened and i was like, "...oh."
--"That was cool."
--"I wanna see that again."
--Look, Ufotable was even like, "hey, you know what'll be cool when we totally change the atmosphere surrounding Zenitsu? LET'S ANIMATE DUST PARTICLES IN THE AIR."
--Plus, I had someone new to hate on. I could not stand Inosuke by this point. No redeeming qualities whatsoever. I could not had cared less about his Beast Breath.
--Nowadays I look at it, or rather, listen to it, and feel that Matsuoka-san is still getting the hang of Inosuke--he's got this totally unruly character who is going in all directions and the impression I get from some his interviews and commentary is that he's desperately holding the leash and trying to get him to behave whilst still showing off his qualities. He's like Inosuke's handler, and he went in expecting a behaved show dog and got handed this and pushed into the ring of the dog show. "Have fun, you're doing great, we trust you!" the producers cheer him on, but in his heart he's like, "I came here to audition for Zenitsu" as he gets yanked around on the leash and desperately tries to make it look like he has the Inosuke situation under control. We believe in you, Matsuoka-san.
--And Tanjiro believes in himself! This pep-talk is so cute.
--Tanjiro got the hang of Kyogai's blood technique pretty quick, at least in analyzing how it works so he can do the bear minimum to protect himself. Had Nezuko been in this fight, he'd probably have gotten herself diced to bits right away, for she doesn't have and self-preservation driven fear to keep her from closing in the gap on Kyogai.
--We continue to get the fine qualities of Water Breath spoon fed to us in this battle, with more Urokodaki flashbacks! (Totally aside, it hit me yesterday how Urokodaki stressed how not to break your blade, which is exactly what Sabito did in a critical moment. Now I'm sad, moving on.) It's kind of funny how we got to appreciate all the merits of Water Breath, and in fact, my anime-only friend who got me into this one had commented on how refreshing it was to have a main character with water powers instead of fire powers, and... well, oh.
--The animation on this fight with Tanjiro jostling around in response to the setting's movement was one of the things that made me very impressed with how far anime has come. Look at this. It's masterful. Amazing. Sorry, Nakime, your fortress may be bigger but Kyogai's techniques are cooler.
--Poor Tanjiro out-and-out declaring "I AM IN PAIN AND THIS SUCKS" is very refreshing.
--Also, in the midst of all this self-talk to psych himself out, he has to yell at Zenitsu to shut up. I love it. We've seen Tanjiro lose his temper on people before, like against Yushiro in defending Nezuko's honor, but outburst is purely because Zenitsu is annoying. It is such a talent to be purely annoying to Kamado Tanjiro.
--That speech Tanjiro gives about how he's done well so far and he won't succumb to his injuries? Had to have hit Kyogai in a weak spot, since the novel the fanbook says he was inspired by is an epic about epic heroes. He probably heard Tanjiro and took pause because something in him was probably like, "those are inspiring lines."
--But that same part of him was probably angry and jealous that he had never thought of lines like that himself.
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Welcome to : The Def and Crue experience
Disclaimer : My phone isn't the best and I wasn't very close. Plus I won't talk much about Def because idk them very well, so I apologize.
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I need to check Def out more! They were super solid and entertaining. Rick is a true sweetheart and everybody cheered for him.
Billie kept saying "Thank you" after every song, like a true gentleman. The energy was over the roof when they play "Pour some Sugar on me" and "Rock of ages".
As someone who is not so familiar with them, it made me so happy to see many fans having the time of their lives. They totally gained a new fan in me.
Motley crue
It was an experience! Now, let's get the elephant put of the room: Vince wasn't the best and sometimes I had difficulty understanding his words. THAT SAID, I still think it's worth the experience. Look, especially if you live in Europe, you know how hard it is to find/ get tickets to see your favorite old men. I will forever cherish the atmosphere, the people screaming the lyrics around me, the fun, the loud music. So next time you want to complain about Vince, don't bubthe ticket and that's it. Still Vinnie was hilarious in being his usual sled and saying "shit" to refer to everything hahaha. Plus a shout out to the backup singers/ dancers, a part of me felt bad for the obvious objectification but hey, it's Crue!
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Now we get to the best part: the dilf parade. Now, Mr Nikki Mother fucking Sixx, idk if it's because we are the place of your origins but OH BOY IF HE WAS LIKE FINE WINE
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And speaking of Italy LOOK AT HIM WITH OUR FLAG. Porca troia, mi sento patriottica solo in questo momento aaaaa
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Plus a shout out to the wonderful lady who got on stage. She had a live wire tattoo on her lower back and she was fine as hell. Nikki let her give him a kiss on the cheek and said:" Don't tell my wife"
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And now, even more than Nikki, it was Mr Tommy fucking Lee who was SO LOVED HER ( come si dice qua "Era over come la Madonna"). This fucking dude single handedly gave us the best moment in history : HIM SAYING "TETTE". He was so happy after he said it, like a fucking kid! I want to post the video in a different post because it deserves its own.
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Bonus pic of the amazing graphics
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And lastly: John. Tbh he seemed very cool, he played very well. You won't hear me talking shit about him, even if it stung a bit to read his name instead of Mick but it's not his fault.
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So yes, if you are wondering whether you should go or not (taken from granted that you have the money to but the ticket) I would say yes: Def are great and Crue too. If you are afraid that "Vince might ruined it" I can guarantee you that there are tons of other factors that will make the experience great such as the music and meeting other Crue heads.
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distant-velleity · 10 months
Too Close for Comfort
Summary: Pairing up two freshmen who are constantly bickering for a potions assignment certainly leads to interesting situations. Word count: 1.3k A/N: another one...!! this one takes place before some of the other fics. mostly this was an excuse for me to put them in another awkward situation teehee. pray forgive me for the honestly mid quality of my writing these two are just too silly Tagging: @thehollowwriter
“I can’t believe I’m stuck with you again for an assignment,” Santiago complains, holding his books to his chest as they leave Crewel’s class.
They’d been partnered for a potion-making assignment, one of their last before spring break. It would be fine if it was anyone but Chrysos, in Santiago’s opinion—the Octavinelle student walks to the beat of his own drum and then has the audacity to yell at Santiago when he doesn’t do anything.
Chrysos, at his side, glares back up at him just as fiercely. “I’ve seen you try on potions, it could be worse. Just don’t slack off. We’ll be fine,” he insists with an air of self-confidence. 
“Easy for you to say, what with your ridiculously good exam scores.”
“For a reason.”
“You have upperclassmen actually willing to help you!” Santiago huffs. “Anyway, we have to get our own ingredients for the potion, right? When are you free to go to the botanical garden so we can collect the harder-to-get ones? ‘Cause I’m not just gonna let you do all the work,” he adds when he receives a questioning look.
Momentarily, Chrysos frowns, staring into the distance in thought. “My club is producing a new movie. I’m going to be busy every afternoon until dinnertime. And we still need to eat during lunchtime…”
“...Dude.” Santiago blanches. “Seriously? So you have no time at all?”
Chrysos nods wordlessly.
Santiago groans, tipping his head back. “This is off to a great start.”
But even as he says that, other options are running through his mind, being considered and rejected with swiftness. Asking to go during their next class with Crewel is totally out of the picture—he’d flame them for not being more proactive with their own time. Other classes are out, too, because no way any teacher would let them skip like that, even if it was excused. It’s not like they can miss club activities, either… and each dorm has things to do in the morning.
So the only option is after club activities, which means—oh, it means a little bit of rebelliousness, sure, but nothing big. 
“At night, then,” Santiago suggests. “No one ever goes to the gardens at night, really, so we’ll be uninterrupted.”
“How do you know that?” immediately challenges Chrysos, followed up with, “Is it against the rules?”
“One, I’ve been there before at night. Two, not necessarily…” At Chrysos’ doubtful look, Santiago rolls his eyes. “It’s only against the rules if you get caught.”
“So it is.”
“Whatever you say. Frankly, I’m more surprised you didn’t already know the rules by heart.”
“Who do you think I am?” Chrysos lets out a soft huff. “It’s not that I’m against going. Just, the consequences… Anyways, when?”
“When…” Santiago chews his bottom lip, trying to remember Kalim’s whims. “Uhh, I’ve got time to slip out tonight. You?”
“Should be fine,” Chrysos says, only sounding half-sure. “The Lounge is closed tonight. I won’t be performing.”
Santiago smirks. “So you’ll perform for me instead? How sweet.” While Chrysos sputters (or at least his own form of fumbling with his composure), he continues, “Alright, then it’s a plan. Let’s meet behind the Hall of Mirrors at… 9 PM? 10?”
“10. A lot of people are asleep by then.”
With the date set in mind, they nod and part ways to head to their next classes.
Having barely diverted Jamil’s line of questioning using the amount of homework the sophomores had, Santiago steps out of the Scarabia mirror and makes his way out of the Hall, slipping into the bushes on the side opposite of the main path. The sky is dark and the only sounds around are the cold night breeze and the rustling of foliage—a perfect night to sneak out.
He checks his phone. 21:56 flashes from his dimmed lock screen.
So I’m a little early, Santiago admits to no one in particular. I’ll just wait out here until Chrysos comes.
Not even a minute later, someone steps into the bushes next to him, clumsy and rustling the leaves. Chrysos dusts off his clothes, with an air all too classy for someone who just stumbled his way in. “You’re early.”
“Not at all,” replies Santiago with an easy smirk. “Let’s go.”
They make their way quietly to the botanical garden, side-by-side despite never taking the main path. It’s through a side entrance that they pass into the glass dome of the garden, surrounded immediately by giant leaves and overhanging vines.
“We can find what we need in the temperate zone,” Chrysos whispers. He gestures with his hand for Santiago to follow him, taking the lead now.
The temperate zone is cool, flush with bushes and thick tree trunks. Air conditioning simulates gentle wind blowing by. Light peeks through the glass ceiling in places where the leaf canopy doesn’t quite cover, allowing them to make their way over to a bunch of berries and brightly-colored flowers.
Wordlessly, they set to work. A sense of agreement that can only be found between partners in crime is the miracle that suppresses their urge to argue.
In Santiago’s opinion, it’s going well. Really well!
At least, until—
“Why are you taking so many?” Santiago asks, staring at the assortment of plant lengths gathered in Chrysos’ palm.
Chrysos reaches for a golden-colored stalk of leaves, a plant that Santiago doesn't remember the name of but is 99% sure becomes poisonous in pretty low doses. “It’s none of your business.” 
“Actually, I think it is—“
Approaching footsteps echo through the zone—sharp heels clacking against the stone path. 
“Who in the world could be in the garden at this hour?” wonders the all-too-recognizable voice of Crewel, just a few meters away behind some trees.
Santiago and Chrysos make panicked eye contact. A mutual oh fuck moment.
“This is your fault,” whispers Santiago. “If you hadn’t got caught up in collecting—”
Chrysos glares at him. “You’re the one who was so loud about it. If you could mind your own business—”
“It was a reasonable question—”
The footsteps grow ever closer. 
Before Santiago can protest any further, Chrysos grabs him by the wrist and pulls him behind a cluster of trees with deceptive strength that doesn’t surprise him anymore. The branches and trunks provide shade enough for them to mostly blend in with their surroundings. It’s not something Santiago—as a flashy parrot beastman—is used to, even if he’s been here in the dead of night before. 
Without really thinking about it in his panic, Santiago tugs Chrysos closer to him and presses him back against the tree trunk behind him. An attempt at using his body to hide the shorter boy.
“Wha—“ Chrysos is cut off by a calloused hand clamping over his mouth.
Santiago jerks his head towards just past the trees, on the path they were just on—although he’s not donning his iconic fur coat, Crewel is still easily recognizable as he walks by, looking around.
“…How strange,” Crewel muses. “Perhaps I was just hearing things.”
The sound of his shoes starts up again, walking away until they disappear into silence. Once he’s out of earshot, Chrysos and Santiago both slump in relief.
That was a little too close for comfort...
And then Chrysos bites Santiago’s hand.
“Ow!” Santiago lets go to shake it, trying to ease the pain. “What was that for?!”
“To talk. You can get off of me now,” Chrysos says dryly. Squinting at him makes it more clear that his cheeks are flushed as red as the ends of his hair.
Santiago actually wonders why for a second before he realizes they’re pressed chest-to-chest, him pinning Chrysos back against the tree with his body, free hand pressed against the wood by the merman’s head. Taken out of context, it definitely does not look like the attempt at hiding that it was.
So, Santiago immediately jumps back, coughing nervously and fiddling with his feather earring. There’s now what he hopes is a socially acceptable amount of distance between him and Chrysos. “My bad… Ahaha. I think we got all our stuff, should we head back to our dorms now?”
Chrysos stares oddly at him for a moment before straightening his clothes. “Yes. Please.”
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Swap prompt: what if Gregory was Michael and Elizabeth's younger brother while Evan was Vanessa's?
Anon, your brain!! I love this idea, I love how swapping them changes everything. I’ve kept both Gregory and Evan’s personalities the same, which means their new respective older siblings are the ones who’ve changed as a result. I didn’t include Elizabeth, sadly, partly because I wanted to focus on Michael as a better parallel for Vanessa, and partly because I find Elizabeth difficult to write for some reason, so I avoid her, oops. 
A Very Different Story
Michael sidled up to Gregory, who, for a kid at his own birthday party, didn’t look very happy. “What’s up, short stuff? Don’t like the entertainment?” 
His little brother sent him a deadpan look far more befitting of a tired old man. “They’re boring.” 
Yeah, any magic the animatronics might have held for Gregory was lost when the kid saw their father helping someone dress up as one of the characters. The party being here hadn’t been the birthday boy’s idea; Gregory would probably have liked literally anywhere else better. 
“I could give you an up-close and personal look,” Michael teased him. 
Gregory eyed him, calculating. “Michael,” he said sweetly, “it’s my birthday.” 
Oh, he totally shouldn’t have provoked the little beast. “It sure is,” he agreed, trying to inch away.
“We should bail and go to the arcade instead.” Gregory didn’t bother with puppy-dog eyes. He just smiled like he knew he’d get his way. 
But Michael had to at least try to pretend like he couldn’t be bossed around by his baby brother. “Mom and Dad wouldn’t like us leaving.” 
“Mom and Dad aren’t going to like what happens if I have to listen to one more of these stupid songs.” 
WIth a great, put-upon sigh, Michael caved. “Fine, fine. But if anyone asks, you threatened my kneecaps.” 
He couldn’t even pretend to stay mad at the brat because his monstrous little brother could be a really great little brother when he wanted to be. Gregory slid off his chair and took Michael’s hand, as if he wasn’t perfectly capable of crossing the street on his own. “I’ll let you win me a stuffed animal from the claw machine and I’ll be very impressed about it, if you want.” 
Michael laughed, shaking his head. They slipped out of the diner unnoticed, hand in hand. “What the birthday boy wants, the birthday boy gets.” 
“Now you’re catching on,” Gregory said, beaming. He hopped through a stray hopscotch square on the sidewalk without letting go. “Congrats, you’re my new favorite.” 
“New?” Michael asked, outraged. Gregory giggled. “What do mean new? I have always been your favorite, and don’t you forget it.” 
“Am I your favorite?” Gregory asked as they stopped at an intersection, waiting for the light to change. 
Michael looked down at his little brother. “Yeah, pipsqueak. You’re my favorite, too.”
• • • 
Vanessa looked up from her homework, her older sister sense going off. Sure enough, Evan was wobbling toward her table, a stack of books precariously balanced in his arms. She hurried to help him, relieving him of the top half of his burden.
“Geez, kid, don’t clean out the library.” 
He grinned sheepishly. “They all look good.” 
She scanned his collection as they spread it out at her table. Tapping the Goosebumps book, she said, “Absolutely no reading this before bedtime. Been there, done that. Don’t make my mistakes.” 
Evan nodded, accepting her words of wisdom as he always did. As the both sat down, he leaned over to peer at her homework. “Chemistry?” 
“I hate the periodic table,” she grumbled. “Exam’s tomorrow, and I’ve got a lot of studying to do.” She glanced at him, aiming for casual. “You okay hanging out here for a while?”
Vanessa felt awful for the way he perked up, smiling eagerly. It wasn’t just ’cause Evan loved the local library—though that made her feel less like crap—but he shouldn’t dread going home so much. She hated their parents for that alone. 
Just gotta graduate, she reminded herself. Just a little longer. 
As soon as she was done with high school and turned eighteen, she was grabbing everything she could carry and getting the hell out of here with Evan. A lot of her friends had already offered to help. Terrible as it felt, knowing she was getting ready to drag her little brother along couch-surfing until she got a handle on things, it would still be an improvement. 
“Cool,” she said. “We’ll go get something to eat in…” She checked her watch. “An hour or two? And then come back to keep going. Sound good?” 
“Sounds very good,” Evan said quietly. It was his default tone, and Vanessa frequently agonized over whether their parents were responsible for that too. She wasn’t always home with him. But he was smiling and wiggling a little, the adorable little munchkin. 
Vanessa ruffled his hair, making him squeak indignantly, before turning back to her homework with a sigh. Two months until graduation. And then a few more before she turned eighteen. 
She… could probably get away with leaving before then. So. Two months. 
Two months, and then she could save herself and her little brother. 
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