#if youve seen it give a shout
get-back-homeward · 1 year
August 31, 1961: Bob Wooler predicts the Beatles’ future in Mersey Beat
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by Bob Wooler [x]
Why do you think The Beatles are so popular? Many people many times have asked me this question since that fantastic night (Tuesday, December 27th, 1960) at Litherland Town Hall, when the impact of the act was first felt on this side of the River. I consider myself privileged to have been associated with the launching of the group on that exciting occasion, and grateful for the opportunities of presenting them to fever-pitch audiences at practically all of the group’s subsequent appearances prior to their last Hamburg trip.
Perhaps my close association with the group’s activities, both earlier this year and since their recent reappearance on the Merseyside scene, persuades people to think that I can produce a blueprint of The Beatles Success Story. It figures, I suppose, and if, in attempting to explain the popularity of their act, the following analysis is at variance with other people’s views, well that’s just one of those things. The question is nevertheless thought-provoking.
Well then, how to answer it? First some obvious observations. The Beatles are the biggest thing to have hit the Liverpool rock ’n’ roll setup in years. They were, and still are, the hottest local property any Rock promoter is likely to encounter. To many of these gentlemen’s ears, Beatle-brand noises are cacophonous on stage, but who can ignore the fact that the same sounds translate into the sweetest music this side of heaven at the box office!
I think The Beatles are No. 1 because they resurrected original style rock ’n’ roll music, the origins of which are to be found in American negro singers. They hit the scene when it had been emasculated by figures like Cliff Richard and sounds like those electronic wonders The Shadows and their many imitators. Gone was the drive that inflamed the emotions. This was studio set jungle music purveyed skillfully in a chartwise direction by arrangement with the A & R men.
The Beatles, therefore, exploded on a jaded scene. And to those people on the verge of quitting teendom—those who had experienced during their most impressionable years the impact of rhythm ’n’ blues music (raw rock ’n’ roll)—this was an experience, a process of regaining and reliving a style of sounds and associated feelings identifiable with their era.
Here again, in The Beatles, was the stuff that screams are made of. Here was the excitement—both physical and aural—that symbolized the rebellion of youth in the ennuied mid-1950’s. This was the real thing. Here they were, first five and then four human dynamos generating a beat which was irresistible. Turning back the Rock clock. Pounding out items from Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Carl Perkins, The Coasters and the other great etceteras of the era. Here they were, unmindful of uniformity of dress. Unkempt-like long hair. Rugged yet romantic, appealing to both sexes. With calculated naivete and an ingenious, throw-away approach to their music. Affecting indifference to audience response and yet always saying “Thank-you.” Reviving interest in and commanding enthusiasm for numbers which descended the Charts way back. Popularizing (more than any other group) flipside items—example, “Boys.” Compelling attention and influencing, wittingly or unwittingly, other groups in the style, choice and presentation of songs.
Essentially a vocal act, hardly ever instrumental (at least not in this country), here they were, independently minded, playing what they liked for kicks, kudos and cash. Privileged in having gained prestige and experience from a residency at the Hamburg Top Ten Club during the autumn and winter of last year. Musically authoritative and physically magnetic, example the mean, moody magnificence of drummer Pete Best—a sort of teenage Jeff Chandler. A remarkable variety of talented voices which song-wise sound distinctive, but when speaking, possess the same naivete of tone. Rhythmic revolutionaries. An act which from beginning to end is a succession of climaxes. A personality cult. Seemingly unambitious, yet fluctuating between the self-assured and the vulnerable. Truly a phenomenon—and also a predicament to promoters! Such are the fantastic Beatles. I don’t think anything like them will happen again.
Retrospective from Bill Harry, Editor of Mersey Beat [x]
Editor’s note: Cavern disc jockey Bob Wooler, a Mersey Beat columnist, penned this piece in the August 31 1961 issue of Mersey Beat. How prophetic his last sentence proved to be! In recent years I told Bob I intended to revive Mersey Beat and I wanted him back in the fold as a columnist. Sadly, he died early in 2002 while I was still panning the website.
There are one or two things I would like to point out. The main advertisement on this page was for NEMS record store. Apart from the fact that I regularly discussed the Beatles and the Mersey scene with Brian Epstein each time I dropped copies to him, in addition to the fact that he began to review records for me from Issue No. 3, it is obvious from the sort of coverage, such as this article, which the Beatles were receiving every issue, that Epstein was aware of the Beatles from Mersey Beat and not some youngsters asking for a record in his store some months later. Bob also mentions the impact the group made at Litherland Town Hall. It was Bob who persuaded promoter Brian Kelly to book them for their debut appearance there on that date. It's also interesting to note that the only member of the Beatles mentioned by name is drummer Pete Best. Bob nicked the 'mean, moody, magnificent' tag from Howard Hughes' description of Jane Russell in the movie 'The Outlaw.' As this article was published in 1961, Bob did get something wrong: he mentions a residency at the "Hamburg Top Ten Club during the autumn and winter of last year." They only had residencies at the Indra and Kaiserkeller in 1960, although they made a few appearances at the Top Ten (Their Top Ten residency didn't actually commence until 1961).
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cobaltcreations · 1 year
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My batim sona! Very chaotic mess of a creature who is not smart enough to properly survive but somehow has not died to the horrors yet-
Also has a thing for the projectionist/Norman in general and goes by they/it!
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bad idea, right? // theodore nott x fem reader
part 2 for but daddy i love him!
playlist: bad idea right? - olivia rodrigo
"im sure ive seen much hotter men but i really cant remember when!"
summary: you agreed to go out with theodore nott and you did infact go on a date with him! however ever since your date with him youve been doubting your judgement.
y/n used , part 2 , gryffindor granger reader , swearing , mention of dr*gs and alcohol , not proof read
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its been a week since theodore nott confronted you in that classroom. and its been a day since the date you went on with him. it was nothing too special ,just coffee in hogsmeade and overall it was great!!...except from when some guy in slytherin came over asking if theo wanted his 'weekly supply of the good stuff'.
you had almost gagged on the spot. being a muggleborn , throughout all of your muggle education you were preached about the evil of drugs. so when theodore smirked and whispered something to the guy before showing him off.....you got the ick.
and its been 24 hours since then, and youre going crazy about it.
"girls , i cant condone drug use!! that shit is fucked up!" you screeched as you paced a hole into the carpet of your shared dorm.
lavender , parvati and hermione all stared at you with concern , having listened to you panic and rant for the past half an hour.
"y/n we know! but i mean you cant even know that it was what youre thinking! cmon you were the one that protected his character like he was a saint a few days ago!!" hermione argued back, trying to calm you.
"before , i knew he was doing drugs!! WEEKLY!" you cried , collapsing onto your bed as the three girls stood up and surrounded you.
"i mean...whats so bad about that?....the gryffindor guys do it at parties all the time-" lavender started before parvati threw her a harsh glare , making her stop her scentence.
"its more about that its making me question if i really know him well enough to commit to dating him!" you groaned , face down into your pillow.
"y/n i think youre being dramatic! you like him too much and now youre scared. its okay lots of people get like that dont worry!" hermione sympathised.
you paused at this , eyes widenening at the thought that this was likely very true. you did like theodore. a lot. maybe more than you found comfortable. and now you were finding a way to shut out the overwhelming feelings.
at this epiphany you sat up , eyes wide and mouth dropped open.
"youre right mione. i think im gonna take a small distance from him and...firgure it out!.... yeah... figure it out.." you mumbled quietly as you got up from your bed , your friends staring at you wearily , "i mean theres always hotter guys out there and it was always a bad idea...right?".
you looked at your friends with red cheeks and a hesitant expression , they stared back as you took slow steps towards the door before bolting out of it , running down the stairs before they can stop you.
"y/n-!" parvati shouted trying to stop you before the girls stood in stunned silence , "ive never seen someone change mood and mind so quickly..."
"shes going to avoid him , isnt she?" lavander said knowingly as the other two girls noddly grimly.
"yeah...she definetly is." hermione sighed.
and that you did! youve been avoiding theodore nott like the plague for three whole days and it was driving everyone around you insane.
ron. he had been walking with you in the corridors , slowly commuting to potions when you eyes spotted something in the distance with great suprise and terror. the next second you sprinted the way you and ron had come from. leaving ron extremely confused and left to walk to potions alone , and getting points taken off by snape when he was the only late person.
harry. you swore that you would watch him practice quidditch and give him pointers on how to improve his technique - you were the old gryffindor seaker before you quick months after joining. but after finding out slytherin and gryffindor were sharing the pitch that day , you never bothered to show up. harry was mad at you for days , knowing the reason was your avoidance of theodore. yet you denied it and said you were ill.
hermione. you were studying with hermione in the library , both of you equally focused on the task at hand , until you perked up at the sound of a deep familiar voice walking towards you and hermiones area of the library. you gasped in suprise before ducking under the table , spilling a pot of ink in the process all over hermione pages. she gasped also , but in pure horror , and thankfully was able to cast a spell to clean the ink before being distracted by someone standing infront of the table you were studying on.
theodore. if anyone could be described as going insane at your constant avoidance , it was theo himself. he had been practically ripping his hair out everytime you avoided his eyes , or walked in the opposite direction when he approached. of course he had noticed , there wasnt a single moment he didnt notice you. and every time you left or ran away , he became more and more desperate.
so now he stands infront of you sister in the library , fist clenched in the deep desperation to see you; to know what he did wrong.
"where is she granger." he said through gritted teeth.
"nott , im actually quite busy cleaning the ink off me , so a little more context to who 'she' is would be great in this moment!" hermione argued in a annoyed tone as the smoothed down her recovering parchment.
"y/n!" theodore replied in more of a shout , making hermione jump and loud hushes echo through the library in response.
"oh!...oh...shes right h- ow!" hermione screeched as you hit her from under the table shaking your head furiously , "yknow what ive had enough of this , you WILL talk to the boy and you WILL sort this out. everyone is sick out it y/n so come out NOW!"
hermione pure fury and demanding tone made you cower at your older sister , before slowly coming out from under the table with deep embrassament.
theo watched as you came out and stood infront of him , head down , "theodore-".
you words were cut short as he grabbed your wrist and dragged you out of the library , avoiding your protests and tugging.
he dragged you in the same manner , through the dungeons and through the slytherin common room , until you reached what you supposed to be his dorm.
then he pushed you infront of him , the back of your legs hitting the wood of a bed frame as you stumbled for balance , watching him pace the room.
"you have to tell me what i did , please PLEASE tell me what i did because i cannot go on any longer with you avoiding me!" he stammered.
you silenty watched as he try to push out his words , the consequences of your actions setting in.
"i-..i got second thoughts-"
"WHY!" he shouted back , walking towards you.
"because - because... YOU DO THE GOOD STUFF!" you finally stammered out as he stared back , dumbfounded.
there was a short pause of silence as he blinked in confusion , "...what the fuck is the good..stuff?..."
"DRUGS!" you finally let out with a sigh of relief , like a weight had been lifted off your chest.
"you-..i-...what the fuck?!" he breathed out in shock , eyes wide , "i- i dont do fucking drugs!"
"oh yeah? then who was that boy on our date? he asked if you wanted your weekly supply nott!" you shouted, angered by his denial.
he stared into your eyes with pure confusion before seeming to peice things together in his mind , his exression dropping.
before he laughed hysterically , holding your shoulder for support.
"what...why...why are you laughing?" you asked, bewildered.
"the good stuff..is..its not drugs!" he let out between loud laughs , "its fucking chocolate!"
your jaw dropped as you stared at you bankly , "what- what do you mean?!"
"this boy in our year - in slytherin - he gets chocolate from his mum every week , he hates it and doesnt want it to go to waste every week..so he gives it to me because i really like it!" he continued to laugh through his explanation as you cheeks reddened in embarrassment.
"what-...i-..who the fuck calls chocolate the good stuff!?!" you screehced in pure shame , theodores wheezing drowing out your feelings as you begin to laugh with him.
after a few seconds of theodore collecting himself he grinned and looked you in the eyes , holding your face softly , making your breathe hitch and giggles cease , "i cant believe you actually thought that.why would i ruin my godly body with that stuff?"
you smacked his arm as he smirked and winked , both of you laughing , "i guess i just...i got scared , truthfully , i like you a lot theo and i guess i was just begging to not...falll for you."
"so you avoided me? rather than speaking to me?" his eyes saddenned as your heart shattered at the sight.
"im so sorry teddy , ive- ive never had a boyfriend before im new to this feelings and- its terrifying it really is!" you desperatly tried to reason to him , words speeding out of your mouth.
he softly ran a hand through your hair , eyes seeping with adorations as a soft smile found his lips, "i know. dont worry i get it. just...dont avoid me ever again - just talk to me, okay?"
you nodded swiftly as he smiled brightly at you.
"now...how about we lay down and just...talk. then you can really get to know me and never misjudge again..sound good?" he whispered.
"sounds like heaven." you smiled back at him , his lips finding yours much softer than your first exchange , with much more love and delicacy.
for the next few hours you did exactly that , talking and talking. you talked about everything- you even told him your favourite film , of course its the little mermaid.
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tthoughtdaughter · 7 months
bad habits.
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pairing: dealer!ellie x reader.
summary: when you were a kid you had always put a pillow or a big stuffed animal between your legs, you honestly felt comfort by it. but tonight you decided it was going to be somebodies head.
warnings: uh widely ellie giving head?, use of drugs, girls kissing 🤯, swearing, a little bit of dacryphilia, pretty self-indulgent i know its weird im sorry — MINORS DNI !!
a/n: just because the strikes ended does not mean you shouldnt stop posting about palestine!
you were helpless, depressed even. being locked up in your dorm for god knows how long. your friends had been nagging you about various parties on campus, you simply just left them on read, not wanting to deal with the aftermath of the party.
it wasnt until now that you had decided to go. not because you wanted to, you were going against your own will.
your friends, isabella, mattie and thea were forcing you out of your dorm because the state you were in right now was just honestly disgusting.
you were packing a bag to go over to isabellas house because they werent letting you stay in that dorm for a minute more, when thea said. “youve been stuck in here for forever, we havent seen you in awhile, we miss you girl.”
you sighed, reaching over to your closet to find an outfit appropriate for tonight. “look i know, things just havent been the best right now.” you didnt bother to look back because you know all thats going to be written on their faces will be pity.
“can you guys help me pick an outfit atleast?” they squeal, marching over to you before yanking you out of their ways.
mattie held up a dress, it was pink, delicate, something you would were on a picnic.
“dude, thats so basic.” isabella called out from the side, rolling her eyes at matties choice.
“i dont wear stuff like this— how would i fucking know?” she huffed.
“calm down guys, why dont we let ms depresso give us an idea of what she wants?” thea shouts over the teo annoyingly loud girls.
“i— depresso? seriously? not even funny.” you roll your eyes before pulling up pinterest on your phone, you always managed to find decent outfits off of the app.
you typed in ‘party outfits aesthetic.’ before you landed on something similar you had in your closet.
the outfit had a mini, mini, mini, mini black skirt paired with a black lettuce-cut, corset bralette looking thingy and just below that, knee-high boots. you admit it, you looked hot as fuck.
“damn girl, if i were gay id definitely hit you up.” way to go isabella, way to go.
“oh please youre totally into girls, youre acting like you dont eye that dina girl everytime we walk around her area on campus.” mattie adds.
isabella did everything in her will power to ignore the comment, but she couldnt help but blush.
the look of approval shot around the room was hilarious and you all burst out into laughter. you really havent felt this good in awhile.
quickly memorising the girl mattie had mentioned before, you could remember she would always be hanging around with someone else.
“hey, any of you know the girl dina hangs with? i cant think of her name.” you think hard, like really hard, you knew the girl was attractive from all the times you had seen her since isabella coincidentally hung there too.
“yeah, her names ellie, i buy from her sometimes. why, you got the hots for her?” thea teases.
“just shut up and give me her insta.” you roll your eyes, playfully shoving the girl as the two others made ‘oooooh’ sounds.
“fine, just give me a second.” thea whips out her phone and starts going through her following. she clicks on a profile and holds the phone up to you so you could get a good look.
her account was private, by the looks of it she had a batman smoking weed profile picture? interesting.. her user was ‘@ellieisawesome327.’
sounds like a name some 5 year old would put on secretly. “oh, interesting.” you couldnt help but giggle, she obviously wasnt the best at using this stuff.”
you pulled out your phone and searched for her user, you didnt follow it just yet, you thought it would be creepy since she didnt know you at all. you simply just kept the name in the search bar, ready for when you actually want to follow her.
a few hours had passed and you all had gotten done up, makeup, hair, outfits, everything you would do before a party.
“whos car we taken’?” mattie asked. you and the others looked at her like she was some idiot.
“theres only one car in the driveway, take a guess numbskull?” thea pointed out, mattie pouted.
“rude.” she huffed. turning around to scroll on tiktok.
you were sitting on the bed, getting comfy since the party wasnt for another hour, when you spotted one of isabellas pillow. you had put it between your legs, you found some comfort in doing that ever since you were a kid, it was a weird and bad habit.
“whatre ya’ doin silly?” isabella pointed out, she sort of new you had this weird habit of putting things between your legs.
“getting comfy, what does it look like?” you roll your eyes, scrolling through your instagram feed.
“if you actually want something between your legs, try and get head tonight.” isabella added. it was a harmless joke, your group had always joked like this. you toned out the muffled giggles in the back thinking if you should actually get laid tonight.
it had been awhile since you had had sex, and it was getting annoying hearing everyones ‘wild’ stories.
you tool the pillow out from between your legs and threw it back into its position it was in before.
“you guys think we should get going? the parties in twenty minutes.” thea said. you all nodded and got up from your positions to march off to the car.
the drive was ten minutes, you put on your group playlist, it was made for roadtrips you guys took every once and awhile. but tonight you just needed to hear something other then their voices.
you were all vibing to the music when it eventually came to a stop. you sighed and got out of the car, shivering as the cold wind hit your very exposed body.
everyone walked in, it wasnt exactly packed, but you hesitated and mattie noticed that.
mattie was the average femme grouped masc. the one to carry around the shopping bags when you went shopping kind of girl. she was sweet, there were times where you had found yourself harmlessly crushing over her. she knew you had a bit of anxiety and offered you some of her meds before leaving but you kindly declined.
now obviously regretting your decision, she gripped onto your hand and squeezed it tight, for reassurance. you smiled and walked in with the others.
it had been 2 hours and the group had split, isa probably off eating dinas face off, mattie chatting with some of the guys from a basketball team she had played against when faking being a guy as a dare, and thea off buying or even selling drugs. you were sat on a dusty old couch, not exactly wasted but definitely not sober.
you hadnt noticed you were sitting next to the girl whos instagram you were stalking earlier. but the realisation hit when you smelt weed from her direction.
she was very obviously eye fucking you, she wasnt even shy about it, it couldve been the weed that was in her system or she was wildly bold.
“hey?” you started off your soon long to be conversation.
“hi.” she was caught off guard when she realised you were talking to her.
“ellie right?” she nodded and you exchanged your name to her, along with numbers. you sat back further into the couch, parting your legs a little giving her a slight view of what was under you skirt. you enjoyed the fact that she was looking. a little smirk appeared on your face and she didnt notice it.
“my friend thea buys from you right?” she snapped her head up to look into your eyes. you noticed the green in her eyes under the blue hue of the lights in the room. she nodded,
“yeah why? wanna buy from me?” you shook your head.
“kinda tight on money right now, i would though.” you sighed, resting your head on your hand.
she thought for a minute. “ill share a blunt with you, only coz’ youre cute.” she winked and you blushed.
“oh, thanks..” you stare off awkwardly waiting for her to light it, she was wondering if she made you uncomfortable.
“s—sorry, didnt mean to make you uncomfortable.” you shook your head a smiled before she handed you the joint.
you took a puff and handed it back to her, waiting a bit before exhaling. you noticed she was manspreading. then you noticed she didnt quite look like any other girls that were at the party, very masculine. is she lesbian? no surely not, maybe she just likes being comfortable.
ellie was wearing a worn-out jacket, joels. she wore it everywhere she went.
she caught you staring at the position she was in, fighting the urge to spread them further. you noticed she was holding back from something and looked up at her, oh shit she caught you.
a shit eating grin was plastered on her face. “you ‘kay?” she asked, the same smug expression written all over her face.
you nodded and took the blunt out of her hand. you were blushing under the dim lights in the corner, the rest of the place was filled with colourful lights changing every second.
she started blushing too, she didnt know why. you looked up to her with parted lips. the high kind of kicking in now.
“can i.. kiss you?” you asked softly. you regretted that so hard, fuck fuck fuck she probably doesnt like girls..
she moved closer, draping a hand over your shoulder. “thought youd never ask.” she smirked before smashing her lips onto yours.
the kiss was hungry, like she was desperate for something, you couldnt quite place your tongue on it. the only thing placed on your tongue right now was hers. you kissed her back with just as much passion.
the moans you let out were absolutely pornographic. ellie knew she had to do something about this, stopping the kiss whilst you let out a whine from the lack of attention.
you were borderline wet, like waterpark wet, and it wasnt helping that you were wearing a flimsy skirt that had rode up in the process.
“cmon’ princess.” she took your hand, you felt a bit clumsy for some reason, dizzy, your head was foggy, only thinking about how good she tasted.
you followed her around as she knocked on various locked rooms. finally breaking one open, she slammed it shut, locking it and pressing you up against it. not to hard though, wouldnt wanna hurt your pretty little head.
“fuck, youre so goddamn hot.” she mumbled between kisses. you couldnt help but moan at how turned on she made you feel.
she pushed her knee up between your thighs and you shivered, grinding down onto it. chasing the very needed friction.
you wondered how such an innocent question like ‘can i kiss you?’ turned into you riding on her knee.
“els’, please..” that shit eating grin reappeared on her face and you just wanted to smack it right off, you rolled your eyes. your words and wetness only boosted her ego more.
“please what baby?” she teased. why was she teasing you? you couldnt take it. tears started bubbling in your eyes.
“please just— fuck me.” you mumble out. she liked the sight of you crying, so desperate for her. she was going to tease you more before you actually got what you wanted.
“what was that?” she smirked.
you looked up at her through teary eyes. “can you, uh— go down on me? please?” you were begging, that was a sight.
she pulled you over to the bed, through the dimly light room. “strip.”
you did as she said, it wasnt hard to take off your clothes since there was barely anything on you. first your top, leaving you in a skimpy black lacy bra to match your underwear. then came the boots and skirt.
finally, leaving you in a two piece set. she was waiting patiently for you to take them off. you dont know why you were so hesitant, maybe it was because you hadnt done this in awhile, or maybe it was because her stare was so intense it made your stomach do flips, distracting you from the easy task.
she walked over to help you since you couldnt finish what you had started. “d’ you want this?” you nodded painfully slow.
she peeled off your underwear, holding them up to get a good look before back down to your now bare cunt. it was dripping at the sight of her.
“s’ wet for me princess.” she smirked once more, if she smirked anymore her face would probably get stuck like that.
then came the bra, she asked you to turn around so she could unclip it, she was slightly struggling since she wasnt used to these fancy bras, only because she wears a sports bra.
you giggled and reached your arms behind you to take it off, turning around to leave her ogling at the sight of you.
“youre so beautiful.” you blushed, hard. she looked up at you for some sort of reassurance and you nodded.
a minute ago she was so dominant and now shes sweeter than a cookie. you adored that.
she reached her hands out to cup your tits, so soft, she thought. squeezing them and pinching your now hardened, pebbled nipples.
she elicited a moan out of you. you sat back on the bed for comfort and she dived into them. sucking harshly on your tits.
you couldnt tell if you hated it or loved it, your monas were telling her otherwise.
she left purple marks all over your neck, tits, stomach, anywhere she could mark really. you were huffing, all you needed her to do was touch you down there.
“patience baby.” she replied to your subtle huffs. you rolled your eyes, pleading with your body language as you rolled your hips into nothing.
her head moved down slowly, taking time with your body as if you werent some one night stand. did she actually like you?
she kissed all over your stomach and you felt giddy, you were giggling at how it tickled.
the she dipped her head low, taking in how soaked you were. the whole time you had been rubbing your thighs together. any subtle touch made you go crazy.
she fully dived in, and you moaned her name out, loud enough to here over the booming music. “e-els!” she teased your clit with her tongue, licking a stripe down, giving your clit kitten kisses.
her tongue reached places your fingers couldn’t surprisingly. you couldnt stop panting. it felt like heaven.
your vision was going blurry, white, if the coil in your belly bubbled anymore it was going to snap. “ellie.. i—im gonna!..” she moaned into your pussy, sending hypnotising vibrations into it.
“i know baby, come for me.” those words was the thing that snapped the bubbling coil.
you felt hot slick pool out of you, she lapped up all she could, almost overstimulating you. you were panting.
she got up and laid beside you, toying with your plush tits. you could almost fall asleep right then and there.
“alright,” she patted your thigh. “i gotta get going, heres my number though.” she pulled out a random piece of paper from her pocket and a pen. had she been preparing for this? you thought. she handed you the note like a little kindergartener and put her shirt back on.
you had the sudden urge to shove a pillow between your legs, whining from the loss. you fought back everything in you to shove the pillow that was staring at you between your legs. you watched ellie leave,
she left you on the bed looking back at you to smile before closing the door behind you. you eventually got up and put your clothes on, walking over to the bathroom that was in the small room to fix up your hair and makeup.
you realised your hand was still clutching that little piece of paper. you looked at it and read it slowly, still regaining composure.
‘**** **** **** **** message me ;) x’
you probably werent going to message her, but just incase, you slipped the note into your purse and walked out of the room going to look for you friends to take them home, luckily ellie had sobered you up.
a/n: im sorry the ending actually sucks i was getting sick of this and i needed to get it out of my drafts. should i turn it into a series were reader actually messages ellie? idk.
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3rachaslut · 6 months
hiii, so im a new follower but i LOVE your work so much its just *chefs kiss* 😣❤️
so im not sure if youve already done this or not, i haven’t gone that deep into a rabbit hole in your page yet lol anyways
i was wondering how you would think skz ot8 would react to reader having a belly piercing/a back tattoo?
really really love what you do ✨🤍🎀 MWAH !!!
hello lovely anon!!! it’s so nice to meet you🫂 stay a while i hope you enjoy the rest of my work ahh TYSM🥹🤍
okay let’s get it!!
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mainly fluff, some are kinda suggestive.
you drop your bags in the hall as you slump through the doorway and into you and your boyfriends shared apartment.
“hi baby” chan shouts from the kitchen. kicking your shoes off, you see him appear in your peripheral vision and soon you feel his hands wrapping round you. “long day?” he says as you nuzzle into his should and nodding your head.
“tired” you mumble into his t-shirt, instantly feeling more relaxed at the familiar smell of his purfume. “how about i give you a massage baby, hm?” a smile spread across his face as he admired your cuteness in your tired state. “yeah? okay. go get undressed and i’ll be there in a second”
you pretty much drop onto the bed just after you strip down and lay on your front, enjoying the feeling of the soft mattress underneath you. you hum in contentment.
“okay baby so i’ve got the oi-“ chan cuts himself off and you turn your head in confusion. “um.. when did you get that?” he says with a smirk on his face, clearly loving the new piece on you.
“a few weeks ago” you say, still looking back at him with a smug smile on your face.
“and i haven’t seen it?!” he exclaims, practically running to your bed and jumping over the top of you to admire your new decoration.
“you like it?”, the answer already apparent with the look on chans face. you chuckle and turn your head again to rest on your arm.
“i absolutely love it! darling it’s so beautiful”….
lee know
you feel your body shiver as you pull your shirt over your head and to the floor, your body involuntarily shaking like a leaf at cold air in the room. it had been a long night out with the members and you couldnt wait to get into your pjs.
“oh my- baby- ” you hear lee know say from behind you. it was a rarity that lee know was ever at a loss for words but you knew that your new tat you didn’t tell him about was a good contender at making it a possibility. you were right.
“yesss?” you tease, turning around to face him and walk towards the edge of the bed where he was sat, his jaw practically hitting the ground. you could see his approval of your decision by the tent that was forming in his pants.
“as absolutely stunning as you are, turn around again”. and you do, feeling particularly smug right now. “wow” he says and you hear him walking towards you. suddenly you feel his hand tracing along your back and you quickly struggle to keep your composure, your breathe hitching in your throat.
“y- you like it?” you mewl through jagged breaths at the feel of his hands roaming your back causing goosebumps to form all over your naked body.
“a lot. however.. i may have to punish you for not asking for permission before you got it..” lee know says and the words linger in the air between you two. you knew by the shift in the atmosphere just what was about to happen and a smile tugged at your lips. it was gonna be a long, pleasurable night and you knew by the end of it, your tattoo may not be the only new marking on your back….
“are you 100% sure you wanna do this y/n? i really don’t mind if you’re not, i’m more than happy just kissing you, you know that right?” changbin said with a panicked look on his face. you had finally told him that you were ready to have sex with him but since it was your first time, he wanted to make sure you were definitely ready.
“yes binnie, i am sure!” you said, a smile plastered all over your face which was soon reciprocated by your boyfriend. changbin raises his pinky to your chest and only when you wrapped yours around his did he take that as true confirmation. no matter how old he may be, a pinky promise was always sacred.
“okay” he whispers into your ear, working his way down, planting kisses down your neck to get you ready. your eyes flutter shut as you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding as his hands make their way down your waist and underneath your oversized t-shirt. you open your eyes at the pause of his hands over you and you see his face is covered in surprise.
“what’s wrong?”. the words rush out of your mouth in panic but you begin to see the smirk tugging at the side of his mouth and your anxiety quickly dismisses itself.
“i didn’t know you had your beautiful tummy pierced?” he says excitedly. he lifts your t-shirt, eager to see it in person. he looks at your tummy and then back at you with such a huge smile on his face. he clearly approves. “wanna see more of you babe, like right now!”….
“my love?” hyunjin speaks from across the bed as you dangled your legs over the other side, himself propped upwards against the headboard and staring at you from behind.
“yes baby?” you reply. “when did you get such a beautiful tattoo?” he asks and you can hear the smile on his face through his words. you hear the bed squeak as he leans closer and the whispers of “aahs” from behind you.
“only a few days ago, it’s still quite sensitive” you say. “i won’t touch is then but wow it’s beautiful. beautiful tattoo for my beautiful baby” you blush at his words as you lean towards your console, flicking the tv on in the process. friday nights were spent by you and hyunjin both having ‘me time’, however you couldn’t ever bring yourself to leave each others sides. he drew and you played video games.
the rustling of pencil on paper was one of the most comforting noises for you as you had soon connected the noise to your boyfriend, hyune. after about half an hour, you felt the bed dip behind you and a tap on your shoulder. you turn your head in attention.
“what do you think love?” hyunjin whispered into your ear as he handed you a drawing of your new back tattoo. your mouth falls open and your eyebrows ruffle in utter disbelief at how beautiful the picture was and how much love you could tell was put into it.
“hyunnie it’s beautiful!” you say, your voice wobbly as you feel tears start to prick at your eyes.
“not as beautiful as you darling”…
han jisung
“turn over babe, let sungie spoon you” han says as he sniggers down your ear at the cringe that just came out of his own mouth.
“oh ji” you exasperate and let out a huffed laugh, rolling your eyes and turning around so your back is resting against hans also bare chest.
“oh- y/nah!!” he gasps and you jump slightly at the sudden loudness of his words. “pretty pretty pretty!” he says as he adores your new tat. “it’s so beautiful!” he says wrapping his free arm around you and swaying you both back and forth in your bed.
“you like it then ji?” you chuckle as he begins to trace the outlines of the black ink in your skin, the strokes on your back sending shivers all up you but han didn’t seem to notice. you hum in relaxation.
“i love it so much” he whispers down your ear as he continued to trace the shapes of your tattoo over and over again only ever stopping to plant kisses on the decorated area.
“not as much as i love you though”. he speaks softly down your ear as to not disturb your relaxed state.
“oh- are you sleepy?” he mutters and you moan as confirmation.
“okay, goodnight angel”
“hey lixxxx” you sing, nearly running towards your boyfriend just as you got through the door. you practically throw yourself into his arms and he laughs contently.
“aww hi baby, what’s got you all smiley?” felix says, smiling as he runs his hand through your hair and planting a kiss on your head. “welll you know that thing i’ve been wanting to do for weeks now..” you say swaying side to side in his arms looking up at him. “yes- oh my god you did it!” he says just as excited for you as you are.
“yes! and look how pretty it is” you exclaim, eagerly lifting your t-shirt up to show him your new tummy piercing. he leans down to adore it too.
“your tummy was so beautiful before but nowww.. wow! , it’s so sparkly y/n!” he says with a huge smile on his face in reaction to your elation. “you’re so adorable i wanna just squish you” felix said as he lifted you off your feet and towards the couch. he gently plants you down underneath him and begins trailing kisses down your chest and towards your stomach. you hum as he kisses all over your tummy, careful not to catch the jewellery.
“my darling, you are getting more and more irresistible by the day”…
“hey baby” seungmin greets, accompanied by an evening kiss. “you look gorgeous, have you been out? it was meant to be your rest day today” he says, plopping himself next to you on the sofa, the smell of his perfume lingering around you as he rests his head on your shoulder.
“maybeeee..” you say teasingly, leaning into him. “oh yeah?” his ears perking up in interest. “and where did you go?” he asks attentively.
“to get a new tattoo” you smile and the look of shock on his face is so comical you can’t help but huff out a laugh. “really?! oh my god let me see” he begs, his legs jittering in excitement. you turn your back to him and take your shirt off, discarding it on the sofa next to you.
“oh my- it’s beautiful” seungmin gasps in awe. “i love it!” you turn around to look at him. “no, i’m not done looking” he states, and you chuckle. turning your back to him once again, you feel his fingertips tracing the currently sealed skin and the pressure feels so relieving on the sensitive area you let out a sigh at the feeling.
“what do you think?” you ask, already knowing the answer. “you look so hot is what i think” seungmin replies. “but as much as i love it baby, i must ask, how long is it now until we can have sex?” seungmin says, his lip pouting and you giggle in response.
“you know minnie.. there are ways to have sex that won’t hurt my new tat?” you say insinuatingly, raising your eyebrows.
“go to the bedroom, right now”…
“innie are you showering?” you yell from outside the bathroom door. “yes baby” he replies, shouting through the water pouring and the music blaring in the bathroom. you open the door and let yourself in, the misty air instantly making you warm. peeping your head around the shower curtain, you were greeted by his beautiful naked form. you will never get tired of adoring his body. “mind if i join you?” you ask, however already knowing the answer.
he responds with a smile and reaches his hand out for you to balance on as you climb into the bath tub. exactly as you did with him, he stares at your naked body up and down, admiring you. however, a gasp leaves his mouth as his eyes rest on your belly button. he looks up at you with a smile.
“i really fucking like that” he smirks, tilting his head back, rinsing the bubbles out of his hair. you move closer to him and run your hands up his waist. “like what innie?” you ask with faux confusion.
he slowly looks back down at you with narrow eyes, lifting your chin up to face him with his thumb and forefinger. “you know exactly what it is that i like” he says smugly, leaning in to kiss your parted lips. suddenly, his hands are roaming your stomach and you nearly melt into his touch. you can only whimper in response and you can feel him smile into the kiss.
“you drive me so fucking crazy y/n”…
a/n: sorry some of them are lowkey trash i really tried my best to make the scenarios different from each other but i hope i did anons request justice🤍
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divinesolas · 2 years
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Summary: Your friend was invited to a party and she begs you to tag along. While at the party they decide to play truth or dare and your friend knowing you have a crush on the cute guy from your english class, gives you a stupid dare.
pairing: Ethan Landry × gn!reader Drabble
warnings: alternate universe where there's no ghostface or whatever. I've never seen a scream movie before but i like ethan, oc best friend, cursing, making out.
a/n: not my usual fandom but i was just inspired to write this
While staring at your best friend in betrayal all you can think about how much you regret coming.
Only just hours ago you remember sitting on your bed on the phone with your best friend mars while she ranted to you about how much she wanted you to come. "pleeeeeeeeeeeee ease." you roll your eyes, "i don't feel like it mars."
"ugh," you can hear her shuffling through the phone, "just come with me please? for me?" "mars..." "'Il write that english paper youve been dreading for you." "Fine."
You two arrive at the party and you just follow her around the whole time. You notice than is here. The guy who sits next to you during english who you just so happen to have a major crush on. You've never spoken other than him asking if you have an extra pen during class after he forgot his one time. When he gave it back to you he has this charming grin on his face and you fell instantly.
He's standing next to another guy, you think his name is chad? You cant be bothered to care when he looks in your direction and notices you and your stare, his face flushes as he looks down at the cup in his hand. You turn away and look towards your friend whos giving you a suspicious grin. "what." "go talk to him." "no way."
she shakes her head at you and turns away that grin still on her face and you dont like it.
now you know why you didn't like it. Someone had suggested you guys play truth or dare like fucking children and when it happens to be your turn and guess who happens to be the one giving you the dare. "I dare you to..... sit in the pantry for seven minutes, ill send someone into join you." Fucking mars.
You knew who she would send it, "unless you're a pussy." you glared at her as everyone oo'ed. You huff as you get up and walk towards the pantry and slam it behind you dreading the inevitable.
the closet is small yet you keep your back turned towards the door. Its only maybe a minute before the door opens and you feel another presence enter as mars shouts, "Seven minutes starts... now!" You feel a warm body press against yours as the door slams shut.
You don't turn you dont even look before you begin to speak. "Im sorry." Theres a moment of silence, "For what?" Its him. "My friend mars, she's..... She's probably making you do this im sorry." He probably doesn't even know your name and now she has you standing your backside pressed against him.
"No she isn't making me do this." Now this confuses you as you turn your body, you back side brushing against his front and he whimpers slightly as you face him. "What."
His body gets warmer as if to reflect how embarrassed he feels, "She asked if there was anyone who wants to go in there with you." no way. "and you volunteered." you look at him the best you can in the dark as he avoids your face. "Yes."
"Why?" He pauses for a brief moment, "i've always thought you were gorgeous." Your breathe gets caught in your throat. "I've always wanted to talk to you you know since we sit next to each other but i've never known how to start a conversation so when i got this opportunity i just wanted to be near you-" He's rambling so You kiss him.
Once his initial shock wares off he takes your face into his hands eagerly as he kisses you back. you press him back against the door and he hums in delight. "One more minute love birds!" Its chad voice you think. You pull back out of breath, "Ethan-" he slams his lips back against yours, when you press your body against his he whimpers and hums. you hold him against you as theres a knock on the door,
"times up lovebirds make sure you're clothed because im going to open to the door." Ethan pulls away from the door and you two look at each other in daze.
as the door opens you move to whisper in his ear "We'll finish this later." as you spin him around and walk pantry with a satisfied look on your face. "You're welcome you bitch.
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crepuscularious · 10 months
im back, bitches! apparently not a lot of you know that im a swiftie lmfaoaoaoa, so heres something cause slut is my absolute favorite its a fuckin' masterpiece
also, am i the only one who thinks that "in a world of boys hes a gentleman" means something else, lol. cause like this dude is in a group of boys, within those group of boys, but if he's in a group of men its a complete different story?!!??! if that makes enough sense.
one more thing, my short stories arent based on the song itself, its based on one line of the song. a lot of you were confused with my mad one and that it was different from what ne-yo was trying to say in the song. i hope this clarifies it :>
just a quickie for tonight, i feel so lonely hahaha... i should probably get a life
miguel x reader (mostly fem)
"everyone wants him, that was my crime. wrong place at the right time and i break down, then he's pulling me in"
youve been dating miguel for some time now, lets just say your relationship wasnt exactly... perfect
who were you to judge!? he was spiderman, so many females with different ages have looked up to him not only because of his heroicness, but as well as his physique, i mean have you seen that domino chip build?
you didnt mind at first, its not like you werent one of his fangirls before meeting him too, right? but no, you were starting to get pissed, no lie.
this caused a bit of a ruckus between the relationship of the two. a little screaming and shouting at the middle of the night when miguel forgot to tell her that he'd might need to patrol late at night again, or when she saw a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes kissing the masked man on the cheek on t.v! it didnt help when miguel had both his thumbs up and showing it to the camera before swinging away.
"mi vida, please! i told you im sorry. it was only for show, you know that!" miguel said, wrapping his arms around her waist as he places his chin on her shoulder while she was cooking dinner
"i didnt know that i dated a celebrity and not a hero then" you coldly said, turning off the stove and getting only one plate "i already ate dinner, eat without me" you said
but she hates it when someone is eating by themselves miguel thought to himself with a pout. he messed up, big time.
"mi vida, por favor" miguel said, shooting a web at her wrist to prevent her from leaving "im sorry, its my fault. i should have known better than to enjoy the kiss" miguel said, hugging his girlfriend tight
"i only like your kisses" miguel said as he snuck a quick peck on her cheek "maybe this isnt going to work, miguel. between the two of us" she said
this made miguel look at her with sad and torn eyes, "mi amor? im sorry if i was a bit overboard today, i understand my mistakes and i promise to correct them." miguel said, looking into your eyes with nothing but honesty as he holds both of your hands in his
"i know what i did was an ass mistake, and i understand if youre mad. but mi corazon, dont give up on us. i promise ill be better next time, ill know my limits" he said, his hands releasing from yours as he transfers then into your face, cupping it with his huge hands.
he gives you a quick peck on the nose and smiled "i love you, 3000" he said "please forgive me, lets work this out, i dont want us to end'
"you know, miguel. in a world of boys, youre a gentleman"
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stevie-petey · 6 months
Hi there, I know you're super busy and I hope things are going well for you in school!! I saw your hcs post and it gave me an idea for a blurb. Could we see Jonathan and his crush on bug when they were younger. Like him just absorbed and enchanted with bug while she's just running around completely unaware. Maybe like they're exploring in the woods and Jonathan gets nervous so bug grabs his hand and he gets so flustered. Thank you for your time baby!! Work hard and do great!
enjoy <3
"race you to the top!" you exclaim, giggling as you shove past jonathan and force your scrawny twelve year old legs to climb up weathertop hill. he tumbles to the ground.
its your first summer in hawkins, and jonathan has promised to show you every inch of this small town.
"not fair!" he shouts back, now yards behind you after youve rudely shoved him to get ahead.
jonathan watches as you turn back and giggle even harder at the sight of him on the ground. your laugh carries down to him and the sunlight illuminates your face. your smile is infectious and despite the mud now underneath his fingernails because of you, jonathan cant help but smile back at you.
you run through some dandelions and send them cascading around you as you continue to run up the grassy field, and as the soft dandelion seeds swirl around you, jonathan cant seem to catch his breath.
your hair is in pigtails and when you turn back to jonathan again to laugh at him once more, the sunlight catches your eyes and he decides that there isnt a color descriptive enough to capture their beauty.
"i won!" you dance at the top of the hill, having won the race by a mile, and stick your tongue out at jonathan. "you suck, bee."
jonathan rests his head in grass and admires you. youre glowing, your hair dances with you, and he doesnt think hes ever seen this side of you in the few months hes known you.
here, all alone together, far from the bullies at school and the yelling in your houses, the two of you can just be kids.
youre beautiful. theres a warmth to you that jonathan cant describe.
hes twelve years old, and he understands now why his parents drive each other crazy.
here you are, smiling at jonathan as if hes the best thing in the entire world, offering him your hand to help him up from the grass. your fingers are soft and slowly starting to become familiar to him, and jonathan finds himself shaking at your touch.
"hey, you okay?" you notice his sudden shift in mood.
its slight, all jonathan had done was shuffle his feet a bit away from you, and yet you had noticed. he doesnt think he will ever get used to you knowing him so well, in such a short time span, and when he tries to tell you that its nothing, the words die in his throat when he looks at you.
theres a stray dandelion in one of your pigtails.
it rests gently against your cheek, you havent noticed it yet, and jonathan slowly reaches out to pluck it out of your hair. his fingers shake and his hands feel clammy and he wonders how theres so many songs written about this scary feeling.
"here," he offers the dandelion to you. its all he knows how to do. its all he can give you.
blushing, you accept the flower and hold it delicately in your hand. "thanks, bee."
"anytime, bug."
its the smile that you offer him, shy and sweet yet reserved and vulnerable, that makes him realize that his crush on you is more than just a crush.
jonathan byers is twelve years old when he discovers love for the first time in a grassy field filled with dandelions and laughter from his childhood.
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slaygentford · 2 years
the jdcu: a comparative analysis in fact and fiction
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several months ago I watched the netflix program mindhunter. this was a normal experience until I found out it is based on a memoir -- the work of 77 year old ex FBI agent John Douglas (jd). indeed, he is the man behind every behavioral analyst character youve ever seen, most notably jack crawford of silence of the lambs/Thomas Harris's novels, which consulted him personally.
I could not believe that those jds -- jack crawford and far more, as it turns out -- were based on the same man that jd of the show mindhunter was based on. mindhunter tv's jd is like if m3gan was a gay keebler elf. his girlfriend tells him to use his womanly wiles on murderers to get them to talk! and he does so -- the harlot! I was stunned. 77 year old ex FBI agent John Douglas consented for this little freak to be his eidolon forever on netflix? who even IS John Douglas?
and so I am compelled by intellectual curiosity to ask: by watching all jds ever committed to screen, can we qualify the multitude that is jd? and, after hearing John Douglas speak on John Douglas in his own words, can we decide who among the many is the most accurate fictional depiction? to conduct this study which is a really good use of my time, we begin by sorting the fictional jds into two categories: slaygent and hard boiled detective. after this, we will compare them to jd in his own words -- that is, his memoir and his masterclass.
mindhunter tv: let us begin where the problem first surfaced. much has been said about patient zero holden ford. a youthful thirty, he begins a career of seducing real life serial killers to learn about their behavior and so forth. many times I asked: girl what kind of interview is this? in the interest of time I will simply say that this evil roomba created and defines the slaygent category.
silence of the lambs: the next logical move. here we encounter the original and most famous fictional jd: jack crawford. despite a strong effort to manufacture chemistry with jodie foster, he is sadly still a man. three words I would use to describe this jd are Svelte, Serves in a trenchcoat, and Succinct. he falls in the middle of the slaygent/hard boiled Venn diagram.
manhunter: this jack is adorned with a rare and compelling mustache. in one scene he shouts, AND I'D DO IT AGAIN! I was not paying attention at this point to what he would do again but I did not doubt he would do it. no dignity, all exhaustion. hard boiled.
Hannibal nbc: jack crawford receives a much needed reboot! Laurence fishburne gives a nuanced and honestly moving performance of a man for whom meaning is unraveling one day at a time. this jack is sartorially aware but practical, and remains empathetic despite his painful job. hard boiled
the alienist: dr laszlo is our first sherlock holmes* archetype -- somehow this has not cropped up before now. with his difficulty relating to people, his lovely coat with a fur collar, and his genuinely sharp observations, laszlo alienist emerges as a dark horse slaygent.
*due to its original publication date, Sherlock Holmes and successive properties are not relevant to a John Douglas study.
criminal minds (& related procedurals): cm's david rossi, along with his counterparts across other networks, are unilaterally hard boiled.
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though hardboiled jds prevail in quantity, slaygents are not necessarily an anomaly. now the moment of truth: is the real jd a holden ford or a jack crawford?
Mindhunter (book):
while reading this book I began to feel...discomfited. and not just because it's 400 pages of self aggrandizing ghostwritten prose. something was wrong. it wasn't until, in the last five pages of the gauntlet, that it all cohered.
jd and his wife separated because work kept him away, because he barely knew his children, and because when his daughter skinned her knee he couldn't find much empathy for the scrape because of the shit he saw all day. this isnt the unmarried antisocial slaygent ford who began our odyssey. this isn't even the stylish and heterosexual Jack Crawford of silence of the lambs, nor our mustachioed manhunter. a man who lacked empathy for his child? whose marriage crumbled? who thinks shrinks are dumb as hell? whose main recourse in difficult moments is to remind himself that serial killers are nothing but "inadequate losers" -- of no inherent interest to him outside of their contributions to his noble mission to stop serial killing?
whatever answer remains, however unfuckable, is the truth: holden ford -- and indeed any slaygent -- has never been John Douglas at all. even jack crawford is barely a jd himself. we've been overlooking the real jd all along. and he was right under our noses. hiding like the adder, right in plain sight.
the bill tench paradigm shift
a chain-smoking vet whose wife leaves him because he thinks their kid sucks? an unapproachable asshole clinging to his slippery moral high ground?
target locked.
but make no mistake. this is not yet a victory. if bill tench was right before us all along, then how many jds did I overlook with my narrow definition of a jd??? has hubris bested me again? who will we find now that the truth is blown open before us? how will we wrangle this new data into a useful paradigm? what does paradigm actually mean and can I use it in a sentence like that? questions we must answer.
I propose an ontological compromise. if we set slaygent at one end of a spectrum and the true jd at the other, we may examine all jds and potential jds without compromising the integrity of the real/tench jd, AND without ignoring the fact that slaygent ford is BILLED AS jd. indeed, slaygent and jd CAN coexist -- it is only that their differences must be accounted for.
below are MANY, though not every, possible jd.
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now to the final frontier: www.masterclass.com, where for the low low price of 100 dollars you can access celebrities just verbatim reading from their memoirs. literally just verbatim reading from them. like I'm not joking like you could just go to fucking barnes and noble.
mindhunter (masterclass by jd): the discovery of this masterclass was a windfall in my work (thank you cj). now, at last, to the knowledge gleaned. jd (real) is man with white hair and a very slight New York accent. he is well fit for his age with minimal male pattern baldness. he confirms everything we have discovered regarding the bill tench paradigm shift; gruff, to-the-point, sardonic. even his controlled mannerisms are tenchian.
and so I must ask: from whence did the slaygent archetype spring? and why did jd consent for the scary keebler elf to be his proxy? despite the depth of my work, I cannot access the mind of this man, nor the circumstances which gave rise to these anomalies in the continuum.
still. in the indefatigable spirit of jd himself, I feel a theory nipping, nibbling at my ear. I mentioned sherlock holmes before, and now some unwanted voice within me calls out that very name. is it Holmes who shapes the slaygents into his image, even from beyond the grave? has all of this been a prelude to the real work -- the work of examining and classifying every Holmes committed to screen?
like vercingetorix, exhausted by the struggle, here I toss down my arms. with or without me, though, the jd quest continues. what doors remain unopened? what slaygent homunculi lay in wait behind them? and what will become of us, if we knock?
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ndcultureis · 1 year
I swear I keep writing these without intent to be vents but it always escalates. Anyway vent warning
ND (ADHD for me, or at least I think this is an ADHD thing?? Might be completely wrong though) culture is needing positive attention more often than you get it. I know I was suppose to do this thing and me actually doing it is "the bare minimum" and "I dont deserve praise for doing what I've been told" but please give me praise I need it if you dont give me praise it feels like you dont recognize this was a hard thing for me to do. Surely you know this was a hard thing for me to do, I've told you it was and you know how this works with executive dysfunction and stuff you're my parent and you've looked into so stuff about ADHD and autism so why are you still not giving me praise? It hurts :(
Also I'm a creative (digital drawing) and i dont mind this if i dont like my art piece but if I do how dare you not tell me my art is the best thing youve ever seen how dare you not scream and shout excitedly about how beautiful my art is. Why arent you giving me attention I need the attention >:(
Why is attention seeker a bad thing? I'm hurt that I didnt get enough attention, it hurts, of course I want attention of course im going to seek for attention of course im gonna fish for compliments its hurts to not get as much attention as i wanted
It hurts so much why arent you giving me attention??? please?? why arent you praising me???
And then I desperately want to ask, beg, for attention when I dont get enough but I stop myself most of the time. Not because I dont think I'm in the right to ask for the attention but because I'm worried others will find me annoying and hate me
(I feel like this might be something more than just ADHD but I cant tell. I dont really fit anything for NPD other than the attention thing and I dont know much about HPD. All I know is people arent giving me the attention I need to be satisfied and it sets off my RSD)
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dogesterone · 9 months
yoooo high five same neighborhood trans peeps! give a shout if you see me in the wild (I have sent this on anon and have no identifying information in my blog anyway cause the internet is scary 😪
lmao nice. if gay karaoke bars are your kinda thing theres a slim chance youve already seen me lol
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hakuna-my-ass · 1 year
Call me a bitch one more time
Maybe ill believe you
Call me a whore again
Maybe ill conceive you
Call me a slut to my face
Maybe ill believe you
Cause the way
I wade through the dirt
Is a pain
You cant see through
Call me your mom, call me your baby, call me your daughter
Call me whatever you want
I thank god im not your father
I would beat you, mistreat you, just like mine did
I wouldnt eat you, id leave you
To rot in your sins
Not here to please you, just deal you with the cards of your kin
Calling me your queen wont work cause bitch im a goddess
On the scene when i twerk
Cant help it im flawless
Tell me again how youre gonna cum all over my face
Show me again the way i feel pain
Tell me again about my ass and my titties
Like my uterus wasnt enough to give a buck fifty
Ya'll niggas iffy, filthy... long john? miss me!
Your bullshit squishy
According to the stars and the cards im a bull, hard headed
According to my pops, he's a dog, im hot headed
If i listened to any of you bitches id be mal tempered
I guess this is why rap was invented
Telling me i got legs for days when i got bills to pay dont distract me with your petty bullshit
I got brains for decades dont trash me ill behead you
Asking me for head? Youd rather be dead
Spitting on your grave, does that count?
Illy for years, been down south
Been in cuffs but i was rough before they tried to put me down
Like i cant fight, dont have might, i wear my horns like a fucking crown
Cause just like a bull i see red
But as a taurian i get paid diamonds, no respect
So tell me again how horny you are and how i make you
Show me again how you cum
And i may believe you
Born in May so its easy to distinguish sun from rain
All ya'll bitches run when you see me in pain
Cause my limit is about where my choker is
You helped me reach it so lets not forget i know how to choke a bitch
Like i said call me a bitch one more time
Call me dumb, ill show you whats mine
Cause none y'all have the stripes im covered in
Chinese eyes, my chinese sign starts roarin in this bitch
Y'all came straight outta hell
I came from something even lower
Learned and broke yall spells STOP FUCKING CALLING ME BROKEN
They tried and failed not even the universe could own her
Put her in a ditch, shell make a pie and make you eat
Youll attempt to take everything
Fucking fakes nothing more than leeches
Got poems so old, damn i should start preachin
Cant say ive never been to church
The bible aint a secret
Y'all preaching to the choir
So i brought a choir just to sing this
Bring me down to the ground
I might believe you
Silencing me
Wicho irritating sounds
Yous a nuisance
Thinking yous all that?
But aint got time to prove it
The grass is greener where i smoke it
The waist got leaner
Now they tryna poach it
Taking credit for my successes, my strength, my will and why im the bestest
But i didnt see NONE of yall when I was in duress, hella stressed, just tryna make it out w me n mine
Yet over time i realised its just me and im mine
To make things CLEAR
Im not here to fall into your sextraps
Sextrolling while im rolling
Youre fucked cause i got strapped
Youve never seen a gem like me?
Thats common knowledge.
Oeh im so different?
Caught me yawning
Turned up the degrees to see where youre boiling
Dashed so fast couldnt even keep it a hunnid
Annoying. Disgusting.
As a vegetarian i dont eat meat
Why dfq do u think id wanna see yours when i open my feed
Yall aint got nothin better to do than to focus
On fucking
I got better shit and poo so i focus on commas
The only zeros im interested in are the ones on my bankaccount
I like danger and dangerous numbers that make me moan and shout
Not yo itty bitty dick wrapped up in clout
Next time you see me dont ask me how im doing cause good girls do it bad and bad girls do it badder and im the worst
Your sins cant make it better
Scratch that
Royal Deity
The unholiest chick with the most purity
Chique, fine and thick
But you wouldnt know bout nunna that
Intelligent, since we keepin it straight facts
Sharp shooter, never miss my aim
Even if i fail, still winnin this game
S/o to all the gamers, the players, the fakers
Addressin y'all as my main haters
Slapping my insecurities in my face
Like i might do somethin w it
Undress, heaving chest, make a mess in the kitchen
Callin me gay just cause yall aint got a pot to piss in
Mad pissed, yall blocked, try to mess with this bitch
On all fours like a horse come too close ill stomp ya face in
Insulting me vagée, she's not an animal, yall the pussies
Saying put it on my face
Like you got the right or earned it
Yall demands undeserving
High on supply i dont follow commands
Baby your stressed let me help you with that
Bitch please take a seat id rather do a handstand
Know your place before its too late and yo ass gets jabbed
Call me baby one more time i might believe it
Call me sweet once mlre and ill know youre deceivin
Call me your love, your honey, babycakes, babygirl
Havent been a baby since i entered this world
Tell me that you love me one more time and ill bust out my edges, limited edition blade collection
Jessica rabbit blasian
Blazing stages
Saying you wanna fuck
So i did
Sorry not sorry i fucked you up instead
Mustve been a slice of miscommunication
Over time i developed a bullshit translator
Not sick in the head, just sick of y'all
Planning me demise and downfall
Ik ben een lijdende leider, een overlevende strijder
Thats why i give myself errything i be wantin
Preparin myself for these scheming ass bitches that be hauntin
Mightve gotten startled in the past
But im badder and better so issa wrap
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laetare-9 · 2 years
just another message to thank you for inhabit. i re read it again up to the latest chapter and it was every bit as healing and immersive as it was on first read! thank you for your words and sharing your beautiful story and character explorations with all of us. i feel so seen and warm and its just all very tender so thank you. it really helps and im so eternally grateful for your writing and this story youve created! cant wait for the next update but no pressure i know greatness takes time
I hope you know what this means to me, and to every writer lucky enough to get a comment like yours. "It really helps"? Oh boy, that's the goal. Real help, not sugar coated fluff, but those stories that touch your heart and give you a foundation for whatever comes next in your life. A literature teacher of mine once got really upset with our class, and the poor quality of the essays he'd been grading. I remember him shouting "What is literature for? It helps you live! Treat it that way." It stayed with me. And every time a reader is kind enough to let me know the story made a difference for them, however small, I feel like I've done something right.
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s-aint-elmo · 2 years
hello again! im really glad to hear u wanna check out the stageplays! :D
unfortunately the reason why you could only find subs for #1 and #2 is that EN fan subs have only managed to get to blue glitter atm. thats because the general rule of thumb is to wait for the Bluray Disc copies of the plays to release so that they can translate the """"official version""" (since, ykno, stageplays by nature are never the same as each other) and #3 BD only released july this year while edel delight was literally held (iirc) just this feb 2022 so its gonna take awhile :')
a relatively recent additional side concern reason of waiting for the BD releases is like... plausible deniability of sorts? because revstar only started allowing international streaming with Blue Glitter actually so, originally really, we Do have to wait for the BD to even see what went down in the plays.
now we got international streams so translators can Technically start working on the plays earlier BUT since japan takes its copyright piracy laws really Seriously, posting screenshots of a play that should have only been livestreamed would shout to the company that ppl are pirating the show rather than paying so they might remove the international streaming option again,,, so screenshots from a subbed BD would give the plausible deniability that ppl posting the photos also bought the BD ✌
(this tbh is rly more of a twitter issue bc the staff and actresses are literally on that platform so screaming piracy right in front of where theyre also looking is just a bad idea all around)
ANYWAYS. sorry for the mini history lesson it got long but i wanted to give context as to why there is much content not yet translated and why itll take a while :'D
here's subs to blue glitter though! made by frog, a friend: https:// nyaa. si/ view/ 1545682 (no spaces)
once youve finished blue glitter, there is also actually a fun extra spinoff short story (literally just 6 pages) called Saikai Eyes ~ 74th which is fun backstory of yakumo sensei (the teacher from #2) and souda sensei (stageplay seisho's principal) and how theyre also stuck in the narrative loop of Starlight, and if you also become interested with whats going on with the revstar milfs then i will also gladly deliver translations :D
ahhhh, that makes so much sense! not smth i immediately concluded coming from the western theatre bootlegging sphere, but i can see it. thank you revstar for continuing to train my self-control and sense of delayed gratification ig 😔
i have seen links to read saikai eyes but put it off bc i wasn't too invested in souda and yakumo from the manga alone, but i think i'll give em a shot after i watch the lives. tysm for the blue glitter subs! can't wait to learn more abt the seiran girls, esp since they're not around too much in starira. here's to hoping the rest of the lives' bd's can come thru!
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rk-ceres · 1 year
5 ) I Dont Care What She Says, Youre Perfect
Masterlist 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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“Artemis!” Apollo yelled from the bathroom “What time do we meet the Weasleys?” He asked standing in the door way of her bedroom watching her do yoga poses from the book their aunt sent her room is Sirius’s childhood bedroom “uh… noon i believe” she said going from child’s pose to sphinx pose looking directly at him drying off his hair “you took aunty Altairs advice?” “Huh?” She tucked her toes under and rose to a raised plank going into downward dog “oh. Yeah. Its helping with the broken back pain, they say when they were going to visit again?” She asked going into a deep lunge and into warrior pose “they said Christmas but not to hold them to it. Rolf wanted to go to new york to visit his grand dad and grand mother.” He shrugged as she went into forward fold breathing out relaxing her shoulders “i hope i get to meet Newt some day. Big fan and all that” she sighed balancing on one leg “you give your boyfriend and his twin the thing you got him?” He asked she rose to mountain pose “hes not my boyfriend” she blushed laying on the mat bringing her knees ro her chest and rocking from side to side “but no. I was going to wait til we got to the leaky cauldron. Their just matching watches. With their names on it. It was cheap. Their Christmas gifts we got them were more expensive” “Not your boyfriend yet” Apollo jested “i dont think he likes me like that pollo” she sat cross legged facing him ending her practice with deep breathing “youve been saying that and you two are blind” he shook his head “are you going to sit with us on the train or are you sitting with Cedric and the rest?” She asked changing the subject “actually. I think me and Lee are going to sit with the Hufflepuffs” he shrugged “alright” she said rolling up her mat and putting it to the side “im going to help Kreacher, Dobby, and Prim with the animals shower and then we can head to the cauldron” she sighed walking passed him “i used all the hot water” Apollo said with a slight smile “of course you did” she shook her head in frustration “APOLLO! HURRY UP WE’RE GONNA BE LATE!” Artemis yelled “IM COMING!” He shouted running down the steps linking arms with her “is Harry going to be meeting us there?” Apollo asked “i havent seen him since we got him and Ron new clothes for school the twins Christmas gifts and his food.” He said as she snapped them to Diagon alley “if you want to go ahead to the leaky cauldron youre welcome too. I just want to stop at Florish and Blotts for our school book order” she said “and leave you alone? No way. Besides you carrying seven people’s books on your own? No. I dont want to face the wrath of Molly when she finds out we got Percy, Fred, George, Ron and Ginny their school supplies” He rolled his eyes sad grimaces at his sister “hey. Harry paid for Ron’s Ginny and His. So in reality, i only bought mine Fred’s and Percys. You bought yours and George’s school supplies. And a new Microphone for Lee. Plus Percy is Head Boy this year. He deserved something nice” she said walking into Florish and Blotts “hi, we’re picking up an order under Black, and Potter” Artemis said to the shope keeper “yes Artemis i know who you are” he smiled “youve only been coming in here every day for the passed three months” he chuckled handing them their supplies. “Were you anle to get that other thing too by any chance?” She asked “ah. The embossed dragon skin journal! Right right, its back here” he smiled handing her the book “thank you” she smiled “and since you spent so much here all summer, i threw in a few extra quidditch books for your friend” he smiled “thanks again Adam” they smiled as she walked out of the door
They walked into the inn to Hermione and Ron bickering “THATS NOT A CAT ITS A BLOODY MONSTER!” He yelled frantically “Ron. Its just a cat. The rat is gross anyway” Apollo said scrunching his nose “Apollo? Ron? Mione?” Harry asked walking down the stairs “hey Kid” Artie said launching herself on to Harry “i missed you little brother” “i missed you too “KIIIIDS TIME FOR LUNCH!” Molly yelled from the kitchen she quickly hugged Ron and Hermione along with Apollo who ruffled the two boys hair they walk in with Ron showing Harry the clipping “showing off that bloody clipping again there Ronnie” a deep voice called out from behind them she looked over to George who shot her a wink “I HAVENT SHOWN ANYONE!” He yelled back gaining a laugh from Apollo “oh no not a soul unless you count Tom” Fred said taking a seat next to her pulling her into a side hug kissing the top of her head “afternoon voice” he greeted “the day maid.” George continued squeezing between her and Harry “the night maid.” Fred jested “the cook” George continued “the bloke that came to fix the loo” “AND THE WIZARD FROM BELGUM!” George yelled they all chuckled “now now boys that’s enough!” Molly said sternly “eat up. So we can go get your supplies” she said “no need Mrs. Weasley” Harry started “we’ve had it all covered!” Apollo finished “please don’t yell at us if we didnt go behind your back you wouldve put up a fight.” Artemis smiled softly “we wanted to thank you for all that you do for us” Harry continued “would you guys stop talking like us! Youre not even a twin!!!” George said shivering “why?” “Does it bother you?” Apollo said following up Harry “and George. We are twins” Artemis and Apollo say together as she pulled out stacks of books and quills and floated them to their respective Weasley “Apollo bought George’s the little black box is from me Georgie, since i couldnt get you all gifts last year. i got Fred’s and Percy’s, Harry bought Ron’s and Ginny’s the little boxes are from me” she smiled sheepishly she looked over to Percy “open the red one first” she smiled he nodded unwrapping the dragon skin journal and matching quill embossed on the cover was Percy I. Weasley he looked up at her “its for your book you want to write. Bill, Charlie and I split it when they told me that you got Head Boy congratulations Percy, hard work pays off” she smiled “its beautiful Artemis, thank you” “ARTEMIS BLACK APOLLO SCAMANDER AND HARRY JAMES POTTER! THAT MUSTVE COSTED A FORTUNE!!!” Molly yelled “its not that big of a deal Mrs. Weasley” Harry said “we have investments it wont hurt us” Apollo insisted she dropped the conversation as they finished breakfast and most were off having their own conversations Hermione Fred George Artemis and Apollo were standing in a circle talking when Molly mentioned it again Artemis smiled and simply told her “we wanted to do something nice for our friends let us” he smiled at her “if you really feel bad we will take a home made birthday cake for our Birthday on January first or teach me how so i can make one for Apollo to keep up with tradition” she smiled up at Molly “but your birthday is the 31st youre eleven minutes older right?” Fred interjected “YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THE THIRTY-FIRST OF DECEMBER AND YOUVE NEVER TOLD US ARTEMIS!” Molly shrieked “even im OFFENDED BY THAT ARTIE!” George yelled at her in hurt “dont feel bad she didnt tell me either!” Percy crossed his hands over his chest “i didnt think it was important! Ive never celebrated MY birthday ive always lumped in with Apollo when mum was alive its just something we’ve always done” She looked down “yeah she always threw a fit when mum tried to separate the two birthdays ‘we’re twins we should do this together! We’ve done everything together!!’” He mimicked her 4 year old voice “THEN HOW DID FRED KNOW! Molly and George screamed together
“i knew too Ginny as well” Hermione said meekly “not helping Mia” Artemis said softly “WHY DOES FRED GINNY AND HERMIONE KNOW BUT NOT ME?!?” George asked putting a hand over his heart “hey. Chill out Forge Artemis isnt” “Apollo its fine” she cut him off she turned to face George looking at him hurt written on his face “i didnt think it was important information. You guys gave me my first Christmas and birthday gifts three years ago and i didnt correct you when you asked when Apollo’s birthday was you couldnt have known i was just happy someone thought to get me something that people saw me as a person and not as an elf… being seen as an actual person what do i care if i blow out candles a day late it doesnt matter to me. its all new im working on it im trying. Ive been seeing a healer. Once a week... it was just an ordinary day of chores before you guys made a big deal out of it.” She looked down “im sorry just dont be mad please” her voice breaking “youre in therapy?” Georges voice softened “youre the first person I told outside of Apollo Forgive me yet?” she said softly “guys. Voice only told me because she was talking about Apollo.” Fred spoke “she told me and Ginny because i found her and Apollo’s birth certificate in the library tucked away in a book i wanted to borrow” Mione chimed in “Mione let the four of them talk wanna help me with Hermes?”Percy asked she nodded “Artie” George said softly “im sorry i didnt say anything i didnt think it was important” she sniffled looking to her feet “ive never been important before” she looked down Mollys eyes softened George pulled her into a hug “i shouldnt have yelled at you.” He said simply letting her go “now whats offensive is that you two grew to tree size and i stayed the same height” she pouted she turned to Molly “i didnt know” she said softer anxiety filling her as she looked at Molly someone who she looked at as she did her mother Athena “please dont be disappointed” she said above a whisper nerves short firing heart racing “i was just going to ask what flavor cake” she smiled “Apollo likes chocolate” she smiled looking up excitedly she got bubbly and like how she usually is “he used to eat the entire thing when mum was here and hed get it all over his face mum would make us separate cakes and frostings because we’d fight.” “We only would fight cause Artemis would eat all the chocolate covered strawberries! She loves those bloody things more than she loves me and im her twin!” He rolled his eyes “she wasnt asking about me Lia girl” he smiled putting a hand on her shoulder “like we practiced with Martin” he whispered she looked at him “its okay. Im right here” Apollo reassured her “i dont like chocolate i prefer chocolate bars over chocolate cakes. I think it ruins the cake if its too sweet.. i” she stopped short flinching waiting for a cane to hit her for speaking her mind looking down “hey.. breathe, no ones gonna hurt you theres no canes. No ones yelling. No ones going to hit you. Youre fine im here. George and Fred are here too… its okay say what you wanna say tell her. She asked you. Our Mum wont be upset you know that” he cooed in her ear
“but its mine and moms thing i havent done it since mom…” she whispered to him “Artemis, its okay. You knew mum best do you really think that you loving Molly the way you loved her, the way you loves our mom, and wanting to do the birthday traditions with her like we did with mum would upset our Mom?” He asked she shook her head no “mom would say theres enough to go around and to be happy because love is the most important thing we have” she whispered to him “see. Now tell her. Just because Mums gone doesnt mean shes not here Artemis. Shes always here. Shes here because you loved her. And thats how she’ll stay. Once you love some one theyre never really gone. Tell her. Its okay” Apollo nodded to Molly Molly’s eyes widened Fred grabbed her hand and squeezed he released her hand when she nodded to Apollo and grabbed his hand “i like strawberry cakes… they taste better than chocolate they were my moms favorite…. My mom… shed make me this two layered cake with chocolate filling. And white whipped cream for frosting with chocolate letters and fresh strawberries on top.. it was like a giant chocolate strawberry she would sing me this stupid song and itd be something only me and her did.” she said barely above a whisper giggling at the memory “Mum would make me a stupid hat and Apollo a bib and take a picture before smashing both of our faces into the cake… i miss my mom” she sighed “its settled then. Strawberry for you on December 31st. And Chocolate for Apollo on January first” she smiled “you did great Artemis” Apollo hugged her kissing her forehead he looked to Molly and back to Artemis “go make them open your gifts.” He smiled at her /and the twins “THATS RIGHT!” Fred exclaimed “you got us a mystery box” George smiled “it better not be a prank missy” Fred said dragging her away they got her letter and her badge fell out “you got prefect?” George asked “i dont want to make a big deal out of it” she looked down “but you got prefect. This is great for us. Now we definitely wont get into trouble!” He said with a small smile “only if you guys get more than 3 OWLS this year” “nooooooooo” Fred said “wellp looks like detentions for you!” They shared a laugh.
They sat down on the train to Hogwarts she watched as the rain fell on the window of their compartment Fred and George were in an animated conversation about who to prank next when the door started to freeze over panic started to flow through her as a boney hand opened the door Fred threw his arm over her trying to block the black cloaked figure that came right to her face she could hear her mother and fathers screams as he was taken away she reached for Freds wand in his pocket it felt like a ton of bricks moving she thought of Fred sitting together playing her guitar singing pualena as he learned how to play her song their first kiss and once she got hold of the handle she gripped it tightly she wordlessly casted a patronus holding up Freds wand he looked at her in shock that she could control the black walnut wood with unicorn hair core as Ginny couldnt even use his wand they stared at her in shock as the bright white light flashed through their compartment landing on Freds shoulder nudging his face with its beak he chuckled “well hello to you too” he pet the birds head as it started to fly again pushing the black cloaked figure away disintegrating it and through them the bird flapped its wings looking at Artemis weakly she breathed out “save Harry and Apollo.. tell my little brothers i love them..” the bird flies away splitting into two as it took the direction of each brother George and Fred looking at her in shock when she passes out sinking to the floor “wh… what just happened” he looked down at Artemis kneeling next to her her clenched fist gripping his wand tightly unable to get it from her the compartment door opened and George raised his wand protectively standing in front of Fred and Artie Fred guarding her body “calm down boys, im the new DADA teacher.” They lowered their wands as he kneeled down by her feet “Artemis is that really you….” He whispered she slowly opened her eyes “how do…” George started to ask when her choked voice filled the cabin “dad…. youre back you… you came back for me… i waited for you… me and Apollo both waited…. Hes here… i missed you so much…can we… can we go home now? please?” as her vision blurs in and out tears streaming down her face Lupin smiles at her “no dear, im not your dad” Remus cooed brushing her hair out of her face “un……uncle moony?” he smiles at her helping her sit up “Naleopilimehana…. you look just like her… eat this youll feel better” handing her a piece of chocolate”boys help me sit her up” Remus said they nodded as fred grabbed her shoulders “Uncle Moony” she flung herself hugging his neck tightly tears streaming down her face he hugged her back “Pili, i need to breathe” he chuckled “but if i let go youre going to disappear and i’ll be alone again i dont want to be alone” she sniffled “im not going anywhere love.” He chuckled Fred grabbed her shoulders and leaned back Remus cupped her face in his hands and looked at her “now where did you learn that spell” he asked calmly “it happened the first time i held my wand. And whenever i think of a happy memory and point the wand up and my bird comes out” she said “thats not your wand Voice” Fred said she looked to him then down at his wand in her hand “oh… sorry Heart” she said handing him his wand back “you produced a corporal patronus using another wizards wand?” He asked “i guess im not sure exactly what happened” she said “what were those things?” “Theyre called dementors. You saved Harry. You said Apollo was here too?” He asked she nodded “your god son’s here. Hes two compartments down” she smiled at him “im going to go talk to the conductor, i’ll be teaching defense against dark arts” he said to her kissing her forehead she nodded “and youre going to tell me what memory you used when we have a moment to speak” she nodded
“yes uncle moon” she said as Fred took his wand and intertwined his fingers with hers she looked down then back up at him “that was amazing Artie” George said pulling her attention to him “i dont even know what i did” she said truthfully “is that the moony from the map?” George asked she smiled. “Sirius is Padfoot, my god dad is Prongs” she smiled Fred and Artemis walk into the great hall still holding hand he brings it up as she scoots in Angelina scoffs and glared at Artemis “i dont know what they see in her Criminal in the making just like her escapee dad” Angelina rolled her eyes “okay thats it.” She stands up “say whatever the fuck you want about me but you leave my dad out of it.” Artemis snarled at her “or what gonna have Apollo or Harry fight your battles for you? Pathetic you do realize that theyre only friends with you cause they want to sleep with you right” Angelina scoffs gesturing to the twins anger flared in her nostrils “oscausi” suddenly Angelinas mouth disappeared panic set in her face “you can say what you want about me. Cause i dont give a fuck what you think about me. But you keep my dad. And brothers names out. Of. Your. Fucking. Mouth. Or i can take it off. Im sick of mean girls like you who say shit because they think they’re untouchable when in reality theyre making themselves look dumb.” She said lowly “this is your ONLY warning. Next time i’ll make it permanent.” She glared at her “this all started over me beating your marks. Get over yourself im not dumbing myself down to appease your mean girl attitude” she turned back putting her bag on Hermione’s shoulders “undo the charm if you want too. Can you bring my bag back to the dorm?” She asked Hermione “of course” she smiled at her she climbed into her bag zipping it shut so no one could follow her George looked to Fred who was about to say something about it “dont Fred its not worth it. Artemis already handled it” George said holding his brothers shoulder”Hermione let me see the bag” she gives him a small curious look he holds his wand to it “aperi mihi” he whispered the bag opened and he climbed in after Hermione un did the jinx “unbelievable selfish little i cant believe her shes a fucking” Hermione re did the jinx “quit talking about my sister you know you deserved it” with that she left the hall with her bag on her shoulder “MIA WAIT!” George yelled racing after her. Artemis threw things around the room as she screamed every obscene thing that came to mind “ms. Artemis” Kreacher called knocking on the door she composed herself “come in Kreacher” she said in an irritable voice “Kreacher just wanted to check on ms. Artemis” “im fine Kreacher” she said not looking at him “Kreacher thinks Artemis is lying” he said she stayed quiet sitting the chair he sat next to her “Kreacher indeed missed having Artemis home” he said putting his hand on her knee “Kreacher sees that you have perfected elf magic, Kreacher talked to Dobby. Dobby said that you learned fast” she chuckled “i had a great first teacher” she finally looked at him “whats wrong child” he asked “just a girl at school got under my skin” she shrugged “im glad that you decided to come with Poppy Kreacher” she smiled softly “i know you dont necessarily like my dad but can i talk about him for a second?” She asked the elf “child, you are my master. Its my job” he patted her leg “this whole thing is giving me anxiety” she sighs out “i want to believe what i saw back then. I was only three when dad got taken away i dont know what to believe Kreacher. I just want my dad back and me, Apollo, and him could be a family again. I want to feel like i belong and not of obligation. I want to feel like everythings going to be okay. Nothings been right since grandma gave me this” she gestured to her head “i just want to be loved Kreacher” she went quiet “VOICE?” Freds voice distantly called out for her “WHERE ARE YOU?!?” It called again 
“forgive me for speaking out of turn Child but it seems as though you are loved and found a place where you belong” Kreacher snapped his fingers and disappeared she Fred searched high and low for her until he came to the very last door where he heard an exasperated scream into a pillow he slowly opened the door to see Artemis face down laying on her stomach arms folded under the pillow letting out another scream into the pillow he let out a soft breath and sat down by her head on the free space on the chair she felt the cushions dip and a hand run through her hair “skejejdjdkfkrjeuzbrjduskllsdk” she mumbled into the pillow “im sorry i didnt quite catch that” Fred said straining his ears “i shejfjeujejekkwjrjdjeejjdjsjmmsjnr” she spoke into the pillow again “Voice lift your head” he chuckled softly “i said for the third time if youre here to make me apologize im not going to” she slammed her head into the pillow again “i wasnt going to even try to make you apologize” “mdjrhs” she spoke i to the pillow “Voiiice, i cant understand you when you talk into the pillow” he complained poking her shoulder “i said Good” she turned over to lay on her back looking up at the ceiling “thanks for the watch by the way” he said softly “glad you like it” she huffed “i know youre mad” he said she looked up to him “oh really? I couldnt tell.” She huffed out “hey. Dont get all huffy with me i still know where youre ticklish missy” “you wouldnt dare” “try me” he shot back “pick something else.” She said knowing he wanted to ask “anything else to talk about” she breathed out “so. Lupin?” He asked “dads best friend” she smiled “im just really missing my dad right now and knowing that hes out there…. Its getting to me. What Johnson said about him my emotions just wen wild.” She sighed he nodded and continued on to ask her about the marauders She shared the stories she knew of the marauders hours flew by “So let me get this straight” he laughed uncontrollably “your dad and Mom had to fish your god dad out of a well because he saw a movie lassie with his wife” he laughed harder “yeah. He was stuck falling for thirty minutes” she laughed harder “why didnt i know you liked strawberry?” He asked his lips closing into a smile “i dunno, it just never came up” she pulled her legs to her chest “like how Angie bullying you never came up?” she looked down to her knees “why didnt you tell me love?” “Shes your friend. I didnt want to cause any issues” she whispered “its not causing issues voice.” He said putting a hand on her knee “can we please not talk about this?” She asked softly “tell me more about your dad” he smiled gently “he was a big softie, but he put up this rugged exterior, he was a loving father when i knew him” she smiled “hed read me poetry from Edgar Allen Poe. Sing me their wedding song wjen i was lonely mum had to pull a lot of over nighters.” “What was the song?” He asked smile playing on his lips “an old one. My grandpa made up this whole story about how he was sleeping on the beach in his car when the radio was playing came home and sang it to my grandma saying he wrote it for her a couple of days later. They heard it on the radio again. Its by Larry Ghram” she shrugged “sing it for me?” He asked she looked him in the eyes and took a deep breath out her heart sped up 
“love had played its games on me so long… i started to believe id never find anyone… doubt had tried to convince me to give in.. til you came in….” She looked up at him “then one day the sun came shining through the rain had stopped and the skies were blue and oh what a revelation to see. Some one was saying i love you to me…. A one in a million chance of a life time a live” she leaned her head on his shoulder “show compassion that sent to me a stroke of love called you….. a one in a million you” he leaned his head against hers as they stared at the wall his heart felt like it was going to explode he could listen to her sing for hours “i was a lonely man with empty arms to fill then i found a piece of happiness to call my own and life is worth living again.. for to love you to me is to live a one in a million” she grabs his hand playing with his fingers he looks down to her she moves her head up to look at him still leaning her head on his shoulder lip’s centimeters apart again “chance of a life time… and a live show compassion…” he leaned in slightly “and sent to me… a stroke of love… called….” She closed her eyes feeling his breath on her lips “Artemis” he whispered his cheeks heated up as he tried to force the words out of his mouth “you… a one in a million you” she sang barely above a whisper heart thrumming in her chest she was afraid he would hear it ���Artemis i….” there was a knock on the door he pulled away from her “Kreacher?” She asked loudly “its just me” Hermione said opening the door “hey Mia whats up?” “George is asking for Fred. I told him i would get him” she smiled “and i need you boy trouble” she smiled Artemis looked at Fred who shared a tight lipped smile
Two weeks to the full moon Artemis walks into the DADA classroom “UNCLE MOON?!?” She yelled “UNCLE MOONY ARE YOU IN HERE?!?” She yelled again “up here Artemis!” He yelled back she carried the box up the stairs “here you go uncle moon i made this last month. I just… thought that itd be fun to make. I guess everything happens for a reason” she shrugged pushing the box to him he opens the box “wolfsbane?” He breathes out “yeah and this is for you too” she said as she dug into her bag pulling out a bottle she received from Fawkes during the summer “it cant be…” “I befriended a Phoenix” she shrugged. I gotta get down to Hagrids Hut. I told him that id help him with Harry’s class for Care of Magical Creatures” she smiled “Pili wait” she stopped “Apollo, you and Apollo who are you two staying with?” He asked “we’re staying at Grandmas old place, when i turned 14 i got legally emancipated and wrote Apollo, he chose to stay with me.” She smiled “the way that dads mum wrote her will gave me adulthood at the age of 14.” She smiled at him “we’ve been okay. Ive been investing my money in the muggle world. Like mum used to.” She smiled “and you two are okay?” He asked “more than okay uncle” she smiled at him “do you have a… a place to stay?” She asked “im back at the cottage in yorkshire.” He simply puts “would… would you come and check on us? From time to time?” She asked softer “you were dads best friend….. being able to see you…. Its like having him back. Do you think he’ll come for us?” She asked softly “come back to take you and be a family again?” He asked “to hurt… to hurt me and my brothers… Harry and Apollo?” she looked down “everything ive read…. And what i think i saw” she whispered “i dont know what to believe anymore” she sighed out “show me love” he said holding his hand out to her she takes his hand gently after showing him her last memory of them and their dad he looks up to her “i remember that day.” He smiled. “Athena took me to her firm and we spent the day cleaning it was the day she told me she was pregnant again. With your younger brother in her office and talking about…” he shook his head of the memory “he loved you and Apollo Artemis, you and him were his world. Hed never shut up about you. And he loved Harry” he spoke clearly “if youre asking me if i think that he would hurt you? The answer is no my dear” he said “thank you uncle Moony, i gotta get going” she smiled he nodded “thank you for the potions. And tears” she snapped her fingers and flashed away Remus ran a hand over his face and looked up “oh. She is so getting detention” he muttered to himself when he saw the maple syrup capsule and a bucket of feathers over his head and a note that flew to his desk ‘I’ve missed you Uncle Moony’ he smiled at the notes and continued smiling after he was covered in maple syrup and feathers “Ah pads she reminds me so much of you but smarter” he said more to himself “Thanks for helping out with this class Artemis” Hagrid said with a big smile on his face “its no problem really although i mightve gotten myself detention with Professor Lupin” she laughed “alright you head to Buckbeak I’ll get the class” she nodded to him as they split up and walked to Buckbeak she bowed and waited for him to make the first move he stepped up to her and bowed back “hey Buck. How are you?” She asked ‘well thank you for bowing again’ he nodded she walked up to him and petted him 
“ready for the class?” He glanced to her eyes and back to Hagrid ‘our time to shine’ he trotted his paw  she hopped on “alright class. Today id like you to open up your books to page on Hippogryphs” “and just how are we supposed to do that! Itll eat us alive” Malfoy spit “YOU PET THE BOOKS SPINE!” Artemis yelled with a laugh as Buckbeak flew around the third years as she pet his neck when he landed “quite an entrance Artie” Hagrid said shaking his head as she jumped off of buck “Good boy Buck though the loop de loop was a little much” she rolled her eyes he stamped his paw again at her as she grinned “ive asked Artemis here to demonstrate how to properly interact with a Hippogryph” Hagrid mentioned. Class moved quickly Harry had ridden the Hippogryph and landed Malfoy went next cockily “Draco! WATCH OUT!” Artemis yelled as Buckbeak jumped up kicking his claws out she shoved Draco one claw nicking him but her getting the full scratch “woah! Woah boy” she cooed softly “youre okay Buckbeak” she smiled softly blood trailing down her arms “Draco? You okay?” She asks looking back at him “such a drama queen” she rolled her eyes at him clutching her arm “MY FATHER WILL BE HEARING ABOUT THIS!” He yelled “Draco its a tiny tiny cut. I got most of it” she rolled her eyes “that dangerous beast shouldnt be at Hogwarts Lia!” He yelled “its not Buckbeaks fault you didnt follow directions!” She yelled “come here” she said holding a hand out to him he took it “Hagrid im taking him to Pomfrey” he nodded she snapped her fingers and took him to the hospital wing “Hey Artie, ready for Divination?” George asked “yeah it should be fun right?” Lee asked “ive never liked seeing. Thats more of Apollo’s thing than mine” she rolled her eyes “how is my brother anyway? He sees you more than he sees me!” She said with a roll of her eyes “OH! George! Yours and Freds Christmas presents came in” she smiles “you know you dont call me that Voice” she squealed in a high pitched tone jumping at the sudden voice behind her into Lee who caught her before she fell on the ground George had an amused smile on his face “SEE! NOT FUN IS IT!” George yelled with a laugh “okay fine i admit it its not fun Georgie” she said as Lee put her down on the ground “and just what did you get us?” Fred asked with a smile playing on his lips “i dont think i should tell you anything now that you half scared me to death Fred!” She crossed her arms playfully “how many times do i have to say it you. Dont. Call. Me. Fred. Its. Heart. To. You.” He said poking her nose between words she rolled her eyes at him “i had my aunty order it from America. And im not telling you what!” She huffed. “I cant believe you screamed like an actual girl” Lee snickered “i am a girl Lee” she blushed “no i know that. But youve always been fearless” he shrugged “who?” Apollo asked meeting up with them “Your sister screamed like a girl for the first time” Lee filled him in “wait really?” He asked surprised “why are you so surprised!” She yelled offended “because thats what you sound like when you yell.” He laughed “you never sound like a girl” “why is everyone picking on me” her cheeks flush red “because its fun to see you so red” George said with a laugh “i hate all of you” she said speeding up her pace “you love us” Apollo teased “debatable!” She yelled back at him he rushed her picking her up on his shoulder as she hung off his shoulder by her hips as he held her knees to his chest in one arm “wanna run that by me one more time?” He asked playfully smirking at his twin sister “I SAID ITS DEBATABLE!” She yelled he held his wand in his free hand casting the tickle charm she started uncontrollably laughing “APOLLO!!” She laughed out “say you love me!” “Never!” She laughed “oh. Okay. Looks like you’re staying here then.” He said continuing to walk with her squirming
“FINE FINE! I LOVE YOU NOW STOP BEFORE I START TO CRY” she yelled laughing he released the charm and put her down “never forget it.” He ran a hand through his hair they all sit down at the same table in traylawneys class “today we will be reading tea leaves and reading them” she said as she poured the tea in each cup she took a sip “ew earl grey” she scrunched her nose and downed the rest slamming her cup on the table “yuck” she said more to herself than anyone at the table ”you dont like Earl grey?” Lee asked “she only drinks lipton black tea” Apollo shrugs “our grandpa back on the island used to make it for her and now she drinks it like water” Apollo said with a shrug. “I personally enjoy the taste of it” he drank his tea and put it down on the table “but i love the taste of your lips more Mr. Jordan” he whispered into Lee’s ear “Apollo i didnt need to hear that” Artemis shook her head “youre just jealous ive kissed someone before you Artie” Lee teased “shes kissed someone before after someone kissed her” George snickered “shut up George” she and Fred said together “shes kissed someone twice” Apollo said looking at Lee “She had her first kiss and didnt tell me about it?!?” He yelled “who would want to kiss her” Angelina scoffed from the table behind him “well if i wasnt Gay me.” Lee said to Angelina who rolled her eyes at him “id be okay with that” Apollo shrugged nonchalantly “Apollo” she warned again “dont think youre off the hook Artie! Just who did you kiss and not tell your bestfriend!” He scoffed in fake hurt she looked to Fred who just shrugged with a small smile “NO!” He yelled “FRED KISSED YOU AND YOU DIDNT TELL ME!” He yelled standing up “MR. JORDAN” Traylawney scolded “sorry professor” Lee said sitting down “so are you guys more now?” She looked down “not yet” Fred said with the shrug of his shoulders “pathetic why would he want her. Shes literally nothing. He could have everything” Angelina scoffed “it was a good first kiss though.” Fred smiled “see maybe shes not all that” Angie laughs Fred was about to stand up but she put a hand on his arm “shes not worth it. Its okay” 
“Oh dear this is the second one today, My dear girl you have the Grim” Traylawney said sadly “oh yeah yeah whatever nothing new” she sassed and waved her hand “im in grave danger this grave danger that my well being is at risk pain despair and destruction is my destiny Harry and i will go through great peril before there is peace blah blah blah blah blah. tell me something i dont already know child of prophecy and The chosen one to save the wizarding world for the greater good my big fat hawaiian english ass.” she huffs out under her breath grabbing her bag Lee and Apollo snickering as she stormed out “did she just call her ass big and fat?”George furrowed his eyebrows “she says that a lot.” Apollo said “i mean shes not wrong. Her butt is really nice” Lee complemented “im going to let that slide cause youre gay” George said “i mean. He complements her rack all the time too. I dont have an issue with it. It boosts her confidence” Apollo shrugs “i dont care if Lee comments on my ass and boobs because its nothing he hasnt seen before. Lee helps me pick out underwear. Its something we do at hogsmead.” Artemis shrugs “Apollo usually comes to play with the silicone bra’s.” She rolled her eyes “my future brother in law is the best there is” “hey! I take offense to that! Im going to be your brother in law too one day! When you and Fred gets Married!” George protested “listen. If me and Fred do get married you and Lee can fight over favorite but since they’re guaranteed to be married one day Lee holds that title for now. And im pretty sure Charlie would put up a good fight too” Artemis said leaving the classroom “class isnt finished yet!” The professor said “im going to be late for detention with professor Lupin, i left my report and next months homework on your desk.” She said with a wave heading out of the door she knocked on the door to Remus’s classroom and opened the door “sorry uncle Moony. I just needed to get away. Can we just say that im doing detention for the prank please” she said softly “are you okay?” He asked “i suppose.” She sighs “Pili.” He said softly “dont… please” she pleaded putting her head down he nodded and sat at his desk the door flew open “Voice” Fred breathed out sitting next to her “not now Fred” she whispered “hey. Look at me Voice” he grabbed her hand on her leg she moved her head to the side to look at him “youre not pathetic” he whispered “youre all that and more you know that right? And a lot of people want want to kiss you. Dont listen to what she said.” He smiles at her wanting to tell her how he felt but in the presence of a teacher he stifled the rest of his sentence softly pushing her hair behind her ear Remus watched the pair ‘Lily and James’ he thought to himself as he watched the two interact with each other she picked her head off the desk “what would i do without you?” She asked “crash and burn probably.” He joked “youre my voice of reason you keep me out of trouble, im your heart.” He stops waiting for her “you keep me human” she said softly “We keep each-other safe” he smiled at her “we keep each-other safe” she repeated  he sat back in his chair “so… want to go feed your animals?” He asked wanting to tell her everything. she looks at him “you just want to prove a point of Hemolele liking you more!” She stuck her tongue out at him “SHE DOES!” He said defensively “whatever” she rolled her eyes at him “who’s Hemolele?” Remus asked “her three headed dog” “you have a three headed dog?” “She got her from Hagrid” Fred shrugged his shoulders he unzipped her bag and guided her in “you coming Professor?” Fred asked as he looked around “i’ll stand guard” he said shaking his head “just come in i know you want too!” She yelled up to him “MOMS PETS ALREADY KNOW YOU!” She yelled again rolling her eyes “stop yelling im here” he huffed
 “i have some of your things you left in here from mom was around theyre in the library” she shrugged he nodded heading over to the library “can i talk to you?” He asked seriously “yeah?” She asked him “come with me” he said smiling he goes to Igneous’s pen and pets him “hey Igneous” he smiled “what are you doing?” She smiled at him “just listen” he said looking back to the bird “i want to….” He paused taking a breath out “i want to tell the most beautiful girl ive ever laid my eyes on that im helplessly in love with her” her heart stops she looks at him intently his hair slightly long red blush across his face “she has these gorgeous big golden eyes…light brown skin…. Black hair.. and a smile that lights up every room, an amazing sense of humor, shes sarcastic and witty, and her laugh” he groans “shes perfect. And she doesnt even realize it shes everything I want and more. Shes… shes so pretty and i… i cant imagine my life without her. shes kind and caring loves animals and sometimes i think she can talk to them and her voice is so calming and soothing i could listen to her ramble on all day. But all i want to do is listen to her sing when she sings her favorite song she gets this sparkle in her eyes. It makes her so happy and happiness is what she deserves to feel and be” he smiles to the bird “but this girl in our year…. She keeps picking on her. And i dont think she’d believe me if i ever told her to her face. Ive been waiting for her since the first detention we spent together the first time she showed me her memories. The first time she told me she needed me i knew id never leave her. Theres no one else but her that i want” he chuckled her face streaming with tears at the tender moment “shes my voice of reason but i think shes more than that because my mind is flooded with thoughts of her. And i gave her my heart a long time ago…. She hasn’t given me any reason to think that that was a bad idea. Shes only nurtured and grown it in the time shes had it and i dont think she realizes she has my heart beating in her chest” he sighed out “when she calls me heart it makes my world stop and the effect she has on me i cant keep this bottled up anymore i really hope im not scaring her away from me with saying all this” Remus silently listened leaning against the wall out of sight “but we’ve been dancing around eachother for years. And i want her to be mine” he turned around and looked at her Remus moved to the door way watching as he thumbed her tears away from her cheeks giving Artemis a small smile fear in his eyes he took a shakey breath dropping his hands “good or bad i want it all. Voice. I know what Angie said. And i want you to know that i love you just the way you were. The way you are. I fell in love with the puzzle you are. I fell in love with the scary parts of you, before i fell in love with the good. The good made it better. But i have and will love you through it all. Good, bad, ugly, scary.. its all beautiful, and i want all of it.  i loved you then. And i love you now” he leans his forehead on hers Remus leans in the door way watching them talk with a smile plastered on his face seeing her face light up
 “ive been in love with you since forever, it feels like ive known you… for lifetimes… i could find you in a room if you were deaf and i was blind.. and i know…. Or i think i know that you love me too the way you support me and make me want to open up the care and kindness you only show me the watch. Everything youve ever done for me its love isnt it….” he breathed out closing his eyes and holding both her hands in his not wanting to see the rejection in her face if he was wrong she lets go one of his hands bringing her hand to cup his face he leans into her touch still with his eyes closed “say something please say anything… just… just dont hurt me..” he gulps down the lump in his throat “I'm afraid Heart” she said his eyes shot open “you have nothing to be afraid of not with me…i wont hurt you Artemis…” he said “please dont call me that you haven’t called me that in a long time” she whispered “trust me Voice i wont hurt you.” he whispered “im afraid that love isn't going to be enough… that im not enough for you… im broken… and you deserve so much better than what i can give you” she whispered “hey maybe theyre in here” Lee said to George and Apollo “look theres lupin!” George said Remus turned his head holding a finger to his mouth they all come and crowd the door way “You are enough for me. Its me that will never be enough. All i can offer you is me. I want to be able to give you everything i want to give you the moon and stars. Because thats what you deserve. Youve always been enough. Im so deep in for you it scares me and i am so sorry for not saying it sooner” fred whispers “i was selfish and narcissistic to think that youd ever love me the way ive been loving you you are everything to me and i… i didnt want you to be. Youre perfect… and im just me…. I was afraid of losing the little i did have of you that i wanted to bottle it down and burry it. It took us forever to get here, falling in love with you was like taking it back to square one” he said voice breaking shutting his eyes tighter insecurity written all over his face never seeing him so vulnerable and meek before she cups his face in her hand “i love you” she says softer “youre just saying that its okay you dont have to say it” he smiles not opening his eyes she could hear the hurt in his voice “i love you” she kissed the palm of his hand “i love you” she kissed his wrist “i love you Freddie” she kissed his cheek “im in love with you.” his other cheek “i love you and i wont hurt you” she kissed his forehead bringing his face down to where she could reach it finally opening his eyes to look at her face “i love you” she kissed his nose “i love you. And i want to be with you. I want to be with you going out to fancy restaurants watching movies together sappy love letters and flowers. I want it all. With you. Only you” she whispered ghosting her lips over his he pulls her in by her neck smashing his lips against hers. They kiss for a pregnant minute “i want to be with you too…. Tell me again…. Please say it again” he whispers letting a tear out of his eye “i love you Fred Gideon Weasley” “youre so beautiful Artemis youre like a star.. i cant look away” he whispered “i want you so bad” he said louder “im in love with you. I want you to Be mine and only mine…” he whispered feeling insecure again “yours. Only yours.” She smiles wrapping her arms around his neck pulling him in for a hug
 “im yours” he whispered  wrapping his arms tighter against her waist “youre mine” he continued “only mine” voice cracking and vulnerable she nodded in the crook of his neck “just yours Heart” she whispered “i love you Voice” “i love you” she smiled “WELL IT TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH!” George said through cupped hands they break apart and see her twin Lee George and Lupin all gathered around the entranceway “shut up Apollo!” Artemis yelled “oh bugger off” Fred said Flipping George off dipping her and kissing her again she giggled “Freddie” she smiled “its Heart to you” he said against her lips “come on lads lets leave them to it” Remus said “KEEP IT PG!” He jested walking out of the bag
Two weeks later and the announcement of Buckbeaks trial they were all on edge Hermione and Artemis have been studying non stop to find a way to save the hippogryph but they were coming short Fred George Ron and Harry have been helping out as well. But it was futile an up hill battle they all walked into the great hall for dinner after a long day of classes “Ugh OWLS are kicking my ass” Artemis said and sat down at their normal seating “I should write mom” he said eating dinner she turned to smile at him giving him a small smile “she loves you. dont worry” he said with a small smile “i was just going to tell you i wrote Charlie. So she probably already knows” she gives him a small smile blush coming to his cheeks “youre amazing you know that” he smiled at her “ugh they’re even more unbearable before he admitted he loved her” George said nudging Lee “oh quiet. I think its cute. Its nice to see my sister so happy. She deserves this” Apollo said taking a bite of food “all i can say is. We shouldve bet on it” Hermione laughed tossing a crumb at George “be careful Granger. Im the king of food fights” George teases “quit flirting with Hermione you pratt” Ron said as Angelina scoffs “when you get your head out of your ass and realize that she’s not worth it. I’ll be here shes Pathetic.” Angelina said with a laugh “thanks. But no thanks” Fred said looking directly at Angelina “shes my pualena. I chose her over everyone shes my best friend and shes my everything. when it comes to Artemis im all in. This is all or nothing for me. And id appreciate it if youd stop bullying my girlfriend. Its time i start protecting her the way i shouldve been protecting her from the beginning like i promised her i would she doesnt fight back because she knows who she is and doesnt need me to defend her. Its not worth it shes said it so many times Artemis is not pathetic, shes smart beautiful and kind. Jealousy is ugly Ange. Just stop” he said turning back to Artemis wrapping an arm around her shoulder she leans further into him smiling “thank you” “sweetheart i love you of course” he smiles “youre really going to chose a washed used up piece of broken meat over me who could give you the world” she laughs ludicrously “we’re done here. Instead of telling or questioning me about what i should do. when it comes to her my voice of reason” he said looking at her standing up and helping Artemis up off of the table “you should be asking yourself what would i not do for her. id choose her over my own mother Angelina. Because she wouldnt make me choose. Shes not washed up or used. Shes perfect to me and thats all that matters. She is my world and shes been my world since the first prank shes ever pulled on me.” Fred said turning to face Artemis “you ready to go sweetheart?” “Yeah. Mione wanna come with? We can do research for buckbeak and you can help me and the twins study for OWLS.” she smiled to Hermione “definitely” she said smiling at Artemis she blew a paper bird to George he opened it
‘your turn. Get your girl nows your chance dont blow it give her the bracelet. -Artemis’ he quickly folded the paper and raced after them “did you mean that?” Artemis looked up to Fred who’s arm was around her shoulders “every word” he looked down “why wouldnt i mean that?” He asked with furrowed brows “i… im still getting used to this” she said with a nervous chuckle “baby. I meant every word. I’ll wait forever for you” “you guys are so cute. Now if i may. Can i be the first to say ‘i told you so’” Hermione laughed. “I still get to be godmother of your children. And maid of honor at the wedding” she raised her eyebrow at Fred “and im still your man of honor at yours. AND your first sons middle name is Fred” He rolled his eyes at her “did i miss something?” She asked with a raised eyebrow at her best friend and boyfriend “oh nothing.” Fred said with a playful tone “just when did you decide he gets to be man of honor over me” Artemis pouted “i didnt. He took it all for himself” Hermione crossed her arms over her chest as Artemis laughed at her “it was when we were sitting on the giant chess board. We were talking about you and i. Hermione and George and Ron. You get to be best woman. If its George” Fred said he shrugged “just why would i do that?” Artemis laughed “hypothetically speaking if its me and George we would fight over who’s side youd stand on. Even if Fred wasnt going to be my Man if honor” Hermione shrugged “HEY! WAIT UP!” George screamed the group turned back to look at him “Mia” he said out of breath “i got this for you. Early christmas gift and what not” he breathed heavily handing her the small box “its only November though?” She said confused “yeah. Well. I wanted to give it to you now” he said panting “just open the box Granger” Fred said with a playful smile “dont be shy Mione” Artemis said as Hermione glared at her. she opened the box to a small charm bracelet with the Eiffel Tower charm that had a small H hanging off of it an open book charm that read whatever our souls are made of his and mine are the same and another charm that was a red lion with a small G she gasps holding the small lion charm in her hand he put a hand on the back of his neck “i just thought that id get you a more grown up charm bracelet since you said you were sad that your childhood one no longer fit or could hold charms anymore. The first one is for Gryffindor from first year. A book with your favorite quote from that book that you read to me second year… and you went to Paris last summer… i have another charm in my pocket for third year… but i…..”  he stops shy of what he wanted to say “i’ll let you answer for yourself. I know youre stuck in the middle of me and Ron… and its okay to say no” He blushed placing the charm in the box with the bracelet she looked at the heart shaped charm with H.G + G.W 1993 engraved on it she felt her heart speed up as she looked up at him “you…. Youre asking me… is this?” She couldnt find the right words he simply gave her a smile and nodded his heart racing cheeks stained red she looked at him to the box and back to him again she dropped the box and flung herself into him wrapping her arms around his neck in a tight hug he grabbed her waist “Mia a little warning next time” he chuckled regaining his balance “i take it its a yes?” He asked softly “you bloody fucking idiot yes!” She laughed as he hugged her tighter and spins her around she picked up the box and handed him the bracelet and charm holding out her wrist for him to put it on he smiled as he clasped the chain around her wrist “you owe me two sickles” Artemis whispered to Fred “Shut up” he smiled playfully back at her “i told you so” i sing songed to him “okay okay you were right” Fred smiled
Dear Charlie,
Big favor to ask you. I know, and youre allowed to say no but I need a loan. As you probably already know Artemis… shes.. were… Charlie shes the one. Shes the one im going to spend the rest of my life with. Im asking her to marry me the day we graduate. I want to put in the deposit for my ring. Madame Hanks just gave me the quote for what i want and its perfect. Shes perfect she deserves the best. Let me know. The picture on the invoice is Artemis’s ring i will pay you back with a 6% interest rate as soon as George and I graduate. Im not sure how well our dreams will come off the ground by my math. 1500 galleons with a 6% interest rate over the span of Five years from the date of loan will be totaled to 505 galleons extra 2005 galleons will be paid back. please let me know soon i have to have an answer for the jewelers by the end of the month. 
This is definitely a big ask, and i knew from the get go. How could i ever say no. Bill and i have been putting in money to an account since you two met. That account already has 500 galleons in it, it was going to be used for your and Artemis’s wedding. Its been a running joke between Bill and i, looks like we both lost the bet. I will give you the galleons in the banking account and loan you 1000 galleons. You wont have to pay me back til after you graduate lets call it an even 1200 galleons total. But what i want to know is how this happened i’ve read Artemis’s side. I want to know your side. The ring you designed is beautiful Fred it’ll stun her for sure. Shes only been yearning for you since the day you two met on the train. How are things back at school? Is she alright with her dad on the loose? How is she coping with everyone it sounds like shes struggling a bit with her letters and mirror calls but you know Artemis better than anyone else do i have to make an early trip back home? Enclosed is a check for the loan. I had Bill draw up a loan contract that i will sign and you have to sign and id do well to keep it between us yeah? I love you Fred. You did good.
Angelina has been bullying her shes crying a lot when we’re feeding the animals. She has two new house elves that are working for her. They get 2 galleons an hour and have a set schedule of 40 hour weeks. They get paid every two fridays and they have two days off Shes got this system to a T and Dobby is still making Harry’s life hell. What do you mean an early trip back home by the way? Ive signed my portion of the contract. All thats left for you to do is sign. Thank you for trusting me this much. I love you too. Ginnys been asking about Snow like if Romania is actually snowing or if its something else we’ve been chatting about. Sirius ripped the painting of the fat lady and the school went bonkers. He also broke into the Gryffindor common room and ruffed up Ron he was a right mess. We had to sleep in the great hall. She spent the entire night in my arms cause she was afraid of what the other kids’ll say to her. whatever Sirius is after its starting to get Hairy with Artemis and im worried about her shes questioning everything. Im trying to reassure her best i can but its tough when shes still learning to let me in fully. I just know she misses you and cant wait to see you at Christmas if thats still going on i cant believe youre going to be stealing my girl over Christmas break. I know. I know you two planned it before we even started dating but an invite wouldve been nice
I know im sorry i didnt invite you i didnt think mum would let you come to the reserve. The only reason Artemis is coming is because of the hatchling she found this year shes just as torn up about coming as you are. All i know is you and George are going to love your christmas gifts from her. She got you guys an awesome gift. Itll really help with quidditch. And as for the trip back home im not allowed to say more than what i already have. Just know that im going to be coming home soon and will see you. I promise i wont let Artemis get too roughed up out here. Shes mostly going to be staying in town away from the sanctuary. We’re just dropping off the baby dragon. Bill and I are going to be taking her sight seeing and shopping. You know. Typical older brother things when family comes over. Please dont be too upset but we deserve time with her too and you know it. Its cute how all you two ever talk about is each other. You better send me photos of the ring when you get it mister. 
The ring is as beautiful as I thought it was going to be. George and Hermione are growing stronger than ever. Rons still not talking to her over what happened but apparently Buckbeaks execution is happening next week and her and Artie have been inconsolable. Artemis still needs a lot of reassurance but ive never been happier shes started to willingly tell me things without me promising not to hurt her today she came up to me wrapping her arms around me saying she had a bad day and needed cuddles, we sat on the sofa and she told me everything unprompted and unprovoked she looked into my eyes and told me she loved me and when shes in my arms everything melts away. I dont think ive ever seen or felt anything quite like this before its breathtaking. She completes me more than she realizes im in love Charlie. I get the ring next week i was debating on sending it to you for safe keeping but im not entirely sure about that idea either. 
You have no idea how happy that makes me. If you want me to hold on to the ring i will its safe either with me or with you. Just becareful if you take it home with Mum you know her and her cleaning and going through things. Artie, Shes good for you and youre good for her weve been rooting for you two to get together since you were in first. Even mum and dad were in on it. 
“hey Heart can i talk to you?” Artemis’s voice broke me out of my latest letter from Charlie “yeah love whats up?” I asked her folding the letter up and putting it in my bag “remember at the beginning of the year. The train ride how Remus was explaining the patronus charm” i nodded still looking at her “I wanted you to know that the happy memory i thought of was our first kiss how it made me feel” she admitted putting her head on my shoulder i moved my arm and brought it around her shoulders pulling her into my side
“yeah? How did it make you feel?” I asked looking down into her big beautiful golden eyes “it made me feel like i was floating. If you werent gripping my collar of the shirt i was wearing i wouldve floated away. It felt like electricity flowing through me i didnt want you to pull away from me.” She looked up to me with a small smile “how did it make you feel?” She asked “like my heart was going to beat out of my chest.” I smiled down at her “like it was like you were holding me down to this earth it made me feel like we were meant to be.” I breathed out “why are you telling me this?” I asked with slightly furrowed brows  “Everything thats going on with Sirius and Harry. Harry Hermione and Ron all fighting… i dont want you to disappear” she said softly i looked at her “baby im not going anywhere” i said softly “i dont want you to leave me alone” “I’ll never leave you alone Voice. Im in love with you. Im so in love with you its unreal” i said softly brushing the hair out of her face “are you still upset about me going to Romania for our first Christmas together?” “Nah. Like you and Charlie said it was already planned before i told you i loved you. Its not an issue Voice” i smiled at her softly she still looked unease  “Voice. Im not mad. Im happy you get on so great with my siblings. Although im jealous of you. Charlie and Bill treat you better than they treat me and George” i huff in fake hurt to which she chuckled at i smile at her seeing that she was finally settling down “i love you Kahalialaulani. Thats not changing ever. I’ll wait forever for you” i smiled at her “j love you Gideon” she said softer my heart sped up at the softness in her voice “i promise” i said soft making her look up at me “i promise i’ll never leave you, i’ll never stop loving you. And that i’ll be yours til the day i die” i said “i’ll go out and buy you a promise ring tomorrow if thats what you need to be reassured” she blushed at the words as she looked down “you dont have..” “i want too. We can go pick one tomorrow at Hogsmeade.” i smiled at her “sing to me?” I asked her rubbing her arm she looked up and smiled my heart fluttered “only if you play for me” she said i shook my head Nd took her hand leading her up to my dorm room when Hermione called out “ARTIE” “yeah?” She smiled her lips swollen and George following right behind her “heres that book i borrowed” Hermione handed her a book I’ve never seen before “how was it?” She asked with a playful smile “we loved it” George said with a blush “ive always wanted to try chapter eleven” she winked at Hermione Hermione blushed at her as she put the book back in her bag “thank you for letting me borrow the book baby” Hermione brushed a hair behind her ear “anything for you my favorite lady” Artemis flirted back to Hermione she looked back up to me i gave her a confused look she chuckled “its a line from the book. Well sort of” Artemis shrugged to me “you gonna let me read that book?” She blushed 10 shades of red “just what is that book about?” I asked her with a small laugh “mostly sex” George said as Hermione and him followed me and Artemis up the steps “really?” I asked looking behind to George “yeah that specific line is from that chapter she just said. It is two girls about to go down on” Artemis launches herself at him covering his mouth with her hand Hermione doing the same thing we both laugh at the two girls “dont make me Hex you” Hermione said under her breath as we sat in the circle around the floor guitar in my hand. “So youll sing to me?” I asked Artemis “if you play. I’ll sing” she looked over to Hermione who nodded before the girls left she left the book Hermione borrowed on my bed i chuckled and placed it under my pillow going back to my letter
Mum and dad actually won i think. Im not exactly sure i remember what was said i’ll have to ask Bill. But anyway. Has Ron gotten over Hermione being with George yet? Or is that still going on? Hopefully Ron gets over it soon. He’s her best friend, anyway. I gotta go so if i dont reply to your next letter fast enough things at the sanctuary picked up. Im not ignoring you. Just in case i love you Freddie. Tell the rest i send my love too. Hey im proud of you.
“Whats that?” George asked Fred “letter from Charlie” he smiled “oh about what?” “Asked him for a loan. Catching him up on our endeavors.” “A loan? Loan for what?” George asked looking to Fred “if i show you. You cant tell anyone. Not mum. Not Mione. No one. Sworn to secrecy” George looked to Fred “of course mate” George replied Fred tossed him the box he had just received from the jeweler George furrowed his eyebrows “just open it” Fred rolled his eyes at George he opened the box and audibly gasped “Fred you didnt” he said taking the ring out of the box “is this stars?!” He asked looking to his brother holding the ring “Sirius and Rigel” Fred nodded “is this… are you” George sputtered “when we graduate.” Fred said with the shrug of his shoulders “so shes really going to be my sister then?” “If she says yes and Hermione doesnt steal her from me first.” Fred jested as he read chapter eleven of the book ‘Derek pushed his wifes shoulders and face further down into the cunt she was currently three fingers deep into her lapping away at the wetness that dripped off her fingers gently sucking and licking at her clit as he pounded into her ‘be a good girl and get her off for daddy’ he rasps feeling her velvet walls clench around his cock ‘fuck you feel so good little slut’ the muffled moans of Sarah his wifes best friend gets louder and louder as drool dripped off the red ball held in her mouth by two leather straps she gripped the metal of the handcuffs that held her to the headboard of their bed ‘plssss plsss can i cum sir plss’ she begged through the ball gag eyes screwing shut trying to hold back her impending doom ‘cum. Soak Brittanys face.’ She screamed out as her orgasam washed over her legs shaking Brittany rubbed down her thighs as she continued to finger her through her orgasam Sarah breathing heavy as she moaned a long moan bucking her hips into Brittanys mouth ‘keep going i know she has one more in her’ he gripped her hips tighter as he hit her G spot over and over again making her moan into Sarahs soaking pussy ‘can i cum please daddy please can i cum ive been such a good girl please!’ Brittany babbled as he pulled out whining at the loss of his cock’ George puts the ring into its box and tosses it to Fred “theyre really into this stuff?” Fred asked red cheeked “Hermione? Definitely. Artemis? I could see it.” He shrugged “you and her havent….” “No, i dont want to push her.” “Have you guys talked about it?” He asked
“once..” Freds cheeks heated up “its only been a few months” “but you picked an engagement ring” “somethings you just know and somethings you dont.” Fred looked at his brother “Artemis… she.. what Lucious did to her… i dont want to rush her into it i dont want to force her to do something she isnt ready for and she views me differently. I dont want to be the monster she dreams about” Fred sighed “she’ll never view you that way Freddie.” George reassured his brother “this book isnt helping” Fred sighed out throwing it onto the foot of his bed “you know what youre getting Artemis for her birthday?” Fred looked at his brother “i had dad charm her a bookshelf for her bag” George shrugged “Mia’s is coming up soon. You getting her another charm? I got her the book she was eyeing at florish.” Fred said “yeah. I got her a rose charm for Beauty and the beast. what are you gonna get her?” “I bought her a teddy bear made of black roses” Fred shrugged “cute” George smiles “know what youre getting Mia for Christmas?” He asked George “i was thinking a new book. Seems like the right way to go when it comes to Mione” he smiled “is Ron and Harry still not talking to her?” “No. Those prats. I mean Harry’s loyalty to Ron is admirable but. He still talks to me. I hate that its hurting her.” George lets out a huff of air “Ron’ll get over it. From what Hermione’s told me is that youd never make her choose between anything. Ron constantly makes her feel like she has to choose him over everything” Fred shrugged “besides she has Artemis. Me. You. Shes not alone she has friends. She’ll be okay Artemis and Hermione were friends before Harry and Ron were. Youve got nothing to worry about” Fred said as he laid back on the bed “i just hate how she cries” George runs a hand over his face “i get that.” Fred smiled as Lee opened the door “Lads” he smiled sitting on the floor “how was Apollo’s?” George asked “it was great. He’s worried about Artemis.” Lee shrugged “we all are mate.” George said looking at him “im so glad winter break is coming soon. Apollo asked me to hang out at his for the week” he smiled “said to invite you blokes as well since Artemis is off to Romania” 
The next morning Artemis and Hermione were dancing in their underwear getting ready for the day “turn it up i love this song!” Artemis laughed Hermione laughed with her she swayed her hips putting on her make up when the lyrics come on “Body lookin' crazy, woah” she sung turning to Hermione “That pussy might amaze me, woaah” she grabs Hermiones hands facing the mirror and spins her around putting her hands on Hermiones hips “That's my bestfriend, that's my bestfriend” she sways Hermione’s hips in time with hers grabbing her hands and putting them above her head in the air kneeling “She's not my girlfriend, she's my bestfriend” George and Fred open the door mouth dropping at the sight of both girls dancing in the mirror swaying their hips grinding against eachother Fred felt his trousers tightening seeing Artemis in a loose shirt and knickers on “I just fuck her from time to time She wanted another drink so I ordered another line, no” Artemis sings as hermione brings her-hands behind her gripping Artemis’s thighs Artemis makes a face in the mirror sexy dancing “no, yeah yeah She gon' do it for the vine, she gon' do it for the vine like, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, yeah” Hermione sang spinning Artemis to face her “Come and fuck me I really wanna get turned up I really wanna roll the L up We gon' get it in time” she sings to Artemis who-raises her hands above her head dancing “UNO DOS TRES!” They yell laughing at eachother when George cleared his throat their heads shoot to the door where their boyfriends stand “whats going on here?” He asked Artemis’s face flushes 100 shades of red Hermiones mouth gaping open “getting ready?” She said with a smile “are you sure you werent just about to do chapter eleven?” George cocks an eyebrow at her going in for a kiss “without inviting me and Fred” he whispered the last part as Artemis puts on her pants shooting Fred an apologetic look “Heart its not what it looked like” she said quickly “it looked like you were having fun with your friend” he smiled red cheeked “we were just dancing and “Artemis!” George called “we’re not mad. We know you guys were just dancing.” George continued “i personally thought it was hot” Fred pecked her lips in a quick kiss Fred and Artemis walked to her bed engrossed in their own conversation “i wouldnt oppose to trying chapter eleven if thats what you wanted Mione.” George kissed the junction of where her neck and shoulder met she breathed out “you just have to decide who’s cuffed to the bed post…. And who gets forced into” she whacks him with a parchment “GEORGE! Your brothers right there!” She whispered back
“theyre not even paying attention to us” he whispered back “i wont mind if you want to be the one tied up as she eats your pussy til youre cumming and squirting all over the bedsheets maybe i can be sitting behind you balls deep in your tight little hole while she eats your pussy til youre sore and crying or i fuck you til you see stars as you suck on her clit and eat her cum” he whispered her cheeks heated up “HERMIONE!” Artemis yelled “YEAH! What?” She said startled “i saiiiid are you coming or not??” She asked looking confused “Yea! We’re right behind you!” She said buttoning up her skirt rushing out of the door behind Artemis “what were you guys talking about?” Artie asked “chapter eleven” she blushed Artemis smiled “so what did you want to get at hogsmeade?” She asked Artie “just some books. The normal.” Hermione went along with Ron further ahead “im glad that they worked it out. Itd suck if they didnt work it out. ‘Mione deserves to be happy” Artemis smiles as the two boys build their snow man “why are you saying it” George starts “like you dont deserve the same thing?” Fred finished  she looked back at them but before she could answer footprints made their way through the snow she followed them closely Fred and George following behind her picking Harry up from behind under his arms “come on guys let me go” “stop struggling and this’ll be easier for you” Artemis rolled her eyes “but Naleo im trying to get to Hogsmeade!” He protests “we know” the three of them say together she pulls off his invisibility cloak and the three of them smile at him “we want to give this to you” George started “no. Harry its not rubbish” Artemis said reading his thoughts “here.” She points her wand “i solemnly swear that i am up to no good” she said as the ink bleeds through the paper “messers Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs present to you the Marauders map?” Harry questions “see here?” She points to Prongs he looks up to her “thats my God dad.” She points to Moony “Apollo’s God dad” she smiles. And finally Padfoot “your God dad” she smiled “but my god father is your….” She nodded “and my god father is your dad Harry. To close the map point your wand and say Mischief Managed” she smiled bigger “we suggest taking the one eyed lady’s passage” “itll get you there” the twins smiled “i cant believe we let him take the map” George sighed walking to hogsmeade “it was time Georgie” Fred started “we’ve memorized the entire map anyway” she finished “i dont want to hear it out of you Ms. Black” George pinched her side she giggled “we’re going in to here. Gonna go find Mia and the rest?” Fred asked “yeah. Meet up with you on the way back” George smiled back at Fred running off “why are we going into a jewelry store?” She asked him “i promised you a promise ring” he shrugged “i cant afford much. But i think we can find something nice” he held the door open she looked to the right to a vending machine “can i have a sickle?” She asked with a smile he handed her one with a cocked eyebrow she went up to the plastic rings and turned the knob a plastic egg came out she opened it laying the contents in her palm a simple plastic bright lavender ring fell into her palm she smiled walking up to Freddie “its perfect Heart, thank you” she smiled at him putting it on her finger he stared at her gobsmacked “Voice that is not…. NO! We’re getting you something nicer!” She frowns at him “but i want this one!” She pouted “you tricked me!” He said with a ghost of a smile playing on his face “i dont want you to spend money on me i dont need it. Being with you. This plastic ring. Its enough Heart. Love is enough” she smiled up to him “im not going to win this one am i?” He asked she shook her head smiling at him
“Stay safe. Write me. Dont jump into any dragon enclosures and dont die!” Apollo said hugging her tightly “dont destroy my house. Write me. No sex in my bed” she repeated to him “Fred and George are coming too, it alright if i stick them in your room?” He asked “yeah. No issue “Are you done hogging my girlfriend yet?” Fred said in an impatient tone “come on Freddie. That’s his sister” George said “yeah. Its not like you wont ever see her again mate. Its only a week” Lee commented as they waited at Kings Cross “Apollo hugged Artemis one last time “i love you Lia girl” he whispered “i love you too Leonahe im coming back. Dont worry” she smiled at him “im not leaving you again. Its just for the week” she smiles “i know. Say good bye to your boyfriend.” He chuckled she walked up to Fred who grabbed both of her hands “show me” he whispered she brought a hand to cup his cheek she showed him everything from the beginning letting him feel her feelings for him he leaned into her touch feeling just how deep her feelings were for him she showed him their first kiss and him protecting her from Angie. He sighed when she showed him how she felt now about the ring they got from the vending machine and leaving him for Romania now “wait. Keep watching” she said when she felt him slightly pull away “i want you to see the prophecy Apollo had” she smiled he nodded slowly she showed him what she hoped their future would be like the dream she had Apollo’s vision did just that *Five years in the future twenty two year old Artemis sang ‘island baby… youre so beautiful you drive me crazy. You know youre all that i need so much more’ she sang to a baby wrapped in blue looking out the window seeing Fred and three kids that looked to be the same age flying on brooms Sirius cheering the kids on as they sped around Fred hovering in the center she smiles looking down at their son red hair brown skin golden eyes she stands up from her chair bouncing him going to the crib ‘your strength and beauty i can see in your eyes i lose sight if my world baby love no words can hold whats truly on my mind’ she goes to the adjacent crib after setting him down to an identical twin boy ‘just feel the beat of my heart and youll know what i need… youre my pualena, youre so beautiful. God knows i love you’ “Artemis dear” Molly called from down stairs “up here mum!” She said quietly Molly comes into the room “hows my boys doing?” She asked hugging her “Nathaniel just had a blow out i finally got him settled. Apollo’s still asleep” she smiled “and the triplets?” She asked “take a look for yourself” she smiled looking out of the nursery window “is that Sirius spectating down there?” “Yep. He thinks Geo is going to be a seeker like uncle Harry.” She laughs “hows Dad?” Artemis asked “hes doing well. Asked me to bring you this” she smiled handing her another book “hows this pregnancy going?” Molly put a hand on her belly smiling “horrid. Ive been puking non stop. Fred had to make a bed for me next to the toilet. Freddie wanted you to know first” she smiled handing her her sonogram that said ‘hello Grandma Molly.. we’re girls!’ She put her glasses on the bridge of her nose “girls?” She asked with tears in her eyes “two of them” Artemis smiled to Molly “oh!” She said pulling her into a hug “im so happy for the two of you!” She said tearily “thank you mom” she hugged Molly back even tighter “i brought lunch for you and the kids” she smiled “you didnt” “hush i’ll have none of that Artemis!” She scolded “yes Maam” “thank you Mum, i dont know what id do with out your and Dad’s help. I blame Freds Genes for this. This is my third set of multiples. I mean papa padfoot has been a god sent too. But with him and Remus constantly here its’ she blows out a raspberry chuckling “we think these ones are going to be born on Charlie’s birthday” she smiled she took her hand off his cheek “i see us in our future together” she whispered to him he pulled her into a bone crushing hug
“i am so in love with you Artemis” he breathed out “i love you Fred” she smiled into the hug “nothing will ever change how i feel about you” he whispered “i know i cant show you the way that you show me.. but i’ll spend eternity trying to prove that i feel the same way about you. You do about me. Write me. Have fun with. Charlie, and stay safe.” He whispered walking her to her train “i’ll see you at Hogwarts, Charlie’s bringing be back to the castle” she smiled he nodded “i love you Voice. Write as soon as you get there okay?” He looked at her “of course Heart. Im your voice of reason” she smiled at him “im your heart. You keep me out of trouble” “you keep me human” “we keep eachother safe” they say together he kisses her goodbye as he helps her onto the train “i’ll see you in a week.” He whispered “one week dont mess my bedroom up. And no reading my journal on the bedside table. Its just prank ideas” she smiled knowing she left it for him with his and Georges name on it also knowing he was going to go through them “you temptress!” He said in fake hurt “you love me anyway” she teased back “I’ll love you always” he smiled 
She walked up to cabin number six and knocked on the door “coming!” Charlie’s voice rang stomping down the stairs he opened the door “who is…. Lia?” Shock comes across his face “WE WERE SUPPOSED TO GET YOU IN AN HOUR!” He yelled amused “i just thought id surprise you. Hurry up i wanna show you the dragon” she said excitedly he chuckles following her in “wheres Snow?” She asked “out in the field” he replaied taking her bag and opening it “lets see the dragon” he said climbing in she follows Charlie into the bag smiling “hes over here. His name is Hiccup.” She said leading him to the enclosure to an adolescent Hebirdean Black “Hiccup!” She yelled softly he opened his eyes pupils dialaed as he opened his wings and pounced on her licking her face “Hiccup hiccup stop!” She laughed “come on! Hiccup let me up! Theres someone i want you to meet” she laughs as Charlies mouth drops to the floor “thank you.” She said when Hiccup finally let her up she pets his tongue looking up at Charlie “he cant fly. I found him in the forrest while helping Hagrid in the forrest.” She started as he moved his head to her shoulder “something ate off his tail fins. Ive been healing it the best i can. But this is out of my league” she smiles at Charlie as the dragon circles her in with his tail showing him the stub that once was a tail “he wont hurt you you can come closer” she said looking to Charlie “he’s a little protective of me. But he wont hurt you. I found him as a hatchling. Fred and i would take turns feeding him from a bottle.” She shrugged “he’s used to human interaction” she said as Charlie stepped closer to her “hold your hand out” she said “let him come to you” she whispered he sniffed the air “its okay Hiccup… hes a friend” she whispered to the dragon ‘no danger?’ He thought “no danger. We brought you to a safe space where you can grow and be taken care of. I cant take care of you full grown. But he can” she smiled to the dragon he moved to Charlie slowly putting his snout in the palm of his hand Charlie’s eyes widened he smiled a big smile to Artemis “Hes amazing Artemis” Charlie smiled “youre beautiful” he whispered to the dragon Hiccup closed his eyes and nodded to Charlie in respect “lets get him to his pen. I have his set up in back” Charlie said walking out of the bag “we’ll come get you when we’re in the enclosure Hic” she petted the dragon under his wing Charlie led her out side where the sanctuary was she took in the scenery and felt the warm sun on her face and smiled “its amazing out here Charlie bear” she said happily “i know. I never want to leave” he smiled “you look so grown up” he laughed “im not that grown up” she rolled her eyes at him “youre turning 16 this year.” He smiled “yeah. I know its kind of crazy innit?” She asked as he opened the gate “not crazy at all. It just sucks Percy Fred George Ron and Ginny get to see more of you than i do. I was your first friend need i remind you” he pouted “youre not my Friend Charlie” she said setting her bag down and unzipping it he looked at her hurt “youre more than that. Youre my big brother” she said dipping down into the bag his smile came back to his face as he shook his head Hiccup emerged from the bag and extended his wings “what do you think? Suitable?” She asked the dragon who just roared “Charlie!” A voice called out “there you are ive been looking all over for….. Lia?” Haukea asked “Hau!” She smiled launching herself at the girl who just laughed “what are you doing here?!? Charlie and i was supposed to get you from the train!” She hugged her back “i wanted to surprise my big brother” she smiled “and surprise it was. Having her knock on our door at 7 am sharp” he rolled his eyes at her “dont act like you dont love me Charlie” she rolled her eyes at him
“dont get snippy with me. I will flat rate you back to Fred” he threatened “did you let him know you got here okay?” Charlie asked following up his question “i sent him an Owl at the train station.” She smiled as he nodded “come on; Bill’s meeting us at the inn” Haukea said smiling at the two of them laughing and joking around 
“So. Artemis’s room is this one. Ive put another bed in there for George. Lee my rooms this way” Apollo instructed opening the door for the weasley boys “What bed do you want?” George asked “i’ll take Arties. You take the other one” Fred shrugged his shoulders throwing his trunk on the foot of her bed when her hand writing on the top of the book she said not to read caught his attention he picked up the note and opened it ‘was only kidding. This is for you and George. Develop the ones you want. Trash the ones you dont. Your christmas presents should be under the tree christmas morning -A’ he chuckles at the note “Georgie. Artemis left us a surprise” he called over his shoulder flipping through the book at the prank ideas and half made inventions potion ingredients chemistry equations “looks like we can add some of this to our book” George said excitedly Apollo chuckled “you guys are so busted” Apollo said “SHE GAVE US PERMISSION!” Fred yelled in a scared tone holding up the note “i know i was just messing with you Fred. Come on i asked Kreacher to make lunch” Apollo laughed shaking his head “then after lunch i was thinking about playing a round of Quidditch” he smiled “or….. we can snoop through my sisters room” he smiled devilishly “maybe a game of exploding snap?” Lee suggested “thatd be perfect love” Apollo kissed him “I invited your mom and dad over to spend the night Christmas eve and Christmas” Apollo said smiling “theyll be here at 9am on the 24th. So. We have free reign till then” Apollo smiled “you wrote our mum?” George asked “she asked for the song mum used to sing her for her birthday so she could send her a howler and what not for her birthday” he shrugged “she said she wanted to make it like mum was still here for her. So i sent her what she would sing when i asked her to let you guys come here for winter. And to invite her and Arthur for Christmas” he said looking at George “does Art really like mum? I know she says she does but… i dont know. Mum can be a little much sometimes.” Georges voice came out soft and curious Apollo turned around and smiled “Molly was the first person that took the time to make her feel welcome in a place that was a home instead of contempt. The first adult that wasnt a teacher that didnt look at her like an elf, and tried to learn about her. Wasnt afraid to hug her or treat her with respect. Shes the first adult who had welcomed her in their home with kindness. Wrote her. Checked on her in the hospital wing. Refused to leave without her. Someone who cared about her the way… the way our mom did. For me it was our Aunt Altair. For her? It was Molly.” Apollo smiled “so if youre asking me if Artemis likes your mom. No. She doesnt like your mom. Its more than that. She loves your mom the way she loved…. The way she loved our mom” he smiled  he faced the twins and looked Fred in his eyes “Artemis. Shes. Shes special. She has only given her heart away to two people. Two people in her life. Besides my mom and dad. Two people in the world since we’ve been born. And thats you Fred. You and Molly” he smiled turning around and walking down the steps of the house into the kitchen “Artemis tries with the rest of us. Shes trying to let us in we just have to let her lead and follow in step. She loves George. Charlie Bill Percy Ginny she loves Ginny most no doubt. Even im a little Jealous of that Lee and i. But nobody gets what you and Molly some how got her to give to you. Just know that she truly does care about all of you even if she doesnt know how to show it” “ive never doubted that she didnt care. I didnt know she cared so deeply” George rubbed the back of his neck “she does” Apollo reassured George with a smile
“BILLY!” Artemis screams at the sight of him in front of the Inn they were staying at “Artie Tartie” he chuckled bringing her in for a hug “you ready?” Charlie asked Bill “ready for what?” Artemis asked “early birthday gift” Bill chuckled “we’re surprising the family for Christmas. We get to surprise mum and dad. Apollo planned everything. That way we can spend your actual birthday with you. Yeah. We heard about that missy. Big trouble” Bill said with a big smile on his face Artemis just blushed “i already said i was sorry twenty times” she looked to the ground “hey. Theyre not mad. Theyre just giving you a hard time” Haukea puts a hand on her shoulder “they know you felt really bad about not spending Christmas with Fred. Charlie wrote Apollo to invite the boys over for Christmas knowing that he was in correspondence with their mom. Apollo and Charlie planned the whole thing. You and the boys leave first thing Christmas eve.” Hau leans in close to whisper in her ear “and i got you something special to wear when you surprise Fred” she winks at Artemis earning a blush from her hours of Charlie and Snow showing them around Romania they get back to the inn. Where Artemis breaks off and sits on the balcony staring up at the stars twenty minutes pass when the door opens behind her and shuts she jumps slightly as the person pulls out a chair and sits next to her “you okay Tartie?” Bill’s deep voice calls out looking up at what she was looking at “yeah, im alright.” She said breathlessly “whats on your mind?” He asked cautiously. “Just what everyones saying about my dad” she slightly laughs. “What?” He smiles finally looking at her “this girl in our year. She keeps saying im a death eater in the making. A criminal just like him” she started pausing looking at bill who’s still looking at her “shes making me think wether or not to keep living in the wizarding world.” She lets out a sigh “id be happy living in the muggle world if it meant i could get away from the constant torment. I only stay because of your family and Hermione. If i didnt have them… id be long gone from here” she sighed out “someones bullying you? Because of Sirius?” Bill asked confused “it wasnt just because of Sirius. It started after our first potions class. When Snape praised Fred and i for acing the two potions we made.” She looked at him “she asked if i was sleeping with the professor” Artemis shrugged “i was eleven. And ever since then. Because i get high marks its gotta be because im sleeping with the professors. It got worse after what happened in my third year. Fred not leaving the hospital wing…. She started to i cant explain it good. It just spiraled worse from there. She kept trying to compete for Fred and George’s attention which didnt bother me until she started to say her and Fred slept together after Quidditch practice in fourth. About me being pathetic then this year when dad broke out of Azkaban and we finally got together she…” Artemis held her hand out he took her hand and she showed him everything “its like im alone. When i know im not. And it… it just really hurts and i dont wanna ruin Fred and George’s friendships because not everythings about me and i know that. I just. Gah.” She chuckled “so its not all about your dad. It’s about everything in general” she nodded to Bill “what do you need from me? Silent support? Advice? Me to listen and problem solve?” He asked
“just sitting here with me is enough” she smiled at him “then we’ll sit” he smiled at her “you know. When i was a kid. My dad would take me to the london zoo. And point out all the different animals.” She offered “he’d take me out on what he’d call ‘dates’ to show me how a man should treat me.” She smiled “he’d say ‘Naleo. The man you decide to be with should be understanding and patient. Kind and gentle. Never rushing to plunge into the next step. Open your doors and let you fight on your own. But always be in arms reach if you need him Find a man that’ll respect you, love and nurture you. And always know. No one will ever love you as much as i do.’” She sighed out “i just never thought that id find him so soon” she smiled up at the stars “your dad, he sounds like a wonderful person. I hope to actually meet him someday” Bill smiled looking back up at the stars she was staring at “so. Howd you and fred?” He asked “he told me, without telling me” she looked at him “you lost me” he chuckled “after Angelina said something along the lines of no one would want me and that Fred should pick her. She could give him everything left Traylawneys class and went to DADA. For detention. He followed me told me i wasnt pathetic. That im all that and more tons of guys would want to kiss me. Then because the professor was right there. We went into the bag. He took my hands and he brought me to my thunderbirds pen. And started talking to the bird. He said everything he wanted to say. Then he turned to me, said the most romantic things ive ever heard… how could i not tell him I didn’t feel the same way and more?” She shrugged. “Not when he looked at me like i was the only girl that mattered to him. Like how ive been looking at him since first year. Like he was no. Like he is the only one keeping me grounded to the earth. Your brother.. he… hes the only one” she stuttered Bill took a breath out “Charlie and i knew from the first prank. Charlie wrote me the day after it happened and every prank after that. All his attempts to prank you back. How hed act around you. Mum knew he loved you before he did himself. She knew when he willingly came back to you in the hospital wing. Hopped in your cot and held you as you cried. How he comforted you. How he fought the adults to stat with you. And how he protected you. From a grown adult pinned down under you from the bed” Bill smiled gently they talked for hours 
i found a love… for me… Darling just dive right in… and follow my lead.“According to Apollo’s last letter they should be out at the burrow picking up mum and dad. Ginny was finishing getting ready. We’re free to apparate over Lee’s finishing the final touches” Charlie smiled to bill from across their room in london walking over to the door that connected the girls room to his and Bills well i found a girl, beautiful and sweet oh i never knew you were that someone waiting for me….. “we’re almost ready!” Haukea calls from the bedroom “do i really have to wear this?” She groaned out adjusting the red straps of her dress. “Youll knock him dead” Hau said with a smile. He knocked on the door “come in” Artemis said “it seems a little formal for Christmas” she complained cause we were just kids when we fell in love not knowing what it was “im sure whatever it is its…” Charlie’s words caught in his throat as she smoothed out the dress at her waist “i feel stupid… and fat.” She muttered under her breath i will not give you up this time.. darling just kiss me slow your heart is all i own and in your eyes youre holding mine “just what did you guys plan that i need to wear this?” She looked up to Hau glancing to Charlie who was still staring at her “is… is it too much?” She asked him he held out his hand taking hers and kissing it “its perfect you look stunning little sister” he smiled Baby im dancing in the dark with you between my arms as he led her down the stairs “may i apparate you?” He asked with a cheesy grin on his face “why thank you sir Charles” she smiled back a pop could be heard from the upper level of grimmuald place “okay. You stay here. And dont cime out until you get the signal” Charlie said as he got into place bearfoot on the grass listening to our favorite song on the steps of Grimmuald place “cutting it close there Charlie” Lee groaned. “Hush. It was Haukea’s fault!” He grumbled when you said you looked a mess i whispered underneath my breath but you heard it Harry just chuckled from his spot “Fred and George better love us for this. We did this for them” Ron rolled his eyes the door opened Molly and Arthur dressed in their finest clothes with the twins reluctantly in fancy robes darling you look perfect tonight that Apollo insisted they wear “whats going on?” George asked well i found a woman. Stronger than anyone i know she shares my dreams and i hope someday i’ll share her home seeing Bill at the top step Charlie two steps down from him Lee two steps down from Charlie Ron two steps down from Lee and Harry at floor level i found a lover to carry more than just my secrets to carry love to carry children of our own who just winked at the twins “Fred you stand here” Molly positioned “And George you stand here” she pushed him to his spot we are still kids but we’re so in love fighting against all odds  Artemis was fidgeting with her dress when suddenly the door opens to Hermione comes out in a stunning lavender dress “Artie?” She asked surprised “Mia?” I know we’ll be alright this time darling just hold my hand be my girl and i’ll be your manYou look amazingg no you look so beautiful what they talked over eachother when a ball of light came to them “should we?” Artemis nodded to Hermione following the ball of light arms linked arms walking down the stairs the boys looked up at the two girls “Miss Black, Miss Granger, your company awaits” Bill said i see my future in your eyes baby iiiiim dancing in the dark with you between my arms bearfoot on the grass listening to our favorite song motioning down the stairs  “do you have any idea whats going on?” Artemis whispered to her
“no clue” they walked down Freds eyes shot up to the stairs seeing Artemis his mouth dropped open she was still looking down to her feet Molly smiled at her boys who looked dumbstruck at the two beautiful girls walking down the steps when i saw you in that dress looking so beautiful i dont deserve this darling you look perfect tonight Artemis looks up and her breath catches in her throat seeing him looking up at her with so much love in his eyes she smiles a big smile he stares at her Fred moves to the bottom of the steps holding out his hand she reaches out to take his hand baby im dancing in the dark you between my arms bearfoot on the grass “Gideon…” she whispers to him he smiles “Kahalialaulani” he breathed out putting her hand on his shoulder holding one hand placing his free hand on her waist pulling her closer to her suddenly it started snowing in the house she looked up at Molly who had her wand in her hand motioning her to look up listening to our favorite song “now i have faith in what i see…. Now i know ive met an angel in person.. and You look perfect… i dont deserve this… you look perfect tonight” Fred whispered watching her eyes go from his mom to up they see the mistletoe above their heads he looks back down to find shes looking at him dancing slowly in his arms she smiles up at him he brings his lips down to hers gently ghosting over hers she presses her lips to his taking her hand out of his wrapping her arms around his neck his hands firmly on her waist a camera flashes they break apart to see Apollo holding a camera “this makes every headache i had planning this worth it!” He scrams holding almost identical photos up for them to see George dipping hermione under the mistletoe and Fred and Artemis slowly kissing she smiles at Apollo “was the dress your doing too?” She asked “oh honey. I wish. No. That was Molly” he points behind them they spent the night dancing away “happy christmas Voice, i love you” he whispered as he spun her around “happy Christmas Heart” she smiled
The next morning Artemis woke up to shuffling in the jitchen she walked in and saw Bill pouring the hollandaise sauce on the eggs Benedict she smiled “you got good at that Sir William” she teased “ah, mistress Artemis i have only learned from the best” he bows as they both chuckle at the playful banter between them “sleep well?” He asked as she went for the coffee “well enough cramming in the library” she stretched her arms over her head “you could’ve kicked George and Fred out of your room” he cocked an eyebrow at her “i felt bad. Its okay the couch in the library was comfortable and Mia makes a good cuddle buddy” she winked at Bull who rolled his eyes “you do your yoga yet? Youre cranky without it.” He rolled his eyes at Artie “shut up i am notttt” ahe chuckled “point proven. sit down. Drink your coffee. Everyones going to be up soon” he smiled “yes sir mr. William sir!” He rolled his eyes at her “call me that again and we’ll have issues” he poked her with his spatula she giggled “yes Bill i did my yoga. It helps” “how was it last night did we do okay?” He asked “it was amazing… Freds never looked at me like that before.” Bill looked at her “youre crazy. Thats how he’d ever look at you. You shouldve seen his face when he saw you with Ginny for the first time Artemis blushed a deep shade of red “we didnt bet ok you two for nothing” Bill added “you guys bet on us? Who’s we” Fred’s deep voice came from behind her he kissed her on her head “morning beautiful, sleep well?” He asked she hued in agreement “thanks for a wonderful night. I had fun” she said to the air “me. Mum. Dad. Charlie, we all bet when you two would get together.” “Apollo and i bet ourselves i owe his big head three sugar quills.” Lee rolled his eyes coming down the steps Hermione yawned as she entered the kitchen “morning you three” Bill said looking at Apollo Lee and Mione “coffee and tea is on the counter sit. The rest should be down soon” “mione if you wanna go wake George Ron and Harry? Theyre snoring logs up there” Fred smiled she nodded with a small smile. When Molly and Arthur came down she smiled a big smile “how was the master bedroom? Was the bed comfortable enough?” “It was just fine dear. Thank you” Molly patted her head her smile never faded from her face after breakfast was over Molly announced it was time for presents they all went to the drawing room like usual. The kids got knitted wear from Molly and Arthur on Artemis’s tag she read ‘to Artie; from Dad and Mum’ she looked up to Molly and Arthur in shock Molly smiled at her “go on then. Open your gift” Arthur motioned with his hand she carefully opened the burlap sack  and pulled out a beautiful jewelry box from the bag she gasped-running her hand over the carved  thunderbird on the cover she looked back to them “Molly.. Arthur… this is too much!” She said looking back at them “i cant… this must’ve… this is too..” Molly held up her hand cutting her off “we used what we wouldve spent on school supplies to get our kids something nice each. You can. And you will accept this gift” Molly smiled at her “but im not.. we’re not…” “you are. I wouldnt have signed the tag From Dad and Mum if you weren’t Artemis” Arthur said reading the paper “But… h….” Molly just hugged her “youve been mine since you called me mom in diagon alley.” She kissed the top of her head she froze in Mollys arms closing her eyes letting a single tear fall out of her eyes “ARTEMIS YOU DIDNT!” George yelled ripping the paper off of the broom Molly pulled back looking at her twins “is this what i think……” Fred they held up the thunder bolt brooms “Voice” he said looking from the broom to her “we split it.” Apollo said they all looked at him. “Three ways. Me. Artie. And uncle Jake.” He shrugged. “Dont be too mad. Its Aunty Tears way of saying. ‘Welcome to the Black/Scamander family’” he rolled his eyes. Kissing Lee. “She bought me one too for Hufflepuff team” he held up his broom
“Oh. Look what the cat dragged back in. I thought you wouldve gotten eaten by a dragon. Harry. Package for you under the tree” Angelina said rolling her eyes walking up the stairs to her dorm room Harry looked under the tree and un wrapped it “Artemis did you and Apollo get this?” He said opening the handle of a broom that said Firebolt “no, we only got you that portrait of your mom and dad from that muggle painter.” She shrugged Harry it could be from Sirius you shouldnt use that broom” Hermione said “you dont know if hes trying to hurt you. Or Artemis and Apollo. He murdered 13 people! You shouldnt trust it. Or him.” “whats that supposed to mean” she crosses her arms over her chest clearly upset at what Hermione just said George looked between her and Artemis “my dad would never hurt us he loves us more than he loved our mom. He loves Harry.” she continued “you dont know that! He was just in azkaban for 12 years! You were a baby when he went in!” Artemis’s eyes widened and tears came to her face “youre saying just because i was three when he went in i dont know my own dad? Do you not remember i remember everything. Everything. Apollo and i both do.” She crosses her arms “im saying you three should be careful! And dont be dumb! Hes a criminal and we should treat him as such!” “What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty. What are you one of those people who think me and Apollo are just like him?” Artemis challenges Hermione falters looking to George “dont look at him. this is between us what do you play into those rumors that people have been saying abput us. Death eaters in the making huh?” Artemis starts to raise her voice Hermione looked at her with pity trying to find the words to de escalate the situation because yes. At one point she did think that about Artemis and Apollo when she found out she was a Black she saw hermione’s memory of asking Ron if he thought Artemis is who she really says she is and if he thinks shes just acting to get to Harry and Hermione saying that Harry shouldnt trust Apollo and her and Artemis sees it “you thought i was lying when i was being nice to you?!? When i offered to be your friend after Ron made you cry and when i saved your ass from a troll!! You asked Ron if he thought i was jusr fucking acting to get to my god brother?!? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW!!” “Artie that was a long time ago!” “TWO YEARS IS NOT A LONG TIME HERMIONE!” “Artemis calm down” fred said gently “NO! IM NOT CALMING DOWN SHES ONLY FRIENDS WITH ME BECAUSE HARRY CHOSE TO BELIEVE IN WHO I WAS AS A PERSON! THIS ENTIRE THING WAS A SHAM!” She yelled back at Fred. “You tried to turn Harry against us?!?” She screamed “DID IT FUCKING WORK!! Youre just waiting for the other shoe to drop arent you! News flash hermione theres no other fucking shoe ive never done ANYTHING to prove other wise!” “Artemis… im i… im sorry i” she stutter ed “skrew you Granger. Find a new best friend.” Artemis said under her breath bumping Hermione’s shoulder “Artie please!” Hermione called after her walking away “let me talk to her” Fred gave Hermione a reassuring smile Fred chasing after her “VOICE! VOICE SLOW DOWN!” Fred called out “if youre going to make me apologize to her im not because you didnt see what i saw in her eyes! I SAW WHAT SHE THOUGHT OF ME! I SEEN IT! everyone thinks it! I cant be here!” She yelled walking to Remus’s class room tears flowing down her face“
“just leave me alone!” She yelled Fred grabbed her by the elbow “Artemis. Take your necklace out” Fred just smiles “why?” She looked at him still crying “just take your necklace out love.” He smiled softer she holds the thunder bird in her hand Fred taps the charm making the words enlarge “this was what i promised you when i gave you this necklace i promised to Love you. To be your home. Eternity. To be your peace… This charm? It means eternity Artemis. So no matter how much you scream at me to leave you alone or to go away. Im not. Because im your heart. And i need to keep you human. And most of all i need to keep you safe. I love you im so deeply in love with you, that youre my home.. youre my peace.. with you everythings better and youre my eternity i love you” he said grabbing her hands “i love you…” he whispered again leaning his forehead on hers “i love you, and i’ll keep saying i love you til you believe me when i say it again” his breath hot on her lips “thank you Heart” she closed her eyes “i love you” she whispered “entirely too much may i add” he chuckled “no i want to know just how much you love me 24/7” Fred smiled a big smile
“Voice you know everyone has Bias’s right? And bias’s can change. Just because she thought that before doesnt mean she thinks that now” he brushes her hair behind her face as she leans on the bridge “it just hurts and im angry is that not okay?” She bit back “anger is understandable Love. But i dont want you to throw away one of the best friendships you have over an ill thought when you were first getting to know each other” Fred held her hand “im sorry Honey. Im just really upset right now i dont mean to be a bitch” Artemis breathed out “Honey?” He asked with a playful look on his face “would you rather me call you Sugar? Or Stud? Sugarlips?” She chuckled “nah. honeys good. And youre not a bitch. You being upset is understandable, nobody blames you” Fred shrugged “we all know your dad and brother are sensitive areas for you” he shoved his shoulder into hers “did you ever think bad of me?” She asked looking at him “go ahead” he smiled looking at her deep into her eyes “you can look. I’ll show you everything like you showed me everything” he whispered he showed her his childhood his life his thoughts about his family his insecurities and needs of reassurance then to his first memory of her ‘shes so pretty… her eyes are like sunsets….’ To on the boats ‘annoying brat why does she have to give me those adorable puppy dog eyes shes bloody beautiful’ he thought to himself looking down the next time Fred glances up seeing the castle come into sight he quickly looks at her looking at the castle with such amazement “its so beautiful” she says to no one in particular “you are.” Fred mumbles under his breath Lee elbows his side “i heard that” he whispers to Fred “shut up Lee” Fred sinks down into his seat “you heard nothing” he grumbles to how she got quiet when Charlie asked about her last name how she looked sad and how someone as pretty as her shouldnt ever feel sad ‘who cares who her family is. Shes smart and funny’ he thought eating his roll to how he noticed her nose crinkled when she told a fib to Migonigal how helpless he felt when shed show up with bruises and cuts on her face the jealousy of his twin who was closer to her that he was but most of all him falling in love with her. So desperately in love with the girl he hated to love. How easy it was to love her to talk to her to be with her their first kiss how nervous he was to ask her to be his everything mostly how he felt that night sitting up talking to Lee and George ‘im not falling in love im already in love’ him telling Apollo and George hes in love with her as he held her as she slept the only thing he didnt show her was the ring Charlie gave him the money for “i only ever saw you My Pualena. not Sirius Black. Not the scary parts of you.. i saw you” he whispered. “You the amazing girl that somehow fell in love with a poor boy like me” she pulled him by his collar smashing her lips on his “shut up. Shut up and kiss me…. Please” he wrapped his arms around her waist and dipped her “dont need to tell me twice” he chuckled softly as he kissed her “im not lying when i say i love you Voice” he whispered standing her back up and putting his forehead against hers “i know youre not. I just dont want to hurt you thats why i say to leave me alone when im mad” “you could never hurt me love” he whispered “Mione got my firebolt taken away” Harry huffed “im sorry. I need to talk to Artemis” he pulled her by her arm away from fred “harry hold on wait” “ITS OKAY VOICE I’ll MEET UP WITH YOU LATER!” He yelled she nodded “IM SORRY!” “NOTHING TO BE SORRY FOR!” He smiled shaking his head smiling
“Harry look if youre going to be scolding me about me and Hermione fighting give me a second and I’ll apologize when im calm” Artemis rubs the back of her neck “what? No. Naleo. I wasnt talking to you about that!” He rolled his eyes at her “oh then what?” She cocked her eye brows at him “she told professor Migonigal and she took my broom right before our game against hufflepuff and i just wanted to rant” he said running a hand through his hair he rants for 15 minutes as she listens to him intently when he finally looked at her “you know. I never saw you as untrustworthy Artemis” he smiled softly “thank you Harry that means a lot” she smiled “Ron and i both said that she was thinking too much into things and that your kindness shouldnt be mistaken for something bad. Shes only ever asked about that stuff once” “you can look if you need too” he said before she could speak she smiled at him and shook her head “I believe you love, i was just angry” she hugged him “dont get me wrong. We’re all angry” Harry shook his head “how are you so old for your age?” She asked earning a chuckle from him “youll win with or without the new broom. Youre an amazing seeker.” She smiled he just hugged her “lets get you back to Fred its almost dinner” he shook his head “can you tell Fred to meet me in my bag?” She smiled to him he nodded she was seated with her bowtruckle when there was a knock at the door revealing George she looked at him gave him a sad smile and looked back down “listen if youre going to yell at me can we save it for later? I just need to cool down before apologizing” she breathed out. “I wasnt going to yell at you” he sighed “im sorry i yelled at your girlfriend.” She simply stated “I understand why you did” he shrugged “if you think that me and my siblings dont fight youve got another thing  coming. All youve gotta do is make it right some how. And so does she. She shouldnt have said that about your dad” he gave her a soft smile “wheres Fred?” “How many times do i have to tell you. You. Dont. Call. Me. Fred” he rolled his eyes at her “alright sugar lips” she rilled her eyes back at him George snickers as Fred shoots him a glare “Hermione’s really torn up about the fight. She just wants you three to be safe” George said cautiously “i realize that.” Artemis sighed. “Hes my dad. What do you expect?” She teared up a little “how could some one so gentle and kind to everyone be so hated by people that never bothered to know him” she cried a little “he was with me. The night Lily and James died. He was with my mom.” They looked at her shocked “i had a nightmare. Which seemed so insignificant at the time. But it was about a man. A man who would force me to do something really terrible… he had someone i cared for so deeply that if i didnt.. anyway. Dad and mum were holding me. As i cried on October 31st 1981. There was no way he couldve betrayed prongs and Lily. My dad was with me. Apollo and i were still in bunkbeds and he.. he went to wake them and dad was in bed. He pulled his hair and said tita nightmare help… he came running to me like he always did..” She whispered looking down “ive never told anyone that. Mum died fighting to prove my dads innocence” she got softer “im sorry.. i didnt know” Hermione’s voice came out of the door way her head shot to where she stood “i was just trying to keep my friends safe” her voice scared and soft Artemis held out her arms and Hermione ran into them “im sorry… i really thought i was right” “i know kid. Its okay. Im sorry too” Artemis hugged her
 “i really thought he would hurt you and Harry i didnt want…” “shhhhhh Mia its okay…. Its okay” Artemis cooed “this is Benny. he seems to be quite attached to me no clue why. I might order another one. A mate for him. Then we can have a family of bowtruckles!!” Artemis smiled at Hermione handing her the tiny plant like creature “hes kinda cute isnt he?” Hermione commented “very” Fred and George highfive eachother “you two are not off the hook” Artemis said still facing Hermione their eyes widened she pointed to herself “legitimins” to them “pranksters who think they can pull the wool over my eyes really Freddie? Its been five years.” gaining a laugh from George “sorrry Freddie for getting you in the dog house” “shut up George it was your idea” “no it wasnt Heart” Artie turned around facing him “i love you.. thank you for not giving up on me��� she smiled he smiled “i’ll never give up on you. Id move heaven and earth to find you.” He walked up and kissed her she smiled “MISS ARTEMIS! Dinners ready!” Prim said “thank you primmy” she smiled kissing Fred again “you have elves?!” Hermione yelled “elves that earn 3 galleons a week and can leave whenever they want. They chose to stay. Thats Prim, Kreacher is back home, and Dobby’s on vacation” Artemis turned in Freds arms to face her “youre my pualena… youre so beautiful god knows i love you… youre all i need” Artemis hums out as she walks to the pitch wearing Fred’s spare jersey  “Pualena.. you take my breath away Pualena” Fred Wraps his arms around her waist broom and bat in hand “you know lately all i think about is holding you closely and never leaving your side i’ll keep you warm” he sung in her ear “i love it when you sing for me baby” he whispered “i wasnt singing for you Handsome. I was singing cause im happy” she pulled away to look at his face “im happy too love” he gives her a kiss “good luck out there today Heart” she smiled “thank you love, i’ll have my eye on you the entire time” he smiled “i love you” she repeated “i love you.” He nodded letting go and mounting his broom “good luck out there Ollie” she smiled he bowed to her “you two are adorable you know that?” Hermione giggles as she walked over after kissing George “you both were made for each other” Angelina scoffs “as if” she muttered walking on to the pitch “i love you Voice” he kisses her cheek “i love you” she smiled “knock those hufflepuffs off their asses” she smiled linking arms with Hermione walking over to their seats “you think that theyll win this one?” She asked as they got ready to play “i mean if they want Ollie to be happy they will” she rolled her eyes. Linking arms with Hermione watching as Harry and Cedric both going for the snitch when a Dementor comes on to the field and gets attacked by a dementor she snapped her fingers once she saw the dementor sucking the life force out of him she appeared right behind him as he fell getting on the broom she cork skrews down grabbing Harry’s hand before he could fall completely to the ground “PROTEGO!” She yelled casting the protection charm on him “spongify” she yelled pointing to the ground as she gently places him on the ground him bouncing and rolling and pulling back up level to the ground “TIME!” She held out both hands hovering 10 feet off the ground Cedric stopping the bludger and the snitch all the balls stopping Angelina holding the Quaffel the headmaster and Deputy headmaster coming out to the field “put me in. I can finish the game for Harry” “THATS AGAINST THE RULES!” Slytherin yelled “Hufflepuff should win by Forfeit but seeing as how your seeker was attacked i shall allow it” raising his arms she was in Qudditch robes “Ms. Black i suggest you finish the game quickly as you and Mr. Scamander need to be with your brother” Albus smiled she nodded “what do ya say Pollo? Like old times?” She smiled deviously
“IM NOT GOING EASY ON YOU BLACK!” He yelled “WOULDNT DREAM OF IT SCAMANDER!” she let out a laugh flying up “BEGIN!” Dumbledore called she and Cedric raced neck and neck for the snitch “watch out pretty boy im right behind you” she taunted as she leaned forward the snitch suddenly went down she dropped her hand “ARTEMIS WATCH OUT!” George yelled she pulled up going in a loop around the Bludger catching up to the snitch “CEDRIC AND ARTEMIS NECK IN NECK WHO’S GONNA CATCH THE SNITCH! JOHNSON SCORES ANOTHER 10POINTS GRYFFINDOR’S AHEAD BY FIVE THIS IS GOING TO BE A CLOSE CALL!” Lee’s voice commentated from the crowd she glanced up to where Angelina was flying racing downward against Cedric seeing Hufflepuffs beater hit a bludger directly to her “JOHNSON!” Artemis called “BLUDGER!” She warned before the Bludger could come in contact with her “THANKS!” She smiled to Angie reaching for the snitch again leaning as far up as she could Cedric pulled away she played chicken with the ground grabbing the snitch pulling up handle of the broom mere millimeters away from the ground-grass flying as she pulled up with a grunt flying up next to Oliver holding up the snitch “here you go Captain” “BLACK CATCHES THE SNITCH GRYFFINDOR WINS THE MATCH!!!” Lee yells as she flew next to Fred pulling his jersey to her kissing him catching him by surprise the crowd cheers as she presses her lips to his sweetly he just chuckled “you were great as always” Fred kisses her back smiling-into the kiss he brings his hand to her face pulling her in again they pull apart “lets go check on your brother” Fred said floating down “STOP BEING A SHOW OFF ARTEMIS!” Apollo yelled flying to Lee leaning in to kiss him “better luck next time?” Lee smiled “it wasnt fair. We were playing against my sister” Apollo shrugged the black dog watched in amazement at his two children “have a walk off the astronomy tower see how you feel” Artemis rolled her eyes at Ron “i reckon i look better than he does having fell 80 feet” Harry jested “welcome back to the living love” she smiled at Harry “Artie…” he smiled hugging her “i caught you just in time and won your match” she filled him in “you can thank me later. Im going to go shower. Please do make your brother feel better. Hes over there pouting in the corner with Lee GET OVER IT SCAMANDER!” “SHUT UP BLACK!” He yelled back taunting her “i’ll let you beat me next time we play. Maybe we can rematch for practice if Olivers up to it” she shrugged “i’ll talk to Cedric” he smiled as she walked out of the hospital wing “Black wait.” She heard a feminine voice call out she stopped “im sorry” Angelina said softly “for everything. And thanks for not letting me get hit with a bludger” Artemis turned around “study groups on Wednesday, in the library table 7 after lunch. Percy Alicia Penny and Ron wanted to start with charms. Were doing potions too. Come” she smiled to Angelina looking into her eyes confused “youre a good person, and a great chaser. You just needed to give up the competitive edge and we could be friends it took me saving you from a bludger. And if you really wanna know, you should ask Oliver out ok a date. He’s been watching you for a while” she said walking down the hall sighing out opening the door to the DADA class room Remus looked up as she went into her bag he shook his head “well that was close” he huffed out looking under his desk to the black dog as they ponder over the map ‘Peter Pettegriew’s name walking next to Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger
Fred walked beside Artemis holding her hand through the courtyard with Harry Hermione George and Ron they eyed down the cloaked executioner sharpening his blade as they exited the bridge heading down to Hagrids hut “i cant believe that theyre going to kill Buckbeak its too horrible” Hermione grumbled “i know we tried kid” Artemis sighed out “just got worse!” Ron scoffed looking at Draco Crabbe and Goyle Hermione broke out of George’s grasp storming over to Draco the group trailing close behind look whose here!” One of them said “come to see the show!” Draco said with a smile “you!” Hermione yelled “you foul loathsome evil little cockroach!” She yelled pointing her wand at him “Hermione no!” Ron called out “why. Might teach the bloody fool a lesson” Artemis shrugged at him “HES NOT WORTH IT!” George put a hand on her shoulder she lowered her wand turning around only to turn back and punch Draco in the face he fell back they ran off “that felt good” Hermione smiled at George Artemis let go of Freds hand and walked up to Hermione “good girl” Artemis praised she gulped down George smirked at Hermione knowingly “next time thumb out of your fist, dont curl your knuckles in less chance of breaking your fingers and wrist” Artie demonstrated hitting her palm with a made fist  “show me” she said holding out her palm to Hermione “move with your hip. More power” Artemis instructed Hermione punched her hand “ten points Granger. Did such a good job. Good girl.” She smiled Hermione flushed George just chuckled lowly they head down to Hagrids hut seeing Buckbeak Artemis kneels next to him “im so sorry Buckbeak” she starts to cry “i wish i could hide you somewhere” she hugs on to the creatures neck as the rest went to Hagrids hut ‘dont cry. All will be okay Artemis’ Buckbeak looked into her eyes “you dont deserve this” she sobbed more ‘go inside with Hagrid.’ He instructed after one last hug “We’ll stay with you Hagrid” Hermione called “YOU FIVE WILL DO NO SUCH THING! You will not see something like tha.” “Us five? Theres six of us here” Fred asked confused “Fred yar datin her. Has she ever listened to the word ‘no’” Hagrid smiled gesturing to Artemis “shes going to stay with Dumbledore im sure” he huffed out “even though i don’ want her to see.” He shook his head “i know what you mean” Fred huffs out with a small smile rocks soon started flying everywhere chasing the six of them out of the hut “im staying” Artemis insisted “i’ll meet up with you later. You five get out of here” Artemis said Fred kissed her as they snuck out the back door the Five watched from the top of the hill as Artemis mouthed ‘go’ where they see the execution of Buckbeak Scabbers bit ron as they chased the rat to the whomping willow Artemis flashes to Ron who “HERMIONE HARRY FRED GEORGE RUN! ITS THE GRIM!” Pointing behind them as the dog snarled jumping over the four of them her breath caught in her throat seeing padfoot grab Rons leg dragging him under the tree Artemis was first under the tree followed by Hermione and Harry Twins trailing not too far behind “guys dont!” Artemis called out as they walked into the room “stay there” she said to the group where a giant black dog is biting Rons leg “Padfoot?” he stops snarling and drops the leg “d….. dad?” She said softly voice breaking he looks at her “its me….. its Naleo. Your Naleo its your voice Dad its Voice” she drops down to her knees crying “you came back?” he shifts into himself “Leo…” he hugs her tightly she let out a shakey breath “youre here” she cried closing her hands on his tattered clothes “Daddy” she breathed out putting her hand on his face showing him everything 
“Naleo….” He sobbed kissing her head into his chest he cups her face in his hand “youre even more beautiful than the day i lost you” he kisses her forehead holding her to his side she clung to him for dear life afraid he would disappear before her eyes again Sirius’s grip tightened around her “im not going anywhere Naleo” he whispered “right here.. with you and Apollo” he said softer his wand to the rat Remus breaks into the shack yelling continues “I DID MY WAITING! TWELVE YEARS OF IT IN AZKABAN! REMUS MY DAUGHTER! MY SON! IVE MISSED EVERYTHING!!!” Sirius yelled “SHE WAS TORTURED!! RAPED!!! MY BABY GIRL!!!” He yelled George’s eyes widened as he looked to her cowering in Sirius’s arm “IM KILLING THE RAT! ITS BECAUSE OF HIM! HE BETRAYED LILY AND JAMES!” He yelled “EXPELLIARMUS!” Hermione yelled disarming Snape arguing insued the shrieking shack when Sirius was fed up enough “SHUT UP SNEVELLUS! IM KILLING THE TRAITOR RAT!” Sirius yelled they chase him out of the shack where the moon hung high in the sky Remus transformed “MY FRIEND HAVE YOU BEEN TAKING YOUR POTIONS?” Sirius asked turning into Padfoot fighting the wolf Snape’s body shielding the six of them hearing her father Yelp Artemis climbed over into Harrys shoulders “Voice what are you!” Fred yelled as her hand turned into a paw leaping over Snape turning into a magnificent black lioness cutting Snape’s cheek with her back claw roaring out to the wolf charging Remus everyones eyes widened at her she let out a roar catching Remus off guard lunging taking the wolfs throat into her fangs her getting cut with his claws as he scratches her off she roars pawing the wolf away from Severus Harry Hermione Fred George and ron “you four! Get out of here now!” He yelled to the twins Hermione Ron and Harry Sirius and Artemis leading him into the forest where she clawed at Remus’s back biting his head the wolf flung her into an oak tree near a lake instantly knocking her out she formed back into herself bleeding from her head as Remus ran off Sirius sits next to her shaking her gently “Naleopilimehana wake up we have to go” hundreds of dementors surrounded them as hes trying to wake her up from Remus flying her into a tree. when a stag chases all the dementors away. she wakes up in the infirmary next to Rons bed “DAD?!?” She yelled Fred looking up to her “voice youre alright thank heavens” he showered her with kisses “im fine Heart i promise. Please” she said kissing his lips in reassurance “wheres dad?” She asked him gripping onto his wrists “holding cell. Hes scheduled to get the dementors kiss “my bag. Wheres my bag?!” She asked him urgently “right here” he smiled she snapped her fingers “get Apollo. Meet me back here.” Fred nodded As Fred and Apollo reach they hear Dumbledore explain “three turns youll be able to save two innocent lives tonight ms. Granger” smiling Hermione said “Harry Apollo Artemis lets go.” Putting the chain around the four of them “PROTECT MY GIRLFRIEND POTTER!” Fred yelled kissing her urgently
Harry Apollo and Artemis walk into the DADA classroom “will i see you this summer?” Remus stopped packing as he heard Artemis’s voice he turned to see Harry and Artemis walking in “Artemis i am so..” she held her hand up “i seem to recall almost killing you as well uncle moon” she smiled at him “you were only protecting your dad boyfriend and friends” “stay with us.” “Pili im not going to be your burden i am not a stray” Remus shook his head “hardly youre family. Apollo and i take care of family, i kinda need you with me” Artemis looks up at him as he listened to her “im not at home for majority of the year. And im quite busy with my muggle studies and Hogwarts attendance, so im spread a little too thin. Mum said that you had experience feeding and caring for the animals while in law school, so ive re upped mums work contract with her to fit my needs and schedule” She breathed out shaking her head “i need someone to keep Padfoot from peeing on my living room rug, care for my animals, handy man around the house my roof has been leaking above the attic and i cant be bothered with that OWLS and my first set of finals for muggle college are just around the corner i’ll have you know. I can pay you 15 galleons every two weeks to be the house caretaker, animal feeder, and manage my elves, both my Gringots and muggle bank accounts stocks and bonds my investments, Apollo’s share of the investments both muggle and wizard truly a headache” she wipes a tear from her eyes “Harrys investment account needs to be watched and grown so he’s taken care of” “Artemis just what are you talking about i dont have a….” She keeps talking “I can offer you one week a month off that will coincide with the full moon. Three days before and four days after to rest and recover. Mandatory. You get Saturdays and Sundays off and every 40hrs an hour of vacation time will be added to a separate time table like the houseelves. Fullmoon weeks are All Paid of course. Ive already charmed your pen in the basement its a free space where you can run free and not hurt anyone youd be surrounded by animals and Padfoot undoubtedly would rough house with you. During the full moon Kreacher and Prim both have been Briefed and know of the healing potions and who have been trained to brew your wolfsbane. All you have to do is sign the employment form and you can move in on Wednesday” she shrugged handing him his contract he looked at her dumbfounded “read it over. Get it to me or Apollo before you leave” she smiled “No more cages Remus… i promise” she cupped his cheek “how can i say no?” He choked out hugging her to him “you remind me so much of Athena its scary” he chuckled into her hair when they pulled away from eachother he hands Harry the map “now that im not a teacher here. I dont feel bad about giving you this” he smiled to Harry “did you ask Petunia and Vernon if you could come for summer?” She asked “yeah. They said i could stay for the second half.” He smiled “good” she smirked at him “i love you kiddo.” She kisses his head “i love you too Artemis” he hugged her walking to the train 
When she got to the train she sat in her compartment waiting for Fred Lee and George crawling into her bag she sets her robes on the desk chair going to unbutton her shirt stripping it off her body she groans as the scars contort “hey Voice? You in here?” Fred asked as she turned around meeting his gaze he eyes her down taking in every curve “yeah love whats up?” She asked totally unfazed that he was ogling her-she turns her back again unbuttoning her shorts pulling them down her slender legs tossing her school pants to the side his voice caught in his throat as he shut the door turning around to still his beating heart seeing her like that “nothing sorry i didnt knock first” he started “Heart turn around” she rolled her eyes at him he turns around keeping his eyes trained on her face “youre my boyfriend. Youre allowed to see me like this” she reached up to cup his face she grabbed his hand and placed it on her hip above her underwear “youre allowed to touch me… like this” she whispered trailing her hand with his up her torso and just under her breast “i dont want to rush you” he breathed out gasping when he pulled her closer to him she pressed her body to his kissing him “I want you to be my first too Gideon” she smiled reading his mind turning around a slight whine left his lips as she pulled up her tights “did you want to try something now?” She asked buttoning the shorts putting up her hair “not yet. I dont want to force you into anything” he said softer “you wouldn't be” she pulled her Nirvana shirt over her head “im ready to. If you are. I trust you with my life Heart” she smiled “now what is it?” She asked cocking her head pulling his jumper over her head “just when did you steal that?” Playful smile on his face she looked down at the sweater “sorry i….” “It looks better on you anyway” he smiled “youre incredibly beautiful Artemis absolutely perfect and…..” she blushes “i want you too love” she cut him off “ive been ogling you for years.” She shrugged he sat down at the desk “come here” he whispered pulling her into his lap kissing her desperately she instinctively pushed her hips down to his he groaned shoving a tongue in her mouth his hands going to her waist pulling her closer “touch me” she whined “Gideon” his hands went under her shirt squeezing her hips she let out a breathy moan “when we…. Our first time baby… i want to talk about boundaries okay?” He whispered against her lips “i want you… right here right now… but your first time deserves more romance and woo’ing that i cant give you now” “George Mia Apollo and Lee are coming” she kisses his head he lets go of her “IN HERE MIA GEORGE!” Fred yelled “let me take you out on a proper date over the summer.” He looked at her “and what would we do?” She smiled “im going to let you take me to muggle london, and we’re going to Romeo and Juliet” her eyes widened “Percy’s idea. He told me youve been talking about it non stop that you wanted to go. So i wrote mum and she gave me enough for two tickets and snacks. I managed to get first showing, and I’ll pick you up at 7” he smiled at how big her smile got “but you dont like Shakespeare” “but you do Pualena, and im in love with you” he brushed her hair out of her face “George got tickets for he and Mia too” George said walking in “Lee bought Apollo’s ticket” Lee said “why are we talking in third person?” Artemis asked “you two will be properly introduced to my dad then, he’s moving back in to Grimmuald place” she smiled “dont worry.” She patted Freds cheek “youll be fine. And besides Apollo and i have to be at the burrow Sunday for dinner anyway. Youll see me before first showing” she shrugged “Artemis can Lee spend the first half with us? His dads are going to be in france” Apollo started “Dads said it was alright if its alright with you” he shrugged at her “of course. Although both Sirius and Remus are going to be there” she smiled “thats no issue” Lee smiled at her “its settled then” she smiled at them
“DAD?!” Artemis yelled “IN THE KITCHEN ART!” He yelled back “dad id like you to meet someone” Apollo said softly Sirius turns around looking at his twins “this is Lee… my” “nice to meet you son, i assume youre staying?” Sirius asked “if thats alright sir” Lee smiled “as you probably know. This is Artemis’s house.” He smiled “so sit sit, tell me how you two met” he smiled “wheres uncle moon? I have to walk him through the basement” “library dear” he said smiling “thanks dad” she kissed his cheek before walking back to the library “uncle Remus?” She called out “hey love, over here” he smiled “id like to walk you through if you dont mind” she smiled “of course.” He said putting his book down following her “so moms animals are to the right… and mine are to the left. Heres yours” she said leading him into the open field with trees and open sky a charmed sun to always shine “it has a moon barrier that wont let you out until youre human again, no bars. No cages just an open field.” They walk around the field “the bank information is in the office to the back of the basement and my elves time table is to the far right” she instructed your room is Regulus’s old room im in dads old room Apollo is in the guest bedroom and dads in the master on the first floor.” “So. You tell Padfoot about Fred yet?” He sat and watched her charm the new pens she looked at him and back to her pen “i know he knows that im not single. Im just afraid he wont like him. Im kind of afraid of what you and Apollo has said about me and him. I just want Fred to have a fighting chance i really do see a future with him uncle moony” She sighs “he…. He filled my heart with the little things how he just knows how to comfort me and the things he does the little smile that never leaves his face how supportive and competitive he is. Hes the most beautiful person i have ever met and i used to think i needed so much to make myself whole and complete. But him loving me the way he does and is… he helped me see that i was already whole. It feels like the way dad loved mom” she whispered the last part he hugged her “Pili, thats the least of your worries” he smiled “we talked a little bit about how he made you his and want to know what he said?” Remus asked about to speak again “i said any person that could put together such poetry, compassion, and empathy for my little girl after everything that shes been through showing much restraint and devotion to her earns the title of my daughters significant other, and man. lovey if he thought he didnt deserve you.” “He didnt. Weve been trying to get those two together since second year” Apollo sighed out tackling Artemis to the ground in a hug “he’s good for her dad, you should see it he’s been loving her since he knew what love was” “i can vouch for that too sir!” Lee said smiling “please Lee its Padfoot or Sirius seeing as how you two are going to be sharing a room” Sirius said Nonchalantly blush spreading across Lee’s cheeks “hey hey hey! Break it up you two!” Sirius called out “youre going to break the basement!” Sirius chuckles out  before bed shes in her room with the door open  Fred holds on to the mirror and spoke her name “hey.. i know i just saw you a few hours ago i just wanted to talk to you before bed” he smiled when he saw her face “we still on for Sunday?” He asked “Fred if thats my second daughter tell her to bring Remus and Sirius too!” Molly called out from the kitchen
“She can hear you mum!” Fred rolled his eyes “so how are things going back home? Now that youve hired Remus are you not going to be bringing your animals to school?” He asked “i think i might bring my Kelpie and Igneous, the rest’ll stay home from now on” she smiled “Are you sure Mrs. Weasley?” She asked through the mirror Molly coming behind Fred smiling “of course. Being Remus and Sirius the Daily Prophet cleared his name in an urgent article” she smiled “thank you ma’am” she smiled “Artie. You know you call me Molly” she smiled “muummm stop hogging my girlfriend” he rolled his eyes at her “has Charlie told you?” He asked “that he’s coming? Yeah. Hes going to be staying at Grimmuald place. Wont tell me why he’s coming but i guess its important” she shrugged “well George wishes you a good night and i’ll see you on Sunday. I love you Pualena, Write me tomorrow.” he smiled “dont i write you every day?” She laughed “everydays not enough every hour seems better” he joked “i love you too Gideon” she rolled her eyes “goodnight love, call me if you need me in the middle of the night” he smiled “i will you know i will” she smiled “good night” she grabs her brush from the desk “island baby youre so beautiful… you drive me crazy” she sang softly brushing out her hair “you know youre all that i need so much more” she hummed Sirius opened the door “your strength and beauty i can see in your eyes i lose sight of my world baby love no words can hold whats truly on my mind” “just feel the beat of my heart and youll know what i need” Sirius took over taking her hands slowly dancing with her “youre my pualena… youre so beautiful, god knows i love you youre all i need” he smiled she giggled “you remind me of her” he said sitting down with her on the bed “i like what you did with the place” he commented looking around the room “much better than me and Tear shared this place” he said nervously  She smiled softly to her dad “just ask me i know you want to know dad” she smiled “are you… are you okay?” He looked up to her “as okay as i can be. Apollo’s been taking me to a healer every week talking through what happened to me. Molly and Arthur helped me a lot, Molly fought me she wanted me to live at the burrow when it first happened, but i knew that i wanted you and Apollo back. So i came here. Ive been slowly renovating and making due til i can buy my own place. Ive been doing all the renovations to eventually give this place back to you” she shrugged “its your birthright after all” she smiled “Naleo, do you need anything? Want me to do anything?” He asked softly “can you stay tonight? I have nightmares” she asked softer “usually Apollo comes and stays. But i dont want to take him away from his boyfriend.” Sirius morphs into padfoot and curls up on the edge of her bed “youll come on Sunday right Padfoot?” She yawned out he barked at her “thank you dad” she drifted to sleep
A week into summer early Sunday morning she crawled to her bathroom corner panicking “Charlie” she sobbed “Charlie please pick up” she sobbed more “Charlie i need you” she sobbed more placing the mirror up to the side of her “hey Lia bug? Honey why you calling me at three in the morning? whats the matter?” Charlies tired voice picks up the mirror “Your… youre alive? Youre okay?” Her voice hoarse like shes been screaming Suddenly wide awake he shoots out of bed “Lia” he said louder flicking on the light of his bed side table “Lucious didnt get you?” She sniffled “im sorry… it was just so… Real and i… i needed to know” she sobbed louder pulling her knees to her chest “i’ll be there in 15 minutes” “no… no im okay” she cried “it was just a nightmare i promise” he looked into the mirror seeing her visibly shaking “Fred George you gits wake up!” He threw a towel at them “youre in london?” She breathed out as he turned on their light “ugh Charlie what!” Freds voice called out “Heart” her voice cracked his eyes widened “Voice” he jumped off the bed “we gotta go. Leave a note for mom, Lia bug we’re on our way” he said into the mirror before hanging up “another nightmare?” Fred asked “yeah she was sobbing when i answered the mirror” Charlie said pulling on a shirt tossing one to Fred George tapes the note to their door grabbing on to Charlie’s shoulder heavy knocks pulls Sirius to the door wand raised “where is Voice? Wheres Lia” Fred pushes past Sirius ignoring Sirius’s wand in his face brushing it away from his eye Sirius stood in shock at what just happened “APOLLO!” He yelled “WAKE UP VOICE NEEDS US!” He yelled climbing up the stairs “hello, you must be Sirius the impatient one thats half way up the stairs is Fred, im Charlie, thats George. Artie is having a panic attack we’re here for her she mirror phoned us to see if we were alive” Charlie fills him in pushing his way into the house and following behind Fred “nice to meet you” George smiled pushing passed him they walk into Lia’s room as Freds carrying her out of the bathroom placing her in his lap on her bed “want me to sing? Or just hold you?” He whispered as George sat next to him on one side Charlie on the other pulling her feet into his lap “we’re okay Lia, he didnt get us we promise we’re here, we’re alright thanks for calling us instead of going through it alone Buggy” Charlie massaged her leg soon Lee and Apollo come crawling into her bed Lee carrying pillows and Apollo dragging their blanket into the room Apollo muttering a spell to enlarge her bed from a king to an alaskan king bed to fit all of them face-planting into the mattress “im not singing its too early for singing just comfort.” He grumbles Lee hitting him with a pillow before crawling under the blanket putting an arm around Apollo’s waist “lovey. Its not her fault” Lee coo’d before shutting his eyes “its Lucious’s” Lee yawned “i know. Im just tired. go to bed old lady we’re all safe Dads home, Lucious wont get us, Fred loves you and will never stop im not going anywhere Lee’s nit going anywhere we’re here for you” he-made himself comfortable on the foot of her bed George pulling the hair out of Artemis’s face “you getting in too?” Apollo yawned looking up at his dad “i’ll take the floor” Sirius whispered morphing into Padfoot “island baby… youre so beautiful” Charlie sung softly “you drive me crazy” Apollo’s cranky voice said louder gaining a chuckle from her “i didnt know Fred was going to yell at you to wake up! I told them not to come i was fine” She sniffled “you werent fine your eyes are swollen and red. This is our job Lia.” Lee reminded her “falls within our duties as your best friend boyfriend brothers” “i keep you human, you keep me out of trouble we keep eachother safe remember? Thats us. Thatll always be us.” Fred reminds “get some sleep Love.” He places her between Charlie and himself singing to her softly playing with her hair as she softly cries
“thank you” she says to the room “like Lee said. Its our job. Youre just as much my sister as Ginny is. Theres nothing Me Bill George or Percy wouldnt do for you. Youre one of us. Theres nothing to thank us for Lia” Charlie mumbles falling back asleep
At 9am sharp there was a knock on the door Molly popping her head in “Breakfast is ready” she smiled at the pile of kids on the bed Artemis stretched her arms over her head “im sorry Mrs. Weasley” she looked down “boys give me and my daughter a minute alone please? Help your father set the table” “can do mum” Charlie said Fred looked back at her “she’ll be fine mate.” Sirius pats Freds shoulder leading him out of the room “we have a few things to talk about” Sirius chuckled once everyone was out of the room Molly looked to her “i didnt want them to come” she looked down “Artemis, my boys. They love you. Of course they would come. Was i thrilled to wake up to my three sons missing? No. But once i read that you needed them. I rushed over with your favorites. Artemis youre family, and if you need us. We’re coming straight away” Molly smiled “want to tell me about it lovey?” She smiled she laid in Molly’s lap “it was so real mum…. I could feel the heat of the curses i heard their screams felt them go limp… it was horrid” Artemis cried softly “im sorry” she whispered “i called Charlie just to make sure… i guess he could hear it in my voice” Artemis cried “I made eggs Benedict might not be as good as yours but i tried.” She smiled “whats Charlie doing back?” Artemis cocked an eyebrow at her “something for the start of the new year. Snow’s down stairs too” she smiled as they walked down the stairs Fred had made a joke that made Sirius spit out his coffee “really?!?” Sirius said with a barking laugh “yeah. She bit my head off for removing the dillyweed infused toad stomachs that made the foam stop multiplying” Fred smiled “and then the git tried to blame it on me! the only successful prank that Fred landed on her was the one he didnt plan, but Apollo did” George added “i still have the original score paper from their first year to when i left” Charlie pulled out the paper showing Sirius “i let her win” Fred huffed out “stop lying you didnt let me win. what he doesnt realize is that he won my heart with it” Artemis walked in “morning Dad” she kissed Sirius’s head “uncle moon, hau, dad” she said to the adults sitting at the table coming back to sit down next to Fred who stood up pulled out her chair and pushed it back in “nobody’s ever tried so hard to get me back. I thought it was sweet after that detention with Severus he put that effort into knowing me. I know i didnt make it easy for him. But he smashed down walls and gave me a home to go to if i needed it a home, another set of siblings, surrogate parents. love, im still learning how to stand on my own bur he’s been there every step of the way. If that prank war didnt happen i probably wouldve been killed a long time ago” she shrugged making her plate “i love you voice” Fred kissed her cheek “eat. I made your plate” he smiled “i have an announcement to make!” Arthur smiled as they all looked at him “before school starts i am taking you kids plus Harry and Hermione to the quidditch world cup!” He beamed smiling “here you go” Sirius smiled pushing a ticket to Artemis Apollo and Lee “dad…” she started “called in a favor.” He smiled “it’ll be before the school year starts , but as long as you and Fred George Hermione and Charlie are back at the burrow for the last week of summer to go pick up Harry. The boys can stay” he smiled at Artemis her eyes widened “you knew about me writing Hermione?!” She asked shocked “you guys are going to see Romeo and Juliet tomorrow. I kind of assumed she was staying” George smiled sheepishly
“no funny business boys. Best behavior” Molly scolds “is this what you plan when im asleep padfoot?” She asked raising her eyebrows “only the best for my little girl” he smiled “oh. Lia girl” Charlie called our “Bill’s also coming back. Can he stay?” Charlie asked “if he can room with you and Hau. The last bedroom is for Harry hes coming on July first. So if Arthur just wants to pick us all up from here thats fine. Ron. You can stay in Harrys room. Ginny youre with me and Fred since we cant fit four boys in Apollo’s room with his ferret cage then when Hermione comes i’ll have Kreacher clean out the smaller master on the 3rd floor” She smiled “you called child?” Kreacher asked from behind her she kneeled “how was vacation lovey?” She asked “wonderful madame. I got to see my sister and her child.” He smiled “we must have them over for dinner if their family allows. Would you mind cleaning out the smaller master room on the top floor? I have guests coming to stay the summer.” She smiled to the Elf “as you wish madame” “you know you call me Artie Kreacher now sit. Eat. Tell us about your trip to finland! Did you bring me back a teeshirt?” she smiled as she petted his head “dont i always?” He smiled “i need to write Bill” she huffs out “hes in muggle Egypt at the moment. call him?” Charlie asked she nodded “excuse me” she smiled “we’ll floo over later this afternoon with trunks” Charlie smiled she nodded
Artemis sat on her bed that she had shrunk back down reading a smutty novel from the library when Sirius knocked on the door she looked up from her book as he sat down on her bed “i really like him, does he treat you well?” “He treats me so well that i feel like myself before mom died” she looked into her fathers eyes  “when he came here at three thirty in the morning not even phased by me holding a wand to his neck trying to get to you, Naleo youre happy arent you? With him?” He asked “im really really happy” she smiled “hes a headache dont get me wrong. But i think ive found a love thats the most like yours and mum” she smiled “ARTIE!! ARTIE!! CAN YOU AND HUBBY DO THE THING AGAIN?!?!?” Lee came running into the room with the walkman “no. Ive showed ypu once. Once is enough Lee!” She rolled her eyes “what are you talking about?” Sirius asked “when old lady and i were babies. And mum was pregnant with baby Reggie. we had a routine, and Lee makes me sing to him every time we’re together” he rolled his eyes putting his head on Artemis’s lap “routine you say?” Sirius cocked an eyebrow “i think Remus is calling me Byeeeee” she runs out of the room “ARTIEEEEE!!” Lee yelled. She retreated into her bag she huffed out in the library plugging in an amp and guitar softly playing the melody “shot through the heart and youre to blame” she sings softly “you give love a bad name” she runs her hand down the frets “an angels smile is what you sell you promise me heaven then put me through hell chains of love got a hold on me when passions a prison you cant break free” she sings louder suddenly the door opens with a second guitar playing she looks up to Sirius with a shocked expression “oh youre a loaded gun yeah oh theres no where to run no one can save me the damage is done” Sirius smiles sitting down next to her in the library she smiled at him “come on Naleo sing for dad” “Shot through the heart! And youre to blame! You give love a bad name!” “Bad name” Sirius followed “i play my part you play your game you give love a bad name” “bad name” “hey you give love a bad name” she plays the riff and stops when the door opens again “Bon Jovi? Really? You couldnt have picked a better muggle rock band like ACDC or Guns and Roses?” Apollo rolled his eyes “says the one who likes kiss” she sneered “your boyfriend and his brothers are here” he sat next to his dad “my own son. Into kiss who taught you that?!” Sirius jested “Aunty Altair” he shrugged “that evil witch” he laughed “what are you guys doing in here?” Charlie asked “came to runnaway from doing the Aerosmith thing Lee wants us to do again” she rolled her eyes at Lee “come on! You guys are amazing!” Lee asked again “if its all the same i want to see her do Pua kiele again” Fred added kissing the top of her head “mums favorite song?” Sirius asked “you and Apollo know it?” He asked again “yes. We both do” Apollo said smiling at his dad “im with Fred on that one” he said grabbing the guitar out of Artemis’s hands “maybe on our wedding day” she pats her dads face “BUT ARTEMIS!” Sirius called out after her appalled following her out of the room she grabbed Freds hand and snapped her fingers they appeared on the roof of Grimmuald place she sighs out falling back on the shutters he looks at her in the fading light “have i ever told you how beautiful you are?” He asked
“multiple times handsome” she smiled “i wrote you something” she said snapping her fingers a ukulele came to her hands and a paper in his “you said me singing made you happy so…” “youre gonna sing this to me?” He asked she nodded “i said when i saw you i knew id be speechless i dont want to loose you so i wont bear no secrets you are my weakness you tried to get to know me i said you could be there for me my one and only” she sung softer he looked at her shocked heart beating faster “said when i saw you i knew that id be speechless i dont want to loose you so i wont bear no secrets you are my weakness you tried to get to know me i said you could be there for me my one and only” hmmm im so sure your the one that i need yeah cause i can count on you to be by side yeahh i want you i need you to be by my side to hold you forever baby thats no lie baby thats no lie” she looked at him his face and ears as red as his hair “said when i saw you i knew that id be speechless i dont want to loose you so i wont bear no secrets you are my weakness you tried to get to know me i said you could be there for me my one and only said when i saw you i knew that id be speechless i dont want to loose you so i wont bear no secrets you are my weakness you tried to get to know me i said you could be there for me my one and only oooh you are my sunshine when youre looking at me just come a little closer baby next to me everytime i close my eyes i catch you in my dreams you and me together thats all i truly need cause im thinking and talking i always have you on my mind without you in my life is the ultimate crime i told you from the start its about that time said when i saw you i knew that id be speechless i dont want to loose you so i wont bear no secrets you are my weakness you tried to get to know me i said you could be there for me my one and only said when i saw you i knew that id be speechless i dont want to loose you so i wont bear no secrets you are my weakness you tried to get to know me i said you could be there for me my one and only” she stopped “its not finished and its stupid i know” she blushes turning away from him he grabbed her chin smashing his lips on hers “thank you” he said breaking away slowly eyes still closed the kissing gets heated as he pulls her into his lap “i want you” she whispered against his lips “please. When youre ready… i want to give you the parts of me other people forced away from me. I want you to take all of me i trust you.” she whimpered he squeezed her closer to him “i want you too i want you to be ready for this first thank you, for trusting me enough for this.” he mumbled a pop could be heard “prim finished dinner Artie” the house elf smiled “be right there prim” she straddled Freds hips kissing him more “i love you Kahalialaulani” he whispered she smiled down at him “i know you do” kiss “i love you too Gideon”
Artemis walks behind Charlie in the library when their alone hitting him over the head “OW! LIA BUG WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?!” He yelled at her “not inviting your mum and dad to dinner” she glared at him “SERIOUSLY?!?” He looked at her irrate “and you think you can hide dragons from me Mr. I can keep this under her nose pull the wool over her eyes and hopefully she doesnt notice hiccup an ironbelly, horntail, and opal eye in her basement!!” she crosses her arms over her chest “why are there five dragons in my basement Charles Septemus Weasley!” She whisper yelled at him “im not allowed to tell you!” He whispered back “COME ON CHARLIE ITS ME!” She whisper yelled louder “fine! Only because your technically an adult!” He rolled his eyes at her “i brought them for the tournament” he sighed out Haukea and Bill are coming at the end of summer to help me with the dragons. We’re staying the entire school year this year.” “So does this mean you can come to my graduation?” She asked “Graduation?” He cocked his eyebrow at her “i graduate lawschool in May next year like mum. Seventeen and ready to take her bar exam”She looked down “you really did it?” Charlie asked big smile on his face “i didnt tell Fred yet” he cocked his eyebrow “youre the first ive told since we’re sharing secrets. Apollo’s going to be escorting me to the stage when its time.” She smiled “why havent you told anyone you did it yet?” He asked confused look on his face “i dont want to make a big deal out of it. Its just school its not like i passed my bar exam yet” She sighs out “but dont you think Fred and George wouldve wanted to know? Hermione and Ron as well?” He asked shoving her shoulder “i mean i was just waiting for the right time to say something” she looked up to the ceiling “what do you mean?” He asked “hes focusing on Weasley Wizard Wheezes and i dont want to get in the way of that i already feel like im taking him away from it too much, he and George are making good head way with the kids at Hogwarts ive been helping them store products and testing theyre brilliant and think of things ive never thought of even with the pranks ive given them… and… im just. I dont know i feel like if i tell them now its going to fizzle out their spark slightly and bring spirits down which is a dumb thing to think cause all theyve ever done is support me. I mean. Fred forces flash cards on me and he hates studying so it’s ridiculous to think of that way but… theres just a lot thats going on and i….” “You dont want to make it all about you” he smiled she piped down nodding to him “youre right that is stupid” he shoves her “tell him. He’ll be happy for you” he pats her head “i dont think i need to tell him i can hear him and George’s disappointed stares and breathing in the corner of the room” she rolled her eyes as Charlie looked back to where Fred and George stood with tea mugs “youre graduating college?” George was the first to speak stepping forward “its not that big of a deal.” She said taking the mug from his hands
“thank you” she smiled “of course it is!” George sat down next to Charlie “i was going to tell you after the play. I mean Fred wouldve found out when we got to my bedroom for bed” she shrugged “my cap and gown is hanging from the door” she shrugged “and now that you know i have something to ask you” she smiled “what is it love?” He asked her raising his eyebrow “the other people who took the law courses are having a gala at the end of graduation, will you take me? Its fancy dresses and pretty corsages it’ll be ridiculously boring and i have to wear pinchey shoes we dont have to dance if you dont want too but i want you there with me” She asked Fred “sure love. I’ll tell mum later” he kissed her head “im proud of you you know that? Every win Voice. Big small, inbetween. i want to know about it everything you accomplish i want you to tell me right away i want to celebrate your accomplishments like you do me. Dont wait im here for you” he spoke into her ear “im sorry” she said looking up at him “dont be; i love you” “love you too” she kissed his cheek,  “hey do I not get some love as well?” Charlie asked hurt she launches herself into his arms “oh my sweet dear big brother Charlie how I love you so!!!!” She says in a drama filled voice gaining a barking laugh from the twins as she wrestled Charlies arms behind his head legs wrapping around his chest play fighting
“oh come on Lia Bug thats not fair I was caught off guard!!” “Say mercy!” She yelled back to him pulling him tighter pushing his chin to his chest “NEVER!” “You asked for it” she twisted taking them both down to the ground “should… should we help him?” George asked Fred who just shrugged at him watching Artemis hold both his wrists in her hand behind his back and one ankle in the other hand struggling on his stomach “i can go all day Charlie bear” she laughs “FINE! MERCY!” She lets go of his leg and arms laying on him her head on his “was that so hard?” She asked as he huffed rolling her off of him “i gave you chance” he argued “wanna actually go?” She asked getting ready again “i wouldnt if i were you” Apollo chuckled He accio’ed a picture “shes in Jiujitsu.” He held out the picture for him to see of her on the second place block from last summer “she was bored last summer while you guys were away. This year shes taking home the gold!” He ruffled her hair “Jiujitsu?” Sirius asked walking into the library “it was aunty’s idea. She said her and uncle had a lot of experience with Nomaj’s in New York with Newt and Tina when they spent the summer with Rolf. said itd be a good way to channel her anger” Apollo shrugged “fuck it. Lets go im defending my honor as a man” Charlie said getting ready she smirks “dont cry when you lose Charlie-bear” “im not losing!” “Five sickles” George whispers to Fred “two galleons. Artemis gets him in the first two minutes” Apollo whispers back “three say’s Charlie takes her” Sirius barters “four galleons and a glass of your finest whiskey that Voice makes him say uncle” Fred looks to Sirius “i’ll sweeten the pot. If artie tartie gets him to say uncle i’ll put down half the deposit for your shop. But you and George have to sit your NEWTS and get 5 each your seventh year, and i’ll buy one of every product you sell opening day.” Sirius calls “if she loses i’ll still put a quarter. If you get your NEWTs. And half of your inventory. The NEWTS on either is non negotiable. No NEWTS no money.” He shrug watching Artemis put Charlie in a chokehold Fred and George debate it “deal” they say with a smile Charlie broke out of and to his feet she leg swept him and hopped on his back pulling one wrist behind his back with the opposite leg in the other “say mercy!” She yelled stretching him further into a pretzel “never!” He groaned out struggling against her grip she moves her body up pulling his arm and leg into an armlock stretching him “FUCK MERCY! MERCY!” He yelled she let go immediately dusting herself off they looked up and saw Sirius and Apollo angrily handing over Four galleons each “Kreacher pour the twins a glass of the 1889 fire whisky please” he scoffed she cocked an eyebrow at him “and remind me to write gringots in the morning!” The twins excitedly high fiving themselves “we’re taking you out to dinner tonight!” George said “ON US!” Fred kissed her excitedly “go get ready. We’re going to your favorite restaurant” George shoved her up the stairs “wait!! What just happened?!?” She and Charlie asked  “Sirius and Apollo just lost a bet” George smiled walking up the stairs “i bet four galleons and a glass of his finest fire whiskey that Artie would make you say uncle” Fred followed up the stairs “and like an idiot, Dad sweetened the pot by saying ‘i’ll put half the deposit down on your shop’ and she went ahead and made you scream mercy” Apollo rolled his eyes “now theyre gloating!” Apollo yelled up to them “YOURE INVITED TO COME POLLO!” George yelled down from their room “i did make the stipulation of them getting five NEWTs each their last year of Hogwarts. So its not like im freely giving them doe.” Sirius shrugged “mums going to kill you. You know that right?” Charlie asked as they laughed
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wanderingcas · 4 years
about to watch "happiest season" on hulu to remind myself that love DOES win in other parts of this industry. also i'm so fucking excited for this movie. gonna probably cry.
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