#iggi GMs
robed-arsonist · 5 months
Good morning Iggy!
Nothing in mind for now so just a gm ^^
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“ Uhuh… “
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greensparty · 1 year
Talking with Glen Matlock
It’s not too often that I get to interview a rock legend. I don’t use that term loosely but it certainly applies to Mr. Glen Matlock. The English rocker began as the bassist in the original Sex Pistols. He co-wrote 10 of the 12 songs on Never Mind the Bullocks Here’s the Sex Pistols but parted ways during the recording process. He did play on some of the songs though. But he re-joined for all of their reunion tours. He has also played with countless others, including Iggy Pop, The Damned, Primal Scream, the reunited Faces and Blondie. He is back with a new album with his band Glen Matlock and the Philistines, the recently released Consequences Coming. I recently caught up with him via Zoom.
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Consequences Coming album cover
Me: For those that are unaware, you were in the Sex Pistols and recorded with them before parting ways and then you re-joined for all of the reunions. What is your relationship like with them today?
GM: At arm's length. A little bit frosty with some of them, not to mention names. But I’m probably going to go have dinner with Steve [Jones] on Monday, and with Paul [Cook], who lives in London.
Me: I read a few years ago around 2019 that you said in the press that there could be a reunion coming up soon. Not sure if you’re at liberty to say, but could that still be happening soon?
GM: No, I think that’s kinda been and gone a bit now. You know, maybe that might’ve happened then. But all of us, we’re all pretty busy guys with different bits and pieces. There’s not really time, to be honest, or the inclination. Sometimes you think “yeah, the time is right”, but if the time was right it might’ve been a couple years ago now. You know, there’s a time and a place, and we had ours. That’s it really. There’s some good stuff there!
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Matlock on left in 1976 with Sex Pistols Johnny Rotten (John Lydon), Steve Jones and Paul Cook
Me: In 2013, I attended the Europunk exhibit at Cite de la Musique in Paris. I do not speak French, but I was able to understand everything about the exhibit: the TV clips, the album covers, the music, the memorabilia, etc. As someone who has performed all over the world, do you feel that the energy of punk is something that transcends languages and can create a common bond in a way?
GM: Yeah, definitely. I think punk is a very broad term. There’s a long way from The Ramones to the Buzzcocks, from Richard Hell and the Voivoids to The Slits to the bands that come along now under the punk umbrella. But I think it’s a by-word for people and things that read between the lines a bit more and will not be talked down to by their supposed superiors. So to be associated with that is kinda cool. I don’t really subscribe to the idea that to be a punk you have to have a mohawk. I mean it’s become kind of a carbon copy look for some of these also-ran bands. It’s kind of all they got really. To me, the punks were all really more forward-looking. I mean you can say that about lots of artistic kind of music. I mean there was a big broad church of different people doing different things back then. I don’t think punk is any different in that respect, it’s just what I got saddled with. 
But yeah, you being able to get that in another country and in another language, it was always pretty clear what it was about. It had all aspects covered: the music, the look, the typography, the art work - it all came together in one big thing and the total was bigger than the sum of their parts, which is all good. 
Me: Looking at your history, you have performed with artists like Iggy Pop, The Damned, Blondie, and you’ve performed with members of The Clash, New York Dolls, Siouxsie and the Banshees and Generation X. You are seriously the 6-degrees-of for punk rock history!
GM: Maybe, but I don’t think I’m the only one like that. I think doing what I did do with the Pistols and coming through on that. People said it was a seachange - I don’t believe that. I think music is like a baton race. There’s people who came before you, they do their thing, then they pass the baton onto you, then you pass the baton onto the people after you. I’ve managed to straddle bands that came before what we did, like you mentioned Iggy and I also did some stuff with my all-time favorite band The Faces. And then I’ve done some bits and pieces with bands like Primal Scream [Matlock played on their 1997 album Vanishing Point and he played bass for them in 2011] and Zak Starkey [Matlock played in Starkey’s supergroup The Silver Machine], who came along after that. I get asked to do these things because I play bass pretty well. I enjoy that, but what I really do and have continued to do is I continue to write songs. I write and before long you have all these songs going around in your head and you can’t think straight so you need some kind of outlet for it, which normally means making an album. That’s what I’ve done now again. I think I’ve made some pretty good albums. I’m quite pleased with this one. [pause] Yeah, beauty is always in the eye of the beholder. 
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Matlock in 2023
Me: Let’s talk about the new album Consequences Coming. How did this particular album come about?
GM: Well, I started writing around the time - you probably heard we had this ridiculous thing in Britain called Brexit, and how Brexit has enabled the powers who put it forward as kind of a smokescreen. It only serves the dreams of the right-wing elite. It kind of encapsulates this whole crazy move to the right in the Western world. I think ultimately it was terrible and people are starting to see through it. It is slow, but in England there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The gestation period for that is also when I began writing songs. You can’t not be aware of what’s going on around you and reflect upon it somehow. So the songs on the album came out of the that. The first single that came out at the start of the year “Head on a Stick” is quite something I’d like to see people held to account. The album is called Consequences Coming. People wanted to get this out last year and it didn’t quite work out. I’m an older guy and record companies are looking for the new...who’s the singer? Not Shania Twain, but a young girl?
Me: Taylor Swift?
GM: Yeah, I’m not Taylor Swift, so you know, they’re not falling all over themselves to help me get a record out. But I find I was a bit worried I missed the boat. But I was in New York last weekend and I had to go up to Rockefeller Plaza to do some press for the new album on Sirius XM radio and I struggled to get a taxi cab uptown from the Bowery because what was coming downtown from Trump Tower to the big courthouse was Donald Trump to be arraigned. And I’m going to talk about my Consequences Coming record and I said “A ha! Maybe I haven’t missed the boat afterall”!
I’ve always been a big fan of people like Pete Seeger, who wrote “If I had a Hammer / I’d hammer out a warning”. Some of us saw what was coming and we tried to sound the fire alarm several years ago.  
Me: It’s interesting you talking about being critical of Brexit and Trump because going back to the beginning of your career, there was a political element to the Sex Pistols. Do you feel that punk music can still be a force for positive change?
GM: [Pauses] Well, we can all holler and shout and scream, but all we can really do is - there’s a guy you might’ve seen him on the TV, a guy named Steve Bray, who is in Parliament Square every day, yelling every day at politicians especially the right wing ones going into Parliament. He’s a bit of a joke, but he’s also like a mosquito, smacking away at them all the time. The more people who do that, a pressure builds up and hopefully it gets to the stage of saturation. That’s all I can kind of do. I enjoy going on a march. In fact a few years ago there was one of the better marches, the Brexit Is Dopey March. I run into Kevin Rowland of Dexy’s Midnight Runners, who is a friend of mine, and just behind us there’s a guy with a little tricycle and a little trailer on the back of it with a massive ghetto blaster on it and he was playing “Let’s Stick Together” by Bryan Ferry as we’re marching to Parliament. I’m thinking what a great place to have this song played. That was the seeds of “Consequences Coming” and “Head on a Stick” as we were marching to Parliament. So all of these little things kind of add up. But there’s the political side to it too. I’m not a Communist, I’m just some guy trying to speak truth to power. But there’s also the musical side to it and I think there’s some really good tunes.
Me: I got to listen to an advance of the new album. Really great album, I’m not just saying that. I kind of noticed a little Texas blues influence on the album a little bit. Was that something you had been listening to prior to the recording?
GM: Not particularly, but music it kind of seeps in to all the places you least expect it. You know? I mean the music might be a bit bluesy, but it could also be something off of Exile on Main Street or Goats Head Soup. I don’t mind showing that, I like that, it’s good.
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Christian Lees as Glen Matlock in 2022′s Pistol
Me: Last year Danny Boyle gave the Sex Pistols the TV mini-series treatment with Pistol. You were portrayed by Christian Lees. What did you think of the series?
GM: I was disappointed, I thought it could’ve been really good. I liked Christian Lees and thought he was the right guy, but I thought the script let it down a little bit. I gave them the chance to run with it, but I didn’t think it was good. But on the other hand I thought it was important, because it is Steve Jones’s story and Steve is the guy who started the band. If he wasn’t allowed to tell his story, that would be morally wrong. But it wasn’t as good as it could’ve been. I felt a little bit ignored by Danny because I had quite a few conversations with him ahead of it. But be assured, Danny Boyle knows, under no uncertain terms, what I think about it. 
Me: You had a show in April in L.A. with Gilby Clarke (formerly of Guns N’ Roses), Clem Burke of Blondie, Kathy Valentine of The Go-Go’s and Fred Armisen. Talk about a meeting of the minds!
GM: Yeah, I’m kinda glad those guys want to be associated with me and play a show with me. I’ve been friends with Clem for a long time. He’s the one who asked me to help out on the last Blondie tour when they were stuck because their previous bass player couldn’t do it. Leigh Foxx [Blondie’s studio bassist]was a very good bass player and a good guy. So I’m honored to be asked to do that, but I’ve worked with Clem on many a projects. Some good, some kinda bad, right? But we play well with each other. Steve Fishman is a friend of theirs on bass. And we were short a guitar player, so Clem suggested Gilby. I had met him briefly a couple of times, but he’s great.
Me: Any chance there might be a U.S. tour after this L.A. show and U.K. dates?
GM: If it goes well, yeah, I’d love to play in America. I just like playing. The whole world is my oyster as I see it. I hate to be constrained, I’ve made some great relationships with friends all over and I’d like to be able to continue that. Fingers crossed - I’d love to do that.
For info on Glen Matlock’s Consequences Coming: https://glenmatlock.lnk.to/newalbum
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iihfworldsjunior · 2 years
There will be a particularly Canadian flavor when the Class of 2020 is drafted into the Hockey Lobby of Popularity on Monday night.
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Very nearly 17 months after they were first reported (the enlistment function was delayed by a year because of the Coronavirus pandemic), six legends will have their spot among the game's immortals in midtown Toronto.
Of the sextet who will be regarded, five have associations with Hockey Canada - Ken Holland, Jarome Iginla, Kevin Lowe, Kim St-Pierre and Doug Wilson. (The 6th individual from the gathering is Slovak champion Marian Hossa.)
Before they procure hockey's most elevated honor, we should investigate the five Canadians.
The solitary individual from the gathering not to address Canada as a player, Holland has been a successive donor in the meeting room throughout the course of recent years.
Most popular as a three-time Stanley Cup champion as senior supervisor of the Detroit Red Wings, the Penticton, B.C., local initially joined the Group Canada staff as colleague head supervisor at the 2005 IIHF Big showdown, where Canada won silver.
He was senior supervisor at the 2006 universes and won gold decorations at the 2010 and 2014 Olympic Winter Games, as well as a World Cup of Hockey title in 2016. He is back again as a component of the staff with Canada's Men's Olympic Group for the 2022 Games in Beijing.
The Statement: "what I advanced most from Kenny was tied in with recruiting great individuals. He allows them to finish the work and I do, as well. At the point when you get into these [GM] positions, you assume you know everything and can do everything, except in the event that the chief recruits great individuals and allows them to finish the work, that is ideal.
Iginla remained on the platform wherever he went with Group Canada - at the 1994 La Copa Mexico (summer under-18), 1996 IIHF World Junior Title, 1997 IIHF Big showdown, 2002 and 2010 Olympic Winter Games and 2004 World Cup of Hockey.
The St. Albert, Alta., local kept 44 focuses in 47 games across seven worldwide appearances, yet it is the 44th - his nineteenth and last help - that will long have a spot in Canadian hockey legend.
The shouts of "Iggy! Iggy!" came only seconds before Sidney Crosby took a pass from Iginla and slipped a shot five-opening on U.S. goaltender Ryan Mill operator, giving Canada a notable home-ice Olympic gold in Vancouver and adding the last part of a noteworthy worldwide prize case.
He generally appeared to be at his best on the game's greatest stage; notwithstanding his partner on the Brilliant Objective in 2010, Iginla kept two objectives and an aid the 2002 Olympic gold decoration game, assisting Canada with finishing a 50-year dry season.
1994 La Copa Mexico - 5G 9A 13P (gold medal)
1996 IIHF World Junior Championship - 5G 7A 12P (gold medal)
1997 IIHF World Championship - 2G 3A 5P (gold medal)
2002 Olympic Winter Games - 3G 1A 4P (gold medal)
2004 World Cup of Hockey - 2G 1A 3P (champions)
2006. Olympic Winter Games - 2G 1A 3P (7th position)
2010. Olympic Winter Games - 5G 2A 7P (gold medal)
Lowe played for his country only twice, and both in the early stages of his pro career of 19 years that comprised 6 Stanley Cup championships; the Lachute, Que., product assisted Canada to win bronze in the 1982 IIHF World Championship, and was awarded the Canada Cup championship in 1984.
However, his most notable international achievements were from the snow. Lowe played on Canada’s team management at 4 consecutive Olympic Winter Games, winning gold medals in 2002, 2010, and 2014, as a second-in-command to the executive director Wayne Gretzky and Steve Yzerman.
He also served in a similar position in the year Canada took home in the 2004 World Cup of Hockey and also designed Canada’s entry to the 2012 IIHF World Championship as general manager.
A Quote “Whatever the team Kevin has been involved in, no matter the role he played, whether manager or a player Kevin’s been a success. He’s also the person who brings teams together.” -Craig Simpson (NHL.com)
1982 IIHF World Championship - 1G 1A 2P (bronze medal)
1984 Canada Cup - 0G 4A 4P (champions)
One of the most impressive players to ever wear the pads St-Pierre is considered to be the standard for goalie players. He is the standard by which all other goalies are judged in the women’s sport.
First female netminder who has earned recognition, St-Pierre is on close to or at the top of every major field of the Canada’s National Women’s Team - she is first in games played (83) minutes of play (4,552) and winnings (64) as well as shutouts (29) and is second in goals-against-average (1.17) and saving percentage (.939).
The Chateauguay, Que., native has backed Canada in winning Olympic silver medals at the 2002 Olympics, in 2006, and 2010 as well as IIHF World Women’s Championship gold in 1999 2000, 2001 2004, 2007 and 1999.
Alongside the team’s success, St-Pierre also earned many individual awards and was named Best Goalie and was selected to the all-star team in the 2002 Olympics and was named the top goalie at the women’s 2001 and 2004 world championships, and received an all-star award at the world championships of 2007.
It’s the Quote “One aspect that distinguished Kim from her peers was her ability to sort of play with the lines between confidence and cockiness. If you played with Kim, you were certain that she’d achieve every save. If you were playing with her each save look effortless.” — Caroline Ouellette (NHL.com)
1999 IIHF World Women’s Championship - 2-2-0 0.50 GAA/1 SO (gold medal)
2001 IIHF World Women’s Championship - 2 - 1.20 GAA / 1 SO (gold medal)
2001 IIHF World Women’s Championship - 3-1 / 0.67 GAA 2. SO (gold medal)
2002 Olympic Winter Games - 4-0 2.25 GAA / 1.25 GAA / 2 SO (gold medal)
2004 IIHF World Women’s Championship - 1-1 / 1.00 GAA 2 SO (gold medal)
2005 IIHF World Women’s Championship - 2 - 0.00 GAA 3 SO (silver medal)
The 2006 Olympic Winter Games - 2-0 + 0.50 GAA/1 SO (gold medal)
2007. IIHF World Women’s Championship - 3-1 0.33 GAA 2. SO (gold medal)
2008. IIHF World Women’s Championship - 1-1 / 2.63 GAA / 1 SO (silver medal)
2009. IIHF World Women’s Championship - 2 - 0.00 GAA 2 SO (silver medal)
2010. Olympic Winter Games - 2-0 2 / 0.00 GAA 2 SO (gold medal)
The 2011 IIHF World Women’s Championship - 1-1 / 0.00 GAA 1 SO (silver medal)
Doug Wilson made just a one appearance on his time in the Maple Leaf during his 16-year playing career. He was paired with Lowe on the blue-line during The 1984 Canada Cup.
The Ottawa player was involved outside of his playing days. He was employed as a consultant to the Canadian National Junior Team during its streak of five gold medals in a row during the IIHF World Junior Championship in the mid-1990s. Later, he was as a consultant for Canada’s men’s Olympic Team in 1998 Games.
“The Quote” “He played with an exceptional hockey intelligence. He was able to see the game and could read the game. If you played the same way today’s game is now played then you can see the numbers he posted and then, he’d have more numbers than he did then.” -Darryl Sutter Darryl Sutter (NHL.com)
1984 Canada Cup - 2G 1A 3P (champions)
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pimpseries · 7 years
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nansmenagerie · 4 years
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Played two sessions on Saturday, and they were equal parts hilarious and off-the-wall.
First one was run by my friend Geekie, where a kind, elderly, little grandma cat had asked a bunch of adventurers to go to a Forbidden Temple of Doom to fetch a rare treasure for her that very few people besides herself could unseal. We had to answer the riddles of a minotaur at the door, then got attacked by a SECOND minotaur inside who said we weren’t supposed to be there and needed to leave, and as we found the treasure, a pair of vampires attacked us (turns out it was a mother and her son).
After beating them, grabbing the treasure, and heading back, Grandma used her magic to unseal it and reveal it was 5 boxes of Raisin Bran. Turns out the Forbidden Temple was just a local grocery store, the minotaurs were workers who are allowed -nay, encouraged- to fight the customers, and the vampire was a Karen whose son was honestly just kinda there but she felt entitled to the box. The entire one-shot was called The Quest for Cereal, and we didn’t know this til after it was over.
Second game happened because my usual 5e game was cancelled, and is called Radical Catgirl Anarchy. I recycled Ignatius, the GM of the first game used Benrey from HLVRAI (not to be confused with a more famous iteration of catboy Benrey, though I’m not familiar with them personally), and everyone else made theirs on the spot. We rolled scenario and went HAM, and the folks new to the game absolutely adored it and are excited to play it again.
Then post-session, I was still in a catfolk mood and drew Grant and Kepler, because these two need more art overall lol
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nais-doodles · 4 years
Did I ever tell you about my headcanon that stardust crusaders never actually happened and that it was, in reality, a tabletop game and they were all just playing self insert characters?
The GM is actually just the dude who plays Iggy, which is why he enters so late and isn't focused on as much in the story (except that one episode with the bird bc, and I quote "fuck you guys this session is about my character, I never get to do anything fun")?
And that what happened to those specific characters in the final stardust crusaders arc (you know who) is actually just a bunch of really shitty dice rolls and the actual characters are unharmed, just watching angrily bc they can't play their self insert character anymore?
Because I think about it a lot.
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fieldtomatoes · 5 years
oh no I dropped my monster documentary masterlist I use for my magnum social distancing
[Titles marked with * are restricted to Canada, but might be accessible through a proxy/vpn, any one of them could be on American Netflix/Amazon Prime/Hulu I just don’t know, and if all else fails, most are available on one rental platform or another although I know that’s not ideal.]
Rumble: The Indians Who Rocked the World - 1h43m Covers the influence on all genres of music by Indigenous musicians including Charlie Patton (Blues), Mildred Bailey (Jazz/Swing), Link Wray (Rock), Robbie Robertson (Rock), Buffy Sainte-Marie (Folk), Jimi Hendrix (Rock), Randy Castillo (Metal), Jesse Ed Davis (Rock/Blues), and more, with interviews from Robbie Robertson, John Trudell, Taj Mahal, Buffy Sainte-Marie, Iggy Pop, Martin Scorsese, and more. Probably the best documentary I’ve ever seen. Trailer Available: a slightly abridged version (20 mins shorter, not sure what it cuts out) here, Kanopy, or rental services
The Island President - 1h38m Follows former president of the Maldives, Mohamed Nasheed, who was elected after 30 years of dictatorship as he fights for his people’s survival and to end the rising sea levels that are washing his country away at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in 2009. Trailer Available: here
Angry Inuk* - 44m Provides the Inuit perspective on seal hunting; how they have been the victims of propaganda spread by animal activist groups and how increasingly restrictive bans have affected their culture and way of life (obvious tw for footage of raw seal meat, blood, and organs). Trailer Available: here
Genderize* - 13m Comparative interviews from 2012 and 2016 with a sibling trio about their understanding of and experience with gender and growing up. Personal endorsement, Chase is one of my profs and he’s literally the best instructor I’ve ever had. Available: here
Kumu Hina / A Place In The Middle - 1h17m / 25m The story of Hinaleimoana Wong-Kalu, a teacher and community cultural figure who is Māhū (embodies femininity and masculinity; is in the middle). “A Place In The Middle” is the abridged version that focuses on the story of Kumu Hina’s Māhū student, Ho’Onani, joining the all-male hula troop, which is the B-plot of the original documentary. Trailer Kumu Hina available on: Kanopy or rental services // A Place In The Middle available: here
I’m Dreaming of a Jewish Christmas* - 52m Chronicles the writing of classic Christmas songs such as “Silver Bells”, “The Christmas Song”, “White Christmas”, and many others that were actually written by Jewish composers, with integrated performances of said songs by Canadian musicians including Steven Page of Barenaked Ladies who has contributed his fair share of amazing Christmas songs as a Jewish musician. Trailer Available: here
And We Knew How to Dance* - 55m Contributions of Canadian women during the First World War, told by the women themselves from interviews conducted in the early 1990s. Includes women who moved to the prairies to take over farms, were nurses and ambulance drivers on the western front, and became floor managers of factories, among other jobs, and discusses the sexism they faced. Available on: National Film Board
Reel In The Closet - 1h22m Showcases and discusses the home movies of LGBT people going back to the 1930s, and how they documented their hidden, but full, lives. Trailer Available on: Kanopy
Reel Injun* - 1h32m Examines the portrayal of Indigenous people in film throughout the 20th century and the evolution of the “Hollywood Indian”. Features interviews with Adam Beach, John Trudell, Charlie Hill, Sacheen Littlefeather, Robbie Robertson, Graham Greene, and more. Trailer v1 / Trailer v2  Available on: Kanopy or rental services
The Legacy Of Brendan Burke* - 45m Discusses homophobia in the National Hockey League and the awareness that was brought to that topic when Toronto Maple Leafs’ GM Brian Burke’s son, Brendan Burke, came out on TSN with a message of solidarity with all of the closeted players in the league. Features anonymous testimonies from gay players as well as interviews with Mark Tewksbury, Patrick Burke, and Georges Laraque, among others. (Important to note: the NHL is the only major sports league in North America to have never had a player come out, either during or after their career). Available: here
Tab Hunter Confidential - 1h30m Tab Hunter recalls what it was like being a closeted gay man in the 1950s, while also being one of the biggest stars of the golden age of Hollywood. Provides insight on the lengths that pioneering movie studios went to to conceal their LGBT actors’ sexualities. Trailer Available on: I found a free version after a google search, or rental services
Jon Richardson - A Little Bit OCD - 47m British comedian Jon Richardson, often mocked for his “OCD tendencies” investigates the disorder, how it affects the lives of nearly 1 million people in Britain, and whether he might be one of them. Available: here
No Sad Songs - 1h02m An Aids Committee of Toronto (ACT) film from 1985 that profiles Jim Black, a young man with AIDS and documents the gay community’s response to the AIDS epidemic through interviews and artistic interpretation. Considered to be the first major documentary about AIDS. Available: here
INVASION - 18m “In this era of ‘reconciliation’, Indigenous land is still being taken at gunpoint. INVASION is a new film about the Unist’ot’en Camp, Gidimt’en checkpoint and the larger Wet’suwet’en Nation standing up to the Canadian government and corporations who continue colonial violence against Indigenous people.” A feature length film is coming later in 2020. Available: here
More resources:
CBC DOCS (imo better selection and layout than PBS, worth using a proxy if you’re not Canadian)
National Film Board (if you go to a Canadian university, go through your library’s database link for more options)
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shadowron · 5 years
Harlequin: The Immortal Elf Metaplot Railroad Adventure (1st Edition). Final Summary.
After long, long last, the module is over, Harlequin and Ehran have (temporarily) disappeared, and any elves in the party will start to wonder if, they too, are immortal. A good GM will use this to their advantage to keep the players in line.
Data Analysis
The following graphs show how much karma and nuyen are earned for each mini-adventure. In the graphs, “CS” stands for Counterstroke, and an additional data point was added, aggregating the final two mini-adventures (Future and Present) because of how they lead into one another.
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Most of the mini-adventures explicitly pay per shadowrunner, though the first two (Physical and Hates) pay a lump sum that must be divided among the team. Taking the expected party size to be between 4 and 7 (as recommended in the text), the different bars show the range that each character would earn. Also done is showing both a minimum and maximum amount, the latter being for those extra bonuses that most mini-adventures had.
Spiritual, of course, jumps out as the best pay. This makes sense in-game (since they get dumped into the Amazonian jungle and are told not to kill anyone), but out-of-game is not that difficult, so this is particularly easy money. Contrast this with Hates, which pays among the lowest but has the highest chance for death (just ahead of Counterstroke, which the whole point of is that they don’t die).
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The relative lack of payment for Present (a ¥100,000 sword seems generous, but that has to be sold and the proceeds split between the characters) is made up for in the awarding of Karma, which includes not just rewards for Future and Present, but also some for completing the whole story line (1 point per mini-adventure per character on top of everything else). This shows the maximum amount of Team Karma earned, assuming they completed all objectives and didn’t get any penalties, but doesn’t include any Individual Karma (as each mini-adventure leaves that up to the GM).
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And since I’m a scientist, here is a scatter plot showing the relationship between karma and nuyen for each adventure – there is a slight negative correlation (the more money you get, the less karma you get). Counterstroke awards karma but no nuyen (as it was instigated by Ehran), Future awards nuyen but no karma (though see note above about combining it with Present).
For those mini-adventures that awarded both nuyen and karma, two stand out as the least worth it: Hates and Past. If I wanted to rank one of them as the worst – I’d probably say Hates: the murderhobo aspect of it left a bad taste in my mouth. But if you have any murderhobos (cough street samurai cough) in your group, they will think the opposite.
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“Is it beca...”
“Yes. Still because of the guns.”
If I wanted to rank one of them as the best – that’s more difficult. Spiritual and Present each represent the maximum of nuyen and karma, respectively, though of those two, Present has a better story and more for the characters to do. Physical and Loves are the two mini-adventures that are the closest to stereotypical Shadowrun adventures – your decker will like Loves the most because it has two different systems to break into.
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Just look at all of those datastores...
Personally, having gone through Harlequin as a player way back when, the one I remember most is Past – the trip to Slush Mountain. Perhaps because, when you’re a kid you always remember that first airplane flight you take. Here, it was the first real trip outside of Seattle, first suborbital flight and fighting in space, first time fighting Nazi orks on a train, first time scaling the alpine peaks of a crazy Bavarian Homo ingenitus.
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“That’s Herr Homo Von Ingenitus to you.”
But that’s just, like, my opinion man. A few more awards before crowning the real winner.
Best Artwork: Jeff Laubenstein, for Past. Jim Nelson (Physical) and Tim Bradstreet (Hates) were also in the running, but nothing beats the sheer tongue-in-cheek absurdity perfectly reflected in the illustrations.
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Worst Artwork: Terry Pavlet, for Present. I think it was the direct copying of the rigger (a Laubenstein drawing from the core rulebook) that really cinched it for me.
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Coolest NPC: Harriet Taylor, from Hates. Yes! The little old lady who works in the Public Records office – she is seriously awesome. Runners up were Baron Munchmaussen (Past) and Iggy (Counterstroke).
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I want brownies.
Lamest NPC: Lancelot Windtree, from Loves and Counterstroke. He’s a fictional character and I still want to punch him in his pretentious elven face. Runners up were Ariel (Counterstroke and Present) and Jane Foster (Future and Present).
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Right through my own computer screen, if I could. 
And our final award, for Best Mini-Adventure goes to…
Loves – the run against the Young Elven Technologists. There was schmoozing, decking, breaking and entering, fighting – opportunities for everyone in the party to shine – and while neither the highest karma nor best paid run, it was good enough for a couple night’s work.
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itsbenedict · 5 years
Kingdoms and Koopas: Ep. 10
K&K is a Fate Accelerated campaign set in the Mario universe, which I’m running for three players:
Bee @thebeeskneesocks���, playing Kandace Koopa
Jovian @jovian12​, playing Cozmo Naut
Malky @sleepdepravity​, playing Dr. Chevy Chain
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Previously on Kingdoms and Koopas, the party went and heroically crashed a spaceship into the ocean! They snagged a macguffin and a good time was had by all. Now, though, they find themselves on the roof of Kam Ekademy, amidst a brewing underground war between the two rival magic schools.
Which they promptly ignore to go shoot a movie with Zip Toad!
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So the party, once again, falls out of the cloud of Ted, the Storm God, the location to which Kandace’s teleportation circle goes. Before anything else happens, Princess Opal, uh, has some business to attend to in the Magic Kingdom what with the alien invasion that was happening, so she leaves right away and I totally didn’t forget that she came through the portal with them for the entire session and this isn’t a retcon shut up.
So they see the unconscious body of Waluigi lying there, and pretty much ignore that, because who cares about that. What they take notice of is Ted the Storm God, who seems pretty dejected for some reason.
Apparently, Ted is feeling left out, because Kam Ekademy and Kammy Koopa’s Academy for Young Witches and Wizards have, y’know, gone to war in the secret tunnel system connecting the schools underground, but the other students at Kam Ekademy thought he’d just be a liability and wouldn’t let him come. (Kandace is briefly shocked, not by the war, but by how there were secret tunnels underneath the school and no one told her.)
As they’re debating getting involved, Chevy does what she does best whenever anyone proposes getting involved in anything, and just sort of rolls away. Off the roof of the castle. And crashes through a ceiling.
She falls into a classroom somewhere in Kam Ekademy, and notices the door leading out has a can of green paint precariously balanced on top, waiting to spill on whoever opens it. It was probably meant to fall on someone coming in from the outside, but since she took an... alternative entrance, the trap isn’t much to worry about. She knocks it down and proceeds outside.
...Where the hallway appears to be filled with swinging blade traps except instead of blades it’s big versions of those toy sticky hands.
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She barely manages to dodge, when from behind her, the result of a failed spot check she made earlier begins to berate her. Iggy Koopa, who was lurking in wait in the classroom to ambush his would-be victim, is super upset that she ruined his ambush, and begins to attack! He also sounds the alarm, and more Koopalings come running.
Chevy attempts to escape, but here’s the thing: Chevy successfully escaping would be at odds with anything actually happening. Her driving motivation is to get out of all this nonsense and just go home, and splitting the party is no fun. So... this isn’t going to go her way. But in what way is it not going to go her way? That depends on what the rest of the party decides to do.
Let’s go check in on them.
Back up on the roof, another Lakitu arrives, having spotted them on the roof of Kam Ekademy from a distance with his camera. He tells them that shooting is going to start soon on Zip Toad’s new movie, the one Cozmo was hired to act in. So, Kandace and Cozmo have a choice to make: they can go investigate this underground magic war and be late for shooting, or they can go shoot a movie and let this underground magic war sort itself out.
Obviously they go for the movie. They get Ted’s phone number and promise to help him get involved in magic war later, and then they’re off- Kandace ferrying Cozmo on her broom.
So, that choice made, we can resolve what happens when Chevy tries to escape. What happens is that Larry, Lemmy, and Iggy all combine their magic to create a giant explosion, which blasts Chevy into the sky- directly in the direction of the party, as luck/contrivance would have it! 
So Chevy gracefully lands on the broom, and the three of them-
-wait, no, that doesn’t happen. Chevy is a chain chomp who’s just been launched by an explosion. She’s basically a cannonball right now, and this is really not what anyone wants to have flying directly at them while balanced on a broom.
So Kandace tries to fire off her spell, the one she’s used before that makes things all puffy and lightweight, so Chevy’s bulk is reduced and they can catch her out of the air. She, uh, whiffs. So Chevy hits them and knocks them off the broom. But all is not yet lost! Chevy rolls to try to chomp onto the broom in a last-ditch effort to grab hold, and rolls a 6! So she chomps down extremely hard on the broom. Which, uh, almost breaks it in half, like you might expect. The broom is pretty badly damaged, now, and that in combination with Chevy’s additional weight, and the weight of her two compatriots who managed to grab onto her chain, means that the broom is now slowly sinking to the ground.
...Sorry, did I say ground? Let’s double-check something. They started at Kam Ekademy, they’re about halfway to the shooting location, and the shooting location is World 8-1, The Part That’s Supposed To Stop Mario But Doesn’t- a twisty bridge over lava leading to Bowser’s Castle. Let me take a look at the map...
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Okay, yes, the broom is now slowly sinking to the lava. That’s a more accurate way to put it.
Thankfully, they’re not alone- there’s the Lakitu cameraman there with them! Now, he’s got his fishing line, which he could use to haul them up and slow their descent enough to glide to safety up on the bridge, but... well, it’s got a big expensive film camera attached. Someone’s going to need to hold onto the camera and hold on to Chevy’s chain while dangling over lava, which sounds difficult. Plus, the natural Approach to use for such a feat would be Careful, a stat which neither Kandace nor Cozmo (the only party members with hands) have in abundance. In fact, I think it might literally be 0 for both of them. ...Yep. 
So this would likely end in disaster, except that they have an advantage: the GM is weak to puns.
Cozmo, see, has a very high Flashy stat. And the object in question is a camera.
So he rolls Flashy, he does well, he doesn’t drop the camera into the lava, and they actually make it to the set for Zip Toad’s new movie! And, given that I didn’t exactly plan this option out in detail (my pages of notes for the underground magic war will need to be adapted), I let them decide how this movie was going to go. 
The basic outline: it's a fast and furious type racing movie. Cozmo is the gruff and stuck-up career street racer, while Zip Toad is the fresh-faced rookie trying to prove himself. But when a giant chain chomp (played by some toads in a papier-mache prop) starts chewing up the other racers, they have to work together to put it down and save street racing! 
Everything else? Up to them.
The racetrack. Under the ash-choked skies of the Lava Kingdom, the Outrageous Racing League carries on their sacred mission: to totally shred. Blargg’s Oven, the most dangerous course in the league, is the site of the Outrageous Championship- and there’s only one man intense enough to take home the cup.
Racer X, the mysterious masked daredevil on his tricked-out ebon dirtbike, refuses to lose. It seems as though he’s falling behind- but then, with a burst of speed, he zooms forward and bumps another racer off the edge of track into the burning abyss below. Surely that was an accident, right? Where’s the ref to make the call?
Ref? What ref?! This is the Outrageous Championship! Racer X smashes three more racers off the edge to their fiery dooms. He’s going to win... at any cost.
This scene reflects off the cool shades of another racer. An extreme closeup of his determined expression fills the screen. 
Kandace is wearing a lot of hats today- she’s part of the crew running special effects, using her magic, but she’s also got a brief speaking role. And now, she’s filling in for the safety crew, as one of the Stunt Guys plunges towards the lava and the Lakitu trying to catch them fumbles their rod. She telekinetically saves the stunt biker, and now has a little blackmail on that Lakitu. No one has to know they messed up, right?
...Also, there’s the sound of an explosion from over by the schools in the distance. It’s, um, probably fine.
It’s after the qualifying race, and finally, our hero is here. Ace McQueen Junior Jr. (don’t blame me, I let them name the characters) is sussing out this Racer X. He starts by trying flattery, asking how X pulled those cool stunts- and then smoothly transitions into questioning. He didn’t mean to knock those racers to their deaths, right? 
X claims he didn’t even notice he bumped anyone. They’re just that far beneath him- he isn’t about to take stock of each and every greenhorn he spots when his eyes are on the prize. Pure focus.
We see Ace McQueen Junior Jr.’s eyes narrow behind his shades. Racer X is a liar, and he’s clearly more than willing to fight dirty to win. He tosses off a cool one-liner and heads off to prepare for the next race.
Filming is interrupted by a sound from the direction of the school. This time, it’s not an explosion- it’s the sound of music. Kandace, actually, recognizes the tune, though not its full significance. She remembers one of her teachers, Professor Wizzerd, humming a few bars of it while teaching one of the basic spells in a Magikoopa’s arsenal. The spell in question was the Invocation of So’nee- a useful cantrip that calls on the power of the ancient sealed horror So’nee, a being anathema to this world. The Invocation of So’nee fires a magical structure shaped like So’nee’s unholy symbols (the Cross, the Halo, the Plane, and the Mountain, shaped like an X, O, ◻, and ◁), which serve as a base for all manner of other magical effects that can be stacked on top of it.
Why a song invoking So’nee is coming from the direction of the schools... is unknown. And probably fine! They have a movie to shoot!
An indistinct shape beneath bandages lies on a bed in the infirmary. This poor soul is being treated for his horrible burn wounds, and we see a crying figure leave the room.
Racer X is suddenly slapped across the face- a koopa in a pit crew outfit has struck him. It’s confusing- he’s not racing right now, there’s no prize to win. What idiot would waste their chance to strike outside of battle? She’s crying, she’s telling him that her brother will never recover, never walk again, and how could he be so horrible?
He blows her off. Who cares if he destroyed her brother’s life? He was in the way of Racer X- and anyone who does the same will suffer the same fate. He stalks away, unconcerned. She’s not one of his opponents.
The camera pans over and around a corner. Ace McQueen Junior Jr. heard everything.
Chevy, meanwhile, is waiting down by the trailers, at the base of the bridge supports out of sight of the cameras. She’s waiting for this to be over- since no one’s actually gotten injured yet, thanks to Kandace’s quick thinking, this impromptu set medic gig has been pretty boring. There’s a brief earthquake from the direction of the schools, but that’s probably fine.
Then someone in a nearby trailer starts demanding things from her, like she’s some kind of errand boy. He wants three full buckets of garlic, and he wants them NOW!
Chevy doesn’t care. Chevy ignores him. He won’t be ignored, and escalates his verbal abuse. Chevy responds by bodily ramming into and knocking over his stupid trailer.
The man who, furious, climbs out of the trailer... is a short, heavyset fellow with a big pink nose and motorcycle gear, who- holy cow, picks up and swings the entire trailer at her and knocks her into the lava. Chevy is, however, made of metal, so it’ll take at least ten minutes in the lava before she begins to melt. She swims back to shore, uncomfortably hot and glowing red for her trouble. She keeps her distance from the freaky-strong trailer man.
It’s the semifinals, and Ace McQueen Junior Jr. and Racer X are neck-and-neck. It’s almost a dead heat- and then Racer X makes his move. We zoom in on his handlebars, and we see his wheels kick up dirt as he veers sharply to the side. They’re approaching a dangerously thin stretch of track, and as they do so, Racer X closes in, meaning to ram Ace McQueen Junior Jr. off the edge.
And then Ace McQueen Junior Jr. does, to Racer X, the unthinkable: he slams on the brakes. He slows down, on purpose- an impossible maneuver which leads to Racer X throwing himself off the edge of the course.
Just as he goes over the edge, we see one impeccably-manicured hand shoot over the edge and grab Racer X’s glove, saving his life. But not so for his chances of winning- the ebon dirtbike calls into the lava and melts, in a visual callback to the first Metal Mario movie. It’s unclear how they’re going to edit in the bike giving a thumbs-up in post.
Then there is a sound. The inhuman, robotic singing voice in the distance halts, and a deep, magically amplified voice bellows “HATSU, HATSU, HATSU”. Dead silence falls- the rumbling is over, the music is over, the probably-apocalyptic situation has been probably-resolved. Or something,
Finally, it’s time to film the big climax. The giant chain chomp needs to show up- and first, the producer- well, the "production assistant", but the real producer, as opposed to Zip Toad who just puts his name on everything, Mauve the Goomba- begs Chevy to be in the film, because the papier-mache chomp looks terrible and she really wants this to be a hit. Chevy agrees (taking her Rich up to 5), on the condition that they add a scene showing that the monster chomp used to be a normal person. She films a brief scene in the FX trailer, where the unnamed chomp scientist (breaking stereotypes!) suffers a lab accident with radioactive chemicals or something, with some camera trickery to imply that as she falls unconscious, she is beginning to grow. Soon, there’ll be a giant rampaging dog-beast destroying everything (un-breaking stereotypes! whew, close one.)
There's a problem, though: the prop chomp had a special compartment for actors who were "eaten" to hide in, but no such compartment exists inside a real one. Enter Kandace with an idea: hey, she can teleport people, right? So she scribes a teleport circle on Chevy's tongue, and then Chevy eats a Mega Mushroom, growing her and the circle such that the devoured stunt guys are harmlessly teleported away when she eats them alive.
Problem, though: wouldn't that alarm Ted? So they call him up, promising to explain why this random-crap-portal stuff has been happening to him. Kandace lies through her teeth, claiming that it's just stuff that this giant chain chomp eats getting teleported to his digestive system and coming out his mouth, because of magic stomach stuff. He's like, what? It doesn't come out my mouth, it comes out my cloud. And she explains, no, it's your magic digestive system, y'know. Ted is not smart- he has a clever of -1, actually- but it’s not a very good lie, so it’s not hard. Maybe he'll get a good roll!
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He believes this harder than anyone has ever believed any lie, ever.
“We need to stop this thing! If we don’t...!”
“...Illegal street racing... could be done for!”
Ace McQueen Junior Jr. and Racer X, both on standard-issue bikes, are speeding down the hill as the giant monster chain chomp pursues them. Teeth snap at their back tires, and they just barely manage to keep ahead. But as they flee, they see a gap in the course, where the giant chomp previously emerged from the lava.
“...Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
“I don’t think. I do.”
Ace McQueen Junior Jr. and Racer X speed towards the gap at high speed, then fork in two different directions, going straight up a couple of natural ramps and backflipping into the sky. They come down on top of the giant chain chomp- and now, as it rolls onward, large enough to clear the gap, they’re right on top. Their engines rev as they match pace with the chomp’s rotation, keeping their balance on the monster’s head.
“...X, watch out!”
The chomp’s mouth is coming around as it rolls, and they need to jump it! They pull it off once, but the second time Racer X seems to stumble, his bike slipping and flying off the side. He gets snagged on a tooth, cutting his arm open a bit, but Ace McQueen Junior Jr. reaches down a hand and pulls him up. This was definitely in the script, and not the actor messing up. Luckily, good camerawork captures this inspiring moment.
Racer X gets on  Ace McQueen Junior Jr.‘s bike, and the two of them work together to do one last sick stunt! They fly up into the air, there’s an inspiring slow-mo closeup, and then... the camera spins and wheels around, obscuring exactly what it is that just happened that led to their stunt causing the chain chomp to go flying into the lava. But it happens! And it’s incredibly rad!
Now for a problem: when Chevy does her stunt fall into the lava, she, oops, gets a bunch of lava in her mouth. And into the portal in her mouth. So that a bunch of lava sprays out of the portal. 
Ted subsequently proclaims himself the Volcano God and nearly incinerates some Stunt Guys, until Chevy spits out the lava and ends his fun. Booooo. With that, and some medical attention for the Guys, the movie is over!
...so, anyway, I’m about to spring a moderately apocalyptic situation on everyone, when I realize: Kandace still has the Music Key taken from the Orbital Doom Casa. She never handed it in to Kammy Koopa. So... as was the case prior to the filming of this movie, Kammy Koopa does not possess all four Music Keys. And so... nothing bad happens. Yet.
So after they wrap filming, Chevy pays to fix Kandace's broom out of her stunt wages, and then they're off to the school war to investigate the aftermath. (Cozmo’s going to have to miss the afterparty, sorry.)
Next time: something big happened while Chain Chomp Run was being filmed, and now it’s time to figure out what it was and what to do about it. 
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sagefyre-blog1 · 8 years
' iiiiit's......... A CHOCOBO FIGUUURE !! The white ones are only being sold for a limited time AND I got you one ! Check it ouuuut!!! '
                                 “ oh ----------? “     he’s surprised, in truth. the unveiling of the figurine in question causes any and all interrogatory queries to wither away on his tongue -----     never to be spoken because there’s no need for them, here. perhaps it’d been foolish of him, jumping the gun the way that he had, and presuming that prompto’s sudden, chipper behavior had something to do with some mischief or another that he’d involved himself in. perhaps it was not always wise to draw from past experience ( for past experience had indeed played a large part in formulating his reaction / when had he ever known prompto to come running, if not with some prank or game in-hand? ); he’d have to make a note of it. for now, though ... ... 
                                   his gaze settles upon the gift he’s been offered, flits to the face of the one that’d gotten it for him -----      and he decides that, for now, mental notes, general analytics, can wait. the corners of his lips tug upwards, and a hand reaches out to take ( rather gingerly; it’s rare, after all ) the figure for his own. two rare sights, all in one: ignis busying himself with what would otherwise be considered a toy, and ignis smiling wholeheartedly as a result. quietly, he laughs.
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                                    "  i’m not sure i know what to say, other than -----     thank you, prompto. you certainly didn’t have to go through the trouble.        i'll see to it that it's kept safe, then. and pristine.  “
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alfenmeri · 8 years
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I have been playing Tera which is a free MMO that i have been addicted to it I might have a livestream for this on Saturday.
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auburnfamilynews · 4 years
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Handout Photo-USA TODAY Sports
Derrick Brown and Noah Igbinoghene both heard their names called last night.
On May 8th, 2014, the St. Louis Rams selected Greg Robinson #2 overall and the Kansas City Chiefs picked Dee Ford at #23. That was the last time an Auburn player heard his name called on the first day of the draft until last night. Derrick Brown and Noah Igbinoghene broke Auburn’s 5 year 1st round drought in historic fashion. It was the first time ever Auburn had two defensive players go in the 1st round.
This is the first time @AuburnFootball has had two defensive players drafted in the first round of a single #NFLDraft. #WarEagle #AUNextLevel
— Scott Scroggins (@ScrogginsNoggin) April 24, 2020
Unsurprisingly, Derrick Brown was the first Auburn Tiger off the board. The former 5* prospect has lived up to every bit of hype during his time on the Plains and was properly rewarded by being the first interior defensive lineman selected in the 2020 NFL Draft. The Carolina Panthers, in an attempt to get back into Auburn fans’ good graces, took Brown at #7 overall.
Auburn ➡️ Charlotte The @Panthers select Derrick Brown with the No. 7 overall pick!#AUNextLevel | #NFLDraft pic.twitter.com/ftxzC8Jhvv
— Auburn Football (@AuburnFootball) April 24, 2020
Absolute GAME WRECKER is headed to the @Panthers.#AUNextLevel | #NFLDraft pic.twitter.com/MxSrSmOtAr
— Auburn Football (@AuburnFootball) April 24, 2020
The moment.#WarEagle | #KeepPounding pic.twitter.com/V6KL46hXTk
— Auburn Football (@AuburnFootball) April 24, 2020
If you recall, Carolina is under new leadership with former Baylor head coach Matt Rhule now running the show in Charlotte. He brought on former LSU offensive coordinator to run the offense. Both were impressed with Brown not only on the field but off the field as well.
So Matt Rhule immediately texted his GM after seeing Derrick Brown play — and play hard — in the Outback Bowl. Also: “Joe Brady told Rhule that Brown was the toughest defensive player he had to game-plan for in the SEC last year during LSU’s national championship season.” https://t.co/XUAKyDhJi0
— Justin Ferguson (@JFergusonAU) April 24, 2020
Rhule says Joe Brady told him Brown was the No.1 player they had to specifically scheme for in the SEC last season.
— Jourdan Rodrigue (@JourdanRodrigue) April 24, 2020
This was likely the point many reasonable Auburn fans went to bed. While there were hopes another Tiger could go late in the 1st round, most mocks projected the next Tiger to come off the board today. But for those who slugged through all those emotionally gut wrenching backstories from picks 7 to 30 (like seriously Trey Wingo) were rewarded in a big way when the Miami Dolphins decided to take Noah Igbinoghene.
Auburn ➡️ MIA The @MiamiDolphins select Noah Igbinoghene with the No. 30 overall pick!#AUNextLevel | #NFLDraft pic.twitter.com/Gt0dZkIm1o
— Auburn Football (@AuburnFootball) April 24, 2020
Locked down #FinsUp pic.twitter.com/Lei2tm0tF7
— Miami Dolphins (@MiamiDolphins) April 24, 2020
Lock. Down. @Noah_Igbo9 is bringing his playmaking ability to the @MiamiDolphins. pic.twitter.com/vKhtJcUF30
— Auburn Football (@AuburnFootball) April 24, 2020
Noah Igbinoghene is emotional hearing his name called in the first round of the NFL Draft. His family is hype. pic.twitter.com/LRbdf6FefP
— Josh Vitale (@JoshVitale) April 24, 2020
It’s wild to see Iggy go from a backup wide receiver as a true freshman, to a first round cornerback just two years later. The Dolphins are getting one of the highest upside prospects in this class when you consider both his athletic talent and his limited experience at the position. In this modern day world of insanely efficient passing offenses, teams are adjusting by building deep defensive backfields and Miami should have one of the better ones in 2020.
Igbinoghene’s selection also makes it five straight seasons an Auburn defensive back has been drafted and three straight seasons a cornerback has gone in the 2nd round or better. I imagine those are numbers the staffs will be relaying to top targets on the recruiting trail going forward.
New Dolphins cornerback Noah Igbinoghene is still learning the position and needs to improve his play at the catch point, but his match-and-mirror ability and deep speed are rare — he has special movement skills teams will covet early.pic.twitter.com/vOTV9mktKb
— Austin Gayle (@PFF_AustinGayle) April 24, 2020
The NFL Draft continues this evening with the 2nd and 3rd rounds. Chances are good a few more Auburn Tigers will come off the board. Marlon Davidson didn’t sneak into the 1st round but I would be surprised if he doesn’t hear his name called pretty quickly tonight. Prince Tega Wanogho and possibly even Jack Driscoll are two other names to keep an eye on these next 2 rounds. I’ve seen mocks have either or both go in the 3rd.
Congrats to Derrick and Noah! War Eagle!
from College and Magnolia - All Posts https://www.collegeandmagnolia.com/2020/4/24/21234544/2020-nfl-draft-auburn-first-round-derrick-brown-noah-igbinoghene
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alice-persephone · 7 years
APH Little Stories # 33: Hope on Board
After the disaster in England's house, USA was trying to take back his dignity at Canada's.
Canada had been checking an email account of a person of interest when his "brother" had arrived.
US: Dude... (sitting on the desktop) I'm screwed. It's like I had eaten a rotten bun... I can't catch a break with Iggy... (sobbing a little)
Canada: (condescending) Well, people don't always have what they want. (Standing up) You should talk to England...
Then he looked at the screen and...
US: Bro, it's my email. (Stoic)
Canada: (behind him) Yep.
US: Why?
Canada: Because you told me, remember? By F*ceT*me. Past month.
US: (Remembering) Oh, right!... Who is this "ggrobin@gm***.c*m" who was inviting me to a road trip for today?
Canada: It's England.
US: WHAT?!!!
(He had put that email in Junk folder, thinking it was a fake email.)
Canada: Don't worry!... I've unblocked him.
US: But, this mail came last week!!!
Canada: Yeah... And?
US: And? AND? I HADN'T READ IT UNTIL TODAY!!! (Desperate by his passive behaviour)
Canada: (sighing, condescendingly) Your phone have blocked mail notifications?
US: ...
-- 😍 🚙 😍 --
In LAX, Denmark and Prussia were waiting for being picked up by their host in this crazily sudden trip.
Then, England appeared in a RV.
He was a bit sad because of America's absence.
Denmark: England! Hey! What with that face?
Prussia: Don't dare to bitter the trip, Eyebrows!
England: (ignoring the "nickname") Yes, I'm okay... it's just... well, I was...
Denmark: Ja, ja, this is for Amerika, but, think a little... we sometimes met to take some drinks and that's it.
Prussia: Ja! This is a great chance to spend quality time with your betrunkene Freunde.
England: (sighs) Maybe you are right...
(Then, they three felt chills. It was like a banshee was screaming)
-- 😍 🚙 😍 --
US: NO!!! (Very loud)
Canada: Easy, brother! I'll reactivate the notifications...
Canada was thinking that he should accept the invitation. Prussia and Denmark were really funny guys.
Maybe for a next time, I mean, in a road trip to Las Vegas...
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vilevault · 7 years
tagged by @theperfectdrug Thanks!
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs
A- age: 19 B- birthplace: Alamogordo, NM C- current time: 9:18am D- drink you had last: Water E- easiest person to talk to: my friend Shelby F- favorite song: as of present,,, Iggy Pop - Lust for Life G- grossest memory: I have to many and don’t want to dig through that repression right now H- horror yes or no: YESS I- in love? 😶 J- jealous of people? Nah K- killed someone? NAh L- love at first sight or walk past again? It depends M- middle name: Andrew N- number of siblings: 1.5 O- one wish: To live on my own. P- person I last called: my GM Q- question you’re always asked: what does that tattoo mean? It means go fuckyourself R- reason to smile: Tront’s wobbly arse S- song you last sang? After Glow - Foals T- time you woke up? 8:30ish U- underwear color: I think it’s kind of florally?? V- vacation: LA or NY W- worst habit: smoking X- x-rays? I’ve had a few if that’s the question??? Y- your favorite food: Every food that’s bad for me. Lmao Z- zodiac sign: Libra I'm tagging anyone else who wants to do it. Because I don't have twenty friends. Lmao
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sachasw-blog · 4 years
This award is meant for everyone to participate
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bapakharyoso · 5 years
“Well this guy is going in the first round,” Mills, the Knicks team president, recalled telling the GM. “We’re not going to have a chance to get him. And as we watched the draft play out, our analytics guys, he rates out really high as a rotational NBA player. So
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