#iggi's workout
cocoa-rococo · 3 months
Koopaling Headcanons: Roy
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Larry | Morton | Wendy | Iggy | Roy | Lemmy | Ludwig
The cool guy, the main muscle, the roughest-n'-toughest member of Bowser's army! Get a load a' them shades.
Owns at least fifty pairs of those sunglasses of his. They are also pretty much indestructible, thanks to a certain brother inventor.
A root beer fan! Root beer floats are one of his favorite desserts and guilty pleasures.
His "tough guy" persona is mostly for show, but he really does love his siblings. This does not exempt them from noogies and teasing.
Regularly works out, and is happy to have a gym partner in Lemmy. Granted, Lemmy leans more towards acrobatics than athletics, but he likes sharing the space with him.
Likes watching professional wrestling with Morton in his free time. Also likes to wrestle with Morton. And his other siblings. And anyone willing. And anyone unwillingly, really.
Dyslexic. He'd probably like reading a little more if it was easier for him, but his dislike of "nerdy books" helps with his whole tough guy image. He's a better audio + tactile learner, anyway. Ludwig’s been trying to get him into audiobooks with varying rates of success.
He wanted to own a monster truck SO BAD as a kid. Getting to participate for the first time in the kart tournaments was the best day of his life, and one of the most terrifying for everyone else.
Has a pretty balanced diet due to working out a lot, probably compared to most of his siblings, but he'll never turn down a nice rack of ribs, especially BBQ. Slow cooked and so tender it falls off the bone? Roy would kill a man.
No one, other than his siblings, knows his eye color. The story as to why he never removes his glasses changes whenever someone asks.
Knows how to sew, though he doesn't tell people often due to his "cool" persona. He learned it because he wanted to have patches on his jackets, and after pestering Wendy to do it enough times, she taught him.
While Wendy's definitely the more beach-y of the two, he also likes tanning in the sun and surfing on the waves. He prefers hotter temperatures to cold, and while he hates the winter and snow, he loves snowball fighting (especially dumping piles of it on top of his siblings).
Has a high tolerance for spicy things. He chews fire flower seeds when he's stressed, and has a particular fondness for good chili.
Knows his way around a car and its engine, and keeps a collection of vintage magazines of older muscle cars.
He generally doesn't deal with flowers, but he's got a soft spot for hydrangeas and lavender. Reminds him of childhood.
He loves chip snacks, all flavors of them. Ludwig used this to his advantage as a kid and turned him onto apple and banana chips. He keeps a stash hidden for cooldown munchies after a workout.
If he ever learned an instrument, it'd probably be either the bass guitar or a drum set. Larry is trying to lure him into practicing more so they can start a band.
A fan of classic rock music, with some hints of metal. He partially gets this from Bowser; so much so, in fact, that when paired with his knowledge of car maintenance and learning about speakers, ended up spawning Roy's Smooth Sounds.
While he's all for bucking the rules, especially if they're stupid in his eyes or it helps him somehow, he's actually one of the few siblings who thrives on routine. Makes it easier to put his time in 'blocks' and work around them if need be.
He keeps a calendar and in his room for remembering important events, both for the castle and things his siblings have going on. Wendy keeps trying to gift him journals to use, he keeps trying to remember to use them, and ends up forgetting regardless.
Likes watching car showcases and auctions in his free time. Gives him inspiration for customizing his own vehicles, since he and Iggy are banned from collaborating on cars since The Incident™.
While he can do magic with his wand just fine, it's not his preferred fighting method; why waste time studying spells when you can just punch the thing in half the time? He was, however, the second to learn how to transform his wand into a weapon.
Not a big candy person, but his favorites are malt balls and anything with peanut butter. Will also never turn down a nice slice of chocolate cake, especially if Wendy makes it.
Favorite fruits are cantaloupe and mangoes, especially if it's hot out. Avocado is pretty good, too, but he prefers that in dips and spreads, especially if paired with bacon.
What makes him especially dangerous isn't just his strength and his Bill Blaster, but his stamina; his determination to win, along with his ability to keep going in spite of all obstacles or enemies in his path, makes him kinda terrifying to face.
He's a bit of a night owl, which works out well for night school. It also means he gets to affectionately bully any of his siblings who think not sleeping is a good idea.
His favorite school subjects vary. Literature he doesn't do well in because of how subjective and interpretive it is, but he's good at math because of the consistent formulas. He's not too bad at geography, either, and history is interesting in small doses. Shop classes he does very well in, too.
Most likely out of all his siblings to get a tattoo. Probably something across the knuckles or on his upper arm.
He's one of the stricter siblings when it comes to his army, and runs a fairly tight ship, but he's also the kind of higher-up who will take the select few who do well out to a steakhouse to celebrate.
Cannot, for the life of him, stand menial tasks and busywork like sweeping, sorting papers, organizing, etc. He feels like he’ll crawl out of his skin from boredom. It's why he bribes his siblings to do it whenever he can.
He's a fairly good cook, and can follow a recipe with ease, he just doesn't like how long it takes. He leaves that to Larry and Morton.
Knows how to work a grill like nobody's business. You invite him to a cookout and he’ll make you the best burger or hot dog you could ever want.
His favorite sport is wrestling, as well as all forms of boxing. He’ll respect the rules in the ring if there’s something important at stake, but with his siblings? He fights dirty and does not care.
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melsie-sims · 10 months
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"Finally!" Iggy sighed with relief when he woke up the following morning to a bright summer day.
The sun was out for the first time in days and he was feeling the urge to stretch his legs.
So he spun into his workout clothes and headed out for a brisk morning jog around the farm, finally making his way into the woods and then back again.
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shoku-and-awe · 1 year
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Post-workout conbini haul! Lemon sour, two packs of the food topping goo Iggy goes crazy for, tough gummies in “grapey punch” flavor for the husband, and impulse buy: Pride hand towel that was always sold out last year. Gummies are great, booze is good, doggo *loves* the goo, haven’t used the towel yet but Imabari cotton is supposed to be make the best towels!
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ashersbraincell · 9 days
CAN we talk about how Iggy just essentially started doing one of those tv workouts out of nowehere because that was the most random thing to happen by far. Not weirdest. Just. Random
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alyjojo · 6 months
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Current Karmic Connection ❤️‍🩹 March 2024 - Libra
Character Card: The Warrior
Who are they: Judgement
Your relationship with them: The Fool rev
What you’re learning from them: Temperance
What they’re learning from you: Page of Wands
Future potential: 4 Pentacles
Overall Energy: 9 Cups
First thing I heard was “do dat do dat” and I was like wtf? And died a little 😆 Someone likes Iggy Azalea - I had to look that up. Or they’re fancy - 9 Cups comes out to describe this connection, and fancy would make sense. 9 Cups is fulfilling your whims, whatever makes you happy, making your dreams come true. You could see them as your dream come true, for someone this is your spouse, lover, someone you want to marry if you haven’t. Negatively, these desires may be seen as selfish, with 9 Cups being an individual “self” energy. There may also be some level of overindulgence, whatever it is can be excessive, like makeup is a whole personality trait rather than a hobby, we be spending $500 a month at Sephora kind of energy. Definitely spending a lot. This is clarified by The Star and King of Cups rev, you could feel manipulated by someone’s hopes and wishes, they may give you puppy dog eyes and sweeten you up to get their way. Are they manipulative, probably, is that a negative thing…probably. Do *you* see it that way? Ahhhh dunno. Maybe. I heard “finally”. I don’t get this person is a bad person, I’m getting more of a cutesy UwU 🥹 sort of “baby” behavior. I’m cute, look at me, buy me stuff. And you probably want to! Or do. If you’re married, more power to you. If they’re not manipulative (most are) then they’re extremely emotional…maybe from some indulgent thing you’ve done. Either side. Scamming you for money because they’re cute or healing from something stupid and impulsive, those are the stories I’m getting. 6 Wands at the bottom show victory is the goal, I was getting a lot of ego before I laid the cards out too, one of you is extremely proud. They feed your ego, or switch it. Or…if it’s not you, then it’s their friends 💯 Pluto is controlling, 11th House is social groups, this person picks “yes men” or women as friends, people that do not criticize or disagree, so they ultimately always get their way. *That’s* the manipulative part for many of them. This could also be someone that has an issue with your friends for the same reason. If not friends, maybe an online presence, whatever you do.
Who they are - Judgement and The Warrior is being highlighted with that, clarified by money. This person spends money like it grows on trees. Whatever their whims, whatever the day, Knight of Wands shows impulsive decision making and The Fool rev shows reckless actions. This may be lustful as well. Flirting, posting pictures online, I’m seeing makeup tutorials in some not much clothing, that kind of thing. Sexual indulgence, this person could really like attention, or just get a lot of it, they’re good looking. But should you not like it, they turn into The Warrior. How dare you tell them anything except what they want to hear! I mean. Hmm. Within reason. They don’t seem to be very earthy or practical at all.
This is also someone that strives to have *everything right* before they do anything. Purchases, I heard lighting - someone definitely TikToks or something, looks, clothes, particular foods, workouts, whatever. All of it. They’re very nitpicky and controlling, which isn’t always a bad thing but can be kinda stressful and annoying, they’re not a go with the flow type - that’s what *you’re* learning how to be for them. The relationship between you shows either fear surrounding work/effort, or reckless decisions/actions regarding this. This person defends their truth, it’s what they want, they may have made a massive purchase of some kind or did something at work that really pissed you off. Flirting? Could be. I see friends and flirty energy so…I mean Libra is kind of known for that, this could be switched. Or it’s that this person doesn’t take anything seriously, and you do. They’re spoiled, but they have the argument it’s THEIR money right? Can’t tell them what to do. We’re a union but me me me me me and me, don’t you dare tell me otherwise.
What you’re learning…that it doesn’t matter, you’re in love with this person. 2 Cups clarifies, victory again at the bottom. You’re fine being the more chill person, you’re fine with their standards and nitpicky ways, you don’t really care one way or another if you have beige curtains or eggshell and if they’re stressed about it then by all means. Pick a curtain 😆 You would rather go with the flow and *enable* this person’s whims & desires, than sit around arguing with them. Which is wonderful, but future potential shows holding grudges and keeping things in, creating issues between you. You are valid, and in some cases you’re right too, something this person has done or is doing is reckless and too much, probably spending.
Their side isn’t so much learning - as a perception. You’re over here chill and in love with them. But not overly expressive. They see that as - they get excited about something, chat away all day about it, feel this passion and fire to do anything, and you don’t care. You don’t want them to succeed, you don’t like what they like and don’t support them. Because you don’t match their enthusiasm. Or you don’t want what extravagant thing they want today, so you must be against them. Again, not the most practical, money conscious sort of person here. Future potential is a stubborn stand off, you both think you’re right, you’re both not budging an inch, and you stop speaking to each other for some amount of time. The Devil at the bottom, I was waiting for that to make an appearance. Materialism, greed, selfishness, 5 Pentacles underneath that. Someone is putting you into debt and defending themselves like that’s fine, that’s what they want, they get what they want and fk anyone that says otherwise. And then what, stonewalling as punishment? Whew 😅 You’re gonna have to do something, I’m not even going to suggest what, that’s on you. You two could separate bank accounts if your spending habits are this different from each other. If you act like you don’t care, nothing will change. If you act like you care and this needs to stop…good luck.
Zodiac Messages:
Pluto - Cancer - 11th House
- The need for control of intuition to protect freedom.
- An obsession with attitudes from the past about associations.
- A power struggle resulting from the history of your circle of friends.
Apology 😔
Guilt - Confession - Forgiveness
Marriage 💍
Sweet Love - Couple - Dependency
Gemini ♊️ on 11th House could be a Gemini close to them that influences their personality or decisions, they could have a placement in that sign, or with Pluto & Cancer, you could feel like this person is manipulated by those around them and seek to control that. Or switch it. Or that’s what their friends are telling them and they just repeat it back to you, they say it’s fine so it’s fine, they do this, this person could be a big gossip and/or their friends are.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Sagittarius, Scorpio, Aquarius, Virgo, Leo & Cancer
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avpol-april · 2 years
Avpol April 2023 prompts: text version
Home / Date Night
Memories / Cairo
Warmth / Gold & Silver
Early Morning / Late Night
Nightmare / Comfort
Stands / Sickness
Dancing / Languages
Road Trip / At Sea
Holding Hands / Music
Smoke / Reincarnation  
Vulnerability / Scars
Summer / Winter
Cooking / Lost
Argument / Joke
Birthday / First Kiss
Domestic / Battle  
Sherry / Chickens
Fire / Sword
Prosthetics / Modern AU
Fantasy AU / Flowers
Palmistry / Concern  
Promise / Secret
Hairstyle / Workout
80s Fashion / Family
Hug / Hot Drinks
Graveyard / Part 4 AU
Wedding / Polaroid
Dinner / Iggy
Hotel Room / Tarot
Fate / Last Train Home
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daggerzine · 1 year
Mudhoney- Plastic Eternity (Sub Pop)
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This is Mudhoney’s first record in 5 years, since 2018’s Digital Garbage. It’s also apparently their last with bassist Guy Maddison (who replaced Matt Lukin in 1998) as he headed back to his native Australia. Maybe he will return on a future record….who knows (and if not I’m sure the band will find an able replacement).
This is  the umpteenth Mudhoney record and it’s more than a solid one. They got Johnny Sangster to produce it (and he co-wrote a few of the songs on here as well). so it sounds great. Guitarist Steve Turner is giving his guitars (and fuzz pedals) a good workout throughout while vocalist Mark Arm is still howling at the moon ala his hero Iggy Pop. The rhythm section of supremely underrated drummer Danny Peters and rock steady solid Maddison on bass keeps the whole thing grounded.
The trippy “Souvenir Of My Trip” opens things up while we hear some bongos on the moodier ‘Almost Everything” They rock a little harder on the ragin’, anti-work tune “Human Stock Capital”  (“They’ll work you til’ you drop!” and ‘There will always be someone to take your place!”) and they get political on cuts like “Flush the Facists” and “Here Comes the Flood.” Also, stay for the ending “Little Dogs,” a heartfelt tribute to our furry friends (great video for it, too).
Though they throw us a few curveballs on here, Plastic Eternity sounds like a Mudhoney record and when all is said and done, that’s what we really want. I’m grateful that these guys are still making music. 
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polefitnessdancing · 24 days
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recentlyheardcom · 1 year
As quickly as Halloween passes, we’ll be thrust right into the holiday. That indicates greater than a couple of brand-new Xmas cds, consisting of a couple of that do not make a great deal of feeling. 1- William Shatner, Shatner Claus Yes, Captain Kirk chose that his following music job required to be a cd of Xmas faves. And also indeed, Shatner was increased Jewish. However he enjoys the holiday a lot that he assembled a few of his friends (Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top, Todd Rundgren, nation celebrity Brad Paisley, Iggy Pop, and also Henry “Black Flag” Rollins) to document 14 seasonal standards. An intriguing workout in ecumenical songs and also cooperation, to ensure. However I do not assume Mariah Carey’s All I Desired for Xmas Is You will certainly see its yuletide preeminence endangered. 2- The Struts, Youthful & & Dangerous England’s The Struts have actually been teasing with the majorly for a variety of years currently, constantly apparently on the brink of doing something that will certainly make them an international family name. Not that they have actually specifically had a hard time: their launching document, Everyone Desires, brought in some great testimonials and also favorable feelings from an expanding follower base, as did the succeeding run of EPs and also songs. Possibly they’ll accomplish with their 2nd cd. We might absolutely utilize a brand-new band with the ability of huge sector rock anthems. 3- Ty Segall, Fudge Sandwich Ty Segall has actually launched not one, not 2, not 3, not 4 however 5 cds this year. The initial was Liberty’s Demon, a normally wacky Segall cd that included titles like When Mother Eliminates You and also Despoilers of a Body In September, there was a cassette qualified Orange Rainbows, which he gave out directly to followers in New york city. In in between were 2 joint cds with a number of teams and also one more unusual tape developed with his partner. Currently comes Fudge Sandwich, which includes just covers. Segall might not be one of the most easily accessible musician available, however he’s absolutely intriguing. 4- Shad, A Narrative Concerning the Battle For his initial cd in 5 years, Canadian hip-hop celebrity Shad, himself a Polaris Songs Reward candidate, signed up with pressures with various other musicians, consisting of Polaris victors Kaytranada and also Lido Pimienta, to develop a cd that checks out like the schedule for a news/talk TELEVISION network. Movement. Migration. The setting. The present political environment. The state of the globe. Various other visitors consist of Tim (200 lman) Hillside of A People Called Radio in addition to participants of Yukon Blond. When you pay attention, focus on the personality of The Fool, that attempts to understand what’s happening with our world. 5- Unknown Mortal Orchestra, IC-01 Hanoi Seeking something speculative? New Zealand’s Unidentified Temporal Band is, to my expertise, the only first-world band to tape in Hanoi, Vietnam– not specifically the top place that enters your mind when trying to find a workshop, particularly throughout gale period, which is when this document was made. There are no verses to be located on this document, simply 7 instrumentals including standard Vietnamese tools, like the sáo trúc and also đàn môi, played by neighborhood artists. 6- London Calling: TVAM, Narcissus Joey Oxley, the guy behind TVAM, is from Manchester and also explains his dystopian vintage-synth piece as “post-internet, inspirational slime-punk.” To convert, that indicates songs that raises memories and also sensations that may have been hidden long earlier. The cd from whence this solitary comes, Psychic Information, is absolutely worth a stream, particularly if you have a hankering for the commercial type of noises that appeared of indie Britain, circa 1985-87 7- Undiscovered Gem: POESY, Strange Little Woman POESY (yes, that’s led to right and also the ALL CAPS is valued) is a Toronto singer-songwriter you may
have seen on The Introduce Usually, I do not pay any kind of focus to TELEVISION skill programs, however periodically somebody intriguing does pertain to our focus. I direct you to Adam Lambert, that is still subbing in for the stubbornly dead Freddie Mercury in Queen after pertaining to our focus with American Idolizer On the other hand, the substitute for Scott Weiland and also Chester Bennington in Rock Holy Place Pilots is Jeff Gutt, a two-season expert of The X Element POESY’s launching solitary, generated by Gavin Brown (Billy Ability, 3 Days Poise), has her authorized to Taylor Swift’s Huge Maker tag, a resource of virtually endless marketing power. Seek this to be a global hit. If it isn’t, something’s incorrect with the world. 8- Throwback Thursday: Peter Murphy, Cuts You Up After Peter Murphy left Bauhaus (the various other 3 participants at some point racked up huge as Love and also Rockets), he started a collection of solo cds. The most effective and also most effective of the number was Deep, launched at the tail end of1989 Not just was “Cuts You Up” a significant alt-rock radio hit, it likewise went across over onto the Signboard Top100 Yes, it just got to No. 53, however c’mon: the Godfather of Goth on the pop graphes? Just how awesome is that? Still like that violin line, as well. 9- I Wish It Could Be Xmas Daily by Wizzard Well, the individuals accountable of the outlet store cheery soundtracks appear to assume so and also that am I to differ? Appealing song + bemused youngsters in bobble hats = muchos aristocracies for Roy Timber. They do not make video clips like that nowadays, do they? 10- Jingle Bell Rock by Bobby Helms Such an enjoyable, cheery tune. Opportunities are this set either makes you think about Lethal Tool or Mean Women. Regardless, it’s an earworm.
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Gary White dreamweaver Miss A Only you Twice I can’t stop me, cheer up, dance the night away, scientist, likey Mareux The Perfect Girl N-dubz wouldn’t you Tegan & Sara bodywork Justin Beiber peaches Sting englishman in new york, shape of my heart System of a down (old school hollywood, radio, lonely day, aerials)  Utada Hikaru (Tippy toes Apple & cinnamon Poppin) Wait and see First love About you Me muero Can you keep a secret Travelling Automatic I II Letters Be my last Animato On and on Sakura drops Deep river (Hotel lobby) One last kiss Simple and clean Workout Nichiyou no asa Hope Parlow Sick inside Inu yasha Shinjitsu no uta Crystal Kay Kirakuni Dumb ditty dumb Namie Amuro Crystal Castles Kept Grimes California Halifax Genesis Angel Haze Majid Jordan Something about you Shades of blue Her [place like this] Oritse Femi Omolope Styl-plus Olufunmi Dbanj Mr endowed
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Mo gbono feli feli Oliver twist Wizkid Holla at your boy Don’t dull Tease me Die Aantword [Banana brain] Rich bitch Enter the ninja Future baby Babaji? [Baby’s on fire Dis is why I’m hot Fok julle naaiers Alien Cookie thumper] In This Moment Adrenalize Oh Lord In the air tonight New Year’s Day Joker Angel eyes Gangsta Insane Clown Posse Chop chop slide Mr C the Slide Man Cha-cha slide Kali Uchis telepatia Tei Shi Bassically See me FKA Twigs Wet wipez Tw-ache Tw-ache (2 of 4) [X inc. Glass & patron Video girl Weak spot Water me Papi pacify Good to love Hours] Clean Bandit Mozart’s house [telephone banking] A + E Dust clears [Extraordinary Come over] Symphony Zara Larsson Lush life Aint my fault Wow Øfdream - Red Voids EMIKA Flashbacks (Gnothi Seauton remix) VSN7 x ∆XIUS LIИK Nimb, AoA good luck, like a cat; Girls' Generation=SNSD hoot, run devil run, genie, twinkle
Alan Walker Sing Me To Sleep (dǝǝls remix) SIDEWALKS AND SKELETONS ENTITY Kyddiekafka Obsessions Memoryrave WAVES Monomorte Erutufon Nine Inch Nails A Warm Place Professor Green Game over Remedy Jungle Good to me Maverick Sabre I need Tinie Tempah Pass out Written in the stars Labrinth Earthquake Beneath your beautiful Jessi J Do it like a dude Who’s laughing now Pricetag Birthday Massacre Looking glass Goodnight (blue) Happy birthday He says Red dress Beyond I think we’re alone now Precious hearts Video kid Stars and satellites Sleepwalking One promise RONE Bye bye McAdam Lemniscata Show me love Chivurn Faith Mysterial Going under Blackbriars Eternity Indila Danse derniere Elyose redemption Child of Aphrodite Aegean sea Lily Allen (It's not fair Smile The fear) Stromae cheese papoutai je cours bienvenue chez moi tous les memes carmen ave cesarea ta fete dodo rail de musique alors'un danse formidable Pixie Lott all about tonight Devlin+Professor Green+Example game over Eiselfunk pong Red Queen Insidious Dita V Redrum Lana Del Rey (Doin' time Venice bitch Chemtrails over the country club Kill kill Blue jeans Video game High by the beach Burning desire West coast Carmen National anthem Dark paradise I want you boy put me in a movie) Black beauty (perfect blue) Mr Hudson White lies Forever young Supernova Evanescence Lithium Bring me to life Do what you want Sweet sacrifice Everybody's fool P!NK God is a DJ Yoko kanno Rise origa Inner universe Santigold who be loving me Shiv-R Devil's night Alpha omega The third realm Kiss of the scorpion Forever Diabolic crush Behold the dreamers Grimes California Oblivion Genesis World princess Violence 4AEM We appreciate power Butterfly Kill vs maim Violence Scream Belly of the beat IDORU Delete forever Girls aloud Sound of the underground Love machine I think we’re alone now Hana So & so Creatura Chimera Men without hats safety dance Pussycat dolls Beep Buttons When I
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grow up Wait a minute Spice girls Viva forever Be my lover Sugababes Stronger Too lost in you Round round Tokio hotel Monsoon (2020 version) Hilary Duff With love Stranger Coming clean Exid DDD Elliphant Spoon me One more Only getting younger Iggy Azalea Black widow Work Team Bounce DVRST Close eyes Bring me the horizon Can you feel my heart Alexandra Stan Mr saxobeat Ecoute moi Dua lipa New rules We're good Levitating Janelle Monae Tightrope Q.U.E.E.N. Yoga Jidenna Little bit more Lenny Kravitz Fly away M-Flo Come again Toopoor Crazy girls Dorian Electra f the world Destiny's child lose my breath soldier survivor say my name nasty girl
Avril Lavigne Perfume Doja Cat Rico Nasty(Tia Tamera) Kerli Rosalia(Bizconchito) CL(lifted) Shania Twain Sza Lil Mix Lalisa Pixie Lott Paloma Faith Asa Kelly Rowland Rita Ora Massari(Real love Be easy) Ayumi Hamasaki {Musici, cii} Kelis(Acapella Bounce Trick me) BoA Bonnie Pink(a perfect sky) Azealia Banks [212; Anna Wintour; Atlantis; count contessa; no problems; heavy metal & reflective; running] Tokyo Cirls Style Kero Kero Bonito Diana Ross(I love to love you) SNSD(Bring the boys out Papparazzi Gee) Sade Jordan Sparks Sevyn streeter(it won’t stop) May7ven (Hands up Ten ten) loan Paul (She doesn’t mind Got 2 love ya) Tiwa Savage love me X3 kele kele love Airis without you Nicki Minaj Zendaya replay Alexis Jordan Paolo Nutini The Noisettes Ludovico Technique Beyonce Rihanna Prima J (rockstar corazon) A touch of class (around the world {la la la}) Bassnectar (the future) Skillet (comatose monster not gonna die tonight) 2NE1 3 days grace Skrillex Chaos Chaos (Do You Feel It?) Benny benassi (cinema), Kehlani (LMK, contact, a message, rewind), KAYTRANADA (10%) Crystal Waters (Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless)) FLO (Summertime), Florida Georgia Line (Cruise, meant to be) KILO KISH (AMERICAN GURL, ELEGANCE, NAVY, Locket, ) KAROL G (Provenza)
Nagada sang dhol, Ke$ha we R who we R, Britney Spears break the ice, Kate Nash foundations, Wretch 32 don’t go, Paolo Nutini last request, The Kooks (she moves in her own way, Naive), Chase & Status end credits, ± △Xi∪s ¬iИк - M.I.A. DBT (Remix) ±, ± Damn Whøre - Insomnia ±, ± SUICIDEWΛVЕ - IN Your ΣYΣS ±, PVTY KERRY Ohé, Mike Posner - Cooler Than Me, Shawn Desman (electric, night like this), alt-J (∆) Breezeblocks, ± BLVCK CEILING - Grins ±, Sohodolls Bang bang bang bang, 4MINUTE hot issue, TWICE (CHEER UP, likey, knock knock, signal, Dance The Night Away), Demi Lovato, Joe Jonas this is me, Troy - Bet On It (From "High School Musical 2"), Gwen Stefani rich girl, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbwdJl8TGeY&list=RDCC5ca6Hsb2Q&index=10, GIGI D'AGOSTINO - L'AMOUR TOUJOURS, Turtles - Happy Together, Bobby McFerrin - Don't Worry Be Happy, The Monkees - I'm a Believer (2006 Remaster), Icon For Hire - Make A Move,
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Kalafina (Magia, Lacrimosa, Sprinter), Stereopony - Hitohira No Hanabira, LiSA - Crossing Field, YOASOBI「アイドル」 Official Music Video, BABYMETAL - メギツネ - MEGITSUNE, Tove-lo (talking body {clean version}, stay high), Flume - Never Be Like You feat. Kai, Disclosure - Magnets ft. Lorde, Amaarae, Kali Uchis - SAD GIRLZ LUV MONEY (Remix) ft. Moliy, Icon For Hire - Get Well, Meg Myers - Desire {clean version}, Five Nights at Freddy's 2 Song - The Living Tombstone (FNAF2) , Coco Jones (Caliber, peppermint)
+kids DisneyXD Imbrandonfarris+comedy +gaming Caylus+c +beauty Azzyland+c Rclbeauty101 +Ethnic KieKie TV
Aloma TV
Mark Angel TV
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iggidee · 7 years
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wow this was hard. time for bedddd
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squishybons · 5 years
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:)💦 Bonus: 
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peppermint-presence · 5 years
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Go on girl do your thang💅🏼
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iggyjoey · 6 years
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Really can’t talk right now Janet, I’m the middle of something really important
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charlottewinslow · 7 years
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one-piece-aus · 3 years
Hello! I just found your blog and I'm looking forward to your content.
I've been itching to ask the question: what genres of music (or what present day musicians) do you think the Stawhats or members of the Supernova trio would listen to? I feel like this might be a tricky question though. I don't mind if you pick and choose who to answer for. Thanks for considering.
I love this question because I love music! You do not understand how happy I am to get this question!
Music Genres/Artists the Strawhats Listen to (Headcanons)
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In my post → here I had two songs that fit Luffy
The music he listens to is upbeat or ones that give good vibes so it's quite the mixture of genres
He won't remember artists, he'll just hear a song come on and say "Oh I know this song"
When he listens to music he wants to have a fun time and be able to smile
So songs like Staying Alive or Can't Hold Us
Totally would listen to We Are The Champions
You are deeply mistaken if you think he won't listen to Macarena and Cha Cha Slide, he will play that every time someone is playing music
I think Luffy would go to rave concerts, just having a good time being himself
And yes, he does listen to Sandstorm, Crab Rave, and Popcorn
Eminem, that's the first artist that came to mind when I thought of Zoro, mainly because of the song I'm Not Afraid
He mainly listens to workout remixes since the dude lifts weight a lot
When he's not working out, he prefers music he can just nod his head to
Like Never Going Back or Burn The House Down
Doesn't like anything heavy/hardcore, it's too much for him
He's fine listening to pop if one of his friends is playing it
Secretly has a guilty pleasure of listening to Lady Gaga but no one will ever find out
Oh, this is a new genre I found but Zoro would listen to Lofi Hip Hop
Pop & Hip Hop are this girl's main genres
"It's Britney, bitch"
She listens to Britney Spears, Katy Perry, Rihanna, Ke$ha, Nicki Minaj, Beyoncé, Iggy Azalea-
Not a fan of Taylor Swift but she likes the song "Look What You Made Me Do"
This girl listens to The Pussycat Dolls (yes that is an actual girl band if you didn't know)
Also listens to the girl band Little Mix
Songs that just make her feel like badass bitch
Hidden secret but she likes the band KISS
When sitting down to work on creating maps she'll have study music playing in the background
Cats In The Cradle
I just- go listen to it, you'll understand why it's here
Usopp's taste is a lot like Luffy only he also can have songs that can make you cry or get you in the feels: Viva La Vida, Hey There Delilah
He listens to a lot of oldies
Guns & Roses, Queen, The Beetles, Nickelback, Elvis
You can't tell me he wouldn't sing Can't Help Falling In Love to Kaya
Absolutely would listen to the Black Eyed Peas & Maroon 5
Also would listens to Geometry Dash OST
Is a complete sucker for love songs
Doesn't matter if it's by a male or female
You name it he has it
Payphone, Counting Stars, E.T., We Found Love, Cake By The Ocean, Mr. Saxobeat, Bad Romance, Made For Lovin' You
Also a big fan of Elvis Presley
Likes to vibe to the song Hound Dog
Sanji would be into smooth jazz
And dinner music
Anything classy Sanji will listen to
Don't forget he listens to songs from Equestria Girls thanks to Chimney
Minecraft Parodies and MLP songs because it is kid-friendly for Chopper
He also will vibe with anything Luffy and Usopp listen to
Is not allowed to listen to anything Nami has in her playlist
Will listen to therapeutic music for animals
Another one who loves classic music
Really, any kind of classical music
From ones you hear in fancy restaurants to background ost you hear in horror shit to sad rainy day melodies
The violin and piano are truly amazing instruments
Robin prefers music without the lyrics because the rhythm of it has a story to tell and you can feel the emotion the musician is trying to express through their instrument
Franky loves funky music, and ones you can jam out to in the car
Memorized Life is a Highway and We Didn't Start The Fire
Disco, Rock, Electronic, and Metal are Franky's favourite genres
Definitely listens Ozzy Osbourne, Rob Zombie, KISS, Guns & Roses, Elvis, and AC/DC
He is the one that introduced Usopp to the great oldies
Certain alternative and grunge bands he can listen to like Foo Fighters, The Offspring, and Nirvana
The King of Music
He is the Soul King
This skeleton listens to anything and considers anything to be music
You know that video someone made of using mayonnaise as an instrument? That is on Brook's playlist (here's the link if you want to listen to it)
He loves all music and accepts all music
Is the friend you go to if you need the name of an artist or song, he's an encyclopedia for music
Will not judge you for your taste in music and will be the only friend you can count on to jam out to any song with you
I for some reason can visualize him listening to the band SIAMÉS (specifically their album Home)
Mainly because they make good vibe music
Which is what Jinbei would listen to
Vibe music
Aquatic or sea like music
Would join Zoro in listening to Lofi Hip-Hop music
When it comes to lyrics, he wants it clean, made with real emotion, and be able to understand what the words are
This took longer than I expected to finish but it was worth it! I am 1000% making a part 2 for the Supernovas so stay tuned, and thank you for sending in the request
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