fortheloveofeos · 7 years
the chocobros and their s/o attend a masquerade ball and the bros try their best to be suave and mysterious?
Whew. Sorry this took so long but this was such a wonderful request that I wanted to try and do it justice.I LOVE MASKS (I actually collect them). I really hope you like this because I had so much fun writing out these little drables. Sorry they’re a little long :) I got a little carried away.
Word Count: 3053
The ball was being held in your honor and you were thecenter of attention. Your dress was tight and elegant but tasteful and quite flattering.The mask that Noctis had made especially for you for the event was fashionedfrom a thing and delicate metal hand-painted a marriage of blues and greens,setting off your sparkling eyes. Everything about you screamed royalty andrefinement despite being raised outside of any form of a royal life. It was asif you had been born to be a princess.
Noctis had been pulled away by one nobleman after another.Everyone wanted to congratulate the new couple and assure the young prince theysupported his decision to wed a commoner. In fact, the decision had beeninsanely popular amongst the general Lucian population. Each time Noct tried toslip away and finally take you into his arms, someone else stepped into hispath, It was getting harder and harder to watch as men – both young and old –gently touched your arm, allowed their eyes to wander across your beautifulform, or earn the twinkling laughter than always made the prince’s stomachflutter with butterflies.
Ignis appeared from somewhere behind Noctis and gracefullytook over the conversation. Noctis caught his subtle nod before navigating thecrowd toward you. Gladio called out to a young man that was making a b-line forthe prince and Prompto stumbled through a sloppy greeting with another.Finally, Noctis’ gloved hand traced across your bare shoulders before he gentlypulled you by your waist towards him. “Good evening, princess.” He dropped hisvoice several octaves and did his best Iggy impression in hopes of channelinghis elegant speech.
Your breath caught in your throat at the sound of thebreathy honey-filled words as they filtered into your ears over the hum of theparty around you. Without turning, you knew your fiancée was the one grippingyou so sweetly and carefully, as if to shield you from the world. You were thankfulthat he stood behind you and couldn’t see the thrilled smiled you had no hopeof hiding. You had missed him all night. “Good evening,” you drawled in yourown accent. “I must warn you, sir, my fiancée will be awfully jealous if hesees us in such a position. And in front of all these people,” you covered yourmouth with a lace wrapped hand to stifle a giggle.
Noctis chuckled and lightly trailed his fingers down yourarm. He hummed, pleased at the sight of the goosebumps running over your flesh.“Allow me one dance,” he begged in his trademark whine, the accent barelyaudible.
One step forward and Noctis swept you around the floor,joining the already flowing circle of couples. Your dress fanned around you ashe spun you to face him, your noses touching before he placed a kiss to yourforehead. “You really are breathtaking.” He spoke in his usual quiet, reservedvoice. The blush that peaked below his plain golden mask was enough to let youknow his cheeks were burning. Ever your nervous prince.
“Have you looked in a mirror today? You’re not so badyourself.” You winked beneath your mask as he twirled you once more, yourskirts spinning around you before he pulled you close to his chest.
Your lips met in the sweetest of kisses. It didn’t last longenough to satisfy the need you felt burning in your chest but you weresurrounded by the most important people in the kingdom and some foreigndignitaries. That would have to wait until later. When you parted, applause eruptedin a mixture of “aw’s” and one “he’s quite the lucky man” from King Regishimself. Apparently, everyone in attendance had stopped to watch the two ofyour twirl and dance around the room.
“Guess they like us?” You nervously laughed and hid yourface in Noct’s chest.
Noctis did his best to cover you with his arms, knowing yourface would be redder than his own. “I think this is all you.”
Being invited to a royal function, one that was bound to befilled with the most important and powerful people in the realm, was enough tohave Prompto preemptively sweating. Putting on the elegant black on black suit,picked out by Noctis and nearly identical to the one he wore minus thepinstripes, only made matters worse. Maybe Noctis had seen this coming andpicked the black for that reason alone.
The nervous blonde stuck close to Gladio who stood sentry atthe main entrance. Though he was off duty and dressed in his own custom suit,he relaxed against the wall as he spoke with several glaives that had beenassigned to the post.  Prompto was doinghis best to act as if he were interested in the conversation as he scanned theroom for you. His heart sank, fear pooling in his veins before he finallycaught sight of you tucked into a corner of the room.
Though you were half hidden by a column nearly twice as wideas you, the unmistakable sound of your laughter filtered through his ears andhe found himself smiling like a love struck schoolgirl. There was no mistakingyou. The mask you wore was more for show than actual concealment. The thinplastic had been molded to you face and painted a glittering silver with moreholes in the design than actual material. It went perfectly with the back dressthe clung to you in all the right places.
Gladio gave Prompto a shove in your direction beforelaughing at a lewd joke Nyx Ulric had made about another member of the glaive.The girl beside him punched his arm with a half-smile as Prompto positioned hisown silver mask onto his face. Taking a few deep breaths to steady himself ashe skirted the room to you, he cleared his throat and smoothed his hair to besure it behaved for once. He bowed once he reached you in a practiced motionthat he managed to make graceful and flowing rather than jerky and out ofplace.
“You, my lady, are a gift from the Astrals themselves. Tellme, what have I done to make the Six smile down upon me with such favor?” Thewords rolled off his tongue easily as he stood to his full height and forcedhis warm, ocean gaze to yours. He had practiced the line until he was blue inthe face and had essentially traded his soul to Ignis in order to recruit hishelp. The words had been his idea and judging by the blush that colored yourcheeks and the giggle it earned, Prompto decided it had been the right call.
The silver mask he wore was meant to match your own butcovered much more of his identity. Even If his light golden hair had managed tocooperate, you would know the eyes of your lover anywhere. Always so warm andinviting, like Galden Quey even on the worst of days. “The gods do not revealtheir secrets,” you inclined your head slightly towards him. “Though perhaps Iam the one who has been blessed.”
Prompto coughed in an attempt to cover up the small squeak thatyour words had caused. Your friends giggled where they stood beside you and youwaved them off. Using the column as cover from anyone other than your friends,you closed the small distance between the two of you and pressed a chaste kissto his lips. His hands naturally found the small of your back as he pulled youcloser for a moment.
“How did you know it was me?” He asked when you parted.
Shaking your head, you pulled your mask from your face andhanded it off to a friend. “We agreed on matching outfits. And I would know mygunslinger anywhere,” you promised with another kiss.
Tonight was Gladio’s night off – a rare thing for the Shieldof the future king. The party was in full swing by the time he had managed toget into the monkeys suit that he felt was still a little too tight despiteIgnis’ assurance that the tailor had followed the measurement precisely. He hadditched the tie the second the strategist had stepped from the room. His shirtwas unbuttoned one button lower than was probably proper, but he didn’t care inthe slightest. He wore the dark red mask – the color of dried blood, he thought– and stood posted by the door.
His large frame fit perfectly in the space just inside thegrand entrance and a support column. Naturally, he sought a position where hecould post up, survey the room to analyze it for exits and entrances, and tostudy the crowd. He frowned momentarily at the Champaign in his glass,expensive, sweet, and no matter how much he wished it to be, it wasn’t thecheap beer chilling in the fridge in his own fridge at home. He hated Champaignbut he hated small talk more and drinking at least gave him an excuse to beanti-social. Prompto rattled on about something to his side, Noctis wasapparently listening enough to encourage him to continue. Ignis had already lecturedGladio on his appearance and had moved on to greeting several of the nobles inattendance. Grumbling, Gladio pushed off from the wall with every intention oftexting you to meet him back at his apartment but found himself breathless asyou entered the ballroom fashionably late.
Your hair was piled up on top of your head, messy curlsfalling elegantly and glittering with subtle golden glitter. Your dress wasskin tight and deep red. The top of the dress hugged your breasts firmly, aglittering golden band pushing them up as it secured behind your neck andaccentuating your already full breasts. The slit running up the side ended justbelow your hips and allowed a glimpse of your toned and deliciously long leg asyou stepped forward. You mask, made of golden glitter and painted so that blackeyelashes framed your sparkling eyes, was clutched in your hand. Once youentered the room and every reveler turned to take in your sinful appearance,you slipped the mask on.
He would have known you anywhere, even if you’d worn themask to begin with. Gladio knew your body with an intimacy that you had neverfelt before but seeing you clothed in such a revealing yet tasteful dress wasenough to have his mouth watering as he approached you. He noticed severalother young men turning towards you in hopes of gaining your attention, but onewithering look from the human mountain and they retreated.
Large hands roughly grasped your hips and you gasped at thesudden contact. “You look good enough to eat,” the man growled into your earand a sudden heat rushed to your core. Even without seeing his face, you knewthe voice.
“In front of all these people?” You gasped in feigned innocence.
The grip on your hips tightened momentarily before you werepulled into the darkened and secluded corner he had claimed for himself before.Noctis and Prompto had disappeared into the throng of people and the two of youwere alone. “I can’t believe you in this dress,” amber eyes burned into yoursbehind a golden mask.
Biting your lip, you fluttered your eyelashes behind yourown mask. “You don’t like it?”
Gladio pressed his hips against yours, effectively thrustinghis growing erection against your front through your thin gown. “Oh, I love it.I think everyone else does, too.” He smiled at the gasp that escaped you beforebowing his head to capture your lips in a heated kiss.
“Don’t tell me you’re not going to let me enjoy the party.Especially after I got all dressed up,” you pouted.
Gladio stepped back, creating some space between the two ofyou and ran a hand through his already messy hair. “I think you might enjoy ourtime a little more.”
You couldn’t help giggling at the sight of Gladio strugglingto contain himself. You knew he would never do something to embarrass himself,the crown, or you in front of so many important people. Yet, you couldn’t denythe thrill his behavior sent through you. It was wonderful knowing you were hisone weakness. “So, we schmooze a little, dance a little, drink a lot, and sneakoff for own party?” You stole a kiss before pulling him back out into the dimlylit party.
Gladio kissed you again, this one longer and just forcefulenough to elicit a whine from you, before waving to a member of the council ashe approached. Your head spun as you bowed, your arm threaded through the youngShield’s for balance as well as show, and greeted the elderly man.
Your family name required you to smile and laugh at everypoor joke and to interject only whenever appropriate. The two of you worked theroom just as well as any noble couple would be expected to. Ignis, Noctis,Regis, and Clarus each took a turn speaking with the two of you. Once all thenames had been crossed from your list and Gladio had achieved the perfect buzzfrom the expensive wines being served, he pulled you onto the dancefloor forone dance. Although he claimed to hate it, his feet navigated the elegant stepsperfectly and he pulled you along in his strong arms with confidence.
“You’re good at this,” you mused as he twirled you carefullyonce before pulling you close to his chest once more.
Raising an eyebrow behind his mask, he smirked. “You whatelse I’m good at,” he purred into your ear.
Halfway through a conversation with a visiting dignitaryfrom Altissa, Ignis’ cool gaze was pulled from the elderly man to the center ofthe ballroom. You were there, your hair curled and braided just messily enoughto scream effortless while still looking elegant without trying. Your dress wasgreen and hung just off your shoulder and fell in a trumped shape to the marblefloor. Again, the dress was simple but somehow stunning as it hugged you in allthe right places.
“My apologies, sir, but I’m afraid there is something I must…seetoo.” Ignis bowed his head slightly in respect before slipping into the crowd.He noticed the wine glass carefully resting in your relaxed hand and how itreflected against the mirrored mask you had chosen. The small hand mirror youhad sent him earlier than evening had been his only hint as to what you wouldbe wearing and he mentally applauded your choice.
Ignis had smoothed his hair, long from lack of time to haveit properly trimmed, back from his face in a sort of vintage pompadour style, asingle rogue lock falling into his seafoam eyes and onto the plain back mask.His classic suit and thin black tie added to his classic look. He smirked, quirkingone corner of his pale pink lips to the side as he approached you. “You, mydarling, look positively ravishing. Surely a creature so divine is without anescort?” Though his speech was the same, he did his best to disguise hisaccent.
Your cheeks burned a beautiful rosy color as you curtseyed ingreeting. For all his efforts, Ignis did look quite different from his normalself. However, you were just as sharp as the strategist and you knew your loverwell enough not to be fooled by his appearance. “It appears I’ve beenforgotten. Perhaps I could find someone else to keep me company this evening.”You sipped casually on the wine in your hand.
“Such a man would be a fool to leave you unguarded. Allowme, my lady.” Ignis offered his arm and waited for you to take it beforeguiding you towards the other dancers. He paused to allow you deposit your nowempty glass onto the tray of an offering waiter before spinning you elegantlyin time to the music.
You fell into step with Ignis with such ease that it wasdifficult to keep up the act. He was a perfect gentleman and kept his handsproperly in the small of your back and clasped your hand delicately in his own.You noticed the appraising gaze of several around the room at your show. “Imust say, you are quite the dancer, sir.”
“Come now, my love, surely you have not forgotten my touch,”he purred into your ear as he dipped you low and supported your weight with hisarms. His eyes sparkled behind his mask with mischief before he pulled you packto your full height. He removed his mask with one hand while keeping you close.
An airy giggle escaped you as you covered your mouth withyour silken gloves. “Oh my, Ignis, I had no idea you were such a skilleddancer.”
With a chuckle, Ignis carefully removed your mirrored maskso as not to disturb your makeup or hair. “Must you tease me?” He chided youwith a click of his tongue.
Rising further onto your toes than your shoes already forcedyou, you stole a chaste kiss and blushed at the chorus of “awe’s” that filteredover the elegant music. “Never, my love.” Leaning close, you whispered so thatyour breath fanned over his ear, “I would never forget your touch, Iggy.”
The only indication that Ignis heard you was the tighteningof his grip where his hands rested at your side, forcing you closer to hisfront. The pressure was enough to let you know that you had cracked his coolmask of composure. He was barely holding himself together and that knowledgesent a thrill through you. He let your name slip through his lips in a hushedwhisper. “Perhaps we should take out leave of this soiree.”
“Lead the way, my love,” you laughed and laced your arm throughhis once more. Once you had retrieved your coat, Ignis helped you into it andsteered you towards the exit of the citadel. Smirking, you pressed the key toyour apartment into his hand before climbing into his sleek town car.
476 notes · View notes
miryel89 · 7 years
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Chapter 13 broke my heart, guys...
1K notes · View notes
ffxv-adventures · 7 years
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Trophy shot
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gladiocats · 7 years
Journal Entry #155
Was this picture really necessary?
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32 notes · View notes
echoptero · 8 years
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Blessed image
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imeisaki · 7 years
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put together this little creation. Vaporwave x FFXV 💖💖 enjoy, if you reshare please give me credit!
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anthidraws · 7 years
What do I want from ffxv?
Chocobo theme song! We've only seen prompto singing it!!!
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blondiephotoboy · 8 years
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Ramuh’s a lot smaller than I remember..
320 notes · View notes
kayleemaxin · 8 years
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Ok Ok Ok Finally for the first time I’m contributing to the Fandom.  I was watching this video on pool trick shots and couldn't help but go, “Ignis would totally do that!” So have some professional pool player Ignis. I think it was the suit honestly.
I taught I’d post a record of the sketch before I potentially ruin it with watercolours. It happens far too often for my taste. So enjoy.
I have just uploaded more for this AU check it out here.
33 notes · View notes
fortheloveofeos · 7 years
Change of Plans - Prompto Argentum x Fem! Reader
This little request is for @a-le-lone-wolf​ I hope this is what you had in mind and that today is a better day for you :)
I love sweet Prompto and it’s been a minute since I’ve written anything for him so this was great!
Word Count: 4726
With a heavy sigh, you flipped on the pocket flashlight clipped to your shirt. “Lights on, guys,” Prompto called the at the same moment. Four more lights flickered on to illuminate the darkened path ahead. Somewhere at the end of this godsforsaken maze of a tunnel system was a royal tomb – or so the rumor went.
“Noctis, please for the love of the six, build your tomb somewhere a little more accessible.” You shuddered as you caught sight of a large spider descending from its web not too far from your arm.
Noctis snorted but agreed as you trudged along right behind him. This made the fifth tomb you and the others had tracked down and only one of them had been an easy task. Since you had parted ways with Cor at the mouth of Keycatrich Trench, things had definitely not gotten any easier. You were thankful for the years of training and the ability to allow your mind to go blank during the heat of battle. Your body knew what to do and, coupled with the instincts of the four men that always had your back, you were certain the lot of you would see the journey to its completion.
Gladio caught Noctis’ arm and motioned for him to stop. You squatted down, leaning forward to look down over the edge of the narrow path you had been following for some time. Daemons writhed and stalked the darkness beneath you but they hadn’t noticed where your group hugged the wall several yards above them. “Something isn’t right. We haven’t faced any daemons since we entered this part of the cave.” Gladio crossed his broad arms over his chest with a thoughtful expression on his handsome features. The cut over his eye that ran perpendicular to the old one was healing nicely.
“Perhaps we should proceed with a greater deal of caution. We were warned that this area has seen a spike in daemon activity recently,” Ignis looked to his young king waiting for him to give the final say.
Noctis nodded before taking another step forward. “Keep your eyes open and watch each other’s backs,” the raven-haired young man summoned his sword before proceeding.
Gladio and Ignis naturally fell in to step close behind Noctis. You summoned your own weapon, a set of chakrams with wickedly sharp serrated edges that had been endowed with lightening magic, and followed your king. Prompto’s grip on his pistols was firm beside you, the promise of a battle heightening his senses as if he had gone through the years of Crownsguard training you had.
You were impressed with Prompto’s aim and his unfaltering loyalty. You had known the blonde jokester for several years thanks to being one of the Crownsguard members trained and intended to serve directly under Noctis. At first, you were uncertain of his intentions and had warned the prince that he shouldn’t trust anyone that would just walk up and already act as if they were friends. Prompto had denied wanting anything other than to call the prince his friend and you just couldn’t understand that. However, Prompto had grown on you with his bad jokes and adorable awkwardness anytime he released you – or any female, for that matter – had entered the room. You the five of you had departed the citadel in hopes of reaching Alitissa, Prompto had stuck close to your side and he had helped you out of a few jams in battle. He had even shared his sleeping bag with you when Noctis had gotten fish all over yours when he carelessly threw his catch into the trunk of the Regalia. You couldn’t help smiling at the thought.
Luckily, the tomb was tucked into a corner of the open cavern not too far ahead. Noctis claimed the weapon of his ancestor quickly and the five of your rushed forward towards the exit. Prompto yelped and Gladio took a defensive position as darkness rippled and filled the air blocking your escape. The daemon that appeared from the inky mist was absolutely huge with jagged, sharp teeth and a strange misshapen form. “What the hell is that thing?” Prompto asked as he aimed his firearms towards the oozing mass.
“What’s the plan?” Noctis shot a nervous look at the resident strategist as he planted his feet, sword drawn.
Iggy summoned his polearm, not willing to risk getting too close. “Until we know it’s weaknesses, use long range weapons and stay out of reach of those…tentacles?” His brows drew together in uncertainty.
A volley of shots rang out, echoing off the cave walls as Prompto fired several rounds into the mass of slithering goo. The bullets, coated in a white hot flame, appeared to burn the gel-like substance the creature was made of and pieces of its exterior burned away. “Hi there, opening,” Prompto snapped in another magazine before firing another round at the damaged area.
“Let’s see how you like a little electricity,” you grunted as you threw each of your chakrams forward. Your heart soared as the electrified circular blades sliced through the creature before the special magnets in your gloves drew the blades back to you.
The daemon howled in pain. Fury made the creature lash out, its tentacles extending forward in search of a target. Gladio and Noctis managed to fend off the appendages easily but one slithered forward and wrapped itself around Noct’s exposed calf. He gasped in pain before Gladio used his greatsword to sever the tentacle from its master. In its place, an angry red welt bubbled on the surface of the king’s skin as if he had been doused in acid.
Ignis called for everyone to regroup as he finished his scan of the enemy. “The only weakness I’m detecting is one to lightening magic. It doesn’t appear to be weaker against any type of weapons.” Ignis used his polearm to block another tentacle as he searched for purchase.  
Glancing over, you noticed the sweat dotting Noct’s forehead and the welt on his leg looked to be getting worse. “Gladio, get Noctis out of here. Iggy, you and Prompto watch their backs on the way out.” You got into position before slinging your weapons at the beast once more. It’s angered screams rattled your bones as you caught of the circular blades before sending it right back at the daemon again. Gladio nodded, understanding that Noctis’ life could be hanging in the balance. He shot you a look, one that you knew was meant to be encouraging and thankful, before helping Noctis to the side. Your attacks had drawn the attentions of the oozing nuisance away from the path and towards you.
“I’m not leaving you,” Prompto took aim and sent another round of fire-charged bullets into the target. He had created a large area where the protective gooey layer had broken away to reveal it’s more sensitive inner layer.
Focusing your attentions on the weakness, you sent your next attack there. “I can handle one extra-large booger with a case of the grab hands by myself. Make sure his majesty is okay and I’ll meet you guys at the haven.” The creature roared as your blades sliced through its exposed skin, a dark purple liquid spilling out of the cut. You dodged it’s counter attack as you caught your returning chakrams with ease.
Prompto started to protest again but Ignis stopped him. You missed whatever he said as a tentacle licked at the exposed skin of your arm and you bit the inside of your lip until you tasted the mettle tang of blood to fight back your scream. Your skin bubbled up at the contact but you continued your attacks. Ignis pushed Prompto towards the door before fending off several attacks of his own. “While I admire your tenacity,” Ignis gracefully vaulted to the side, taking off another tentacle, “you cannot hope to defeat this creature on your own.”
Grunting as you slid across the damp floor of the cave to grab your blade before it spun out of reach, you turned as used your momentum to sling it with the added force as the creature. “I’m not planning on dying in here, Iggy, but I’ve got my own promises to keep. Besides, I’m tougher than I look,” you shot him a trademark smirk before firing another round of attacks.
During his own attacks, Ignis had moved closer to the exit of the cave. The creature had shifted its position so that there was barely any room to escape passed its acidic coating. “I did not mean to imply you were not skilled.”
You caught the nervous look in Ignis’ green eyes as he glanced at his fading escape route. It was now or never and he knew it. “You have an oath to fulfill, Scientia, and dying in this cave is not going to help our king take back his kingdom.” You hissed as welts appeared on your leg, some of the acid-like mucus dripping from your blade onto your exposed skin. “Do me a favor, though?”
“Anything?” Ignis answered immediately. He made his dash towards the exit but turned as he pulled a spell bottle from his pocket and pulling the top.
Another roar ripped through the cavern at your latest attack. “If I don’t make it out of here, tell blondie that…that I wish I could’ve told him I loved him. That I wish things were different.” Tears stung your eyes but you refused to let them fall.
“Of course.” You caught the sad smile of the strategist’s face before he tossed the bottle at the creature. His attack hit its mark and the creature seemed to falter for a moment. Its forward motion blocked the path completely, cutting you off from your only chance of escape.
The others waited for days at the haven a few miles from the entrance to the cave system. Thanks to a couple potions, Noctis had nearly made a full recovery. His leg was still sore and thin pink ring wrapped around his calf but he was able to put his full weight onto his leg and no permanent damage seemed to have been done. It was pure luck that the others had made it out unscathed. However, there had been no sign of you since Ignis left you to deal with the monster.
The fire popped and hissed as Gladio stoked its flames to ensure its continued burning. He fell back into his chair heavily as silence washed over the group. They needed to move on, to see that their quest was fulfilled, but none of them felt good about leaving you. Prompto had wanted to run back into the cave several times but the others wouldn’t allow it saying that the creature could still be lurking and that he didn’t need see what may have been done to you.
Ignis had relayed your message once camp had been set up and Prompto had taken his heavy words with more grace than any of them knew he was capable of. He had been remarkably silent as the days passed, only commenting on going back to search for you. He sat in his chair with one near pulled to his chest, his pale freckled face resting against it. His eyes were red rimmed but no one had actually seen him cry. His bottom lip was raw where he had chewed it incessantly in worry. His blue eyes were nearly grey, awash of their normal bright color, as he stared into the licking flames. “I love her,” he spoke so quietly that Noctis, who was seated directly beside him, nearly missed it.
“What was that?” Gladio looked up from his book in concern. He had read and reread the same page at least a dozen times without their meaning sticking in his mind.
Prompto whimpered, a low sound that akin to a groan but filled with heartbreak, as he pulled his eyes to the starless night above the group. “I love her and I never told her.” He spoke evenly but his voice cracked halfway through the sentence. “…and I left her.” Hot tears spilled from his eyes and he made no move to stop them.
“You did as you were asked, as you had sworn to do in the name of the crown,” Ignis attempted to console the resident sharpshooter as he leaned over to place a gloved hand on his back. Prompto shuttered under the gesture but didn’t try to shove him off. “I believe (y/n) knew of your feelings and felt the same.”
Standing so quickly that the lawn chair he had just been using flipped backwards, Prompto stood and clenched his hands hard enough that his knuckles turned white where they peaked from beneath his gloves. “That doesn’t make it okay! You said it yourself, long range weapons were the way to go and instead of backing her up like I should have, I turned a ran out of there. Her blood is on my hands,” Prompto visibly shook as he squeezed his eyes shut. Turning on his heel, he entered the tent for some semblance of privacy.
Noctis stood to follow his best friend but Gladio stopped him with a tug at his shirt and a shake of his head. “Nothing you can do to make this any better, Noct. Give him some space.”
The young king opened his mouth to respond when he felt his pocket vibrate. Fishing his phone out, he swiped across the screen to answer the call. “Cindy,” he greeted her with mock cheerfulness.
“Hey there, prince. Found something I think you and your friends might be needing. Fixed ‘er up for you and got it all ready for you to pick up.” Shuffling and the sound of metal on metal filtered through the phone as if Cindy was currently waist deep in the hood of a car with the phone sandwiched to her ear. “When do you think y’all will be this way?”
Noctis offered one last look towards the tent before getting the attention of Ignis. “Tomorrow. We’ll be there by noon.”
You sat by Cid, just inside the garage when a flash of light caught your attention. The Regalia pulled off the road and parked by the pumps. Ignis immediately got to work filling the tank as the others climbed out. Noctis seemed fine but each of them looked more tired and worn out than you had ever seen them. Prompto’s hair hung limply, still damp from a recent washing as if he hadn’t bothered to fix it. He was pale his eyes had lost the beautiful sparkle you loved so much. You heart broke at his appearance. Your instinct was to stand but Cid stopped you with a shake of his head.
The old mechanic was in the process of changing the dressing over the wound on your arm. It was the deepest cut and the reason you had lost so much blood. The hunters that had found you had stitched up the worst of your wounds and done their best to keep you alive. Cid had taken over tending to your wounds when the hunters had left your unconscious form with the grease monkeys that knew you. His movements seemed practiced as he finished securing the gauze and wrapping it all in a self-adhesive bandage. “They’ll see you soon enough,” Cid chuckled before checking you over one last time.
If you said you weren’t sore, you would’ve been lying. Your body ached all over but other than the deep gash on your arm, your other injuries resembled small scratches now. A new scar cut its way across your bottom lip, splitting the naturally rosy skin at one side and a few others littered your legs but you would be right as rain in a few days. After you had escaped the cave, you had sent your location to someone you knew was in the area. You were too busted up to make it back to camp where the other waited and you could already feel the blood loss making your beaten body sluggish as the adrenaline wore off. Cor had sent a team of hunters after you as soon as he received the message knowing something was wrong. You were already unconscious when they found you not for from the mouth of the cave, your chakrams still coated in the acidic mucus.
Cindy’s lilting voice drew you from your thoughts as she greeted your friends. Cid helped you to stand on your bad knee – wrapped in a supportive brace after you had taken a particularly nasty fall onto it during the battle – and walked with you towards the entrance of the garage. “Reckon she belongs to y’all,” Cindy drawled as Cid helped you stand just beside her.
Your name left Ignis in a surprised gasp. Gladio moved to support you and carefully wrapped you in a welcomed hug. Noctis was next followed by a stiff Ignis. You assured each of them that you were fine, just a little sore, when you noticed Prompto hadn’t moved. His jaw hung loosely, his mouth open and his cheeks tinted an adorable shade of pink. As you watched him, his eyes began to turn, burning with the icy fire you admired so much before he took a shaky step towards you. He whispered your name before taking another step. “Y-you’re really here?”
Laughing, you did your best to look confident despite allowing Gladio to support some of your weight. “I couldn’t let some daemon do me in before I beat you at King’s Knight,” you smiled as tears stung your eyes.
Prompto took the last several steps separating the two of you and pulled you carefully against his chest. His arms around your waist supported your weight effortlessly as he crushed his lips to yours. Not caring that five of people stood as your audience, you tangled your fingers into his incredibly soft blonde fringe to pull him closer to you.
When the two of you finally parted, your both panted slightly and Gladio whistled. “That’s sure as hell been a long time coming,” he chuckled.
Your group was back on the road the next day after the others had helped Cindy out with a favor as payment for taking you in. Ignis set the course for Galden Quey, happy to agree to the notion that you all deserved a few days’ rest and relaxation. Noct still wasn’t one hundred percent and you knew you still looked pretty rough. Gladio seemed excited at the prospect of getting his early morning workouts in on the beach and Ignis was content to learn a bit more of how to prepare a few more dishes with the fish Noctis liked to catch.
Prompto supported you as you slightly limped up to the front desk. You had fully expected the employee to hand over a key to one room – your typical arrangements put you on the couch to avoid being subjected to unwanted cuddling or groping by a sleeping man – and was surprised when Prompto accepted a second key. “I thought we could use some time…to ourselves,” he blushed a bright red as he helped you towards your room. It was separated from the others’ by a few apparently empty rooms and was tucked into a corner of the building overlooking the sea.
You caught the obscene motion Gladio had tried to shoot Prompto without your noticing and the smirk that Noctis made no move of hiding. Ignis pushed his glasses up and nodded, offering a true smile. “I believe the two of you have more than earned some privacy. If you feel like joining us for dinner, we shall save you both seats at dinner.” The strategist hurried the others into their room. He shot you a wink as Prompto opened your own door.
Two of the four walls that made up the room were entirely glass as they stared out over the calm blue ocean. Light poured into the room and everything was decorated in pale calming colors. “How much did this cost?” you breathed in awe as you stood by the glass wall. It felt as if you were floating over the ocean.
“Iggy arranged it,” Prompto sheepishly pulled you towards the bed to get you off your feet. “He told me what you said.”
Blood rushed to your own cheeks as you studied him carefully. Other than the heated kiss the two of you had shared in hammerhead that morning, you hadn’t spoken about your feelings or made any other advances. Prompto had held your hand the entire drive to the beach having forced Noctis to allow him to sit in the back with you. “I’m glad he did. I wasn’t sure I was going to make it out of there and I didn’t want to die without having told you…that idea seemed worse than dying,” you confessed.
“When I looked back and saw that you weren’t following Ignis out of the cave, they had to force me back to the camp. I tried to go after you a few times but they stopped me.” His arms were careful not to hurt you as he pulled you against him. “I love you,” he whispered into your ear and shuddered at the sensation of his hot breath tickling your skin.
No more words were needed as clothing was shed. Prompto was so careful not to jostle your knee too much or to put pressure on your bandaged arm. His lips ghosted over your new scars and his fingers danced lightly over you sensitive skin. You couldn’t help giggling as you ran your fingers over his freckled chest and sculpted muscles. The evening sun that washed into the room made him glow as if he were truly composed of light. You would have sworn you had fallen into bed with an Astral.
His fingers dipped down to your slit and something close to a growl and a needy moan slipped from his lips as he felt how wet, how ready for him you were without much foreplay. His cock was throbbing and pulsing and you hadn’t even touched him yet. “You’re sure?” His breathy whisper was soft as his eyes stared into yours. They were brighter than you had ever seen them. Like jewels shimmering in the light of the sun.
Breathless, you nodded and worried your bottom lip. Prompto gently pulled at your chin to free it so that he could kiss you properly. The head of his swollen length pressed against your clit before he pushed into your entrance slowly. Your eyes fluttered shut and the soft moan that left you was the most beautiful sound Prompto had ever heard. Though he was thick and larger than you had expected, your body took him effortlessly as if you were made for one another. Once he was fully seated within you, he stilled so that you could both revel in the fullness and the perfection of your union.
Your hips bucked against him and you dug your fingernails into his shoulders before you managed to open your eyes. Prompto was staring at you with such devotion and love in his eyes that it was nearly enough to have you a shaking mess already. “Move,” you whimpered as you ground yourself against him.
Neither of you were hurried and the pace he set was slow and sweet and sensual. Neither of you cared much about teasing the other at that moment. It was all about feeling and conveying emotion. Prompto peppered every inch of the skin he could reach with light, feathery kisses and you traced your fingers over his entire body. You both wanted to commit the other to memory, washed in the light of the evening sun with the blissful ocean and the Astrals themselves as your witnesses.
Prompto changed his angle slightly and you moaned, you back coming off the bed at his ministrations. “Found it,” Prompto chuckled against your neck as he sucked gently at the skin. He wasn’t being rough enough to mark you but it was enough to send and added layer of heat towards your core. He focused his efforts on repeating his motions and moved a hand to cup your breast, toying with the nipple.
Your body naturally moved and rolled in time with his efforts. You had never fit with another person so effortlessly and you couldn’t help gasping as the pleasure built inside your body. “Prom-Prompto,” you panted. Your brain was struggling to string together the proper words but the marksman kissed you sweetly and his hands snaked southward between your bodies as if he knew what you needed. The callouses of his fingers added to the stimulation as he pressed harshly against your swollen clit. You moaned into his mouth and Prompto eagerly released your lips so that he could enjoy your sounds.
Spreading your legs wider, Prompto adjusted himself so that he could move at a much quicker pace inside you. Despite the force behind his thrusts and the need etched into his handsome features, his grip on you was soft and guiding as he was aware of your still weakened state. His finger moved quickly against your clit and you felt the floodwalls inside you beginning to crack. “Let go for me, sweetie. Come all over me,” he begged you in a voice that was deeper and gruffer than you had ever heard from him. Gasping, your body exploded in the most earthshattering orgasm you had ever felt. Your body quaked and you careened beneath Prompto. He carefully held you as stationary as he could so that he could help push you through your orgasm, his fingers still working in time with his cock. Warmth raced through your veins as you searched out his lips, in need of another connection between the two of you.
Prompto nipped at your lip, his teeth knocking against yours in need as his motions became sloppy. You wrapped your uninjured leg, still shaking and weak, around his waist to pull him closer and he grunted as you dug your heel into his ass. “I-I’m gonna –“ he panted in warning and you swallowed his whimpers with your mouth.
“That’s it, Prom. Fill me.” Your words seamed to light a fire in him as his pace picked up. A few more snaps of his hips and Prompto buried himself inside you as he released. You both gasped and panted as the feelings of him doing as you asked, of you both belonging so completely to the other.
Prompto fell beside you, pulling you close so that he could trace invisible patterns over your flushed skin. You ran a shaky hand through your hair before he brought it to his lips, kissing the palm. “Wow,” you breathed as a warm smile painted your lips.
A boyish giggle escaped him. “Wow is right. Way better than talking.”
It was your turn to laugh. “I love you, Prompto Argemtum,” you swore in an airy voice as if you had just accepted another duty from the king himself.
Fingers traced along your inner thigh sending shivers through you. “I love you,” he smiled but his eyes grew wide as he withdrew his hand. His fingers were covered in a mixture of the two of you where it spilled down your legs. His grin was impish as he stared at his fingers. “We, uh, made a mess. Sorry.”
Smirking, you sucked Prompto’s fingers clean, giggling at the shock written all over his face. You weren’t worried about the consequences of your coupling, knowing you could pick up a potion in the morning that would take care of it all. You swirled your tongue around his finger once before releasing it from your mouth with a wet pop. “Don’t be sorry. I asked for it.” You winked and sultrily brushed your hair away from your shoulder. Despite the sweet and vanilla session the two of you had just shared, you actually enjoyed things a little…dirtier usually.
Prompto’s eyes resembled saucers as he watched you with a hungry expression on his face. “Change of plans. We’re not going to make it to dinner if you can go another round,” he spoke in a strangled voice.
Laughing, you moved to straddle the blonde. “I’m no quitter,” you shot him a wink.
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onionchoppingninja · 8 years
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Creamy Crustacean Omelette from FFXV for #FinalFantaFeast!
I decided to make a higher-level recipe before February’s #FinalFantaFeast was up. The English name is probably a misnomer, because you can’t make this dish with only birdbeast eggs, Eos green peas, and shieldshears claws as per the in-game recipe. People might think this is some form of omurice, but I think it’s closer to Tenshin Han 天津飯. (Yes, the Dragonball character. Here’s the woefully inadequate wiki article about the dish. )
Tenshin Han, read as Tianjin Fan in Mandarin, is a Japanese Chinese food that did not come from Tianjin, much like how Singapore Noodles do not come from Singapore. (Yes, that’s right, you’re welcome.) Many say it was probably named as such because the rice used in it came from Tianjin. While the original tenshin han has only white rice under the egg, I decided to go a step further and make it a form of takikomi gohan for added flavour. The sauce also apparently differs from prefecture to prefecture, so I’ll go with my own chinese approximation.
Ingredients (2 people)
For Rice
2 cups (360ml) uncooked white rice
½ a carrot, chopped
7 raw shrimp, chopped
4 crab pieces/sticks, chopped
2 cups (360ml) dashi
60ml sake
2 tbsp soy sauce
For Topping
4 eggs
3 crab pieces per person
¼ cup peas
1 cup dashi
1 ½ tbsp potato starch
¼ cup water
2 tbsp soy sauce
1 tsp black chinese vinegar (optional)
1 tbsp oyster sauce
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1. Wash the rice and place it into a claypot or non-stick pot, along with all the other ingredients for the rice.
2. Cover and cook for about 20 mins on low heat. Test a grain to see whether it is done.
3. Mix well, and put into a bowl, packing it slightly so that it will retain its shape after you turn it over.
4. Turn over rice on to deep soup plate.
5. Beat all the eggs while heating up a large non-stick pan with oil.
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6. If you just want to make a giant one to share between 2 people, use all of it at once, if not, use half at a time. Scramble desired amount of egg just as it hits the pan, and cover to let it settle into a semi-omelette.
7. When the egg is half-done, quickly slide it off the pan onto the rice. Since the egg is not fully cooked, this is why it’s called ‘creamy’.
8. In the same pan, wiped clean with a paper towel, put the topping dashi, peas and crab pieces and heat till it simmers.
9. When it starts to simmer, add in the soy sauce, oyster sauce and vinegar. Mix well.
10. Mix the starch and water to form a slurry.
11. After a minute of simmering, or when both peas and crab are cooked, switch off the heat and mix the slurry in. Keep stirring until the entire sauce is evenly thick.
12. Arrange the three crab pieces on top, and pour the sauce and peas over the rice!
13. Gain 100 in Attack and Magic, and increase your HP by over 400!
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How’s that, @cooking–with–ignis? ;)
For more fan recipes, follow me @onionchoppingninja!
And check out my: Recipe Archive | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
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wonderouslyaimless · 7 years
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This might be my favorite snapshot of Iggy. 
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enchantingredwings · 7 years
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Do you love Final Fantasy ? Do you love dorky posts and chatting with people of same interests? Then join our amino community. It's a community made specially for Final Fantasy XV. But that's not all. You can join thousands of communities depending on what you're interested in.Such as black butler or AOT. Every fandom is there so download Amino today and come join us! No matter what you are interested in you will always find a community that fits you! http://aminoapps.com/c/final-fantasy-xv (Of you join our FFXV community then make sure to come say hi to me ☆Prompto☆)
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simone-lotus · 7 years
So i was never the biggest fan of Ignis when he was first introduced in the game. He seemed like the stereotypical emphasised british spectacle wearer who used the words “indeed” and “splendid” to a cringe effect. Maybe that was why i never felt much depth or likability in his character,  idk i just couldn't warm up to him and didn't understand why lots of people online were falling hard for his bony ass. And i was too busy drooling over Gladio’s splendid abs, whose eyelashes did indeed make mine seem like stubs. BUT THIS ALL CHANGED TONIGHT. 
After my emotions being ripped out bare from my soul after the Leviathan cut scene with Luna and Ardyn, and poor little noct in bed snivelling, his way of crying, I honestly thought that was all my little heart could sustain. BUT NO.
When Ignis’s face turns around, and my eyes rested upon his scarred skin, i was like...I NOW COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND HOW BEAUTIFUL THIS MAN IS! 
It really got me choked up, these guys really are like brothers, and it shows how much they care for one another through the horrible incident of poor Ignis. It shows his maternal like care over Noctis not just through the acts of driving the regalia and cooking, which comes across like a butler doing his job, but through actually taking such huge sacrifices for him, made my respect for specs go through the roof. I can't really explain how much i feel for this character right now but its a lot, he's deffo no.2 after gladio right now for me. And hell he can rock a walking stick and scars like he’s fresh from Milan. what a sweet babe 
end of my heart pouring out 
(btw of course Ignis as a character didn't have to be mutilated horribly for me to like him or for him to appeal to me more, its just that through this story plot i can now understand his personality in more depth)
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blondiephotoboy · 8 years
Person: “i didn’t like ffxv. the story line was lacking. too many side quests. weak character differentiation. prompto was so annoy-”
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thisisaok · 8 years
Pack your bags and call shotgun! Final Fantasy XV IRL is here!
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