#ignore this im in my feels and needed to shout to the ether
penguineatscarrots · 9 months
Thinking bout that post about knowing the birthdays of people you no longer speak to or seeing things that remind you of them but knowing you'll never be able to tell them
What's done is done but man if I'm not mourning the loss of it all
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hakkais-hoe · 2 years
How Can A Moment Change A Life Time
Shinichiro Sano x f!reader
Angsty shit cos im sad n I miss the pretty boy 
(Italics is Shin speakin but R can’t hear it)
age rating: none 
warnings: pure angst :), major character death, there is no comfort reader is just spiralling, blood, swearing.
“You’re so fucking stupid!”
I know ‘m sorry...
“Why couldn’t you just wait an hour for me...”
Im sorry 
“Why don’t you listen to us... to me!”
I’m sorry baby... 
“Please...just- just don’t leave me!”
I’m sorry...
Why couldn’t the night just go to plan, he was supposed to close up the shop and meet you for a late night snack at the usual place, the very same place he had asked you out two years prior. 
Two Years. 
Barely enough time... you’d had barely enough time together as far as you were concerned, yet somehow he was the love of your life within just a few months, the light of your life with his stupid pretty grin and signature chain sitting perfectly on his soft chiselled collarbones. 
You’d spent the weeks before just watching him work from behind the reception desk at his bike shop, sweat and grease may have stained him and his uniform but to you he was utter perfection stupid pickup lines and all. He’d thrown rags covered in oil at you with a chuckle every time he noticed you watching him instead of looking through the schedule list or fixing up displays in the shop. 
He was your everything 
You were his whole world.
She’s all I see. 
Her face of pure delight every time I pick her up, that pretty ugly laugh that she does when she can’t hold it back, the morning sun that leaves and ethereal glow on her sleeping face when she sleeps beside me, her pouty angry face when I piss her off. Everything about her.
“I love you...”
The first time I told her those three words she cried, actually cried and wailed about how much she loved me too... thinking back her words cut like a blade on my skin... she told me she couldn’t live without me anymore two weeks ago... 
Without you I'm nothing...
“How could you leave me”
I can scream for her all i want, I can shout and cry about how much I need her, scream ‘Im right here baby’ but she’ll never hear me.
“Please don’t leave me... Im sorry”
Her wails and screams over my body send me reeling, her screams bleach my soul, she will always be my everything 
Im so sorry baby... 
“H-he can’t be! ... Please just- leave him alone! Stop touching him!” 
Shes screaming again, even with the tears bluring her vision she can still fight off anyone trying to move me, she wants to hold me but they want to move me, or what was once me...
Get off her! Leave her alone.... my baby’s crying just... someone help her...
“He’s cold! P-pass me a blanket for him!”
I’m not cold
I can’t feel a thing anymore baby, please stop crying
“Help please save him! I- I can’t…. someone please just...” 
Move her... she’s scared...
His body was freezing to the touch, limbs unresponsive even when you shook him, eyes unmoving yet open staring straight at you, dead lifeless eyes boring into you. 
Your screams at muffled into the blood soaked t-shirt he was wearing, smothering blood onto your tear stained face in the process as you grasped at the cold lifeless body in the hospital. Doctors and nurses no longer bustling around his body, one nurse in the room keeps asking you if you want to call someone, another asks if they can cover the body, their voices are muffled and disembodied around you, you ignore everything in favour of laying on the bed next to him. 
Blood from the bed soaks into your clothes your tears mix into the sheets. You lay there till the rest of the Sano’s show up, the hospital had finally called them after realising you were in a state of pure shock, unable to speak or even look away from his body. 
Takeomi had to come remove you from him that terrible night, he’d carried your practically lifeless body from the hospital, tears and blood now soaking his shirt both of you mindlessly sit outside the hospital until the sun peaks over the morning horizon, the start of a new day... 
One without Shinichiro Sano ever waking up again...
Two years may have gone by fast for me but for her I know it was agonizing. 
everyday without fail she’d visit my grave, lay flowers, a beer and our favourite shared snack on the stone before she would spend hours just talking and telling me about everything, how her day went, who pissed her off at work, how my family were, how the guys were doing. 
Today when she visited she had that frown I know all to well plastered on her pretty face, something bad must have happened.
“Hey pretty boy, did you miss me?” 
So much, miss you so fucking much 
“Something happened at work today... someone asked me on a date... I turned them down of course but... I did something stupid, I told them I had a boyfriend... I forgot, I forgot you were dead... I actually fucking forgot hah... i feel fucking stupid I even burst out crying when I realised what I said.”
you’re not stupid... I'm sorry I'm not there... I want to be here with you 
“God Shin I can’t do this anymore... I need you with me... Sometimes I feel like I can actually feel you next to me, your heat, your familiar sent, that crappy cologne you wore.. you know the one that somehow worked so well on you... I love that smell... hah did I tell you I bought a bottle just to spray when I missed you” 
I know i can smell it on you... 
But you know I’m not there anymore, Its time to let go...
Is what I'd like to tell her if she could hear me, i wonder if she’d take comfort in  knowing I can hear here. 
“Damn its late... I’ll see you tomorrow my love.... I’ll be back before you know it.”
Its time to move on 
“Never, not till I see you again”
Her voice is a quiet echo in the night.
Taglist: @loonashadow @honeybachira @bontensbabygirl @reiners-milkbiddies @roppongiperfume @haitink @sunahyejin @wakasagurl @soushswag
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shadowturtlesstuff · 3 years
finally finished this!!! im so happy with it, and will be writing it in thomas’s pov as soon as possible and perhaps part 2? 
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Sleep evades me. My mind keeps returning to last night, specifically to a certain person I had met last night. I pull the covers higher, burying my head as I finally gave into my wandering mind.
I stand alone, needing a break from my aunt Amelia. The music was beautiful, a soft sound that filled the entire room. The party itself was decorated in a magical way, the columns in the building encompassed in vines, the tables with floral centrepieces. It was a mixture of whimsy and magic, yet no one seemed happy to be here. Everyone I spoke to was forcing smiles, men faked laughter as they believed this was not a party but a way to make business deals and enforce their own reputation. It was absurd how no one was just admiring the effort people put into making this perfect. It was the same every month, I'd walk to the edge of the room and watch. To calm my nerves, to explore the different flower pieces, the musicians and the flickering candles from the chandelier. The gowns women wore only once to try and show their wealth, whilst I tended to wear the same, as it fit the magical atmosphere this room desperately tried to make people see, yet they were too blind by their greed, the need to prove themselves to everyone to just simply stand back and enjoy themselves.
My cousin Liza seemed to be in conversation with Dacina, the host of the party, someone I had spoken to a few times, each being more enjoyable. Her calming demeanour and charm always lifted my spirits. Her family organizes this ball once a month, her father hates it but makes a lot of business so it is always left to her to plan and design it. With the help of Illeana and lots of their servants they always make this place ethereal. Her brother, Thomas Cresswell, only ever shows up for a few hours then leaves, only being able to handle the faking niceties for so long. Dacina told me of his tolerance, or lack thereof, to society. She speaks highly of her brother, as I once did, yet I have never met Mr.Cresswell. 
The varnished wooden floor slowly gathers marks as couples danced. How I longed to be one of those dancers, being swivelled by someone I loved. They would look at me as if I was the most magical thing in the room, with a soft smile and adoration in every word he whispers to me. I would be his equal as we spun around, the world fading into nothing as we held each other. Alas, those dreams are not likely for someone cruel enough to carve the dead. 
I snap out of my fantasy as a group of older men walk towards the buffet near me. They talk loud enough so everyone can hear, shockingly talking about work. I roll my eyes at them and look away back to the dance floor. The lights above cast shadows, making the scene feel like my imagination as I sit by a fireplace to read a romance novel. If this was a novel, there would be my love interest here, watching and finding the courage to say something. There are families at the table, children clinging to mothers as the men sit and discuss whatever. My father, uncle and aunt sit together in a seemingly civil conversation. I look for Liza again, deciding I should probably stop brooding in the corner but as I look for her my attention keeps going back to the men at the buffet. Not by choice, but by their obnoxious decision to shout their conversation. 
“A woman led the strike, ridiculous, she had to go,” I heard an oldish man say, followed by murmurs of agreement, “these strikes are out of hand, demanding we pay more, absurd notions.” The man is none other than Mr. Birling, a notoriously cold hearted man, much like dacianas father apparently, both of whom value money rather than people. Even their own families. The group of men who looked the same as him, slightly wrinkled face, greyish hair, miserable faces with hints of conniving schemes being plotted against each other. Friends until one of them was earning more money and was more successful, then they were enemies again. 
The men were in a heated discussion about their business and from what I can dissect from their ramblings is that they fully believe themselves to be hard working men, a rarity these days, and they must do what is necessary for their companies. Meaning, budget cuts, strikes from workers, firing people, and any horrible decision in the name of money.  I refrain from rolling my eyes, or going over to berate them. 
“Mr. Birling would not know what a hard day's work is.” someone says quietly behind me. His voice is smooth, confident, and whilst I agree due to what I have learnt about the birling family and the conversation I had just overheard, I still wouldn't say it aloud with him being this close. Not that he pays any attention to anyone but ‘hard working men’. 
I turn my head slightly, the man behind me is tall, a smirk playing at his lips. His suit is finely tailored in a dark grey, with a peach tie. He takes a step forwards and stands at my side, staring out into the crowd, a glass of half drunk champagne in his hand. I return my gaze to the crowd. “Whatever makes you think that, surely you heard him talk about how much he works,” I try to suppress my own smirk and I also sneak a glance at the strange man. He merely takes a sip of his champagne. 
“Right of course, his words, I shall listen more closely next time.”
“As you should. You wouldn't want to misinterpret someone's work ethic and make a fool of yourself in front of a stranger.” 
“You consider me a fool now?” he turns to me now, hands pressed against his chest in fake offence. His brown eyes meet mine as I face him. His sharp cheekbones feel familiar, but I can't place where from. 
“Yes. how could you consider someone such as Mr Birling, a man with such talent and tolerance of others, a man who clearly built his company and was not handed it by his father, how could you with a straight face imply he doesn’t know hard work.”  we stare at each other for a few seconds, then burst out laughing. He has such a pure laugh, we seem to be the only sound in the room. People around us stop and stare, upset two people are having fun at a party. The stranger leans against one of the columns, disrupting the vines slightly. Yet he doesn't seem to care, as he slowly starts to regain his composure from our outburst. 
Mr. Birling is one of the men looking at us with full disdain. He perceives us as two kids who do not understand life, he specifically tells his accountant that there is something wrong with us if the rumours are to be believed. Children of science. Outrageous. Especially a girl. A girl, not a woman. I ignore his pathetic whining, intent on not letting him ruin my night and return my focus to the stranger. Who, I realise, is someone who enjoys science. His face is more solemn now, having also overheard Mr.Birling. He quickly recovers and plasters a smirk on his face, a spark shines in his eye and I can already tell this won't be good.
“I want to meet this ‘girl’ who led the strike, perhaps she could use some help. I mean, all they ask is fair pay,”
“But fair pay is absurd. Completely and utterly absurd. Why should the wealthy share their wealth to those who ensure it.” he finishes for me. The men that run this world will end up being the reason it fails. We share a look, full of understanding and he lets out a sigh. Now we're talking about work and politics at a party. 
“Aside from those charming men, how are you enjoying the party?” He gestures to the men around us and I snort. Charming was one word for them. Being with him and trading remarks felt like passing notes to each other, telling secrets during class even though we are meant to be listening to the teacher. I can't help but think I know him, and by the look in his own face he knows me. Perhaps we met but didn't have time for a full conversation like we are now. 
“Mostly entertaining, the place is spectacular as always, the people are..” I searched for a word to describe the people, as well as my family. I love them dearly but they can be insufferable. “An interesting mix. My family is dramatic, so I escaped to the edge to peace and quiet, which apparently isn't possible. "I give him a pointed look but he takes no notice. 
“My family is also dramatic, and I came for peace myself but found myself captivated by you, specifically how you watched the crowd, listening, and how you curled your fists in an attempt not to go and publicly humiliate the poor man. Which, by the way, I think you should've. Would've made the whole thing worth it.” He takes a sip of his champagne and I nearly roll my eyes at him. Of course he'd want that. From what I can tell he isn't someone who enjoys society and has no problem saying it. I also think about the families in attendance and which of those are dramatic. The only person I can think of is Darci's brother, whom I've not met but heard about his nature over wine with her. 
“If I was merely standing here minding my business would you still have found me captivating enough to talk to me? Or is my appeal in my anger?”
He downs the rest of the drink and straightens himself taking a step towards me. I cross my arms, impatient but he gives me a soft smile. “I've been trying to get the courage to talk to you for months, I always see you here at the edge, always. My eyes find you instantly in any crowd. Transfixed, captivating. It was an added bonus to me when I saw the fierce nature in your eyes up close, I knew I was right to want to befriend you.” 
Silence falls as we both take in his words. I feel bad, not being able to figure out who he is. His honesty is admirable and makes me smile, as well as blush. I can feel heat rise to my cheeks. Just as I begin to rectify the situation by asking for his name, a man comes behind 
me, he’s around 40 probably, and looks at me horrendously in an attempt at a smile. I recognised him from earlier, he's one of the men that spoke with Mr Birling and that alone makes me instantly want to recoil. 
“Can I help you sir?” I asked and I can hear my own clipped words, yet somehow he does not. The smile widens and he looks me up and down. Then he offers his hand to me and I realise he wants to dance. With a woman half his age, that he has never met. 
“Miss Wadsworth, dance with me?” more of a common than a question. Since I am already highly aware he doesn’t like when females have opinions or say no, I refrain from rolling my eyes and just walking off from him. Instead I take a step back, so I'm by my new friend’s side and smile widely. 
“I'm afraid I already promised the darling Wadsworth a dance, we are just finishing our drinks first.” As if to prove my point he drinks the last of his drink, mostly to hide his smirk. Something else the man doesn't seem to notice. His face drops, but his pride makes him believe he can stand there, waiting for me to run to him. There is an awkward silence until I feel hands reach down and take mine, they are warm and make me jump slightly at the contact. Not in a bad way, not in the way I would have if it had been the man in front of me with his gaze like fire as he looks at our joined hands as though he has a right to be mad about it. I feel my own fire burn as he stares, so I tug his hand away from the man. I need to just escape into the dreamlike nature of the dancefloor, as well as thank my saviour and learn his name.
He leads me to the dance floor, nearer the edge and his hands slip down to my waist as I find his shoulders. His touch is hesitant but reassuring. Somehow he looks calm and terrified, as though he never expected to dance with me but never wants to stop. I can't help but feel the same as we begin to move. My skirt swirls around us and we say nothing for a while as we both calm ourselves and let the music envelope us. In a way, this is as close to my daydreaming as I might ever get. Being here on the dance floor with someone who isn't twice my age and the definition of misogyny. We dance as equals, neither of us truly leading but letting each other float around each other. We're sure of our movements and demand nothing from each other. It is a weird calmness that settles. We are strangers as far as i know, and yet we dance as though we have known each other our entire lives. 
“You are a delight, miss Wadsworth.” he breaks the silence, somehow louder than the music for me, yet it's quiet. Almost like he didn't mean to say it aloud. 
“How do you know me?” my voice matches and i feel bad asking, but i need to know. My tone is not accusing, and his face only burrows in confusion for a second before he smirks at me. A smirk I'm seeming to become familiar with.
“My sister Dacina speaks highly of you.” my eyes must expand as he laughs softly. That's why I recognized him. He has the same structure as Dacina, sharp cheekbone and soft skin. Perfect complexion. 
“So you are the infamous Thomas cresswell?” this time I smirk and his eyes widen. 
“Infamous? What on earth have you heard of me?”
“Your sister has lots of opinions on you.”
“Of course she does. Whatever she has said is most likely not true.” He blurts out and I laugh at his relationship with his sister and him wanting to impress me. “Unless she told you I am utterly irresistible, charming, quick witted and incredibly smart.” winking at me he sends me into a surprising spin and my hands land on his chest. We've sped up slightly, yet our heartbeats are both faster than necessary and I can see a hint of a blush creeping up on his cheeks. 
“She did mention you have an overly large ego. She'll be happy to know I agree with her.” I feel his hands tighten at my waist slightly and I watch his curls fall down in his face as he shakes his head. I'm delighted by this turn of events. Daci is wonderful, and if this is the Thomas that I get to see, not his reputation, then I shall try and keep this in my life for as long as possible. His spark in his eyes shows how he may think the same. Also, if daci, liza and ileana are with Thomas, then i might have the most fun I've ever had in my life.
His voice slides through my thoughts, but also reinforces them. “I am sure she failed to mention how big of an ego she has. Honestly, Darci is worse than I. Have you met Illeana? She will surely agree with me on this.” 
“I'm sure she would, I've also heard you are a scientist, what do you study?”
“The dead. Much like you and your uncle.” There is so much certainty in his voice, no resentment or the usual tone I hear so I gift him an earnest smile. 
The song ends, and we stand, hands still on each other for a second longer than we should. Just as I go to remove my hands from his chest I feel him pinch my sides lightly. Then his warm hands slip from my waist and I wish more than anything to dance again. 
We go to return back to the column near the buffet, where we first spoke, and as I take a step I feel him move so he's pressed at my back, his hands finding mine. Even though we are gloved, even though no one can see our hands due to how close we are, and how many people are moving about, my heart pounds at his bold nature. I adore it, so I squeeze him and keep my head facing forward as I lead him off the dance floor. We settle back, Thomas letting go of my hand to pick up two glasses of champagne and hands me one. We both take a long sip, perhaps settling our brains or making it worse. Well see. 
“You look,” he pauses, as if trying to find the right words, brows furrowed slightly as if he was reading a dictionary, “enchanting.” he finally finishes, gifting me a rare smile it seems. No longer does he smirk at me, but shows me a genuine look that I want to have painted as it is the best thing I have witnessed. Heat rises to my cheeks as I look down at my dress. Someone at least understood what I was going for, with a pale peach colour, sparkling bodice that runs along the length of the skirt. The long sleeves adorned with tiny gemstones, golden to match the accented colours of the hall. In response to Thomas I look back up at him with my own genuine smile, perhaps some of the only true smiles to be shared this evening. His suit fits him perfectly, showing off his defined features, his tie a pale peach as well. I assume Dacina helps him, as her dresses always astound me with the details. There are tiny, miniscule gems on his tie, that snake down and remind me of vines.
“You look,” I act the way he did, scanning my brain for something that fits, handsome or charming doesn't do justice but I'm sure whatever I use will only boost his ego and be used against me, so I settle with: “bedazzling.” 
“Thomas, I study the dead, I have to look closer than one should at things, so of course I noticed your tie. Henceforth: bedazzling.” The air shifts back to our teasing tone and he smirks once again.
“You are the only one to notice, except Daci of course, nothing gets past her. Am I correct in assuming you like the tie?” Despite his teasing I feel a hint of worry as if I wouldn’t like his tie. 
“I adore the tie cresswell, everyone here should be weaning ties with tiny jewels.”
His face falls as he scans the crowd, eyes narrowing slightly as he takes in the groups of men. “I cannot tell if you are being serious with me or not, but I agree nonetheless. The men here are awfully drab, boring, plain. It's insulting to us really. Daci puts so much time into making this beautiful and these people do not see it.” He is shaking his head. I agree, I have heard how much work goes in and despite my effort to help she insists that I do nothing but enjoy the party. I have a sneaking suspicion though that Liza helps. The flower centrepieces are her favourite, and whilst that might be a coincidence I know how stubborn and convincing she can be. 
“I do. I love her parties. I always find myself standing here, watching and noticing all the changes from the month prior. Like, last month she went for more of a red theme, with red roses as the centrepieces, little red accented chairs and carpets. Whereas this month is more of a forestry vine, hence the vines around the column.” I point as though they are a secret thing you need to search for even though they are obvious. Yet he turns anyway and runs his finger down the length of it with his adorable face set at a soft smile. Thomas might have been there when she got the idea, or placed them or he might have placed them himself and is now remembering it. 
My gaze finds Thomas and he looks at me, baffled, and I feel the blush creeping back up. It is not the same confused look that I get when I tell people my love of science, but one of intrigue. As if he could listen to me talk forever and not get bored. It's as if he has never thought anyone would notice such things about his family's party. “Enchanting.” is all he whispers to me. Then he clears his throat, an ever so soft shake of his head as though once again the words were meant for him and not us both. 
I stare out at the crowd again. I'm sure my family will want to know where I've disappeared to, I normally do not leave them this long. Liza I'm sure will want to know why I danced with Thomas. Yet the thought of leaving him makes my legs leaden and my heart sink and anchor me right next to him. Im completely wonderstruck, and feel ill have a permanent blush, especially when i look at his stupidly handsome face, his quick smirk and small smiles that feel special. It is odd, I've only heard stories, spoken to him briefly and danced, yet I have enjoyed his company immensely and hope this never ends. I want more dances and to steal more smiles to keep forever. I want to make fun of people together, and dance. 
I go to steal a glimpse of him, expecting to find him staring at the crowd like I was but his eyes are on me. “I have to leave,” his abrupt words anchor me in an entirely different way, “I mean,  I want to stay and I'm sure you want my amazing presence always now Wadsworth but I have to wake early. New job. So, my darling, I shall see you tomorrow.” Thomas hesitates for half a second and begins to walk away. I watch him go and say goodnight to his sister and then leave. His words fill my head. It’s reassuring to know he enjoys my company as much as I do.
I bolt upright in my bed, the lights, music and memories falling away as I focus on the last words he said to me.
I'll see you tomorrow. 
What does tomorrow mean? Does it mean he has a job where he thinks I visit? Will he be making an effort to befriend me? Does he know my family? I am so confused. How had I not caught these words sooner? Perhaps he wants to tell me he had a terrible time, that he doesn't like my presence. I'm on my feet without realising, pacing back and forth, the cold air hugging me close. I wish he was in front of me now. I wish he would whisper the words enchanting again. I wish I knew what was happening in a few hours that warranted him saying those four words. I run my hands over my face, untie my hair and let my curls fall over my shoulder, brushing away the colder ever so slightly. I'm ridiculous. Four tiny words sent me spiralling. I climb back into bed, my hair fanning out around me and the blanket returning warmth back into my system. Immediately my mind returns to Thomas, his face forever in my mind. Even if tomorrow could be the last time I see him, there is a chance that it is just the start. 
Those words fill me with confidence that yes, Thomas might become someone special to me. That perhaps our dance sparked something and now all I wish is that I can tell him how enchanting he is.
@fangirling-again @kittycat2187 @goatahoan @city-of-fae @purplecreatorhorsewagon @boredbookwormgirl @goddess-of-writing-wars @loveyatopluto @lovecakeandmore @yikesitsmaddie @bookscressworth @androgynousdeputylawyershoe @fandomtakeover @throneoftsc @the-hoofflepooff
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fantasykidofkpop · 4 years
My Super Girlfriend pt 1
Nct Taeil x reader (ft. Johnny)
Nerd! Artist!Taeil x Super!reader
Superhero au Strong Woman Do Bongsoon au
Description: Every superhero saves the day and rescues a girl. But what if a girl with super inhuman abilities, saves the day and rescues her nerdy lover.
Quote: With great power, comes great responsibility
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Taeil asks himself everyday whenever he comes home from his date
"How did I, a low life, an outcast, a nerd, get the most adorable and the most beautiful girl in all of Seoul."
Taeil and Y/N were together ever since senior year of High School
You been together for 3 years and Taeil could have been any happier with his lovely girl
But was he didn't know.... that his girlfriend has a secret
3 years ago, senior year, in high school
Taeil was always getting picked on and was always the bully's target
Especially, for Johnny Seo, the school's heartthrob, captain of the basket ball team
Johnny and some of his team members (Taeyong, Jaehyun and Ten) would always pick on Taeil and sometimes beat the crap out of him if he didn't or refuses to do their assignments
Taeil sometimes come home with bruises, a black eye and a busted lip
Whenever his parents ask about his wounds, he would lie by saying
"Oh, I bumped into a lamp post" "I tripped on the side walk" etc
Taeil knew if he told his parents, they would have move and transfer him to a different school
He wanted to stay, only to study Art
Sometimes, at night, he lays on his bed, stares at the ceiling, and wishes for tomorrow to be better day
"Please, let tomorrow be a brand new day"
The moment he fell into deep slumber
His wish came true
The next day, this morning was the same
Taeil walked to his locker, when he opened it, fake spiders came out of his locker
Even though they're fake, but he has a phobia of spiders
Taeil shrieks
Loud laughter came from behind
Johnny and friends were laughing really hard
Everyone laughed with them
"Same old scared little Taeil" Johnny says
"Oh wait, he's still little!" Ten shouts
Everyone laughs while Taeil looks at his feet in embarrasment
"See you later Short Stack!" Johnny yells and high fives his friends and leaves
I knew it, he thought
"Hey bro, you okay?" His bestfriend Mark asks while helping him
Him and Mark have been best friends since the were in middle school
"Yeah, I'm fine" he says
They both walk to their first period class
"Hey I heard there is a new student coming to our school" Mark points out
"Oh really?" Taeil asks
"Yeah, they say the new student is a girl, but I havent seen her yet"
"Oh okay" he says a little nervously
"I hope she'll treat you right" Mark reasures
They both entered the class and sat down in their assigned seats
While everyone was waiting for the teacher, Taeil kept thinking about what the new student would be like
His thoughts were interrupted by the teacher mr. Choi (SuJu Choi Siwon)
"Good morning class, before we begin our lesson, we have a new student joining us today, she new around her, make her feel welcome." He say while pointing at all of us
Mr.Choi gestures the new student to come in
The moment she walked in, Taeil's world stopped
His eyes widen and mouth parted in awe
Everything was in slow motion
Your hair flow a little behind and the sun reflected your soft hair
There stood before him, was a smiling beauty
You looked ethereal to him, like aphrodite the goddess of love and beauty
Taeil's heart beated fast like it was going to burst out of his chest by now
Mr.Choi gestures you to introduce herself
"Annyonghasaeyo, my name is Dong Y/n, im from Shanghai, China, please take care of me." You smile brightly showing your pearly whites
Your voice, was so beautiful, sounded like an angel's voice and it felt smooth like whipped cream
All of the guys were swoon by your smile
While some of the girls were jealous of your beauty and your figure
Taeil was lost in his thoughts that he didn't noticed that he called by the teacher
He got startled by his yell
"I said, Taeil raise your hand" Mr.Choi says sternly
He shakely raise his hand
When your meet his, you gave him another beautiful smile
His heart was beating at a fast rate when you came towards him
When you sat down next to him, Taeil was freaking out on the inside
"Hello, Taeil" you smiled at him and took your hand for him to shake
He froze again and came back to reality when you greeted him
"H-h-hi" he says while timidly taking his hand out to shake your hand
"H-how do you know my name?" He says shyly and awkwardly
His heart flutterd when he heard your giggle
"The teacher called on you, silly" you said while giggling
His cheeks started to heat up and looked away in embarassment
Through out the class period, Taeil could hardly pay attention to the lesson
He couldn't help but stare at your face
You have flawless skin, cute button nose, soft rosy cheeks, pink plump lips
And MOST of all, your big bright blue eyes
Honestly for Taeil, he's never seen anyone with bright blue eyes before
Blue is actually his favorite color
He uses blue colors for when he's painting the ocean or a lake
Yours eyes were like the color of the ocean
They reminded him of his paintings of the ocean
He was so lost in your beauty, that the bell rang, ending first period
"Dude, class ended, didn't you hear the bell?" Mark calls out
Taeil came back to reality "h-huh what?"
"Are you okay, your face is really red and are you sweating?" Mark asks
He checks himself, and starts feeling embarased
"It's just so hot in this room" he lies
"You sure it was from Y/N?" Mark says with a smirk
"I don't know what you mean, lets go!" He says quickly
And speed walks out of the classroom
2nd period, Taeil's scariest period
Exercising is not the problem
His worst nightmare has the same class with him
Its scary when Mark doesn't have 2nd period with Taeil
Everyone was already dressed in their gym wear and so is Taeil
While everyone was stretching and waiting for the teacher
The girl's dressing room door opens
Taeil looks up and his eyes widens and his jaw drops in awe
You looked so stunning in your black sports bra and sweats
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You such an amazing hourglass body
All of the boys were drooling, especially Johnny and his friends
Taeil couldn't look away, its like he was hypnotized by your body
When your eyes meet his, you smiled sweetly and started walking towards him
The way your ponytail bounced
The way your hips swayed
It was driving him crazy
Taeil suddenly felt himself being pushed to the ground
"Out of my way!" Johnny yells
Yup, he pushed him 😑
"Hey, beautiful, we haven't been properly introduced, the names Johnny" he says with a flirty smile and kisses your hand
Taeil felt anger and jealousy rushing through his body
"Nice to meet you too, Johnny" you said in a gentle voice ignoring his flirting
"What should I call you, Im guessing your name is gorgeous goddess?" He flirts again
"Thanks for the compliment, the names Y/N Dong Y/N"
"Wait, Dong Y/N, like as in, Dong Sicheng?" Johnny asks in a surprised voice
"Yes, he's my little brother" you said with a small smile
Everyone especially Taeil were shocked
Nobody knew that Dong Sicheng
A.K.A. Winwin, Student Council President
Has an older sister
"Anyway, there are a bunch of nut jobs in this school, especially him" he points at Taeil
"But don't worry, I'll always be there to protect you, sweet heart" he winks
He looks down and waits for you to laugh at Johnny's insult
"I don't think so, he seems sweet" you said the honest truth
That made Taeil go red as a tomato
Jaehyun, Taeyong and Ten snickered
Johnny scoffs
"Yeah, right. Well anyway, beautiful, if you want or need after school physical education, come to me. I promise to keep that gorgeous body in shape" he says by using his hands to motion your body
"Ok, I'll think about it" you said with a gentle smile
Before Johnny could speak, PE teacher mr.Lee (Lee Dong-hae SuJu) came in and blew his whistle
"Alright everyone, today is Friday, I have a surprise in store for you guys" he smirks
Taeil was not liking this feeling
"Today, were doing, drum roll please" he points at Ten
Ten pats the bleacher to resemble a drum
"Wrestling!" He shouts
Everybody were shouting in excitement, especially Johnny and his friends
Taeil felt he's going to pee himself any second now
"Alright, who wants to go?" He's says in anticipation
"Me mr.Lee!" Johnny shouts
"Yes, my tall handsome star student, get up here!" He smiles
He runs up to the center onto the gymnastic matt
"Pick your opponent"
He playfully looks around and spots Taeil
Johnny evilly smirks and points at him
"Moon Taeil !"
Taeil was beyond mortified
Everyone ooohed and silently laughs, except you
He shakely stands up and walks to the center
"You can do this Taeil !" You shouted
Taeil felt his fear wash away from your cheers
Whistle blows
Taeil gets punched in the stomach
"One point to Johnny!" Mr.Lee shouts
Everyone except you claps
"Round 2!"
Taeil tries to push Johnny down, but he wasn't strong enough
Johnny and the students started laughing at his lack of strength
You, on the other hand, were cheering for Taeil
"Come on Taeil, you can do it!"
Taeil was suddenly punched in the face and got kneed in the stomach
He fell to the ground, breathing heavily
"Winner! Johnny" mr.Lee shouts and raises Johnny's arm
Everyone claps and chants out Johnny's name
You ran to Taeil and helped him up
"Are you okay?" You asked softly
He looks up and sees your beautiful face
"Am I in Heaven?" He asks almost in a conscious state
"No, your on the floor, lets get you back on the bleachers, silly" you said while giggling
You helped him back on the bleachers
"Who wants to go up against, Johnny?" Mr.Lee asks in anticipation
Nobody answers until...
"I will !" You shouted and raised your hand
Everyone, including the coach, Johnny and Taeil gasped
"W-w-well a-are you sure?" Coach asks
You nodded while gently smiling
You walk up to the center and stood 2 feet in front of Johnny
Taeil was really worried, if you get hurt, it felt like it be his fault for putting yourself on his spot
"Ready!" Blows the whistle
"I'll take it easy on you, beautiful" he says with a flirty smile and winks
Before he finish his sentence
In a blink of an eye
You got him in a choke hold and took him down with a loud thud
Everyone was shooked, including Taeil and coach
"How did she do that!" He thought
"Uh-uh one point to Y/N" coach stutters
Before Taeil could process anything, he saw something really strange
Your eyes
They were blue earlier, but when you took down Johnny, your eye color turned RED
And he had no idea that a sweet and innocent girl like you
Be that strong to take down a 6 foot tall basket ball player
"Final round!" Blows whistle
Johnny strikes a punch
But, you dodged his punch and swiftly flipped over Johnny
Everyone's jaws dropped and eyes widened
Nobody has ever beaten Johnny at wrestling
Not even his team mates
Nobody, except Taeil, notice your eyes change back to their original color
"What is she?!" He screams internally
You looked at everyone with an innocent look
"Um, did I go too far?" You asked in a small gentle voice
Everyone jumps out of there seats and claps while cheering you
Taeil, couldn't process what just happened and just stared at you in amazement
Johnny, on the other hand, couldn't believe what just happened
He sits up looks at you in shock
A girl, a beautiful, innocent girl, just took down a 9 time basket ball champion
His teams mates helped him up
"Bro, that was INSANE!" Ten exclaims
"She must've worked a lot" Jaehyun guesses
"Yeah, but I gotta admit, that's MY kind of woman" Johnny looks at you with a smirk while wipping the sweat off him
You thanked everyone for giving you compliments, then coach blew his and told everyone sit back down
Everyone had 10 minutes left of class, so coach Lee let everyone have free time
Taeil calms himself down and drinks his bottle of water
"Taeil !" You called him
He looks up and sees you jogging up to him with a gentle smile
He was infactuated by you
They way your hair moves when you jog
Sweat dripping
Then his eyes accidentally when down your chest
The way your breast bounce lightly
To be honest, for Taeil, you breast were like the perfect size
Like they were sculpted, like the greek goddesses
He hasn't realize that you're in front of him and he's beet red
"Hey Taeil, are you alright ?" You asked worriedly
"I think I'm in love" he says faintly
"What?" You asked
He broke out of his thoughts, and looks at you and starts stuttering
"Oh uh, I mean that, I think I'm in love with your fighting techniques?" He lies
You giggled
"Thank you," you said with a smile
"How did you do that, no one has ever beaten Johnny at wrestling" he asks in astonishment
"Oh, my father taught me some of his greatest martial art skills" you said
"That's amazing, I'd like to meet him one day" he says in excitement
Then, you looked down in sadness
"Actually, my father passed away when I was 8" you said sadly
Taeil felt guilty for asking that question
"Don't be, its alright" you said gently
"Oh oka-" before he finishes his sentence
How did you know he was feeling guilty
"How did you know that I felt guilty?" He asks supiciously To be continued
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dalamjisung · 5 years
hallelujah ❀ im jaebeom
genre: fluff of all fluffs
word count: 6497
pairing: idol!reader x bff!im jaebeom
description: you come back home after you left it five years ago to follow your dreams. Are things still the same?
(inspired on the song HALLELUJAH by OH WONDER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y00Pkm-PnXs)
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It’s been a long time ever since you went back. Mainly because hen you left, things weren’t good. And now that you are half-way back, you wonder how much worse could they have gotten?
If you leave now, you’ll regret this day for the rest of your life.
You’re not ready; you won’t make it out there.
Do you know how many people have the same dream as you? Do you know how many are more talented and better than you? Just forget it.
Those were the kind of things you heard on your way to the bus station, 5 years ago, when you left your small town in search of a small window of opportunity, harvesting big dreams in the big city. And for those 5 years, you worked hard; audition after audition, part-time job after part-time job, you somehow made it to the top. You were the triple threat: vocal, dance, and rap, all in one bundle of joy. Among your members, you were known to keep the positive energy going, always smiling and helping however you could. Being the maknae wasn’t easy, but you always tried your best to make your leader’s job easier and bearable. You were good like that, they would say, when in reality, you didn’t think you were all that good. Deep down, somewhere behind the sleepless night of training, and the invite hours of rehearsals, you still feared that your parents were right. You weren’t ready– you’d never been ready. 
Things don’t get better when the bus finally stops, parking carefully before announcing the last stop. You feel the weight of anxiety on your shoulders and on your chest, constricting you, making you smaller, and you can’t help but take a few minutes to yourself before exiting the bus; and there they were. You didn’t think they’d come, seeing that you haven’t properly talked in so long, but you should’ve expected it. They’d never forget, not your best friend.
“Yah,” You shout, holding the straps of your backpack tightly. You didn’t bring much, because even though your ticket back was scheduled for next month, you were sure you’d end up leaving before that. “Im Jaebeom, in the flesh. What do I owe the honor?!”
You couldn’t really see him in the dark; his hair was covered by a black hoodie and his glasses shone with the barely functioning post lamp– even then you knew he looked as beautiful and ethereal as he did before. You two met when you were barely 12, suffering through middle school and everything in between; your friends, yourself, your family. At the age of 12, everything seems wrong, and distorted, and unfair, and lonely; but not with Jaebeom. The boy made himself present one rainy afternoon, when you walked all the way back from school alone, mainly because the mean upperclassmen had stolen your bike and pushed you down to the ground. With bleeding knees, you make your way past Jaebeom’s house, just five blocks away from yours, crying silently, shoulders shaking gently. You didn’t want to make a scene, but you were sad and hurt, and you hoped that the rain masked your tears in case anyone saw you; and it kind of did, so no one that passed you really worried, they just assumed you were cold and on your way home. Some waved. Others just looked. Im Jaebeom screamed.
Your head shot up as if you had just been caught doing something bad. Your shoulders freeze, partially because you were indeed cold, and partially because, at this point, you were just scared. You had been walking on your own for some time now and you were terrified that the upperclassmen followed you. 
“Why are you crying?”
And it’s not the fact that he noticed that caught your attention, it’s the fact that this boy was on a tree– as in fully climbed to the top of the tree– in the middle of the rain. Your eyes go wide and you start crying even harder, screaming for him to come down because he could die! His eyes roll– a nasty habit he has since he was a kid,– and he slowly climbs down, walking to you with small and careful strides, doing his best not to scare you. His efforts fail, though, because right then a thunder claps in the sky and your knees give out. The story ends with both of you inside his house; his mother giving you cookies while Jaebeom made you some warm milk with honey. Your dad picked you up, immensely thankful for kind Ms. Im, and telling your savior that he is a very brave young man, for someone that was just 14. Now, though, in his prime 25, you can guarantee that Jaebeom grew to be the man you always saw him as– and that he still rolls his eyes. 
“Come on,” He laughs, casually walking to you and opening his arms wide. “I deserve a better reception for coming to pick you up, don’t you think?”
You squeal and jump into his arms. The thing about you two was that you were always close. You met when you were 12, and by 13 you were already married. Fake married, but married still. Your parents always said that you two would end up together in the future, a failed attempt at teasing you two, since Jaebeom took it seriously and gifted you the metal ring he got from his favorite keychain. Your mom gave you a silver chain to keep that ring, and not that it mattered or that he could see anything, but you were wearing that chain as his arms raised you up and spun you around. 
You never took the chain out, if you were being honest. And you were– being honest, that it. You were always honest when it came to Im Jaebeom, so when it came down to accepting your feelings for him, you did with a smile on your face. Even though you had to leave, and even though he chose to stay; you never fought it. It was just what happened. 
“I missed you,” Jaebeom whispers, putting you down. “You have no idea how crazy things are right now.”
“Well, why don’t we hit the late diner and you can tell me all abut it?” You smile, wiggling your brows, but you knew that he wouldn’t be easily fooled.
“Y/N,” He sighs with a fond smile. “You’ll be fine.”
“Sure I will,” You shrug, nervously looking down. Your hand grabs his and intertwine your fingers. “If you’re there, I’m sure I will.”
Jaebeom snorts, tightening his grip on your hand. “As if I’d leave…”
You laugh– head back, hand on stomach, gasping for air kind of laugh,– and not because it was funny, but simple because it was right. 
You manage avoid talking to your parents, and you somehow convince JB that it’s okay, I can just talk to them tomorrow. You two make your way to your old room, and it surprises you that it still looks like it did when you left. Tiredly marching to the bathroom with your pjs in hand, you change, and go back to your room only to find Jaebeom wearing sweatpants that are a bit too small for him and a t-shirt that is bit too large. 
“Hot,” You say, holding your laughter in when he sends you a death glare. “Let’s brush our teeth and go to bed, I’m exhausted.”
Even brushing your teeth with him makes you smile– and not because you are in love with him,– but because you really missed your best friend. 
“Hey,” He whispers once you two are already laying down; him in between you and the door, and you tucked under his chin. “What would your manager say if he knew we slept like this?”
You just frown. You really didn’t want to think about it, because it wouldn’t be good. 
“He’d probably kill me, if I’m being honest,” You mumble, nuzzling into his neck.
Jaebeom just laughs. “Yeah,” He giggles like he did year ago, when you to were kidding from the grown ups. “My girlfriend would kill me too.”
You freeze, and then it’s gone. You are used to this; this feeling go immense panic for a second, and then defeat. You felt it for the first time when Jaebeom first introduced you to some of his friends from high school, and told you that they were the cool kids. You felt it because you felt him adding away. It was a hard time for you, when JB was in high school and you were still in middle school, and even though you two didn’t hang out as much, it all went back to normal once you got to high school, too. By then, you had gotten used to seeing him with different girls– girlfriends, lovers, friends; and so you trained yourself to just swallow the panic, and be happy for him.
“If she knew,” You mumble, before falling asleep. “She really would.”
Your mother is the one that woke you up. Just you.
“Honey,” She says with a smile, and you can’t help but smile with her. Her sweet voice always warmed you up. “Wake up, I made breakfast.”
“You did?” You gasp, and even though you were trying your damn hardest, she could see right past you.
“Yeah,” She smiled, pulling your covers. “Too bad Jaebeom couldn’t stay, I made his favorite.”
“Oh,” You say feigning ignorance. “Yeah, I guess so.”
“He told me to tell you he’ll be back in the afternoon, though,” She says softly, by the door. “His girlfriend called, and as soon as he has that sorted, he’ll be back.”
You just shrug at that. 
“He’ll always be back, Y/N,” You mother winks. “Don’t worry.”
True to her words, he comes back. Face in a scowl and frowning constantly, but back nonetheless. You can imagine what happened, but don’t really feel the need to ask. Jaebeom marches through the door when you finishing your breakfast, laughing with your dad, and he just walks up to your room. 
“He still does that,” You dad says with a fond smile on his face. “Even when you’re gone. It got to the point we gave him a key to the house.”
“Seriously?!” You gasp.
“He woke us up late at night a couple of times,” Your dad laughs. “It was just easier for him to have the key.”
You look at your dad weird and follow your friend, finding him laying down on your bed, face smothered by your pillows.
“I’m taking that your girl wasn’t really happy with you staying over,” You mumble, sitting next to him. You don’t dare to touch him, though, choosing to hug your own legs instead. 
“Girlfriend,” He corrects you and you don’t really know the difference, but sure. “And yeah, she got pretty pissed.”
“What’s the verdict then?” You ask with a sigh, laying down, now. Still not touching. 
Until his hand finds yours. It always does. 
“Either I break up with you,” He states, slowly, as if trying to fully understand. “Or she breaks up with me.”
“I see,” You say, smiling a sad smile. You pull your hand away from his. “You should go apologize to her.”
His screech echoes in the house and you can’t help but flinch away from him. 
“What the actual fuck, Y/N?” He shouts again and you get up, rolling your eyes at him just like he does to you. 
“If you apologize,” You say flicking him in the forehead. “Maybe she won’t make you choose, you dumbass.”
“Oh,” Jaebeom sounds so relieved upon hearing your explanation that you can’t help but feel a little selfish pride blooming within you. You were still his #1. “You’re right; I should call her now, maybe we can all go for lunch, or something.”
“That’s a great idea,” No, it wasn’t. “I’d love to meet her.”
“Okay,” He shuffles to the hallway. “Be right back.”
In the end, she does forgive him and you smile, happy that he is with someone understanding. She is your best friend, after all, she says, and you can’t help but detect something off about the way she says it. Nothing trumps that.
You three meet at a local restaurant; a place where you and Jaebeom have been going since middle school, and you feel like crying when you see Ms. Choi again.
“Ms. Choi!” You exclaim and run to her, hugging her close. “I’ve missed you so much!”
“Ah, young Y/N,” Ms. Choi pats your back with the kind of love that only a mother can give. You still remember her there, holding your mom’s hand fiver years ago, at the bus station. She sent you off with some warm soup and her famous gimbap. “I missed you too, my angel. But I have that now!”
You look at where she is pointing and you see a small television. 
“Whenever you have promotions or award shows,” She whispers with a shy smile. “We all get together to watch you.”
And you shouldn’t be surprised, not about this. While the whole town told you you were making a mistake, that you shouldn’t go, that you weren’t talented enough, a handful of people stood by you, and Ms. Choi was one of them. The Im’s and your family were the rest. You realize you’re crying once her small hands wipe your tears away. 
“What is wrong, child?” She asks, still holding you. “It doesn’t feel right.”
“No,” You whisper, trying to control your tears. “It really doesn’t, Ms. Choi.”
“You know,” She mumbles, and you couldn’t be more thankful for her at that moment, for the quietness off it all was comforting in a while that made you feel safe. “The boy is the one that started our tradition. Said you needed the support of a family.”
“I really do,” And that’s when you notice your mistake. Not did; do. 
“It’ll be alright, Y/N,” She says, and wipes your face once more. “Now go to the boy and his friend, they are waiting for you.”
“Thank you, Ms. Choi,” You say, and give her a kiss in the forehead. She was old now, shorter than you, and your heart feels a little heavier upon realization. 
You join Jaebeom and Chae, his girlfriend, a few minutes later, when you calmed down enough to pretend nothing happened. Although he notices your puffy eyes instantly, JB is smarter than to just bring it up. He’d wait until you two were alone. 
All in all, Chae is a sweetheart. She treats your friend incredibly well and is really understanding of you guys’ friendship, although you could see the sadness behind her eyes– a sadness you’ve felt before, once you signed your contract with the label. It’s the kind of sadness that dawns on you once you realize that the thing you love the most suddenly has an expiration date. Is she planing on breaking up with him?
“Let’s go, girls,” Jaebeom says, interrupting Chae as she was telling you a funny story. “It’s getting late.”
You smile at the fondly, watching Jaebeom tuck Chae under his arms and kiss her head. 
“You guys go ahead,” You say, waving your hand nonchalantly. “I’ll stay a little longer and maybe help Ms. Choi close up.”
“No way,” Chae protests looking up at Jaebeom with a frown, much similar to his. “It’s late, Y/N; it’s dangerous to walk home by yourself.”
“I’ll be fine,” You laugh, genuinely smiling at her. You liked her. “I’ve dealt with worse.”
You two look at a serious Jaebeom.
“Yah,” You sigh jokingly. “I’m the triple threat. Do you even know how crazy fans can get?”
It takes only a wink for Chae to burst out laughing with you. But not Jaebeom; no, he knew you weren’t kidding.
“Call me,” He says, knowing that you won’t change your mind. “Chae’s house is just a 15 minute walk from here, so call me and I’ll take you home.”
“Ay ay, captain!”
With that, they were finally gone. And you could cry in peace. 
It doesn’t take long for Ms. Choi to notice your sobbing figure and close the place early. She sits down next to you and takes your head to her shoulder, her small arms around you. 
You do. You tell her about the sleepless nights of rehearsals by yourself; your unnies already asleep. You tell her about the pressure from management and the fans and everyone else that once told you you couldn’t do it– and you think you can’t; you think you can’t do it, because your body is about to give out, and your head is about to burst, and your throat hurts so damn much. You just want to be in peace, with your family, for a while.
“That’s what you’re here for,” Ms. Choi laughs. “To rest. So rest.”
“I can’t,” You admit, slightly embarrassed. “I don’t know how to not overthink. I don’t know how to not do what I’ve been conditioned to, Ms. Choi. I’m scared I’m not enough-“
“But you are,” She says, looking at you with sad eyes. “You are more than enough, angel.”
“I don’t know…”
“If you only knew how proud we all are,” Ms. Choi smiles. “Your parents talk about you all the time. I throw a party every time your group wins a new prize, did you know that?”
“And Jaebeom,” She chuckles. “Jaebeom is the proudest. Tells everyone that’s my girl! Chae is an incredible girlfriend to him, don’t think we don’t know… but she’s not his girl, Y/N.”
That only makes you cry harder, and you are not sure how long it’s been, but you two are suddenly interrupted. 
“Eomma!” You hear someone call from the door. “Mom, where are you?”
“Back here!”
You could recognize his voice anywhere. 
Choi Youngjae. He had been not only one of Jaebeom’s best friends in high school, but also your first boyfriend. 
“Well, well, well,” You laugh, completely ignoring the tears in your cheeks, happy to see your old friend. “Hello there, darling.”
His eyes go wide when he sees your state; messy hair, puffy eyes, and s wide smile.
“You look as crazy as I remembered you to be,” He says and runs to hug you. 
Contrary to people’s belief, you two broke up on very good terms, agreeing that everything felt more like a very strong friendship than a romantic relationship.
“Good to see you, baby,” He says, still laughing. You two still called each other those stupid pet names, more because of how funny it sounded. 
“You too,” You sit down and he sits across from you. “Ms. Choi, do you want us to take you home?”
“No, you two kids enjoy your time,” She gives Youngjae a kiss on the forehead and the keys. “Just don’t forget to lock up, yeah?”
“You got it, old lady,” She slaps him and leaves; but not before putting two bottles of soju in front of your two. 
“Shall we call some people?” He asks with a mischievous smile. 
“It’s almost midnight, Youngjae,” You snicker. “Who on earth would come now?”
Turned out that Jackson and Jinyoung would; and that with them they would bring new friends, ones that came after you– Yugyeom and BamBam. They were both younger than you, and suddenly you were a noona. It was your first time being called noona and your cheeks blush with giddiness. 
“…and then my mom told me to break up with her,” Youngjae say, stumbling a bit over his words thanks to the three soju bottles he had, and the fourth one he held. “Because we weren’t meant to be. She was Jae-“
You cover his mouth before anything stupid comes out of it, and laugh with everyone else.
“Ah, we missed you, kid,” Jackson said with a smile that wasn’t funny anymore. It was nostalgic, borderline anguished. “It’s been different since you left.”
“It’s been different for me, too,” You say, torn in between trying to understand him, and trying to defend yourself. 
“Good different?” Jinyoung asks, eyes boring into your head. They had been your closest friends all throughout your high school life, and you knew you could count on them. But telling them before telling Jaebeom seemed wrong, and it felt weird; but you couldn’t stop your drunk brain. 
“Sometimes,” You shrug and lower your head, afraid of the looks they were giving you. “Sometimes is good, you know? I did it. I managed to follow my dreams and all that shit. I get to sing as much as I want, and dance as much as I want, and I even started producing for some groups in the label… but other times, well, other times are really bad.”
“Y/N,” Jinyoung reaches for your hand just as Youngjae wraps his arms around you. 
“I’m just tired all the time,” You say with a humorless laugh, and you finish your bottle in one go, ignoring the whining from the younger boys. “And I feel really lonely, and I miss home… yeah, that is the one that hurts the most. I miss home.”
“You’re home now, though,” BamBam offers, smiling a bit. “Do you think that one month will be enough?”
You let out a loud ‘ha!’ and finishes Youngjae’s bottle too. 
“I’m not at home, though,” You shake your head, allowing your shoulders to fall in defeat. “I’m home, but I’m not at home.”
And while the youngest ones looked at you confused, probably dismissing everything you were saying because of your drunken state, the others knew exactly what you meant. 
“I think that’s enough for you,” Jinyoung says with a chuckle, breaking the sad mood. “And for us, too. It’s almost 3 in the morning and even though you are on a break, some of us aren’t.”
You whine, sounding freakishly alike Yugyeom, and you two laugh at that, whining together. And this is good, you think, looking at the boys. This is as good as it’ll get, and I’m more than happy with it. 
For the next few days, you spent most of your time at Ms. Choi’s restaurant. The boys would always meet you there; either all of them at once, or just a few of them. Time would be spent either writing song after song after song, or by actually working at the restaurant. Youngjae, now a reporter, would always make sure to treat you to something delicious by the end of the day as a way to repay your kindness towards his family. He explained that his mother’s health hasn’t been very good for a while and both of you cried together. 
Coming home is not as easy as I thought, you say to yourself, while you cleaned a table. You think of all the emotions you were feeling since you got there, a week ago, and you only snap out of it when someone coughs next to you. 
“Haven’t seen you in a while.”
Im Jaebeom.
“Actually, haven’t heard from you in a while, either.”
“Don’t be dramatic,” You say with a smile, while turning to him. “I’ve just been busying myself while helping Ms. Choi with the restaurant.”
“You’ve always loved this place,” He laughs, and your neck hurts when you turn your head to look at him too suddenly. 
Just as you managed to get a good look at his face, you knew something was wrong. He has dark bags under his eyes, and his cheeks seem hollow, almost as if all the happiness of a smile had been sucked out of it. 
“Give me a sec,” You say and run back to the kitchen, where you silently warm up some milk and drizzle some honey on it. His favorite, always. 
When you come back, you notice him reading something. And your heart stops. 
“No!” You shout. “No no nonono-“
He is much faster than you are, though, and he grabs the notebook and raises above his head, and out of your reach.
“Im Jaebeom,” You sneer. “Give it back!”
No matter how loud you shouted or how firm you sounded, his eyes just wouldn’t stray away from the pages. 
“Some days I don't think my daddy thinks I'm good enough to be a superstar,” Jaebeom reads out loud and it physically hurts you to hear the pain in his voice. You know exactly what will happen, and you hate yourself for allowing it. “But one day I will show him I'm a diamond in the rough, I'll be a superstar.”
His eyes keep going, skimming over the lines.
Yeah, there's a crown 
Covered in glitter and gold 
I'm gonna wear it, whether you like it or not
“What the fu-“ He lowers his guard enough for your to jump and snatch your notebook back. Before he can cast his judgmental eyes– because that is what he is doing, judging you,– you take off your apron, quickly saying goodbye to Ms. Choi and walking out of there. “Y/N, stop!”
You ignore him.
“I said,” He shouts, and the way his voice gets you to stop walking is something you’ll always hate about him. “Stop.”
“Who the fuck do you think you are,” Your voice comes out shaky, but you don’t care. You just don’t care anymore. “To just… do that?”
“Me?” He sneers. “I’m you best fucking friend, that’s who I am, in case you have forgotten.”
“Oh, come on, Jaebeom!” You scream, turning to look at him. His eyes were squinted and you knew he meant business. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You disappear for a whole week, and you think I’m not going to notice? You think I’m not going to see?” He laughs, hand covering his mouth in disbelief. “Yugyeom says hi, by the way.”
“Leave Yugyeom out of this,” You mumble, hands clutching your notebook. “I was busy, and honestly, so were you.”
“Oh, please enlighten me,” He whispers, stepping closer to you in a way that made you want to turn around and run. “How was I busy?”
“With-“ You bite your tongue before you say it.
“With what?” He basically bites at you. “Chae? Is that what you were going to say?”
“Maybe,” You mumble, looking down in shame. “Maybe it was.”
“Well, that’s bullshit,” He spits and takes a step back, and you know it is because he noticed your trembling frame. “You know I’d drop anything to hang out with you, so that-“
“That’s just it,” You scream, suddenly feeling as crazy as you looked; tired, fed up, angry. “You shouldn’t drop your girlfriend, Jaebeom, for me. It’s not how it works!”
“But it is!” You want to run to him, and wipe the frown off of his face as you always did. You want to pet his hair until he fell asleep, and you wanted to kiss his worries away. But you can’t. “It’s how we always worked!”
“Just,” You turn around and keep walking. “Just drop it. I’ll call you tomorrow.”
“No, I’m not dropping it,” He says, grabbing your wrist. You wonder what did you two looked like, and lovers is the only thing that comes to mind. “You don’t wanna talk about this, then fine! We’ll talk about something else; like, how about we talk about that song?”
“I don’t want to,” You murmur, pulling on your wrist only to have him tighten his grip. “Let me go, Jaebeom.”
“Do you know how much your parents sacrificed so that you could get where you are?” He mumbles, and every word he says is like venom to your skin. You gasp, trying to free yourself. “How much I sacrificed? Do you even care, Y/N?! Or is your perfect idol life all you can think about, huh, Triple Threat?”
And this was it. This was your turning point; no return, you think as you kneed him in the balls. You and Jaebeom have never gotten physical with each other, never.
“I swear to god, Im Jaebeom,” You say, shaking everywhere. “If I see you tomorrow, I’ll pretend you don’t exist. If you try to talk to me, or if your try to touch me, I’ll fucking kill you.”
It surprised you that you haven’t cried yet. 
Last time you and Jaebeom fought,– about four years ago, when you were still a trainee– you cried so much that even your manager thought it would be better to not have you participate on the schedule for the entire week. And all Jaebeom did was say that he was a little upset with you. A little upset. Now here you were, after kneeing your best friend in the balls and leaving him in the middle of the sidewalk, pretending nothing happened.
You sent some of the songs you wrote to your leader, and she said they were good and that she would pass them on to your manager, so that he could talk to the higher ups. But you didn’t send her the one that nattered; the one that Jaebeom read. 
You only had those lines he read, and you get why he got mad. But you weren’t lying; there were days that you thought you weren’t good enough, so how could your parents? But you did it, you kept trying and training, because of them. Because of all of them– your parents, Jaebeom, Ms. Choi, the boys,– all of them, that once believed in you. 
A memory comes back; one of you during trainee days, getting scolded by your label. Your moves weren’t sharp enough, your vocals weren’t high enough, and honestly, were you even enough? You remember crying for hours in your room until one of the unnies found you. Hyejin, is her name, and even though she wasn’t the leader, she was the oldest one in the group– she took care of all of you. 
Get it together, she said, passing you a protein bar and a bottle of water. And prove them wrong. There is something bigger and better waiting for us, Y/N, and we’re gonna get it, wether they like it or not. 
You still remembered your first award, the weight of the award on your fingers, and the words Hyejin shouted to the world: this is ours, wether you like it or not. Hallelujah, my friends, we made it.
Your hands move without intent, and minutes later, you have a completed song in front of you. Smiling, you look at the notebook, admiring your work. And then you are brought back to reality when a familiar voice calls your name. 
“Y/N,” It’s a careful tone, the one he uses now, and you like it more than the one he used last night. “What did I tell you yesterday?” You say, packing your things, while purposefully leaving your notebook on the table.
“You can’t even kill a fly,” Jaebeom says and rolls his eyes. Yugyeom is behind him and he waves excitedly at you. 
“Hi Yugy!” You say, laughing gleefully. “Bye Yugy!”
You make a point of ignoring him, even when he comes running after you with your notebook in hand. 
As you walk peacefully to your house, excited to show your parents the song you were hoping to have included on your new album once you got back to work, another voice calls you. Same careful tone, different pitch. 
“Oh, hey Chae!” You say, smiling.
“Hey,” She says and you can feel the awkwardness in the air. “Can we talk?”
“Of course,” You say frowning. “Did Jae-“
“Yeah,” She smiles sheepishly. “But that’s not what I want to talk to you about.”
She guides you to a nearby park, and you two sit on a bench, overlooking the kids in the playground. You recognize some people from high school and shyly wave at them, looking away instantly so they don’t mistake your niceties with an invitation to come over and talk. 
“I wanted to tell you that Jaebeom came home sobbing yesterday.” 
You flinch at the words, and you hide your face with your hands, embarrassed.
“And that if I were you, I would’ve done the same.”
“What?” Your voice is muffled by your hands, but you can see Chae giggling through the gap in between in your fingers.
“He told me everything,” She sighed. “And I mean, everything. From childhood, to teenage, to now. And he told me what he did. And what you did. I can’t blame you, even though I wish I could; it’s on him, really.”
“What are you talking about?” You ask softly, sensing the tension in the air.
“Jaebeom broke up with me last night,” She says, and you can hear the hurt in her voice. “And I think we both know why.”
“Chae, I’m so so-“
“Don’t,” Even angry, you think. Chae is such a sweetheart. “I’m fine. I’ll be fine. But please, take care of him. Yesterday was a freaky thing in you guys’ weird timeline, and he felt really bad about it. Yugyeom and Jackson came over to help me, because I didn’t know what to do, and they told him everything. Who knew, huh? Who knew that even people like you suffered?”
“People like me?” You ask, confused as to why you were being put in a different category.
“Yeah, you know,” Chae shrugs. “Stubborn, strong headed, incredible people like you.”
“I- I am not sure what I’m supposed to say,” You chuckle uncomfortably. “Of course we suffer, Chae. It’s hard, being away from it all– home, family, friends,– even if that was a choice I made on my own. I’m not different just because I got lucky and made it to the top.”
“No,” She says with a sigh. “You’re different because you didn’t get lucky, Y/N. You worked yourself until you passed out, until you ended up in the hospital, until you got stronger. That’s what makes you different.”
“How did you know all of that?!” You gasp.
“I’ve been a fan for a while,” She says, playfully winking. “That’s how I met Jaebeom, actually, talking about you. So you can see why this was never meant to be, right?”
You just nod, closing your eyes with a pained expression.
“Talk to him,” Chae elbows you lightly, smiling. “He needs you.”
“I need him too,” You say somewhat defensively.
“Never said you didn’t,” She shrugs and gets up. “I have to go, now… good luck.” “You said yourself,” You said giving her a hug, and getting ready to run. “I’m different, and not because I’m lucky, but because I am a stubborn bitch.”
“Those weren’t exactly my words,” She mumbles, laughing. “But yeah, you are.”
You find him exactly where you knew you would– laying in your bed, mumbling to himself.
“Stupid, stupid, stupid Jaebeom,” His muttered under his breath, face covered with your notebook. “Why’d you have to be so stupid?”
“At this point I just think it is a character trait of yours,” You say, getting his attention. Your notebook falls loudly on the floor and you frown at that. “Hey, that’s important!”
“Sorry,” Jaebeom quickly collects the book from the ground, putting on top of your work table. “I’m so sorry, Y/N. I don’t know what came over me and I just-“
“You’re sorry?!” You laugh, incredulously. “Can you imagine how I feel? I kneed you in the balls, Jaebeom!”
He chuckles, and grabs you by the wrist, once again; this time, though, when he pulls you to him, he’s met with no resistance at all. Your body tumbles onto his and it’s like yesterday never happened. 
“I miss you,” He mumbles, heart beating wildly in his chest, under your hands. “I miss you all the goddamned time, Y/N. I should’ve listened to you, I’m sorry I didn’t… and I’m sorry about the whole triple threat thing, that was petty of me.”
“I miss you too, Jaebeom,” You say, nuzzling his neck. It was a habit you picked up when you were about 14, having once seen how much he enjoyed it when his cats did it. “And it’s okay. I didn’t tell you anything, so there was no way you could know. I promise to tell you next time, though.”
“No, you don’t get it,” He says, moving so that he can look into your eyes. You can feel his breath fan your face, and you smile at that. “I miss you. So much. All the time.”
“Me too, you idiot,” You say, laughing quietly. “I love you, too.”
When he kisses you, it is so Jaebeom, so much of him and so much like him, that it doesn’t even feel foreign; it feels as if you two have been doing this all along. His lips are demanding, and they give and take, pushing and pulling back. He summons noises you’ve never made before, and you do the same with him, loving the timber of his voice as you swallow it. His hands found solace in your hips and in your hair, playing with the baby hairs in your neck, pulling them slightly. 
“Fucking finally, Im Jaebeom,” You whisper into his mouth as you two pull apart.
“Hallelujah,” He mumbles back and you can’t help but push him away, laughing at his stupid pun. 
You two lay in silence for a while, until you felt him move again, arms around you, mouth on your forehead. 
“Y/N,” He calls.
“Can you sing to me?”
You look at him weird. “Is this one of your freaky kinks?”
“I regret telling you anything about my past relationships,” He says, groaning in shame. You can’t help but blush at the sound. “But no. I just want to hear you sing it.”
“Sing what?”
“You know.”
You smile. 
I heard it on the radio
On my way back home
That I'm gonna be someone
I guess it was a song they wrote
Saying don't go slow
'Cause you're gonna be someone
His hands find yours, squeezing it to a rhythm you two create together.
Some days I don't think my daddy thinks I'm good enough to be a superstar
But one day I will show him I'm a diamond in the rough, I'll be a superstar
'Cause there's a crown
Covered in glitter and gold
I'm gonna wear it, whether you like it or not
His mouth move with yours, on yours, over yours. He is all over you, like you always wanted, and the final verse is left unsaid. But that’s okay, because you both know it and that is all that matters.
And I'll be singing
Whether you like it or not
Yeah, I'll be singing
THIS IS THE LONGEST FIC I’VE EVER WRITTEN! what do you guys think?? I am have been obsessed with GOT7 recently and I felt like Jaebeom was the best member for this story line :P should I maybe make a part 2? let me know!
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peaky-shelby · 5 years
When he sees me [4]
Pairing: Chris Evans x oc
Summary: Delilah is a simple shy girl. What will happen when famous actor, Chris Evans sees her? Will she hide, will she run again? Will he make her come out of hiding instead?
Episode 4: The one with the double date
Read:  prologue, episode 1, episode 2 , episode 3
Words: 2.656
Based on When he sees me by Sara Bereilles
Warnings: mentions of sex, awkwardness, fluff, mentions of anxiety and Sebastian Stan.
Author’s note: this one is practically the begging of the story. The beginning of the battle that Delilah will have to go through. Will they survive? Thanks again for reading and please don’t forget leave your thoughts💘 and if you stop answering I’ll just assume that you want me to stop tagging you♥️
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On the drive from the club to the house Delilah didn’t shut up. She kept mumbling about all these reasons why the double date was not a good idea. A part of her knew that Laura wasn’t really listening but she kept going. You see, she talks a lot when she has something to say.
”how could you think of something like that?„ Delilah shut the door to their apartment and threw her back on the nearest chair, her entire body was shaking, her mind was a maze, she had so many things to say, so many worries to express and she couldn’t get them together. She kept pacing back and forth like she was trying to find her sense around the room.
“Would you calm down? I think It’s the perfect idea and everything will go alright—„
“You thought ‘stole his car’ was a metaphor for sleeping with him! Excuse me but I don’t trust your judgment. How am I supposed to go on a double date? I don’t even go on alone dates—„
“This is exactly why I suggested it, you needed a date—„
“I didn’t Laura! That’s my point! I’m happy! Maybe I haven’t dated in a while but that doesn’t mean I’m sad! I don’t need a date, i need to be calm and right now I’m not calm!„
“For God’s Shake Chris Evans asked you out—„
“No!„ She paused her pace and pointed at Laura “It was your idea! He’s just too kind to say anything! You forced him in to asking me out and now it’s going to be a disaster—„
Laura rolled her eyes and went to the kitchen to make herself some tea. She had witnessed these kind of meltdowns many times, soon it would be over. “Or maybe it will be a really fun night!„
“Well we’ll never know cuz I’m not going!„ Delilah left the living room and went to her bedroom, she sat on her bed, trying to keep her body still but her leg kept trembling against the ground. She heard Laura’s sigh from the kitchen and she could imagine her rolling her eyes again. After her 4th meltdown, Laura stopped getting worried, instead she’d use her wit and sarcasm to help, it was more efficient.
“If you keep hitting your foot against the floor, Ms. Reynolds will come shouting again.„ she said entering the room with two cups of tea. Delilah lifted her feet and sat with her legs crossed on her bed. Then Laura handed her one of the cups and sat next to her.
“This is madness! I can’t even go out with the cat guy across the hall and I’m supposed to go on date with Chris Evans? What am I even going to say?„
“Pff that’s obvious!„
“Is it?„
“If you went out with America’s president you’d talk about politics, so considering you’re going out with America’s ass you can talk about butts„ Laura sipped her tea, looking at Delilah cheekily.
“Here im having a serious problems which you created and you’re making jokes—„
“Oh D, come on, what’s your serious problem?! That You have a date with America’s Ass?„
“Stop calling him that!„
“You’re being a child! I get it you’re worried but you have nothing to lose! No matter the out come we are going out with Sebastian Stan and Chris Evans and you’re sitting here whining about what may or may not happen instead of spending your time trying to find the right dress! Literally a child!„
Delilah didn’t respond. She looked down at her cup, saw her reflection in the tea. It was a blur, exactly how she felt on the inside, a blur. Laura wasn’t wrong, she knew that but she couldn’t just ignore the anxiety that she was feeling about the coming night. Her thoughts came to a pause when Laura placed her hand on her shoulder “I’ll be with you, watching everything, if it gets really bad, I’ll drag you out of there myself but don’t let that noise in your head take away this amazing chance. It’s just noise Delilah, just noise. But he is real and right now he is worrying about you the same way you are worrying about him, if he wanted to say no, he would have said no.„ she smiled, pushed Delilah on shoulder gently to make her look up. “But he didn’t.„
Delilah raised her head, her eyes connecting with her friend’s. Laura was her safety net, the one person in the world her head made no noise about. She was always sure about their friendship, they were a family, chasing dreams in LA. Somehow Laura would always find a way to convince her into doing things, she usually wouldn’t. Maybe that was because she knew deep down that even if things went completely sideways, Laura would be there to catch her. Even if she was the one that pushed her off the cliff in the first place.
“I have been on a date in so long I’ve forgotten how to do it.„
Laura laughed “hun, that’s exactly why I’m here! I got experience on that area.„
“Right yeah.. last night, I think you got a little more experience in that area.„
Laura giggled and nodded “yeah I think I did!„
“How did that happen?„ asked Delilah.
“I don’t know... it wasn’t supposed to happen. I had met him ones or twice before in different events, we kept in touch and last night we got a little tipsy and you know.. things just happened.„
“So you like him?„
“Yeah, Yeah I do and I don’t think it’s just fun and games.. he’s a nice one D. I got a good feeling about it.„
“Well I guess we’ll find out tonight.„ Delilah smiled.
They spent the rest of their time, arguing about what they were going to wear. Laura wanted to go with a sexy kind of style, whilst Delilah wanted to keep it simple. At one point they even had a clothes war, Dresses, pants and shirts were thrown all over the house. In the end Laura wore a white top with a portrait neck and a short black flower skirt. Delilah wore a blue dress with flutter sleeves.
As planned Chris and Sebastian were under their house at 8. Delilah saw them arriving in Chris’ car from the window and she instantly panicked.
“I don’t wanna go!„ she whined. Laura ignored her cries and held her arm, pulling her with her out of their apartment.
“There’s my girl!„ Sebastian walked over to Laura immediately “I’ve been waiting to kiss these lips all day.„ he said, leaning down and acting on his wish. Delilah laughed as she watched them, she kinda wanted that but she was too scared to ask for it.
“Hey.„ his voice was like a summer evening breeze. It awoke her from her meaningless thoughts in such a calming way. His tall presence behind her, warmed her entire body even tho he wasn’t touching her. Slowly she turned and looked at him, her cheeks slightly blushing under his watch.
“You look really pretty.„ he said. This is a good start, she thought and smiled.
“Thank you, you too.„
At that moment ditching Laura and Sebastian and staying alone with Chris didn’t seem such a bad idea but—
“Alright! Let’s go! Come on, I’m hungry!„ said Sebastian.
Chris was driving, Delilah was shotgun and Sebastian and Laura were in the back. They couldn’t keep their hands to each other for the whole drive.
“Goodness if they keep going like that they’ll eat each other.„ whispered Delilah, hoping only Chris would hear.
“Sebastian did say he was hungry.„
“Ewww!„ She exclaimed in a high pitched voice making Chris laugh at her reaction.
“Try not to make babies in the restaurant!„ advised Chris, when they arrived at the restaurant. They all followed him in, Delilah was right behind him, hidden by his tall body and the other two were only a few steps behind. The waiter showed them to their table, Laura made sure that they’d sit in the right way for Delilah to be next to Chris.
During the night he’d noticed the little things, how her laughter differed when she actually found something funny from when she was just been kind. How excited she’d get to talk about her favorite books and theater and how she’d let her mind wonder from time to time in thoughts only she could hear. And In that moment while she was talking with Sebastian and Laura about books, he caught himself staring at her . She looked like the ocean in her blue dress, natural and yet ethereal. He could only see the right side of her face, a strand of her was covering her rosy cheek so in a very gentle movement he stretched his hand and moved her hair behind her ear. She looked at him as soon as she felt his warm hand against her skin. Chris pulled his hand back quickly, idiot— that was so weird why would you do that?
“Sebastian don’t we have this thing to go to?„ Said Laura unexpectedly.
“What thing?„
That question got him a punch in the shoulder.
“Oh the thiiiiing— Yeah we should go to the thing.„
“you don’t have a car„ Delilah tried to stop her friend from leaving.
“We’ll get an Uber!„ answered Sebastian
“You should know every nice love story starts with an Uber—„ Laura was cut off by Delilah’s murderous look. “Lets go before she kills me!„
Sebastian left money on the table for Chris and left with Laura. Chris and Delilah didn’t say anything for a couple of minutes, it’s like they had forgotten how two humans communicate.
“What do you think the thing is?„ asked Chris, trying to make a conversation. Obviously there is no thing, She probably thinks I’m an idiot.
“Obviously there is no thing. I mean there’s his thing which she’ll be getting—„ Delilah’s cheeks blushed immediately after she said the joke and she let her head drop on the table, feeling like a total idiot. “God I’m so sorry— that was really inappropriate I had too much whine—„
Chris laughed, she’s adorable.
“It’s alright— you’re probably right.„
She giggled at his reassurance, he tapped her on the shoulder so she’d look at him and smirked “wanna get out of here too?„
“Honestly? Yeah.„
“Lets go I have an idea.„
“Goodness this is so cheesy“ she whispered getting out of the car. Chris chuckled at her comment.
“I’m sorry it’s the best I could come up with last minute.„
“Well I’m not complaining, I’m just saying—„
“It’s cheesy.„ he completed her sentence, making her laugh a little.
Living in a LA for the last 3 years this was actually the first time she had gone on Mount Lee at night. The view was beautiful, the lights of the street looked like diamonds, the world looked so peaceful from up here, like a painted picture.
“You always see the Hollywood sign from down there... it’s so weird to be up here looking down there.„ she smiled, tilting her head to look at him “it’s cheesy but it’s beautiful.„
Chris looked down at her with so much affection. Night has never looked so beautiful on a person, it was like it was tailored for her to wear it.
“You know... when you are in Hollywood, so deep in the fuss of it, the fame and the craziness you forget how beautiful it is as a place. The history, the magic, the secrets, the art...everything about it. So I like to come up here, enjoy the view and remember.... and I feel so privileged to be able to say that I’m part of it, not because of the fame or the money but the—„
“History.„ she finished his sentence like he had done earlier “..and the beauty.„ she added in a whisper making him smile. He took a step forward and turned his whole body to her.
This is the perfect moment, right? She wants me to kiss her. I’ll just do it, but I’ll go in slow in case she wants to stop me— please don’t stop me. I bet her lips taste like caramel. Only a few inches closer, just a little bit—
Delilah stopped him by placing her hand on his chest. Chris looked at her worried but she wasn’t even looking at him, she was watching something behind him.
“I think there are two people doing it behind the bush.„ she whispered, trying not to laugh. Chris immediately turned and sure enough there were two people behind the bush totally getting it. He tried his hardest to contain his laughter but Delilah gave up and broke down in chuckles.
“Let’s get out of here!„ he suggested and pulled her with him to the car. When they got in they both started laughing like kids and Chris drove away quickly. And when they were in a fair distance he asked her if she wanted to go home and Delilah said yes.
“This is it.„ she whispered when they arrived. Chris smiled at her, he wanted her to stay.
“We should do something again.„
“I’d really like that.„ she whispered and leaned in to gave him a gentle peck on the cheek. His beard stroked her face, making her heart flutter. Their connection was so tender and sweet. She pulled away and gave him one last smile before she exited the car. Chris watched her leave until last minute he remembered:
“Oh god the bracelet!„ he got off the car and run to her. “Sorry! I almost forgot!„
“What happened?„
“You lost this, again.„ he pulled the bracelet out of his pocket and placed it on her hands. “Next time I’ll find it, I’ll keep it!„ he added. Delilah laughed and nodded.
“I’ll be more careful I promise. Thank you Chris!„
They stood still for a moment. Chris was only looking at her not saying anything. “There’s one more thing..„ he started saying.
Do it. Kiss her. If it wasn’t for the pervs making out in the bushes, she would have kissed you. Kiss her.
He stepped closer and curled her hair behind her ear, Delilah watched his movements carefully, her heart was about to drop out of her chest but she wasn’t going to stop him.
He leaned closer and closer and closer until there was no space between them and his lips met hers. It was quick and sweet, only a little peck on her lips and nothing more but Delilah was still feeling like he stole her voice and her breath. She opened her eyes and found him looking at her with his golden eyes like he was asking for permission to kiss her again. She gave it to him with a simple smile and Chris moved closer to her, kissing her one more time. His right hand was placed gently on her cheek while she had very awkwardly placed her hand on his hips, holding on his jacket. She had forgotten how to do this, it was like it was her first time. Chris sensed her struggle and pulled away, giving her a reassuring smile. Delilah giggled in embarrassment and looked away. “I’m sorry..I— I’m not used to this. I..should really go.„ her anxiety was very slowly but surely raising from her toes up to her head and she knew that soon the noise would start playing in her mind. She had to leave before he could hear it. The giggles stopped and she stepped away from him. He nodded and waved “goodnight..I’ll call you„ he smiled.
“Goodnight Chris.„
She walked in the building and fast in her apartment. Shutting the door and as soon as she did that the noise began.
@annoyinglydarktriumph-us @purely-myself-03 @yelyahcardella @tessvillegas @thejemersoninferno
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d-noona · 6 years
SUMMARY: Min Yoongi needs help - He just doesn’t know it, but when the self-absorbed, emotionally isolated Rapper/Music Producer meets Y/N, his single minded professional drive gets detoured by her lust of life. Y/N invites him over to her world for a full on 30 Days experience as she begins to strip down the layers of guard Yoongi has. Only to surprise him that Y/N has a little secret of her own
WORDS: 1211
Min Yoongi x Reader
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Yoongi's POV
You were working on a track to be submitted to your big bosses by the end of the week, you guys had no particular deadline what so ever, but hey, you had no girlfriend. You had no one to fuck with, plus the fact that you were not in a partying mood. You stood up grabbed a cup of coffee. Time check: 2:26 am what the fuck you thought to yourself. You were pulling an all niter again. It still surprises you that you're still surprised that you'd be pulling an all niter such as this. It was cool though since you feel the effects of the caffeine settling in your system, then heard your door bell ring. "Fuck!" You were definitely caught off guard and burnt your tongue. "Who the fuck would be ringing your door bell at 2 am?" Mumbling to yourself. You approached the prompter to find out who was ringing your door bell at this unholy hour of the night. You see Manolo on the screen seemingly stressed and flustered. "Mr. Min. I am sorry to disturb you sir, excuse me, Mr. Min?" you pressed the prompter for the man to hear you and responded "Yeah?"
"Sir, this is Manolo from the lobby, we have a very very serious situation here. There is a certain lady here. Who says very strange personal things about you." As Manolo kept on babbling about your visitor you wondered who the hell was it? Could it be? "Noooo...." you thought to yourself. Angelica doesn't know the new flat. To your surprise you see the girl from the DMV test to be on the screen attempting to push Manolo to the side. You were too shocked to realize and register whats happening, then she spoke "Its okay. Its okay. I can talk to him. Let me talk to him. Trust me." while Manolo was struggling to get her off the screen, she proceeded to speak to you via prompter "Hey you big spender, remember me? I wanna talk to you. You wanna come down here?" The she batted her eyelash in the most seductive way that caught you off guard and said "Baby I can't stop thinking about you." She smiled innocently then turned to Manolo and said "Did he hear me?" "Y-Yes madam" he said. "You sure?" says the DMV Girl. She cant stop thinking about me? I did hear that correctly right? You looked at her features carefully. Well what do you know it seems like I am getting laid after all tonight. She isn't half bad, as a matter of fact the girl was beyond beautiful. She had a pale caramel skin tone. She had all the right curves in all the right places and I don’t think she's aware that she looks extremely ethereal. Boy how lucky can you get? You continue with your mind rambling in and about the DMV Girl. You were flustered by the fact that she is on your prompter, you responded "Y-yeah. I can hear you. Be down in 5."
Walking towards the lobby you hear a chatter both of Manolo and the DMV girl, seemingly she has won the heart of your lobby receptionist as he tells his sordid tale on how his wife left him for another man which happened to be their plumber. You approached the desk and eye your guest. She was wearing that red scarf again and a baggy jacket hidden underneath it is a crisp white summer dress that’s just right above her knee, you noticed that she had a beautiful skin. While you were ogling at her beauty you hear her speak to Manolo.
"Look at that Manny. My very own prince charming." she says to Manolo. You were surprised by how sweetly she smiled at you, that you couldnt help but smile. Then she trails on "I dont think I have ever met such a Royal Asshole in my entire life." She slowly approaches you and fixes your jacket as she goes in rambling "So tell me Yoongi, does your mom know you treat women as hookers or did she raise you to believe that being nice means patronizing the whole world." You were dumbfounded by how fierce she is. "Uh-oh, I smell trouble." Says Manolo as he tries to look busy attempting to stay away from the soon upcoming fight you were about to have. You were beyond pissed. Who does this girl think she is for talking down on you? You were Min Fucking Tongue Technology Yoongi. How dare she. "CAN I TALK TO YOU OUTSIDE" as you emphasize pointing your finger out of the building to avoid from anyone hearing her speak. "Yeah sure." she said ever so brightly. She then turns to Manolo "Bye Manny!"
You drag her out of your building "How the hell did you find me?" you said. You can sense your annoyance reaching its limit. "Yeah well, Im a really smart girl. Plus Mr. Min Yoongi I need a ride." She what? you thought, is she fucking kidding me right now? "What the hell makes you think Im giving you a ride Missy. Go hitchhike or grab an Uber or something." you held your breath and just shrugged her off. She smiles at you answers you "Well, youre the reason I cant drive. So...you know, the least you can do is drive me somewhere. It'll be quick and painless. I PROMISE." Unbelievable. She actually searched me up to ask for freaking ride? What is wrong with this woman? You were having an internal battle whether or not you should kiss or slap her back to reality but instead you tell her "I know you need a ride baby but some people actually have to work you know. Time is money. Not that you would know." You ignored her and decided to go in the building leaving DMV girl behind. She crosses her arm and closed her eyes and inhaled and looked at you straight in the eye "Please dont make me throw a tantraum right now" as she was saying this you tried to completely ignore her and pushed the door open. There were people walking past by the two of you and people kept coming in and out of your building. Then she speaks up again while to your surprise she pulled the sleeve of your jacket and held on it for her dear life. Then she opened that beautiful mouth of hers only to your disdain as she calls out one of your neighbors. "Hi would you like to be naked with us???? We live here..." as she spoke to my next door neighbor who seemed scared shit less of the lunatic that's clinging in your arm like a koala.... "H-hey hey! Seriously...We have a tttuuuubbb full of fuuuuddge and vooooodka. Come on! It would be fun!" She says in a sing song kinda way. You were surprised none the less. You shouted at the people who were gawking "Ignore her please. Ignore her".
Then you were surprised to see Hoseok walking towards you two with a smile as bright as the sun. You were suppose to usher him in as quick as you can since you two initially have set up a meet for the Jay Z album but then she held Hoseoks’ hand and stared at me with a smirk. "You know what? you're a flasher! This has to stop. He's a flasher.. SOMEONE please help me this guy is a FLLLLLASSSSSHHHERRRR" she trailed off. Hoseok was surprised not to say the least not knowing what to say, "Dude. That’s not true, ignore her Hoseok" I turned to the DMV girl. Then she looked at Hoseok pleadingly, oh shit, puppy eyes. She's giving Hoseok one of the most adorable annoying puppy stare in the world. "Hoseok. He is a flasher. He needs to be stopped. Help me please." You turned to your friend laughing endlessly. You had it. You spoke to her grabbing a hold of her hand. "Stop that! Don’t you have any shame at all? I live here." Then she turns at you with the puppy eye stare she had just given Hoseok. "Well. I just need a ride. Is that too much to ask? Please?"
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king-smaurent · 7 years
Hi, I looked on Wattpad, but I couldn't easily find any Captive Prince Fanfics. Do you have any that you would recommend? Thank you!
Ive read a lot of fic and find it all on Ao3 but im gonna rec some of my faves! (and theres no way this is all my faves. I’ll only do a few for each sort of verse as to not overwhelm.  we’d be here for days. its the faves that come to mind first i guess. and ill just include completed works in case WIPs arent you’re thing)
Cannon VerseKings Ruling by NoBaggageTakes place after the events of Kings Rising and The Summer Palace. Damen worries about a specific threat to the unification of their kingdoms; the problem of an heir.
Anything For You by DisraeliGearsLaurent will do anything for Damen. Including make friends with Nikandros…if he must.The story of Nikandros and Laurent’s friendship.
Yours, As am I by toewsyourheart“How did you sleep?” Damen asked.“Kiss me a proper good morning, and I’ll tell you,” Laurent said, ever the conspirator, even upon waking. He could negotiate his way through the brick walls of an impenetrable fortress without breaking a sweat, Damen thought, fondly.“It’s too early for bartering,” Damen replied with a similar sentiment, unable to hide his happiness: Laurent wished to be kissed first thing. “I’ll kiss you good morning for free.” 
Cannon AuOne the Other by Ruby Wednesday Marlas goes badly for Damen. He goes back to Ios with Laurent as his reluctant ward.aka an AU where Laurent grows up in Akielos
No Rush by BlacktofadeLaurent is eleven when he’s introduced by his brother to Prince Damianos 
Dear Aledosia by wendlaa“Oh,” Laurent finds himself saying. Damianos has excused himself from his conversation, and has begun to make his way through the crowd. Here stand the Princes of Vere, after all. The ethereal Veretian Prince brothers. Laurent lifts his eyes towards the ceiling, arching his brows. “Heavens,” he says, voice tight.Auguste chuckles. “You have a minute head start.”Laurent ducks away.
Capture Every Minute by angryspaceravenclawDamianos of Akielos is heading to Vere in hopes to secure an alliance in the face of civil unrest in Akielos, at the hands of his brother. Although uncertain about the king, Damen hopes to gain favour with the crowned prince, Auguste. What he doesn’t expect is the attention of the younger prince, Laurent, who plays his cards close to his chest. Though Damen tries to stay focused on the task at hand, he finds it difficult when his heart threatens to beat out of his chest at every quirk of the younger prince’s smile.
Bright as Lightening by blacktofadeLaurent, Prince of Vere, has always been promised to Damianos, Prince of Akielos.
All this and Heaven Too by onekingdomonce“Forgive me,” Damianos said. “If you could perhaps- elaborate?”Laurent passed a hand over his face. It appeared that Damianos was incapable of picking up on subtly, and needed to be handled with the most straightforward approach. Very well.“I have never,” Laurent said plainly. “And I would like to make my own judgments on the supposed delights, preferably before I leave Akielos.”
Modern AU (This is the one im trying not to go to crazy with. ive been on a kick lately so)
A Perfect Commotion by Ruby WednesdayLaurent needs this job. Not in the I need to put food on the table and a roof over my head kind of way. He’s got a generous inheritance, thank you very much. No, he needs this job to prove he is a functioning adult who did not waste his late mother’s money on an expensive education. He can be normal, whatever that is.Laurent needs this job and it feels like his last chance so he tells a little lie to help himself get ahead.Then along comes Damen.
Astronomy in Reverse by casscaixn“Ah,” he begins delicately. Laurent narrows his eyes and straightens himself, ignoring Hamlet’s distressed whimpers at the loss of Laurent’s fingers in his fur. Damen knows the feeling, a little too well. “What are you—wearing?” “It was pajama day,” Laurent says, and at his tone one might be tempted to think he was reciting Shakespeare, or something else of wild importance. He glowers at Damen’s repressed laugh, and hangs his bag on the hook on the wall, next to Damen’s own, half-empty briefcase. “And Vannes thought it would be a good idea to do arts and crafts, because no one would be wearing expensive clothing.”
Measure in Love by Dawnofthursday Following the public announcement of their relationship, and amid growing tensions between Vere and Akielos, Damen and Laurent fall in love.This is a story told in five parts, through the seasons.
Catalyst by niniblackIn which Damen makes a drunken bet that he can get into Laurent’s pants before winter break, and doesn’t expect to fall in love along the way.
Turning in to Black by derogatoryHis whole body sings with it, the thrill of Jord pressed flush against him. He claws long angry lines along his back and it’s all he can manage from not shouting already, demanding, Fix this, fix me, and shoves him against the mattress with more force than is probably necessary.*This is Aimeric/Jord 
OK SO theres some. It ranges from one-shots to thirty+ chapter epics so hopefully something you’ll find interesting! This is by no means all my faves so if theres something specific you’re looking for i live for fanfic and im here for you. Also, most of these authors have other fics you should check out AND some of these are parts of series that are also great.
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breakthrcugh · 5 years
whenever i get a follow i always check out their rules and their muse(s) and if i see potential of our muses interacting i will normally follow back. i am really not selective in who i follow back. i will mainly interact with mutuals, but if you would like to plot something then my im is always open. my starter calls are open to everyone unless i state in the tags otherwise.
i will write in any length, i use small text and i always use gif icons. i don’t have a certain ‘style’ and i normally try and vaguely match whomever i was roleplaying with. i am perfectly fine with anyone using icons, gif icons etc, but i am not the biggest fan of larger gifs (such as 245x gifs). if i am to write two paragraphs i won’t get annoyed by the other not matching it completely, but please don’t give me back two sentences.
gif icons:
gif icons belong to the respected owners. my fcs gif icons is use are 18+ ( including chaeyoungs and tzuyus. i made sure they were ).
i will write with muses from other shows as long as it makes sense and there is a way for the characters to interact. i am also fine with ocs, but i will need some info on the muse, so if you do not have any kind of bio/info page on them then it’ll be harder for me to plot with you unless you give me information about them. if there is a specific muse you would like me to make a starter for or for me to reply to any of yours then please do say!
though all of my faceclaims are from the kpop world, i will still rp with anyone and considering all of my muses (thus far) are based off from tv shows it is a given else i wouldn’t interact with most of the canon characters. if for whatever reason you will not interact with kpop etc faces then you are xenophobic and i don’t want anything to do with you.
do not godmod (obviously) or try and force a ship on me. please cut your posts (if you are on mobile that is okay to an extent), i would rather not have to scroll forever to move past your post. please don’t treat your rp blog as if it is your own personal blog (separate the two). also if you are obviously ignoring my replies even after i have messaged you i won’t really want to rp with you again. if you don’t see the thread going anyway or want to end it just come to me. i understand tumblr can eat up replies, but if i remind you don’t ignore me.
i really am a sucker for any ship, especially if there is chemistry. with my ocs it mainly comes down to chemistry, but i am open to anything with them as well. i also will never force any ship on anyone and i hope you will do the same.
smut etc:
i am completely fine with writing smut, but i will not with anyone under the age of 18. i don’t not feel comfortable doing so and don’t bother asking me to because the answer will be the same.
the triggers i have is for spiders and clowns, so if you could just add the tag eg. ‘clowns’ or ‘clowns tw’ would be really appreciated. if i post anything that you would like me to tag for you then please, please let me know.
banned fcs:
seungri and everyone involved in that scandal mamamoo wendy ( red velvet )
open for dissusion: nancy ( momoland ) somi
anyway, my name is kate, i’m 23 and i am from england so my timezone is gmt. i try to get on at least once a day, but there could be days when i’m too busy to come on. i also never drop threads, but if i want to i will come and discuss it with the other first and give my reasons then. if i haven’t replied within a week come and shout at me because chances are i would of missed it by accident. though there are times where i can disapear. ether because i have lost muse or because i am suddenly busy with life. i love plotting with people so please come at me if you would like to.selectivity:whenever i get a follow i always check out their rules and their muse(s) and if i see potential of our muses interacting i will normally follow back. i am really not selective in who i follow back. i will mainly interact with mutuals, but if you would like to plot something then my im is always open. i also have a discord, but i will only give that out to mutuals. my starter calls are open to everyone unless i state in the tags otherwise.
0 notes
roxiera · 8 years
love in the dark | part two // newt scamander
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request: Hi! I first wanted to say that I love your writing! Okay, so I recently came across your blog and I have a request. Of course you don’t have to do it if it doesn’t spark anything inside you but just a suggestion. So I’m not sure if you’re comfortable with song imagine request thingy-mabobs but I’d like to suggest Love in the Dark by Adele. It’s up to your interpretation but I feel that he chorus would most suit an imagine. Again, if the song didn’t spark anything, you don’t have to do it. <3
I’m not sure if I mentioned but this is also part of the song request, Uhm the Adele one, it’s for the lovable bean, newt scamander, if I didn’t address that I’m sorry <3 if I did, I’m sorry for bothering you a second time (by anon)
part one here
a/n: yes unfortunately for yall we’re still alive :’-) but the fifty tons of homework we have for our one flipping week holiday might kill us again so !!!!!!!! but for now enjoy this beautiful piece of trash :-)
I was wrong. I was wrong about Leta and you and everything and I’m so sorry and I should’ve listened to you.
I’m sorry.
You haven’t replied. I wouldn’t expect you to, after what I’ve done.
I’m sorry.
Please don’t hate me.
Love, Newt
i miss you.
sometimes i wonder if you miss me too, and i try to convince myself that you do.
i don’t know what to do.  
i need you.
You swallowed back the bile rising in your throat as you clutched the inked papers in your trembling, white-knuckled fingers, memories from that night two years before flooding into your mind once again.
It had been two years, and Newt Scamander should have been a mere speck in your past - one of the many undesired stains in your memories - but he was still as prominent in your mind as a blazing inferno, and you couldn’t forget him.
These letters were now the only things of Newt you had in your possession, and despite the constant nagging at the back of your head to Incendio them whenever they somehow found their way into your hands time after time, you just couldn’t do it.
You didn’t hate Newt.
You couldn’t hate Newt, no matter how much you tried to.
You still loved him, and that might have been the part that hurt the most.
In one swift motion, you had stuffed the letters back into the musty wooden box you had always kept them in, tossing the mouldy old thing into the back of your wardrobe. Straightening out your slightly rumpled coat, you snatched your wand up from your bed, hurrying out of your apartment before your mind could dwell on Newt any longer.
You Disapparated from your apartment and to MACUSA without missing a beat, strolling into the Woolworth building as you had done nearly everyday for the past two years. You found the central foyer more packed than usual as you hurried to your office, looking confusedly at the foreign faces around you. Your eyes flicked up to the Magical Exposure Threat Level Measurer hanging from the arched ceiling. You frowned worriedly when you noticed that the pointer was fluctuating from the orange sector to the red, a large contrast from the previous blue the day before.
(a/n: god bless the harry potter wikia im dying)
“(y/l/n)! (y/n) (y/l/n)!”
You stumbled slightly as you tried to pinpoint who had called your name, your mind a jumbled mess as your eyes settled on a flustered, red-faced Sam, who stopped for two seconds to tell you that you were urgently needed in main hall before racing off to Merlin-knows-where.
Beads of sweat were beginning to form on your forehead as you squeezed through to crowds, tersely making your way through the hallways leading to the main hall. With a clenched fist, you knocked once on the closed gold doors of the hall, entering after a few seconds of silence.
Your ragged breath hitched in your throat as you found eyes - hundreds of pairs of cold, hard eyes - staring at you accusingly, making you squirm in your spot as you muttered a barely audible ‘sorry’, trying to disappear into the horde of people.
You froze instantly, heart racing at a million, a billion, a zillion kilometres a second because you knew that voice.
The last time you had heard that voice, both of you had been screaming and shouting and cursing and hearing his voice say your name again sent soft warmth and stinging sensations through your veins and you didn’t know if you were ready to face him just yet, even after all those years.
Your couldn’t help yourself; your eyes flicked up to the said man, and, Merlin, he looked exactly as you remembered to be.
Perhaps it was that his jawline was more pronounced, or that his eyes seemed a tad duller than how they had been two years ago, but he was still Newton Scamander, and you were still you.
“I can’t do this.”
You tore your feet, which seemed to weigh a hundred pounds each, from the marble floor, rushing out of the hall the way you came, ignoring the disapproving, hushed mutters and cold, judgemental gazes.
And just like that, Newt Scamander was back in your life.
News of a British wizard and an ex-Auror breaking out of MACUSA had reached your ears less than an hour later, and less than five minutes afterward were all MACUSA staff deployed to contain the Obscurus running wild in the city.
You had found yourself Apparating around the city every ten seconds throughout the night, trying to contain the Obscurus before it could wipe out the whole of New York and potentially go further.
Dawn broke with Grindelwald being arrested, Newt being hailed as a hero, and a Thunderbird flying off into the golden sea of a sky.
(a/n: golden sea of a sky sounds so aesthetic wowow i think im getting inspiration from my ikea lamp ;-)) )
Newt’s eyes had met yours as you found yourself standing in front of him with a forlorn smile on your face, your heart clenching painfully as your arms yearned to embrace the man in front of you. Newt had broken out into a smile as he rushed forward and enveloped you in his arms, pulling you close into his chest as your bodies moulded together and he buried his face into your hair.
You had begun crying - Merlin, you didn’t know why - your body racking slightly as you sobbed quietly into Newt’s chest, clinging onto him for dear life because you loved him, you loved him so, so much, and you didn’t know what to do or what to think and all you could register was Newt holding you and whispering ‘i love you’ over and over again as the both of you were reunited in a crumbling train station in New York City, the ethereal dawn above you symbolising a new beginning - for both New York and you and Newt.
You weren’t sure exactly what you were going to do, or how your life was going to continue from then on, but you had Newt by your side once again, and everything seemed like it was going to be alright.
- roxanna
MASTERLIST | send in your request !!
@lazycasserole @myrtus-amongst-the-stars @justdeeanne
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kartiavelino · 6 years
Black Twitter Is NOT Here for Erykah Badu’s Problematic Support of R. Kelly
Erykah Badu’s current public help of R. Kelly, which might be as problematic as problematic could be at this level, has drawn the ire of Black Twitter, and her cancellation papers are being filed as we communicate. Within the aftermath of Lifetime’s “Surviving R. Kelly,” which particulars a number of allegations of sexual abuse and misconduct towards him, Erykah Badu used her platform to criticize the general public outcry of the R&B singer-songwriter. Badu was performing a live performance in Chicago (of all locations) when she determined to take a second and provides a shout-out to her boy, R. Kelly. In response to one concertgoer (by way of the Unbiased), Badu stated: “What if one of the individuals who was assaulted by R Kelly turns into an offender? We gonna crucify them too?” One other concertgoer claimed on Twitter that Badu to the group to “preserve [their] opinion to [themselves].” As seen within the video beneath, she additionally stated: “I’m placing up a prayer proper now for R. I hope he sees the sunshine of day and if he carried out all these issues we heard on TV […] I hope he sees the sunshine of day and he comes ahead.” Earlier this month, producers for “Surviving R. Kelly,” revealed that Badu was amongst many artists who turned down the chance to look on the six-episode docu-series. Although many of Kelly’s former collaborators have since denounced their work related to him over his alleged conduct, Erykah Badu needs the world to know that she nonetheless “loves” the singer, regardless of the allegations. For sure… The group wasn’t attempting to listen to all that noise, they usually reportedly boo’d her. And when the video hit social media, Black Twitter went off. We now have to really be careful for celebrities like @fatbellybella sis went from telling us youngsters are accountable for the sexualization of their clothes and is now blatantly telling us she’s going to like her rapist good friend regardless — TJ (@indigotawn) January 20, 2019 Erykah Badu got here to Chicago and instructed us all she finna love R Kelly anyway & we will preserve our opinion to ourselves. Mad disrespectful to our metropolis and a shitty use of her platform. Crusty ass bitch. — scorching headed yam (@tomapapito) January 20, 2019 Erykah Badu has proven an inclination to throw women underneath the bus to defend rapey males. Keep in mind the “little women want to decorate higher” to not make grown adults turned on https://t.co/0dZJpySTyQ — Me (@The_Lion_) January 20, 2019 Erykah Badu saying she nonetheless loves R Kelly doesn’t shock me. This is similar girl who noticed “one thing good in Hitler”…. ?? — ??Seeester-In-Chief ?? (@TheJessieWoo) January 20, 2019 Woke as much as Erykah Badu slander. Determined to search for what the fuss was about. Now I’m like pic.twitter.com/bvoKOZAeen — Tone Hollywood (@Hollywoodspeaks) January 20, 2019 It hurts me to say this however… Erykah Badu is CANCELLED ? She’s an R.Kelly supporter ???? — ? ???? ? (@nubianlocz) January 20, 2019 I am unable to lose Erykah Badu and Gladys in the identical week. — Matty Cowell (@LadyMattress) January 20, 2019 I’m so pleased I cancelled Erykah Badu after she stated faculty women are responsible for their academics abusing them — slayoncé (@seluliwe_) January 20, 2019 Let’s not neglect Erykah Badu was all for sufferer blaming younger women for grown males not having the ability to management their fucking eyes. I see precisely why she sides with R Kelly. She been allow us to knew her ideas ? pic.twitter.com/UjLGhJDj7A — 30s L A M E ?? (@majistiii) January 20, 2019 *Sees Erykah Badu trending* *Clicks on it*Me: pic.twitter.com/HxONG2ai3V — Ashtynn (@ThatsSoAshtynn) January 20, 2019 awoke in a world the place Cardi B is dragging Tami Mendacity and Erykah Badu is defending RK. I’ve by no means been extra proud and ashamed on the identical rattling time. — jeezy ? (@welljanelle_) January 20, 2019 Erykah Badu’s mindset is similar lots of older black ladies have about “these quick ass women” and why a lot incest/assault goes ignored within the black group. — Sydney Jasmine ?? (@WarnTheWorld) January 20, 2019 “what if one of the individuals who was assaulted by R Kelly turns into an offender? we gonna crucify them too?” -erykah badu at her chicago live performance — IG: @boydonavin (@boyDonavin) January 20, 2019 Erykah Badu would not make music for black ladies. She makes music for hotep males who assume they know what’s finest for black ladies. ? — Extremely Crucial (@GothicIntellect) January 20, 2019 Idk what number of passes Erykah Badu is gonna get, however her goofy ass needs to be near the restrict. — Excelsior! (@Still_Xzav) January 20, 2019 Erykah Badu actually don’t like black ladies as she pretends she does. — Hefty Bag Shawty (@Myrtle_Urkel) January 20, 2019 I actually don’t wish to imagine Erykah Badu is sacrificing her music legacy for R. Kelly. I don’t. everybody has their ignorance and locations that deeply disappoint me, together with my favourite artists (and myself), however supporting baby predators is such a nefarious factor to do. — Myles E. Johnson (@hausmuva) January 20, 2019 Y’all gotta cease touting Erykah Badu as some ethereal muva earth bitch. The veil been down. Her thought processes are violent. I really feel sorry for her daughters — thicko mode (@jojobaoilhoney) January 20, 2019 Erykah Badu is proof that if u costume artsy & discuss “vibrations” folks will assume you’re deep, it doesn’t matter what silly crap comes out your mouth lol — Chief ROCKa (@alysSAWRAH) January 20, 2019 I’m lastly understanding why so many hotep males who challenge poisonous masculinity look to Erykah Badu cuz sis doesn’t communicate for ladies, she speaks for them. She’s a false mental that’s hidden behind ditzy phrases and chakra crystals.If you happen to not for black women, I’m not for you. pic.twitter.com/vcxBII6bfr — ?Issa Rattling Artist ? (@LoneArtistW) January 20, 2019 Erykah Badu is the explanation why phrases like “appears to be like could be deceiving” exist. Y’all thought she was the woke queen simply because she put on head wraps and hipster tooth. Nah fam, she been a rape apologist hen for a min now. — Netflix&Chillmonger (@TheThrillmonger) January 20, 2019 Hope R. Kelly was value Erykah Badu’s profession. Don’t convey you ass again to Detroit with all these drained ass songs. We don’t need you no extra ?????. — 30s L A M E ?? (@majistiii) January 20, 2019 Your reminder to unfollow R Kelly and Erykah Badu. Until you help it Then tell us so we will unfollow you ?? — George M Johnson (@IamGMJohnson) January 20, 2019 Erykah Badu is ruining her legacy over R Kelly ?! what a fucking joke. — Yù (@_AndJade) January 20, 2019 Not everybody was towards Erykah Badu although; she had a number of supporters sprinkled round right here and there. It’s actual humorous how so many individuals are on the identical present however hear issues otherwise. It’s blowing my thoughts what number of posts I’m seeing about final night time. @fatbellybella didn’t defend R. Kelly. Cease cancelling folks as a result of the offended mob on twitter says to take action. — Decay, The Llama (@emceedecay) January 21, 2019 Social media is actually poisonous. All of you attacking Erykah Badu for doing the identical factor yall was doing BEFORE the Lifetime doc got here out. Yall knew R. Kelly was a pedo however continued taking part in his music. It took a TV present to cease supporting a identified pedophile? Yall simply as unhealthy as her. — BEEEN (@Ab2Blue) January 20, 2019 How will you hate on Erykah Badu? What’s flawed with y’all? pic.twitter.com/4mKqlUG2sB — pilot jones ???? (@jennnnvee) January 20, 2019 What do you consider Erykah Badu? Is she canceled or is that this a non-issue? http://feeds.gossiponthis.com/~r/gossiponthis/~3/psxmP2Nm1OU/ The post Black Twitter Is NOT Here for Erykah Badu’s Problematic Support of R. Kelly appeared first on My style by Kartia. https://www.kartiavelino.com/2019/01/black-twitter-is-not-here-for-erykah-badus-problematic-support-of-r-kelly.html
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