#iii. ( leo sun‚ libra moon )
iceshrouded · 4 months
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saturnbellfromhell · 2 years
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Hi everybody, I want to apologize that I haven't been so active lately. The "Energy Series" will drop this week, so stay tuned! Today is just a simple astro observations, since everybody loves them so much! Hope all is good, take care and let's get into the observations!
I find them more intimidating then the men, not going to lie. I've also seen this with girls/women who are Mars dominant aswell. They are so sure of themselves and you never know their next move. They are beautifully scary, always have the upper hand and can see sex as a healing tool.
They are the masters at sarcasm and irony, they can seem a bit mean to some because they are always ready to tease others. The cliche thing about them that I can confirm is that they do love to travel and get away. They are really witty and humorous.
Sorry if this is going to rub some people the wrong way, but I really don't like this placement. These individuals are too shallow in love for me. One day they'll be upset about a hookup and after a week they'll be sleeping with their ex and texting 10 other people. They are really good in the bedroom though and you need to be an intellectual individual to impress them. I've also noticed they get into a relationship quickly and they move quickly if they like you. Of course it helps if their is more water in the chart to balance it out. The only people I've met who married twice were Gemini Venuses.
They are really easy to offend if you comment on their looks, it's kinda funny in a way because they look really good? They can be the ones that work out because they "have to", not because they like it as much. They really crave and live off attention, but deny it to the grave. This attention seeking can come from saying outlandish shit, aggressive behavior or just acting like a fool. They have a huge ego that can crumble really easily.
Thes people can be either a really healing and quite person, who learned the hard parts in life at a young age and want to help others overcome their fears and insecurities or can be the most triggering people ever. If they don't balance out their energy and work on themselves their dark aura literally eats them up. They can become addicted to drugs, alcohol and sex if a major shift happens in their life. They are the one's to use everything to try and escape reality and try to forget, but will dig a deeper ditch for themselves. They truly need good people around them to influence them for the better.
This one is a tricky one. The 7th house is the  house of partnerships, where Libra rules. By ruling this house, the scale and judge archetype try to balance out energies. Libra also can be called "codependent" since it needs two sides to function, putting Mars here makes them a very dominant person in relationship and wants an active partner to do things with. They also find it hard to stay in relationships and crave independence. It can also bring marriage in a later time in life! I've also noticed that this placement can also breed stalkerish personas, even more if Saturn is in this house or the ruler of your ascendant.
I absolutely love taking about this placement, not going to lie. Moon in the 12th house native have a very intense relationship with their mom, they are really close with them. It's also a possibility that their mother also has a Moon in the 12th house also. This placement breeds a different type of person who is very cautious around others, is semi psychic and the only people that get them are others who have this placement. Feelings that these people get are very intense and they can sense when someone is acting out of order.
What I've found that the all have is this big heart and drive to love. I've never met  a fire Venus who is "scared" of falling in love, showing their romantic side and being sweet to their partner tbh. They will go to great lengths to let you know how they feel. The problem arises if they get bored, kinda like air Venuses. They don't want that "stable" relationship. It has to be full of life and energy, passion and pure emotion. They're not big on being heartbroken, because they know their worth and just move on with grace.
Yes they can be looked at being "cold" and emotionless, but they just really value their time. I mean, this sign is ruled by Saturn, the planet of residence, restriction and TIME. They don't play around. Capricorn dominant people won't say it, but love being pampered by their significant other. They are such princesses in that manner. Even though they are big pleasers, they love to get it back.
I mean they love a motherly figure in love, someone who takes care of them, asks if they ate and such. Also they don't like to go out, just like any cancer. But what I've noticed they really enjoy people who have an Eros in an air sign. Ya, they maybe won't date them but are really fascinated and intrigued with them.
They can become really involved in getting their point across, being it in a philosophical, religious or just plain subjective way. This placement is known to have parents who are strict with their opinions or maybe grew up in a city with really closed off/radical people who's views can be considered "wrong". They were always left out for voicing their own opinion, which was different. This placement can be a placement which cult leaders have, since they have such strong opinions.  This paried with a Virgo North Node, Plutonian and/or Aqurian energy is scary as hell.
Yes, I do love them but it's so difficult to u understand what they're feeling, because even they don't know. My very close friend is a Pisces Moon and he never talks deep about how he feels unless he's a little drunk.
I wrote back on a comment to which men are really attracted to a Lilith Scopios, so I'll write it here. Men with heavy water placements, Lilith in the 1st/8th house and Pluto dominant men. I've heard many say having sex with them is an  unforgettable experience. Lilith in Scorpio women love a Cancer sun/moon, that's a fact!
Yep this can indicate a longer life than usual, but also having such a gloomy planet in a gloomier house has it's downs. They really need to work on letting things go. They can be very rigid and stressed most days.
Many Virgo risings I've met have naturally blonde or light hair, especially men.
xoxo N.K
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harmoonix · 2 years
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Astrology Sweet Notes Part III ❦❦❦
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❦ Moon - Pluto aspects are having very powerful emotions and feelings, they are very intense and can feel everything every single change of attitude, and these natives can have trouble with opening their feelings just as a shield in case they hurt.🫂
❦ Saturn - Sun aspects can feel very restricted to be themselves, their true version, they can feel restricted of their feelings/emotions and they can feel they don't fit in this World. If you have these aspects please let me give you a big hug because is not easy ⊂⁠(⁠◉⁠‿⁠◉⁠)⁠つ, i wish you all only the good things and many blessings to come for you🫂
❦ Mars - Neptune aspects can make you obsessed for your partners, obsessed enough to have erotic dreams with them or to fantasize or daily dream about them 🫂💖😍
❦ Sun - Venus aspects can give you such a beautiful grace and presence, a lot of good vibes and very warm energy, you are like a diamond who shines brighter in the light
❦ Mercury at the Pisces Degrees (12°, 24°) makes you romantic enough to write love poems about your love partner, these people are so romantic while communicating with their partners make them feel like heaven ⭐
❦ Pluto in the 1st house is such a beauty 😍 these people can have such a powerful magnetism towards others and because of that they can also attract a lot of jealous people
❦ Venus - Neptune aspects can sacrifice very much in their love relationships and they can feel they give too much love and they don't recieve the same amount of love back, it can be draining ☹️, please be careful over what people you feel in love you with 💖🫂
❦ Moon Prominent people look very angelic and pretty they have such a beauty and they look fascinating, their aura is magnificent, mesmerizing, i don't even have enough words to describe is just amazing 🌘
❦Sun Prominent people are having such a attractive energy towards others, they can attract so many good people and they have such an amazing presence they crave for luxury and expensive 🏆
❦ Venus in the 9th/Sagittarius house can make you a lover for traveling and discover, also a lover for spirituality and your beliefs, you can fulfill your dreams for traveling far away, here Venus is a bless the 9th house is the "House of God" and these people can experience many blessings in their life🥇🥇🥇
❦Mercury in Scorpio\Leo\Aries\ they are talking dirty 24/7 and they are also very flirty in their words but they can get horny very fast 🤣 take care if you are around them they can think at naughty things 24/7 and even in the bad situations 🤣🤣🤣
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❦ Jupiter in Libra/Scorpio/Sagittarius can really have a very funny laugh, and these natives laugh are full of life to make others to laugh too and also is something very mutual for them to be funny around other people they can joke about things 24/7 and have a pretty big humour
❦ Taurus Rising are having a very very very big love for expensive things and for living a rich life they see their lives as "🤑" they can crave luxury a lot
❦ Leo Risings love to make drama, not much but a bit of drama enough to get people attention because they need it, these people can use their power in attracting others attention very fast
❦ Uranus - Ascendant aspect can have a very unique thing in their appearance, and they like to be different, to be out of the crowd, these people are in their own world because this world failed to make them feel good.
❦ Neptune - Sun aspects can often attract a lot of animals around them, because their energy is a Disney Princess 24/7 i see them as Snow White singing with birds around them, i think the animals can feel their good souls and come at them 💙😽
❦ Mercury Retrograde in a chart can represent that when you feel to talk for something, do that 100%, don't be restricted to talk, do what your hearts says and fight for your dreams, talk for others too if you want because you can be very good at giving speeches.🔥
❦ Saturn in the 5th house, at some point you will met the right person for you to love you for who you are and to respect you and your feelings, boundaries. Don't be scared that you will never find a partner, the right person will come at the right time 💝
❦ Saturn in the 7th house is a very karmic placement if we talk about love relationships these people can have very karmic partners and a lot of karmic lessons involving love relationships. Trust me besties i know what i talk about i have this placement in my Vedic Chart and Sidereal 🥹 Saturn wants to teach you a lesson about love 🥹❣️
❦ Scorpio Moon/Moon in the 8th house can get very posesive of their partners, these people love 100000% intense and when they get attached...You should feel the luckiest person on earth if someone with those placements gets attached to you because they will love you no matter what and stick with you til the end they are very very very loyal in their love relationships.🔥 Treasure for others for sure 10000%%%
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❦ Jupiter - Sun aspects: can be very lucky and attracting many opportunities due to their very optimistic personality
❦ Moon in the 5th house can make someone a "romantic hopeless" here the Moon is in a very romantic position and can make the native very romantic and in love with a lot things
❦ Never make a Water Moon ANGRY seriously, natives with Water Moons/Moon in water houses (4th,8th,12th) can get you very scare when they are angry, most times are very calm but if they get angry the situation can be very explosive
❦ Mars/Mercury in Fire Signs can scream a lot and very loud, usually when they get angry these natives tend to get very furious and angry and they can have very volcanic personalities
❦Scorpio Risings/Aquarius Risings/Pisces Risings can have very sleepy/tired eyes, please make sure to rest enough and always a good long sleep is very welcomed 🥹🛌
❦ Sagittarius Risings are very honest people, i observed a lot of Sag's Risings being very honest with everyone around them, and is very admirable because these people don't tend to lie, if you want a honest opinion about something i think those people are very good alongside with Capricorn Risings who are the same they can be very honest, Capricorn Risings can be brutally honest sometimes but i think a good motto for them it will be "Better a hard truth than living in a illusion"
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With muchhhh love Harmonix ❣️💞
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sweetycupcakeslove · 1 year
Astrology Observation 4
Hi guys, Thank you so much for showing so much support for my observation until now and please keep on giving that support. 😍
👉 Note: This is just my observation and I'm not a professional astrologer 👈
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❤️‍🔥 Yk your 5th house + 7th house sign + 8th house sign tells you whom you're attracted to.
E.g. i) Leo + Libra + Scorpio then you're attracted to someone who is charismatic, good looking and mysterious or Popular, Gentle and possessive.
ii) Cancer + Virgo + Libra then someone who is Caring, hardworking and affectionate.
❤️‍🔥 Having malefic planets in the first house can grab more attention from others but also having some problems with own self.
i) Neptune: people find them magical, out of fantasy, dreamy, etc. The native don't have a clear idea about their dreams and goals in life.
ii) Saturn: people find them reliable and mature. But the natives are hard on themselves and will stick to their plan.
iii) Pluto: They're found mysterious by others that's what grabs others attention. But to keep on being the centre of attention they go through many transformations.
❤️‍🔥 I say Virgo mercury are a great communicator. These people know when to say something and what to say.
❤️‍🔥 Leo mercury's are actually great speaker because of their dramatic flair they can grab crowd's attention.
❤️‍🔥 What I've noticed is that Capricorn sun womens look like stoic but they're actually fun to be around.
❤️‍🔥 One more thing I've seen with Capricorn sun is that they're also financially in great condition.
❤️‍🔥 Your moon sign can also tell you where you want to work. Moon tells you about your comfort and a person will work in a company for 9 hours where they're comfortable.
E.g. Capricorn moon likes to be surrounded by mature or senior colleagues so they most likely will work in a CA company, a bank, etc. A Pisces moon will like to work in a place where they're surrounded by creative or artistic colleagues so they will like to work in the music industry, advertising agency, etc.
❤️‍🔥 What I've notice is that Aquarius placements like to be centre of attention but if someone else is stealing the attention they should be getting then will do something that they get others attention on them. I have a friend who has Aquarius stellium in her chart and she always likes to be in the middle seat in the friend circle and if she doesn't get she will still sit there. And also once a girl had not a good opinion about her she went for hours with her about reasons that she didn't like at first. My team lead also has these placements and once my colleague told him the other colleague was smarter than him because the team lead asked her who was smart. Till now that guy is making jokes on that guy who was called for being smart.
That's it for today 🥰💃
Adios Amigas!! Have lovely life ❤️
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ninelivesastrology · 3 months
Every zodiac sign has three faces (or decans). For each face, there is a card of the Minor Arcana that corresponds to it. Each card is ruled by a traditional planet.
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Aries I: Two of Wands (Mars)
Aries II: Three of Wands (Sun)
Aries III: Four of Wands (Venus)
Leo I: Five of Wands (Saturn)
Leo II: Six of Wands (Jupiter)
Leo III: Seven of Wands (Mars)
Sagittarius I: Eight of Wands (Mercury)
Sagittarius II: Nine of Wands (Moon)
Sagittarius III: Ten of Wands (Saturn)
Cancer I: Two of Cups (Venus)
Cancer II: Three of Cups (Mercury)
Cancer III: Four of Cups (Moon)
Scorpio I: Five of Cups (Mars)
Scorpio II: Six of Cups (Sun)
Scorpio III: Seven of Cups (Venus)
Pisces I: Eight of Cups (Saturn)
Pisces II: Nine of Cups (Jupiter)
Pisces III: Ten of Cups (Mars)
Libra I: Two of Swords (Moon)
Libra II: Three of Swords (Saturn)
Libra III: Four of Swords (Jupiter)
Aquarius I: Five of Swords (Venus)
Aquarius II: Six of Swords (Mercury)
Aquarius III: Seven of Swords (Moon)
Gemini I: Eight of Swords (Jupiter)
Gemini II: Nine of Swords (Mars)
Gemini III: Ten of Swords (Sun)
Capricorn I: Two of Pentacles (Jupiter)
Capricorn II: Three of Pentacles (Mars)
Capricorn III: Four of Pentacles (Sun)
Taurus I: Five of Pentacles (Mercury)
Taurus II: Six of Pentacles (Moon)
Taurus III: Seven of Pentacles (Saturn)
Virgo I: Eight of Pentacles (Sun)
Virgo II: Nine of Pentacles (Venus)
Virgo III: Ten of Pentacles (Mercury)
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soaringwide · 4 months
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Astrological Associations of the Tarot Major and Minor Arcana - Cheat Sheet
As someone who dabbles in astrology (and lightly in planetary magic), I recently decided to include the astrological correspondence of the Golden Dawn for the tarot in my practice and I found it to be an amazing additional information in some cases.
For example, when you need an idea of timing, or when you need to define a person and their ''vibe'', or add a layer to the meaning of the cards. Particularly useful for Court cards which are notoriously hard to understand.
This is merely a list of correspondences or association and will not go into detail about the whys, because there are many different opinions on this depending on the author and time period. So this is just a synthesized version of what I personally use. I also need to point out that I use the RWS tarot mostly, not Thoth (although it was my first deck and I really need to get back to it at some point). So if you want to dive deeper, please visit the forum thread that has interesting discussions. For Minor Arcana, here from Biddy Tarot. For the Court cards specifically, here is what I found.
Note for the Court Cards: Pages are just their element in the most youthful/undeveloped form. The other Courts have two signs, that's because they rule the last 2 thirds of the signs + the first third of the next sign. It's a bit hard to wrap your head around but it adds necessary depth to their meaning.
It's cross-posted on my blog, with the addition of a visual I made as a reference you can download or print. Also on Pinterest and Instagram.
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The Fool - Uranus The Magician - Mercury The High Priestess - Moon The Empress - Venus The Emperor - Aries The Hierophant - Taurus The Lovers - Gemini The Chariot - Cancer Strength - Leo The Hermit - Virgo Wheel of Fortune - Jupiter Justice - Libra The Hanged Man - Neptune Death - Scorpio Temperance - Sagittarius The Devil - Capricorn The Tower - Mars The Star - Aquarius The Moon - Pisces The Sun - Sun Judgement - Pluto The World - Saturn
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Ace: Fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius II: Mars in Aries III: Sun in Aries IV: Venus in Aries V: Saturn in Leo VI: Jupiter in Leo VII: Mars in Leo VIII: Mercury in Sagittarius IX: Moon in Sagittarius X: Saturn in Sagittarius Page: Fire Knight: Sagittarius + Scorpio Queen: Aries + Pisces King: Leo + Cancer
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Ace: Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces II: Venus in Cancer III: Mercury in Cancer IV: Moon in Cancer V: Mars in Scorpio VI: Sun in Scorpio VII: Venus in Scorpio VIII: Saturn in Pisces IX: Jupiter in Pisces X: Mars in Pisces Page: Water Knight: Scorpio + Aquarius Queen: Cancer + Gemini King: Pisces + Libra
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Ace: Air signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius II: Moon in Libra III: Saturn in Libra IV: Jupiter in Libra V: Venus in Aquarius VI: Mercury in Aquarius VII: Moon in Aquarius VIII: Jupiter in Gemini IX: Mars in Gemini X: Sun in Gemini Page: Air Knight: Aquarius + Taurus Queen: Libra + Virgo King: Gemini + Capricorn
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Ace: Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn II: Jupiter in Capricorn III: Mars in Capricorn IV: Sun in Capricorn V: Mercury in Taurus VI: Moon in Taurus VII: Saturn in Taurus VIII: Sun in Virgo IX: Venus in Virgo X: Mercury in Virgo Page: Earth Knight: Taurus + Leo Queen: Capricorn + Sagittarius King: Virgo + Aries
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daphnaea · 2 months
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zodiac couples: pisces sun IV house | pisces moon IV house | scorpio rising | capricorn venus III house | leo mars IX house | aquarius mercury III house (f) + libra sun VIII house | cancer moon VI house | capricorn rising | scorpio venus X house | scorpio mars X house | virgo mercury VIII house (f) for anonymous
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hillbillyoracle · 2 years
Finding Tarot Signifiers with Astrological Decans
Here’s a very brief tutorial on how to use astro.com to pull up a chart, understand which decans you’re looking at, and look up which cards are associated with those decans. 
Finding your decans: 
First, go here and input your birth date information. You’ll need your birth time for an ascendant. Then it will take you to this page. 
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It’s optional but to get a chart like the one I’ll show - under “Zodiac and houses”, select the “whole sign” house system. 
Less optional is under “Display and calculation options”, select “Chaldean decans”. 
Then hit “Show Chart”.
It’ll bring up a chart like this: 
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What I’ve circled in red are the “Big Three” - Sun, Moon, and Ascendant. Decans are counted counter-clockwise through the signs. 
The Ascendant of this chart is in the first decan of Scorpio - Scorpio I. 
The Sun (circle with a dot in it) is in the second decan of Aquarius - Aquarius II.
The Moon (crescent) is in the third decan of Gemini - Gemini III. 
Alternatively you can scroll down and use the list format: 
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The first decan of each sign is 0 degrees - 9 degrees
The second decan is 10 degrees - 19 degrees
The third decan is 20 degrees - 29 degrees
So you can see: 
The AC (short for Ascendant) is at 1 degrees Scorpio - so it’s in the first decan.
The Sun is at 12 degrees Aquarius - so it’s in the second decan. 
The Moon is at 22 degrees Gemini - so it’s in the third decan. 
Finding the cards for the decans:
Queen of Wands - Pisces III, Aries I, Aries II
King of Pentacles - Aries III, Taurus I, Taurus II
Knight of Swords - Taurus III, Gemini I, Gemini II
Queen of Cups - Gemini III, Cancer I, Cancer II
King of Wands - Cancer III, Leo I, Leo II
Knight of Pentacles - Leo III, Virgo I, Virgo II
Queen of Swords - Virgo III, Libra I, Libra II
King of Cups - Libra III, Scorpio I, Scorpio II
Knight of Wands - Scorpio III, Sagittarius I, Sagittarius II
Queen of Pentacles - Sagittarius III, Capricorn I, Capricorn II
King of Swords - Capricorn III, Aquarius I, Aquarius II
Knight of Cups - Aquarius III, Pisces I, Pisces II
Pages vary. Thoth systems tend to align them differently than Rider Waite systems and so many decks are removed from both at this point that it’s often easier to read and see which feels right to you. Some people pair them with the Queens or Kings and others use them to represent the element of the suit - similar to aces. I don’t typically use them as signifiers unless they had a traditional relationship to someone’s work. . 
How to figure out which pip corresponds with a decan (Quick Version):
Aries - Cardinal, Fire
Taurus - Fixed, Earth
Gemini - Mutable, Air
Cancer - Cardinal, Water
Leo - Fixed, Fire
Virgo - Mutable, Earth
Libra - Cardinal, Air
Scorpio - Fixed, Water
Sagittarius - Mutable, Fire
Capricorn - Cardinal, Earth
Aquarius - Fixed, Air
Pisces - Mutable, Water
Cardinal signs are the 2, 3, and 4 for each suit.
Fixed signs are the 5, 6, and 7, for each suit.
Mutable signs are the 8, 9, and 10 for each suit. 
Fire signs are wands. 
Earth signs are pentacles. 
Air signs are swords. 
Water signs are cups. 
The first decan is the first number and suit in the progression. The second is the second and so on. 
Ex: Aries  - cardinal (2,3,4), Fire (wands).
Aries I is 2 of Wands
Aries II is 3 of Wands
Aries III is 4 of Wands. 
If you’d like to know which pip corresponds with the decans. Check out T Susan Chang’s writing on Reading the Decans or her book 36 Decans. It’s a great way to learn both the decans and the pips
So for this chart, the options this person can pick from are: 
King of Cups
King of Swords
Queen of Cups
5 of Cups
6 of Swords
10 of Swords
I hope this makes sense and is helpful to people! 
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uranician · 1 year
• Mars conjunction Neptune will make the person alcoholic/addicted to drugs. The people with this aspect are exposed to physical abuse due to these vices. If Mars or Neptune is domicile, exalted, exile or fall, is higher the chance or traumas and problems.
• Libra Mars is so sweet in men. They touch very different, as if they were very delicate.
• In synastry, those people who conjunct planets (specially Sun or Moon), to your 4th/8th or 12th house’s cuspid, are going to have a deep bond with you. Those who conjunct planets to your cardinal axis tends to be important person in your life. Aries or Rising conjunction will say a paranormal first saw attraction; Cancer axis or bottom of the sky will say the people and you will feel as if you have known each other all your life, even as if you were family; Libra axis (7th house), indicates that individuals can feel like soulmates; and finally, the Capricorn axis will make you look as if there is no higher point than that person. conjunction to Midheaven are very strongly.
• Mercury in Libra and their way to stay calm in crazy situations is so underrated.
• Aries Moon is so true and doesn’t tell lies. It seems as if they don’t have a mask.
• If you look at two Aquarius talking in a habitation, you will saw two little kids speaking with passion. It is like the Aquarius people only feel understand by them.
• Cancer men are so underrated. They are very homemade and reserved, they don’t talk much and they are generally very dedicated to their homes. They are also very dependent on their maternal figure.
• Contrary to what people believe, fixed sign couples are very good. They complement each other very well.
• I have noticed a lot of people who says Taureans are toxic people. Duh, what a lie. Taurus is very faithful, very loyal. They are a sign to make great bonds. Taureans sense of honesty is tremendous. The sign itself is very safe.
• Do you have seen a Gemini who don’t like to talk or is shy to talk? This is because probably their Mercury is in Gemini, combusted, and it is retrograde.
• The hair of a Leo women is like the lion’s mane, incredible.
• Pisces Moon opposition Jupiter exaggerated everything. Those people are a walking drama, my God. They need a lot of attention, although they usually sink into their own depressive thoughts and drown in their own tears. It’s as if they like to suffer.
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merbear25 · 7 months
23 for simple asks, and can I ask about your other astrological placements too?😅
Hey there! Sure, you can. I don't see why not :)
23. What's your zodiac sign? Do you think you fit the general characteristics of that sign?
My zodiac is Leo and the only thing I can relate to is being confrontational at times. Other than that I don't think it suits me that well. I despise being the center of attention, for example. I feel like I'll shrivel up and die if everyone is looking at me, especially if there are a lot of people. Nah, nope.
I've been told I give off Virgo vibes, but idk what that means exactly.
I don't know anything about astrology other than some of the zodiacs, so I hope this means more to you than it does to me 😂 My astrological placements according to the site I found are:
The Sun is in Leo (XII house).
The Moon and Mercury are in Cancer (XII house)
Venus is in Cancer (XII house)
Mars is in Libra (III house)
Jupiter is in Sagittarius (V house)
Saturn is in Pisces (IX house)
Uranus in Capricorn (VI house)
Neptune is in Capricorn (VI house)
Pluto is in Scorpio - felt called out by this one ngl
Lilith in Gemini
True North Node in Scorpio (IV house)
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alicealder · 1 year
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i. "cast iron skillet" - jason isbell and the 400 unit // ii. tonight i'm someone else: essays; the end of longing - chelsea hodson // iii. "rx (medicate)" - theory of a deadman
( gdocs version since tumblr beta is super annoying )
quick stats !
full name: alice audrey alder
date of birth: september 17th, 1966
zodiac big three: virgo sun, pisces moon, libra rising, leo venus
gender & pronouns: cis woman & she/her
sexual orientation: home of sexual
ethnicity: white
nationality: us american
religion: agnostic
languages spoken: english (5), spanish (4), latin (3)
enneagram: 2w3
mbti: enfj
temperament: phlegmatic
alignment: true neutral
refresher !
triggers: shitty parenting, the briefest implication of homophobia
Mom, Annabelle “Anne” Alder, kinda really sucks. I guess we’ll go with the version where she’s not a televangelist even though televangelism is super fun and was booming in the 1980s, I just think we know the other version better. Still a lil menty ill tho. 
But Alice’s daddy, Allen, and sister, Alice 1.0, died a week before she was born so you know <3 hard to blame her tbh <3
Still weird that she was like “okay if I can’t have Alice 1.0 I’ll have Alice 2.0”
Momma Alder was like “you’re gonsta be perfect just like ur dad!” and Alice was like “okay how” and momma was like “uhhhh get good grades, be successful, marry a rich guy, be hot” and Alice was like “okay bet”
Mamma Alder also married a rich guy, our bestie Brian, who was like… 20 years her senior. So she had an affair with the poolboy. But honestly that stuff wasn’t too important in the great grand scheme of things – Brian was, though!
Anyway, Alice totes got good grades and was hot! But a rich guy wasn’t in her cards :\ Maybe a rich girl though!
Is Lux rich?
Fell in love with childhood friend Lux Lewis in late 1981 and it lasted around a year.. So that’s basically late sophomore - junior on her end, late freshman - sophomore on Lux’s.
Gradually phased out as Lux got closer to another lesbian we know 🤨(only we don’t know it IC 😔). But Alice was still Lux’s little bitch for the time being.
Idk if the Wonderland dance happened in this timeline... In any case, Lux going bitch mode after the lesbian ‘rumor’ was pinned on Alice still happened! So did the fight between Alice and Anne, though that was a few more months in. So did it getting worse when Alice was like *coach ben vc* hear that, furry little friends?! I’m GAYYY. *end vc* So did Brian leaving to go to a five-star retirement home. 
Anyway, a slight change is that Brian paid the tuition, but Alice still went to live with Indigo… for the time being 🤨
update time !
triggers: drugs. so many drugs., some shitty parenting thrown in there considering brian’s involvement and (arguably!) indigo’s solution
Weed and alcohol weren’t entirely foreign – they were both present at basically all the parties thrown – but Alice had never partaken in them beyond a slight buzz. Up until, of course, the winter of 1983. Just to balance things out, right? Just to make the world seem a little chiller during the crux of her final year in high-school, right?
But all of the shit that came with it – related to Lux or not – eventually brought it to a null spot. And Brian (who didn’t think to ask anything about it), ever the caring father figure, offered what used to help him through his rough patches! A little pill!
As of right now, I’m basically just typing out the timeline I wrote down. So with nothing smooth to say, Alice found herself a regular Vicodin user by the Spring of 1984.
And, while all things preceding the date were stressful enough, that brings us to entering college! Yay! Brian’s started paying tuition and there was that huge blowout and she’s living with Indigo now, so on and so forth. Anyway, now that that’s been refreshed:
Fall of 1984… Maybe someone would point to Lux and the bullying. Maybe someone would point to Anne Alder, suddenly without child and husband. Maybe someone would point to the lack of a stable home. But the truth was that it was none of that, and it was all of that.
The first few months, Alice was doing her best to keep up. She was still keeping her grades way up, she was still working hard to maintain her friendships, she was still trying to keep up a semblance of a life – she would have been dubbed ‘functioning.’ But something… just broke. Seemingly out of nowhere, something cracked. 
*It happened slowly, then all at once. General stress – stress that seemed normal – snapped. There were voices and delusions and–
–Brian’s donations weren’t enough anymore. After searching, after a chance finding, Alice crossed the snow line… 
And it… worked. The stress had dissipated and life… it was so much better. As long as she rolled the snow up on the 8hr schedule it needed, life was beautiful! 
For a while.
When Winter rolled around, it was plain for Indigo to see that Alice was not just smoking doobage. In fact, she wasn’t just smoking anything anymore – not if the cotton ball and shoelace had anything to say about it! 
Thus, Indigo (real name: Angela), past groupie (who “Angie” by the Stones had clearly been written about) who had seen the dangerous outcomes firsthand, was… in essence, like, “Get your shit together!”
But if some missing money, pinpoint pupils, and a nod off that led to a close call with godsmack had anything to say about it… Alice was not, in fact, getting her shit together.
Indigo had never planned on being a mother, and though she was much more caring and empathetic than her sister, she wasn’t prepared for… how to deal with this (unless it was Eric Clapton who clearly got clean for her). At the end of the day, is anyone? Especially when the main source of said kid’s cost of living was coming from an indirect enabler? (See: Brian <3)
Not knowing what else to do if Alice wouldn’t agree to seek help, she made the hesitant decision to kick her out.
Lucky for Alice, there was one vacant house in Cherry where someone she knew had been able to claim squatter’s rights – that someone being Oliver (who, outside of alcohol and weed, could be considered a surprising straight-edge given what he’d seen his mom go through at the hands of SUD).
Yes, I’m connecting my two characters. Yes, I am using this cop-out. *Ariana Grande vc* And what about it?
When Spring rolled around, her role in ‘the gang’ was nearly non-existent, existing more as a ghost than a person. Which was about how life was going. Moving through it like a ghost, disconnected from the Earth, watching from a state of limbo, becoming a distant memory.
She still managed to get by in CCU, though not without strife and sliding grades. Speedballing helped, but even then, she was distracted. 
Oliver tried giving her the movie star speech… which didn’t work, but it was worth a shot!
Fall came and so did sophomore year’s tuition payment… some of which was pocketed and spent on things that should not have been important as they felt.
Outside of that, it was largely uneventful. Just repetition of how life had been for the past… year and a half? But it wasn’t as fun as it used to be. And most bridges had burned themselves (hell, save for Brian, every bridge with family had burned down). And there would never be anything fun again, would there be? She stays in the routine, it’s normal. She breaks it and tries to get sober? At best, it’s boring. At worst, it’s hell on Earth. And she would choose routine over that any day! If she’d already lost most everything she could lose, why bother? The only things she had left were school (and she would be on academic probation in Spring – if she were kicked out… who cared anymore?), an empty house (was there much of a difference between an empty house – that desperately needed repairs – with one guy and a street?), the few bridges she hadn’t burned (a lighter would come eventually), and a beating heart (did it matter anymore?). Burn it down.
That was the prevailing thought until one Ford Freese entered the picture in early December, an offer to pay for a 30-day inpatient stay over the CCU winter break.
…winter break totally isn’t for deus ex machina purposes!
In any other case, she would’ve declined the offer with enthusiasm – some of the only enthusiasm she still showed! But the one thing she hadn’t thought of? The one thing she hadn’t thought to add to her list of things that could be stripped from her? Her freedom. Aha, don’t arrest me! Aha, I’m too sexy to go to jail for 7+ years!
Let it be known that he never actually threatened arrest – or anything even close! – but you see a man with a badge…
She entered rehab on the first day of their winter break. The methadone helped with the detox, but not with the… worth. Nonetheless, she walked out of rehab two days after CCU had begun the Spring semester. 
A month later, she had ‘completed’ the outpatient program – during which she’d been doing her damndest to get off academic parole. Without any funding for something like a methadone clinic – or, I don’t know, a therapist? – it was her and her willpower! 
And, credit where credit is due, staying sober due to a sense of obligation? Of ‘you did this grand gesture for me, I can do this one thing for you’? Well, it was working! Enough to get her to NA!
But, even nearly eight months later, everything feels rather askew. She’s part of the gang again, not a ghost… but is she? She’s back to her role of ‘great student’... but is she? Lux has lost her influence… but has she?
Well… Hollywoo Stars and Celebs! What Do They Know? Do they Know Things? Let’s Find Out!
updated tl;dr !
Alice started doing drugs about eight months earlier than her Cherry 1.0/2.0 counterparts. 
She developed a tolerance to Vicodin and didn’t have the benefit of seeing Lux’s ghost because… Lux isn’t dead (or presumed dead), so she moved up the ladder of gateway drugs and, following a bit of a menty b in her freshman year of college, she started using smack.
Eventually got kicked out of Indigo’s house for understandable reasons and went to squat live with Oliver (deus ex machina!). 
Yanno. shit happens!
Was not successfully enticed to enter recovery until Ford Freese offered to pay for rehab (and, even then, it was just because “oh this guy has a badge I don’t want to go to jail im so sexy for that aha”). Got clean.
Has been sober for nearly eight months now… mainly out of obligation!
But my favorite form of character growth is character descent :elmosmile:
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tower-girl-anon · 1 year
hello..!! i have been scurrying through your blog for a while now & i was wondering if you could give me a feedback on my SR chart for 2023.. i have I: leo sun, virgo moon, virgo mercury and virgo mars in 5th house. my lilith is also in leo 5th house. II: my leo venus is in 4th house III: capricorn pluto in 9th house IV: pisces saturn & pieces uranus in 11th house V: taurus jupiter & taurus neptune in 12th house VI: i also have my aries chiron, aries nnode & taurus part of fortune in 12th house VII: my snode & vertex are in libra 6th house. what's your general take on how this year could turn out for me? i'm a little cautious of saturn being in the 11th house as 11th house is the house of friends - does that mean difficulty in relationships? also my jupiter in 12th house is a little concerning. what do you think?
This year will urge you or provide situations so you can spend more time alone. On your own. Connecting with your inner child, wisdom, and intuition. If you are planning for a baby, then this could be the perfect year to expect one, especially if transit makes aspect to the planets in the fifth house. Another alternative could be that this year could be a perfect year to work either on healing some inner child wounds (if there is one) or start working bravely towards that hobby you always wanted to try since young. Maybe to start a curse of something spiritual if you are interested in something of the sort.
Whatever you do, you are encouraged to meditate and find what it is that you want to do, to heal what needs to be healed (that it could be your inner child) and work/study the things or hobbies that you will like to do, if you can, and that could make your inner child happy and healed.
This process won’t be easy, I’ll admit it, it will be lonely, and it will require a certain level of death or transformation when it comes about the belief system you have or you were taught to follow. Maybe it relates to how society should work or act. I don’t know. But something of the sort should need to change. It won’t be easy and maybe it can create a separation from some people (Saturn in the 11th), but you could meet unexpected people along the way if you are open enough to try it.
I don't think that Jupiter in the 12th house is a bad omen. In fact, this planet is at home in the 12th house just like Neptune, so it can signal that this year you could be more open to recieve more guidance or information from your intuition, spirit guides or other outworldly beings. The downside could be about having drugs or alcohol problems during this period.
I hope this answer helped you. Have a nice day and year.
Tower Girl Anon
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anastasiatremcine · 2 years
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Name: Anastasia Tremaine Age: 27 Birthday: June 2 Big Three: Gemini sun, Libra moon, Leo rising Species: Human Sexuality: Straight
i. TYPE. She had recently discovered that her type of men are nerdy men with strange interests. It's comforting to be around someone who isn't afraid to be themselves, even if it can be slightly embarrassing. It also pushes herself to break out of her own comfort zone.
ii. SWEET TOOTH. Anastasia has a pure sweet tooth. There isn't a sweet snack that she doesn't like and will often find herself at bakeries to get her favourite dessert. She enjoys sweets so much that she has turned to baking, especially after Ella has left. 
iii. HALLOWEEN. One of Anastasia's favourite holidays of the year. This is one day of the year that she can feel confident in her own skin by being anything that she wants, whether it's scary or sexy. Plus, free candy on top of that? It's a win-win for her.
iv. FASHION. Anastasia enjoys the latest trends in fashion and tries to complete a look. She doesn't feel complete unless everything on her is perfect, which goes hand-in-hand with her insecurities. With her job paying so high, it is not difficult for her to achieve the looks that she so deeply enjoys.
v. MOTHERHOOD. Lady Tremaine was never a good mother, and Anastasia can imagine that she would do a bang-up job. Ever since Anastasia was a child, she imagined that she would have a little girl that matched her red-hair that she could spoil and be the perfect mother to. It isn’t a thought or feeling that she brings up often, but she feels that it’s deeply rooted in the person that she is. 
vi. INSECURITIES. Anastasia has been insecure her whole life, despite her father pushing that she was classically beautiful in her childhood to teens. Her sister and mother made it a note to make Anastasia their second punching bag, next to Ella; if Anastasia was mean to the poor girl, she wouldn’t be as ridiculed from her sister and mother. Truthfully, Anastasia plainly does not how she looks, how she presents herself, and her personality, and there isn’t anything that she can do. 
more to come
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klimkovsky · 2 months
August 4, 2024. New Moon
Overview of the visibility of constellations and planets
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The new moon will occur on August 4 shortly after midday. The Sun and Moon will be in the constellation Cancer, but the Moon will be three and a half degrees north of the Sun. The constellations closest to them — Leo (through which the fastest planets — Venus and Mercury — are currently moving), Sextans, Canis Minor and Hydra — are invisible at this time, due to their proximity to the Sun.
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The Moon, although not directly visible, nevertheless has the appearance of an extremely thin crescent, which is inaccessible to the eye. But the most experienced astrophotographers sometimes manage to photograph the Moon — its crescent-shaped reflection — even on the day of the new moon — at the limit of the capabilities of their cameras and software.
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Let’s talk about what is available for observation on these days and the calendar dates close to them.
An hour and a half after sunset — above the sector of the horizon where this happened — the stars of the Ursa Major’s Dipper will become most noticeable. Under the handle of the Dipper is the constellation Canes Venatici, and to the left of them is the orange Arcturus — the brightest star in the northern celestial hemisphere and the head of the constellation Bootes. The figure of this constellation extends upward from Arcturus and is similar to the symbol of a parachute, on the lines of which the orange Arcturus descends to the horizon. This descent occurs quite quickly. And in a few minutes you will notice it without difficulty and any devices. Even to the left of Bootes you can find a dim, but noticeable and very beautiful constellation of the Corona Borealis — an arc of faint stars, decorated with a pearl — Gemma. The head of the Serpens stretches toward Gemma — the only constellation on the star map divided into two parts. The Serpent’s Tail is currently located in the southern sky. We will move our gaze there a little later.
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Below the constellation Canes Venatici and to the right of Arcturus, the constellation Coma Berenices, not shining with bright luminaries, but very beautiful, leans toward the horizon, in the northern part of which a swarm of stars of medium and low brightness flickers, which does not have an ancient mythological name — only a number in the catalog — Melott 111. But it was this unclear starry glow that ancient people perceived as the luxurious hair of the Egyptian Queen Berenice. This was a sacrifice to the Gods and the price of the return of her husband — the Egyptian king Ptolemy III — from the war as a winner.
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In the direction of the southern point, you can see the constellation Sagittarius, barely peeking out from behind the horizon. Sagittarius does not rise completely in the middle northern latitudes. Its figure, composed of fairly bright stars, seems dim and inexpressive here due to the absorption of starlight by the atmosphere near the horizon, where in the evenings there is always a lot of dust raised during the day. By morning, the dust settles, but Sagittarius will set behind the horizon much earlier.
To the right of Sagittarius, the “Claws of Scorpius” have almost set behind the horizon — a small part of this constellation visible in the north, but it is among the stars of the “Claws” that the orange-red Antares — “Heart of Scorpius” shines. Together with Scorpius (to the right of it), Libra, which was once only an extension of the sharp and long claws, is also hiding behind the horizon. The stars of Libra still bear the corresponding names — “Northern Claw”, “Southern Claw” — in Arabic, of course.
A bright star shines above Sagittarius — Altair. This is alpha Aquila — one of the main summer constellations. Its figure, composed of stars of medium brightness, really resembles a bird flying in the sky. To the west of the Aquila, there is an extended constellation of Ophiuchus — a constellation very rich in interesting telescopic objects, but poor in stars even of medium brightness. Between Ophiuchus and Aquila, experienced observers can find the constellation Scutum and the very same “Tail of the Serpent”.
To the east and above Altair, you can notice several miniature constellations — Equuleus, Delphinus, Sagitta and Vulpecula (in which on July 30, 2024, a new, but very weak — 10th magnitude — star flared up). These four constellations are located one after the other — following from bottom to top and from left to right near Altair.
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In the eastern direction, it is easy to notice the huge Square of Pegasus — now it is turned so that it looks more like a Rhombus. Pisces is emerging right from under it — only the alpha of this constellation — Alrisha — remains under the horizon. But it will also rise soon.
To the right of Pisces and Pegasus, Aquarius and a fairly bright Saturn are rising. Neptune is located somewhere near it, but you cannot see it without a telescope — it is a very distant and weak planet. Even further to the right, Capricornus has almost completely risen.
To the right of the Square of Pegasus, there is a chain of stars of the asterism “Head of Pegasus” — it adjoins the Equuleus.
To the left of the Square of Pegasus, there is a chain of stars of the constellation Andromeda. Historically, Pegasus and Andromeda were drawn inseparably on star maps. This continues to this day — the constellations are connected by the star alpha Andromeda — Alpheratz. Previously, it belonged to two constellations at the same time. And above Andromeda, the beautiful and noticeable constellation Cassiopeia is easily recognizable, this season resembling the Latin letter “W”. Below Andromeda, you can see the constellations Triangulum and Aries. Aries has not yet fully risen above the horizon.
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In the northern part of the sky, the bright Capella, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow, attracts attention — the brightest star of the constellation Auriga, which belongs to the winter group of constellations. But in the middle northern latitudes, Capella never sets below the horizon.
To the right of Capella, you can see the constellation Perseus, whose brightest star — Mirfak — lies on the continuation of the chain of Andromeda stars and seems to connect Andromeda and Auriga. Closer to the morning, Perseus will rise high in the sky and shower the August night with dozens of sparkling meteors, sometimes called “falling stars.” This meteor shower is called the Perseids, and during its annual activity — from mid-July to the end of August — not a single real star is damaged.
The peak activity of the Perseid shower occurs on the nights from August 11 to 13. The Moon at this time will be located in the evening sky, and will not interfere with pre-dawn observations of meteors.
Above Capella and to the left of Perseus lies the practically starless space of the constellation Camelopardalis. In the city, it will not be possible to discern the figure of this constellation. Lynx, a constellation located between Auriga and Ursa Major, is equally inconspicuous.
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Above Capella you can see the North Star and a couple of stars of Ursa Minor that are comparable in brightness. To the right of it, like an upside-down house, is Cepheus, adjacent to Cassiopeia. And between the Ursulas, the Draco runs like a winding river, its tail resting against the Camelopardalis, and its head reaches the very zenith of the summer skies.
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In the zenith region of the sky are the constellations of Lyra and Cygnus, headed by the bright stars — Vega and Deneb, which together with Altair (located below them in the southern direction) form the famous asterism — the “Summer Triangle”. Cygnus flies with its wings spread wide. At the same time, the left wing points to the “Hooves of Pegasus”, and the right — to the “Head of the Draco” — a small and beautiful trapezoid of medium-brightness stars, adjacent to Vega and the constellation of Hercules, which also has its own stellar trapezoid — so it is called — “Trapezium of Hercules”, and one of the brightest globular star clusters — M13 is hidden from the naked eye in it. There are quite a lot of globular clusters in the summer sky. But the most famous are M13 in the “Trapezium of Hercules” and M15 in the “Head of Pegasus”.
A little to the side of the “Hooves of Pegasus” and the “Tail of the Swan”, in which the bright Deneb burns, there is an inconspicuous constellation of the Lacerta, whose dim stars are unlikely to be seen within the city limits.
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By two a.m., the Aquarius constellation will rise to its maximum height, and the bright Saturn located in it will be very clearly visible in the southern direction.
To the left of Aquarius and under the highly risen Pisces, Cetus has already fully risen — a large constellation of not very clear configuration, the stars of which seem to split into two groups — the “Head of Cetus” and the “Tail of Cetus”, directed upward and decorated with the alpha of the constellation — the star Menkar. The famous long-period variable star Mira of Cetus is also located in the “Tail”, but it has already passed its annual maximum in May and has already weakened greatly — invisible to the eye.
To the left of Cetus — directly above the point of the east, Taurus is already shining with two bright planets — Jupiter and Mars. Both of these luminaries are located near Aldebaran, the brightest star in Taurus, and form a beautiful triangle with Aldebaran — a few nights ago it was equilateral, but from night to night its proportions change noticeably — the fast Mars is rapidly catching up with Jupiter.
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There is another planet in the constellation Taurus now — Uranus. It is not visible to the naked eye, but can be easily found with binoculars a little to the south of the Pleiades — the most beautiful open star cluster in the sky. Another beautiful and bright star cluster — the Hyades — surrounds the orange Aldebaran, which does not belong to the Hyades, because in space it lies approximately halfway from the Sun to the stars of the mentioned cluster.
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Directly above the constellation Taurus and the trinity of “Jupiter — Mars — Aldebaran” Perseus looks down from the heavenly heights upon the mortal Earth, holding in his hand the severed head of Medusa the Gorgon, in whose eye the eclipsing variable star Algol — beta Persei slyly winks every three nights. Perseus is known as the illusory source of the Perseid stream. It seems to us that the sparks of the “falling stars” fly to us from this constellation. But in fact, the trajectory of the orbit of the comet Swift-Tuttle is directed in this direction. In July-August of each year, the Earth approaches the orbit of this comet, along which small meteoroids — particles of the disintegrating comet’s core — fly. Some of them meet the Earth and burn up in the atmosphere. On the night of maximum, in an hour of observation, it is possible to notice several dozen (sometimes even up to a hundred) meteors. But they should be observed outside the city, preferably in the mountains.
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Just before dawn, the stars of the Gemini constellation, Castor and Pollux, will rise above the northeastern horizon. These are winter stars, but in August some winter constellations already begin to peek out from behind the horizon coulisse, to become fully visible by autumn and for quite a long time.
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moonlight-yuyu · 6 months
can I get a special ship with haechan?
Sun Virgo 18°16' 1st House
Moon Gemini 19°59' 10th House
Mercury Libra 13°33' 2nd House
Venus Leo 17°42' 12th House
Mars Capricorn 1°09' 5th House
I ASC Leo 29°15'
II Virgo 26°16'
III Libra 26°33'
IV Scorpio 28°23'
V Sagittarius 29°49'
VI Aquarius 0°07'
VII Aquarius 29°15'
VIII Pisces 26°16'
IX Aries 26°33'
X MC Taurus 28°23'
XI Gemini 29°49'
XII Leo 0°07'
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🦋Thank you so much for requesting! I hope you'll have a lovely day and feel free to request again🦋
🦋You'll have a warm and attentive relationship. There will be so much affection und care between you two. You come together to create a beautiful harmony! Both of you will grow through this relationship
🦋Haechan will be able to stimulate your mind and giving you energy. Haechan will help you ignite and develop your ideas and giving you confidence overall. this will be just a lively and active relationship that can help each other growing and moving forward in life
🦋These are beautiful aspects for a long lasting relationship! You have the same expactations and ideas in love and in a relationship as well. There will be so much harmony and an atmosphere of kindness and gentle understanding
🦋You two will benefit from the fact that you can share your experiences and ideas in life and there will be a mutual understanding. You love interacting with each other while being very respectful especially towords your ideas
🦋The power of love will be very strong between you two! There will be an extensive growth between you two and you with optimism and harmony you two will be able to grow side by side and getting better versions of yourselves.
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gautam-101 · 6 months
Navigating the Cosmos: The Astrology of Science Fiction
In the vast expanse of the literary universe, science fiction serves as a portal to explore the unknown, the fantastical, and the cosmic. Within its pages, authors weave tales that transcend time and space, delving into the depths of human imagination and probing the mysteries of the universe. Yet, beneath the surface of these imaginative narratives lies a subtle thread connecting them to the ancient art of astrology. Just as the stars above influence the course of human destiny, so too do they inspire the themes and motifs found within science fiction literature. In this exploration, we embark on a journey through the cosmos, examining the interplay between astrology and science fiction, and uncovering the celestial symbolism that enriches these captivating tales.
Also read - Exploring Ancient Wisdom of Vedic Astrology and Palmistry
I. The Zodiac of Characters: Astrological Archetypes in Science Fiction
A. Aries: The Pioneer Spirit and Quest for Adventure
B. Taurus: Stubbornness and Stability in the Face of Adversity
C. Gemini: Duality and the Exploration of Alternate Realities
D. Cancer: Emotional Depth and the Bonds of Family
E. Leo: Heroism and the Triumph of the Human Spirit
F. Virgo: Analytical Minds and the Pursuit of Perfection
G. Libra: Balance and Harmony in the Cosmos
H. Scorpio: Secrets, Transformation, and the Unveiling of Truth
I. Sagittarius: Philosophical Wanderers and Seekers of Knowledge
J. Capricorn: Ambition, Determination, and the Climb to Success
K. Aquarius: Visionaries and Revolutionaries of the Future
L. Pisces: Mysticism, Dreams, and the Boundaries of Reality
Chat here: Chat with astrologer online
II. Planetary Influences: Exploring Cosmic Themes in Science Fiction Literature
A. The Sun: Symbol of Vitality, Power, and Leadership
B. The Moon: Reflections of the Subconscious and the Unconscious Mind
C. Mercury: Messenger of Communication, Intellect, and Adaptability
D. Venus: Love, Beauty, and the Search for Harmony
E. Mars: Passion, Conflict, and the Drive for Action
F. Jupiter: Expansion, Fortune, and the Quest for Meaning
G. Saturn: Lessons of Discipline, Responsibility, and Karma
H. Uranus: Innovation, Rebellion, and the Breaking of Boundaries
I. Neptune: Illusion, Inspiration, and the Depths of the Imagination
J. Pluto: Transformation, Death, and Rebirth
III. Cosmic Events and Astrological Alignments: Catalysts for Science Fiction Plotlines
A. Solar Eclipses: Moments of Revelation and Transformation
B. Lunar Phases: Cycles of Change and Renewal
C. Planetary Conjunctions: Alignments of Fate and Destiny
D. Retrograde Motion: Reflection, Review, and Reevaluation
E. Celestial Phenomena: Supernovae, Black Holes, and Cosmic Anomalies
As we conclude our journey through the realms of astrology and science fiction, we find ourselves awash in the celestial tapestry that connects these two seemingly disparate worlds. Just as the planets dance through the heavens, so too do the characters and narratives of science fiction literature dance across the pages of our imagination, guided by the unseen hand of cosmic influence. In exploring the astrological undercurrents that permeate these tales, we gain a deeper appreciation for the universal themes that unite us all—themes of love and loss, triumph and tragedy, growth and transformation. And as we gaze up at the stars above, we are reminded of our own place within the vastness of the cosmos, mere specks of stardust adrift in the infinite expanse of space and time. Yet, even in our insignificance, we find solace in the knowledge that we are all connected, bound together by the celestial threads that weave through the fabric of our existence. So let us continue to explore, to dream, and to create, for in doing so, we honor the cosmic legacy that lives within us all.
Have any questions? Speak with an astrologer: Download the App Now
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