#ikemem vampire leonardo
thesapphiree · 10 months
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Ikemen vampire as roblox memes (btw,I love almost all of them,they are so sillies)
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yasminmoonprincess · 11 months
Currently reading:
Ikemen Vampire, Leonardos route
Ikemen Prince, Sariel romantic route
Ikemen Prince, Sariel dramatic route
Ikemen Prince, Keith romantic route
Ikemen Prince, Keith dramatic route
Ikemen Prince, Licht romantic route
Ikemen Prince, Gilbert romantic route
Ikemen Prince, Gilbert dramatic route
Court of Darkness, Guy Avari magical route
Court of Darkness, Lance Ira mischief route
Court of Darkness, Toa Qelsum magical route
Court of Darkness, Lynt Akedia mischief route
Court of Darkness, Roy Invidia mischief route
Court of Darkness, Knight mischief route
Court of Darkness, Grayson Hotz mischief route
Ikemen Sengoku, Nobunaga romantic route
Ikemen Sengoku, Sasuke romantic route
Ikemen Sengoku, Yukimura romantic route
Ikemen Sengoku, Kenshin Romantic route
Ikemen Sengoku, Mitsunari romantic route
Ikemen Vampire, Faust romantic route
Ikemen Vampire, Faust dramatic route
Ikemen Vampire, Charles romantic route
Ikemen Vampire, Vlad romantic route
Ikemen Vampire, Arthurt romantic route
Ikemen Revolution, Loki dramatic route
Favorite routes so far:
Ikemen Prince, Keith💖💖💖
Ikemen Sengoku, Nobunaga 🔥🥵🌡️💦💖
Ikemen Vampire, Faust🔥💖
Court of Darkness, Grayson🔥🥵🌡️💦💖
So not worth the premium choices:
Ikemem Sengoku, Yukimura. Seriously, I feel robbed. It's like all the sexy stuff happened in Nobunagas route (several times!) and the hottest thing happening in Yukimuras route was like... Hardly kissing?? I do not approve of such virgin behavior.
Ikemen Revolution, Loki. The one and only (lame) sexy part was like my exes: over before it even began.
Court of Darkness, Roy AND Lynt. Not one of the choices was worth the premium/money. Not even near. Total waste.
I seriously need more scenes like the ones with Nobunaga or Faust... Wooo! Oh mama! Getting hot just thinking about it🤣
Note to self:
Need to learn how to make pretty posts on Tumblr...
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jureguee · 3 years
Imagine - Leonardo Da Vinci
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Capítulo: Único.
Sinopse: ❝ Esse silêncio até então acolhedor não era mais, onde será que eles estão e o que estão fazendo? Se eu os achar mexendo com solda outra vez, Leonardo vai ter muito o que ouvir de mim.❞
Contagem de Palavras: 816.
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Chapter: Unique.
Synopsis: ❝ That hitherto welcoming silence was no longer, I wonder where they are and what they are doing? If I find them messing around with solder again, Leonardo will have a lot to hear from me.❞
Word Count: 816.
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Fechando o livro o coloquei na mesinha ao lado da poltrona de couro na qual estava sentada. O silêncio continuava pela casa a horas, desde que vim ao passado, conviver com figuras históricas que também são vampiros tem sido uma experiência barulhenta e desgastante, mas isso mudou a algum tempo. Esse silêncio até então acolhedor não era mais, onde será que eles estão e o que estão fazendo? Se eu os achar mexendo com solda outra vez, Leonardo vai ter muito o que ouvir de mim.
Me levantei calmamente da poltrona tentando relaxar, no fim não iria ajudar nada ficando estressada por nada.
Saí da biblioteca fechando a porta delicadamente, afinal se eles estivessem fazendo algo errado eu os pegaria no flagra. Passando pelos corredores e pelas suas majestosas portas que davam para os cômodos da casa que eu e Leonardo planejamos para nós tive algumas memórias felizes dos momentos que passamos aqui. Chegando na sala de estar eu encontrei livros e papéis jogados em cima da mesa de centro.
Aqueles bagunceiros.
Tomando os papéis que estavam embaixo do livro em minhas mãos, me deparei com rascunhos do que parecia um avião. E meu coração começou a bater como um tambor, pensando em todas as possibilidades que isso significava. Com agilidade fui em direção a porta de entrada, saindo da casa e indo para a pequena oficina que Leonardo havia criado para suas invenções e bagunças.
Não me importei com meus sapatos ou minha saia ficando enlameadas pela terra molhada que havia se criado quando choveu a tarde.
Cheguei perto da porta da pequena casa, ouvindo as risadas dos meus anjinhos bagunceiros. Não impedi que um sorriso enfeita-se meu rosto. Me apoiei no batente da porta, abrindo uma pequena fresta para vê-los.
- Não, Elle! Suas contas bobas estão atrapalhando meu desenho. - O menino de olhos castanhos alaranjados gritou para sua irmã. - Vai estragar tudo como sempre!
- Você que não entende! - Brandou Grazielle ao menor. - Se eu não fazer essas contas, o seu desenho vai ficar todo errado, como sempre.
- Ei! Eu não preciso da sua ajuda pra isso! - Dante colocou as mãos nervosamente na cintura depois de jogar o lápis no chão. - A gente não vive grudado na cintura!
- Agora você vai ficar irritadinho com isso!? Olha, vai ficar irritadinho! - Provocou a menina.
- Ragazzi! - Leonardo chamou os gêmeos que rapidamente viraram a cabeça na direção dele. - Preciso de alguma ajuda, sim? - Nas mãos estava um pequeno dispositivo de metal, impossivelmente pequeno para suas mãos.
- Estamos indo, papà! - A menina agilmente pegou os papéis nos quais estava brigando com seu irmão e os entregou ao Leo. - Só falta aqui! - Ela apontou para o papel. Tentei me inclinar o máximo que podia para ver mas não adiantou. - Não entendemos como fazer isso! - A carinha emburrada de ambos foi substituída por um sorriso quando Leonardo os pegou em seus braços e os abraçou. As crianças se debatiam e riam, esquecendo a frustração.
- Vocês foram muito bem. - Ele se inclinou e deu beijos amorosos na cabeça deles e os colocou em seu colo. - Foram mais longe do que eu esperava, estou orgulhoso. - Com um sorriso caloroso ele pegou o lápis na bancada onde os papéis estavam posicionados. - Além disso, não estamos animados que podemos resolver isso juntos?
A energia da sala mudou rapidamente, os gritos felizes das crianças dando novas ideias e as risadas preencheram o espaço. Em poucos minutos, a gritaria acabou e só sobrou a ansiedade de esperar que a engenhoca funcionasse. - Prontos? - Com o pequeno avião de madeira em mãos, Leonardo jogou o avião no ar e sua hélice começou a girar rapidamente com um zunido, o avião estava voando pela sala. As crianças gritaram e bateram palmas felizes, a animação contaminando o ambiente. Decidindo que era a hora de aparecer, abri a porta e os três pares de olhos com sorrisos contentes viraram pra mim.
- Mãe! - Ambos os meus filhos me abraçaram e começaram a cantarolar muito rápido tudo que haviam feito, com a euforia muito maior que qualquer outro sentimento. Se distraíram com o avião indo para a fora por causa da porta que deixei aberta, sem pensar duas vezes eles me soltaram e correram atrás do avião com gritos histéricos, não me conti de rir, nem mesmo quando os braços amorosos de Leonardo me rodearam.
- Vocês não conseguem parar, não? - Me virei para ele e acaricei seu rosto. - A barba por fazer o deixa muito bonito, já disse isso?
- Algumas vezes, mas me sinto apenas velho. - Riu amargamente apoiando as mãos no meu quadril.
- Quanto mais velho o vinho, melhor é o sabor. - Nós rimos e não evitamos de olhar para os olhos um do outro profundamente.
- É uma pena que este momento não possa ser eterno. - Não era preciso palavras quando entrelacei meus braços em seu pescoço e o puxei para um beijo acalorado e apaixonado.
- Que nojo! - As crianças berraram.
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Closing the book, I placed it on the small table beside the leather armchair I was sitting in. The silence continued throughout the house for hours, since I came to the past, living with historical figures who are also vampires has been a noisy and exhausting experience, but that had changed some time ago. That hitherto welcoming silence was no longer, I wonder where they are and what they are doing? If I find them messing around with solder again, Leonardo will have a lot to hear from me.
I calmly got up from the chair trying to relax, in the end it wouldn't help anything to be stressed out over nothing.
I left the library closing the door gently, after all if they were doing something wrong I would catch them in the act. Passing through the hallways and their majestic doors that led to the rooms of the house that Leonardo and I had planned for us I had some happy memories of the times we spent here. Arriving in the living room I found books and papers lying on the coffee table.
Those messy ones.
Taking the papers that were under the book in my hands, I came across sketches of what looked like an airplane. And my heart started beating like a drum, thinking of all the possibilities that this meant. With agility I headed for the front door, out of the house and into the small workshop Leonardo had created for his inventions and mess.
I didn't mind my shoes or my skirt getting muddy from the wet soil that had built up when it rained in the afternoon.
I walked up to the door of the small house, listening to the giggles of my messy little angels. I didn't stop a smile from adorning my face. I leaned against the doorframe, opening a small window to see them.
"No, Elle! Your silly beads are getting in the way of my drawing." The boy with the orange-brown eyes shouted at his sister. "You'll ruin everything as usual!"
"You don't understand!" Brandished Grazielle to the smaller boy. "If I don't do this math, your drawing will be all wrong, as usual."
"Hey, I don't need your help for this!" Dante nervously put his hands on his waist after throwing his pencil on the floor. - We don't live by the waist!
"Now you're going to get testy about it! Look, you're going to get testy!" teased the girl.
"Ragazzi!" Leonardo called out to the twins, who quickly turned their heads in his direction. "I need some help, okay?" In his hands was a small metal device, impossibly small for their hands.
"We're coming, papà!" The girl quickly took the papers on which she had been fighting with her brother and handed them to Leo. - This is the only one left! - She pointed to the paper. I tried to bend down as far as I could to see it, but it was no use. "We don't understand how to do this!" Their frowns were replaced by smiles when Leonardo took them in his arms and hugged them. The children struggled and laughed, forgetting their frustration.
"You did very well." He leaned over and kissed them lovingly on the head and put them on his lap. "You went further than I expected, I'm proud." With a warm smile he picked up the pencil from the workbench where the papers were placed. "Besides, aren't we excited that we can work this out together?"
The energy in the room changed quickly, the happy shouts of the children giving new ideas and the laughter filling the space. In a few minutes, the shouting was over and all that was left was the anxiety of waiting for the contraption to work. "Ready?" With the little wooden plane in hand, Leonardo threw the plane into the air and its propeller began to spin rapidly with a whirring sound, the plane was flying around the room. The children screamed and clapped their hands together happily, the excitement contaminating the room. Deciding that it was time to show up, I opened the door and the three pairs of eyes with happy smiles turned to me.
"Mom!" Both my children hugged me and began humming very quickly about everything they had done, their elation far greater than any other feeling. They were distracted by the plane going outside because of the door I left open, without a second thought they let me go and ran after the plane with hysterical screams, I couldn't stop myself from laughing, not even when Leonardo's loving arms surrounded me.
"You just can't stop, can you?" I turned to him and stroked his face. "The unshaven beard makes you very handsome, have I ever said that?"
"Sometimes, but I just feel old." He laughed bitterly, resting his hands on my hips.
"The older the wine, the better it tastes." We laughed and couldn't help but look into each other's eyes deeply.
"It's a pity that this moment can't be eternal." No words were needed when I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a heated, passionate kiss.
"How disgusting!" The children shouted.
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ikemen-roses · 2 years
Comte: Tonight, one of you will betray us.
Vincent: Is it me, Comte?
Comte: No, it’s not you.
Leonardo, with a slight grin: Is it me, Comte?
Comte: It’s not you either.
Arthur, also grinning like a lil’ shit: Is it me, Comte?
Comte, mockingly: Is IT mE CoMTe?
Shakespeare, sitting at the far edge of the table:
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qshara · 3 years
Ikevamp boys with little Isaac (Part 2)
Isaac was studying the operation of the gate portal and decided to cross during the new moon. However, something went wrong when he returned to the mansion... (Part 1)
Dedicated to @yanderepuck (thanks for giving me inspiration and ideas! 💖)
Feel free to suggest or add ideas!
Isaac: Hmm...
Vincent: Hmm? What is it?
Isaac, showing his painting of a tree: Hmm!
Vincent: Oh! Have you finished your painting? Is very pretty!
Theo: Oh come on! It doesn't even look like a tree
Vincent: Your painting is also beautiful. It's a horse?
Theo: Wha-?! No! It's clearly King!
Isaac: It's a bunny!
Theo: -sobbing- You don't understand my art!
Isaac: Are you an ‘arr’ pirate or a ‘yo ho ho’ pirate?
Comte: I’m a ‘I’m not paying $600 for a photo with a pirate’ pirate
Leonardo: So you hold the screwdriver like this and then-
Isaac: -trying to imitate him, he drops the tool-
Leonard: Oh no...
Isaac: -his cheeks start to redden-
Leonardo: Bambino, you have to calm do-
Isaac: -screaming and crying takes the watch and throws it to the ground with all his might-
Leonardo: Or you can throw that on the ground to disarm it faster... yeah, it's also work
Issac: How did you find my secret stash?! -literally under the table-
Napoleon: Ummm...a little friend told me?
[someone knocks on the bedroom door]
Mozart: Ugh...who comes to bother at 4 am?
Isaac, sobbing: Uncle Mozart...
Mozart: Oh, it's you. What happened? Did you lose your room again?
Isaac: I had a nightmare
Mozart: And?
Isaac: Can I sleep with you?
Isaac: -puppy eyes-
Mozart: No -slams the door-
[I can guarantee this is canon]
Theo: What is all this fuss?! Why is the wall full of... apple bits?
Arthur, using the door as a shield: Today I have to watch him and well, when he found out...
Isaac, shrieking as he throws everything in his reach: Sebastian told me an apple a day keeps the doctor away! I ate so many apples so he would leave! Why is he still here?!
Arthur: Help me!
Theo: And how am I supposed to help you?!
Arthur: I don't know! Do whatever!
Theo: -panics and punch him-
Arthur: Oof!
Isaac: Pff-
Theo: Hey, I think he likes it! -punch him again-
Isaac: -covers his mouth to hide his laughter-
Theo: I'm enjoying this too!
Isaac: And what are we going to do, uncle Jean?
Jean: I was told to watch you
Isaac: Umm...
Jean: ⚫ - 👁
Isaac: -sits on the floor-
Jean: ⚫ - ➖
Jean: ⚫ - 👁
Isaac: -gone-
Jean: ⚫ - 👁 -panics-
Dazai: Today was a good day. I helped take out the garbage and my walk with little Ai-chan was a success
Sebastian: Master Dazai, may I know where the young master is?
Dazai: What are you talking about? If he's by my si- -seeing the garbage bag on the chair- oh
Vlad: I would love to know where you got a 4 year old and why you thought it would be a good idea to bring him
Charles, with lil Isaac in his arms: I found it in the garbage. It's just like me!
Faust: In what sense? Physically or because we also take you out of the garbage?
Isaac: -playing with Puck-
William: Is this a joke?
Vlad: We take our business very seriously
William: You called me to put on a puppet show for this kid?
Vlad: Didn't you want to vary a bit in your plays?
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cowboy-rowlet · 3 years
tag your ikeman
oh hiiii hello, how are u
despite being on this webbed site forever i’ve never posted anything, so i wanted to give it a go haha
(if the quality is shit i will fix but anyway enjoy)
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i know otome is a itty bitty niche but please don’t kick me out of the fandom for wishing jehanne was a girl in game :(
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Headcanons For An Mc Who's Cuddly When They Sleep
Suitors: Nobunaga Oda, Lancelot Kingsley, and Leonardo DaVinci
Otome games used: Ikemen Sengoku, Ikemen Revolution, and Ikemen Vampire
Warnings⚠️: None!
Genre: Really Really fluffy and soft
Summary: How three men would react when you cuddle them up in your sleep
His little fireball is sweet and cuddly while they sleep? He's in love. Nobunaga thinks it's adorable when you softly grab onto him and move closer to his chest.
Even though the warlord will never admit it, he craves sweet pure, physical attention. You're the most important thing to him, so he just loves when you cuddle up to him in the late hours of the night.
It's safe to say he'll always tease you about it the next day. "So Mc, did you enjoy clinging onto me all night? Don't get fired up now I was only teasing you. Besides, it's cute.
Sometimes if he has to work late he'll send Hideyoshi to check on you, to make sure you're not staying up waiting for him.
Nobunaga likes to hold you in your sleep. It makes him feel like he's keeping you safe from all the bad things in the world. He'll pull you close and wrap his arms around you so he can hear your heartbeat. It makes the warlord feel calm, something he hasn't felt until he met you.
"Oh my little fireball you don't know how much you mean to me. I'll love you forever, even past the ends of the earth."
Lancelot is a pretty still sleeper, so when you cuddle him in your sleep it's safe to say he's very flustered. Though he warms up to it and gets used to the idea of holding you in your sleep.
Infact he looks forward to spending the night with you. As soon as you scoot close next to him he flips you over to your side and becomes the big spoon.
On nights he has work to do he'll take all of his work and put it on the bed, so he doesn't miss a single moment with you.
Lancelot thinks it's sweet and usually doesn't tease you about your snuggling ways. "Why would I joke about something so adorable Mc? I love that you crave my attention during these late hours."
Lancelot would always look forward to coming into bed so you can both enjoy each other's warmth. Sometimes he might even blow off work or sneak away from Jonah just to get a moment alone with you.
"Don't worry about me my love, my work doesn't concern us right now. Let's just take a small nap together so I can hold you tight."
Regardless if you're cuddly or not he will always hold you in your sleep, even if you're not asleep he'll still hold you. Leonardo just loves that you try to grab onto him in your slumber.
Sometimes if Leonardo is going to fall asleep in the hallway or library he'll drag you along with him so, he can sleep easier. It's relaxing hearing your heartbeat while breathing in your scent.
Sadly Leonardo's room is filled with so much cool junk which makes his bed rather small. So there's barely any room for you to sleep on the bed, that pretty much forces you to snuggle into Leonardo so you don't fall off.
Leonardo sleeps throughout the day and is usually more active at night, but he's willing to take a break on whatever his tinkering on and sleep with you.
If he has to go to the library for any reason late at night, he'll carry you out of bed into the library so he doesn't leave you. Once he finds the book Leonardo will pick you up once again and go back to his room so you can both sleep.
"Cara mia cuddle closer into my arms so you don't end up on the floor. I did promise you that no harm will come to you in this mansion did I? Good, now C'mon and get cozy next to me."
That's all! Thanks for supporting me on my last post, it really helps :). I'm trying to branch out into other fandoms so, if you have any suggestions for me don't hesitate to reach out! As always be safe and take care of yourself! Love you!
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snoot-boop · 3 years
No one:
My brain: Now say:"Bend me over the desk like you bent Europe over Napoleon!~"
Me: Ok.
That's why I'm here
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ikemensworld · 3 years
*Dazai and Arthur sitting in jail together*
Dazai: So, who should we call?
Arthur: I'd call Comte but I feel safer here.
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yanderepuck · 3 years
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oikoneko · 5 years
Ikemen Vampire as my favorite b99 quotes p2:
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luuutzeee · 4 years
The true Lady With an Ermine
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GAD I'M WHEEZING! My homework was to find 5 paintings - being the ikevamp player that I am I placed Vincent and Leonardo's painting but mygad the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the Lady With an Ermine is Le Comte - Daddy Vinci you sneaky bastard!
*please no steal, thank you only reblog :)
Kudos to my Zigurd (Twitter) for helping me make this, truly the most reliable rbf ahahha
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freezingcoldsalad · 4 years
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Imagine being kidnapped and POLITELY asking the kidnapper to kill you first.
"Sir, do you mind killing me first?"
"My, what wonderful manners you have! I'll do it since you're so polite!"
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ikemen-roses · 3 years
One morning in the mansion's dining room:
Isaac: If you bite a snake and you die, it's poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it's venomous.
Dazai: What if it bites me and it dies, then?
Theo, drowning his pancakes in syrup: That means you're poisonous, Jesus Christ, learn to read.
Vincent: ...And what if it bites itself and I die..?
Sebastian: [pours blanc in a glass]
Sebastian: I recall that being called "voodoo", from what I've heard...
Jean, quietly speaking up for the first time in forever: What if it bites me and someone else dies?
Leonardo, sleepily from under the table: That's correlation... Not causation.
Leonardo: [slowly sits up on the floor, head poking under the tablecloth]
MC, innocently: ...And what if we bite each other and no one dies?
Arthur, stepping inside the room with a grin on his face: That's kinky—
Vincent: O.o
Theo: [almost splutters his pancakes in silent laughter]
Comte: [smiles]
Comte: Arthur.
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I think I found my calling
Bonus baby Mozart:
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elisafunny · 5 years
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And suddenly, in my head
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