#ikepri nokto x reader
oigimi · 5 months
. rapunzel - act one .
nokto x reader . 1.4k words . rapunzel au . fluff . this takes elements from disney's tangled and some from the original story! this is chapter one out of several!
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She’d found herself in quite the predicament. The sorceress she was indebted to, Madame, was out, and there was a mysterious man knocked out and tied to a chair in her main room. Armed with nothing but a frying pan, Y/N was frantically pacing around wondering what to do next. Somehow he had managed to scale the walls of her tower and sneak inside, and Y/N had no choice but to take action. When he wasn’t looking, she’d knocked him out and stored him on a chair, tied up with her extraordinarily long hair that stretched leagues and leagues behind her.
There was a lot she was going to have to resolve in a short amount of time, time that was quickly slipping through her fingers. The only thing Y/N had managed to come up with was what to say when he woke up, and so she whispered it to herself, trying to divulge her train of thought along two paths at once.
Shit, he was waking up!
Y/N grabbed her frying pan and got into position, just in case somehow the man untangled himself and lept into action. She furrowed her brows as his eyelids began to lift, revealing a pair of beautiful crimson irises.
“Hey, what’s going on here-?” he demanded, struggling for a moment. His gaze shifted to Y/N, and the long, luxurious head of hair that bound him to his chair. “What the…?”
“M-my name,” she began to recite, “is Y/N L/N. Y-you have intruded upon my place of residence, and I have taken it upon myself to-”
“Is this your hair?”
She froze. “Yes, it is. I have taken it upon myself to-”
“It’s your real hair and not a wig? That’d be an impressive wig,” he laughed, shaking his head. “Sorry, sorry. This situation is so-”
“I have taken it upon myself to bind you and let you know who’s in charge around here!”
He laughed again, nodding. “Good speech. Very compelling. You can let me out now, I have no notes.”
“Why would I do that? You’re the one in my tower! I don’t know what you have planned!” Y/N held up her frying pan and scowled.
“A frying pan too? You’re full of surprises, lady,” he laughed. “I’m Nokto. Good to meet you. I’d shake your hand but you’ve kinda got me jailed up here. Can’t tell from here but I bet you give a good handshake.”
She rolled her eyes again and sat down at another chair close by. Nokto was already getting under her skin, but there was something about the name that just seemed familiar to her. She couldn’t shake it. Maybe she’d read about it in one of her fantasy novels.
“Let me guess,” he mused, “You’ve tied me up and gotten this far and now you have no idea what to do next. You don’t want to let me out but you don’t really have a plan from here. Did I get that right?”
“Hey! Not true!” Y/N smirked. “Maybe I’ll have Madame cast a spell on you when you get back for intruding. That’ll teach you not to randomly go into people’s homes.”
Nokto raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
“Madame. She’s the sorceress that raised me,” she bragged, crossing her arms. “We’re gonna have to wait until she gets back and then we’ll decide what to do with you, Nokto! How do you like that?” Hah. She got him.
But instead of cowering in fear, begging for her mercy, Nokto just laughed again. “Oh? I’m guessing you have no idea who I am then.”
“How on earth am I supposed to know who you are?” Y/N stood up and went to the kitchen. “I want some tea.”
“You… seriously don’t know?” The shift in Nokto’s tone made her spin her head around. “You have genuinely no idea who I am? The face or name didn’t set off any alarm bells?”
She could have admitted that something about it made her ears perk, but since she couldn’t place the source, she decided that it was something simply not worth her time. Maybe she could pry more information from him if she kept quiet, so Y/N just shook her head. “Nope. Why, should I?”
“Just how long have you been up here? Do you… leave?”
“Leave? Why would I?”
Nokto’s face twisted again, as if she’d asked something ridiculous. It was true. Why did Y/N need to leave? The tower had safety, food, water, books, games, and of course, Madame to provide for her once in a while. The outside, while visually appealing, was full of things and people that just wanted to harm you. Diseases, famine, malice. None of those things existed within the tower.
He just looked around, and his gaze locked on the bookshelf. “You like books? Lemme tell you, the real world is more exciting than anything a bunch of paper can offer.”
“You take that back!” she hissed. “My books aren’t just ‘bunches of paper!’ They’re… They’re… I’ve learned and experienced so much more through them than the real world could offer!”
“You seriously believe that?”
“Y-” She stopped herself, but knew she couldn’t back down now. She’d said what she’d said, and she wasn’t taking it back. “Yes. Besides, you don’t get hurt in books…”
Nokto nodded slowly. “Wanna bet on it? Untie me and I’ll take you out. If you think the real world’s fun and exciting and all that, you let me go free. And if you aren’t convinced, your witch lady can cast a spell on me or whatever. Sound good?”
“You’d… You’d just risk your life on something like that?” Was he stupid or something? Maybe Nokto was all beauty and no brains. But for proposing something so ridiculous, he sure had a cocky smile on his face. He was sure of himself. “Fine. You have three days.”
“Great. Now can you untie me?”
Y/N obliged and undid her hair around Nokto’s body. He watched her work with an unbroken stare. “I can’t believe your hair’s this long. Doesn’t it bother you?” he asked, picking some of it up off the floor and pressing it above his lip like a mustache. She immediately swatted it out of his hands.
“No, actually, it doesn’t. You’ll find it has a lot of practicality, believe it or not.”
“What could be practical about having about ten tons of hair to lug around at all times? Even if it’s silky and soft~”
Y/N rolled her eyes. “Don’t try to flatter me, boy. And I’d say this is pretty practical!” She walked to the window and hung it on a hook, allowing some to fall. The ground seemed so far away, she realized. It was going to be quite the plunge to the ground, physically and emotionally. There was no reason to leave the tower, but here she was. About to practically dive out of it because some random man was pushing her to. Her gaze shifted back to Nokto, who was standing with an eyebrow raised. It was now or never, she thought.
With a deep breath, Y/N lept from the windowsill and glided down the walls, her hair providing a perfect elevator for her. She stopped herself just as she was about to hit the ground, and placed her feet. The ground was soft underneath her shoes, the grass looked nice poking around it. She was so mesmerized by the sound of the water rushing so close to her, she almost didn’t notice Nokto from way up above.
“Way to go! Alright, that’s pretty practical!” he laughed, giving a slow clap. “You’re gonna have to wait for me down there. I’m not that fast. You got a staircase or something?”
“You’re going to have to scale the walls. Sorry,” she replied, sitting down in the grass and ravishing its texture.
“Bleh. Alright, be right down.”
Nokto was able to eventually get down the tower the same way he presumably came up, scaling with a few tools in his pack. When he saw her picking flowers, a smile spread across his face. This was going to be easier than he thought.
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maladaptivedaydreamsx · 5 months
How the Rhodolite princes would react to their firstborn/newborn
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Rating: PG-13 (?) Ikepri itself contains a lot of mature themes however, as such, mdni 🔞
Warnings: Brief mentions of (past) character death, grief, pregnancy/childbirth themes (no actual birth depicted), gn but implied afab, & the usual tragic Ikepri cannon.
A/N: Tried to write how they'd hold their kid and what they were feeling when meeting them. Spoiler warnings for the Rhodolite princes routes, tried not to bring up anything major though (Luke's is probably the most spoilery?). Tried to keep the princes' spouses GN, though implied afab bc newborns. (One very brief mention of Belle, but mc/reader is not Emma.) Might eventually make pt2 with the others..? Please read the warnings and proceed only if comfortable! :)
(Apologies for anything that seems ooc, I haven't written much in awhile and this is my first piece for Ikepri! I'm more used to fics rather than hcs, but I tried my best! o7)
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There's so much Jin can't help but worry about. His past, his future, his country... and now he's got not one but two loved ones he would do anything for. The little bundle of joy in his arms reminds him of the times when his younger brothers were born, and how cute they used to be (well, some of them, anyway). The bleary, garnet eyes trying to look into his own have him wondering.. is this how he looked to his dear mother? There's so much he cherishes, and so much he fears, but he won't let the history of Belle repeat itself. He'd fight the entire palace if he had to, but for right now, he'll settle for tackling pesky burps and dirty diapers. Jin coos at his baby, baritone voice suddenly startling the poor thing, and he can't help but pout. The baby in his arms continues to fuss, feeling hungry.
Jin pulls something out of his breast pocket, looking over at his spouse. "So.. how much longer until they can have lollipops?"
Chevalier would likely be a bit awed upon holding his firstborn, much like the quiet way he takes in Emma's precence. Chevalier is known to be awkward with his affections, as he's far from practiced, but it's been shown on several occasions how he tries to gently pet an animal that dares to come close, or how he clumsily takes care of his love when they're feeling under the weather. He may look fine on the outside, but he's actually quite hesitant, trying to sort things out logistically at first, before sort of just settling for standing there and holding his newborn with both arms. He stares down at their gentle features, taking in every detail, making sure they're comfortable and warm in their sleep.
Looking over at his beloved in all their tired glory, in his very own Chevalier-approved affection he says, "You did well, Simpleton." While he only speaks four words aloud, his faint smile speaks the thousands he didn't quite know how to express.
"Dearie me," Clavis says, holding his newborn, full of wide-eyed excitement. "They look so much like you, I can see the bunny ears already."
Being someone who values life so dearly, bringing a new one into this world, with the love of his life no less, is enough to send Clavis' heart soaring into the stratosphere. He just can't help but want to drown them in affection, but they're so small and fragile, and Clavis knows better than to risk scaring them now. He's so, so gentle with his child, unconditional love flowing off him in waves as they bond quietly (please don't get used to this, it will not last), and looks upon their splotchy tufts of lilac hair. The Lelouch genes live on through yet another generation, he smiles to himself. Clavis slowly comes over to stand by his love, placing a gentle kiss on their head.
"You're so lucky to have such a wonderful husband like me. But I'm even luckier to have you both in my life."
The happiest day in Leon's life. Second only to your wedding. Scratch that, the wedding is second.. he thinks. He's a bit frazzled from work, labor stress, and all the chaos, cut the guy some slack. No one is immune to this sweet lion's charisma, not even a newborn. They can't help but stare at his flowy hair and bright eyes, like a cartoon character come to life right before their eyes. Leon gently caresses their neck, very lightly pressing a kiss into their soft kiss to their temple. What kind of person will they grow up to be? Will they eat as much as he does? Will they fall asleep when they read too? There's a lot that runs through his mind, but ultimately, he is hopes for them to be healthy, and live happily. This child is going to be absolutely spoiled (within reason), and always have someone in their corner, rooting for them and ready to help learn from their wrongs. For now, he can worry about righting their posture instead. He tries to hold them like he read (how his partner read) in the parenting books, supporting their necks and all. It was really hard to stay awake during those, but the excitement of fatherhood helped him push through, and he's going to put it all into practice now.
"When do we start working on the second one?" (If not for the literal newborn currently in his hands, he'd be busy dodging several pillows.)
There's a lot of suppressed guilt for his mother's death in mind, and so many worries for his darling's health before, during, and after. He's a bit scared to hold his newborn, for fear of his clumsiness and "bad luck". With some assurance, he finally takes hold of them, and he could not physically be more careful with his firstborn. Clear eyes like the sky blink sleepily up at him, and Yves is fighting back tears solely for fear of them landing on the baby and somehow hurting them. The smile on his face could split his cheeks if it got any wider. The baby falls asleep in its father's arms, and he even tries breathing softer so he won't wake them. He's just trying his best, please reassure this sweet cat, he means well. (And he absolutely lost the battle against those blasted tears anyway.)
"Thank you for loving me, and for bringing our child into the world with us. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."
(Twins having twins cliché may seem redundant, I made 'em different for each brother, pinky promise.)
Licht was blessed with not one but two bundles of joy. Beautiful twin boys, who had what looked to be his vibrant silver hair and his beloved's eyes. He couldn't help the memories that surged, of happier times, and the worst of times. He knew all too well just how ruthless the court could be, but he had a chance to make things different this time. Licht seriously considered building that house he'd once mentioned, and moving you all somewhere much more peaceful. One twin in his arms, one with their other parent, he feels all thought subside when the one he's holding tries to grab at his sleeve. Licht's now-famous smile blooms across his lips much the way the sun's rays appear over daybreak; subtle, then all at once. He takes a gloveless hand, letting their tiny hand hold onto his finger as best they can, eyes gleaming from the sight before him. Licht looks over in wonder at his spouse, only to find them already watching with a tired, quiet smile.
"Things won't be easy but.. I know we can handle anything. I adore you. And I adore them."
(Twins for both may seem redundant, but I changed things up drastically ok, we got this.)
Nokto wasn't entirely surprised to have twins, but he had also hoped luck would be in their corner in avoiding similar fates. Two little girls, jewel-like eyes like his, and his beloved's hair color (or so it appears, though it's hard to tell for sure with so little peach fuzz). Nokto sits at the edge of the bed, holding one newborn in his arm, and reaching his other hand out for the one in his love's arms. Aside from the memories of his own upbringing, he's now having Typical Girl Dad thoughts about how to keep them safe and teach them how to stay away from cooties (boys), among other things. With a soft sigh, he gently burps his newborn after she's done feeding, rocking her slowly as she tries to chew on her father's lucious locks. Laughter bubbles past his lips at her cute antics, and Nokto feels the stress fade away, even if just a little. His heart is still getting used to receiving love and believing in it, but it's grown enough by now to love his 3 new favorite people in the world.
"If they like my hair this much now, just wait till they start to grow their own."
Luke could not be more the picture of a teddy bear than with his newborn all swaddled up and snuggled in with their giant of a dad. He can't help but wonder if his sister is watching over them, laying next to his spouse on the bed, their newborn but a tiny dot among the two full-grown humans taking up most of the space. He promises to be there for his child the way he never really had anyone, and hopes to live more in the present now, the stakes feeling higher than ever before. A whole new life, created on purpose, gently resting in one arm and atop his broad chest, nestled comfortably and trying to suck on their thumb. Luke holds his spouse's hand with his free one, squeezing it gently, looking into their eyes with the intensity of his own emeralds.
"Look at 'em.. they're so small. Just like you," he jokes before letting out a big yawn, "But sleepy, just like me."
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All rights for the characters and original intellectual property belong to Cybird. My writing belongs to myself, Maladaptivedaydreamsx, and shall not be reproduced elsewhere without permission. Ok to translate as a reblog to this post. Ok to reblog, no permission required (for those who like to be safe and ask first, all's good little homies) 💜
If you enjoyed these, I might try to make a pt2 with the other characters soon? Likes and reblogs appreciated, thank you kindly for reading! If you have any hc's of your own, please feel free to respond with them, I'd love to hear what you all think! 😊❤️ (If you'd like to be put on a tag list for any future works, please reply, though it will be a general list for writings as I'm getting back into things slowly atm,, 🙏🏻)
Also, to the lovely person who sent this in likely about 2 years ago (after I'd stopped writing on here bc life happens) ... if you're still somewhere in the fandom and end up seeing this post, thank you for your patience, and for sending something in. I'm finally trying to combat the writer's block again! 🙌🏻
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riveranova · 6 months
youre headcanons were so funny, could you do more please? there is this trend on tiktok where girlfriends film their boyfriends sleeping positions, can you do that but with the ikemen prince guys?
and female reader please and thank you!💗💗
A/N: I know EXACTLY what you mean! So sorry for the long wait, here you go! <3
I also made this Gender Neutral because there is no mention of any gender. I hope thats fine!
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IkePri's Sleeping positions! x GN! Reader - Part 1
Warnings: A teensie bit suggestive, pure crack to be honest, Nokto
Characters: Gilbert, Silvio, Keith, Sariel, Rio, Clavis, Notko, Ikemen Prince
Word Count: 610
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Gilbert von Obsidian
- Still - LIke, he doesn't move - He scares the shit out of you because he's literally cold and unmoving - Literally laying there like 🧍🏻 - WILL make fun of you if you panic and wake him up - He's a little shit, obviously he thinks that your crying face is adorable - Do you honestly think that he'd go out like that? - Do you even love him? - It's not that? Ahh, so you doubt him. - ''I'm hurt, little rabbit. I think I need to remind you how alive I truly am, heehee...''
Silvio Ricci
-This man is a prick - If you sleep in the same bed as him, I'm sorry - Will 100% not only steal your blankets and throw them to the floor but will also take up all the space in your bed - I don't think he's completely silent when he sleeps but he doesn't snore either - More like.. really loud breathing - My dog breathes really loud when he's sleeping well - Hold on.. Silvios crest- - I rest my case.
Keith Howell
-I'm pretty sure that he's a silent sleeper - There is one big problem, uh tall problem - Tall. He's very tall. (I'm 181cm, I feel the pain) - I'd imagine that he has trouble sleeping in small beds because of his height - Poor guy is completely folded next to you so that you have some space - His back pain must be horrible, oh dear - Now, his alter is a different story - I think he'd just pull you onto him - He's tall and strong, he can be your bed <3
Sariel Noir
-Does he even sleep - I think the question with him isn't how he sleeps but how you find him sleeping - His job is hard and trying to keep the chaos (Clavis & Nokto, really) in check is a lot - Falls asleep on his desk, mostly - Hunched over his papers, the candle already out and cold for a long time - This man has chronic back pain, that isn't even up for debate - Wakes up easily and decides to follow you into bed
Rio Ortiz
-I think he doesn't sleep much either - For him, I think it's because he just has too much energy - He just loves to get everything ready for you to start your day, he knows you work so, so hard - But even this battery needs some charging sometimes - Can and will sit down on a chair, sleep (sitting straight up) for an hour and wake up as if he slept a week - Has no back pain either - What is his secret? We will never know
Clavis Lelouch
-Okay. - We know that this idiot doesn't even have a bed in his room - When he does sleep, he just throws himself into his couch and sleep like that - Because when he's tired.. He's TIRED - Hangs off of the side of the couch like not quite dried paint - Cyran covers him with a blanket sometimes but doesn't bother most of the time because Clavis just plucks it off in his sleep - Doesn't sleep very long or very deep, he has a tight schedule after all! Haha! Ahaha! Haa.. poor Sariel.
Nokto Klein
-:I - I think we all know where this is going - Look, I know he's not ALL about women and sex - But he's MOSTLY about it and I'm pretty sure he doesn't even care where he falls asleep - Literally falls asleep with his arms in postions that do NOT look comfortable - Don't worry tho, just pluck his arms from under whatever bodypart they are and lay him down normally - Deep sleeper, 100% - Has mastered THE nap. Like the one where you wake up and you have imprints of your clothes
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Thank you for reading, requests are always open!
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whatever-fanfics · 9 months
Imagine the princes as uncles
Ikemen prince
Suitors: Rio Ortiz, Silvio Ricci, Yves Kloss, Licht Klein, Nokto Klein
Tw: contains children, bullying, harassment, verbal harassment,
Imagine Rio and MC's little boy running from other kids in the palace as they see their uncle King Silvio. Silvio talking with other ministers has his back to the scene, being so engrossed in what the ministers are saying he doesn't notice his little nephew until he crashes right into his legs, almost losing his balance. His annoyed face softens ever so slightly, only visible to himself as he sees his nephews crying face, blonde hair slightly covering his reddened eyes, sniffling as he hugs the little stuffed bunny, made for him by his grandmother. A quiet "oi" fell from his lips as the young boy rubbed his face into the crease of his knee. Sighing in fake exasperation he lifted the young boy into his arms, quietly griping as he took out his handkerchief to wipe the boys sniffling nose. Resting him on his hip his eyes took notice of the three young boys, as he raised an eyebrow they flinched and cowered back. Immediately understanding the situation he spoke lowly "what?" Not at all surprised as the boys turned and ran scared by the man in front of them. The ministers could only watch in silence as their king turned back around, seemingly unbothered by his nephew hiding himself in the kings shirt. "You were saying" Silvio continued.
Or, Licht looking at the door of the kitchen, the light of the hallway cut off by the small shadow by the door. Sighing as his young niece made her way from the door to him, in her tiny nightgown. Not sparing her uncle one glance as she made her way straight to the cupcakes on the counter. Specially made by her father and mother earlier that day, try as she might she couldn't reach the cupcakes. Looking at her uncle for the first time that night she pouted at him and reached her hands up, with a sigh he put the rest of his cupcake in his mouth and lifted the young girl. "You shouldn't be up so late" he gently chided, as he set her down on the counter. She surprised him as she didn't let go immediately, he hugged her back and waited for her to let go. After she did Licht took notice of her barren feet, sighing he put his fur over her. Together the two sat in silence eating their cupcakes until each had their fill. Afterwards, Licht quietly carried his niece back to her room as she dozed off on his shoulder.
Or maybe, during a ball Nokto sighs as he downs the rest of his liquor and leads the noble woman out of the ballroom. Her giggles falling on deaf ears as he comes to a stop, her giggling ceased as she laid eyes on the scene in front of them. "Should we alert a guard?" She whispered, as she looked the young princess of age 14, trying to mold herself into the wall behind her as a young, most likely, inebriated nobleman pressured her. "Get my twin" she didn't like the way his voice lowered an octave. Nonetheless, she scurried off back to the ballroom in order to fetch the princess' father. Nokto wasted not a single second before walking towards the pair. Nokto's eyes darkened as he heard the young nobleman speak as he walked closer, though the pair had yet to notice him. "Just say yes while I'm being nice" the young nobleman paused and put his arm on the wall next to her head, half caging her in. "Honestly, I'm the best yer gonna get in yer situation. I mean come! on!" he learned in a little close to her. "You're not even a fully blooded noble, your mom is a Commoner and yer a twin to boot" he snickered before feeling a pressure on his shoulder. Not before feeling his weight shift, stabilizing himself as he looked at who had shoved him. Retort dying in his throat as he came face to face with the seventh prince. His legs gave out beneath him as he wondered if this was what a rat felt like when faced with a fox. Nokto's anger only quelled as he felt his niece squeeze his midsection, small sniffles escaping her. Nokto breathed through his nose, calming himself down, losing his temper now would only scare her further. They didn't have to stay silent for long as they heard multiple footsteps hastily heading their way. Nokto didn't have to turn around to know they belonged to his twin and his family. Nokto didn't realize it but he was holding onto her just as tight, only letting go as she wriggled herself out and threw herself into the arms of her mother. The young nobleman was ready to sprout tears as he stared up at Nokto, Licht, along with the young princess' older twin brother. Luckily you had been able to diffuse the situation enough for the guards to escort the young nobleman put of the palace. As Nokto was about to take his leave he felt someone tug his coat from behind, turning around he was surprised to see his young niece's reddened eyes and sniffling nose. Before he could ask she hugged him tightly once more, staying like that for what seemed for hours. The rest of the family looked on in silence as Nokto comforted his niece.
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omkookie · 3 months
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Yandere Gilbert HCs
You're finally his / GILBERT
I won't let any man except me be close to you / Gilbert
Make you mine. / Gilbert
Yandere Silvio HCs
Yandere Gilbert / NONCON ⚠️
Are you going to have dinner alone? / Gilbert NONCON ⚠️
Someone flirts with their darling / Silvio, Clavis, Nokto, Luke
Yandere Licht
I'll show you how much I love you / Gilbert NONCON ⚠️
Where has he done wrong? / Chevalier NONCON ⚠️
Kinda SFW
It will just take some time now / Chevalier NONCON ⚠️
Chevalier adopts a child
You fight a raccoon / Rio, Gilbert, Keith
Vengeance / Gilbert, Chevalier x MC
Jealous Keiths
Queen Michel
⌕ : Seriel's misery masterlist
Belle gets badly hurt + Leon's faction
Belle gets badly hurt + Chevalier's faction
threesome with Keith Silvo and Gilbert
gilbert and keith thirst
No one will ever love you like your brother /Chevalier, Gilbert
Good boys cum / Keith
Pussy hungry Silvio
catboy Silvio
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etheries1015 · 10 months
"Oh?" Sariel said amusingly to the cold blonde prince, "I figured you two would get along nicely, seein as (y/n) is the author of one of your favorite books." Chevalier paused, eyes widening slightly in shock before going reverting back to normal cold stare.
"Oh!" You chirped up, "you've read my books? which one is your favorite?" You chuckled excitingly, not getting much of a reaction out of the brutal beast.
"I was not aware you were an author," Chev said, looking at you, "Be that is it may; You do not seem to conduct yourself the way you write." You scrunched your nose together and pursed your lips.
"Ouch," You chuckled, "What a backhanded compliment, thank you."
"Huh?" Luke chimed in with a tilted head, "But when looking into your background your name wasn't anywhere linked to any sort of author," He pointed out, a smile of admiration playing on his features. You shrugged before teasingly responding, "Haven't you heard of a pen name?" Raising an impressed eyebrow, Noktos lips curled up in a sly smile. "Oh? You'll have to tell me what it is, so I can read it myself, I would love to see what our precious Belle can do. Do you have a copy with you?"
Clavis roared out in laughter, pulling a very familiar book from behind his back, handing it over to Nokto. Where had he gotten that? Nobody knows, and never will, I suppose.
"I had already known of your writing endeavors!" He boasted, "Yours truly even took a read. Although, I fear your story lacks a very distinct amount of fun..."
Silvio, who was also listening in, decided to take the liberty of snatching the book out of Noktos hand, asking what only any businessman would ask.
"So...how much of a profit have ya made off of your books?" He studied it dubiously in hand, feeling the grooves of the spine and quality of the pages, "You must be pretty well off if it's considered the 'brutal beasts' favorites." With a haughty smile, he naturally threw in, "If I like it enough, I might even invest in it, if you'll make a deal with me, I'll be sure all of Benetoite knows your name, lady." Sighing slightly you gave him a side glance before rolling your eyes.
"I make enough to be content. what matters is that others enjoy my writing, not how much I make off of it." You replied bluntly. Silvio only scoffed before keith also gave his two cents, holding out his hand for Silvio to hand him your book. With a startled look, his eyes lit up in excitement.
"I've read this book! you wrote it? I'm a huge fan of all of your works, the way you write is so mesmerizing it's difficult to put it down! Would you mind uh- ah..." He stopped himself with a blush tainting his cheeks, "I'm sorry! You must not like being bombarded with all of my questions. I-" You interrupted Keith with a hearty chuckle.
"Don't worry Keith, let's have tea and sweets sometime and you can ask me all you want." You threw a side glance at Chevalier, "You're welcome to join as well, Prince Chevalier." He glanced up from his paperwork in hand only for a mere second, enough for you to understand he heard what you had suggested.
"Ah-" Keith started as Gilberts hand snaked from behind and snatched the book out of his hand, flipping the book to it's back to read the synopsis. He looked up at you with his piercing red eye, his smile unwavering as he tucked the hardcover under his arm.
"A noblewoman writing a book in an alias," He hummed, "I believe any other would like their name to be well known, to bring up their family name and increase the likelihood of their popularity," You froze in place and glanced around the room for an awkward moment, trying to think of some excuse to tell the Obsidianite prince. After a moment of silence, he let out a low giggle, turning on his heel and heading out the door.
"I'm only teasing, little rabbit. Thank you for the book, I sincerely hope you do not disappoint. After all, if he (chev) likes it, surely it must have its merits. I will find you when I'm done, I want to join in on your little tea party to discuss my thoughts as well." You sucked in your breath as he left the room, your pursed lips coming apart with a 'pop!'.
"Well," You chuckled nervously, grabbing the drink Silvio had graced you with and lifting it in the air before downing the contents, "Here's to hoping he likes the book!"
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writer-akihiko · 2 years
Hi, this is the first time doing this but may I ask for one for Ikeprince where Belle was the childhood friend for the princes but they lost contact after many years and only meet again during the prologue. Thank you.
Rekindled Connection: IkePri Princes
I've officially returned! Thank you to everyone who's waited honestly. Also, I assume that you don't want me to spoil any content, so a few characters are omitted from the ask such as Gilbert, Silvio and Keith. Contains spoilers for Leon's and Luke's route mainly, but the rest are route spoilers inclined.
"The new Belle of Rholodite, YN." Sariel announced.
Jin Grandet
Even before the meeting, he dreaded the day to meet the new Belle. He was careful to hide his discontent from someone like Sariel and his younger brothers, promising to never involve himself with Belle
Your careful entrance to the hall where the princes gathered was expected, but Jin didn't expect… you. His princely seductive smile faltered, his face drawn to a harsh scowl instead
He knew who you were. He didn't know if the rest did,  but it didn't cross his mind as his fist slammed against the table
Leon and Chevalier stopped their welcoming greetings, the princes' eyes on their eldest. Jin stormed out, clutching you by the arm, before glowering at Sariel. "She was never supposed to be a part of this."
Your soft protests rang in his ears down the hallway, before Jin pulled you tight to his chest
"YN… Why did you become the Belle?" His voice near breaking, he'd never wish such a fate upon you, even if it was your way of reconnecting with him
The guards slowly closed on him, however, with Jin as your shield, the common guards couldn't bear the thought of harming the first Prince Jin Grandet
Nearing the gardens, you struggled enough to pull away from the prince who suddenly seized you. The frenzy of the day got to you, unable to even lift your head in front of the country's princes… The fear rushed to your head that one of the princes wanted to take you immediately
All panic fled once you saw the man with the brown hair who you met oh so long ago. "Jin…?"
He stopped, regretfully turning to you. "I'll explain more later," He said, glancing back at the advancing guards. "Trust me one more time, YN."
Chevalier Michel
Oh, how he wanted to curse his deceased father from beyond the grave… There was a note of familiarity when he first saw you
As much as he wanted to be delighted, his position was too fragile. He couldn't protect you definitely from those corrupt nobles
He let a few days past, before he heard a knock to his office door. You were there, as he predicted. You would've seeked him out, one way or another
He allowed Clavis and Nokto to be in the same room, so he wasn't surprised when your smiles and clumsy behaviour turned solemn upon meeting him
"I didn't mean to, Chev." You began. The other princes wondered how were you so bold to address the prince without title, much less a nickname
He hushed his brothers, before turning to Clavis. Whispers of preparations filled the room, before Chevalier got up, exiting the room just before whispering in your ear to follow Clavis' words
The first emotions that go through his head were of fondness towards you. There were many things he kept buried behind his aloof personality, you included
He had left, not sparing much of a glance to you. He's been pissed off the entire week due to you being Belle. He read your letters of your explanation before, remembering that it was tucked with the past writings he kept from you since you both were children
Of course things wouldn't go smoothly, with how cunning Sariel was. Nokto and Luke getting drunk with their older brother Jin was as much proof as he needed, and soon you were kept from him
Clavis and you weren't oblivious to the situation. Being forbidden from leaving the palace until you made your decision made your and Chevalier's life ever more difficult. It wasn't something you expected, but sooner it became more comfortable even with the sudden addition of secret lessons of queendom here and there as Chevalier wrote that it was for you
Your lives were still as separated as before, but the letters were ever so warm as you both hid behind the guise of your titles. It was not time yet to be reunited with your childhood lover, so all Chevalier could do was send you a rose from afar…
Clavis Lelouch
The first emotions that go through his head were of fondness towards you. There were many things he kept buried behind his aloof personality, you included
He couldn't believe that you were that person oh so long ago, and neither can you. Clavis now was unlike before, perhaps it was better to focus on the task at hand
He stumbled over you upon the first meeting, but you made an effort to avoid him afterwards… but gosh darn was this man persistent
Bringing up things of the past, wondering if you had him in your heart… How were you supposed to know that he was a prince all those years ago? The time it was only nailed into your head was when the soldiers showed up was to threaten your loved ones
All these years and he wasn't a prince who'd comply to such rules. The opportunity given by Sariel was a way to make things better at home, so you insisted to follow them by the book
Somehow someway, Clavis Lelouch finds a way where it was just a moment between you two. The aloof prince gone, and a glimpse of perhaps the shy prince you once fell for
"Back then, maybe I did care, Clavis," You said. "It's not the time for me to be nice to you anymore. I ask you do not address me as if I were your friend."
He held on to you, stating how he never forgot your kindness towards him and how he too was forced to throw you away. "Just once, may we begin anew?"
Multiple instances of his pleas and your wavering heart finally was his. The pace was by your terms as there were clearly rules against your relationship Not like Clavis cared much for the rules anyway…
He got a kick out of giving a few nobles a heart attack after oh so kindly threatening them to denounce his title if they deny your marriage…
Leon Dompteur
He doesn't mention it at first, as he wanted to confirm his suspicions. Back then, you were the young girl who would secretly hand them off food when your family bakery was near its closing
He remembered how you still continued such, even after his adoption. For years he had to find you once again after news of your family migrating to Obsidian. You being Belle is simply another part of you that would give him the pleasure of getting to know you once more
How you returned, he'd never knew. His other brothers must've realised how much you piqued the interest of Leon so much so that he invited you often for small talks
From a few moments of conversing, he doubted that you remembered him. Nonetheless, he wanted to know more about the one who saved him back then
The sliver of friendship back then began to grow into companionship. You were someone that Leon could visibly relax around, and Leon was someone you could forget your duties with
It wasn't until Yves found that you had a knack for baking, and soon your goodies were presented to Leon's faction Your good friend takes nothing but a loaf of bread, not even the sweets you laboured over…
It made you quite curious, yet you couldn’t help but giggle from the adorable Leon's face stuffed with bread
As you stare longer at his stuffed face, the roundness of his cheek and his glinting smile… It was a moment of dejavu. Particularly the small boy back then who would always smile after you gave him bread…
Shaking off the connection, you excused yourself as you tried to recount any memories of the boy and Leon. It was uncanny for sure, but the conclusions drawn up in your head were too close to be ignored
"I had a feeling you figured it out," The voice belonging to none other than Leon emerged next to you. "Hello YN, I've missed you."
Yves Kloss
He was… surprised to say the least. He was silent the entire meeting, not moving from his chair even at your personal introduction to him
He at first, was unsure if you recognised him. Everything that you knew of him back then… he’s a different Yves now. The childish promises weren’t something that he should believe in again
Back then, he was a hopeless child, wishing to the little girl in his eyes who was his princess with a promise of marriage. “YN… pwease marry me when… when I’m bigger!”
The mortifying scenarios that repeated back in his head only served to push him away from you. It’s best if you forgot about him really, as much as he feels inclined to uphold his promise…
Jealousy did not catch him when he saw you amongst his brothers, but the irritation of some of them to pursue you so recklessly made him want to jump in at the chance
He wasn’t being demanding, was he? It was only a simple invitation to a tea party… with just him involved. Well, anything to get you away from Nokto really
He noticed you carried with you a flower ring, usually of any strays from the gardeners. You’d keep it around your ring finger ever so tightly, being frightened if it were to fall off
Oh… what an idiotic child Yves was. He proposed to you with a flower ring. All these years, you’d waited for him
His constant glances at your finger, particularly the flower, made you laugh. “Belle… YN… You knew it was me didn’t you?”
You picked up one of his favourite tarts, holding it to his face. “And if I said yes, would you finally replace this flower ring on my finger with a real one?”
Licht Klein
He wasn’t someone that would attract too much attention, especially with how boisterous and loud the others were. Yet, he couldn’t shake your gaze off of him. Why were you so attentive to him?
There was some note of familiarity to how you acted. There was no air of nobility about you, instead a comfort that was akin to a friend that kept his attention
It… began to be distracting for him. Not an annoyance like Clavis, but distracting enough to be a constant reminder throughout his day. It was… a welcomed distraction, if he was fully honest with himself
The day where you observed your duties as Belle could make him care less, however the times where you were scheduled to visit made him much more active. His brothers saw his much more vocal participation in such meetings
Much to Licht’s own detriment, Clavis and Leon of all people, always informed where your location was. Leon much less, but he’d always find a way to give Licht a heads up. Clavis was much more of an annoyance, but Jin was the worst, giving Licht money to buy ‘nicer clothes to impress YN’
It was not until you gifted him a woven bracelet did he remember you. Unable to deny the flood of memories that struck him, he pulled you into a soft embrace, sniffling tears that stained your dress. Murmurs of ‘why didn’t you tell me’ and apologies spilled from him
All you did was reply, saying how much you missed him as you stroked his back gently. Yes, you were the little girl who always played with him and Nokto, constantly comforted Licht’s lonely moments until you were forcefully taken away from him
By law, the land you resided in belonged to Jade instead, and all form of contact lost except for a woven bracelet you last left when you played together. He kept it with him, treasuring it even to its last threads
As he thought about it, your predicament only angered him. You did not deserve to be thrown into a castle of beasts, surrounded by only those who wish to use you
His trajectory as a prince now included you, to free you from any burdens as Belle. He acts in secret, just as his feelings towards you. It is not the right time to tell you, so locked shall his affections be
Nokto Klein
He doesn’t recall you. None of it really. He truly made a fool of himself when it came to you. An honest fool in fact…
Nothing to you clicked for him. Really, it’s not his fault, given that you two were about the age of toddlers when you played with each other. You didn’t know it was him either, continuing on your days as normal
Nokto regardless was a flirtatious man to you. His affections did not cease, yet he’s drawn to you for your utter perseverance to refuse him. The person who really comforted you was none other that Licht, his own brother. Nokto found his twin embracing you in joy one day, and he was utterly confused
He trailed you and his twin, until the point he reached the servant’s quarters. What were you two doing there? Surely, Nokto thought that you were in a secret relationship with his own brother! One of the princes… It frustrated him so, realising that the flirtations turned to genuine love for you
He was being cynical, wanting to catch you and use such information against you but he stopped when Licht took out a beaded necklace to give to you. One that belonged to their mother’s loyal maid…
“How dare you?!” He stormed the room, ready to draw his sword to his own brother and you. Licht knew how much such memories meant to Nokto. The loyal maid in question was one who cared for them in the absence of their mother, in happier times…
“How dare I? How dare you!” You argued back, clutching the necklace. “This was my mother’s!” You ran out the door, leaving the two princes in shock
Licht simply looked at his brother in distaste, “I don’t have to spell everything out for you.” Heeding the words of his twin, he searched for you. It was not difficult, considering your limitations and boundaries within the castle walls.
For once in his life, he apologised. With full sincerity. “I didn’t realise you were… her. It all makes sense,” He added. “Your mother... she meant a lot to me.”
The comforting silence that hung between you two was enough for Nokto. His feelings would come after another apology, one for his jealousy and another for confessing his feelings. He would hope you waited, just as he did
Luke Randolph
He didn’t want to meet you personally, since any past connections would ruin his purpose being there. It would hurt to explain anything and everything that happened after you left
He was a silent observer, going out of his way to make sure your adjustment to the castle was as well as it could be. You were still surrounded by the beasts he called as his brothers after all
Despite his refusal to meet you, you find a way to surprise him regardless. He was often the consumer for your sweets, especially your honeyed cookies. It was too hard to pass up!
The differences in your schedules lead to your once childish exchange of letters. Small notes of ‘We’re meeting up right?’ or ‘Remember to bring some snacks…’ passed between you, reigniting the cheerful friendship once again
He often thinks to skip his missions and meetings that aren’t in the palace. He knew he was getting attached, and that was dangerous. Yet… seeing you innocently reading in the garden makes him want to abandon everything he’s worked for
He doesn’t end up skipping work due to your persistence, but regardless he is skipping if it involves escorting you anywhere. It’s just another hangout, with fancier clothes and food
Ah… he’s going crazy. The second time he’s escorting you, it hits him. It hits him hard how much he cares for you. It’s dangerous really, but he’s a beast. Danger often follows the beast…
Afterwards, he’s more forward, especially with his brothers that you’re his. Some understand, some intend to tease while others have the intention to pry you from his hands. They’ll have to deal with his bared fangs first
It’s a stupid decision to tell you everything, but many nights with a burden would bring anyone’s shoulders down. Those in the past, how much they mean to him… To him, you matter the most, when you hug your bear, allowing him to weep
Some things are left in the dark, but as they are brought to light, he hopes you’re able to face it with him together. “YN… if anything… put yourself first before me okay? Just like last time…”
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archetype-earth · 4 months
Thinking about... ...Reader and Nokto, of "friends" with benefits. You're desperately in love with him, but you're just another contact to him. He makes love to you like you're the only one, and you let him fool you into thinking that you really are the only one. His kisses are feather light, but full of heat and lust. You yearn for them to be full of love as he kisses his way over your skin, acting as if he was your lover. You tell him the latest secrets, the hottest gossip, intimate scandals, promising information. You're so good for him, but you could never tell him that you love him. ...Though, how nice it would be, if his touches suddenly got more possessive. In public, his arms wrap themselves a little tighter around your waist. In private, he traces over your hands in a daze. Suddenly you're not just a contact, but something more. But whether either of you are willing to cross that boundary is another story.
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littlekohai77 · 6 months
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hi! Can I request for an ikepri hc with babyyy? Where they bring their baby to work with them! like Sariel bring his baby to work with him like perhaps to a teaching or the princes meeting with him, and his baby was just babbling there (awe ><) . For Nokto where he bring his baby to his meeting with some higher up, and while he was working, he's also playing with the baby ( I imagine between he or licht will get a twin or triplets, depends on you which one of them). Licht/Leon bring their babies to combat practice. For Jin I can't think of anything yet, so if you got one, pleas do it hehe ( I really cant stop thinking that he will really get a twin born) . You can do a pt 2 for other princes too if you want :))
Characters: Leon Dompteur, Licht Klein, Nokto Klein and Sariel Noir and how they are as parents. Rating: General. Word count: 1,394 words  Author note: I’m sorry in advance for any ooc parts on Sariel’s, he is the shortest bit I bit since I haven’t read his route, I probably will re-write it on another hc’s for funsies as well as do the other princes. But so far I’m pretty satisfied. Also this is more of them as fathers more than just with baby kids.
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[୨୧] — Leon Dompteur
He is a fun dad, and he adores being a father. 
There’s just something about having innocence in the palm of his hand, to be able to protect it, raise it, shape it. A memory of all things he could never have and a silent prayer to the sky above. 
He applies the “be the adult you never had as a child”
He won’t ever mind tending to the baby’s needs, sure, people keep saying that wetnurses and nannies are there for a reason since he is the King, but it brings him joy to be able to help his child. 
I don’t think Leon would bring the baby to combat practice, maybe during lunch breaks, but he tries to keep the little prince/princess away until they are older so they start to understand the art of war and combat. 
But all of his men have sworn complete loyalty over the little one, most are eager for when the child grows up and has their division in the army to join their ranks. 
He is super caring of both you and the baby, he always makes sure to thank you profusely for giving him a child (a first of many or so he plans *Wink wink*) 
He takes pride in every achievement of the baby, “Yes, that’s my child!” big cheerleader dad. 
Did the baby learn how to sit, crawl, and roll? He’d be over the moon. He tells everyone. 
His brothers are so done with the conversation. They can’t help but love their little niece/nephew though. 
He is a bit weak and wants to spoil the child rotten, but at the same time, he holds himself back. Wants to build character for his child but doesn’t neglect them.
He would never neglect them. 
Instead, he wants to instruct the child that while they are part of the royalty, there’s an immense gap between social classes, but everyone is equal and their lives are as valuable as any other. They are in a privileged position and it's their job to make everyone’s quality of life better with the power they hold.
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 [୨୧] — Nokto Klein
While he looks like he doesn’t want to be a dad, he’d be the happiest man on earth to have a mini copy of him and you around. 
Warning, this baby/babies(?) are completely spoiled rotten, he won’t care. Your kid(s) deserve the entire world. 
You smack him in the back of the head from time to time because your baby takes longer to walk since Nokto is always carrying them around.
Just like Leon, he is also one to brag about anything and everything his child does, even as a baby. 
It also serves two very useful purposes: to get more information or to escape meetings he doesn’t want to attend (but ends up attending anyways). 
In the first place, he already likes bringing his child everywhere with him and bringing him to parties or social gatherings is a huge plus. 
Everyone fawns about him and the baby, about how a great father he is and how cute the baby is. 
“Oh, I know.” 
Having a baby in his arms gets him a chance to start gossiping with other nobles and get more information after a good talk about parenthood.
His face would get so dark if anyone ever dismissed the feelings of a child, he thinks it's so important that his child or children in the near future (hopefully, if you wish) would feel loved and have all of their needs met. 
As for the latter aspect, it seems that he has a telepathic bond with the baby. 
Does he have to walk into a meeting? Thankfully the nanny comes running to him because the baby won’t stop crying unless he holds them.
He excuses himself for a moment or tries to call the meeting off, but since he can’t squeeze himself out of his duties most of the time he ends up attending and brings the baby with him.
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 [୨୧] — Licht Klein
He is absolutely scared and anxious about every action and decision he takes as a parent.
Don’t get it wrong, he adores you and your baby(s) and would be even more scared if you happened to have twins, knowing his story with his brother and he doesn’t want the story to repeat itself before his eyes.
He believes any child should be free of the burdens from their parents and he lives off by that since having children with you. 
Those dark thoughts? Those past shadows and intrusive nightmares that present themselves before his eyes? He shakes them all off with the light that shines so pure from holding his kid(s). 
Despite being a bit reluctant, knowing the tensions between him and his brother, the child seems to like Nokto a lot, and Licht relies on his brother from time to time, it's not what he would do often but he appreciates another figure the baby can start to trust. 
A thing that brings him so much joy is being able to spend time together. With you leaning against his side and the child nestled between you in bed while he hums a beautiful lullaby he knows will soothe you both, or when you read out loud to them, while the child rests flat against his chest. It's such a calming scene, even when picturing it in his mind.
I also picture Licht as the type to not bring the baby to combat practice until they are much much older; and even if having a skill in combat is important as part of royalty, he relies on his brothers, maybe Yves or even Leon to start the child on their way of learning how to properly use a sword.
When the child grows he won’t even spar with them, he fears his style of combat is too beastly and ruthless, he doesn’t want to harm them by accident or to be violent toward them, even in practice.
He is such a loving father too, he wants to be present in every aspect of their life with you and he gladly takes on any tasks that require him. 
Are you too busy one day or just want to spend a day by yourself? No troubles, he and the baby will go with Uncle Yves and have tea and sweets. Well, the baby will have milk and maybe Licht will have the entire tray of sweets since the baby is still too young to eat those. 
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 [୨୧] — Sariel Noir
This man is a master at multitasking, so handling the baby any day won’t be of any trouble, after all, he almost raised the youngest of the princes so it's a piece of cake for him. 
But he’d rather that you handle the baby at most times since his line of work can encounter some awful people that might stay on his bad book. 
If he knows it will be a calm day with him staying at the office doing paperwork he’d certainly want the child to be with him. 
He can be a busy man and wants to at least keep an eye on his child. 
I can also picture him having a play-pen in his office, he can keep an eye out on the baby; if he happens to have moments where he needs to take a break, he’ll sit with the baby, watch them sleep, and play with them if they are awake.
His favorite times though, are at night, especially if hours passed without both of you seeing each other, he wants the domestic part of having a family of being a husband and a father. 
Oh, but the clouds of not-so-nice thoughts are always clouding the back of his mind, telling him how he should not get attached as all of what you had built together could disappear at any moment by the desire of anyone that considers him a danger. 
But seeing his face, you know how to scare those awful thoughts away, smiling, handing the baby to him, and watching his lips curl into a gentle smile. 
As the child grows I can picture him being a stern dad, he makes sure his child knows that they are loved and he shows it with actions and quality time you spend together as a family.
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princess-pray-a · 1 year
Nokto M 💦dboard
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𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕨𝕒𝕝𝕥𝕫 ★ 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕥𝕙𝕖 frivilous 𝕗𝕠𝕩 ★
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☟ 𝕹𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖊𝖘 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖍𝖆𝖚𝖓𝖙𝖘 𝖍𝖎𝖒 ☟
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♬ нє ƒιηαℓℓу ιѕ αвℓє тσ ∂єѕιяє тяυтн ιη υя ℓσνє ♬
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riveranova · 2 years
Could I request general nsfw hcs for the Ikemen Prince boys pls?
(A/N): Hellooo! Yeah, of course you can - hope you enjoy!
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IkePri NSFW Headcanons x GN! Reader - Part 1
Warnings: Smut | minors DNI, i put a lil crack in here too dw
Character: Gilbert, Silvio, Keith, Sariel, Rio, Clavis, Notko, Ikemen Prince
Word count: 1.014
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Gilbert von Obsidian
i will sit here forever and say: this man is not a top
no, no dont say it - no he isnt
will act like he'll top you only to fucking bend at the slightest bit of pleasure
literally just touch his chest in a slightly sensual way and watch the magic happen
hes absolutely whipped for you so it doesnt take long for him to get hard
also happens at really unfortunate times
,,hello rhodolite, are you sti- ...oh''
i think over half of the fandom hcs him as German
so, because i'm German too, i can FEEL the German words sipping out during sex
just cute little grunts and a little ''verdammt...'' in between
yeah hes the scary man that threats the entire kingdom but in bed - hes the actual little rabbit
i will die on that hill btw
i think he likes aftercare but doesnt want to admit it
just wordlessly cuddle him afterwards and let him be the big spoon and everythings fine <3
Silvio Ricci
cocky bitchass
hes a tease and he knows it
is a big edging fan
like to bring you close enough to almost feel the sweet release - only to stop and ask you whats wrong
he toys with you, yeah but he can be sweet to
CAN be
when you've been extraordinary good that week, he'll consider letting you cum a little sooner than usual
with his cock buried deep inside you and his low voice right next to your ear
i think hes not big with the praise but slips in a little ,,you're doing so fucking good...'' here and there does the trick
wants to have total control, so i think he likes bondage quite a bit
you once ripped the rope in two and this mans ego was up in the sky - he made you do that after all
a dog on the streets and a... even wilder dog in the sheets
Keith Howell
okay so, this ones a little bit different
we have two choices here
cute, shy bottom keith and uh, fucked up top keith
means: mans def a switch
shy keith is really careful not to hurt you
you've got the beeeeeest of both worlds
he is BIG and he has a lot of strength
so when you're on top of him and he grips your thighs - mans leaving marks that wont leave for days
hes just so lost in the pleasure, hes a brabbling mess
is a little too shy to moan loud but after some time hes getting VOCAL
now, alter! keith is completely different
i think hes not into bondage, he'll just hold you down himself
pressed into the matress while fucking you like you're nothing but a toy
he doesnt fucking care if you make too much noise
scream and let everyone know you're his and his only
oh yeah, hes a lil bit possessive. just a lil bit.
Sariel Noir
has a whip and is not afraid to use it
i feel like hes less in for the sex and more for the foreplay
also big on bondage
he ties you up nice and pretty and just watches
hes slowly letting his whip explore your body - not hurting you but also not letting you feel too much pleasure
oh no, this is for him
he loves to watch you struggle agains the ropes or shudder because of his cold whip
he isnt too mean of course
youre not leaving until he fucked you
doesnt bother to untie you, but that doesnt bother you either, right?
hes slow but precise, hitting all the right spots
i swear he could go all night, he just has it in him
hes dealing with eight princes daily, his stamina is from another world
Rio Ortiz
service top, service top, service top
hes just like a dog fr
he'd do anything for your pleasure
against the wall? yes. in the middle of the room? no problem. a quicky behind a fricking pillar? whatever you want.
100% has your name on his dog collar
will eat you out while you pull on his leash
100% knows what to do based on how strong you pull
feels accomplished when you moan his name while cumming
just moan his name in general
hes big on aftercare
whenever its cuddling or taking a bath together, he'd do everything
im so sure that he would slip out of bed (or.. from behind a pillar lmao) to get you some tee or cake or whatever you need
you just need to snap your fingers and he turns into an obedient little dog who would do anything to please you
Clavis Lelouch
this one was a bit hard, tbh
i think hes the kind of guy that would finger you a lot
but just fingering you in bed would be boring, right?
right, thats why sexy time with him is almost always when you're not alone
on a banquet? he sure as hell is going to slip his hand inside your clothes
hey, hes a leg guy! surely the guests will understand that he wants to rest his hand on you thigh!
because thats what they think hes doing
100% exhibitionist
we all know how much he loves showing off his lover
would also fuck you on his balcony at night
theres no chance someone would see you two, but he doesnt tell you
loves to see your face go from ,,fuck, they could see us!'' to ,,fuck it if they see us.''
Nokto Klein
royal whore #1
definetly a top, and a fucking sly one at that
memorized the entire kamasutra
sex with him is never getting old, this man has new position every time you two sleep with each other
his sex drive is h i g h
has no shame either, whenever hes horny he just goes to fetch you
youre cooking? well, now youre not anymore
acts like he would fuck you in public but really doesnt want to
you body getting railed is his sight alone and no one elses
it a fucking tease
much like Silvio, it takes some time before he lets you cum
loves the faces you make and sometimes teases you with them
would 100% counter anything with ,,sure, but last night you didn't seem to mind that much~''
even in public
someone rip out this mans (talented) tongue please
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violettduchess · 2 years
Your writing is just amazing and I absolutely love your detailed kiss fics, they're truly just such perfection! ❣️
I wonder if you could please do one for Nokto Klein?? Please and thank you! 🙏🏻
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A/N: Here you go anon!
Word Count: 441
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He is beautiful when he sleeps. He is honestly always beautiful to you, your silver-haired, silver-tongued love, but when he’s sleeping, there is an air of innocence about him that leaves you weak in the knees. His handsome, sharp features are relaxed into a softness that is only visible when his usual current of energy, the one that underlies his waking movements and ignites the spark in his crimson eyes, is at its lowest, at a mere hum instead of a bright stream.
But Nokto possesses a sixth sense when it comes to you, a supernatural knowing of when you are near, whether your gaze is seeking him across a crowded room or running over his sleeping face as tenderly as a caress. First his arm moves, his hand reaching out across the sheets and finding you. Once he has you in his grasp, he pulls you against the sleepy warmth of his body. Those eyes open, red depths already flickering with desire. His voice is still rough with those last, clinging tendrils of sleep and when he says your name, the sound slinks its way through you, slow and beguiling. It is a sensual purr that you feel in the base of your stomach, a provocative murmur that rolls languidly through your veins.
In the space between heartbeats he moves, rolling until he has you underneath him, his body pressed against the length of yours, welcome and thrilling. He lowers his head, moonlight hair falling across the sharp planes of his cheekbones as he whispers against your neck, the column of your throat. Silken words wrap themselves around your skin like ribbons. He binds you with velvet promises, his hands sliding over your forearms, nimble fingers curling around your wrists, arms pinned above your head. His words rain down on you, tiny drops of fire, driving you to the edge of madness. You want to feel that mouth on you, not just the ghost of his breath. You want to swallow each tempting word that drops from his lips like nectar.
You know the man you love. You know how to stop his cruel teasing. Holding that red gaze with yours, unafraid of the heat smoldering in them, you lick your lips, arching your body under his in a way that screams “more”. He may be a tease, but he is helpless in the face of his desire for you. His mouth crashes into yours, hungry and determined to feast. He feels like a draught of cold water to a body that’s burning. You respond eagerly, greedily, drinking in his lips and tongue, drunk on his taste and the wild rollercoaster of his hunger.
You're at the mercy of his masterful mouth, of his adroit touch. And there is nothing else in the world that could please you more.
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Tagging: @aquagirl1978 @atelieredux @alixennial @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @rhodolitesrose @somekidnamedkai @ikemen-prince-writers-posts @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @ikehoe @redheadkittys @themysticalbeing @dear-mrs-otome @firestar-otomeobsessed @curious-skybunny @leotoru @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @moonstruck-writing @scorchieart
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omkookie · 1 year
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❤️ Leon's faction ❤️
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⌈ ⚠️ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ⌉ Angst, Blood, Murder attempts. 16+ // F!MC.
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Chevalier panics when he sees your once pure white shirt turn red. His heart skips a beat as his icy blue eyes search for your assailant, and then narrow down to the man who was holding a bloody arrow– the arrow that stabbed you. Without thinking twice, he ruthlessly cuts the man down. 
He wasted no time before checking on you, and is by your side in an instant. He takes a good look at your wound and notes that the arrow hasn’t pierced your heart, but the area beside it quite deeply. He orders his knight, Lucien, to fetch a physician for you while he lifts you in his arms to carry you toward the Benitoite’s palace infirmary. The sooner you get to the infirmary, the faster you can get treatment. 
This assassination attempt was a grave mistake allowed by Benitoite’s embassy, and Chevalier was not one to forgive. Any harm that was done to you was a grave sin, and Chevalier will never forgive anyone who allowed it to happen. Benitoite’s responsibility is to make sure that no harm comes to any of its guests during the goodwill party. Yet, somehow they were incompetent enough to allow a murder attempt of one of Rhodolite’s most prominent figures, and one of their most important guests… You. 
Chevalier isn’t stupid, and as he seethes with anger he knows that in order to sneak a weapon into the embassy you need to have someone with great power helping you from behind the scenes… and a bastard with great power Gilbert von Obsidian is. 
This is an indirect declaration of war.
Chevalier clutches your unnaturally cold hand in his warm one, and carefully plans his counter attack against Gilbert.  
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Clavis is a mess… to put it lightly. He can’t sleep, eat nor drink properly while you lie in a bed wounded. How can he possibly rest when you’re hurt? He spends sleepless nights tracking down the assassin who hurt you, and then blames himself for not being able to do it faster, Because, If he were Chevalier then Chevalier would have already done it and killed the man. 
Clavis beats himself mentally, constantly blaming himself for your critical state and your near death experience. 
Rest assured though, no matter how sleep deprived he is or how much weight he’s lost, He won’t allow himself to die. He has a mission, and that mission is to track your assassin down and take his revenge. His thirst for blood won’t allow him to die. Clavis dreams of the day he finally gets his hands on the man.
He'll show your assassin the 7 hells that no other man can… Not even his genius brother Chevalier. 
While you’re lying hurt, the only thing that keeps him going is his thirst for revenge. He doesn’t even play pranks on Yves anymore, and Sariel worries that this is only the calm before the storm.
When Clavis finally finds your assassin, he comes back to the palace resembling a devil– not even Chevalier has ever been dyed in so much blood. 
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Nokto freezes upon seeing your state. His heart feels like it's being torn into pieces as doctors were rushing into the room. He had just gotten back from negotiations with Obsidian– the ones who he’s sure attacked you. There was no doubt in his heart that your attackers must be sent by Gilbert.
After all, No one else was clever enough to get through the palace’s security by using a loophole so small that not even one of the best trained knights would notice…
Nokto can’t outright accuse Gilbert of your assassination attempt. The obsidian prince was far too sleek and left no evidence behind. Plus, accusing Obsidian of something as bad as a murder attempt right after negotiations were made would put Rhodolite in a bad light. The peace treaty between the 4 countries was just signed. 
But… clearly this was the price that Gilbert wanted Rhodolite’s king to pay.
‘If you want to negotiate with obsidian, you need to pay a high price.’ Gilbert’s words from earlier chime through Nokto’s head like bells, and his fists clench by his sides as he feels his blood boil.
If this was how obsidian wanted to play, then fine. He wouldn't hesitate to play too.
Only Chevalier notices the Fiery hatred in his red eyes, and he smirks as if knowing what his younger brother was going to be up to.
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Luke’s heart beats so fast he thinks it might rip itself out of his chest as he applies pressure to your bleeding wound. Your blood stains his hands and dyes the white cloth that he used to cover your wound a deep crimson. 
Luke tries to steady his breathing to control his nerves, but he can’t seem to calm down. How the hell could he?! You were just stabbed for fuck’s sake! Nobody can calm him down, and Jin is quickly shoved away when he tries to do so. 
Luke only relents, finally agreeing to let you go and have you looked at by a physician when Jin encourages him to.
But, he still insists on staying in the room so that he can look over you. Watching the doctor stitch you up was a terrible and gruesome side, and his stomach churns as he smells the coppery scent of blood in the air. The scent of your blood in the air… He feels cold, and his fingers have gone numb as he waits for results. Results which are unfortunately not showing up.
The physician snaps him out of his dazed state and notifies him that there’s no positive change in your condition, and that you have only gotten somewhat worse. However, the bleeding from your other wound has finally stopped.
Luke curses and blames himself for not being there to protect you.
He has almost lost you. Now, only the gods know if you will survive or die...
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etheries1015 · 9 months
You never thought you'd see this person again.
Not like you particularly wanted to, either. But there they were, standing in front of the castle begging for your attention. The moment your eyes laid upon them you took a step back and sternly said,
"No. Leave, I have nothing to say to you."
But they insisted.
The princes watched this exchange as it went on, and before they knew it you surprised them all by screaming nearly at the top of your lungs for them to leave, how they wronged you, how they didn't deserve to return to your life. They hadn't seen you in such a state of distress before, not even Rio knew what to do in this instance.
They were quickly escorted away as you ran off a sobbing mess, running into the chest of your suitor and legs trembling as they held you steady. Upon seeing your tears, his eyes darken with murderous intent, and a scowl is painted upon his lips as he uses his strong arm to turn your face into his chest as you sob uncontrollably. With a low growl and hands shaking with anger, he inquired;
"Who did this to you?"
He vowed to... 'take care' of this person, at any costs.
Nobody steals the smile of his beloved, and he will make that abundantly clear to any who dare try.
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nightkarmaqueen · 2 years
Quick Question
Remember that one CG where little Nokto and Litch slept on the couch with Sariel with them...? How old do you think they are in the picture???
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