#ikesen yoshimoto fanfiction
ikeromantic · 6 months
Ikesen Boys React to a Tattooed MC pt 2
Thank you again to @otomedad for this idea!
Kenshin, Shingen, and Yoshimoto. Approx. 2400 words. Part 1 here!
Kenshin froze mid-step, his mismatched eyes going wide. You froze too, a shout of surprise caught behind your lips. Your kimono hung open, half undressed as you prepared for a bath.
The tub of steaming water sat behind a decorative screen, and you were wishing you were behind it too. “Umm. Hi?” You tug the fabric closed, your face hot. 
He swallows, and turns his head to look down the empty corridor leading to your ‘room’. “You were not expecting me. I will go.”
“No, wait!” Your voice startles you as much as him. Kenshin turns his head to glance your direction expectantly. You pause, unsure what to say. “I was hoping you would come today.” 
If anything, this seems to surprise him even more than seeing you unclothed. 
“If you like, you can wait with me for the bathwater to cool down. It’s too hot to soak in right now.” You sit down on the small stool beside the bars of your well-appointed cell. 
Kenshin says nothing for a long moment, then he nods. There is something unsettled about him as he pulls up a stool to sit across from you. “Is there anything you need?”
You shrug, glancing around at the stone walls and wooden bars. “Out? Other than that, no.”
He looks down, his lips twisting in a faint grimace. The frown turns to puzzlement. “What is that?”
You realize he’s noticed the cherry blossom petal on the top of your bare foot. “Oh. It’s part of my tattoo.” You carefully shift your kimono open a little bit to show the rest of your leg. Cherry blossoms and pink petals dance across your skin, as if floating on a forever breeze in some place where it is always spring. 
Kenshin regards the ink with more curiosity than you expected. His hand drifts toward the bars that separate you. “Beautiful,” he breathes. 
Your skin prickles and warms with expectation of his touch. The tip of his cool, calloused finger brushes your calf, setting your heart off at a gallop. You aren’t sure if the butterflies in your belly are from the compliment or the feel of his hand on your leg. 
“It does not come off,” he states, rather than asks. 
“Right. It’s ink under my skin so . . . I guess I’m stuck with it for life.” You try for a carefree smile, but miss the mark as his eyes flick up to meet yours. 
Kenshin considers this for a moment, then nods. “It is like a scar, then.” His eyes narrow. “Why was this done to you?”
You do smile then, at the protective note in his voice. “I did it to me. Or, at least, I picked the design and the spot. I wanted something to remind me that life is short. To enjoy the beauty in it, as long as it lasts. Because, you know. It won’t last long.” 
His fingers trace the edges of the petals and blossoms, moving up past your knee to the top of the flowers on your thigh. “The inevitability of loss,” he says, more to himself than to you. There is something warm in his eyes, something fragile.
“No,” you shake your head. “The celebration of beauty, however fleeting. Take joy where you can, right?” 
“Take joy . . .” His gaze falls back to your leg, and he snatches his hand away as if suddenly scalded by your skin. Shutters of ice close him off from you again as he stands. 
You stand as well, reaching for him through the cell bars. Your fingers brush his shoulder before he steps back. 
“If there is nothing you need, I will go.”
“I do need something.” Your voice shakes a little as your hand drops to your side. “I wish you’d visit me more often. Stay for a little longer when you do. I like being around you.”
Kenshin does not reply. He studies you for a moment, before turning away. His steps echo down the empty corridor, making you feel somehow even more alone than before he came. 
Shingen’s hand trailed along the smooth silk of your kimono, the warmth of his touch soaking through to your back. He wasn’t technically supposed to be touching you, just watching the stars. But he had a hard time keeping his hands to himself, and you weren’t going to complain. Not tonight, anyway.
“Are you sore, angel,” he asked, glancing at you from the corner of his eye.
“No,” you shot back, then admitted, “a little.” The day’s hike through mountainous forest hadn’t been easy, especially carrying a pack. You regretted insisting on carrying it, but pride wouldn’t let you take it easy. 
Shingen’s lips curled up in a subtle smile. “I see.” His hand stilled on your back. “You know what the best thing for sore muscles is?”
You turn your head to regard him, sensing a trap. “A hot bath?”
“Those are pretty good. But love is what makes the angel sing.” He grins at you, playful and teasing.
“Seriously, Shingen?” You huff and pull away from his touch.
He sighs. “Can’t blame a guy for trying. It’s not every day an actual goddess graces me with her presence.” 
You glare at him, annoyed and flattered and annoyed with yourself for being flattered. “Whatever. I’m going inside.”
“Don’t leave, angel.” There’s a slight pleading tone to his voice. “As an apology, let me give you a shoulder rub. It will make us both feel better. I promise.” The sensual tilt of his lips and the appeal in his gaze give you pause. A massage would feel nice, but . . .
“No. I don’t trust you.” The words leave your mouth in a rushed exhalation, leaving so much unsaid. It wasn’t Shingen you didn’t trust, it was yourself. 
He looked down, his eyes dark and unreadable in the dim starlight. “I promise, I’m not trying to make you mine.” Shingen held his hands out as if in surrender. “Let me help?”
The silence between you expands, an almost physical thing pressing against your skin and making it hard to breathe. You give a curt nod, giving in to what you know you want, even if you can’t admit it. 
Shingen settles behind you. His hands slide down your shoulders, gently tugging your kimono down to bare them. His breath catches and he goes still. 
For a moment, you are confused, and then you realize he must have seen it. Your tattoo. Maple leaves drifting along your spine, from just below your neck to your hip. A riot of warm colors and fine lines etching your skin. You still remember the pain of having it done. But it was worth it. “Something wrong?” You try for a teasing tone, but your voice is too breathy to make that mark.
 “Your back -” He pulls your kimono lower still, revealing more of the falling leaves. His calloused hand presses against the ink as if to wipe it away. “My angel is a work of art.”
A shiver runs through your skin at the feel of his hand on you. Your galloping heart speeds even more, racing uncontrollably as heat flushes your face. “You’re not supposed to be flirting,” you manage.
Shingen’s laugh sends a puff of warm breath across your neck. “That wasn’t flirting. I’m only stating the obvious.” His thumbs press into your tense, tired flesh, a gentle pressure to ease sore muscles. “Is the art something from your village? I have never seen anything like it painted into skin.”
You struggle for a moment to find words, distracted by his closeness and the intimacy of his touch. He clearly knows how to give a massage, and the sensation is short circuiting your brain. “Umm. It . . . mmmm . . . I got it to remind myself.”
“Of?” His lips are distressingly close to the leaf at the top of your spine, almost brushing the inked skin.
“Th-that I am carried. Forward. Even when life is tough. Like a leaf in the wind. Do what I can and leave what I can’t to fate. Or god. Or . . . chaos, I guess. Trust that life is - is pushing me to where I need to be.” You stutter through an explanation, leaving out all the context and emotion surrounding the decision on this image in this spot in those colors.
Shingen is quiet for a while, his skilled hands working out the knots in your shoulders and upper back. “My angel is a philosopher. Something holding us up in our worst moments.” He sounds more thoughtful than you expected when he finally speaks. Rather than blowing off the meaning of the design, he seems interested. 
“I needed something to hang on to,” you say softly, self-consciously. His praise feels undeserved, but makes your heart feel full, your chest tight.
“We all do, sometimes.” You feel the press of a gentle kiss to the back of your neck.
Quiet descends between you again, a soft silence of connection and comfort. 
You sit completely still, afraid to even breathe deeply. Yoshimoto’s fingers comb gently through your hair, coaxing it into position. He hums a tune you almost recognize as he works, styling you for the artists that will arrive soon. 
“Are you sure this is a good idea? I bet there are a lot of more qualified models in Kasugayama,” you say through stiff lips. This whole idea has you on edge. Art is wonderful, and you love making it - but being in it? Not so much. 
Yoshimoto adjusts your necklace. “You are perfect. There is none more qualified.” He steps back, inspecting his work. 
“I am so very not perfect,” you argue, thinking of all the parts of yourself you’d change if you could. “Surely Okuni would be better -”
“No. I want them to paint you.” The way he says it sends a thrill through you, as if he would value more your image than any other. Which can’t be true. Yoshimoto is just an appreciator of art. And you, as his friend and student, happened to be available for this painting session with some up and coming artists. 
You take a shallow breath. The next part will be the hardest, even knowing it is coming. “Fine. I guess.” The blanket in your lap seems smaller by the moment and you feel heat rising in your cheeks as you take it in one hand. 
Yoshimoto smiles and moves close again, his fingers hover at the edge of the decorative kimono draped over your shoulders. “I am honored by your trust in me.” 
“Wait!” You take a deeper breath, a panicky feeling welling up in your chest. “I can’t model. I - I have a tattoo!” You feel a sudden certainty that, just like your parents, Yoshimoto will hate the ink on your skin, and the artists will refuse to paint you, and - and -
He settles a hand on your cheek, turning your head toward him. “Thank you for telling me. May I see it?” His eyes are wide and clear, empty of judgment or censure. 
You study his face a moment longer, feeling self conscious. “Ok.”
He pulls the fabric down as you lift the blanket to your chest. Almost the pose you were meant to take for the artists.
Despite the white silk now covering your breasts, you feel exposed. Your entire back on display, bare shouldered and covered with almost nothing from the back of your neck to the top of your butt cheeks. Vulnerable. On display. You wait for Yoshimoto to say something, but he is silent. 
“Well?” Your voice is sharp and anxious, and you resist the urge to tug the fabric up and hide behind it.
Yoshimoto takes a breath. His hands brush your sides, stopping at the edges of your tattoo. Chrysanthemums spread from the center of your back to your hips, delicate and colorful. He kneels to look at them more closely, close enough that his hair tickles against your skin. 
You love the way they look, bright and playful. Accentuating the natural curves of your low back and hip. But you can’t tell what his reaction is. His quiet only wrenches your nerves tighter. “If you don’t say something, I think I’m going to cry.”
His soft touch brushes the inked flowers, as if painting the petals with his fingertips. “I . . . I did not expect . . .”
“It’s fine.” You reach for the kimono, ready to cover up and escape with a little dignity. 
Yoshimoto’s hand catches yours. “Please. Let me look a little longer. It is beautiful.” His gaze meets yours, fey eyes almost aglow. “You are beautiful.” 
Your breath catches, there is a tightness in your chest. A trembling, uncertain emotion that you cannot name. “Alright.” 
His smile is tender and affectionate as his eyes drift back to your tattoo. “These colors are amazing. I have never seen such bright irezumi. And the way it follows the shape of your body -” His caress sends a pleasant shock up your back and sets your pulse pounding. “This was done by a master artist. Only fitting for such a canvas.”
“They were really good,” you nod, recalling the waitlist and the cost. “They designed it for me after I told them what I wanted. Something with meaning, memories and promises. I wanted to look at it the rest of my life and know it holds what is close to my heart.” 
You gesture toward the flowers he is touching. “Red for the promise of love, yellow for what I’ve lost, white for loyalty. And all of it together for beauty, inside and out.” The words pour out as if from a broken dam. You’ve never told anyone all of this, never had the opportunity or the trust. But you want Yoshimoto to know you. To understand you.
“Did you know it is also a symbol of royalty?” His voice is soft, barely audible. 
“I do. Not that I am. Royal. I mean, Nobunaga made me a princess but I’m just a normal person. Nothing special.” You shrug. “I just thought it was a really pretty flower.”
Yoshimoto’s arms wrap around you, and his cheek rests against your back. You feel the flutter of his eyelids as he closes them. “You are special. Talented and beautiful and kind. I can think of no other more deserving of such a mark.”
Bittersweet pleasure floods you. There is nothing you can say to that, and so you let yourself enjoy his embrace. The feel of him pressed close. If only it could last. If only you could speak the words that lie heavy in your heart. If, if, if.
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ikesenfantasy · 2 years
Ikemen Sengoku: What-If Collection Event - Warlord Pets
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(Don't mind the photo) I wrote this fanfiction for fun where the warlords turn into their animal mascots. Since there wasn’t much spotlight for their beloved pets I thought I would write about them in a What-If Collection Event for April Fool’s Day on April 1st. Since the increase of the IkeSen roster I decided to take the time to add the additional six characters. So a total of all seventeen men in the IkeSen roster.
It was a pleasant evening like any other evening. Tomorrow everyone from the Usugi-Takeda forces along with Kennyo, Motonari & Kicho were going to visit Azuchi. Sasuke already visited me two days ago since Kenshin wanted to visit me. I thought we would all try something that will get everyone working together…or at least trying to. I already had some ideas but Sasuke hasn’t visited me to discuss it over with him. Maybe we’ll talk tomorrow.
“Ah the moon is so beautiful this evening; it would be nice to watch it with everyone. Time for bed.”
By the next morning I was the first in the war council room. Usually everyone would be here or I would be informed to show up but no one was here until the sliding door opened. I sat up straight but instead I got pounced.
“Oof! What in the world?”
It was then I felt something wet on my face. When I lifted up whatever was on top of me and tried to see who or what it was.
“You were supposed to be at the manor with Masamune, what in the world are you doing here!? I better return you back to the manor as soon as possible or else Hideyoshi is going to blow a blood vessel.”
But the tiger was not the only animal that was in war council a whole colossal of animals flooded into the room. I didn’t even realize there was a monkey trying to attack the tiger that I was holding.
OH NO! Please no fighting!
I decided to stand up and try to reach for the monkey that was clinging to the back side of my kimono. But then I felt a nudge almost making me fall over. The perpetrator was a deer.
Circling around my ankle was a cat meowing and purring as if the fiasco I was in the middle of didn’t exist.
What is with all these animals? Something really isn’t right. The monkey on my back let out a yelp as it let go of my back who was trying to reach for the tiger. Now the monkey was flicking his tail that was sadly bitten by a fox. When the fox let go the monkey started chasing the fox. I better stop them.
I was so distracted by the chase I tripped over the cat and planted face first on the floor. A heard a soft snort and a boop from my cheek from a pig snout. What a mess. All of the Azuchi warlord pets are running amuck. I wonder why. I then heard the pig squeal as he ran off into a different direction being chased by something.
When I realized what happened I noticed a wolf chasing the poor piggy. On the wolf’s back was a squirrel. And behind them was a bear with a bunny and a hamster on its back chasing the other animals across the room.
Just when the wolf and bear were chasing after the pig and cat they nearly knocked over a jar. The peacock that flashed its feathers blocked their direction to the beautiful jar as if protecting something precious spooking any nearby it away.
I decided to try and chase after the animals stopping them from chasing each other around the room but it only made matters worse as the wolf started to fly into the air by a wallaby. A parrot flying overhead was shaking his head as the wolf collapsed on the ground after being air born by the wallaby’s kick.
The war council was in such disarray as animals were fighting among each other until I heard a loud scream that stopped the infighting and set all the animals on alert. They looked up and saw a hawk that was swarming around a lot more higher then the parrot. The hawk seated itself where Nobunaga would sit. Soon the animals that were most likely warlords from Azuchi began to position themselves in their spots. Now if I didn’t know better these were the warlords. How would they know to position themselves like their owners would sit. The parrot then landed just inches away from the hawk.
“Finally…now that they have settled down we can finally get down to business.” The parrot spoke.
I looked at the parrot who spoke and truly it sounded like Kicho and not Fuka. It was unbelievable. There was no way.
“N-no way…Kicho? Is that you?” I can’t believe I’m speaking to Kicho the parrot. Interesting ring to it if I do say so myself.
“Yes. It seems I’m the only one who can talk. Unlike the others. I don’t know what or how this happened. From the looks of it we all woke up this way.”
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the12thnightproject · 9 months
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Chapter 35: Nest of Snakes: Katsu discovers that Yoshiaki's plot has both unexpected conspirators and an unexpected target.
Mitsuhide x OC; Hideyoshi x MC (Mai)
Previous Chapter
Logline - With Mai, Hideyoshi, and Aki missing, Mitsuhide and Katsuko reluctantly team up. Disguised as a merchant and his concubine, can they outsmart the man known as the God of Deceit?
Chapter Excerpt:
Two voices.
One clearly was Motonari's, but what made me feel cold all over was that the other belonged to Iekane. And even though I had expected that I would find him here, now that I faced the cold reality of his presence… I didn’t feel ready. Not here. Not in a room full of people who would be turned against me (and possibly Yoshimoto) at the first word of accusation.
My face stayed pressed to the mat. My brain tumbled into the oh shit zone. That zone was telling me that I might possibly have gotten into something bigger than I could handle. Yoshimoto had said he would protect me… but could he really? The man didn’t even carry a sword.
Into this internal whirlpool of fear I barely heard Yoshiaki introduce Motonari to Yoshimoto.
"Motonari?" Yoshimoto managed to sound puzzled. He was a better actor than I expected. "Not, Shojumaru?"
"Heh. That’s only for Sakai." Motonari’s voice had taken on that roughness again. "Shojumaru is better accepted with the kaigoshu."
"This brute is not the type of man I prefer to have about me, but I cannot be too choosy when it comes to powerful allies." There was that whiny tone again. And did he just diss Motonari?
Did Motonari just stand there and take it? Again…. Dude.
Link to entire chapter here
Full chapter posts on tumbler tomorrow.
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yarnnerdally · 2 years
Aha! A Masterlist!
Hello, my dears! My name is Ally. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m 30 and I work full time. I’m also abhorrently in love with Garrus Vakarian and Hitoya Amaguni. You can find me being infatuated with a number of otome and visual novel characters (forever simping for Theodorus van Gogh, Jin Grandet, and Beelzebub.) Below you will find all the yummy information I know you’re just dying to get to!
Commissions: OPEN (see link here)
Requests: CLOSED
If you enjoy my work and want to buy me a coffee, you can do that here! Thanks for supporting me and all my shenanigans 💕
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Things I write fanfiction for:
Ikemen Games: Sengoku, Vampire, Revolution, and Prince
Hypnosis Microphone
Baldur’s Gate 3
Honkai Star Rail (limited characters, please ask)
Characters I do not write:
(IkeVamp) Vlad, Charles
(IkeSen) Kennyo, Ranmaru, Kichou, Keiji, Kanetsugu, Shingen, Motonari, Yoshimoto
(IkeRev) Dalim, Dean, Mousse, Oliver
(IkePri) Gilbert, Keith, Kagari, Azel
(Obey Me) Thirteen, Mephistopheles, Raphael, Luke
(Baldur’s Gate) Gortash, Orin, Ketheric Thorm, Aylin, Isobel, Raphael, Harleep (there may be a few others, just ask.)
Content I do not write:
Rape/non-con, dubcon, suicide, attempted suicide, murder, inc*st, yandere, p*dophilia, z*ophilia, cheating/NTR, major character death, underage.
Please Keep In Mind!
I will not write any NSFW content for anyone underage. Minors, please do not interact with my NSFW content. I do my best to weed out ageless/underage blogs. You will be blocked.
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Ikemen Vampire Writing
Ikemen Sengoku Writing
Ikemen Revolution Writing
Ikemen Prince Writing
Twisted Wonderland Writing
Shall We Date? Obey Me!! Writing
Hypnosis Microphone Writing
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Current WIP count: :’)
Current Request count: :’)
P.S. The sorting of work into the appropriate posts will happen... eventually. I promise lol
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skampi835 · 4 years
Corolla Promise (Yoshimoto x OC)
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This is another contribution for the Unloving Characters Month event, hosted by @the-moonlight-dreams​. Because I had so much fun writing Hell of the Living starring Motonari and I’ve got to say, this turns out way longer than I’d expected (and more challenging) when I had the idea.
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Language: english
Pairing: Yoshimoto x OC
Genre: Romance
Warning: hurt | comfort / angst / heavy thoughts
Prompt: Day 15 - Flower Crowns
Word Count: 2.840
It takes place years after Mitsuhides Dramatic ending. But there are aboslutely no spoilers about the route, so it’s safe to read. I hope you’ll enjoy it!
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“Oh, it’s you.” An enchanting smile’s crossing Yoshimoto’s thin lips, while pressing his hand sheepishly against his chest. “My apologies. I didn’t recognize you, Ina.” Still looking a little abashed, he’s repenting his ungracious reaction, when she had reached out for him. But instead to mind his awkward wince from before, she’s gifting him with a smile as radiant as her unusual blue-grey eyes. “You don’t have to, really! I’m sorry I startled you. But it’s such a pleasant surprise, walking into you out here!”
A pleasant surprise, indeed.
Slightly shaking his head, Yoshimoto’s smiling warmly. “Please, don’t feel too sorry. I was just deeply in thoughts. I’m very happy, seeing you all well again. I was deeply worried after our last encounter.” It had been a busy farewell back then and he’ll always remember how weary she had looked. Weary but also smiling like the sun rising among the mountains. Years had passed and he always had hoped that he’ll see her again someday. “I didn’t expect to meet someone I’d actually know, especially in such a reclusive disguise.” His golden eyes wander over her delicate frame, examining the pale and inconspicuous Yukata she’s wearing. It was a waste of her beauty, covering her in such a simple cloth.
“O-oh well... it’s no disguise in particular.” Ina says nervously and for a moment lost for words.
“I see, so is the Kitsune in Shirakawa as well?” Yoshimoto still remains calm while almost watching her tenderly, while he’s questioning her. Even if the mere reference of him, is riling him to the core. Pressing her lips to a thin line while a grievous expression is clouding Inas lovely face, before she’s looking to the ground and breaking the eye contact with him. Seeing her fine expression turning that way, a longing hope is elevating warmly in Yoshimoto’s heart. “No” she answers, sighing exasperatingly. “He’s not even in Shimotsuke. But to be honest, I ran some errands for him out here.”
Absorbed in thoughts Yoshimoto lightly nods, and then stops abruptly. “Wait... All by own?” He asks, his golden eyes widening with disbelief. Hesitantly she’s answering with a nod and a sough is slipping from his lips. “You’re awfully far away from your home, Ina! It’s not safe for a woman to travel that distance alone!”
“Stop scolding me! Besides you’re awfully far away from Echigo yourself!” she retorts, puffing her cheeks in a huff. It almost looks lovingly, but this isn’t the time to falter under her beauty. “I’m not a woman, but a man.” Yoshimoto argues drily, trying to wear those dreadful thoughts down of everything what could have happen to her on such a long journey. Her delightful snickering sounds awfully out of place, ringing like tiny bells in his ears. “You’re fanning too hard, Yoshimoto.”
He didn’t even notice, till she’s mentioning it. Doubting himself Yoshimoto closes his iron-ribbed fan, while she’s going on: “I’m quite aware of the dangers, Yoshimoto. You really don’t have to give me that look.”
“I’m quite unsure about the validity of those words, Ina.” Yoshimoto’s reprimanding her unadorned. Even her calming and confident smile couldn’t soothe him. How could this sly old fox let her travel that far and on top of that, all by herself? An unpleasant wave of chagrin is crawling through his body and clenching his heart with cold grief. Yoshimoto’s hoping that none of these feelings are showing through the surface as he continues. “When you’ve finished what you’re here for, I’ll accompany you for your return.”
“What?” Ina inhales sharply and quickly shakes her head. “No, you don’t have to, really!”
“I won’t accept a no as an answer.” Yoshimoto unusually unfaltering retorts, while he’s giving her an extremely strict look, which silences her. But with a sigh his face is softening and a contrite smile is curving his lips. “I’d like not to argue with you any further on that, Ina. I’d never forgive myself, if anything bad will happen to you on your way back. Besides…” he appends and is tenderly cupping her cheek with one hand “your Kitsune would be devastated.”
Seeing a wounded sparkle in her bright eyes flicker, is filling his heart with sorrow. But before he could ask, Ina’s lifting her hand, lowering it on his, which is still touching her soft cheek. “Okay. Thank you, for your concern and I’m sorry for the trouble tough.” Surprised about her firm grip with which she’s hesitantly shifting his hand from her cheek, Yoshimoto obeys yieldingly. Something in her touch doesn’t feel right, but he couldn’t pronounce it. But it was free from the lightness all of her moves usually accompany. Almost naturally his fingers twine with hers carefully.
As fast as her hurt look has appeared on her face, it’s blurring now with flattering confusion. Her lips curves into a shy smile and her eyes are uneasily darkening, while she’s giving his hand a tender squeeze, before withdrawing. Crossing her hands conscientiously behind her back, she eyes Yoshimoto with lightly rosy cheeks. “So... where is your horse?” she’s asking.
His enchanting smile’s growing slightly distant, however he obeys her intentionally change of subject without opposition. For he’s also wondering about his own daring move.
“I think this is as far as I can bring you, Ina.” Yoshimoto is barely able to hide his disappointment about the fact, as they’re passing a very small village nearby Azuchi. After their departure they’ve traveled for three days by horse with some sufficient stops. Yoshimoto will always cherish these lovely pleasant days and evenings they were spending, in his heart even if they were exhausting. Alas, he challenged his fortune with this journey more than enough and traveling further means risking blowing his cover and he’s not willed to end in the dungeons of Azuchi.
Ina’s looking at him with her charming features atop from her horse, an insecure smile’s clouding it. “What a shame. I’d hoped I could invite you to an inn when we’ll reach Azuchi. They’re serving really some good Manju there.”
A sudden desire shades Yoshimoto's thoughts to simply give in to her request, but it flows by as he’s noticing her blankly expression. “It will bring no good to you, neither me, if I get caught.” He says, hoping to satisfy her. Yoshimoto inclines his head slightly, his golden eyes are wandering thoughtfully over her facial expressions. With a soft honeyed voice he asks: “Maybe it’s none of my concern, but I think it will help you, if you’re telling me, what’s bothering you, Ina?”
Her gaze rambles from him to the way ahead, so he’s admiring her image from the side. His soft smile fades for a mere moment at her taciturnity, nevertheless he’s urging himself to craft it anew and continues tenderly: “I won’t force you, but this may be the last time we'll see each other for a long time and I would abhor it, if my staying impression of you, would be how miserable you’re looking.”
Focusing worried at Yoshimoto with her blue-grey eyes, Ina quietly retorts: “I would hate that, too.” Nodding in the direction above a field she goes on: “Behind this hill is a lake. Let’s water the horses there and then we can talk.”
Relieved Yoshimoto agrees and leads his horse to follow hers to the lake. After they cared about the horses, they rested beneath an azalea. Yoshimoto watches her, while she’s picking up some flowers, which had fallen, into her lap. Patiently he’s waiting, till she was ready opening to him. Surely she’s picking her words thoughtfully. Yoshimoto knew her as a beautiful woman, radiant like light, always wearing her hart on her tongue. Watching her so reticent, is gnawing his heart.
“I have to insist, that what I’m going to tell you now, has to stay between us, Yoshimoto.” Her gaze is determinant, while she’s setting it on Yoshimoto. An unpleasant shiver’s running through his spine as he forebodes the gravely situation. “I see.” He says heavily. “When this is about the war, the rumors seem to be true, I assume?”
Pressing her lips to a thin line and dropping her gaze to the flowers, she had weaved, he fears that she’d stop the conversation. But she doesn’t, as she’s just nodding with weariness in her bright eyes. “Yes. The Mouri Clan is rising from the west, pressing hard against our borders.” Her slender fingers are twiddling the flowers, twining them inexpertly. “When you’d tell someone in Kasugayama Castle, then...”
“Your worries may be justified, but it’s me you’re talking to.” His harsh words are silencing her and with a more gently tone now he adds. “I despise war. I would never dream of implying something to achieve advantage in such cruel doing.” Even after his shattered Imagawa Clan has found shelter in Echigo, he’d never allow himself of getting revenge in such a barbarous way. Even when he’s standing in the debt of Uesugi he could never-...
Yoshimoto draws his iron-ribbed fan from his sleeve, opening it and starts fanning, in the hope it would blow away the dreadful memories that are haunting him. “I know.” Ina says soothing, a gentle smile brightening her clouded face lightly. “Thank you.” A soft, heavy sigh escaping her lips, when she thoughtfully continues, gazing at the flowers in her lap: “Right now, they’re doing a huge effort in Azuchi to prevent the worst. But I have doubts. What if it isn’t enough? What if the Mouri Clan succeeds and turns the tables? They’re going to change the-”
Stopping in her sentence, she’s pressing her lips together again, clenching the twined flowers in her lap, while her eyes are glazing. Seeing her desperate and trembling like that, is aching his heart. Giving in his urges, Yoshimoto grabs her, embracing her fragile body like she was glass. “You mustn’t think like that, Ina.” he convincingly says, pressing her against his chest, feeling her heart pounding in the same rhythm of his own. “Nothing will happen to you.”
“But I’m so afraid, Yoshimoto.” Her silent cry sends shivers over him and it’s getting hard to swallow. Still pressing her slender figure tightly against his chest, which is trembling in his arms while she's crying softly, is robbing his breath. For it were the fearless, brave actions, the easygoing and cheerful smile and the bright beauty of hers, he’s owing his life to. When it wouldn’t be for her, he would have fallen long ago, with the ruins of his shattered clan. Seeing her now in so much pain, hurts his heart. Slightly he’s relaxing his grip on her, drawing little circles over her back, in the hope to soothe her. “I’m sure Azuchi will do everything in its might to repel the Mori. After all the Oda empowers an enormous military force. Trust me.”
Yoshimoto had spoken these words mildly for her and with rising bitterness he knows how very true they are. Even if he despises this enormous power that Nobunaga holds in his palms. His own Imagawa-Clan had faced that domineering might and is suffering till this day from this devastating clash. The reputation of his clan had faded within the flicker of an eye and so many lives were cruelly taken, so much pain unleashed this sharp deep wound, they would never recover from.
When it hasn't been for Ina, he had given gladly his life, to release his Imagawa Clan, whose got haunted by the ghosts of his past, furiously trying impossible tasks to gain their old glory again. But his clan had never recovered, nor will they ever get the chance to recover from this ravaging deep scar Nobonaga had left in their ranks when he had sunk his sword into them.
“And even if they’ll fail…” Yoshimoto continues after a short while. "you still will be safe, Ina. I will make sure of that and this is a promise.” Yoshimoto's whispering in her ear like a secret that nobody should know. On one hand he wished for her to recognize that his feelings for her never faltered since all this time that passed. That she had been the bright light, which had kept him alive. But on the other hand, his selfish wish could force a rift between them, tearing these admirable little moments they're having now, apart.
Surprisingly she responds, in reclining against his chest, allowing herself to relax in his embrace. Her breathes are steadily tickling against his neck, sending warm shivers over his back. “Thank you for comforting me, Yoshimoto.” Ina says and her voice sounds so quiet he just can barely understand. “I… I just don’t know what to say. You’ve waited all this time... wasting your time for someone so ungrateful like me-” She’s swallowing hard in guilt, pressing her head in his shoulders trembling.
No… I should’ve been more carefully with my wishes, my words and my longings. “I would wait forever if it means to wait for you, Ina.” Yoshimoto says gently, before twining his fingers lightly in her beautiful hair, stroking it carefully. He doesn’t ment to make her feel that awful, when she realizes his feelings. Yet his heart’s yearning to say so much more, but Ina is already shedding tears guilty, muffling her weeps in his shoulder. He had hurt her so much with his careless actions and words of affection, how could he ever forgive himself, when he's making her even more cry?
Yoshimoto’s quite aware of the position in which his openly words had brought Ina. Standing, between the man she had given her heart and him who had just doubtingly confessed. He feels riven between his long withheld yearnings and the overflowing guilt. He doesn’t want to make her choose, because he knows her heart belongs to another and the only reason, she’s not shoving him back right now is because of the fears burdening on her shoulders and her mind.
He wished to share soft words of how beautiful she is. How much he adores her for her carefree smile and her kind heart. But alas, he wasn’t born for this cruel, dark world, and so wasn’t she. Yoshimoto would never dream of taking advantage of her state to pressurize her. So he kept silence, comforting her with soothing circles over her back, absorbing the feeling of her warm body against his and listens to her soft breathes.
“Yoshimoto?” she asks, lightly lifting her head to gaze into his golden eyes. “This isn’t right.”
Her words are gruesomely squashing his heart, even if he knows they were so true. “I beg your pardon, Ina.” He croaks, still his arms don’t want to let go of her to give her free. Amazingly she doesn’t intent to let go of him, either. Ina gazes into his eyes with the bright blue-grey eyes of hers deeply into his, that Yoshimoto’s thinking that she’s looking into his very soul. “You don’t fully understand. It’s not just my husband, but it’s so, so unbelievingly cruel for you. Yet you still managed to soothe me, planting an idea in my thoughts. But I could never ask for you to wait any longer.”
His heart is crying loudly and triumphantly, veiling in unbelivingly happiness, as her words are reaching him. With a gentle smile Yoshimoto’s cupping her cheek. His thumb softly wipes a tear from her swollen eye. “Please, don’t think too hart on my account.” With a quiet gulp Ina nods, sheepishly lifting her head. Her bright blue-grey eyes are shimmering strangely determinant. “When the worst is about to come, will you still wait for me?”
His answer comes without hesitation. “Always.”
Ina’s nodding again, rising on her knees to face him. Then she reaches out for him. He doesn’t move, when she’s placing a corolla of red azaleas she had weaved before, onto his head. Yoshimoto is widening his golden eyes bewildered, when she’s lowering her head to him, placing a shy, soft kiss on his cheek. “I promise, to call for your aid, when the time comes. If this happens--”, she pauses, then continues invigorate her voice. “Will you still love me?”
Crowned with flowers Yoshimoto’s watching Ina, while she mounts her horse and leaves back to the way, which leads her towards Azuchi after he’d given her his answer. He’s watching her silhouette getting smaller, while the enchanting smile he’s wearing grows distant. Finally when Ina disappeared completely, Yoshimoto’s leaning with his back against the tree behind him.
His thoughtful gaze is lifting up to the blooming azalea above him. How very fateful. A tender smile’s curving his thin lips, when the sun begins to sink. Doesn’t the azalea represent modesty and patience?
Regardless of all the patience he’d already had given, he would wait forever for her. Even if this promise will never come true, Yoshimoto's feeling how the hope washes through his heart, waking the lovingly longing he does held for Ina anew. Of course he’s not wishing misfortune her, for however this war will turn, he’ll always adore her.
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writingwhimsey · 2 years
Spilling The Tea Master List
Headcanon Collab with @creativem1! Just conversations between Sasuke and Ava (MC) and what they think about the different ikesen warlords. Very crackfic and just some fun. We'll also be likely presenting some theories about some of the guys (like the ones who haven't been released yet) and what we think some of their backgrounds might be. All just some fun to be had!
Episode 1 -Kicho
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krys-loves-otome · 4 years
Warlords + Jealous of the Baby Headcanons
SO, it’s been a bit of a rough time rejoining society after my local shutdown, and I wanted to do something to cheer myself up. And, I found an old masterlist for a fandom I used to be in, and this kind of prompt on it struck me as one that could apply to the warlords as well (though some focus more on the pregnancy side of things, jealousy is the main theme that ties them together.) Some of these could also be interpreted as modern headcanons, but I tried to stick closer to the Sengoku time period (with some minor tweaking, as wetnurses and servants could handle a majority of the childcare for MC and her lord, but where’s the fun in that?)
The original prompt was headcanons about the suitor being jealous of their offspring for taking the attention away of the reader/MC from them, but a lot of them didn’t seem to fit into the jealous archetype, so I made some tweaks to the theme here and there as well. Kennyo and the newer lords are mostly interpretations on my part based on smaller events and fandom headcanons as well because of the lack of material (and I don’t have Kennyo’s bday stories to bounce off of, so he’s gonna be based on fandom interpretations and minor events as well).
So, here’s some headcanons about the warlords being jealous of their spawn.
2nd Person POV, she/her pronouns used for the reader on occasion, they/them used for the spawn. And, also, content warning for pregnancy mentions.
Nobunaga Ruling the world at his side was all well and good, and having heirs is the responsibility of all leaders, so he was proud when you told him you were going to have his child in a few months' time.
What he didn't expect was that the child was more like him even before they were even born. If you weren't scrambling out of bed for the nearest bucket in the morning, you were falling asleep on him while he was highly keen to explore the new surprises your body provided while creating a new life inside of you. And let's not talk about how he lost the territory of your lap as the weeks rolled on. You tried to compromise by leaning further back, thinking it would be cute to let Nobunaga hear and feel the baby moving as he laid in your lap. However, they soon grew too strong and kicked their father in his ear, and he, eyebrows crossed and frown deepening, almost declared war on his unseen enemy. With some pleading from you (after you had stopped laughing first), he finally declared a temporary surrender of your lap to the child instead. He will reclaim what is his after the child's birth and no later after that.
Hideyoshi It's hard to tell who the true mother was in this parent-ship. Outside of feeding (which you had a sneaking suspicion he would do if he had been equipped that way), Hideyoshi was on top of all things new baby. Burping, diaper changing, rocking for naps and bedtime, bath time, if Hideyoshi has the time, he's with his baby. If anyone is getting jealous, it's probably you, lol.
Any jealous feelings quickly dissipate however, whenever he holds the baby and he has the gentlest smile on his face, whispering how happy he is to have the most wonderful family he could ever ask for. Bringing you into his other arm also helped to ease any jealousy you could have felt as he thanked both of you for being in his life.
Masamune Honestly, if he has any jealous tendencies at all, it'll be subconscious. What's there to be jealous of? He has a beautiful wife and a strong, healthy heir, so what does he have to be jealous of? He might sneak up behind you and rest his chin on your shoulder while he pulls you into his lap, watching you feed the baby once in a while.
If anything, he might jokingly ask if the kid would save any of that milk so he might have a taste. Whether you let him is up to you and I'll leave it at that. So, no, no jealous feelings here.
Ieyasu He might get a little huffy if you overly pay attention to your kid more than him, but it's not something that bothers him too often. He might let a grumble slip about letting the kid learn how to self-soothe themselves once in a while and you’d think he was being mean… if you hadn’t caught him up with the baby numerous times late at night, whispering to them to not wake you, to let you sleep for a few more hours if it’s something he can handle on his own.
He'll vehemently deny he does this, however. Have fun watching his ears turn red when/if you call him out on it. 
Mitsuhide Like Masamune, if he has any sort of jealous tendencies towards you and your shared child, it'll be either be subconscious or extremely subtle. This child has taken a piece of his blackened heart, just as you have, so he understands your need to lavish them with all sorts of attention.
He'd be the type to hold the two of you in his arms and rock you back and forth, gently humming a soothing tune between the two of you, watching over his little family as they are his greatest treasures. No jealousy to be found here.
Mitsunari If you can find a jealous bone in this man's body, you might have found a lost treasure. He loves holding you while you hold the baby and watching the two of you, and he understands your need to lavish them with attention. You two had created a life together! How amazing is that?
However, just because it's a buried treasure, never doubt that such a treasure isn't there. The only thing that even registers as jealousy (to him) is taking away his chance to love on the child. His tendency to be clumsy or to zone out whenever he reads disappears whenever he hears those gentle cries for attention and all of his focus zeros in on his child, not unlike when you're near him. But, seeing that someone else has taken his chance to step up and care for his progeny? He can't help that small twinge of jealousy. He can take care of his child as well if he was just given the chance!
Kenshin He's too busy being protective (read: fearful) of you and the soon-to-be-born child to have even a moment to be jealous. Women dying in childbirth is far too common occurrence for his liking (since this is concerning you now, it's his concern now too), so he does everything in his power to make sure you're as happy and healthy you can be. Certain foods made a certain way? On it. Massaging your lower back to make sure you have a good delivery? His fingers wouldn't leave your back if he could help it. Old wives' tales that can help predict what gender the baby was going to be? He'll do any and all of them to ensure you and the baby are healthy no matter the gender outcome.
His overcoddling was definitely worth it in the end, seeing his soft smile while he held the two of you after the delivery, reassured that the two of you were safe and still in his arms.
Yukimura He's surprisingly good with kids, so seeing his face light up when you tell him you two were now expecting a little one of your own, he hugged you and spun you around in his arms, he was that happy. Cue the next few months bouncing between his (mostly harmless, but some days more than others accidentally hurtful) teasing, like how a little overindulgence in the sweets with an already swelling tummy was making you more and more into a boar woman earned him both a punch in his dumb face and a river of tears not even your favorite treats or backrubs could tame.
As far as jealousy is concerned, he's really not. From relaxing rub downs with special attention to the growing swell, to holding both of you for midnight feedings when both of you were ready to just collapse into bed, Yukimura made sure two of his most important people were cared for and loved, with a tired smile on his face as he watched the two of you contently. No jealousy here.  
Shingen "Ah, my goddess is blessing us with an angel of our own!" Shingen sees no reason to be jealous. As he said, his goddess is blessing him with the gift of life. What reason does he have to be jealous against an innocent life that his most important person is gifting him with?
If there's going to be any jealousy present in this relationship, maybe it's stemmed from insecurity on your part, seeing Shingen practically flirting with other, prettier ladies while you felt as big as a barn, doubled with your sore back and various other body parts feeling weird or doing strange things while your 'angel' grew. Shingen was always quick to kiss away your insecurity however. You were more beautiful than ever, he reassured you, and was more than ready to show you just how much more beautiful you were to him. He'll definitely carry that attitude over once your little angel is born, giving both of you kisses and gentle touches to show how much he cares for both of you. If you’re not careful, he might be just as bad as you are about spoiling them. Proceed with caution.
Sasuke Creating life was a mysterious event all on its own, and though he knew the basic mechanics of how it worked, he was still awestruck at seeing that little red, wrinkly face for the first time, finding his and your features blended together so perfectly, it was hard to deny the beauty of science here.
And, being a future person himself, he understands the need to see to your kid's needs first rather than letting a servant handle the baby's needs (though he does the benefits of having a caretaker around whenever they needed one) as was more common for the time period. And, really, who was he to deny the parental bond between mother and child. If there's any jealousy on his part, it's quickly gone when he sees that child smile when they hear him talking, be it about the stars, some abstract scientific fact about human life cycles and milestones he picked up from his seemingly vast knowledge bank, or just how much he treasures them and their mother so much.
Kennyo Like Kenshin, Kennyo would be more worried about you than be jealous of any future additions to your little family. He doesn't live the cushy life of the other warlords, and really, is the forests constantly on the run really the best place to raise a child, let alone having one away from midwives and nursemaids? He's a monk, not a doctor. Sure, he had his fair share of abandoned infants left on his doorstep when he still had a place to call his own, but the actual birthing process? He had no experience in that department.  
Still, he does his best for you throughout the entire process with the resources available to him. Massages to ease any pain you have, wellness prayers for both you and the baby, even helping you to calm yourself once the pains start. He's more glad that the two of you are both alive and well than have any qualms about overindulging on the child.
Ranmaru From the little we've seen of him outside of a romantic relationship, he definitely has some jealous tendencies, so I have no doubts that might carry over once the two of you consummate. And, to most outward appearances, he's proud that you're having his child, always ready at a moment's notice to take care of your every need and want, foot rubs and sweets galore! There are times when you wonder if you're getting bigger because of the baby or because of the number of sweet buns you've had, however (Ran reassures you that it's completely baby, don't worry! Did he tell you how cute your bump looks today? Because your baby bump is super cute, as is you, the soon-to-be mommy⭐!)
But, just like all things Ranmaru, there's a lot more once you start to see things below the surface. Sure, he might get smug if someone offers congratulations to the two of you, but he wasn't ready for ALL of the 'advice' from all sort of corners coming at him about how to be a good father, from Hideyoshi's good-natured advice (albeit delivered in his familiar nagging tone), to Mitsuhide's little on the nose poke at his insecurities about the future. He had literally no experience with children, let alone babies, not to mention he could lose you to complications and that was far scarier than running between two factions in secret. And, once the kid was born, he didn't have the easiest time bonding with the kid (probably the worst of the mentioned warlords thus far), sometimes echoing Ieyasu's 'let the kid learn to self-soothe once in a while'  but there are times when you wonder if he actually means it, even going so far as to hold you tighter in bed if he's really tired or had been away from you for an extended period of time. But he's quick to get over it if you don't give in to his pettiness, maybe a little sulking on his part as he watches you feeding the baby. But, once he sees that pure love you give off as you hold your child, he completely forgets why he was in a bad mood in the first place, apologizes, and gives kisses to both of you, giving one of his more genuine smiles.
Yoshimoto It's a bit harder to get a read on him since he seems flippant about most things, including some matters that involve his clan. Sure, his vassals would be thrilled to bits when news spread about him and his lady friend expecting a child, an heir! The Imagawa line was to continue at long last! But, with Yoshimoto himself… it's hard to say. Sure, being Shingen-kin means he would and sometimes will go for hours about how beautiful you were with soft kisses and touches everywhere, but soft words and gentle caresses don't mean one is ready for parenthood, let alone one that was currently getting by on the generosity of others or one that has poor survival skills, at best.
Clan matters aside, he can't deny the warmth he feels when he sees how happy you are, so he would also become a spoiling parent as well, no jealousy found here. If you don't step up, however, your kid might never hear the word 'no' in their young life and that might turn into something terrible, so you both might need to learn some self-restraint. Any higher beings, please help this child not grow up to be a spoiled brat!
Motonari Another one that's hard to get a complete read on, as he currently lives for the destruction of all things good and orderly, yet gives sound advice (even to his enemies!), so even chaos man has a stable, sensible side. So, going off that, I can see the two of you having a whirlwind romance that leads to a passionate romp (or a few more romps after that one, if that's your cup of tea) which, inevitably, leads to spending a few months at sea with a baby on the way, which doesn't even sound fun, to be honest. Still, Motonari keeps a good ship and makes sure his crewmates are cared for, even 'surprise stowaways' as he called the baby, to both you and his regular crewmates.
As for having any jealous tendencies towards the baby, in the little we've gotten about him thus far, he doesn't seem the jealous type? Honestly, he'd go with whatever decision you want to do about the child, whether to raise them on the sea or to let a nice land family raise them (or you stay on land for them, but where's the fun in that?) If anything, he might joke like Masamune in watching a feeding and commenting about the hungry little sea pup being greedy with their mom's attention while affectionately rubbing their head, wisps of little hairs getting caught against his gloved hand.
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ikemensweetheart · 4 years
Spider Lilies Chapter 2
Yokai!Yoshimoto x FemReader
An unexpected turn of events leads you into the Spirit World. A land of mythical and terrifying creatures called Yokai.
Pursued by a powerful Yokai called Nobunaga, you find refuge with Yoshimoto. A 'collector of beautiful things' as he calls himself.
Trapped in a strange world with no one else to turn to.
Will you become Nobunaga's bride or will another win your heart?
A/n: This series keeps turning into a long read, so I'm putting it under the cut.
Chapter 1
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In a dimly lit room, Nobunaga stood alone, his red eyes glowing in the candlelight as he stared out the window at the slumbering town below his castle.
Something shifted in the shadows behind him. "Report, Mitsuhide." He spoke into the darkness. From out of the shadows, Mitsuhide emerged, his seven tails low in reverence as he bowed before his lord. "Apologies, my lord, but I was unable to fulfill my mission."
Nobunaga turned toward the Kitsune. "What?" His voice was low with a dangerous edge. "The human wandered into the jorogumo's territory and she is under his protection now."
Nobunaga's eyes didn't leave Mitsuhide's neutral face as he processed the information.
A wicked grin bloomed on the oni's face. "So, the spider has gotten involved… that is interesting." He turned back to gaze out the window. "Where there is this one spider, there will be others. Take Masamune with you to Yoshimoto's meager territory and fetch my bride. Do whatever you deem necessary to whoever stands in your way."
"Yes, my lord." Mitsuhide bowed lower before disappearing back into the darkness.
You looked up to see Yoshimoto standing on the veranda from where you were sitting in the garden at the back of Yoshimoto's house. "Oh, hey, Yoshimoto."
It had been a few days since you had accepted Yoshimoto's offer to let you stay in his home. In exchange, you were more than willing to help out with the housework.
The day's work was done and now, you were relaxing outside in the small, but gorgeous garden behind the house.
"What are you doing?" Yoshimoto asked as he stepped off the veranda and walked over to join you on the bench. "Just sketching." You replied.
With all the chaos the day you arrived in the spirit world, you had somehow managed to keep a hold of your sketchbook.
"You're an artist?" Yoshimoto's eyes glimmered with interest. "Yeah, kinda. It's just something I do for fun. I'm not a professional or anything."
"May I see?" Your breath hitched in surprise at Yoshimoto's request. "I'm not very good." You say hurriedly. "You probably wouldn't like it."
"Perhaps you should let me be the one to form my own opinion." Yoshimoto countered gently.
Your heartbeat quickened. Your art was something you kept close to your heart. So it made you nervous when other people asked to see it. It felt like you were exposing your very soul.
"I'd really rather not." You said softly. 
Yoshimoto withdrew. "Very well, then." There was a flicker of disappointment in his eyes.
An awkward silence settled between the two of you.
"Would you like some tea?" Yoshimoto asked after a moment. "Um, sure." You replied.
Yoshimoto stood up and went back inside the house. 
Your shoulders slumped in relief and you sighed.
"That was quite a heavy sigh from someone so beautiful." You jumped in surprise at the sudden voice intruding on the silence of the garden. You looked up to see a man standing in one of the trees overhead.
"Ah!" You yelled as he climbed down the tree and landed alongside you. He was tall, he had a fine chiseled jaw and alluring grey eyes.
You immediately jumped to your feet. "Who- who are you?" You demanded, backing away from him. The man's eyes widened in surprise. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you." He then gives you a gentle smile. 
"Shingen?" You turned to see Yoshimoto back at the veranda, looking concerned. He had heard you scream and had come to check on you.
"Yoshimoto! There you are, cousin." The newcomer greeted Yoshimoto, casually raising his hand. "I didn't expect you to have such beautiful company today." 
"(MC), this is Shingen. Shingen, this is (MC)." Yoshimoto introduced the two of you. "(MC)." Shingen purred your name. "What a beautiful name for a beautiful maiden." He stepped toward you, took your hand and kissed it. "It's a pleasure to meet you, princess."
"Um, yeah." You murmured. Slightly taken aback. You gave Yoshimoto a questioning look. "What brings you here today, Shingen?" He asked. 
"I was in the area and thought I'd stop in to say hello." Shingen explained. "Sorry for not coming in the front, but I simply couldn't resist the vision I discovered in your garden." He then flashed you a dashing smile.
You stare at him speechless. Your face quickly felt like it was on fire. Meanwhile, Yoshimoto seemed completely unfazed. "I see." He said simply. "I just finished some tea. Would you like to join us?" He then offered.
"That sounds like a wonderful idea."
Yoshimoto ushered Shingen inside. You followed. Not sure what to make of this whole situation.
As the three of you sit down in the main room you ask. "So, how do you two know each other?" 
"Shingen and I are cousins." Yoshimoto explained to you as he poured the tea. "Ah." Then they must be close for Shingen to drop in unannounced like that.
"What about you, (MC)? How did you come to know Yoshimoto?"
You were taken aback by Shingen's inquiry. "Well, um…" You glanced over at Yoshimoto. Unsure as to how to answer that.
"She came through the torii gate to the west of the lake." Yoshimoto explained. 
Shingen's eyes widened. "I see. You're very brave for a human." He said. "What?" You looked at him in confusion. 
Shingen chuckled. "You're aware that we're yokai, no doubt. Beings that eat humans and yet, here you are, having tea with two of us. Very few humans would have the courage to do that."
"Ah." You murmured softly. Then a question entered your mind. "So, are you a jorogumo too?" You asked.
Shingen laughed. "Close, but not quite. I'm a tsuchigumo, you see." He explained.
A tsuchigumo being related to a jorogumo? Two different types of spider yokai. You were curious how that worked.
"Lord Shingen!!" You jumped at the sound of a voice yelling from the front of the house. "Ah, there's Yuki." Shingen said calmly. Yuki?
"I'll let him in." Yoshimoto stood up and went to the door. He came back with a young, brown haired man who was absolutely seething.
"Lord Shingen, what are you doing here?" He demanded. "Having tea." Shingen answered. "I can see that, but we don't have time for that." The young man said.
"There's always time for tea with a lovely lady."  Shingen countered. 
This Yuki guy let out an exasperated sigh. "We need to get back, they're expecting us."
It was Shingen's turn to let a sigh, this one was one of disappointment. "Very well." He finally conceded. He then stood up and turned to you. "But don't worry, Princess." He took your hand in his again. "I promise I'll come by to see you again." And planted a kiss on the back of it.
"Um… okay." There your face goes again. 
"Gah!" Yukimura cried out. He then grabbed Shingen by the collar of his kimono and yanked him up. "Come on." He grumbled as he practically dragged the other male out the door.
After they left, you gave Yoshimoto a confused look. "What was that about?" You asked.
"Yukimura is a vassal of Shingen's." Yoshimoto explained. "Though he tends to send himself in a tizzy on certain matters."
"Of course you of all people would be able to find a female in the middle of nowhere." Yukimura grumbled as he and Shingen walked through the forest. "The only question is how you found her." He shot his lord a suspicious glance.
"Oh, don't be like that, Yuki." Shingen said. "It's not like I can pull females out of my sleeve. (MC) was already there when I came."
"Then what was she doing there?" Yukimura countered. "Apparently, she wandered through the old torii gate by accident."
"What?!" Yukimura stopped in his tracks. "You're saying she's a human? But that's impossible. All the paths between our realm and the human realm were closed ages ago."
"Yes, but you forget that the path to the Underworld comes through here on rare occasions." Shingen corrected his subordinate as he continued walking. Yukimura quickly resumed walking and caught back up to the older tsuchigumo. "She makes only the second human to come into our world in this manner. She's lucky she came across Yoshimoto and not an unsavory individual-"
Shingen suddenly stopped. His eyes narrowed on something. "Yuki. Hide, quickly." The two males dart behind a tree just in time to see a silver kitsune accompanied by a man wearing an eye patch.
They stayed hidden until the two had passed.
"Mitsuhide and Masamune." Yukimura hissed. "What are that oni's goons doing here?" 
"I'm not entirely sure, but they're headed for Yoshimoto's. Come on, Yuki!"
"Hey, Yoshimoto." You said. The two of you had continued enjoying your tea after Shingen had left. "Yes?" Yoshimoto glanced up at you from his tea. "Can I try making dinner tonight by myself?" You asked. "Do you feel ready for it?"
"Yeah." You replied. "I mean, I think I've gotten the hang of it."
Yoshimoto's kitchen was much more antiquated than you were used to, but you were getting the hang of it and you wanted to try cooking on your own.
"Very well, then." Yoshimoto agreed. "Great!" You smiled at him.
Just then, there's a knock at the door. Yoshimoto and you exchange confused looks. "Who could that be?" Yoshimoto asked. "Do you think Shingen forgot something?" You mused. "Unlikely." Yoshimoto rose to his feet. "Stay here, (MC)."
Yoshimoto left. Heading to the door to investigate while you remained in the main room. 
Everything grew quiet. Far too quiet for your liking.
You heard the sound of clothes rustling behind you. You spun around to find yourself face to face with someone you had hoped never to see again.
"Hello again, little mouse." Mitsuhide is standing over you. A grin like a cheshire cat on his face.
"Yoshimoto!" You screamed as you scrambled to your feet, but your cry is answered by a thunderous crash from the front of the house. "Yoshimoto!" You tried to run, but Mitsuhide was faster. Grabbing your arm, he pulled you back towards him and with a single strong hand, held your wrists together behind your back. "Let me go!" You yelled as you writhed in his firm grip.
"You're not getting away from me this time, little mouse." He hissed in your ear. "Now, be a good girl and come along quietly. Lord Nobunaga is waiting for you."
"Now, that's no way to treat a lady." Your head snapped up. You looked back to see Shingen standing at the outer door to the garden. "Shingen!" You cried out in relief. "Do not interfere, tsuchigumo." Mitsuhide raised his free hand and a blue fireball ignited in his palm. You shrank back in surprise. Shingen just laughed. "Am I supposed to be scared of that little candle?" He asked.
Twip! There's a glimmer of something out of the corner of your eye. Suddenly, you're yanked forward and into Yukimura's waiting arms. He was standing at the door to the kitchen. "Don't worry, I've got you." He told you. "Yuki… mura?" You were surprised to see him too. So was Mitsuhide, it seemed.
Muttering something nasty sounding under his breath, he sent a fireball at Shingen and launched himself at Yukimura. "I will not let you escape with my lord's bride." 
"Well, too bad. He's not getting her!" Scooping you up bridal style, Yukimura hightails it out from the kitchen door.
You yelped as he suddenly jumped up into the nearby trees. "Come on, let's get you out of here." He said. "Wait. What about Yoshimoto?" You asked. "Don't worry, Princess." You looked over to see Shingen on another branch. "Yoshimoto can take care of himself. Look." Shingen pointed to the front of the house. 
There you saw a giant blue spider fighting… was that a dragon?! 
"Right now, we need to focus on keeping you out of their claws. Yoshimoto will catch up with us." Shingen added. "Let's go, Yuki."
"Right." With that, Shingen and Yukimura take off through the trees with you in tow.
"Where are we going?" You asked.
"In the north there is the territory of a powerful snow spirit." Shingen explained. "You'll be safe there. Nobunaga and his goons won't dare challenge him." He gave you a reassuring smile.
Strangely, it didn't put you at ease like Yoshimoto's did.
To be continued…
Thanks for reading. I hope you all enjoyed!
Stay Safe
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crimson-snowfall · 4 years
[Birthday Fic] The Promise
Word Count: 1193
Pairing: Yoshimoto x ChildhoodFriend!MC (Haruna)
Warnings: NSFW
Additional Notes: Set in the Edo period, so this is an AU. Haruna is not necessarily an OC and is simply a placeholder name for my Ikesen fics for the MC when written in 3rd person. Also, this ain’t really much, but hey, I tried. Sorry my dear mushroom man but it’s the thought that counts right?
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"Haruna," the young boy called out to the young girl who was about his age, "...when we grow up, would you mind it if I made you my wife?"
The sound of feet splashing against the pristine waters of the river stopped as the young girl turned to the young boy, a pale blush on her cheeks as she regarded him with an expression that seemed to ask whether she had heard him right. Flustered by her reaction, the young boy trailed off,
"I apologize, it may be just a thought but it's still too sudden for me to ask--"
"No... I wouldn't mind." the young girl finally found her voice, and soon the gentle splashing of her feet against the river resumed. "I think you'd make a good husband, Yoshimoto-kun."
"You think so?"
"Then… I promise I'll be a good husband to you once we’ve grown up.”
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Yoshimoto woke up feeling rather gloomy that morning. He found that he'd been dreaming a lot of Haruna lately, and while the dreams themselves were rather pleasant, it also reminded him of the fact that he'd still yet to find her after all the years that had passed since her disappearance.
Shingen had invited him again to accompany him to Yoshiwara that evening, and though he never once turned him down, his intentions for coming along were completely different. The moment he’d heard of the rumors surrounding his childhood sweetheart’s fate, he’d been silently praying in his heart that that’s all they’d ever be– rumors, but the notion that the longer he rejected the idea, the longer he’d been making her wait didn’t sit well with him either.
Because if the rumors were anything to go by, Yoshiwara is one of the places he’s likely to find her.
Haruna came from a wealthy family of merchants, and that’s why at first, Yoshimoto was rather skeptical her family would actually sell her off into the red light district, but the controversies that surrounded the family in the more recent years had exposed the extent of their greed that the rumors he didn’t want to believe gained more ground.
That evening, Shingen had taken him to a brothel they had never visited before; and it didn’t take really long before they were surrounded by yūjo.
“See anyone familiar?” Shingen asked as Yoshimoto downed his sake.
“No… I don’t think she’s here.” Whether Yoshimoto was relieved or saddened by his own statement, he did not really know at that time.
Shingen tried convincing him to spend the night with the other ladies instead, and that his goddess probably wouldn’t mind even if he did so, when a fresh batch of refreshments had been delivered into the room and the worker had discreetly handed Yoshimoto an envelope.
“It’s an invitation from one of our high-ranking courtesans,” the worker mouthed to him before leaving.
Yoshimoto stared at the envelope for a while, and not wanting to draw the attention of the other occupants of the room, he silently slipped out of it. He felt his heart skip a beat when he saw the familiar handwriting, and before he knew it, his feet were already taking him to the room indicated in the brief invitation.
The sliding doors made a sharp sound as he’d opened them in a rush, but in retrospect, he probably should’ve invested some time in calming down his racing heart and mentally preparing himself for what he was about to confront.
Because the moment their eyes met, Yoshimoto had fallen into his knees.
A wave of various emotions washed over him– but more than anything, Yoshimoto was in awe. He’d been in love with his childhood sweetheart for as long as he could remember, but seeing the beautiful woman she’d grown into in all those years they’d been apart evoked so much admiration and love that it left him speechless, and he probably would’ve remained on his knees had she not approached him and offered him a hand.
“Are you alright?” Haruna’s voice had not really changed that much from when they were younger, but he could tell she’s trying her best to do an impression of a woman that belongs to that place. He placed a kiss on top of the hand she was offering him, before rising up to engulf her petite form in a passionate embrace.
“Haruna...it’s really y-you,” his voice broke with raw emotion, while his actions left his childhood sweetheart dumbfounded.
“So you do remember me,” she wanted to return her embrace, but found herself hesitating and somehow regretting the fact that she’d invited him to begin with. Haruna honestly thought her beloved childhood friend wouldn’t recognize her anymore.
“How could I forget? I made a promise with you, didn’t I?”
Quite reluctantly, Haruna gently pushed him away. “But I’m no longer the same innocent girl you made that promise to. I… I’ve already been through a lot, and I think you deserve better than–”
Yoshimoto cut her off with a kiss that wasn’t quite like any of the kisses she’d had throughout her career– it was filled with love and it left her truly breathless. In fact, she was so taken by it that she couldn’t exactly recall how he’d closed the sliding door behind him nor how he had maneuvered them into the futon. He disrobed her with utmost care as though he was handling a treasure, and while her standing in the hierarchy made it so that she had a certain degree of freedom as to who could sleep with her, the gentle way he handled her remains a far cry from what she has to deal with on a regular basis.
“Yoshimoto…” she purred out his name as he kissed her all over, one hand holding hers tightly while the other fondled with her breasts.
“I love you, Haruna, and there’s nothing you can do or tell me that would ever change that.”
“But I can’t leave this place-”
“I’m taking you out of this place,” and before she could even argue that it was going to be dangerous, Yoshimoto latched onto her breast and shoved two fingers into her wet core, eliciting sweet moans from her.
He took his time with her, savoring every inch of her flesh and memorizing all the spots drew out his name sweetly from her lips. He wanted to do all that he could in a single night to make up as much as he could for all the time lost, and he made love to her until tears of ecstasy brimmed her eyes and she was pleasantly sore all over.
Haruna clung into him, her nails digging into his back as they simultaneously approached what would be their third orgasm that night. He whispered words of love into her ears as he throbbed inside her pulsating core that greedily sucked in his release, filling her up in more ways than she knew was possible.
The following night, Yoshimoto snuck Haruna out of the red light district just like he said he would, made her his wife as soon as he could and proceeded to fulfill his promise to her.
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A little disclaimer but I’m not really well read as to how those kinds of places operate and idk if courtesans in the Edo period could actually do that but hey it’s a fanfic and I don’t really want to stress myself out trying to be correct about everything. Also I still haven’t really recovered from my lack of motivation to do stuff and we’re only really given one week of break in between academic terms, but I’ll try my best to get back into writing since I really have a lot of ideas but I’ve been so goddamn unmotivated and out of sorts lately.
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otomememento · 4 years
A Lone Blossom
Cybird Creative Challenge: Day 31 - Lasts
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”  The soft, light voice behind Mina startled her; she hadn’t heard anyone approach.  Turning towards the voice, she smiled, nodding her head, both in agreement and relief.  Yoshimoto was a beautiful man outside, and she suspected he was equally beautiful inside, if somewhat sad.  Something about the aesthete calmed her.
“Yes, it is.  A perfect blossom.”  It wasn’t too bright, or too pale.  The petals were well formed and evenly spaced.  Despite the greenery growing in, that one last blossom clung to the tree with persistence when all the other blooms had fallen, carpeting the ground beneath the cherry tree.
“Alas, it too will fall,” said Yoshimoto sadly.  Again he had that far off look in his eyes; quite often Mina felt as if he wasn’t really there with her.  It wasn’t a distance from disdain or obliviousness.  He just seemed to live in his own world by choice.  Sometimes she wondered what the world looked like through his eyes.
“Everything will eventually fall.  The leaves will have their time too,” Mina said gently.  “After that, the snow will fall.  But that last blossom will pave the way for more blossoms to come when spring returns.”
“But the blossom won’t be there to see it.”  Yoshimoto seemed to be in the grip of melancholy.  Mina turned around fully now, giving Yoshimoto a long look.  Sucking on her bottom lip, she ventured to ask the question that was on her mind.
“Are you talking about the blossom, or are you talking about yourself?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.  Yoshimoto’s eyes widened a bit, those beautiful eyes that were a pale shade of yellow seen in an early sunrise.  Eyes that spoke of beginnings, rather than the ends he seemed so fixated on.
“Perhaps both,” he responded slowly, his tone tentative, as though it was a risk to even admit that much.
“I’m not very good at politics, or history.  And I’m only fair at metaphors.  But this blossom, would you cut it down before it was ready to fall naturally?  Would you take your sword and slice it from the tree, just because that would be its eventual fate?”  She shook her head.  “When others get angry, or feel threatened, or have their pride torn down, they reach for their weapons, even if their hands never touch the hilt.  I’ve never seen you reach.  Not once.”
“You’re right, I wouldn’t,” Yoshimoto agreed.  He had no desire to destroy anything of beauty; they were the things he wanted to protect.
“If the blossom is safe from you, why can’t you be safe from yourself?”  The question was challenging, but Mina’s tone was still soft and gentle.  She wasn’t berating him; she wanted to understand him better.  “You wouldn’t destroy that blossom, but you’re still allied in a war, not because you care about fighting, but because you think you have to.  Aren’t there enough people fighting, and wanting to fight, without you?”
“The fight will happen, whether I’m with them or not.”  Was that a hint of bitterness in his voice?
“That is true; I can’t say it won’t be.  There are many warlords, and there are many soldiers, and there are many vassals and serfs.  But I don’t know many people who can fight, who are ranked high enough to fight, and choose not to.  All these green leaves, they’ve crowded out the blossoms.  But that last blossom is all the more beautiful for it.”
Yoshimoto turned away from Mina.  Her words touched him, but his sense of duty was still strong, even as much as he personally disdained what his duty compelled him to do.  But he didn’t want her to see the conflict on his face; she was only trying to help.  Still, there was something warm in her attempt, something that made his burden feel a little less heavy.
Brushing past Mina, he reached up and delicately broke the branch that held the finally blossom.  Mina gasped, as though stung, but then her eyes widened as the blossom was tucked into her hair behind her ear.
“Cherish the blossom.  It was going to fade soon, but now it won’t fade alone.”
With that, Yoshimoto left her.  Mina reached up, delicate fingers blushing against the blossom.
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toreii · 5 years
I'll take a chance at making it early. If you would I would love a Yoshimoto story. He's very intriguing. Nothing huge. But perhaps just a meal with his princess. I live for domestic fluff.
Thank you for being my first request! And, I loved that you requested Yoshimoto.💕 Thank you for giving me the opportunity to write for him. I hope I didn’t disappoint!
The busy market road flourished with merchants and customers. It was another sunny and vibrant afternoon in Azuchi’s castle town. Mai stepped out onto the road, her arms full of new rolls of fabric and materials, and glanced over her shoulder shooting the shop owner a bright smile.
"Thank you again!"
The shop owner shook his head. "No. No. The pleasure is all mine, princess. I can't wait to see what you come up with next."
"I have a feeling it’ll be my best work yet,” she replied.
The shop owner laughed. “If there’s anything else I can get for you, do let me know.”
Mai giggled. “Thanks!”
Bidding the proprietor a farewell, she set off down the road with her purchases. Mai had become good friends with the aging man. Having someone to talk about fabrics, textures, and colors was a relief from the usual political jargon going on in Nobunaga’s war councils. Sure, she was learning how to survive each day in the Sengoku era. Still, she wanted to continue to surround herself with her passion of fashion design.
Humming a tune, Mai walked back along her path to return to the castle. Suddenly, she heard a high pitched laughter coming from several women up ahead. Mai glanced over to what looked like a tea house. Outside, a group of women crowded over someone who was sitting on a bench right outside the shop. Mai briefly wondered who it could be that the women surrounded. She continued on as she passed the noisy group pushing the thought to the back of her head.
Mai halted just as the women exclaimed in surprise. As Mai glanced back, her eyes widened upon seeing a man emerge from the group. Her eyes darted left and right trying to find a sign of her time traveling best friend or his usual companion—the cute, rude boy she met at the cliff her first night in the past. There was no sign of either of them, nor of any of her Azuchi friends.
“Yo-Yoshimoto-san...right?” [Name] answered.
His ornate eyes lit up upon hearing her speak his name. His smile widened as he approached the Azuchi princess. They had met previously aside from Mai’s first night. Mai knew if Yoshimoto was in Azuchi, it was usually because of the artistic crafts the castle town provided. He also accompanied Sasuke on recon missions, but Yoshimoto was usually drawn to everything Azuchi had to provide. He was a connoisseur of the arts, after all.
“Fancy seeing you here. I see you’re stocking up on materials.”
“Um, yeah. I got this new fabric that just came in, and there are some new patterns I’d also like to try out,” [Name] explained.
Yoshimoto reached out taking hold of Mai’s arm. “Why don’t you tell me all about it. Could I invite you out to eat?”
“Well, I don’t mind, but what about your friends back there?” Mai inquired.
When she glanced at the women, she just wanted to disappear from their deadly gazes. Mai shrunk back shielding herself behind Yoshimoto to escape their heated glares. Yoshimoto merely smiled—although deceivingly—as he waved at the women.
“If you’ll excuse me, I have business to attend to with Mai,” he said.
“Um, Yoshimoto-san, I’m sure we can do this another day,” Mai interjected.
He glanced down at her. “Nonsense. Now, let’s go.”
Mai had no choice but to start walking with him as he led her down the busy street. “Ah, right…”
They ended up at a newly opened restaurant in Azuchi. Mai had heard some reviews from seamstresses and vassals in the castle in regards to the restaurant. They recommended the food, and Mai had put it on her list of potential eateries. She had been working to save up for a meal. However, she had just spent a good portion of her savings on her new fabrics a while ago.
“Order whatever you’d like, Mai. It’s my treat,” Yoshimoto said.
Mai shook her head. “Oh no, I couldn’t impose.”
Yoshimoto placed a hand on her arm. “Allow me. In exchange, tell me all about your new kimono.”
Mai smiled shyly. “Well, if you insist.”
They placed their orders and while they waited, Mai took a roll of fabric showing the intricate patterns and dyes used. She matched each fabric with each other hoping to convey the image of the kimono she envisioned at the fabric shop.
“We are getting into the colder seasons, so I thought about using blues but that seems so typical. So, I went with other cool colors like this verdant green. And, if I match it with this golden, yellow…” Mai paused and glanced at him. “I’m not boring you, am I?”
Yoshimoto laughed. “Not at all. I enjoy seeing you talk so passionately about your work. You truly have an eye for fabrics.”
“Well, it is part of my work. I know I talk about all this, but at the end of it all, what truly makes me happy is seeing someone wear something I made. Their joy and happiness is all I need to keep on going. I’d be beside myself if one of my kimonos didn’t turn out right,” she explained.
Yoshimoto nodded. “You have a discerning eye for detail. I’m impressed you haven’t been taught previously by anyone. I’m amazed by your innate talent, Mai.”
She waved him off. “You compliment me too much, Yoshimoto-san. I… I do my best, is all.”
“I have no doubt you have unlimitless boundaries. Have you ever thought of assembling your own collection, Mai?” Yoshimoto inquired.
“My own collection?” She queried, with a tilt of her head.
Before another word could be uttered, their meals had arrived. Mai glanced down at her numerous portions each displayed delectably on their dishes. The thought had never crossed her mind. Mai simply wanted to create her own designs, and make them come to life. As long as someone wore her clothes, that was more than enough.
“Mai, is something wrong?” Yoshimoto asked.
She shook her head as a small smile graced her lips. “I never thought about my work that way. To simply make a collection and show it off. I mean, the same could be said about my meal.”
“How so?” Yoshimoto inquired.
“Clearly, work went in to prepare it and display it as so,” Mai gestured to the dishes. “However, I can tell the cook would much appreciate it if it was tasted and eaten. That’s how I feel about my work. I rather have people wear my clothes than just show them off.”
Yoshimoto smiled again. “I see. That suits you a lot more.”
“Shall we enjoy this meal, then?” Mai asked, with a big smile in return.
“There is a way to savor this work of art, as well,” he continued, taking a piece of simmered carrots. “Close your eyes and taste every flavor you can distinguish with your tongue.”
Mai followed his example taking a piece of her grilled fish into her mouth. It was more than the charbroiled taste. The texture, the flavors that had been infused, and the softness of the meat all melted in her mouth. Mai’s eyes immediately snapped open, and she gazed at Yoshimoto with astonishment.
“It’s delicious!”
“I came to Azuchi just for this restaurant. I’m glad to have ran into you, Mai. Enjoying this moment with you is all that I could ask for,” Yoshimoto said.
Mai giggled. “Surely you jest, Yoshimoto-san.”
He leaned in closing the gap between them. Snapping his fan open, Yoshimoto shielded them both from prying stares. Mai could feel her cheeks flush as she stared right into his half-lidded gaze.
“Thank you, Mai.”
In their own private space, Yoshimoto brushed his lips across Mai’s cheek before placing a chaste kiss upon the corner of her mouth. He withdrew back soon after snapping his fan shut. Mai simply stared back; her mouth agape. Yoshimoto returned to his meal, his smile never faltering, as a new craving took place. Even in her dumbfounded expression, Yoshimoto marveled at the work of art that Mai was. One day, he hoped to truly uncover all of her beauty.
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ikeromantic · 1 year
Yay! I'm so excited for this! Thank you for doing it. I think it's easier if I send these one at a time so you can keep track. I have a lot, but I'll only ask for 3 and then do an optional list.
Ask 1
Yoshimoto, H is for Heat, 😏
Ahaha I love Yoshimoto. This one is a bit spicy! Approx. 1000 words of love, beauty, and heat! 1K Follower Celebration Ikesen Edition!
Yoshimoto sat in the shade, where the spray from the garden fountain misted over his skin and the breeze carried the faint smell of summer flowers. The day was sweltering hot, so much that the air shimmered over paving stones and roof tops. Everything was at a standstill as workers and warlords alike wilted in the summer heat. 
It was hard to convince himself to move, even to cool himself with a drink. But the prickling sweat on his skin made him restless and uncomfortable. There was no position, no place, that lessened the discomfort. Finally, he decided to go and walk along a shady forest path nearby, where the breeze was a little stronger and the air was cooled from the passage of a nearby stream. Likely, he would be as uncomfortable there as here, but at least it would be pretty.
He went alone, moving quietly along a narrow track of packed dirt. Birds sang from the branches above and flowers nodded with the gentle wind. It wasn’t cooler, really, but it felt nice to be nestled among such beauty. 
The burbling splash of the creek grew louder as he neared a small footbridge that crossed it, though the water was still out of sight. Hidden from view by flowering bushes and thick greenery. Yoshimoto looked forward to seeing the glimmer of sunlight dancing on the water. He stepped out past the last tangle of brush, his gaze falling to the water with anticipation.
And he froze.
There was a woman there, in a deeper pool of water. Her back was to him - and what a lovely back it was. Her hair fell in damp curls across her skin. Water glistened in it like gems set against silk. Droplets gleamed across her back and the curve of her hip, lazily trickling down to join the stream again. 
She turned to the side, and he caught sight of the rise of her breast. The pert nipple crowned with glistening damp. 
He knew he should look away. Cough or call out to let her know she was spotted. That she wasn’t alone. But he couldn’t tear his eyes from her beauty nor find the breath to speak at all. The word breathtaking was bandied about, he thought, but this was the first time he’d felt it in truth. This woman took his breath away, stole it with her grace and allure. 
Yoshimoto wanted to paint her. To capture this moment forever. This fey creature, too lovely for mortal eyes . . . was he cursed or blesses for seeing her?
He did not realize he was leaning toward her until he lost his balance. Arms wheeling, he fell into the rushing water below. Yoshimoto wasn’t sure if he cried out or not, but she did. A shout of surprise as she turned to see him go under. He caught a glimpse of her face, eyes wide, lips parted. He thought he could die happy from the sight.
The heavy silk of his robes pulled him down and for a moment, he struggled. Then he found his footing and stood. The water here was only waist deep, and Yoshimoto felt a little silly for his moment of panic. 
The woman had her arms crossed over her chest and a look of mild amusement. “Yoshimoto! What are you doing out here?”
He felt his face heat with embarrassment. The beauty was none other than the chatelaine of Azuchi castle. “I . . . didn’t recognize you.”
“I expect most people wouldn’t from that end . . .” She shook her head ruefully. “I thought Ranmaru was keeping watch. He was supposed to warn me if anyone came down the path. I guess he didn’t see you.”
“I saw no one watching the path.” Yoshimoto wasn’t sure where he ought to lay his eyes. Her face, most likely, but they kept drifting down toward her breast, her belly, the gentle swell of her hip and thigh. Nudity usually had little effect on him, other than aesthetic appreciation, but seeing her like this . . . lush and glistening . . . he felt his mouth go dry.
“Eyes. Up here.” She gave an embarrassed laugh. “When you look at me like that, I think I know what it feels like to be konpeito.”
“Konpeito? No, I think not. Such a treat dissolves quickly on the tongue, forgotten a moment later. You are a banquet to be savored. Complex, alluring, unforgettable.”
Her cheeks flushed with heat and she looked away. “You shouldn’t say things like that. I’ll take them the wrong way.”
“I don’t know what way that would be. I mean every word. You are a work of art. I could make a study of you.” He took a step closer, not meaning to exactly, but wanting to be closer. His hands itched to touch her. His lips yearned to taste. Every part of him ached with unexpected need. 
She laughed. “See? Things like that make me think of very un-intellectual activities. Less Monet and more dirty finger painting.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” His voice was low and his throat felt almost too tight for words. “Could I . . . kiss you?”
“It’s not a good idea. I’m pretty sure it’s a very bad idea. Very very bad.” Despite her words, she closed the distance between them, the few steps that held him in check. 
Yoshimoto gave a soft, choked laugh. “It probably is. And yet -”  He kissed her hungrily, his mouth hot and desperate. His tongue slipped between her lips, tasting her sweetness, the flavor of sake and plums and the taste that was just her. His hands slid around her body, pulling her flush against him. 
She held onto his shoulders and kissed him back with just as much desire as he felt. 
“We shouldn’t,” he breathed, as the kiss broke. 
“We really shouldn’t,” she agreed, sliding the wet silk from his shoulders to bare his skin. 
There would be consequences. And yet, all of that felt very far away as he lost himself to her tender kisses and the satin of her skin.
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kilesplaysthings · 5 years
Hey y’all. Back at it again with more fics of ikesen kisses :3 again, prompts are from here.
“I still don’t know about this…”
She was nervous, hovering hesitantly in the doorway of Yoshimoto’s foyer. Lined up before her were several beautiful kimono on display. She stared in awe at the myriad of colors: blues and reds; yellows and creams; blacks and golds; greens and browns. There were solid colors and various patterns, animals and flowers, plants and landscapes; and all on these flowing robes that he had acquired over an extensive period of years. It was an impressive collection of art - and all of it worth way more money than she had probably seen in her lifetime.
Yoshimoto turned her way, a perplexed frown on his face.
“I don’t understand why you are so concerned about this. I would think any lady would be pleased to try these beautiful pieces on,” he remarked. “And after all, it saves you money this way.”
Hana was quite the strange one, he couldn’t help but think. Earlier that day, he had run into her on her way to the market and she had told him she was going shopping for fabrics. There was an upcoming banquet that he and Shingen were hosting, and she wanted to dress properly for the occasion. To prepare, she said, she was going to purchase some elegant fabric designs for a new kimono. Thinking that she should save her money for a rainy day, he invited her over to his manor. He figured he could loan her a kimono from his extensive collection. It was only for a night and the thought of her gliding around in one of his kimono at an elegant party pleased him for some reason.
“I wasn’t going to spend a large amount of money and I like making my own clothes,” she countered. “Besides, I don’t know if I could do these beautiful pieces justice...” Her voice sunk to a mutter as she turned her gaze back to the kimono there before them.
Yoshimoto studied her face and a realization dawned on him. Ah.. he thought. I see now. Someone is feeling insecure, isn’t she?
“Nonsense,” he said aloud. “Do not doubt my judgment. I am a connoisseur of beautiful things, whose taste is exceptional. I am certain there is a kimono in here that is just perfect for you.”
He strode over to her and gently tugged her into the room. One of his maids, who she hadn’t noticed at first, approached them at his summons.
“Now then. How about this one?” He suggested, gesturing to a brightly-colored hikizuri with complex patterns. He liked the coordination of colors on it and how they blended and contrasted with each other.
“Er..” she balked at it a little. Her eyes wandered and fell upon a different one to the left.
“On second thought, can I try this one on instead?”
He blinked, nonplussed. Unlike the other colorful ensembles, it seemed that Hana had set her sights on a more subdued kimono. It was a silk hikizuri of a deep burgundy. All over it was a subtle dotted pattern of a mere shade darker that was only visible to the naked eye when the wearer moved. Spread out along the base was a large chrysanthemum of a pale gold and scattered along the sleeves were petals of the same color.
“This is the one you want?” He asked to be sure.
She nodded firmly. “I do. I like the color and its simplicity. There’s an elegance to it.” She told him.
“Very well. Let’s have you try it on, then.” He nodded to the maids that had accumulated as the two of them were talking. The escorted her into an inner room and a couple of them gingerly removed the kimono from its display. It would take several minutes for her get dressed so he preoccupied himself in the next room with his work he had to do before the banquet began.
After a little while, he heard the sound of the doors sliding open.
“All right, I’m all dressed!”
“Excellent.” He set his pen down and rose up to meet her. “Let’s have a look at you.”
She then appeared before him, shuffling gingerly along the tatami mats. Accompanied with the kimono was an obi of golds, reds and dark blues wrapped around her slim waist. She held her arms out, fingers barely visible as they gripped the sleeves to show the way they draped long and low over her arms.
“Well? How does it look?” She wondered, staring down at the silken garment. “I’ll probably just tie my hair up in a simple way, and I assume you have accessories that I would wear with this, right?”
“Yes,” he answered, a bit absentmindedly. He had not exactly considered the idea that this more subdued kimono would look so lovely on her petite figure. The burgundy and gold complimented the color of her hair and accented her eyes. He could just picture how complete and radiant she’d look after applying a slight touch of makeup to her face. It would indeed be a sight to behold.
“So?” She pressed further, shaking him out of his delightful reverie. “You didn’t answer me. How does it look?”
A satisfied smile spread across his face. He strode up to her slowly, enjoying the way she was eyeing him inquisitively. Once he was standing right beside her, he reached out and with a fleeting brush of his fingertips, tucked some strands of hair behind her ear.
Her eyes widened a little and curiosity flickered in them. His fingers came into contact with the outer shell of her ear oh, so briefly, but he could have sworn she shivered a little. It made him smile more and lean in even closer. A delightful shade of pink that complimented the burgundy of her lovely kimono came over her cheeks as he brushed his lips against her temple in an achingly gentle kiss. Then, moving those soft lips to her ear, he whispered,
“You look beautiful…”
41 notes · View notes
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Chapter 36: Time Warped…. Sasuke has a plan to save Shingen, but it involves Katsuko taking a dangerous risk.
Shingen x OC; Kenshin x MC (Mai)
Previous Chapter: Here
Logline - Disguised as a boy, Katsuko finds herself working for Shingen, but her dangerous masquerade becomes difficult to sustain when she falls for the man with a fatal secret.
“Have you come with me because you want to check out these artisans, or because Shingen asked you to keep me out of trouble?” I sent a challenging look toward Yoshimoto as we approached a studio belonging to Tokuro, a wood artist who had been recommended to us. I’d been on the hunt for another burr puzzle, hoping to find something to distract Shingen into taking breaks from his work. Eventually, I asked Yoshimoto where he had found the first one, and he’d offered to help me search.
“Do you think I do everything Shingen asks of me?” Yoshimoto gestured for me to precede him into a home-studio that smelled pleasantly of sawdust and lacquer.
“Oh, I am well aware that you don’t.” It had been a point of complaint from Shingen during the tactical lessons. “I’m also well aware that you did not answer my question.”
“You’re sounding more and more like a spymaster. And possibly an interrogator.” He bowed to Tokuro who responded with an even more reverent bow. Yoshimoto’s reputation as a patron of arts preceded him. “To answer that question – I am, as you must know by now, always interested in art and antiques… but it may also be true that my cousin requested I accompany you.”
Oooh, I was so going to have to have another talk with Shingen. “It’s not like I haven’t already spent the better part of a week looking for a puzzle on my own.”
“That will be our secret.” Yoshimoto turned to Tokuro, introduced me, then wandered off to examine some carved screens, while I explained to the artist what I was looking for.
Hopefully, he had some already in his shop. I could always commission one, but since I wanted a puzzle sooner rather than later, I was hoping to find one that was already completed.
Tokuro frowned for a moment as I tried to explain what burr puzzle looked like, then led me to a display of boxes with an inlay lid. “I do not have a puzzle of that sort, though the concept is intriguing. But will something like this serve instead?”
A box? It took me a moment before I realized these were puzzle boxes. It had been a long time since I had seen one, but when I was a child, one of my schoolmates brought one to class, and we’d all had fun trying to decipher the sequence needed to open it. No, it wasn’t what I had been looking for, but in fact, might even be better. “This is beautiful… and it’s perfect.”
I immediately paid, which was a good thing, as Yoshimoto tried to buy it out from under me. He threatened to outbid me, until I pointed out that he could commission one for himself, and as such, would be able to take part in the design. “I’m certain that Tokuro can execute anything you can envision.”
My suggestion was successful, and I left Yoshimoto and Tokuro to hammer out the details of the commission. Perhaps I should have felt guilty at so easily escaping my so-called bodyguard, but Sasuke, who had been off on a mission for Kenshin for days, was due back, and I wanted to talk to him about time travel without Yoshimoto as an audience.
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Once I had picked up the traditional order of pastry for Shingen, I laid in wait for Sasuke near the castle gates. Luckily for my fraying patience (seriously, why did Kenshin always send Sasuke on a mission right when I needed to talk to him?), it wasn’t very long before I spotted my friend rounding the path from the stables.
“How was your latest errand?” I asked him. Errand was his universal catch-all for whatever mission Kenshin sent him on.
“Apparently less eventful than it was here.” He gestured to the fading bruise under my eye. “I’m half convinced Kenshin sent me on a snipe hunt to punish me for planning to leave.” He glanced at the few packages I was carrying. “Pastry run?”
“Among other things. So, I take it you gave notice to Kenshin…and it didn’t go well?” I couldn’t imagine that Kenshin would be happy to lose Sasuke. Though he wasn’t as possessive of Sasuke as he was with Mai, I knew Kenshin would be upset to see Sasuke go.
“I phrased it as a leave of absence – but, no. It did not go well. He stabbed me here…. And here… and here.” He pointed to his chest… his arm… his thigh. “And here… five times… as I tried to escape.” He half turned and patted his own butt. “And then…”
“Hulk smash?”
Sasuke gave me one of his half-smiles. “It’s nice to know I’m not the only one who recasts everyone here into the Marvel Universe, Hawkeye.”
“Back at ya, Spidey.” After nearly seven years of ruthlessly eliminating modern idioms from my vocabulary (at Aki’s, any use of what Fume called my ‘peasant dialect’ had earned me extra floor scrubbing duties), it was nice to finally have a kindred spirit around. “So, um, I was thinking… and, maybe this is a completely radical idea… but would it be possible for us to take Shingen through the wormhole to get treatment for his illness?”
Originally, I had thought Sasuke could take Shingen with him, but over the week, I’d refined my plan. Shingen might be more easily convinced if I were to make the trip as well, and I’d realized there was a way I could use the records of the future to help locate Toshiie.
“Us?” He stopped walking and gave me a long look. “Yes, it’s possible … you would put your search for your brother on hold to do this?”
It was less that I would put the search on hold – instead I would be switching tactics. Shingen had been teaching me that sometimes a second or third plan was better than the first. His lecture style involved posing a situation and requesting at least four potential strategies – and then pointing out everything that could go wrong with those strategies. “It’s been almost seven years. At this point, I’m wondering if going forward in time would allow me to research shipping records that would make it easier to focus my search. I would start with the ports closest to the Togakushi shrine to figure out what ships were docked around that time, where they went after that and where they could be in 1582 and 1583.”
“Huh. That isn’t a bad plan. But... there’s still another issue. I’m not certain that you’d be able to…” He began drawing something invisible in the air and talking about multiverses, Hilbert space, and infinite dimensions.
I waved my hand in front of his face. “Sasuke, I’m from the future, but you lost me once you started spouting equations at me.” He didn’t move. “Shoot, I didn’t just accidentally pretend erase anything important, did I?”
“No, it’s fine.” He shook his head. “Well, it’s all theoretical until Thor agrees to make the trip anyway. Do you mind me tagging along back to his room? Unless, you two didn’t have any *ahem* plans?”
“My only plans are to figure out how to prevent him from working too hard.” It would be nice if we could *ahem* but so far, our nighttime activities had been more or less limited to actual sleep. Well, Shingen slept, crashing into slumber easily and deeply. I was as insomniac as ever, waking up multiple times in the night, although at least having Shingen to snuggle up against made being awake a less anxious state.
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As I had feared, Shingen was still sitting in front of his desk, with his reports and messages organized into neat piles. He looked up and smiled as I slid the door open. “I come bearing gifts, a ninja, and,” I gestured to Yuki, who we had run into en route. “This guy.”
“Always happy to see, as you phrased it, ‘this guy.’” As Yuki respectfully bowed to his lord, Shingen reached over and messed up his hair. “And Sasuke, it’s gratifying to see you’re in one piece. The last time I saw you, you were running past my door, with Kenshin in close pursuit.”
With another wince, Sasuke rubbed his backside again.
“Come here, Devil. I need sustenance.” He gave me a quick kiss, then grabbed the pastry basket and immediately rummaged inside.
“I hope this isn’t your first break.” He didn’t look as overtired as he had on the first day he’d returned to work, but there were still deep circles under his eyes.
“And you’d better be eating… real food, not just sweets,” Yuki added as he set a kettle of water heating for tea.
“He did eat his breakfast, I made sure of it.” Hopefully Yuki wouldn’t ask for details, as my methods were unorthodox and rated M.
Shingen waved at us. “I’m sitting right here, is it necessary to discuss my meal habits in third person?” Yuki and I exchanged a shrug. Over the week, we’d become fellow soldiers in the war to get Shingen healthy. With a sigh, Shingen said, “I repeat. You two are a terrible influence on each other.”
Without prompting, Sasuke inserted himself in between us, as if to prevent further influence. The action was spoiled when he said, “They’re not wrong.”
These two. My brothers from another mother.
Once the tea was ready, and the sweets were distributed to all who wanted them, we all made ourselves comfortable. As soon as I was within reach, Shingen wrapped his arm around me. “Why do I have the feeling this isn’t merely a social visit?” He took the messages I’d brought and stuck them into a pile. I noticed that he had one message segregated from the others – he generally did that when it pertained to something urgent.
I looked at Sasuke. Sasuke looked at me. Neither of us wanted to start. Shingen looked at both of us, then gestured to me. “Out with it.”
“Ok. So Sasuke said the wormhole to the future is going to o-open soon.” I eyed Sasuke with a ‘go on’ look.
Shingen’s arm tightened around me. “Is this a prelude to an announcement that you’ve decided to go back after all?”
He hadn’t bothered to hide the dismay in his voice, so I hurried on. “Oh. No. Or, sort of maybe? If you will come with us?”
Yuki choked on his tea. “What??!” (Sasuke and I hadn’t had a chance to tell him our plan).
While Sasuke helped a sputtering Yukimura clear his windpipe of hot tea, I turned to Shingen, and put a hand on his chest. “We think it’s possible that the doctors of our time can cure you.”
He was silent for a long moment. When he finally spoke, he sounded resigned. “Is that a guarantee? Or simply a chance? I’ve consulted many healers over the years and been subjected to more than my share of medicines – some of which made me sicker than the illness itself.”
“I don’t know. I’m not a doctor.” Sasuke pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “But it is true that many diseases from this time are curable in modern Japan.”
“But not every one,” Shingen said, having picked up on the subtext.
“No.” If he had lung cancer, then there wouldn’t be a cure. But I wasn’t going to dwell on the possibility of failure. I took hold of his hands. “But it’s a better chance than you would have if you stayed here.”
“I don’t get this whole time travel thing, but if Sasuke is an example of the kind of people who live in modern Japan, then their doctors probably can do all kinds of miracle type shit. You should do it.” Then belatedly Yuki bowed again, and added a “My lord,” for emphasis.
Shingen spoke slowly, as if he had accepted the initial premise and had moved on to determining the execution of the plan. Good. “So the three of us would travel to the future, I would see your era’s healers, then at some point, we’d return here?”
“Yes,” I said, at the same time that Sasuke said, “No.”
“Wait, what?” I whipped my head around to look at Sasuke.
He cleared his throat. “Well, that would be the ideal scenario… I hope that is what would happen – but… there are other scenarios with a nonzero chance of probability. Allow me to demonstrate.” He stood up and pulled all manner of ninja tools out of his clothing, to the extent that I wondered if he was secreting a mini-wormhole in his kimono, until he found several cords. He indicated the lantern on Shingen’s desk. “May I borrow?”
Shingen made a go-ahead gesture. Sasuke put the lantern in the middle of the floor. “This is where, or rather, when we are. It’s a fixed point in time and space.” He tied a cord to the base of the lantern. “Katsu, can you hold this here?” He indicated a spot about two thirds of the way along the cord.
I got up and held the cord. This was Bill Nye realness in action.
“Seven years ago, Katsu and her brother travelled here through a wormhole at the Togakushi shrine, ending up here.” Sasuke pointed to the lantern, then walked along the path of the cord, past me, and picked up the cord at the end. Now he and I and the lantern were lined up along a straight path.
“Then seven years after that, Mai and I travelled through a wormhole at Honno-ji. The problem is, I don’t know for certain if I came from here,” he gestured to where he was standing. “Or,” He let go of the cord, returned to the center point, and tied another cord to the lantern. He walked that out to the other side of the room. “If we came from here… um, Yuki can you pretend to be me?”
Yuki threw something invisible on the floor. When none of us reacted, he said, “ground spikes.”
“That’s not how you throw them.” Sasuke sighed. “Its all in the wrist-“
“Boys!” Shingen tapped his fingers on his desk.
Yuki grabbed the end of the other cord. His cord and my cord had created about a thirty-degree angle from the lantern.
Next, Sasuke tied a third cord to the lantern and walked it to Shingen. “This is a random future. In one multiverse theory, there would be an infinite number of these, because every decision can create a split in the timeline. That’s why it’s theoretically possible that Kastuko came from that line, while I came from the one Yuki is holding.”
He returned to stand by the lantern. “All timelines can lead back to this point, because any current moment in time exists before a split. But once we all arrived here, we could even have created more splits.” He gestured to the cord Shingen held.
“Now, say the three of us tried to go from here to the future. Which future, though?” He pointed at each cord in turn. “Shingen, because you are from this fixed point, you ought to be able to travel any of these potential futures. But say, you and I and Katsuko began our journey at Honno-ji. You and I would probably end up there – the place where I came from.” He nodded to where Yuki was standing. “But what if there is already a Katsuko living in that timeline? I’m honestly not sure what would happen. Maybe it wouldn’t matter and for a short while there would be two Katsukos living in that timeline. But it’s also possible that in order to avoid a temporal paradox-”
“Could you at least try to use words the rest of us will understand?” That was Yuki.
Sasuke ignored him. “Katsuko might be sent back to her original timeline.” He waved at where I was standing. “Or the wormhole would prevent her from leaving here at all… or she could end up someplace else.” He gestured to Shingen’s cord. “Or, she might simply cease to exist.”
Shingen let go of the cord he was holding. “No. It’s too much of a risk.”
I looked at where I was standing – at the metaphorical version of Togakushi in my timeline, then over at Sasuke. “And if the three of us tried to go through at Togakushi, if and when it will appear… you’d be facing the same risks?”
Sasuke nodded.
“Well, then the solution is for me to stay here, and you and Shingen to go.” Sasuke had the most experience with time travel, and from what little I’d gleaned about his life in modern Japan, a fair amount of financial resources. While I didn’t want to separate from Shingen, I trusted Sasuke’s risk estimates.
“That was my interpretation as well,” Sasuke said.
Shingen picked up the cord and walked it back to Sasuke. Then he followed my cord from the lantern to where I stood. “Or, we wait for the Togakushi, er wormhole, then Katsuko and I will travel to her future.”
Did Shingen have that luxury? Though he was recovering from the acute illness, the underlying disease was still there.
“Wait? How long?” Yuki’s words echoed my thoughts. Shingen might not have that much time left.
“If my latest celestial observations are correct, three, maybe four months… I can’t be certain, because I’m less familiar with that wormhole.” Sasuke shrugged one shoulder.
“That puts it already in winter, in the mountains!” Yuki handed his cord to Shingen. “You know your illness is always worse when it gets cold. If a blizzard hit, would you even be able to get to the whole worm?”
“Wormhole,” Sasuke murmured.
I’d never tried to talk Shingen into anything like this, and I wasn’t sure how to start – but there was no way I was going to let him give up on his chance for treatment out of some misplaced worry for me. “I don’t want you to risk waiting because I can’t travel with you,” I said. For that matter, after being gone from modern Japan for seven years, I didn’t know how I would arrange for him to get treatment. Heck, I didn’t even have bus fare to get from the shrine to Nagano, let alone a way to get the additional four hundred kilometers to Kyoto. I imagined that Sasuke, with his University affiliation, probably had better access to treatment.
“I have plans for the next four months. For starters, you and I are going to Ikuno.” Shingen picked up the report he had set aside and handed it to me. “Read this.”
Ikuno? Where was that? I tried to remember if I had ever been anywhere near it -it was in the south right?  But… just read the report… I scanned it until the name Toshiie jumped out at me. It took a moment before the implications sunk in.
He found my brother.
Toshiie was alive and rather than being a prisoner or a reluctant sailor on a ship somewhere, he was living in the middle of the country. I stared up at Shingen. “You found him! How?”
“You told me he was interested in medicine, so it occurred to me that if he had managed to escape the ship, he might have continued his medical studies and moved inland. Yoshimoto made several copies of that portrait, and I put my mitsumono on the lookout. He’s alive.” He put his hands on my shoulders, then kissed my forehead. “We can start our journey there within the week. I will see you reunited with your brother.”
When I had told Shingen that Toshiie wanted to be a doctor, it had been before Iekane had enacted his scheme. Before our fight. Before the flood. Before the cave. Shingen had found him for “Katsu.” I was floored by his kindness to a person who basically had only been his mailman. He might be the kindest person I knew.
He smiled down at me - something inside me cracked and released a swirl of emotions… gratitude… affection… fear… happiness. It was a tidal wave carrying the realization that… I … loved him. I probably had loved him for weeks, but I’d purposefully avoided examining my feelings too closely.  At the last moment, I bit off the words before I said it out loud. Not now. Not in front of an audience. Not … before I was sure that he would even welcome the words.
Overwhelmed, I buried my face in his chest, knowing that he would attribute my speechlessness to gratitude.
He ran his fingers through my hair. “I don’t want you to – at best – lose your chance at reuniting with your brother because of me, or, at worst, disappear completely.”
“I… I…” I don’t want you to die. I stepped out of his arms. “Now that I know where Toshiie is, I can wait. I don’t want you to lose what potentially could be your only chance at a cure because of me.”
“I think this is what the Americans call a Mexican stand-off,” Sasuke commented. When the only reaction was Yukimura’s inevitable eyeroll, he added, “Come on, Yuki, let’s let them discuss it.”
“Ok,” Yuki said. “But if I get a vote, I vote you go back with Sasuke. Katsuko isn’t a normal girl. She can take care of herself for a couple of months.”
“Thank you, Yuki.” I was getting more used to his non-compliment compliments.
He looked like he wanted to say more, but Sasuke yanked him out of the room.
“I can-“ was as far as I got before Shingen put his hand over my mouth.
“I know you can…  clearly we’re not going to come to an agreement on this right now.” He glanced at the other parcels I had brought with me. “We can discuss this later. Will you make more tea?” He was doing that distraction thing again, but the note of finality in his voice told me that it was useless to argue at that moment. I would have to plan out how to convince him I was right.
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ikemenfics · 6 years
12 Days of Sengoku Christmas
Word Count: 1698 
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You examined your outfit in the mirror.  You had decided on something festive, but still demure; a red knee length dress with three-quarter sleeves, a soft puff at the top, flowing skirt, sash at the waist and v neck showing off a little bit of cleavage.  You wondered if it was too bold or too much, after all, you didn’t want to come off as prudish but were afraid that modern fashions in the dating sector might offend the sensibilities of the former Sengoku warlord that you were going out with.
You sighed, smoothing down the garment, staring at the mirror.  You had more demure clothing, of course, but this was a date.  Risque wasn’t exactly in your wardrobe but you had a couple of pieces that were daring to wear.  You sighed again [I design fashion, but I have never been one to wear it..]  It was just going to have to be good enough.  You sat down, slipping your legs into stockings, knowing that your legs would somewhat be protected from the cold despite the outfit.
Stepping into the living room, many sets of eyes fell on you.  More the the point, they fell on the red silk hugging your form.  Masamune, Nobunaga, and Shingen’s eyes held praise, if Shingen’s didn’t also hold a hint of heat that had you blushing in spite of yourself.  Ieyasu and Mitsunari seemed surprised at the pick, but neither said anything.  Kenshin tried his damnedest for nonchalant, but even he seemed struck by your choice of dress for the evening.  Kennyo firmly kept his eyes somewhere other than you.  It seemed most everyone approved in some fashion of your date night outfit.  All, save one.
“That is too low cut,” Hideyoshi had approached, circling you with vulture like efficiency, his eyes appraising you in a way that only a mother could, “and i hope you’re wearing a coat, because that fabric is keeping nothing warm.”  He went on, your cheeks turning red at his picking apart your outfit.
“Leave her, Hideyoshi…” Nobunaga said, eyeing the motherlord.  Hideyoshi apologized, stepping away from you to return to his seat.  You looked downward, a bout of uncertainty attacking you, telling you that perhaps you should take his advice and change.
You were turning, when a voice breathed over your ear, “If Hideyoshi is that flustered…” you flinched, looking towards He-who-had-no-sense-of-personal-space.  Mitsuhide was smirking, entirely aware of the proximity issue, continuing, “then you know you have a winning dress for the evening.  Don’t change a single thing.”
Your eyes narrowed as you turned back to the room, but before you could chide him, Yoshimoto had stepped into the room.  He wore a simple white dress shirt, a blue blazer over that, and basic slacks.  Though the outfit was simple, Yoshimoto remained elegant and sophisticated in the clothing.  [Though, I’m starting to feel a little overdressed]  You fiddled with your dress as you thought about changing for the third time.
“Masamune thought I should wear this…” Yoshimoto explained.  It would seem the warlord of Oshu had an eye for clothes as well as a taste for good food, taking Yoshimoto’s simple attire and flattering it up with a shirt upgrade.  “Although, I’m beginning to realize that both he and I underestimated your beauty.”  You brightened at that, smiling towards the calm man.
He offered his arm and out you went.  “Where are we going?”  You didn’t want to spoil the surprise for him, tugging his arm close to you, snuggling against him before the propriety of the public eye robbed you the chance.  He gave a start, but relaxed soon enough.
“Somewhere you’ll love, I promise,” you told him, the two of you walking through the brisk winter chill.  You had both boarded a train, taking you to the Minato district of Tokyo.  Yoshimoto watched the lights of the city pass during your ride, his eyes looking at the wondrous world around him.  
“It’s beautiful,” he commented.  You smiled at that.  Yoshimoto had proven early on that he had an eye for beautiful things, making this trip of yours all the more exciting for you.  Outside, though, you agreed that the lights were beautiful against the darkening sky.  Though it was still fairly early to be out, the winter months had made Japan’s sunset come earlier than the summer days.  
Your stop came, both of you exiting the train.  You stepped into the crowd, adding to the human river that was Tokyo’s foot traffic.  While you walked, you both spoke of varying light topics; how he was getting used to the new world, plans for the future, living with thirteen other men, and just general life.  You smiled, laughed, his melodious voice keeping you both easy.  Soon, a large building loomed.  Your destination was close.
“Okay,” you stopped him, prepping him for what he was about to see.  He stared at you, his face growing serious. [Ok, maybe I shouldn’t have made it seem as if we were walking into something bad…]  “So...I know you love art and want to protect all things artistic…” you started, excitement bubbling forth, “and seeing that it’s Christmas, I wanted to give you something special…” you were starting to trip over your words, but the giddiness didn’t abade, “but as art isn’t a skill I have-”
You were cut short when Yoshimoto replied, “Your clothing designs are art enough.”  You paused, your face radiating heat as he gazed at you.  He took your moment of flustered silence to continue, “You are careful with your lines, giving your figures a lovely silhouette and what facial expressions you make are always lovely and radiant.  You might not think them art, but I do, that’s why…”  he trailed off, leaving you to stare at him, a proverbial cat having ran off with your tongue.
Minutes ticked by as Yoshimoto’s features melted into a soft look, “But you said you wanted to show me something special…” he prompted, knocking you back into reality.
“Ah..y-yes…” you stammered, “This is the Mori Art Museum.”  His eyebrow raised at the name, his voice echoing the question there.  “Yes yes...after the fall of the shogunate, the Mori became real estate tycoons and the last made this museum…”  He continued to eye you, making you fluster further.
“Alright, then.  Show me.  If the art here cannot compare to your grace…” he narrowed his eyes, you hiding your face from them as you half drug him inside.
You found the exhibit “Catastrophe and the Power of Art” and took him there.  You explained that the pieces were about dealing with the major disasters that have stuck the world and how art was shown to reflect, memorialize, and immortalize those moments, while inspiring the communities affected.  You walked from piece to piece, reading plaques and examining the art.  Yoshimoto remained quiet the entire time, making you wonder if he was regretting coming.  
“This one is by Yoko Ono,” you were attempting to engage, gesturing towards the very blue piece in front of you, “She called it ‘Add Color Painting’.”  He simply nodded, you both moving further into the exhibit.  Once through, you held a sigh at the exit.  It seemed your attempt to show him art was a failure.  
“What’s this?”  He questioned, moving towards another exhibit.  You glanced up, seeing art of birds on a live wire.  You stepped, seeing the plaque, “Crows,” you murmured, reading, “from the MAM collection.”  You looked up again, the soft texture of the birds keeping your eye.
“I like this,” Yoshimoto said, his hand lifting, a long finger pointing along the piece, “The lines are neat and the image is simplistic, yet dynamic.  Look here,” he pointed, you narrowing your eyes at where he indicated, “You can see how the birds are lifting off and preparing to land, how the others are watching them,” he continued to speak, your smile returning as liveliness picked up in the warlord.  You stepped back, viewing other pieces of the museum, then using your phone to look up more pieces from the artist of Crows.
“This one…” he pointed at a colorful piece depicting colorful women in varying states of gaiety, “Look at them.  It’s like they’re dancing.”  You flipped through more pieces, walking close to each other and exited the building.  The brisk air found your face, the wind stealing your breath away as you stepped into the night.
“Thank you,” Yoshimoto found his voice first.  You looked over at him, a smile gracing the man’s lips, “for this…” he waved his arm, indicating the art museum.  You smiled, nodding, and you were sure you said something, but girlish cheer stole the memory of them from you.  “I had fought,” Yoshimoto had continued, looking up at the large building, “to preserve all things beautiful and artistic in the world.  I’m glad to have been shown my efforts weren’t wasted.”
You spent the rest of the evening exploring other museums until it grew too late for any to remain open.  Taking the train home, you both chattered about the art you had seen and made plans to view more museums in the future.  Just before you had entered your home, though, Yoshimoto stopped you.
“Here,” he said, taking out a box, “When Sasuke mentioned that you might be planning something, I got you a gift as well.”  You took the velvety box, blushing to your ears.  Would he let you open it in front of him?  
You carefully opened the box, finding a necklace inside.  The golden chain glittered with a single teardrop diamond.  You looked up to Yoshimoto, your eyes watery with emotion.
“I had wanted something to match you exquisiteness,” he said, taking the chain out to place it around your neck, “But nothing I found could match until I realized…” he pulled back, examining his piece before looking up to your face, “it’s never the piece that makes the art, but the artist.  You are my art now.”
You both entered the house, your face red and happiness making your entrance a blur.  You gripped the hand of your lover, thinking on how this was the happiest Christmas you could remember.
On the ninth day of Christmas my Sengoku gave to me Fine Arts with Yoshi Kennyo and his Ikko Ikki Seven gifts from Kenshin Six konpeito eaten with Nobunaga Five Golden Boys of Hidemom Four walls for herbs with Yasu Three jewels from Shingen A two sword wielding Masamune And a Sasuke hiding in the ceiling.
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aquagirl1978 · 2 years
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You Belong to Me (NSFW)
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