#ikevamp alexander
cookiesandbiscuits · 10 months
Tried a cute picrew earlier and created all of my OCs with their pets
Special mention to @cave-of-jade for discovering this lovely picrew!!
1. Margarette Camellia Sanchez (OM MC) and her cat, Pepper
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2. Elyssabeth Alcyone (TWST MC/Yuusona; OM OC/Fankid) and her hellfire fox familiar, Rouge
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3. Eris Alexander (OM OC/Fankid) and his ghost leopard familiar, Yuki
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4. Mayari Linse Sanchez (TWST OC) and her pet Aspin, Ponki
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5. Amber Eurydice Calloway (TWST OC) and her pet Golden Retriever, Daisy
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6. Lillienne Hyacinth Sanchez (OC) and her pet German Shepherd, Lucio
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7. Amaryllis Cassandra Sanchez (Ikevamp MC) and a foster rabbit in her care, Button.
(Her pet is a duck named Madeleine but the picrew doesn't have any ducks in the choices)
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8. Momo Koizumi (OC) and her pet rabbit, Blanche
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dear-mrs-otome · 2 years
Mrs.O, what are your hopes for the new characters in ikevamp? Any character types or styles you want to see?
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No guesses per se...a lot of this is going to depend on whether they're Comte's doing or Vlad's I suppose. Or some other third party. The answer to that will determine whether they fall more on the heroic or villainous side of history. (Or well, as subjective as those terms can be given who's writing the history)
As much as I like the Good Guys I also personally find it interesting to have those on the murkier side of things represented too, so I kind of hope these new characters might be 'villains'.
In no particular order, here are some people I'd love to see or could see them picking (bearing in mind Ikevamp trends towards the Western/Eurocentric side of history):
Genghis Khan
Julius Caesar
Alexander the Great
Charles Darwin
King John (AKA Prince John from Robin Hood)
Johann Sebastian Bach
Edgar Allan Poe
Dante Alighieri
Christopher Columbus (as a villain of course)
George Washington
Nikola Tesla
Thomas Edison
Joseph Lister
Louis Pasteur
Maximilien Robespierre
My #1 though? And we have precedent he's still around? Antonio Salieri. We know he survived Mozart's route and he seemed quite likely to perhaps reform and make for an interesting route to tie into a sequel for Mozart.
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batteryrose · 2 years
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Hello everyone my tag system is pretty boring but you can find my stuff through:
My artworks: #art
My fanfics: writing blog
Stuff with my OCs: #oc
Specific OCs: #ikevamp wellington #ikevamp alexander #ikevamp freud #ikevamp hegel #ikepri adam #ikepri valerie #ikepri elfrind #ikepri oc #ikevamp oc
Other: Napoleonic era Demons (dostoyevsky) Union of Salvation
Fanarts are tagged as their characters (ex. ikevamp napoleon, ikepri silvio) but these tags also includes reblogs of other people's stuff.
Random posts: #devonares.txt
Answering asks and games: #ask
My own reblogs: #reblogg
Other people contents are tagged as appropriate
-under construction-
last updated: 22/3/2023
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daeva-agas · 2 years
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Japan is so crack... 
I mean, well, “reincarnation AU” manga allow for weird crack ships to happen
A bunch of historical figures are reincarnated/reborn into modern Japan and this is a WTF romantic comedy between Marie Antoinette who keeps freaking out every time the word “revolution” is mentioned and Che Guevara who is kind of just some dude in this story. Well, they’re probably saving his Sob Story (TM) for later. It’s Totally Very Funny (TM) because Guevara is a Revolution Fighter geddit? 
This is so wild... But after Ikevamp and Cinammon the dog and FGO, I give up.
The other people in the story are Picasso, Jeanne d’Arc, and Yang Guifei. There’s an “Alexander” that was mentioned with no surnames, so it might be Alexander the Great.
Anyway, the “Japanese history” representative in this story so far is Yamato Takeru, but I’m beginning to be curious if Nobu’s gonna show up at some point... 
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lordhelpme0-0 · 2 years
Ikemen Vampire Incorrect quotes #3
This is for people who shipped Napoleon with Duke of Wellington and Tsar Alexander the First or something…anyway— Back in the olden days—:
Wellington/ Alexander: Napoleon!
Napoleon: *suddenly awake* am I dreaming…? No wait—, your both dressed…
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weird-profiterole · 4 years
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Alexander trying to make peace between Napoleon and Wellington but it's not an easy thing 😅
Don't repost, only reblog
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In case any of y'all are wondering what Alex and Jacinthe are like.
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Chaotic power couple that don't realize they've been dating for the past century.
Btw, that's not what Jacinthe looks like. That's just her personality. She actually looks like a female Napoleon.
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storja-historja · 4 years
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"It is up to you to save the world."
I live for @batteryrose 's Ikevamp Sasha 😔💕💗💞💗
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naresnani · 4 years
Fandom: Ikemen Vampire | Napoleon Bonaparte/Alexander I Pavlovich | AO3 Tags: Fluff
For Alexander, simple utterances became convoluted.
“I love being here with you.”
He said, simply. No double meanings, no subtext, no convoluted wordplay. It’s all spelt out right there in the sentence.
“Yeah, right.” Napoleon smirked and looked past him. Like he just heard nothing. “Wait, there’s an ant on your face…”
Alexander let him flick his cheek around as he frowned. What part of the sentence does he need to change to make him listen? His intonation? The right twitch in his eyes? Did he talk too plainly? 
That all shouldn’t be necessary. Mankind was supposed to talk using their air before they learned deceit. And the air was raw, crisp, the mint scent of the green field supported the vast scenery around them. The sun was bright enough to tire, and tiredness keeps you grounded, aware. There was no need to shake him awake. The shy buds popping from under their leaves revealed enough secrets, too. Everything is conspicuous in nature. 
And it was supposed to speak for him. But he hadn’t let it speak for him in a while and suppose now he has gone mute.
“It’s gone to your neck now.”
“Ah, forget it.” He waved his hand away and tried to smile.
“It was really big.” Napoleon rose up to crawl behind him, then pulled his collar around. “Like, big big, not your regular kitchen ant. See, I think it’s gone past your shirt now. Ah, there.”
Napoleon blew loudly several times towards his neck, likely targeting the ant. Alexander felt it crawling with resilience. “Just slap it away.”
“No, no, it’ll bite you-” He struck his nail hard against his skin in a flick. “There, it fell somewhere.”
Alexander caught a glance of it struggling to run on a blade of grass, then disappeared. Napoleon patted his back. “We should move spots, come on.”
He sighed as he stood up, patted his trousers off of dirt, spying around for any group of ants.
It was then that Napoleon looked at him strangely, standing still beside him. He focused rightly on his face.
“Is there another one?”
“No...” He furrowed his brows. “Something’s up, Pavlovich?”
Somehow his patronymic sounded annoying. He shrugged at him and didn’t mean to answer.
Napoleon hummed and paced around in front of him. “Alright, fine, I’ll apologise in advance.” He held up his hands. “It’s when I have done something really serious that you’d be mum about it.”
He chuckled. “Instead of what?”
“Just calling me out, loudly, across the room for everyone to hear.” He kicked his feet around absentmindedly before stopping just a step from him. “You want to go somewhere else?”
He snapped upright. “What?”
“It’s kind of boring I know. The flowers aren't here yet, probably in a couple more days.” He stretched himself and yawned. “Well, I’m bad at this, Alexander. Guessing games with you is an endless struggle. What are you upset about?”
“Nothing in particular, currently.” He pursed his lips. “A lot of things are upsetting.”
“When you feel that way it means it's actually just one specific thing that you refuse to admit.”
“Well, then it is several things.” He looked around the clear sky. “Several things that are abstract and have no worth to be considered.”
“Like what?”
He asked that seriously. 
As he said, it’s not worth considering, but it amused him that the man tried so hard to figure him out. No one can figure him out. But the fact that he could read that something’s upsetting him…
He has weakened around Napoleon. Significantly. Perhaps that’s a little worrying, or even good. Quite hard to tell.
But what was he thinking, making it so complicated? He reached out to pull Napoleon’s head in and pressed his lips through his hair before ruining it under his fingers. “Like how you are stupid in regard to obvious things.” 
“Gahh, stop that-” He swatted his hand away. He ruffled his hair some more. “You just jump to embarrassing me in dire situations!”
“Embarrassing you? No one else is watching.” He cracked up, but Napoleon was right. “No, I am not bored by this field. Quite the contrary.”
“ Fine , then go ahead and frolic around-” He had switched to pinching his cheeks. “On the grass or whatever you’d rather do than sit around with me.”
“No, I love being here with you.”
He stopped his poking to watch his reaction. At first Napoleon require a moment to regain his dignity back, and then he lost it again with his redding cheeks.
Repeating. Apparently all he needed was repeating himself. Goes to say how dense the man is. Or perhaps he had regained a repute of sincerity when he lost himself, amidst the ant and the Frenchman's endearingness. Or he just said it at the right moment. Or it’s nothing at all. Mere chance.
He had lost his groove. He was usually so natural, factors like these were no consideration at all. But Napoleon botched his wirings. Now he thought of every singly interaction. He shouldn’t need to think at all.
Da , he’s not worth thinking. They’re too old for these bull. Next time Napoleon doesn't take him seriously he’ll beat it into his head.
“... Yes, right.” Napoleon blinked and looked around and cleared his throat, recovering. “Well if you love it that much. I was looking for a way to nap.”
He grinned, and then slapped the side of Alexander’s thigh. 
Ublyudok . He smiled a grimace and pinched his cheek harder.
Tagging: @kissmetwicekissmedeadly (feel free to ask you want to be tagged)
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niphredil-14 · 3 years
Napoleon Bonaparte/Alexander I - What Was Had
A/N: Don’t ask what made me write this. Also, I know virtually nothing about actual history, so consider this an au if my guesswork for anything is off lmao. also i am writing ths while typsy so let me know if there’s typos for me to fiix k thx babes also its unedited Content: Smut, fluff, angst, mlm, friends (?) with benefits Word Count: 1,027
 The raft was shaky, and the air was cold. They probably should have known that it was the beginning of something. Among their negotiations, after a particularly strong wave, the raft shifted, and Alexander began to tumble, only to be caught by the bicep by the Frenchman, who made it no secret to Alexander that he was getting a good feel. The Emperor, standing tall, straight, and stoic, pulled the Russian’s leaning body back fully onto the raft, a bit closer to the Emperor than he was before. That moment that their eyes locked, though neither wanted to admit it, they both knew it was over for them. Between Napoleon’s obedience-demanding eyes, and the more than interested Czar, there was a fire sparking, one that would soon destroy them.
          That night, thinking back onto the words whispered to him, out of earshot of their soldiers, Alexander snuck out of his tent, silently stepping through the snow, making his way to Napoleon’s tent. Upon his arrival, he glanced around outside of the Emperor’s tent, and then quietly called out, “Buonaparte?” “Enter.” Napoleon replied. Pulling apart the door to the tent, Alexander stepped inside, flushed and on guard. Napoleon sat casually, with not much more than a robe on though the Czar, not entirely clear on why the Emperor had requested his presence at that hour, was nearly fully clothed. This being a rather considerable annoyance to Napoleon, he said, “Why so formally dressed, hm? We’re all friends here, are we not?” With the lit candles dimming the atmosphere to a warm darkness, the military uniform suddenly felt much too tight around the Czar’s neck, as he gulped and flushed, he tugged at his collar. “Come on, loosen up. Have a seat.” Napoleon gestured to the seat across from his own, as he began pouring a drink for each of them. Alexander hesitated for a moment, before sitting down. Napoleon handed him a glass, and raised his glass. Alexander mimicked his movements, and drank. Minutes passed, full of pleasantries and small talk before Alexander felt a hand creeping up his inner thigh. His face growing a much deeper red than its previous dusty pink, his adam’s apple bobbing, eyes still locked with his recently made ally’s.  “Bonapar--”  “Napoleon.” The shorter man cut him off.  “What?” Alexander questioned. “Call me Napoleon, Alexander,” He commanded. “We’re friends now, aren’t we? We established that before, did we not?” His company nodded. “We did, Napoleon.” “Then why are you still on guard? I am done fighting you, and yet you seem anxious.” The redhead took a few moments to think, glancing around the room before meeting he shorter man’s eyes, the hand still resting on his thigh, now softly caressing.  “Why did you call me here tonight, Napoleon?” The Frenchman smirked. “You know, do you not?” His hand moved up, now resting just besides the Russian’s growing bulge. Alexander’s breath began to quicken, and his response was quick. “Then what are you waiting for, ‘Leon?” Napoleon’s free hand reached out to grab his collar, and in a split second, their lips were pressed together, and the buttons of Alex’s uniform were flying, as Napoleon tore through the fabric. He maneuvered himself around the table to Alexander’s side, shoving him down onto it. Kicking his legs open, Napoleon moved to stand between the other paramour’s thighs, pressing his knee gently against Alex’s crotch, watching the larger man groan and grind down upon his knee. Not even for a moment was their kiss broken, tongues pushing against each other. It wasn’t long before Alexander had been flipped over, bent over the table. Neither of them had bothered to fully undress, too desperate to fill and to be filled. Lining up with his partner’s hole, Napoleon began to push in, reaching around to grasp Alexander’s shaft, slowly stroking, as he bottomed out. They let out a simultaneous moan. Napoleon stilled until the other man rolled his hips backwards, searching for friction, and only then did Napoleon begin to thrust.
Alexander woke early that morning, much earlier than any of their soldiers, and found himself laying in the Emperor’s cot, their limbs tangled. He looked around, finding his clothes strewn about the tent, and then turned back to his bedmate, to find him slowly opening his eyes and blinking away the sleep with a yawn. When their eyes met, Napoleon’s face stretched into a sleepy smile, and he leaned forward, placing a passionate kiss on his former enemy’s lips, reveling in the moan that he pulled from Alexander. When they separated, it was Alex who spoke first saying how he had ought to get back to his own tent before any of the soldiers learned of what had occurred the ight before. He was met with only a chuckle, and Napoleon saying, “With how you screamed my name, I’m sure they already do.” The flush that covered the redhead’s cheeks were only more alluring to Napoleon. Alexander attempted to sputter out a response, but ultimately, just resigned to turning and picking up his clothes and dressing himself. Napoleon watched him move around the tent, but before Alex walked out the door, Napoleon called out. “Hey, come back here for dinner tonight, yeah?” The Russian smiled. “I will see you the, ‘Leon.” 
Things went on like this for months. They acted close to perfectly professional in front of their soldiers, but would often see each other for meal times, or would have secret rendezvous throughout their time together. They truly seemed close. 
Maybe that is why Napoleon was so hurt when he discovered Alexander’s betrayal. It stung, and burned and scorched, until there was no feeling left in his heart but anger and bloodlust. Gathering his men, he prepared to march straight to Alexander, his mind clouded by rage, ignoring the cold of Russia’s winter, as the fire in his blood kept him warm. His victory meant nothing, not as he watched Mosco burn, knowing that he may have defeated Alexander, but at what cost? The cost of countless men? The cost of his supplies? His pride? Or was it simply at the cost of his heart?
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saeryuart · 5 years
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~Commissions are now OPEN!!~
I’ve had to update my commissions poster since I’ve had a bunch of newer art done in the past year. Now, it’s also more readable and accessible compared to the previous one lol. uwu 
... my God has it really already been 365 days?? TIME FLIES.
Speaking of which, I’m very happy to say we’ve also reached the 400 followers milestone WOOOOO!! Like, holy cow you guys are insane. Thank you all so much!! I’ll have something special coming up when my windows finally get installed in my apartment, so I can finally access my main computer already smh.
As for commission rules, they are all written on the slide up there. As for how pricing works, like last time, the prices listed above will be added towards the final total, depending on what you want for the final drawing. For example, if you want a full-body lineart and a full-body flat colour, those prices will add up towards the final commission. However, you can add more characters at a reduced price.
When sending payment, please convert all form of currency into CAD when doing transactions! If you’re interested or have any questions, please do NOT contact me with Tumblr messenger and shoot me an email instead at [email protected]. :)
Again, if you don’t wish to commission me, that’s perfectly fine, too! Signal boosting and reblogging this post will be much appreciated.
Commissions this time around will be running from January 22-February 12 at Midnight PDT (UTC-5:00). I will be accepting up to 12 commission requests before I close my inbox.
As always, thank you all so much for your continued support! Seriously, you guys are amazing. <3
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honeybyte · 3 years
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all that is known to us of the phenomena of heavenly space and terrestrial life... My title at present is Kosmos
an ikevamp oc, alexander von humboldt
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batteryrose · 4 years
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just two guys discussing about bringing destruction to a certain frenchman
YES I MADE ANOTHER FAKE SPRITE this time is Sasha or Alexander I of Russia. I think i nailed the style more this time?? rounder face, sharper chin and all that. I dont feel like fixing Wellington tho
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legalize-arson · 3 years
The reason Alexander The Great isn't in Ikevamp is because Napoleon would feel intimidated and cower like the fool he is.
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rynea94924 · 4 years
IkeVamp OC Alexander the Great
Here another one. Just a few random facts loosely based on historical facts I dug up. 
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Name: Alexander the Great of Macedonia
“There is nothing impossible to him who will try.” -Alexander
Pet: Horse named Bucephalus (Actual horse. Afraid of his shadow.)
Birthday: July ?
Height: About 5 ft or 152.4 cm)
Occupation: Former Emperor
Hobbies: Philosophy, Sword-training, Horse-back riding, Polo
Type: Lesser Vampire
Called himself the “King of Asia”. 
He is very lucky. 
He is also a heavy drinker, and violent at that. Everyone stopped inviting him a have a drink after he almost killed Arthur. (Claims he was being disrespectful to the women there.)
(At the tavern) “Arthur! Theo! Wonderful seeing you here.”
Trains with Jean and Napoleon. “Once a warrior, always a warrior, eh, Jean!”
Always smells great and participates wildly in personal hygiene. 
Is very clever and has low patience. 
He is Bi. He believes in love at first site. 
Like Will, he has Heterochromia. He has orange hair. 
Carries a copy of The Illiad with home wherever he goes. 
Like Leo, he is curious about everything. 
Historically, Napoleon considered Alexander the Great to be the #1 military commander. 
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lordhelpme0-0 · 2 years
Back at it with the facts, this time. Credit to FactRepublic!!!! Is “Life in 12th Century: 20 Captivating Facts For the History Nerds”. Ikevamp and history nerds, also anyone that is here cause of my other content. Strap in, and get ready for a wild ride~! MWUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
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Me: Hey Lilia, do you know about this?
Lilia: Maybe~!
Rook: Time to hunt for this green petites~!
Me: …WAI—!
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Phillip: and that was it my friends.
Theo: I- I don’t know what to say!
Arthur: bloody hell, talked about a sh1tty death. Pfft-!
Jean: *unsheathes rapier*
Napoleon: *place a hand over the unsheathe rapier and lowers it like in that one vine-*
Phillip: oh…? Oh!! Oh… *realization kicks in*
Mitsuki: …you learn something new huh?
Sebastian: *furiously writes the whole thing down*
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Me: hah! Gae. Right Welly, Napo, Comte, Leo, Theo, Vlad, Arthot, and Alexander 1?
Them: *sweating*
Me: interesting arrangements~!
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Me: *gasp* I sense conspiracy theories…
Sasuke: your very right on that one.
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Again another OC ON THIS!!! IM DYINg!!!
Phillip: We’re the same!
Baldwin 1: not really…
Me: aww…I wanted that one scene from Barbie: the pauper and princess…
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Feminist go wolf I guess??? Though I’m impressed. Him and Napo be vibing on woman respect juices.
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Yes. Just yes.
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Yes, definitely homies with Napo.
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This lives rent free in my head…ima send this to my friends—
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Send this to the boys or your friends of boys. I dare you.
That’s it, there is no more space in tumblr. So part three will come out soon. lolol!
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