#ill brain storm hehe
guavawawa · 9 months
joey clair spends billionare trust fund on stationary?
dude.. trying to purchase stationary for me and friends on dururunaru and its insanely expensive...but i guess living in the 90s joey would have ample access to those awesome free cool stickers... sigh,,, and i imagine they live around portland?? or somewhere far in the norrth of america.. north east?? i need a place people!!
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problemduetest4life · 2 months
short and chaotic Jean & Shawn oneshot
Once again, I am obsessed with Shawn Anderson in @kevinsdsy 's Trojans social media au. I did another little warm-up write about him. I don't know what else to say. Bon Appetit hehe
“Shawn. Thank God.”
Jean stormed across the lobby and grabbed his friend by the wrist as soon as he exited the elevator. His messy hair seemed even scruffier than normal, and his shirt was on backwards. Even being in the presence of Olympians couldn’t get him to straighten up, but that was Shawn after all. At this point, it didn’t matter. Jean was desperate for someone to talk to.
Shawn’s eyes were wide as Jean tugged him towards the door.
“Jean, I—”
“Please, can we go for a walk? I need to cleanse my brain. I cannot...” Jean trailed off as the images flashed in his brain. He let go of Shawn and went out the doors of the hotel, hoping he was following him.
“Listen—” Shawn tried again.
“I have seen things. I have seen things I cannot unsee,” Jean said, throwing a look over his shoulder before scrubbing a hand across his face. “I blame Cat. She sent me to see if Derek had any conditioner left and...”
Jean shuddered.
The scene he had walked on had been disturbing at the very least. Cat had handed him the key card Derek had left behind when he had come to borrow one of their umbrellas and sent him on his mission. Jean swore he had knocked but as the more prominent parts of the memory took over, he couldn’t be entirely sure.
He had taken two steps into the room before he realized what and who he was walking in on. The sounds. The visual. The overall scene. Jean forced himself to pay attention to the store fronts they walked past.
Pastries. Awnings. Cigarette butts. Butts. Nope. Not butts.
“Derek may be pale, but his ass is paler,” Jean blurted out, before clapping a hand over his mouth. Shawn stopped dead in his tracks.
“What?” Shawn exclaimed. “Well, I mean...”
“He must’ve met someone somewhere. I don’t know,” Jean said, running a hand through his hair. “I didn’t see who, not really. I just walked in to the get the conditioner and then... Oh, God.”
Shawn had stopped to lean against a brick wall, obviously in some sort of shock. Jean could relate. It was very different seeing nakedness in the locker room versus the bedroom. For the very first time in his life Jean felt the strong urge to drink. He looked back up at Shawn and then it clicked.
“Shawn, I’m sorry. I know you’re with Derrick now, but you had that crush on Derek. I should have been more sensitive. I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“Upset? No. I’m golden,” Shawn said, removing one hand from his chest to give Jean a thumbs up. “You said you didn’t see who he was with?”
“No,” Jean said. “I can only be sure it was Derek. I just shouted an apology and ran.”
Jean was not particularly proud of the way he handled it, but it was an impossible situation. The only thing worse would be facing Derek the next time he saw him. I’ll just pretend nothing happened, Jean decided.
“Shawn, please say something. You’re always saying something. Why are you being quiet?” Jean asked.
“I’m not being quiet!” Shawn defended. “I just— I also wouldn’t know what to do.”
“Well, I can’t tell anyone!” Jean exclaimed.
“No,” Shawn agreed with a big nod. “No, you cannot.”
“He’s dating anyone, but still...”
“Exactly. And it’s not like the person he was hooking up with is dating someone but was granted permission to hook up with Derek.”
“Right,” Jean said. “Wait, what?”
“Nothing,” Shawn said. “Just...shooting the shit.”
Good, Shawn’s back to normal, Jean thought before setting off again. He finally able to take a full breath. The trip to Paris had unlike any team trip Jean had been on before. The combination of the Trojan’s good-natured antics and the Foxes’ ill-mannered chaos had brutal for anyone in their vicinity or whoever followed them on Twitter. Jean doubted anyone would make it out of media training once they all returned.
“Hey, can we slow down?” Shawn asked from behind him. Jean paused his stride for Shawn to catch up. They stop in front of a café.
“Coffee?” Jean asked, tilting his head towards the patio of tables. Shawn bit his lip. “Unless, you have to get back to something?” It wasn’t like Shawn to refuse anything with sugar involved.
“Yeah, let’s do it,” Shawn said finally, shooting Jean a grin. Then he looked down at his backwards shirt and threw up his hands. “Fuck it. That was totally me with Derek.”
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yoonkiwii · 2 months
Pieces of Love
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word count: 1079
genre: exes to fwb to ???, breakup, love triangle, slowburn, eventual smut, series
summary: it's going to be a long road to redemption once yoongi breaks your heart for the last time. determined to come back to yourself, you start your journey by finally leaving his sheets. will you have the strength to push through? or will someone special stumble upon you along the way?
pairing: yoongi x oc, yoongi x oc x jungkook
warnings: angst (oops!), implied smut (minors DNI!!!), poor oc is very confused with her emotions, yoongi is possibly a jerk!, lots of conflicted emotions here, cussing, i think that's all?, yoongi is a liar, oh and everything is lowercase intentionally.
a/n: ahhh hello!!!! so, although i am no stranger to writing fics, this is my first on this new lil baby blog. this is my own long awaited return to something i never thought i'd have the courage to come back to. this series means a lot to me, and while i know i'm rather unknown, pls show this project lots of love hehe <3
if you could rewind the tapes of your life to see the exact events that led you directly to this moment unfurling in front of you, you’re not so sure you’d accept it.
the whisper of kisses gliding across your skin used to feel like sparks, tiny fires planting on every plane of your existence. but as the flares settle, all you can feel is the burn.
it’s like this every time you and your ill fated lover meet in your match of flames. dancing breaths mingling, evidence of your downpour flowing out onto his sheets, his inevitable high cascading onto your skin. drowning out the remnants of pain until reality brings you ashore, fervent lights that he reignited put out by your sea of emotional sickness.
even as you pick yourself, clothes and broken emotions off the floor, you still don’t realize that you’re being spoken to.
“___? did you hear what i said?”
ah. you just wanna go home. rinse the feeling of him and your tears down the drain.
“sorry, what was that?” your voice hoarse, proof of the number he did on you.
“you good? i actually have something serious i want to talk about.” his eyes on you, but seeing through rather than at you. you watch as they drag down your body, contemplating. as to what, you’re not so certain that you wanna know.
silence encompasses you, his words settling like a pitch black night sky over you.
“what’s up.” not your best response, but it’s not like he deserves it anyways.
“do you think… i don’t know, should we try this again? you and i?” vulnerability, something you seldom see, is adorning his face. his delivery so quiet you could act like you missed it if you really wanted to. like he really could mean it if you let yourself be delusional enough.
alas, your heart always takes the lead. your head slowly rising until you make that dreaded eye contact, the blood in your veins turning into ice as you blink, over and over again.
your expression must be the personification of a question mark, brows furrowed and cheeks rosy despite the snow storm you feel within. time feels like it’s passing so slowly that you can almost see, feel him in slow motion.
deep breath.
maybe one more.
“i– what do you mean? try what again? do i need to remind you of the last time we— im sorry. but why.” why now? what in his pea male sized brain thinks he can shake your heart like this yet again, is what you’re really wanting to say. the bubbling feelings of rage coming up your throat prevent you from unleashing months worth of hurt.
but the answer is because of you. you allow it. it’s also the reason why you don’t completely snap.
you hear the rustling of sheets as he moves to the edge of the bed, eyes downcast as you try to remember that counting thing your therapist taught you and fuck he’s reaching for your hand.
taking a sharp breath in, he smooths out your rigid fingers in an attempt to soothe you or himself, you’re not sure. but it’s not lost on you that this is the first time he’s touched you outside of when you’ve had sex in the last 8 months.
“you and i both know that we keep coming back for a reason. i love-“
“don’t. don’t you fucking dare.” looks like the anger has reached it’s boiling point, your hand being snatched away as he looks up at you in defeat. haphazardly throwing your clothes on, shame be damned as you quickly make your way to the door with your skirt not even zipped all the way up.
“you can run all you want, but you’ll be right back here again next week and you know it.” his boldness so loud it almost drowns out the self hatred of knowing he’s right. almost.
your hand brushes against the knob until it falls limp at your side. eyes closing, damn you’re too tired of this.
“what do you want, yoongi?” loss coloring your face, he thinks you look pretty when you’re sad.
“you. i want you, ___.”
“you didn’t want me when you were fucking your way through the entire city, you didn’t love me when you lied so much that even you couldn’t tell what the truth was anymore. you dont want me. you just want me to love you. you just want me to want you.” you huff out a laugh that’s meant to come out condescending, but really you just sound hurt. because you are. you are so so so tired.
“if there’s anything you could’ve learned about me in the last three years of whatever the fuck this shitshow has been, it’s that i’m stubborn. i may be wrong more often than not, but you don’t get to decide. you don’t have that control. asshole.” flicking him off for good measure, you burst open the door, not even bothering to give him the satisfaction of the last laugh as you bulldoze your way through his apartment and out the door.
fuck the elevator, you head straight for the stairs.
being in this building feels like purgatory, the memories it holds are too much to bare. not that it hasn’t stopped you in this little cat and mouse game from coming back here.
but you’ve decided. you can’t do this shit anymore. whatever spell yoongi casts on you is about to be broken, your eyes finally opening to the endless void that exists within you whenever you leave his bed. you’ve lost many friends, are losing passion for your job, and even the will to push through the darkness that swallowed you on the day your love died.
the funny thing about control is that you’ve never once had it. it used to scare the living christ out of you, but at the tender age of 27, you feel like for once it’s what you need. to let go. to be free of the shackles you place upon yourself trying to be what everyone else wants you to be.
gone are the days that you bury yourself in your bed because you’re to ashamed to face anything but your four walls. it’s not even about proving anything or anyone wrong at this point, you just want to feel again. you want joy. and you’ll have it. you know you will.
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
Love In The Air Live Blogging
As a maker of terrible decisions, I’m starting watching this on the day a 10% assignment is due (which I’m not done) and 3 days before my midterm (which I haven’t started studying for).
I usually do my best to avoid spoilers but not for this show lol I know like 80% of what happened so far (released up to Ep 11) to prepare myself for the characters (specifically Payu and Prapai) and their questionable actions. Also, I’m slightly obsessed with Sky from these clips.
Ep 1 (Nov 2)
that random guy’s popcorn falling everywhere rip 
girl we’re flashing back three whole weeks?
oh this was shown on GMM25?
lol I read like 1 chapter of this translated on Wattpad before giving up because the translation was so bad and it’s funny to see it play out because I know Rain’s inner monologue at this part 
D: is Payu pretending to not remember Rain? No way he forgot him right
loll esp when I’ve been spoiled that Payu fucked with Rain’s car early on, I guess that’s right now
lmfaoo Rain batting his eyelashes at Payu and pleading with him to fix his car
“If you’re trying to seduce me, do it better next time” lol I do see how he came to that conclusion
Surprisingly, I do see how Payu came to the conclusion that Rain was coming onto him lol but him not stopping when Rain asks him to is a bit... but I see why Payu was like “stop playing hard to get” because if your idea of consent was just from TV and books, I can see how it’d fall into that
Payu’s voice reminds me of War’s
Anyway, this was played off as silly and cute enough that it was fine and didn’t make me emotionally uncomfortable, just raised like a few ! in my brain. like yeah I’m side-eyeing Payu’s sleeziness but I’m not opposed to smiling at their interactions lol
Cast Reaction: It was mostly them ganging up on Noeul as Rain lol They also seem to have fun watching scenes they weren’t in 
I do wonder if it’s better if I watch the show first so that these faces are just mostly the characters to me rather than watching the show and having it be “X playing Y” in my mind. I can’t really do that wish people I’ve watched before or know a lot about outside of the show (like so many GMMTV actors lol like I was watching eclipse and in my head it was First playing Akk rather than just Akk), so this is an opportunity that I get for rookie actors/people I haven’t watched before. But on the other hand, I’ll watch like 5 eps a day and finish early and have to wait for ep 13 otherwise so...
Ep 2 (Nov 2)
hm the first 4 mins is just repeat of last ep last scene
Ep title: I hate Payu (Storm) and I’m not talking about the weather
I do like fun titles hehe
I can never feel comfortable while watching these kids pretend to drive in a way that’d get them in an accident in 3 seconds even though i know there’s no car accident in the show
The bathroom neck hovering/kissing goes on for so long goddamn but it was fun if I thought 0 thoughts about it. Payu instructing Rain...
Y’know it’s interesting that Payu doesn’t like ill-mannered people or swearing because I feel like on a surface level that’s more of a uke trait. I guess it also helps that his other traits like being quite domineering and doing racing help counteract that also
lol was that indicating that Rain got hard
Rain: Will you help me? Sky: Isn’t that a given?
ahh racing here and in Cutie Pie looks so fun, wish I wasn’t such a scaredy cat with even just regular driving
Aw, I’m already ready to beat Sky’s ex’s ass but that still hasn’t happened by ep 11 lol
There’s so much repetitive footage from ep1 so far goddamn
lmfaoooo sorry this spanking is killing me from laughter and awkwardness i can’t watch this
rip rain getting yelled at
i’ve seen gifsets of this before like 2 months ago when it was released but rain getting angry bc Payu called him stupic and then kissing him is still funny
is Payu’s lip bleeding 
Rain is actually so cute, rolling around in bed like noo why did I say I’ll make him head over heals for me but then trying to quickly compose himself when he hears the knock
lol I’ve seen clips of this where Rain does everything to avoid eye contact over the breakfast table
Why do so many BLs have the seme/top joking that the uke/bottom has a small dick
What does forgiveness from Rain’s parents joke mean?
Rain gets so worked up every time and my guy has no forethought. Make him fall for you in a month
“Eh, hold on. Why do I feel like I’m dancing to P’Payu’s tune?” loll
Cast Reaction: Fort dying when Rain kissed Payu was hilarious, he was like whyyyy why did he do that? To me, it was cuz Rain jumped through a few hoops like “I don’t want him to call me stupid” -> “He won’t call someone he likes stupid” -> “I’ll make him fall for me” Also Peat guessed Payu wants to say hello to Rain’s parents and Fort guessed he wants to ask for Rain’s hand and everybody laughed when Payu said forgiveness
I want Boss to be my girlfriend.
Ep 3 (Nov 3)
killing me that it takes Rain that many days and hints to realize he can use his phone to contact Payu
Aww Rain got his feelings hurt being confronted with the fact that he’s not the first to wait like this for Payu 
uiii Rain being gutsy telling the server he’s hitting on Payu. lmfao Rain begrudgingly giving Payu his bowl and chopsticks 
loll the “replace stupid with cute” moment
The humour and Rain’s overreaction reminds me a lot of Japanese BLs like Kieta Hatsukoi tbh like my guy had cute cute cute! pop up all around him and then had to sit down in the middle of the street
Me watching this the day before my midterm (27 hours left...) and Rain’s getting scolded for being irresponsible and not using time wisely regarding school work ummmm why would you do this to me. Although I find the prof so annoying like submission due date at 8:30am what a joke and why is there no late penalty handing in? Profs like that are soooo annoying like “if I extend it for you, how many would I have to extend?” like bruv give people some wiggle room
Aw, poor Rain, he’s in first year right? Tough times, uni was so different than high school for us and it was a wild time to come being one of the better students in your class to a place where pretty much everybody is as good as you or better. I wonder how much this is worth lol cuz I’ve gotten used to taking Ls on stuff that’s worth 10% or less, it’s the 20% or greater Ls that hurt now but even then, gotta get over it quick or else you’ll fail the next thing
ahh Payu coming in and kneeling down and opening his arms for Rain and Rain going into the hug so cute T.T and comfort T.T
Payu being kinda stern with him but also giving him comfort T.T
bruhhh so cute, Payu going over again and just tucking Rain’s head again his stomach T.T
lol so is the timeline: Payu helped Rain with the tires -> Payu gets pic of Rain from the senior and realizes it’s guy he helped -> fucks with Rain’s car before the faculty dinner -> Faculty dinner
Fave Scene: The 2 hug scenes where Payu comforts Rain after first coming to see him + after when Rain’s drying his hair. 
Cast Reaction: Just Boss and Neoul this time. Funny to see Noeul go “oh P’Saifah is cool” -> Boss looking at him like hmm -> Noeul picking up on it and going haha P’Payu is super cool! because Rain would never pick up on it lmfao
Ep 4 (Nov 4)
Finished my exam, fucked around a bit after coming home and now onto the next ep!
oof Payu telling Rain he shouldn’t come here anymore 
P’Som: I was recently told a kindergartener’s more creative than me! And look at me, I’m still fine!
Sky understanding what’s going on with Rain
lol Saifah also being like lol who exactly is smilled Payu? The boy or youuuu
Sig calling Rain “Cloud Jizz” kills me, I wonder what the thai literal meaning is - i think it’s a pun on Rain
I know everyone’s like let’s see stuff outside of college!!!! but I really enjoy it when being a college student is actually a part of the plot. Rain being academically irresponsible and paying for it last ep was great. Them working hard for multiple days and staying up the day before an assignment due and then just going straight to sleep is also so relatable. My midterms just ended tonight so I’ve also been having a Fun Time and I’ll be sleeping so well tonight but after that I’ll have to catch up on 2 weeks of work on 2 different classes that I’ve neglected cuz that material won’t be on the midterm rip
The sound in this is so bad, why can I hear the clothes and the leather and everythingggg lol
I think a bl should show us con-somno. love mechanics had the con-noncon fun ending, we should get a fun con-somno that’s appealing but doesn’t make me feel weird. Also, Payu lightly slapping Rain’s stomach to wake up/punish him for pretending... haha
Rain gets to hear Payu call him smart boy
lol Saifah interrupting them
Payu left compliments for Rain in his final project sticky notes! That’s so cute
Rain and Payu both checking their phones incessantly throughout the ep waiting for the other’s texts is cute
Why is Rain waiting in the rainnnnnn, get inside boy!
very jarring cut to get to the bathing 
the kiss sounds are too loud lol but people like it i think
the holding hands beside Rain’s head is cute and then Payu guiding Rain’s hand below... yeah
condom under toy car
Teaching Rain ahh
at 49:00 when Payu pushes Rain’s head back, nice
hand holding really is my weakness i think
lmao i had to mute, that’s a lotta noises
dang, Payu was like k lemme hear the “Rain belongs to P’Payu now” It’s stuff like this that makes me realize that this would work for me soooo much more in the written form when I can’t actually see or hear anything
Fave Scene: Payu going easier on Rain doing his work at the garage once Rain says he just wanted to see Payu’s face. Rain realizing Payu wrote the sticky note compliments on his project. Payu pushes Rain’s face back down during the NC scene 
Cast Reaction: Boss was already dying during their little kiss when Rain goes to see Payu after finishing all his homework lol they both passed away watching the NC scene
I realized Tonnam who plays Sig also played a similar character in Cutie Pie, the wacky schoolmate in the friend group. I’m curious to see him in Triage where he apparently plays a doctor (Dr. Sing? or smth) and he’s also in a main character in Wish You Luck 2023 which is like a post-apocalyptic or sci-fi BL
Ep 5 (Nov 5)
so many gratuitous shots of Payu lol from him waking up to the exercising 
ep title: Calm Before The Calm hmm
I do hate it when parents let strangers into their child’s room without the child knowing or giving permission
girl not the rectal suppository 
fun to see Rain - Payu - Rain’s mom/Mama shenanigans 
Kinda funny that people dubbed Payu/Boss VegasPete’s lovechild and Payu is referred to as the devil here because I’m pretty sure Vegas is referred to as the devil in KinnPorsche novels
“Don’t refer to yourself as Rain anymore?” hmm I hear a lot of poms, did Rain go from Rain -> Pom as first person singular pronoun
girl, no way Payu’s gonna let Rain down right? He’s just unnecessarily fucking with him before saying let’s be byfriends or smth 
loll yeah “Now it’s my turn to pursue you” laughing headass after he made Rain cryyyyy
ew they’ve really got tongue and everything going
naurr Rain’s old crush Ple wants Rain’s new bf Payu’s number. lmfao and possibly her brother likes him too, rip Rain
ahh the pun works in so many ways “Damn, these fruity siblings!” because Ple and Som are apparently fruit names in Thai and fruity because the brother likes a guy
loll Sky coming out of the theatre and seeing PayuRain. “Oh, Rain. P’Payu, too. You’re holding hands.” this was so funny here
Rain coming out to Sky is cute and then him and Payu ganging up like “who’s Ple... when did you come here without me...”
I don’t really know what people by when they say someone has the relationship glow (like sometimes ppl will look at idols and be like hmmm they’ve been glowing and happier lately, wonder if they’re in a relationship) but this episode Payu has soo been that like when he was at work + now literally humming while making food as Rain sleeps in his bed lmao
I’ve felt this a few times but so many scenes/shots just feel too long like I wonder if it’s because I’m watching the uncut version but let’s cut a lot of these scenes by 10-30 seconds bruv
Payu looking at Rain, then looking back at Saifah and shaking his head, saying “too many assholes” about whether he’ll take rain to the next race was kinda attractive hmm rewatched it like 5 times
Rain hitting Payu for teasing him counter this ep: so many
oof, the meeting each other before while younger was tryna get into the uni and older was an attending student trope. reminds me of SOTUS. also Rain’s lucky triangle was placed there by Payu, cute
Fave Scene: The Sky seeing them at the theatre + lunch scene. [TODO Why can’t I find gifsets of those scenes? no way people aren’t giffing it right] That few seconds of Payu shaking his head and saying “too many assholes”
Cast Reaction: Boss hiding behind Noeul once really did a lot for my brain.
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(29m) I for a split second thought he had a bow in his hair... my girlfriend!Boss agenda 
Ep 6 (Nov 6)
oh yeah, i hadn’t realized the mafia twins from Don’t Say No were already had shown up for a sec in ep 5. i only became aware when i was watching tiktok people’s ep 5 thoughts and somebody mentioned it and even in this ep, do they appear for just 1 second to wave?
lol the state of love interests in BL is so shit that I was pleasantly surprised by Payu not resorting to violence or provocation at the race (which is his workplace) despite the shitty rich kid. He did provoke a bit with words toward the end but like deserved
They’ve started translating mia to darling instead of wife lol
cute to see Rain tryna get Payu to smile and not be mad at the situation
Stormy at office -> sunshine in garage
aw Rain worried about Payu. Payu finally being serious and putting his hands in his pockets was kinda attractive
Rain believing in Payu winning so hard. It’s cute to see how strongly Rain is on Payu’s side this ep
Rain being forward and horny in this NC scene, so true. Payu turning Rain around and pushing him against the wall ahh Rainnnn. 
I’m having the wildest time watching this NC scene lmfao usually I’ll like it and watch it fully or mostly (depending on how embarrassing it is) or I’ll skip most of it or watch on a small screen. This scene I’m not skipping anything because it’s just like not awkward or weird but also, it’s too much, so idk where I fall because I keep being like ohhh I like this move and then being like ewww tongue swiping lmfao I watched the tongue swiping twice because I couldn’t believe my eyes the first time and physically, involuntarily jerked away both times bc it’s so ew to me but I’m also so incredibly fascinated like damn they did that
Rain’s iconic “This is also riding” line
wait Rain kissing Payu’s forehead, that’s suchhhh a seme to uke/top toward bottom thing! Rain’s been very forward and more dom than subby in this NC scene but that really sealed the deal lol I love light switches even though Mame doesn’t seem to do verse like at all 
laksdf Rain going back to his cute bubbly self in the next scene is so fun
Bold Rain is sooo fun “Someone accused me of seducing, so I’m doing it for real. So? Does it work?”
Ah, the kidnapping
Fave Scene: The NC scene just because of how I liked parts of it a lot and was icked out by parts of it; usually NC scenes lean more toward one of the other. Also, bold Rain in the scene was great
Cast Reaction: Always fun to see Boss shrivel up and be cute about the makeout and NC scenes. hilarious to see him say “It’s not me, It’s Payu!” about the scene where Payu tells Rain to take off the suit or whatever before the race (12:30m). Seeing all of them literally pass away while watching the NC was hilarious lol, after it ended it looked like all them came down from a roller coaster. lmfao watched the longer part of them watching the NC scene on a diff youtube clip and they just screamed and yelled the whole time, so funny; Fort was right saying that was tiring. 
Ep 7 (Nov 7)
The kidnapping’s kinda just meh, like sure. It’s like the ep 10 conflict w the gun in Bad Buddy like why can’t we keep shows that have mostly internal and interpersonal conflict that way without throwing in a random gun/kidnapping for some plot. 
It wasn’t that cool either cuz it was just Payu going and getting beat up (which makes sense lmao he’s not a trained fighter nor a mafioso). kinda interesting once again that they didn’t make him sooo cool and better than everybody that he can take all of them. Rain on the other hand was really ballsy though, probably too much considering he was tied up and could do nothing 
lol Rain’s iconic “*kick!* only P’Payu can screw me!” and Payu’s big ass grin when Rain walks back to him afterward is cute lol
lol the telling friends about their relationship was funny when I watched clips of it and it’s still funny now. I’m gonna ignore how Sky didn’t have permission to say Rain’s dating someone nor did he say it’s okay for Payu to say they’re dating in front of all his friends
ah, we’re getting some info about Prapai and Sky current situation
lol Prapai bothering Payu until Rain gives Sky his number. sigh don’t even have energy to be annoyed at Rain giving Prapai Sky’s number bc later on he’ll give him his dorm keys for fuck’s sake
oh yeah I knew Payu tampered with Rain’s car. It’s one of the early ep things that I’m just: ignoring. “You won’t love me after learning the truth?” well, i’d certainly reconsider
Fave Scene: The telling friends scene I guess
PayuRain story is done. Overall thoughts is that I thought I’d have to ignore more things than I did lol; like it’s just the very first night, the bathroom, the spanking, and the car tempering that are questionable and those happened really early on. I don’t like that people say that’s just their brat/tamer dynamics because you do need to agree upon the dynamics first. Anyway, still fun dynamic if you don’t think about how uncomfortable it is.
I don’t get people saying this had no plot because ? Character growth and growing into a relationship is like a fair plot for a BL, esp because so many bls are already like that. so i don’t get it.
Enjoyable but not a fave.
The Prapai/Sky bits in this ep were giving me such mixed feelings cuz it’s actually really appealing to me but like, even as a lover of fucking rancid dynamics, Prapai being a creep to a traumatized abuse victim is just a lot. like some of the spoilers I’ve heard... I like Sky so much though, I just want better for him
Ep 8 (Nov 8)
I would’ve been way more eager to start this if ep 13 didn’t piss everyone off. ahh i’ll try to enjoy it as much as i can bc i think it’s a very interesting story and dynamic still
Unwanted tally of Rain being a shitty friend: leaving Sky during the race (and not even wondering what happened to him), giving Prapai Sky’s number
Watching this is like I really don’t know how to feel. Fort was probably Payu-level teasing with the “ooh yknow what you have to do to leave” but Sky took it literally cause of the past abuse T.T Can’t even watch the sex scene without thinking of how Sky’s gonna feel hurt by it and how he feels coerced into it
repetitive PayuRain scene, what was the point
“They’re all assholes. You’re also an asshole” “Shitty things always happen to me” T.T Sky
Somehow Sig’s outbursts are funny but P’Som’s aren’t
While watching the cast reaction, I understood something. Sky says “oi! Why’s this like the book?” when Prapai first called him because he was reading Love Sky, his own novel lol
Rain, since you called, at least tell Sky that you give his number to Prapai!
Prapai ambushing Sky outside the uni and getting Rain to leave them alone is a level of sleaziness that I can still enjoy and have fun with without being too upset about it
I am soooo normal about Sky giving Rain a punishment... it’s not a doozy at all
lol Prapai’s assistant is great\
Fave Scene: Sky - Rain - Prapai scene in front of the uni, I enjoyed the humour in what Rain thinks is happening vs what’s actually happening. Also Rain punishing Sky
Ep 9 (Nov 8)
finally watching 2 eps in the same day again. midterm season ended, i’m a little caught up on homework and i gotta make sure i get to ep 13 by thursday 
Prapai also bi/pan and also there’s something kinda ew about how his siblings and he discuss sleeping with people like that’s your siblinggggg but Pai holding both their heads and vibrating was cute and sibling-like
nooo even the mention of ‘love’ taking Sky to a bad place
sky canon nipple piercings... but also apprehension bc idk where he got them, considering his past trauma and abuse
This sort of stalking and sleaziness from Prapai is slightly off-putting but I could probably put up with it, esp once Sky decides he likes him
“If you’re really my friend, never mention that son of a bitch again, got it?!” aw Skyyy
Sky nightmare :( but then Sky unconsciously smiling at Prapai’s texts. Reminds me of The Eclipse with Ayan’s nightmares and Akk’s smiling at Ayan’s text
Has P’Som been useful in any way ever? Annoying ass character
Dang, does Sky have nightmares every time he sleeps? Makes sense why he always seems to stay awake when his friends come over for all-nighters and naps
How the fuck am I supposed to root for Prapai when he keeps getting new SIMs to get around Sky blocking him and texting him so much that he worsens Sky’s breakdown over his ex and his abuse. Seeing Sky being so upset about these texts and calls is just agh
Rain strike 3: giving sick Sky’s dorm keys to Prapai despite Sky having gotten mad at him for giving Pai his phone number + insisting times he doesn’t like Pai
A taking care of sick boyfriend (to be) is cute if yknow... it’s not so greatly against the sick person’s wishes
Cast Reaction: Fort and Peat both looked really good in this reaction lol Also Fort’s reaction was kinda fun cuz I think he’d sometimes get confused lol and also he was actually sad at the sad parts. I think it was fun cuz it seemed like they were also watching it as the audience instead of as the actors
I don’t even know what to say like why couldn’t it just have been like regular levels of creep and more of us seeing Sky fall for him and saying no to guard his heart. Why the hell would I wanna support Prapai after his relentless texting and calling made Sky’s breakdown worse and had him yelling while clutching and pounding his bedsheets.
I don’t like when the situation is just main character’s love interest has made him unable to escape 
Ep 10 (Nov 9)
I’m really excited for this ep because I think I’m gonna love it and my favourite scene that initially made me very interested in the Sky/Prapai arc is in here.
Also, I’m fully intending to ignore nearly every red flag of Prapai in this ep unless it’s wayy too big, so. 
Prapai doing his work while Sky holds his hand in bed, that’s really cute
“So what do you want?” “You know what I want.” “No, I won’t have sex with you P’Prapai” “Then you don’t know what I want” alsjdf
ahhh cheek kiss
“Will you stop me?” “If it’s important to Nong Sky, then I won’t” okayyyyy
“Then I should get a reward for my good deeds... I wanna see your lovely smile” line is much cuter and life changing in the tiktoks but is cute here too ahh
Sky smiles so wide and pretty :D that Pai has to take a moment and talk to himself like “Looks like your no-strings-attached lifestyle is coming to an end Prapai” is sooo relatable
Prapai should’ve just jacked off in the bathroom before showing us this whole turmoil cuz apparently not assaulting someone is a lot of hardwork
Sky’s reaction at wanting Pai to kiss him was cute tho
hehe Sky’s delight at telling Pai that Payu took Rain and him took this restaurant before
Natsu ahh I really hope she’s in Just Say Yes and the twins Past Love In The Future or whatever show
please the “I’ve stopped fooling around with anyone since that night” “I’m not that dumb” “okay once... alright twice... okay three time max, I swear. And I haven’t slept with anyone in the past 2 months” scene was cute and Sky liked it lol
lol P’Joy gossiping about Sky and Pai
ahh Pai kissing Sky’s shoulder
oh yeah i love Pai in Sky’s clothes like he changed into that when taking care of Sky too. It also makes me wish Pai was younger than Sky cuz I think it’d play off well 
is Sky writing in the diary that’s gonna come into play in ep 12
Drawing Wind on Sky’s palm and saying “I’m claiming ownership” laksdf;lkajsdfl;kjds 
the dinner convo where they talk about their families is cute 
“I take care of you so well but I’ve got to sleep on the floor. I’m just a servant” “You do it on your own free will. Too bad” so true, don’t let Pai make you feel guilty Sky lol
Fave Scene: The 2 scenes where Sky thinks where Pai wants sex from him but then Pai says a different thing are great but also I think the whole episode is delightful fr, my fave ep so far
Cast Reaction: Fort is sooo adorable in this lmao he was gushing throughout the whole thing, so relatable
Ep 11 (Nov 9)
Oof, the finale coming out in 12 hours bc I didn’t time this correctly lol I have love in the air blacklisted on here now bc I don’t wanna be spoiled for ep 13 hmmm I think I’m gonna watch this, watch ep 12 immediately after waking up and look at tumblr and stuff then, and then avoid tumblr and twitter until I can watch ep 13 at like 5 after my lecture. hm
I’m gonna not think too hard about Pai’s actions in this ep too cuz I wanna love it
I am strictly ignoring how I feel about 1) Pai telling Joy that he and Sky are a couple knowing that she’s a gossiper and 2) getting a keycard for Sky’s place for himself without Sky’s permission
Sky waiting for Pai to come because he said he would T.T sleepy Sky letting Pai change his clothes T.T
lmfao dream makeout session; lotsa BLs have those these days - The Eclipse my dear
“I might be a psychotic stalker in your eyes but please understand how worried I am for you.” well, he’s self-aware 
Aw, Sky trying to get Pai to not be mad at him
yknow this is like the complement to ep 6 Rain showing how he worries about and cares for Payu and now, Sky showing he’s also interested in and likes Pai 
akk Sky accidentally bragging to Rain about Pai
alskdfj Sky testing Pai by making him do so much cleaning and telling him to go home if he doesn’t wanna do it and that he wouldn’t put this much effort for a one night stand vs Pai being like no, I can handle it. Yknow Pai is extremely dedicated to pursuing Sky, including driving to him and helping him with his school or home chores, helping him when sick, etc. If he didn’t have an undercurrent of creep, it’d be soooo good but not it’s just good
loll Pai’s tryna explain himself about wanting sex but not doing everything for the sex
good ass sex scene, felt emotionally cathartic and was so intimate. also got a Sky -> Prapai forehead kiss ayy also Sky clutching Pai’s hair was haha nice
cute to see them having pillow talk and Sky divulge info about himself 
we get canon nipple piercing mentions but at what cost? not seeing them but getting trauma lore T.T  
Sky sniffing Pai’s shirtttt
how could they Rain this dumb, esp when earlier in the ep Rain knew that Sky was talking about Pai being great
ahh Pai is so into ownership, it’s a lot like him asking for a hickey so that Sky can claim ownership...
Fave Scene: Sky questioning when Pai will get bored of him + Pai explaining himself (and not doing everything for sex) before the NC scene + the NC scene itself because of how romance and emotion driven it was. Also liked the general way Sky was more receptive to Pai and also reciprocated 
Cast Reaction: During the NC scene, Fort tried to cover his eyes, then Peat’s eyes, then his eyes again all within a second lmfao. Also Fort mentioned the hair pulling >:) they said it’s a very romantic NC scene compared to ep 8 and yesh, I agree
Ep 12 (Nov 10)
I... don’t know how I’ll feel about this ep, I’ll be honest. I’ll try to do the ‘ignore pai’s questionable behaviour’ thing but will it hold up? Lemme rewatch the ep 11 NC scene full of romance and love and care before i start this lol
loll Pai having fun with Sky worrying about his hand being cut
ew why is Pai talking about Sky being a gentleboy in the streets, a freak in the sheets to Payu and Saifah D: i’m skipping over Pai talking bout him
Sky/Pai went from cute and endearing in eps 10 and 11 to just cringe this ep T.T don’t do this to me tf is this “that’s my wife, not my boyfriend?
“I can skip morning class” lol
5 seconds of Leon but at least he got like 2 lines similar to Natsu unlike the twins getting just the wave
Pai, why didn’t you remove yourself from the person earlier T.T
“I saw your boy [...] The one you let me borrow” I’m gonna kill Gun, I’m gonna kill this guy, I’m gonna throw up
fuck, I feel bad for both Pai and Sky cuz Sky’s been like waiting for this and worse whereas Pai doesn’t even know what’s going on
fuckkk “you pick up when it’s not my number?”
oh fuck Sky being mean as hellll to get Pai to give up fuckkkk
“He doesn’t love me. He just finds me unusual” 
of course pai is in the freaking room lmao i was like hmmm did he get in with the key, then saw the dark house and was like oh, only to realize that he pops up in the clip
what a distressing scene rip there are so many things I feel where it’s like Pai was seen by Sky being too touchy with some other dude (and he should’ve detangled himself earlier but was he really at so much fault? he didn’t do anything but nicely establish some boundaries) --> Sky ghosted Pai and was very mean to him when breaking up on the phone (and it wasn’t right of him to do that but also it’s due to his past trauma and insecurities) --> Pai going to Sky’s dorm and reading his diary (bro is like fuckkkk boundaries but also him reading out loud Sky’s entries was insane and I think Fort did well) and then idk how to feel about Sky’s love confession
“I wonder where you got this idea that I’ll tire of you one day”
they’re really running with the Rain Dumb As Rocks thing but like lol the attempt at 2 convos at once was funny
Fave Scene: Pai during the phone call to Sky (esp the “you pick up when it’s not my number?” and the tears at the end of the call) and the way Pai was speaking during the diary scene. Also Pai kinda playing with Sky during the papercut scene
Cast Reaction: Boss and Noeul were there this time. Lots of talking about character motivations and Fort cried and Noeul got teary-eyed
That wasn’t as bad as I thought it’d be; I’d seen a lot of complaints so I thought it’d be worse but it was just kinda sad distressing because they were both hurting and then hurting each other because of it and I can empathize with both.
Okay I was nervous about this ep because of certain spoilers and because I heard some general dissatisfaction but when watching, I could see where both characters were coming from and why they were reacting the way they were. There was something slightly off about the episode to me (was it disjointed writing? maybe iffy editing? idk) but I thought it'd take me back to how I felt about ep 8/9 Pai but nah, the characters' actions and progressions made sense to me based on who they are so far
I thought it was good at showing the sadness of the situation like Sky's insecurities and past experience make him ghost and lash out at Pai on the phone and Pai is understandably hurt and and although the breach of privacy by just going in Sky's room and reading his diary is a lot for me, I knew Pai was like that from ep 8 so lol
Also, I’m becoming more impressed with Fort’s acting because I didn’t think much of it before but in ep 10 when he was upset with Sky for the panic-inducing call and this ep when he was angry (”...you pick up when it’s not my number?”) and sad during his breakup call with Sky were idk good at showing intense but subdued emotions. him reading the diary entries out loud was wild though like it was making me nervous and I thought he did well. I think he’d just do better in a role that’s not a “dom, older dude” because he’s better when he’s not tryna pull off the sleazy domtop thing and he was giving me ‘younger seme’ vibes in ep 9 and 10.
Also, people have been saying Sky in the diary scene was just supposed to be not crying tears but rather yelling and hyperventilating etc the way he was but I wish the show actually showed that.
Ep 13 (Nov 10)
Okay, last episode came out like 9 hours ago, time to watch it. I’m glad I waited to watch it instead of as soon as it came out though because apparently it’s extremely triggering and they do a weirdly realistic job portraying Sky’s abuse and SA. So. I’m nervous about that. 
People have said it’s in general a strong episode (even if they have gripes about the portrayal of SA)
flashback to how Sky ended up with Gun?
holy shit why was the scene with Sky and Gun in their underwear with Gun smoking so beautifully shot and framed
fuck fuck fuck those cigarette burns D: i love ao3 fics with that trope but i can’t believe i’m gonna remember this when i read it next time
the way the sound of the lighter keeps going even after Sky wakes up from the nightmare
T.T Sky calling Pai to seek comfort
SkyPai are cute enough that I even rewatch their kissing (I actually really like their kissing) 
I’d heard about the wiping but klajdsf Pai wiping Sky’s stomach with tissue afterward asklfksdjf
PaiSky are sooo cuteeeee T.T
The background music is too loud when Sky surprises Pai at the race but it’s such a cute scene, I’ll forgive it
...fuck Sky’s going to the car by himself at the race where Gun is 
oh shit the clicking of the lighter is gonna be an insane thread in this ep i guess, Sky heard that as soon as he went to the car and it alerted him to Gun
oh my fucking god, this is so... Gun’s friend is convincing Pai to give up his room for the night because that’s where they’ll Sky... 
Pai: “If you do illegal stuff in my room, I’m gonna kill you” <-- I’m gonna fucking hold you to that Pai
Gun sewing doubt into Sky’s mind about Pai liking him + the “Earnestness is boring” when i get my hand on youuuu
Rain, just call Payu to tell him, don’t leave Sky alone ahh i’m so nervous
“A guard says P’Pai wants you to wait at the condo” ...a guard says? ...is this the same condo as where Pai took his hookups that he’s given up for the night?
okay i knewwww they were gonna try to make Sky think Pai did this to him. They’d mentioned “you can bet your lovers” at the race and I thought maybe that’s why Gun shared Sky with others but apparently he doesn’t even race. + They didn’t break into Pai’s room or anything, they waited for Sky there, making it seem like it’s all planned. fuck them so bad i haaate them
The music is too loud bruh
fuck Gun’s just stacking lie upon lie
Pai you raise your voice at Sky one more decibel (even though I don’t think he’s accusing Sky of anything) and I’m shooting you
Pai fucker startled even me by screaming fuck you for real the fuck
I need so much more anger and violence from Pai you don’t even know. 
Sky talking badly about himself “I’m trash. I’m damanged good.” after telling Pai what Gun did is actually making me lose my entire mind i’m so fucking sad
Pai’s subdued tears Twice because Sky can’t cry is really so. 
Won’t lie Pai’s “I should’ve met you sooner” is once again making me wish Pai was younger
“We won’t ever see him again.” Is he dead? Special episode we better see news of him having gone missing or smth. I wish I got to see Gun and all his friends in jail or dead with my own two guys but I guess it’s better than TharnType where Lhong walks free (and is forgiven by Tharn’s brother) and also nothing happens to the people who actually raped Earth’s character
I wish there was more of a mention of Sky’s future healing journey plans than just Pai being a good boyfriend and remembering an actor’s quote
I wanna see Sky meeting Pai’s familyyyyy
Fave Scene: The scene of Gun smoking while Pai was happy lying behind him filled me with so much dread; loved the lighter sound motif throughout the ep as well. Liked seeing Fort’s subdued tears and sadness about Sky’s situation. 
A good finale, although I wish the parts after Sky told Pai what happened were a bit different? I wish we got something more about plans for a healing journey being Pai being beside Sky. Also, I wanted to see Gun die with my own two eyes.
Beautifully crafted episode,
Overall Thoughts:
RainPayu - PayuRain story is done. Overall thoughts is that I thought I’d have to ignore more things than I did lol; a few things happen early on and we can ignore that + the fact that there wasn’t consent/discussion for a brat/tamer dynamic and just enjoy it - still a fun dynamic. I don’t get people saying this had no plot because ? Character growth and growing into a relationship is like a fair plot for a BL, esp because so many bls are already like that. so i don’t get it. Enjoyable but not a fave; I think the fact that I got into PaiSky the very next day also made me kinda forget about this pair.
PaiSky - They took up much more of my brainspace than PayuRain, both in good and bad ways. Pai was shitty in the first few eps of their story (mans is fr a stalker, doesn’t take no ew) but he’s also so good for Pai once he stops with the creepy shit and I have to be like... whelp, if you like him. I watched ep 10 and 11 being like “I shall ignore all of Pai’s questionable behaviour” and it’s definitely enjoyable that way, I liked ep 10 the best. 
The show is known for the NC scenes and I enjoyed both pair’s second NC scenes. PayuRain’s was just wild and I was intrigued, even though I had negative physical reactions a few times. SkyPai’s was soooo romantic and I’m floored by the fact that I enjoyed watching them kiss, what about their kisses was different than others’? 
I like Fort being an adorable cutie, I wanna see him play something younger (I think Pai as a younger seme would’ve been sooo good here). There were some production issues, like the sound was just shit and the editing for the second half was kinda worse than the first half.
Rating: 6.5/10
OG Teaser/Trailer: I remember when I saw the OG SkyPai teaser come out on r/boyslove lol It was interesting and then I heard nothing about it for several months. The trailer is interesting bc so much of it is exactly like in the actual show, there are some differences as well. Also, Pai did as much office work this trailer as in the whole of LITA.
Official Teaser/Trailer: I didn’t find either of these to be super engaging but maybe I would’ve been more excited if I hadn’t watched it already lol
Ep 1 edit
Ep 1 Morning after
Ep 4 bro interrupting
Ep 5 Sky knows they’re dating
Ep 7 sky and praprai storyline starting (compilation from trailers)
ep 8 sky angst :( 
Ep 9 prai practicing sky’s name + following Sky around (bg: lowkey)
ep 9 prai taking care of sky
Ep 9 prai flirting w sky (bg: left and right)
bossnoeul behind - peatfort first being supportive and then done
Ep 9 sky angst (bg: don’t need nobody) 
[FAVE] Ep 10 Pai wants to see Sky’s smile as a reward (bg: fall in love with you)
boss sulking 
ep 11 sky being cute while sleep (bg: Khudaya Khair)
ep 10  Pai wants to see Sky’s smile as a reward
up to ep 11 Pai and Sky meaningful moments edit (bg: mirrorball by Taylor Swift) 
Ep 10 sulking Pai + shoulder kiss
Ep 11 Pai taking care of sleepy Sky (bg: eenie meenie miney mo - Justin Bieber)
Ep 11 Sky asking Pai if he’ll get bored of him 
Ep 12 sad hugging after diary scene 
Ep 12 diary
Ep 12 "i want you to like me” scene before party
Ep 12 Pai wondering why Sky’s ignoring him vs how he’s looking at his boytoy
Ep 13 Sky with Gun vs Vegas with Tawan parallels... 
Ep 11 Pai “I don’t cook I don’t clean” vs “Yes i do the cooking yes i do the cleaning”
Ep 12 Pai being upset at being ghosted (+ when Sky finally picked up his call)
F4 had Fort and also, people finding about First being in it
Ep 10 cute moments SkyPai, ah my fave ep
[Fave] Ep 13 Pai’s “hm? hm?” and Sky asking if he can love Pai and why Pai’s crying 
Ep 13 rebellious badboy era Sky (bg: Untouchable)
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jinkicake · 2 years
SGDHHD no yehs when I saw Barbatos I was like hehe funny that a god is named after a demon but Venti is literally gluten free catholic like,,, ngl forgot Germany and all of Europe was😭 like someone was saying something weird and SOMEONE REPLIED W A CLOSE UP OF BARBRA AND SHE HAS CROSSES ALL IVER HER AND INSIDE THE CATHEDRAL 💀💀IN GAME LORE BARBATOS HAS NOTHING TO DO W CROSSES😭😭 hoyoverse let me write for this game bc all the plot holes piss me off. Like the entire Liyue arc was a waste of time actually like if we didn’t meet all my fav characters; ESPECIALLY XINYAN happy birthday sis😔💕 I would have Been mad. Bc Zhongli is so DUMB he literally throw not only his nation but all of teyvat into like a economic crisis bc he wanted a vacation 😐 he’s so lucky he’s got bc I was mad asf when I finished it. Bro you did ALL THAT when you could have just said lmao y’all I’m out like Venti did… you caused everyone so much trouble AND DIDNT HELP… if I punch a god is that a ticket straight to hell??? Bc Venti is the best archon out of the strongest 3 and probably all 7! Bc he helped w storm terror like he didn’t rly abandon his people bc they still worship him and think highly of him- even people outside of mondstat for the wind gliders- like no way is the green drunk twink the most responsible…. Im sick of the “ sorry I can’t say I have a contract” stuff too bc if you have the traveler a Glock the game would be 20 mins. Of my boy got his villian arc they would speak up then😤 like he has to run errands for people with nobody really helping to find his twin and dainsleif fine ass jumped into the abyss so we don’t see him no more, and Venti says so much while saying s o little☺️🔪 will talk for 30 mins and you still have no information like if he can’t tell us what’s wrong then tell me who’s holding y’all hostage so I can go beat them up!! Like pls is Venti knows every song past present and future( which I love that timelines ms tuff he shared w obey me barbatos and they’re both green) he definitely knows some important stuff that will help us change fate🙂( Also sorry for brain rot I have SO much to say about these parasites taking up space in my brain)
brain rot is the only thing that gets me through my week LOL i love reading it
VENTI... A GLUTEN FREE CATHOLIC?! PLEASEEEE honestly, i find out new things every day with your brain rots bc as much as i try to be a lore player i read all the dialogue and then forget it the second i finish a quest sigh.... no amount of youtube explanation videos can keep me updated
NO BC I HAVE SOME CHOICE WORDS W ZHONGLI and honestly, its only bc i was pissed he would always make me pay!!!! but i wasnt all that mad bc then childe would give me money #hearteyes ... i get zhongli wanted a break and he so deserved it but i did side eye him at the fake death hes so dramatic..... i love it
venti is the strongest of the three I AGREE..... but i have to say i just know Tsaritsa is going to be the baddest bitch and i am so excited bc shes going to be everything to me like i dont know what she is doing or what she is plotting but ill be on her side through it all!
oh speaking of drunk venti.... i know they make him so soft but I love seeing fanart of him during the catalyst like unhinged venti might have to be my favorite.... even if i do fall asleep during his dialogues im sorry that he talks and talks and talks... his voice is cute tho!
the connections between both barbatos..... theres something there but my brain cant connect the dots.... obey me seven sins equals seven archons confirmed, the end.... but add barbatos take out BEEL >:-)
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femmefaggot · 2 years
mayhaps ill try emoji tags again. those were fun.
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blackfangedreaper · 2 years
Uh hello UwU. I'd like to request a Law x Fem reader fluff! Basically I'd like a situation where reader's been pestering Law for attention but he ignores her cuz he's busy. Reader finally leaves upset and decides to hang out with Penguin and Sacchin instead. Law is eventually done with his work and waits for reader but after a few hours without her, he gets restless and goes to look for her. Thank you soo much!
Hehe im loving this suggestion ok ill try my best to satisfy you.✧*。٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و✧*。
Pairings: Trafalgar Law x Fem!reader
Warning: curse words, grammatical errors (maybe, i was too lazy to triple check) and fluff😍✨
Tumblr media
Today of all days you decide to be clingy, why won't you just leave him alone, you definitely see him working but it seems that doesn't matter as you continue to pester him and whine for his attention.
You can tell he's getting irritated, you could see the irk mark forming right beside his forehead but unfortunately for him, you really didn't care, he's been ignoring you for a while now and its really pissing you off.
"C'mon you could do this later, just lay with me please!" you sigh.
Law turns seeing you laying on one of the many vacant hospital beds, he sighs massaging his temples with his index and middle finger. "Im busy, if it wasn't obvious the last four times i told you!"
"I know, plus you look tired i'm not telling you to neglect your work just rest a little with me!" you said pouting.
"My answer remains the same!" he said frustrated from your continuous pestering.
"Law look-"
"Your giving me a headache, please leave"
"What? Law-"
"Fuck, leave Y/N-ya." He hissed.
"Well fine, i hope you choke on BREAD!!" you said storming out and slamming the door with a resounding 'bang'.
"Stupid law, who the fuck does he think he is." You grumbled all the way to the living area of the submarine which seemed to be preoccupied by shachi and penguin.
They both seemed to be heavily invested in whatever they were doing that they didn't notice you, well that was until they felt your looming figure behing them.
"AHHHhhh" they both let out girlish screams until they saw it was you.
"Oh my gosh, you scared me Y/N!" Shachi said putting his hand on his chest while regulating his breathing.
"I swear i almost pissed myself" penguin gasped clutching onto a piece of paper
"...that's too much information bro" shachi said disgusted.
"So what are you guys doing!" You asked peering into the sheet of paper penguin was holding in curiosity.
"Animal, name, place or thing!" Shachi exclaimed.
"Yeah, it's fun wanna join?" penguin suggested.
"Sure!" You agreed forgetting about the law incident.
"So how do we play?" You asked
"First you need to write down all alphabets starting from A down to Z then you write down the animal, name, place or thing that has the first letter of the alphabet which is chosen by a player in each round." Shachi explained.
"And each player gets twenty seconds to complete the row of the letter chosen." Penguin said.
"Yeah, for example S, snake, shachi, saobody archipelago and ship" shachi explained.
As shachi and penguin explained more of the game, you being the bad bitch you were understood quite fast, or maybe the game wasn't that complex to understand.
"Ok let's start, penguin you go!" Shachi suggested.
"I choose W." Penguin exclaimed.
As the letter was called you searched your brain for answers, getting an idea you jotted down quickly as time was almost up.
"Time's up!" Penguin said as he gave his paper to you while you gave yours to shachi, who gave his to penguin.
Silence filled the living area as you all marked each others answers, that was until shachi bursted out laughing.
"Aha haha, what the fuck Y/N, whitebeard's ship isn't a place" shachi said choking on his laugh.
"No way she wrote that?!" Penguin asked in disbelief and leaned over to check.
"Hey HEY! It is!" You argued now looking at the laughing penguin and shachi.
"No it isn't!!" They argued back.
"Uh... It actually is though" ikkaku said passing by.
"HA! Thanks babe!" You exclaimed thanking her.
"We girls have to stick together" she said winking at you, then going towards the direction of the kitchen.
"Ugh fine fine, you win this one." Shachi said scowling then proceeded to give you a total of five points.
You all switched back your papers before checking your scores.
You seemed to be having fun, you haven't actually been spending much time with shachi and penguin and actually made you realize how much you missed your closest friends maybe law sending you out was a good thing.
"Ha, i love this let's play some more." You said beaming.
"Yes!" Shachi and penguin exclaimed.
Meanwhile a certain doctor was starting to feel your absence.
After he sent you out, he actually got some work done but why did he feel like he was missing something.
'oh well' shrugging the feeling off as he continued filling out patient applications and checking on crewmates who had not yet come for their monthly check up.
Pressure started to weigh down on his chest, was it worry or guilt. 'where were you? maybe he shouldn't have sent you out'. He thought tapping his fingers on his desk anxiously, but he managed to push it all down and finish his work.
Now that he was finally done he waited for you to come back.
An hour passed which turned to two, three then finally four hours which seemed longer as he kept glancing at the clock and it seemed to be mocking him.
He's never gone that long without you pestering him, his eyebrow twitched as he became impatient, he stood up hanging his labcoat on the coat rack before heading towards the exit of the clinic. I guess he's gonna have to get you himself.
He passed the several rooms of his crewmembers, as he headed towards the kitchen which seemed to be occupied by some of his crewmembers.
"Oh hey cap'n looking for sum'n?" ikkaku asked smirking, she knew what or rather who he was looking for.
"Where is she?" He asked rolling his eyes at her smug face.
"Living area with shachi and penguin." She answered.
"Hm." He left hastily but not before giving her a nod as thanks.
The echos of laughter and chatter met his ears as he walked towards the living area, he was soon met with a rolling penguin and wheezing you.
"W-Wait, it was a mistake! I swear" shachi said pleading.
"Nah, bro it looked intentional to me!" Penguin said cackling.
"Oh, yo-you should h-have seen his f-face omg, what the hell shachi!" You said tearing up, you were getting breathless from all this laughing.
"Look i panicked ok, so i just picked whatever i touched, it wasn't on purpose please!" Shachi begged trying to reason with you both.
Rewinding back to four hours ago you all seemed to finish the first game with shachi in first place, you in second and penguin in last place, deciding to spend more time with each other you played several then settled with playing truth or dare.
And it seemed that shachi got himself in trouble, i mean sneaking into your captain's room? How brave of you.
"Please don't tell captain, i'll do anything i swear" shachi swore.
"Don't tell me what?" Law's voiced bounced around the walls creating an echo effect causing shachi and penguin to turn pale after realising their captain may have heard them.
"U-Uh hey uh captain" they stuttered while you rolled your eyes and crossed your arms refusing to acknowledge him.
"I asked a question." He raised an eyebrow demanding an answer.
"Nothing i swear!" Shachi exclaimed, making penguin wince, they're fucked aren't they.
"It doesn't seem like it!" Law pressured.
It almost worked as penguin was about to spill due to being pressured and shachi looked like he was about to burst out crying, but you stepped in before any of that could happened "As they said before its nothing."
"..." His eyebrow twitched as he turned to look at you "Y/N-ya where have you been?" He tapped his feet waiting for an answer.
'Who died and made him king?! Where have you been? To hell with that your not telling him shit!'. You thought frustrated as your brow twitched.
"Hmph." You said turning away from him.
"Why you!" He walked towards you forgetting about your two companions, oh now he was fixated on you and noone else.
"Kya!!" You exclaimed as your vision turned upside down, the only thing in your sight is his back.
"Hey Hey!! Put me down!" You demanded hitting his back with your fists.
He ignored you, gave your two friends a warning glare and then proceeded to walk away with you on his shoulder.
Arriving at the door of your shared room, he opens the door, walks towards of your bed and lays you there, before you could protest he lays on top of blocking all routes of escape.
"Hey! Get off!" You say trying to wiggle free.
"No." He says his breathe brushing against your neck.
You gasp feeling a pleasant shiver down your spine causing you to desperately wiggle free.
"Hey! Stop squirming!" He lifts his head to glance at you, you turn to scowl at him.
"Get off then." She suggested smiling insincerely.
"No." He repeated, before dropping his head against your chest while encircling your body with his arms.
You sigh and decided to give up, silence fills the room as you feel his breathing slow down, 'i-is he sleeping right now?!' You sweatdropped, looking down to check only to see a pair of grey eyes staring right back at you.
"Ah!" You exclaimed startled while looking away, you feel heat start to crawl up your (s/c) face.
You hear his chuckle which turns to laughter and you can't just help but laugh too.
"Haha, im sorry!" He said, his laughter dying down.
"Eh, its ok i guess it was kinda funny." you said smiling.
"No, not about that- well that to but ha- im apologising for the rude behaviour i displayed earlier today." He said diverting his eyes somewhere else in guilt.
"Oh-" he rose his hand to stop you, wanting to finish first before hearing your take on it.
"I know, i shouldn't have sent you out and i was so worried when you didn't come back after a while and then i see you with them after waiting four hours for you to come back-" He sighed not knowing how to tell you he was jealous.
"-and It didn't just sit well with me." He looked up at you then looked away, only to look back when he heard your laughter.
"Oh my gosh, haha i get you were guilty but the jealous part? Oh gosh law ahahaha" you were wheezing you didn't even think he was one to get jealous.
"Hey, stop laughing at me!" He demanded.
You could see his face and ears heating up and couldn't help but pinch his cheeks "aww you look so red."
He pulls off your hands from his face and holds then in his hands, stroking them softly with the pad of his thumbs. "So?"
"So?" You ask confused.
"Am i forgiven?" He asked.
"On one condition!" You said.
"That would be?" He asked expecting a high demand.
"Take breaks ok? I know you work really hard and im proud really proud of you, but i'm gonna need you to rest once in a while, ok?" You said caressing his face.
"I-I'll try my best." He said leaning into your warm hands.
"Yosh! your forgiven, now i demand cuddles" you demanded.
He chuckles pulling close with your head laying on his chest, he sighs feeling your warmth engulfing him as he kisses your forehead bidding you a good sleep. "Anything for you, Y/N-ya."
You smiling feeling his lips brushing against your forehead before you drift off enjoying the warmth your lover provided you.
I guess it's calm before the storm because somewhere in the submarine shachi and penguin are racking their heads trying to figure out how to return their captain's white boxer with meat prints to him, it seemed to be given to him by everyone's favourite strawhat wearer, theirs screams echoing in the submarine are gonna be astronomical!.
Wrists aching, eyes heavy and brian strained but still maintaining beauty cause there's no rest for the wicked.✧⁺⸜(●˙▾˙●)⸝⁺✧
I hope you like it, to be honest this is way longer than i expected, but hopefully this satisfys you.
Ugh im going to bed😭.
Thank you for reading!❤✨
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agent-yolk-writes · 4 years
You're My Dad! Boogie Woogie Woogie! (Diavolo & Reader)
Ever wanted to call Diavolo your dad? No? Well too bad, I have the perfect fic for you down below!
AO3 Version Here!
If you like my writing, please let me know! My inbox is empty and it's hungry for OM content.
Bold = Diavolo's text
Italicized and Indented = MC's text
Like every natural disaster, it came without a warning.
It started off like every other day. Wake up, go to RAD, do student council duties, go home, sleep, repeat. Of course, there would be an occasional (read: frequent) occasion outside of the standard norm, but today was not one of those times.
“Here you go!” You handed Diavolo your latest finished report. “I’ve even separated the approved and rejected request forms and sorted them alphabetically for easier reading.” You said proudly. Sure enough, the Prince quickly thumbed through one of the piles and made a noise in his throat that sounded positive.
Next thing you know, he gives you one of his iconic smiles. “Excellent work as always, MC.” He tells you. “Your help is always appreciated! Thanks to you, we’ve made a tremendous dent in all this paperwork. We couldn’t have done it without you.”
The praise he was pouring on you felt so good. You try not to visibly react to it, but your brain dumped a massive pool of serotonin from his words alone. Hell, you can even feel your cheeks warming up. It always felt good to be praised by your peers, but there was something about the way Diavolo praises you that fuels you to work hard for the next one. While you were chasing that high and not wanting to be rude you simply replied with,
“Thanks, dad.”
And all of Devildom seemed to freeze over. You could hear Lucifer’s pen dropping to the floor behind you while Mammon choked on something somewhere else in the room. There were no sounds of papers being written or even talking. All eyes landed on you as the reality of what you said started to sink in.
Oh fuck, did you call the Prince of Literal Hell your Dad? Well, he’s such a huge guy and acts almost exactly like those kind-hearted fathers you always see on social media in your realm. It doesn’t help that your actual dad kinda sucks, so maybe this is projection at work. Sadly, the damage has already been done. You could see Diavolo’s face turn from confusion to amusement in a matter of seconds.
“I...I…” Your already red face got darker when you heard the faint snickering coming from Barbatos. Fearing that your rapid heart bursting through your chest, you can only manage to squeak a “Bye!” Before dashing out of the building and out of the academy.
So here you are, holed up in your honorary room at Purgatory Hall while your D.D.D. continues to blow up on the nightstand next to the bed. You couldn’t go back to the HOL, not immediately at least. You felt so embarrassed that you called your housemates’s semi-boss your father.
At least the residents at Purgatory Hall understood your human err. Solomon did give you some shit about it, but that was a given because, well, it’s Solomon. If he wasn’t teasing you about this, then you would have bigger fish to fry in Hell. Simeon was the most sympathetic person about your current predicament while Luke was just happy that you’re hanging out for a few hours. He can complain about the demons later.
You just hope this shitshow cools down soon. Maybe a nap will calm you down.
Hours have passed. Still afraid to look at your phone, your only indicator of time passing was Simeon coming up to your room with a tray of tonight’s dinner with a side dish almost overflowing with cookies courtesy of Luke. Bless these angels, both of them.
And sure enough, your phone stopped vibrating non-stop. Before you could deduce that the battery died, a singular buzz proved otherwise. Damn it.
Still, you couldn’t avoid the brothers forever. They’ll probably kick up another storm of messages since you haven’t replied to them initially. With a defeated sigh, you grabbed your phone and unlocked it. Let's see...143 messages in the HOL+Royals group chat, 103 messages in the HOL group chat, 87 messages from Mammon, 15 messages from Asmo, 10 messages from Lucifer, 5 messages from Levi, 1 message from Satan, 2 messages from Diavolo-
...2 messages from Diavolo. Sent a minute ago. Welp, no use avoiding him either since he’s the sole reason you’re even in Hell in the first place.
MC! Are you alright? You sure ran out of the room quite fast. I didn’t know humans could reach those speeds.
I apologize if I offended you somehow.
With a big gulp, you started writing back.
im okay! Hunkering down at Purgatory atm
if anything, I should be apologizing to you lol
Five minutes passed before he texted back.
That’s good to hear! (smiling devimoji)
Hopefully the brothers haven’t bothered you too much from this.
you have no idea.
(gurgle devimoji)
I have to say, you certainly caused a stir. I couldn’t help but wonder about something.
MC, do you see me as a father figure?
uh, no? If anything, I see you as a bother figure
cuz your always bothering me
God damn you, brain! Think before you speak for fuck’s sake! Quick, do something that'll lessen the blow!
Nailed it!
(hehe devimoji)
I see.
I have been called many things, good and bad, because of my position. Being called dad is a new one.
It’s certainly not...unpleasant.
He’s going to kill you at this rate. You know he will.
ill make sure not to do it again. sorry chief
tho im sure i caused a riot during the meeting
No worries!
And you left it like that. Your mind was pulling blanks on how to respond. You could figure it out as you reply to the others, but you really don’t have the mental fortitude to face them now that Diavolo is embracing his new moniker happily.
And of course, think about the demon prince and he shall appear. Again. What he sent made you groan into your pillow.
How about this weekend we can talk about what human fathers normally do over some sandwiches and tea?
...that sounds nice
Great! Looking forward to it!
(smiling devimoji)
Even though this whole ordeal was embarrassing, you couldn’t help but smile at the prospect of your future meetup. While your actual dad had no redeemable qualities about him, there were always memes.
Curling up in your bed, you begin your hunt across the Demon Web with a VPN that lets you access human websites in order to bring your A-Game this weekend.
Maybe this turned out to be a good thing, after all.
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marimo-o · 3 years
ok so im making a long ass post about Abzu (the game) within the context of mesopotamian mythology because I'm insane. It's gonna be a doozy and likely incomprehensible so <3 below the cut it goes! There's gonna be TONS of spoilers for the game, and, like, I guess for the mesopotamian creation epic, so. Play Abzu if you haven't and if you wanna read the Enuma Elish that's also cool. Good for u
(a note from afterwards: it's long. like, REALLY fucking long, holy shit. if you actually want to read the whole thing, be. prepared or something idk take breaks! the last two paragraphs (i know they're walls of text pls bear with me) contain most of the important information. like, the final hurrah of my brain after working on this for multiple hours! So if u wanna save time and avoid some of the redundancy, just skip to those last two <3)
So "Abzu" referred to two things; the fresh water people got from underground aquifers (also as the void-sea which was underneath the Sumerian underworld, Kur), and the deity; he only appeared in the creation story, Enuma Elish, because a big part of that whole thing was that oh no! He dies! And that's also a thing I'm gonna touch on (sorry about the lack of accent marks in advance, it's not available on my current keyboard^ ^;)
I'm gonna start off with a brief tale of what happened with Abzu the deity, and then move onto how both the deity and the concept relate to the game!
So like I mentioned, Abzu the deity only really appears in the creation myth. The story goes that the Primordial Soup divided into two beings, with Abzu representing the freshwater and Tiamat being the saltwater. They were married, and together birthed some of the first formative gods! Some of these gods, jealous of Abzu's power convinced Tiamat to kill him (or, I thought it was started by Tiamat growing resentful of the younger gods, one of those). Either way, Abzu was killed, and Tiamat ended up lashing out, creating the first "dragons", or perhaps becoming one herself; with "poison instead of blood". She is killed by Marduk, the god of storms and the child of Enki (one of the first gods created by Abzu and Tiamat), and from her body the heavens and the earth are formed. Imagine getting killed by ur grandson lol cringe /j
Now! The waters itself! This also brings Enki into the equation, who kinda took over as god of the waters in place of his dead father. He's also the god of creation, intelligence, crafts, mischief, and more! Very important guy.
Abzu refers to both the groundwater reservoirs that people depended on for both accessible clean water and for some agricultural work, and also to the void-sea beneath the underworld, where it is said that Enki rests. He had a temple at Eridu, a now-ruined city, and I remember hearing somewhere that he lived in a temple in an underground aquifer? But I can't find wherever I read that anymore so don't take my word for it. Anyway, the basics of Enki as a deity is: child of Tiamat and Abzu, widely worshipped in his time, god of the waters, generally a cool and important dude.
And now. Finally. We move onto the game. My head hurts.
So, for a quick (post-writing: lol it's not quick) overview of the game; you play as a funny little diver, who woke up in the middle of the ocean and, as the player, are given no clues as to who or what you are. You explore through the ocean levels peacefully at first, and with the guidance of a scarred shark (painted as a bit of an antagonist at first with the audio cues) you make your way to wells at the bottom-center of each level that revitalize the space around them; as they progress, many levels start out as barren, empty landscapes that give you a foreboding, nervous feeling going in, before using an energy from yourself to rekindle the life. Huge coral growths, seaweed, and a myriad of ocean animals spring to life. The player character can also ride on the sides of the bigger ones! The game also puts a big stress on unity between yourself and the environment; there's not a whole lot you can physically interact with, but you can play with the animals there and, like I said before, ride on some of the larger animals. There are also "meditation spots", statues where you can sit and explore the wildlife from more of their point of view, able to follow them seamlessly and see what the different kinds of fish and such are called. It's a calming experience, and really the most interaction you get with some of the more timid animals, letting you still see them up close even if you can't get there as the player character.
The story of the game is told via writings on the walls, which you can light up and access by solving small puzzles regarding connecting reservoirs of glowing waters, similar to that of the almost cosmic area you go to between levels; one thing I read described it as a kind of "rebirth area", which I can definitely see hehe!
At the end of the game, you've held the shark in its dying moments, you've discovered a strange factory that builds the weird triangular prisms that deliver anything that touches them a shock, the little flashlight dudes that you've found over the levels, and little divers that uncannily resemble yourself, and you've seen yourself disassembled to your funny little mechanical skeleton, weak and slow as you try to walk on land, before you are rebirthed from the void-cosmic-water area once again, fully yourself. There's a wonderful ending sequence where you swim through all these rivers, bringing life with you as you go, with the shark once again by your side. The whole game, you saw no land when you poked your head above water, just miles and miles of water, but you've travelled far enough to reach a reservoir. You cut the chains to a central triangular prism, and it grows over with moss. It gives me goosebumps just thinking about it, really, it feels like such a... grand gesture as you play through it. It feels personal.
Okay. Theory time. Finally, we're getting into the meat of it. Fucking hell.
So, imagine that you are this being. You're wandering an oceanic wonderland, observing and caring for what you need to, doing as any good little diver should. After a bit of poking around, you discover the start of the engravings on the walls; they tell the story of the people that were here before you, who built these temples and halls and used, or at least stored, the strange blue glowing "water" that you connect and move. It's a water of life, of sorts, one that they truly valued. You come to an impasse between areas, and this massive, scarred-up shark cuts in front of you. You're gonna stay hidden, that thing is terrifying! You try not to move. It doesn't spot you, or at least doesn't move to attack you. However, once it's safely out of view, you do follow it, and it leads you to a dark, desolate, empty chamber. This is wrong, you think to yourself. This isn't how it should be. There's a well, towards the bottom, and you approach it, taking... a fragment of light, from your chest, and imbuing that spark of life into the well. And, lo and behold, that intuition proved helpful, because the world around you springs back to life. Congratulations! You did it! And you continue to, as you work past puzzles and challenges and the appearance of these strange triangular mechanisms, that shock you when you get too close. These people worshipped a shark, as well, likely the same as the one you saw; the guide, now old and scarred, that brings you to where that spark is needed. Even later in the game, you see depictions of the triangular mechanisms, at first heralded as a positive, before these things are found to be the reason for this society's collapse. As if that wasn't perplexing enough, you see a depiction of a being that appears suspiciously similar to yourself, once again treated with reverence from the past civilization. In their hand is a ball of light, similar to the one shown when you revitalize the oceanic chambers. Well, that's certainly odd, you think to yourself. Perhaps this was a being that postponed the death of the civilization, or first allowed for those small chambers of life to exist in captivity instead of the open, natural landscapes you explored at the start. Regardless, it's now a relic of something long gone; but it still gives you something to think about. Later on, that strange coincidence of your similarities to that person are explained; you find a manufacturing plant, full of the vicious triangular mechanisms in each tight hallway, and right at the center of it all... multiple iterations of yourself, running down an assembly line, a spark not unlike what you saw before imbued into each of them. My, look at that; you've been responsible for part of this destruction all along, haven't you? Borne from that same ill that has been forcibly removing that spark from each of the places you've gone to. A bit inconsiderate of you, no? And yet... look at all the good you've done. You've rebirthed, revitalized, purified these ocean fragments, is that not enough? You are the keeper of these waters, regardless of the evil you had come from, despite the terrifying empty things may have reverted to. You, who trusted and followed the shark that seemed so scary at first. You, who followed it as it tried to attack a source of the evil, of the thing that was draining the oceans of their life. You, who held and comforted that shark as it lay dying, despite any fear you may have had. You, who attempted to traverse a minefield of those triangular machines, shocked over and over again and at the final moment, unable to make it to the finish line. You, who was rebirthed in full regardless by the oceans you'd cared for, by the void-sea you always returned to, to rest. You, who traversed a now-ruined citadel, temple, all of which had been flooded and had been dedicated to you. You, who brought life with you.
I hope you see what I'm getting at here. You're serving as a figure not unlike Enki, god and guardian of the waters. In the wake of Abzu, the avatar of the fresh waters, now confined to irrigation canals so as not to kill the younger gods, Tiamat lashes out. Her husband is dead, as far as she is concerned, and she goes to those younger gods to seek her revenge. The dragon, that which sucked the life from the seas and poisoned the waters. That which Marduk killed, to carve new life from. I would say that the shark is Marduk, even; given how the shark is the only one who is openly on the offense to those mechanisms, and who comes in at the endgame to finish them off, bringing new life with it. Even in how it all shapes up with the civilization before, in connection to the constructs; Tiamat was the mother of all in existence at that time. She was surely loved; but she turned hostile and violent. She could no longer be safely loved. And Abzu, both the glowing water we use to open doors and the light that we hold and the deep void-sea we enter between levels and father to all in existence, he was confined to small canals and reservoirs and put in a deep sleep so that he would not kill his own children. And by you, no less. Enki put him there. That is why you can use that water from the start; you lived in the Abzu, you came from it, and each time, that is where you return. That temple, now submerged and decrepit, is Eridu; the place where Enki was most worshipped. The other diver clones are the other gods, or perhaps the "dragons", now, that Tiamat had mothered. The smaller prisms definitely count in that "dragon" category; purely harmful beings that seek to destroy life. And in the end, indeed, you restore life; you and your son, upon killing Tiamat, return life to the world from her body. Perhaps you could not save those who once worshipped you, perhaps those structures will forever be in ruin. But there is no more danger, now; there is space to build and replenish. There is space to grow.
Fuck ok that was long as hell. Hi if u made it this far i love u. god fucking damn im never writing anything again after this. it took about as long as a full playthrough of the game, coincidentally!!
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dammit-stark · 4 years
Ooo ooo, an au i loooove is flower shop au! Where one character runs a flower shop and flowers with symbolic meanings are used- ugh the fluff/flirting potential 🥰🥰
fun fact: i’ve somehow managed to never write a flower shop au before this??? which is absurd bc it’s a friken classic so this was super fun I really enjoyed this hehe
He knows that it’s Pepper’s birthday. He knows because she told him a week ago, pointedly inserted it into all of his various calendars, threatened him with violence and selfish resignation as his assistance. He knows it’s her birthday.
Still, the morning of when JARVIS alerts him that he forgot to get Pepper a present, it catches Tony by surprise.
“Fuck,” He says, rubbing his face as he sits up in bed, “JARVIS, what am I supposed to get her?”
“I’m afraid you did not program me to be able to advise on gift giving, sir,” JARVIS replies, and Tony, his infernal creator, knows it’s said with joyful malice, “But if I may suggest something. Miss Potts has expressed an appreciation for fresh flowers in the past. Sir.”
Tony sighs, pulling on the nearest pair of pants, “You’re a life saver, JARVIS. Send Pep a happy birthday message, will you?”
“Very well, sir.”
“I’m gonna get some flowers. Don’t tell her I forgot.”
“Yes, sir.”
Tony grabs his keys and opens the front door, stopping with one foot over the invisible jamb, “And stop mouthing me, JARVIS. You might sound polite, but I programmed you, I know when you’re sassing me.”
JARVIS is tellingly silent. Tony closes the door behind himself.
So, flowers. Flowers. How hard can flowers be? He passes four flower stands on his way to the burger joint he likes a block from the tower, and he’s positive there’s a quaint little shop the next block over. Surely, he can figure this out.
Except when Tony gets to the shop, a pink and blue awning hanging over him like an insufferably ironic storm cloud, he’s at a complete loss.
Would she like pink or blue? Roses or carnations? Tulips? Lilies? Daisies? Something yellow? Maybe something orange like her hair? Would she be offended by that? Probably. Isn’t there a green thing she likes? Surely, she’s mentioned it before. It’s gotta be somewhere in the recesses of Tony’s unfocused brain, somewhere.
He’s standing at a loss in front of a vibrant display that looks distinctly like the photoshop color picker exploded.
“Excuse me, sir. Can I help you with something, sir?”
“Don’t call me sir.”
“I get enough of that from my robots, I don’t need it from- attractive flower salesman. Hi. Tony Stark. Nice to meet you.”
Aforementioned flower salesman blinks, and Tony notes with satisfaction the dee blush high on his cheeks.
“Uh, can I help you find something?”
In a moment, Tony’s moving again, hands fluttering, mind whirring, mouth working without the rest of his body’s knowledge, about as per usual. He picks up a colorful bouquet of various wild flowers, smells it, and puts back with a scrunched nose, “I need a birthday present for my assistant. Something that says ‘Thank you for being in my life. No I didn’t forget your birthday, see. Love you’.”
The salesman looks at his shoes when he talks, nodding, “Well we have a variety of flowers that can express love or lust. A mauve carnation, for example. Or coriander is a lovely way to express the same sentiment. Red roses obviously mean love, and calla lilies symbolize beauty. We can assemble you a beautiful bouquet with these if you would like.”
Tony scrunches his nose like he smelled another disagreeing flower fragrance, “I don’t think you understand. I was thinking of something a little more.. platonic. More gratitude and friendship than sex and love.”
Steve’s head shoots up from the spot on the floor that he had been all but staring a hole through, and his eyes are wide, “Really?”
“Oh, yeah. We don’t really bat for the same teams, if you know what I’m saying.”
The blush returns to Steve’s face, but there’s an excited, hopeful glint in his eyes. And when he speaks, the words come out faster, rushers “Daffodils and peach roses then,” He says with confidence, “Appreciation. Yellow roses, too, maybe. For friendship.
Oh! And we can’t forget about alstroemeria! Better known as Lily of the Incas, they’re beautiful flowers that are most popular in bouquets for platonic love and friendship. What do you think?”
Tony smiles, and Steve’s breath audibly hitches, it’d almost be funny if Tony wasn’t so wooed by all the flower talk, “That sounds great. I’ll take all of it in one big, gorgeous bouquet.”
Steve moves behind the counter, “It’s gonna be pricy.”
Tony’s responding grin is knowing and cool, and his eyes squint minutely at the corners with this joyfulness, “Don’t worry. I can cover it. How fast can you get it done? Can we make this happen today? I know it’s last minute, but this’ll really save my butt.”
Steve reads down the long list of invoice orders ahead of him. He looks up to tell Tony that it’s impossible and- “Give me two hours.”
Apparently his heart (and eyes, and dick) put Tony at the top of the list. Tony has no idea, just smiles cheerfully, and nods, pulling out a shiny black credit card from his back pocket. Steve had always thought the black card thing had been a myth, an urban legend made up by money-grubbing banks and capitalists, but when he slides the card through the machine, it doesn’t bounce.
“Alright,” Steve says as he hands the card back, “I’ll see you in two hours.”
When Tony opens the front door to leave, he wiggles his fingers in a funny goodbye and disappears back into the New York streets. He’s starting to be glad he forgot Pepper’s birthday in the first place, even if she potentially hates him forever for dropping the ball.
Two hours later, Tony returns, and the bell on the green painted door to the quaint shop rings as he enters. Steve is nowhere to be found. A grumpy-looking, long-haired curmudgeon mans the counter instead.
“Hi, I’m here to pick up an order for Stark,” Tony says with a charming smile, one hand coming down to slap the blue painted countertop.
The florist, his name tag reading BUCKY :) in big, ironic letters turns around still frowning, and roots around for Tony’s bouquet. When he turns around, he’s holding two bouquets. He sets them both on the counter. Tony stares at them.
“I’m sorry,” He says, pointing at the redder one of the two, “I only ordered one.”
Bucky points with malice at the unfamiliar bouquet, “Yeah, I know. Apparently this one’s on the house. It’s from Stevie.”
“Stevie, huh?” Tony quips, the corners of his lips turning into a smile.
“Steve, yeah.”
“Tell Steve to call me then. So I can thank him.”
Bucky shakes his head, looking boring and maybe even irritated. He points at the on-the-house arrangement, “His number’s on the card.”
Tony smiles and scoops both bouquets up into his arms.
“You guys really have great service,” Tony jeers, and Bucky continues looking unamused and uninterested, “Thanks, Bucky!”
When Tony gives Pepper her gift, she’s duly impressed by the thoughtful layers to it. Tony proudly tells her what all the flowers mean.
She watches him dubiously from over top the crest of flowers, “So who told you what to get me? Who do I really have to thank?”
Tony shakes his head and refuses to think about JARVIS or Steve (just in case Pepper secretly has mind reading abilities, you can never be too safe), “I did it all by myself, Pep. Come on, give me some credit.”
She still looks suspicious, her nose in a lily, but eventually she nods, “Yeah, sure. You pass. Even if you didn’t think it up yourself, there was obviously some forethought since you can’t just go out and get a custom bouquet the same day. Good job, Tony. You’ve set the bar for next year.”
Tony groans.
It’s quarter to eleven, and Tony’s been staring his own bouquet, carefully placed in a genuine crystal vase on his kitchen counter, for almost an hour now. He finally gets up the nerve to google the symbolism surrounding the flowers and-
They’re all variations on lust or pining. A couple that have alternate meanings of love that Tony tries not to dwell on. He carefully punches the number into his phone and presses dial.
“Did I wake you up?”
“Who is this?”
“Tony Stark from the flower shop this morning.”
It sounds like something is dropped, something fumbled, and Steve’s a little breathless when he finally speaks, “Did you, uh, get my flowers?”
Tony’s smiling even though he knows Steve can’t see him, and it’s all kinda ridiculous, but he sees that beautiful bouquet in his kitchen and sees red roses behind his eyes, mauve carnations dancing in his vision, “Yeah,” He says, smiling like an absolute idiot, “I should give you some daffodils in exchange, I appreciated them so much.”
Steve snorts, and Tony imagines him smiling too.
“What? Is that not how it works?”
“I’m glad you appreciated them, Tony Stark. I meant it.”
Tony feels a feeling in his stomach, something like purple lilacs rising through him.
“Wanna go for dinner sometime?”
He imagines Steve’s smile looking like a field of daisies.
“I’d love to.”
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surrealsunday · 4 years
Hey remember i said i was gonna re-read mood tattoo knowing the full story and see how it feels. Well surprise i am. 😄 i'm reading chapter 1 and need some writers notes. 🗒 so the club scene still confuses me; Eliott senses Lucas wasn't happy when he stormed off over Anna being all into Eliott. Eliott follows and catches Moreau with Lucas. Lucas runs after Eliott and begins "thank you" then crap hits the fan 💥 what the hell was going on? Lucas wipes his mouth so there was a kiss? 🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️
🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️ Moreau was at the club (stalking) Or did Lucas meet him? Was Lucas pretending to be into Moreau, hence the kiss? Or was Moreau molesting helpless Lucas? Did Eliott really see what we think he saw or is he an unreliable narrator? I'm gonna have more questions so i hope i don't annoy. I just love your insight 👉👈but that club scene fascinates me and not just Moreau. Be back.🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️
🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️ hi 😊 ok 1 thing i love early on here (Ch1) is how self aware Eliott is. And i think that is very true to canon Eliott too. I mean POLARIS is full of self reflection considering it's about Eliott's deeply rooted fears/insecurities connected to his mental illness. Eliott is very aware of what he's doing (self sabotage/stagnancy). He may be flighty and run but he knows what he's running from.👏👑 And here Eliott acknowledges what's really bothering him. He's jealous.🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️
🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️ and ouch "Everything i've achieved is my own, whatever step up you think you have, it won't matter, it won't make you better" and knowing that Lucas got that help in medical school. It's reminiscent of Lucas carelessly generalising mental illness in S3 to Eliott. And it hurts.🔪 because it came from Eliott's jealousy (he rejects me and yet doctor Moreau is ok) i'm torn here because Lucas is really hard to like the way he comes off as so defensive and insecure with Eliott but🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️
🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️ Eliott is an absolute dumbass for how he acts here. Like i get it, we'd probably misconstrue the situation too but i wanna throttle them both at different times in the club. 😠 Lucas the most though as he takes everything Eliott says and twists it. Eliott wants him and is flirting = "oh so you think cause i'm gay you can have me?" I mean wtf Lucas. And then with the bartender "oh so you're offering your cast offs?" He's looking for a fight and fixated on Eliott's looks. Poor Eli 🤸‍♀️
🤸‍♀️ and at the same time it's obvious he's so damn jealous of Anna. What the hell is Eliott thinking? It's like whiplash with Lucas 😄 i did love the tension that you created when they were at the table before bas soaked Lucas's pants. 🍻 that heat and total awareness of being in each others periphery. I mean Lucas there as Eliott is blatantly staring giving zero f's 🤗 but that's true to canon with Elu too. 👏 i got shivers at Eliott's blantant desire for Lucas. You are damn good. 👑 🤸‍♀️
🤸‍♀️ and the way he was cataloguing him. And then Lucas locks eyes with him? I need to know what's going through Lucas's mind there? Also something i only picked up on re-reading; Eliott being playful with Idriss at the hospital desk and then realising Lucas was waiting for him further down leaning on the wall. Meaning Lucas saw all that and Lucas is having an Anna situation right? 😤 but Eliott thinks that Lucas is annoyed at having to be held up. Does Lucas think Eliott is a f boi? 🤸‍♀️
🤸‍♀️ onto supporting characters. Ok 1 of the things i love about your fics is how engaging everyone is. Sometimes it's like skim skim skim to get to Elu interacting but here the laughing, dumbassery and fun reading this world is 🙌 i loved them meeting at the club and bantering. Emma is goals and Idriss is 👑 the various relationships are entertaining and i love Eliott/Idriss broship. I love Mika and Lucas's vibe "f off Mika" "ok kitten" 😅 and i even love anna too. You = 🏆 🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️
🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️ ok last one. I'm sorry. This is what happens when i lurk. 😥 i spew my thoughts at you. 🗣 i have to talk about the unique immersion with the social media. Your choices are 👏 i mean Lucas and Bas looking like they're at the coat check of a club. Bas 🥵 for Eliott in the club with Maxence model eye f-king the camera. Sexy Anna. I laugh, have eye candy (surgeon Eliott hello 🥰) but it deepens the story. All fics should now have social media. It is law. ⚖ ok CH2 here i come 🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️
Heyyyyy!!! I’m sorry it took me a while to get back to you. I had to be in the right mind frame to talk Mood Tattoo and apparently my brain needed a bit of a break in the end lol. 
You’ve read the full story right - like the final chapters? Just don’t want to spoil anything. But you said re-read, so I’m assuming you’ve read the final chapters! Spoilers ahead of course! 
So as for the club scene and what exactly happened. Lucas explains this in chapter 10. Basically Moreau is there drinking with other surgeons, sees Lucas and follows him to the bathroom. Moreau is drunk and being super handsy and Lucas is just desperate for no one to see them together which is why he pulls him into the private room. Eliott is indeed a bit of an unreliable narrator - but not so much as him completely seeing something that didn’t happen. He sees Moreau having pressed Lucas up against the wall and kissing him. That happened - it just wasn’t quite as passionate and ‘lovers-esque’ as Eliott sees it. Lucas mentions at the end of the story that he doesn’t really know why he couldn’t push Moreau away. This was my way of acknowledging the complexity of being a victim in an ongoing situation like Moreau and Lucas’s (where Lucas had been groomed as a child). It’s not always going to be as simple as Lucas being able to say no and forcefully push Moreau away. At that point in the story especially, Lucas is very much still under a certain level of control by Moreau. He wants to break from it but he hasn’t totally been able to do so yet. Lucas says ‘thank you’ because Eliott provides the interruption and distraction that is enough for Lucas to have an excuse to get away - again because he struggles a lot with how to handle the situation and be assertive/ say no (none of that making him any less of a victim though). 
I agree about Eliott too. He does react ‘from the gut’ quite a bit in canon too, but he always seemed to have those moments of self-actualization and reflection. I liked showing a bit of the back and forth between him acting one way, even as he’s very aware of why he’s doing so and that it’s not the best move. 
I so agree with your feelings about Eliott and Lucas in the bar scenes. Eliott is absolutely horrible with he catches Lucas and Moreau, but I was committed to showing both of them not necessarily at their best that night. Lucas is angry - at himself - and desperately looking for reasons not to like Eliott (to make rejected him easier). Ironically you have Lucas doing so by verbally stating all sorts of unflattering assumptions about Eliott - when really Lucas doesn’t believe any of them for a moment. Then you have Eliott making a very big assumption about Lucas at the end - and Eliott does believe it. It’s messy messy messy. 
When Eliott is just staring at Lucas at the table - that is definitely what Lucas refers to later in the final chapters when he says ‘the way you were looking at me, I don’t even think you realized’ and Eliott is like ‘oh I realized’. Lucas definitely gets that Eliott wants him, but the intensity that comes with Eliott just being... Eliott... is for sure something Lucas wasn’t prepared for. And no matter how hard he was telling himself ‘this isn’t happening, you’re not fucking things up by hooking up with this guy’ it was still very hard for him not to return the look when Eliott’s eyes were on him. 
Lucas doesn’t so much think Eliott is a fuck boy (or actually messing around with Idriss). He just thinks Eliott sleeps with a lot of different people and doesn’t take any of it all that seriously. Lucas’s jealous little spasm over Idriss (lol) was really just a gut reaction he couldn’t control hehe. 
And thank you so much! I honestly am thrilled when readers say they like all the little extra scenes and tidbits with other characters too. I never really know what those dynamics will be like until I write and it’s always a wonderful surprise for me too. And I’m such a visual person that adding in the social media is just as much fun for me! I love knowing what they look like in certain scenes and getting to share that with all of you! 
Thank you so very much for sending your thoughts! This was too much fun to read and answer. 💕💕💕💕💕
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dreamingsushi · 5 years
Legend of the White Snake - Episode 22
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They both miss each other so much. Those two. Stop breaking my heart, please.
Xiao qing tries to cheat by using her powers to copy the books, but Fahai won’t let her.
Next morning, when Ruyi goes to see Xu Xian, she notices he fell asleep while looking at a portrait he made of Suzhen and she gets angry.
Xiao Qing is finally done with copying and gets angry about being called half immortal. She then says that Fahai actually doesn’t understand what is having fun and offers to take him experience it a little, but he’s... well he’s a monk, and a very strict one at that. That obviously wouldn’t be easy.
When Xu Xian goes back to his room, it’s only to find people moving his stuff away. Ruyi asked a fengshui master and he said to change everything in the room because it’s not proper for good luck. Then Jiaorong reminds him he has  to get married with Ruyi and that his previous wedding was shattered because they didn’t take care of arranging his room properly. Big sis then forces him to take Ruyi out for a walk and she won’t listen to him. This is so unfair for him. He doesn’t like Ruyi...
Hahahaha. Wow. Xiao Qing takes Fahai to drink. That’s so funny. He doesn’t want to drink it because to him alcohol is only changing someone’s behaviour wildly. But Xiao Qing tells him that if he wants to go around in this world, he needs to understand why people experience sadness and happiness. Actually, Xiao Qing is pretty smart. If he wants to take her back to read rites, he must first answer that question and she leaves him.
Xu Xian tells once again that he can’t marry Ruyi, because she’s just a little sister to him, there’s no feelings between a man and a woman. So he asks her to retreat from that wedding, but she won’t. And if he doesn’t want to help organizing the wedding because he’s too unwell, she’ll take care of everything with Jiaorong. Poor Xu Xian. Why is everybody working against his happiness?
While looking out for Xiao Qing, Suzhen ends up in the shop where Xu Xian bought for her the hairpin. Then Ruyi comes in asking about wedding pins. Poor Suzhen. Hearing that must be so painful. She knows that if Ruyi is getting married, it’s probably to no one else but Xu Xian. Ruyi then notices her and invites her to her wedding. Then just as Suzhen tries to leave, Xu Xian gets in and Suzhen rushes out. Xu Xian doesn’t care for Ruyi and runs after Suzhen.
It rains a lot in this drama. But actually, it does rain a lot in Hangzhou. That’s pretty convenient hehe. Seems like he couldn’t catch her and asks a boatman if he can take shelter from the rain in his boat. Boat in which Suzhen is already sitting. She’s about to congratulate him for his wedding, but he stops her. Because he doesn’t understand if they are going a separate path, why does everything he lays his eyes on reminds him of her. Awww. Cell memory. Your eyes remember how much you cherished her, but your brain can’t process the information. Poor darling. He doesn’t understand why she pushes him away. Since the rain stops, she leaves first, but he follows her.
Just right then, Xiao Qing is again running after Ruyi to kill her. Awww. Xiao Qing. From the beginning, you should have poisoned her <3 When Ruyi is about to reveal Suzhen’s real identity, she uses magic to silence her and takes her away for a private talk. She’s scaring Ruyi so bad hehehe.
Xiao Qing almost revealed everything to Xu Xian again, saying how much Suzhen sacrificed for him.
Suzhen threatens Ruyi that if she dares to hurt again Xu Xian, she’ll come and kill her. For now she doesn’t not because she’s scared of her, but because she doesn’t want to hurt Xu Xian’s feelings.
Yikes. They are really holding that wedding? I am so unhappy about that. Xu Xian too. He doesn’t wear his wedding clothes. He’s firm about it. He won’t marry her and his sister is saying on and on again how Ruyi took care of him when he was sick. He says that there are many ways of thanking someone, so why should he get married with her? Well if he doesn’t marry Ruyi, he should never call her his sister anymore. Here, I think she’s really selfish and doesn’t even care about his little brother’s happiness. I mean, what the point of being alive to be forced to live with someone he doesn’t like. He would never be happy.
Xiao Qing isn’t happy about that wedding so she starts a huge storm. When Ruyi falls down on the ground, Xu Xian helps her up and tells her to go home since the weather is so bad and he’s going to explain to everyone it’s his mistake. Ruyi is still acting like everything is going to go her way.
Fahai has a fight with Xiao Qing because she started the storm but this time he won’t spare her and he traps her inside his bowl.
Suzhen realizes Xiao Qing went to cause ruckus and rushes out to stop her.
Jiaorong comes out to see why Xu Xian hasn’t come back with Ruyi yet and she’s surprised that he’s not wearing his wedding clothes. Then he sees the umbrella she’s using and the engravings on it are the one he made for Suzhen. Is he going to finally remember?
And just when he remembers everything, he sees Suzhen in town. No matter how Ruyi and Jiaorong tries to stop him from going, he runs to Suzhen. Right then, Wang Daoling tries to kill Xu Xian twice, but Suzhen stops him. That’s just what you deserve Ruyi. Being humiliated like this for trying to impose that wedding. Now they won’t separate ever again. True love always win aww. I’m just so cheesy, I’m disgusting myself.
Fahai says Xiao Qing was killing people, so he’s taking her to Jinshan to cultivate. Then she asks him if he’s blind. She didn’t kill anyone, she just made the wind blow to ruin the wedding. He doesn’t believe her and then... HIS LOVE RIVAL COMES IN AND SAVES XIAO QING. I was starting to think it was a long time since we hadn’t seen Zhang Yutang. That’s a problem with this drama. New characters come in and disappear before coming back again. Anyways, he makes Fahai run away.
Xu Xian apologize to everybody for this aborted wedding, but he already has a wife and it’s Suzhen, he can’t marry Ruyi. Because of his illness, he did many stupid things. Ruyi and Jiaorong tries to convince him again, but he’s decided. He won’t marry Ruyi. Ruyi then suggests she becomes the wife and Suzhen becomes like... the second wife. Jiaorong asks Suzhen to be reasonable, but she answers that she won’t leave Xu Xian ever again. So Jiaorong then suggests that they both become wives, equally. Suzhen doesn’t say anything, but Xu Xian refuses. He can only love Suzhen. He would do anything to repay Ruyi, except marrying her.
Ruyi then gets angry and decides to tell everybody that Suzhen is a demon, but Xu Xian is like dudette, I know better than anyone who she is and she’s my only wife in this one and the next. Ruyi tries to kill Suzhen, but woops. She ends up stabbing Xu Xian. Finally, Jiaorong wakes up and sees Ruyi true face. So Ruyi promises that she’ll take revenge for that day.
Wow. Xu Xian lies to his big sis  to protect Suzhen. He tells her she wasn’t even there when she was hurt, because he sent her get something. But then she doesn’t understand why Suzhen never tried to explain herself. Xu Xian says he and Suzhen can still take care of Ruyi, but she probably won’t let them, so he asks his sister to help him with that.
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You and Jake honestly seem so happy together. What's that like? Sorry I seem so creepy I honestly don't mean to. I just like seeing people happy. How do you know he's the one? What's it like to be so in love? (Idek man asking for a friend)
Hey you!
Firstly, and I think we both did this very early on, you kind of have to accept that you can’t love somebody’s mental illness away. You can only love them THRU it. It’s BECAUSE of the imperfections and flaws a person has, not in spite of them, that you love them. Bless my future husband, all he sees of himself is flaws and imperfections… whereas in my eyes, he’s genuinely the most perfect man I’ve ever met in my whole life. To start answering your question (will be a lengthy answer) it’s how I first saw him, how I look at him and will always see him. He’s a ray of light in my life. He’s luminous to me, there’s just something angelic about him. He’s not a human, he’s an angel, a miracle. I can’t praise him enough in that sense. He’s so pure. Half the time when I think of him, it’s along the lines of ‘how did the universe come up with you’. He doesn’t have to change a thing. I love every inch, every pound, every hair. I just love him effortlessly without pause or doubt. I always have done. He was always very open and honest with me about himself, and I just loved him. How could I not? And that’s also a massive thing… I can’t not love him? It’s almost like my brain is wired for him yanno? We’re very in tune and in sync, often I know what he’s thinking or he knows how I’m thinking, and that’s a connection I’ve never had with anyone before 💕
All his dreams, goals and aspirations.. I want them for him too. I’m going to be there to watch him grow to become the man I’ve always seen, the one that’s always been there. I will hold his hand thru everything and be a rock for him, a source of strength, like he is for me everyday. I want to stand by and watch him become the world famous tattooist or photographer he’s always dreamed of becoming. I will be so proud when he passes his driving test, when he sorts his passport and we go to every country he’s ever dreamed of visiting. I will have his back whenever anyone does him wrong and we will raise the most perfect family, because he will be the most amazing father to our children (the humans and the animals hehe). When we get married (something we both talk about a lot), when we’re both stood there just taken aback by how far we’ve come along with each other, I’ll tell him that I love all of him, that I accept him and his past and every bad thing that’s ever happened to him, as that’s what’s made him the patient, understanding and wonderful human that he is. I hate that I wasn’t there back then and couldn’t love him sooner, but I’m here now and always will be, and the memories we’ll make in the next 60 years will hopefully make it worth the pain of the first 20. ❤️ he’s been treated so badly, by so many people. Never again. I’ll never see him hurt again. He’s my baby now and I’ll cherish him, because honestly I don’t think he’s ever really experienced that before. Someone who loves him truly and unconditionally, without question. The fact that he’s my one, is an undeniable truth to me, like how the sky is blue and the grass is green 🍀
I know he’s my one, because since day one, I haven’t been able to imagine my life without him. I always knew and believed without a shadow of a doubt that he’d come home to me, that we’d end up together. Yanno when you find your purpose in life and everything just kinda clicks? That’s what happened with me, my world shifted when his path finally met mine, and I knew once I’d found my soulmate, it was my privilege in life to love this man truly, madly and deeply. There is and never will be anyone else for me. He’s my forever, and however rocky it gets or has been, he’s worth it. He’ll always be worth it because nobody has ever given me the feeling of pure love like him. The fact that he opens up with me about his thoughts and feelings, is comfortable enough to be himself around me, can talk about his past with me (something he doesn’t do)… I must be doing something right :3
Nothing makes sense without him. That’s it tbh. Nothing in this world makes sense without my love, and that’s how I know he’s the one. Everything we’ve both been thru together, it just grows stronger everyday. I can’t wait for my forever with him. 💍💑
I never really wanted to be alive, never knew what it was like to wanna get up, be happy. I never looked forward to the future. I never felt important to anybody and I could never accept myself because of people in my own past. He gives me my strength. Makes me feel warm and loved everyday, even when my demons are raging, he calms the storms. I look forward to each and everyday with him. He gives me hope and peace and I hope I do that for him too because honestly, it’s the most amazing feeling in this whole world. He’s my soulmate 😘 and I've never been this scared to lose someone before. I know what it's like to not be with him (how we met was complicated) but I think we're one of those couples that.. however bad it gets, it's just better for the both of us when we're together. We were so much worse mentally apart. I never want that for him or myself again. Nah. Not even gonna think about it haha, I'll cry. He's stuck with me, forever. And I think we're both more than happy with that 🙈💍
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nayladoodles · 8 years
So I’m gonna  flat saying that 
1. This is a conclusion I’d draw if I had a sibling that beat me up constantly and blames me for things. 
2. I imagine Fresh would think of reasons of why Error is so aggressive towards
3. might push this kiddo slightly ooc. 
4. This is a random idea I had on the bus today while listening to music. 
Momma CQ: @alainaprana​
Original Fresh, Geno, Error: @loverofpiggies
Fresh sat on the couch thinking about why Error seems to...well hate is a strong word. Distaste isn't much better...he wonder why Error is so aggressive but only toward him. Sure Error gets mad at Ink and Uncle Asy sometimes but he never lashes out at them just runs away until he calms down. So...why ONLY him? he can’t help that he was born with no emotions. He didn’t ask to be made that way it just happened to be what he ended up with. he wondered if there was a god that randomly roles a die to determine the problems he and his siblings have. He sighed flipping back over onto his stomach continuing to ponder. He didn’t realize he’d forgotten to get Geno his meds until Error yelled, “EARTH TO EMOTIONLESS FREAK! COME IN FRESH!” Fresh blinked, “What is it brah?” Error’s eye twitched, “Geno’s meds you idiot!” Fresh was about to get up but Error shoved him down, “Don’t bother I already got them for him. He was in PAIN you dingus! He was crying!” Fresh looked at Error imagining steam shooting from his ear holes; he snickered at his own idiocy. Error lunged at him, “IT’S NOT FUNKING FUNNY!”  Fresh stared at his brother, “I never said it was?” Fresh said. “You just laughed!” Error spat. Fresh shrugged, “Never said I was laughing at Geno being in pain.” Error growled and pinned him to the couch, “Can’t you do ANYTHING right?! You has One. Funking. JOB!” 
Fresh shrugged, “Guess not.” Error smacked him again, “Geno could have ended up in the hospital!” Fresh rubbed his sore cheek right as the sibling in question walked into the living room. “Error g-get off him!” Geno cried still cradling his healing arm. “You know that exaggerating.” Error hit him again his body glitching. “Error s-stop!” Geno said looking close to tears. “Shut UP! You don’t know anything!” Error screamed. “Bro you’re gonna glitch yourself out.” Fresh replied. “SHUT UP!” Error hit Fresh again his eyes filling with glitches. Fresh’s cheek  started to crack and bleed. “This is YOUR fault!” CQ walked in hearing the yelling, “Error that is enough.” Error growled at Fresh, “Everything that goes wrong is HIS fault.” Fresh sat up knocking Error off him. He touched his injured cheek seeing the blood on his fingers. “Heh...” CQ took Fresh to the bathroom to patch up his cheek after sending Error to his room. Geno sat with Fresh on the couch cuddling with him. 
“I don’t deserve pity yanno.” Geno looked startled. Fresh scooted away from Geno, “I made you hurt cuz of my stupid brain thinking things and distracting me.” Geno looked alarmed. CQ returned with Error trailing behind her, “I don't deserve an apology neither.” Error felt his temper rising. “You don’t.” CQ frowned, “Error.” Fresh looked at Error who trembled still very much angry at Fresh. Fresh suddenly began to laugh, “heh hehe...I get it now..” Error clenched his fists.” Get what?”  “I get it...eheheh. I understand...” Geno looked as confused as their mother felt. “What d-do you mean Fresh?” Fresh looked at Error again, “I get why I get the beatings from error and...yea...it makes sense...” “Fresh sweetie...what do you mean?” CQ asked a bit unnerved by Fresh’s sudden outburst. 
“I exist to be Error’s scapegoat.” It was silent. “What the FUNK Fresh?!” Error snapped. “Nah I mean think about it. You only ever interact with when when I make you SUPER unradically angry. You hit me and blame me for things. Heh... things that can’t EVEN remotely be MY fault. You don’t care about me either. I began to notice more after that first trip to the mall with Ink back in preschool. I’m ALWAYS fine. It’s always about Geno because no one else in this family other than mom matters to you.” Error cut in, “But...” Fresh stopped him, “You ONLY ever lash out at ME. You run away until you calm down around EVERYONE else.” Error shook Fresh, “See like that.” Error let him go, “You know if I suddenly ceased existing I bet you’d be a lot calmer.” Error stepped away from him, “I apparently exist to make you angry or whatever. Just to be the thing you get mad at. I CAN’T care and that bothers you. I mean THINK about it. Every fight we’ve ever had is ‘cause I say dumb chiz. or just do dumb chiz. You CAN’T stand me.” 
Error wanted to yell that he’s wrong but...as usual Fresh’s logic had little flaw to it. He can’t stand him or his logic, lingo and his lack of emotions...Error stomped his foot, “Shut UP already!” Error yelled. “There ya go again yellin’ at me. So I guess I’m sorry I exist and that I committed the horrible crime of making Geno suffer.” Error snapped and pounced on Fresh again only to be pulled off by his mother, “Room. Now.” Error stormed off his door slamming a few seconds later. CQ helped Fresh up and sat on the couch with him on her lap. “Sweetie you don’t exist to be your brother’s punching bag, you just fall victim to his short temper the same as I do. Your brother and friends do as well.” Geno scooted closer, “Uncle Asy does too and Miss Star...it’s not just you...” Fresh looked at them, “He seems ta hate me a lot more than everyone else yo....” Fresh replied. “Hate is a strong word.” CQ pointed out. “I feel like if I stopped existing he'd be to say happier.” Fresh said. “That’s n-not true!” Geno said. 
Fresh stood up, “It is yo. Ever since I learned to talk it’s been one fight after another. If I ceased to be then...” Geno got up and hugged him teary eyed, “D-don’t ever say that about yourself....Fresh You are important to this family.” Fresh looked away, “There i go again makin ya upset. It seems be all I can do right.” Geno sniffled, “I’m c-crying because you think you don’t matter.” Fresh looked at his brother, “Do I matter though? I can’t care bout your health problems...can’t be sympathetic...can’t anything in the emotion department cept mess with others apparently.” Geno shook his head, “You don’t have to show sympathy to be emotional support.” “isn’t that part of the job description yo?” Geno shook his head, “N-no. You help me by being the cold hard logic when I let my illness get into my head. You bring me back to reality and push me to try harder.” Fresh’s eyebrows raised, “Really? You usually start crying when I do dat.” Geno smiled a watery smile, “I cry because you’re right. I shouldn’t just believe what the doctors say. I should try to get better and come home. I should NEVER just quit and be complacent.” CQ smiled, “You also keep me grounded when life gets crazy reminding me to take a chill pill and not let  myself get overwhelmed.” Fresh smiled a light blush on his cheeks. “Jeez yo...didn’t realize my comments actually helped...” 
CQ scooped them both up in a mom hug, “Mamma will always love you.” Geno blushed and giggled softly and Fresh said, “I wanna understand though...” CQ sat down again with them on her lap, “I’m sure some day you will sweetie. But no matter how long it takes know that we love you.” Fresh nodded, “Love ya too.” Geno yawned softly tired. “Wanna take a nap bro?” Geno nods leaning on Fresh; he pulled off his glasses. “I could totes use one too after all that drama.” Geno smiles weakly yawning again. Fresh pulled him closer wrapping his arm around Geno making sure his bad arm is on top. Geno snuggled closer closing his eye. Fresh did the same slowly nodding off. CQ covered them up with a fluffy blanket before going to talk to Error. She found him sitting behind his bed tearing paper. “Error...” She waited. “Why...why is he so weird?” Error asked. “Why are you so narrow minded?” CQ replied. “You assume he's all bad. Let me show you something.” She led him downstairs letting him see Geno and Fresh asleep together with Fresh being Geno’s pillow. “Now I want you to think for a while about how you treated your brother. I will return you games after you think of how to apologize.” Error huffed going back to his room. 
Downstairs Fresh held Geno closer feeling him shiver mumbling, “I’ll keep ya warm...dun worry...” Geno smiled in his sleep. CQ retreated to her room get some work done. After an hour Error crept downstairs crawling under the edge of the blanket near Geno’s hand. “Sorry...” Error mumbled. “I forgive ya...” Fresh replied having woken up. “n-no...fight...” Geno mumbled half awake. “Go back ta sleep Geno...it’s all good.” Geno nodded back off quickly followed by Error. Fresh nodded off last knowing that their family will be okay somehow. CQ came downstairs to make dinner three hours later and smiled finding them asleep together. She snapped a picture to send to Alaina, Asy Com. “My precious boys.” She whispered smiling; dinner could wait until they woke up. 
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lifeanalyst · 7 years
College is closed today due to a major hurricane supposedly storming in. So far it’s not that bad but maybe it’ll get there. I’m just thrilled to get out of the most hectic day of the week, and instead be able to huddle up in a chair with coffee and my laptop. Trying to fool myself I don’t have studying to do. Hehe.
My birthday weekend played out nicely. On Friday, I treated myself to the Huda Beauty Desert Dusk palette, incredibly beautiful, as well as the Sunday Riley Luna Sleeping Oil with retinoids in it which I have never tried before. I also went to the gym and felt awesome in general. 
Saturday I felt very ill in the morning, I woke up at 6 with nausea and dizziness and an overall super weird feeling in my body, managed to fall asleep again and woke up fine at 10. Did nothing for a while, had breakfast and then went to the mall. I was going to buy some new eye brushes and some lashes. Then in Penneys I got super lightheaded and nauseous, kinda panicked and went home. The weird feeling stuck with me for a while, but I forced myself to feel better because of my night plans with Lola and Anna. I managed to dress up and try the new palette, and had wine and pizza with the girls. It was very nice. We booked a trip to Scotland, and then went out on the town for some drinks. All the places were crowded, but managed to get down some drinks and some dancing. I got home a little after 1 and had a pretty bad night’s sleep. 
Sunday morning I had vague plans to get up early to go to an old lighthouse with the girls, but they were walking the 7-ish km there and I did not feel up for that at all. However, after a while I felt like I had to seize the day so I got a taxi (omg who am I) and met them at the destination. It was beautiful and the light was amazing. We then walked back, I was so fucking hungry and the Boston cream donut and quiche lorraine I had at a café when we were close to home tasted amazing. 
Now I’m gonna try and squeeze my brain cells a little to see if I can get something actually useful out of them. 
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