#ill get it done somehow tho its okay
glitzybunny · 1 year
Me trying to catch up on 3d modelling at Uni: Omg guys the Bratz movies were on crack wtf are these *watches Bratz Super Babyz movie on youtube WHERE THE INTRO IS EDITED AS HAS THE ALIENS MOVIE INTRO LIKE WHAT LMAO*
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quodekash · 1 year
guys jokezo just made out and now they have to share a bed together. just chew on that for a bit.
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(they made out last night btw)
(just in case anyone forgot)
(and then they had to share a bed)
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ass x7
also zo is fully just not doing anything lmao
everyone's pushing with all their might and zo is just 🧍‍♂️
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oh the desperate thigh grab
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yeah, im with him on this, they need to talk about it. especially about how they had to slEEP IN THE SAME FREAKING BED AFTER THAT
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welp. I guess joke's day was just ruined in a slap to the face disguised as a few words
I must say tho, this is really giving episode-6-of-bad-buddy
its very patpran-post-rooftop-kiss-core
the vibes be gay and yearning and very very sad
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a few things to say about her
1. she's gorgeous
2. DAMN she is SHORT
3. I was rewatching the first four episodes yesterday and today because I could, and I noticed in the first episode, zo asked his friends to not tag him in photos they took at the bar, because "I don't want my mum to see"
but my question is... why? he's just out drinking with friends, he's an adult, he's not being irresponsible or anything, so why doesn't he want her to see the photos?
is it something to do with what his mum thinks of him? is she overbearing? does she have high expectations of him? does she kinda suck?
she's probably lovely though, and ill end up adding her to my list-of-fictional-parents-to-get-adopted-by (it's a very long list)
I guess we shall find out today as the episode progresses
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oh, honey, you're so queer
the amount of times ive done exactly this
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she's so short its hilarious omg
also: ive decided I love his mum
she's so sweet
and neither of them know how to use a stove and I think that's so hilarious and endearing
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(also: this scene is making me think of akkayan at aye's house having a meal with his mum and rhbgdhjgb)
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he's putting two and two together
the few braincells he has that aren't dedicated to debating are whirring in his mind
I can practically hear his thoughts
"he kissed me back... he wants to talk about the kiss... we went on two dates together at his suggestion... he showed up at my house and charmed my mother... he says I have secret admirers..." cmon sweetie youre so close
"WAIT, DOES HE LIKE ME?" omg honeybun you did it!
or maybe he didn't do it
maybe he was still shuffling the pieces in his brain but hadn't put them together and then his mum said something and distracted him
either way: that was hilarious and I want to high five dunk for his acting there
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still love her tho
high expectations suck but she seems wonderful so far (obviously my opinion will change if the circumstances do (like if it turns out she completely sucks) but for now she's made it to the adoption list)
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brb, gonna go cry real quick
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well now their thumbs are making out
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you see, I understand the things he's saying. and I honestly agree with him. if I were ever somehow put in his position, id probably say the same things.
HOWEVER, I just want my bl boys to kiss again and be happy and together and I appreciate the realism over the usual fantasy kinda situation we go for in bls, but I just want them to kissssss
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this is very good advice
I hope that jokezo kiss again this episode
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im gonna start crying soon
its so funny
help me
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girl is worried
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I know this is what jeng told you to do but is during debate club really the right moment
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im so certain that she ships it
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hell yeah
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omg next episode is gonna be amazing
I can't wait
gekjrdsbfd I love them so much
im like 70% certain they're gonna kiss next episode so fingers crossed
anyway. that was good. I should go to sleep now
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final-boy · 9 months
haissgisheishue sorry this is so random but I remember you made this fnaf au like a year ago in the summer I think?? And it was something along the lines of Michael going outside instead of Charlie and he gets killed by William and I think he possessed foxy I can’t find the actual art so I don’t know for sure BUT. Im curious to hear more about that au. Like give us the lore behind it WHAT HAPPENED (if that’s ok with you ofc)
Dead Mike AU!! Cuz i never gave it like an actual name lmfoaidnsakll ill be honest i never ended up developing it a BUNCH but basically what would have been like the first chapter or so if it were a fic wpuld be (with like the BIGGEST of help from @/peariandpine figuring half of it out with me lmfao :
- Party of 83 happens like canon, Mike is bullying his little brother and CCs head is crushed - this au would also be going off the idea of CC being the protag of fnaf4 so hed be in the hospital
- this causes a bigger rift between Michael and his dad ofc and i wanna say the fourth night is when the catalyst of it all happened
- Michael, after another fight with his dad refuses to go to the hospital alongside him after work , preferring to just go on his own later > Charlie gives him his jacket
- William leaves the hospital more annoyed and amgry than he was before because he had still expected Michael to come at some point anyway AND because thru his preexisting jealousy of Henry is angry at the man for trying to console him - he takes it as an insult esp since Henry has never lost a child and has two (sammys here btw lol) perfectly alive, healthy kids
- as hes going home, stewing in that anger and jealousy he sees who he thinks is Charlie walking alongside the road and begins to pull over already thinking of killing the girl only to be met with Michael
> he demands Michael get inside the car, Micheal refuses and William steps out to try and get him in - some nasty words are exchanged and William gets,,violent
- Michael panics and runs into the nearby woods , getring slowed down by the jacket snagging, eventually throwing it off to the side
- unfortunately, for him he hesitates upon coming across a river and that gives William more than enough time to catch up
- William, again just absolutely angry and hopped on adrenaline (and a lot of his own self hatred bubbling to the surface) starts taking his frustrations out on Michael - hes not thinking clearly at all and with Michael looking SO MUCH like him it really is not helping him out until...Michael goes silent after Williams dunked his head in the water
- Michaels not responding and now Williams starting to come back to reality and begins to panic, realizing exactly what hes just done - Charlies death, while it still would have been a very on the spot thing, would not have been as messily executed and , in Williams mind, would have had a purpose
- he then tries to convince himself that this is okay actually because michael killed his other son so really this was punishment.....only for CC to Live in this version
- Michael here would actually be taking a page from Andrews book and attach himself to Williams soul instead of any one specific animatronic - since Foxy has always been his favorite tho he does tend to mess eith it more when in Freddys and manifests himself throigh its image when messing with William
- this drives William ro try and get Michael back somehow, whichever way he possibly can to absolve himself of this, to put things back together again,,,
- this au would have also led to Charlie, Sammy, Liz, and to a smaller extent Evan, trying to find Michael after his "disappreance "
- this would also just be a huge more psychological horror on Williams end tbh 😭 i dont think ALL of the things happening and supernatural occurences would be because of Mike - Will is severely paranoid, hes not in the right state of mind at all, and i think hes kinda managed to create his own personal agony monster
For awhile i was considering having Mike possibly not have even possessed ANYTHING and would have left it as purely Williams own descent to madness
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n0bluev · 7 months
Somehow, im inspired to write that 'revision fic'. === (EDIT : u can skip but heres another snippet for u (3 separate bits that fit together nicely, actually haha) cuz hihi. THE AU: As i said, its a failed "3"rd regression context, where yjh is now in his "4"th round. The last memory he has of kdj is him dying, and to make things worse "In this round, that guy doesn't exist." is a thing, so yjh freaks out a bit but hes totally normal about this whole ordeal & the fact that he doesnt even remembers kdj's face now. Wdym! Hes fiiiiiine!
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sorry lol back to the actual post : (,hope u enjoyed that little treat tho^^)) ===
!!THAT [Somehow, im inspired to write [...]] HAS NEVER HAPPENED TO ME BEFORE!!. I always like. do an outline for the overall story and vibe, then flesh out the start or something and cook up a little 500 (probably unsatisfying) words for fun kind of as a bonus. Keep it mostly for my private enjoyment and move on before the story comes to life. And that's okay... Yes, it would be cooler to actually write the AU ideas i get in novel or comic form instead of having them stay at just the 'sketch' & 'idea/brainstorm' phase before i get another idea and leave them to dust up in the pile,,
But yeah, its okay.
In the few years since ive started getting ideas for more elaborate aus/fics, ive noticed that my ideas improved with time. (no shit, i know, but it makes me happy! i grew up!!! i can see it.) My planning methods are better too. So all of that unfinished or abandoned stuff is not at all useless work in my eyes. And who knows, maybe one day i'll bring them back.
--> as a plus, all my fandom brainrot experiences even get transferred into my OC stuff, and frl whenever i read my notes these days (or listen to my voice memos lol) and im just like "HOW DID I THINK OF THIS WOW" or "WHEN DID I PUT THIS LIKE THIS? IT WORKS!" (not to brag or anything but my oc lore goes hard ☝️)
I DID NO PLANNING. I just started writing for orv and its. Lowkey, good ???? Dont get me wrong i only have 1.5k right now and there are clear holes i have to fill and stuff but... CLEAR HOLES! CLEAR HOLES. Sure Im used to being like "something of the sort should go there..." BUT THIS TIME ITS "THIS SHOULD GO THERE, ILL WRITE IT LATER BUT THE IMAGE IS IN MY MIND, CLEAR AS WATER, AND ONCE I START PUTTING IT ON THE PAGE ISTG THOSE WORDS WILL STREAM OUT OF MY FINGERS AS IF IT WAS A NORMAL OCCURENCE FOR ME" ,,- !??? Yo!
Anyways. Point is that somehow theres interesting stuff going on in my gg doc and the more i write the more i know where i want to go, so that's cool, i feel all powerfull for once
idk if that ease is going to stay once im done with the first scenes (ughh!!! theres so much potential!!!!!!!!) but hopefully yes. either way ill probably post it so im not baiting yall with a "um actually im writing smt rn --- *never shares with the class*" --- either 1) things go well and i write a "real fic" (!? wtf that wasnt my plan!) --- or 2) i only post the finished version of what i have now (expect around 5k? (i have no idea actually)) and we wait together to see if i pick up the idea again haha. (i do wish to write it tho! im not a 'writer' writer but i want to be one, u get me?)
! thank u see u byebye
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enlighten3d · 2 days
I thought it was pretty clear how Ken became maskless: Death is the Cure
with that context, I do think that happened pretty recently, given that the guard was talking about the mission to kill Ken was recent, and also none of the destruction outside was fixed
also, the I Have Escaped Every Prison (for now) is in the lore playlist, making me think that those escapes were at least mostly canon, and they were mostly done from outside of the prisons (including an escape from Gaia's Vault IBSMISOW that takes several months). This would fit better as escapes that happened before he got the mask (also the train escape memories included these sorts of escapes)
the mask does seem to erase some memories, as seen with Wato's confusion when dumped into the escape room in kww colab (as seen in Wato's video on how to make an escape room, which I think follows his memories), and also everything with Omz. (Though both were when they wore the mask)
However in Death is the Cure, Ken lost all his memories, which seems more like the memory thing in the Train Escape, especially since the cell probably isn't his respawn point. Also Sven's memory thing seems derived from the mask's power, given that it uses a hopper.
so the timeline that I see is 1: they kill Ken, 2: find him and erase memories, 3: Death is the Cure 4: get him to the train 5: Train Escape
(Also the last thing I remember Ken saying about Daedalus Escape is that it's never coming out unless lore won in a poll, and it absolutely lost)
(this is in reply to my theory about how the mask doesnt actually cause memory loss; here)
okay, fascinating. good point about the destruction outside not being fixed.. hadnt thought about that! okay so i guess then one could say that they lost the mask recently, but. thats still fucking odd to me. because why else would the guard mention that theyve tried to contain him in like. Many Different Prisons, out of which theyve all escaped. dont see any reason why theyd actively be trying to contain him beforeee the Destruction? so. whenever it was that they lost the mask, they deffo were captured a Bit ago, id say. even tho the destruction is recent. i guess with all the devastation, ppl hadnt gotten around to fixing it up? i dont know, mate. but. them losing the mask recently doesnt make that much sense (even w how you mentioned that all the escape videos were probably Beforehand. like. sorry i am not good at articulating this point.)
yeah were pretty much in agreement! that how ken loses all their memories is the memory cannon (which, yeah id be willing to believe is somehow connected to the hoppers, given the hopper in it)
them dying while captured in order to lose the mask is like. a necessity for shit to make sense, but. the person who killed them would then have the mask. and we dont see anyone w the mask... and someone else getting the mask would be dangerous. im. what im saying here is that we know HOW ken loses the mask (via dying to the ppl trying to capture + stop him from destroying everything), but not to WHO.
OKAY NOW THE HTING ABT WATO. this is bothering me in general. bcs yes ik that watos kww videos do show that their memories got MASSIVELYYY fucked w after they lost the mask, but. i remember that in the livestream after the original videos were released, it was mentioned how watos videos are the least likely to be canon. personally im just. kind of ignoring it rn, ill worry abt it later.
i really dont think the mask causes memory loss because- omz, when he lost the mask, was NOT acting like someone who just lost fuck knows how long worth of memories. he acts like someone who was AWARE the whole time and finally was released from a Curse that he was actively fighting against. i really dont think that he lost his memories. i really personally dont think the mask causes memory loss, imo its all the memory cannon thing? we DO know that hoppers can cause memory loss (as per the dementia cannon we see in the omziscool finale (or the hopper escape? i forget which one)). its all the hoppers, not the mask. the mask is like... the conduit for the hoppers power? doesnt cause memory loss on its own.
so w the wato thing, i. genuinely dont know. its tripping me the fuck up. bcs theres also. ken forgot EVERYTHIING about who they were when blasted w the memory cannon (in the train escape and prolly right before death is the cure). wato did NOT forget everything abt who she was. they remembered bits and pieces.. almost like how omz remembered everything while he was under the masks power, but its... distorted in watos case.
best i can say there is that theres an external force of some sort playing there? prolly some evilfies bs. its reasonable to blame everything that makes no sense in kww collab onto evilfies LMAO
another thing: how the FUCK did the mask get from whoever killed ken to wato? bcs. we can very very reasonably assume that the mask cannot be taken off the person wearing it. the person has to be killed, and then whoever kills them gets the mask. and then wreaks havoc. so whoever got the mask from ken WOULD have been wearing it and WOULD be up to no good. so. we dont know Anything about that. evilfies ig /hj
the timeline imo (theres two places that ken couldve lost the mask, so ill write it twice): - ken kills omz - gets the mask - Mass Destruction - [someone kills ken and gets the mask from them] - ken gets put in a few prisons out of which they escape - [someone kills ken and gets the mask from them] - bcs they keep escaping, their memory is wiped using svens (hopper-powered) memory erasing cannon - death is the cure (destruction outside hasnt been fixed yet ig? maybe ken temporarily escaped...) - train escape (during which their memory gets erased at least once)
its. flimsy. but the different ways that ppl lose their memory in this lore (aka the forgetting Eveyrhitng of the memory cannon vs the Most Things Of A Specific Time Period that wato forgets supposedly due to the mask) really make me doubt that the mask causes memory loss. shrugs
(also RIPPP on the daedalus thing. that is tragic ): )
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inkedmyths · 2 years
S1: E18 “Something Wicked This Way Comes”
Brought to you by Trade Anon, who started playing Cold Steel thanks to my influence. This one goes out to you, bestie
This episode featuring: Copious Shakespeare quotes, sick children, retail, and Dean’s guilt complex
Uh oh praying baby child. Never a good start
And thou, all-shaking thunder, Strike flat the thick rotundity o' the world!
Oh a spooky claw
[ Shark has never seen Supernatural, and has no idea what's happening. They are imagining a disembodied Jurrasic Park raptor claw dismembering a child. This is not what happens, but it sure is one hell of a mental image. ]
Tis one of the weird sisters
Dean you're one to talk. You're also a smartass
"I'm the oldest which means I'm always right" LMAO DEAN
Oh? The park is empty? What's up with that?
Ohhh uh oh a bunch of kids are sick?
Oh I see its a spreading illness
Who are we impersonating today?
Dean I somehow don't think that's going to work
Damn ok I guess
Oh they're impersonating the CDC
Real Hansel and Gretel moments huh
Breaking and enteriiiing
Aha spooky handprint
[ Aspen also has little to no context, and is imagining a flashback like that one scene in Ratatouille. This is... not completely incorrect? ]
Oh baby Dean is still a sassy little shit
Little Sam....
Okaaaay interesting interesting
A strega?
Thats a lie Dean
Two Queens jesus christ
[ Crepe says it only gets worse. This is deeply upsetting to me. ]
Dean taking care of tiny Sam :(
They are so tiny...
Okay they're sucking out life force
Dean.... Dean buddyyyyy
Fair is foul, and foul is fair; Hover through the fog and filthy air
Sneaking around a hospitaaaal
Its not this old woman that would be too easy. They're just pointing a gun at some random lady
Lmao yep. Sorry ma'am
When shall we three meet again? In thunder, lightning, or in rain?
Yet another shitty Halloween decoration come to life, this time its one of the crones
Uh oh the little brother
Ah yes parallels with Dean again
[ We now take an intermission. A long one. This is because I had to go to work. Yay, retail. ]
1893... Heidecker??? OH THE DOCTOR
Right Michael...
[ Crepe freaks out, before I explain its the kid. I can only assume this means there is another character later named Michael. Jonny Sims Syndrome. ]
Dean?? Dean guilt complex???
Ohhh no bby Dean went to the Arcade and something happened right
Oh ok so John shot it...
Ahhh so Dean feels guilty abt the incident years later bc he left and put Sam in danger...
Aha I get it now
Sam is RIGHT Dean u were only a kid
Oh poor Michael having this explained to him. Poor baby child
Ohhh he saw it..... :(
Poor baby boy I want to hug him
"You're a big brother? You'd take care of your little brother, do anything for him?"
"I would."
When the hurly-burly’s done, When the battle’s lost and won.
By the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes
Look at them ugly ass moldy carrot fingers
Get its ass Dean
"You okay little brother?"
Ew its deflating. Gross
Yaaaay all the kiddos are good
"Sometimes I wish I could have that kind of innocence."
"If it means anything, sometimes I wish you could too."
Yaaay ok ep over
Winchester Patented Guilt Complex (WPGC)
Very interesting insight into Dean as a person. Not his fault tho, he was a kid.
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wanderrlust0 · 1 year
honestlyyy my bf is lucky to have me!! bc ive seen and heard things that i feel like another girl would probably not give him more chances or go off on him out of frustration. even his sister told me she’d do things differently. idk im not trying to shit on him at all bc hes a really good person and i love him very much and want to be with him for the rest of my life. i just know that if it was the other way around with all the things we both have done, he would notttt trust me and he already has trust issues. i mean im not perfect either..yes i have done some small things before, but it was without any personal feelings and any intimate physical touch. now, there is a lot of context and things for part of what he did and the situation we were stuck in so like its not as bad as it sounds.. but STILL lol im just thinking. like i know if one of us had to break up with each other it would def be him breaking up with me. i just know. theres already been times where he would sound like he would and he’d make all these confrontations feel so serious. also, hes still a man. yes hes he/they, masc presenting, but he still thinks like men. im not trying to offend anyone pls if literally anyone reads this far so ill explain what i mean. he did not have good luck with girls in hs and so he worked on himself to look better and then got the attention from girls he craved back then. got some experience, got a gf, got cheated on, got dating apps again but stayed fwb with his ex until calling it off when we started dating. i know he can move quickly with things and act on his high sexual drive. if anyone whos considered attractive gives him attention, he could entertain the idea or like he starts to compare me and itll make me feel like im not enough and dont match his lifestyle. i feel like its easier for him than me to start seeing people in a sexual way and want to get in their pants. idk if it could be like the female attention since he doesnt always feel good about himself and now that a pretty girl shows interest its like it gets to his ego. again, i sound like im shitting on him but im not, im just thinking i can type it all out and leave it here bc ive never talked about this or wrote about it. i found out today that he did stuff with his friend ~3 yrs ago while me & him were on a break and me and her are like friendly acquaintances and we went to her baby shower, gender reveal party, & he went to her wedding, all after they did it. he really only told me now bc her husband i guess just found out somehow and msgd my bf about it and said he’ll go msg me about it. he didnt want me to find out first thru someone else, which i appreciate that he was able to tell me first, but its also like okay damn they really did that. and yes it was years ago so i honestly didnt feel hurt about it i was just more shocked. like.. he was on a break with me and felt single and he says shes cheated before so it just happened with them and they didnt do it again. funny thing is that her husband was already suspicious of him years ago and thinking he was only friends with her to do stuff and now shit, he was partially right. honestly, thats a dumb mistake on her end, like she was engaged or almost engaged at the time. also, for the record, he hooked up with (for what i know now) 2 other people during that time period, so 3 within our 1 month break. one didnt involve any feelings i presume and the other one had a shit ton bc they went on actual dates and shit and she ended it bc they both or just she didnt wanna settle. she was 3 yrs younger than him and yes.. i did stalk her a bit bc i needed to know, why her, who she is, etc. and i could already tell she got around..but whatever, i already coped from that lol. back to his friend, he knows she was with someone & he knows her man already didnt like him. even tho she didnt care, he still went along with it bc hes been wanting to do that since the day they became friends. it all makes sense. he met her in school when he was still with his ex so i dont have anything to say about that part but like, again…
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hii i want to request a matchup if ure still doing that!!
my name is eda, i go be he/she and im bi, my love language is quality time and acts of service, im intp 5w4 sp/so and leo sun
im super socially awkward lol people ussually think i dont want to talk to them, at first they think im intimidating or judgy but im actually really open minded and caring for the people im close with i just dont rlly like strangers being clingy w me thats just annoying
im not really good at showing emotions and care but i really do try my best;; i sometimes seem salty but thats my kinda way of showing affection when im not in the mood but still wanna somehow say i love you i just bad with words and i hate physical touch, but im also rlly touch starved and its in a loop lol
i sometimes just wanna be all by myself when someone gets really close during those"ghosting everyone" times i become distant with them its not on purpose but i just need a lot of alone time
i like listening people gush about their interests a lot i can listen my s/o ranting about their nerd stuff for hours and not even lose interest if theyre talking about that thing passionately it just so cute;;;
im able to sense peoples emotions, especially my close ones, i can read them like an open book they dont even need to talk and ill know whats the problem but even tho i know peoples feelings, i can never emphasize i just find it weird to show emotions, i dont tell them what i think about this and just roll with it but they seem to notice if this took for a long time and that ruins my relationships with people i cant get close to anyone because of this
my last break up was lack of communication in our relationship because it all happened too fast, im much more into a relationship where we would be much of a friend than a lover in the relationship and communicate about our feelings and thoughts so i need to get close to them slowly and this slow time is sometimes takes more than 6 months just to start dating and not just "hanging out as friends" its also because i have big trust issues lol
tw sh!! ive been struggling with ed and sh for a few years now but i honestly dont want my partner to worry about that, people think it sound unrealistic because this is about my health and even my life but i dont see any issues with these they become a part of my life atp i want my s/o to be able to not worry too much about it at least;; i just cant take confrontation id get scared and run away
im studying english literatue at uni and i part time work in an office as a translator, i live alone and im capable of doing everything i need in my life without help of family or anyone at all and when in a relationship i dont really depend on my partner too i like the independence but i like when my close ones rely on me because id do basically anything they need i like spoiling my close ones a lot
i think i said too much about myself sorry i dont really know how to do this lol have a nice day mwah :*
I match you with...
You’re the kind of person who wonders if you’re doing this whole life thing right. You second-guess yourself and don't know if what you're saying is going to interest somebody. It’s an insecurity you know you need to work on if you want to grow. Ideally, your goal is to be able to be happy with somebody that you don't have to be afraid of. You don't want to be afraid if they don't like you or don't want you the way that you want them. For that reason, you need somebody in your life who can never be misconstrued or misunderstood. In your case, that happens to be Jumin Han. Who else in this world is capable of making sure that there is nothing to be misunderstood? 
You get along so well because you both look at life the same way. You do things that need to be done without complaint and you generally don't ask for help. The one thing that the two of you could stand to learn would be to give up control now and again to those that you trust. It's okay to take a step back into the passenger seat now and again. You don't have to be afraid of something going wrong as long as you believe in that person you trust. That’s how Jumin sees you. He would never back you into a corner or make you do something that you don't want to do, but he would reasonably look at you and ask if you needed his help every step of the way just because he cares. 
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lqfiles · 5 months
THE BOOKMARKING EVERY TWEET NAURRRRRR WHEN UR FOMO JUST HIT TOO HARD LIKE THAT😭😭😭😭😭😭 ok literally the exact same thing when they went to LA for that starstruck thing but we had no idea wtf they were doing so ppl kept posting such random clips like guys... that should be me... Oh dont even worry about me its like impossible (riize mentioned?👀) for me to go go tds FOR THIS YEAR AT LEAST. I gotta lock in school like ive never locked in before so sadly i am retiring from being dreamzen daughter for a bit 🥹🥹
OH THEYRE NOT READY INDEED WE'RE ABT TO TERRORIZE THE STREETS WITH OUR HATER TWEETS AND BRAINROT THOUGHTS 🤫🤫 plzzz make a main ill deadass follow even if im the only follower #loyalty also im not sure if ure okay with receiving dms but if u are and u give me the green light.. i might hit u up 👀 stay tuned 👀
AUGJDHEHDH ALSO GHE NEW PROFILES AND DESCS ARE SOOOO CUTESY AND PERFY I LOVE IT SM IM LOWK GETTING LIT but im like here from the beginning of the smau ik im gonna dai waiting for updates. Like with stg i came across it and got hooked AF so it was chill... but now ig we gotta play the nonchalancy 🚬
LOOKING FORWARD TO THE AU THO EEEKK i be checking ur active status like every once in a while and be like Damn i wonder what lqfilesnim up to rn?🤔
- 🍮 (ur fav)
DOMT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE STARSTRUCK CONTENT ISTG WHAT HAS LA DONE FOR THEM TO DESERVE RHAT PRIVILEGE……. they got to dance with them got to hug them got to play with them got to talk to them, should i just kill myself? starstruck preparations was so funny tho because they announced it like 4 months before the actual thing came out 😭😭😭 we all thought we got lied to they were playing too much istg, i loved that content tho it was fun to see them interact with strangers and get admired from afar (tho some moments were a bit errrr… that girl who acted like she knew mark and mistook him for got7 mark like oh that’s not???)
I CANF LIE THATS THE BOTH OF US HDHSJDHSK it’s just that i rlly wanna go at least once 😭😭 i should be focusing on studies fr but the fomo is tooo big and i heard they’re gonna perform bungee THATS MY TOP 3 SONGS I HAVE TO BE THERE OR I WILL DIE. i hope you still get to somehow go tho, the both of us should be able to experience such a fun moment 🥹
when yoy and me become mutuals and you find out just how hateful i can get like daaaamn you really negative that much..? but DONT WORRY YOU CAN BE ONE OF MY FIRST MUTUALS IF RHAT HAPPENS #LOYALCHINGU. tbh i hate the dming on here a lot but you can 100% message me i swear!! i feel like people are intimidated by me but i swear i’m so approachable and down to earth yall 💔 i need friends on here anyways because i swear it’s hard to make friends on here (i normally immediately log out of here and go to my other account after i post tho so be warned if i respond late hshdksj also i’m a bad texter.. confession..)
WE GETTING LITTY ASF IKTRRR i kinda can’t wait to post the rest i already got chaps ready and a good chunk of the plot too. I WILL TRY TO UODATE REGULARLY!!! i updated every other day with stg you guys will survive i’m sure, hang in there aegi, lqfilesnim is cooking🙏🏽
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starlightkun · 11 months
omg omg omg okay so im like in the middle of my final exams before im done with highschool but i need to tell you all about the fics that you have been releasing because wOW.
GOD THOSE TWO ARE SO FLUFFY. i dont have chronic illness but the way you described it just reminds me of starting adhd meds where i had to take so many pills at random intervals during the day and felt awful 24/7 and how im afraid that going into uni, people are going to ask for my meds for recreational purposes (which makes me so mad btw cause like i need meds to live dont ask for medication that is in limited supply so you can get lit but anyways). But yeah i didn't know that much about migraines other than the fact that its terrible but yeah the way you wrote mc was so beautiful and relatable and im just so sorry that you have to be burdened by these migraines and spend so much time and energy managing it. The way you wrote sungchan though was beautiful. his character is absolutely the most pure and loving guy (whilst also being a loserboy) and the fact that he did not question or judge or put pressure on mc ever was so healing. just watching him be so open with his affection and just blatantly pine for mc without any reservations about it makes me really want a sungchan of my own now. I just want a cute, sweet, uncomplicated, loserboy so i can just live my life in both sickness and health and not be judged by what hurdles my body choses to throw at me today (my psychiatrist was saying my stomach is just really sensitive so thats why ive been going through hell which is sucky but at least i have answers and know what to avoid lmao). But yeah thank you for writing something so beautiful about an experience that i felt so alone in having, because now i feel less guilty about struggling with my own health and most importantly less alone.
now onto Dr Magic!
dear lord jesus if i felt seen by buzzer beater, ive never felt more out of my depths by Dr Magic. Its such a hilarious fic and renjun and mc are both so insane and crazy but in a way thats realistic (i go to one of the top high schools in australia and there are people here who are so dedicated to school the same way renjun and mc). The way renjun just wants mc to spit in his mouth, I swear ive met boys like that too. also the steamy makeout sesh?! soft renjunnie with caring and dominant reader who asks for consent?! mc is so sexy for that, i love her. Also! your description of renjun wearing a yellow hoodie, jeans and a red cap was so scrumptious that i embodied mc in that moment and wanted to eat him whole also. the scene where renjun owns up to the mean things he said to mc whilst mc talks about spitting in his mouth in front of TEN?! shes so confident and strong despite being hurt and i love that for her. i really love how in your fics, you mix humor with maturity to create such well rounded works that really celebrate being wild and having fun whilst also being a grown and mature person. just like you, i could never be renjun and mc but im happy for them and what they have.
side note: thank you for being pro palestine, i know being pro palestine is a simple thing and a low bar to set for myself in finding good people in the world, but with all the people in power and celebrities (cough eric nam cough) publicly supporting the genocide that is happening, im very glad to find others who see the horrors for what it is.
yeah i will always be anti-genocide and anti-apartheid ethnostates, and it truly does boggle my mind to see people support that??? somehow???? but seeing all the pro palestine demonstrations and protests and posts all over does give me hope to hold onto
rest of my response to ur lovely feedback under the cut to not make this post any longer lol <33
i also want my own loserboy sungchan so bad 🤧🤧 he was just so perfect in that one ugh. im glad that u were still able to see urself in some of the mc (tho im NOT glad that ur having side effect trouble w ur meds, sending out my love as a fellow tummy trouble side effect haver 🫶). and yeah i rlly wanted my bb sungchan to be not necessarily a himbo per se (bc imo u have to be like BUFF and stupid and sweet, i.e, kronk from emperor's new groove, and alas, sungchan is not built like wonho im not that delusional) but he is at least a big (read: tall), sweet, not quite dumb but not as academically rigorous in the same way as mc, jock who is used to kind of following the same script when in that college "talking phase" with a girl (a little bit of flirting, parties, inviting her to a game maybe, buying her a drink, etc.) bc it's safe and he rlly likes reader so he doesn't want to mess it up but then he realizes that he has to throw it all out bc reader can't actually do like most of that and is like ok. new plan. and ends up just fully embracing his pining, soft loserboy self and how down bad he is for reader. ugh i love him 💗💗💗
i would greatly admire, respect, and fear in equal measure anybody who feels seen by dr_magic2303 lmao. like good for u but COULDN'T BE ME!!! like some of the bits of mc's hyperfixation on her personal projects and that raw hunger for knowledge (as opposed to being the best) was modeled after my own hyperfixations and kind of manic flow states that i get with my adhd (i've yet to put up a conspiracy board in my apartment but i do routinely feel like the pepe silvia meme from it's always sunny) but i have not been a neurotic overachieving academic since jr yr of high school thank god! 4 years of cognitive behavioral therapy and a lot of anti-depressants cured me of that. this is coming from a former gifted kid lmao.
when i knew that i wanted this fic to take the this route (renjun getting consensually dosed up w siren venom) i knew i wanted there to be some form of a convo like that. like consent is sexy!!! and making sure ppl r being taken care of when they're consensually giving up and transferring power for a limited time (with or without the use of magical aphrodisiacs) is sexy!!! aftercare is sexy!!! (even tho renjun threw reader out before they could rlly finish that part but u know) and i rlly hope that came across in that scene
reader talking about spitting in renjun's mouth in front of ten isn't THAT weird for sirens (reader and ten were JUST talking about ten's nipple rings and their lack of sex lives like five seconds earlier in that same convo so like yknow) but ten could obviously tell that there was something a lot deeper going on than just some casual saliva swapping between pals so that's why he left lmao
as always thank you sm for your ask and your feedback on my fics 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 good luck with the end of school you got this b 💗💗💗💗
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i-have-so-much-love · 2 years
3:06 : njkjdsakd i just deleted my entire post. having so much fun. anyway its the end of the day whooo class is boutta end :)). also if you somehow havent realized i decided to start adding the day bc why not. anyway super fast update of the whole day in spanish i got this weird project i gotta do super easy can get it done fast. debate went well i didnt get murdered and i gave a bomb presentation about how capitalists wages labourers the product of the labourer and the labourers time. really cool and i did a good job (even tho i was INSANELY nervous hahahaha) then i had lunch which was awesome bc its labor day and they put up a buncha stalls to buy stuff at (from clubs) i got a brownie combined with an oreo combined with a chocolate chip cookie and some DELICIOUS tamales from another club. they didnt have my favorite thing ever (fresas con crema. idk spanish lol). after that i had band and it was pretty okay nothing too exciting. i gotta ask my band directors about the soprano so my peer and i can see who gets to play it for the quartet. anyway class ends in like 5 minutes so ill update u after my lesson
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cognitosclowns · 3 years
hey this might be a weird request but do you have any headcanons about everyone's handwritings? thanks!!!
all sfw!! Program used is (here)
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OKAY on debated giving her,, Super Pristine Writing because she seems to have everything together
It's implied that she used to be a reporter? SO <333 I WANTED TO GIVE HER SMTH A BIT MORE,, SNAPPY <3.
Quick but legible! She's used to having to write down a lot of info vvvv quickly, so she kinda had to adapt on the go and WHABAM <3
LIKE,,, if she NEEDS to, ofc she can have Really Smooth, Pretty Writing,, but,,,, nah she likes to stick to Old Reliable sndmsnd.
OH and she absolutely knows shorthand. Anything of her's that,, doesn't need to be read by others is gonna be in shorthand <3
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OH COME ON <333 THE TRIANGLE A'S I COULDN'T PASS IT UP. Not only efficient but,, On Theme smdsnd
Took reference from ep's 2 and 4 where we got to see her write!! She <33 seems to like Big Clunky Letters
NOT DIRECTLY RELATED BUT,, she types so INTENSELY DEAR GOD. VV fast, VV loud - everyone assumes she’s mad but,, nah she’s just efficient smdns
She much prefers typing bc,,, her handwriting can never keep up with how fast her thoughts are going?
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He gives me the vibes of smb who,, writes SUPER HARD but also vv fast?? It makes an audible sktch-sktch-sktch and leaves an indent on the page underneath. 
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<3333 UNCANNILY clean, to the point that it looks typed out
HE ALSO,, writes like 3d printer?? like he doesn't go letter by letter - to an outside observer, he makes this Very Quick Diagonal Scribble Motion, and somehow it creates Pristine Writing. (absolutely unecessary, but he delights in unnerving ppl)
OH AND DON'T THINK FOR A SECOND that this man wouldn't do,, the most Dramatic, Swoopy handwriting when signing things. Just to be a showoff. Little bastard smdns.
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*vague gestures* business
OH but just <33 very loose-wrist handwriting. He signs so many things,, all the time,, oughe he absolutely has a Ganglion cyst or like,, carpel tunnel. By the end of most nights its just an,, Up-Down-Up-Down zig-zag.
he used to have a Super Swirly signature but,, eventually it just became a loose scribble
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OH he probably had,, passable handwriting but his coordination is dreadful post-surgery
It isn't that he can't write, it's just difficult to get the letters as precise as he used to and that has a habit of frustrating him? So then he writes even worse and it becomes a kerfuffle
if he's patient tho and gives himself a singular break its pretty clear!!
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A hint of Fancy Yancy, but it's loosened up a bit as he's gotten older and distanced from his Private School Years!!
OH he absolutely journals <33 nothing too fancy - a few photos he's printed out, mostly of The Gang, little things around Cognito that he appreciates, etc!!!
Ofc he could do all that online but,,, the act of writing everything out forces him to take his time with it? and really thing through and appreciate the memories he's writing down? eaoughe <3
This font was chosen for the kindness of it's smile and I'm not ashamed to admit it
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Truly deeply madly please never ask him to write down anything for you it will only end in pain. 
He both does not listen and does not care about most things that ppl are saying and OOFE THATS A RECIPE FOR DISASTER SMDNSD.
LIKE SURE ITS VAGUELY comprehensible but overall??? no smdnsmd. If he's gotta record smth he's 1000% gonna prefer oral dictation - he can speak a mile a minute when he wants to!
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He's on Every Drug All At Once All The Time sdmsnd there's no way he has clean hand writing
I feel like it also,, wobbles a lot?? Full on ~~~~ across the page, and instead of correcting on the NEXT line, he just follows that same curve??
OH and he has a horrible habit of overestimating how much he can cram in the margins. There's never enough space, he's gonna end up overlapping into stuff he's already written and hate himself in the morning when he's gotta re-read it-
DESPITE ALL THIS? He does like writing stuff by hand most of the time - it kinda helps ground him? He has a bad habit of getting,, TOO caught up in his projects. When his hand starts cramping, its usually a good reminder to stop.
The only time he sticks to typing is when his tics are being A Pain In The Ass bc,, he doesn’t want to bother with having to scratch stuff out over and over again lmao
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sxftkxssxs · 3 years
Yesss! Requests!!! Okay okay, may I request slow lazy evenings with the Arcana main 6? Like, how would they and mc unwind and relax and get ready for bed? And then how do they fall asleep together? What do they talk about? What's the atmosphere like? Just set the mood, y'know!
oh absolutely!! if you see any mistakes or anything please let me know! ill try and fix them as soon as possible :)
Lazy, Slow evenings with the m6 <3
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Very, domestic and calm
The whole shop just has a relaxed atmosphere, especially when the three of you get ready for bed
Asra always makes you get ready with him, they care for your well-being and youre gonna take care of urself wether u like it or not
You two mostly talk about places you or asra remember going, maybe places he’d like to take you
It really depends on you on how to unwind,
Asra isn’t picky, and they’ll try and help you relax as much as possible to get ready for bed
He’s so soft when you lay down though <3
You’re absolutely falling asleep cuddling somehow, you might not wake up like you fell asleep but asra is a huge cuddle bug
make asra the little spoon. it helps both of you if he can hear ur heart beat
Faust wakes you but by slithering over you with her cold scales 😭
Its so fun to try and wind down with julian
i say try bc it probably won’t work </3 i mean look at the man, he hasn’t slept in three weeks at the least
Theres always a playful yet sincere type atmosphere with him,
Malak is not allowed in the house near julian past 10pm or it’s hopeless
the way to get him to unwind is a cuddle time before bed or some warm drink made only by you (he swears it’s bc you put some sort of magic in it)
When you finally get the man child to relax he doesn’t really talk, but loves to hear your voice
he’ll give you some of “mm..” and “mhm,” while you talk to let you know hes listening
you will in fact not wake up how you fell asleep
usually you’re cuddling but everytime without fail, you wake up to either you or him end up on the floor
just put ur cold feet on him and call it even
unwinding with nadia is, a rare luxury
She’s constantly busy, rarely giving time for anything else
but if you manage (threaten) to get the courtiers to agree to hold all work
she’s forever grateful
let’s be honest if ur with nadia ur always tired too
but it’s a very elegant and soft atmosphere
you absolutely get a nice bath to unwind <3 gotta abuse them best baths in the palace privileges
she’ll talk to you about anything but the matters she needs to tend to, it’s a nice change of pace
you are absolutely the small spoon, no if and or buts
nadia will find a way to cuddle you as the big spoon
thank goodness she’s just as elegant a sleeper, you wake up very warm and reluctant to leave the bed
very cozy
he’s the best bc??? you get a whole extra wolf to cuddle??
let’s be honest, there aren’t many days when you don’t get to relax with him
but the way he gets you to unwind is well, he takes care of you!
the others have their own tiny little things but muriel likes switching the roles on relaxing nights
you often have to take care of him, and he wants to be able to show his appreciation:)
Inanna helps both of you relax by letting you rub her belly 👀
he does not give up his position in the bed though, absolutely not <3
He forever has his ear pressed so he can hear ur heart beating :)
You prolly only wake up bc Inanna pounced on you both
soft and silly :)
she’s so pretty and sweet ugh
you probably surprise her with pepi in ur lap
she’s so happy and immediately relaxes when she’s brought into the cuddle pile
she talks about her day, asking about yours once she’s done
you fall asleep with her snuggled into you
but you definitely don’t wake up that way- the devoraks are siblings after all
you don’t end up on the floor tho, she just pulls you with her everytime she turns around 👁👁💧
Pepi has gotten and will in the future get flung when she does this-
when you wake up she’s most likely already up, but she’ll give you kisses before she has to go to work again <3
the most beautiful moments you’ll ever have with him
he lets himself yk, calm down whenever he’s with you
the atmosphere is so sweet and calm (which is rare to see with lucio)
this is the one time he doesn’t talk so much, he lets you talk about anything you want,
as long as you’re talking his attention is all on you
the puppies help by dragging you both to bed :)
Lucio doesn’t let you go, not even in his sleep
You’re wrapped up in his arms the entire night, it’s so nice
you wake up the same way but the puppies are added to both ur sides
if lucios not awake i’m sorry but ur stuck i tile he does bc if u move everyone’s gonna wake up grumpy:,)
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psychewithwings · 3 years
Pt. 1 A Visitor... Once Again  Kirishima x Goddess!reader
hello hello, this is my contribution to this months bnharem collab! The theme was ‘mythology and lore’ and hit very close to my ancient greek loving soul. We have so many wonderful writers and artists that have worked hard so pls check out the rest of the collab here!!!
I’ve been rather ill and so I’ll be breaking it up into parts, part 2 will be out as soon as I am feeling more myself (which will hopefully be next week). Please enjoy a story about 2 of my favourite characters. Kirishima Eijirou, as his hero self (tho with a demi-god twist) and reader! as Kalypso, the goddess, daughter of Atlas, the titan who holds up the sky. Her curse is that she is forced to live alone on an island and fall in love with any visitor who falls to her shores. Once she falls for them, she is forced to ask if they would like to stay and she may grant them immortality if they say yes, and if not? They may leave. They have no way of leaving the island until she falls in love. She is a kind and wonderful character and I have a lot of love for her, (perhaps I relate to her a bit too much) so it is an honor to tell a new version of her story. 
This is set in present day even tho Kalypso is an ancient greek figure, Kirishima is about 25-28 here? Pro hero Kiri!
TW: a small sex scene in the beginning, little bit of dirty talk, penetration
“Fuck, thats it baby, feel it going all the way inside? Feels good right?” You moan into his neck, “s-so good.” He starts to thrust in and out slowly. Your nails dig into the muscles of his back… his… names and faces are unimportant blurs as he continues to thrust inside. Each drag of his cock hits each sweet spot and taps against your cervix. “Fuck~ you feel so fucking good darling, so-fucking-good, perfect, fucking perfect… yeah that's it clamp down on my cock, massage it with that perfect pussy.” His hand slips between your sweat soaked bodies and rubs quick circles over your clit. “Gonna cum for me baby? I can feel it, you’re about to gush~” You cry into his neck, soft tears of ecstasy hitting his skin. You’re close, so very close-
“Hello? Hey!!! Is anyone home?? Hello?”
You open your eyes and the man above you, the cock inside you, all falls away. It had all been a dream… a delicious, wonderful dream. A dream that had been ruined by an incurable racket. You stare groggily at the ceiling. The ache in your core of having been so close to cumming now boils into a rage. “Hello?!?! Is someone here? Hello??” Your brow crinkled in confusion as to who the rasping voice belonged to. You check to see if you had somehow managed to flip the tv on but the screen was dark. “Does anyone live here?” It dawned on you then… It’s a visitor.
You check the clock that blinks 5:37AM. You groan into a pillow and kick your legs in an attempt to relieve the ache. Your bare thighs are covered in your arousal, which has turned into your frustration. You stay lying still in hopes that he will go away, leave you alone, never return. “HELLO????!?!” But he had to stop screaming and it didn’t seem like he was going to until he came into contact with someone… You knew the nature of the curse well enough at this point but you would try to rebel as long as you could…
You flip the covers off of your body and slowly walk to grab a robe to cover yourself with. You stare at your reflection in the full length mirror while you finish tying the robe. “We got this,” you point to yourself, “no falling in love this time, no falling in love no matter what, ever again, you hear me?” You nod back to yourself. “Pinkie swear.” You touch pinkies with the mirror and laugh coldly. “No more foolish love,” you sarcastically remark before opening the french doors and stepping onto the balcony.
You stare down at the man who had been shouting for so long and your heart drops. He’s beautiful, red hair hanging in his face, still wet with the sea. His body must have been designed by the muses and chiseled by delicate hands. It’s clear even through his clothes. Son of Ares? Or even Zeus perhaps? He is interesting, never had you seen a demigod with such clear physical strength and kind eyes. The combination was rare. He gives you a grin which then fades to surprise. “Oh- I am so sorry, my manners,” he laughs nervously before slowly kneeling on the ground. “Great Goddess, I humble myself now in front of your grace and all encapsulating beauty…” You roll your eyes hoping he will take the hint and shut up. It wasn’t any different from the men before him… It was the same shit as always, though you were disappointed, this one seemed different upon first glance. “...your magnificence is profound, you are both elegant and ethereal in your just standing there-” you cut him off before he can continue the asinine speech. “Ya done?” you ask bluntly.
His eyes grow wide and he softly utters a “what?” You roll your eyes and lean on the gold railing. “Dude, it’s 5am, you’re yelling and ranting, can ya just get to the point?” He remains on his knees in a bow. His pitch varies with confusion as he speaks. “My ship, uhh I crashed it on your shore, and I was hoping that you could umm, maybe assist me in getting home? I-” he hangs his head for a moment, perhaps in exhaustion before continuing. “I have no GPS, no compass, not even a map… if I could do it without bothering you, I would, nothing you for help isn’t very manly... but please Goddess, please help me get home.”  You sigh, century after century of the same request has really weakened your patience, though he had asked nicer than most. “You’re stuck here for the foreseeable future,” you smile slightly. You wait for the look of annoyance, frustration, fear… but it never comes. In fact he gives a slight half smile as he stands. “Well, nothing we can do?” he asks. “‘Fraid not,” you sigh. He starts to say something else but he winces. “Are you okay?” you ask, genuine concern bleeding through the nonchalant tone you had been practicing the past milenia. He nods and grabs hold of his side. “I got a little beat up, but don’t worry goddess, ‘tis but a flesh wound,” he tips his head down.  As he raises his head he looks deathly pale. “Hey sit down okay?” you call down to him, but it’s too late. His eyes roll back and he collapses. “Shit-” you mutter to yourself as you run down to him.
He lays there in a crumpled heap, his breathing shallow. “Wish you’d said you were hurt first dummy,” you grumble before assessing the situation. You need to get him to the herbs and the back porch. This wouldn't be easy, he’s big, huge really. But he collapsed on his side which makes things easier. You hook an arm around one of his and the other around a leg. It takes a lot and it's a staring but you manage to lift him on your shoulders. If your father can hold up the sky, you can surely carry this brick house of a man back to the bed on the porch. 
You step into the house while fireman carrying him to the screened-in porch to lay him down on the daybed. You place him carefully in the soft, green covers and he whines softly. “You’re gonna be just fine,” you reassure gently. Your back porch was reserved for growing herbs, arts and crafts, summer sleep, and it occasionally became a makeshift infirmary when visitors came to you injured and in need of patching up. It happened once every few centuries…
You grabbed some fabric scissors and cut away his shirt to reveal what had been ailing him. You hoped for a broken rib, those were easy to heal with a careful dose of leaf from the widows bone flower and some angel root. But what lay beneath was worse than imagined. A deep gash in his side had tried to close over and heal but it’s irritated, angry. The wound is oozing a sickly yellow pus and iridescent ichor. The skin around it is red with infection. This is one of the worst you’d been brought with. You touch his head, it’s hot and sticky with sweat. This wasn’t good. “Wait here, okay?” You grab a clump of angel root and take it back inside to the kitchen, setting it in a pot of water to boil. You grab a cloth and wet it under the sink in cold water.
You place it on his forehead and sit on the bed beside him. His face was relaxed and he was even more beautiful now. You brush the hair from his eyes and smile down at him, there was something familiar about him… like you’d met before. Though no one could return to Ogygia.
You lean down to where you can speak over his heart in a language that cannot be written or replicated... But the meaning of the words would go something like:
You are healing
You are youthful and strong
Your heart knows how to heal because it is made of love
Pure love can heal anything
You are healing now
You repeat this chant until you hear his breath deepen and watch the cut sooth. It’s a small enchantment but it has done its job. Sure, you’re no Circe, or her brethren, but you’re an enchantress all the same.
You rush back inside and grab the angel root, that's now wet and flexible from being submerged in water. You lay it across his wound before wrapping it carefully. “There now, wait here and I’m going to get you some nectar to drink,” He doesn't respond but his face is relaxed, less anguished, less in pain. You sigh in relief, hopefully that will be enough to close the wound in a day or so, else he will need to be stitched up.
You return with a small bottle of nectar and a dropper to feed him with. You coax his jaw to relax with your hand before dropping the nectar slowly onto his tongue. “You heroes are an awful lot of trouble… you know that?” You continue to feed him slowly so he won’t choke. You sigh in relief as the colour returns back to his face. He’s so beautiful he’s almost glowing, you start to reach for him, to brush the hair from his eyes but you stop yourself and turn away. “No, no love this time, remember?” you say to your reflection in the glass of the windows.
His eyes flutter open with long slow blinks. You watch as they focus on you. He blinks again. “Elyssium,” he breathes and you can’t help but chuckle. “No, Ogygia,” you correct gently. “I’m Eijirou,” he smiles. You laugh again. “No no, this island, where you are is called Ogygia, you aren’t dead,” you assure. He blinks up at you still and you curse the gods for creating him to be so breathtaking. “And what are you called?” he asks. He attempts to sit up but finds it difficult. You place your hand on his head, it’s warm and you can feel his brow relax against your palm. “You’re much better now, but just take your time…” His hands touch his torso and then move to his head. “You healed me?” You nod, “I’ll have to sew this one the rest of the way, it was quite deep.” He circles his hand around your arm, his thumb stroking soft circles. “Thank you, goddess,” he murmurs. You pull away, his touch sending lightning down into your fingertips. You don't remember the last time you had a visitor on this island of yours… but none of the previous visitors seemed to matter anymore, even though each one had stolen your heart some way or another. But no- no love, not this time, not now, not again… It hurt, but you suppressed the feelings of desire and brushed your hands down the front of your robe. “It’s nothing, but for the love of the lethe, stop calling me goddess. Kalypso is fine, just Kalypso.”
He grabs your hand as you turn to leave, “thank you... Kalypso, thank you for saving my life.” In all the years you had been saddled with this curse, it was rare for the visitor to say your name... and none of them, had said your name quite like that. 
You pull your hand from his grasp and make sure not to look back, even though you want to. “You’re welcome,” you answer simply, “I’ll uhh- get you some water.”   
to be added to the taglist
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
Seers' Miscellany
Prologue: Origins of the first bloom
A circular fic for the Dainsleif mini-series I'll be working on. This will be the introduction; of the evanescent bough keeper of the new world. "Observers of the North do not usually wind up in personal business, but when they do, in their wake comes great shifting of the plates of the timelines." Logs of the stag and the delicate flower.
Pairings -> Dainsleif x Reader; Reader is NOT Traveler
Word Count -> 1579
Themes -> Pretty sad, but also fluffy
Chapters -> 1
Warnings -> Story progression takes a while, oh dear why am I doing this now, I'm so busy
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"500 mora; and three answered questions."
He's not really sure what lead him to indulge the requests of a simple adventurer when he made his rounds around the city of freedom. Was it the simple need for currency? It couldn't be, he was better off with other commissions that Katheryne could offer.
Was it the desperation in your voice and eyes? You looked at him like a prophet, your only salvation, and perhaps in this context that may be true. You were but a lone adventurer and the way your weight leans heavier on one foot shows your struggle to those who have keen eyes like him, no other person wished to indulge your needs and you were getting desperate.
Or was it the three questions? Dainsleif have yet to hear such contractual obligations before, but it felt as tho it was the most important part of the agreement he took the moment you pleaded with that soft voice. Humble yet resolved, not letting him walk away without at least considering it once.
And so he found himself traversing the land of the wolves through a dangerous path, where you skip ahead with a gait of happiness, bubbly and energetic enough to surpass even his long legs. You hummed without consideration at the glee of finally having a companion, and he did not mind it at the slightest despite the attention it may bring upon your little party.
"First question," Dainsleif fleeted his gaze away from the horizon to turn to you whom slowed your pace to match his, head looking over your shoulder with a wide grin. "How are you?" So innocent.
He huffs in amusement, the most emotion you've seen of him. "You don't need to waste a contract question for such a simple question, you know," he stands behind you as you crouch down on a shrubbery filled with Wolfhooks. Your main objective for visiting Wolvendom in the first place.
You assured him that you meant your question in every way possible as your hands carefully pick at the herbs, wary of the thorns and the intrusive prickly leaves. Despite your attention turned away from him he knows you await his answer. Dainsleif hums to himself and stops—
How is he? What does he truly feel in this moment of his time?
A simple question yet risked for one of the three inquiries agreed upon definitely holds a deeper meaning. His train of spiraling thoughts halts upon the sound of otherwordly grunts and chants as he turns away from your still busy form (you seem very focused on your foraging) to find three Hilichurls approaching with ill intent.
Dainsleif squints at the impending threat before shooting a final glance to make sure you weren't looking. His arm glows blue as he raises it, power in the form of blue swirling mist surges around him - how are you? The feeling brings him back to vague memories of his past, of the energy rising through him at his expeditions with an old companion, of the thrill spent upon encountering the unexpected. Such thoughts are not vivid but the familiarity of what he is experiencing right now was enough for him.
Though he was sure that there were no camps before they went through this route.
"You asked me how I am," he spoke when you finally turned from the bush with an armful of Wolfhooks on your arsenal, confusion on your face at the sight of downed Hilichurls and the side profile of the bough keeper.
His cerulean eyes were fixated at his left hand that he repeatedly closes and opens for a few seconds, before he fully turns to you (your eyes did not miss the blue glow from underneath his cape, where his right arm should be) with a wisp of a smile, "I feel alive right now."
You reciprocated the gesture with a wide grin, "I'm glad to hear that!"
A majority of the wolfhooks gathered where given to the little Botanist Chloris, the seller of flowers, who looked relieved and ecstatic upon your arrival. Something Dainsleif took great notice of. Carefully handing over the berries and some which you had to pluck singularly from your companion's flowy cape, the little girl gave you her Valberries in exchange.
It was sweet and familiar, something Dainsleif took note as he accepted your offer of the fruit despite his none need for sustenance.
Your little chewing sounded through as you two settled on the humble camp you managed to setup with your supply for a single individual. There was a little hole in the middle for a campfire Dainsleif had made the effort to prepare knowing the coldness the night will bring soon enough, and your fragile form is not something he wishes to bargain now. Is that really the reason? Perhaps in the back of his mind, he was really just working on forgotten routines.
"Second question," his footstep at the edge of the camp halts as he turns once again, where you sat on the mat as tonight's bedding, hands flicking to remove the stray juices of the berries. He stood still in wait before he goes back to his mini mission of getting fire wood.
"Go on," he urged when you stood a minute longer in silence.
"Do you like traveling, Dain?" Easy enough, he simply said yes and left when you ended the conversation with a nod.
When he came back with the wood and tinder bundle for easy spreading, out of the corner of his eye he watched your hands work on the mortal and pestle as you grinded the remaining wolfhooks on your person. The fire started the moment he was done setting up the kindling and your face filled with admiration at the sudden and immediate spark, praising him for his quick work.
Dainsleif is both talkative and not, and at times he finds himself rambling to the wind. The moments of the night passed without much details until he found himself talking about his past adventures with his old companion, of the world they've seen together and the now estranged relationship between them.
His responses were sometimes cryptic unintentionally, and he apologizes when there are things about it that he couldn't answer simply because he could not remember. When silence struck after he finished his tales and meal, the beautiful spike in his eyes found yours gleaming despite the drowsiness pulling at your whole feature.
"I'm glad you're very fond of traveling. If not, I wouldn't have met you," and he wouldn't have taken the commission. Dainsleif's eyes flashed in recognition, finally understanding the meaning behind your second question. Somehow this little commission deal turned into a silent back and forth quip of him understanding past your simple inquiries.
Like a little game he muses on with his curious mind.
That night you rested with the extra comfort of his eccentric cape, something you needed more than him as he gazes over the clear night sky. His eyes silently traced the galaxy of stars while the sound of your whispered breathing accompanies his sleepless night.
The last question and that last of your very quick expedition came the next day at the cliffside overlooking the lair sealed by winds.
Your fingers were dusted by the violet paste of grinded wolfhooks long consumed the night prior, stained fingers gripping the thin and fragile stem of the yellow dandelion in its grasp. It was his great observation that let him realize the disaster that happened now but even his foresight could not prepare him for what has to come.
"Third question," his head snapped down to watch your ethereal face don a calm smile, the sun's setting light kissing your cheeks in the right angle that matched that of the clean clouds above. Your eyes silently questioned his unfocused gaze but he only shook his head.
Don't worry about it. "I know this last question would end the commission with you," your voice trembled in both fear and fatigue but Dainsleif didn't force you to preserve your strength like he should. "But I wanted to ask, maybe tomorrow again,
do you want to be my traveling companion?"
The hand that clutched the Dandelion found it way to the side of his mask, the petals brushing against his eyelids as he looks down at you with an eye. A ghost of a smile lingers on his lips as he leans on your hand.
"It would be my pleasure."
Life momentarily flashed over your orbs before you let out a sharp exhale and a breathless, joyous laughter. Relief overtook the tension that laid on your shoulders, and your hand would have dropped to the ground immediately if he had not gripped it on the last second.
"That sounds good. I've always wanted to travel the world," he pulls the cape closer around your form as your eyelids droop to a close. And he witness another breathe, "It was supposed to be today, but I feel really tired today, I'll rest early too if that's okay."
He rose from the ground with you in his arms, "I'll be here."
"Mmm thank you... good... night."
"Good night, little dandelion."
And perhaps that distant memory from faraway had urged him to invite and indulge, when he saw the same spark of intrigue and desperation, of the warmth of carefree days in front of him.
"But I will require advance payment,
500 Mora, and three answered questions."
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@genshin-idiot : here's your Dainsleif content
@moaa @dandelion-dreams @witchsungie @lehra @zelos-simp @legionqueensav @snackgod @rxsalinee @cala-ran @wind-wheel @lilydewi22 @yellowflowre @traveler-lumine @nonniechan
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madfantasy · 3 years
I haven't seen you post in a while, I hope you've been doing okay? How is everything? Hope it's been a good year so far for you 💕💕
You're too kind, u & everyone who made inquiries, bless ur hearts.. im sorry for disappearing, but yeah, I don't have net— using my phone credit and hope this posts..
I tried to record my voice answering this, like I sometimes did on tik, suddenly ended up trying to muffle the floods of my burning tears, so now I have an awkward vid of me talking then weeping out of nowhere, which a good reason for me to keep up the no cry habit, heh.. but seriously, I suppose I'm fine till I be conscious of it.. its much easier for not to talk .. even tho I'm aching to be back in thy company, lonely in my foresight to catch on to the present that joins us, hand held out to reach like minded souls but shying from the fear of forgetfulness occurring..
I'm fine tho, did few new stuff, merely drowning in too muchness and nothingness as usual, this month I guess you could say I took an act of mad fury in search of any happy source because the echoing silence and the swarm of sadness nipping on my brain cells thickened, and the reasoning merged with the obscene. So instead of giving my guardians the usual of 3/4 of my earnings last month for net and groceries, I spent it all. Ya know, as it was told to me it mine to do as I please? As being prevented any chance of work if it was possible, 't was supposed to be spent on art supplies & measly delights craved for years ?
Before hand, I've been begging them to take me for months to get any clothing or whatever, be it the first time I ever see a shop, then just to drive around, then just me peaking to the outside when the front door is open, merely seeking change I suppose. They kept vaguely promising me until they refused point blank— getting tired of my nagging, then their car just stopped working till this day. Its in the workshop rn..
Anyway, befouled by despair, needing the mere basics of life and not granted, I was delighted when i found a site to buy from cheap & pretty, I pressed buy without any further considerations, or taking their permission and thrilled to be able get gifts for my siblings too. I say gifts but really they are deprived necessities too and not even much just one each cuz well, they are 5 of my babies and to start with the top of priorities; we all draw
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I could already see it, they can't help themselves; heck seeped through the clenched gates of their mouths, trying desperately to poison me with undirect attempts this time, cuz I bought for my sibs they're out of the option of calling me selfish. I was upping the same trance like state of vague existence dealing with them, absorbing their insults and degrading just to make sure my shi arrives safe.
Unfortunate for me, the site chose the worst carrier in this country
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I did everything in my power to make it into their convenience, by embarrassingly messaging the carrier daily, they took a week of promising to deliver and flanking so my guardians reached a heated level of threatening, waving their hands nd almost tossing shi at mE saying that they don't care if they came and if i dared to order something again they'll do this and that. Not allowing me to open the door for the delivery guy when he comes, blaming me for missing vaccination dates (they kept missing them even before)& missing going to important places(again, they just didn't go to for ages), made them loose sleep, etc etc— in turn, I seen red and regretfully blew up.
I screamed at them its literally the only time I ever did this, it BECAUSE it easier on them & I'll do what I want whatever anyway, & to stop interrupting me while I try to explain things , then they suddnly back done and be like I'm not mad at u I'm mad at the delivery ppl, that they are proud of me for being able to do all this, and such sort. I left them to cool in my room, Idk how I did it but must have slam-gripped something so hard it chipped most of my short nails & cracked one, was glad I didn't hurt my drawing hand but yeah, goofy mani
They robbed me of the joy of anticipation & the dissipation of apathy, I started to lose sleep again and my liberating dreams left me and I don't think I remember leaving bed.
But still, If not force myself to do things.. there'll be nothing for me if I don't.. at least I know im able of that
I got my guardians happy tho after another tiresome refusal, by trying out one of those Uber-eat like local apps here, since they have no car and being disabled & ill, I ordered McDonald's for the first time. Slythry behind their backs per habit, told them someone coming and they had that look again, but thankfully the guy came through and didn't steal my money, heh. For a big 1800 calories meal I suppose it was passable, the happy fam faces I got was the real treat..
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Oh with that thing with the credit card stating I owe them money, waited weeks & nobody got back to us? They started taking from my guardian's account directly to pay it, saying oh we did send you warnings--- TO THE SHADOWY LINES OF THEIR POSTERIOR A.K.A NOWHERE. Thankfully the account is mostly empty nd just for random transactions, i alerted my guardians not to use it. And again, my god, another round of endless calls and promises started, and we wait again so they just don't act as if we owe them a frking 17k dollars that we don't have.. was panicking cuz I have nothing and but my guardians were weirdly comforting about it and told me not to worry
One thing good bout no net is it made me stop thinking about life in general, and stop the tiny unnoticeable prick of misery when I have no input to share, trying not to helplessly compare people just living, in inflated style or not, in media, to my isolated-most-of-my-life style and missing much of that organic "life experiences and chances", heh. At least, my situation would be favorable to me if it was ever possible for it to let me have peace, or have the simple knowledge I'm not virtually imprisoned and have never familiarised with nothing of this world but the surrounding walls.. its nice to have more time to be consumed by muse and day dreaming that flutters life through my dull being and sing chorus of inspiring means for art to flow and finds its way delicately onto my realised canvas.. but no, I continued drawing whilst sight blurred with salty droplets contradicting that happy tintin dance on tiktok I worked so long on just cuz I couldn't stop, not the tears or the mad scribbles of determined intention to visualise the mourned excitement I need, hating everything I make
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Somehow the lilac dream still intrudes, visualising me friends, living, in a quaint home, maybe we roommate, arm in arm we go to make every fracture of fate's encounters a disgusting adventurous thrill, like building a maze of cardboard or chasing each other in the dark.. maybe getting that half bleached head and endless ear pericings ... then it dies and I totally forget it..
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But what those awesome headphones helped me do, literally blocks all their voices listening to Sev losing it and I can Waltz around not feeling gutted to go and interfere or play the referee each time. But I can't wear them forever, gives me a bad headache, and honestly; I can't be too neglectful.. my sibs hates me for it already hehe
At least these clothing came true to their measurements, felt the new sensations on how everything I wore hugs me & learnt the baffling ways on how "gender" and region plays different tunes on the same measurements. Getting fitting things felt like suddenly there's hope to be, for myself to be me, and ease this severe disassociation between who I am, and what my body is .. from how little I see myself nd consider it worthy of anything because of how long it been living like a phantom among people.. to numb this dysphoria until it be gone one day
Saddened that the only site I can't order from again if they keep using that awful carrier
I missed our country's 91 national day, too. They made sales everything 91 riyal so.. but knowing the sellers here, I don't think most of em went true with their offers.. Horrible news tho on the celebrations, sigh
I turned this into a dear diary, guess bothered you enough today, sorry
So thankful to yous, Idk if I can be back, but I'll remain creating, and will keep the thought alive of being tickled when sharing my creations with your viewing pleasure somehow
'till then my precious dears, take care 💛🙏
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26.9.2021, 8 pm, sleeping
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