#ill make a theory vid too
shkika · 1 year
By the- Goal and ascension thingy- SOS was thought to be the first one to do it.. but they are a slug now! perhaps the key to ascension was being a scug all along...
THE ANSWER IS NOT BEING A SCUG!! I think this is getting a lot of people tripped up haha
She ascended normally. Iterator in the avoid and she did so on accident by stumbling on the solution without meaning to. After being all alone, she abandons her identity and self to try and escape the void. Thus turning into Saint.
That was on the way out!! And the process was very painful and difficult.
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cepheusgalaxy · 5 months
ughhhhhhhhhhh why am i so prone to complaining
#seeing a youtuber i like making a redesign of hazbin hotel!#shes nice and shes just giving her opinions on the designs but although i wanna see what she has to say and how she'll do them#im getting rlly mad#rlly and unnecessarily mad#i want to see the vid and i will but ill just let this here coz i cant shut up#rambles#i see what shes saying about charlie's design#the princess and the hellish part dont pop up at all against the concierge motif#i will say that#edit: she does have a point. i like charlies design in the show better but shes got valid points. also vaggie IS a bit shallow.#i love vaggie but#she needs more development#i mean. i also see WHY: vaggie was an exorcist and if she was like. born in heaven instead of a winner as some theories say#then her only purpose of existence was to serve heaven and adam. we see she still has these issues like in episode three when she feels lik#she failed charlie she is very upset and we see her saying that if she doesn't help charlie she has no worth#or smth to that effect#but she does need more development i feel#hazbin hotel#edit 2: the body type thing is VERY true i love viv's work but she does need to work on her problem with super thin characters#vaggie's redesign is looking good. she looks more knight-y which fits but i think it went a little too far#if it was in the show it would be way less subtle and we wouldn't have that chocking reveal with her past as we did. but it looks very nice#im liking the vaggie redesign better than charlie's#edit 2.5: ok im calmed down im not mad anymore#i just disagree with some specific points#edit 3: YES. vaggie's moth motif IS not rlly showing lavender im happy you went more far with that.#i'm really liking vaggie's redesign thank you#edit 4: ok she IS critizing all the red (and more things surrounging it which she makes good points in)#but i don't really see a problem with the red. it's fine to me. weird#um she didn't do angel. what a shame#last one: alastor design criticism i agree alastor's design is SHIT
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luvsavos · 1 year
til a surprising amount of people theorize that the scarlet mystery man is an elder dragon/black dragon in human form
#mar.txt#monster hunter#i mean the thought passed my mind but also it wasn't too serious + i have a Lot of monster ocs that can do that#honestly i thought the whole monsters taking a human/etc form was exclusive to the rp community (mostly on twt since that's (unfortunately)#where i rp at. discord too with 1x1 stuff but twt is where the rpc is)#so i'm quite surprised to see theories of that out in the wild#since i (mentally ill) immediately thought of my own headcanon lore and was like ohoho. wouldnt it be fun if he was some kind of black#dragon either genuinely trying to help people OR just trying to fuck with them to test their skill#but i didnt think that kind of theory would be like. a legitimate One that some people have#there's also the theory that he's not A Monster In Human Form but is resonating with one which might make sense (tho idk if humans can#actually resonate?)#which feels a bit more plausible to actual strictly canon lore#tho i think the Most plausible going strictly by actual legitimate canon and not my own canon would be that he's like. a wyverian. or not#a singular person at all but a group or a mantle being passed down overtime#though that ofc doesn't explain how he has so much knowledge about the first class monsters......#anyways. i'm having a normal one thanks for coming to my tedtalk#also shoutout to the person in the comments section on the youtube vid i watched that inspired this post who said maybe he's a vampire#vampires are cool and sexy and i think there deserves to be more in the games that i play
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tazaryoot · 6 months
Star Trek Novel Review #3
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Killing Time (1985) by Della Van Hise
Hi everyone, this is my third Star Trek novel review! This one’s a wild one, I doubt my review can accurately summarize how crazy the plot is. Initially, I was going to just read the rereleased copy I had picked up and compare it with the pdf of the original, but I was able to come across an original copy of the book at a retro paperback book fair. Regardless of how you feel about the book or the Premise, its an interesting niche bit of Star Trek history! As always, thanks for reading, and LLAP 🖖
A bit of context before we begin: The original publication of Killing Time by Della Van Hise was recalled and rereleased after changes were made to remove what was deemed too overt implications of homoerotica, making the book notorious for it’s particularly slashy plotline.
Summary :
Kirk and Spock experience a shared dream about an alternate reality where Spock is captain and Kirk is an ensign and become concerned over its implications. Over time, other crew members come forward relaying their dreams about the alternate reality as well and Kirk begins to wonder if some strange illness is affecting the Enterprise.
Soon after, Kirk seemingly awakes to find that the dream has become reality. The whole Enterprise crew and ship have been transformed into the VSS Shikahr, where Spock is Captain and Kirk is a lowly ensign. Suddenly, Captain Spock is given orders to violate a Vulcan-Romulan treaty with means to attack the Romulans. He and McCoy question whether their higher-ups are possibly affected by the mysterious brain fog sweeping across the ShiKahr.
Meanwhile, orders given to Romulan Commander Tazol reveal that the Romulan Empire is attempting to tamper with our reality. Their master plan is to time travel into the past to kill historical figureheads that ensure the creation of the Federation. However this mission proves unsuccessful, as reality has already shifted and a multi-species alliance resembling the Federation is still formed- except with the Vulcans as the leading force.
McCoy deploys the use of a neural vid scanner to compare crewmember’s dreams, but Kirk is unwilling to participate. Spock and Kirk struggle to communicate amidst their vague recollections of each other, but Spock believes Kirk is somehow the epicentre of the illness. Eventually Spock and McCoy determine the cause of the ‘illness’ sweeping through the crew to be the dimensional alterations being made; resulting in a sort of psychosis. As their orders to attack the Romulan territory linger over their heads, they predict they have around 15 days before the madness becomes wide scale. Then, the Shikahr is given orders to pick up a diplomat for an escort mission and Spock assigns Kirk to the team. Before they can react, the team is surprise attacked.
Romulan Science Officer Sarela is permitted to meet with the Praetor of the Romulan Empire. The Praetor reveals herself to Sarela as a woman named Thea, who surprisingly wants the Romulan Empire to put an end to their opposition and join the alliance. However, she believes the only way to do this is through Spock. Their plan is to kidnap his beloved Kirk so he has no option but to agree to peace.
The away team recouperate on the Shikahr, with McCoy and Spock realising their ‘mission’ to retrieve the ambassador was a trap. Spock finds an unconscious Kirk in the botanical gardens and impulsively initiates a mind meld, waking him up. Spock tries to explain to him their theories on the alternate universe, and Kirk angrily questions why Spock would want to return to the old world and give up command. A brawl between them breaks out, resulting in Spock forcing another mind meld which reveals their repressed memories. So I guess they’re besties again. Love is in the air? Wrong. It’s Pon Farr. And now Spock is quickly succumbing to blood fever. Pike mention.
The Praetor and Sarela pose as remaining crewmembers of a Romulan ship sending a distress call to the ShiKahr. Spock takes the bait, and they capture Kirk and his roomie Richardson to desert them on some planet. (Around this point, the plot started being incomprehensible to me.) The Praetor has Spock pose as her to do some infiltrating of a Romulan ship since her identity is largely unknown. Spock has McCoy pose as his personal slave (because the Praetor just has a tonne of them and that’s normal in Romulan society) to administer drugs to lessen the symptoms of his blood fever, this shit is really getting crazy!
On the deserted planet, Richardson suggests Kirk call out to Spock via their mindlink, because I guess he knows about their personal relationship somehow. This results in them having a steamy shared dream where they become one. On the Romulan vessel, Spock is now super dying of Pon Farr, and the Praetor seems to have sussed his condition out. She reveals that most Romulans do Not experience Pon Farr! But don’t worry, she says she knows a way to fix his condition! …Oh.
The Praetor offers that Spock rule together with her to continue to fulfill her dreams of an alliance between Romulans and the Psuedo-Federation of this world. Spock doesn’t really like her back, and explains how the instability of this tampered reality will cause everyone succumb to madness if they do not restore it, so it’s a no. Once the universe is corrected, Captain Spock will cease to exist and effectively die, undoing everything that has occurred so far. The Praetor just can’t have this though, and asks Spock why he’d turn her down. James Kirk, obviously, he says. This is just a novel and we can’t make any major changes to lore so the Praetor does a 180 and accepts that the Romulans must always be the enemies of the Federation. Then she goes into another room and talks to a huge evil demon lord which they never mentioned until now and remains totally unimportant afterwards, and then retrieve Kirk and Richardson to fix the timeline.
Kirk, Spock, and Richardson travel back in time to precisely when the Romulan operatives alter the universe, tracking them down to a swanky reception where the founding members of the Federation were assassinated. They take down the Romulan android operatives and restore reality, but not before being hit with poison darts or something. Kirk and Spock share their final moments together, pondering their lives and mind melding one last time before death.
Back in our normal reality, the dreams and madness have slowly dissipated. Kirk and Spock remain hazy about what truly occurred, and meet in Spock’s quarters to sort it out…Through some more mind melding of course! They acknowledge their lives in the alternate universe and Kirk makes a rather poor joke about the Romulan woman suing Spock for child support, even though now that never happened. The story ends with Kirk wistfully thanking alternate universe Kirk for his sacrifice to restore their world.
Review :
Star Trek is no stranger to time travel and alternate universe stories, in fact they tend to be some of the most compelling episodes of the franchise! …That being said, Killing Time still manages to be a bit far fetched in its premise and execution… It’s shaky attempts to justify the thinly veiled K/S elements sacrifice much of the plausibility of the overall story. The logic can be more than iffy at times- How Kirk and Spock are the centre of the alternate universe in this when they aren’t the only ones to undergo change and retain dreams of their past lives, why the Romulans would need specifically Spock to execute an alliance when he doesn’t have the rank or status to officiate that, why if they want a peace alliance they don’t just ask for one, why Spock is randomly having Pon Farr as a result of the timeline-change induced madness, the Praetor’s instant admit of defeat, the demon lord???? that just lives in her closet, the odd focus on the side character who is literally just a dog woman…
The inclusion of a female love interest for Spock is an obvious attempt to dismiss any notions of queerness and makes for a pretty uncomfortable scene when they use Pon Farr as a selling point for it. There’s questionable consent here; Spock adamantly rejects her initially but is literally dying of his symptoms at this point and she uses it to her advantage. They then go back and forth on whether Spock even has feelings for her afterwards, ending in a sort of unclear jumbled answer. Spock is very firmly against being in a relationship since he’s devoted to Kirk and the Praetor is actively jealous and bitter towards him for this. At the end they have them do a flimsy “If we truly had free will and were able to choose, maybe in another universe…. Perhaps…” thing, which is honestly just a paradoxical cop out.
The plot and reasoning for itself just doesn’t stand on any solid ground and much of it is just bafflingly irrelevant to the end result. The writing is cliche in every sort of fanfiction troupe. But hey, they were bullshitting their way through for a greater purpose : Spirk. And they do deliver. (I’ll get into the k/s review in a reblog to keep the post from being too long)
Conclusion :
Worth reading? Sure, why not. It’s hot trash, but it’s shippy to high hell and I love some good accidentally officially liscensed K/S fanfiction.
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narwhalandchill · 4 months
wait aint no fucking way an actual genshin loretuber even jokingly acknowledged the rabbit hole insanity that is childe 3rd descender theories what the fuck.
is it finally legal for me to break my self imposed silence on the subject without publicly and shamefully removing all my credibility on genshin lore. please please . this is a super fucking vulnerable moment for me guysssss
(under read more bc full disclosure 100% i Will embarrass myself here. this is NOT on my top of the line Childe Theories And Analysis That I Will Defend In Court Under My Legal Name if Questioned list please understand. this is way more self indulgent and wildly speculative for me as much as i do Genuinely see there being a ground for the theory to stand on. ik when im off to the deep end JKWDKJJKWDJKWD)
like seriously be Aware this WILL be a complete mess btw you have all been warned so like no refunds accepted. if youd like to keep an image of me in your head where i am even slightly respectable and realistic when it comes to my theories please stay there. in the light. where the sun shines.
so. you have chosen death. o7
ok firstly. YES i KNOWW childe 3rd descender theory is batshit stuff thats Why i havent said shit abt it all this time bc i do Not trust myself to be truly objective on the subject bc i Want the theory to be real so bad so its like of course ill readily disregard all other possible candidates for 3rd descender bc bias. and also see it as more plausible that ajax has sth to do w that and make connections more readily. than any lore enthused person existing without his continued rent free existence in their brain for the last 3+ years. so like. yes. listen. i Know i know its prolly not real. but also i must # speak my truth .
anyway the vid didnt even fully touch on all the like. shady fucking shit when it comes to the Curious coincidences. bc like. so firstly the star thing and connections w childe
so wei did bring up the whole . ajax is released on patch 1.1 called "a new star approaches" (and also polar star is his sig) . except like Theres More bc while i was researching random childe brain rot stuff (sadly dont remember/have a link to where i first saw it) . that title in CN is even more pointedly About ajax bc apparently its about a "guest star". and a guest star again according to that post at least is specifically considered an omen of bad luck in chinese astrology. a guest star approaching = a disaster approaching. like mayhaps a ginger guy resurrecting osial or something . huh . maybe ajax Is the guestpilled starmaxxer in that title. the approacherrrrrr, even
secondly. there are some well hidden references to ajax As A Star in the fontaine AQ too. bc the act III where we go looking for him after he goes missing is called "to the stars shining in the depths" except again i have found a source (yes no link to it saved once again my bad) that its titled "to the morning star in the deep water" in chinese. which is again star singular. curious
then theres the act III official description. that goes "the moment it seized its destiny, the star quietly fell from its lofty perch". and like idk abt yall but if its fontaine AQ act III and you ask me WHOS out there seizing their destiny of all things. It Seems Somewhat Plausible To Argue that its PROBABLY referring to the guy thats out there getting teleported to the primordial sea to face the creature thats Literally etched into the stars as his constellation. like . i have a very Difficult time trying to see the star that is seizing its destiny at this moment as Anyone but him reuniting w the narwhal for the first time in a decade and his 1st thought is to throw hands JKJKWDJKWDJKWDJK
(also. "fell from its lofty perch". fell from where. falling towards where. mayhaps even................ descending?????? if Seizing your destiny is taking your fate into your own hands.... a star that Falls from its perch.... that Descends after seizing its destiny....... Curious is all i will say. hey guys do you think your vision would mayhaps begin rejecting you if you start seizing ur own destiny and thus failing to follow the "duty" of predestined fate that same vision had bestowed upon you. guys do you think a star that seizes its destiny and falls from its lofty perch would get vision error 404. guys----)
also this is a smaller thing bc i think ascension mat theories are largely fringe and not that reliable (ning guizhong reincarnation "theories" ThoseWhoKnow) but i do think it can be acknowledged as a sort of. Extension to all these curious references to stars and being A Star when it comes to childe. he does use Star Conches for ascension . so like it can be a little extra on top of the other more serious more Professionally Certified star things hoyo is curiously attaching to him
so like . a star. a star also being a thing the traveler is repeatedly called. its so quirky that this pattern continues. so thats one thing
oh and also. if childes the non-descender (bc he clearly hasnt regained that status Yet) reincarnated soul of the 3rd descender.
you know what. a dead star. if its massive enough. like perhaps massive enough in some genshin metaphysical fantasy way. to be a star that counts as a descender with a will that rivals a world. if a heavy enough. star. dies. you know. you know what they turn into---
Anyway Hello Dear Reader Of Mine Humble Blog Would You Like To Spare A Moment To Discuss How The All-Devouring Narwhal That Consumes Any And All Stellar Object Coming Into Its Orbit Also Known As Ajax' Reflection In Teyvat's Skies Is Essentially A Sentient Living Black Hole And How A Black Hole Is Formed When A Star Dies? No? Okay.
like wouldnt it be super fucking funny if the constellation of the dead descenders reincarnated soul is a creature that for all intents and purposes is a black hole. like. a dead star. wouldnt that be funny
and before you ask. yes i have thoughts that would make ajax & narwhal are soulmates slash halves of the same entity that remains fully compatible with the 3rd descender brainrot but i. will Not subject you people to that. theres "respectably self aware insane theory i indulge in but know the limitations of" and then theres "jens top 10 personal jenshin impact plot twist wishlist please fulfill mr dawei pwease i swear itll be peak" like ffs. it might seem otherwise given the words i am saying right now but i do have Some propriety
the divine halberd was shattered into NINE piece---- (GUNSHOT)
whoa. what a loser high on her own hopium i wonder who that was. good thing the snipers got her ass there
back to your regularly scheduled programming. obviously theres other things that would very conveniently be explained by this 3rd descender shit as well like. dead eyes. soul of a dead descender thats in Literal Pieces body wise. the dead star that carries a curse above ground upon first making contact with the truth of his being aka post abyss training camp post meeting his mirror imaged destiny in his narwhal. a curse like mayhaps bringing chaos whenever he goes. an incompatibility with the world. drawing everything into his orbit being the eye of the storm or perhaps... the Singularity???? the event horizon??? a source of endless unrest and disaster........ just like the curse of a gnosis TEE HEE .
anyway super funny how that goes. and then another thing wei didnt really. fully go into is naturally the
3rd son of his family with 3 older siblings and 3 younger siblings 3rd limited character ever released with 3 names and the 3rd weekly boss with 3 phases each representing 3 unique sources of power (vision, delusion and foul legacy) a 3 petaled symbol aka the triquetra of riptide and six in-game constellations divided into 3 subgroups with 3 unique prefixes (foul legacy, abyssal mayhem, havoc in eng) 3 days missing from teyvat and 3 months spent in abyss is 3rd to wield foul legacy after surtalogi and skirk
also the first character to receive a 3rd rateup banner ANYWAY (also the possible. is the 3rd reincarnation of the original ajax thing. but yeas)
[Me When I'm In A Be Suspiciously Associated With The Number 3 Competition And My Opponent Is Childe Ajax Tartaglia]
isnt it just silly. how many times it comes up. Nobody talk to meeeee its so over
theres prolly some other things too that i have driven myself to madness with when thinking abt this but idr em right now and like . not like this is any manner of serious respectable theory anyway sooooooooo
anyway ill stop embarrassing myself now. like as i said i have been legally forcing myself into silence on this bc listen. i KNOW this is bullshit i KNOW im a deranged biased childe main who will do Anything just to cook up a fantasy version of genshins endgame lore where My Dude is at the center stage and gets to be a massive fucking deal yes 100% deserve to be disqualified on account of terminal stage blorbo bias when it comes to theories on the subject i just. the fact that this is the FIRST time i see Any loretuber person acknowledge the theory. i just had to come in here and let it be known that. Yes. ive been seeing this shit and thinking abt it SINCE 4.2 dropped since that stupid fucking note about forsaking the self and being reborn in the abyss as a holy infant or a primordial human or a descender and that somehow Thats called Ajax. of all things. its horribleeee it eats me alive
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goodolddumbbanana · 1 month
Hey banana? I just wanna inform you that Davis had said in a video that he’s only shown characters with depression on screen, but he says he doesn’t show any other mental illness. So A was possibly trying to convince you of a headcanon.
Totally understand, and yeah... Thank you.. I have seen that vids.
Although Davis says he only shows characters with depression, the story is full of mental illness problems potentially that he may or might not know was accidentally created. Moon killed himself in the name of sacrifice, makes me wonder what was in his head?
And the funny thing about the headcanon is that you can accept it or not, ya know. Ya can dissect it into pieces and pick whatever part you like. I don't have enough knowledge about this kind of mental illness so it is hard to tell if they are intentionally implants or Davis just accidentally makes those symptoms kinda similar.
(like some people would say Eclipse V3 is a sociopath and some will disagree because they interpreted differently.)
As long as they don't push their headcanon to the others, I don't think it can be issued. It is just different interpreted than others have on characters that may be getting too enthusiastic about it sometimes. Plus, you can block them if you don't like that headcanon or it makes you uncomfortable. (And thank you, a little bit of shame but my head is not easy to be convinced like that ;.; )
Cuz I think this fandom has been a little bit meany sometimes . We like fighting with each other more than making friends and tracing theories. And it sucks cuz nowadays I only see people mostly fighting over any random thingy than chatting like civilised people.
(side note: take the Harry Potter fandom as an example. There are a lot of headcanon and different interpreted, but as long as we know what to pick and block what we don't like, I don't think there are any issues.)
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meiko3323 · 5 months
Father in her character demo be like:
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ok im not by any means a lore theorizer, my brain is much too smooth for that, but every now and then, like a bouncing DVD logo touching a corner, i have a coherent thought. and Arlecchinos demo sparked some which id like to put forth. making it as a text post cuz archons know, i get real wordsy ^^'
spoilers obv if youre not far enough in story.
now. upon several rewatches of the original and reactions, the first non-Arle voiceline jumped out at me:
"A spark cannot shatter all shadows until it sets all ablaze or else to the other end of light lie still bleak shades"
this made me think back to was it Childes or Wanderers voiceline? where they say that given the chance, the Knave would betray the Harbingers if it suited her. so what if, hear me out, in her quest of retribution she seeks to somehow go against the Fatui/ Harbingers/ Tsaritsa? retribution that is, for the myriad suffering theyve caused to innocent ppl around teyvat. idk abt full on taking them down, as the top 3 harbs are said to have power that rivals archons, but mb put a sizeable dent in their forces, or otherwise impede their plans. she also heavily implied a wish to collaborate w us, the Traveller, in the future at several occasions during the Fontaine AQ. mb she wants to enlist our help in her goal. circling back to that line, i think the spark is obv Father, and the shadows she wishes to shatter i strongly believe are the Fatui/ Harbingers. and unlike me, the line after is confidently saying "set ALL ablaze" = complete eradication of that organization.
my next thought was actually aided by a yt comment under one of the recent vids w her (idr if teaser, demo, or short, likely short) that said sth along the lines of "shes not a wolf in sheeps clothing, shes a sheep in wolfs clothing, forced to blend in w the wolves that took her in". this comment popped into my mind as i watched the scene where she is walking in mb some type of dream or mind world, w numerous children running around, playing and singing. and she has such a soft look on her face as she gazes at them. but then she collects herself w her signature 🤫 to flip the switch to ig we can call it her wolf side, and the scene changes to her against the red eclipse moon thing (crimson moon?). where was i going w this?.. i think the fact that her "natural" or innermost state is her sheep side where she just wishes to run the orphanage in peace and be a good mother Father to the children and she has to actively suppress that and channel her wolf side in order to carry out her version of justice, and ofc keep blending in w her adoptive wolves (harbingers) until the time is right.
finally, her last voiceline of the demo struck me as very crucial:
"I hear that the children love to play by the fireplace, so let us continue to use the name, "House of the Hearth". Still... its flame is no longer needed for you have the strength to defend yourselves"
from what i can unpack, this is obv talking abt her leaving her position as orphanage director and passing that torch (heh) to Lyney. which btw goes in line w a theory proposed by ABD Illustrates on yt regarding pyro characters (and jumping off to predict plot of Natlan). ill link it btw, go give it a watch, its very insightful:
anyway. she wants the orphanage to keep its name after her retirement. she feels that the children no longer need her (its flame) as under Lyneys leadership they can fend for themselves. a sad look comes across her face as she says this. i believe shes not as unfeeling/ uncaring and is more attached to the children than she dares to admit, and is pained to leave them behind in pursuit of her greater goals.
oh and going back to the 4.6 patch trailer, the boss battle bw her and her main trio of children - despite her thinking Lyney is fit to take over, she wants to give him one final test ig to reaffirm her decision, and to give him the confidence boost to take up that post. cuz he is very unsure of himself, and is always anxious of disappointing Father and not living up to w/e expectations he believes she has for him.
omg that was a lot. this was prob a solid hour of pure stream of consciousness. hopefully theres some coherent nuggets in there. most of it isnt horribly deep, honestly prob surface level stuff that might be painfully obv to others. but i wanted to write it out nonetheless
i invite anyone that bothered to read these long-winded ramblings to respectfully share their thoughts/ theories in the comments and/ or reblogs. was there anything i missed or forgor?
thank you for your time ^^
ps: the trailer was phenomenal btw OMG - the cinematography, the music?! i cant wait for tnbee to make an epic remix of it. and ofc for real lore theorists to dig in and drop their videos on it o3o
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indigo-villin · 11 months
I saw the fnaf movie.
I absolutely LOVED ITTT
There will be NO HATE for it on my account.
I loved the pillow fort part, they're KIDS in the suits makes sense, and if you say it isn't realistic with them being murderers, just assume it was to lure Abby to them for later. Literally EVERYTHING they did was understandable and funny/scary when it needed to be.
Foxy's dumdum doom song was suuper spooky to hear and seeing him attacking was also terrifying. Seeing Bonnie in the closet with that one guy was GREAT and absolutely terrifying. (Carl) Cupcake was terrifying and entertaining as a tiny chihuahua villain (you cannot convince me he isn't Susie's dog). The bite scene with Freddy shook me and was cool (even if it was only in silhouette, but meh pg 13 rating and all). It was cool seeing golden freddy too, seeing the kid and everything. Seeing vids of people hugging chica and her reaction to getting her cupcake messed with me for the movie kinda, like she was so sweet, even in the movie, until she was bringing Abby into the scooper type thing, like she legit scared me by that point. XD
Mike was cool, his story was interesting enough, I felt bad for him. Abby was a interesting with her dynamic with Mike and how she generally was as a proper character, the actress was very good. Honestly all of the kid actors did well I'm happy and proud of them for taking their roles as seriously as they needed to. Mathew Lillard did amazing as "Steve" my sis didn't go into the movie knowing anything about it past it being a fnaf movie and the twist with him got her. XD I knew the twist, but whatever, it was still a fun time seeing him. Vanessa was...well honestly I'm mixed on her.
Vanessa looked like she just had trauma with the place, I thought she was gonna be a sister to one of the kids, hence her hanging around and watching out for the guards. It was definitely a twist having her be Will's daughter, but given the theories people made about game Vanessa I kinda see where it would come in to play... The ONLY criticism with the movie I have is that her actions made no sense, even with knowing she's the daughter. One minute she's telling Mike as much as she can to attempt to get him to research for himself, then she's getting all huffy about him doing anything. I'm not gonna be having any other posts about how much she seemed to think ass backwards so here are ALL of my complaints on Vanessa:
Her choice to get mad at him for "not locking the place up" makes less and less sense when you consider WHAT door the thugs came through. Mike only had access to the MAIN door, the thugs came in through a garage door or something with a CROWBAR/other weapon, which she would've seen, not like the animatronics could've dealt with their vehicle. Her choice to demand an explanation for why Mike had sleeping pills at his work? Not a good look, she's not his employer so he has no legal reason to tell her shit. "Oh I have to write you up on letting some people come in and wreck the place" the place has SECURITY CAMS, and he was OFF DUTY last I checked if the security isn't there it isn't THEIR fault. IF ANYTHING it would be hers, she's the cop that patrols the place daily. Also THROWING MIKE'S PILLS INTO THE LAKE??? I'm sorry but as a chronically ill person myself, NO, anyone even touches my pills without asking I'm gonna rip em a new one. I don't know what med he had or the price for those kinda meds, but the guy is OBVIOUSLY BROKE, and just cause he said he used them for his dream theory stuff doesn't mean he didn't still need them for normal sleep at home. No instead she threw them in the lake and he had to spend anywhere from $120 USD to like $800 USD (I'm guessing but I'm still probably off since we don't know if he had insurance or not) later on in the movie. Also her getting upset with him having Abby, I get it she got hurt, but until that point (and hey if she had SAID don't touch the guitar NOTHING WOULD'VE HAPPENED) the animatronics were fine with her, they were having fun and enjoying themselves. Also telling Mike "I'll shoot you if you bring here again" did she really think he brought there for no reason? She's a kid, the animatronics are OBVIOUSLY dangerous, and even before that he knew the place had been WRECKED meaning he had to make the conscious choice to bring her into an old ass building that was destroyed to some degree, and she thought he took that choice LIGHTLY????? LIKE NO his usual babysitter got killed THANKS (not that he knew that). He was out his ONLY babysitter who the kid didn't despise with her whole being.
Alright Vanessa rant over, still a good movie I absolutely loved it, just slight irritations with Vanessa. ALSO bb scares were funny and I got spooked with the first one, had an internal spook reaction to the second, and the third I knew was going to happen kinda (knew a scare was coming, didn't expect it to be bb). My partner pretty much jumped at all three bb scares. XD
And finally, the spring lock scene, I wasn't sure it would actually be in the movie. I thought it being pg 13 (yes technically pg 15 in non-american theaters) we'd get a silhouette like the bite scene, but I was pleasantly surprised with it being a longer drawn out death. I say drawn out, but I just mean it was allowed to happen as slowly as it needed to be, it didn't take roughly two seconds for him to die. It took as long as it should've given what he did and how the characters felt about it. The kids got their revenge and it was long and painful for Willy, just as it should've been.
Also at the very end of the credits we get the voice that says letters and it spelled "COME FIND ME" which was cool to hear. Apparently there was a shadow freddy easter egg thing, so it was probably him saying it, but I don't know for sure.
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danepopfrippery · 2 years
As my Matt cut of Sunset Sunrise (give him an emmy cowards!) does numbers i want to add i see ppl keep saying he didnt care about colin he just felt responsible for his bud. Even if we find out colin predates them all (and thus no dadszlo og truther) i stand by this is incorrect.
Although theres a dhampir theory about guillermo (basically when a vampire and human breed) and id like to put a dose of that on colin. Cuuuuz that would work.
Anyway just straight up assuming laszlo just did all this out of kindness and curiosity ill shank anyone who says he hated colin and regretted taking it on. If laszlo was purposely cruel to colin you dont think guillermo wouldve gleefully killed him?! And if laszlo wanted out, he easily couldve left him to guillermo but he didnt.
In fact even when Laszlo was at his meanest towards baby colin (grand opening) he still doesnt yell in front of him and stops when he enters just like guillermo. He also bonds with him after getting openly frustrated and he feels bad about it. We never see him just scream at colin again even when hes burning him by shouting god.
Hes not perfect of course, cuz these losers repel perfect like stainmaster. He gets a little too stage mom supporting colin’s dreams, and he sincerely replies what every time colin does lasso guess what?.
Even tho he got a little overbearing w Nadja while Colin just wanted to sing, i think the point of it was a mix of pride and letting him be a kid. Staying up til 3am makes it hard to do all his ball sports. Asking wraiths not to look at him is just momma bear of him.
He keeps playing when Colin grows despite all the problems and he supports him when he wants to stop. He made sure colin had fuckin PLAYDATES i mean cmon!!! And he took him to the zoo to sneak in and pet animals apparently something they did regularly that didnt involve guillermo.
And laszlo, the man who pushed guillermo in a coffin ruining his lifes dream last season, actually works with Guillermo (they have tea!!!!) and lets guillermo pat his arm. Laszlo literaly used to flinch if guillermo got too close.
And sean, his beloved, who he even picked over guillermo in private school, he listens to GUILLERMO over sean and he doesnt punish colin for ruining sean’s shit repeatedly.
He seems genuinely devastated when colin forgets their year. He raised a literal baby with diapers and human food (colin said in 3 energy vamps have digestive systems mostly to annoy) for a WHOLE YEAR. Didnt even go fuck and suck!!! Only ate between playing with his boy!!!
Srsly in s2 would u think laszlo would do that for anyone at all?!?
Colin did have a shred of recall cuz he whistled their first song after saying he had no idea. His journals are what made him remember 100 years. I swear pics and vid could do the same. I desperately want to see him remember and thank laszlo and guillermo next season (if guillermo is around)
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fuck-customers · 3 years
content warning for: food/dieting, assault/abuse, general refusal to act like a decent human
so unbelievably tired of my stupid fucking coworker.
this bitch isn't even 21 and has a kid less than a year old (no hate on young parents, but this is an important detail) and just fucking refuses to stop causing problems for herself. she drinks, smokes, doesn't take care of herself (refuses to eat and constantly talks about how she's unhappy with her weight etc etc, which is triggering to me, who's recovering from a fucking eating disorder; refuses the take the medications prescribed to her for mental illness and other physical health issues; refuses to go to doctors appointments for said physical health issues), won't get vaccinated for covid (believes all the conspiracy theories abt infertility and other bullshit like she doesn't already have a fucking kid), won't wear her mask correctly ("i just can't breathe in it :/"), and won't do her fucking job half the time because she's too busy galavanting around the store with her boyfriend of a month and a half who she constantly says she wants to have another kid with.
today alone, while it's just been the two of us for several hours, she's disappeared outside to smoke, into the office to do fuck knows what, into the back room to do fuck knows what, never telling me if she's on break or doing training vids or supervisor bullshit or what. when she IS up front with me it's to hover around my shoulder watching me cash out rushes by myself, then to 'helpfully' tell me that one of the guys i cashed out was a fucking registered pedophile, as if i as a CSA survivor needed to know that, unprompted, in the middle of my work place, like it won't immediately send me into a panic attack
i told her i was going on my lunch and she went "oh :/ okay :/" and kept giving me miserable looks as she started cashing people out, as if i haven't been doing that by myself all fucking day.
i'm so tired of her self destructive immature bullshit flip-flopping. she's turning into my other supervisor who she constantly complains about and shit talks and yet goes out to parks to drink with on weekends. i liked her when i started working here a few months ago but at this point all i want her to do is shut the fuck up and do her job. i'm about to start telling her to stop "venting" at me because i can't take listening to all her petty self-caused problems; it's making my own mental health decline rapidly after i was actually making progress with myself
tl;dr fuck coworkers
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jeankirstein4ever · 3 years
hihi i hope you're doing well! can i get a matchup the gender doesnt really matter. i use he/they prns btw.
personality categories (idk what to call them) scorpio, intp 5w4, chaotic neutral, and my hogwarts house is slytherin if that matters.
Im a pretty introverted person and will only talk to ppl that i am friends with, even then if we arent really good friends i still wont talk to you unless you spark conversation because i dont like bothering ppl. My sense of humor is mostly sarcastic and dirty. Im also mean as a joke but, i only am to ppl i know who are comfortable with it bc i dont want ppl to genuinely be hurt by anything i say (making ppl uncomfortable/annoyed is my worst fear ngl). i have random burst of energy which usually makes me rant about literally any topic i can come up with. some bad things about my personality tho is i do have a lot of self doubt. its not that i hate myself i just believe that ill never live up to other ppls expectations. its also hard for me to believe someone actually enjoys my presence.
some of my hobbies are dancing, watching anime, gaming, and watching random science vids that pop up on my youtube recommended.
I look for humor and intelligence in a partner. especially humor because i dont take things seriously unless its something im interested in or its a serious issue. also intelligence because i like ranting about things and getting good feedback and thought provoking responses/questions whether the topic is serious or not, and understanding because i will admit im not the easiest person to be with.
my love language is mostly physical touch
im black, 5'3, have short ear length hair (i keep them it in mini twist), im curvy, have sharper features on my face, and have dark skin
random stuff: my fav music genres are alternative rock, rap, hyper pop, r&b, and kpop. my current favorite song is Pretty little birds by SZA and not allowed by TV girl. i also used to do ballet and i love it so much
Aot Matchups
A/n I love these so much, thank you for your ask
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I match you with Levi
Levi and you are an all or nothing relationship, the second you two start dating it's all-consuming and absolutely everything
Levi was never one for affection of any kind let alone physical but when you sat down and talked about the things that made you feel loved he made sure to try and incorporate physical affection even in the smallest forms.
After a little while into your guys relationship when you started getting a bit more comfortable you started giving him little kisses on the forehead which he loved more than anything else in the world.
Before missions he would always pull you aside into his office before hugging your for dear life while muttering sweet nothings in your ear, “I love you, you know that right? You mean the world to me, if anything happens I need you to know that.”
When you got injured on a mission, he lost all self-control, this man is a killing machine on a good day but when he thought you were gone the world deserved to burn. Every titan he came across was slaughtered in a matter of seconds.
On the other hand when he found out you were fine, he fucking broke “I thought you were dead, I-I thought I lost you.”
“Baby, you're never losing me”
PET NAMES, this man will fucking die if you call him “baby” or “honey” he loves it so much.
Levi doesn't like PDA in the slightest but if someone tries to get a little too flirty like Petra (sorry Petra) he will purposely kiss you or wrap his arm around your waist In front of them as long as your comfortable with it.
He loves your dirty jokes, even if they're not the best it'll still earn a grin maybe even a chuckle.
YOUR HAIR, he loves it so much. I can't emphasize how much he loves your hair, it's one of his favorite things about you.
He adores your laugh, the first time her heard it was after his own attempt at a dirty joke causing you to spend a solid five minutes laughing your ass off.
He thought it sounded angelic
Mood board:
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Playlist :
Love song - The Cure
This side of paradise - Coyote Theory
Hate Yourself - TV Girl
When Am I Gonna Lose You - Local Natives
Corduroy Dreams - Rex Orange County
July - Sir Chloe
Always Forever - Cults
Sanctuary - Joji
Alrighty Aphrodite - Peach pit
3005 - Childish Gambino
Love Letter :
Darling, I love you. I cant say enough , nor can I ever get tired of you saying the same. You loved me, I am loved. By you of all people, wonderful angelic you. In case I don't get a chance to tell you this, or in case I don't say it before we leave, you're my everything, all I've ever needed or wanted. I plan on marrying you , maybe not right now but soon. There's a ring in my office drawer, I almost proposed last night. I'm worried that I m moving to fast and somehow every time I get worried, you find a way to reassure me that I'm not. Just as I will always do for you. I don't know if you remember this but the first night you stayed in my room you fell asleep muttering "please don't leave me." Darling there is nothing in this world that could separate me from you. I am with you always and forever.
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spade-riddles · 4 years
Submission: Kaylor timeline 2019-2020
This is a atempt of maping the happenings surrounding kaylor in the last 3 years. Please keep in mind that i might forget some things, mostly from 2019 since my memory is actually horrible. I’ll try to include the most important things mainly so let me know if i missed something big. Also, feel free to add some kaylor nods, easter eggs on the girls’ social media, general stuff and correct me i fim wrong on dates or places. Oh quick disclaimer: most of this is Taylor focused because the last time i went on karlies instagram to look for the nashville selfie i actually wanted to puke or bury my face into a hole for the rest of eternety (ok, both) after seeing the jerk photos so if you have any important stuff please add it. Thank u!!!
Lover Era
- ME! MV release on lesbian visibility day (april 26th)
- City of Lover (funny enough, karlie was there in march 😉)
- taylor’s pride post “lets show our pride...” (taylors ig june 1st)
- Promo for the MV with karlie’s hand on taylors ig 16 june post   
- sc**ter *audible puke sound* buys taylors masters (june 30th)
- You Need To Calm Down MV (july 17th) 
- Lover Title Track released 13 days after karlie’s bday (august 16th)
- Lover mv release which Taylor captioned on her ig post with YAIL lyrics.
- Lover Album Release (august 23rd)
- Miss Americana release (jan 31 2020) “gay pride... everything that makes me me” etc
- The Man MV release (feb 27th)
Here’s some posts with lover era easter eggs:
Link 1
Link 2
some inch resting posts:
eye theory ?! 
gold rush 😉
paris captions: 
Link 1
Link 2
(probably not that much of a proof much more of a koincidence since au revoir is a pretty common frase but whatever)
This masterpiece here during NYFW in 2019:
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note: I think its pretty safe to assume that up until this point its obvious kaylor is still together. Theres exactly no reason why Taylor and Karlie would be referencing kaylor stuff and each other at this point if they weren’t together.
folklore & evermore Era (oh the start of a daydream and a nightmare)
- Not a lot going on at the moment post  April 27, 2020
- Karlies very interesting posts:  
Dancing in a Cardigan July 10th, 2020
Happy Place July 23rd, 2020
- Tamagochi June 25, 2020 and buns May 14, 2020
- folklore announcement (july 23rd)
Note: up until this point its also pretty much a concensus that they’re still together. Since Karlie hinted the folklore aesthetic and cardigan on her ig post, and Taylor changed the cardigan lyrics to “knew you’d come back to me” and wrote “the lakes” and obviously there is “peace”. From this point on, especially after the WB stuff and pregnancy rumors in September (?) things start to get kinda blurry and gaylors and kaylors start building different point of views. So heres what happens:
- Taylor releases the long pond sessions where she says that joe is WB. I feel like we kinda all believe he isn’t, the thing that gives it for me is mostly Taylor’s body language and the way she stutters when she says it. Also, its kinda weird that out of nowhere joe got this songwriting skills magically. Like, they’ve been “together” for four years and only now Taylor discoveres this man has better songwriting and composing skills than his actual job, idk sounds fishy to me but, you make the call.
- Pregnancy rumors starts flowing on both sides. Taylor quickly starts drinking a shit ton of wine to get her beloved swiffers to come to the realization that she is in fact not pregnant. Karlie’s rumors also starts flowing, and then the people! (?) article comes out confirming it and Karlie later posts a video on her instagram. Here’s where it gets messy. Ill try to explain shortly to you the narrative on the Kaylor side and why i don’t believe in the gaylor narrative. Obviously its your choice wheter you believe it or not.
- Kaylor: The baby is Taylor’s and Karlie’s (not gonna get into hows and stuff bc if it is actually real then it is invading their privacy too much, also speculating about this might trigger some people). 
Things that back this theory up: obviously peace “give you a child”, karlie not tagging j*sh*a on her vids, that one 2,1/2 photo from the folklore photoshoot, buns and tamagochi, Taylor and Paul talking about parenthood in the Rolling Stone issue, and all the fertility imagery in evermore and folklore.
Karlie was in Cali in may until august, Taylor was also there. Jerk was on Ny or Miami cant exactly remeber. And it seems that this is what she wrote that one line “knew youd come back to me” in cardigan about. (IMO they [t and k] had some fight after the masters sale on the end of 2019 and took a break or something, so she would in fact come back to her, but just my opinion). So, karlie was there from may to august, karlie’s is on the end of her pregnancy, and if you do the math, she got pregnant sometime between june and july. Which makes it kinda impossible for the baby to be jerk’s (consequently ending the gaylor narrative) since he was in another place and karlie was on cali for like 4 months, if the baby was his, the baby would’ve been born already.
The gaylor narrative is mostly based on Taylor’s songs specially champagne problems, coney island, hoax, closure and exile.
Coney Island isn’t even necessarily a breakup song, it’s just simply a sad song, it is like death by a thousand cuts pt2, it gives the vibe that Taylor is sorry about a lot of things like not being able to thank Karlie “but when i walked up to the podium i think that i forgot to say your name”.
Like coney island, hoax is about the lows of their relationship but it’s clear in the song that taylor still loves karlie and would trade her for anything “don’t want no other shade of blue but you”
Closure and champagne: it just reminds me of Dianna for some reason i don’t even know how to explain it. Champagne Problems remind some of Dianna bc of i know places where she says “take my hand and don’t ever drop it”, to the gp that song is about harry(<3) and most songs that “are about him” are actually about Dianna. i do think it’s is kinda inspired by Karlie though.
Exile: honestly could be used to form a toe breakup narrative.
TBH we’ll probably never understand fully the story behind it. But Taylor also said that a lot of the albums are full of fantasy even thought they’re also inspired by real life situations.
Thank u for reading!! this is obviously my opinion on the matter and my take on the whole situation. feel free to believe whatever you want, and add stuff i forgot sending u lots of love <3
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unlocktxt · 4 years
i saw @fairycore-gyu do this! so i wanted to see who you would ship your mutuals with?❣️
I DID IT! Sorry it took so long BUT I DID IT AND TRIED MY BEST! I hope this is good and I have a lot of mutuals so I couldn’t list them all IM SORRY ILL SHIP ANYONE.
@soobmint : chae is a wonderful human being and I want to talk to her some more... I just haven’t been able to yet 💀. She’s pretty smart and could go on little rants when needed. The reason I put chae with yeonjun is because she said she can be a little shy and I think that someone like yeonjun could bring her out of her shell at a slow rate that isn’t pushing her too far. Also just THE CUDDLES AND AFFECTION. yeonjun
@hoes4hoseok : PIPER IS LITERALLY SO FRIKIN SMART, but she’s also really sweet and real. I think she would need someone to remind her how much she means and how lovely she is. yeonjun could really boost her up and get in little pointless arguments about the stupidest theories.
@binniebutter : honestly I was debating on putting her with beomgyu because she radiates such amazing energy and can be hilarious. however I think soobin would fit her the most because he could show her the kind of affection and care she needs. she talks a big game but she’s a softie in the end.
@yawnjunie : GIVE HER ALL THE LOVE AND SUPPORT YESSSS. I wish I could get to know more about blu, but I know for a fact that she can be very grateful and can apologize even when it’s not needed. Honestly the two of them kinda give off the same vibes to me. They both have their sweet moments, but you KNOW that got that energetic side to them.
@scintillasofbeomgyu : aisha gives me very soft and sweet vibes with a hint of... sugar and spice. OMG PERFECT THEY’D BE SUGAR AND SPICE. I think the two of them match really well. They’re both types of people I feel like people are naturally drawn to.
@beomiebear5 : I think she is an intellectual who is sweet, but also knows how to tease others. She also knows how to carry on a conversation and can go on and on about anything, which I think would fit with beomgyu. not only would the two of them listen to each other, but they’d put in the little spice needed in a convo.
@fairycore-gyu : PERIODT. She is one of the sweetest and interactive people I’ve met on tumblr. She matches almost everyones energy which I love and has amazing music taste. The two of them would make amazing suggestions to each other and their energy would merge and just bring them together. (Not me realizing I put two Pisces together 🤭)
@sung4oon : sam has always given me... crackhead energy and more recently it’s been confirmed 💀. I feel like her and taehyun would have so many cute and funny moments that would have taehyun laughing at her stupidity. when needed I think he could deal with her energy (even if he just sighs and watches) and she could trigger all his energy. I can just imagine his cute smile. (Although I believe she has commitment issues with all these wives she’s had 👀)
@magicisland9-34 : GIRL I TOLD MYSELF TO PUT YOU IN THIS AND LITERALLY AHHHH BUT I WENT BACK AND PUT U IN IT! She be clowning people sometimes but has the energy that can make people laugh and play around. I think the two of them can clown each other, but also get in on the debates if you know what I mean.
@halohyuka : despite kat being pretty much pure... I don’t really see her that way. I think the two of them could scream at the top of their lungs together and watch Netflix together. Not only that, but I feel like he would react perfectly to all the insta vids she sends.
@kkuming I- Gigi I think is pure BUT IVE SEEN HER CUSS SO IDKKK 👀 (low key fuck 2020) she’s very caring and can be very fun to talk to. Honestly I forgot that she could literally weep over hyuka before deciding to ship her with him. I could see a pillow fight in her future.
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silver-wield · 4 years
Hi! What do you think about the god cloud theory? youtube(.)com/watch?v=kFH7Nzkr3rU. I like the theory where Cloud could be the host but the rest are like not on point for me
Ah, Pez. Yeah, I follow him. He usually has some good ideas that have just the right amount of out there that touch on Square Enix’s level of galaxy brain. I liked his vids breaking down FF15, which actually helped me see some of the more finer details at the time that I missed.
Not this one.
This is a fan fictiony clerith spewing piece of garbage lol he made this vid way too soon after playing and he spent like 2 weeks going through the game at a painfully slow pace. I couldn’t watch him for more than a couple minutes at a time. He was so damn slow. I get it, he was enjoying the game. He was still so damn slow though lol 
He has no objective viewpoint at this stage. He needs to play it again without catering to all his fans, and then form an opinion. This was a bad take. I didn’t even finish watching it and I said I was disappointed this was his direction because it’s just full tin foil suit of armour let alone tin foil hat. 
He was all over the place and totally discounted the facts from the dev team that have said they won’t be making drastic changes. He ignored everything we know about the compilation and just vomited this out without thought. This isn’t just a drastic change, this is a full KH takeover of the plot. I wouldn’t be even a little bit impressed to see that a story that went from a detailed intrinsic examination of the human condition, love, death and the struggle to overcome mental illness turned into LET’S MAKE CLOUD INTO SEPHIROTH AND DESTROY THE WORLD. 
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yeoldontknow · 4 years
Hi! Can I ask question about the movie Paris Texas? I am not sure if youre the right personbut i have always wondered why it is so highly revered. Like I liked the movie, i thought it was good. i could feel the longing the characters are going through, i liked how it was shot(?),i can see why the 'booth' scenes are always replicated in music vids & other shows & stuffBut idk what makes it iconic- like everytime i listen to people talk about films, they bring that movie up.
my favorite actors and directors for around the world even mention that filmLike i enjoyed it and know its good, but i am not sure on what makes it great. what are your thoughts on this film?
ahh hello! lmao im so happy people are asking me to talk about film lmao this really does excite me. and im so glad you came to me with this! just in general! thank you!
trust me like...i get it. paris texas is a great film, and i did enjoy watching it, but i see where you come from. i can understand why its been so revered, so hopefully i can shed some light on that for you. but! i really do understand where you come from. if im honest, theres a lot of flaws and issues with the film. its slow, doesnt actually handle the heavy themes the script attempts to portray very well, and doesnt really actually offer any nuance to janes character. shes actually a really complex character, but shes boxed into the role of like...the manic pixie dream girl, except not that. shes not and ideology of freedom or growth or perfection the way that trope is usually portrayed. instead she exists to further a male centric narrative and the depiction of women is really shallow, so trust me i get why there is a dissenting opinion. 
that said, there are a lot of things that make the film as cult and important as its become among cinephiles. they range from the use of americana as a plot device, colour theory, voyeurism, the breakdown of the american dream, etc. ill be breaking down some of the major points here under the cut, but there are even more ways to read this. and!! i stress!! it is ok to read all of this and still disagree! thats the beauty of film studies.
to really understand fundamentally why this film is so important we need to focus on two intertwining notions - that the film is a portrayal of america and this portrayal of a america is coming from a foreigner. the director of the film is win wenders, a german filmmaker, who has always claimed to be fascinated by the history and character of america. effectively, america itself becomes a character within the film. it does not matter that ‘america’ is the backdrop - it plays such an integral role in shaping the narrative of the story, one could argue it has more autonomy than jane. take for example the opening scene - it opens with the scene of a man walking aimlessly through the desert with a gallon of water - nameless and aimless. from this very first moment, we are presented with land. an endless expanses of land in which there is no real ownership; from this moment, we are meant to understand this america shapes the lives of its people as much as this perspective on america is shaped by the director of the film. 
furthermore, if we consider the opening shot; the saloon; the fact that a full 26 minutes elapses before the main character says a single word, we can argue the mise en scene within each of these scenes a visual alignment to the classic genre of western cinema. here, too, in this genre is the stress on land as it relates to and symbolizes the importance of freedom, autonomy, and identity, but moreover is there a stress on the notion of the anti-hero. by cultivating this understanding of america and the western, we can immediately align travis with the failed man, the failed husband, a failed owner of land, and a failed dream. 
but...did he fail? or did the notion of americana and the american dream fail him, instead? this seems to be the case as we considered the continual use of americana references. one of the fundamental aspects of americana is the nature of nostalgia - americana is traditionally idealized as the desire to return to small towns and cities from the turn of the century. the hope of creating a home, only for that essence of home to be lost; the period of exploration from 1820 to 1880, and then the comfort of being settled from 1880 to WWII. these are the fundamental aspects to understanding americana but they are foundational in the nostalgia that drives the narrative. aspects like: a barber shop, a diner, route-66, etc these small town notions are the driving pieces of nostalgia. and these are the elements of nostalgia that generate the plot device of paris texas.
im taking a moment here to really stress the following: western films and the concept of americana is inherently problematic. it exists on wester colonization, appropriation, and genocide. americana is a white-washed version of history and that, explicitly, is why all the elements of americana, nostalgia, and the american dream fail within this film because, again, it is america from the perspective of a foreigner and the perspective is profoundly unforgiving. 
(also, like, i literally hate western films because they are so racist and sexist and hyper-masculine, from any historical or modern perspective, so again...me being me saying i understand why you might have had a hard time with this movie lmao but when you realize this is not speaking in favor of those things it kind of hits you like...oh, damn. like, imagine this film from the perspective of a white american male, you know? travis would be a king, someone admired rather than someone youre not even sure you like or tolerate by the end)
right! so! now that we understand how important the elements of a failed america and american dream are to this film, we can see how nostalgia continually presents itself - not for a home lost, but for the hope and the opportunity lost. consider: the colour, the wide, open expanses of land (could have been owned, but are entirely empty), the way characters gaze at their own reflections - hell, the conversation between jane and travis at the end, double sided mirrors, jane forced to look at herself in the mirror while travis looks at nothing because its his memories and his memories are presented at a visual and emotional distance. memory presents itself through illusions, reflections, and disorganized narrative structures - it is not that they cant remember, but that they want to remember without criticism. this comes to a head when they view the home movies, another example of how life was or could have been - how it was supposed to be, and the sudden confrontation that it very much is not that. 
primarily for me, the thing that makes me enjoy the film (apart from realizing wenders has an extremely unforgiving view of america) was the colour theory. you cannot talk about this film without discussing the colour. the predominant tones in the film are red, white, and blue - americana and american flag. but why all the green (i.e the doctors office)? why the isolated events of solid red (i.e the strip club)? well, green and red are put perpetually at odds with one another. green, a usually soothing colour, is subverted to denote internal conflict; red, becomes regret, falsehoods. the colours in the film exist to at a sub-textual layer that speaks for the characters when they refuse to speak for themselves. and by the end, the colours return to a normal palette. black, beige, tan - travis recounting their history to jane in a room that is natural. things are finally exactly as they are meant to be, the intense colours of their emotions faded by distance and time, and forced now to confront their truth. 
but still...the elements of voyuerism exist. because he can see her...if he chose to. she cannot see him. she can only see herself. and so we are left, then, understanding that there is no hope. no connection. the achievement of the american dream is a falsehood of nostalgia that exists to drive our motivations, forcing us to live in a time or a place or a hope that never once was tangible, but craved just the same.
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forestwater87 · 5 years
Are you still doing the ship meme? Well, I have a challenge for you: (evil grin) DAVID, DANIEL AND GWEN IN A POLY RELATIONSHIP! :D
Oh, sweet Moses. I normally do these from oldest received to newest out of fairness, but … Christ.
Let’s do it, then:
hell no | how about no | eh | kinda cute i guess | that’s adorable | omg omg yes | otp | you’re fucking kidding right i’m dying because of these two
So here’s the thing: if it includes dan//vid, I tend to be in the “hell no” category. If it has any Gwen whatsoever, the lowest I can possibly give it is “eh” because I love her beyond all reason. So I’m splitting the difference on this one.
and i’ll also tell you who:
Fucking … how would any of this even happen, though? There is no universe where I can get these three together that makes literally any sense. Fuck. Fucking. Goddamn it.
I mean, obviously it’s David, right? Who else would it be? Gwen isn’t gonna propose to Daniel and risk being humiliated – seriously, the closest I can see between them is some sort of kismeses kinda thing, where they both can’t stand each other but keep falling into bed (at least in part for that very reason). David is the glue that holds them together, if anything could. His heart is very full of love and it can sorta spackle over some of the rougher patches (maybe. Maaaaybe).
shops for groceries
Daniel’s presumably at least in part wanted by the cops, and not even Davey can be trusting enough to let Dan anywhere near food. And Gwen … she probably actually ends up doing it the most, even though I initially assumed it’d be David because he’s such a go-getter. But the thing is, David’s a real go-getter when it comes to things he’s actually interested in, but a lot of the times he leaves the grown-up stuff to Gwen to take care of, and I imagine this would be one of them.
kills the spiders
Daniel, hands-down. Gwen would, absolutely, but Dan gets there first and honestly … he probably wanted it more … Gwen just sorta retreats and thinks for a long, long time about why she’s in this goddamn nightmare of a relationship again.
And then David comes to her room and asks if she’ll say a few words about the dead spider, not really because he has any strong feelings about a dead bug but because it gives him a chance to compliment her talents with words and get her mind off their weird boyfriend-roommate-thing, and she remembers.
comes home drunk at 3am
That’s all of them, undoubtedly. Gwen, because she insists she has to be drunk to make Daniel’s presence bearable; Daniel, because he won’t be outdrunk by Gwen of all people (and if you think they’re gonna have sloppy blackout sex in the bar’s bathroom you’re wrong, but only because David will find them and herd them back to decency); and David, because he’s convinced he has a better tolerance than he does, and always gets distracted by the fruitiness of the drinks he favors and forgets how much alcohol they actually have.
makes breakfast
David. Gwen is still asleep, and while Daniel is awake, he’s probably off skulking around doing something cult-y and doesn’t remember to eat most of the time, anyway, so David has to cajole them both into getting some food in them before they stagger out to do their bullshit camp bullshit. (Dan and Gwen’s words, not David’s. Obviously.) 
remembers to feed the fish
David is meticulous about feeding the fish – in theory. He does keep getting swept away by other things, so while he made a very careful and colorful feeding chart, he also usually doesn’t remember until late in the evening, at which point he panics and rushes back to the cabin. Where he finds out that Gwen’s already fed the fish, because she’s the goddamn grownup in this relationship and at the camp and just deserves the world (okay, got off track there, sorry). 
I could actually kinda see Daniel picking up the slack with the fish, if Gwen was busy and David was off doing his David things. Very reluctantly, and only because he doesn’t want to have to deal with the guilt-grief David would collapse into if he let the fish die, but I also think Dan’s strict adherence to rules could lend a kinda OCD compulsion to it; like once he starts doing something, he keeps doing it because … well, that’s now a Thing he Does. (Gwen//vid could probably get him into a decent number of good – or at least less-bad – habits in that way, come to think of it.)
decorates the apartment
Oh, David. Gwen has a few items she will not part with, so they become part of the decor (if you think the Werewolf of the Month calendar is going anywhere you got another think coming), and Daniel probably would as well, but those things are cult things and are under no circumstances being displayed anywhere in the homestead. He probably has, like, a shed where he keeps his weird cult shit and David and Gwen try not to think about it.
Their place would be adorable and woodsy and absolutely only suit David’s tastes, but somehow the other two don’t mind. It’s … nice, being surrounded by David-ness all the time. It’s cozy.
initiates duets
Oh god, David and Daniel sing all the time. I refuse to think of it as anything too mushy because that makes me a tiny bit ill, but I feel like any duets would either start out or end up as lowkey competitions, because neither of them has any chill and both want to be the best at everything, ever, all the time.
As much as I love the idea of Daniel and Gwen having some sort of “Better Than You”-style song rivalry, I can’t see Gwen ever being up to singing in public and that makes me sadder than anything in the entire world. Because it’d be so fucking great and I want it so bad.
falls asleep first
Do David or Daniel sleep? Probably not, let’s be real. So Gwen falls asleep first by default, even though she often stays up til like 1am, because she’s the only one who really sleeps. David is too much of an insomniac, and Daniel is powered by cult juices that no longer require him to sleep or something. 
(Or he’s a crazy fuck. Also a possibility.)
sends the most selfies
Oh, that’s a close call. Gwen takes selfies when she feels cute, David takes them when he remembers to actually be in the frame of whatever he’s taking a picture of/with, and Daniel avoids the camera at all costs because the last picture taken of him was a mug shot and he doesn’t need any updated documentation of his appearance, thank you. 
So basically Gwen//vid are a normal couple and also Daniel’s there, Gollum-ing around in the background.
Kinda a good summary of how I see this poly ship working out, actually.
makes the first move
There are a couple interesting ways this could go – because I’m still stuck on the “how the fuck did we get here?” side of things. Gonna toss out some ideas as they occur to me, in no particular order. Pick your favorite:
David and Gwen were already a couple when Dan showed up, and David was having some Complicated Feelings™ about being attracted to their coworker (and some panic; I don’t feel like David would normally feel conflicted about his sexuality, but if he was already in a relationship it’d absolutely feel like cheating). He finally talks to Gwen – especially if Daniel’s flirting with him, which Daniel would because Daniel’s a dick – and she’s okay with letting him explore that side of himself (though she kinda wishes he’d picked someone who’s less the Absolute Fucking Worst; is he a cult serial killer in this version of events? I don’t know; I’m deliberately not thinking very hard about it because no Daniel-centric ship really works if you think about it). So it becomes something of a V with David in the middle, until at some point I imagine Gwen and Daniel get hammered, into a screaming argument, or both, and then do something they both regret and suddenly they’re kinda all a thing and neither Dan or Gwen are quite sure how to feel about it.
Gwen//vid aren’t together, but one or both of them has had feelings for a while; Daniel swans his way into camp and is all charming and a douchebag and a murdering piece of shit, like he is, and … I think David would be more easily won over, because he’s just so sweet and trusting, and so the two of them start something … I imagine David would keep it secret from Gwen, because he knows she’d disapprove, and it turns out she does but whoops she’s also kinda totally jealous as well because she knew him for way longer and he just … swooped in … And then it all comes out and they realize they’re in Love but hey, Daniel, and again I think the V makes the most sense until something triggers Gwen and Daniel to hook up, at which point it kinda closes into something resembling a triangle.
None of them are in a relationship, someone does something stupid and they end up in a weird “friends/frenemies with benefits” situation but David is too soft for that life so Dan//wen just kinda grit their teeth and get along because they both love David too much to let this go, even though they’d really prefer their current relationship of “hating each other (with occasional and regretted benefits,” which was much more their speed.
I half want to find a version of all this that is happier and fluffier but … I just can’t get there from here. David is maybe sweet enough to forgive Daniel for all the child-murdering stuff (again, don’t think too hard about it or it falls apart), but I think Gwen would see right through Dan’s crap and never reach a point of liking or trusting him, and Daniel would feel the same distaste because he really prefers people who fall for his shenanigans and feels unsafe around someone who so clearly isn’t buying any of what he’s selling.
plans spontaneous trips
Where the fuck are they going to go? Who is going to be in charge of that? How on earth do we get there from here?
Seriously, this ship makes no goddamn sense and I do not know what to do with any of this noise. How dare you, Anon. 
How so very dare you?
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