#ill never understand the thought process for wanting to be the ONLY person of a gender in someones life
guarshroom · 1 year
Y'all ever just be an inch from having a complete mental breakdown at work?
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deebris · 6 months
Seems like destiny
Simon "Ghost" Riley x fem!Reader
Synopsis: After spending years in the bone marrow donation system, encouraged by the army, Simon was finally notified that they had found a match. He just didn't expect to find out that he would be donating it to his own son, who he had with his teenage love and never knew.
Warnings: Family problems, panic attacks, teenage pregnancy, swearing, mention of diseases such as leukemia, murder, archaic ideas, anguish.
Word count: 3.5 k
Any questions or errors, please let me know.
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Simon always remembers how the army encouraged soldiers to be blood donors. There was a great concern within about it, as it was one of the ways the government found to help hospitals and people who depend on transfusions to survive.
Then campaigns for bone marrow donation began, but it was so rare to find someone compatible that after 6 years on the waiting list, Simon thought he would never find someone who would need him. But that changed two months ago when he received a call from the institute informing him that he should go there immediately.
He underwent more medical exams than he had ever done, and although he was a tough guy, he couldn't deny the pain he felt in the weeks following the procedure. Among so many people dying in beds waiting to find a donor, someone could finally heal because of him. It made Simon feel good about himself, as good as he hadn't felt in a long time. That had been one of the reasons why he joined the army: to help people.
Now he could only hope that whoever he donated to would improve. He found himself during the day thinking about it, wondering if in a few years it would affect him as much as it does now. It's not very fresh in his memory, but Simon is able to superficially remember the day he registered on the bone marrow donor list. He had been in the army for a short time, still a soldier, and "Ghost" didn't even exist yet.
He thought this would be put aside. He didn't understand if he would need to donate more often, not really knowing the process deeply. That's why when he received another call from the same institute, he thought there had been some mistake, or that they would need more, but the reason for the contact surprised him.
The recipient's caregiver wanted to meet him and was willing to break the standard anonymity by revealing their identity. Accepting the offer would mean that he would also need to disclose his personal information, which is why he hesitated so much. But as he constantly replayed the woman's words in his head, he grew restless.
"The caregiver wants to meet you," that's what she said. Could the recipient be a child? Or perhaps an elderly person? Or maybe someone who was already so ill that they could barely decide for themselves. He shouldn't have any information about this person, even something as empty as what that lady had let slip.
"You should accept. Everyone would like to have the opportunity to personally thank the person who saved their life," were the words of his Captain, John "Price." And it had been the push that Simon needed to agree to the idea.
Now, standing in front of the hospital room door, Ghost debated with himself whether he should open it. Just a few meters away was the little boy who had been haunting his mind for the past few days. And how did he know it was a boy? He had been directed to the children's oncology ward when he arrived at the reception minutes ago, as soon as he was cleared by the unit director, who already knew about the situation and the breach of anonymity.
Furthermore, the clipboard with the patient's information on the door also made it clear that it was a boy. The name "Lucas" was printed on the paper, accompanied by a surname that was familiar to him. There weren't many people in the UK with that name, which caught his attention.
All that separated him from the family was that door, dividing the cold hospital corridor from the room he could only hope would be less disheartening and empty. He didn't know if he would find a smile on the other side, or if he would be met with the sad gaze of the child's mother.
This woman had contacted him through a letter. On that day, he hadn't yet notified the institute that he was willing to speak with her, so the letter came anonymously since nothing had been filed. He read what she had to say, revealing some things, such as the fact that she was a single mother and was extremely grateful to God for sending him to save her son. Some paragraphs were difficult to read, where she recounted how she had lost hope before.
The little comfort he found in that text was when she talked about the boy. In those passages, her handwriting was less shaky, and he was sure she was happier when she wrote those parts of the letter. He knew that this had been her attempt to persuade him to come meet her, but without her knowing, he had already decided. Simon kept the piece of paper with him and reread it in his spare moments.
That stirred his emotions. He thought he had managed to harden his heart after everything he had been through, but he was wrong. Deep down in his soul, he was more emotional than he let on to others. He hoped that "Soap" would never find out, or he would be eternally tormented.
"Damn," he muttered softly, snapping back to reality. Simon began to bitterly regret agreeing to this. He should have declined and moved on. He could leave, but he was already here, so he mustered up the courage to knock on the wood.
He considered himself presentable in the civilian clothes he wore, accustomed to the heavy military equipment he carried all day at the base, and also missing the mask covering his face. Simon adjusted the collar of his dress shirt, as a way to occupy his sweaty hands, more nervous about the approaching footsteps he heard than his appearance.
Before the door opened, he had already told himself he would remain silent and wait for the boy's mother to start the conversation. If she asked who he was, he would state his name and explain why was there. But as the woman inside was revealed to him, he fell silent not because he had decided to, but because he was speechless. Suddenly, those seconds he spent admiring the child's surname on the door seemed like a scene from a comedy movie to him. How ironic it is considering he was just thinking about you moments ago and, like magic, you appeared?
It seemed like you took a few extra seconds to recognize him, and he doesn't judge you for that. Although you have changed and are now an adult woman, with a more mature face and body, he had changed much more since he was a teenager. Back when you two were in school, he was shorter and thinner, and he didn't have any of the scars on his face.
But it wasn't just that which changed in him. You stared in complete shock at how different the demeanor of the guy you were in love with was. He was more serious, more intimidating, very different from his brother, Thomas, whom you had seen years ago, just a few days before he was brutally murdered along with his wife and child.
Your legs went weak, and your eyes burned with tears threatening to overflow. You wanted so desperately to say something, but nothing could come out of your mouth. Was this real, after all? You withdrew your hand from the doorknob, not realizing you had been gripping it tightly until now, and sat in the nearest chair to avoid collapsing to the ground.
Your blood pressure had surely dropped, as you were sweating cold and seeing black spots. What were the chances, after so many years and after everything you had been through, of finally finding him just when you weren't even trying anymore?
Your memories since you found out you were pregnant began to flood back. You vividly remember your father's reaction when he found out you were having a baby; what he said when found out that the neighbor's son, Simon, was the father of the child; how you struggled to escape him after he took you away to another state, to cover up the shame of having a "prostitute" as a daughter.
You never managed to tell Simon, and when you returned to that town, the town where you two met, he was no longer there. You didn't have a penny in your pocket and only survived that week because of Tommy's help. He gave you a bed to sleep in, food, and clothes, both for you and his nephew. You remembered the perplexed expression he had when analyzed Lucas's appearance, it was impossible to deny that he was a Riley.
It was because of him that you found out Simon was in the army and that he hadn't come home in months.
You never managed to thank him properly. Just two days after showing up there, Tommy handed you half of the money he had in a bank deposit. He told you that a good part of that money belonged to Simon, and therefore, it belonged to your son too. You rented a hotel room so as not to continue bothering his wife, especially since she now had to cook and clean for five people.
You left for the hotel with the promise to reward him someday and continued making visits while anxiously tried to contact his brother on his phone, but Simon never answered. You didn't have a cell phone and couldn't spend the money Tommy gave you so lightly, deciding to prioritize your son's needs.
Several voicemails were recorded, but there was never a response. You felt angry at Simon. You screamed into your pillow, frustrated for not being answered and repeating to yourself how stupid he was. But the possibility that maybe he was dead haunted you. Tommy had told you how complex his work in the army was, that it was more dangerous than usual.
You always feared what you would find when you saw him again. He could have a wife, a beautiful house, and everything you ever wanted to have with him one day but couldn't. He could have children, children who had the opportunity to grow up with him, unlike Lucas. And then when you found out that no, none of that had happened, a kind of happiness flooded your chest, even though nothing in the world guaranteed that he would want anything with you again. The last time you had anything, you two were barely adults, until one day you left without saying anything. You thought he hated you.
That lasted until one time, when you went to Tommy's house, there was nothing there but blood. You still remember how scared you were when you found the broken door and called the police, who surrounded the scene of the violent crime that had just happened. You waited so long, but so long for Simon to show up. What kind of person doesn't attend their own brother's funeral? That's when you decided to forget him and threw away the phone number you had written down.
Some more time later, when Lucas had just turned 7 years old, your life was turning upside down again. It all started with symptoms of a common virus. He had fevers, weakness, and got tired very easily. Then he started losing weight and getting pale. Many pediatricians said it could be anemia or hepatitis, but more symptoms kept emerging. Joint pains came, as did swellings, and after a year of medical investigation, the diagnosis came: leukemia.
You entered a state of denial. Was there something wrong with his diet? Or his lifestyle? It could be genetic, but there were no cases of cancer in your family. Maybe the Rileys had some?
Since that day, your life has never been the same. With each passing month, your son only got worse. You would give all your savings, live on the streets, or even rob a bank if it meant seeing your baby well again. Fortunately, the government offered treatment for free, but some medicines needed to be acquired more urgently than the hospital could provide, and medicines for such treatment were not cheap at all.
The only thing that could cure your boy was the marrow from a compatible donor. You prayed so much that you could save him, but when the tests were done, it was impossible. If no one in the family could donate, it was almost a death sentence. Your last hope was your father. You hoped to never have to see him again, let alone tell him where you had run away to, but now you were no longer the same foolish young girl who depended on his money.
Despite everything, you knew he loved his grandson, and a single phone call was enough to make him come running. In recent years, he had been worried about the two of you, not knowing where you had gone. He never had the courage to admit he was wrong, and apologizing was never his strong point, but he regrets every day what he did. That day he didn't know how to react. He wanted to kill Simon, the brat who got his only daughter pregnant, just as he was afraid you would become a joke in neighborhood for having such a young son. He only managed to think about leaving to avoid a disaster, never asking what you wanted or how you felt.
For the first time, when he saw you so tired and alone, he held his tongue to not say anything that could ruin everything. Instead, he hugged you tightly, and you were so craving someone's company that you curled up in his arms just like when you were a little girl. He was a grumpy and archaic man, someone who made many mistakes, who still makes them, but he still has humanity within him.
Unfortunately, he was not a match either.
You stopped daydreaming, and you didn't realize how bad you were until you saw an adult Simon crouched in front of you, shouting in the hallway for a doctor, but you tried to silence him by grabbing the nails on his rolled-up shirt sleeve, catching his attention. The last thing you want is for the doctors responsible for your son's health to be alarmed, thinking he's worsened. These professionals worked as hard for him as you did. Simon seemed to understand and went to close the door to prevent curious eyes from appearing.
Simon looked at you with sadness, and it crushed your heart. He was afraid you wouldn't be able to breathe properly again; he knew you were desperately begging for air, but couldn't draw it in. He hesitated to touch you, but gave in to the desire and placed both hands on your cheeks. He was incredulous. It was really you, the girl he loved most in his entire life, more than he thought he was capable of loving another woman. Simon had imagined so many times meeting you again, and he had so many doubts.
"Calm down," he repeated in a whisper, locking his eyes onto yours. He knew panic attacks; he had experienced them himself several times. "I know. I know, dear. It's a lot to process."
"You…" your voice tried to come out amidst desperate breaths, while also trying to swallow the lump in your throat. Your hands grabbed both of his wrists, and your thumb smoothed over the skin, feeling his heartbeat. "It's you who…?"
"Yes. Yes, it's me, the donor," he quickly confirmed, even before you could finish the question. "Don't speak. Breathe."
You were managing to calm down and think more rationally. Understanding hit you like a bucket of cold water, and your embrace made the big burly man he had become freeze. The feeling was so strange. Of course, among so many people, the only one who could save your little son would be his own father. The person with whom he shared half of his genes.
"He's yours, Si," your voice sounded like a spell in his ear, the old nickname sending shivers down his spine. Your tone was so gentle that he barely understood the meaning of the phrase. But soon he felt his lips quivering, recounting the events of the past few months and how unbelievable this would sound if he told this story to someone. "I swear he's yours," you repeated as if that made it easier to assimilate.
The content of that letter invaded his mind again and again. He felt horrible.
Simon pulled you closer to him, your bodies almost merging. You were still beautiful, even in your disheveled state, betraying exhaustion. And even after so much time, it was as if nothing had changed between the two of you. He knew there was a small body behind him, sleeping peacefully in the bed, but he didn't dare to look. He could hear the sound of the machines, and then it all came crashing down on his shoulders at once: he had a son with you. By his calculations, the boy should be 9 years old. Wow! He hadn't seen you in over a decade.
"I have so many questions," he confessed with a choked voice, and you don't remember ever seeing him cry before when you were younger.
"I searched for you so much. I called so many times," the last thing you wanted was to make him feel guilty, but hearing that, he felt like he should have kept searching for you too. As soon as you left, he went asking where your father had gone. He worried and tried to find out something, until enlisted in the army, and then all he did from then on was just think about you; never seeking; never trying in any way to find you again because it seemed easier to accept that you had left forever.
You tried to distance yourself, even though you hated it, to look at his face one more time. Simon allowed you to run your fingers over his features until your eyes landed on your son behind him. He knew where your gaze had gone, but he didn't follow it. And of course, you would understand what was happening.
"Look at him," you pleaded with tenderness, but he shook his head while rubbing his eyes, as if they hurt. "You're hurting me doing this, Simon."
The last thing he wanted was for you to think he was rejecting the boy, so he stood up, fighting the weakness in his legs and slowly approaching the bed. The child's face was turned exactly in his direction, as if anticipating he would be there, but his eyes were closed, and his breathing was peaceful. It was only then that Simon realized how he was hyperventilating until he felt your hand gently pushing him closer.
His heart hammered in his chest, overwhelmed by anxiety and fear, as he watched his pale and still son. Each step was a journey through an ocean of uncertainty, each breath an effort to maintain composure in the face of the storm raging within him.
As he leaned over the fragile and inert body of the boy, a wave of emotions engulfed him. His broken heart cried out to stop the affliction that plagued his son, that beloved being he barely knew.
Tears blurred his vision as he stroked Lucas's hand, so small and vulnerable compared to his, so similar to yours. Each touch was a silent promise to stand by him in every moment, even in the darkest and most painful.
He found himself whispering words of comfort, as if each sentence could ignite a spark of life in his son's dormant soul. He pleaded to the heavens, to the stars, to any higher power that could hear, for a miracle, for a chance to see those childish eyes shine for the first time in his life. He was an identical copy of Simon at that age, and it made him wonder if the color of his irises was also the same, the same shade of brown. A sudden curiosity arose: what was his voice like? Would it sound like yours, so gentle and reassuring, or could it somehow sound like his?
There, in that moment, time seemed to freeze, the whole world disappearing. It was as if he were dreaming. There was no way all of this could be true, someone must be playing a prank on him. He wanted to look at your face again, to smell you while he ran his hands through your hair to make sure it was really you, flesh and blood. "He's going to be okay," he poured out the words, even though he knew the danger in promising that, and you dove into them, knowing you didn't have to face everything alone anymore.
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bicheetopuff · 4 months
I don’t think y’all understand how crazy this is. Well, I know you do but I like yapping and I need to type things out to completely understand for myself what’s going on.
Katsuki pushed Izuku away their entire childhood after Izuku was diagnosed quirkless. Before that, it felt like he wanted Izuku to push himself in more things. In his own weird little way, he believed in him. Katsuki was good at everything and he was self aware about that so the reason he always singled out Deku to try out the things he was trying and comparing their furture quirks was because he always wanted Izuku as his rival. He saw something in Izuku that he couldn’t find in himself which at that age deemed him “worthy” of competing with him.
When Izuku was confirmed to not have a quirk and everyone was telling Katsuki that his quirk was amazing, he felt like Izuku wasn’t worthy of competing against him anymore and was offended that Izuku didn’t understand that. He legitimately thought that Izuku was trying to stoop Katsuki “down to his level” because he didn’t understand that Izuku just wanted to be around him and be friends with him. He wasn’t trying to sign up for his life long rivalship that Katsuki had made up in his head that his four year old self established he had already won.
Even then, Katsuki still believed in Izuku. In the TUMs where Katsuki is trying to chase down Nine but Izuku finds him first. He’s not surprised. He’s angry that he didn’t have the same skill that Izuku did in that department. Or when Izuku was talking about applying to UA, Katsuki didn’t laugh it off. He wanted Izuku to not apply at all because he knew there was a chance he could actually get in. Or when Izuku actually did get in, Katsuki wasn’t surprised, he was just wondering how. He has never not had faith in Izuku.
And now, after he established that Izuku never meant ill will towards him and realized that he was just being a jerk towards him for no reason, he started to view him as a proper rival again. Izuku is the only person in his life that has been able to push him to become his best self. He grew so much as a person. But, Izuku’s influence and just his care for him in general landed him wounded on several occasions now. He almost died. Yet he’s unable to think of himself first anymore like he used to.
He went to Izuku’s hospital room and cried like a baby because of Izuku losing his quirk. Because he lost that rival that wanted and needed for so long. He lost his second chance to compete with him after losing so much time. He feels like the person he cares about most just lost his dream because he wasn’t there to help. He blames himself for Izuku’s misfortune yet couldn’t care less about his own.
And from Izuku’s POV, he just experienced a heavy loss for not being able to save Shigaraki (yet/in the way he wanted to). He lost his quirk which made his dream come true even if it was only for a short time. He’s quirkless again yet the first person who came to check on him was the very person that used to give him hell for not having a quirk. The guy he chased after his whole childhood because he wanted to be like him and be his friend. And that guy that always used to push him away pours his heart out and tells him, “I wanted to play this game of cat and mouse with you for the rest of our lives,” and he can’t be anything other than shocked and reassuring at the admission.
This scene single handedly began the healing process for both of their inner child’s. Katsuki feels comfortable to show his emotions and admit to wanting a rival and Izuku finally gets to see just how badly Katsuki wants him around.
But, Izuku still hasn’t even truly acknowledged Katsuki’s apology. And even in this chapter, all he said were things to make Katsuki feel better. He hasn’t explained how he feels about anything yet.
I want Katsuki to tell Izuku that even if he’s quirkless, he still wants to be by his side. And I want Izuku to tell Katsuki that he forgives him for everything he’s done. I NEED THEM TO TALK!
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sillygoosealert · 6 months
Terminally Ill reader who doesn’t treat it and hides it from Bi-Han because he’ll think it’s weakness, and he’s super hard on them for being ‘lazy’ until one day he wakes up to them cold beside him in bed (Bi-Han pov for extra angst)
Are you ignoring me? Answer me..
Bi-han angst, no comfort
It’s 4:00 in the morning, it’s time to get up
However, you have trouble even processing that
It's like you’re in rim sleep- 24/7
This upsets Bi-Han greatly, as his spouse, you should be better than this
And he lets you know this
Every day
And every time he sees you
After his habit of nit-picking started, you looked even more exhausted 
He would feel pity and let you take a break- if you hadn't started to slack off
Maybe you thought he didn't notice when you stopped to go dry heave for a minute and then continue
Or when you sat down for a minute after only an hour or two of work
He did.
And he wasn't thrilled about the whispers and looks not only you, but he got after you started
Most of them were indifferent- or pitiful
And he hated that
People were pitting you for no reason, not one good enough at least
When you got to your room that night, he snapped
‘Do you know what I saw today?’ he hisses, furrowing his eyebrows
‘No, what did you see hun?’ you are whispering, not sure what he's mad at- or who he’s mad at
‘You sitting down, while on duty’ now he’s fuming, he can’t help when he gets mad. He has his fathers rage
‘I had to take a moment to rest, it isn’t easy working for hours at a time’ You look tired, you’re pale, skin sunken in around your eyes
He noticed, but he noticed other people just like doing their work too
‘Are you pregnant?’
‘What? No, I would tell you if I was pregnant.’ you look..upset? If anyone should be upset it should be him
‘Then you have no excuse. Nothing is stopping you from doing your work.’
You don't say anything as you reach for the door
‘Where are you going?’
‘I’m not sleeping with you tonight.’
He says nothing as you leave
The next day he sees you, yet says nothing
He's too busy anyways
You come back to your room that night, you're actually there before he arrives
He says nothing as you shiver and cough and wheeze
‘I love you’
He hears you whisper not long after he gets into bed
‘Get some rest, I know you need it’
That was his way of saying it back, you knew it
He was far from pleased with your recent performance- but he would never let you think he didn't love you
‘Can you say it back?’
‘Why? We've talked about this before..’
He has told you he isn't fond of saying it
It isn't him
‘Goodnight Bi-Han.’
You're ignoring his question
He doesn't know why, and it upsets him
So he turns away from you as he closes his eyes and eventually falls asleep
When he wakes up and turns to you, your back is facing him
He shakes you gently
But no response
So he shakes you a little harder
No response
‘You have to get up today, I'll give you a few more minutes but that's it.’
After he dresses he goes back for you
‘I know you're awake, and I know you're upset..’
He cares about you, he really does. He wants to pour his heart out every time he has the pleasure of holding you in his arms
He wants to say ‘i love you’ every night and every morning, to make sure you remembered
He wants to start a family with you, and hold you close when you are with child- with his child
And he wants to tell you that
But he won't, or maybe he just can't
‘And we can talk about it later, however we have to get up’
You don't even move to look at him
‘Are you ignoring me?’
Maybe he should understand- give you space and time
But he doesn't understand, he didn't do anything in his eyes
‘Answer me. Are you ignoring me?’
The silence is loud and he stomps over to the bed, forcefully turning you over
Tears stain your cheeks as your eyes are glazed over
An empty look for a once-radiant person
Then he lets go of your cold, lifeless body
There is nothing left in you
It's gone- everything is gone and the world isn't spinning anymore
He isn't breathing
Or blinking
He's just staring
He didn't even realize he was backing up until he backed into a wall
Then he goes to the bed a checks for a pulse
He picks up your body and cradles it
His own tears now staining your face
He knows he couldn't have changed you dying
Well, maybe he could have
But he really wishes you knew he at least cared about you
But you didn't
And you never would
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icarusredwings · 1 month
Rewatched Deadpool 1. Took notes.
WARNING: Discussion of mental illness topics, ending yourself, trauma, violence, etc.
Civil debate/ conversation welcomed. Sorry its super long. I think a lot.
You know what? We see Wade coloring a lot. What's our status on just giving him cartoons snacks and coloring books? He needs it.
I think we all forget how actually impressive this man is. I just watched this cancer having fucker do like 50 flips.
Whatta man is so Logan Howlett coded.
"Bad deadpool" "good deadpool!"
Deadpool has been helping kids for a while. He terrified a little creep while he himself was a huge creep.
Missed up his words and Vanessa smiled at him. With that "aw hes cute" kinda thing.
When talking about their childhood (whether he's lying or not, hes not about the uncle) and he outdos her so much that she giggles.
The first date he takes her ducking skiiballing instead of yk prostitute stuff
Hes so romantic oh my god.
Theyre giggling and joking like all the time. Personally thanksgiving is my favorite scene before he proposes with a fucking ring pop.
I shouldn't laugh but the way he said "wtf" when passing out
Vanessa instantly jumping to "what can we do? There has to be something" makes me instantly respect her as a chronically ill person myself. Partners who medically defend each other make me so happy because a lot of people divorce their partners when they get "too sick" let alone dont show up to specialist appointments.
Him accepting death so quickly is a sign of mental illness, and you can see him be confused on why shes so upset. Shes crying and hes sitting here like "why do you care if I die or not?" He physically feels so unloved that he just doesn't get it.
"I dont know. Might further the plot. " Oh, so you know about wades little mental tv show he puts on in his head as a coping mechanism?
Also... Weasel.. YOU KNOW WHO ELSE IS A WEASEL!? Shit sorry wrong movie.
Its not until now that hes crying because he realizes if he does then no more vanessa. We already know hes very co dependent and many people only care about themselves BECAUSE of other people. Which is also considered a sign of wanting to ���️ self.
The whole "superheros are all lame ass teachers pets" thing is so funny if you think about how much beef he has with the xmen when in reality I have a feeling Wade would love charles in a "Ugh im in trouble with Daddy wheel chair again." COUGH "old bald heavens gate looking mother fucker" COUGH
"Thats not nice" No. But wade is genuienly not nice either.
"This is embarrassing. Please stop, " Colosus said what we all were thinking.
Bro literally cut/broke off his own hand and didn't whine a single time. If you ever. EVER hear this man express pain it is 99.9% his own choice to let you know that it hurts.
During his changing process, Francis says "the only thing that doesn't survive is a sense of humor" wade says "we'll see about that" and smirks.
What also makes sense to me is that he did NOT break easily. They did test after test after test and this man still wasn't breaking. His spirit is incredibly strong and as much as we enjoy joking about how stupid he is, Wade is extremely resourceful.
Its like he has created an alter ego of humor and kindess in order to keep up with the fact he DOES understand how fucked up this world is and whats happening/happened around him but refuses to acknowledge it until he has too. Ussually for survival.
Ive seen theories that he has DID or a type of Scizophreania and the voices in the comics are obviously in his head. I have mixed feelings about it because even his thoughts have thoughts of their own in some cases. Talking to no one is often a sign of abadonment, esspecially in children who are school age and get lonely when taken from their families to attend school. Its almost as if wade never lost his and hes subconsiously talking to himself to keep himself calm/ from panicking in high stress situations.
"But then how does he know hes in a movie" thats the thing. He doesn't. Hes pretending to cope. Main charaters cant die and until he dies he has this mental show/movie going on to keep himself from realizing all of this is true. That this is reality.
Cunningham mentions breakfast for his kids and suddenly, wade wakes up. Hes not joking anymore. This is a "oh shit... I wanna make breaktsst for my kids too... with my wife vanessa" moment.
"So whats wrong with him?"
Diiiiiddd we all forget about scout master kevin? Uncle? Dad? That fact that the oxygen was physically taken from his brain and was given Co2 poisoning over and over? For multiple days? This is the same man who blew himself up just to escape because they told him he wasnt going to see vanessa again.
And then he fought a guy naked, survived the entire building burning down, and now is so insecure about his looks that he thinks he made the baby cry in the street.
Theres people staring at him, flinching away, called names, people see him and cross the street. (So when he tells Logan that he knows his pain when it comes to public settings, hes not lying)
Blind Al is literally the reason deadpools suit is what it is. Why the idiot thought white was gonna be a good idea- See above. Unlike Al, who could smell the blood/ bleach.
I really love al. She's like the adult Toph.
"I hear everything in this duplex." OH, you poor thing.
"The guy that turned me into this freak-"
Al: *bitch im blind face*
As far as she's aware, he looks normal. Which is beautiful when you think about it, but it's funny when you think about the fact that he's so insecure about his face that he purposly found a blind room mate that couldn't judge him.
And they cuddle while he gets dating advice from grammie 🥹❤️
I really like how the entirety of Sister Margaret's School for Wayward Children (HellHouse in the comics) stood up for Weasel. They're murderers. But they're family.
What they did to vanessa was straight fucked. Her fiance up and leaves without notice, youre just trying to work and live your life, you get kidnapped.
Negasonic is so cool. I love them.
Dopinder (The cab guy) is so cool too. I love him too. Kill that guy in your trunk. "Mr. Pool" reminds me of Tom holland spiderman.
"It is not boy band >:(" Suurreee it isn't.
"Wheres your duffle bag?" You mean his dollar general store tree hello kitty book bag filled with guns?
"Cue the music" *no one even gives a fuck at this point when he talks to the imaginary cams*
Negasonic mid battle: Hold on- "Hey Yukio, yeah I just gotta fuck shit up real quick, ttyl?"
"Sure thing! <3 You go baby!"
I dont know anything about negasonic but she reminds me of Gambit with her energy powers.
Like I said. Hes smart when its a serious situation because he immediately threw his katana into the glass so vanessa could breathe, only to immediately turn sappy and childish again when he sees her stab francis with it. Heart hands, is hallucinating because theres a knife in his brain (literally), sex joke. Etc.
Colossus shut the fuck up. Let this man kill him. He's hurt Soooooo many people. A bullet costs less then a dollar. His amount of therapy alone is going to be like *checks calculations* 80 billion.
"Not the nethers" Wade can and often does show proof of hurting but hed rather cut off his hand then let vanessa punch him in the balls. "Ow- owie 5000"
Hello Hugh Jackman.
After not seeing each other for so longer they instantly go back to the fibbing. "I live in the house with 12"
"You live in a house??" Funny guys get the girls. I should know. My wife says im super funny (yes im in therapy)
Pinky promises really matter to him.
Hes such a silly billy he brought out the phone with their song on it. God what a romantic idiot.
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wickedgamesoyaoya · 5 months
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❧ fireworks masterpost
❧ Summary: Atsumu had given up on the prospect of finding his soulmate years ago. He just wasn’t lucky like his friends, or so he thought. Because after an accidental meeting with a local painter, the volleyball player found himself entranced by someone who wants nothing to do with him.
❧ the soulmate principle: “The Soulmate Principle is the idea of two people being destined for each other at birth. These people are called soulmates. Soulmates will often instantly ‘recognize’ or be drawn to one another, even if they have never met. A soulmate couple are regarded as being ‘perfect’ for each other in every way. Usually, the soulmates provide each other with understanding, healing and strength. Soulmates are connected by a phenomena called the “silver cord,” or soulmate bond, which remains unbroken until death. It can be felt by a shock or a jolt of electricity when bare skin touches bare skin. Soulmates can also share emotions with each other through the bond.”
❧ warnings: verbal abuse, toxic af father, reader is exhibiting signs of mental illness, suicidal thoughts (nothing explicit), suggestions of suicide, mentions of physical illness, attending the hospital, mentions of cancer, mentions of injury. 
❧ story format: written.
❧ word count: 3.2k
❧ part: three out of three | read part one here | read part two here | 
❧ A/N: holy shit 500000 years later and it’s here! :( Sorry for the wait. also this is kinda dark!!?!?!? so be warned.
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It took a single glance in your soulmate’s direction to plant an entire garden inside of your chest. It took a single conversation to turn those seeds into perfect little sprouts. Hope had begun to nestle into your lungs, making it easier to process the air and to breathe. It should have remained that way. Perhaps an intelligent individual would have taken the blessing and returned home. Perhaps they would have decided to call their soulmate rather than knock upon the door leading to a troubled past. 
If only you were intelligent, or wise, or anything along those lines. Because it appeared you had forgotten that his words have always been far more lethal than poison. And it is exactly his words that set ablaze the garden of newly sprouted flowers, leaving behind ashes and the same emptiness you were so damn accustomed to. 
How strange that the person who was meant to protect you from harm, was the one always inflicting it. 
When you first entered the family home, your heart twinged uncomfortably at the memories suddenly attacking your serene mind. Nostalgia for some was a pleasant experience. But for you, being in the place where you grew up was merely exhausting. You should have taken the sensation as a warning sign - to abort mission and to leave before anything else could transpire. Yet, you continued along the hallway leading towards the living room, with your heart beating loudly inside of your ears. 
The male sinking into the couch was barely conscious, and accordingly, did not hear your gentle beckoning. When your eyes finally landed on the familiar figure, the little voice in your head reminded you that this was your last opportunity to run... to leave.... to escape.  The monster sitting in the heart of the home was not aware of your presence yet - you could easily slip out and pretend this never happened. 
But for some masochistic reason, you were compelled to remain. Was it foolishness or bravery? Perhaps a sprinkle of both. Or perhaps it was something even far more sinister - hope. No matter what happened, you always craved your father’s love. You craved the affection that should have been granted to you the second you were born. Before, you had assumed that your father loathed you due to your rotten core. Your soul was merely impure, you had nothing to offer the world other than hardship. 
But now... What if the soulmate connection was responsible for your father’s cruelty? What if your mother’s passing had impacted him in a way that could not be explained in a medical sense? What if he was the victim of something far beyond your understanding? 
Or maybe, he was simply a man unfit to be a father. 
The final thought is one that scares you the most. And yet, you swallow down the clog in your throat and venture two steps closer to the man who was responsible for the scars decorating your body. 
“Father? Are you awake?” 
Silence greets you instead of your father for the first minute. But then, the man ahead stirred, indicating that you would soon be granted an audience.  
The mention of your mother’s name paralyzes you for a moment, as you blink widely at your father, awaiting a new form of recognition. A few seconds drag on by as the male drags a palm down his face, in an attempt to sober himself up. His dark eyes are still in a squint when his hand returns to his side, but from the fury flickering to life in his irises, it was clear he now knew who you were. 
“No, of course not. She’s fucking dead.” 
Unsure how exactly to react, tension was applied to your jaw. Under your father’s scrutiny, your chest constricted, with a familiar pain claiming the surface area. 
Why did you come here? Why did you think this time it would be any different? Hope? Someone like you was never allowed to feel that damn emotion. 
Hope was a luxury, one that you momentarily forgot you could not afford. 
“Why are you here?” The older male doesn’t move when he speaks, instead his gaze continues to bore into you. It’s clear that he is no longer in a drowsy state. Everything that would be stated from now would be his sober thoughts.
“I... wanted to talk. If it’s a bad time, I’ll just -” The words barely come out as a whisper as panic seizes your throat. The air in the home began to decrease, with your lungs reacting in tow. 
“Talk? What the hell would we have to talk about?” A humourless laugh rang inside of your father’s chest, drowning out the small noises you were once using to stabilize your breathing. 
Where was the grandfather clock again? Maybe if you could find it - 
“Are you here to steal the little life I have left? Is that it? You’re here to kill me.” The sound of laughter abruptly ends with the older male leaping to his feet. Rage animated his features as his tongue trailed over his chipped bottom lip. It was as though he was calculating his next set of words - determining what selection would send you completely off the edge. 
“What...? No, I -” Liquid began to brew along your waterline, disturbing your vision. Perhaps that was a blessing in disguise, as maintaining eye contact with your father was the equivalent of inserting daggers into your own heart. “I just... Why didn’t you tell me about the soulmate link?” 
It was at that moment when you observed your father’s demeanour shift completely. His mouth fell agape yet an unrecognizable emotional sparkled in his eyes. It was an expression you’d expect from a gambler who won the jackpot. Or, an alcoholic who discovered a new bottle of whiskey. 
But why in the world did he look like that right now? 
“Oh, now I get it. You met someone, huh. Twisted how the heaven above gave someone like you a soulmate.” Lightly, he brushed the pads of his fingers along the stubble decorating his jaw. “You know what you have to do right?” The latter part is accompanied by the raise of an eyebrow. 
But none of this is making sense to you. How were you supposed to know what he was referring to when he never discussed this topic? 
“What are you talking about?” Inside of your mind chaos ensues as you recall your conversation with your therapist. Was there something you missed? What could it be? 
Yet nothing could have prepared you for the answer your father provided. 
“You should know. You have to kill yourself.” 
The words were packaged with a smirk which smoothly communicated how pleased your father was with himself. And as your eyes expanded in size at the weight of his words, the devil disguised as a father continued to spew his falsehoods. 
“So long as you are alive, you will torture that poor soul that is connected to you. So do the right thing for once in your life and kill yourself.” 
Apologies begin to spill from your lips on repeat as the oxygen completely leaves your lungs. But it’s too quiet, and your father refuses to be silenced. 
“You know what you are, y/n. You’re a disease. You killed your mother, you almost killed me and now you’re going to kill your soulmate.” 
Your vision fully blurs, but there are slashes that can be seen. Blood is smeared over your hands, it’s staining the floor.
You’re bleeding. Oh god, you’re bleeding. The wounds of the past have been ripped open, and you’re drenched in the blood of those you have killed.
“She was fine you know. FINE. Until she was pregnant with you. Instead of a blossom of joy, there was you - a cancer - sitting in her stomach. You killed her. You killed her and killed me.” 
You were no longer able to withstand the pressure associated with his words. With your knees losing their strength, your body soon collided against the cold floor. The crimson colouring your vision remained with you, though. Even as your fingers grazed the cold tiles below. Everything was stained. You were stained. 
“So, will you kill another person, y/n? Will you?” 
You knew you wouldn’t. 
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A heart wrenching pain sliced through Atsumu during the middle of practice, causing the setter to collapse onto the floor. He could vaguely hear his friends call out his name, and the frenzy of sneakers rubbing against the floor. Someone had their hand against his back, but the figure was a blur. Inside of his chest, the thin strings of fate had wrapped around his heart, cutting off the blood flow in the individual arteries.
And although he only had a limited understanding of the soulmate connection, he instantly knew that if he did not find you immediately, the connection would be gone.
You would be gone.
Because despite his strange fragile physical state, he knew that you were feeling something much worse. And all he wanted to do was to comfort you, even though you were not within his grasp.
And as Atsumu fought to remain conscious, his battle against the wreckage in his heart was one that he ultimately lost. And the last thing the blonde could remember was someone mentioning his brother’s name. 
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Everyone enters this world alone, and they leave this world alone. That is the infamous quote that is often weaponized by religious figures in order to drive fear into the hearts of believers. But the quote fails to account for the time spent on this earth. Was it meant to be so tragically lonely? What is the purpose of life, if you are plagued by loneliness from birth until death? 
The question weighed heavily on you as you returned home. And the weight of the question appeared to increase with every passing hour. To be honest, you would have remained stuck in place on the tilted flooring if your father had not forcefully removed you from the home. He had guests to entertain, but you did not stick around long enough to see anyone approach the front door. 
Perhaps this was total defeat. 
You were done. 
At some point, it becomes far too much to bear. The voices inside your head no longer lose their ferocity; instead they gnaw away at soul until there is nothing left. How can you move past it again? How many times will you push through another heartbreak? How much more were you expected to endure? 
The following 24 hours are far from bearable. Food was barely digestible. Water was barely consumable. Despite your inner will to transfer the weight from your shoulders and onto the canvas, you could not paint. Instead, you found yourself surrounded by damaged brushes, tattered canvases and a collection of paint. And all you could do was sit in the center of the tornado, hoping that your next breath would be your last. 
Because breathing wasn’t worth it, not if it meant hurting him. 
But it seemed that the thin string keeping you from collapsing into eternal darkness had its own plans. And it begins with a phone call from an unrecognizable number and the strange urge to answer it. 
“Hello?” The phone was wedged between your hand and ear loosely as you waited to see who had sought you out. 
“Um, hi. Is this y/n?” The voice was unfamiliar yet it was the tone that had captured your curiosity. Why were they afraid? “This is Osamu Miya. You’re my brother’s soulmate.” 
Electing to remain silent, you waited for the male to continue. It seemed that he was eager to say something. 
“I’m sorry for being so straight forward but my brother is in the hospital. And the doctors can’t figure out what’s wrong with him. I just.... Can you come? I know I’m asking for a lot. But can you?”  
Upon hearing the younger twin’s words, you almost lost control over your phone. 
“Atsumu is in the hospital... Where?” 
The second that Osamu provides you with the knowledge of how to reach your soulmate, you’re already halfway towards the front door. The thoughts that were plaguing you for the last 24 hours had been overcome with the image of Atsumu. If he was the sun above, then you were the moon, who was nothing without the sun. The moon, which needed the sun to shine at all. The idea of anything happening to Atsumu was unbearable, and it made your inner struggle seem like child's play. 
When you arrived at the hospital you recognized the black haired boy from the shop first. Suna approached you instantly; there was also a girl beside him who you did not recognize. He introduced the female as his fiancée, before guiding you to the room Atsumu was assigned. A sympathetic expression was offered to you by the other female, but you were too frazzled to respond to it. 
With each passing second the sound of your heartbeat became louder and louder, it was almost deafening. 
What would you do if something happened to him? 
Was it your fault? What would you do if it was?
“Oh. You must be y/n. Well, he’s awake and being annoying. So go talk with him, please.” Osamu’s voice ripped through your inner torment returning your attention to your surroundings. But it was his close resemblance to his brother that had swayed you for a brief moment. 
A weak nod was given in response as you began to process what was just conveyed to you. Atsumu was being annoying? So he was conscious? How could someone like him be considered annoying, though? 
The answer to some of your questions was bestowed upon you when you entered the hospital room. Inside, the blonde was sat upright with curiosity animating his features. However, the curiosity was short-lived. Instead, a mixture of emotions had the male seconds from jumping out of his bed. If he had not been connected to an IV, he would have ran straight towards you. So, at most, all he could do was straighten his posture. 
“Y/n?! You’re here!? Are you okay?” 
It’s the latter half of his question that brews a fresh round of tears. And when guilt brings a sad pout to form on Atsumu’s lips, it was impossible to contain the liquid hanging on your waterline. 
“You’re asking if I’m okay when you’re the one in the hospital?” 
How could you possibly deserve him? 
“Ah, y/n. C’mere first.” Lifting the hand with the IV tube attached, he motioned you forward before patting the empty spot on his bed. “This is just a formality, they’re keeping me because they don’t know what’s goin’ on. But I know something has been goin’ on with you, right?” 
Even though the monstrous voice inside of your head warns you of getting closer to the setter, your feet carry you closer to your soulmate without hesitation. The warmth and consideration emanating from the male had your mind and body out of sync. 
“You could sense it?” The words were whispered out as you accepted the seat beside him. And now that you were both in close proximity again, you were unable to bring yourself to catch his gaze. Instead, you focused on playing with your fingers. 
“That’s how the bond works, y/n. Whatever you feel, I feel.” Despite your efforts to avoid his gaze, the blonde titled his head, aiming to capture it. “I won’t pry into what happened, okay? But I realized that I can’t just leave you alone to suffer. I need you to know that you’re not alone.” 
When his attempts became futile, in a daring gesture he put his own calloused hands on top of yours. A light blush colour flooded your cheeks, but you made no effort to remove his hands. This time, the soulmate connection did not burn or tingle in a painful manner. 
All you could feel was love. 
“I’m not good for you... You’d be better off if I was gone...” The acidic liquid continued to travel down your cheeks as you bowed your head down, seeking to cover your disheveled state. 
“No, that’s where you’re wrong. I don’t think I can live in a world that you’re not part of.” Seeing as you did not deny his physical forms of affection, Atsumu elected to take it one step further. Gingerly, he reached out to brush away your tears with his index finger. “I don’t know what happened to you, and it doesn’t matter. Because I’ll show you that life is worth it.” 
When Atsumu began disposing your tears, the flow only increased mercilessly. Soon, his hand was cradling your face, and it was impossible to not lean into his touch. He was just so warm, so so warm. 
“I just want you to be happy.” The words that were choked out between a sob held such sincerity that Atsumu himself had to battle off his own tears. 
“Yah? So if I ask for something selfish, will you agree to it? I promise it’ll make me happy.” For the first time since you had entered the room, he finally secured eye contact with you. Inside of his chest, his heart throbbed at how beautiful you were. How did he get so lucky? 
“Anything. I’ll do anything.” 
“Stay with me. Don’t ever leave my side. You do that for me, I promise you I’ll be happy for the rest of my life.” 
Silence overtook the space around you for a minute. Though the two of you refused to break off any of the physical contact your bodies shared. And through the soulmate bond, the setter sought to silently communicate how much he wanted this. How much he wanted you. 
“Atsumu...” Completely overwhelmed by a storm of emotions, all you could do was breath out his name. So much had happened in a small period of time - what was the right choice? Honestly, you did not know. 
“And I think I can make you happy too. Even if that sounds a bit cocky. I just, really think I can do it.” The blonde packaged his words with a reassuring smile, one that aided you in making your decision. Although, you still had to ask... 
“What if you regret this?” 
“I won’t. Not now. Not ever.” The answer comes without missing a beat, he was prompt in shutting down any of your outstanding concerns. He could see that the barriers you had built were slowly crumbling. And it only takes another 42 seconds before you provided him with the confirmation he was desperate for. 
“Okay. I’ll do it.” 
The words had barely left your mouth when Atsumu enveloped you into his embrace. The same hand that was caressing your cheek was now smoothing your hair as he clutched you closely. It was a form of affection you had never received. Yet all you could hope was to remain in his grasp forever. 
“I’ll be honest, y/n. Even if you regret this decision, I won’t back off without a fight. I’ll be the most annoying cockroach you’ve ever seen.” 
Not quite understanding his warning, you blinked in short intervals, earning you a heartfelt laugh from the setter. The level of adoration he held for you was bottomless, and you could see yourself happily drowning in it. 
The most important thing was, Atsumu didn’t want you to die for him. He wanted you to live for him. 
And that made all the difference. 
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icycoldninja · 3 months
I’m feeling angsty today so I came up with the idea.
Can you write the DMC men when they’ve been in a relationship with the reader for a relatively long time and they thought that they’ve been truthful to one and another and understand their flaws and uniqueness but one night, while in bed, the reader mutter under her breath:
“ You’re too good for me, how? And why? To be loved and desired…is one’s closest feeling to being immortal in this vast universe yet…why me? Of all those out there?”
She muttered as she thought they were still sleeping, but in fact they’re listening very carefully what she says, the quiver in her voice and the cracked tone of one’s suspension of crying
Then they turned to ask her why she thought she didn’t deserve to be loved, she kinda replies that it feels wrong to be loved and feels wrong to love someone knowing you can’t return the gesture how you want due to wither their financial limitations or emotional limitations, even though one should never be deprived of such feelings disregard of race, gender and class
Then she muttered that:
“If anything were to happen to me, you need to move on, forget about me, fall in love with others and treat them like how you treated me and start a family with them, okay?”
“You should not bind yourself in the past for my sake…even though it pains me to see you with others…but to not let you move on would be my biggest guilt”
How would they initially react?
This one's gonna be a bit different since they're more like reaction headcannons than anything else. Enjoy.
Sparda boys + V reactions headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Dante cannot believe you just said that. He's shocked, genuinely, undeniably shocked.
-He loves you because you're an awesome, sweet person who dared to get close to him despite all his issues and emotional baggage; someone who stuck with him through his crazy highs and depressed lows, and he'll forever be grateful for that.
-Then he hears you yammering on about how you want him to move on if something happened to you, and wonders if you've gotten amnesia.
-What kind of monster do you think he is?! He could never get over you even if he tried, and besides, with him around, nothing bad could possibly happen to you.
-That's it, Dante can't stay silent any longer. He decides to wake from his pretend slumber like Dracula and tell you all this straight to your face.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil, the ever alert insomniac, heard every word you said and was quite upset about it.
-He chose you because you had the strength to stand before a son of Sparda and not quaver in your boots. You accepted him for what he was, and loved all of him equally, from Urizen to V.
-He was insulted by the next string of blasphemous words that left your mouth. How dare you suggest that he, the King of Motivation, would allow you to get hurt? Did you really have such little faith in him?
-He would not let you die--he would sooner kick the bucket than let you meet your demise, and even if you did pass away by some unfortunate turn of events, Vergil would never get over it.
-He could see it even now, how he'd lay his remaining human half to rest alongside your corpse, fully embracing the demon within him and going on to conquer the world, disregarding his brother and all that you'd built together.
-Vergil probably should have told you this, since the only reason you were saying such depressing words was because you needed comfort, but decided to keep silent. After all, he wasn't supposed to hear what you said, so he'll pretend he didn't. However, he will snuggle up to you so you can at least feel the comforting warmth of his presence.
□ Nero □
-Nero was awakened by your mumbling and managed to catch most of what you said. It took him some time to process everything since his brain was foggy, but once he understood what you meant, his heart broke.
-Why is that even a question? Why do you sound like you're about to cry? Are you considering leaving him? Are you terminally ill? What would make you say such a thing?
-Nero loves you because you're sweet and you care for him in ways no one else can. You're ready to die to protect him, and so is he--no one else could replace you.
-How dare you ask him to move on if something happened to you? He loved you, and only you! If you died, Nero would be inconsolable, he'd probably fall into a deep, deep depression and overdose on painkillers or something, but this is all speculation.
-Nero would sacrifice anything and everything if it meant keeping you safe, do you should have nothing to fear.
-Nero knew the only reason you were mumbling such things was because you thought he was asleep, meaning you intended for these words to be kept private. As much as he wanted to keep that illusion alive for your sake, he couldn't let you say these things and go to sleep thinking so negatively. Thus, he arose from slumber and pulled you into his arms, repeatedly reminding you of how much he loved and needed you until you fell asleep.
● V ●
-V happened to flutter awake at the exact moment you began your nocturnal lament, mumbling about how you didn't deserve him, or something like that.
-V was taken aback, wondering why you would even think that when it was clear he was the one who didn't deserve you.
-Then you started muttering about how you wished he would move on, forget about you, and start a new life if anything was to happen to you. This made V's heart shatter.
-He could believe you would say that; you were the love of his life, the one woman who cared enough to stay with such a weak, physically pathetic, borderline invalid for so long and enjoy the experience. You'd left a lasting imprint on him, one that he wouldn't forget anytime soon.
-The very fact that you'd suggest such a thing was not only heartbreaking but also insulting. V wouldn't let you continue thinking like this any longer.
-He got up and immediately wrapped you in the tightest hug he could muster, whispering sweet words of affirmation into your ear until you broke down in tears, then covering you with kisses till you calm down.
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batsplat · 4 months
do you have any more thoughts on sete&vale rivalry? ps. love your blog!
I ALWAYS have more thoughts about the sete/valentino rivalry and if there is one person on this website who wants to read them then let's fucking go. so my issue is that when I looked at this ask the first time I thought I could maybe give like. a few thoughts. just some casual fun takes. the problem is I've been doing that anyway in my other posts, but there's really only so much point in doing that if I'm not providing any context on events that are by this point two decades old. so. time for some actual context
this isn't going to be exhaustive by any stretch of the imagination. what I'm covering here is two/three incredibly interesting years of motogp that deserve to be experienced and studied in their entirety, but alas I am but one poster on one microblogging website. so this is very much going to be the whistle-stop tour of explaining feuds, before a little bit of analysis to cap things off. (would like to state for the record that I called it 'whistle-stop' when this post was a lot shorter than it is now, but I'm leaving this paragraph in because it'll get funnier the longer you scroll. it's still not exhaustive but it's a lot more exhaustive than I thought it'd be when I wrote those sentences)
this rivalry began in an odd, uncertain period of valentino's career, at a time when valentino had essentially won motogp. he had just concluded his 2002 season and sealed his second premier class title in the process, with his results that year consisting of eleven wins, four second places and a single retirement. it was more or less as good as it gets, crushingly dominant, the undisputed lord and master of all he surveyed etc etc etc. and yet it was also a time where he was ill at ease with his role within the sport and was struggling with motivation, so much so that he increasingly found himself no longer taking joy in his racing. he ended up being so disillusioned with the existing state of affairs that he decided to make a radical move to redefine himself, to control his own destiny, to take the step from a great to a legend
which is all very abstract, in a way, removed from the realities of racing or indeed competition. this was a time in which no other rider could come close to matching valentino as a competitor and everyone basically knew as much. it adds an odd flavour to the challenges an athlete faces, where the success is such that it warps everyone's understanding of what success even looks like (not helped by how the last dominant athlete in the sport, mick doohan, also had a silly good track record in his prime). you could say, if you want, that 2002 is all about sowing, all about vale having so much success that it's started to feel a bit too easy, where he was just coasting on a wave of his own brilliance. 2003? well, now we've gotten to the reaping stage, where he's suffering under the expectations he himself has created, and all this winning is maybe already getting kind of boring
the first task in sports is not to be better than everyone else - it is to win. being better helps, but it has never been strictly necessary. there was no serious question at any point during his rivalry with gibernau who the better rider was between the pair of them. perhaps even more importantly, there was no question who the stronger between the two of them should be. over the years, valentino would have to deal with more than his fair share of young talent who proved they could match him in ability, the riders who had already long been marked for greatness and had the potential to be valentino's successors to the throne. gibernau was not that man - he was older, he was less accomplished, he was a revelation rather than anointed. it's one thing to be challenged by an alien, quite the other to be beaten by a bog standard human. especially if the bar for what constitutes being 'beaten' is set pretty low - never mind full seasons, should you even be losing individual races to this new challenger?
the rivalry between valentino and sete is not one of two equals, neither in ability nor in how their success was measured. but it became one that spawned a close title fight, courtesy of valentino unexpectedly wrestling the yamaha into title contention against his former employers at the first time of asking. valentino's main pressures in those years did not come because of any other rider, including sete - they stemmed from external forces such as honda or the press, from his internal struggles, and eventually were self-imposed in his decision to take a step into the unknown and join yamaha. the shape that this rivalry took reflected the disparity between the pair of them at every stage. valentino's biggest enemy during those years only ever could have been himself - so could sete exert himself upon this narrative at all? was he only relevant as long as valentino let him be? has he been so conclusively beaten that he has allowed valentino to erase him from his story entirely?
the first task in sports isn't to be better than everyone else... but it usually isn't quite this low down on the order of priorities. when 'being better than everyone else' is taken as read, then where does the narrative tension come from? usually, this is the kind of issue that commercial stakeholders and broadcasters and journalists and fans care about - not the dominant athlete of the time. but valentino is a storyteller and he does care. he can't handle stagnation. he can't handle being bored. he needs something to fight for and someone to fight and he needs all of it to happen on his own terms. the rivalry between valentino and sete becomes about everything except who the better rider is - and they happen to be perfectly suited characters for a rivalry such as this. for something that feels a little removed from the typical pressures of competition, of simply doing all you can to win, to beat the other guy, in whatever way you can, to rack up one victory after the other... but what we're primarily talking about here isn't numbers, it's theatre. it's show. and it's about two men who are particularly in tune with the artifice of it all, who are particularly concerned with how the world perceives them. valentino always knows where the camera is, always knows to play to it - and sete knows where it is too, which is what valentino uses to unsettle him to the point of despair
so, that's the set-up. let's bring in the context. what I'll cover here is mostly limited to what transpires during the years in which the rivalry is at its most prominent, aka 2003-05-ish, and mostly stays away from its legacy or repercussions. the first bit covers sete's emergence as valentino's rival, then how he becomes honda's best hope of stopping valentino, then the controversy that ruined their relationship, and finally how sete falls apart. after that, I'll give some of my thoughts about the rivalry and how it functions as a narrative. but again, there's a lot that's being left out here - like the bits of my notes that are just a tally of every misfortune that befalls sete gibernau post-qatar 2004. remember, kids: curses are a nasty nasty business and should be wielded with care
becoming the challenger
sete's rise to becoming a legitimate title contender was in some ways as unlikely as the manner of his downfall. born in december of 1972, so six-and-a-bit years older than valentino, his grandfather was a titan in the motorcycling industry and he grew up both affluent and surrounded by bikes. he's unusually well-educated for a rider, proficient in languages even by paddock standards - and, like valentino, a bit of an aberration from the mould of the stereotypical nineties bike racer. the reputation he had was for being a bit too vain, a bit too metropolitan, too self-absorbed to be suited to the rough-and-tumble of elite motorcycle racing
by the time he signed with the gresini honda team in 2003, his track record was very far from that of a title contender. after various wildcards in the mid-nineties, he'd finally managed to get a permanent seat first in 250cc and then in 500cc. eventually racing for repsol honda and taking doohan's bike when he was injured badly enough to force his retirement, sete's initial promise remained largely unfulfilled and he was dropped by honda after the 2000 season. he joined suzuki, who were struggling immensely in the aftermath of their title courtesy of kenny roberts jr. sete did get his first premier class win in valencia in 2001 in mixed conditions - a rare race that year valentino did not win after making a conservative tyre choice at a track he's in any case always been dreadful at. in 2002, suzuki was still struggling, though the wet conditions in estoril gave sete a chance for an early duel with valentino until he crashed. valentino said afterwards he felt sorry for sete (in a nice way not a condescending way)
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^sete's first ever win came in valencia far far ahead of valentino in a lowly eleventh place. incidentally, it was there that a year prior vale's late charge to an increasingly plausible rookie 500cc title came unstuck. it's fair to say it's not exactly his favourite circuit on the calendar, which some might call a sign of good taste
and then, the move to gresini honda in 2003 - to which he also brought his sponsor telefonica, who became the team's title sponsor for the next few years. as I'm sure fans of the current era are able to appreciate, while it might have been a step from a factory to a satellite squad it was a very obvious competitive upgrade. he may not have had the newest spec of honda, unlike his teammate, but he was still satisfied with his machinery and his new team
sete and valentino had already had a good relationship at this point, a friendship that extended beyond paddock walls. they'd get drunk together after races, party together on ibiza over the summer holidays - and of course there's the story of sete giving valentino advice upon his transition to 500cc. previously, valentino's most notable rivals had come from other factories, whether kenny roberts jr on the suzuki or max biaggi on the yamaha. but honda had poached biaggi for the 2003 season and - after a brief blip in 2000 -were establishing themselves once again as the overwhelmingly dominant force of the sport, boasting an embarrassment of riches both in the engineering department and in their formidable host of riders. they were the undisputed kings of motogp and were comfortable in knowing that their bikes were so good that the riders were far from essential, all easy enough to replace if they had to be. all of which meant valentino knew going into that year that his most significant challenges were likely to come from within his own house, though he would hardly have expected sete to lead the charge
but then, a tragedy in the very first race of 2003 changed things. in suzuka, gresini honda rider daijiro kato crashed and hit one of the walls, later succumbing to his injuries. kato had been a 250cc champion and was widely tipped as a future premier class champion, japan's best hope for a first in that category. even though gibernau and kato had only been teammates for a short time, sete had immediately felt welcomed within the team and had worked together closely with kato over winter testing, including helping him out in the wet conditions in which kato had long struggled
the brutality of racing is such that two weeks later, the grid were to line up again at welkom. and it was there that gibernau secured an unlikely, fantastical win from pole position holding off valentino along the way. he dedicated his victory to his fallen teammate - who he said had been with him when he was riding. he wore kato's #74 on his leathers for the rest of his career. whether rightly or wrongly, paddock consensus was that the events had transformed gibernau, had made him into someone who took his racing more seriously, had made him finally commit all his mind and body and soul to riding, to fighting, to winning
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^pointing up to the sky at welkom 2003. the number 74 is prominently placed on his upper chest to the right
it also had another effect. kato's death sparked controversy due to the layout of the suzuka track, the decision of the officials not to halt the race, and the rescue workers who had failed to follow proper medical procedure in moving him. both sete and valentino reportedly said they would not race there again, and it did end up being the last year grand prix motorcycle racing came to that track. it also prompted conversations about what could be done to better protect riders - and sete was one of the main figures behind the idea that riders themselves should have more of a say in safety standards. this led to the establishment of the safety commission, which back then included fewer riders but both valentino and especially sete involved themselves in
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^sete at a safety commission meeting
did the tragedy really transform sete's fortunes as a racer? perhaps, though the switch to honda and a team he grew so fond of surely would have helped in any case. still, the contrast in his results and how he went about achieving them is stark; we'll never know for certain, but it's understandable why it's such a popular interpretation. another factor, too - despite some initial resistance, sete ended up inheriting kato's factory-spec machinery and was now riding the same bike as the other primary contenders of that season. the first half of his 2003 quickly cemented his new status within the factory, winning again in le mans, and then in assen. by the time they reached the halfway point of the season after donington park, sete was in second place in the standings, just clear of biaggi and only 34 points behind valentino
which is where we get back to valentino and ask ourselves what the hell that man thought he was playing at. did he really believe that it was all right to sit on a mere 34-point lead halfway through the season? was valentino, at the tender age of twenty four, already washed? was he finished? was this the beginning of the end? had he already peaked? did he just not have it in him any more?
obviously the answer to all of those things is 'no' and also 'what?' - but these were questions that many, most notably in the italian press, were in all seriousness asking anyone who would listen. now, valentino had theoretically just won in donington, except en route he had overtaken under a yellow flag and was controversially stripped of that victory after the fact. which meant that - you may want to hold onto something here - valentino had gone for a whole three races without winning. that's right. three races. granted, he'd already secured three victories that season and had been on the podium every single race, but the pressure was beginning to mount on valentino to deliver. it wasn't just the three race losing streak, but also the emergence of sete as a serious rival and how he had gotten the better of valentino - first at welkom by holding him off, then at le mans by beating him on the very last lap. valentino had also separately fucked up in a duel against capirossi for the victory in catalunya (funnily enough not one of the valentino duels there everyone remembers), eventually making a big enough mistake he had to spend the rest of the race recovering to second. honda had expectations, the italian press had standards, and the sheer dominance of his 2002 campaign meant that even the slightest dips in form translated into criticism of valentino and speculation on the state of his mettle or lack thereof. and things were about to get even worse
last race before the summer break and they're headed to the sachsenring - and here we were provided with a classic valentino performance right until the very moment where it wasn't. when sete caught up with him, valentino let him go ahead to study him from behind and crack him at the very end. he made his move on the penultimate corner of the race and successfully got ahead - but made a mistake in picking a very tight line into the final corner and lost too much speed, allowing sete to beat him to the line by a mere 0.06s. the general perception was that this had been a winnable race, and that it had been lost, more than anything else, out of arrogance. he could have attacked earlier - and if he didn't, then at the very least he should have been smarter about the final corner. he had allowed sete to beat him in a straight fight for the third time that year, who was now on four wins that season to valentino's three. all this meant that valentino's winless streak had been extended to four. that's right. you heard me. valentino rossi, the man they call the goat, had the audacity to go a whole. four. races. without. winning. the italian press had a field day and were calling for blood, and who could blame them?
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^sete gibernau posing for a photo with a washed-up loser
luckily, valentino had the summer break to go off and clear his head and think about what he'd done. it was a good chance to get away from the constant scrutiny and criticism that had come during a year in which he'd already been feeling discontent with honda from the very beginning. the perception was that valentino had had it too easy and was resting on his laurels, no longer taking racing seriously enough, coasting on past successes that he was finding it hard to replicate - never mind his 29-point lead in the championship standings. so valentino ends up doing what is sensible in that situation. has a hot girl crisis. goes to ibiza. gets his hair dyed red. rocks up at the paddock for brno with his cool new hair as a bit of a throwback - he's still that guy who knows to have fun, he won't let any of this get to him, he's not going to take any of this too seriously
here's a more in-depth post on brno 2003 including, of course, his celebrations. to summarise - he won a tight thriller of a race and this time beat sete to the line, just about. then he celebrated by having a bunch of his fans dress up as convicts and donning his own cap and ball and chain - a 'prisoner of his own success', if you will. another step was taken that weekend on the road that would eventually lead him to abandoning honda and signing with yamaha. and here he is in his autobiography talking about his disillusionment with honda. he's not the first athlete to feel unhappy within his team, not the first dominant sportsperson to struggle to find motivation. still, when you consider how long his career ended up lasting, there's something remarkable to how quickly it threatened to turn joyless to him. if he were one of those athletes who just needed to win to be happy, he would have been fine within honda
but that's what valentino's all about, isn't it. within honda, under the ferocious glare of the italian press, he felt trapped. he felt imprisoned. he felt burdened by the expectations that his own victories had placed on his shoulders. it isn't enough for him simply to win. not if the winning isn't happening on his own terms. not if it's just another way in which honda can show off how superior their bike is. just another means for the italian press to ramp up pressure on him in the future. if valentino doesn't win, then well, it'll be gibernau. it'll be biaggi. who cares? valentino isn't essential to honda's success - the bike is. and vale decided he could no longer accept that. he returned to his roots in brno with the haircut and the celebrations and the candlelight meetings with yamaha that demonstrated his determination to forge his own path. winning is a part of him; when he wins he uses it to express himself, to define both who he is and who he is not - which is where, of course, the rivals enter the picture. valentino delineates his self against the other as much as anyone does, expressing his identity both as a racer and as a person by drawing the line between himself and his enemy and making a spectacle of what separates them. you can only win when you beat someone else, and valentino has always understood that the vanquished is very nearly as big a part of the show as the vanquisher
but here, the relationship between valentino and sete was at the very least outwardly still warm. they were both as gracious in defeat as they were in victory - helped along by the awareness that whatever the frothing italian press might pretend, valentino was unlikely to lose that year's title. still, were tensions beginning to creep in, given how valentino retrospectively speaks in his autobiography about how both biaggi and gibernau complained he had superior machinery? how about when rumours began to fly about valentino's impending move to yamaha and sete supposedly said valentino won't have so much to laugh about the next year? or the glee valentino read on sete's face at the thought of valentino's departure from honda? another point, on the ibiza trips - it's unclear when and how many times they happened, but one source suggests they had stopped in 2003. on the other hand, the brno 2003 race commentary makes multiple references to how they'd been partying together on ibiza during the summer break (which you'd have to say is pretty remarkable in itself after a race like sachsenring), and I'm inclined to trust the race commentary on this one. so maybe it's 2004 the trips tail off... at what point then did the relationship between the two of them begin to transform from friends to true rivals, however genial to begin with? how wary had valentino already grown of sete by the end of 2003?
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^age old tradition. sete buddy that kid is going to ruin you
in any case, the remainder of valentino's season was close to flawless, winning five of the six remaining races. in sepang, having already decided he was going to sign with yamaha come what may, he sealed the title with a dominant win over sete - and brought back the convict celebrations, except this time he had a big novelty key to open the big novelty lock, presumably to signify how he could finally escape. which is charmingly on the nose, yes, but there's something enjoyable about an athlete who is so very committed to making the subtext text. how better to conclude his time with honda, who he had grown so very disillusioned with? tell them how you really feel and all that
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^after vale has sealed the title at sepang. sete gives him a nice little kiss before assaulting him with champagne on the podium
or - not quite to a conclusion, not yet. after all, there were still two more races to go in 2003. in phillip island, he secured one of the more spectacular victories of his career when he once again fell foul of the 'could you please stop overtaking under yellow flags' thing - but this time, was informed of the situation and his ten second time penalty during rather than after the race. furious at the penalty, he flew off, setting a blistering pace that not only gave him the requisite ten second margin over his closest challenger capirossi, but eventually meant he crossed the line fifteen seconds ahead of his countryman. he had a point to prove that day, and proved it. he might have been on the best bike, yes - but he was laughably better than anyone else riding it, and the world still hadn't seen yet all that he was capable of
then came the last race of the season and the announcement honda and valentino would be holding a press conference together afterwards, widely expected to be announcing a split that for much of the year the paddock refused to believe might actually happen. one more ride on the honda that valentino must say farewell to and will dearly miss - that unfortunately took place at valencia, an ugly bore of a track that valentino has always been awful at, the only one on the calendar he had not yet conquered. but he needed to say goodbye to his beloved bike (decked in an austin powers-themed special livery) in style, and he went on to win the race before telling the world that him and honda were parting ways. time to go to yamaha and prove the haters and losers wrong - including one sete gibernau
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^honda or yamaha, friendship can survive anything <3 quite like valentino's unorthodox spraying technique in the photo on the right - sete was admirably determined to drench vale at welkom
honda's next champion?
the thing about 2004, right, is that the dominant rider in motogp had very nicely taken himself out of the picture for at least a year to try and turn that useless pile of junk into title-contending machinery. maybe rossi would start turning things around in the second half of the year and snatch an occasional win. maybe he'd put together a title charge in 2005, though that was by no means guaranteed - it was entirely plausible that his failure would be as complete as it would be spectacular. what this meant for everyone else was that they'd basically been given a freebie. a clear run at the title, as long as they could beat all the other non-rossi challengers. for a number of blokes at honda, this was the big year. biaggi, gibernau, anyone else who was feeling brave - this was the time. and honda, right, were going all in on this. rossi had the audacity, the nerve, the sheer disrespect to turn his back on them and imagine he could win without them. every rider dreamt of being decked in their colours, and valentino had walked away. they were going to throw all the considerable money and resources at their disposal behind a small army of riders, tasked not only with beating rossi but humiliating him
this is all a bit of an exaggeration, but not too much of one. as then-yamaha rider and then-valentino friend marco melandri put it in 2003, "if valentino did come to yamaha at least he would be able to give them direction with development, but he would not have a chance of winning". the best-placed yamaha rider in the 2003 championship standings had been carlos checa in seventh, and all yamaha riders combined had achieved a grand total of one podium finish that whole year. generally speaking, however, once this kind of idle speculation of 'oh imagine if he moved' actually becomes reality, the conversation does shift accordingly, and so the initial consensus of 'surely he can't win on a yamaha' of much of 2003 was already beginning to crack by the time they actually arrived at welkom. and the relationship with honda really did end on a pretty sour note, not least because valentino's former employers refused to let vale test the yamaha before his contract expired at the end of 2003 - which is generally a pretty decent barometer of whether a rider and team are parting on good terms. as valentino put it: "their attitude pissed me off. it will cost me four races, but I always knew things would be like that". in the end, obviously he was still able to make good use of the pre-season testing he did have and he was not cost "four races" - and at the very latest people had to reassess their outlook on the season when he hit the track at welkom. if anything, his immediate pace that weekend was distinctly un-valentino-like - who needs to already be fast on a friday? - and he led every session and qualified on pole. and then, he went and achieved what still remains possibly the greatest victory of his career after a thrilling battle with old foe biaggi right to the very end. sete was a very distant third
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^sete drenching vale at welkom. I am once again going to do 2004 prop and let you know that some of the best races are available free online: welkom, mugello, catalunya, assen and qatar are all on youtube (they should upload phillip island but ah well ed.: for some reason phillip island has been uploaded to facebook)
of course, valentino did not have it all his own way that year. of course, sete was not suddenly replaced by biaggi as vale's prime challenger. but yes, sete will have had to readjust his expectations of valentino's season the same as everyone else. after welkom, the conversation shifted definitively from 'surely not' to 'could he really...?' - and all other contenders were informed in no uncertain terms that they were not to be granted a rossi-free season. that being said, of course this still very much looked like sete's best chance. of course this wasn't going to be as straightforward as valentino's past titles. perhaps, even, welkom had provided a somewhat illusory picture of what the competitive landscape actually looked like that season. perhaps people had been too hasty to hand the title to valentino again after welkom. a wet weather specialist, sete secured victory in a rainy jerez, while valentino struggled to get his yamaha to work in the wet and finished fourth - his first time off the podium in twenty four races. at le mans, another race in tricky conditions, sete won once again and extended his championship lead while valentino took another fourth place. the spectacle of welkom might have been a flash in the pan; it might be time to reassess the kinds of results valentino could achieve on a regular basis with that machinery
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^left: valentino having fun in the wet of jerez; right: valentino's wood-themed helmet for mugello, because if you finish fourth you get a wooden medal
what followed was a pivotal stretch of three races that turned valentino's 2004 title bid from a dream to something that felt increasingly plausible, even likely. all three of these races were extremely closely fought. all three of them are very enjoyable to watch. all three of them are freely available on youtube dot com. first, they headed to mugello, a big one for both sete and valentino. valentino had won the last two races at mugello and it was the race that was more important to him than any other - so if you're sete, where better to stamp your authority on the season? the race ended up having a little bit of everything: a ferocious multi-rider scrap, a duel between the two main title contenders, a red flag and a restart due to the worsening meteorological situation that resulted in another multi-rider scrap. valentino had to make full use of his skills as well as his composure to go out and in essence win two entirely different races. after the second start he fell back as far as seventh as he figured out the grip conditions, taking his time to fuck around before eventually fucking off (or as much as you can fuck off when you only have two and a half laps left). still, sete managed to salvage a second place result and limited the points damage
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^2004 is as close to a perfect season as you can get, but there is one major factor that holds it back: the colour schemes of the title contenders. extremely similar combinations of blue with a little yellow from guys who aren't even in the same factory, let alone teammates - and jorge was always way easier to distinguish from valentino than this mess. what makes this extra stupid is that valentino's actual teammate that year, carlos checa, had a RED livery and RED leathers so. okay. great job guys. anyway, cracking race, split into two halves (or well. four fifths and a fifth). apparently, sete overtook valentino at some point under a yellow flag - or, at least, valentino says he did, which is something he remembers just in time for that year's sepang press conference
so a home victory secured and a hat trick of mugello wins - time to head back to sete land and fight it out in catalunya. top five valentino catalunya duel for sure, a pretty crowded category. sete had led every single session going into the race, but in the end he came out second best in a fight that went on until the very last lap. no longer was valentino willing to let sete get the better of him in head-to-head combat, and the victory was even sweeter coming as it did on sete's home turf - and indeed valentino would establish a bit of a tradition of beating spaniards at that track. the tide was turning and increasingly it did look like valentino might actually achieve the impossible
"One hundred and five thousand screaming Spaniards roar on their hero Sete Gibernau. He's something of an unexpected hero really. After so many years in grand prix, he lived in the shadow of Alex Criville. Criville's retired, Gibernau is on the Honda, and Gibernau is leading the world championship."
^excerpt from the catalunya 2004 commentary
and then, the next race: time for assen
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^still friendly and chatting before the first real trial their relationship faces. by the by, the commentary for this race references a cartoon proposing that all that valentino needs to do to keep sete behind him is to attach a mirror to the back of his bike - because sete would be too busy posing. which gives you a general sense of the tone people used to discuss sete with
coming into this race, sete had gotten two consecutive second places to valentino. his championship lead had shrunk to five points. valentino had already gotten the yamaha into race-winning shape sooner than anyone had expected, and now it increasingly looked like he might be able to achieve the week-to-week results that won championships. it also did not help that sete's defeats had come in direct duels with valentino - in the early days of that rivalry, this exact type of duel had been how sete had announced himself as a serious threat. if it came down to another direct fight between the two of them, sete badly wanted to get a win over his rival, not just for points but for pride. and valentino, conversely, wanted to press home the advantage, to bite harder when his opponent was already bleeding. if you will
this turned into a bit of a three-way tussle between those two and barros, but then barros crashed out and it was just the two of them - going into the very last lap with sete ahead. valentino, who was having to risk far more on the yamaha than he ever did on the honda, made a lunge up the inside of turn 12 and almost binned it in the following corner. nearly losing the front resulted in contact with sete, where sete's front wheel hit the rear of vale's bike and damaged the front mudguard - and in the end sete backed off just a touch, allowing vale to cross the line with almost half a second in hand
valentino was enthusiastic in his celebrations, shall we say, whereas sete... well. sete did not look thrilled. gone were the usual parc fermé exchanges, no more hugs or friendly handshakes or kisses. sete suffered his way through the podium celebrations as the wettest of wet blankets, popping the champagne for about half a second and staying rooted in place while valentino carried on doing his thing. the natural assumption would be that sete was furious not just at losing but at the manner in which the pass for the victory was executed, out of control and in a way that could have easily resulted in a crash for both of them. valentino certainly assumed as much, saying that sete was "for sure a little bit angry" (clip here, also includes sete's statement). but when it was sete's turn to speak... he just said he was frustrated at losing, as anyone would be in his situation. which, well, doesn't quite fit in with his reaction, and also doesn't entirely match up with other statements he made at the time. there are two more sets of quotes from the protagonists of the race, though I can't determine with absolute certainty in which order these things were said. here's the first (article dated day of the race):
Gibernau lost vital time in that clash and was not able to challenge on the remainder of the lap but Rossi insists he did not deliberately block the Telefonica Movistar Honda rider. "I came into the bend a little too quickly and I slightly lost control of the front of my Yamaha, which explains why I touched him, but it wasn't intentional," he said. Gibernau did not use the incident as an excuse for his defeat. "To be overtaken in the final meters after dominating the race, it's obviously gutting," said the Spaniard. "I was angry about the way he overtook me. His manoeuvre really was risky. He said he didn't do it on purpose, but it doesn't take away my disappointment."
and here's the second (article dated the day after the race):
"I made a mistake and had to brake early or I would have crashed," said Rossi, explaining why he slowed so suddenly in front of the Spaniard. "I did not even feel Sete touch me. He was very angry, but I explained what happened." For his part, and after having chance to cool down, Gibernau appeared to accept that the contact hadn't been deliberate. "I had a good chance right until the end but we touched on the last lap - Valentino explained that he almost fell and, if that's the case, then there's nothing for me to say," shrugged Sete. "These things happen in racing. We had a good battle in another great race."
if that indeed is the order in which their statements were delivered, this whole episode feels like an interesting exercise in passive aggressive feuding - sete could have of course simply gone up to valentino, supposedly his friend, and asked for an explanation, or stated his objections openly when asked about them in the presser. instead, it seems to have been valentino who offered his explanations after sete had denied even having any issue with the overtake, with sete contradicting himself later by saying he had been angry. even then, sete said it didn't "take away my disappointment", which suggests not all was forgiven. from parc fermé to the podium to the press conference, he'd used every part of his body with full effect to express his displeasure with the notable exception of his mouth. this incident hasn't really been brought up by either party since, but as far as the eye test goes the relationship sure seemed like it was pretty strained by this. with the benefit of hindsight, it stands out as a turning point in their rivalry, the first time the veneer of the gracious loser was well and truly discarded and a sour note was added to the relationship. this was also the race where the championship lead was taken away from gibernau on countback, which incidentally was the last time an independent rider led the world championship standings until... uh... *squints at notes* argentina 2018
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^already post-assen - but no reason not to be civil, right? what's a little last lap assen controversy between friends. scholars will note that this is the race after which valentino engaged in some unsavoury parc fermé activities with sete's then-teammate colin edwards
for the sake of brevity, the next part of the season is mostly going to be skipped over, but to give you the sparknotes version: sete's results grew more inconsistent, and valentino gained more of an advantage, despite still having to over-ride the bike in a way that helped cause his dnf in rio (his first dnf since brno 2002 and his first non-mechanical dnf since mugello 2001). apart from a brief period where biaggi seemed like he was going to reinsert himself in the title fight, plus a sete win in brno, for the most part the tide had clearly turned in valentino's favour and that yamaha title was looking more and more like a certainty. so let's pick up the narrative at the next major flashpoint between the pair of them, at motogp's first visit to qatar
I've already written up a post that gives more information on that race and the specifics of the controversy, so I'll forgo another detailed summary of events here. the basic facts we have at our disposal are that valentino's team, whether to his knowledge or not, rubbered up his spot of the grid, and he was then penalised for it. he worked his way up from the back of the grid before crashing out of fourth place. sete won, reducing the gap separating the two riders at the top of the standings to a mere fourteen points with three rounds to go. valentino was furious at sete, at honda, at the stewards, at pretty much everyone. here are some of his remarks:
"Gibernau's victory is not real. They stole the match from us with the shameful farce of the penalty. A truly incredible situation occurred. Everyone cleans the starting 'box'. Is there a written rule? In Rio we all went to wash the track, which was dirty. The same thing happened here. In F1 the cars skid, the asphalt is cleaned with the motorbikes. After Friday's practice [before the Saturday race] we saw Biaggi's mechanics cleaning the track and we thought it was a good idea. We cleaned the track and Honda screwed up. The others have to attach themselves to something. Gibernau and his chief suspension mechanic didn't hesitate to snitch like kids. Something ridiculous. I didn't expect to get to this point. In the race I gave a lot in the early stages, after two corners I was eighth and after four laps I was already in fourth position. I spent a lot and relaxed for a moment. Unfortunately I went wide and couldn't find the curb anymore. I made a mistake, but I wouldn't have made such a mistake if I had started from the front. I hope to make up for it in Malaysia, fortunately I didn't get hurt in the crash. It went well for the finger, when I saw the blood I was scared. But the finger didn't explode."
^some of these websites have a habit of collating a bunch of different answers into one paragraph of remarks but personally I am choosing to believe he did actually deliver this as a single monologue
valentino also said he had been looking for an excuse not to speak to sete, called him a child, saying sete had essentially stabbed him in the back. and of course, so the legend goes, he infamously vowed that sete would never win another race again
who snitched?
everything up until now has been more or less just summarising events as they happened - but now we enter considerably murkier waters. we do not definitively know one way or another what happened in qatar, who said what, who was responsible for what. let's get the less important mystery out of the way first: did valentino really curse sete?
no, not in the sense of 'did valentino rossi really perform black magic' - more the question of if he ever really said it. a lot of journalists who are otherwise at least mildly reputable seem to take it as read, but also a lot of journalists are motivated to believe he said it because it makes for a fantastic story. when did he say it? to whom? one source talks about it being at the press conference of the following race, which I know for a fact is not the case. here's a source that is one of the ones to have swayed me more to the side of 'yeah maybe he did say it':
Rossi then did an interview with Italian TV. He’d hurt his little finger, really mashed it up, in the crash. And he famously said “I will make sure Gibernau will never win another race because of this”. We’ve all got a soft spot for Valentino, and I can remember thinking ‘oh God, I wouldn’t have said that if I were you. I really wouldn’t have said that…’
I know this is objectively not a lot to go on, but at least it's a commentator/journalist who was there at the time, claiming they remember finding out about it, giving a little detail about to whom it supposedly was said ('italian tv') and having an immediate response to it that they are also remembering. obviously, this too could be bogus. but, well, at the end of the day I'm with the journalists here: I too want it to be true because it is indeed a fantastic story. there has also been the suggestion, again poorly sourced, that valentino has denied saying this - or, and this genuinely would be my favourite option of them all, that he said he only meant it for that year. hate it when I place a curse on someone and it accidentally lasts too long
now that I've done my due diligence, here's the good bit: beyond a certain point, it does not matter whether valentino actually said it or not. what mattered is that everyone thought he said it - and, crucially, as 2005 wore on, it became ever more part of the discourse. it was part of the reporting of races: could gibernau finally break the curse? it was discussed extensively in the commentary: we're back in qatar, do curses have an expiration date of a year or not? there is no way that within the claustrophobic world of the motogp paddock sete would have been been able to avoid it, let alone be unaware of it entirely. (incidentally, the fact that this is the case and I've not been able to find a better source of valentino denying it makes me again feel like he did actually say it - though I suppose it'd also be pretty funny if he hadn't said it but was like. actually this is working out quite nicely for me.) assuming for a moment that valentino is not capable of literally cursing people, the 'real effect' the curse can have is only in tormenting its victim through the mere knowledge of its supposed existence
but we're getting ahead of ourselves here. whether the curse existed or not, it could only have the effect it had if valentino fulfilled its initial promise - by denying sete another win that season while securing the title for himself. so let's just quickly recap where we're at: three rounds to go, fourteen points between the two contenders. valentino went back to italy to try and fix the fucked up finger and presumably to cool off a bit. the motogp media did what it does best and spent the entire week hyping up the drama. and there was, of course, another mystery everyone was still trying to get to the bottom of: was sete really involved in valentino's penalty?
let's first tack on another question: does it even matter? of course, the truth has never been established with 100% certainty either way, and all it does is give the two parties a reason to blow up a friendship that was already getting a little bit strained. either way, the relationship between them was ruined; either way, valentino crushed sete. not just that - whether it really happened or not is one thing, but I feel just a touch more confident in asserting that valentino believed it happened, just from my extreme vibes-based analysis of how genuinely furious he seemed and how he was still referring to sete's dirty games a whole eleven years later. which, of course, doesn't in itself really tell us one way or another what actually happened. valentino can convince himself of all manner of things. if anything, his track record as well as how ruthlessly he exploited the situation to his own advantage count against believing his version of events. and, at the end of the day, only one of valentino and sete can speak to sete's involvement in the protest that caused the penalty with complete certainty. it's not valentino
and in a way, it doesn't really matter. sete is unsettled either way - because even if he did have some hand in the penalty, this is the kind of low level petty snitching athletes and their teams constantly engage in. I cannot imagine he would have thought valentino would react as he did. quite honestly, I'm not sure sete could have conceived of a rival reacting like that to anything. if sete was responsible, then valentino still managed to escalate to a level of hostility sete would never have been able to match, let alone be comfortable with. obviously, it would not be in his interest to retroactively admit any involvement in the matter, not least because he saw how valentino responded to the mere assumption of sete's guilt. it does, however, still matter in evaluating sete's assertions that the relationship between them changed more or less from one day to the next (which *gestures at the above wall of text* I'm not entirely convinced by), and in judging whether this is a feud that's entirely built on the back of valentino's delusions. was sete really completely unaware and, a separate question - was it an unreasonable assumption from valentino that he was involved? if both of those questions are answered in the affirmative, then you do have to say what follows must have been absolutely bonkers from sete's perspective. I mean, it's kind of bonkers anyway, but. y'know. even more so
the problem with actually evaluating the claims are that basically every source about it frames the whole thing differently and often in contradictory ways, to the point where even valentino's actual allegation has been shrouded in the mists of time. different journalists and commentators and authors after the fact have confidently asserted that either hrc or sete's gresini team lodged the protest - some seem to take it as read that sete did indeed have some kind of role in it, and there is no indication whether they have some kind of privileged information that backs this up or whether this is simply valentino's influence making itself felt. hrc is obviously a likely suspect, given they canonically hate valentino and are praying for his downfall and have invested a whole lot already to bring it about. then again, gresini are the ones who are actually in this championship battle - and, of course, there's the distinct possibility that all parts of honda were involved in this together. other figures that have been brought up are gresini team principal fausto gresini who it has been claimed was personally involved in making the protest - this from the stuart barker biography, which treats it essentially as established fact. the barker biography also says that yamaha was not found to be breaking any specific rules, but race direction said it was against the 'spirit' of the sport, which... okay, I'd also be pretty annoyed to be penalised for that, especially at that stage of the season. while it is of course possible that sete was not involved in his own team's actions, it does seem a little less likely that he would not have at the very least been informed. to add another twist, one version of the story that has cropped up more than once is that valentino's allegation was that sete and his crew chief juan martinez went to hrc to get them to go to race direction. also, it may be that ducati protested both valentino and biaggi (who was definitely breaking the rules). which, good on them
unfortunately this is pretty inconclusive stuff and at a certain point it feels like you have nothing better than gut feeling to rely on to choose which narrative is more convincing to you. which is annoying! where's the substantial evidence! nowhere, it appears, not that I've been able to find it - but there is one more tangible source that I haven't brought up until now. you see, dorna, in their infinite commitment to the bit, have been kind enough to make the thursday press conference at the very next race one of the very few of that era that they have uploaded in its entirety. I am talking, of course, of the pre-event press conference at sepang
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^posing for a friendly post-presser photo <3 two guys just chillin' having fun having a laff
if you are an aficionado of awkward and tense and kind of awful press conferences, then you will have an excellent time with this one. I've uploaded pretty much all of the relevant bits that I'll link to as I go; they're not obligatory watching to understand the rest of the post as I will be covering them here anyway, but they sure are interesting (and funny, which is really the most important thing)
first, let's set the scene: four blokes sitting at a table. the seat at its centre sits empty. the championship leader has not yet arrived when the press conference starts, removing the opportunity for one of the most sacred rituals that preempts any motogp press conference: the vibe check. a lot has happened and a lot has been said since the relevant parties last saw each other face to face and it is unclear where the vibes will be at when the reunion happens. will they acknowledge each other? make eye contact? shake hands? speak to each other? the journalists have not had a chance to find out. and one of the two involved parties has not either
after some softball questions relevant to 'racing' and 'points' in 'motogp' and its 'title fight', the moderator finally gets to the bit everyone's actually here for: the drama [1]. at this point, sete dates both the presser and himself by saying he's been trying to block everything out with his "mp3", before expressing his sympathy for valentino and saying he doesn't hold any of valentino's words spoken in the heat of the moment against him. at some point, he delivers a couple of lines that possess the kind of concentrated narrative juice you get a sugar high from, saying "we all know valentino. I know how he really is, he's a good guy". just as he finishes answering the question, his eyes flick over to the side - and the camera pans over to valentino entering the room with a slight smirk and of course his big ass sunglasses still very much adorning his face
nicky hayden sits to valentino's left and is interviewed before valentino is - while valentino does not acknowledge sete, who is sitting to his right. when he is questioned [2], valentino initially sounds like he is intending to turn the page on the whole affair and if anything doesn't particularly want to comment any further on what has happened. he also manages to deliver a truly classic motogp rider line, saying "I have a hole in the finger, but I think it is not a big problem for ride this weekend". right! but already here, it becomes swiftly clear that he is still furious at what happened and aggrieved by the penalty. he caps things off with a nice line saying that at least he wasn't actually slower than 'gibernau' in qatar, before turning around and shaking hayden's hand and chatting to him
it immediately becomes clear that all the questions from the floor are going to be about the same thing [3], and sete looks miserably uncomfortable while valentino just comes across as incredibly surly, his smile at times taking on a mildly murderous quality. one journalist fires off an all time classic presser question with "in qatar you say you were searching for an excuse to not talk any more with sete" and again valentino side steps, half-making it sound like he's willing to move on - while sete continues to strike a conciliatory note, continues to stress how it was all just the heat of the moment. but a follow-up question to valentino gives the journalists and sete the clearest indication that this, in fact, is really happening. valentino says this is not in the past, that he'd already said what he thinks last week and is standing by it. sete looks over at him - with disbelief, with incredulity, with the air of a man who really can't quite believe the turn this has taken
if there had been any lingering doubt at how unfairly treated valentino feels, he dispels it in his answer about stewarding decisions [4]. at the end of his exchange with the reporter about it, he brings up an incident where sete overtook under a yellow flag in mugello - which, quite honestly, I had not known about and I haven't found any reference to, so maybe nobody did spot it at the time if it indeed happened. remember, valentino had gone through not one but two bad run-ins with the yellow flag situation the year before, costing him a win at donington and making him ride at his limit to reclaim the win at phillip island. did he speak about this mugello situation at the time, or has he really just carried it around with him silently for months? a professional grudge-carrier, you have to say, a true master at the art. at the next question, valentino continues putting space between himself and sete [5], saying they have been rivals for a long time and that "it's the same condition" (i.e. situation). the friendship isn't just gone, it's so gone it might as well have never existed. if you really want to read more into this than the short response deserves, you could argue he's saying the facade has been lifted, that the true nature of the rivalry has been revealed at last
and now, we get to the critical part: sete is invited to explain himself and tell the press whether he had any involvement in the penalty or not [6]. he's clearly put a lot of thought into this in the past week and decided what he should focus on is that he wanted all the grid slots to be cleaned in the interest of safety. interestingly, he says "they" blocked him from doing that, but it's unclear whether he means gresini or someone else within honda. (presumably honda couldn't have known valentino's team would fuck about with a scooter, and remember camel honda rider biaggi also got a penalty so probably not some kind of company-wide internal memo.) (I mean I guess it'd also be funny if there had been a company-wide internal memo but nobody had thought to send it to biaggi.) sete's argument is basically that he'd be a hypocrite if he'd helped lodge a protest after he himself wanted the grid slots cleaned up - but given that valentino is quite literally calling him a backstabbing bastard, I imagine he wouldn't consider adding the hypocrite tag a bridge too far. the safety commission element of it all is kind of interesting, given as we've established valentino will likely have attended too. if sete raised this at the meeting and valentino did end up discussing it with his team, did vale end up feeling suckered into making a bad choice? probably not, just a thought
anyway, back to gibernau's response. as the journalist who asked the initial question notes, this is all a lot of waffling without a clear, firm denial (I'm paraphrasing) - and a clear, firm denial would generally be a good way to go about these things. in his next answer, sete again fails to just keep things simple, though again he denies any personal involvement. and then, the journalist asks sete to account for his team, including the fact that apparently one of sete's mechanics gave evidence to race direction... and sete says he can only speak for himself
so there we have it. that's the best singular piece of actual evidence I've got for sete's involvement, and at least comes close to confirming that somebody in gresini was involved in the protest, however tangentially. obviously, this in no way confirms sete was himself involved. at least it does give valentino an ever so slightly more reasonable basis of suspicion, though obviously it all just raises more questions like 'why was a gresini mechanic even giving evidence and what about'. that bit is then of course immediately followed by an exchange that's as good a confirmation as we're going to get that it was hrc not gresini who made the protest. so. yeah. I've got nothing. we don't know. draw your own conclusions. the presser ends with another question for good measure about the relationship between the two riders. sete first tells them, more or less, that it's none of their business before sharing a nice laugh with valentino about how valentino is never going to talk to him again
the thing about that press conference is that it's all well and good and fun to use it to try and piece together what really happened at qatar, but there are more interesting things to say about it. it is in that press conference that valentino well and truly begun the process of breaking sete, and he did so completely deliberately. it's quite the little show featuring two guys who are entirely aware that they are surrounded by cameras and reporters and are reacting accordingly. sete is committed to being dignified, to being unflappable, to being magnanimous: whatever valentino said, he will forgive him. he is happy to move on. but as the press conference progresses, he is slowly made to realise that his opponent is the one who is not ready to forgive and is not ready to play nice - not even for the cameras. especially not in front of the cameras
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^his poor pinkie finger :(
sete must have felt on top of the world after qatar. he had clawed back 25 points. a championship that had already seemed lost suddenly felt like it might be in his grasp once again. valentino could complain and whine and be furious for italian television, but surely this is the kind of thing that blows over. for too long, sete is under the mistaken impression that they will move on from this. for too long in that presser, sete is playing at respectability while valentino has already progressed to open hostility. it's unnerving, of course it is, to suddenly be completely cold-shouldered and ignored by a man you had thought you were on reasonably good terms with a week ago. it's unnerving for it all to happen in front of cameras, when for so long you have been striving to present a cordial, friendly, civilised image of a rivalry. him and valentino don't do all that nasty business, not like valentino and biaggi. sete's better than that and valentino has grown up a bit - this is one of those ideal rivalries people are always going on about, the ones that are ferocious on-track but respectful and even warm off it. and so, despite everything valentino had said to the press over the past week, he still manages to completely blindside sete in the moment. he still manages to leave him unsettled, and even disoriented
and so we get to the race itself, pivotal for sete and his championship hopes. to still have a chance at clinching the title, he really needs to be fighting at the sharp end of all three of the remaining races. alas, it is not to be. valentino is reinvigorated after the humiliation of qatar and coasts through the weekend on a wave of irreverent indignation - telling reporters after qualifying on pole that this result had been important "especially since it means we know which part of the grid to clean tonight". he thrives in the chaos and the frenzied speculation and the seething tension - whereas sete is nowhere to be found all weekend. valentino wins with a comfortable margin while sete finishes a lowly seventh place. a healthy thirty point lead in the championship has been restored. now, then, in victory valentino has been provided with the opportunity to really twist in the knife. sete comes up alongside him on the cooldown lap, clearly wanting to shake hands - and valentino completely ignores him, does not as much as glance in his direction. then, he stops for one of those whimsical planned celebrations that he's ever so fond of, and he cleans his grid slot with a helpfully provided broom. as valentino says afterwards, "this time I wanted to destroy the morale of everybody". and if that wasn't enough, he adds in the post-race press conference "for me, sete did the best race of the season. he has given me a lot of points, which is like a big present. I am really grateful". charming as ever
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^he also came up with his own cleaning crew founded with his trusty crew chief jerry burgess, 'la rapida', and had shirts mocked up - to 'eliminate dirt from motogp'. so nice to have a supportive crew chief, isn't it? from valentino after the race: "I've been working with jeremy for four years, together we've seen all sorts of things and when I arrived here I saw him with an incredible face, disgusted, saddened. he and the team said we had to react and so we did". and as jb put it, "valentino is the sort of rider I wouldn't want to get angry. he can take you apart on the track". the text on the shirt: "we clear out rats. we disinfect, clear drains and clean starting grids. we also do night jobs - all done in six seconds [aka the qualifying penalty he'd received]"
two races to go, and it's match point rossi. he finishes first or second at phillip island and the championship is his for certain - if he doesn't do so and sete wins the race, it's hello title decider. there is barely any doubt left in people's minds, then, about who the 2004 champion will be... but it's not a done deal. in the very worst case scenario, valentino enters the final round with a slender six point advantage. he's not safe yet. he's not safe yet on the very first lap, which, it has to be said, is a lot of fun. vale gets a better start than sete does from pole, but sete overtakes him around the outside and vale is quickly pushed to third - then fourth, at which point he runs off track and makes a risky excursion into the dirt. at the very next corner, he makes a downhill overtake on two ducatis at once, and sets about hunting down sete who has built up an advantage of over a second
so, in fittingly dramatic fashion, the race comes down to a duel between the two of them, valentino stalking sete around the track lap after lap. if valentino holds his ground, the championship is his - but sete takes the win and can go into the next season with new confidence and self-belief and hope for something better. valentino does not just want to avenge the injustice of qatar; this is an investment for the future. a way of telling sete that he has not just lost this season but that he will always lose, when fighting valentino. there is a promise to be kept, after all - whether it was only supposed to apply to that season or not, valentino refuses to let sete win another race. they exchange overtakes but sete is still just about in the lead when they enter the final lap. it is here that valentino makes his move, not once but twice to make it stick. his riding in that last lap isn't egregiously reckless but certainly not risk-free, and could have ended with him in the gravel and the championship still undecided in valencia. but he's not and it isn't - and just like his first premier class title (a comparison valentino himself makes in his autobiography), his first title with yamaha is sealed on the last lap of phillip island. his championship-winning shirt is uncharacteristically stark, reading simply 'che spettacolo' ('what a spectacle/show') - and he's not wrong. this has been a show, it's been a miracle, and in the end it's been theatre. he's sealed the title in style while also getting his revenge. it's winning in the most satisfying manner you can win anything: by beating somebody you loathe. celebrations are nice, but isn't there just something special about seeing the person you despise look so wholly miserable?
sete puts on a brave face, determined to be above valentino's pettiness. he goes over, shakes valentino's hand. valentino accepts. of course he does - he's won. sete was a few corners away from denying valentino's curse before it had ever really sunk its claws in. would it have changed things, if he could simply have regained a little confidence and found his bearings again after the psychological onslaught of the sepang weekend? maybe, maybe not. of course, looking at valentino's 2005 season, you have to say valentino was almost certainly operating on a level no version of sete would have been able to match. but there's still a lot of room between 'fighting for a championship' and 'becoming a shell of the rider you once were' - and if things had gone a little differently, you do also have to say that a championship as open as 2006 was could have represented opportunity for all manner of rider. if only he'd been able to cauterise the wound in phillip island, rather than letting valentino dig his teeth in even further
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^at least capirossi's having a good time :D
the championship sealed and there's but one round to go. once again the paddock must regrettably visit a track that some critics have described as 'drab' and 'soulless' and 'the enemy of good racing', and one at which valentino has only won once before. but the way to tease out a special performance from valentino is generally to give him a point to prove, add in a little spite to get the fires spitting, and he wins at the circuit for the second (and last) time of his career. in front of the spanish fans too, which must have felt particularly satisfying - and the race itself isn't all too bad in the first half (the way valentino gets past gibernau/biaggi is quite funny). home hero sete takes fourth, and that's a wrap on the 2004 championship
there's something deceptively comfortable about the final numbers: 304 points to 257. 47 points. no problem. but sports isn't just numbers; it's the story those numbers tell. valentino was furious in qatar and he made a mistake and he ended up in a position where things don't have to go all that differently for him to lose the title. the momentum was on the side of his enemy, whose confidence and morale had been given a much-needed boost. the genius of the entire sepang weekend, from the press conference to his jibes in interviews to his dominance performance-wise to the cold shoulder to the pointed celebrations, was that they all worked together to stop that momentum cold
maybe it didn't make much of a difference - valentino was always in the stronger position given he both had a points advantage and was the faster man. but faster men have lost championships before. ignore raw pace and performance edge and all of that: valentino wrested control of the intangibles - momentum, self-belief, all of those abstract things that defy rational analysis - and brought them firmly back onto his side. sete spent the entire weekend off balance, unsettled, forced to discuss things that made him uncomfortable, engulfed in a media storm he was ill-suited to coping with. all the while, valentino relished it and used it to spur himself on. by the time sete had regrouped in phillip island and was far cooler - if still respectful - towards valentino, it was already too late
in the interest of eventually finishing this post, we're not going to cover sete's downfall in that much depth. but there is still one last critical blow that valentino has to inflict to truly bring an end to the gibernau experiment. the very first race of 2005 was one that valentino particularly wanted to win - not just to inform his competitors that this year would be more of the same, but also because they were once again on sete's home soil. time for jerez
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^new year, new sete! this time he's going to show that italian upstart what's what
as ever, the media had done its best to hype up this new season. sete would be getting full support from the factory (which, yes, feels like maybe they should have considered providing a touch earlier) and he made it clear he was ready for the challenges ahead, ready to get revenge and all that. the spanish had grown fonder of their unexpected challenger too, and showed up in full force to support their man in the opening race. of course, a lot of people quietly agreed that realistically speaking, the competitive picture was looking pretty ominous. 2004 should have been the season in which valentino got the yamaha project up and running, setting up a title challenge in 2005. but he was ahead of schedule and surely the yamaha would only get stronger. still, you never know, right? that's why we line up on sunday etc etc
valentino stole pole position from sete right at the end of qualifying, but crashed in warm-up and ended up using his second bike, which is never ideal. the start was already feisty from both parties, and for a while valentino was relegated back to third. but sooner rather than later, he assumed his familiar position sitting right on sete's rear tyre, showing sete his wheel here and there just to remind him where he was. remember the whole sachsenring debacle after which valentino told himself that he wasn't going to leave it that late again? well, he was actually nice and sensible here, and made a move with two laps to go, successfully passing sete for the lead
which should have been the end of it. nice and clinical, a lovely relatively stress-free culmination of a whole race's work where valentino had diligently studied his opponent's strengths and weaknesses and had formulated his plan accordingly. job done, another win on the board to start the season. except then valentino decided to make things interesting again on the very last lap by out-braking himself on the back straight and running it wide into turn 6, allowing sete back through. there's a slightly frenetic energy with which valentino immediately hops back onto sete's rear wheel, already a touch of desperation about his lunge on the inside of turn 11 where he briefly goes past - but he's in too hot and sete's back in front
what all this means is that valentino really only has one opportunity left at turn 13 and barely any time to conceive of it. there's no planning or calculation or strategy here. valentino has one option to attack if he wants to win this race. it's a dive that is instinctive rather than planned - the only calculation here is that he would rather crash them both out than let sete win the race. back then (and a bit ironic from a modern point of view), valentino's infamous dangled leg was seen as evidence that he was out of control, doing anything he could to get the bike stopped while going for a gap that wasn't really there to be gone for. they make contact, valentino manages to get the bike turned and sete goes off into the gravel, but can get the bike back on track to finish second. valentino does a wheelie over the line. sete makes a thumbs down gesture
the spanish fans decide pretty quickly whose side they're taking in this. there's booing, whistling as valentino completes his victory lap, going full ham as he pumps his fists and claps at them and does a thumbs up and waves and puts his hand on his hip and all the rest of it as they scream at him. parc fermé is tense, the eye of the storm in the midst of the deafening roars of the crowd, with sete giving vale a couple of long looks as he gets off the bike. it's all big drama, everyone consulting their teams, talks of appeals to race direction, valentino grimly satisfied while sete is aggrieved, furious - stretching out his arm, clutching it, shaking his head while shaking teammate melandri's hand. he approaches valentino, says a few words to him as he walks past - valentino is not particularly interested in engaging in conversation. the crowd demands valentino's disqualification, and also call him a son of a whore. they're also obviously still booing. and whistling. lots of noise
on their way to the podium, sete is making tortured progress, pausing for a moment in the stairwell to clutch at his arm. at this point, valentino takes a moment to take the piss out of his rival, turning to the camera with a big smile and gesturing at sete. eventually they make it to the podium and vale laps up the displeasure of the spanish crowd. valentino smirks while sete goes for a sort of pained dignity, thanking the spanish crowd for their support, claiming the moral victory and all that. the italian anthem is almost inaudible
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^sete always tried to go for a kind of stoically disapproving vibe, helped along this time by his pain in the shoulder. unfortunately for him, he does just come across as thoroughly defeated. which he was
the problem that sete faces here is that, while valentino is obviously more accustomed to a rather friendlier reception, it's also not like he particularly minds the spaniards giving him a hard time. valentino has claimed his fourth victory in succession, and has done so by once again denying sete on the very last lap. he has sent a message that this new season will be exactly the same as the last and that he remains exactly as determined to make sete's life miserable. while he does seem to think sete is playing up the shoulder injury, in general sete's solemn grimaces are like catnip to him. just before the anthem, he reaches out to shake first melandri's hand and then sete's - and sete hesitates, before extending his arm to the fullest extent to shake valentino's hand with about as little proximity as is physically possible. it's good sportsmanship, but it does also as good as tell valentino he's not going to kick up too big a fuss. in a way, whatever choice he made would have played into valentino's hands. even though this time sete may have directly confronted valentino, he's still not prepared to escalate things beyond that... and valentino knows it
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^one of the classic rancid vibes podiums. the hands on hips at the ceaseless spanish booing is a nice touch
this choice to avoid further escalation is one sete continues to abide by in the press conference, echoing the assen presser from the year before beat for beat. again, valentino comments that it was a great battle, that sete is surely angry but, essentially, it is what it is ("this is the racing"). again, sete congratulates valentino for the win, but refrains from complaining about valentino's actions during the race. he has since said that he talked to race direction about it and was incredibly disillusioned about their choice not to penalise valentino - but again, not a whisper of it to the media with valentino sitting next to him
the one thing he did say was that he hoped he'd be fit to race in estoril because of his shoulder. remember the whole clutching at his arm routine where valentino (and the commentators) were kinda taking the mickey out of sete's comically pained expressions? well, um, turns out he did have a lot of pre-existing shoulder problems, and indeed that was the bit of his body that caused him considerable problems for the rest of his motogp career:
Gibernau dislocated his collarbone when he crashed out of the lead of the 2002 Portuguese Grand Prix on a Suzuki GSV-R, suffered a left shoulder tendon injury during his last turn clash with Valentino Rossi at Jerez 2005, then damaged the same shoulder further when he fell in practice for the following Estoril round. At the 2006 Catalan Grand Prix, Gibernau broke his left collarbone after spectacularly tangling with Ducati team-mate Loris Capirossi at the start of the race. Gibernau required a further operation shortly after when the titanium plate inserted to help his collarbone heal was found to have weakened. The new plate was in turn damaged when Gibernau hit Casey Stoner's fallen Honda in the penultimate round of the season, again at Estoril, marking the end of Gibernau's factory Ducati - and, it seemed - MotoGP career. Before making his 2009 MotoGP comeback, Gibernau had the metal plate removed from his collarbone, only to suffer shoulder ligament damage during training - forcing him to miss the final pre-season test.
well, anyway, after the controversy has had two weeks to continue on full steam, valentino does strike a somewhat more contrite note in the estoril pre-event press conference. he says he hadn't been aware of the whole shoulder situation and that sete had been unlucky given it had been a light touch in a slow corner... but having rewatched the footage he can see how, yes, maybe the contact could have hurt sete. these things happen, right? and at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter for valentino, because the controversy blows over. what remains is the blow (psychological rather than physical) he dealt sete. what remains is that he won and sete lost, again, and sete has still failed to win since qatar
"And I really think that as long as he wins this race, even if he only takes five points back off Valentino Rossi, he will be happy with that, because it's all about getting back to winning ways. He hasn't won since Qatar last October. He's got to take a victory, just to get his season back on course. Valentino Rossi is going to take a lot of stopping, and really all he can do is try and win this race in front of his home crowd." [...] "That race in Qatar, and the problems they had in that race with Valentino Rossi crashing out after having to start from the back of the grid was really when all the problems started, didn't it, for Sete Gibernau. [...] But really that's where his problems started, both on and off the track for Sete Gibernau after that race victory in Qatar. I really can't believe he would've believed that was going to happen. He was so, so pleased to win that race." [...] "This is a big big thirteen laps for Sete Gibernau, isn't it. If he can hold off Valentino Rossi, psychologically, it would be a very very big victory for him."
^excerpts from the catalunya 2005 commentary, the sixth round of the season. valentino had said in the presser after the preceding race that he expected biaggi and melandri to be his main rivals that season. sete leads for almost the entire race before valentino makes his race-winning overtake with three laps to go and smashes the previous circuit record on that lap
what remains is one failure after another. an important thing to stress when we talk about a 'curse' is that sete gibernau did not suddenly stop being a frontrunner after qatar 2004. he qualified on pole five times in 2005 (same as valentino, funnily enough - his average grid position was actually better than vale's, 2.82 v 4.12). even so, things go from bad to worse for sete. often valentino does his own dirty work in stopping sete when he's getting a bit too close to that elusive victory, winning a close duel in catalunya, pressuring sete into a mistake at the sachsenring, that kind of thing. often, he does not even have to. sometimes he took himself out, like crashing out of the lead in the wet conditions he was once so very skilled at in estoril (not helping his injured shoulder) or in donington park, where valentino went on to deliver perhaps the finest wet weather performance of his career to take the win
"I don't think anyone can be to blame for crashing out in these conditions, can they. [...] It really is at that stage of the season for Sete Gibernau where it's all or nothing, really just got to try and win races. We're now twelve races since his last victory at Qatar. Valentino Rossi promised after that race that Gibernau would never win another race and well it seems to be coming true so far."
^excerpt from the donington park 2005 commentary, the ninth race of the season, where sete crashed out of the lead in horrendous wet conditions
valentino's favoured way of winning races played into his hands here. pressure, pressure, pressure - preferably exerted from right behind his victim, with the knowledge that valentino is waiting and studying and ready to pounce on any mistake. even if you don't make any, he'll probably get you anyway. the effect of these defeats becomes nicely cumulative, where even the knowledge that valentino will be coming (even if he isn't there yet), that eventually he will try and pass you (even if he hasn't done so yet), is enough to make his opponents self-destruct before he even has to lift a finger. what he does to sete is the most extreme version of how that tactic typically works, by slowly eating away at sete's confidence and composure and self-belief until the eventual error feels increasingly inevitable. valentino knows it is coming, sete knows it is coming, and they both play their parts accordingly
"But Rossi straight after Gibernau, now he'll start those pressure games. Pressure is on Sete Gibernau. He has not won a race for a year; the last race win was here. And the man he doesn't speak to, he doesn't speak back to him either, Valentino Rossi, behind him, and Rossi will start exerting the pressure Rossi-style as we know." [...] "A year ago, wasn't it, it doesn't seem that long ago, doesn't it, that Sete Gibernau was so delighted to win the race here. And Valentino Rossi really left in a strop, didn't he. But there we are, Sete Gibernau - but we've seen it before, and Rossi seems so have this ability to faze him, out at the front, put pressure on him." [...] "Well, Nick, you said at the start of this race that Valentino Rossi has plenty of motivation to win this race here. He wants to take ten wins for Yamaha, it would be the first Yamaha rider ever to do that in the premier class. He wants to end a drought almost in his terms, certainly since he became a Yamaha rider - he's never gone three races without winning a race before, but that could happen today if Gibernau holds this out. And of course the one thing he really wants to stop is Sete Gibernau from winning a race one year on from the day that Rossi said he would never win another one for the rest of his career." "How long does a g-'s curse take, I mean, is it just a year, the g-'s curse and then does it come off? Because if it is then he's just about right, isn't he? [...] Perhaps the curse is gone; perhaps this is just what Sete Gibernau needed."
^excerpts from the qatar 2005 commentary, the fourteenth round of the season. sete looked like he was making a break for it ahead of valentino and then melandri. six laps to go melandri almost causes valentino to crash and costs valentino over a second, but it doesn't matter. this time it's melandri who has the honours of coaxing a mistake out of sete, who goes off into the gravel as melandri passes him. valentino overtakes melandri for the victory
sometimes, he did just seem cursed in the truest sense of the word. his bike running out of fuel on the last lap while he's still fighting valentino for the victory. mechanical dnf's. other riders barging him out of the way before valentino even has the chance to. he switched manufacturers for 2006, getting a spot on the ducati factory team: his last race with honda was ended by an engine failure and his first race with ducati was ended by an electronics failure. a freak boot protector malfunction that left his foot bleeding halfway through the race. a nasty crash in catalunya, followed by his ambulance crashing into a bus fifty metres in front of the hospital entrance. in the end, it was probably the injury caused by casey stoner bringing him down in estoril that pushed him definitively into retiring - after he was dropped by ducati in favour of casey. so it goes
obviously, valentino cannot be held responsible for anything in that last paragraph. you can't mind game your opponent into having their engine blow up, at least I don't think you can. the stuff before that is fair game. what valentino did in jerez essentially stopped the title fight before it could even get started. it was ruthlessly effective in removing sete as a significant player at the top of the sport. sure, it's always hard to attribute a competitive decline such as this one to any single factor. but if ever there was a time to maybe just blame one person...
sete more often than not has kept his silence about the rivalry. in 2005, he generally did not go much further than saying that the whole thing was one-sided and started by valentino, see this (from one of oxley's books):
But don't ask me about him as a person, I'll only speak about him from a professional point of view, that's about it. I don't know why he's got a problem with me because I've never had a problem with him. I've always had a lot of respect for everyone on the grid, I just wish everyone shared that respect, because once you lose respect you lose everything.
on a similar topic, at some point he has also spoken about the qatar controversy again, saying the following:
He blamed me but it was nothing I did. Of course I didn't report him - I didn't even see what happened. I'd had a very good relationship with Valentino for many years but after that it just came around.
in 2009, at the time of sete's ultimately short-lived motogp comeback, he went along with the slight farce of a reconciliation, shaking valentino's hand and talking to him with cameras watching - the season after valentino had regained his crown in '08. but it is fair to say not all is forgotten. at times, he has done his best to draw a line under jerez and continues to refrain from criticising valentino publicly, like this from 2017:
The Catalan avoids criticizing the Italian for any controversial maneuver, such as that of Jerez 2005. "At the time I was living, based on my values, principles and education, I tried to do things as well as I knew how. And I am very proud of what I did ." Sete explains what it means to battle Vale. "We did very nice things fighting against a phenomenon, he may be the best in the history of motorcycling. I am proud to have fought face to face with a guy who is a phenomenon," he explains.
(obviously, you can read this as valentino not following whatever values, principles or education he might have possessed.) at other times, he's been a little more openly critical. in 2020, he still did not criticise valentino as much as he did the response to the overtake, which he felt set a bad precedent and has contributed to the normalisation of a more aggressive style of racing in the years since:
I don't know how many times we've talked about that corner, but the more time goes by the more I understand after that, things change. Many people were seeing that move, and from that moment on it opened the door for it to happen many more times. At the end of the race, both of us did what we thought was best for the championship, and my opinion can be whatever. But since then things have changed in MotoGP and racing is understood, which I don't agree [with].
he also adds this:
When asked if race direction would have looked into that incident had it happened today, Gibernau responded: "To tell you the truth, no. I don't think so. "I've got different thoughts on that side, which are mine, and like I said I don't need to be right or wrong. Everyone has his own thoughts, and if I put myself now in a situation where I was watching a race and I saw what happened there [at Jerez] where two guys risking their own lives touched each other in a difficult last corner, and I was looking at it with my son who would like to become a road racer, and everyone would give the victory to a guy that has touched another one, I wouldn't be wanting that to happen. "I don't want anyone to get hurt. It's one of my priorities and it's how I understand sport and racing. MotoGP is already so dangerous that in my opinion we should all put together our know how to avoid these type of situations. Is it difficult to do? Yes. Is it impossible to do? I don't think so. It's responsibility to whoever is in charge of the championship and to put the rules where we need to stay away from this type of situation because, like I say, we're risking more than just a crash."
and even more recently, in 2023, he's spoken about the jerez race being the source of his disillusionment:
If I'm telling the truth, Jerez 2005 made me lose my enthusiasm for being in the races. I tried to maintain it until the beginning of 2006, with Ducati, and when we could have won, a mechanic left a gear screw unadjusted and the gear lever fell off. That day, in Jerez 2005, I mentally retired. Valentino went inside and took me out. They didn't penalize him. It's my personal opinion, everyone will have their own opinion and it must be respected, but I think that this is not a contact sport.
also in 2023, in a separate interview, he said this:
But he didn't get a punishment or anything, and then I started to lose my faith in the sport. [...] I couldn't understand how, y'know this was not a contact sport, I couldn't understand... things happen in the championship and things had been going on inside and everything and I just lost my - started to lose my illusion in the racing.
which is later in the same interview followed by this (which is partly about his woes in 2006 - he also talked about the moment with the gear screw, but I think pinpoints that rather than jerez as the day he mentally retired):
I had done such a big effort to put myself to a position to where, I was fighting against my own demons, I was fighting against the championship, I thought no one's helping here. I was fighting against one of the top guys in the history of racing, which was Valentino, and I just thought, but, Valentino doesn't even need to do what he's doing to win, and no one is saying nothing. There was many things there and I just couldn't understand... I'm fighting against everything, you know, and I was expecting the championship to just be a little more neutral on that side, just to say, if someone does something wrong you've got to say, in my opinion, it's not a contact sport; it's already dangerous enough to being able to say you can hit someone and say, wow, that was a great move. [...] Everyone is brave on a MotoGP bike. Moto3, Moto2, MotoGP, from the first guy to the last guy, you cannot pinpoint on TV and say how brave this guy was by hitting another guy. Because if I'm a dad watching that I would not want my son to be in a championship like this. Because it's not bravery, it's not about hitting another guy - if you want to do that, go boxing. [...] And from a guy like Valentino, which is, a superstar, why accept that? I think it was wrong, in my opinion, he didn't need to do that. Since then, many things have been happening because of that movement. Because kids saw that and said that's the way to do it. And then Marquez is doing it to this guy, and the other guy is doing it to the other guy, and you get killed in racing. It's already dangerous. We should stay away from that. That's why I never understood - it got to a point where I just - oh man. It's nothing to do with me here any more, you know, and I just left racing and I retired.
for the most part, then, sete is still quite contained in his criticisms of valentino, focusing on the jerez incident and not really delving into what happened the year prior to that. he mainly questions why valentino even felt the need to do what he did to sete, and suggests valentino set a bad example to others - especially kids watching, especially future riders. his criticisms also concern motogp as a sport, those who set the rules and those who regulate them, in not doing anything to stamp down on this kind of racing. he says he felt like he lacked support from the entirety of the sport and eventually decided that he'd had enough
I haven't added this block of text just because I enjoy transcribing large portions of three hour long podcast interviews that didn't really need to be three hours long (apparently the most tried and tested method of getting riders to share their more candid thoughts about anything) - but because this, uh, average-length tumblr post wouldn't really feel complete without it. it's all very well and good to talk about how sete was mentally 'broken' by what valentino did to him. you can have whatever opinion you want about the thoughts sete expresses here on riding standards and acceptable levels of aggression. you can also maybe doubt whether it really was just 'disillusionment' with race direction's approach to valentino's jerez pass that caused his competitive decline - obviously, three hour confessional podcast interview or not, this is a narrative he's still chosen for a reason and it sells himself and his career in a certain way. but - but - especially given the exact circumstances in which his rise to title challenger status occurred and how heavily he involved himself in the safety commission... well, at the very least I'm not going to leave it out. should he have made his complaints publicly known at the time, if this is something he felt so strongly about? is this level of criticism warranted by that specific jerez move? it's tough, because from the modern perspective of course I too have gotten used to a kind of racing where that level of contact is fairly normalised - which two riders this century have played a disproportionate role in bringing about. on the one hand, valentino is right in his defence that relatively speaking, this is far from the fastest or hardest contact out there. on the other hand, it's a move that was made with the knowledge it would result in contact. and in doing so, he injured sete, because that's what can happen even as a result of relatively 'light' touches. make up your own mind! it's not an easy topic to address, and I most certainly wouldn't be able to do it justice here. let's wrap this up
of delusion and despair
valentino has always been intensely aware of the power of narratives and takes care in how he tells his own story. the most literal version in which anyone can tell their own story is, obviously, by publishing an autobiography - which he did in 2005, covering everything up until his first title with yamaha at the end of 2004. it is not presented in chronological order and is instead organised in a far more loose thematic manner, with valentino not feeling any compulsion to give all parts of his life anywhere close to equal attention. still, when you read it, certain omissions do jump out at you - and the exclusion of gibernau is perhaps the most remarkable. you could say it's because he doesn't want to speak ill of his rivals, but he has no problem going into a fair bit of detail about his feud with biaggi. you could say it's because the gibernau rivalry was still going on at time of writing, but the same is more or less true about biaggi who placed third in the 2004 championship. there is not a single paragraph in his autobiography devoted to the relationship with gibernau. every mention of him is just that: a mention. a name thrown in without care when discussing something else entirely. you are told vale passed gibernau to win the 2004 championship - but if you read the autobiography without any other knowledge of valentino, you'd be forgiven for not realising gibernau had been his title rival at all
yes, within the grand context of his career, biaggi does have to be seen as a more significant rival... but this narrative was still being written in late 2004, at a time in which valentino had committed himself to destroying sete. maybe valentino doesn't want to comment on controversies that are still bubbling along, but the sheer extent of the erasure feels far more deliberate than that. this is somebody who had been valentino's friend for years, enough so that they spent time with each other outside of work, went on holidays together, blokes who for all intents and purposes truly liked each other's company. somebody who had been his closest rival for two years, who had pushed him closer than anyone else had in his title runs, who he had experienced some of his greatest career defeats and victories against. according to the narrative presented by the autobiography, he might as well be just any other rider. it's worse than fury, worse than loathing: it's disinterest
(it has to be said, quite possibly the funniest omission is when he's talking about how "angry and disappointed" he was after qatar because of, and I quote, "honda having lodged an appeal". ... anyone else you thought was involved, valentino? .....?)
which is quite the punishment to enact. one reason why this rivalry is so tricky to analyse is, yes, it's one that's quite old by now, but also because we are drawing from a far smaller sample size of valentino comments - almost all of which were provided at the time - when you compare it to any of his other major rivalries. sure, he still talks about jerez 2005, when he's asked about it - though it might as well just have been another fun race, another dramatic victory, another controversial overtake, rather than anything that had any greater significance. (of course, there is also a clip of him forgetting about the race entirely when thinking about last corner overtakes in the premier class with sete in the room - which you can read into if you so choose.) he's talked plenty over the years about his first yamaha title in 2004, but not about the man he beat to secure it. this was his closest title battle of the ones he won (just pipping 2009), but he might as well have won it against a faceless amalgamation of the honda corporation rather than an actual living breathing rival. it's as if that title battle started and ended in welkom, where it was biaggi not gibernau who valentino had to best. even though publicly the two of them set aside their feud in 2009 and valentino even said then that they could be friends again, this feels like lip service more than anything else. in 2015 at jerez, valentino was questioned about the parallels to his relationship with a certain other rival, who was friendly with valentino at the time but had crashed out while battling vale in the previous race. valentino in response acknowledged his past good friendship with sete, but said it was different: after qatar his relationship with sete had gotten worse as a result of how sete had "played a dirty game". if he had not changed his mind about sete's character eleven years after the fact, why would he have reevaluated in the years since?
it is fair to say that gibernau was the least talented of valentino's major rivals, the least substantial figure in terms of his accomplishments in grand prix racing. biaggi is a four time 250cc champion; nobody needs to be reminded of the achievements of stoner, lorenzo or marquez. sete is the rival who wasn't even supposed to exist; he was catapulted into the position essentially overnight by tragedy. and yet, even acknowledging that, it feels like he is under-discussed in the canon of valentino feuds given the sheer quality of their on-track output (let's face it, there are more great vale/sete battles than there are for say vale/casey) and the high drama of their closest title fight. yes, you can say that's because it is one of the older and less well-remembered rivalries, because it is not quite as dramatic and significant as the biaggi feud... but still, it's quite the disparity. given the power valentino holds in writing the stories within the sport, how can you not conclude that he has played a helping hand in this erasure? being ignored is a far greater indignity than being despised - and after 2004 valentino has barely even offered sete the honour of his hatred
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^sete tried to breathe new life into his motogp career by switching to ducati, but his campaign was derailed by injuries. it was probably scant consolation in his miserable 2006 season, but valentino himself was pretty cursed that year. their last on-track battle came at phillip island, in the series' first bike swap race while valentino was fighting tooth and nail to save his doomed title defence. it's admittedly one of like twenty things that happen in that race, but it is quite funny how sete really came back to life just in time to make valentino's life harder when he really didn't need him to. valentino overtook sete on the final corner of the race for the final podium spot
of course, it is a hell of a lot easier to erase a rivalry when you win it so conclusively. in truth, as an opponent, valentino got the measure of sete fairly quickly. he never lost another direct duel against sete after sachsenring 2003, having essentially vowed as much to himself even when they were nominally still on good terms. the 2004 championship was as close as it was because of valentino's unequivocally inferior machinery and the somewhat less consistent results he achieved as a consequence - but even there, when they fought directly for the win in mugello, catalunya, assen and phillip island, each time valentino came out on top. (you can argue about brno '04 - I'd say it doesn't really count since sete ended up running away with the race with a massive tyre advantage.) still, you don't have to be winning all your direct duels with your opponents to be winning the championship - and at the end of the day, sete did come tantalisingly close to a title, or at the very least forcing a title decider. whatever it is that differentiates 'very good riders' from 'champions' is what sete is lacking. he has something in him... a self consciousness, a self awareness even, that is lethal to professional athletes. he was stuck trying to manage the image of his rivalry with valentino, when valentino was moving in for the kill. valentino too is heavily aware of image, is heavily invested in how he tells his own story - but more often than not, he manages to use it as a weapon to spur himself onwards to further success. when valentino did so once again in late 2004, sete stumbled
it is not novel to suggest that valentino needs enemies to motivate himself. plenty of people within the sport have said it, including his fellow riders. that's what's always worth remembering about the 'mind games' - sure, it's great if he unnerves his opponents, but often it is about providing himself with someone to hate though there are exceptions to this, which I have a lot of thoughts about relating to one casey stoner. valentino needs to have a reason to do what he does; it's not enough to win for the sake of winning if there's no story. in 2003, he had more or less won motogp and was finding it harder and harder to motivate himself, admitting repeatedly that he was losing his joy and passion for racing. yes, this was one of the main factors that led to the move to yamaha: to give himself a reason to keep going. but it was also just the right moment for another rival to emerge from nowhere and give valentino somebody new to focus his attentions on. when you read the limited autobiography mentions of sete and his interactions with valentino in 2003, it seems hard not to conclude valentino was already feeling a little less kindly towards sete by the end of that year. the relationship did not survive contact with a true title fight, where valentino found himself pushed closer to the limit than he ever had before. the moment he was in real danger, he blew up the relationship and walked away with literal full points for the remainder of the season. at the very next race to start off the new season, he made sure sete would never be a threat to him again
it's natural to conclude from all of this that the feud was built entirely on the back of valentino's delusions, of valentino inventing a concrete reason to despise sete that was based on his mental list of sete's past transgressions, imagined or otherwise. and maybe it was. did sete really snitch? did valentino really think he did? what was it that convinced valentino of sete's guilt? and even if sete was involved, was this really a proportionate response? this is where a lack of evidence and both parties' reticence to discuss the incident in the years since works against us. but - looking beyond the specifics of what happened in qatar, it does feel likely that the relationship would have deteriorated beyond what we saw in assen anyway. that's what a close title fight tends to do to the people involved. isn't it?
sete makes for a suitable foil to valentino because he too intensely concerns himself with how he is perceived. when vale takes on sete, one pretty boy to another, they are both a little too aware of the artifice of what they are doing, a little too concerned with the optics, the image, the spectacle. rivals, friends, enemies - how far apart are any of those things, really? can we be friends if you desperately covet what I have? if you take pleasure at the thought of my downfall? is this oft-touted ideal of a 'respectful' rivalry inevitably nothing but a facade for the ugly reality that lies beneath? 2004 is what happens when their relationship is actually tested - because now they are finally fighting for something real and they both know it. this is what happens in assen, when valentino decides he needs to win at any cost, when sete realises they are not playing the game by the same rules. sete had been performing graciousness and valentino calls him on his bluff
the best rivalries transform both parties; neither side should be allowed to emerge unchanged from the battle they share. sete entered valentino's life as a competitor at a time when everything was a little too easy and as a result a little too hard for valentino. at a time when valentino felt dissatisfied, underappreciated, judged harshly from all sides and pinned down by the weight of the world's glares. the blows sete inflicted on valentino were primarily symbolic, hurting valentino's pride and reputation rather than his title bid in 2003, which was never under any realistic threat. when valentino was at his lowest that season, he responded by bringing the joy back, reverting to type, with a new haircut and an ironic gag of a celebration and a daring victory to boot. in 2004, however, valentino changed. he had to - he was on a worse bike than his opponents that he was wrestling towards a title it had no right to be winning that year. he didn't have the kind of margin for error any more that he could afford in his honda years, no more foolishness like at the sachsenring. so he became a little tougher and a little meaner and a lot more aggressive in his racing. he shed some of the insouciance that both him and sete have at times been accused of and got down to the serious business of winning. not joylessly - after all there are few things more enjoyable than crushing the enemy. still, it's fine to be a clown prince in your downtime, not when you're barging title rivals aside in assen
it is here, then, at assen, that sete makes a critical, fatal mistake. because sete is torn in two: he wants to be the gracious rival, but he also thinks what valentino did is wrong and wants to communicate as much to the world. maybe it's because it clashes with sete's understanding of racing, maybe it's simply because sete is bitter that he lost - who's to say. except sete can't bring himself to actually say any of this. he chooses the worst possible strategy against valentino: silent disapproval and annoyance and frustration, played up for the television cameras, but without offering a single word of actual complaint until later, when valentino had already offered his explanations and half-apologies. so what valentino takes away from this is twofold. for one, he comes to believe that sete has a problem with his racing and cannot graciously accept his defeat, entirely failing to match valentino's magnanimity on the (rare) occasions when he loses. but unfortunately for sete, what valentino also learns is that - when it comes down to it - sete will not stand up for himself. valentino knows he can do this again
in sepang sete attempts to take the high ground once more, to allow valentino his transgressions and foibles and temper, to be calm in the face of vale's fury, to be the better man. in australia sete pulls himself together to shake hands with valentino, to be respectful of his rival's accomplishments and graceful in defeat, to be the better man. in jerez sete is beyond angry, furious enough to actually approach valentino in parc fermé and say a few words to him, but he still shakes valentino's hand on the podium and refuses to complain directly about him in the press conference - because he is determined to be the better man. does he think he can shame valentino into being different from what he is? if so, it is an unfortunate miscalculation. you cannot claim a moral victory against somebody who does not give a shit
for valentino, at least half the joy of racing has always been about beating the opposition. a new rival is presented to him out of nowhere - and out of him valentino fashions himself an enemy. sete was one of the first people to offer valentino advice when vale entered the premier class, but this was not the last thing valentino learned from him. because what valentino did to gibernau was different than what he did to biaggi. this was not just trying to get a rise out of a bloke he disliked every time he got half a chance. this was not valentino slowly chipping away at his victim's patience and self-control and sanity. what valentino does to gibernau is far more sudden and far more targeted and gets a far more immediate effect. he emerges from qatar weakened and on the back foot and within eight days flips the situation so that he is once again the one in command. sete, who had very much exerted himself in presenting the relationship in a certain way to the world, who wanted so badly for this to be a certain kind of rivalry, ever so respectful - well, valentino found out just where to hurt him. he did it with his sudden public coldness towards sete, with carefully chosen remarks to the press to make clear that nothing had been forgiven, with the jibes and the taunts at each and every stage of his victory. he married the off-track theatre with on-track strategy as well as pure performance, directly disrupting and disturbing sete whenever necessary - the kind of combination he would later find so useful in fending off first casey then lorenzo. it's no coincidence that his three most famous career overtakes are ones that are also so significant in how they affected valentino's fortunes in the aftermath of his victory. laguna 2008 and catalunya 2009 represent complete shifts in momentum within their respective seasons that his rivals never quite recovered from. jerez 2005 ends the title battle at the very first race. and it's not just sete's season that didn't recover - it's his career
of course, it's easier to mess with someone when you have the measure of them in performance. that's always something to keep in mind when talking about mental resilience: it's easier to bounce back from your rival being an asshole to you if you're just really, really good at what you do. valentino always understood himself that any 'mind games' had to be backed up by on-track performance; he's openly stated that all of his off-track "work" on his opponents only gets results if it's paired with being strong on the bike. and he himself lost his cool in qatar - but it helped that he knew he had what it took to bounce back. this was never a rivalry of equals; there was never any question between the two of them who the better rider was. all that being said: it's a really good rivalry! guys, there's some really great races. sete was a serious challenger and he did pose a serious threat to valentino, which you can tell because otherwise valentino never would have needed to do any of this. he made valentino grow as a rider and... do you make someone 'grow as a person' if you make them better at psychological warfare? yes, I think so. actually
valentino became a more accomplished rider for having experienced the sachsenring debacle, and he became a more accomplished rider as a result of the qatar fiasco. he motivated himself to become better because he wanted to defeat sete so badly, and isn't there something compelling about that? valentino was willing to take risks at phillip island that could have resulted in a title decider, was willing to make himself extremely unpopular with the spanish crowd at jerez (not something he has typically had much experience with) - all because he needed to crush sete, to destroy him so completely he could erase him entirely. at the end of the day, there's a bunch of reasons why this rivalry doesn't get the attention it deserve. one of them, however, is that valentino seems to be pretty happy with this state of affairs, and has spent the better part of two decades deeply disinterested in paying sete his dues. don't let him have his way
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yellowocaballero · 9 months
Omg hi Ms. Yellow Caballero big fan of your work <3 For real though, I'm really excited that your sharing the Weekenders, it was a joy to read and I'm bongocat-ing now that others also get the privilege to read it as well.
Referencing your tags, would you please elaborate of ableism in fandom and, like you said, how fandom treats characters with unpalatable disabilities?
Hi Ms. Bud Lite I'm a big fan of you <3
TL;DR A fear of writing characters of highly marginalized identities shields you from criticism and discomfort, but it's actively stigmatizing to people of these identities and as a writer you really need to get over yourself and write The Icky People.
I guess I'll come out swinging on this one and say that fandom doesn't like severe mental illness. (As a note, when I say severe mental illness (SMI) I mean illnesses such as psychotic disorders, bipolar disorder, substance use disorders, personality disorders, etc)
Obviously, nobody likes people w/SMI. It's just insanely egregious in fandom to me, since fanfic writers absolutely love writing characters or HC characters with depression, anxiety, or a specific variety of PTSD That Isn't Scary. People actively reject any character HCs for a SMI. When people write a character with SMI, they nicely downplay it, ignore it, substitute it for a disorder they like better, or rewrite it. It's completely untolerated, in both headcanons and in fanfiction, and every time I bring it up I always get the most interesting reasons why somebody couldn't possibly acknowledge a character's SMI in their writing. I've heard all of these:
"I don't know enough about the disorder to write it accurately." Do research.
"I'm not X, so I can't really depict it." You probably aren't a cis white man, but you depict those guys just fine.
"It feels insulting to the character." There is no shame in having a SMI.
"I can't understand what it's like, so it's better to be cautious and avoid giving characters stigmatized identities." There are LOTS of experiences that you'll never understand because you've never had them - you just don't want to write anything you're uncomfortable with. People with SMI make you uncomfortable, and you don't want to write anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, or think of a comfort character in an uncomfortable way. SMIs are marginalized differently than solely depression/anxiety/The Nice PTSD, and by refusing to write them you're actively contributing to the stigma.
I think (?) I've spoken in the past about how I believe that the rigorous external and internal policing of writing people of marginalized identities is actively harmful towards efforts to increase diversity of experience and background in fiction. A lot of fanfiction writers are just terrified to write people who they can't directly relate with, because they're worried 'they'll get it wrong' and be Big Cancelled. I think this is negative enough when it prevents people from going outside of their comfort zone, but on a macro level I think this results in people refusing to write characters of marginalized identities as all. It's an insidious thought process, and it's reflected in people's unwillingness to diversity their writing or acknowledge canon diversity.
'Well, I don't understand what it's like to be Black, so I don't want to write Black people'. 'I want to project on this character, so I only want to write them with mental illnesses and identities I have'. 'If I write a marginalized character incorrectly people will yell at me, so I won't write a marginalized character who's marginalized differently than me at all'. Can you imagine writing a lesbian character with a boyfriend because 'you feel uncomfortable writing lesbian experiences'? It's blatantly homophobic. But people do that with disability and race/ethnicity ALL THE TIME.
People with SMI notice that you feel uncomfortable with them. It's obvious. They notice when a character has a SMI + anxiety, and you only write their anxiety. They notice when a character displays symptoms of a SMI in canon, but you write it out. And POC notice when the characters of color are written out. I know we all like to project on the blorbos and relate to them, and in the joys of your own head do whatever, but as a writer if you only stick to identities you're comfortable with you are actively being a worse writer. Which to me is the REAL sin lmfao.
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skippyv20 · 7 months
Skip, Julie here. I worked for 43 years in fantastic jobs. Some as an employee, in HR, and in Senior Management. My employers were very well known Companies or Government. They had sick leave policies where employees from CEO to newest employee were entitled to medical leave and privacy of all medical information.
As a Manager I was aware of some very serious medical issues and we offorded those people complete privacy. Time to heal was dependent on their medical team despite how much they might have been needed in the workplace (perhaps being the only person with authority or highest level skill to deal with something vital).
A couple of these medical issues dealt with very serious surgery plus complications, and convalescence to deal with consequences of how their bodies or lives were changed and the mental processes they had to go through to understand and accept the changes.
Under no circumstances would I have ever thought it necessary to inform the other employees what was happening with the ill employee other than to update the return date. These people worked closely together but knew the value of allowing the one who was ill the time and space to fully recover. My contacting the employee for an update on whether they needed us was their choice to make, not mine or the company.
Princess of Wales is a senior member of a firm and a much loved member of a family. In her case she has a world wide family who care that she has been seriously ill and as family members we just want her to fully recover physically and mentally from her ordeal. We care and I think that says so much about how highly people around the world think of her.
As a senior member of the firm her bosses are aware of her illness and prognosis and have given her sick leave based on medical advice. I know the taxpayers of the UK keep up the mantra of BRF works for us, we pay them. Ok they are shareholders in the Company and they have an interest in ensuring the Company is providing the service they expect from it. The Company is BRF but no Company provides health information on senior employees except the CEO for obvious reasons. The company continues to operate even if a very important senior staff member is unwell.
My personal view is Catherine has been through a major abdominal surgery that has immediate and long term consequences for her. For HER, her husband and her 3 children. She does not owe any of us an explanation or an update. She loves her job and she does it brilliantly. She is totally loyal to King and Queen, her parents, siblings and the Commonwealth. She will never intentionally cause harm to her husbands family members.
People need to give her the same space we would all expect if we were seriously ill. I know people want to know what happened to her but really it is none of our business. Our role is to allow her time to fully heal so she can return to her role in the Company as soon as possible. No doubt she is already working behind the scenes.
I’m sorry this is long winded but I feel for her. 20 years of trying to please everyone yet when she needs some help people turn on her some will be because they are worried others for their own reasons. People need to send a private message of support but otherwise let her heal.
Princess of Wales, Catherine, God bless and keep you and your family fully protected and return you to full health We await your return, with patience, to your essential role for the Monarchy and we look forward to seeing you with your beautiful family vase soon as you feel you are fully recovered.
This is a lovely, thoughtful post Julie…no not too long.  I greatly appreciate the time and your experience you have shared with us.  I am quite proud of the fact that the people that come to this blog, are sensitive and caring and express nothing but support for Catherine and her family.  People are so concerned with “accountability “ these days….people are simply forgetting that behind the public life….is a real life going on, and people are dealing with all the same issues as everyone else.  The old “walk a mile in my shoes” comes to mind!  Thank YOU again Julie!🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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amberinn · 13 days
okay thoughts 👏
not a lot of emotionally charged moments
love the little davwhit and charwhit interactions
Whit is actually SOSOSOSO smart and I'm so thrilled to the core as a Whit fan that his thinking process is shown
Like he is SO UNDERSTANDING and good and amazing I love it
Levi is a psychopath 100%
I made a rant about Whit being a sociopath, but he doesn't fit that criteria because he lacks in exploitation behaviours/anger
I'm SURE he has some sort of hidden disorder (Whit) we haven't yet really talked about
im not a psychologist though
let's leave it to that one person headcanon diagnosing Veronika with asocial personality disorder or whatever I do NOT know what that is!
I fucking love this cast, but it's so mentally ill to the core.
Like so many of those fuckers have something wrong with them I can't stand it (affectionate)
Arei and David interaction??? Let's go
They could've been such good friends and Arei is so sweet forreal.
Eden with the fucking fork.
Fucking hell, oh my GOD.
I love the transitions in scrum debate, they're scrumbtastic and I fucking love and hate how they represent things like, hanging, getting thrown and then breaking your neck, the swinging... fuck it makes me sick
Areden could have been so real
Arei's friends being David and Eden... yeah
It could have been good
I hate the parallels between how David got extended that hand to take--- Xander, Arei.
I've an animation idea between the three od them and this is just slipping so well into my understanding of their dynamic (I'm not really analyzing it too deeply thinking of it though... I guess I should)
I'll get to know the real you, I love you, I will be your friend.
I know you for who you are, it makes me relieved, I guess we're both bad humans huh?
But does a good person really exist?
We'll look out for each other... I could be your friend.
Like fuck drdt is David Chiem nightmare especially that "only someone so fucking naive, stupid, jdk, jekcus could have fallen for such an obvious trap" feels like grief
he's just lost another fucking friend of his
scratch that your outburst is reasonable, or maybe I misremember shit
I would also go insane if anyone who was ever willing to love me got murdered one by one
All you ever do is gain and lose people, just like in "Therefore you and me"
As a result of acquiring as a result of losing, huh David Chiem?
It makes sense for him to want to extinguish that
Everyone looks forward to seeing tomorrow, but what are you gaining by it?
Friends you're losing
Maybe it's even harder for him, because Whit has a friend (Charles) he gets to keep, while David keeps on seeing his get murdered over and over again.
It never ends.
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That fucked up little glint when Teruko told her secret >>>>>>>>>
whatever drama was going on between Ace and Levi
Levi IS an insanely fucked up person, and I keep thinking over and over about how for me at least there is not one person I could ship Ace with
like damn mf 🙏 he alone af
I want to give Ace Markey such a big hug, like he is a bitch and has teeth which cut through you every 3 seconds, but girl.
any of that
Ace Markey is like, subtly circling upwards on my favouritism lists he's my wet kitten you don't get him like I do
He's had a friend before who was a guy
something something---
The fact that I even considered thinking of anyone over here as my friend really just tarnishes his image.
He cares about his friend SO MUCH.
It might be STUPID for me, but this reads as gay.
Ok just trust me in on this I'm a boykisser with a similar situation at hand.
girl lover as well, how do you THINK one person figures out that?
I just feel like Ace Markey might've discovered his homosexuality via that friend
that best friend one might say which makes me sososoo insanely CURIOUS about who it was
yk why
bcs id finally get an Ace ship I actually fw
hell ya let's go homies
also I need to add---
I feel like something has REALLY happened with his friend
might be a bit stupid, but I feel like that friend is dead
"tarnishes his image" huh Ace? Ace what does that mean, why would that image be able to be tarnished
did you say had Ace or am I not remembering it?
are you so afraid of everything, because your best friend is dead Ace?
it's kinda a stretch still though, a leap of faith on a suggestion I'm willing to argue about
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tcookies777 · 6 months
Where I am now
Many of you have left such kind comments and sent me messages out of concern for my wellbeing. For that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I also appreciate your patience as I understand it can be difficult to wait months for a chapter update on a long, tedious fic such as The Anatomy of Love. Your patience for this story is always sincerely appreciated.
I've been struggling for months to find the right words to say. To decide whether to express the ache in my heart or draw lines and stay silent. But while a part of me wishes to say little to nothing on the matter out of a sense of shame, the better part of me recognizes that conversations like the one I'm about to raise are something that needs to be discussed more. If only to raise awareness of the topic or help destigmatize it. If only to normalize issues like these. If only to just help someone else who might be going through a dark period in their life as well.
It's here that I'll give a final warning of the sensitive topics of this post. So feel free to turn away now if the topic of mental illness might be upsetting.
Trigger warning: suicide and mental illness
Ok, so here goes....
My sister committed suicide. I won't go into details of course, but it was not peaceful or quiet - it was violent, gruesome, and excruciatingly painful. So much so that the police thought it might've been a murder and harshly investigated us, making everything more difficult and traumatizing than it already was.
She had battled with depression for nearly 2 decades, deteriorating far beyond recognition. We had grown estranged over the years of my childhood because she pushed loved ones away, blaming them for the way she turned out but also still relying on them to survive. An awful cycle of codependency.
I myself have been battling with high-functioning depression for the past decade, which is one reason why I struggle to respond to people's messages. From readers, friends, and family alike. I, too, have an issue of pushing people away. Because I'm ashamed for them to see how broken my life is. Because I have seen the way people judge you for having a mental illness. I have witnessed friends, family, and even Healthcare workers gaze upon the mentally ill as if they are a sore sight.
To be honest, I understand both sides; it can also be frustrating to pool all your time, effort and resources into trying to help someone who does not want to be helped. It burns you out. That despite your efforts to fight for that person, they do not fight for themselves and you're forced to watch them deteriorate in a slow, agonizing process.
"At the beginning, you’ll do your best to shoulder all my burdens. At the beginning, you’ll be strong about it. But over time, you’ll come to regret it—you'll come to regret me, and the burden that I have become to you." — Kakashi, Chapter 30 of The Anatomy of Love
On the other side, it's hard to take that step to accept the help offered to you. It's hard to find the strength to meet your loved ones halfway and help them to help you when you hardly have the strength to even get out of bed. Yet, you also feel guilty because it feels as if you are just dragging down those around you.
These are the feelings Kakashi expresses to Sakura in Chapter 30, when he tries to explain the reasons why they cannot and should not pursue a relationship. Guilt and self-loathing are the feelings that have been eating me up inside for years, as they ate at my sister as well.
We were born from a loveless, violent marriage. So we didn't know how to love each other, though we did whether we wanted to or not. Likely it was the trauma that bonded us. But put together, my sister and I were oil and water. Loving someone who is your family but is practically a stranger to you is incredibly difficult and taxing.
Yet, I understood completely. You just don't know how to show love to someone when you were never given love.
But despite my estrangement from my sister, I still love her. Being a 1st generation American often means you have nothing but your family. When you have no house, no savings, no relatives to turn to - just your immediate family - it can be a toxic, tough love where you have only that person whether you like them or not. And in Asian culture, family is especially everything even when it's completely dysfunctional.
So why am I updating TAOL now?
It's mostly for myself. Because it's my own comfort fic that allows me to engage in therapeutic writing. It's a story of loneliness and love of all forms (romantic, sexual, familial, etc). More importantly, it's a story about finding family, finding love, and finding home. Something that I've yearned for all my life.
And it's a story of pursuing happiness even when you think you don't deserve it. It's a story that shows good coping mechanisms and bad coping mechanisms and their consequences. It's a story of picking yourself up by the bootstraps even when you just want to sit and wallow in despair. And it's also a story of embracing the love of those around you and taking their hands when they reach out to you and offer their support.
At its core, The Anatomy of Love is a story about fighting loneliness, self-hatred, guilt, and mental illness with love. With the love of friends and family. And with the love for yourself. Because while it's important to have a strong support system to love and look out for you, it is just as important to love yourself and really put in the effort to take care of yourself. And sometimes that means being ""selfish"" and prioritizing yourself over others.
Why am I saying all this?
I'll admit, I'm uncomfortable revealing the skeletons in my closet to strangers online where everyone can judge and share my secrets. I'm embarrassed to admit that TAOL's themes are projections of my own desires, and for people to know that I write about such things in fanfic because of the fact that I don't have them. But I'm just too insecure to talk to anyone 1 on 1. Not to mention that, unfortunately, it's not that simple to just go to therapy (especially when the healthcare system is broke here).
Most importantly, I hope that if there's anyone out there reading this and going through a shitty point in their lives as well... I hope you are able to take comfort in the fact that you are not alone in this. We individually have our own demons to fight, but we're all fighting the same battle.
I wish I could say it gets better, but there's honestly no guarantee. So many times, I've had to stop myself from telling patients "things'll get better" because that's a promise that we're taught never to make. The truth is no one knows if things really do get better. Personally, I haven't been feeling better at all. For most of my life, people have been telling me it gets better and to just be patient, but every year it actually gets worse and worse. And just when you think things are starting to look up, it instead gets even more worse.
It's tiresome waiting years for things to get better when it seems it's nowhere in sight.
But I'm trying my best to take it day by day. I do my best to get out of bed, go to work, take a proper shower, feed myself. I do my best to love myself - mostly out of fear that what little family I have will one day disappear and I will have no one left to love me. No one but myself.
But sometimes my best does not feel enough. Sometimes I hate myself more days than others.
That's okay, I tell myself. I hate myself today, but I will love myself tomorrow. I will forgive myself eventually. I can be happy eventually. One day at a time.
Because on my better days, I realize that not every person can afford to wait for things to get better. You have to be the one to take the initiative - get off your ass and take that step forward and make things better yourself. All the people around you can offer you all the help that you need, but the most important thing is that YOU have to want to help yourself.
So that's all I am able to say for now. I do apologize if my thoughts are a bit discombobulated. I am still struggling to find my feet when it feels like I'm still drowning under pounding waves of darkness. If you've read this far, I appreciate you taking the time to read this.
Meanwhile, I hope you guys can continue to enjoy reading The Anatomy of Love. The chapter is not entirely to my satisfaction due to the last minute revisions I made, but I wanted a sprinkle of happiness in the moment. I think that's something we all need.
Also, thank you for the messages you have sent me and the comments you left. I'm truly sorry I do not have the courage or strength to respond, but please know I am forever grateful and touched that people would reach out to a stranger like me.
Hope to see you soon,
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Silent Hearts // [Part II]
Pairing | Cowbell x reader
Word count | 3.1k
⚠️ Warnings | ANGST UNHOLY MOLY IT'S STRAIGHT ANGST, canon divergence, f!reader, Cowbell is Cowbell, Sister Imperator is really mean. CW for ghoul abuse, blood, violence, psycho cowbell
Chapter Summary: Felix struggles with processing what happened after meeting you. He makes a meeting with Secondo to find some answers. Escorted by Omega, a big part of his past is revealed.
A/N: Okay so please note Cowbell does go through some shit in this one. There is a scene that may be uncomfortable to read, dealing with violence and abuse. Please don't read if it makes you uncomfortable, there won't be any more after this. Feel free to skip over it or wait for the next part!! Take care of yourselves! xoxo
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Felix still couldn’t wrap his head around everything that happened a couple days ago. It was eating at his every thought, like a parasite trying to speak to him in a language he didn’t understand. Meeting you, the way your heart beat in silence, it tirelessly ran laps around his mind. As soon as the sun granted him a new day, he immediately made an appointment to meet with Secondo. A desperate attempt to find some answers. 
He wasn’t allowed into the Abbey anymore for various reasons, but that’s not to say he was never allowed back in. Of course there were exceptions if he was seriously ill or injured. Sister Imperator was a mean woman but she was never cruel. 
Ask him, however? He’d say otherwise.
He was reluctantly granted an audience following the afternoon mass to speak with the former Papa. Secondo was the closest to the dark one and most educated on ghouls, sometimes he knew more about them than they did. Diligently keeping up on the newest teachings, blessings and dark creations. If anyone was going to be able to give Bell some sort of explanation about what was happening, or some guidance, it was him. He also happened to be one of the only people in the Ministry that would still talk to him.
It wasn’t that he couldn’t so much as even feel your heartbeat. Everything about you was causing him so much grief. It was how your scent brushed under his nose as it got caught in the wind. How it was exactly his favourite combination of grapefruit and vanilla. It was easy for him to pass it off as being more than mere coincidence. It wasn’t tickling his brain the way perfume or mist would. The scent that filled his senses was simply just… you.
The way his breath hitched when you stood close to him and effortlessly took him off guard. The way his mind went eerily quiet in your presence. He simply couldn't get enough, and that scared him.
He had been around a number of humans before he was cast out. Everyone wanting a shot at taming his unsettling character and ultimately failing (with the exception of Special, but he was half ghoul anyway). It always ended up the same: he was the resident weirdo. Constantly needing to prove that, despite his mental and physical disabilities, he was not weak or to be discarded. He was just as much of a ghoul as the rest of them despite his differences.
With you it was different. 
There wasn’t a challenge. You didn’t question whether he was worthy, or competent. You didn’t look at him like a caged feral animal, or quake in fear and run. You simply spoke to him as an equal. The two of you absolutely weren’t in any sense equals, but it was this strange feeling that he had never experienced. You were the first person who didn’t make him feel the need to prove he was anything more than what he was.
He was used to his brain not firing right at times, but you were making it do something else entirely. He’d admit on bad days he could be a little out of control. At the beginning, any given lunar event would cause his brain to short-circuit. Some Siblings wondered if he was secretly a werewolf, the way his demeanor drastically changed to be a more feral version of himself.
He would never forget the day it was completely out of control, and prayed you would never find out that side of him existed.
10 Years Ago
He ran through the halls carrying a lifeless Ivy in his arms trying to make it to the infirmary in time. The little Earth ghoul’s blood staining his face as his tears left clean streaks down his cheeks.
Bell had never seen Omega - the normally calm, level-headed Quint - seething in so much anger. It was clearly the last straw. 
It– he had gone too far this time.
“What the fuck happened, Felix?” Omega snarled, immediately taking the small ghoul from his shaky blood soaked arms and placing Ivy on the infirmary bed to assess the damage.
“I..I don’t–” “Don’t hit me with that bullshit! Just look! Look what you’ve done!”
Once Ivy was stable, Omega immediately banished him and snapped the pack bond into pieces, never to be rebuilt. Once those bonds were broken it was irreparable, and they both knew it. Any ghoul from now on would know he wasn’t to be trusted. 
He was sent off with an angry wave. His former packmate’s words were like a freshly seared brand on his soul…
‘You don’t belong here. You don’t belong anywhere.’
It was the first time he felt truly lost.
He ran out of the infirmary in a panic, not sure what else to do. Only to be caught by Alpha and River before even making it around the corner. He was drugged up and dragged to Sister Imperator's office in seconds, all at her request. 
For her “safety”.
Once they pulled his stumbling body into her office, he was dropped. Immediately falling onto his knees as his legs gave out. He pulled his head upwards to meet her stone cold glare from his place on the floor. Only halfway conscious as he looked to her with a pleading gaze, Ivy’s blood still coating his face. 
She gave Alpha and River a curt nod before they left, the door shutting behind them. 
His fate was hanging in the balance. This was the moment he knew everything was about to change, and the look on her face told him all he needed to know: his sentence had been decided long before he even made it through the door.
“I’m sorry, Sister! I wasn’t in control, I didn’t– I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” He pleaded, watery eyes desperately attempting to chip away at the solid steel behind hers.
“Rules are rules.” She stated. “They’re black and white, not grey. And they’re certainly not open for interpretation.”
“I know! I know.” He whispered, wiping at the tears rolling down his face. Ivy’s blood smeared over his shaking hands as he stared in horror. “I need h-help.”
She tutted as she stalked around him like a lioness circling her prey. “There’s nothing we can offer you now besides a choice.” Her voice was calm yet laced with poison, each word left its mark. “Disowned and disgraced, there’s no place left for you here. You must know that?”
His weakened state allowed her to push him further to the ground with ease. She scoffed at the sight of his claws pointlessly pawing at the hardwood floor. 
“You were once a great soldier, Felix. Look at you now. Pathetic.”
His sobs rattled down to his core as he let her do whatever she needed to. Desperately trying to breathe as his brain fought the urge to rip out her throat, but ultimately being forced to obey. The loyalty they all swore when they were summoned wrapped around his mind like an invisible chain.
He was happy his pack couldn’t see him now. At least there wasn’t an audience forced to hear his tortured screams. The harrowing sounds bounced off the walls as he cried out. His pleas falling on deaf ears and going unanswered. 
He laid beaten and bruised on the floor when she finally decided he learnt his lesson. The blood this time was his as it pooled beneath him.
“I think that’s enough for today.” She panted, returning to lean against the edge of her desk. She looked down at him like a wounded animal not worth saving. “What’s your choice?”
His body shook as he inhaled. Soft pained whines too high pitched for the human ear escaped with every breath he took. 
“Very well. You know the conditions of your release. You are no longer allowed in this establishment unless you are as close to death's door as you are now. Even then, you will not enter without strict permission from one of the senior most Clergy, to which you will be escorted at all times. Break these rules, and next time you won't be given the privilege of choice.”
If you’ve never backed a trained killer into a corner, you haven’t known true fear. She had never seen anything like this, no one had.
Clouded silver eyes shot open and immediately locked onto her from his place on the floor, his pupils were thin slits behind the haze which swirled like a tornado. His bones violently snapping back into place as he moved to stand. Numerous fangs extended and snapped as a deep snarl reverberated off the walls. The commotion caused Alpha and River to run in, moving to guard the Sister. Both mentally fighting between their loyalty to her, and the biological pull to turn against her at the sight of their kin’s unbridled rage.
His body creaked and groaned as he rolled his head back. His forked tongue tasting the mixture of blood coating his lips before he looked back at her with a new sinister grin.
“Tsk tsk,” his head tilted in amusement. “It’s cute how you think you’re in charge my dear. I’m not built like that, I'm afraid.” His chuckle crackled deep in his chest like thunder as he stalked closer. The two other ghouls attempting to take him down but only getting one step towards him before falling unconscious to the floor with a simple flick of his wrist.
 “Fun part about being part Air, is that your brain needs oxygen to function. Otherwise,” he now stood mere inches away. Her body betraying her look of confidence, shaking in fear at the sight of him towering over her, fangs bared. “Nighty, night.”
“There is something s-seriously wrong with you,” she managed to stutter out.
“Yes, yes there is. I tried to ignore it, suppress it. Pretend like I was like everyone else.” His long clawed finger dragged over the skin of her cheek, wiping at her tears before whispering into her ear.
 “Thank you… for setting me free.”
That was the last time he stepped foot in the Abbey. 
A lot of time had passed since then. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t a little bit nervous. Felix laughed when he got the letter informing him that Omega would be meeting him by the back gate to escort him inside; using probably the only ghoul powerful enough to take him down was a smart move on their part, to which he couldn’t help but applaud. 
As twisted as it sounds, he genuinely appreciated their fear. The fact that they were so afraid he would murder the very man who summoned him, they felt the need to send their strongest ghoul to babysit what he had planned to be a very civil chat.
As night fell, he got ready to appear before the Clergy. He made sure to hunt a few hours before so he was satisfied, leaving himself plenty of time to wash up. He dug through his things trying to find what he needed, his fingers brushing over a black duffle bag sat in the darkest corner of his makeshift den. His muscles tensed as he realized what it was, his expression turning sour as he moved to grab the fabric inside in his blackened claws.
“Hello again, old friend.”
The walk up the path to the back gate was unremarkable. His senses were on high alert, not knowing how this was going to go. He was prepared for anything. His pointed ears twitched, each crunch of gravel under his shoes becoming almost too bothersome; he thought about moving to tread over the grass to ease his ringing ears but Omega’s scent hit his nose.
“Always early, Omega.” He smirked, just about reaching the iron gate.
“No. I just know your games, Felix. The meeting isn’t for another half hour.”
“Can’t blame a guy for trying,” he shrugged. 
 He could feel Omega’s burning gaze studying his every move. “I see you kept your uniform.”
It was one of the conditions if he ever had to return to the Abbey: First, to be escorted at all times. Second, return only if death was imminent. Third, to be masked and dressed in full uniform. The Sister probably thought he would burn it the moment he left, ensuring he was never allowed back inside. 
But he kept it. Ignored it, no longer necessary being in the woods, yet it sat. Silently waiting for the day he took back his place within the Ministry.
When he put it back on, it almost caused him physical pain. All the disgusted looks and harsh words came back, feeling like they were stabbing him over and over. All he wanted to do was rip it off and tear it apart. However, this meeting was important. The thought of you was the only thing keeping him from destroying it the moment the material passed through his claws. The familiarity of everything bringing back memories almost as fresh as the day he lived them.
Suddenly his hands felt magnetic as they slammed together, an invisible force binding them to rest at his waist. Intrigued more than scared, he playfully attempted to pull them apart.
“Learnt some new tricks, Omega? Very nice,” Felix admitted with an approving nod, crossing through the gate. “So you can teach old dogs new tricks.”
That earned him a slap upside the head, to which Felix could only chuckle and crack his neck completely unbothered. Omega let out a low growl as he walked behind him. “You’re insufferable. Should have sent you back when she had the chance.”
It was Felix’s turn to growl, turning to snap his fangs at his former packmate. “Do it then. You can’t. You’d never get the permission, and even if you could you lack conviction. Pack leader, my ass.”
Omega’s claws extended and gripped painfully at his thighs. Taking deep breaths as he glared at the multi. “Why did you do it?”
Felix’s expression turned surprised, but still wanting to make sure he wasn’t falling for any of Omega’s tricks. “Do what?”
“Why did you do it? Imperator? Why did you let it get this far?” Omega’s voice echoed before he sighed somberly. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
Felix stopped in his tracks just feet away from the doors leading to the Abbey’s west corridor. “Tell you what, huh? Tell you that she used our oath as an excuse to beat the shit out of me because she knew I couldn’t fight back? Tell you that I never wanted to be a burden so I ran out into the woods every time it demanded to be free so I wouldn’t hurt my own pack?” 
His voice hitched as all the feelings he suppressed flew to the surface.
“I tried to be good. I tried, but whatever was inside me was never satisfied. Always wanting more. More chaos, more blood. It was hungry and I was just in the way. It’s okay though. The old me is dead now. Poof, gone. It killed whatever was left of me and took over. And boy does it feel so much better. I should really thank the dear Sister. She created a monster.”
Omega’s ears fell as he listened. The ghoul he once thought of like a brother was gone, there was no doubt about that. This Felix was battle ready and dangerous. It wasn’t just his attitude, it was everything. The way his muscles started to strain against the old uniform, refined from years of hunting and surviving like a feral dog. The way he walked with such confidence yet always ready to fight. The way Omega noticed his ears flicking at even the slightest sound, working to protect him from harm because his eyes couldn’t.
“I could have helped you, we could have figured it out. We still can.”
Felix scoffed. “No, Omega. We can’t. You made damn sure of that when you disowned me and kicked me out. You knew that my soul would be marked for the rest of eternity yet you did it anyway.”
He knew that. He wasn’t born yesterday. While Felix had a lot of time to process what happened that day, so did Omega. He would never admit that the eerie silence that crept into the halls afterwards bothered him, badly. Bell’s fading scent slowly disappearing from the pack quarters, the lack of off-hand comments making him spit out his coffee, had all left its mark.
Felix was never a pack leader so he wouldn’t have known, but while his soul was wounded, so was Omega’s. It was like Felix’s piece of the puzzle was missing and none of the newer ghouls fit quite right.
Omega opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. There wasn’t anything to say, the damage had been done long ago.
“Let’s just get this over with so I can take this shit off.”
They walked in tense silence to Secondo’s office. Omega knocked gently on the door before hearing their former Papa granting entrance.
Secondo sat behind his desk, still in his papal robes from the sermon he just gave as he looked suspiciously at the ghouls entering his office. Giving Omega a kind nod as the ghoul moved to stand guard at the side, leaving Felix to stand in-front of him.
Secondo’s eyes squinted as he looked over the ghoul, not able to see much with the uniform and mask obscuring his face.
“What happened? Cat got your tail?”
Felix’s head tilted in confusion. “No?”
The older man hummed. “Thought a wild bear might’ve bit it off or something. I can’t imagine why else you’d be standing in my office. When I got your summons, I was quite surprised.”
“I was hoping you’d be able to help me with something.”
“Spit it out, I don’t have all day.”
“I met this girl, a human girl.” Felix started. “I think she’s one of the Sisters. Anyway–”
He explained everything that happened. Everything he felt, what was going through his head. The odd way you made him feel. Secondo and Omega listened intently, grateful they gave him the moment to freely speak. As he went on, he realized how ridiculous it all sounded.
“Nevermind, forget it. It’s probably stupid.”
“It’s not.” Secondo spoke. “There are many things in this life that we cannot understand. There are so many unexplainable reasons for why this and not that. I think Omega and I can explain…”
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ninapi · 10 months
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┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺╚══ The art of Beauty ╝
Premise: Tengen never thought possible to fall in love so bad that he'd want to give away his freedom and finally settle down. Who said a flamboyant life can't have a bit of loving~?
Word Count: 3472
Note: This is set up in the Kimetsu academy world, just so you know~ ☀️
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Life around the Kimetsu academy wasn’t always as fun as some may think it is.
Being a teacher in it, to be exact, can be a little bit of a pain in the ass. Especially if you like blowing things up.
Uzui Tengen wasn’t like the other teachers who went to refined universities, got a few degrees under their belt or came from important families with money.
He spent his youth doing things he wasn’t as proud of now as he was back then. 
Leading a gang for example.
Though, they were an artistic one, or that’s what he likes to think. They rarely got into fights, and their only crime was to “vandalize property”, in other words, he liked to draw everywhere, to leave his mark in walls, benches, trash cans, you name it. And he was good at it at that, the old lady from the bakery even gave him free bread for a week for doing a lovely flower pattern on her door, it made her shop trend in social media as others came to take pictures of the door and her sales went over the roof. Even to this day she still sneaks an extra something in his bag.
His art was beautiful, very expressive, sorrowful even; he captured the image of a person very well and there was no better way to show his appreciation than by ruining one of their walls, or two. 
When he started getting in real problems though, was when he started blowing things up. Art indeed explodes with this man, literally. But he never harmed anyone.
Coming from a past like this was unheard of for the prestigious Kimetsu academy, yet he was offered the art teacher position when the principal saw one of his beautiful murals. She wanted their kids to fully understand art, to see how it can actually move someone to tears, or even make someone contemplate their entire life. Art is something magestic, and having someone that understands it as well as Tengen wasn’t easy to come by. So, forgoing all the paperwork and all the problematic selection process, he was made their refined arts teacher.
But Tengen being who he is, wasn’t able to keep his profile low.
From the very beginning rumors about his past were heard in every corner of the school, how he was a ganster, a former one at least, how his big muscles were from going into big fights, some rumors even said he had killed three; none of this was true of course, but instead of making him a feared figure, it made him loved by many.
He was the only teacher who wasn’t as hooked by the rules as the others; rules were meant to be broken after all. So, as long as his students were willing to indulge him in whatever it was he wanted them to do that week, he rarely even spoke ill to any. He didn’t really care if they had their phones in their pocket, or if they arrived a few minutes late. Nobody had to ask for permission to go to the restroom, nor cared if they munched on a snack. 
Not only that, but his classes were fun. 
He had the craziest of ideas and made them all go out of their comfort zone constantly, wanting his students to experience different things as to him, that’s the only right way of growing up.
“Gansta-sensei, where are we going? We’ve walked for what? Fifteen minutes?” Zenitsu was clinging to Tanjiro’s arm, gasping for air as his friend was nearly carrying him at this point.
“We are painting clouds. You need to be closer to them to to fully understand them, duh…” he decided to take them on a hike today, combining Tomioka’s class with his own, a bit of exercise helps creativity flow, that’s why he’s so muscly, he combines them all the time.
“Can’t we just like, imagine a cloud? Or google it? Everyone knows what clouds look like…”
“No. You can’t. The hike is part of Tomioka’s lesson, not mine, go whine at him instead. That’s why you’re so pony, can’t even take a little stroll.”
“A LITTLE stroll??? Is that what this is to you, sensei? Because my lungs are burning like never before…I might actually be dying right now-? Oh my GOD?” 
“Just breath, Jesus…Tomioka, your student is about to pass out. I’m going to head up first to get things ready at the top.” with a short nod, Giyuu went to help Tanjiro carrying Zenitsu who currently had foam coming out of his mouth and was wailing like a child.
They chose the mountain closer to the school, it was a good 2km hike, nothing too bad, and it was a beautiful day, the sun shining down at them, a perfect day to paint some clouds. There weren’t many, but they all had fun shapes and the landscape of the mountains around framed them to perfection.
While he was setting up the supplies, however, a tiny playful corgi jumped out of a bush, aiming for his hood. 
The attack was nothing but child’s play, but Tengen lost three lives at the moment.
The first one was when the dog jumped at him. He didn’t know it was there, it was completely silent all the time and made his moves quietly. A true ninja.
The second was when he saw the hood of his favorite sweater chewed on and wet with puppy drool. It wasn’t destroyed, thankfully, but still pretty disgusting.
But the third life was the worse, and that was when he saw the owner of said puppy dog. 
“Tengen-kun? Is that you?” 
Back in high school, there was a girl who sat behind him during class. She was way shorter than him and could never see the board. This ended up forcing them into a weird friendship that managed to get Tengen to graduate from high school as he actually had to pay attention and take notes for you.
Yet, you had gotten a scholarship to go abroad and get your degree, you’d be out of the country for who know’s how long and the things just died out, naturally.
Something he failed to mention though, is how he’s always had a huge crush on you.
The way you’d always try to peek through the gaps of his biceps at the board, how the tip of your tongue came out of your mouth when you were copying his notes, how you’d share your snacks with him, laugh at his silly stories, you were the only girl who didn’t mind he was involved in some dubious activities outside of school, and he ended up falling for you in no time.
Saying it didn’t hurt to see you leave would be a lie. But he’s not someone that gets tied down by anyone. He’s a free man and nobody would change that.
“Yes! Look at you!! You look…wow I mean yes, you look good!” your slight mumbling and rosy cheeks were making the man go blank. He wasn’t ready for this, what was he supposed to say?
“When did you come back? I….I didn’t know…”
“Oh well, that’s because I got back the day before yesterday! I just got my dog out of its quarantine and its going a little crazy, I’m sorry…Is your hoodie ok?” so you weren’t avoiding him, you literally just got back…
“And you changed your number, you goofball! How was I supposed to let you know? I sent you a message in your insta but seems like you don’t check that often either…”
“Oh I get a bunch of spam so I turned my notifications off, I’m sorry.” you even tried to let him know…still think about him even…can this day get any better?
But he spoke too soon. While you were picking up your tiny dog who kept on chewing on his hood, his students finally reached the top, groaning in pain.
“Oh my god! Gansta-sensei! Is that one of your three wives?” you almost dropped your dog…
“What? No, and I told you I don’t have three wives, dammit! That’s just a rumor! I live in a shared house, they just happen to live there too!” his explanation was a bit unnecessary, it’s not like the kids needed to know all that, but he was panicking, how can this kid be this annoying? Seriously, could he even chose a worse moment to ruin? 
Relief was visible on your beautiful face and for that Tengen was thankful.
“Go do your work kids, I want at least two different clouds and I don’t want just the sky and two white mushes, you heard me Inosuke? You have to take elements of nature into consideration, that’s all I’m gonna say, go be creative.” you were in awe, looking at him like if it was your first time meeting. He wasn’t just way bigger than he was before, but more handsome and responsible too, he actually looked like an adult, to a surprising degree.
“You’re a teacher?”
“Yeah, an art teacher…can you believe that? Me? A teacher?” his loud rambotious laugh was contagious, making you giggle, “Yes I believe it. You’ve always been fantastic at it. Remeber when you had to help me with your notes? You were always patient and helpful. Besides your murals were always breathtaking.” he was suddenly selfconssious at the fact that you remembered his art works, that you believed he could be a good teacher, nobody gives him credit for that, nobody believed in him, except the principal of the school of course. It made him feel warm and fuzzy inside, something he’s never felt before, even if he’s dated a bunch of girls in the past.
“Gimme your new number, I gotta get this little delinquent back home, but it’d be pretty cool if we could meet later…and hang out?” you were looking at him through your oh so pretty lashes, making his insides turn to mush in seconds.
“Yeah sure, of course! Here.” he handed you his phone and you saved yourself as contact, dialing your number right after to save his.
“I’ll text you later then! I have time tonight if that’s ok with you~”
“Hey Tanjiro…” Zenitsu was crouching down behind a tree, paying as close attention as he could to the scene unfolding. “Pssst…Tanjirooooo….”
“What is it Zenitsu? I’m trying to draw that dragon cloud over there but it looks more like a cat….”
“Stop talking about stupid clouds and come here! Look, sensei’s got a hot date!”
Even when they thought they were being as quiet as possible, you both heard them which made you chuckle and Tengen blush.
“These damn kids, I swear…”
“Well he isn’t wrong, isn’t he handsome~?” throwing him a playful wink, you went back down the mountain with your tiny dog; your little workout outfit pulling hearts out of Tengen’s eyes as he stared at your retrieving form. “Yeah, he’s definitely not wrong…hot damn (Y/N)…”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Saying he spent all day texting you was an understatement, the man didn’t even eat his lunch, forget about the damn clouds, nothing was more pressing for him at that moment that to get back into your life.
True to his student’s statement that morning, he in fact lived with three women. He didn’t lie though, the rumor of them being all his wives was definitely not true, law would not allow such a thing.
But what he omitted was how he had indeed been with all of them. More than once.
While they were all beautiful, professional, and wonderful women, to him they were just always there. It was not fun, there was no thrill, they threw themselves at him since the very beginning and he just went with the flow.
You were different.
Even after knowing you for such a long time and sharing multiple tender moments and deep secrets with each other, you never went beyond resting your head on his shoulder and hugging his arm.
That to this day, is still his favorite memory of all times.
He’s been with many women during this time apart from you, but not even one, and I mean it, not even a single one of them made him smile.
Some made him smirk, that’s a fact. But a true smile, one from the heart? Nah, just you. And that’s something that always stood out to him, something he made up himself like an impossible goal, “I’ll never be serious with anyone that can’t even make me smile the way (Y/N) did”, an invincible first love, one of those that never lets you move on, always making you compare everyone to the one you once loved.
But that invincible first love was now back in his life and very much interested in eating dinner at his place, something he really wanted to avoid.
“My sweet pumpkin…can’t we go out? I know of a fine place, you still like pancakes right?” he was desperate at this point, bringing you to his place was not going to take this anywhere safe, of course he loves the girls they’re great, but you…it was just in a different level and he wasn’t willing to risk loosing you this soon.
“I do yeah, but I thought maybe we could watch a movie or something…stay for a little longer so we could, you know…catch up…” the nervousness of your tone of voice was driving him insane, were you trying too say what his brain was processing it as right now? Where you trying to stay for the night and “catch up”? No, never, you’ve never even kissed…is it because you’re adults now? No, no, no, his head was just in the gutter as usual.
“Can we try your place, sunshine? I just…I live in a shared house like I told you earlier, I don’t even have a tv in my room and its so loud…I wish to have some time alone with you, something more calm and relaxing, you know, to catch up…” he couldn’t avoid it, everything that came out of his mouth was as suggestive as his thoughts were, but your voice was so mellow..he just wanted to bury his face on your chest and cuddle you all night, was it possible? Probably not but hey, he’s gotta try at least.
“I haven’t finished unpacking, everything is a mess…but I mean sure, if you don’t mind…”
“Of course not, princess! I can even help you! Having a strong male around to do all the heavy lifting could be quite handy!” if it sounded forced you didn’t notice, you agreed right away and the date was set, he was to take some nice wine and fried chicken because, why not, that’s gangster enough, isn’t it..? It did make you chuckle but honestly nothing sounded better than catching up with your old crush/friend while eating some fatty foods and some good wine to finish it all with that super hyped movie everyone’s talking about and none of you have watched just yet.
It all sounded lovely, all planned out perfectly, that was until your dog knocked out the wine bottle to the floor shattering it to nothing but a red puddle on your brand new carpet.
While the wine wasn’t at all expensive, it did kill the mood somehow and you ended up indeed just catching up with life. 
It was amazing to you how much he’s grown from the cute delinquent you used to love secretly, to this school teacher who’s been assigned to develop future talents.
You on the other hand struggled a lot while abroad and were a bit lost in your path, didn’t know if you wanted or not to continue with your choice of major and had just been hired in a company you didn’t like in the slightest. Overall, your life hasn’t been as great and seeing him after all this time was definitely lifting your spirits.
Your workplace was just a station away from his school and so you agreed to see each other again the next day. And the day after. And the one after that too.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Why is it so hard for you guys to believe I wanna buy an apartment? Am I not allowed to be fully self-sufficient?? I even bought a fridge already!” Tengen was huffing while sitting on his cubicle, Tomioka and Rengoku enjoying some afternoon tea while Kanae kept on bugging him.
“You have a woman don’t you? Just spill it out! Don’t think you can deceive me! I’m a woman after all.” Kanae was pretty rounded at this point in life, her first pregnancy confirmed to be a boy now growing at the speed of light within her belly, causing her mood to be a little…unstable…
“You’re so nosy! What if I do? Is that illegal?” the three of them gasped in unison, so in sync that it was almost comical.
“I knew it!”
“So you’re settling down? I didn’t know you wanted something like that for your life…wasn’t the flamboyant life your path or some crap like that?” Giyuu and his sharp tongue-
“You can still be flamboyant and have a lovely family.”
“Rengoku…my man…you’re the only one who gets me in this world. Maybe I should marry you instead…” Tengen has been struggling with the process of moving on with the relationship. He didn’t like titles, he didn’t want to be someone’s husband. He believed in the freedom of the heart, on how creativity gets stuck when there’s something to tie you down. He kind of wanted to just live with you, because he couldn’t bare the thought of waking up and not having you in his arms…because he couldn’t even go to his place anymore and has been wearing the same shirt for three days in a row just because of his needy self, because he needed you to be his, but he didn’t fully understand what that meant.
“I’m taken bro, sorry.” 
He let out a long sigh, sinking into his chair, “I don’t know if I want to get married…is that a bad thing? I mean I love her, I know that for sure, I also want her to be with me all the time, to a scary extent…I even made her go with me to the toilet and hold my hand because the burritos we ate last night were going rampage within me-“
“Oh my god just shut up Uzui, you disgust me…”
Laughter was filling the office once more, the heavy air around Tengen finally lifting. “It’s fine if you just want to live together, there’s many couples that never get married and still live happily together for a long time.” “Yeah exactly, just make sure to talk to her, that you’re both on the same page. Who knows? Maybe she wants the same!” it was as simple as that, wasn’t it? He was just scared of hurting your feelings, what if you wanted a huge wedding and five kids? He was not ready for that, and for all he knows, he might be ready eventually, if that’s something you want he’s willing to compromise, he just needs time, though can’t fathom living a second more without you by his side.
And it wasn’t bad at all, communication is the key to a good relationship, some say.
The happiness in your face when he told you he wanted you to go with him apartment hunting was beyond anything he had imagined before. You wanted to be with him as much as he wanted to be with you.
Marriage and having a family aren’t subjects everyone wish to discuss so early in life and while he sees himself by your side for as long as possible, he was a little behind his coworkers who built one of their own rather quickly.
For now he was happy knowing he’d get to spend every single minute of his free time in the same space as you, he loved the thought of you cooking dinner while he worked on his paintings, the thought of him letting you sleep a few minutes more by getting breakfast ready before waking you up. It was the perfect beginning to a future he never even dreamed of, a happy one, filled with love.
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Sanemi Version. Giyuu Version. Rengoku Version.
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anndramarama · 3 months
Every time I re-watch NIF I love Mei Changsu more but like him less, if that makes sense. This time I'm more and more outraged for Jingyan, who was helped by him, that's true, but by denying him access to all of the facts MCS and everyone who did know he was Lin Shu robbed Jinyan of so much agency.
And what can Jingyan do about that? Not much. Of course he wants the case retried, and to finally be able to worship the deceased properly, which is an endgame goal they all have in common, but later? It's not like he could have refused to be emperor. And he makes that comment to MCS about not even daring to hit him let alone get into a physical fight, so you know the idea of just punching MCS in his stupid face (before he hugged him) had crossed his mind more than once.
So Jingyan is robbed of agency and painted into a corner and has to sit in the worst seat ever for the rest of his life? Personally I would have faked an illness (or my death haha, but he's too good to do that to his mom), promoted one of the nice younger princes, packed a few things and fucked off with Tingsheng to jianghu to tour around for a few years.
Lin Chen would have been right on board with that I think. I could see them ending up at Langya. Jingyan would have been delighted for the opportunity to learn a trade or set of skills that wasn't related to fighting and politics, and Lin Chen would help out by happily censoring all his news. Would they be together in that scenario? Sure, maybe, but not at first: it would take Jingyan a while to understand how to ask for what he wants and even be in a relationship, and if Lin Chen's head isn't permanently done in after more than a decade at Changsu's side I would be surprised, so it would have to sneak up on them.
But in canon Jingyan is miserable and is going to stay miserable, is the thing. The people around him seem happy and relatively content but he's trapped, like they all are, and is only able to interact with his loved ones in ways that are strictly scripted and regulated by tradition. Jingyan deserved better, but so did literally everyone else.
I haven't watched the sequels, if that's really what they are, so don't know how ominous Gao Zhan's comment about the wind rising is meant to be, but I don't think anyone in that universe was going to see a happily ever after. Which is what makes it a great drama, of course, even if a fictional universe that depends on peoples' natural tendency toward hubris and avarice and paranoia and the corruption that comes with absolute power is difficult to process at times.
Anyway. Just going through some thoughts after this rewatch. I'm not done watching it either, or writing about it. I went through some seriously old WIPs for it that never made it out of the doc but I'm not sure if I want to write for it or just stick to meta this time around. We'll see.
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collapsedglasshouses · 11 months
An Angel For Noah || Noah Sebastian x OC [Part 8]
DIVIDER ART WORK BY @cafekitsune
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PAIRING: Noah Sebastian x Jules [she/her]
SUMMARY: It was everything but easy to get used to this situation for both Noah and Jules.
WARNINGS: ANGST, ANGST, ANGST, swearing, mentions of death, ...
A/N: If you read my post about crying over my writings while my friends are partying... I was referring to this :) do what you want with that information.
TAGLIST: @trvshdxddy @blackveilomens @crimson-calligraphyx @measuredingold @cncohshit @signs-of-ill-portent @hi-fancy-seeing-you-here @ada-clarence @wild-child-7747
If you wanna be added to the taglist of this story, please DM me or let me know in the comments!
Keep in mind, this takes place in an alternative universe. Even though I write about real people, the way I write them has nothing to do with how they are in real life.
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Not even two hours later, Noah and Jules found themselves awkwardly walking next to each other in a more secluded area of the park they were at. The few people they met seemed oblivious to their presence, providing the two with some privacy for their more than strange encounter.
So, while they walked aimlessly and no one dared to say anything, Jules' mind was racing. She chewed her lip, fearing that she would be torn from the world at any moment. Even though she had never really been told not to show herself to Noah, she felt like she had broken all the rules at once. While she only wanted to calm Noah’s nerves, her actions had led to something far beyond her control and it deeply terrified her.
Awkward tension hung in the air. Noah had absolutely no idea what to say to her and Jules was equally at a loss for words.
“This… is so fucking strange.”, Noah finally admitted, breaking the silence between the two. Jules immediately nodded; her gaze fixed on her trembling hands.
They fell into another strange silence, before Noah broke it again with an awkward question. “So… How old are you?”
Jules couldn’t help but chuckle softly. “What a weird question to ask a dead person.” Noah awkwardly gifted her a half-smile. “I was twenty-two years old before I died.”
Noah nodded a bit while processing her words. He swallowed hard before asking something again, desperately trying to break the awkwardness. “Is it insensitive to ask how you died?”
Jules felt how her heart sunk a little. The thought of her death weighing heavy on her shoulders. She thought deeply about her next words before mumbling. “I got run over by a car.”
With that Noah abruptly stopped walking, turning to face Jules. “Oh shit.” He mumbled. The pieces clicked into place as he remembered the tears running down her face when she had saved him from a similar fate.
For a long moment Noah just stared at her, a heavy silence falling between them, as Noah realized the trauma she had endured. He took a cautious step towards her while she couldn’t quite read what was going on in his head. She saw how he chewed the inside of his cheek before carefully grabbing her hand. “I’m deeply sorry I made you go through this again.” His eyes locked onto hers.
As she gazed into his eyes, she felt a sudden and unexpected rush of emotion. The world around the to seemed to fade into the background, while Jules started to wonder if it was the sun hitting her skin or Noah making her feel that warmth. All she could see was the symmetry of his face, the way his coffee-colored eyes sparkled with guilt and something she couldn’t quite understand, and the gentle curve of his lips. Even though she was looking at Noah at a daily basis, it felt like she had never truly looked at him before and now… In that exact moment… she couldn’t help but marvel at his sheer beauty and even more: The beauty of his heart. She couldn’t believe his words. Noah was apologizing for almost dying because it caused her to relive her trauma.
"Don't say that, Noah. I'm here to do my job," she breathed out, still captured by the soft look in his eyes.
Noah noticed how his heart ached a little when she called this whole thing "her job," but he needed to get his thoughts straight. It was her job. She wasn't here because she wanted it so badly; she was here because she was probably assigned to be here.
Noah let his gaze wander over her again. He had seen beautiful people over the years, but something about her intrigued him. When he was being honest with himself, she wasn't exactly the type of woman he would have gone after, but he just couldn't stop admiring her.
“I just want you to know that I will be more careful from now on.” He stated and squeezed her hand that he was still holding for a short second before letting go of her. He slowly started walking again, while Jules tried to process the scene for a second longer.
Jules walked quietly behind him as they continued their stroll through the park.
She took a deep breath and noticed how it felt like the two of them were in a strange, almost dream-like place. The sun was slowly setting down and its warm, gentle light casted a beautiful glow over everything. The park became even more quiet with little to no people walking around and the sounds of leaves rustling in the wind making Jules feel a bit at ease.
Noah than broke the silence with a reflective tone. “You know… It’s kind of weird,” He began, his voice soft. “What?” Jules asked, intrigued by his words.
“I don’t know you and I wasn’t supposed to… I know I shouldn’t feel this way but being with you… It’s like I’ve known you forever… I feel so safe.” He continued. Jules was touched by his words.
“Maybe that’s how you’re supposed to feel when you’re with your guardian angel.” She answered him, trying to provide some kind of comfort.
“What are you trying to imply?” Noah asked curious. “Wouldn’t it be kinda weird if you felt uncomfortable around your guardian angel?” Jules answered.
“Are you saying I’m not in charge of my own feelings?” Noah teased her, causing Jules to cover her face with her hair as she noticed the warmth of her cheeks.
“Not at all. All I’m saying is that your mind might trick you.” She answered him, causing him to come to a stand once again. Noah, still trying to make sense of the situation, playfully poked Jules on the shoulder, as if to confirm that she was really there with him.
Jules, surprised by the touch, let out a genuine chuckle. "What the fuck?" she said, mirroring his playfulness. Noah laughed in response. "What? You can't tell me my mind is playing tricks on me and not expect me to try and touch you. After all, I was just told I have a guardian angel and said guardian angel is now strolling through a park with me like it’s the most normal thing in the world."
They started walking again. Their playful exchange was a brief but welcome break from the overwhelming strangeness of their situation. However, Jules decided not to reveal her current state of mind to Noah. She simply smiled, her gaze shifting over the trees around them.
“Noah?” She finally sighed out; her voice even more quiet than it had been before.
He looked at her from the side, his eyes filled with curiosity, eager to hear what she had to say.
“I need you to promise me something.” Jules requested with a more serious tone. “What is it?” – “You can’t tell anyone about what’s happening here.”
There was a long pause as Noah contemplated the weight of her words. Keeping this bizarre experience a secret would be a significant challenge, but he understood the implications of sharing it with others. Finally, he nodded and said, "I promise. The boys would probably think I'm losing my mind and send me to a psychiatric ward anyways, so yeah... I promise."
Jules chuckled softly, her laughter mixed with a hint of sadness, as the gravity of their situation weighed on her.
“I like your laugh.” Noah than stated, causing Jules to blush a little. Every word he said to her felt like a rush of adrenaline. She knew it was wrong to let her emotions occupy her mind that much, but she felt the need to be a little selfish. Noah made her feel alive, and she knew it would be over soon.
The end of their spent time was nearing when they reached the edge of the small park. Hesitantly they stood in front of each other, both not knowing what to say again. The tension started to form again when they realized, it was probably the last time they ever looked each other in the eyes.
When their eyes locked, both of them felt that rush again and without even thinking they fell into each other’s arms. For Jules it almost felt like her heart was going to explode, the mix of the comfort and sadness washing over her. She felt how she teared up.
Noah, on the other hand, wasn’t feeling any different. He held Jules so close to him, fearing she would vanish into thin air at any moment. He let his emotions get a hold of him and almost cried out. “Please don’t leave me, Jules.”
Jules almost felt how her heart broke a little. She wanted nothing but to stay in Noah's arms but she knew she needed to leave. She tried to say something but her words just didn't want to come out. Instead her lips trembled as her hands grabbed the fabric of his hoodie harder. She didn't have the strength to leave. Not now that she had him this close. It felt like she was addicted to his touch.
"I beg you. Please stay." - "You know, I can't."
Right then she felt Noah shift in their embrace, his head placed in the crook of her neck. The spot became damp. He also was crying quietly.
"The day isn't over. You promised me a day, Jules." He mumbled into her hair as she stroked his back. She couldn't talk, fearing she would break down.
"Please, Jules." Noah continued. "I'm sounding like a fucking idiot. I don't even know what has gotten into me but please. Come to our concert tonight. Just watch it. I need you to be there."
"I need to go, Noah." The girl cried out and tried to get out of their hug even though she didn't want to.
"Promise me." Noah pleaded but suddenly felt a cold rushing through him as he realized he was slowly beginning to hug himself.
And with that...
Jules was gone.
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