#ill say i did enjoy doing the backgrounds a lot and thats worth a whole lot. but also. if this gets no notes i will. cry
gammija · 4 months
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tiefling jon's first day at the Archives
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unironicduncanstan · 4 years
Total Drama Music Camp AU - playlist / performance ideas
here she is,,,, the cursed secret texts,,,,, the total drama music camp playlist , along with some short explanations below, cringe city bitch (most of these are just covers that i feel are the closest to the performance Style id imagine for these characters and not necessarily the exact sound but u feel me) also i went back and tagged my previous posts abt this concept with “td music camp au” so if you dont know what the helling fuck im talking abt plz have a gander xoxo
link: youtube .com/playlist?list=PL-bPcaq3ZK2L682RHPauxrsFIPvGJdsiM (space is there so tumblr hopefully doesnt nerf me from the tag 🥺 )
Some Nights - ok so first weeks challenge. i feel like chris would just want them to all collab together on one huge group performance. kinda like on the first day of school when they make you do the ‘get to know you’ tests. idk exactly who would sing what parts tho bc there are so many so let your imagination run wild !!
Hand crushed by a mallet - ok. OKYAY. im a home of sexual. but this is a Cody, Trent, Tyler, Harold and Izzy song. Cody is on vocals (especially the rap in this version shdofsgjsk), Trent is on guitar and some vocals (does some back and forth with him during the rap), Tyler is on drums (and does that one tiny background screamy bit towards the end), Izzy and Harold are joined up on creating the background track and DJing the whole thing. the distortion/choppy part at the end is izzy LIVE going ape on the audio level sliders. its one of the most energetic performances of the whole series and surprises everyone including the group themselves
Misery Business - Duncan on vocals and guitar, Geoff on drums, Trent also on guitar and maybe some backup vocals. you all know i chose that bc i love associating mgk with duncan but. i rly like this idea actually ;;
Paparazzi - ezekiel. idk who the fuck else except maybe justin bc he’d dance that shit to death. i will not apologize thats Him and its fire but you may write and send any formal complaints to my po box. ill roll a blunt with them,
Pom Pom - Lindsay, Heather, Sadie+Katie, and Izzy. Lindsay and Heather are on vocals, sharing the chorus and each getting a solo verse, and ofc izzy does the weird rap part towards the end, and most of the background track. they all thought they were stuck with izzy but izzy is stuck with these preps. Sadie and Katie are on backup vocals, but their role in this one is mostly dancing and adding ✨ stage presence. 
Maps - Trent is on the guitar and male vocals while Courtney is on the female vocals (the ~top two performers~ gotta have a song together eventually right), DJ on drums, Bridgette on piano. Heather, Lindsay, Justin, and Leshawna are dancers bc lbr the dance from the video is pretty good for a group number
CREEPER? AW MAN - ok this one. is kind of a joke but wouldnt it be rly hilarious if cody, ezekiel, and harold did this one mostly for fun and the whole second part with the existential breakdown was just. used with on stage satire to make fun of chris for being old or smth. like would they suffer that week, yes, would it be worth it, Y E S, 
Shatter me - Eva, Courtney, Gwen, Beth. QwQ Eva’s on vocals for the first time and rocks it, Courtney is on violin, Gwen on drums, and Beth uses her instruments to make a background track before the performance so she can do stage tech/DJ stuff. oh also justin should be on this one bc i want. those costumes from t he vi deo, 
Chop suey - Lindsay and Courtney on vocals (LMAOSJFkSF listen. we love contrast queens that stun the crowd), Duncan on guitar, Eva on drums (and a lot of background screaming to help the Vibe Tee Em)
Unwritten - Leshawna and Trent? ik its a weird combo but i think they’d kill this
White Winter Hymnal - Lindsay as Kirstie, Noah probably as Avi even tho we all know he can’t sing that fuckgin low. and idk my other 3 bros as Cody, Tyler and Ezekiel. truly iconique group
Forget me too - QWQ DUNCAN AND COURTNEY ,,,,,,,,,,,, i dont apoloigze for the second mgk = duncan pick, anyways duncans also on guitar, gwen on drums (there is no love triangle in this au btw. the only reason theyre singing this song is bc of the regular ~tension~ that u see in like tdi but its just for the stage mostly. as soon as the songs over they would hug and cheer abt it)
Simple and Clean - Bridgette on singing, Gwen on piano, DJ on drums, Beth on general stage stuff + creates the backtrack with Bridgette's harmonies overlayed
Mr. Brightside - OWEN ON THE BRASS YES BBY ITS HIS TIME 2 FUCKIENG SHINE, Geoff on drums, Gwen begrudgingly on piano, Noah is on vocals and they have to literally bribe him with everything they HAVE to get him to try and sing this way. and he does it and it aint too shabby but he will never do it again
Domino - Leshawna on vocals (again these choices are all, based on general vibe and style and not necessarily voice, this is a tiny white girl singing,), Tyler on drums, Duncan on guitar. energy to the max babey the speakers are gonna blow the fuck out on this one
Starships - KATIE AND SADIE GET TO BE A MAIN DUO !!! they alternate lines , with courtney on violin, izzy on that synthy backtrack, and justin is involved in this one bc id change just a couple of things abt the music video costumes for these characters but like. [grabby hands] gimme
Bulletproof - ezekiel vibes.....? izzy and harold get to team up again for the backtrack. weird kids only karaoke night
The Wolves And The Ravens - 🥺 a geoff and bridgette songk,,,,, 
Never Enough Praying (Mashup) - Courtney on Praying, Heather on Never Enough, Beth and Izzy end up together on the background stuff and make a rly nice track actually
Gasoline - bitch. you know what im gonna say but duncans on vocals, Tyler on guitar, Geoff on drums, Ezekiels on track
Better not wake the baby - Noah gets to sing a song that actually matches his style a tiny bit better lol, DJ on drums, Trent on guitar, and i feel like beth is the only one with any hope of figuring out the accordion keyboard thing thats in the background
This is Gospel - Gwen on piano and Trent on vocals. really the music video is the most important part for me bc i think a challenge where oyu have to sing a really intense emotional song while chris gets to dump shit down on your head from the ceiling of the stage. sounds perfect,
Wildest Dreams - codys on vocals bc god i am Obsessed with this cover being a bisexuality / coming out song . everybody thinks hes just regular simping and being his usual fuccboi self when he chooses this song till he gets to those Very Intentionally Unchanged Pronouns that he sings a little too enthusiastically hhhshHDSHHHSDH , also DJ on drums and Tyler on guitar
Happier - Bridgette solo ! 
Stay - Courtney on guitar and vocals, Dj and Harold are on the hand drum shit. once again i live for the ‘unlikely group actually works together and rocks it’ stuff. courtney as always has talent and enjoys what she does but harold and dj kind of steal the show with how in sync and energetic they are abt it lmfaodghd
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nottblogs · 8 years
Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.
Well... here I am, playing the game.
I guess I’ll start this blog off with a bit about me, background info and all that so that you can get a sense of what sort of person I am and whether you’d be interested in reading what I have to say.
26 years ago, a woman who already had two children, had lost another was told she would never be able to have children again. Little did she know that a little over 9 months later that would be proven wrong, very wrong. 
That woman was my mother, having had her first child at the age of 19, and then having her second at 33. At the age of 35, back in 1991 she was considered old to become a parent. However, on the 3rd of September another ‘bundle of joy’ entered the world. My father considered it (me) a miracle, my mother... not so much. However this isn’t a blog to complain about my mummy issues. I was a sickly child, ear problems right off the bat. No eardrum in my left ear meant that I was deaf in that ear. Some skin grafts, and grommet implants later I could hear if somewhat poorly but it was there. My childhood was spent learning how to lip read - just in case the worse should happen. A skill I am very glad to have use of now that I am older. 
After that I lived what would be a relatively normal and healthy life up until being about the age of 6 or 7. We were on a family holiday, and just like any other child my age I enjoyed playing on the parks. One summers day in Cornwall I was playing on a slide, which was perhaps a bit too steep and surely enough I came flying right off the end. An accident most children would just happily get up and walk away from, maybe shed a few surprised tears. I however, couldn’t get up and walk away. I couldn’t move at all. My parents rushed me to the hospital where after scans and X-rays it was revealed that I had a couple of muscles missing from the base of my spine. The doctors said it was fine and my back would heal in a few days, which it did but what we didn't know is that this was about to open up a whole new world of problems for me.
When I was 9, like any other child my age I was obsessed with horses, the whole ordeal with my back long forgotten my parents invested in giving me riding lessons. I was a natural, I competed in jumping competitions and went riding twice a week for 6 years. All was happy and great until one day, while out on a trek my horse was spooked down by a river and after rearing up I was thrown from the saddle only to land on a rock in the river below. This accident, which thankfully didn’t break any bones did however have a very bad impact on my back. I was left bed ridden for weeks and unable to do any physical activity, I was an active child with horse riding and dance classes, fencing lessons, karate, you name it I did it. However now I was unable to do any of it, and advised that anything of that nature may be dangerous to my condition in my back as one wrong move and i could paralyse myself for good. 
Fast forward to when I was 18, I had become accustomed to not being able to be as active as I once was however my weight suffered for it. I ballooned in size, even tipping over 20 stone on the scales but at least i’d had a good few years of being in good health behind me. Then the wisdom teeth started, one by one they all grew in but they were coming through diagonally and therefore smashing the teeth in front of them and moving the rest of my teeth forward. Four years and two teeth extractions, 10 fillings and one root canal later the problem with my teeth seemed to end. By this time I was at University. 
University was a great experience in my life, Making life long friends, having my first full time job. I even managed to meet a guy not long after I got there and I thought everything was perfect. I’d had a few boyfriends before I went to university, one even lived with me and my parents for a while but none of them had ever been serious. This new man in my life made me feel special, he made me feel like I was worth something. The first 6 months of our relationship was bliss, he came from a wealthy family, something I did not so he showered me with gifts, took me out for expensive meals and took me on trips away. However the bliss was to be short lived. Without going into too much detail the long and short of it is, I was in an abusive relationship. He would guilt trip me into doing things I didn't want to do. He would do whatever he wanted to me even if I said no, and I was in a bad place. I tried to get out time and time again but he would always hold something over me to make me stay. He blamed his sleeping around on the fact that I was depressed and down. A long 18 months after we got together it was the end of University and I was getting ready to move back  in with my parents 2 hours away. This was my chance to be free. I broke up with him and stood my ground. However the last two weeks of Uni were hell from that point on. Luckily I had a few male friends who would take it in turns to stay at my house so I never had to be alone when he so predictably turned up at my door step every evening. Harassing me and trying to break down my door. The two weeks passed and my parents picked me up and I was home. The harassment stopped maybe a week or so after I got back to my parents house, he’d found himself a new victim. I did what any honourable woman would do and messaged the girl a quick warning, whether she took my advice or not was up to her. 
After Uni I started working full time for Subway, a reasonable job but I wasn’t completely happy. After 18 months of suffocating in that relationship I had isolated pretty much all of my friends. The only person I really hung out with was my dad. This was when we realised that I had anxiety. I would never want to leave the house if I could help it and I wouldn't ever try and engage new people in conversation. During an argument one night my mother said how pathetic it was that i was 23 and my only friend was my dad. This lead to me going into online dating. I was getting a lot of male attention, and something my ex had said was stuck in my brain ‘good luck getting anyone else to want to be with you, you’re fat and ugly and nobody would want you.’ well, this proved him wrong all these men wanted me. Even if I wasn’t a typical skinny, pretty girl. After a year of one night stands, meaningless flings and douchebags I realised this really wasn't what I wanted. I stopped using the dating site and this was when I met him. The man I’d always been waiting for.
We had a brilliant first date and saw each other regularly from then on. I realised this is the first time I had been truly happy in a relationship. No second guessing, no jealousy, no self-consciousness. I was happy. After a year we were engaged! Me, engaged?! I couldn’t believe it. We were living together, with his old roommates and this is where the problems started. We lived with a married couple and they both hated me, right from the offset for no reason what so ever.
 In the first year we were together I was suffering from the common cold a lot, at least once a month. And with each cold came an accompanying ear infection. I’d had 10 within a year time period, the doctors were baffled and gave me endless antibiotics and a flu vaccine. About 6 weeks after I moved in with my fiancé and his roommates, 6 weeks into a brand new job in a call centre. I suffered an ear infection so bad that I was left 90% deaf. Remember how I said I was glad to have spent my childhood learning how to lip read? Anyway obviously working in a call centre, being deaf wasn’t any use to them so they fired me. A few months later I had some surgery which meant I could hear again, just not very well. During the time with being off work I was stuck in the house on my own all day while he was at work. One of the women we lived with also didn’t have a job, and because she didn’t like me she made me feel uncomfortable in my own house. I became depressed, I was down and out in every way and was put on antidepressants. I thought they were making an impact and I had some of my drive and ambition back but then disaster struck. 
My beloved dog, who I had left with my parents in hope of bringing her over to be with us once we had our own place had to be put to sleep. Now, I’ve suffered loss before but none of them hit me as hard as this one did. I was beside myself, I didn't know how I would ever get over it. And to be honest to this day, I haven’t. This lead to my depression getting worse. We decided for my health and my depression we needed to get out of that house, we needed our own place so thats what we did. Two months down the line we have our own house, and he decided that i needed company during the day so one day we go to pets at home just to ‘have a look’ and came home with two rabbits. They were going to live as house rabbits, and that they are doing. Currently racing each other as to who can drink the most, while doing it more noisily as i am writing this. The companionship helped, and the fact i had something to look after gave me a reason to get out of bed in the morning. I felt refreshed, and soon thereafter I was back in work. However, this bliss was to be short lived.
A little after two weeks into my new job I became ill. Vomiting continuously and unable to get off the toilet. I figured it was just a bug but it wasn’t oh boy was it not. I’ve always been a ‘sicky kid’ I don’t have a strong stomach. Everything makes me sick, travelling, rollercoasters... cucumber. But this was something else. After 6 weeks it became apparent that it isn’t just a bug and so the tests started. Needless to say I was fired from my job again but I was soon signed unfit for work anyway. I was unable to leave the house through fear of not being able to reach a toilet in time. 
Now we have a diagnosis, at 25 years old. I have just been diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. Basically, my stomach lining and my bowels have just given up. After endless tests and prodding and poking this is where we’re at. 
So now to address the title of this blog, this blog is to encourage anyone who may have been through similar ordeals as I have to never give up. You may feel like the world is constantly dragging you down and like you’ve been given the short end of the stick. But please don’t ever give up. You will find good people who will help you through no matter what just like I have. And it’s going to be tough, very tough but you will get through it. My journey with Crohn’s has only just begun and there’ll be plenty more bumps in the road but just know you can do it. We can all do it together. 
nottblogs xo
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amorrain1990-blog · 8 years
Tips to dating in 2017
I know what your thinking, "Who needs dating tips?" If your in a relationship OBVIOUSLY this isnt for you. I write this for the single people, not just females, but anyone who is freshly out of a relationship, those who are just tired of the same old experiences and looking for something real, or those who have no idea where to start in this new age era of dating online. Mainly I want to share my experiences with the world. If my words can help anyone, even just a little bit, or make someone laugh and forget about the terrible day they had, then one of my life goals will be accomplished. if your still reading this you must be seriously bored.. Just kidding and honestly thank you to those that decided that this was worth the time. So for a little background on me and why I decided to spend my valuable (not) time putting this together. I am a serial dater. Yes I admit it. Phew, first step to quiting your problem.... Anyways, ever since I started dating at 14 years of age, (if you can call it that when your that young) I never went more than a few months without a boyfriend. At 16 I met who I thought was the man I would someday marry. 6 years later, I woke up and realized that I wasted most my young adult life being a housewife without the big shiny ring and the bragging rights. Well I lasted about 4 days before I was back on the saddle and thinking I was in love again. I of course wasnt. After that ended, I entered another long term relationship. 4 years and a hell of a lot of tears later, I ended it and here I am now. Sitting here pouring my thoughts into Tumblr, knowing full well that no one will ever read this. But im doing this not just for others. Im mainly doing it for me. I made a New Years resolution to stay single all year. Theres been a few hiccups over the first month of the year, but so far still single. Its important to prove to myself that I do not need to be tied down, that I can be my own person and do things without a MAN. ( For clarification, I am in no way shape or form a feminist) Every woman should be comfortable with who they are, and shouldnt have to rely constantly on the male species. Dont get me wrong, I love guys! Who doesnt? Their manly smell, their muscles and of course the all important Penis. Although I enjoy the company and presence of a man, I also want to get down to the real nitty gritty, the foundation that is me. I need answers to important questions like : Who am I? What can I accomplish on my own? And most importantly, What talents do I have to share that will leave my own personal mark on humanity? No answers yet, but eh, its only been a month. Now to get down to the good stuff: Online dating. Ive dabbled for a few years with it. I learned a lot, and not always the easy way. Nonetheless, I would like to leave some imparting (and possibly humorous) words of wisdom. Over the time ive spent online, browsing through guys like a damn Ikea catalouge, I have come to the realization that NO ONE IS EVER AS THEY SEEM. No, dont argue. I do not care if youve added them on facebook and stalked them on Snapchat. CAMERAS CAN LIE. I dont care if he looks like Channing Tatum and Mark Wahlberg had a wacky (albeit ingenious) science experiment and they had a devestatingly handsome baby. Keep in mind filters and angles can make just about anyone look good. That goes for both men and women. Yes ladies im talking about you. If you arent comfortable enough with yourself to let a stranger see the real you, then how do you expect to truly find someone who loves you for you? I am not completely heartless, nor am I a virgin to using a snapchat filter a time or two (or five) but there are ways to keep it real and get away with it. You may be wondering why I brought this up? Heres why: I have had more than once, met some one online, thought they were handsome in their photos,(Yes photos can be altered, but I always look at all photos. They may not show the real guy behind the profile, but there is always a lot you can infer from their pictures. but i will touch bac on that at another time.) Back to my story, I usually am very good at picking out the phonies from the real. Like I said earlier, ive got some experience in this area. So the other day im bored talking to people online and this one guy hits me up wanting to hang out. He was super sweet and his pics werent too bad so I decided to roll with it and take him up on his offer. We talked for a week and to me thats better than most guys who just send a HEY and then ask for nudes. He came to pick me up and when i met him in person I was a little bit dissapointed that his pictures online didnt seem to really look like him too much. But im not shallow so I decided to give him a chance. He was a sweetheart and absolute gentleman, but i just wasnt attracted to him. If theres no chemistry, theres no chemistry. Plain and simple. Cant force it. Anyways, two hours later he dropped me off at home (we just sat and talked the whole time.) Overall i enjoyed the experience but in the back of my mind I knew he wasnt what i was looking for. Not that i know what that is, but maybe someday ill find that story book romance. The kind that takes your breath away and covers your skin with goosepimples. (meh, a girl can dream right?) The sad part is that i considered myself almost a pro at weeding out the guys who i know are a waste of time and those who arent. I had kissed more than my fair share of toads. Like the first time i tried online dating... (Hilarious flashback) I had just started out on this dating app, after getting my heart handed to me extra well done, and i obviously had no clue what i was doing. this kid(i think he lied about his age cause i thought he was 21 or 22, but in person he looked 12) starts chatting with me. We find out that we both liked to smoke and he seemed cool. He wanted to meet and i was lonely and depressed enough that i agreed to let him come over. His profile pics made him look like a redheaded justin beiber and i thought to myself, now brittany, youve never ever had good luck with redheads. But i chose to ignore that side of the brain. He called me unable to find the address so i met him outside. He got out of his car and lets just say, Justin Beiber? not even close. The kid knew that if he did his hair just like beibers in his photos, hed get more girls. But what he didnt realize is that if your going to use that to your advantage, maybe take the time to do it outside of just for your profile pictures. So, he asks what i would like to do, and i can already tell im not going to like this kid. Mainly because he was very indecisive, and i had to eventually tell him what we were going to do because i got tired of getting in and out of his car. So we decide to chill and smoke. My close friends know i can be a bit of a snob when it comes to marijuana. But i was born and raised in california. When your used to the best, other stuff is almost unsmokable. The entire reason i agreed to meet him may have been selfish on my part, he did say he would bring some and i hate smoking alone, so i guess i deserved what happened next. He pulls out his bag and then apologizes because he only brought a nug with him. But after i smelled it and looked at it i told him to forget it and we would smoke what i had. I could tell he was a little immature just from him trying to converse with me. It was obvious he thought this would be a hookup. He was like a teenager on prom night, bouncing around, nervous and looking for an excuse just to touch me. Of course he would be leaving disappointed. Not only was he starting to annoy me, but he brought crappy ass weed to my apartment. If you are a stoner, then you know how insulting that is. Somehow, amid his incessant chatter, a spider had made it to his face and was hanging off his nose. I couldnt stop staring at it! I wondered while he continued to talk, if he felt it at all. I was so fascinated by it i think he finally noticed and tried to slyly wipe at his nose. It took him three tries before he managed to rid himself of the arachnid. And cruelly i had wished it would bite him just so he would leave. As if my lack of effort in his one sided conversation wasnt enough of a clue that i wasnt interested, he then proceeded to sit next to me. He complimented me and then asked if he could kiss me. I didnt even reply before he leaned in and tried to toungue my closed mouth. I couldnt help it, I laughed. It was like kissing a relative. Not in an incestuous way, but in a awkward and not enjoyable in ANY way. I could tell i hurt his feelings when i pushed him away (the laughing part didnt help either) but at that point i was ready to enjoy the rest of the night with my favorite person: me. Luckily he finally got the hint and announced he was leaving because i obviously wasnt into him or having a good time... I was a little taken aback. I didnt think he could tell that i was getting fed up. I felt bad and lied to him, claiming exhaustion was the reason. Well it didnt work so he finally said he was just going to leave. I was too relieved to care. Needless to say i never talked to him again. Not that he didnt try! You would think a guy would take a hint and find someone who actually liked him. But thats what the block button is for, haha. (yes i know im heartless) And that leads us back to rule #1: Dont always expect to see the guy in the profile picture. 9 times out of 10 they took the pic when they were in highschool 5 years ago, or they angle it just right that you cant tell if theyre obese or not (again, not shallow, ive dated guys of all sizes) Or they just dont know how to take pics at all and look terrible in all of them. OR my personal fav, the guess who. (its where most of their pics are of them with other guy friends, most the time hotter friends, so you spend all this time trying to figure out which one is the actual sn: bicycleman007 or some lame shit. Only to spend the next 10 mins scrolling until i finally find an alone shot only to reveal that he wasnt the one on the left that i thought was hot. (ok this thing is getting longer than i thought. Time to wrap it up lol) One last thing that I think is just as important if not more so than rule number one: Rule #2: TRUST YOUR GUT. No exceptions, no excuses. JUST DO IT. 10 times out of 10 my gut has been right. That May be just a tad bit of an exaggeration, but seriously you will not feel guilt or regret when you follow your gut. Everytime i have followed it, I jump up in the air and do a dance because i was right and i did the right thing and felt so amazing afterward. The unfortunate times i failed to listen to that tiny inner voice, ive wanted to kick myself right in the tit. with boots on. But oh well, you live and learn and grow from it. Or vent on a blog with my absurdly long post. (just for those certain opinionated people, im not always right, everyone experiences things differently and in their own way.. this is just my experience. take it or leave it but dont be a douche about it. lol) Well thats it for now, but i will be putting more of my crazy experiences and tips for dating later. -b
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