c-rankin93 · 7 years
Uncle Archie Knows Best
A/N: so me being the anti-social person i am, decided to troll Tumblr. When i came across THIS lovely post about MMFD prompts, and i haven't done a prompt for many moons.. soo.. i wrote this in about an hour, because of my 'shes no you' multi chapter creation. so hope you like it even if its just thrown together and i though id just add the tag list to my other Fic.
Runs and Hides now... Because i dont even know where this came from!
Archibald at your service...
Now let me tell you a story, a fickle little shrine to two people I love dearly. A story so pleasantly surprising you'll be wondering 'what happens next?' You've seen Rae's point of view, and maybe even Finn's, but have you viewed it from the outside looking in?
I can read Finn better then a poem written by Shakespeare himself, and Rae let's just say hostility and regret can never be covered by a sarcastic joke. Her facial expression tell a story of their own, I just so happen to be a fantastic Explorer. Summer of '96, currently 3 days, 7 hours and 19 minutes ago was the last time I had seen or heard from either Rae or Finn. Which was incredibly odd because I ALWAYS get the one moody phone call from Rae everyday, telling me to get my arse moving and to meet her at the pub. Oblivious to the time she's calling, which would be tethering on lunchtime. And I, being the early riser I am would already be wide awake and on my 3rd cup of peppermint tea. Finn on the other hand would just levitate around, half the time fading into the background by the jukebox until it was time to see Olivia. Olivia, Finn's new prized possession. The 24 year old business women that seemingly found a newly fresh 17 year old attractive enough to date. And if Finn's docile smiles have any indications, he really didn't know what she saw either. That stupid boy jumped head first into a pile of his own shit, when he got involve with Olivia. I know why he did it though, Rae hurt him that night she broke up with him. He wasn't stupid, he had heard the rumours about Liam and Rae. The kiss. The fight. He wasn't even keen to go on the date in the first place, but he walked outta the pizza place with a new girlfriend. Coincidence? Yeah, your probably right. So what happens when Uncle Archie knocks some sense into a dim witted Finn Nelson? Nothing. You know why? Because they hadn't contacted me in 3 days! No 'thank yous' or 'Fuck yous', just a whole lot of silence. My mind maybe a little fuzzy, my alcohol ingestion that night was more then I'm willing to disclose. But I do remember what I said to Finn outside the pub after Rae made a dramatic, but also quite hilarious exit... (Fades off into a memory. Woooohooo *spooky fingers*) "Finn, a word. Outside?" My eyes gravite towards the gang; who are still wondering 'what just happened?' Before they land on the boy in question. He too looked a little put out, but agreed to talk. Finn kissed Olivia's cheek quickly, then trailed after me into the bellow freezing temperatures of a summers night in Stamford. We huddled close together around the side of the pub, away from prying ears. He kept looking around, trying to see what direction Rae sprinted off to and when he saw her fading figure he frowned. "What the bloody hell were you thinking Finn!" I pointed an accusing finger at him and shoved it into his chest multiple times. "Wot?" He replied, defending himself from my unslaught. "What do you think your doing bring Olivia to the pub? Especially when you know Rae will be there!" This boy was smarter then he looked. He knew exactly what he had done tonight, he brang Olivia to show everyone he had moved on. He just had no idea that was the topic I chose to broach with him tonight, we'll until now. "I didn't do anythin' wrong Arch. Liv wanted to meet you all tonight, especially 'Cause she knew Rae was there. She wanted to get to know everyone." I swear gay men are the only smart creatures on this planet. "You twat! She was sizing up the completion! 'Oh Rae how lovely to meet you, Finn talks soo much about you'" I spoke with a girly accent. It wasn't my finest work, but at least I got my point across.   "And what's with all this cheesy nickname shit. Bug? Really Finn! When you guys chose pet names, were you laying in bed cuddling too?" "Hold up Arch! Remember Rae left me! Not the other way around. She has to use to me datin' other girls-" "Woman" I interrupted. "Girls-women whateva! I had to deal with it, so does she." I shook my head at the stupid boy I decided to call my best friend. "Do you not listen to the stories that get spread around school" I asked honestly. After socialising in the same circle as Macca and Simmy for a few weeks, I had grown a custom to the foul things they talked about involving the other students. And to my regret, Rae had been a topic well and truly covered. "What are you talking about? You know I can't stand college" Finn stressed running a hand through his hair. I caught him look in the direction Rae headed, but unfortunately her figure had disappeared by now. "After your little disabled toilets stun, you two became quite famous. I'm surprised you didn't hear about your little escapade floating in the wind." "You know nothin' happened. We talked, and I kissed her. And it shouldn't matter what happened in there anyway! It's nobody else's business." Sighing, I thought of a different way to broach the subject. "Finn its a place full of teens, gossip is their only form of communication. We are a nasty breed of people, that will twist and turn the truth until it's a plausible story. It doesn't matter what really happened. All they know is you and Rae locked yourselves in the toilet, alone, together. They have an imagination. Everyone thinks you two had fucked." Finn scoffed acting like it was the stupidest thing he has ever heard. Then it clicked. The clogs in this brain meshed together in harmony, he finally got what I was trying to say. "What are they saying about Rae?" "Do you want the truth? Or would you like me to sugar coat it?" I asked honestly. It didn't matter how and what I said, I know Finn was going to be mad once he finds out. "Truth." "They are saying along the lines of... Rae is a fat minging bird that you felt sorry for so you decided to give her a sympathy fuck..." "And she's heard this?" I nodded. "What about you and the rest of the gang? Have you heard this?" I regretfully nodded again. "Why hasn't anyone told me this shit! Why haven't you done anything about it Archie!" I bowed my head in shame. Here I am berating Finn about what he's doing to Rae when I too was only hurting her as well. "I honestly thought you knew and shrugged off the silly rumour like you normally do, I mean when you heard about Rae and Liam you laughed. And I know I should of done something Finn. I'm just trying to fit in at the moment, and I fucked up! We all fucked up" I sighed. "So she believe what people where saying about her then? That's why she broke up with me? Not because she didn't want to be with me but because she doesn't think she's worthy of me." "I don't know Finn" I shrugged. "She had a mental break down not that long ago. Anything could be going through her mind right now." Finn patted his jacket pocket, checking for his wallet and what not before looking back at me with a sad smile attached to his face. "I have to go talk to her before she gets to the pigeon race." I snorted. "Really Finn?" "Look just tell the others I had to run off, I-ugh-I had toooo..." "Go to a pigeon race?" I laughed. "Yeah whatever. Just tell Olivia I'll call her tomorrow" he shouted the last part as he darted across the road. He ran down the road leading to Rae's house. I hoped I had done the right thing. "CALL ME!" I shouted, but Finn had already faded into the black. "Well what to do now?" I mumbled to myself staring at the pub doors. I didn't particular want to venture back into that domain, especially without Finn in tow. Eh. I think chop will be quite alright with the ladies tonight. I started walking towards my car. I think it was time for a peppermint tea. (And.. CUT!) But he never called me.. He never picked up the phone, his dad being away on a work trip didn't help. Even Linda didn't spill the beans, she just said she was out. So you see my glorious friends, here is my little story about how Uncle Archie either saved the day or got himself into a load of shit. Time will tell to establish the ending of this story. All I know for one, is it won't be ending with someone jumping on a train to Bristol. I'll shut that shit down quick smart. So until then I will bid you farwell- *Ringing* "Holy fuck" I mumbled wiping the drool sliding down my chin. The ringing continued to blare through the room as I picked my head up from the desk I fell asleep at. I rubbed my forehead and groaned before reaching over my lamp to grab the phone. "Ello?" I croaked, sleep still evident in my voice. "Archie?" I bolted up right as soon as I heard Finn's voice, which caused me to fall backwards off the chair. I laid there a few seconds before dragging the receiver to my ear and taking the base with it causing it to land on my leg. Fuck. "Yeah?" "Did you just- never mind. What's going on?" "What's going on? WHAT'S GOING ON? Three fucking days Finn! No contact from you, nothing" I sat up straight. "What happened?" "Uh well I broke up with Olivia" Finn said warily. I snorted. "Don't give a toss about that! What happened with Rae did you find her?" "Yeah I found her." "And?" I stressed. I'd start going grey soon if Finn kept talking in riddles. "Here I am stressing. Having waky ass dreams about me narrating a story about you two and all your giving me is a short answer. I need information Finn Nelson!" "Are you alright Arch? You seem a bit strange this evening" Finn had the audacity to laugh. "Finn!" "Ohkay. Ohkay. We talk, no details. And we sorted stuff out. Starting fresh. We're going to try again." I smiled. Whatever Finn said actually worked. Honestly I thought the twat would fumble over his words, but he actually did it. I was like a proud father. "Ohkay that's good" I played it cool but inside I was jumping up and down like a school girl. "Are you Bellends coming to the pub anytime soon to socialise? Or are you two not quite ready to come out of your bubble?" "Nah we'll see ya tonight. Catch." "See you then." The line went dead and I sagged back onto the ground. Oh it was glorious being Uncle Archie. Being wise beyond my years, with a dramatic  group of friends that helped expand my growing ego. I could sell my story and become a millionaire one day.
*dramatized exit*
@lily-pop-2 @eveerez @i-dream-of-emus @hey1tskat1e @arathewallflower @mmfdfanfic @luly310 @l88cym @tinakegg @milllott @milymargot @lurkernolonger
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myfatmadteenageblog · 11 years
ilovemmfd started following you
hello!!! what a lovely blog you've got!
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endemictoearth · 11 years
I've been tagged!
1. Always post the rules 2. Answer the questions the person who tagged you has written and write 11 new ones 3. Tag 11 people and link them to your post  4. Let them know you’ve tagged them the questions
I have been tagged by notenoughtalent, thanks!
1. Favorite mode of transportation? I like trains/subways (facing forward or I get queasy), because you're getting somewhere, in relative comfort, and can get some reading/tumbling/what-have-you done.
2. For or Against Selfies? FOR. It's not high-art, but it's great outlet for expression.
3. Most Boring Place you have ever been? Study hall freshman year. I made sure I never had one again.
4. Pen or Pencil? Pen. I don't like getting graphite on my hand while drawing/writing.
5. If I gave you thirty bucks, what would you spend it on? I just bought a load of clothes with my Christmas gift cards, so maybe a fancy lunch? OR take a friend out for a not-so-fancy lunch for two.
6. Best Concert you have ever been to? Probably seeing They Might Be Giants at Lebowski Fest. It was such a confluence of things I love. 
7. Do you listen to music while on the computer, or do you savor the silence? Generally I savor the silence, because I get distracted when I'm trying to write. But I'm forever clicking on links to songs that people post, or going to YouTube to listen to songs for inspiration.
8. Describe the perfect day. Wake up at a reasonable hour, having gotten a full eight hours (rare for me), a hearty breakfast of [I seem to have lost my train of thought at breakfast, maybe I just eat breakfast for the rest of the day]
9. Favorite Disney Movie Quote? "To be my own master, such a thing would be greater than all the magic and all the treasures in the world." - Aladdin
10. Do you prefer being hot or cold? Cold. Layers and snuggly socks and wool coats and hot tea. Yes. Can't stand being too hot.
11.What is your favorite quote? First to come to mind is: "No changing of place at a hundred miles an hour will make us one whit stronger, or happier, or wiser. There was always more in the world than man could see, walked they ever so slowly; they will see it no better for going fast. The really precious things are thought and sight, not pace. It does a bullet no good to go fast; and a man, if he truly be a man, no harm to go slow; for his glory is not at all in going, but in being." John Ruskin
Now for my questions:
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone (using your vocal chords)? 
Were you named after anyone?
What is your favorite board game and why?
Describe your favorite outfit you've ever worn.
Do you wear jewelry? Why or why not?
If someone said they would donate $1000 to charity in your name, where would you send the funds?
Favorite outdoor activity?
If you could sign up for a free class in any creative endeavor, what would it be? (Ex. writing, drawing, painting, sculpture, dance, etc . . .)
Dream vacation?
Do you have a pet? What kind? If not, would you like one?
Did you have a best friend when you were 10? What were they like?
Tagging at random:
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mymadandfatdiary · 11 years
TAG! ❤ Share ten things about yourself then pass it on to 10 of your favorite blogs. :)
Thanks so much ... I really suck at these though lol.
1. I'm 25 
2. I live in Chicago
3. I am obsessed with SanSan fanfiction
4.I didnt go to college and I regret it.
5.I'm in love with Rory McCann
6.I have social anxiety and Im working through it
7. I am diabetic
8. I have an unhealthy obsession with my tv
9. Halloween is my favorite holiday followed by Christmas.
10. I use "lol" way too much
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c-rankin93 · 9 years
The Chase pt 3
thank you to all my very lovely ladies that have been following this story, sorry it has taken me so long to write. ive been crammed with work :D so i though that this would be the last chapter but i couldnt make the last scene so short. Finn deserved better! part 4 will be the final.... editing is still slopping, i wrote it and didnt even proof read so my sorrys.
Walking through the halls felt like a blur, like her feet were misguiding her into the world of the unknown. Her head was down allowing for her long raven hair to hide her face from the stares, but her ears were open and she could hear the whispers that were putting doubts in her mind. her breathing was shallow, her heart was racing as she tried to cling to Izzy and Chloe hustling her past strangers. She finally decided to raise her face to look at her friends, and was met with warm smiles and excitement pratically beeming from their faces. Thoughs of why her name was ushured across the speakers by Chop played around in her head, they were always kind to her so surely they werent playing a practical joke on her.. As her mind wondered a voice started to echo from behind them, with footsteps thumping along the hard surface. The voice got louder and more rushed the closer it got to them, making them stop dead in their tracks and turn around.
“I SAID WAIT UP” Chop yelled from a few feet behind them, sweat driping from his nose and slightly limping.
“Chop what are you doing, Whats all this about?” panic start to rise within her again and she searched his eyes for honesty and was only met with a slight chuckle and massive grin.
“You will find out soon enough baby girl, now lets get you outside” He said as he pushed inbetween chloe and Rae grabbing her hand pulling her towards the building exit leaving the girls behind. She looked back to see the girls waving to her smiling and she tried to usher them to come without sucsess.
Those last few minutes rushing towards the courtyard felt like hours, her feet were slowly dragging behind her and chop dropping jokes about picking her up if she got any slower went through her mind like a speed train.
“Chop how did you get out and why are you limping?” she spoke trying to break the awkward tention and lossen him up a bit. He turned to her with a massive grin on his face and slowed up the pace as they neared the courtyard.
“Jumped out the window baby girl, did my knee up pretty bad but ill survive. Its worth it though... i wish i could of seen your face when you heard me on the speaker though” He said with a laugh and shook his head as he saw her shocked reaction. “But enough about me, Archie and Barney are over their waiting for you dont leave them waiting” He continued and he pushed her towards the boys. Before she could reply he was gone, hobling back into the building. She turned towards Archie and Barney standing in the middle of the courtyard both clutching guitars surrounded by students, their focus was on her as she slowly shuffled towards them. She stood infront of them complely mute, her mouth opening a few times to let any sort of word fumble out of her mouth but remaining quiet.
“Rae, this is for you pretty lady” Archie said as he handed her a red envolope with her name written on it in bold print. “BUT... Dont open it now. your first suprise isnt over yet” he continued one he saw her fingers hover over the seal. He played with the strap of his guitar and winked across to Barney as he did the same, both pulling out a pick and clearing their throat in unison. Rae’s eyebrows flurished as she spoke one word softly, the only word that seemed to pass her lips. “First” she whispered so quietly the boys barely heard her and started to strum their guitars.
The familiar sound of ‘she’s electric’ poured across the courtyard drawing an even bigger crowed around them. Archie’s soft voice singing out the lyrics as Barney backed him up with different cords, his voice was more deep and it flowed with the music.
“And I want you to know I've got my mind made up now But I need more time And I want you to say Do you know what I'm saying? But I need more .... Coz I'll be you and you'll be me There's lots and lots for us to see There's lots and lots for us to do She is electric, can I be electric too?”
The final few strums were met with a wave of applause from the crowded students that enjoyed the song, a hint of a smile crossed Rae’s face as she met Archie’s eyes. They both walked towards her swooping her up in a hug after they flicked their guitars around to their backs. She blushed from head to toe as they pulled out of the hug keeping their hands on her shoulders in support.
“Your a top bird Rae, reguardless of what some bitches say” Barney spoke loudly so the crowd could also hear him.
“Now are you going to open that envolope” Archie added.
Her fingers nervously shook as she glided them under the seal and ripping it up, she pulled out a white card and read it quietly to herself.
Rae, your chauffeur awaits. meet him in the carpark. i know you have a free next so your excuse will be invaid. i want this to be special, your worth it. xx
Her eyes flicked back towards Archie and Barney with confusion, she didnt understand what was going on. She smiled though, smiled at the though of someone going out of their way to do something special for her. Archie hugged her tight once more whispered words of encouragment in her ear before she stepped around them and started to walk through the crowd. All eyes were still on her, she didnt feel the embarrassment anymore. She felt empowered, no matter how many snarky comments she heard from a few girls as she passed them. She didnt care anymore, this gave her goose bumps and shiver of happiness that spread through her body like wild fire.
She walked through the gates of the school to see Macca waiting leaning against his car playing with thumbs, she looked around the empty car park before she approached him.
“Hey” Rae said as she reached him. His head shot up and he quickly stuffed his hands in his pockets before giving her a nervous smile..
“Thought you would never come” He chuckled as he opened up the car door gesturing her inside. Rae sat in the car fidgeting with the note that she still had clutched in her hands, she let her eyes wonder around the plush interior of his car. She could smell the fragrence of pine woffed through her nose, as Macca settled in the drivers seat. 
“Whats going on?” she questioned with her own nervous smile.
“You’ll soon find out, so dont think that you will get anything out of me” he replied as he started the car up.
“I just want to know that im not getting kidnapped and im not going to die today, because i really like my life you know” she joked awkwardly as she made eye contact with him. He smiled and shook his head in return.
“no Rae, us roody boys aint planning ya murder” he reached into his pocked and chucked a blind fold to her before he continued to speak. “Put that on. and NO PEAKING.
She hesitated for a second before sliding the blind fold over her head, everything going black within second. She let out a steady breath before turning to Maccas direction and nodding. She heard the click of the gears before he pulled out of the park and headed towards our destination. She could hear the hussle of stamford pass her as she remained in darkness, his heavy breathing beside her made her nervous and she thought about what was happening. She couldnt help but smile when the stone roses sung heavenly through the speakers.
“never knew you had such a good taste in music macca... Always pictured you as a spice girl fan” She laughed as she turned towards his dirrection.
“Very funny Rae” he scoffed with a laugh, she pictured him shaking his head and smiling, this make her smile to.
“Were here” he spoke again after a moments silence.
“aww, dont we get to finish listening to the song” She said as she tapped her hand on her thigh.
“nope” he replied popping the p for effect. “Wait here, dont take your blind fold off” He continued as he stepped out of the car. She heard muffled sounds coming from outside of the car as she strained her ears trying to figure out who it was and what they were say without sucsess.
The car door swung open and two warm hands greated her as they grabbed her own slowly guiding her out of the car. The hands were soft and feminine, the smell of rose purfume stung her nose and without a doubt she instantly knew who it was.
“Chloe, what are you doing here... Is Iz here too... Whats going on?” she blurted the words out so fast she didnt even let them register in her own brain.
“Yeah babe its me, Iz is here... now be quiet and let us do our job” Chloe replied as she placed a hand on Rae’s shoulder softly pushing her forward.
“But-” Rae was cut off by the up beat sound of Izzy’s voice. “Rae we said shush, now let us help you get to your destination” Rae nodded as she felt Izzys small palm on her lower back.
The darkness continued for what seemed hours due to Rae’s short slow steps afraid of tripping over. She started to get more and more nervous the longer she was blind folded, she didnt like the unknown, the fear that came with not being in control of the situation. She couldnt help but lightly smile though, thinking about the song the boys played to her.
Her body came to a sudden holt and she turned her head from side to side waiting for the girls to tell her what is going on, but she was met with nothing but wind on her face. She felt the warmth of their hands disappear and now she felt alone. She was standing here in the middle of god knows where, alone. or so she thought.
She felt rough fingertips glide up her face towards her blind fold, the stong scent of CK filling her nose. Suddenly light reappeared slowly, life coming back to her. A smile lit her face as soon as she saw that pretty face standing in front of her dressed in his best atire, his soft features filling her train of thought.
“Finn...” the words flowed softly from her plump lips, her heart skipped a beat and all these feelings she burried deep for him came rushing though her body like lightning. his company felt like home for once.
im so sorry if i have missed anyone! just yell at me and tell me to add you next time, i may have lost my tag list so im doing the best i could :D
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mymadandfatdiary · 11 years
Once you get this you must share five random facts about yourself then pass this onto ten of your favorite followers!
I never know what to say for these things but I'm always honored to get them.
1. TV is my life
2. I'm constantly dieting
3. I rarely leave my house
4. I have over 100 books but I've read less than half (shame on me)
5. Huge Backstreet Boys fan till the end.
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